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Alicorns are no longer in power. Kneel to actual future ruler of Pegasi.
you mean dogs?
>Long hair
Whate are the chances she is part of the Family tree of Commander Hurricane? This would mean Pegasi returned to power after they lose it when Celestia became a Princess
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that's a canine.
My pony queen's long hair is so luscious and wavy I bet it smells great
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>high speed smoothie delivery
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I yield to my queen.
She looks annoyed at rulership
You're a bitch
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"Everybody has to be related in some way" is cringe, cliché writefagging.

But have a Zipp.
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I agree. Besides, I'm pretty sure the first ruler of ZH was Peggy Zephyrina
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>he doubts the reality that genetics are the biggest defining factor of a person's ability and intelligence

Found the peasant. Swerve to make way for the nobles.
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Pretty, gorgeous!
Exactly, Zipp is a mare.
A very cute female pony
this is Pipp's fantasy
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>>40953458 >>40956503
Oh man that's beautiful.
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She already rules.
For her sister's future, or a bedroom fantasy?
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Have you brushed your teeth yet? It's the law
Can I floss with Zipp instead?
Well I have to say Pipp has great tastes
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Is this the reason Zipp doesn't like makeovers? Did Pipp just not tire of dressing her up and doing her makeup and mane?
Would you tire of dressing up Zipp? Anyways, the shows do imply Zipp used to be girlier like Pipp at some point
She's a tomboy. Not being into girly stuff is at the core of her personality. Pipp didn't trigger this, but she might have pushed her further into tomboyish lifestyle, because Zipp wanted to distance herself even more from her sis and assert her own personality.
And her mother wanting her to be princess-y
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I prefer when her cap presses down her mane into a fringe
That mane had better trail down to the floor
Zipp doesn't know what makeup is, so I doubt. She's just not typically feminine. But at least now that they've reconnected, she's willing to indulge Pipp once in a while, specially to cheer her up.
But Zipp wears eyeshadow
this makes me really want to touch Zipp's mane
I always want to touch Zipp's mane
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I want to run my hands against her mane,and see how stiff or soft her mane is
I want to run my hand through the short hairs of the back of her mane.
Those would be one of the best parts. I'd start with her crest and work my way down and then back up
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>>40965473 >>40965164 >>40964826
She seems shocked when Pipp gets dozens of thirst posts a day
If I was writing tyt I would have doused Zipp with Pipp's hairgrowth potion instead of wasting the gag on McSnipsAlot and Sparky
Get new material
I'd even kiss her hair
Her earphones are so cool...
Zipp doesn't like long hair because it reminds her that she will have to become queen one day.
But Haven's mane isn't that long, not is Pipp's
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>>40969060 >>40968639
She knows it's time for long-maned queen.
why we have 2 pipp thread?
I am done for that
We can have as many threads of as many characters until we all get bored. Like how a while ago there was like 7 Applejack threads going on at once because of the cloaca meme
I love that feisty expression
So pretty
Really though she'd get so nervous if people found her attractive
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Noo, she would have to feel ugly to be so surprised at the idea she's attractive. There's no indication that she feels unworthy of attention. She seems to dislike unearned attention, like during that goodbye parade. She does not like attention because she's a princess, but she does not mind attention when she performs awesome acts, but unlike Dash she does not seem to actively pursue it. Only thing that makes me doubt is her "Pipp! No pictures!" in that episode. But maybe it's not because she feels ugly or not photogenic. Maybe she does not want her pictures taken in situations where she's praised for something she didn't earn, like her princesshood.

Come on, she's so beautiful. It's actually Pipp that has extra notes in show bible that she's a bit plump and smoll but she has no body issues underscored.
>she's so beautiful
That word is too feminine, she transcends traditional female beauty norms
Imagine Zipp leaning on a balcony and addressing a throng of adoring pegasi while looking like that
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I want to play vidya with her
Wow I would massage her. Unf.
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Pipp should've put rollers in Zipp's hair while she slept
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Can I have more Zipps?
How many Zipps can you handle?
I'd want to try and take on at least 3 Zipps.See how well I can wrassle with them in bed. See how well I can share a living space with 3 cool tomboy daredevils
Every night while Queen Zephyrina is trying to sleep I want to be the stallion who is loudly fucking her chubby sister until the point she decides to do something about it.
What would she do about it?
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It's cute, but it's not really her.
This makes me think that she's a mom now for some reason.
Also who's the artist? I recognize the style but I can't recall the name.
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>who's the artist?
Pony Diffusion
I don't know but she is queen so she can so whatever. Hopefully rape me.
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I love Zipp, muh queen!
Love her little golden bracelets
She's giving off really chill vibes here.
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looks like dennyvixen's style
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What's up with the stubby legs?
It's Zipp, a princess, pegasus, good nutrition, she has looong legs.
Also give her more determination in the face, she looks super tame in these pics.
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I love those bangs. I love her expression
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Tempest... is just a very strong Storm.
Now that's a good Zippy. Just look at those hind legs, so strong, unf.
Is this Queen's Landing?
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Now that's a proper Zipp, in body and spirit.
Zipp's going to make that face when I go in dry
Big fetlocks!
>faggots need to give their dyke waifu long hair with A.I.
tried to watch some g% (tyt) earlier and she was the only character that I liked. the rest of them were unbearable.
>Spikefag calling other users faggots
You bet! Wanting to fuck spike is literally less gay than wanting to fuck zipp
We love Zipp with her toothpaste hair.
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>Hey anon, is this a good time to brush my mane?
There are no dragons around, so yes! I'll get the manespray.
We love Zipp in any form, because she is perfect
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Current Zipp form: fit and lean
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We really needed a scene of Zephyrina resting on a cloud
We have to keep her away from Chonklat
have G5 pegasi ever stood on clouds?
Yes, but it's tricky, because it happened off-screen. In this shot we can't see Zipp's legs here, but she's NOT flapping her wings for a few seconds, but she is NOT not falling. She must be standing on a cloud.

We also can see her "wearing" a cloud, which she removes after few seconds, showing that cloud pushing and other g4 interactions are still possible and do happen.

At least that's the best I ever noticed.
Here it is on youtube, judge for yourself.

Apologies for double "not" in "NOT not falling".
We needed more scenes like this
Don't worry about it
We need moar Zipps.
It's okay, she can eat all she wants and still remain fit
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I doubt that.
Soar, Zephyrina, soar!
Soar away from the twisharter
Where are Pipp's wings?
Zipp ate them
She's having devious thoughts
She looks good with a scar
Lowest power-level Zipp ever. Do not want.
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I can't believe an Anon didn't like the scene with Zipp holding her snack basket
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OOOoooh so that's why Zipp's mane is so pointy. She's hiding her horn, she's an alicorn. Very nice.
Cute ponytail
I see it
Less is definitely more with Zipp. Just a few understated but well chosen pieces suit her just fine.
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This scene where Sparky stabs Zipp's mane with a carrot. Super cute. It's really nice to see her enjoying kids. One could imagine her personality would clash with this and she would be annoyed by this, but she enjoys caring for him. Zipp is so wonderful.
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carrot stab
I really enjoyed the song from this episode. I didn't expect Zipp and Hitch to have such a great duet.
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Sparky was trying to locate it.
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Zipp’s reveal was in April 2021. This April marks a third year of Zippfagging and Zipp being My Little Pony, the only pony for me.
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I stopped watching TYT after like S2E2 because it kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Do my fellow Zippchads like the rest? Is it worth catching back up?
A "special" song, right?
I'm fine with it
I love that her big sister side just naturally comes out when in front of kids.
Happy birthmonth Zipp then!
Tho it took me some time to fall in love with her, it was not instant. Early pics got me worried she might be some crazy karen character, but she was great in the movie. < < This scene made me go "wow she's really beautiful and so much determination". I think I love tomboys because most of them seek to be competent, rather than simply being an object of awe through superficial and shallow stuff and Zipp hates receiving awe she didn't earn.

Real nice figurine, looking lean and fit, very much Zipp.

The fruit mane episode? What's so bad about it? It's not great or anything, but I didn't notice anything bad.
Anyway, I watch it for her. I really hope for a 20 min episode with her in center.
I absolutely recommend episode 4.
Jazz Hooves likes Rocky Riff and mane ponies help her ask him out. I know it sounds terrible and like a recipe for a cringy disaster of an episode, but it turns out great. I am sure watched it over 10 times. And Jazz's song is great. Her voice crack melts my heart at 0:32. Her saying "Bye Rocky!" is just so sweet. Great acting. "A mare likes a stallion" – it's a wonderful thing to watch. Very little Zipp in this episode tho. In hearts and hooves episode in season 1 Izzy has a theory that Zipp likes Rocky, but in this episode this ship sinks as Zipp does not mind helping Jazz get Rocky. It's a cute and sweet episode.
Well said ZippCHAD
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she has the same birthmonth as me :D
Episode 4 seemed the most well-received thus far this season. The subject of crushes is a natural fit for little girl (not kid) media SOL. Perfectly within MLP domain.
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Presenting: the first ever post mentioning Zipp Storm by name.
Note for those who don’t know: G5 was first leaked through toys on Taobao, a Chinese site.
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So cute. Glad she's not a dude
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There was one more fear back them, even larger. That she might be transsexual. Oh and that Sunny will be some sort of an annoying protester. So much doom posting happened then.
Look at that colt
Let her cook!
hm dogde the bullet
Retards like that should be ashamed of themselves, working themselves up into a frenzy with no evidence
well they kinda were right about sunny. She was annoying protester. And what is worse since that resolved in the movie, writers dont really know what to do with her so now even when she is main character is is uninteresting and boring.

When did she wear these?
She's so pretty
Glad they were wrong about our Ooohmare
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Her first scene ever and she was already all ooomare. And her first word? "Ooowow!"
>This day just got a whole lot more ooonteresting
kiss the mare
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dang thats a cool birb
A daredevil, even
How stiff is her hair?
What a reader! I'd read chevalia with her
Not stiffer than my cock is from looking at her.
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Keke, you just know they knew what they were doing.
"Anon what is this....is this a dick pick? Your just like Sprout"
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Reading princess!
Why are there 3 threads about Zipp?
I thought one was about that one idw comic for the longest time until a few days ago
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Why not?
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Because there's barely enough activity even for one thread.
Im hearing strange voices that her fat sister is more popular
The weakest ones will fall off the board. Eventually
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She scary
More Zipp on the front page!
She's cool!
Where is Sarah Conner?
>Zipp hands the mare at the door a picture
>Its Hitch at the beach wearing a revealine ball bra
>Zipp "Have you seen this Stallion?"
>Mare at the door (Pear Spiring) visibly sweats as she looks at the erotic picture
>While the mare at the door is focused on the smut, Zipp a highly advanced killer robot with a tight as heck maregina sneaks inside and swipes her chocolate then goes back to her original spot.
>Pear "I uh no I havent but is he single?"
Quick Zipp
>"Dead or alive, you're cumming in me."
>ball bra
Still not sure what this is after looking it up, but I think I can guess
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>Obliging, after a delay.
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I say “Gigan” from the Godzilla universe.
Well what caused the delay?
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The sleepiest horse. Cloud nap in g5 when?
Pegasi are so lazy...
Very qt Zipp
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I would love to get in a shipwreck with Zipp. Her wing's too injured to fly so we explore and relax on a deserted island for months...
Zipp is a sperminator
I never saw Zipp as trsns
How do you think she would rule? We don't see her really taking any leadership
>sitting on a glorified chair making decisions that are glorified admin shit.

Other than the uniforms and opulence, which would get old fast, royalty seems pretty boring.
I swear to fuck if they Haberverse her into being a dyke...
>extra notes in show bible
He means on the model sheets. There is no show bible, or at least, not public.
Stallions tell Mares their eyes are up here
I can't wait for that to get leaked
The stallion was only looking respectfully
That's what they all say.
Well what's Zipp going to do about it?
Long hair is based
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>shark coding/dog whistle
I hate idw
I thought they were about to go bankrupt. Why do they still exist?
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but enough about Hasbroke.
I have no idea. I thought their money ran out a year ago
They're still better off than IDW
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My hero
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>Ho Ho Ho!
>Merry Zippmas!
Zipp is an old man?!
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Now that's a perfect Zipp.
That's Zippa Claus
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With how much junk food she eats, Zipp would be as fat as her sister if she weren't a sports nut.
She could easily lapse into Pippness
That's also a perfect Zipp
How fat would she get if she couldn't practice anymore due to an accident?
She'd have the same physique as Pipp in a month
Where do you think Pipp learned it from? Why she doesn't work it off is the mystery, seeing as Pipp is a physical performer in addition to vocal. The kind ofmovments she does isn't something you can really be out if shape for.
It'd be too much work for Pipp, and it doesn't cost her any views or hooftaps
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So is this that Zipp
What Zipp?
*The* Zipp
The Zippster
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Good morning, princess.
Are you going to let her sleep in?
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I though I was having a stroke
Is this real or just a good shoop?
Maybe you are
I don't know
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it's not even a good shoop, it's a shitty one
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Is this a real human post or just a shitty troll post?
No he's right, it's a really simple edit in Photoshop.
Detective Zipp is on the case
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I love that stuff
Thought it was a picture of Rarity at first.
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Quack quack angry duck
Just like her ancestor Celestia
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I like to think:
Zipp and Pipp = Flurry and Cadance
Izzy = Celestia
Sunny = Twilight
Hitch = Luna
Finally celebrating Hearts and Hooves
How is Hitch Luna?
As in descended from. The pony that takes after them.8rkayn
Isn't Hitch more like Fluttershy?
Zippity do da
Good times.
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Is this AI? The cutie mark looks AI-kind of messy, but at the same time it's impressive it placed it on the jacket. Blep Zippy.
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Pretty good gens. AI seems to like her.
Zipp is way too modest for that

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