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Previous thread: >>40895837

Untimely demise edition

Choose Your Own Adventure. AKA Quest.

>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs
>Give advice on CYOAs
>Pitch ideas
>Get critique
>Trade art

List of stories: WIP (formerly anonpone). Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.
List of related content: https://poneb.in/JfNFvCxZ

>How do I run a CYOA?
>I can't into art, but I'm a competent writer. Should I still run a CYOA?

>What day is best?
>What time is best?
>What race would you play?
>What genre are you interested in?

>Can I run a CYOA in this General Thread?
Yes, just take care to differentiate yourself if there's another ongoing CYOA here.

>Active CYOAs as this thread was posted
Moonlight >>Here
Rise of Paradise >>40865415
Semantic Error >>40899856
Caravan Guard >>40927699
Should be Moonlit.
I forgot to fix the name from the last OP. Sorry Mirta.
Regarding Mirta's Moonlit:
Tell them about the bird and the invitation to the forest, then go with Luna (and hope she isn't as sex crazy as the rest of the mares).
We already shot down Luna's attempts at bringing back her sister. Let's not crush the poor mare completely. She needs to know she's not alone in her struggle. That said I really want to check how Moonie and Sassy are doing so we should do that the next opportunity after this arises.
>We already shot down Luna's attempts at bringing back her sister.
That whole conversation just felt so sudden. I mean, we've never talked about it other than being a goal we want to work towards. Feels like we haven't even reached square one yet.
Yeah I didn't know our answers in the previous update would lead to that. That's why I'm voting to go with Luna this time - to reassure her and to maybe learn at what stage are we in the whole "bring Celestia back" plan.
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Semantic Error post
Life finally settled down over here after moving into my new house. I know I was a bit discouraged last time but I wanna give the case in ACP a proper conclusion at least. Anyone still remember Paracop?


I'll update the CN first before starting I think so I can also just catch up, not sure what day of the week I'll do it.
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Glad things aare goig well
More bald ponies is always nice.
god damn it i fucking blinked and semantic error died
>2.5 hours since last post
wait what the fuck
See you next year for more cyberpone action.
So did Rise of Paradise unfortunately it seems. Guess a flood of threads at a bad time.
Caravan Guard was moments away from dying too before I bumped. Lots of shitposty threads at once I think.
I ran into some poorly timed employment issues last week, and it's still not resolved, so I'm going to be putting TSBH on indefinite hiatus because I have no idea how long it's going to take to get things back to having time to write and/or develop- and the way things might go, it might be much easier to focus on working though small bits of development rather than trying to keep the plot moving forward with daily text posts, so I'll keep you guys updated once I know which way things wind up
Hope things get better for you soon.
For those waiting for the return of Growing Village, there's some news in the Massive Pony thread.
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I am risen

Growing Village

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“No, that's fine by me. There's just one thing.”
>You turned to look at Fleur.
>She had her mouth full of food and was busy spearing another bit of eggplant with her fork.
“Fleur, do you still have the letter we found?”
>Glancing at you, she chewed for another second before gulping down what she had in her mouth.
>”It should be in my saddlebag. Probably crumpled somewhere on the bottom. We're lucky the cream didn't get smashed.”
>She set her fork and the bit of food on it down on her plate.
>Her saddlebags, wreathed in her magic, floated to you from the corner of the room.
“You didn't need to do that, but thanks!”
>You stuck out a hoof and let her hang the bags on it.
>Flipping the flaps open, you indeed found a crumpled piece of paper on the bottom of one of the bags.
>Fortunately, it wasn't torn.
>You placed it on the floor and smoothed it out with a hoof the best you could.
“Ah. Excellent! It's still readable.”
>The corners of your mouth curled into a smile as you presented the letter to Luna.
“Here. We found this while out there. That, and a magpie that definitely wasn't a wild one.”
>The princess stared at you for a second and blinked twice.
>”Oh? You ran into somepony else?”
>She fell quiet for a few seconds as her pupils whizzed from left to right while reading the letter.
>”'If you want to find my hollow, the bird you should follow.'”
>Pursing her lips, she tapped her chin with a hoof.
>”A rhyming enchantress living in a hollow? I might know who this... pony? is. And if it is indeed who I believe it is, 'tis imperative you recruit her for our cause. I heard she is wise far beyond her years.”
>She stood up and stuck a hoof out as she stated her declaration.
>For a split second, she stood there like she'd made some grand decision, then blinked and let her hoof fall back to the floor.
>”Ahem. But all that is for tomorrow. I believe it is time we retire for the night now.”

>Some time later, after you'd had time to clean and tidy up everything the admittedly very rough day had left on you, you trotted into Luna's bedroom.
>The mare herself scooped her crown off her head and placed it on her desk just as you came in.
>”Ah, you are done?”
>Her horn flashed and you heard a click.
>Her chestplate made a metallic clunk as it fell onto the floor.
>She lifted it onto her desk as she stepped out of her shoes.
>You nodded as you ran a comb through your still damp floof.
>”Do go ahead. I will join you shortly.”
>Luna's horn flashed again as the covers on her bed were pulled back.
>”Um. Okay?”
>You got the feeling you'd just seen something very few had.
>But, as the princess strode out of the room and towards the bathroom, you were left with little to do apart what she said.

>The bed was just as exquisite as you remembered it being.
>Like sleeping on a cloud, if you had to guess.
>The whoosh of a shower getting turned on suggested that Luna would be a while.
>You were starting to feel tired, but wanted to wait for her since she seemed like she had something to say.
>But, just as soon as you finished the thought, your eyelids got droopy and you had to shake your head to stay awake.
>That was unusual.
>It wasn't quite yet the time yet.

>Shod hooves clicked on stone as somepony approached.
>They stopped right next to you for a second before the mattress you lay on deformed by a heavy weight.
>Something soft and warm brushed against your cheek.
>”I can smell her on you.”
>A harsh voice.
>”How is she? What have you been so busy with you haven't had time for me?”
>You cracked open your eyelids and rolled onto your other side to face the source of the voice.
>A night black mare with slit pupils stared at you.

What would you like to do?
>What have you been so busy with you haven't had time for me?
Dream exploration! Tell her how we fell face first into Fleur's nightmare and explored its soft cute underbelly. Nightmares are her thing, maybe she'll find it exciting.
We also spent a little while as a monster and nearly killed her.
>How is she?
Same old, same old. She's still wary about our meetings, and desperate to have her sister back. Why do you ask?
>desperate to have her sister back
Anon, I'm not sure she knows about Celly's predicament. Are you sure we should tell her that?
Well, NMM seemed to possess a certain amount of awareness of the other realm, so I figured Celestia's predicament isn't something that'd have escaped her notice. I'm hoping that broaching the subject with her might yield some useful information for us.
Are you worried that Nightmare might actively try to sabotage our attempt if she knows?
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I did like her design quite a bit.
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>She set her fork and the bit of food on it down on her plate.
Why all unicorns have a fixation to focus on the food?

>”A rhyming enchantress
Is it Zecora?

>”Ahem. But all that is for tomorrow. I believe it is time we retire for the night now.”
Plap plap plap plap Get sleep get sleep get sleep get sleep

>You got the feeling you'd just seen something very few had.
Horse-shoe less Luna. Rare specimen. Specimare, even.

>A night black mare with slit pupils stared at you.
Open your legs so she can hug you if she want.
>I figured Celestia's predicament isn't something that'd have escaped her notice
That might be the case, but unless I missed something, she never commented on that.
>broaching the subject with her might yield some useful information for us
I don't have my hopes up in Nightmare willingly sharing any information that could help Luna or Celestia. She gets angry by the mere mention of their names for fucks sake.
>Are you worried that Nightmare might actively try to sabotage our attempt if she knows?
Maybe not something that extreme (who knows though), but she might become more insistent that we abandon Luna's group and join hers permanently, instead of this jumping back and forth that we're doing now.
>”How is she? What have you been so busy with you haven't had time for me?”
Tell her that Luna is fine and that she can stop worrying about her (I wanna see her reaction). Also, tell her we've been helping the group in the Night World get by and that they're dead set on fixing this mess but it doesn't look like they've got a solid plan yet. Ask her how her and Sassy are doing.
Also this >>41001512 if time allows.
>she never commented on that
true, that's more of a supposition on my part
>willingly sharing any information
I didn't mean asking her directly, but she might reveal something in passing if we get her talking.

Oh well, I guess you're right, now's probably not a good time to mention Celestia.

I take back the second part of >>41002462, maybe ask whether she'd like us to deliver any message to Luna instead. (still holding out hope for a diplomatic solution between the two, this should at least get the ball rolling)
Does she enjoy it herself or it's just another source of angst?
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In honor of Bat Appreciation Day, who’s your favorite CYOA bat?
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I hope Buffy's QM is doing well.
Slinky or 'locked Bright Eyes. Bats are for for being far away from home.
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Definitely Willow. Though Hollow Honor is growing on me fast.
Midnight from Space Hunter. She was a fun character.
I love Willow, but lust after Aether's toned muscular flanks.
Da one that does the gem identification or something and has the witch for a wife
She's got no mane/short fur because of all the sealing tattoos on her which limit what knowledge she can share of the Qa'yi, which she obviously dislikes. Although even once she gets the tattoos removed she'll probably keep it short anyway since she personally likes the look (in a wow so punk way). Gives her more real estate for her own Tattoos too.

Also I may run this weekend depending still.
Requesting any MLP CYOA pics you might have please
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Hello Mirta, I was rereading the ponepaste and noticed that you skipped a post on line 363, here's the missing bit: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39617687/#39620610
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Have the rarest of Whispens.
Did anyone save all the fanart on anonpone? If not there's literal hundreds of images lost forever if you don't count thumbnails.
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wasn't that from the site itself? meaning it should be saved on desuarchive somewhere?
wait a sec, has anyone tried to contact the guy who hosted the damn site?
I know bath has a post saying he did and that the host fucked the site in an update, but as long as he didn't litelary delete the database in it, it should be salvageable by someone else

so what's the problem?
why aren't the files on, idk, mega, for download, so people can try and bring that bitch back online
>litelary delete the database in it
Unfortunately, from the post made by >>39461681, it sounds like that's literally the case.
What they didn't mention was whether the code for the website also got nuked. If it survived, really wish Amm would release it, even if it's an old or partial backup.
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I've replaced the whole thing with a copy of my local file. Do tell if there's any more missing lines.

Also I've had too much work to do among other issues there so I haven't had the energy to write. I've made a bit of progress but things are going to be slow for a while.
New Caravan Guard Thread
Thanks for the heads up. Don't worry about the updates, IRL always comes first and the quest can wait. Hope things improve for you soon!
>10 again
The board's pickied up speed.
Aww, Caravan guard dropped.
womp womp
try a human protagonist next time
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The one time I forget to bump before bed
What CYOAs had human MCs? OSNYIPV, RITS, and what else?
Phone pones, technically, for a while.
We're back. >>41033289
Persona did. I also remember there was a CYOA from before the 2015 hype that was simply just called a green text about Anon in a horror game world. Despite the premise it was very well executed and made good use of video game mechanics/tropes.
humies suck
Gonna try to run a quest again, want to keep this board alive even if I'm an subpar QM
>He’s doing it again
Oh boy
here we go again
How do we revive this general? Back in the day we used to kill threads in just a couple days but nowadays it’s just a glorified bump fest. Isn’t there anything you guys want to talk about?
What's your favorite thing about quests?
Favorite moment in any quest?
That works too
Fatelocked. Seeing other characters reaction to the players cracking the coded notebook on the spot was amusing to say the least.
The chaos of the retreat into Las Pegasus, especially when Byline tackled us and called us out for being emotionally compromised when we lost our shit when we learned Whispen might be dead in RGS.
Second would probably be the ending of Heat, when we finally returned to our party after dying immediately to a grunt after killing the BBEG. The way JD! writes the scene with everyone laying on the bed and staring up at the vines growing on the ceiling are 10/10. But now that I think about it, the scene where we have our last dance with Silver before we leave the party is the closest any pony content has come to making me cry.

Never played Fatelocked. Was the notebook supposed to be a big macguffin?
It was supposed to be a bigger puzzle, but anons were too fast. So in-universe it looked like our normally retarded schizo protagonist took one look at it and cracked it immediately.
>retarded schizo protagonist
A bit redundant, isn’t it?
Technically, maybe, but it happened naturally.

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