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Previous: >>40968141
>Prehistoric alicorn cave pictures from the leaks are actually some random fictional species from a fairy tale
I'll do everything
They are no longer afraid to make Tirek fights
They are really making Sunny and Misty the mainest characters. When will Zipp get a goal in life?
I wanna make Sunny Starscout cry.

By rejecting her
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>Book fairy was actually expecting them to die
another week, another garbage episode
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>Misty has the magic of friendship, the strongest magic there is
I knew I was right to invest in Misty
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>Misty gets more moments
>Misty is the center cause
>Misty that, and Misty there

I'm....sorry...but I have to concede that Misty is the MAIN CHARACTER
Sunny is the cool Twilight, though. She fucked up the monster she was fighting with. Misty is doing the gay Fluttershy conversion therapy. I bet same will happen to Allura as with that fairy dragon
Her goal in life is already set, becoming the next Queen and raping Hitch until he gives her an heir
Hitch won't, he is a eunuch.
It just doesn't feel right when Misty does one of these speeches.
I just can't put my finger on it, but that's just how I feel. I don't feel sincerity coming from Misty, I just feel Hasbro's intent on trying to make you like her and make you accept her through increasingly obnoxious character shilling.
Book Fairy a cute! And based!
It's called a gelding newfag
Bad episode, but at least mage sunny is cute
Somehow Misty feels less spontaneous now than when she was Opaline's slave
I rate this one filler/10
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I enjoyed it... up until this point
Fan art of Zantorp and Book Fairy when?
never because no-one is watching this slop
That was a pretty neat episode, I really liked the fantasy and quest theme. Sunny and Zipp was kicking butt and dropping some one-liners.
hope we get more like this
More Power Rangers crap. What is even happening?
>New Transformers trailer comes out and is universally hated
>New MLP episode comes out is almost universally hated
lmao Hasjoke has the lost the plot.
Cute episode, I wasn't expecting monster fights in TYT I liked the gingerbread house crab thing. I got a laugh out of Hitch not understanding the Indiana Jones puzzle largely because I didn't get it either.
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Did somebody say
Don’t you see this was always the PLAN
Who NEED’s plot AND cohesive story telling?
>MOAR ONE OFF CHARACTER THAT WE WILL NEVER USE OR ACKNOWLEDGE AGAIN (unless it’s convenient to do so then which it was planned)
And no we will literally never explain anything plot or lore related ever
WELL HERES TO ANOTHER??? Episodes until we get bored or something
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And that's why we can't have nice things.
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Good episode, I like the fun little adventure and the gang getting to see more action together. Misty is always adorable. Can't wait to see what else her spellbook has in store.
>Blindly hating
It's bad for the same reasons all of Season Two has been miserable so far.
Shut the fuck up
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The comments here are more entertaining than the actual episode.
It's amazing that Hasbro manged to dethrone Discord as the most annoying, insufferable, and ugly MLP character with Misty. Every time I hear her meek, raspy voice I can feel my blood start to boil.
Misty's uncanny. She's like a negative space that has no right to stand next to the m5.
Seriously, her character had nowhere left to go and they invented a bunch of crap that doesn't even make sense so she wouldn't be completely useless. A heel-type character like Sprout or even Posey would've made more sense since they have room to grow and wouldn't blindly agree with everyone in the group all time. That being said, I'm glad they aren't because the writing for all the main characters sucks this season.
I hate Misty so fucking much. If she had appeared in the thumbnail I wouldn't have watched it, I thought it was a Sunny episode.
Misty had a total of how many "I might seem" speeches:

>Spell Book episode
>Swamp episode
>Story Book episode

Along with being the one to encourage Izzy in her special.
Sunny continues with "best offense is a good defence", kek. Though shields have been used offensively historically, so she have a point.
>Misty's first male ship is an ugly bastard monster
Even when she wins she loses
Misty is gonna fuck and cum so much.
This, but with Zipp. I hope Allura kills her so Comet can take her place.
Wow Flutterfags really are racists against Blacks
Stop trying to force this meme
It's funny
this meme and the main character meme are both annoying
It's one guy that keeps posting it
Good, autists seething over Misty is always funny.
So how many posts are made by the samefag so far? I'm thinking at least 20.
Why Comet?
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Why youtubers are so shit?
Why do "M*sty"fags hate Zipp so much?
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Cause she jumps better.
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>>41014215 >>41014223
She's been practicing for a long time.
Hitch and Comet can be boyfriends.
Sunny knows just like 2 spells, but boy she is good at them.
> Magical Arc beam
> Bubble shield
>> Magical Arc beam
That's just a shield, she just launches it forwards.
First use of bubble shield was to save Posey and Windy in the Abyss
>lorefags being BTFO
You love to see it.
Because they're jealous
I've put off watching this because I know
will rustle my jimmies :(
Mistychads just can't stop winning!
The fact that this episode has Misty giving another annoying speech is just the worst
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>Misty "Just because you are a virgin and alone doesnt mean you have to stay that way. I sure know what it means to be both of those"
>Misty grabs the lonely creatures hoof claw
>Misty "But that doesn't mean we both have to stay that way. I can be your friend. And maybe with benefits.
>Pipp laughs in the background.
> Zipp and Izzy look confused.
>Sunny facehoofs and Hitch sighs in relief that she didnt say that to him.
> Sparky looks sad then pulls a razor out and tries to slit his wrists. It breaks on his scales.
her power ranger activation speech made me cross myself, give me strength
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>The way Sunny says "oh boy"
oh yes!
are we going to ignore this group is more powerful than the mane 6 even thought the mane 6 were the elements of harmony
The only one with real feats is Sunny and Hitch, everyone isn't even worth mentioning other than being the guardians of the crystals.
>are we going to ignore powerlevel faggotry
The elements are just symbols of virtues about friendship. They don't grant any actual individual power, only the insta-win rainbow laser.
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A new episode? I’m happy now!
Sister-in-law-laws :)
I want to watch this so badly, but I’m not caught up yet.
I would say the mane 6 are pretty gifted
Twilight: Third or Second strongest unicorn of history, later the strongest alicorn
Rainbow Dash: in season 1 she was the fastests pony already
pinkie pie: who knows what powers she has, but she plays in toon logics
applejack: way stronger than a normal mare
fluttershy: she has the stare and can talk to animals
>applejack: way stronger than a normal mare
Random one-time burst of strength in s07 finale aside (that was treated as a miracle), AJ is much weaker than Lily Longsocks or Maud Pie.
Rarity have telekinesis on a whole swarm of objects, all working on tandem, she does even need to see them.
The G4 Mane 6 were powerful because of friendship. By this logic the G5 mane 6 should be able to annihilate them because their friendship has more depth to it than just hanging out after work for 9 years or some shit
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>annihilate them
I meant metaphorically. Like when Pipp annihilate everyone in a pie eating contest.
don't bother nothing in s2 is worth seeing
the only reason why im watching is because i have an autistic thing where I have see everything to end
Do you have also have an autistic thing where you have to post nonsense in the every G5 thread?
so sunniggers are even worse than twiniggers
>Verification not required.
>Are we going to ignore magic users are stronger when they said magic is getting stronger in season 1
>mane 6
The only one that mattered was Twilight
And thats why it was not good.
Mistycorn is canon..??
M*sty is stealing from better characters again. This one is a two for one special because unicorn Twilight put the spell of Rarity.
Her cutiemark is a butterfly, but the symbolism is pretty annoying
g5 has problems, but the youtubers making videos disliking it, are kind of retarded and fixated on the wrongs.
agree, they too focused on downsides of g5 and completely oblivious to the upsides.
Well I was thinking more about how a search for perceived plotholes has been disastrous for online critics
Wait....Sunny is thinner than Zipp.
Sunny is a feeder. She's always baking and making food. To make the loneliness go away. To make her friends happy. To feel appreciated and important. So when she makes Zipp 4 pancakes with syrup for breakfast the pegasus going to eat them.
>She's always baking and making food. To make the loneliness go away.
She's literally me... except I don't have friends
At least you have leftovers
I just love Sunny's witch hat. Hitch's and Zipp's outfit were fine.
Im gonna be buried ina good mare if you know what I mean
So Sunny, Zipp, Pipp, or Izzy?
More like Dahlia, Windy, Posey, Jazz.
Posey and Dahlia are part of the stormgroup, highly racist
That just makes them even easier to waifu
New episode in two days?
Misty is the most annoying character? Yes, yes she is. Not only do they have to force her, they have to prop her up by making the m5 look stupid compared to her.
>samefag continues to ramble to himself
One episode every three weeks.
>everyone I don't like is the same person
One Monopoly dollar has been deposited into your Hasbro account.
3 weeks? That's ridiculous
That happened one time, but it could be because the Easter Phoenix episode was still a week earlier than it was supposed to be (considering Hasbro cracked down hard on content uploads from it for a week afterwards, and the episodes around it were biweekly).
hopefully never
>everyone I don't like is a paid shill
One bottle cap has been deposited into your tinfoil hat.
Keep seething.
Only shills would defend this crap like their lives depend on it.
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I'm not getting paid to enjoy cute ponies
She just can't bring herself to cause too much harm
I just wish they'd keep us apprised with a real schedule
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Really? You could've fooled me. I don't see any cute ponies in your image.
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Right here
Even G5 supporters started to find MYM ugly towards the end. You are a shill.
Just don't bother with the troll. Let him seethe.
blow it out of your blown out ass twisharter
>Fregoli delusions again
Get it through your skull. People do not like the direction G5 is going. Even though the IP counter is gone you can still see that less and less people care about with each new episode.
14 days 9 hours 45 minutes until the next episode
Too long!
Where did you get that info? Why isnt it today?
Maybe today, maybe next week, maybe a week after that. Hasbro is shit
Not this week, it seems.
Hasbro's lies are a disgrace. "New episodes every week in 2024!", my ass.
I forgot that we were promised weekly episodes
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>No episode today
There was also no influencer or other projects promised for this quarter, they barely made it with the special
Fuck you
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tfw no poni
Bless you
Stop samefagging
Stop samefagging
Stop samefagging
Too bad MYM is superior to the twilight show, must suck that you know this and it drives you crazier than when you chopped your dick off.
all me by the way
I guess we'll have to make our own episode.
>Sparky farts and shits on the floor
>Some random pony recites his/her slogan
>Magic randomly comes out of nowhere and fixes everything for no reason
Now I'm sad. I'm going to go watch Rocky Hearts Jazz again.
Here's my episode idea:
>Izzy wakes up
>Meets everyone in the kitchen and eats breakfast
>Tells everyone about a dream with a snow leopard, a new type of unicorn, Alicorns, Misty living with them, a carnival, a seapony, and Jazz and Rocky dating
>they all laugh it off and say it's just Izzy being Izzy
>Sunny and Izzy spend the day together
>episode ends
Sparky don't shit. You're confusing him with bunnies, which shat candies in one ep.
I've got one
>Misty cries
>Everyone says she's the best pony ever
>Everything works out for Misty
Is nu-Misty as hated everywhere else as she is here? (I don't visit Twatter so I wouldn't know)
i miss blue hair Misty.
she had so much more going on and was more fun to watch.
This one just learns the same lesson over and over again and acts sad about nothing in particular all the time.

I get that she is basically new starlight, but damn dude, starlight did it better because she didn't just drop all her bad habits over night and turn into a mopey snorefest like misty is doing.
Misty needs some bad habits, she was raised by a villain, she's doesn't even make sense as she is now.
She wouldn't have just changed, she was so resourceful and sneaky before, have her keep doing that kind of stuff but for good reasons now.

she should be wearing a solid black catsuit while hunting down Allura and her rabbit in the middle of the night for goodness sake, she performed a free fall insertion on the brighthouse while she was working for Opaline, give her some credit.
She's extremely popular on derpibooru, and the people there have a really weird complex about her.
That'd make Misty way more fun. Making her do shit like eating diner crackers with ketchup because Opaline underfed her, and putting her skills to good use. That'd make Misty more popular with the actual intended 4-8 demo
have Misty fart in Sparky's face as revenge
What kind of complex?
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>Sunny and Izzy spend the day together
why do Hasbro hate us so much
Is it gunna give her a papercut?
tyt doesn't have a single episode of Sunny and Izzy together. The closest is the one where they get stuck in the woods together, and that episode is diluted because they decided to include the entire m5. It's really fucking retarded, if you never saw the movie and you only saw tyt, you'd never think they were bffs.
why are you lying?
Name me one tyt episode where the focus is only Sunny and Izzy. Only them. Like how the hearts and hooves one is only Zipp and Izzy.
>Name me one tyt episode where the focus is only Sunny and Izzy.
tons of episodes like this.
>Only them. Like how the hearts and hooves one is only Zipp and Izzy.
i can't, but that's not what why i said you were lying. this is why
>if you never saw the movie and you only saw tyt, you'd never think they were bffs.
while they've never had a separate episode that's just them, their interactions are extremely soulful. i would argue better than mym. for god's sake, there is a scene where they are literally scissoring:
I gave you a simple criteria. You didn't furnish a proper result. There is no excuse whatsoever for Sunny to get solo episodes with Zipp, and for Izzy to get solo episodes with Zipp, but not for Sunny to get solo episodes with Izzy. In season 2 Sunny has spent more time talking to Misty, and Izzy has spent more time talking to Misty, than to each other. Again, there is no excuse for this. Someone at Hasbro refuses to give them time together, and you would have to be blind to not notice this.
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Hi new friend!
No, it is not allowed to hate Misty due to her being a POC
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Every Pony is Pony of Colour.
Izzy is so FUARKING strong
okay, but they still have plenty of good moments. and they only don't have episodes where it's just them, they're are plenty of episodes where the episodes is mostly them.
A really deep cut
It really sucks
Maybe we'll get an episode this morning
Nope, still a longer time until the new episode.
When were we supposed to get a new one anyway?
Same day of the week every time, every 1-3 weeks.
THREE weeks now? Hasbro is really dropping the ball here.
Never, G5 got canceled
Damn. Good thing they told you so you could inform us eh, dogschizo?
>Dog Schizo out of NOWHERE
Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just reporting reality
The newest G5 toy is a complete flop and only has one review despite being available for purchase for months now
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G5 exists to sell toys and it can’t even do that correctly lol
This years old G4 playset it outselling a brand new G5 playset
Both are Amazon exclusives before you start bitching about it not being a fair comparison
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Notice how one of these is more than twice the price of the other one
>G5 got canceled
>I'm just reporting reality
Remember, kids: don't do drugs!
>B-but the price
Look at the product info
Both come with figurines about the same size (three inches) the dimensions are similar to
the G4 playset is 4.25 x 12.99 x 16.54 inches
the G5 playset is 5.3 x 22 x 14 inches
The only reason the G5 cost more is because Hasbro is desperate for cash now and is trying it's hardest to make a profit from any G5 products
>G% Playset is 1,632 Square inches
>G$ Playset is 914 Square inches
One would think that at almost double the material would require a higher cost. Don't you know about the hall of cost?
My point is it isn't that much bigger
This thread is getting wild
The G$ money playset is only 56% the size of the G% playset. Dude just do the math, come on.
There's no white, black, or brown on a rainbow though
It isn't but you can cope
Listen retard you gave us the numbers, we crunched them, and came up with the correct result. The G% playset is near double the size of the G$ playset.
Now quit fucking lying.
I just think it's kind of weird that sunny is living inside of a giant house shaped like herself.
Turns out Hasbro never wanted to make a game, Melbot Studios approached Hasbro by themselves. Hasbro gave them the license, but demanded it to be dumbed down to the kindergartner level. If it can't be played by 4-year-old girl, it had to go.
Reminds you of something? Yup, it's almost the same story as My Little Pony Manga. Enthusiasts receive an official license, only for executives to meddle to the point of crash and burn.
It tells you a lot about Generation 5. MLP: Friendship is Magic was targeted at 6-10-year-olds (elementary school level). Looks like G5 was targeted at the same audience as G3 all along (kindergartner level).
We actually have official slides showing the target demo age group for G5 is lower thsn G4, so that part at least is s solid fact. Still, that's not the main reason it's worse quality than G4, and the idea of some people of an "adult" form of MLP like South Park would completely ruin it.
>South Park
(This this a joke?)
I'm thinking more in lines of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Ori and the Blind Forest or The Legends of Spyro.
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>You are tasked to make a game to tie into the movie
>Hasjew doesn't show all of the interesting parts
What the FUCK were they thinking?
It ties into Make Your Mark special, tho?
So is the second game going to be perfected after they learned from the first?
'They' got shown the door, a completely different studio is making game 2 but using the same rigs in new environments
Looks like they had to scrap a movie adaptation and went for a sequel
I'm hoping for another week without an episode.
If you really didn't care you wouldn't be here
What happened to the manga?
What studio is making the sequel?
>Source : literally who
Is that a special I hear coming down the road this week?
I hear another week of nothing
I thought the next one was in the summer
Spring literally just started.
Executive meddling. Eventually it got so bad that it got discontinued.
But what kind of meddling? Like a mangaka being forced to redo and edit their work?
It was supposed to be set during s02 era. Eventually Hasbro forced author to add Castle of Friendship, alicorn Twilight, Mane 5 as old hags, Girrafelight, etc. There's been many other meddlings, I don't remember exactly. Look it up in the archives
I'm talking about 2019 manga from Seven Seas Entertainment. The first two volumes are very popular on /mlp/ (Star Dancer even have own waifu flag here), unfortunately shizo have shat up the third volume discussion. IMHO, it was still entertaining despite the amount of meddling.
2013 manga from Akira Himekawa is less known here, but it's cute and there's not much of Hasbro's meddling. Unfortunately Japanese normies prefer kemonomimis, so manga was not ongoing for very long.
I hate that style
Watch the video nigga
I did, and it sounded like he said "Darkher" studios. So, this one? https://store.steampowered.com/developer/DharkerStudios

That would be interesting, but it doesn't really fit in with their other games.
Never mind, it's "Drakhar." The trailer has it.
Shizo, or a schizo?
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Wait, it's already been released in Italian and Hindi? Fuck you Hasbro, I hate your schedule and useless jeet intern
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Great now the pajeets and wops are getting poni before white people. The West has truly fallen.
Is this the retcon the poser thread is talking about?
What retcon?
Wait. I got it. Posey called Windy bestie and now she's a loner freak
He means Posey suddenly not having friends when she did before.
>when she did before.
Dahlia has another pair already. Others are just acquaintances at best. Posey is too prideful to ask first anyway.
Shippy shippy, do the shippy ippy ippy.

Shippy shippy, do the shippy ippy ippy.

Shippy ippy ippy!
Friendshipping only.
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Reminds me of this
G5 is just one schizo pony's imagination playing with her ocs and imaginary friends just like Faust
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What a pitiful snooter, how can pigg even compare to that Aryanne bridge
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Wake me up when ponies are-
Worst part is that Indian intern not only uploaded this episode in Hindi, but also skipped 2 episodes, which mean we might get entirely different episode this week
Oh great. Knowing my luck it's going to be another Misty episode, or an episode where everyone is extra stupid so Misty can give an annoying speech and save the day

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