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where is this from
>Derpy front and center
As it should be
Why do all of them have the same bust size?
Why all of them have the same height and size?
What are you talking about, they're all slightly different
Even moreso when you see them naked
Yeah I need some evidence for that.
Why don't you play the game and find out for yourself?
Anon just say that you lied.
butter woman
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My favorite part of this game is editing the sprite files so that all the girls go commando.
I love how the first thing Twilight takes off is her panties
It's not like ponies need those anyway
SPNATI, the second-best computer card game after Solitaire.
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The funnier thing is that Sci-Twi is forced to play along.
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What is this game? Asking for a friend.

Alternatively you can download the (rather heavy) offline version that gives you freedom to do things like cheating, editing characters, or removing characters you don't care about. That's what I do.
Fuck, I forgot to link the offline version.
It also gives you the tools to put your own characters in the game, with the character editor for dialogue and kisekae for the images

I put my own OC and I get to see him playing with the ponies, the dokis and team rwby, not too shabby
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>poker game
fuck, how do i play poker?
Jab them with your finger
I think the Help button has a simple tutorial on how to play
But the Options menu also has an autoplay feature that just picks the cards for you
Haven't played in a while
step 1: Get it twisted
step 2: Go all in
step 3: Turn your life around
don't use the bundles download
it's better to just download it through github
Why it's gotta always be poker, why can't it be blackjack or go fish.
Mario, go fish!
strip uno would be fun
Still no Applejack, huh?
Any combination of them that gets me the harem ending when you win
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Can you mod the game to have an actual ponies not barbies?
If you download the tools you can mod the game to add anything you want
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After a couple of games I realized that not all characters really talk to each other, but it's fun fishing for those that do
I'd love to see a pony version, though ponies don't use clothes so no idea how that'd go...
Just played Rarity. Her pussy was gross and fat looking + she spelled "waist" wrong like "wasit". Someone needs to wrangle the artist's giant puffy pussy fetish and just draw it normal. Otherwise it was cute i guess. I nutted, cant complain
Probably something like this >>40986208
>still no applejack
>still no trixie
>still no shimmy
>still no glimmy
>still no derpy
Imagine the poor Kirins...
It's a community-driven game made by volunteers so if anything we're the ones to blame they're not in yet lol
I always enjoy Twilight's back and forth with other magic users
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I can't actually jerk off to this game, I just like seeing how the characters are written and their interactions with each other.
The writing is nice
What about the post game endings?
At this point it'll never be, it's dead fandom.
What are you talking about, Rarity's pussy is near perfect
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There used to be an old version of hers where she would switch to different dresses instead of stripping. That version can still be found in bundles. The current version also was different once, she used to wear one of three different dresses and wore kinky underwear, but for some reason in one rework they changed it to her different EqG outfits and gave her regular boring underwear. No idea if the old version can still be found anywhere.
By chance, I still have that version saved, though.
I don't get why someone would play with an old outdated version rather than the new and improved one
Where is AJ????????????
Poker? I hardly know her!

Well, we know she has a model, now all we need is someone to write the dialogue
Yeah right, like anyone could write a southern texan accent for hundreds of lines lol
I don't know, personally I prefer the older dresses and kinkier underwear over the current boring regular EqG outfits.
Well, according to the credits, the artist is Horsecat, who's an actual artist who keeps updating the ponies from time to time

Perhaps you should send a Feedback to tell him what you think, I'm sure he'd be okay with adding the old dresses to new Rarity
Why is pinkie so Wide why do People always draw her fat
If someone were to hypothetically add Shimmy to the game, which outfit should be her main one?
The original biker jacket for sure
Dress and jacket just like in Rainbow Rocks
It just hits different man, nothing else comes close to it

Except her pajamas
The post friendship games one has a perfect color combination
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Don't care about that, I'm happy as long as she has interactions with both Twilight and Sci-Twi
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There are surprisingly many different outfits to choose from, but I feel like pic related is the most recognizable, and besides it's the one already used in >>40991954
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Also, as far as I can tell, Twiggy and Derpy might just be the only characters other than Amalia from Wakfu if I recall correctly who masturbate anally, if you're into that.
For some reason the MLP characters are just so much more elaborate than most of other mass produced moeblob players.
Why don’t we just write the missing characters communally in threads like this? Better than nothing.
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>Small boobs
Absolute heresy.
It takes like 1000 lines for a base character... It doesn't seem feasible

Besides, what character would we all agree on?
We could at least try. Thing is, I have no clue how to even start with the char creator. I tried to reverse engineer it from Fluttershy or Rarity, turns out they are ridiculously complex, from having unique hair, random color patches on skin that can't easily be changed, to another fucking face on their head.
I tried to watch Wakfu but the first few episodes were boring af, Amalia is the tall yellow earsy one or the green midget?
The green hair brown skin one. Fuck if I know, most of what I know about the franchise is from the tentacle hentai animation by Zone starring Amalia and Evangelyne.
I modded some dialogue into my offline version and the people on the Discord were a huge help figuring out how to work out the program, perhaps you could make a burner account and ask them, they're surprisingly okay with randos just joining in, asking one thing and leaving

The guy who made Fluttershy is also pretty active on Twitter too, I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving you a few pointers on how to reverse engineer Flutters
It doesn't get better anyway, you did good by leaving anon

The game is good though, Dofus was okay for its time
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You promised me a porn game, not a fucking book.
Is it just me, or is the game is too easy?
speak for yourself, i´ve played this thing for the last 3 hours and even when wearing all 8 pieces of clothing and chosing easy characters i havent been able to get a single victory, been close to, but not a single win so far
I remember in the online version I could maybe pull off 1 vs 4 once in three or four times, but at the end of the day, it's mostly RNG anyway.
These days, I only use the offline version and always cheat, because I enjoy cheating more than playing fairly.
You can cheat on the online version too you know
As soon as you open the game you can put in the Konami code and then you can pick who wins or loses
It didn't work for me
I use Koikatsu myself.
Does it satisfy you? It seems a little empty and barebones from what I've seen from it
Mods fill in some of the lighter aspects. But I've enjoyed the scenes. What sells it for me is that you can get the girls preggers, which I find to be quite pleasing.
So is it just a bulge on their stomachs or is there a story to it?
What's the name of this game?
Does strip poker even exist in Equestria? It wouldn't really make sense for it to be invented in a nudist nation.
They put on socks and panties instead.
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>reverse strip poker
Just the bulge mostly. It's not a really story or dialogue heavy sort of game as you might expect. After a decent amount of in game time after she's impregnated, she'll disappear for a time and then return. Most of the interaction is based on getting the girl to a point where she'll do the dirty with you.
I love this
Keep on putting clothes, the last one to die from dehydration, asphyxiation or being unable to move wins
So is this happening or...?
We could make it happen, who are you suggesting we should start with?
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Best pony is already on the game, I'm satisfied
>opens a fangame of poker night at the inventory
>plays it
>its fucking poker night at the inventory
the average zoomer
The absolute state of education
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cute ponka
Read this ,,How to play''
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I have been clicking on random cards and somehow got them all naked and masturbating.
Good to hear
texas holdem is the game, you get dealt 5 cards each, you get to return as many of the five delt as you want, then they give your second round of cards, after that they reveal cards all at once. there are times you can bet, but it's strip poker so the bet's always one article of clothes. the face cards are just higher numbers than 10. Jack=11 queen=12 king=13 and if it's aces high ace=14.
from lowest to highest, the hand rankings are.
>High card/one of a kind: single highest ranked card if no other suite is available
>2 of a kind/one pair:2 matching numbers
>2 pair: two sets of 2 matching numbers
>3 of a kind: 3 cards of the same number
>straight: 5 sequential cards
>flush:5 cards same suite(or symbol)
>full house: 3 cards of one number, 2 cards of a different number
>4 of a kind, 4 cards same number
>straight flush: 5 cards, all the same symbol
>royal flush: all same symbol, numerical order.
symbols (called suits) also have an order, usually only comes up if the hand is decided by twin high cards, it goes in descending order club->diamond->heart->spade.
Cute Lyra
man I miss these models
back when spnati had a consistent artstyle
When they had soul
sad but true

What do you think bros? Should I ask for the model and try to add Sonata in?
Yes. Make us proud anon
Luck would have it, now they're hosting an event for people willing to create for the game

Wish me luck bros
good luck o7
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Gimme huge bellies.
Is that even possible?
If you download the offline version it comes with the Kisekae tool, and giving them huge bellies is as easy as moving a few sliders
left dress looks awkward
Good thing it's gone then
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Good question
EqG Fluttershy my beloved
Her design was nice
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Goddamnit I cannot wait for Sunset to be added
The entire yatch episode was crazy
I love it when these obscure hard to find episodes are just pure fanservice, I don't have to feel guilty or anything for enjoying all they're giving us
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The music video was pure porn and I love it
I've unironically copped to that one raw
I'm a millenial
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Maud should be a character too
the whole pie family
I don't think Igneous Pie would be a popular pick
Why is it a POKER game
You never said poker would be involved
>no hooves
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Still pone
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there the intro to the characters
>The game is literally called Strip Poker Night at the Inventory
Are you retarded?
This is outdated, the new model is a lot better
You'd be surprised, I can see him being popular as a meme choice
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I've applied, now I gotta wait until it starts
Being a meme didn't save Bobobo on the official character ranking lol
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We eagerly await
Pinkie looking... wide, huh.
You know it
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>45 minutes of everyone in 10/10 swimwear that was sexo but also showed off their personalities
>engaging plot
>over a dozen shots have bare feet in them, 4 of which show their soles (I counted)
>constantly zooming in on their exposed calves, ankles and legs which make up around 70% of their body

What the fuck were the animators smoking in this one? I can pause any frame of this episode and find something to jack off to. In fact I’ve done this multiple times.
That bare feet counter doesn’t even count sandalsd feet, I’m talking about dogs out no shoes feet. If we’re counting sandaled feet then every single shot has toes in it
Alright, where can I watch it?
2hrs to page 10. This is more like I remember, these days it's usually something like 3 hours
how to play against derpy?
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I think you have to download the game
Just select her?
Ponk and Dahling were the best
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Damn, last update in 19?
I don't see why she can't be a real character
It just takes one of us to take care of her
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Were you only looking at their feet?
Her name is Derpy tho?
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It's canonically Muffins tho
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based polly
Who's this character?
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She's from Monster Prom, an ok game and a average series. Her name is Polly Geist, think of her as a sexier Phantasma
not enough hooves imo
I need something else to die
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>a sexier Phantasma
And now I must ask, who dis?
Someone get this hot head out of here.
Im surprised no one has modded pone into monster prom
OMG I completely forgot about her
Everyone did, no wonder why no one makes art of her anymore
Pinkie bad end
>Why is pinkie so Wide why do People always draw her fat
clearly a sizing issue, not the artist drawing her fat, just look at the arms, phonefag.
as for why, shes the sweets/junk food horse which is why shes mostly headcanoned as chubby
It's rare to see Anon mentioned in anything other than /mlp/ content these days
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Yeah it's a shame, she was such a QT
It's cause that's an old pic from when there was still some Anon art on life support over at /co/
Is there any place I could request a ponification of her?
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I hate to say it but NOTA. As far as dialogue goes playing against Tomoko and Nagotoro is fun when they start talking shit back and forth occasionally. The best was when they both had to masturbate at the same time but that only happened once. The funniest scene though is when You have to masturbate and Nagotoro still has her top on. When it gets to the last second she voluntarily removes it to provide jo encouragement.

As far as fun goes I spend most of my time with Tharja. The only change was when they introduced the Playboy bunny outfits. Mari just looked too good in hers..
Draw thread
Your mom.
those fuckers never draw what I want
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Apperently Derpy comes on and off, the only way to play with her consistently is to download the game offline
I hate this
My love
What would it take for them to be as enjoyable to play as the others?
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she's the best
>What would it take
that's really subjective and a matter of personal and sexual taste. I'm just not attracted to them because they aren't either slutty or catty enough. As far as company I like it when Tomoko is around because I enjoy listening to her. I guess I enjoy her insights.
Her girlfriend in the background sure is happy
You wont know unless you try
I've never had some luck with the pone ones though
Could I request them playing poker
Could we make Sunset Shimmer? I really want to see her added

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