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/mlp/ - Pony

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Quick rundown
>We're making an anthology made up of a compilation of short pony clips.
>No need to be high quality and flashy, but of course if you want to make something more ambitious like an animation please go ahead.
>There is no need to volunteer to do the final editing. I can handle that myself. Thank you.

How do I contribute?
>Make pony related clips! It can be a PMV, YTP, Animation, or whatever.
>Please render them in 1920x1080 resolution, 29.97 OR 23.976 FPS, and using progressive scanning.
>Upload them to your preferred file hosting site and post them here with a title and the sources used or what it is parodying.

June 21st 11:59 PM PST

If you have a high quality submission that you don’t want leaked to the internet early, please email to the address provided below. Submissions through the email will still be added to the spreadsheet.
Email: ZWRpdGFub25tbHBAcHJvdG9uLm1l
Spreadsheet: http://tinyurl com/3wrxtf53

>2021 anthology, submissions, and threads: https://derpy.me/DR3L8
>2022 anthology, submissions, and threads: https://derpy.me/FCzOF
>2023 submission spreadsheet: http://tinyurl com/ycxzeu68
>MLP Episodes and Movies:
MP4: DL from Heartshine (ensure you're on 1080p, it defaults to 480p) https://mlp.heartshine.gay
MKV: DL from yayponies, iTunes Raw 1080p https://yp1.yayponies.no
>Video editing software: Da Vinci Resolve (Be sure to download the free trial version. Latest versions support MKV.) https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/
>Audio Recording Software: Audacity https://www.audacityteam.org
>Vocal Remover and Isolation https://vocalremover.org
>Talknet (Visit the Pony Preservation Project thread)

Some guidelines/restrictions:
-No porn
Pretty self-explanatory. NSFW and suggestive submissions are welcomed of course, this just refers to straight up porn images and videos.
-Anthro/barbies will be evaluated on a case by case basis
>But this just means you’re going to sneak in furshit!
Remember last year the problem with the Gurren Lagann submission? This does not mean I am going to allow any anthro or EQG. If it has merit, it will be considered. Anything explicitly or unironically anthro/EQG won’t be allowed. Calm down.
-No politics or fandom drama
This may be somewhat lenient depending on what the submission is, but we want to avoid too much /pol/ circlejerking or submissions that spend time bitching about Twitterfags or the like.
>All submissions must be in 1080p and should keep their original aspect ratio. Letterbox them when needed. No portrait submissions.
>No static image submissions.
>Submission length
Keep it brief. Anything longer than 1 minute will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

>G5 inclusion
lol. Is there even any content to use? If there are any submissions, they will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
>AI generated videos
-Evaluated on a case by case basis. If it has merit, it will be considered. If it’s just slop, it probably won’t make the final cut.
I have a forty five minute compilation of horse on horse sex that I downloaded from /zoo/ a couple months ago. Can we put that into the anthology and just not upload it to YouTube?
Seems like an eqg logo
Off to a bumping start I see
I just want to clarify that the horse sex isn’t pornographic in nature, but is more of a video documentary of the ins and outs of horse coitus
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What the fuck happened here?
>uses horseshoe to replace the gear in a top gear themed logo
>immediately thinks it's eqg
brainless faggot
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I didn't need to see that
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>ponut fags want to fuck that
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idk what happened so I'm just gonna bump the thread
I want to make something but I'm just too stupid
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I'd like to make something high effort but I will end up procrastinating untill deadline and then I will rush making the video and in the I won't be able to finish it in time.
There's no time like the present, Anon!
hi is my submission supposed to be funny? or is "being interesting to look at" enough? (it's an animation)
Holy shit ponk is so cute, she drives me to fucking rope
i imagine if it's interesting enough, people will like it. It doesn't need to just be funny
No, it doesn't necessarily need to be funny. Eye candy makes for good submissions too!
>Where Amazing Happens
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-03dhsKKaA
Inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lrMGkpPYbw
>i have a little over a month to make it
uh oh it doesn't look good animationbros
Alt version with orchestral arrangement. Need to decide which I like more.
this is my fav board project. excited to see what everypony comes up with :3
How do I access catbox? Most of the submissions are uploaded there but I can't load any of the links. I tried different DNS servers, I tried using VPN and TOR, nothing works, I'm getting desperate :(
>submissions should be 30 or 24 fps
>my animation is 18 fps

well thats embarrassing
You don't have to use catbox. You can use any other file hosting sites like dropbox, google drive, MEGA, etc.
Could it be possible to animate the frames at 18, but render the video at 29.97?
I meant that I can't view submissions.
Oh. Yeah, sorry Anon, I don't know how to help you there.
that'd be interesting, splice maybe tv static changing to a few seconds of the horse secks documentary then more static and back to the anthology every now and then
>Bojack Horsefucker
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4olGVjVPpJk

I kinda feel like this is too much horse and not enough pony, but I thought the dialogue was just too fitting to not shitpost. Use at your own discretion.
No, I think this is perfectly fine! Good job, anon!
Fast board today
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Seems like it, wonder what's happened.
random request, anyone remember where in the past there was a short skit of luna shouting WAAAAAAR! with music jumping around celestia, I think it was sfm.
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>Pinkie, where do I even begin
parody of:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKEgzTegzXw

>No static image submissions
well that's kinda difficult when the subject of the parody is a still image
I'll allow it.
About to hit 41mil get
kek, now do the evil one
good idea. I'll make one when I'm done sleeping and fantasizing about my marewife (she'll never know how much I love her)
It's from Equestria girls too for that matter, the uneducated degenerate.
Wrong anon, this is what I get for mobilefagging I guess
good night bump
>Evil LePonk
Continuation of: >>40999587
Parody of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_A64-8xwGo

Thanks for the suggestion

The video is a bit long. I'm posting the full version for archival purposes. You can cut off after the first verse.

Play it like after 2-3 clips for continuation sake
sweet celestia that image is going to give me nightmares
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Highly unsettling
page 10 bump
Here's something that I've wanted to make for a while now but hadn't done yet, mostly because the idea actually required a bit of effort to do. Finally decided to make it though

>Y'all look lonely
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCsgZytKPv8
Holy shit that's fucking great. I love this.
this desu
bump. learning flash as we speak to make submission for this
Holy based
God speed, Anon.
hey op, any idea on a credits sequence? How about an intro?
We have an intro, but we could definitely use a credits sequence. The intro is a parody of Top Gear, so maybe we can continue on that theme?
and on that terrible disappointment, it's time to end.
i already use flash for my submission and i ain't even got the animatic done yet :(
good luck
why must you faggots torture yourselves like this
good morning bump
nigga what do you think i should use to animate all my things
and i use flash cs6, not even animate, but it's still an okay program if you know what to do to get what you need
>nigga what do you think i should use to animate all my things
Animation cells clearly. Also quit talking like you're black
That was a close call
Close call?
Heard you fellas need an outro.
TG & Double Rainboom

G3 on the radio
This goes 3 seconds over the limit but I promise it is truly magnificent

James May likes Brony Music

Scootaloo in the woods

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>Banging Stereo
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs4VxRzpO_c
Hell yeah brotherrrrr
Need to get inspired soon, I missed the last years anti and I would be really annoyed if I missed this one too.
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I'm with ya. I already missed two, yet I'm assuring myself to get this one right and done.
>Floyd hates G%
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7tBL_i6D20

can't decide if the shits I plastered all over the video is funny or not
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bumping the thread to show off another submission im cooking up
Looks kino as fuck.
Now we just need a transition clip
You could add this over the horseshoe transition in the intro


I'm pretty sure I saw a similar transition in the real Top Gear at least a few times.
Saw this while browsing >tiktok in bed. Reminded me of something I might see in an anthology, so I thought you guys might like it.
It is done!

>Canterlot 97
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oka1XfJuSc8
fuck i love this
please kill yourself because i'm envious that you had this idea first and not me
thank you anon, I'll be jumping off the nearest bridge available
it's actually the bridge pinkie gets rolled off of in rdp bittersweet
how nice of you :3
Fast today
Sometimes the board can take less than 5 hours to slide a thread.
not-quite-midnight bump
morning bump
Update on the state of things
80 submissions
~42 minutes of content
Pre-exercise bump
lazy bump
alright I'll work on my submission
page 10 bump
I have a horrible, terrible, uncomfortable idea that would only work in antithology for its acceptance of edgy shit.
It involves at least one CMC and segments of the song Daddy by Korn starting around 5:19
I'll probably do something else actually
Well submit both ideas, and we'll see how the Korn submission turns out. It might make it in, you never know.
>sudden struck of inspiration
we are so back baby!
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>Celestia absolves your sins

Reference: https://youtu.be/EuEC9gmwQp0?si=GE5q7XoN9zJk-fxb

with the power of animation i can do anything
kek anon this is amazing
>Fluttershy's Panic Switch
Reference: https://youtu.be/AG8fugqFn9Q?si=w9PU-y76Zf7HqX9X

>Twilight Dies and Doesn't Come Back
Reference: https://youtu.be/JIZqp2L3xyg?si=Oz6Cj7dwsHC3w4Ze
page 10 bump
Hey op, A while back some faggot made a thread encouraging folk to post pictures of their anon filly plushies in different situations. They said they would take them at the end and edit them into a short video and submit it to the next antithology or something. Unfortunately this piece of shit was fucking lying and thus the video was never made. I was wondering if i could take the pictures and make a minute long submission of them. if that is boring then you could stick it at the very end or something
I think that would be a fantastic idea. Go for it, Anon!
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Thank fuck
Glad somebody is gonna do something about it
again, with feeling
>eqg horseshoe in the logo
OP is such a fucking nigger it's unfathomable
what else were we supposed to fucking use for a Top Gear parody logo
and again
Make an SFM video on the Anon Filly doing it's shenanigans on one of the mane 6
Has anyone used audio from the new pannenkoek2012 video?
didn't mean to reply there
Remember to support /mlp/ in the Spring Babbies bump
Make me something better and I'll edit the intro you bootlipped jiggaboo
>page 9 in 2 hours
damn, is the board picking up more newfags or is that just more shitposting?
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>it's the intro
Could someone share some low weight animation software that doesn't require much learning?
>Rainpipe Dash
Shit happens zigga
Make a gmod video on the tf2 peeps being horsefuckers and acknowledging mare asses
Something's fucky
Very, a lot of big threads are going down in an hour.
>Auf der Board
forgot to render it in 1080p. fixed:
bumping so it doesnt have to be remade
I greatly appreciate that you changed the date of the tweet to the date G4 premiered.
>Ten Agen
I will make something this time, maybe
It's also the time during the premiere the audio is pulled from
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Song is Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne
But really it was inspired by this tribute video
checked and bumped
This is amazing
Are you prepared for an independent release? /mlp/con is supposed to be about a month out, and planning has not proceeded past MAYBE selecting a date.
Yeah, there hasn't been a new /mlp/con thread since panel applications opened up, huh?
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We still have a little under 2 months (/mlp/con is 8 weeks away, weekend of June 28th).
I'd bet activity will start ramping up soon as we approach the date. That's the way it usually goes, from memory. But obviously Corp is preoccupied with Mare Fair stuff right now, what with the venue shenanigans.
We should have started that thread earlier, we need time for projects, 2months are short.
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Oh hey, you guys are still working on this.
Hope it turns out really nice. Don't want it ending up as mid as the 3rd one was.
You're not overly relying on AI voices again, right?
There hasn't really been any AI voice submissions this year compared to last. The intro will definitely have AI voice because it's a parody of Top Gear, and it's not a Top Gear parody without Clarkson narrating.
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Title: Get Out of the Way Liberal

Parody of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tB5zXwHPOGo

30FPS Version in 1080p: https://files.catbox.moe/x66yq9.mp4

Original Version is in the same FPS and resolution as the source video and looks a lot different, but for the sake of resources here is that as well: https://files.catbox.moe/r6z2l1.mp4

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