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Howdy, partner!

What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy, princesses. Plus late night pink antics.

Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.

The whole thing was set in motion by this gem:


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."


Are you feeling creative? Try your hand at writing a story! No contribution is too small and we love having new folks around.

If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot. Don't fret too much; it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.

If that isn't your style either, writers always need feedback. So tell us what you liked - and what you didn't - to help us improve.

If you are unsure about anything, do not be afraid to ask. We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.

Thread 371, and everyone gets their time in the sun!
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>Tia? Gotta question real quick.

"Do take it while you can, heaven knows if you'll get another chance."

>Was Sunset your first student before Twilight?

"What? Don't be absurd, I've had hundreds over the years."

>Really? What happened to them?

"They died."


"Did you want me to sugarcoat it? They died. Old age, some of them disease, one of them blew up in an easily preventable fire. They died."

>Easily preventable?

"My students are the basis of more safety regulations than you will ever know. More than half of the ones on records were made within five minutes of a call from the guard and a very awkward conversation with friends and family."

>That's depressing.

"It wasn't exactly fun, no."

>Ah' mean, it's depressing that Twilight's like, the first chance you got to have a full on successor, right?

"The Elements of Harmony are a big part of that, yes, and seeing as they were not available, well."

>Right. It's a touch sad they never got a chance to be that mare, just because they were born too early.

"Oh, Applejack, don't look at it like that!"

>Ah' suppose Ah' should be accepting they still had great lives.

"I mean more specifically, look at it as they should be thankful they will be spared the constant death they will witness over millennia as friends and family wither away, a piece of their soul taken with each one until only a sugar addicted husk remains!"


"Ever reminded that they are in the ground. Rotting. So dark. So cold."

>Ya'll okay?

"Oh my, no."

>Is it all yer' fault?

"Only because I never had the courage to finally take that jump, and make sure it stuck."

>And also cause ya' messed up the dang Elements of Harmony for everyone, and iffin' ya' hadn't then we could've had-


>Bringin' it full circle.
Pinkie Preview Prophecies

>Applejack is pumped because friendship never sleeps!
>Pinkie offers a cup of PAR-TEA!
>Twilight gets excited over some rare samples.
>Rainbow Dash wants to know how'd you like the taste of friendship?
>Fluttershy gets highly upset about a creek.
>Rarity wants you to say hello to harmony.
>The Crusaders are confused about friendly fire.
>Victory fanservice!
it’s where it all began.
I think she’s OK
Can ya tell what game he’s been playing

>...Orbital laser.


>Nothin', nothing...


>Dooooo ittttt.

"I'm not going to call down a beam of light, it'll kill you."

>That's half the fun!

"We're a monarchy."

So! KKA here! Next big drop, which will move us into the next, probably final, 'phase', is hitting tomorrow! For sure! Really sure! Because it's done. The delay is for completely external reasons that, unless my house blows up, should not affect my ability to drop it tomorrow. I'm just not near the thing that has the file on it and won't be till tomorrow night. Sorry for the delay but know it's in the service of fun, I'm having and will have a lot of fun today. But at least you don't have to worry about me finishing it!

Well as long as it’s fun
>Ah've been meanin' to bring that up-

"Absolutely nobody will elect us and we'll be doomed in three years."

>...Ah' dunno if doomed is the right-


>Mental range of gophers, right.

"One of the first things I told you."

>Who dat be?

"The pony? That am Delight. He am nice!"

>Not pony. Big one! Black one!

"Um. Me not know."

>He am cute.


"Me think he scary..."

>Me can fix him.
She’s a Bear looking for love in the big city!

>You think Seven would try to bring to village? Him predator, I think.

"Me think he not that kind."

>...me gonna ask nicely.

"Then why am you holding giant thwacky thing?"

>Me asking nicely!
He's not gonna say no
Mostly in a “DEAR GOD” style he might
Talk about crack ship.
Now in the time for crack!
Looks like someone already dipped in.


"I don't think he's like you, Bunny, I think he's like... just a gorilla thing that can talk."

>...so what you am saying is, you racist.

"I mean... yeah, kinda? That's a pretty big facet of my character even though I developed from it.."

"Alright fine, you can date a whitey."

>Him am what now.



>Soooo, something's been bugging me for a while now.

"If this is setup for a changeling joke..."

>What? Oh no! I wasn't even thinking about them.

With a casual strum of her lyre, a shockwave of magic shoots forth and blows several Queens away.

~Might wanna start.~

Though not all, as a few pushed through and got a little too close for comfort. Nothing a few more strums couldn't handle, however.

>Huh. That was weird. Are they getting stronger or something?

"Probably not? I think those ones just have more of Devonia's power left in them."

>Just probably?

"I mean, there's no way they'll just get suddenly stronger on their own, right? They'd have to actually share and work together."

>Or get mind-controlled again.

~Hold on. Who the heck is Devonia?~

"Our God. Literally. She showed up and started putting hooves on Chrysalis and everything."

~...Ours as in everyone's or...~


~Phew... I was worried I might have to start going to church and be a morally conscious, upstanding citizen of society instead of a cutthroat business mare.~

"Doesn't the whole super Harmony magic thing-"

~Rainbow Power™.~

"Already convince you that-"

~Nope. If anything, it's morally neutral. I'd bet at least 20% of the people who have it now are assholes.~

"You're... probably lowballing it, to be honest. But it did come from Applejack and them, so maybe they make up the difference in assholishness to goodness?"

>That reminds me! I was trying to ask if either of you know the guy Applejack was talking to.

"The redhead? Uh. He looks familiar... Uhhhhh...."

~Probably 'cause he's a guard.~

>How do you know that?

~Body build and the stiff way he hovered while talking to Applejack. A random pony would be more giddy or nervous talking to a Princess, while he was the sort of attentive tense you put on when talking to your Boss, who isn't a total stranger but is still more Boss than casual acquaintance.~

>Wow! That's a pretty observant breakdown-

~Plus, he's white.~

>There it is... But who is he?


~What's it matter?~

>I'm curious. That little changeling said he ruined everything for the bad guys, so it sounds like he must be important and really heroic.


>Really! Which would make him a really solid friend to add to my collection!

~Hmm. Interesting.~


~...Should we stop her-~

"I remember now! That's Rochi!"

~That literally does not sound like a pony name. Let alone a guard's.~

"It's what that giant blue punchy dragon calls him, and I am not about to disagree with her."

~...Well, it could be Neighsian. Or an unclaimed nickname.~

>Works for me! You think he'll be my friend?

The sound of angry gorilla punches and a torrent of dragonfire catches the trio's ears and eyes.

"...Let's ask later..."

>Might be for the best. For now, we watch and give thanks to a hero of Equestria! Thank you, Rochi!

"Thanks, Rochi!"

~Thank you, money- err... Rochi™.~
No ones gonna remember him at this rate
Kka here On my way home right now.

Dropping when I get there!

“My wayward student, I fear your heart is not in it.”

The once sole living alicorn in Equestria had done little in this fight. She was far more proud to see her sister, her students, her guard, and indeed her citizens themselves join forces as one and fight together in ways she had only dreamed of once upon a time. Whatever strife had existed between them, of any race, was simply gone for the moment, and instead they came together in Harmony, as simple as that word felt when describing something so grand.

Indeed, she’d needed to offer little aide besides. The Queens had found that the power poured forth from the endless might of the Tree of Harmony was beyond what they, or indeed the princess herself, had imagined. Be they low as a child or high as a grand warrior, they were able to win just the same against forces that should have been beyond them. Bringing her own power would have simply been a formality, and she’d found herself far more concerned with her once student in the middle of it all. The wayward unicorn turned Alicorn by the most foul of means had been unnaturally still and quiet during the thrust of the battle. As her ersatz allies were taken out one by one, it was only when her more true alliance was threatened that she herself would intervene. Any time it seemed one of the strongest among them, the Elements themselves, would claim victory, only then did the yellow body inject itself into the clash and ensure their continued existence.

It was very much unlike her to sit by on the sidelines, unwilling to engage, yet there she stood, having just used her magic to separate the pony mixed with machine from the lightning rainbow haired foe who had nearly overwhelmed him, slipping back into her initial position as soon as the battle became more even.

“I’m not an idiot, Celestia.”

Had it not been for the words, not a single thing about her would tell that she knew of the highest princess at all. Her body was shifted away, her eyes following every clash of her friends and the bearers of friendship itself. She seemed to hold little fear of a surprise attack, despite how easy it would be for the flowing maned mare to strike while her body was turned just so.

“And yet, you’ve not called out in surrender. Your lack of sanity certainly seems up for debate, if not your actual intelligence.”

“Trying to goad me? I will, if you want it that badly. I’m hardly going to sit here and let you wail on me.”

“Do you really need me to do so, in order to join? I’m certain such a notion would run afoul of your resurrected allies.”

It was so rare to hear her sigh so sadly, the princess almost wanted to treasure it.

“I admit, I was hoping with Devonia’s rage coursing through them, it was going to be a more even fight. But it seems…’

She merely seemed disappointed when a flash of color and a screaming black body soared overhead.

“Harmony skewed things a little further your way.”

“It seems so.”


There was an unspoken truth left unsaid beyond that, one that did not escape her former student’s notice.

“Yeah, I know. If they’d actually worked together like they did before, teamwork combining their powers, united as one and looking out for one another against a common foe, maybe, just maybe…”

“I’m hardly going to give you tips about about to turn the tide back in your favor, my most unfaithful student.”

“No need, I know. I know it all too well. But alas, they just couldn’t see past the idea that they, among all others, were the greatest Queen, and with Devonia’s anger in their heart clouding their minds further…”

She paused only to cast a bolt of lightning, one strong enough to knock off course a purple horn before it could unleash a devastatingly strong burst of magic upon the only changeling the mare truly called friend. The opening allowed a summoning of even more monsters, enough to distract her and slip away with a single mental call of thanks.

“They were never going to do what needed to be done, in order to win.”

“At last, our girl sees the light.”

The pun was not lost on the other mare as her second teacher descended from above, the wince upon her face made that quite clear.

“Reckon she’s finally had enough?”

“I’m certainly not rushing to continue the fight, Applejack.”

With a nod of her flowing mane, she gestured to their shared student.

“Neither is she, Ah’ suppose.”

“She could barely handle us before, I doubt she’d have held back if she had yet another ace up her sleeve.”

“Wouldn’t make much sense iffin’ she did, and ain’t pulled it out yet.”

“As such, I await her finally admitting defeat, and allowing us to end this nightmare and wake once more.”


It was not even a word. A mere noise, and yet something about it chilled the one who could tear holes in reality with a wave. It reached even the heart of one of the Elements of Harmony, her power feeling insufficient despite a lack of any Despair, anger, hopelessness, even mere sarcasm and strife would’ve been acceptable as a response. Those emotions, both could understand, perhaps even empathize with, they’d certainly held such things in their heart in recent times.

Yet, she merely looked as if everything were little more than annoyance. A stub of her hoof, a fly in her cereal.

“Will you be challenging us, then?”

“Reckon’ ya’ll should pick one or the other.”

The yellow shoulders rolled in indifference.

“I can, if you want. It won’t make a difference.”

“Even if we should defeat you, truly and utterly?”

“Even then, my failed teachers.”

She sounded too confident for it too be madness, yet too assured for it to be a lie.

“Sunset… even now, it’s not too late.”


Without a worry in her soul, the mare lifted her head to the sky, watching her tall dragon friend fend off a raging assault by a beast of magic, cloth and good old fashioned rage. Her intervention had allowed him to find his footing, to keep from being overwhelmed once more even as his foe demanded more answers. She watched them, a smile crossing her face.

“Ya’ can still end this.”

“...No, I can’t.”

At long last, she turned, and faced her former mentors, that smile still upon her face.

“He can.”

The world stopped.

From the most high of Queen, to the lowest of pauper, they halted. Frozen in flight, stalled in clash, legs locked mid run, all of them stilled by a feeling that washed over them and stole away the strength from their souls. It stabbed to their hearts, screamed in their minds, burned in their veins. A feeling akin to death itself brushing across their backs, no matter how unstoppable they’d felt before.

In the sky of pure light, a world of harmony and friendship, darkness appeared.


And a voice reached to them all as gently as a lover whispering in their ears.

“Sing out in glory, for I have arrived.”

The void above seemed to bleed forth, a spilling of pitch pouring out from within its core akin to the sky itself falling down to earth. Only as it neared the ground could those stilled in horror realize it had changed its shape, the waterfall it had been turning into something they dared not believe though they witnessed it.

A leg.

A single leg, that touched the earth without a sound.

Yet, out from it rippled forth something strange, and through their awestricken minds they could barely process it as time passed, far too long for it to have taken normally, until with a sudden realization as striking as what was to come they were bowled over by the shockwave racing by at blinding speeds. In their disoriented symphony as they were tossed about, the thought struck them as quickly and powerfully as the force that had knocked them away.

They’d realized the limb, despite the appearance, had to be miles and miles away from them.

“Sing to the highest, where I may hear your words.”

They had seen beasts so massive, they stood above castles. Titans so grand, they’d been able to rest their limbs upon the edge of Canterlot itself. Yet, no matter how high the mightiest of dragon or machine of mare, it could scarcely compare to the thing that emerged further from the darkness cast above them all. With every massive outpouring, more took shape. More limbs, a long body, and soon even grand wings.

A form, seemingly forged of nothingness. Of the opposite of light and Harmony in which it stood. A contradiction that seemed unable to reflect the light, yet able to cast forth a shadow further beyond into the glow.

A paradox.

“I grace this world, in love.”

An Alicorn, that stood above them all.


None had yet moved. The sight of it, the suffocating intensity that radiated forth and seemed to seep into their eyes, their bodies, their minds, had simply proven too much.

Some within the crowd recognized that feeling like the brush of a distant memory. An echo, of a meeting long ago.

Most could only stare in awe, feeling like ants staring upon a mountain they could not climb in all their lifetimes.


A sound that should be ear rupturing, body destroying, was little more than a careful wisp on the wind. It held such kindness, loving in its tone in such a paradoxical contrast from where it had originated. It was senseless in body, too large to see them yet always seeming to look upon them. Terrifying down to every fleck of darkness the size of a building that rippled in place of fur, yet beset by eyes that seemed comforting and loving as a father’s own. As one they knew this thing was not of this world, it was not of any world. It was not meant to be, never meant to exist, never meant to reside within a realm they lived.

It could not stand. It could not hold without breaking. It could not exist.

Yet, it stood before them all the same.

“For I am here.”

He stood there, all the same.

“I stand before you, the Highest. I, am Shining Armor-”

A light struck him, and not a heart could find the strength to beat.


Among those frozen in awe, fear, and restraint, a few had found the power to move once more.

Driven by something too monumental to be held by such things.



Five bodies charged without fear, without regret. The Air Force Commander, with mane of blazing flame. The Warrior of the Changelings, with her hooves glowing in challenge. The Changeling who would rule in love of the Empire, with a heart of power around her. The Queen of the Last Hive, blazing with the might to challenge a god.

The Princess of Love, who blazed in front of them all.

The distance was so vast between them that they’d vanished to mere specks by the time they’d reached the new arrival, yet their majesty shined on enough that all could witness their glory. The Power of Love, merged with the Grace of Harmony at its pinnacle, was unleashed upon the creature of void.

It was too bright to watch, their eyes shielded lest they never see again anything more save the pink glow that exploded outwards, a ripple of force once more passive over them and nearly casting them further away. It was glorious, it filled all who could see it with love, with hope, and with power.

It was unable to so much as move him.

They could see it even before the mushroom cloud had dispersed. Even before the last of the wisps of smoke had passed. That shadow being standing tall all the same, not so much as a scratch to be seen.

Not even his expression had changed.



Not once, as more power clashed against his face.


From all sides.


From all angles.


They gave their very best.


It was not enough.

Not enough to strike him down, not enough to move him.

“...I forgive you.”

Not even enough to enrage him.

“Don’t give me that!”

With tears streaming down her face, the Princess of Love moved as close as she could to his eye, making sure that the glowing orbs could see clearly the pain and desperation on her face.

“I don’t want your forgiveness, or your pity, or anything else! I want my Shining Armor back! You’ve kept us apart so long, too long! I need him! And if you don’t give him back I’m going to tear him out of you, whatever it takes!”

Her magic pulsated in the shape of a heart, growing so massive it could have matched the Titan herself in size. Within its core was filled the Rainbow Power of Harmony, as much as she could give to it, and with a final cry she hurled it straight into that glowing orb that stood in place of his eye.

Whatever she had wished to happen, whatever she dared hope in the very minimum, never game.

He did not so much as blink.

“You heard her!”

On the other side of his face, holding aloft an emerald spear burning with the same power of Defiance once held by the First Queen herself, the last Queen gave her all.

“Give him back!”

The power to strike down Harmony itself, the only thing that had been able to contain the essence of the creator and wound its avatar, struck true to his eye.

It fizzled away, leaving nothing behind.

“Give him back!”

Cried the changeling with tri colored hair, pouring all she had into his snout.

“Give him back!”

Raged the pegasi, who bought forth a wall of flame that sought to consume him.

“Give! Him! Back!”

Roared the soldier, who struck with hooves true to the top of his head, trying her best to instill a Brainpunch just as she’d done to monsters before.

All struck as one, a unison that spoke of their connections and their desires.


It did not so much as make him twitch.

“A pity… such love did not exist in my world, until I brought it forth. Perhaps I shall do the same here... later.”

Those down below screamed in terror and panic as his leg lifted up, and moved forwards. They doubted their own sanity and their own eyes as they watched the limb grow with every second, defying logic and nature as it crossed over a mile in a single careful step. He was slow, lumbering, and they did not know if it was merely a restriction of his vast size or a kindness to those down below to give them time to flee, and drag any too stricken with them as they went. It was fortunate that Queen Changelings held a touch of fear in all their hearts, he doubted any would carry them away. Even their kin would likely leave them to be crushed when his hoof touched down, and shook the world.

“Come back here!”


They fired their best, cast their spells and struck with all they could, yet it did not so much as ruffled the wisping shade that stood in place of fur. It did not stall his stride, nor did he look upon them with judging eyes.

“How beautiful.”

That gaze was instead granted to those down below flying away in terror. Behind his gaze was a perception no other on the battlefield could match, an ability to see beyond the surface and into the very depths of their souls. He, and he alone, could see the grandeur even now untouched within the glowing power that surrounds them, power that would have made them invincible, unstoppable, unmatched.

Were it not for his arrival.


It made it all the more unsightly when he looked upon the Queens, seeing the depths of their bitterness and cruelty. The power of the First Queen still resided in them, and though he felt an odd kinship with the sensation of rebellion and defiance of the higher order that pulsated in the unseen veins, he could not stomach the sense of self importance that covered it all like a film of filth on an otherwise shining emerald. There was beauty beneath the surface in their need to control their own fates, in this world and beyond, yet he could not appreciate it for what it was.

He did not dwell on it, or them. For he had other matters to attend to.



It was as if the air itself had been split. Torn cleanly by a single glowing light that cut in twain the very fabric of the world.

All of the potential that could be, all of the power of the Grace of Harmony granted, all of the Hope born of one who could shine in the darkness, and all of the Love that could be given. All of them combined together in a single, unfathomably strong attack that seemed to sing as it crossed the world, and stabbed right towards the heart of the void thing. Were it any other being across this battle, they would have been split, cast away, or simply turned to ash.

He was beyond all such things.

It did not so much as leave a trail of smoke upon his form, before the light faded away, and he could see the two who had cast such a power.

A pegasus and unicorn pair was trying to tug them away, by teeth, magic or strange glowing gloves. Yet, the duo of Changeling and Infant Alicorn could not, would not, be moved, even by two adults who pulled with all their might. They stood defiant in his path, both of their forms still faintly glowing from their combined powers reaching a height beyond even what their mother alone could bring. Beyond what even the highest Princess herself could summon forth. They had failed, despite their very best efforts, yet they would not flee away.

“Give me back my daddy.”


They were going to stand there, and fight, as he would.

“...what could have been.”


He mused, and beside over them without another thought. They tried firing again, having to do so around the pair of stallions protecting them with their bodies as best they could, only to have their very best efforts made for naught without so much as a hitch in his step. Even so, those witnessing such a thing could not deny the strangeness of his course changing before that first step, just to ensure he did not pass over them. He would not cover them in his shadow.

They did not know if it was by kindness, or insult.

“Bout time you showed up.”

Only one among all present did not feel at least some fear. Only one did not rage, or quake in terror, nor bow their head. Only one stood tall, with a smile.

“Wait, does that mean he’s on our side!?”

And with that Alicorn’s stance, a feeling rippled throughout the changeling Queens. A feeling of elation, of joy unmatched as it struck them that this being of pure power and unspeakable might stood with them, against the forces that had battered them so. So enraptured by the idea, several of them wasted no time in preparing to strike the one nearest to them in a show of might, or perhaps some twisted ideal of loyalty.


A sound was enough to still them, to seize their hearts and stop whatever foul thoughts entered their mind. A feeling had overcome them, nothing more than an underlying subconscious lying dormant from long ago.

The feeling of being wronged by the changelings, and the hate that came with it.

Without a move, without a word, the feeling that had forced its way within them took them over, and took away any further action they would’ve used instead.


Such a word was enough to make the once proud Queens want to shiver and vomit in stomach churning regret, yet they had nothing to spew forth.

“Yet, they are of her creation, and I stand by my oath of alliance to you.”

He focused once more on the mare before him, and it was as if an invisible hand had forced all others to do the same.

“And only you, Sunset Shimmer of this world.”

The message was received, quite clearly, and not a single Queen moved again.

“Oh thank you, great and glorious and so handsome, Shining Armor!”

It was madness to even ponder, yet the sarcasm was plain on her voice.

“Iffin’ he blasts ya’, just know you deserved it.”

The hissing words of fear from behind the mare went without response, nor care.

“Wait, that thing is Shining Armor!? Thou surely speaks lies, it… that is simply beyond him!”

If there was any offense to be had at the lunar princess’s disbelief, it was hidden expertly beneath a subtle chuckle, even when his gaze flickered over to her ever so briefly.

In that brief moment, she felt something brush against her mind.

“It’s alright. My Starry Night took time to learn, as well. Alas… you will never know her joy. Or..."

He smiled.

"The love she holds in her life.”


He looked away, and the alicorn felt as if a grip had lessened from her heart. Even so, the marks upon it remained.

“Hate ta’ say it, but that’s Shining, alright. Other Shining, ta’ be precise.”

“That… that’s…”

The gaze alone had shaken the dark princess, her legs wobbling and struggling to stand. So much had passed in his eyes, so much she did not understand. It was as if she looked into the depth of the stars themselves, and tried to count every one.

“He’s uh… bigger than I remember.”

The yellow alicorn barely spared a glance as her friends joined her at her side. Even the great dragon shrunk himself down, by intent or by feeling of inadequacy made manifest. Though she appreciated the notion, she did not harbor any idea the stallion, mare, changeling or drake at her sides would be of any use should the grand being before her deem her unworthy of existence.

Only one, could make such a challenge.

What luck, she was on their side, and she felt no fear in clearing her throat and gaining his attention.

“But if I may grace his wonderful probably sexiness with a question… why are you here instead of helping Chitania?”

Even without a hint of movement from the great thing, there was a pulse, one enough that it would have shaken a castle, or knocked out the strongest of ponies had they not been shielded by Harmony’s Grace.

“You know why.”

“No, I really don’t.”

At last, his gaze left her.

“Then allow me to remind you of my… priorities.”

And fell upon the tall white princess.

“If you’re about to profess your love to me and attempt to sweep me off my hooves, I would ask that you at least brought a cake first. I’m not hard to woo with the right frosting.”

Though her words seemed light, she could not hide the tenseness in her voice. Even with her new abilities, she did not hold to any notion she would be able to be of use in battle should he strike. She doubted she could even see it coming before it was too late, such was the vast difference in their stature.

Her forced smile faded as he lifted a hoof ever so slightly, and pointed to her.

“No? Well I suppose it would be awkward if other me found out, especially after I tell you to shov-”

Time, space, all things were ripped apart in an instance behind her. The very notion of reality itself was shattered, broken into infinite shards, and undone all in an instance. The shadow behind the tall mare twisted, bubbled and broke apart like glass all at once, and her power was pulled back into it despite her screams and fighting against it as she lifted into the air.

Many tried to stop him. Everyone in range, and several just beyond. Friend, guard, citizen, creatures who had never seen her face. All brought their best to save the highest Princess.

It was all for naught, and in a flash of light she fell back to all fours.

“You could’ve just asked.”


He cared not for her words, her scorn, nor those around him still firing off rainbow magic uselessly into his form.

All he cared about was the one who emerged from that shadow, the one who had been locked away between dimensions of her own forging, much like the subspace room that the most brilliant princess had forged once upon a time. A thing locked to her, a key only she could hold, bound to her power and soul so none may enter and, more importantly, none may leave.

Not until one beyond it broke down the door.

“HOOOOO! Hoo, wow, hnnnhnnnn.”

And released their most valuable prisoner.

“Is that where she’s been this whole time!?”

The genuine shock of the alicorn was likely the only reason the former student did not gain his ire or his punishment. He would know if she was lying, beyond all others, and knew she merely had never conceived of such a means of capture.

“How does that even work!?”

Such a genuine and interested question would have to wait.

“Hello, my beloved. My Glimmer, of starshine.”

For there was a reunion to be had between God, and his most devout follower.

“You found me!”

The massive hoof defied all logic in its act to just barely cup under the light purple chin and lift her for a kiss.


As soon as the kiss was made, she latched herself to his massive face, even as she turned and pointed triumphantly to the others around her.

“I told you! I told you he loved me more than anything! This is what it’s like! This is what it’s like to have them up there be on your side, and love you! I told you all, and you all could’ve had it too, but nooooo! Nooooo! You just wanted to send her away instead of accepting I was right and this is how we’re meant to live! I was right, you were wrong! HA! HA HA HA HA HA! HAAAAA!”

Next to none of them had any idea what she was going on about.

“Glimmer, we do need to have a discussion when this is all over.”

She stiffened, her eyes turning shifty and her face turning a bright red at the notion. She detached herself from him in an instant, suddenly deciding her hooves really needed a good rubbing against one another.

“N-now, I know I may have made some… choices that you disagree with, maybe I should have asked before doing some… things. But clearly I was right to do it because if I had succeeded then we wouldn’t be in this mess and this whole thing could’ve been avoided and the Elements wouldn’t have-”

She coughed into her hoof when she felt him shift ever so slightly, the sheer size enough to displace the air around her and would have made her wobble, had a gentle unseen grip not held her steady.

“You’ll forgive me, right?”

“Of course.”

She sighed in relief, her forelegs going limp as she floated in the air, not even beating her wings. Inside, she could not hold back the need to kick herself and chide herself for not knowing better.

"Of course you would... of course."

He would always love her.


“And that's good! Because when this is all said and done, I owe you a night even a god can’t see coming. I’m busting out the costume and everything, and Rarity can totally-”

Though those down below gasped, the grand being before them did not so much as twitch when a sudden blue shape appeared before him and encircled the mare in a magical grip.

“Alright buddy, I don’t know who you are-’

“Shining Armor.”

“Or why I should care about that name, but from the looks of thing you really, really like this mare and you being here is really bad!”


She ignored whoever shouted that, and brought an ethereal claw to the side of the lavender coated head.

“So here’s how this is going to go, you’re going to leave right this second, and in exchange nobody is going to hurt your little play thing-”

Her claws suddenly gripped tighter, despite how careful she had been.

She looked down, and saw nothing at all in her grasp. What more, she could not feel the residual heat of a body, nor the tickling remains of the pony’s coat. It was as if she’d never held anything at all, nothing had ever been touched. She swore it was no illusion, she had felt it, she was certain.


Yet, there the pony lay upon his snout, her head in her forelegs and her gaze withering.

“Shoot her.”

The dragon tensed, all prepared for the inevitable.

Yet, it never came.

“Shhhooooot her.”

“You know I cannot.”

His voice was gentle, yet it brought a groan of dissatisfaction from the one resting upon him.

“AHA! I knew it! I can totally take you!”

She did not second guess herself, did not even consider an alternative. She merely charged forth with claw bundled into a fist, and formed a power massive enough to flatten Ponyville, even though it still looked tiny against his snout.

Undeterred, without regard for the difference in size, she unleashed her final, most powerful, strike.

He did not move. He did not shift.

When she pulled back her arm, the glowing claw was simply gone. Nothing remained, and no matter how she focused forth, she could not summon it once more. It was as if that very part had been erased from all existence.


It was the only thing her mind could conjure in such an addled state. “Huh.” As if that summed up everything she was feeling, rather than a dying gasp of a brain that could hold no more.

“Don’t be silly.”

He spoke with such caring, such kindness, that she did not flee as his hoof approached her and seeped past her glowing armor. The very tip of his hoof came to brush against her cheek, as tenderly as one would handle the most fragile of rose.

“I could never harm one who shared her face. My dear inferno, so bright in passion…”

She saw into his eyes.

“I could never harm one who shares the face, of my child’s mother.”

She shouted, flew back, and grabbed hold of her eyes as tightly as she could.

“Get out of my brain!”


She had seen no images, she had heard no voices, nothing had passed between them, yet she had been surrounded by the hint of a magic she knew was not her own. By intent or by inability to hold back such influence, his power had surrounded her and the drake found she’d rather never know what lie on the other side of the walls of their dimensions. She had no reason to think such would occur, he certainly showed no signs of bringing it forth.

She was not taking any chances.

“It's alright, she can be quite silly too when it comes to these matters. She always did-"


He laughed with a wistful tingle, looking upon her as one would a scrapbook of wonderful times long ago.

“Great, fine, Glimmers back, happy happy, can we get on with it?”

Two pairs of eyes, one quite mundane, the other containing the power to defy the world itself, landed upon the yellow mare.

“I’m not saying I’m not happy my science buddy is back, but she is regardless, so can you just leave-”

“Not yet!”

The mare rolled back and groaned in frustration as another body descended from the sky upon them. Bundles of magical cloth, bound and rebound and layered a thousand times over in an attack prepared nearly since the shadow being’s arrival, fell upon the great void.

“Not until I know the truth!”

Neither the being, nor the passenger upon his head, were shaken with the remains of the grandest [Summer/Time Parade] landed upon them.

“What have you done!?”

As with the dragon, bit by bit, thread by thread, the cloth was reduced to nothingness, and the passenger pegasi dragged along could only scream and fight with all his might as the great simian suicidally charged ever further in a blind rage.


A blink, that was all it took to hold them both in the air.

“I told you it wouldn’t work!”

Briefly, the ethereal gaze flicked beyond the cloth in the shape of a great gorilla, backwards to the poor sod dragged along despite his best efforts.

“Hello, Miles. Nice to see I don’t have to fix your leg in this universe.”

The poor suspended soul didn’t know how to take that. It should be a threat, yet it sounded like such a genuine relief.

“As for you.”

The brief meeting over, he turned back to the snarling face formed of threads in his gaze.

“Clarify, if you would.”

“I smell her upon you.”

He very much doubted that, even if the threaded nostrils flared in the mockery of sniffing.

“Her power, so much more of it than that lacky held.”

The white dragon took a harsh offense to that.

“I sense her power, her essence! You have bound my Goddess, and I will see her released!”

His silver hand slapped against the dark frame, and he let loose a loud, primal roar.

Nothing happened.


Nothing changed.



Nothing, save for a thoughtful look crossing into the infinite power beyond the void being’s eyes. It was as if he reached back through time and space, summoning forth a power that existed within his body, and nowhere else. He searched, and he looked.

“Ah, you must be Silver Hands. Servant of the Scarlet Emissary.”

He hung there in shock, and in rage. The mere act of her name upon his tongue felt blasphemous in ways he could never forgive.

Never had he known such anger.

“Now, my servant, I suppose.”

Until then.

“You dare insinuate I would ever betray my goddess!? You foul worm, you disgusting wretch, I will-”

“You misunderstand.”

A tilt of his head was enough to bring the pitch horn close to the threads.

“Allow me.”

With a tilt, his head moved forwards, and severed every thread.

The pegasi was set free, allowed to fall a brief moment before catching himself in the air.

Yet, what he had summoned forth did not fall with him. It hung there, every thread glowing as if a light shined within its core unseen, the shocked face forced to look forwards.


It was then the stallion realized, he could no longer hear the voice in his head.

“Let me help you understand.”

The once servant could not look away, could not move in fight nor flight. Could do nothing as he gazed into the infinite behind those eyes, the creation of nothingness that had given birth to the paradoxes of magic in this world.

It was there, as he looked into those depths, he understood.

“I am.”

He knew what those words meant.

“All of them.”

He knew, what had become of his goddess.

"All they were, all they could have been... stand before you."

He knew now, that the dragon had not spoken lies, the mare had not spoken in falsehood. Yet, they had not come close to describing the truth any more than it were the truth to describe the cosmos as “empty”.

His Goddess was here.

Her siblings, were here.

All of them, within this being.

“I see all you have done in their name.”

The same one that reached up.

“And I would be remiss…”

The same one that touched upon his chest.

“If I did not reward my most faithful servant.”

Time, space, muscle, matter, size, magic, and the very soul that he had clung to. All of them came together at the call of the One who called himself Shining Armor. All of them came together, undoing the ravages of time, the cruelty of mortality, and the fragile nature of the body.

All of them undone in an instant, and there he stood.

Whole, once more, as if he had always been.

“There you are.”

The simian did not speak, he did not move. His expression was as still as the earth he stood upon, his eyes staring into nothingness yet still witnessing all he had seen behind those unnatural eyes. No response came, scarcely could he be seen breathing.

Yet, he was alive, as truly so as any who stood around him.

“Mmm, aren’t you lucky.”


He did not stir, even when the mare looked down upon him, still laying flat and kicking her legs as she lay lazily upon the massive snout.

“Isn’t it so nice to have a higher being actually care about you? Reward you when you put in so much effort? Rewards you so richly deserve?”

She giggled, and gave a little wiggle.

“Even if some of us get rewarded… different. But hey, if he finds you’re a good little monkey and wants to reward you that way, I won’t complain. So long as you’re all clear who believed in him, the most.”

She sneered in victory, looking down on all of them with a smug expression.

“And remember, it could’ve been any one of you.”


She rolled her eyes, and rolled her body to the side so she may look upon the irate yellow mare, flanked on all sides by her friends as usual.

“If you want a turn, I’m willing to just team up. He’s a lot to handle sometimes.”

She rolled her eyes, uncaring to how genuine the offer seemed, and gestured to the sky.

“Don’t you have something to do?”

“Are you trying to order a god around? Or… perhaps you want to send him up there to have a little fun? She is the only being close to his level, even if she’s a bit short. Trying to help your friend finally… work out the kinks?”

Though the alicorn briefly stiffened at the insinuation, the spot of indignation, and ever so slight worry, left with a simple nod.

“Beloved, she speaks the truth. I made an oath to aide Chitania in her battle when the time came, and I shall not leave her now that this moment has come. To ensure victory in this world, and ours, I shall join her.”

A noise of disappointment left the lavender mare, yet it did not stop her from laying a kiss upon his snout before rolling off of him and hovering in the air clear of any path he may take to the skies.

“Of course you will. You care, you love, you’re looking out for us.”

She seemed more proud, as if describing a well made piece of art, than giddy or giggly.

“And for the record…”

He muttered before he started to look up.

“I am still a stallion at heart.”

“We ain’t gonna let you-”

A mere shift of the body, that’s all it took to send the gathering vines and power alike that had been surrounding his form away.

“Do not test me, Applejack. Hold yourself blessed I hold no more ill will in my heart for you despite all you’ve done.”

The mare down below, and her five friends with her, held still beneath his gaze, fearful of what may happen should his words prove false.

“Good. Now…”

He turned to the sky, and gazed upon it.

He stared.

And stared.


And the mare could not last more than a minute.

“Do not rush me. Coming here meant I must take myself off course and beyond a safe trail. I am charting my path through it.”

“Through what!?”

He did not respond in words, not at first. Not until he reached up, and his massive limbs touched the sky itself.


A darkness seeped into the glowing dome around them, yet it was not enough to snuff out the light. It was a careful shade, one made with the upmost precision to ensure the dome’s structure remained intact, that the magic shielding those within it held despite the weakening of its spell. With the slight dimming of the eternal white light, in darkness the truth was revealed.


All around them, the warriors on the battlefield could witness the true madness going on beyond the walls cast forth in Harmony’s Grace. The earth, their entire planet, was lost in ever shifting images of time itself unraveling and folding in on itself. Events transpired, reversed, continued on into the vast future only to flicker backwards to the beginning of it all. From desolate lands to trees lush and vibrant that reached the skies, all seemed to pass in an instant before them. In the skies above, the emerald cracks in the world pulsated magnitudes worse than the flickers within the dome, a world being undone and redone over and over as events were scaled back, fixed, cast forwards and scaled back again. A story lost in endless reconstruction and contradiction, forged by the magic of the one above it all.

Their world was being undone.

“She is a clumsy one.”

Soon, they worried.

"I shall have to educate her on how a true God shapes their new world. We shall do so together..."

It would be no more.

"When the highest above all... falls."
This was even longer originally but I wanted people to be able to get their reactions in, I realized that I was undercutting anyone's chance to do any kind of character moment to it if I kept going like it did originally. But plus side is that means next part is done, I'm just making sure everyone gets their character moments in before we continue on to the next part of the BIG main event. So have fun!

>Hrm. It seems a god of another universe has joined the fight!


>Do not fret, DerpyMuffins, for I have a plan. Bring me my thinnest lace, and all the jello you can find. As I woo him with my majesty, he will surely-

"Fuck this shit."

She turns around and starts walking... somewhere.


"I'm fuckin' done mate fuck all ya'll!"
This is fine everythings fine

Shoot a rainbow at it
Man that monkey has got to be very conflicted right now
It’s like someone showed up in your moms dress and says he is your mom, then gave you a new house and car


"You okay?"

>Who the FUCK says that completely unprompted!?

"That was pretty weird."

>I mean holy shit, he could've said anything! Could've said "How's the weather up there", would've been better! But oh no lets just fucking bring up that I apparently LOST A LEG somewhere! WHAT THE FUCK!?

"That's one dick of a god."
>Salt is finally there
>Cadence immediately goes Leroy Jenkins

Love to see it
>Subspace pocket comes back

>Next to none of them had any idea what she was going on about.
Alright that was funny
I mean she’s not even known all that much in this world
She is done with this no hubby shit
She MEEDS the D



>I guess if I've gotta take one for the team-




"Tiempo, no!"
There’s gonna be a hell of a line

>...so who the fuck was that who said all that stuff about us being on the ground floor of being gods favorite or something?

"I have absolutely no idea and am way too terrified to process it. HOW IS HE SO BIG!?"

~That's what she said.~


~Humor is a coping mechanism.~

>But you're supposed to like, inflect.

~My monotone adds to the joke. That is the joke.~

>Look, I just want to know if I really missed out or not. You think I don't want to be a god's favorite? I am all for being a gods favorite!

"But like, that one specifically? The one that looks like he's made of actual evil."

>...I mean just because he's black doesn't mean he's evil.


>GAH!... have you been here the whole time!?

~This is my friend. She is a changeling. She is black.~


~That is the joke.~

>Please stop.

"Hyperventilating? No deal!"


"Ha haaaaa, we're all gonna die."

>You know probably this time.
"Silver Hand"

>This isn't how I expected your return to form, old friend...

Brimming with the power of a magic he'd only ever imagined, the Happy Sunshine Salesmam approached the large gorilla-like creature. He received no response, as the obsidian beast stared toward the shifting 'sky' and the interloper that blotted it out.


A sigh left the centaur, melancholic and regretful. There wasn't anything he could say to ease the beast's burden, or words to convey his own feelings of sympathy.

"...Am I truly the last one?"

All he could do was gently set his hand against the creature's leg and watch the unfolding of the cosmos with him.
Poor guy

>… and thou thought me mad for saying thou should not date him.


>Look at him now!

“I never said I wanted to! You just kept insisting because he won the-wait, but he’s like, a god or something now? Why did you…”


“That is not an admission!”

>For shame.


>… so are we winning?

“I have no fucking idea, outside looks like someone shoved a history book into a blender and hit “don’t press this button”. He’s also kind of intimidating.”

>Youd think he’d just like, stare in this direction and win really quick if he could, it’s not like they can stop him or hurt him.”

>It is weird he’s not just ending it.

“…. Is this what it’s like to be everyone else, wondering why the big dark powerful shape is just… letting it happen?”

>I was not ready for this many existential crisis today


“Hey, the rock farm is probably okay, it’s pretty solid.”

>… heh.

>And you were about to punch my head out through my butthole because I accidentally brought the crusaders here! Well look at it now!

“That ain’t better.”


They both look out at the world literally folding in on itself, time wise.

>… really?

“Least she ain’t gotta deal with biggun there.”


“… ah’ll let this one slide”
She tried!

And that’s all parents care about
Better in there than outside
>Bow Hothoof
"Windy Whistles"

>...Dashie could take him,



>...well now I gotta
She’s inspired
Better than her asking to see the ref
Or the manager
She’s enthusiastic not a Karen
Or rude, she’s a good mom!




"...did I miss anything?"

>God of Changelings showed up.


>Pretty neat.


>Sweet Note did one of those Nukes I told you about.

"The big mushroom cloud style?"

>The same.

"Huh. What's with all the rainbow colors by the way?"

>Turns out I really need to not trust something is dead because it looks dead.

"Doubletap is important."

>I was on tap number five by that point.



"Floated in a dimension of nothingness with walls that had nothing beyond them and no door to be found because the existence of the world was technically linked to this one meaning even if I broke through I would just loop around."


"It was not a fun time."

>Not with that attitude.



"You think he has time for a quickie-"

>We're done talking.

"Riiiight right right right.

>So… so do we-

She lifted a hoof towards the pegasi next to her. The world rumbled.

>… pshhhoooo… so, read any good books lately.

Fleetfoot stared.

>I don’t know I’m fucking dead or something come on.

“The fuck.”
>How'd things end up going wrong on your end?

"I underestimated Applejack and her friends until it was a little too late to outright kill them."

>Yeah, that'll do it.

"And you? I'm guessing Luna still being here had something to do with it."

>Surprisingly no. At the start, at least.


>In the grand scheme of plan fuckery, it turns out some random guard was the first to kick that particular domino.


>Totally nameless. Without history or country. Born from a piece of armor and a slice of bread falling into a wishing well.

"I think that technically counts as history."

>Point is, the guy had no business existing. If he hadn't somehow glitched out of being affected by Chitania slapping reality around, things would have gone smoothly.

"You make him sound so oddly impressive."

>He really wasn't. Just lucky.

"Still, I'm a little curious who he is."

>Then go ask him. He's the pegasus that gorilla guy was dragging around.

With a tilt of her head, Sunset gestured toward those she was speaking of.

"The pegasus...?"

And Glimmer followed its direction, her eyes widening as she set them on the pony floating near the giant creature.


Before her muzzle broke into a smile.

>...You actually know that guy?

A light smile. A wistful smile.


Touched by a hint of mania.

>I don't want to know any more.

"Miles always was surpri-"

>I said no more!
… the idea she tried some random captain who’s only achievement was being part of a battle where he lost his arm BEFORE she tried Shining is oddly funny.

Like even her trying Trixie at least had basis, she took over a town, but in this case she’s like “ehhhh… what about the Pegasus instead?”
Is the battle a fixed event or did she make that happen and put Shining there because it was his turn to try the God Roulette? I’ve always been a little fuzzy on that. Like I can’t imagine her putting Pommel or something in the forefront there, she only had so many chances when she realized she was fucking up the Big Four in her world beyond repair. So like was the Battle of the Badlands the inciting event or was Shining always meant to be there before her fucking with time?
Alt-Delight was in charge of arguably the largest standing army in Equestria as well as the Baels and Tree Golems.
The battle hasn't been confirmed as fixed and probably isn't since it occurred two or so days after AUJ got swept into the regverse. And her tries probably range beyond the tens of thousands if previous mentions of it are anything to go on.
I assume she made it happen, it’s canonically a day or two after AUJ’s vanishing, right? Since AUJ’s departure is the “break point” Glimmer hopped back to in order to reset the world, and she couldn’t go further because that might mean AUJ never leaves and destroy the world in paradox, so long as it’s after AUJ leaves it’s fair game.

Maybe she made it happen? She was pulling the strings of the invasion from the start. Theoretically that means she probably influenced Shining to be there at the right time, or ensured his survival or death depending on the situation. Or she could’ve delayed it till it was more appropriate for say, Fluttershy to be the hero who saves the land, or moved it to where Strongheart or Skystar are the ones in the heart of the clash this go round. She had full control due to being able to save scum, even if she couldn’t do it infinitely.

It is the perfect event to create a hero or villain to move towards supreme power after all
>Alt-Delight was in charge of arguably the largest standing army in Equestria

That was Twilight, she dragged the Ponyville guys along for the battle and Canterlots army was way more massive due to AUJ being more of a hardass
>And her tries probably range beyond the tens of thousands if previous mentions of it are anything to go on.

I think she means resetting to create the situation, I doubt she tried Derpy or something in one of the loops. She was looking for someone powerful enough in body, magic and mind after all.

That said Delight might make a bit more sense considering Salts mentality at the time. Remember that he was bitter, broken and on a drunken tear through the Badlands for 2 weeks before this happened. She was specifically looking for someone of sound mind who could both resist temptation and keep from being taken over, but also not just destroy them in pure hearted battle. She also needed someone who could mentally survive seeing the loops all over again to understand how to control the world and reshape events from subtle actions, does that sound like a guy who’s currently drowning his sorrows after a messy divorce and whatever the fuck went down with AUJ? Because he did work with her for a year before he apparently stormed out and left.

On top of that, due to where he is, she would almost never see him in her own loops. She would hear about him from Twilight, but when would she actually see him? All she’s going off their brief meetings if she sees him at all is a wreck. Or dead in a battle. Delight at least she would frequently see, he’s probably always going to get dragged into the battle she creates.

It’s weird but it makes sense timeline wise, and is all the funnier it worked.
I didn’t even think of that, but yeah, he would be at pretty much every time she called up the battle wouldn’t he?
She probably tried every guard who overperformed at least once. Pommel, Dazey and Vermillion absolutely got a turn
Alright then place your bets.

Did he get consumed by the Big Four and become an avatar of death for the universe or did he figure out how to eradicate them once and for all? Everyone did one of those two
>absolutely got a turn

Pretty sure it was implied that Alt-Delight at least beat them. I vaguely recall something to that effect was said when she had her talk with Alt-Delight before she mind-blasted him to keep the guards from interfering with her attempts to kill AUJ


"...Go ahead."


"You got consumed by their power and brought about the end of... well, whatever I could see, I obviously jumped back before anything nasty happened. Wasn't gonna spectate that and get caught by a stray!"



>WHAT!? What does... what are you talking about!? Are you speaking to Trixie in tongues!?

"Oh, you're not up to date on the whole primal forces thing?"


"I figured you were asking. Wait, then what was it? Sex thing? Because yeah but you were... disappointing."

>ALSO NO-wait now Trixie knows you're lying!

"Very selfish lover."

>TRIXIE IS NOT! Ask... uh...


>Okay Trixie may never have gotten that far.

"You're kidding."


"Who is?"


"Stop shouting."


"If you promise to stop I'll answer whatever original question you wanted to ask."

>...Trixie just really wanted to know if you were the mare who called her "Bitchy blue" when she went to Sires Hollow that one time.

"...Oh dear Shining that was me."


>I have to know-

"Actually managed to beat them, go you! I mean it obviously didn't work out in the long run because annihilated primal forces are useless to me, but on the whole it's an impressive feat, only a little over a third of the candidates pulled it off. Good for you in the upper ranks, sure beat all expectations for a simple Mayor of Ponyville, later Princess of Ponyville!"


"You didn't know either?"


"Mare, did nobody get updated on this? Applejack really left you guys without any sort of context, didn't she?"

>She came back and immediately started throwing down with Sunset, we didn't talk.

"Ah. Guess that makes more sense."


"Sunset, other Sunset Shimmer, went fulllll dark evil blaahhhhh world will all dieeeee for your information. Did not take much. Like, a nudge."

>My condolences.

"Eh. For the record though, also impressive for you?... Top fifteen."

>In like, beating the things you said?


>I don't get it.

"I did."


"Alright I've had my fun, what did you want to actually know?"

>Well you shouted out that whole "It could've been you!" with regards to uh...

She glances to the side. And up.
And up.
And uppppp.

>That. I'm just wondering where I missed my shot, because-

"Yeah, I know, you were practically face down within like three minutes of meeting him during the loops."


"I thought so! But I meant with the whole shard of creator thing, in this world."

>Oh. I was in the dreamworld when that happened.

"Well sucks to be you."


"Yes you can join now."

>I really don't want to.

"Well, good to know lack of good life choices is a consistent thing with you across universes."



>Sorry for the show. But, I have to know.




>Oh, I thought you would surely cut me off like you did those two. I was sitting here listening to them and I wondered if any of that was true.

"Curious one! Yes, you beat them, and hoo buddy it was impressive. You rhymed about it the whole time, it was like seeing a cosmic rap battle."


"And as for the other thing-"

>I do not particularly care about that ranking. I do not mind if this sends my score tanking.


>Does it matter where I rank in that regard? Surely I'm nowhere near good enough for number one, that's hard.

"Oh yeah obviously not number one. That one's going to-"

She paused and nodded towards the giant being beside her.

"Hoof down. I mean hoof DOWN. He was already my favorite before this, but how are you supposed to manage standing up to an actual deity? He can see my nervous system and do things with my brain! HHHHOOOOOOWOOO!"

>Glad to see your relationship is so fulfilling. And I'm sure his part in this was all willing.

"Sure. I mean, you know all about that, in that world."


"Well, for a little bit. Sadly I had to loop you out of things, because Fluttershy was already filling in the role of Ponyville Baby Mama and a discussion about that thing would lead to strife and you trying to get full power over Everfree, so sadly it was just some cauldron shaking sex but never quite made it to baby making before he never remembered it at all."


"Oh dear you went crosseyed."

>My brain is melting and I can feel it dribbling out my ear. What exactly was that bundle of nonsense that I did just hear?

"It totally made sense in my timeline."


"Just so you know, attempting a sneak attack is a bad idea, he can see into the future and would just like... look in your direction."


She walks off in a huff.

"Good call!"

>Hark! I wish-

"Dead. Suuuuuper dead. In general, you never even made it close."

>Ah. Good day to you.

He leaves.

"...who the fuck was that guy anyway?"


>OW!... you did not!

"Don't you make him feel bad, he's a good guy!"

>You uh... know him?

"He's a good guy."

>Like, how.

"By being a good guy who does not deserve to feel bad knowing he got killed."

>No but actually how.

"...I lived in his room for like a week while I refueled on love after getting my ass destroyed."

>...metaphorically, or-


>Ow!... Why aren't you stopping her!?

~Hm? Oh, me damn it! Now I have to start all over! Nobody else hit her or you will face my divine wrath!~



She lifts her hoof.

>You cannot be serious.

"A part of me wants to know who'd win..."
Historically Salt




"Hello there."

She smiles, her breath heavy.

>Can you, uh, not stand so close to me? You're making me claustrophobic.

"You got a slice, but you could have had all of this forever."

She rubs her flank and sways back and forth.


And back and forth and back and forth and back and

>I need an adult.
"Just for the record, this applies to a very large number. On that note!"

She walks over to Twilight, and begins to sway.

"You could have had it foreeeeever."

Once the lavender mare looks assuredly uncomfortable, the proud mare moves onto her next target.

>...The fuck.

Twilight shrugs, subtly brushing fur that now feels very dirty.



>Welllll? My turn? Little shake and everything?

"I have absolutely no idea who you are."

She moves past him, and goes to Sunburst.

"It could've all be yours, foreverrrr, you could've been a god, too baadddddd."

And with the shake, she moves on.

~...the fu-~

>I don't even want to hear it.

~Wait, does that mean-~

"Went crazy and tried to explode the world!"

He watches her leave.

~The FU-~

>Don't want to hear it!

>So, here's the idea.

Limestone's two sisters had not asked to be a part the impromptu family huddle, but they were in little position to force themselves away from their sibling's classic overly tight grip.

>I think that blue dragon was onto something.

"You mean before she got completely outdone and only survived because apparently she's his baby mama?"

>Yes! Before that! She was onto something with the pink one!

'She's purple.'

>Do not start with me, Maud!

'I finished, actually.'

>Listen! Clearly we need to distract him or something, because whenever he does whatever he does-

"Charting a course through, uh..."

She poked her head up, watching the universe unfold just beyond their protective barrier.

"The everything's all messed up."

'Bad enough for a god to have a problem with, apparently.'

>He's not a god!

"...I mean, he certainly looks like one. Not a good one, but still."

'It would be unwise to anger someone who can defeat the Elements of Harmony by gesturing at them.'

>Which is why we're not going to! What we're going to do is grab that little nutjob, and push her out into that craziness out there! If he has this much trouble going through it, it'll keep him busy for who knows how long getting her back through it!

The other two members of the Pies stared blankly at their sister. Odd, since that was usually reserved for one of them.

"There is some logic in there, like there's logic in saying if you're hot, then a pool of crocodiles still cools you off..."

'He would be very upset with us.'

"Very upset with us."

'Would probably turn our insides outside.'

"Or something even worse!"

'Why would we do it?'


The mare seemed quite proud of herself.

>But 'we' are not going to do it... Marble is.



Whatever expletives, screams, and good old fashioned incredulous rage was about to come out died a quick death when the trio realized a body was now directly above them, and with the sudden appearance may very well have been there the whole time. The mare in focus of the discussion didn't see cocky or smug, in a brief loss of character. Glimmer just looked quite confused.

~Why her?~

"Yeah! Why me!?"

>Well I'm not gonna do it now, she obviously knows about it!

~I still want to hear the reasoning.~


'It does seem rather cruel.'

>Nuh uh! She would've been fine.

"I don't see how you possibly came to that conclusion!"

~Same, which is... weird for me.~

>Come onnn, you all felt it when he said that stuff to the dragon, right? That obvious feeling of "I mean you too"? He even kind of looked over here, somehow! He was obviously thinking of more than just her, right?

Realizing the question was directed to her, Glimmer shrugged.

~Uh, yeah? He has more than one baby mama, as you called it. And I guess he was doing that subconscious thing where he looked at them? I don't know, I wasn't paying that much attention.~

>See!? I was right on the money!


She seemed assured in her victory, which was a stark contrast to everyone staring at her as if she'd gone mad.

>Come on, put it together. Subtly feeling, sensations over here... come on. You know what that means, right? There's no way he'd ever hurt one of his future baby mommas!

Throwing all subtly, and a few accidental pebbles, to the wind and Marble's together, she gestured to her youngest sister.



She looked so proud, so smug, as she turned to the mare hovering above them. Her grin showed every pearly white as she barely held back rubbing it in further. She expected, if nothing else, a bitter concession.


All she got was a stare.

"L-... Limestone?"

And a very odd feeling running down her spine.

"I didn't... feel anything."

Her grin slowly but surely left her as she turned to Marble. Her little sister didn't look like she was lying, and out of confusion she turned to her elder sibling.

'Me either.'

She looked between them, nothing quite clicking, until she turned back to the alicorn up above.

>Shit, I imagined all that, didn't I?

Glimmer breathed deeply through her nostrils, and brought both of her hooves together. Slowly, she rolled them forwards.


Towards Limestone.


It took the two siblings beside her seconds to put it together.

>What is that supposed to mean!?

It took far longer for the mare herself for it to click.

>...Fuck you.

A purple eyebrow raised, more confused than anything.

>Fuck! You! Fuck you, bitch! I'm not falling for-for this.. for this ploy to get me to turn to your side, or some stupid shit! I'm not that stupid! Look at me, huh!? You think I'm fooled!? Get your skinny ass down here and I'll show you who the fool is!

~...I'm confused.~

Sensing she wasn't getting anything from the raging mare, she turned to the others.

~Why's she angry about this?~

'She's angry about most things.'

~Really? I never got that impression.~

>Fuck! You!

With a sigh, she finally turned back.

~What exactly is your problem? You're one of the Divine! One of the chosen mates of the highest on high, blessed in all regards and protected from any harm that may ever come to you. Your home will never know strife and your family will only know joy, what's the problem here?~

>Because you're fucking full of it! He's not going to pick me! Why would anyone pick me!?

She pointed just a bit too harshly at her sister.

>Marble's right there! She's so much more cute, and nicer, and she actually wants to be around ponies! Look at her, she's adorable! She's the cutest! What's wrong with my little sister, huh!?

She turned and shook her hoof at the dark shape above.

>What are you implying huh!? That she's not good enough for you!? Or, oh, let me guess, it's some big fate god thing or some shit!? I'm not a puppet, you asshole! I'm-

~Oh no, you were way before the whole god thing. You were in on the ground floor of this.~


She froze with hoof mid shake, her neck creaking as she looked back to the mare.

>What does that mean? What does that mean!?

~I mean he was just, like... a pony when it happened? An alicorn, granted, but still just a pony. He wasn't all... whomohooo.~

>You're lying.

She sighed, turning back to the pair.

~The one in my universe was not this self doubty.~

'I very much doubt that."

"Yeah, you sure she's the right one?"

~She threatened to break his balls off if he tried to get with either of you. Insisted she would be sad about it, but she'd do it.~

'...that does sound more like Limestone.'

"Yeah, that's her."

As they chatted, things began to click into place. Or rather, crack in side of Limestone's head.

>Did... did someone make him?


>Did someone make him!?

She looked almost bored.

~Oh, oh no. He always picked you. Honestly I only had to reset once to get you two together, and that's only because you got real mopey that Marble got ate.~


~You're fine, calm down. I blinked it so that he saved you both that go around.~

"...t-thank you?"

~Don't see why you would, I only did it because none of you guys were in a mood to get loving with a dead sibling. Heck, I thought getting with you would be the easy one. Look at you, I feel like he could've just told you that the two of you were dating and you'd go along with it!~


~But regardless, I just had to hurry things along so he had a lover in that place. It wasn't a huge priority but if he left that gap on the western side open he was going to fuss about it, and your rock farm fit perfect for a new eventual kingdom. Honestly, it could've been any of you. Pinkie was there, it could've been her. Kind of wish it was her, would've been funny. But nope, he took a shine to you, I guess, and frankly it didn't matter to me. You checked the boxes, and he was all too happy to rock you world. Get it?~

A million billion thoughts swirled around her head. Chief among them was the one that slipped out before she could catch it.

>S... someone wanted... me?


>Like... me me? Not... not, they liked Marble, or Maud, or Pinkie, but settled?

~Could've had any of them. Could've had your mom, if he wanted, I could make it happen. But in the end, he picked...~

The tip of a tappy hoof poked her in the chest.

~You. Divine of the Earthlands, Limestone Pie. Lover of the great Alicorn Shining Armor, and eventually, mother of the grand Alicorn of Stone. That's you.~

When the other mare stayed silent, Glimmer reasoned her work here was done.

~Or at least, it is for a version of you. A version of you got to be happy with a wonderful coltfriend, who loved her the whole time. Some version out there spends every day, happy, because she found love. But, oh... Shame...~

She left with a smile.

~Looks like you're still single.~

Leaving only those feelings in her wake, as Limestone turned to the dark shape beside them.

"...so, um... c-congradulations?


'Not the time, sister.'

"I'm happy for her, though. See!"

She proudly smacked the mare on the shoulder.

"You thought nobody would think you're cute, or nice, or um... pretty, but obviously someone like that does! And he could've had anyone! Did have a lot of them, apparently, but still chose you! Wanted you! See? You just needed to believe in yourself a little more!"

Limestone hadn't moved, she just kept staring at the "God" who had arrived.

'The pep attempt is appreciated, but I fear she's in the middle of an existential crisis.'

"...do you hear popping?"

'Her brain might also be frying.'

In response, she muttered.


'Definitely fried.'

(Is this a bad time to say he's kind of a jerk?)

Two of the three turned, and found their pink sister waiting.

(Cause he's kind of a jerk.)


(Also he does it with a lot of mares, and dragons, and griffons, and sea ponies besides you!)



'Pinkie stop.'

She through her hooves in the air like she did much care.


Limestone had a lot of thinking to do, as an odd feeling passed over her.

>Her first instinct was to defend her sister and assure her


That said maybe she'll actually make a move on Soundcheck now that she knows it's possible someone could legit pick her.
It'd at least be something new.
>404 Self Confidence Error
Does Limestone even have the context Salt was divorced in this timeline? I mean she knew A Shining Armor Alicorn-Edition showed up in Canterlot and bitchslapped AUJ, but I don't think he shared a ton of history with the Pies or anything. Like she would know who he is but she's missing like all the other pieces, right?
No, but I doubt it matters. The only thing she cared about was that anyone would, confirmed, pick her instead, and pick her totally. Like it don't even matter it's Salt. it's "Her".
Yeah I figured that, I just found it funny she’s missing like 80 percent of the story. The main thing is obviously a self confidence thing for her but still

>...So does that mean-

"I really doubt it, trust me. Our Shiny is way different than that guy. Night and light different!"

>Puns, glorious.

"I'm serious! That guy broke up with Cadence and went on a crazy bender, sticking his doodle into all sorts of things!"

>That does sound unlike the Shining we know.

"Not like each other at all! He's a totally different guy."

>Point. He never did show much interest in her.

"That and Cadence would be torked if another shark got in the pool."

>That is not an unreasonable issue.


>...so who else-

"You don't want to know. But the important thing, not me!"



"...so who the heck is that guy standing awkwardly to the side?"

>I have no idea, I missed most of that.

"He looks so familiar."

>You've probably seen him, met him, and interacted with him, and now don't remember him.


>He's going to judge you.

"...Maudy why..."

>Because you've been gone so long and need to be punished.
She remembers everyone fool!
Which is why it’s fun when she forgets.
Damn right girl untouchable.

>Why's it feel like that mare has one hell of a grudge against me?


>GAH! How did you hear-

"I don't have a grudge against you, silly!"

>Yeah? You've got a funny way of showing it.

"Do you mean the gloating? But I did it to everyone."

>You started with me. Completely unprompted.

"Oh, Miles..."

She moves in close and throws her hooves around his shoulders, pulling him low into a hug against her chest as though he were a weeping child.


A hug he found he had a rather difficult time pulling away from. Not because it was nice. It frankly made his skin crawl with such intensity it looked ready to leap from his bones. But because she was freakishly strong.

"You're one of the few I could never truly be mad at. Or even disappointed with."

Yet the softness of her voice, the genuine melancholy that seemed to permeate her words, stifled his unease for just a moment.

>...What do you mean?

The words came out slow, as if his mind tried desperately to hold them back, but his heart was too curious to resist asking.

"I mean I learned so much from you. From raising you up. From your run of Godhood. Especially with how you overcame the... what does your side call them? The Big Four? The Primal Four? The Primal Fources?"


"Oh, it doesn't matter. Point is, it was a valuable experience. And our moments together..."

He could feel her smile widen against the top of his head.

"Well, let's just say you're definitely top five in my Greatest Hits."

As surely as he could feel his skin crawl again.

>How nice for you. I don't know whether I should be frightened that other-me gave up his single-and-looking status to settle for you, or worried how you forced him into it.

"Forced? If only you knew."

>I honestly don't want to.

"But he didn't settle. Let alone just for me."

>..."Just" as in...?

"He didn't have quite as much love to spread as my Beloved, but-"

>Ocean take me, I cannot believe this! Ugghh!

"Please. Don't act like you wouldn't do the same. Because I literally know you would."

He grit his teeth, eyes narrowed, though he couldn't move to fix her with a glare.


"Well, you stallions seem to be incapable of-"

>No, no, no, no! I mean, why are you talking like this? Acting like other-me is someone special to you when you're busy shacking up with another guy now? He must have pissed you off, or vice-versa, because there's no other reason why he wouldn't be the one barging in to help the bad guys.

"Do you really want to know?"

Her voice was quiet. Melancholic.

>...Not the details.

But he could feel her smile again. Genuine. Warm.

"Because, despite how things turned out, despite how cruel you were to me, even though I only wanted what was best for all of reality..."

There was no doubt she was lying. Playing the noble victim.

"I know you... I know he still loved me."

Still, he found himself believing her, if only slightly.

"I won't forget that."

And that sent a chill down his spine.
… wait but that’s wrong, isn’t it?

Glimmers turning point with Salt was realizing that he was the only one who wouldn’t give her up and even attempt the big confrontation and maybe fix the world so long as she was in a relationship with him, she had a big moment about that with the irony of her finally finding someone who won’t abandon her but was unable to stick with it herself, that’s why she couldn’t be in a relationship with him for the last loop.

Making altDelights run super special in that way is a pretty big contradiction
My bigger hangup is her implying she still liked him after he presumably abandoned her, which is an important part of her character.

THAT SAID, I didn't know where the Glimmer flirting with Salt thing was going back in the day either, didn't make much sense to me at all and eventually that turned out to be one hell of a twist to the story and recontextualized everything to make it better, so I'm willing to see where this weird train is going. He seems pretty intent on Glimmer liking D for some reason, there's probably going to be a pretty major story connection somewhere this close to the the next big happening. It's weird, but I'll let him cook.
Alright fair enough, I’ll see where this goes. She keeps bringing it up even when Salt is right there and just rescued her, it’s gotta be going somewhere.
>Glimmers turning point with Salt was realizing that he was the only one who wouldn’t give her up and even attempt the big confrontation and maybe fix the world so long as she was in a relationship with him
Which hilariously was because of his own abandonment issues. Everyone else was the wrong brand of crazy and when she found someone with the exact same hangups she got pissed because he wouldn't do what she wanted him to. She hated herself but never admitted it.
>. She keeps bringing it up even when Salt is right there

You think she wants him to do something about it? I mean it’s not THE Delight she’s talking about, but maybe she’s kind of prodding him to do something about it? See if he’s jealous? I don’t want to speculate too much but I’m kind of curious about her angle now. Everyone else she just acted cocky and mocking but this one seemed to be lacking that, what is it that she’s wanting to get out of the interaction now that she has everything? It can’t just be simple reminiscing since she didn’t do it with anyone else.

is it because he’s a guard?
Is it really a contradiction? From what I remember, Glimmer's wording implies that everyone she went through eventually "forgot" about her after ascending to godhood or turning evil, which I find unlikely as something she's telling the truth about. Especially for the ones that went evil since, you know, she likely traumatized them. and evil people aren't known for forgiveness. Some of them eventually turning on her strikes me as a likely scenario. In that sense, Alt-Delight wouldn't need to be "super" special. He would at most have a unique interaction with her, like some of the other candidates like would have considering how she's apparently gone through more people than one might assume for reasons that haven't been fleshed out.

The greater point is that I find it unlikely that every single person she tried just abandoned her on her first go 'round with them. And considering how her goal literally revolves around them going through the god gauntlet, her wording strikes me as hypocritical over factual.

I mean if Alt-Shining can still like her after she flat out tortured him and his family and murdered his loved ones, I think it's fine if she still likes that particular Alt-D considering the actual nature of that relationship hasn't been fleshed out.

But the greater point is that to say that none of them stood by her seems an unlikely thingturned on her after their ascension seems an unlikely thing.

The way I see it is that Alt-Delight isn't super special
>about her after ascending to godhood or turning evil,
I don’t have much to add to the discussion, but I just want to do chime in and say nobody got the good ascension from what she said, either they went full evil being or just wiped them out completely with the power of love and Harmony so they could never return.

Maybe some of them got some horny wings as a reward but Salt was the only one who figured out how to define them.
>which I find unlikely as something she's telling the truth about
I think that might be a hindsight thing. Like they said, Salt is the only one who got to the final stage and had her same hang up and wouldn’t go through with it if it meant giving her up. Maybe what she meant is everyone else totally went through with it despite her being alive and it struck her that all of them were willing to abandon her for godhood? Salt is the only one she didn’t romance in the True Route because if she died, she couldn’t reset if things went south and if she didn’t die he didn’t go through with it. Salts okay with what went down because God and is apparently willing to forgive any shit she does. That was the whole reason she tried to kill AUJ despite Salt telling her not to.

>considering how she's apparently gone through more people than one might assume for reasons that haven't been fleshed out.

I don’t get what you mean here, her reasons were very fleshed out. None of them got to Godhood in the way she wanted, either they went crazy and brought about the end of the world or the big four were no more because they won the final battle, nobody else got the full power without the drawback and Salt was her last chance thanks to AJ and the others getting in and setting a paradox break point, that and having to steal the regverse big four

That aside she obviously was treating Delight way more special, he even pointed that out. It’s
Yeah the one thing that got hammered over and over was Salts go was pure Hail Mary, she couldn’t plan for most of it thanks to AJ being around and she only got one shot with him post her arrival thanks to her fucking the AU Big Four out of their minds. She’d tried everyone over and over but either ones like Twilight just plain won and destroyed the big four once and for all, or ones like Trixie gave into it and just became an avatar of their destruction.

That said I disagree with the idea about it being a hindsight thing. Much more likely to me is that she saw them going crazy as abandoning her, completely reasonable, or much more likely when they won and emerged having seen what they did, they rightly turned on her and made their reasonings known. Salt is different only because he succeeded. The only reason he wouldn’t quite reasonably lose his shit that she manipulated him, engineered the death of his loved ones and ravaged the world is because HE WON. He can just be like “well it all worked out and I’m god and everyone is happy.” But would anyone else? Especially because in the situations where they beat the Big Four, that’s it, all those others she sacrificed to push them into that situation are dead and forever dead, they aren’t coming back. Salt could just go “Nevermind they’re fine”, but nobody else got that option. To them, Glimmer just killed off everyone, and I do mean everyone, else they were in love with.

It would be weirder if they didn’t all abandon her after that.
That actually does make more sense. Even if they became alicorns or something, I don’t see them, forgiving her when everybody is all dead.
>or just wiped them out completely with the power of love and Harmony
If they're strong enough to 1v4 gods, I'd say it's a bit contradictory to not consider that an ascension to godhood. The sheer power needed to do that seems like it should be enough to allow them to do pretty much anything.
>The way I see it is that Alt-Delight isn't super special
But you had her repeatedly go back to him to assert how special he was
>If they're strong enough to 1v4 gods,

That’s not how the “fight” goes, it’s a purely mental thing. We saw that with the Salt fight. Regular ponies like Pommel could pull it off when he did the same to Red, or Sebjek to Scarlet Emissary. They didn’t superbeam them to death, they used love and Harmony to wipe them out on a conceptual level.
Yeah that was established back when Red got locked into Primrose, you can’t “kill” them in a normal sense, even Discord pointed out that the Elements of Harmony wouldn’t actually do anything permanent, they’re literally primal beings, Glimmer had to make the black spire and make it a purely mind battle, which is why AJ got caught up in it and went through Salts memories of the loops. If it had just been a 1-1 with Lavan then Salt didn’t have enough power to actually do anything permanent.

Twilight and presumably the other 5 beat them as a concept, presumably similar to Salt but he was the only one who figured out to define them rather than just force the matter of their existence. Nobody else became a god otherwise Glimmer could’ve called it quits with one.
Don't remember Pommel, but Sebjek had to break through to Delight and use the staff of Sacanas to take hold of her power and do anything.
If they could wipe them out conceptually, why not tame them conceptually if the whole point was to use their power? Or did Glimmer just not tell them what the goal was?
This may be tinfoil hatty of me but I always thought the defining factor in the big win wasn’t Salt.

It was that this was the only loop AJ was there
>Don't remember Pommel,
His arc is during Cordyceps, concurrent and everything

>they could wipe them out conceptually, why not tame them conceptually
Because they literally choose oblivion instead of it. They did it with Salt too, but he figured out how to keep them from taking their power with them into nonexistence.

Salts defining difference was he defined their powers and made them part of their world by making what they were inextricably linked to what Magic does. Magic makes living creatures, changes size, produces more power than anything should logically be able to hold. All the stuff they do, so by making their power part of that concept, they couldn’t take it with them when they chose to willingly blink themselves into nothing again. Like he said outright, Faust Named them and by extension locked them into this world, but she did not define them(so they could define themselves like Lavan did and belong in this world). Salt figured out that last bump with AJs help

>Or did Glimmer just not tell them what the goal was?
She didn’t know how to get them to win and keep the power, if she did she would’ve done it herself. She needed them to figure out the contradiction of them choosing to not exist anymore rather than have their power used, but also not have using their power lead to madness. She admitted she had no idea how to actually pull that off.
Oh almost certainly, her being there had to be important
Fun fact, due to her being the “break point” both times, AUJ is the only one of the majors who didn’t get a turn

>… could’a done it in one.

“Applejack don’t.”

>Ah’ would had them things workin on mah dang farm and BEEN HAPPY ABOUT IT!
So, they refused to be tamed and erased themselves? Then Salt names them, basically taming them, they erase themselves anyways, but he still gets to get the powers? But the magic that others used to destroy them conceptually was unable to simply overwrite their conscious conceptually? Or they didn't bother trying that?
>So, they refused to be tamed and erased themselves?
Sometimes, she said other times they just chose that instead of losing.

>Then Salt names them,
Nope, they were already named by Faust, and that's why they couldn't exist outside of the world. They went from being higher beings to locked into the Equestrian world because they weren't "Nothing" anymore at the end of the final battle with Faust. They had names, what they weren't were truly "Part of the world". They were contradictions, or as Salt eventually defined them, Paradox. Now their powers aren't "Their" powers, just like naming them locked them into their world, defining their powers locked their powers into that world, and it was no longer "Them". That's why they chose oblivion rather than be forever denied being part of "Nothing", and why Lavan is totally fine. He already defined what he was.

>But the magic that others used to destroy them conceptually
They didn't use magic, it was a mind battle where they either used Love or Harmony and I think she mentioned other stuff? to defeat them on a conceptual level, and rather than be defeated and tamed they chose to eradicate themselves. But, because their power was still part of them and hadn't been "Defined", it went with them.

>was unable to simply overwrite their conscious conceptually?
They wouldn't let it get that far, they didn't want to exist in that world and were working towards returning all the world to the nameless "Nothing" that is full of stuff.

>Or they didn't bother trying that?
I'm sure they did, it wouldn't work until they separated the concept of the being from the Paradox of what they were able to do. Then, once that power was a part of the world via Magic, they could only choose to kill themselves. Every other time, it just went with them because it was still "Them"

I might be overexplaining things.
>basically taming them
He didn't tame them, he made their power part of the magic of the universe. Their power is now the explanation of why magic makes no sense and can change reality on a whim. This meant that they were now a part of the world down to a conceptual level, the worst thing that could possibly happen to them since their whole dealio is
>Shit was better when all this stuff was nothing and didn't have names or reasoning! Fucking Faust coming in, giving things names and reason and taking away all our Nothing by making the things named things!
So they said
>Fuck this shit I'm out for good.
So now their power of essentially what magic IS was just floating around and Salt took it, meaning he now controls all the not-make-sense paradox Magic on a conceptual level across his world and apparently this one now.

But yeah naming them wouldn't do anything, they had names and it pissed them off.
>They went from being higher beings to locked into the Equestrian world because they weren't "Nothing"
They had names, technically. They already were not "Nothing" conceptually. It's odd how they refused to let themselves be controlled, but basically roll over to being controlled anyways.
>They wouldn't let it get that far
I'm confused as to how they did with Salt, then, because it reads like the same thing conclusion but with extra steps.
>I might be overexplaining things.
To be fair, the entire situation is a kind of cosmically unfathomable concept. Making it logically work is kind of a tall order.
>He didn't tame them, he made their power part of the magic of the universe.
The magic which is already confined to the universe, which was the whole point of the regverse hijacking? So he tamed them. I understand what you're getting at, though. Trust me. It's just this whole talk of paradox is an interesting paradox in itself.

Side note: it's also weird how he talks like a villain-protagonist and is shadowy. Seems a little off on the whole idea that he actually won over them.
>They had names, technically.
Not before Faust, they were Nothing(But also something) before that. During th big clash where Blue got chipped off, she named them and kept them from ever existing in that state again.

>but basically roll over to being controlled anyways.
But they're not controlled, they're gone. Completely and utterly gone, they just couldn't take their power with them this go round because now that power is a part of Magic itself.

>I'm confused as to how they did with Salt, then,
They gave him an ultimatum to either try to destroy them, cast them away, or let them control him. The problem is that by the time they realized what he was doing, it was too late. By defining their power as a concept in his mind, it was already done. They would have gone to oblivion faster if they'd imagined he could have done that, period. After that they had two options.
>Become a part of the world truly, powers and all, and forever lock themselves into an existence they despised more than anything
>Choose oblivion and leave, knowing they could not bring their power with them because it was now inextricably linked to the very concept of magic. If it is their power, they cannot choose oblivion, for they're now a part of the world
>To be fair, the entire situation is a kind of cosmically unfathomable concept.
Fair enough.

>The magic which is already confined to the universe,
The magic wasn't confined to anything except them, which is why it was able to break Faust's magic. They were the ones using it to cause contradictions with Souls(Red) contradictions with creating monsters(Hydia) and so forth. Their power is universal in scale, but they couldn't use it because they themselves were locked into this world.

That's the big thing with them, at any point they could've returned to full power just by choosing to accept being a part of this world, Lavan did it but chose to cast out his magic so he may live among his friends, but they'd literally rather die. They wanted to turn everything into what it was.

>So he tamed them.
Their consciousness isn't part of the equation past that point. They're not tamed because they don't exist anymore, they just left their power behind rather than be shackled to existence.

>it's also weird how he talks like a villain-protagonist and is shadowy.
I mean he's not a good guy through and through, otherwise he would've just annihilated them right away like the Elements did.

>Seems a little off on the whole idea that he actually won over them.
He just found a lawyer loophole to say "You can go, the power stays."

The idle floating of Starlight Glimmer had crossed a lot of distance, far more than normally was capable without flapping one's alicorn wings, but eventually through laziness or deliberate movement, she neared one among the crowd.

>Not interested.

One who was ready for her, before she'd even opened her mouth.

"Now, don't be like that."

>If you want to bother someone, pick one who doesn't have centuries of experience dealing with pests. Perhaps that white dragon over there would be more your speed?

"Fizzle? Nah, he's not all that great in the thinking parts of these matters."

>I'll be sure to pass that along.

"Go ahead, he'll probably fist bump and go "Damn right!"

>Sounds like you have a rapport with him, best to go enjoy it with the time you have.

"Oh? Why, is someone going to lock me into another dimension again?"

The smug words dared Celestia to try, she could barely contain herself as she readied for a retribution.

>Regardless of how much you deserve it, I think you've had enough. Best not to make the poor soul up there have to fix yet another of your many messes.

She got a twitch and a hitch of a breath, enough to call out a warning of an impending tirade.

"You know, did you ever wonder how you fared-"

>Save it.

"Oh ho, but don't you know? You and I-"

A flippant scoff was enough to take her off guard.

>I was forced to witness far worse through my alternate self's eyes, whatever mental image you seek to conjure of actions you manipulated her into cannot hope to compare to what she did willingly.

"Oh ho! Front row seat! You must've loved that."

>One out of ten, do not recommend.

"Such a harsh critic..."

>...why are you here, Glimmer?

The lavender mare cocked an eyebrow, looking upon the wisest mare as if she were a drooling toddler who had asked what crayons taste like.

"Well, you see, this horrid little tart dragged me here against my will-"

>I mean why are you here, now. He has arrived, the damsel in distress has been rescued, what keeps you here beyond such times?

"Didn't you hear him?

She rolled listlessly, until her nose pointed straight up into the chaotic sky.

"He's charting a course, I can't interrupt that. Be thankful about that, otherwise I'd tell him to shrink down, come over here and just destroy me on a level that leaves all of you realizing no intimacy you ever experience will hope to match. He would leave me a drooling mess and the lot of you hollow shells, I've seen it before."


"I like to think it's loving."

>Sounds like you had quite a lot of that.

"I did, I did..."

She looked wistful, for a moment. Before, eventually, it turned sour.

"I did."

She said the final word with a touch of spite.

>Oh? I take it things didn't go so well? My, whoever could have guessed, you seem like such a nice mare, where did things go wrong?

"Well, in your particular case... becoming a raging avatar of darkness and nothingness as you sought to wipe out all existence."


There was an odd hitch in her words, a slight shift in her stance. Celestia, despite her best efforts, could not tell if the mare was merely lying in order to get under her skin, or if the memory was a particularly foul one.

>I do have my moody days.

"Oh! You sure did! You sure did..."

Her words were almost sad. Almost.

>And? What of the others? What did they do to you, upon their emergence?

"...They abandoned me, like I said."

>I assume there's more to the story.

"Does it matter?"

She lazily waved her hoof to the shadow above, and the one still charting a course through broken time.

"I found the one who will never leave me, never abandon me, no matter what happens. The one who will always forgive me..."

It struck Celestia, then, how the mare had appeared when she timidly asked the new and quite unimproved Shining Armor if he would forgive her. She had looked so relieved, her whole body drooping.

>I take it forgiveness was in short supply in other, how did you refer to them? Loops?

"...You could say that."

This time, all she had to do was wait.

"I had to do it, you know."

And the braggart would spill it herself.

"I had to make them see the loops to get to that point. If they didn't see each loop and figured out how to alter time correctly, they'd be... well."

All she needed to do was gesture beyond the protective dome.

"He got that right on one try, by the way."

>I'm proud of him.

"Yeah... but it also meant..."

>They had to see all you did, all you manipulated, to put them into that situation.

She didn't answer. She didn't need to.

>I wonder... of the ones you said, won that final battle, how many still cared for you after it was done?

She didn't answer that either. She didn't need to.

>Not a one?

"It wouldn't matter if they did. They eradicated those four, ugh, things. Their powers gone into oblivion with their minds, though their own choosing or through divine intervention to carry them away. However they won that final clash, there was nothing left of them."

>Until you reversed time once again, you mean.

A side eye was all she got for the unhidden snipe.

"Their inability to exist outside of time is a bit of a sticking point with them. Well, was a bit of a sticking point... is a bit of a sticking point? They're technically still in existence in that world. Or did he define them too?... They'd still exist obviously, they're too mindbroken to..."

She realized she was rambling, and clammed up.

"...My point is, if they won in that way, they weren't going to be of any use. They were but ponies. No point in sticking around, either! The world was in shambles at that point, death and destruction far and wide!"

>All of your creation.

Those four words, among all others spoken, seemed to stick with her the longest. Her grand swinging forelegs eventually came to rest on her stomach, and her eyes stared ever further into the chaos above.

>I take it they were... upset?

"They abandoned me."


>Not quite in the mood for tender kisses after learning their beau had orchestrated the death of their loved ones?

"They abandoned me!"

>Triumphant, but knowing the whole time... it was all your fault.


She turned on the princess at last, her powers flaring up enough to cause a cascade of burning heat to travel across the land. Had they not been still beneath the glow of Harmony's Grace or the Rage of Devonia, there likely would have been casualties to be swept up in a dustpan far and wide. As it was, instead, they felt little more than a particularly hot breeze.

"...they should have understood what I was trying to do. Like he does. They should have accepted that I was trying to make them greater. They should have known-"

A strange sensation rolled across them both. Cool, comforting, warm. Like a gentle embrace, unseen.

>Oh of course, what's a little war and potential genocide between lovers?


She scoffed, and turned her back on the princess once more.

>I'm curious, though, what was it like the second time.

"...in general?"

The blinking mare glanced back in confusion, her brain wracking to make sense of it.

"Because Luna was-"

>I meant, the second time an individual tried.

Slowly, Glimmer finally turned to regard the other mare.

"Like... the same one, trying to gain their power, twice?"

>Of course.

"...why would I let them try more than once?"

Like the blooming of a flower, things began to open wide, and seem clearer to the elder princess.

>Why not? Those wretched things were still bound by the concept of time, due to my dear mother and all, why not simply roll things back and let them have another go, secure in the knowledge of what didn't work this time? Maybe they would realize how easily they were corrupted, or see another venue that doesn't involve instant destruction.

"That... that's stupid."

She scoffed.


"Either they worked the first time, or they weren't meant to do it, simple as. I told you that to your face. Don't tell me you're growing senile in your old age, I'm technically younger than you!"

>Are you certain that's your reason?

"Isn't it obvious? Do you know how hard it is to prepare them one time? Why bother rolling back and seeing if I could educate them more? They didn't work. Time to choose one who could."

>Or, rather... in both cases, they didn't choose you in the end, did they?

Her fur bristled.

>By transformation into beings of darkness who chose power over their love for you, or triumphant heroes coming forth with righteous rage for all that has transpired, they all ended the same, didn't they? They didn't want the one who had done this to them. They didn't want to love her, they didn't want to forgive her. They. Didn't. Want.... you.

Glimmer hovered there in silence. Face as still as stone, wings never flapping, forelegs crossed. Glare sharp as a razor on her face.

"You're lucky."

Words, cold as death.

"You're so lucky, he always seems to like you. You're lucky that even now, he'd probably move you to safety if I struck. I know him, he can't imagine you dying, even if you rightly deserve it. You're a lucky, special little mare, aren't you?"

She floated close, she sneered.

"But in the end, he could walk away from you... he couldn't do the same to me."

>But would he... if he had failed like all the others?

Alicorn to alicorn, power to power, they stared.

"...you're boring me."

She vanished in a blink, off to torment some poor soul in retribution for a crime never committed.

>Have you anything to chime in?

She glanced up above, and gained no answer for it.

>You've forgiven her for an awful lot, haven't you? For one who professes their love so openly, it seems odd you'd brush off one who engineered their demise. But, then again...

Nothing came in response, not so much as a twitch of black fur.

>... you are a bit of a Paradox, aren't you?
>I mean he's not a good guy through and through
Setting aside how the M6 can be morally questionable, from purely how the story canonically portrays him and not personal feelings toward said portrayal, I feel like that's wrong. In the case of the Big Four, he had the chance to basically be all-powerful with no strings attached and took it. I mean a total of zero negative consequences involved. The writing's said as much two separate times, coincidentally through a version of Celestia each time, and shuts down arguments otherwise. In that case, anyone would have done so.

That's assuming there really are no strings and it doesn't get pulled on him.
I should add this is mostly in reference to him taking the Big Four powers. The whole part where he helps Chitania with her goal of beating up Faust is pretty evil on his part. And stupid.
>I feel like that's wrong
I'm gonna have to disagree seeing him go full genocide route at the end of the War Arc. Even Alt-Delight was horrified he just straight up executed a surrendering soldier and their entire army. When he snaps, he SNAPS, Applejack had to full on fight him and whoop his ass in the middle of a burning building because he went terminator on the other leaders at the expense of his soldiers. And then later he eradicated the entire Chaos dimension.

> I mean a total of zero negative consequences involved
I kind of feel like this being true actually helps the idea he's not a Reg-Shining level good guy. Sure, he's not comically evil or even majorly evil, but he's not afraid to wipe out stuff from existence and even now he's apparently about to go fight Faust who has literally done nothing to him in any capacity.

Thing is, it's not even him keeping his word, HE never promised an exchange. HE wasn't even part of the discussion till he got the powerup. But he's still trying to honor the deal Glimmer made, even though Discord pointed out that's not something he has to do. Does he have his reasoning? Sure, he's quite understandably worried Faust is just busy with Chitania right now, and after that victory she'd come over and open up a can on his ass, but at the same time it's coming from a selfish place. Is he evil? Nah, just has some self centered tendency and lack of restraint in regards to anger, but is otherwise a good-hearted guy. He's still Shining, just... not the best Shining.

> In that case, anyone would have done so.
I mean several who went full evil aren't actually evil anyway, it's not like Trixie's deep down an evil soul just because in that universe she went gaga. She's a good girl who helped out the Ghostbusters selflessly multiple times.

Getting the powers or not isn't a sign of evil.
You know I never really thought she only tried one time in the Vs 4 battle for each one, but in hindsight she's never implied she did it more than once, did she? Like I can't think of a single time she didn't only talk about it as if it was one time.

Think I got mandella effected.
It honestly makes more sense, she’s got crazy abandonment issues. If someone chewed her out like she deserves to be after they beat the Big Four and told her to pound sand, she’d take it personal. No way would she give them a chance at godhood, that means they’d abandon her later. It obviously makes more sense to just, like, redo the one you spent so much time with, but if they’re not going to kiss her hoof then she’s not gonna make it happen

Salt just managed to pull it off and not go off on her.

>Seriously!? You too!?

"...Were you standing there the whole time?"

>Guard, your highness, kind of my job to be in the vicinity.

"Huh. I'm just shocked I didn't notice you."

>Pretty par for the course, actually.

"Hm. Doubt that will be too much of a problem, going forwards."

>Ah, you heard that whole... shouting thing?

"No, sadly I was... well truth be told, I don't know where Sunset shoved me after my defeat, but I had to use good old fashioned sleuthing. Also known as paying attention and putting the pieces together."

>If you ever need a defense in honor of your detective skills, I'm your stallion.

"Such a stalwart guard, I see why I hired you."

>I did check the box of "Am white".

"I fear that was a self fulfilling prophecy..."

>Well then, that would be your-

"What was that you were shouting before, by the way? Something about me too?"


"I will make it an order if you feel better."

>I just heard her say apparently you're also one of his lovers?

"A version of me, I need to sternly clarify. If you fear your princess wooed by a stallion with power, know that I resisted all temptation and now mostly just spit insults at him."

>I kind of figured it wasn't you-you.

"Other me sadly went through... events that clouded her judgement. Some of those "Events" had rather colorful names and alcohol percentage."


"But, alas, I do have to at least say she was... happy, before I left. Healthy, whole, bright and colorful as she should be... and I suppose, loved."

>Good, I guess?

"I don't like dwelling on it myself. She had to give it up for this. She gave up a lot to let us have this chance to fight back, and now I fear that it may all be for naught. We were too slow, he's arrived, and now we must hope beyond hope that there is a means to stop him before he finishes the fight and ends this world as we know it."


"It's not the best situation to be in, no. But, as with most, it is ours for good or ill. But, who knows? Perhaps the answer will come from the most unlikely of places..."

>...if you're hoping I'm going to pull another miracle out of my toned flanks, I hate to inform you but I think that area is cored out by this point.

"Always a possibility, I suppose."

>So uh... who else-

"Do you really want to know?"

>I actually do, clearly whoever went for that is desperate for love and I need a date for when this is all over!


>Er, present company excluded.


>I'm still gonna guard you.

"And I will appreciate it.

>Heh. Guess we whiteys aren't interchangeable after all.


>You've been looking up there a lot.

"...Yes. I suppose I have..."

>Need me to rush him?

"No, no... he stopped me from destroying the world, once. I suppose it is my duty to do the same, myself."

>...hold the fuck up, what.

>Ah' would also like to hear exactly what the fuck ya'll are talking about.

"Do not question my wistfulness! I am wistful! And happy!"

>What did you do!?

~What is with you guys declaring the most crazy shit unprompted!?~


>Can you believe that shit? Talking to me like that.


>Take my side.

"...I mean..."


"We're friends! Kinda! I mean you've been a real jerk here recently."

>I have not!


>Okay maybe the victory lap was uncalled for.

"I was still trying to get Chitania here to do anything at all, mare, I wasn't in a good place! I just learned she was alive and I LEFT HER IN THE OCEAN!"

>You got a building dropped on you.

"Not the same!"

>I thought you'd be more upset about sending a killer robot to fuck her up.


>Did I not tell you about the giant robot?


>Well you should've known, that one's on you.

"I thought it was her mom!"

>Wait, what? Where was her mom, then?

"...wait hold up, was the robot made of bones?"

>Was the who with the what now?

"This is all making so much sense."

>Absolutely it's not.

>I hear everyone talking and I feel like my brain is coming out the side of my head.

"They're just saying jibberish at this point. Frankly, jibberish. Gobblegook!"

>Heh, blowjob noises.


>I told you, my brain is fried!
>~What is with you guys declaring the most crazy shit unprompted!?~
Poor guy just wants them to talk normal
>"No, no... he stopped me from destroying the world, once. I suppose it is my duty to do the same, myself."
>>...hold the fuck up, what.
Not gonna lie her being all sage and seriouslike with that declaration and his response is perfect. She's striking a pose for a trailer and he's just sitting there like "What the actual fuck did you just say"
>I think it's fine if she still likes that particular Alt-D considering the actual nature of that relationship hasn't been fleshed out.
I missed the talk after I posted >>41003360 but that's kind of what I was hoping for? Glimglam and abandonment issues are a pretty big thing so her still liking him after>>41003279
>, despite how cruel you were to me
doesn't fit, especially with how she acted around him which seemed wildly ooc given that, but I'm always open to it getting fleshed out to explain what looks like a contradiction into just story bits.

This seems to be going somewhere important since it kept coming back and you got me curious.
He’s got 4th door powers
4th mind
It all makes sense in context!
"despite how cruel you were to me"
It was followed by a description that she was portraying herself in a skewed manner, though.
Before pushing on with fleshing things out or correcting this and that, the biggest of the sticking points from what I've gathered in all of this is that Glimmer has abandonment issues, yes? She makes the claim that all her previous candidates all abandoned her, regardless of how that may look to outside observers as shown by how she doth protest it when talking to Celestia. Despite her blame in bringing this on herself, there is the implication, or at least belief, that she is still mad at all of her previous candidates for "abandoning" her with no nuance to her anger, yes?

So, the most likely way for her to still like a previous candidate would be for them to not have actually abandoned her and for her to recognize that honestly, yes? If both of those criteria can be accepted as something within her character, or some proposed alternate criteria that satisfies the argued contradiction reasonably and logically against any other sticking point, then I see a way forward.

If the criteria absolutely cannot be accepted as possible with her character, then I don't know what to say.
> So, the most likely way for her to still like a previous candidate would be for them to not have actually abandoned her and for her to recognize that honestly, yes?
Sure, but the contradiction in this would be if they didn’t react in a way that would bring up her feelings of Blue’s abandonment, then why would she have ever given up on trying with them? That’s the part that would need fleshed out and reconciling. Why did she both decide they hadn’t abandoned her, but also not worth trying again? Before the Delight thing it was consistent. She said they all abandoned her because of how the events ended, she even had lingering resentment to Altwi over the matter despite her in this context being in the same position of Delight. She fucked up, but like with Blue she’s unwilling to accept she was beyond instant forgiveness because she was trying to make things better. The fight with Aj/UJ in SAA was the first time it got really highlighted, but it established she’s very worried he won’t forgive her, even though she wasn’t willing to stop.

So, then the question becomes, why is Delights situation such a big departure from this? And it is a big departure, it’s a complete 180 to how she treated everyone else. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible, it just means that there must’ve been something majorly different with Alt-Delight than anyone else. How did he not abandon her and send her to the next candidate, but also not in a way that would cause her major trauma with Blue to flare up?

That’s the question
> the biggest of the sticking points from what I've gathered in all of this is that Glimmer has abandonment issues, yes?
… understatement.

She started this with the Sunburst thing, but then there was GOD being inside of her giving her feelings of love and fulfillment and equality while also providing means of never being abandoned ever again, while also making her the favored “believer”, and then just peacing out, uh… left some issues behind. She’s a cult leader who’s God left her she is not okay

>Holy guacamole!

“I appreciate the attempt not to swear in front of the children but I assure you, they aren’t listening. On that note I’m about to have a heart attack just trying to figure out the scale of that thing. I wanted to scale him colossus style but I’m worried I don’t have a week to hopefully find a weak point, and flying next to him would probably be dangerous when his nostrils are big enough to cause a hurricane. We are out of our depth.”

>No! Well, obviously that too, he looks like the shadow off of a mountain got up and started a roid regiment, but besides that! I know that purple mare who’s shouting! The one he saved!

“… really?”

>Well, not that one specifically, I think.

“You’re a disappointment in many ways”

>I mean I know the version from like, here! This world! Our world! Not… wherever that Shining Armor came from. He did say Shining before she shot at him, right?

“I heard it, and apparently our Shining is in there. So… stands to reason.”

>So he has to be from a different universe, right? Like the guy who went to dinner with us?… you suppose that’s the same guy?

“If it is I would like to subscribe to his diet plan.”

>Point is, you know! That mare he saved, the one gushing over him, has to be from his universe, right?

“Does she have to be?”

>Well the version from this world did not have wings, I’m fairly sure. Also was not in a relationship with an other dimensional being that cropped up a couple weeks ago.

“…its been a couple WEEKS?”

>Right? Anyway, I know that mares alternate self!

“Oh? What’s her name?”

>… I swear I know it but I’m blanking hard right now.


>Oh no she heard. Boy am I glad she’ll probably go back to her home universe.

“Sunburst shut up.”

Tiempo is shockingly done with this shit

>Eeesh, what’s your problem?


>… I meant recently.

> It was followed by a description that she was portraying herself in a skewed manner, though.
So wouldn’t she still view herself the victim and him the abandoner in this case? Even if it’s skewed, which it is because she’s obviously the one at fault for this shit, it’s still skewed to her. How does she loop around from viewing herself the victim but showing obvious preference and favor towards him?
> So, the most likely way for her to still like a previous candidate would be for them to not have actually abandoned her and for her to recognize that honestly, yes?
Sure that makes sense. If they didn’t react angrily to her doing the whole end of world plan, I guess she wouldn’t think they abandoned her?

Just need to figure out a reasoning why she’d both discard them after that and still have weirdly high praise of them.
Maybe he did a unique failure? Like something that didn’t let him win with Harmony or something in general, but also didn’t lose the mental battle? Like maybe he was just plain not suited to the mental fight at all, but also didn’t ever give in to the power so it became an endless stalemate, or the Big Four disregarding him and moving on? Theoretically after something like that he wouldn’t be in any state to talk at all. I don’t know where his actions she personally saw as cruel came in, but he could be unique in that he wasn’t quite a hero but not tempted into being a villain.
They gave Salt the option of “cast us away”, so someone must’ve done it.

>… even friggen turns into a god too, gets friggen everything.

“I think he just got like… absorbed or something by a god?”

>How does she loop around from viewing herself the victim
She's hypocritical. Coping to protect her ego basically. Taking her at face value is fair enough in terms of critiquing a lack of setup or wanting to know her reasoning, but I just don't see Glimmer as a totally honest character. I'd tone the praise down if I had the option to go back and do things over, since it's clearly the crux of the crux of the problem here, but the argument against the spirit of what I wrote is one I don't think I'll agree with. Especially not when the apparent theme of this arc is paradox. Not to say that excuses everything, since theme is second to execution. It's just to say that on this particular spirit of a specific point I'll just agree to disagree.

The conversation has been helpful for ironing things out, though.

>… lama maneuver.


>It could work!


>They can make cloth, they can make a rope too! All we need to do is dash around and-

“He can speak in our BRAINS!”

>… but not like, loud.


>Wow, some hero.

“… why is it called that anyway-“


>I’m open to plans.

“Seduce him!”


“…I’m just basing this off his character of snookering anything that moves.”

>Thats my brother.

“And you move!”


“Well I’m not gonna do it.”


“Hey! Rarity!”


“He’s royalty and she clearly has a type!”

>He already had a Rarity! Doubling up isn’t going to work!


>I didn’t say it was a bad plan, just not me.

“Now you’re talking! Who’s excluded?

>He clearly hasn’t gone after any males.

“But is that because he doesn’t want them, or because he didn’t have a reason to?”

>Look me in the face and tell me he wouldn’t fuck Big Macintosh just to watch Otherjack lose her cookies. That he didn’t even do it for the spite means it’s a bigger issue.

“Point, hard no on that one then. Who else?”

>No changelings, obviously.

“But he donkadonged Chitania.”

>Right but pre trauma.

“Point, doubt he’s in the mood after the… terrorism. What next?”

>Probably no fillies?


>Other Scootaloo seemed into it and we never got his side of the idea.

“Oof, right. Still innocent until proven guilty on that one. What else?”

>No family members.

“Technically there’s no reason to think-“


“Alright, alright!… that goes for mine too.”

>He already got Limestone.

“Do not remind me! Anything else!?”

>… no Applejack.

“Orrrr… hatesex?”



>Can’t blame her.

“Who does that leave?”



>… maybe it was everything that moved, with an asterisk.

“… Zecora?”

(He already had one, if what she said is true! Sorry, can’t be me, it must instead be you!)

“Death it is!”
He made sure to cover his bases
He hit everyone at once!
Never gonna get that pie!



~Heyyyy mom and dad... so glad you somehow ended up at the end of the world...~

>So, how was your trip?

~The... trip to the other dimension?~

"Yeah! Did you make any new friends?"

~It... did not go well.~

>Well I'm sure it went better because you were there.

~I doubt that.~

"So! Do you know this big guy?"

~Kinda? He used to just be a dude.~

>Well, if someone like that could get all giant and powerful, we're sure you could too if you really wanted!

~Historically not true, actually. I have confirmation on this, somehow.~

"Well, not you, clearly!"

~I can't tell what layer of understanding of alternate dimensions you're operating on.~

>Your father means clearly YOU, the version from this year, didn't attempt it, otherwise you would've succeeded! The other Dash, or Alt-Dash we could call her, clearly wasn't as Dashie as our Dashie!

~...Did you just say Alt Dash Dash?~


~Right... I should warn you, I guess, that big dark guy and other me-~

>Oh, the dating thing? We know.

"We think you can do better than Shining Armor, for the record."


>Parents know these things! Instinctual!

"We're sure other us are very happy!"

>And we'd be happy too whatever you pick, but remember to pick someone worth you!

"And you're worth a lot!"

~...You two are weird.~

>We're not the ones who had to watch another version of us get mounted.


"Parent powers!"

So, did Glimmer watch the confrontation between the Big Four and her godlings? You'd think going over replays would, you know, prevent the same two outcomes from happening over and over. And did Salt just luck into figuring out that they had to be defined, and even luckier if they had to be defined with the specific terms he used, or did he learn it from something or a hint from Glimmer?
>So, did Glimmer watch the confrontation between the Big Four and her godlings?
If Salt's anything to go by, no. She helped him at first when he started going through the loops but said she couldn't be present when the actual Big Four dropped, that's why she went with Sunset and didn't return until after Salt won. If the option TO actually like, watch it unfold was there, I can't imagine why she would leave on her final roll of the dice. Judging by her leaving before he even finished the loops to do barely anything and not joining in after the Big Four got chucked from the Regverse into his brain, it looks more like she couldn't be there herself in the mind battle. Which makes sense, it's his mind.

>And did Salt just luck into figuring out that they had to be defined,
I wouldn't say lucked into it but it was a seemingly impossible chance, AJ being present-By accident, and her being there fucked with his memories which gives more credence to the idea someone being in there is a nono-and his own unique circumstances regarding love and also hate.

>or did he learn it from something or a hint from Glimmer?
For sure not Glimmer, she pretty much just said "Yeah everyone else failed and I can't help you because I have no idea how to make it happen. Good luck!" and he pulled it off. She legit just had what she wanted, them using the Big Four's power and the ability to control changing the universe, but no idea how to actually get past it. Which makes sense, if she could've, she would've done it herself.
>So, did Glimmer watch the confrontation between the Big Four and her godlings?
You know I can’t recall her mentioning ever actually watching it. Considering how the spire worked it would make sense she couldn’t see it, but in theory she should be able to read the minds of anyone who came out victorious, right? Obviously if they’re corrupted by the Big Four then that options right out the window
>You'd think going over replays would, you know, prevent the same two outcomes from happening over and over
she did at least figure out they can’t be ~too~ noble and good hearted, they had to be in a desperate place and also willing to snap a bitch. So she must have at least figured out some difference among them to try something new with Salt. It just seems like till Salt figured it out there were only two options, either they take their ball and fuck off into nothing and nobody gets any power, or they go full on fucked up. Salt figured out how to take the ball and let them bubble out themselves.
>And did Salt just luck into figuring out that they had to be defined,
I think that was just luck actually, he had a pretty normal looking fight before Applejack intervened. And the only reason that happened was because AJ was nearby when the big four power hit him square on and dragged her into the mind cage. Another thing we don’t really point out is technically it was just the big 3; plus Lavans power as an aside. Lavan himself didn’t join in.
>did he learn it from something or a hint from Glimmer
Glimmer didn’t do shit to help him out, looking back she was comically vague even when it was go time. Probably because she had no idea herself but she sure as shit didn’t give him a hint or something.

Really it just looks like the deciding factors that made this unique were
>No Lavan in the mind cage
>Aj there to chime in
And maybe most importantly
>Glimmer isn’t part of the love in the final lead up
Remember, Salts the only one who wouldn’t leave her behind and it snapped her
>, I can't imagine why she would leave on her final roll of the dice.
While I agree there's no reason to think that she could as far as actual evidence goes, I do wonder how much of that is more because every single time she was certain it would work.
>I know the last six failed, but THIS TIME for sure this one will love me forever and win and never leave me, everything is going perfectly to plan!
>It failed again!? Well that's because they didn't love me and ABANDONED MEEEEE!... New plan where it will totally work!
She seemed convinced every single go round, especially Salt, despite there being absolutely no reason to think any of them would work. As pointed out, she had no idea how to pull this off, if she could've her powerhungry ass would've been first in line to be her own god, wit Blackjack and Hookers. She was just throwing them at the giant wall of darkness, sure one would come out on top in the way she wanted them to.

Again, not saying there's any reason to think she could watch if she wanted to, but there's also the possibility she could've been taking notes the whole time, but why would she? If these guys don't work and come out pissed off at her or a raging hellmonster who chose power over her, she's not giving them another go anyway. Which is due to her own selfishness and need to be loved and always loved in a specific way. It's not enough they went through that shit for her, they were never worthy because they didn't react the right way.
Don’t forget this was a fresher big four
oh yeah they were just messed up mentally.
I can relate.
So, basically, Salt defining them didn't actually have to be those specific definitions since he apparently lucked into realizing he needed to define them in the first place and there's no reason revealed so far as to how he would know those specific definitions were needed. And Glimmer is strangely bad at working towards her goal despite having access to time travel and more magic than ten alicorns could handle.
> she could've been taking notes the whole time, but why would she
Because she could reach her goal faster if she actually learned from her mistakes. If she wasn't going to try again with a failure, she would at least have something to teach the next try or even just learn from for herself.
>So, basically, Salt defining them didn't actually have to be those specific definitions since he apparently lucked into realizing he needed to define them in the first place and there's no reason revealed so far as to how he would know those specific definitions were needed.
Huh. Yeah, that’s actually correct. Hadn’t thought of it, but if someone like Twilight had defined them instead the “holder” of their things or container or something, it would fit the criteria and have the same effect of locking their power into being linked to the world in a way they couldn’t take it with them into nothingness. So long as what they defined it as fit what they did, like defining Hydias power as “the source of tacos” wouldn’t do anything, they’d still link it to the world and blammo, they get access to all that god power left behind that’s now linked to the very concept of magic.

Hadn’t thought of it but you nailed it, the exact way they were defined only mattered in so much as it was tied to magic, not the specific wording or definition. The important part was finishing the job Faust intentionally left open.
>And Glimmer is strangely bad at working towards her goal despite having access to time travel and more magic than ten alicorns could handle.
Kinda. She went through over two dozen people minimum, probably more. And even then Sunset is the one who figured out the containment. She apparently thought she had unlimited lives until the Big Four broke and she had to get a replacement.

>Because she could reach her goal faster if she actually learned from her mistakes.
The contradiction here is she thinks the only mistake is picking the wrong person because they wouldn’t stick with her forever.

>If she wasn't going to try again with a failure, she would at least have something to teach the next try or even just learn from for herself.

It’s not like she did the same thing over and over again; she picked different people with different outlooks and different levels of skills and ideas. She put them through different tried and had different ones hook up. She did learn something each time.

Problem is she was expecting them to figure out what she couldn’t. She got the process down to a science, literally, but even she didn’t know what exactly kind of thing would somehow both control the big four and also not go crazy. She never imagined taking the brain out of the equation, that was their job.
>the exact way they were defined only mattered in so much as it was tied to magic,

So if someone defined Lavan as “the source of power” or something, it’s still a definition, it’s still linked to magic as a concept, and one could theoretically access fabulous magical might by shouting “I have the power!”

… wait shit that’s the other company isn’t it?
>more magic than ten alicorns could handle.
To be fair AJ had her number with the Daddy Tree Punch, she had to call herself from different times and admitted that was going to fuck with the time steam so bad Salt might actually be pissed at her over it. And Rarity/Ralt matched her too. She had insane stamina thanks to her time fuckery but she had a hard limit on what she could actually do, and when Twi/Altwi finally got there she got humbled instantly.

She’s ridiculously strong but she’s not a god.
Yeah, she did a lot of damage during the Sweet Apple Acres Battle, but they managed to deal it back even more in some cases. She's stupidly powerful due to the time loops teaching her all sorts of fucked magic, but if the Mane Six had just fought her outright they would've won. Even Celestia managed to beat her when she got free of the stone, they captured her when all was said and done. Shit, Rainbow Power AJ could almost certainly handle her right this second, were it not for the walking apocalypse standing right over her head.
>The important part was finishing the job Faust intentionally left open.
It's kind of sad, at the end of their battle, Faust still had hope they would eventually find out that being 'something' was better than what they had been, having a reason to exist, something to look forwards to, was better than a whole bunch of stuff without names, without reason, without belonging.

She could have ended it when the fight ended and she was victorious, but ultimately she stepped back and let them find their own way home. It's sad Lavan was the only one who pulled it off, who finally connected with people, understood their struggles, and found out he'd rather be someone who was always curious and always wanting to find something more interesting than a nameless ball of power. He's the only one who realized how fun it was just to ask "What is that, and what does it do?"

What could've been.

>...so he hasn't noticed me, right?


>Being stealthy, this pleases me.

"Stop talking before he goes for the TPK!"

>Ugh, those ponies. Frankly, disgusting. They look like they were dropped in a candy factory with their sticky hair and freaky colors.

"I'm not a fan of the powerup, mostly."

>Pshhh, as if that were a concern to us. We're the most powerful Alicorns to ever exist.




>For some reason I thought you were going to correct me.

"Why would I? Last I saw you could easily challenge pretty much any alicorn out there. Probably two, even."

>Maybe not in one body.


>I said you know it, uh... hottie?

"Do not start."

>I wasn't planning on that one, he's cuddly enough with the version from his own universe.

"And he can keep it there."

>That's not what you offferrrreedd.

"I was willing to do anything to achieve my goal of resurrecting Chitania, don't take it as a compliment."

>Fair, fair. Never did take you up on it in any of the loops, I should note.

"Don't accidentally make me think he's a good guy or something."

>He's a diving loving god, thank you very much.

"He's not a rapist or someone who'd take advantage of a mare clearly not into it, is what I can confirm."

>Hm, I suppose that's true. You haven't visited the new world, have you? It's quite delightful.

"I have my own, thank you."

>I can see that.

She glanced to the side, watching as caveponies marched forwards only to be replaced midstep by Peacetrotters.

>Needs work.

"She's not Chitania because she gets it right the first time. She's Chitania because she keeps going until she gets it right."

>Oh ho! I can relate to that one.

"Can't deny that, can I? How many did you go through?"

>I never counted. Seemed pointless after the tenth candidate fell short of expectations.

"How cruel of them not to pull the answer out of their flanks."

>He certainly did.


She grudgingly had to admit that one.

"Though that was probably luck, statistically."

>Statistics stashmishtics, if they were meant to be the highest, they would've become one. He had one chance at it, and he pulled it off.

"All of them had one chance at it, thanks to you."

>And it all worked out.

"...maybe he filled in an empty gap."


"I'm just thinking if there was a divine being before him in your world, they probably should've intervened."


She looked up with a smile

>Or, it was meant to be..

"Nope. First one."

>Did you just cut off my smug!?

"First. One. One thing."

>You can be a real jerk sometimes.

>You get involved and everyone gets mad at you for accidentally losing a CHUNK OF YOUR BEING in a fight!

>You don't get involved and they think you should interfere with MORTALS THINKING TOO HARD ABOUT CONCEPTS!

~Sweet Note~
The dragon whistled, scanning up and down as he took in just how massive the being above them truly was.

>I've seen some pretty big dragons in the day, but this guy looks like he could use them as action figures.


>Action. Figures.

'Don't hurt him, he just found out what they were like two weeks ago.'

>I missed out on so much.

~I think I had a doll once. Once...~

>See? We both missed out.

"Not missing out on checking him out."

>I'm not checking him out!

~Sugar bean ain't nothing wrong with lookin' at a fine piece of art, and that there flank looks like you could get lost in it.~

'Weird description considering his size and context...'


>I'm not into that!


'Thirteen, don't worry, I'm sure your alt-mom has nothing to worry about.'


'Quit trying to hit me in the mind.'


'You're not even doing it right.'

"Oh yeah!? Show me then if you know!"

'Your mom's big giant puffball hair bouncing up and down, barely covering his chest.'


'Told you I could hit you in the brain.

~Sunnyyyyy! They're fightin' again!~

>Don't tell mom!

>I meant that as part of the joke.


>Well at least you had a mom!



'How did you even manage to step in that one? That's like the easiest mine to avoid.'

>Well I never got taught different since I was just left to hatch in a big pile!

"...That wasn't cool of them either."

>Right!? It's not a contest! Because if it was, Sweet Note wins.

~Wha? My momma was around sometimes and never hit me none!... She uh, wasn't always there when she was present, and wasn't present more than she wasn't admittedly, but I usually had food in the pantry! Usually!~



'Just take the win.'

~I don't wanna it makes me feel bad!~

>Don't worry, Chitty's gonna punch it allllll better when this guy gets off his nice ass and does something!


>Yeah, I smack talked a god, what of it?

"Ahem. His "what" ass, did you say?"

Let him appreciate a booty ms judgy
She just wants him to be honest with himself

>Why does his power work here anyway? Shouldn’t it be locked to his universe?

“The power came from this dang universe.”



>Oh okay don’t explain then. Don’t need anymore explanation than that! Friggen world…
Just roll with it
That does open up a lot of questions
And we might answer some.
I appreciate Sweet Note insisting she’s not depressed
>Silver Spoon

>You think he's rich? I bet I can scam him out of something-

"Excuse me, little child, I am busy being WORRIED ABOUT MY BUDDY!"


"She's having a rough day and stomped off and now I don't know where she is, there's too many everythings around here and she's grey! Do you know how well grey mingles with white!?"


"I guess you would know. Friend! Frieenndd! Where did you goooooo!?"

>...I bet I could charge her a finders fee.
>Silver Spoon
"Filthy Rich"

>Wow, nice colors, Filthy.

"Oh! Silver Spoon! I didn't realize you were here... on a battlefield..."

>Yeah well changelings are irresponsible.

"That's going around like a bad cold, frankly."

>Indeed! But hey, do you like my colors?

"They're quite stunning!"

>Good, goooood.


>So what're you doing after the whole battle ends?


"She wants me to invest in her business, honey, she's not trying to seduce me."





>Oh this better not start any rumors...

"Hate to break it to you, buddy, but you're in for some rough times."

>...Hello there, strange pony, do I know you?

"Names Miles Delight, and let me tell you... it's gonna get rooooough."

>It's like coming back to a highschool reunion and realizing everyone else is working at burgerflops.


>I meant besides us, obviously.

"My friends are right there."

>I can exclude them if it makes you feel better.

"It doesn't."

>I'm just saying we clearly hit the big time with our god spouses, and everyone else is just slumming it.

"Oh yeah?"


"Then why aren't you as powerful as any of them?"

>...I am so.

"Hoof wrestle that filly, right there. The actual child."

>...I dun wanna.'

"Ha haaaa."

>Bullshit rainbow powers.
To be fair she couldn’t beat DT in a normal situation



>Could you... always hold that? Did it have a little wheel or something, or?

"What, TBDRLIATU? I wouldn't make him touch the dirt!"

>What the fuck are they putting in those vitamins.
"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Casually starts chewing on spinach.
She’s just earf pone stronk
Das it

Plus pink.
Pink is the answer let’s not kid ourselves.
>I am powered by righteous justice!
>… and Cheetos
It’s the power of love.

>Do not fuck with her, mare, she will pull out the power armor!

I think that was Pennydrop dependent hw

>What exactly is your story? How did you get here? You're like... a regular child in the other universe. Like a kid. Kind of annoying but not more than like, a kid.

"Well you see, it all started when a changeling came to school..."



"And now here I am!"

>...What the fuck is wrong with this universe?

"The one folding in on itself because a giant bug monster punched the sky?"

>Silver Spoon

>...who the fuck are you, anyway?

"Who the fuck am I?! Who the fuck are you, actual child!"

>Least I do stuff.

"I do stuff!"

>Never heard of it, can't be that important.

"Excuse me!?"

>You're excused, now fuck off.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!?"

>Someone better than a TART WHO INSULTS MY FRIEND!



"I want to hit you but also want to say nice."

>I get that sometimes.

>Your sole thing in this universe is being a failed cult leader.

"HEY!... I was a successful cult leader THANK YOU."
Kind of a missed opportunity none of her old culties showed up
Big Mac's an option
Should do that anyway to drive AJ crazy
She has enough pain!
>First one who brings mah brother here gets an asswhoopin
>Ah don’t wanna mention mah sister! Death comes to those folks who even thinks of it!

Behind her, Dash shushes the Crusaders and tries to hide them behind a chunk of tree,


>… is it just me or is there a buncha smoke out there?

“We had to get at least one in.”

>… what is that in yer mouth?

“Don’t even pretend this doesn’t fit my personality.”

>It really don’t. And what in Taranation smells like a friggen.. HEY! YOU! Biggun! You doing this!

From up above, the shadow being looks down.

His eyes, red as fire.

~Why is the plant called thyme but it sounds like time? Does it take a while to make? If I throw it out; am I wasting my thyme?~

>Alright we’re in trouble.


>It ain’t even lit!

“… oh no. I’ve been revealed.”
She is the type to act like she’s high but is too scared to touch it
She would feel her mothers judging eyes…

>I’d never take the devils lettuce, mom! I’m a good girl!

“Oh, okay…”

>… that’s it?

“Exactly what kind of religious did you think we were?”

>Neightzie Queen

>Achtung! Zee vorld! It iz, how you say, corrupted! Look upon zee shifting of zee plains! Zee grass and zee trees, once of varied species and sizes, have all become blighted, transformed into zee devil's lettuce! Zee mary jane! Zee MARIJUANA! Look how zee people smoke it and become lazy as the sky is hazy! Docile! Eazy to control, without care or ambition! Zee horror! ZEE HORROR!

"...Holy shit, we were going about this world domination thing all wrong!"
Don’t be silly, in this world it probably gives superpowers
"How did you die anyway?"

>I read zee rest of zee pamphaleet.


>Zay did not care for mine race, and you know awfter looking it up zay had a lot of points...


>Turned it into Ourswitzh-

Needs another H.
To be fair you look at those bug fucks and tell me they wouldn’t be the first in line

>Sooo, how did the experiment go? Did you lull the ponies into a haze of the smog and defeat!?

"They ate it all."

>I knew those ponies couldn't resist!

"My hive."



>Your hive, what? You didn't finish.




>Ohhhhhh. Well, did it end well?

"They have bankrupted me for tato chips and zippydew."

>... so what you're saying is, put them in brownies?



"Peer pressure, maaaare.
>And that, children, is why we can't be allowed to use drugs during infiltration...
>Now on why we can’t use fireworks coffee, and a notepad

>don’t worry the last one is a religion thing.
So..: could be worse?
Always can
Here's the Glimmer talk about Alt-Delight.
Expected it to be shorter as one post, but since it's three I pastebinned it.
Hopefully things have been ironed out for it to be posted in full without controversy, but if not, well. A couple posts were saved. Just in case it's not super clear on the formatting Glimmer isn't telling Sunset everything that happened, just her direct responses to Sunset's own questions.

I’m gonna admit that her reasoning for not asking him what happened seemed a bit forced, but I’m more than willing to shove that aside because kinda want to know how he “failed”
I feel like this is a missed opportunity to finally have have her ask if they want to try again.
I think it’s okay.

Like yeah Glimmers wonky but she a wonky mare.
If he don’t wanna I’ll handle that one with another character. Maybe add some context for this story.

Gotchu senpai
Awesome, that way he doesn’t have to change too much. No complaints on my end then.
Not sure I follow glimglams reasoning here she gave to Sunset. Like I get she’s probably just lying to not go further but considering he’d just see this whole scenario if she looped again, since the Spire lets him see all previous loops, wouldn’t this be the perfect time to at least see what happens?

I just don’t get the reasoning of her assuming he’d do stuff instead of her being, well, Glimmer and instead going all in on someone who stuck with her. She got hung up on Sunburst for like 2 decades but also this potential when she’s this close to winning she gives up on?

Man I hate being critical about this, I’m honestly just trying to reconcile a weird character moment for the overall story. Not trying to be nitpicky, I know that’s not fun.
>not asking him what happened
I thought we were sticking with her basically not reviewing the "footage" of the fight or learning from it in basically any way, whether she sees it or asks questions about it? I could throw a line in there where she does ask him what happened if it's agreed to fit with how the rough draft adds context to things, but out of risk of sounding lazy I'll present the question and skip the explanation. The flow might get wonkier with additional information otherwise and I want to at least make sure the foundation is solid. If someone else wants to expand on the answer, though, I won't complain.

If you want. I'm just glad this bit can move forward now.

The way I would explain it is that Glimmer has to do certain things to make someone desperate enough, or rather willing and able, to go through with the loops and spire. That's my interpretation of her plan, at least. With Alt-Delight, she would have to kill his parents and he begged her to let him die with them. But she kinda needs him to be alive. So, if the only way she can get him through the spire is to kill them and Alt-Delight goes through the loops because of that and sees that she didn't honor what his past-self begged her to do, she fears that he would turn on her. In a way, she could also convince herself by saying he values his parents more than he does her. The greater point is that she has to roll a dice between the fear of being abandoned because the new Alt-Delight gets pissed at her vs the possibility that she could get the god she wanted.
>thought we were sticking with her basically not reviewing the "footage" of the fight or learning from it in basically any way, whether she sees it or asks questions about it?
I thought that was because she didn’t get the option? Either they came out evil or came out-rightfully-pissed at her so much she never got the chance to talk to them. She’s not going to talk to an evil god or someone who “abandoned her”, but you made a unique case where there’s no reason not to. He’s right there and open to talking and apparently still loves her, this is a pretty special case.
>could throw a line in there where she does ask him what happened if it's agreed to fit with how the rough draft adds context to things,
It’s easy enough to fit, just has to be an answer that doesn’t give her any way to figure out what Salt did. Presumably he killed them, right? We can tie it into Salt by having him not a much in despair or something, Salts situation was pretty fucked
You have him say that after she’d already turned him down though.
>If you want.
On it

She had seen that spire so many times in her life, she could name every odd crook and crack upon it.

It was a wondrous creation, she would attest to that. The only object in all of creation that could hold the very essence of the beings who sought to undo reality itself, contain them in just such a way that any old pony could challenge them at their peak. A battle of power, to be certain, but more one of the mind where their resolve and thoughts themselves were tested. Even though she could appreciate just how insane the concept, let alone existence, of this thing was, it never got any easier standing here, waiting with anticipation like a child waiting to open their hearths warming eve gifts. Tormented by the colorful wrapping paper and shiny texture that promised wonder and joy beneath untold. The grandest of adventures awaited her if only they would finally find the answer to the greatest question.

For not the first time, the wait had caused her mind to drift. She began to ponder if she should finally just throw up her hooves and declare once and for all that she would do it herself. But, as with every other time, her rational mind had overridden such a notion. It was a risk she could not experience more than once the ultimate do or die event she could never come back from. Not that a thought of being overwhelmed by darkness like so many had been crossed her mind, she was certain she would easily resist whatever it was they had offered in exchange. She was better than those failures, after all.

>Oh, I hope she hurries..

But the problem was finding the answer, at all. She didn’t know what it was herself, clearly. Even her partner in crime seemed completely blank regarding the possibilities. It seemed contradictory to her as well. The idea one could both tame the untameable without truly defeating them, but also resist falling to their unimaginable power. Even so, her partner was quite confident herself he own would be god would be able to resist the control of the Hivemind and still wield its might, and Glimmer was nothing if not confident her own beau would be able to match that. This one felt special. This one was unique, one of a kind, the only one she felt truly confident would find that final answer and unlock perfection. They had history, knowledge, power. The power to reshape the world, the only one who could challenge a god and send her fleeing, lie just beyond that shadow. She was sure of it. She was positive. She had never been more certain in all her life.

It made it all the harder a hit to her gut, when the Spire shattered, and the signs she had seen many a time before shimmered before her.



The figure before her had increased in power, they always did. No doubt the one before them could match Celestia herself in might, perhaps even above Twilight Sparkles own magical splendor. But none of them were even a scrap of what she sought. Not even the grandest victor was close to the power of a god. If they were even a fraction of what was needed, she would’ve been all too happy to let them stay in power. What difference did it make the flavor of god that she tasted, after all? So long as they could rule this world.

So long as they loved her.

>Here it comes.

She’d danced this dance many a time before. It always ended the same way. First would come the attempt, then realization, then would come the screams. Always in that order.

“I won… I won… I-“

There it went, the sudden burst of newfound magic, trying to undo the horrors that had transpired. Trying to bring back lost loved ones and repair broken souls.

“I… I can’t…”

It wasn’t enough. It was never enough. The power to reshape an entire world was that of beings beyond their comprehension. So often they believed that by eradicating those four monsters, they were powerful enough to do anything.

If only that was how that worked. If only they’d been that strong. Then she’d have had her world.

Alas, now that the attempt was made, there was only one thing left. The screaming.

“… you can do it.”

That was new.

“You can do it! You can fix this! You can bring them back!”

Glimmer took a moment longer than she’d like to process this new sensation of someone grabbing hold and shaking her for all she was worth.

“I saw it! I saw it in the loops! You can go back as many times as you like and fix this, can’t you!? You can undo all of this! Bring them back to what they were! Change things again!”

In between each shake, a thought occurred to the alicorn. Never before had she been given this unique opportunity, once in a thousand lifetimes. Never before had they held back their rage and anger and instead turned to her, as they should, and begged her truly. Never before had any of her many attempts ended with this.
They’d often been beings of shadow and might, and when they hadn’t they’d tried to strike her down in retribution or demanded her exile. This, these questions, were new.

>Change things?

Glimmer was not a mare who was willing to give up easily, that much any would be quick to assert. She was one willing to sit through eternity if it meant her goal was achieved. These actions always took such effort, so much time, so many chances for madness to seep in and make her wonder if it was impossible. If it was all for naught and she would be faced with failure, once again. This was different.

There were no shouts of anger, no screams, no hatred. They loved her. They must still love her, else they would have abandoned her again.

They must still need her, else they would have left her behind.


It was a fresh sensation when she felt elation in her heart again. To feel the relief knowing she had not been cast aside once more, forgotten despite all she did for them. To find happiness instead of the bitter regret of loss, again. She could send them back, learn from their mistakes, make it even more perfect than it had already been. It brought a smile to her face, wild and free as she was finally granted an opportunity, a chance to grant an opportunity, to them.

>Does that mean...

She didn't have to start over, for once.

>You want to try again?

She wasn't abandoned, for once.

"...what!? NO! No, I don't want to try again! I don't want to go through all of that, again!"

The hit to her heart was expected. But, at the same time, it was not definitive.

>Are you sure? Not even... for me?

They still loved her, surely.

"Are you insane?! I want them back! I want them to come back again! Undo it all, go back to what it was! Change things back, I've seen you do it a dozen times befoe! Change it back!"

The grip turned tight, but the declartion had not been made.

>You know you'll lose

"Change it all back you crazy bitch! Bring them back to life, now! NOW!"

And there it was.

Abandoned, once again.


Lost, as another soul she was sure loved her dearly was all too willing to cast her aside when it became too much. Such love could never compare to the love of a god.

The one before her was not, and never would be, enough.

>Before I do, though… do you mind telling me what happened in there?

Burning, hate filled eyes looked upon her.

“I won.”

And that, was enough.


Time itself unfolded, and the powerful one before her did not fight it.

>You lost, like all the others.

A pity, she really had liked Night Glider. She’d been so loyal, in that other world, it was almost a shame she could not bring her even higher than she had been. Her time with her had been something ferocious and magical. Alas, it was all cast away with a single spell to unfold time.

>I should have known, you weren’t worthy. When they are worthy enough….

Time to find the next candidate.

>They’ll get it right on the first try.

She knew just the soul...
I get the impression this is pretty early on, she took that really well.

>Did you have to throw in that jab to Chitania?

"I was explaining my reasoning!"

>I'm just saying, you're coming off as a bit of a dick.

"What is your deal!?"

>Look I've got some pretty cool friends, I don't need an abusive one.

"I'm not abusive!"

>Say one nice thing about my friends.

"To you."


"Fine I'm sour that the dragon and changeling-"

>Fizzle and Thirteen.

"-Beat other me."

>There it is.

"I should've won! How did I lose, even if it's not me!?"


"Stop listening in on private conversations!"


"Now, see, that's what someone acting like a dick looks like."

>Just be nice already.



"...wanna bang my Shining?"

>For fucks sake.

"This is me being nice, I don't offer this to just anyone!"

>You did it to the monkey.

"...he's an ape."


"...here's twenty bits."

>The fuck.

"Shut up you're poor.
I love the sassy dynamic

>So... what's the plan to kill him, princess?

"Beg pardon?

>The big... you know. Hnnngg?

"I don't... what?"

>Rainbow Beam? Usually works.

"I have absolutely no idea how to defeat him."

>He can't be that strong.

"He's got the full untapped power of Red, remember him? Times four."

>...Well I beat Red, so-

"Untapped, I said. As in, the rest of the power."

>How much is that?

"Did you see that lightshow I did before? The big kabooom?"

>I saw the big kaboom.

"Multiply that."

>By how much?


>...I'm not good with math, so-

"Do not piss off the cosmic being."

>Orders received!

>...think he'd notice if I took a potshot to his eye?

"Only one way to find out!"




~No! Bad! Bad dragon pony! BAD!~


"He never lets us have any fun."

~Could've avoided all this shit if you'd talked to me before that EVO crap.~



>Do I... know you?

"Not in that way."



Limits baby
Correct and a little higher looks like.
Good call
Gotta have standards

>You know, I thought he'd say something by now.


>How cozy you're getting with everyone. Bragging about the things you did with them that respectable ponies keep behind closed doors. And a computer screen.

"Ah ah. The technology isn't quite there yet, remember?"

>Point being, you're liable to make tall, dark, and powerful up there jealous.




>Seriously? Just gonna pretend that isn't a possibility?

"Hahahaaaa... Hooo... Sunset. You only get jealous if you believe what's rightfully yours is going to be taken and given to another. Such as my love, in this case. So, why would he be jealous when there's no danger of him losing it? Not to anyone beyond this universe, let alone in it?"

>Not even that pegasus? Who, just in case you forgot, nearly ruined everything for me.

"And I'm sorry for that. Truly. But I think I was rather clear when I said 'let alone'."

>I'm just saying. You're being especially weird with that one. Not even considering how you pretty much hate the others you went through.

"Hate? I guess it might come across that way."

>MIGHT? You came out the void shouting and gloating at them.

"I was a little wound up, ok? You would be, too, if you were possibly trapped for all of eternity in nothingness, left alone with only your thoughts. But you're not wrong that I don't care for the failures. Though, maybe I'm feeling a little more generous now that I've won. Every great failure looks more like a speed bump when you're finally first across the finish line."

>Still doesn't explain the pegasus. You actually seem to like him.

"... Do you really want an explanation? Truly? Honestly?"



>I might regret it, but... What's the story there?

"I won't make it a long one."

>Cliff notes is fine.

The purple-pale mare sighed, her thoughts drifting back to memories of a throne room.

A smile plastered on her face as she trotted across the grand room, she approached a stallion on its centerpiece. Though beneath her facade, her heart pounded in her chest, threatening to break loose the closer she came to the male alicorn. He radiated power, having come out some time ago just a bit stronger from that cosmic confrontation against primal minds. But...

"He failed to grasp the totality of their power. To ascend to the heights I needed him to."

The look in his eyes...
The spark of life and confidence that once made them sparkle like diamonds was gone.
#I can't bring them back like this, can I? Even now, I can't bring any of them back...#
Her smile faltered, the cracks in her nonchalant facade growing larger.
#So close. I felt a storm of magic all around me, and then... A jolt. Just a jolt...#
Above the thunderous beating of her heart, a chord of curiosity sang out.
"What happened?"

#Nothing. They wanted to be nothing. To fade into the ether. I couldn't believe it. Couldn't understand. Told them... I tried to stop them. And for a moment... It felt like I had... Then they were gone.#
He leaned back into the throne, gaze drifting to a tattered tapestry.
#I failed... After what I said. After what I promised! I failed everyone. And I failed my... I failed THEM. Like I always have... I...#
Then his gaze drifted to her.
#I should have been the one to die.#
His tone veiled by anger
And she knew what was coming.
Whether it would come a minute, an hour, a day, or a month later, she knew the question that would follow and herald the end of her time with him.
It was so obvious.

>Well, yeah. Otherwise he'd be the one here. What I'm wondering is what'd he do to earn a hug and kudos?

So she waited. Waited for when his question - when THE question - would come.
When the accusations would fly and she would be asked how she could do this, how she could ruin his life and that of so many others for such a far-fetched goal.
She braced herself.
#Do you still love me?#
And flinched like she'd just been sucker-punched, as the anger he held, one she assumed was directed toward her, was nowhere to be found.
Nor was the question she expected.
#Or do you only love that I love you?#
Instead, another took its place. One more vile and cruel.
Not because of some harsh tone, as his was quiet and heartachingly sincere.
Not because of some harsh look, as the one he fixed her with was a pleading one, more akin to what a puppy would give when it had just been kicked by its owner.
But because she had no response.
None that would allow her a spark of rage to ignite her own sense of self-righteousness.
None that would allow her to hold onto the image of herself, as one whose devotion should be unquestionable.
None that would let her go on without a sincere look at her feelings for the stallion.
For the broken failure he'd become.

"He talked to me. Asked me a question that... struck a chord."

>Sounds like that'd earn him the opposite.

"It did..."

Eventually. Further words passed between them. Bits and pieces of a conversation danced across her recollection.
"So, this is it."
Culminating in the raising of her walls. The puffing and huffing of her chest.
"This is where you accuse me. Where you blame me. Where you throw me away like all the others despite all I did for you, despite all I tried to do for the world."
No questions left her lips, only foregone conclusions. Entrenched fears.
#Does it have to be?#
Despite the stallion's own demeanor. Still quiet. Still sincere. Still broken.
For a moment, she fell silent, her breath still.

>...So what was it?

"A question of love."

And she wondered if it really did have to end there. If she couldn't just give him another chance to be what she needed him to be.
But a seed of doubt had been sown, nurtured by the failures she'd gone through before him and planted by his words:
'I should have died with them.'
There was only one way she could weed it out, crush it before it blossomed into thorns that would tear into her heart.
"They'd still be dead, you know."
She had to know where he stood.
"You'd have to try again at the point you entered the spire. You'd have to see them, and the others, die again through the loops. And if you failed... you'd have to do it over and over and..."
The stallion needed to show her that that flash of anger she saw would not grow - that that anger she now believed was self-pitying would not turn to her.
That he would not go from wishing for his own death to wishing for hers.
"Could you do that? Could you stand to fail like that again and again if you don't succeed? Could you... Could you stand to look at me at the end of it all and say you love me?"
She wasn't a fool. Or so she told herself. She knew he valued "them" just a bit more than he did her.
And she could accept that
#I... I...#
Just as she accepted his hesitation for an answer.
To which question? It didn't matter.
For he failed to answer the most important with the quickness and vigor she hoped he would.
Her magic surged as her lips curled into a grimace.
"Then this is the end..."
Before her eyes, the throne room seemed to flicker, blinking and glitching as her spell charged to allow her a chance with a different candidate.
One who wouldn't hesitate to declare their love for her even in their darkest moments.
What a wonderful thought. A comforting thought. Getting a fresh start.
Yet, her ears tickled by the nickname he'd given her, she felt compelled to stay a moment longer.
To linger like she used to with him.
#I hope you find what you're looking for.#
To listen to his words of poison.
#Just... If you have to kill my parents to do it. Please... let me die with them.#
Words that made her doubt the course she'd plotted.
"...Goodbye, Miles."
But with one last surge of magic, she completed the spell and he was gone.
That world was gone. And only she remained. To start over once again.

>Let me guess. He wanted to know if you ever actually loved him. Probably had a whole bit where he wondered how he could fall for someone so awful and terrible and yada yada?

Starlight shook her head, lips curling into a grimace.

"The opposite."


"He basically said he still loved me."

>WHAT?! Then why didn't you try again?

"I couldn't."

>Couldn't or wouldn't?

"I said what I said. There was no point in-"

>No. No no no no no. From the way you've been talking about this whole god plan thing, from all the effort you must've gone through to wind up here, you can't just stand there and tell me that you just let a guy that didn't try to wring your neck out for the off-kilter shit you no doubt pulled go without a second shot. That's just-


Glimmer's voice was even. Her gaze steady. The mare at her side went quiet, waiting as Glimmer took a deep breath.

"It wouldn't have worked."

There was no time for a follow-up as Glimmer continued on, her gaze shifting to the twisting reality outside the bounds of the battlefield.

"Everyone was a little different. From their personality and how their attempts played out. To how much it took to bring them to their point of... realization. Certain things had to be done. Certain gains had to be made. Certain losses had to be suffered. And certain paths began to form that would best help me lead them to their peak. Paths that could only be walked once to their completion. Because the one that walks them always dies at the end, figuratively or not. Miles had reached his peak. He had walked his path. And he failed. That stallion is dead and gone. Forever. He was dead the moment I had to start over again. Looking back on it now, I can accept that he still loved me in that moment. But that's all it was. A moment. And it passed the second I turned back the clock. It wouldn't matter if I had walked the same path with him, allowing him a second chance to overcome those primal forces... The stallion he was had died and I know the one he would have become would have abandoned me.

>...Fair enough... I'd be scared of giving someone who hates my guts another chance at godlike powers, too.

The purple mare wanted to say something, to voice displeasure at the oversimplification of her motives.


All that left was a sigh.

>Just saying.


>But what if he showed up now?

That, however, elicited a laugh. Incredulous.

"What if something literally impossible occurred? Really?"

>Humor me.

"Nothing would change. It'd be like asking what you'd do if a certain human showed up and asked if you'd go steady with him again."

For once, it was Sunset's turn to frown, though she soon rolled her eyes.

>I get the point, but considering the context, I'm not sure you wanna use that as your example.

"As long as the point comes across."

>Still. If he did...?

"My answer isn't changing. I've moved on..."

She looked away from the folding of reality, to the dark figure standing over the battlefield.

"And finally found what I've been looking for."

As her lips curled into a wistful smile.


Hopefully this revision made the breakoff feel more inevitable considering Alt-Delight's mindset and putting the "wants to die" revelation earlier.
I wasn't sure how to explain his fight with the big four, but hopefully it's vague enough to not conflict. It's short enough to be revised, at least.
Good enough for me!
Poor guy, didn’t know he was dealing with crazy.
Sunset would absolutely take Flash back, she’d just make him share with chitty
>… I can work with this.

“You can’t have sex with her.”

“She’s the size of a planet.”

“You’re not big enough.”

>… maaaaareeee
“But you get me instead!”

>… I think our last meeting was you brainwashing me.

“Shit right wrong timeline”


“Oh but when she does it…”

>But youre a horse.

“Is that a deal breaker?”

>… hrm

>A part of me hates that I can't study him.

"Yer' the reason why everyone writes stories bout technology goin' crazy."

>I mean it! Imagine what we could understand about our universe if I could just pluck a hair from his head, if I could measure his magic, if I could understand how he turned into... this!

"He told the big ugly things what they were and then they died."

>There's got to be more to it.

"Ah'm a simple mare."

>Imagine, limitless energy!

"It's called the sun."

>Imagine the ability to turn back time!

"That gal did that and it's been nothin' but trouble!"

>Imagine being really, really big!



"Didn't say it was all bad."

>You are indeed a simple mare.

"Pshoo pshoo, rawwwrrr."

>Stop picturing it.

"Wait, no... then mah' flank would get bigger. Nevermind!"
It's already a black hole!
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1.03 MB JPG
Do your part and spread Friendship to all. For Harmony!
Among other things.
For democracy!
You will be loved and tolerated.

With lasers
>Boy this escalated quickly
*peacetrotters begin sweating*

>I feel concerned
This is the more direct version of what the show did
As well she should, we know how to take down the big ones

>Hey, Applejack?


>Commander Applejack?

“Yes, private Pinkie?”

>Hee hee, Pinkie Privates.


>I was just wondering if we’re fighting for democracy, then why are you a princess, again?

“Executed for treason.”


Orbital laser charges up.

>Saw that one coming.
Join the Night Guard. Fight against the nightmares. Bring a peaceful night of sleep for ponies everywhere. Become a Dream Diver today! For the Dream world!
You can tell he played because the quiet resignation of death.
>Why are there guns in the dreamworld?

>Thats enemy of super equestria talk!
Bugtalk, you say?
Super Equestria is just the regular kind, with sparkles
And fries!

Can’t forget the fries
Fuck yeah!
Now that’s freedom.

because no france and prench isn't a word
Prance is a wonderful place!

Always get their steps in

She could already feel the heat upon her horn, the power of Love itself boosted a thousand fold by the Grace of Harmony. Even she could not name which element had given her its boon, or if her own remained unique among the army. If she, alone, had created something akin to the Element of Love, as sure as the concept of Hope or Kindness was to the world. Whatever it was, it was beyond anything she'd ever held, a power unlike any she might ever call upon herself even at her very peak.

>Give him back.

All of it, directed at the great shadow before her.

>Give him back!

"That's not going to do anything."

The power dimmed on her horn, but the intensity behind her eyes never one diminished.

"Oh, you can still open fire if you want, I'm just trying to set more realistic expectations."

Not when they locked onto Starlight Glimmer, and her ever smug expression.

>Are you saying I should switch targets?

Whatever hope of fear she sought to bring, she failed. The purple mare could not look less assured that no such danger would befall her.

"Then he might actually care enough to do something to you. I'd stick to firing that way so you can be safely ignored."


"Well, it has a lot to do with the sheer power gap between you two-"

>Why won't he give my Shining back?

The smirk wavered at those words. Pure, honest, desperate and pleading with as much heart as the princess of love herself was capable. As strong as she was, as sure as she was, she wasn't made of stone through and through. Neither was she completely ignorant to what the mare was going through, despite it all. Cadence truly looked broken and torn apart as she spoke.

>Why does he need him anymore? If he's supposedly a god, it should be nothing to him. If this is the end, why can't I spend it with the stallion I love?

Her body shook, her tears flowed freely, she could no longer hide her vulnerabilities from the other mare.


It was a shame then, she could not give the answers she wanted.

"You see, when someone dimension hops, but wants to prevent a paradox of what should not have been, they usually need a... lets say, anchor."

The shaking mare stilled just long enough to look with questioning eyes.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about, you had a big rescue deal with Celestia over this."


"...you might've missed that. But I'm betting you didn't miss her newfound, quite annoying, abilities, yes? Well, that's a nasty side effect of making her an otherdimensional anchor, on my end. My dear up there-"

She gestured, having to lean back quite far for her point to reach the peak.

"Is currently in a universe he's not supposed to be in, and needs two things. One, he needs someone from here to find this universe among all the others-"

>But he's here! He doesn't need him anymore!

A hoof came up, much more forceful and stern than it was pacifying.



It wasn't appreciated, but it was obeyed.

"As I was saying, the second thing is he needs a body to link to this universe so he doesn't accidentally slip out of this universe. So long as he's here, he needs someone from this universe to keep him steady, especially if he's going to traverse through that crapsack universe out there without being lost in time itself."

There was a sound of distaste from down below regarding her description. Glimmer did not care, she never cared.

"Get it, big girl? So long as my Shining wants to stay here, he needs a big old hook. Your Shining is obviously that hook-"

>Use me.

It had come so quickly, so earnestly, she'd barely time to process it.


>I've already gotten to see everyone again, I got to do my part, let me switch with him so they can see him at least one more time... before it ends.

There was no hint of deception, no chance this would soon turn as some kind of trick to send her beloved back into the void. Even so, the world remained still.

"Looks like he said no."


She screamed as loud as she could, her voice reaching far and wide with her desperation.

>Why does it matter if it's him, or me? I'm just as much from this universe! If Celestia worked for you, it should work as well for me, shouldn't it!? So why not!? Let my children see their father one last time, damn you!

For all her ranting, for all her screams, she was only given a shrug in turn.

"Not my call to make, I'm afraid. Looks like for whatever reason... he doesn't want you with him, anymore."

The words were honest. But the tone beneath them made it clear there was far more unsaid. Far more, she knew.

>You could ask him. He'd listen to you, you said. He'd do anything you asked!

"Eh, maybe."


She winced, and it had nothing to do with the tone.

"Well, let's just say I'm a touch worried I'm already on thin ice with him regarding... choices. He'd forgive me, obviously, I'm his most favorite and most loved, of course he'd forgive me, but..."

There was a fear in that final word. Quickly hidden and brushed away, there all the same.

"Point is, you're a touchy subject with him. I wouldn't bank on it anytime soon. If he was willing to switch, he would've."

She shook, she grit her teeth, but Cadence did little more besides that.

>Will I... will I see him again, when it's over?

She was quiet.


Too quiet.


She didn't make so much as a sound, as she vanished.


Only appearing far enough away that the princess could no longer see the look on her face.

"...he'll work, won't he? As a replacement?"

The shadow above did not so much as stir.


She still had her answer.

"I'm... I'm sorry I'm making you do this. I am. I didn't think she'd escape. I..."

And some part of her hated that.

"Sorry, princess... he's needed in another castle."
>Glimmer needs a Celly replacement
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My artist friend was surprisingly quick with this request.
She's had a rough night apparently
Well that's sad.

And Applejack is 50/50 married to an apple
He probably looked in the mirror for reference
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Actually, I asked her to use this meme as a template. She couldn't stop laughing at how cursed the commission was.
It does fit...
>What happened
>Who did Ah' kill
The muse was in him.
This means someone’s bothering her for once.

Who dared!?
They have news… of the fence
>Ma’am… a pegasus has hit the second fence line
How many chins is that?
So glimmers planning to use SA as a replacement?

I mean I guess that makes sense, we didn't establish how she'd get back to the altverse with Celly gone.
Could just reabduct her
That would be a twist. Last thing she does before she leaves was just yoink
You can’t re-abduct a deabducted one!

Three are rules!
It’s Celestia. She comes with her own ransom note.

>Can I go ONE ARC

>...think we should still try to fight him, anyway?

"Reckon it wouldn't work."

>You'd know better than us.

"Ah' could've stopped it. Should've stopped it."


"Alternative was worse. Didn't know what would happen iffin' that power just... went loose. He managed to split them from their powers, and it was just hanging there. If he didn't grab it..."

>You could've.

"...ya' wanted me ta' let him do the hard part, kill him, and take the ultimate power?"

>Well, when you say it like that...

"That's how description works."

>...Still think we should try it.

"Iffin' you go, Ah'll jump into sudden death."

>Please stop describing things accurately..
Tells it like it is!
I mean what’s the worst that can happen?

>...I might do it anyway.

"Hold me back."

>You need to hold me back.

"Well we can't both be the one to hold the other back!"



I feel like she gets dibs
Cadence absolutely is the one who gets to be held back while spitting obscenities
Chrysalis has long legs, she can hold them all.

>… what’s up?

“Ah just realized ya gots long legs”


“So ya can hug… bigger.”

>… mother of bug
Thus, Queen Two
The ultimate hugger.
And her caller of mslleys
I did not even notice that

>No luck with your newfound abilities?

It wasn't a question that needed to be asked, and not one that got a warm response in turn either. The look on her face and lack of defeated monster before her was enough.

"Sadly, the rejection of the creator's magic doesn't account for the type of magic made by her enemies. Not a lot of overlap."

>I was hoping his defining would lock them into her magic, but alas...

"Same. But it seems he's managed to supplant her enough for it to be considered "His" power, instead. I can no more reject him than I can the Hivemind itself."


"Yes, shame that the other world's anger did not stick...That or the lack of otherworldly self has prevented her from, shall we say, shifting her anger."

>Hm? Oh, your other self is back.

"Beg pardon?"

>Oh yes, didn't you notice that? She was revived, I suppose. I saw it all, through my dopplegangers eyes.

"Ah... well, in that case, are they-"

>Strictly platonic, it seemed. Not a single indication he'd done anything physical with her. Nor mention when he was being... physical, with that other mare.


>I suppose he still has unresolved issues concerning past events.

The revelation brought a quiet to the Queen that even she herself did not expect, and a frown she was not sure would leave.

>I suppose that's just one more way he's not our Bubblehorse, is he?

Not until the gentle ribbing on her side.

"No... he's not."

The power gathered on her twisted horn, but it never did unleash.

>Seems you've finally learned.

She would have to be content with thinking about it, really hard.

"...Took me long enough."

Just like everyone else.

>It's bothering you, isn't it?

"Why don't he want me, mare!?"

>So uh... why didn't you join in on the big cluster attack? I figured you'd at least do a good showing... ohhh, it's because we were trying to hold back the kids, right?


>Oh... then why-

"Because I had zero fucking context for what was going on! Giant, and I do mean giant, black evil thing comes down and next thing I know Cadence is going all Cupcakes on his ass out of nowhere and the others are just like "Yep this is what we're supposed to do, shoot the big thing!" Obviously I'm sticking next to the kids but apparently everyone else got a memo I didn't!

>...it does seem random in hindsight.

"Did they know!? Did they co-ordinate!? WHAT THE BUCK WAS THAT!?"

>... so you would've-

"In a heartbeat if only to say I did."

>I hate to say it but... same.

>Punchy? Did you like... know this whole backstory, or-


>Oh... so-

"Cadence said he was there, I did not question it."

>That's a dangerous precedent.


>Right, soldier...

"Right uh, soldier... no other reason..."
She can say she wants to smash everyone knows

>I'm worried that I was way too willing to rush into possibly sudden death against a giant dark fortress the size of a mountain and promising only pain and agony.

"Sounds like you need a stallion to bring you down to earth and keep you grounded!"

>I mean yeah but he's in said giant titan of horrors.

"You could get another one while he's currently locked in the giant dark thing."


"Er, what I meant is-"

>Could've gotten.


>You meant could've gotten, right? Because it already happened.


>Huh. Hindsight is 20/20 isn't it?

"Ha haaaadamn."


"I said damn right."
He got that rape ptsd
You know, THAT kind

With the issues
Well it’s an important distinction.
of course the damn nerd only cares about grammar.

>You know what you need? Because I got it!


>"A hug/BOOZE!"



>...Did you want the hug?


>Did you want the booze more?

"Little bit."
Silly Chrysalis you can’t drink

You’re the driver

>...Surely I can magic booze-


>GAH!... wait, was that Harmony!? Aren't you dead?

"Nobody will believe you when you say I literally only came alive to say no booze."



>No fucking way.
The old president break in
Darkseid did it first

>...I'm considering doing it.

"I advise against it, strongly."

>Still considering it.

"Did not work, I remind you. Will continue to not work, unless you can pull something else out of there."

>Not likely, not a lot of room back there.

"Turning to self harm is a poor coping mechanism."

>He's right there.

"I know."


"I know..."

>...It would make me feel better.

"It would make you feel worse when it failed."


"Do you want to say the line? You can say the line."


"It's alll myyyyyyyy..."


"What did I just say about self harm?"

>I know...

"Keep strong. I'm sure soon enough... he'll be back."

>...what are the odds the puke thing works inside of him?

"I'm sure he's suffering enough."
>>...what are the odds the puke thing works inside of him?


Yes Tacko also works because horse and tack but nobody would get that.
Also it sounds like a white lady trying to be authentic
“And also that hat makes you look nice.”


“It’s not all mean stuff.”

>Boy howdy Ah' could go for some Tackos.


>Tackos. Ya' know, that old... what'cha mean, ya' never seen a tacko?

"I've just never seen them pronounced like that."

>Ah' think it's a brand. Tacko Bell? Ever hear of it?


>Well, they give ya' Tackos.

"...are you messing with me?"


"Explain what it is right now."

>The thing ya' use for a saddle. Ya' know, Tackos.

"Ohhhh, tack."

>Well yeah that's what it is, but that ain't specific. It's like sayin' "Oh, Ah' want me a taco", like how is that tellin' ya' what flavor ya' want? Just a taco in general!

"...you're doing this to annoy me."

>It ain't about you, big horse.
It’s always about her because it’s her fault
>Ah love Tackos on a corn Tortalla


>Tortalla is a padding.

She’s thinking of Rarity


"...You keep glancing at me."

>How did you beat other me, anyway? That never happened in the other loops.

"You won?"

>You never went on that weird ass sidequest.

"Well, someone didn't have to be stupidly vague about the whole thing!"

>Didn't feel like being open.

"Just tell me! What was I gonna do, rush to the cops!?"

>Sunset went off script.




>...but the air of mystery.

"You deserved to get your ass beat!"

>Nu uh.

>Hey, Shining. Shining. Shiny. Shiny. Shiny. Shinyyyy. Shinyyyiiiiyyyy SHININING! SHINING ARMOR! SHINY! SHINY! SHINY! SHININNNNGGGGGGGGGGGG-


>Tell him I didn't deserve to get my ass beat!


He knows…
Hes a god he can tune her out
Counterpoint, he can hear everything.
>I hear all
>I know all.
>… I wish I didn’t
>… pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows-

That’s a war crime

>I want a second opinion!




>Say what I want or he'll squash you.


>When did threats of violence stop working!? Undo! UNDO!
She’s got a squasher too
And her squasher is a bug’

>I don't know you, I don't dislike you!


>So agree with me I did not deserve to get my ass beat!

"Nah. Fizzle? Bump me."



"We bros."


"And now I dislike you."

>Well I wasn't winning anyway!


"Ya'll ain't serious."

>You hate her enough this just might work!

"Ah' hate you more."



"She wrecked mah' dang farm!"

>Ohhhh, oh okay. Yeah no don't touch the farm.

'Oh now you tell me!'

>Do not touch the fucking FARM
I mean that dad move was pure dick

Well her mom did attack with a bush.
Oh myyyu

>Wait, isn’t that your farm out there, getting destroyed?

“… ah hate ya equally.”

>Phew! Was worried for a second.

>What about you? You hate me?

“I’m just deeply disappointed.”



>Well fuck you
Don’t hit her with the mom talk she can’t handle it

>...think I could grow taller than him?

"Go for it, believe in yourself!"

The dragon pauses, blinks, and looks to his right, where a changeling stood, silent.

He turned to the left, where the other voice had come from.

"I just wanted to be encouraging."

He did not know this mint green pony.


He only knew he was probably going to ask Sunset to spare her, she seemed nice.


>I literally want to destroy the universe.

"Nobody's perfect!"
She’s getting desperate to pump those numbers
Look mare, when you got the assured stuff you have to swing for the fences.

>Do I get extra if I bring a friend?

"What's this, now?"

>She's offering friendship tokens to friends.

'If you bring a friend, you get double tokens!'

>That's twice as many!

"What do the tokens do?"



>Dude have you seen these ponies? Sparkles probably mean laser beams!

"...that is a fair guess to make."
Hey maybe they’ll quit
Can’t hurt to try!
I mean it can, they can punch him.

>When has making friends ever been a bad thing?

Sunset and Glimmers eyes begin to get shifty







>...Ah' know that'cha made a little honk when ya'-


>Distracted ya', Not-Shining!


>Now ya' gotta start all over!

"...I hate you."

>No ya' don't!

"Well I don't much care for you, then!"

>That's better!


>Ya' honked when ya' proposed in loop number-


~Applejack, the fuck!~

>Iffin' Ah'm dyin', it's with a smile!

>He's taking a bit, isn't he?

"Well he doesn't just have to chart his way up, he has to chart his way back down whenever he's done."

>I'm just saying, isn't it weird?


>What do you know?

"Me? What makes you think I know anything?"

>Because you got weirdly quiet, that only happens when you mess up.'

"What? That's stupid."

>So you don't know the reason?



"Okay, so, maybe it's related to being, uh. Here."


"Welllll theoretically by charting to me, my location, he technically never actually charted to our universe, but rather aimed at me being stuffed into a subsection pocket of this universe, the door to which just happened to be in the main universe which is sealed off from the rest of the ever changing universe."


"So coming to me might have essentially left him with having to start over from scratch in aiming at the universe."

>And if he'd just aimed at Chitania from the start?

"...I mean it's only a theory."


"But, theoretically, he would've hit her immediately."


"Are you mad?"


"You seem mad."

>If him being here and delaying ends up with us losing by some bullshit I'm slapping you until your mother turns purple.

"That's fair."
He has priorities!
And they involve who’s going to suck his dick
(Sweet Note)

"You want I should rough her up, boss?"

>Nah, nah... les see how dis goes.

~Say da woid and skkkkk.~

>Don't be so loud, we don't need no mo enemies around in dees troublin' times.

(Oh sunny, ya' so caaaautious, don'tcha know these goyls don't know nothin' bout respect till ya' teach 'em?)

"Yeah, teach'em left from right you knows what I'm sayin'?"

>Can it ya bozos and put it in your pants till I tells ya ta' whip it out!

(Don'tcha worry Sunny Honey I know just the docks ta' drop her, ain't nobody gonna see a thing!)


Glimmer and Thirteen share a look.

{Don't look at me, I like horror movies.}

this works really well
Jokes on you flash and fizzle were this for ages
The og goons
And they are still
The best

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