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Previous Thread: >>40923698

Welcome to Fingerbang: The Equestria Girls & Humanized Thread! Anything with >no hooves is welcome and encouraged here. If you like to write, draw, read, or critique the humanized versions of the ponies, then this is the thread for you.

Story List:

--Recent Writefags-- (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)

https://ponepaste.org/2937 (Luna)
https://ponepaste.org/9483 (Celestia, Luna, Wallflower)
https://ponepaste.org/3518 (Various)
https://ponepaste.org/9092 (All Four Pie Sisters)
https://ponepaste.org/9088 (Cadance)
https://ponepaste.org/7826 (Fluttershy)

https://ponepaste.org/9098 (SciTwi)
https://ponepaste.org/3985 (SciTwi)
https://ponepaste.org/7060 (SciTwi)

Magna Anon:
https://ponepaste.org/9460 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/3235 (Rarity)
https://ponepaste.org/3940 (Pinkie)
https://ponepaste.org/4395 (RD)
https://ponepaste.org/4987 (Twilight)
https://ponepaste.org/6019 (Applejack)

https://ponepaste.org/9699 (Pinkie Pie)

https://ponepaste.org/8602 (Coco)

https://ponepaste.org/4863 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/4864 (Mane 6)
https://ponepaste.org/4865 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/9741 (Fluttershy)

--Less Recent Writefags-- (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)

PurpTrix: https://ponepaste.org/7160 (Twilight/Trixie)

Magicopia: https://ponepaste.org/user/Magi (Various)

https://ponepaste.org/8603 (Twilight)
https://ponepaste.org/8604 (Celestia)

SolAnon: https://ponepaste.org/6863 (Rarity)

https://ponepaste.org/4939 (Applejack)

https://ponepaste.org/3005 (AJ)

https://ponepaste.org/2619 (RD)

https://ponepaste.org/user/BetAnonTheSecond (Various story links)

https://pastebin.com/rnmM7QJk (Mane Seven)
https://pastebin.com/BFZq3W6t (Sunset Shimmer)

FiftyShadesofYellow: https://pastebin.com/x9BuyJQZ (Fluttershy)

Jade: https://pastebin.com/S9JWisFy (Fluttershy/Rarity/Dash)
https://pastebin.com/Aw0tfU9E (Fluttershy/Scitwi)

TerminusAnon: https://pastebin.com/ddNn3tjZ (Midnight/Twilight)

Lilith: https://pastebin.com/sPUtvkM7 (Mane Six: Space)

https://pastebin.com/6izpGbaV (Various)
https://pastebin.com/VJawJwMe (Various)
https://pastebin.com/jBBpfKdL (Various)

Archival Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/u/FingerbangingMLP
Thread Resources: http://derpy.me/b783H
FimFiction Group: http://www.fimfiction.net/group/204505/human-eqg-fingerbang
Applications: http://derpy.me/tQSuG
Discord: https://discord.gg/jXfKyJP
>How did this Humanized thread get started? What happened to Fingerbang?

The Humanized thread was created when the various humanized threads (including Fingerbang) on /mlp/ decided to merge. The rest is history. Quite literally as of now.
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Don't feel bad, Anon. I should've thought about it sooner. This gal's a nice underrated character, and this is a cute pic to use.
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To be fair, I could have asked about it too lmao. Fluttershy could be the next one perhaps. One busty gal this time around and then another busty gal next time.
I second that!
It's good not to start a thread with AI art, and it's better to start one with ponified EqG.
I'm getting ready to repost what I put out last thread with pictures this time >>41016689 , but I wanna make sure I know if you wanna post your thing before or after it.
Oh, didn't even realize it was AI. Wasn't paying attention. Ah well...
Go ahead, I won't have any updates out tonight
Appreciate the concern, though!
There’s already plenty of threads with pony OPs
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Alright, then. Reposting now.
—Alternate Timeline—
>Principal Celestia is completely naked under all her clothes.
>You struggle to bat this intrusive thought about her away from your mind as she firmly holds your wrist, pulling you down the hallway.
>Onward to your punishment you’re dragged, getting curious looks from a couple of lone classmates wondering what you did this time.
>Could have been anything at this point, seeing that you somehow made it all the way to APRIL without once choking your chicken… not since Halloween.
>Many sunrises your rooster has experienced, but you never answered its morning call.
>Even when its call became urgent and insistent after around three weeks, you ignored your own nature.
>Might be the last one left to do so too, but you have no way of knowing.
>Many young male students still participate in No Nut November, but no one talks about it anymore, thank goodness.
>It’s less cringeworthy when you just do it and don’t involve other people’s attention by mentioning what you’re doing.
>Now no one knows why you’re like this, which is definitely for the better since you’re already enough trouble as you are.
>”Anon! Are you listening to me?!” Principal Celestia breaks your concentration away from her big soft chest still just noticeably bouncing a little to her hasty steps, even through her formal uniform jacket over everything else.
“Yes I am.” You lie.
>”What did I just say, Anon?”
“Fine, you got me.”
>She lets out an extremely annoyed groan with a breathy strain that makes you instantly imagine her sounding like this during sex.
>”Whatever, you’d forget it all by tomorrow anyway.” Principal Celestia grits her teeth as she approaches her office with you in tow.
>About 20 minutes later.
>You’re sitting in this chair because you (technically) sexually assaulted one of the girl athletes during the annual Friendship Games that just finished wrapping up, hosted at CHS this year.
>Don’t wanna say whether or not it’s your fault that their mandatory uniform jerseys have such large openings that show their clingy sports bras, because that’s not what this is about anyway.
>This is about how you *reacted* to that… reaching inside of those drooping arm holes as though she had invited you in.
>She didn’t, and your critical thinking and common sense must have been out on a honeymoon together at the moment, leaving you to think with your…
>”You have embarrassed ME, you have embarrassed the WHOLE SCHOOL, and you have embarrassed EVERY young man your age who knows how to control himself!” Principal Celestia finishes chastising you, glaring daggers into your eyes. “So YOU better be embarrassed too!”
>You nod, wondering why you’re starting to feel funny.
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“I am. I’m so sorry.” You blurt.
>”You should be.” Principal Celestia crosses her arms in angry satisfaction, pushing her busty yet fully clothed D-cup chest upwards a little bit inside that top. “But I’m afraid an apology’s not enough this time. You GROPED her, Anon.”
“Am I expelled?” You skip straight to the point.
>”Honestly, I was strongly considering that. But you apologized to me just now, which shows you at least feel guilt for what you did.” Celestia could probably hear in your voice that it was genuine.
“Whatever it’s gonna be, I won’t dispute it. I should have known better, I won’t make excuses.” You were hoping you could just not ever have to get up for school ever again.
>But you still DO feel genuine remorse, because you hadn’t realized you were reaching into that girl’s top until you felt her breast through her tight damp sports bra and heard her yelp at you.
>The fact that you made it all the way to April is proof that you usually have more restraint than this; why would you go and touch someone else when you won’t even cave in to touching yourself?
>There was a faint pink aura around the audience on the Crystal Prep side of the bleachers you noticed long before anyone else.
>By the time someone else pointed out its slight visibility, you had already been trying not to breathe in the perfume-like aroma it carried over as it spread to the CHS side that still probably no one else noticed yet.
>Maybe something made you more sensitive to it before everyone else.
>Not sure if you can believably blame that for the sudden intrusive sexual thoughts you began receiving almost immediately afterward.
>You’re not about to try.
>”At least we’re on the same page.” Principal Celestia says to you after an exasperated sigh. “You can’t quickly wash your hands of this. We take sexual assault very seriously here.”
“I understand.”
>The image of Principal Celestia’s round butt gently stretching the back of her tight purple pants as she was walking stays in your mind.
>When you watched a quick crease form at the back of that denim fabric between her soft buttcheeks and just as soft thighs every time each of her long legs came back closer to you.
>A tiny hint of an indentation from Principal Celestia’s somewhat modest panties shone through that clingy purple fabric.
>You can only wonder how many other young male students notice this subtle detail, one that gives away that Principal Celestia wears a pair of panties that don’t cover her soft buttcheeks all the way.
>Principal Celestia’s large, soft… grab-able… spank-able buttcheeks…
>Imagine having her face-down over your lap, undoing the front of Principal Celestia’s pants and slipping them halfway down her soft thighs…
>Watching Principal Celestia’s soft half-exposed underbutt ripple and shake in her almost-modest undies, in response to a few light spanks of reversed punishment…
>Notice a growing tension in your own pants, pitching a stiff erection up against inside the front of your underwear.
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>Principal Celestia continues to talk with you, and you respond accordingly, maintaining direct eye contact with her and noticing a slight blush appear on her face as if what she’s thinking about isn’t too different from what you’re thinking about.
>While you talk about the severity of the sexual assault you committed and what should be done to punish you.
>But the only thing going on in your mind is stuff like trying (and failing) not to get any more erect inside of your underwear to the urgent desire to get inside Principal Celestia’s underwear.
>Your stiffness grows and grows thinking about Principal Celestia’s barely modest panties wonderfully hugging her wide hips inside her clingy purple pants.
>Celestia’s underwear’s fabric comfortably cradles her soft pussy underneath.
>You now have a raging full erection for Principal Celestia desperately pushing up against the inside of your underwear.
>And it is NOT going away.
>Neither is the slight blush on Principal Celestia’s face.
>You maintain eye contact with Principal Celestia, knowing that if your eyes wander down even for a second during this, she will clearly catch you.
“How long am I suspended for?” You ask, planning to stall having to stand up if you need to. “Is there anything like a program or something you’re gonna make me do?”
>”Penalties for sexual assault do include a sexual behavior rehabilitation program, yes.” Principal Celestia answers, fruitlessly trying not to sound a certain way when saying ‘sexual’. “Hang on, I don’t think it’s called that.”
>She leans over to open a drawer on her side of her desk, then sifts through the manila folders with files she has there.
>And through the collar of her shirt, you can see Principal Celestia’s purple bra strap loosely clinging to her shoulder.
>It suddenly loosens more, lifted up from her smooth pink skin entirely, indicating that Principal Celestia’s big soft breasts must be pressing down onto something as she leans really far this way, briefly relieving her bra strap of that… tension.
>Principal Celestia’s big soft breasts must be delightfully mashing harder against her bra cups at this very second.
>It’s been so long that even the little things really get you going…
>”Here it is.” She pulls a manila folder out and gently slaps it onto the surface of her desk, still looking up at you multiple times between glancing at the papers before her.
>Principal Celestia’s upper arms push her big soft D-cup boobs together inside of her clingy shirt half exposed under that uniform jacket, you can see it in the ripples and creases in her shirt’s thinner fabric.
>Imagine Principal Celestia’s cleavage just underneath that~
>Feel your sack contract, lifting your heavy overpacked balls a bit closer to your stiff full erection for Principal Celestia, as it twitches against the inside of your underwear.
>Principal Celestia is completely naked under all her clothes.
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>The phone on Principal Celestia’s desk begins fill her office’s walls with a sudden ring.
>She glances over at it, then back at you on the other side of her desk before the phone sounds off another ring.
>”One sec.” Celestia can see Luna’s name on the little display component.
>You shift around in your seat as Principal Celestia picks up the phone, noticing the sound of rapid footsteps from someone running through the hall past the door.
>”Is this urgent?” Principal Celestia begins, almost immediately interrupted by the sound of Vice Principal Luna’s frantic voice on the other end. “Luna?”
>You watch Celestia’s expression go from annoyed to concerned.
>”Luna, Luna, slow down. What are you saying?” Celestia fixates her eyes onto the phone now.
>You can make out about half of what Vice Principal Luna is saying.
>It’s not a lot, but it’s enough to suggest that something bad is going on right now:
>[“I’m heading over right now! I’m [unintelligible] and they’re [unintelligible] I don’t know why they’re all doing that but this [unintelligible] Celestia? Sister, are you there?”] Her voice is accompanied by what is probably clamoring and chaos.
>Principal Celestia heard a lot more than you did, and her face is now pale as though she’s seen a ghost. “What?! Y-yeah, I’m here! what the hell is going on?!”
>What you hear next gets you just as worried as Celestia is:
>[“Lock yourself inside your office! Don’t open up until you hear me knock!”]
>The hell is going on?! Active shooter? Bear attack? IRS?
>”Luna, what’s going on?!” Celestia stands up, gripping the phone tightly in her hand.
>You can now hear more people running past the door.
>Following by shouting.
>Celestia hears this too, and eyes her office door wondering if this commotion is related to what she just heard Luna say over the phone.
>She doesn’t wonder for long and concludes that it is indeed related.
>”How close are you now?” Asks Celestia into the phone, heightening her tone. “Luna?!”
>[“Fuck!”] Luna’s voice sounds, followed by more noise and commotion on the other end while the commotion on the other side of the door picks up even more.
>Your fight or flight instinct has been activated; your heart races; your mind loses sight of what’s going on in your pants and makes you stand up.
>”All the doors are locked!” A distressed female voice in the hallway sounds. “We can’t stay here!”
>”What do you mean? Did they get in?” A male voice asks in a similar tone.
>”Not if the doors to outside were locked behind us!”
>”There’s like 10 doors into the school! There’s no way they all got sealed!” A second female voice yells. “We gotta get out of the building, they’ll trap us in here!”
>Principal Celestia suddenly gasps behind you.
>You spin around to find her looking out the window.
>Even while standing further away from the window, you can see people all running in the same direction, some of them partially undressed.
>No idea how long that was perceivable from this room.
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>Not long after this, you recognize the athlete girl you had recently... encountered.
>Her jersey is gone, and she’s running around in her sports bra and shorts.
>Two of the other athlete girls are chasing her, one of them from this school and one of them from the other school.
>They catch up to her and tackle her to the ground.
>Now the athletic girl kicks and screams as a couple more people stop around her, grabbing her from all directions and pulling her sports bra up.
>Fighting the best she can, the athletic girl cries for help with her sports bra halfway up her raised arms, her bare naked breasts swaying side to side before hands aggressively grope them.
>Her cries for help are silenced by forced kisses onto her lips, and her struggling quickly loses forcefulness after this.
>You can’t see Celestia’s face as she watches this, but you can imagine how distraught she is watching three girls and one guy force the girl she just stood up for out of the rest of her clothes.
>The girl’s uniform shorts are pulled in opposite directions until they tear apart, fully exposing her tight spandex shorts before those are also ripped wide open, exposing her bare crotch.
>The guy has his erect cock out, and quickly positions himself between the athlete girl’s legs.
>”LUNA WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!” Celestia hollers into the phone, face now a pale bluish from extreme discomfort, shaky hands desperate to shut the blinds and hide this horrible sight from view. “LUNA?!”
>She accidentally sets her office phone’s setting to speakerphone.
>You’re meanwhile feeling your stubborn erection reinforce itself after watching what just happened before the blinds are haphazardly shut.
>Principal Celestia stumbles over her own words trying to say something.
>She’s bright red in the face by the time Vice Principal Luna’s voice sounds on the phone again.
>”LUNA!” Principal Celestia turns even brighter red in the face, blushing harder than you’ve ever seen her blush.
>Vice Principal Luna now sounds further away from the phone, clearly shrieking in the middle of a chorus of labored moans and grunts.
>[“UNHAND ME! LET GO OF ME!”] Screams Luna as the sound of clothing getting torn becomes louder. [“NO! NOO! LET GO OF MY PANTS!”]
>”L…luna…” Croaks Celestia, pupils extremely contracted in shock as she briefly hears her sister’s screams for help get smothered by someone else’s mouth.
>”They’re coming in through everywhere! We gotta get out!” A new voice outside the door yells.
>[”Un… unhand my top!”] Vice Principal Luna’s voice now sounds confused and exhausted as the clothing ripping noises continue. [“No… please don’t!”]
>Luna’s weakening voice gets muffled by someone’s mouth again.
>[“Ohhhh, oh FUCK yes get her bra off~!”] A new ultra-depraved female voice huffs, slowly losing coherency with each word as she finishes converting and becomes too horny to remember how to talk. [“Unf… so hot~! Gehh… get her… uuhhhhh~… mmmmmmhhh!”]
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>The window suddenly shatters, making both you and Celestia jump as shards of glass land all over the carpet.
>Those limply dangling blinds aren’t going to keep whoever did that out there.
>Both of you immediately get away from the window and make for the door; you still have a fighting chance in the hallway… at least it sounds like you will.
>Open the door to the hallway.
>Luna over the phone can be heard suddenly shrieking at the top of her lungs in response to something as a naked man comes through the window, followed by a naked woman.
>With more hands poking their fingers through the blinds, promising they’re coming in too.
>There’s items strewn about in the otherwise empty hallways as you and Principal Celestia run around, soon splitting up.
>You followed the direction of that last voice you heard, soon hearing that same voice scream at the top of her lungs right as you turn the corner towards it.
>Can’t see who it is through the crowd of either totally naked or partially naked people, both male and female, clustering over her like a school of sharks over a fish on the ocean floor.
>A lot of them are trying to mount eachother too, rapidly getting into sex positions, distracting you long enough for Twilight Sparkle behind you to tackle you to the floor.
>Behind her are the rest of the mane 7, in various but vastly revealing states of undress and with a pink glow in all of their eyes.
>Your head begins spinning, arousal immediately taking the reins for a second looking at Rarity’s bare pussy and Fluttershy’s bare nipples.
>They all crowd around you, very insistently grabbing your shirt and somehow ripping it open with little difficulty.
>One of them undoes the front of your pants after seeing your still pitched tent that somehow didn’t go away yet.
>Your pent-up strength helps you squirm until your pants are mostly off now, then Applejack lands on top of you and grabs the brim of your underwear, pulling it down to your knees then ripping it apart.
>It didn’t take them long to get your cock out at all; it flings into the open and catches all of their horny gazes.
>Fluttershy holds your face up against her soft naked tits while Pinkie Pie lets her loose bra cups fall open while pulling her blue and yellow panties down.
>You were lucky that Applejack is slightly lighter than you, standing up with her over your shoulders before Pinkie runs herself into you and tackles you, letting Applejack fall to the floor.
>Roll over on top of Pinkie then stand up before Rarity jumps onto your bare back.
>Pinkie grabs her, insisting she hops on that cock first, giving you time to dart off with a detached short sleeve around your wrist and one lone pant leg clinging to your shin in tatters.
>Both of which you leave behind.
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>Pinkie and Rarity have begun ferociously kissing one another, and that’s the last thing you see before turning back around the corner and throwing yourself into an open locker someone must have rummaged through at the last second.
>Shut the door, but the locker is too small for you to be inside and have the door completely close all the way.
>Luckily, the door can still close enough to appear all the way closed to anyone not paying attention, nor does the click of the lock make any sound since it can’t close all the way.
>You can hear them looking around for you several seconds later, but their minds are so bent on sex that they cannot figure out where you just went.
>None of them speak, just groan and begin to fondle one another as they then go back to the orgy halfway back down the hallway around the corner.
>You don’t make a single sound as you listen to them fuck like rabbits, very soon dispersing and venturing throughout the school for anyone else not converted to mindless default-settings horny mode yet.
>The pitter patter of bare feel goes back and forth as you wait inside the pitch blackness of the locker.
>Your heart races.
>Suddenly, you hear shoes across the floor, and they’re taking very cautious steps.
>After you hear a quiet jittery sigh, you recognize Principal Celestia’s voice.
>Quietly open the locker door and poke your head out.
“Principal Celestia?” You whisper in her direction.
>She turns to face you, still fully clothed and standing just before an intersection at the other end of the hallway. “Anon!”
>She didn’t whisper that.
>You get ready to ask her if she knows about any unlocked classrooms, but you notice a sudden crowd of naked people appear behind her from around either corner of the intersection.
>She is facing you and doesn’t see them yet for some reason.
>Once she does, it’s already too late to get away.
>”Anon!” Principal Celestia gasps.
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>Principal Celestia is already as good as naked; she doesn’t know yet that she’s already naked inside of her clothes and about to be forced naked out of her clothes.
>But she quickly learns and realizes as it all quickly happens.
>Principal Celestia frantically looks to either side as horny hands viciously grab her arms and horny arms wrap around her torso.
>She lets out a panicked scream, lifted off of her feet by the strength of many mindless love zombies behind her with nothing on their mind but sex and horny desire for Principal Celestia.
>Principal Celestia desperately squirms against the outnumbering hands groping her soft busty chest through her not-for-long-functional clothing…
>Like a school of sexually hungry piranhas, dozens of horny groping hands feel Principal Celestia up all over her body through her futile clothing.
>Forcing her to the floor; her uniform jacket is already unbuttoned in front and off her shoulders…
>Principal Celestia can’t mentally process what all the hands are doing; she’s feeling so many hands grabbing and working all over her body at once like a one-sided ambush sieging of her clothing.
>You notice the open door the the utility closet she just came out of, making a break for it while the mindless horny love zombies are distracted with Principal Celestia.
>She looks over to you with eyes pleading you to look away as she hopelessly tries to escape being forced to be stripped bare, exposed before her student.
>Unable to convince them all to stop as they restrain her arms and get even more horny the more of her body they see.
>No sexual assault lecture will stop this. Principal Celestia’s sexy body does all the REAL talking as far as they’re all concerned.
>Their hands are strong enough to rip Principal Celestia’s pants open by the seams all the way up her long smooth legs from the bottom rim to the stubborn waistline that gets pulled apart anyway.
>Shrouded by a wall of nude attackers violently invading her top, Principal Celestia is now showing a LOT more cleavage whether she wants to or not.
>Hear the sound of Principal Celestia’s shirt getting torn wide open in all directions.
>Hear the sound of Principal Celestia’s pants getting loudly pulled apart by the seams.
>Principal Celestia’s bra and panties never stood a chance.
>One horny love zombie stops the door from being shut as you almost made it inside.
>Kick him into another one.
>Pick up Celestia’s tattered jacket from the floor and pull it over a third one’s face, blinding her.
>Celestia luckily breaks free from a 4th and 5th ones’s grasp and manages to stand up with her overstretched bra straps failing to stay on her shoulders then snapping away behind her to join her freely dangling bra cups.
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>Celestia can finally jerk her body away from the zombies gripping her torn panties as she loses them when they snap apart.
>The last thing you see before the door shuts you into darkness is Principal Celestia’s bare back and smooth shoulders.
>The two of you hold the door to the utility closet shut in the complete darkness.
>Someone is definitely trying the doorknob on the other end, but luckily, these doors automatically lock upon closing for security reasons.
>Because of this, you and Principal Celestia can take a breather for now.
>Not without disconcerting banging on the door that almost sounds like it’s going to get broken down.
>But this soon stops, followed by the sounds of more naked people in the hallways wandering around and sporadically having sex on the floor.
>Listening to her breathe in the dark with you is making your mind flutter with all kinds of fantasies.
>Can only imagine the flustered looks on their faces as they all claw at the door from the hallway, failing to turn the doorknob and get to the two of you who still know how to talk and think clearly.
>The longest time passes before the noises outside mostly cease and the shadows through the light of the door gap at the floor are gone, leaving you and Principal Celestia in pitch black silence inside the utility closet that lasts several more minutes until someone finally blurts something out.
>”I… think we’re okay.” Celestia’s voice is very noticeably shaken up and straight up traumatized, for good reason.
“Did they…?” You mutter after a gulp.
>”No… th-they didn’t…” She shakily responds, still finding difficulty in getting the words out either way. “I got away before… before they could…”
>You can hear her physically shaking against what something made of plastic or cardboard or something up against her hair.
“I… got away too…”
>You can hear in Principal Celestia’s sighs that she’s trying her best to fight back arousal, which means they must have affected her to at least some extent, probably through a kiss or otherwise spreading whatever this contagious stuff is to her.
>But she hasn’t turned, leading you to believe that the only thing that would fully do that is all-the-way sexual exchange with ejaculation deep inside.
>There’s another long pause.
“I guess you don’t know what’s going on any more than I do.”
>Both of you sit naked in the dark for a while more, each shuddering from having felt all those hands over you… ripping all of your clothes away from your body against your will, and there wasn’t a fucking thing you could do about it.
>Surprisingly, neither of you start sobbing, only sitting there and shuddering to the feeling and the memory of what just happened to both of you.
>It feels… a lot hotter than it should…
>If anything, Celestia’s more scared of her own arousal right now; naked, horny and confused.
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“How do we get out of here?”
>She takes a while to respond. “However we do. Not going back into the halls.”
>”There should be an air vent opening in here somewhere.”
“How do you know?”
>”I saw it, and I just heard it turn on.” Explains Celestia. “As in I… we can hear the air coming through.”
>So that’s what that sudden slight mechanical howling sound in here is.
“I hear it too.”
>”Maybe we can escape through there.”
>”Unless we can just wait here until help arrives.”
>The two of you listen to a distant woman down the hall loudly moan as she orgasms, as more bare footsteps soon begin going by again.
>You and Celestia quickly decide that this door won’t hold much longer than her office window did, and whatever this is that got everyone else will surely affect anyone else who simply had a libido who does so much as enter school grounds.
>You’ll just go ahead and assume that for now.
>She’s hesitant to do so, but Principal Celestia agrees to turn the light in here on, despite being fully naked in front of one of her students.
>She makes you promise you’ll look away.
>But both of you know that this promise will have to be broken if you’re going to work together.
>You find the light switch and flip it on.
>It’s been long enough that the two of you have to squint while waiting for your eyes to adjust.
>By the time you can comfortable use your eyes, you quickly find Principal Celestia standing before you, one arm over her big soft breasts, and the other reaching down to cover her crotch with her hand.
>But her arms alone are nowhere remotely close to enough to cover everything you like… but this is all she really has for *attempting* to cover her beautiful female nudity.
>Your eyes are immediately drawn to Principal Celestia’s deep soft absolute cleavage she has no way to hide from sight while her forearm is busy pushing onto her soft busty tits so it’s covering her bare nipples.
>The bare sides of Principal Celestia’s smooth soft-skin midriff are accented by her body’s hourglass shape, while her other forearm covers her bellybutton.
>Her wide bare hips and soft smooth thighs are in full view for you to gaze at, and so are her bare smooth shoulders.
>Principal Celestia, in her completely nudity in front of one of her students, doesn’t say anything as your eyes uncontrollably leer her sexy nakedness up and down; she already knew deep down you were going to look at her anyway.
>She’s looking down at your body too, and you’re also covering yourself as your previously flaccid member inevitably starts to stiffen at a rate like never before.
>So much of Principal Celestia’s sexy naked body, unable to be covered no matter what she does, so soft and smooth and caress-able right there before your hungry eyes…
>You have no pants or underwear to contain your rapidly intensifying erection this time, nothing to hold it back but your less-than-sufficient hand hopelessly trying to keep it pushed down.
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>Principal Celestia stands in place, stiff with reluctantly horny fear as she desperately fails to cover up all of her naked beauty from you as her complete female nudity gets you harder and harder.
>”Anon…” She sighs, watching your hand struggle to keep your unstoppably growing, twitching cock underneath it.
>She knows there’s nothing that can be done about this.
>There’s no possible way to cover up any more of her soft, smooth beautiful light pink skin or contours and properties without revealing something else~
>And now there’s no way to cover your full mast erection winning against your hand trying to hide it; it’s just no use.
>”I… g-guess we’re g… gonna have to… let eachother see everything…” Celestia shudders with thinly veiled lust, blushing deep red in the face.
>You silently nod, promptly removing your hands away from your erect cock, letting it freely bob up and down for a half a second as Celestia stares at it with an even deeper blush now.
>This sends a shiver up your spine, and you like it more than you’re willing to admit.
>Principal Celestia then slowly and reluctantly moves her arms and shaking hands away from herself, surrendering to the circumstances and allowing her big, soft, naked and fully developed adult breasts drop into complete view of you, slightly jiggling and swaying as you stare at Principal Celestia’s big sexy nipples.
>Principal Celestia moves her hand away from her crotch to reluctantly bare her smooth beckoning pussy to you, her supple and arousing naked vulva gently pinched between her soft upper thighs.
>She grits her teeth in confused horny embarrassment as she has no choice but to allow her luscious, voluptuous naked body to be fully exposed before her horny and erect young male student.
>There’s nothing in the room but shelves of full of small cardboard boxes and utility items, each useless for covering oneself with, and an air vent on the ceiling.
>Both of you are getting dizzy from enhanced sexual arousal affecting you so much, as you each begin to stumble a little.
>Principal Celestia busty naked breasts bounce around while she grabs onto a metal shelf for leverage, then facing away and giving you a view of her big naked jiggling buttcheeks.
>Her tits sway while hanging slightly because of gravity as she’s leaning forward against the shelf.
>Your heavy enlarged balls swing under your wobbling erect cock as you lose balance, almost falling over until you see all that sexy female beauty jiggle that jello on the way over to you before Principal Celestia catches you in her arms before you could hit the floor.
>You begin to panic and lightheadedly apologize while instinctively groping Celestia’s chest without realizing.
>She stands you up and holds you diagonally against herself with her arm around you, sending your senses crazy with so much of her bare skin up against yours.
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>”It’s okay… I-it’s… okay…” Principal Celestia huffs, pulling you closer into a nervous and mutually horny naked hug with hormones and libidos flaring nearly out of control.
>You can’t help it, you start trying to feel Principal Celestia up all over her sexy naked body more and more as her beautiful female nudity is right up against you.
>Agitating and activating every pent-up hormone in your mind and body with unstoppable sexual nature.
>Celestia halfheartedly tries to stop you but knows it can’t be kept up for long as what’s trying to get out will eventually get out no matter what.
>There’s no keeping the truth of sexual nature in, not when both of you are naked together in such close proximity with no way to change this.
>Principal Celestia, after another moment or two of her goods softly failing to avoid your clumsy feral advances, soon reluctantly lets you reach around and squeeze her soft naked buttcheeks and cup your other hand onto her soft naked breasts one at a time, sending electrifying jolts of arousal charging through you that make you shudder with horny excitement as your cock wildly jolts in response.
>You realize she’s willingly letting you touch her naked body now, and pull her closer as your hands go wherever they so desire.
>Exploring and enjoying Principal Celestia’s naked body without any restraint left in your hands or arms.
>But your restraint in stroking your cock is going to be harder to crack, after having been fine-tuned in the presence of arousal for so long.
>Principal Celestia can tell that you have a lot of frustration inside of you, and has no idea how… else… she’s going to get it out of your system so you and her can focus.
>She’s finding it hard to focus herself as well.
>”We… need to… f-focus… okay?” Celestia breathily grunts to you.
>You’re at a loss for words, but understand what she’s saying.
>Trying your best to keep the last strand of your restraint intact.
>She helps you finally pull yourself away from her a little, and then (eventually) directs your attention to the vent opening on the ceiling.
>The shelves are bolted to the floor; one of you is going to have to help the other climb up there…
And again:
Hope no one here is claustrophobic, because there's a lot of kinky stuff pertaining to that coming up.
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I love Wallflower so much. Glad she actually became somewhat popular unlike Juniper
Been brainstorming my Super Self Indulgent Green Where Anon Gets Laid Seven Times Over, I'm thinking Sunset is gonna be the "main" girl. She'll have been Anon's first friend after he moved to Canterlot.
I've even flirted with the idea of making it a full-length green covering Anon's entire school year to justify the setup of Anon getting close enough with the mane seven to justify all of them having a crush on him, but that'll likely end up being over 200,000 words if I even end up finishing it. I'll likely do an introductory paragraph or two to establish all that so we can get to the fun stuff. Best to keep your goals manageable.
Sunset seems like the most sensible girl to do that with. I'm interested in how you'd even pull this off.
To be honest, so am I
Good shit my man. Can’t wait for what’s next.
>gray is still super down bad for the principals
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Wallflower, Juniper and Vignette are all basically the same villain. Wallflower is the only one actually done right by the creators.
Didn’t Juniper’s episode come first too?
Hug the Wallflower
If you like the fictional girls in, uhh... *certain ages*, could someone update the Kemono entry for Uotapo's Pixiv Fanbox page?


Right now, the three stuffs are missing:
* Apple Bloom
* Sweetie Belle
* Cozy Glow
Still there,Grey? We're ready for more!
I'm not even sure if they CAN be updated right now. Kemono's been stuck since the 12th.
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They’ve been on and off for a few months now
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Fug the Wallflower
I believe you mean 'Deflower' the Wallflower. Lulz.
Wallflower deflowers you without your knowledge.
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Finished my latest illustration.
Life should continue Fluttering By tonight
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Very nice work! Nice to see other people getting into drawing too. Looking forward to your update tonight, gives me a moment to breathe and work on mine plus other things.
I could probably finish the whole thing to the end by tomorrow night and post it then, while Cosmic updates tonight. But I'm 100% going to update it more really soon no matter what. I am NOT disappearing this time, and I will be back tomorrow night, you have my word.
>Fluttershy looks up at the ground upon hearing the good news.
>Her eyes widen slightly upon seeing the skirt you've kept nice and intact for her.
>She slowly reaches out and grabs the article of clothing, delicately holding it in her hands as if she's afraid it'll vanish into thin air.
>You politely turn away as Fluttershy carefully tugs her skirt back up her waist, finally covering her barely-intact panties.
>"...Y-You can turn around now..." She quietly says to you.
>You oblige her and are met with the sight of your girlfriend looking down at the ground with her hands folded like a scolded child.
>She lets her shoulders sink as she releases a heavy sigh, finally releasing some of the tension that she's had to carry.
>You really wish you know what to say.
>You can't just ask her how she's feeling, you don't need to be told she feels exhausted and humiliated.
>After all this, you doubt either of you are up for just going back to the picnic and resuming as if nothing happened.
>But you have to say something.
>Should you apologize?
>Would she want an apology?
>"...T-Thank you..." Fluttershy mumbles, still staring at the ground.
>You release an awkward exhale and nod with a weak smile.
"H-Hey, don't mention it, Flutters. I'm just... doing what a good boyfriend should do." You respond.
>That was too much.
>You shouldn't have said that last part.
>You should've just accepted her gratitude.
>Fluttershy's still staring at the ground.
>Her cheeks are still red as an apple, but at least she doesn't look like she's going to cry.
>You sigh and let your head hang.
>Time to own up to your actions.
"...I'm really sorry about all this." You say to her.
>Fluttershy looks up at you with a slightly confused expression.
>"Why are you sorry?" She asks you.
>You shrug your shoulders and sigh.
"I just... Taking out the garbage wasn't a huge deal, I could've stayed with you on the picnic blanket and make sure... that didn't happen..."
>Fluttershy takes a step closer to you and looks into your eyes.
>"You couldn't have known that would happen, it's not fair to blame yourself for it."
"But... That's why I'm here, you know? I want to make sure nothing happens to you, because..."
>You take a breath and clear your voice.
"...Because I really care about you. You mean a lot to me, Fluttershy. Seeing you like this breaks my heart."
>"Anon, that's not fair. You can't expect to be able to prevent EVERY bad thing from happening to me."
"I can try."
>"But where does that leave you? You'd be worrying more about my life than your own."
>"Anon, please don't beat yourself up over this. What happened to my skirt wasn't your fault at all." Fluttershy insisted with a slightly wavering tone.
>You're still not convinced you're entirely innocent in this matter, but Fluttershy staring into your eyes with that soft, deeply caring expression of hers breaks down your defenses.
>You gently nod, relenting to her argument.
"...Okay, I believe you."
>Fluttershy gently smiles and brushes her hand across your cheek.
>"You went above and beyond to find me and make sure I got my skirt back, that means the world to me."
>Her smile falters.
>"Really... I should be the one apologizing."
>Now it's your turn to be confused.
>She was the victim here, how could she have anything to apologize for?
"...What do you mean? It's like you said, right? You couldn't have known that would happen."
>Fluttershy gently shakes her head.
>"...This is the second time I've lost my skirt and you had to come rescue me from being seen out in public in my underwear."
"So what? Everyone has a few bad days."
>"I'm just worried about what people will think about you if you're seen with me..."
>Her lip is starting to quiver again.
>"Anon, you've made me so, so happy. Even before we started dating, you've been just wonderful to me. So caring, and patient, and kind..."
>Fluttershy's close to crying again.
>You don't know if you should reach out to comfort her or let her continue talking.
>...Best to not interrupt her.
>"E-Ever since we met, you've made my life so much better. When you started getting along so well with Rainbow and Rarity and my other friends, I thought it was a miracle..."
>Fluttershy wipes a tear that manages to escape her tear duct and race down her cheek.
>"B-But, I s-still get... bullied sometimes..."
>A few more tears manage to find their way down her cheeks.
>"Hoops, and Gilda, and S-Snails and Snips..."
>Your blood starts to boil at the sound of the names of those two little shits.
>If only they'd give you an opportunity to teach them about proper student etiquette.
>"...I j-just really don't anyone to bully you because you're dating m-me..."
>A whimper escapes Fluttershy's lips.
>She's losing the ability to stop herself from crying.
>Her tears sting you.
>Hoops, Score, and Dumb-bell have already been doing that for the past few weeks.
>If she knew about that, it would destroy her.
>You can't let that happen.
>"Y-You deserve to date a nice, pretty girl who won't get bullied for being seen running around in her underwear and... m-making a fool of herself..."
>This has gone on long enough.
>You wrap your arms around Fluttershy and hold her tightly.
>She immediately reciprocates the gesture, throwing her arms around you and finally letting herself gently weep into your chest.
>You give her a few moments to get it all out of her system as you gently rub circles on her back with your thumb.
>If you were strong enough, you could make sure nobody bullied Fluttershy.
>You'd be her knight in shining armor.
>But you're just...
"Flutters, it's like what you just said to me. You can't beat yourself up over this." You softly assure her.
>She shakily inhales before looking up to face you.
>"B-But you put so much effort into making sure we have a really nice date, and I went and ran around the woods looking for my skirt..."
"Hey, this stuff happens. We all have days where we toss a coin in the air and it lands tails-side up."
"You think Rainbow's cool, right?"
"Well, this kinda stuff happens to her, too. Being the star soccer player didn't save her from ripping her pants in the long jump last year." You remind her.
>"I guess that's true..."
"And she probably had other embarrassing days like that which she'd probably keep to herself. Nobody has a perfect track record with this stuff."
>Fluttershy pauses, wiping away her tears and nodding in agreement.
>"...Not even you?" She softly asks.
>A chill runs down your spine as one long-buried memory asserts itself at the forefront of your mind.
>"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked, it's none of my business..." She hastily backtracks.
>You wave off her concern.
>If you ever had to recount this memory, you'd do it now to help her.
"Yeah, there was... one time."
>"You don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to!" Fluttershy insisted.
"No, no, it's fine." You assure her.
>You take a breath, mentally preparing yourself to put that day into words.
"...In Freshman year, I went to the community pool with Norman. I jumped off the high dive, and... lost my swim trunks..."
>"Oh, no..." Fluttershy mutters, her voice thick with sympathy.
>You cringe a little bit at the memory, but you press on.
"Yeah, they got stuck in the water filter system. I was stuck in the corner of the pool for half an hour before I could get help.
>You take a deep breath.
"And the person who helped me out of that awful situation..."
>You exhale.
"...Was Coach Spitfire."
>"Oh, Anon, that's horrible! I'm really sorry you had to go through that terrible experience!" Fluttershy says to you, wrapping you tight in her embrace to comfort you.
>You gently chuckle and wave off her concerns.
"Don't worry, that's ancient history. The point is, everyone has one or two of these embarrassing experiences. It doesn't make you any less worthy of love or respect when they happen."
>Your words seem to sink in.
>Fluttershy appears much more comfortable about her experience now.
"As for those bullies, you really don't need to worry about them. I don't care what any of them say about you or me. Nothing they could say or do could keep me from being the best boyfriend I can be for you."
>Fluttershy gives you a warm, grateful smile as her hands rest on your shoulders.
>The kind of smile that makes your heart melt and motivates you to fight the armies of Hell to make sure she's never unhappy.
>"...Thank you, Anon." She sighs happily.
>You express your affection for Fluttershy the best way you know how: giving her a nice, warm hug.
>You love the way Fluttershy hugs.
>She's so soft and gentle, yet you can tell she's putting everything she has into it.
>The way she presses her face against your chest lets you feel her smile.
>Freshman, Sophomore, and even Junior-year Anon would have focused mostly on the way her chest feels pressed against you.
>But Senior-year Anon is more mature than that.
>What matters more than Fluttershy's boobs is Fluttershy's happiness.
>You lean forward and plant a kiss on her forehead, making her giggle in that adorable way you love.
>"You know..."
>Fluttershy takes a step back, trying to give you a stern look while failing to hide her grin.
>"...I deserve to see YOUR underwear."
>Man, that was a curveball.
>You can't help but gently laugh at Fluttershy's assertion.
"Oh, do you, now?" You grin at her in return.
>She crosses her arms and leans towards you.
>"It's only fair! You've gotten to see my underwear twice already! Y-You got a pretty good look just now, and my underwear was ripped, too!"
>...She does have a good point.
>You maintain your defiant grin, looking her in the eyes.
>You've gotten to know Fluttershy well enough to be able to read her emotions with just her eyes.
>Just now, her confidence is faltering, and she's starting to think this was a bad idea.
>You glance around the woods surrounding the both of you.
>Nobody's around.
>...Fuck it.
"Alright, you win." You relent, smiling.
>Before Fluttershy could let any hasty apologies fall out of her mouth, you undo your belt, unzip your pants, and tug them down to your ankles.
>You now stand before Fluttershy, presenting your blue plaid-patterned boxers for her.
>Fluttershy's fierce blush returned.
>Her eyes are the widest you've ever seen them, her mouth is hanging open slightly, and she's staring right at your underwear.
>Now, her eyes are saying "I didn't think he would actually do it."
"Is it everything you hoped for?" You teasingly ask her.
>"What? Oh, uh, y-yes!" Fluttershy sputters, snapping back up to face you when she realizes she's been staring.
>You can't help but giggle at her cute display.
>Fluttershy giggled along with you as her hands found her way into yours.
>As if you were acting on instinct, you closed the distance between you and Fluttershy and kissed her.
>Fluttershy melts into your embrace, leaning her body against yours as she sinks into the kiss.
>Your hands find their way to her waist, and her hands find their way to your cheeks.
>Both of you slowly sink to the ground as the kiss gets more intense.
>Fluttershy leans more of her weight against you as your lips gently open and close in time with her.
>You notice your breathing is getting heavier by the way Fluttershy gently shudders at the sensation.
>Her hands slide down to your neck.
>For the briefest moment, your tongue meets hers.
>Fluttershy leans back, allowing you to position yourself on top of her while kissing.
>You can feel your manhood stiffen.
>And you're sure Fluttershy can feel it, too.
>tfw you will never get into some skirtless first date hijinks with Flutters
at least I have this green
Good update fren
>Fluttershy shudders when you two finally separate from the kiss to come up for air.
>Her hair's slightly messy and her supple chest is heaving with each hot breath that leaves her lovely lips.
>The way she looks at you with those half-lidded eyes and gently bites her lip activates something fiery within you.
>Your hands slowly slide up from her waist and sneakily under her shirt.
>She softly gasps when your hand meets the soft, warm skin of her stomach.
>You look up at her to make sure she's comfortable before you can go any further.
>She could tell what you were thinking, and gently nods at you while still biting her lip.
>Your eyes slide back down her stomach, eyeing her up like a hungry predator of the jungle.
>Her shirt's slid up as your hand explored more of her body, revealing her midriff.
>You've always had a thing for midriffs, thanks to watching The Little Mermaid at a formative age, but Fluttershy's midriff was hypnotic.
>The way her stomach gently rose and sank with each heavy breath she took was so enticing.
>You slowly lower your head towards her stomach and plant a soft kiss on her navel.
>Fluttershy shakily gasps in response, arching her back upwards as her fingers find their way through your hair.
>She's so soft, and her midriff tastes like ambrosia.
>You plant several kisses across her stomach, occasionally dragging your tongue across her exposed skin.
>Her moaning and whining grow louder with each show of affection.
>Her hips are rocking in time with your kissing.
>She's breathing faster, and you're getting harder.
>How far is this going to go?
>You can't go all the way with her, not out here in the open.
>But... this is all new to both of you.
>In the moments you two have shared at Paws 2 Paws after taking care of the animals, you've spent a lot of that time kissing, but never like this.
>Especially not with your pants around your ankles.
>But Fluttershy hasn't shown any signs of being uncomfortable, despite you two being so intimate in such a public space.
>You raise your head from her tummy and slide your hands further up her body, eventually reaching her heaving chest.
>You look back up at Fluttershy, silently asking for permission.
>"You can touch... if you want." She whispers to you, her voice dripping with anticipation.
>You shakily nod, trying to handle your nerves, and slowly slide your hands over Fluttershy's bra-covered breasts.
>"A-Aah~" Fluttershy gasps, throwing her head back in response to your careful touch.
>Her leg intertwines with yours as her heavy breathing gets quicker.
>Well, you did it.
>It may have taken you eighteen years, but you've finally touched a pair of boobs.
>Fluttershy's boobs, too!
>You seize the moment and gently squeeze Fluttershy's breasts, indulging yourself in the moment.
>She squealed in delight, her soft voice reaching new high notes as you touch her.
>Norman was talking out of his ass.
>Sand bags, what bullshit.
>Fluttershy's boobs feel like heaven.
Living the dream now anon is
Now we need to go under her bra
…For science
Also flutters has been so cute this whole story
kiss the wallflower.
By almost a year
Anchor for the anon coloring the bottomless humanized Fluttershy.

(NSFW, obviously)

Requesting that this sketch of bottomless humanized Fluttershy is colored. Be sure to expose her genitals.

Reference for color and painting style (also NSFW):

And this is how the original artist would draw female genitals in the similar pose and from the similar angle. (WARNING: NSFW, anthro and hyper)

Or, if you want to finish it yourself, here is the incomplete painting (it too is NSFW):
You ready, Grey?
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Yes, in an hour or two, more likely just one hour as not to keep you up waiting for me.
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>You know you’re going to have to do it.
>Climb Principal Celestia.
>Climb sexy naked Principal Celestia.
>The two of you stare at one another in complete nudity.
>Complete nudity neither of you can do anything about.
>Principal Celestia starts to feel one final rush of her common sense wash over her as the furthest you can even stand away from eachother is just out of arms’ length.
>She remembers everything she had to say to you, now realizing for sure you still have so much pent up inside.
>Urges that only got magnified twenty-fold when you are face to face with the beauty of a fully naked adult woman.
>She knows you are HARD WIRED to basically lose control over your sexual urges in a unique situation like this.
>She can hear it in your horny labored breathing…
>Principal Celestia knows everything goes out the window the second she admits to you that she’s horny too~
>Principal Celestia can’t stop glancing down at your ever-raging full erection for her own embarrassed, reluctant female nudity that caused it and can’t stop re-encouraging it.
>She gazes upon your fully erect, throbbing and twitching cock, in the open and waiting for her. Begging and pleading for Principal Celestia~
>Right above your packed, heavy, dangling sack, long packed full of many hot creamy loads of cum Principal Celestia doesn’t know how urgently she needs…
>Your glans is already leaking a drop of precum at the tip for her…
>You notice the soft-between of Principal Celestia’s bare naked vulva lips begins to… drool clear sexual fluids back at you for your erect already-precumming cock…
>A combination of the cool air conditioned room and her own skyrocketing sexual arousal makes Principal Celestia’s bare, big sexy nipples get hard and erect~
>Principal Celestia’s own sexually beautiful naked body is telling you on its own that she’s extremely turned on…
>”I… th-think I might be tall enough to…” Celestia murmurs before reaching for the vent opening by the upper corner of the room.
>Sexy Naked Principal Celestia can feel her horny erect young male student’s sexually desperate gaze all over her completely nude body.
>Her dizzy mind tries to ignore that as she jumps up and down in attempt to just reach the vent herself.
>Getting a good enough grip on the screws is just out of reach.
>Your arousal rumbles within you as you watch Principal Celestia’s soft naked D-cup breasts wildly bounce and jiggle for you in her futile attempts.
>She’s well aware of this…
>Even Principal Celestia’s soft smooth thighs and soft smooth tummy visibly gave off a tiny bit of jiggling…
>But especially did Principal Celestia’s wobbling and soft naked buttcheeks
>Her societal instincts let out one final battle cry as she resumes covering herself while now just talking again.
>”I… have to help you up…” She speaks and realizes that’ll require her to immediately stop covering herself.
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>You lose control and rush into her…
>Grab her wrists and force her arms and hands away from her sexy naked body~
>”Anon!” Principal Celestia panics with her face red as a stoplight. “No!”
>Principal Celestia’s young male student is too horny to listen to her…
>Her soft naked D-cup breasts sway and jiggle against your groping hands, her round wobbling buttcheeks push against the walls of the corner of the room you push her into.
>That same young male student Principal Celestia chastised from the fully clothed comfort of her office desk for sexually assaulting another female student, is now feeling Principal Celestia up all over her luscious naked body’s soft, curvy voluptuous beauty~
>Principal Celestia barely makes any real attempt at resisting, failing to get your face away from her naked busty chest before your thirsty mouth latches onto her big sexy nipples~
>”A-ah~!” Principal Celestia pushes her soft naked tits together in the process of trying to push you away before slowly surrendering. “…B-be… be gentle…”
>You oblige, but continue to suckle on Principal Celestia’s sexy naked breasts one at a time as passionately as you can.
>She knows she has to let sexual nature run its course before you can truly focus and cooperate.
>Principal Celestia’s big soft bountiful chest rises and falls against your face while her hand gently pushes your head onto herself.
>You apologize with your eyes peering up at her face and prompting her to respond.
>”It’s okay…” She sympathetically gazes back down at you through her own arousal. “You can’t help it right now… it doesn’t count this time.”
>She reaches down and finally finds your cock with her fingers, not even fully realizing that she’s doing this, but understands, accepts and proceeds when she does.
>You feel an electrifying shudder as you feel Principal Celestia’s hand wrap around your shaft and begin to move her grip up and down your erect length…
>Your eyes shoot wide open as her nipple is still in your mouth.
>That reflex you’ve built up kicks into gear, except it’s not your own hand doing it this time, and Principal Celestia’s hand simply continues to masturbate you…
>Breaking your no-stroke-streak for you and slicing your restraint in half as you have less left to defend.
>Finally let her nipple go with a quiet popping sound and dart your panicked gaze around.
>”It’s okay, Anon.”
>You croak under your breath.
>”Let’s get this out of the way.” Principal Celestia strokes your erect shaft faster and more intensely. “You needed this for a while, it seems.”
>The sublime sensation drowns out any resistance you had left… you NEED to just let this happen~
>Principal Celestia’s delightfully big and soft naked breasts gently jiggle in front of your face as you feel her rub your erect cock more fervently…
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>Glancing down, you watch a horny and naked Principal Celestia guide your hard leaking cock closer to her smooth bare leaking pussy while continuing masturbation.
>She’s clearly trying to stop herself from going THAT far but can’t.
>One of you has to do something before you end up like everyone else.
>The two of you are already clearly partially infected, full on sex would only complete it!
“What if we turn?” You wince in arousal in response to something.
>Her vulva and your glans just briefly softly collided~
>Clear sexual fluids are mixing and forming a hot thin strand as you two pull away with all the strength each of you have combined…
>You NEED to go further inside… but you can’t.
>Had it not been for your hardened discipline, you’d already be inside of her and cumming uncontrollably within the minute.
>Both of you violently shake with overwhelming arousal, working together with all your might to prevent free-will-terminating sex from happening.
>Celestia plainly displays that she did NOT want to let go of your member without it going inside of her.
>She needed that just as much as you do.
>The two of you curse your need to survive, judgement clouded.
>This doesn’t prevent Principal Celestia from aggressively pulling you into a deep french kiss…
>Her tongue is wildly gliding right up against yours before you fully process what just happened.
>But you then promptly kiss her right back, just as deeply as if it’s a competition, taken away by how amazing locking mouths with her sweet lips feels and tastes.
>This deep horny kiss you share with Principal Celestia will have to make up for everything you didn’t just do for now.
>Praying that making out for longer and longer won’t further infect you as well… because the two of you are already too deep into this exchange in particular to pull yourselves away from it.
>Hold your sexy naked principal tightly with her bare soft bountiful chest mushed up against you.
>Had you been wearing clothes, the pressing friction against your member would have brought you over the edge in this instance anyway.
>Make out with Principal Celestia in the cramped utility closet more and more, both of you sharing a naked and LONGING embrace, until you both are “satisfied” enough to barely focus again.
>Now, back to the air vent…
>Your plan is about to be set in motion after having to go over a rough patch of inescapable arousal.
>You have to climb sexy naked Principal Celestia while your pent up hormones are going wild for every little bit of physical contact.
>The air is still and slowly getting warmed up by the rising body heat you and Principal Celestia share together in here.
>She lowers herself to one knee and puts her arms around your legs.
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>As she gets ready to lift you up, the fact that your fully erect cock is right in Celestia’s face suddenly becomes known.
>The two of you have to try your best to ignore this, hesitating and letting out horny sighs as though you’re having an entire conversation with them as Celestia wraps her arms around your legs.
>”Ready?” Her voice has become breathy again with a pitch exhausted from her own hormones spinning her mind and common sense into mush.
>She momentarily lifts you up, and you have to move quickly while she has the stamina to keep you held up high.
>The screws on the thick border of the air vent’s grates are luckily the kind that can be unscrewed with a pair of pliers or, if you’re lucky and have a strong enough grip, two fingers.
>Luck is on your side seeing that the school recently had all of the air vents cleaned after it finally got warmer and use of the heating switched to use of air conditioning.
>The school district requires by code that all ventilation systems and such be professionally cleaned every spring and fall.
>Quite an annoyingly frequent schedule, considering how much the professionals have to do to clear out every single air vent in the building with the devices and mechanisms designed to clean ventilation systems in buildings.
>And the best rooms with vent-assisted access they have to use in order to do this are the utility closets, and they sometimes don’t screw the screws all the way back in out of exhaustion.
“Alright, that’s all four screws.” You grunt as you feel Principal Celestia begin to shake while holding your bodyweight mostly above her head, with your stubborn 90%-mast erection just under her chin.
>Celestia doesn’t say anything, only shivers in response to feeling your warm hard manmeat jolting against the underside of her chin as the vent grate loudly falls to the floor.
>She barely registers the sound, as she watches your heavy swinging sack quickly put her into a sort of trance by the way it enticingly goes back and forth in front of her face…
>As the gentle blast of cool air beats upon the sweat on your forehead, you use your strength to pull yourself upward a little as Principal Celestia evidently raises herself up a little to help you maintain leverage, so you assume.
>Your head pushes up against the top of the cold metal inside of the air duct above the room, and there’s enough light inside to see that these things really were luckily cleaned just recently.
>And they’re easily big enough for one person to fit through.
>As you’re wondering if these air ducts will still support the weight of both of you at once, you feel softness smooching off of the underside of your cock.
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>You feel a strong shiver and look down.
>Principal Celestia could only have your goods in her face for so long before she acted upon it.
>And there’s nothing you can do to stop her, as you’re only inside the air duct down to just below your arms now loudly flailing around and hitting against the chilly metal of the inside of the air duct.
“P-Principal Celestia!” You gasp while you helplessly watch her aloofly plant kisses onto the underside of your cock, making it jolt wildly and and driving massive stakes into your restraint.
>You can barely move your hips around with the way she’s holding you up in the air, trapping your legs together with your arms stuck inside the air duct up here.
>Because of this, you are completely powerless to do anything about this as Principal Celestia’s soft long kisses all over the underside of your stiff member, making it jerk around against her lips.
>There’s a banging sound on the door tot he room all of a sudden, but no words said.
>Someone must have heard the grate hit the floor as loudly as it did.
>But Principal Celestia still does not register it at all, at least not in the same way she heard it.
“Stop! Please, what are you doing?” You beg her, in no position to stop her. “No… don’t do that! Please, you’ll make me… y-you’ll…”
>Principal Celestia still doesn’t register your plea for mercy; she only listens to your erect cock doing all the talking for you, and it’s begging and pleading for Principal Celestia, now right up against her face as she passionately probes your underside with long, sustained kisses.
“Principal Celestia…!” You huff.
>She moves her kisses and hot breaths against the underside of your shaft closer to your tip.
>The tingling and stimulation she is inducing from this is making your restraint collapse in on itself.
>Principal Celestia now realizes she’s been craving this since the hallway, remembering it vividly.
>All those mindless horny love zombies crowded around her and held her arms back as their swarm of groping hands instantly got the front of her uniform jacket undone.
>Quickly pulling it aside and off her shoulders as they began groping her through her thinner shirt, forcing the bottom to hike up her midriff within seconds and finding themselves able to feel up Principal Celestia’s smooth bare skin there.
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>Principal Celestia watched the guys in the group of her attackers hold her down and work at her against her struggling, gazing at their heavy swinging sacks that had been magically swollen and enhanced, right under their already fully erect cocks wobbling side to side in such an enticing way.
>They only got harder as they felt up her bare midriff, only seconds later shifting Principal Celestia’s biggest concern from her tummy, bellybutton and bare back getting exposed to her alluring cleavage being forced into view as the strong hands grabbed the collar of her top and pulled it to the sides until the seam breaks and the fabric gets torn wider and wider open with each strong insistent yank upon the fabric~
>And the swaying cocks over the heavy swinging sacks only became more erect for the completely powerless Principal Celestia the more they saw.
>The mindless horny love zombies only got stronger while holding Principal Celestia down, ripping her clothes apart and feeling up her increasingly exposed body… and there wasn’t a fucking thing she could do about it.
>As her pants got pulled apart by the seams high enough to expose her panties, the swarm of hands reached into Principal Celestia’s torn open top and quickly ambushed and started dismantling her helplessly exposed bra~
>Principal Celestia’s big soft boobies got squeezed and kneaded around in the cluster of half a dozen horny hands forcing the back strap oh her bra undone and wedging underneath her loosening bra cups to feel her big sexy nipples~
>All of this only made those erect cocks even HARDER and HARDER for Principal Celestia, who was taken aback and unwittingly turned on by the feeling of their leaking tips pressing against her face…
>Principal Celestia is deaf to your pleas for mercy as the taste of your precum against her lips helps her slip your entire length deeper and deeper into her mouth.
“Principal Celestia!” You struggle to move your hips around even a little, not even wanting to escape her advances anymore. “Please… you’ll make me… y-…”
>Principal Celestia only listens to your throbbing, twitching cock stuffing her mouth and your heavy swinging sack gently battering against her chin, both of which reminding her of what she previously missed out on.
“Principal Celestia!”
>She simply keeps moving her head back and forth as the banging on the door gets more intense in response to your horny wailing being able to be heard form the hallway.
>You have enough pent-up strength to collect your bodyweight onto your elbows and begin to pull yourself upward.
>Principal Celestia doesn’t want your cock to leave her mouth.
>Her legs are long enough to be able to barely plant themselves onto the metal shelves inside of the utility closet, making the little cardboard boxes off to the floor as she follows you upward.
>Her grip onto is the only thing that truly helps her stay off the floor.
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>You’re not sure how you managed to do it, though your horny strength combined with your panic was surely a factor, but you got yourself into the air duct past your waist now.
>And Principal Celestia’s head is now poking through the square opening as she’s trying to go after your manmeat that now slipped out of her mouth, as her arms bearhug your legs and her own legs unevenly perch onto two of the high up shelves now.
>The door to the utility closet is making noises that indicate it’s not going to hold much longer.
>”Where are you, Anon?!” Principal Celestia manages to get far enough into the air duct to concentrate her own bodyweight onto her own elbows and pull herself up inside in the opposite direction you did, ending up on her back facing the opposite direction. “I NEED you!!”
>Right as the lock and the door handle audibly give way, Principal Celestia slinks her smooth naked legs the rest of the way into the air duct.
>There was a cracking noise from the door frame back in the utility closet, immediately followed by the bustling and commotion of a dozen people spilling into the room at once, clumsily tripping over one another before filling the place up wall to wall.
>Part of you wishes you and Celestia were still down inside of there to experience that tidal wave of inevitable orgy.
>But the part of you that’s been trained for survival since NNN makes you crawl away from the opening, luring Celestia after you through the chilly metal air duct.
>Principal Celestia can crawl faster horny than you can scared.
>The sounds of everyone down in the infiltrated utility closet only get a little further away before your stopped and pinned down inside the cramped air duct.
>Principal Celestia caught up to you, grabbed your leg and pulled you back closer to herself, soon making her way further and further up your legs as you have no space to even react properly.
>You flip over to your side to keep her away from your cock, even with every last bit of you on the inside begs you to let her take you as you are.
>But she persisted further either way, soon able to mash her big soft naked breasts onto your chest and flip you back over onto your back.
>”I’m sorry!” Celestia hyperventilates. “I’m so sorry! I don’t know what’s happening to me.”
>Neither of you can move inside of this tight air duct, but you still have barely enough room to wrap arms around eachother.
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>Principal Celestia’s glistening naked body is tightly packed inside of this air duct with yours, rendering the two of you unable to pull away from eachother as your naked bodies stay pressed together with hormones and pheromones breaking their own ceilings from the extremely lewd and erotic feeling.
>The feeling of being tightly trapped together like this, now not even able to stop pushing up against one another.
>It’s melting your restrain more and more, now with no way to slip yourself away from Principal Celestia as she holds you.
>She’s essentially cocooned right up against your body, naked and on top of you, and her soft flesh flares up all of your sexual instincts beyond your control.
>You know the same thing must be happening to her.
>How are you supposed to hold your horny excitement in after... all of THAT?
I've decided to have more fun with this and make it a mini adventure, but still not too lengthy as I still need to get to drawing.
Are they going to cave in inside the air duct they escaped into? y/n
Which room should they inevitably end up in? Regardless of if they cave in or not.
I thought you were wrong, so I looked it up, but you're right.
My dick only can take it so much.
Please provide the sources for the pictures from your posts.
I like Celly so much it's unreal.
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The filenames in the update's posts are numbered and everything can be found on Derpibooru by upload number ID, so I'll just do it this way:
(filename in the update): (post number on derpi)
13: 2905089
14: 3229826
15: 2478927
16: 1156170
17: 2808939
18: 1505028
19: 1422020
20: 3229827
Let me know if that's all the ones you wanted.
Locker room showers
Is the board fast today or is someone trying to slide someone?
>If they fuck they become hornyzombies
>But they’re stuck in a lewd situation where they’re pinned naked together with urges on a hair trigger
Oh my lord
I’m not sure which way is hotter
Could anon even realistically resist at this point?
A new kind of spam.
Random subjects, few posts.
Doesn't exactly sound new. It's a tactic used by spammers all the time who want to boot out threads they don't like.

Speaking of news, GOOD NEWS, everyone!

The other story I've been writing wrapped up over the weekend. A labor of love, like most of the fics I've done over the years.

If you wish to read it from the beginning, you can start here ( https://www.deviantart.com/mario72486/art/Lillie-in-Wonderland-Chapter-1-1018186654 ). Links to the chapters can be found at the bottom of each post, or you can visit my main dA page proper.

With that completed, I'm in the middle of a brief break from writing, but after that it'll be back to 'Single Players.' I honestly didn't have a lot of motivation to continue it for a while, but hopefully once I get back into the swing of things it'll be better.

I'll let you know when an update is close to being ready. Until then, I'll still be around keeping an eye on things.
Trips of truth.
Most spam was only one subject, though. HEY ANON, Glimmer, "rural lifestyle is obsolete", etc. Hey Anon was the best one.
>...In truth, the whole thing was a little awkward.
>You didn't exactly know what to do with Fluttershy's breasts, you just kind of squeezed and kneaded them around in your hands.
>The awkwardness of the situation not helped by your pants still being down.
>But judging by the cute, lewd noises Fluttershy made, she was having a good time, so you didn't worry too much about your technique.
>You haven't been this hard in a long time.
>The way she moaned and squirmed in response to every little action on your part was getting you hotter and hotter.
>The pitch of her voice was getting higher.
>Her breathing was getting heavier, to the point where she's almost panting.
>Beneath her shirt, your thumb gently grazed along the centimeters of underboob that her bra failed to cover.
>Fluttershy's gentle gasp was like a siren's call, beckoning you further.
>But should you?
>This is already risky enough.
>If either of you get caught like this, you could end up in a lot of trouble, especially after your last encounter with the park rangers.
>Uncertainty in your mind, you look up to get a look at Fluttershy's face.
>She was biting her lip to stop herself from being too noisy, but it wasn't working all that well.
>When she realized you were looking at her, her eyes widened a bit and her blush deepened slightly, as if you caught her doing something salacious.
>It was then that you realized your thumbs were still gently rubbing the miniscule amount of underboob beneath her shirt.
>The silence grew until she finally spoke up.
>"...You can... g-go under... if you want..." She whispered.
"Do you want me to?" You softly ask her.
>Your question caught her off guard.
>Snapped back into reality, her breathing calmed and she glanced around, remembering the situation you two are in.
>She's having the same conundrum as you.
>After a moment of thinking, she shakily nods her head.
>Well, who are you to deny such a pretty lady what she wants?
>You withdrew your hands from the frilly silk of her bra and back down to her stomach.
>Then you slowly slid your hands back up to her chest, but this time, carefully snaking your fingers underneath her bra.
>When your fingers make contact with a small, warm nub, Fluttershy's head snaps back as she vocalizes an incredibly sensual moan.
>Fluttershy's nipples.
>They're so...
>Her legs intertwine with yours even more and her hips begin to rock.
>God, you're hard.
>You go forward with what you feel is right to do by gently kneading and twisting her nipples with your index finger and thumb.
>Fluttershy sounds like she's over the moon.
>She's making sounds of arousal you didn't think she was capable of.
>She always seemed so cutesy and innocent, you almost couldn't imagine her being sexual.
>You get into a rhythm, rubbing her boobs up and down while kneading her sensitive little nipples beneath her shirt.
>But before you could get too into it, you see Angel sitting right beside you and your girlfriend.
"Angel?" You say to the rabbit, sitting up slightly.
>Fluttershy's eyes shoot open at the sound of that mischievous critter's name.
>When her eyes meet Angel's, she sits straight up and grabs him in the blink of an eye.
>"You are in really, REALLY big trouble, mister." She scolded him.
>As Fluttershy listed off the myriad of ways she planned on punishing Angel for his behavior today, you were left in a kind of awkward position.
>You were left on your knees with your hands outstretched, groping for a pair of tits that weren't there.
>Easy come, easy go.
>"Now, let's get you back in the bag so we-" Fluttershy said to Angel, freezing when her eyes fell upon you.
>That's when your realized you were still at full mast.
>NOW it's awkward.
>You're staring right at her, and she's staring right at you.
>Rather, she's staring at your Second-in-Command.
>Careful, you're in the minefield now.
>This could either end really well or really bad.
>Fluttershy's stare could mean anything.
>And you didn't think you were THAT impressively endowed...
>Truthfully, you've never measured because you don't want to be burdened with that knowledge.
>Before your mind could wander further, the silence is broken.
>"Wow..." Fluttershy whispers in a barely audible whisper.
>Now you feel ten feet tall.
>Fluttershy thinks you have a big dick.
>So big, she can't help but stare in amazement.
>You're gonna be riding this high for weeks.
>You allow a smug, victorious grin to spread across your cheeks.
"What was that?" You tease her.
>"Nothing!" Fluttershy answers, a little louder than she meant to as her head snaps up to return eye contact.
>You giggle at her flustered response.
>She's such a cutie.
>"W-We should head back and get our things together. I'm pretty tired after... everything that happened today." Fluttershy suggested.
>You can't blame her, she's had an exciting day.
"Yeah, good idea." You answer, standing up after having cooled off a bit.
>"You should probably put your pants back on." Fluttershy reminded you with a giggle.
"Ugh, you sound like Ms. Harshwhinny." You retort with a grin.
>Fluttershy giggles at your joke as she gets up off the ground, dusting herself off.
>She got a lot of dirt on her skirt and jacket.
>Looks like she got dirty in more ways than one.
>"I just hope my phone hasn't been taken.." Fluttershy says in a glum tone, nestling Angel in her arms.
"Don't worry, I've got it here!" You're quick to assure her, pulling her phone from one of the pockets in your pants and presenting it to her.
>"Oh, my hero~" Fluttershy jokingly swoons as she carefully takes her phone back.
>The brief glance you get of her lock screen shows that Rarity's been blowing her up with texts, no doubt interrogating her about the picnic.
>As you return your pants to your waist, you check your own phone.
>A few texts from Norman, Rainbow, and Sunset, and literally dozens of texts from Pinkie.
>You'll have to confer with Fluttershy on how to talk about what happened today.
>The upside of being so close to the picnic area was that it didn't that long to pack up and get ready to head out.
>The downside was that it reminded both of you how you could have been caught in the throes of passion.
>It seemed like a risk both of you were aware of, but didn't care about.
>Fluttershy is more important than pesky things like public decency.
>Once she got Angel back inside her bag, you clear your throat to speak up.
"So, uh... how are you feeling about today?" You nervously ask Fluttershy.
>She fastens the bag and takes a breath.
>"Today was... memorable." She chuckles.
>Before the pang of guilt could hit you, Fluttershy quickly clarifies "N-Not that it was your fault at all!"
>"You did a wonderful job organizing all of this, and you went through so much trouble helping me out of that embarrassing situation..."
>"Plus, I had... a lot of fun with... what we did after..."
>That adorable blush of hers returns.
>"So, despite that... awkward patch, I had a lovely time today~" Fluttershy happily sighs.
>You sigh in relief and allow yourself a gentle smile.
"I'm really glad to hear that. You deserve the best first date possible."
>Fluttershy gently smiles.
>"Anon, you shouldn't stress so much about impressing me. You're doing a great job, just the way you are."
>You wish you could believe her.
>But she's happy, so you're happy.
>Once you got done packing away the blanket and cooler, Fluttershy spreads her arms out wide, beckoning you for a hug.
>You're never one to turn her down, so you smile and graciously return the gesture.
>You love the way Fluttershy clings to you when you hug her.
>It's like she's afraid you'll float away, so she wants to keep you anchored down to Earth, even if it's just for a moment longer.
>It's ironic, she's the real angel here.
>You'll never get tired of how soft and warm and lovely Fluttershy is.
>The way she sighs happily is music to your ears.
>But then something catches Fluttershy by surprise, making her eyes widen as she glances down.
>You glance down to see what she's looking at, and you see the culprit.
>Fluttershy's panties slid down her legs, now resting at her ankles.
>Looks like the waistband gave in.
>Damn it, Fluttershy just can't catch a break.
>Before you could get too worried about your girlfriend being embarrassed again, Fluttershy giggled.
>"Just my luck." She sighs with a goofy smile to match her glowing cheeks.
>You couldn't help but laugh along with her at the absurdity of the situation.
>You're really glad she isn't feeling humiliated again.
>It helps that nobody's around to see her third wardrobe malfunction, but you'd like to think it's also because she feels safe with you.
>"You know... You could... have these~" Fluttershy tried to flirt, turning her ankle to present the ripped remains of her panties.
>Now it's your turn to be flustered.
>You couldn't have heard that right.
>Fluttershy was the last girl you'd expect to go commando.
>But today's been full of surprises.
"...Really?" You awkwardly ask her.
>As if to stomach any second thoughts she might have, she quickly nods.
>"It's not like I'll be wearing these ever again." She giggles.
"I'm sure Rarity could patch it up, she's magic with a needle."
>"Yes, but... That would involve telling her about what happened today."
"Oh, yeah, good point."
>"Besides... You deserve a souvenir for organizing such a lovely picnic~" She teased you further.
>You're not used to seeing this side of Fluttershy, but you sure could get used to it.
>Before you could protest like a dumbass turning down Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, Fluttershy carefully stepped out of her panties and gently pushed them towards you.
>You have to be as red as a beet right now.
>You look from the damaged underwear on the ground to Fluttershy, expecting some kind of trick.
>Like Rainbow or Pinkie jumping out of a bush and dumping a bucket of water on your head while you're bending over.
>But Fluttershy just gives you her attempt at a seductive smirk.
>"What're you waiting for, handsome? C-Christmas?"
>You'll forgive her for stumbling a bit.
>With an clumsy chuckle in place of an actual response, you carefully kneel down and grab Fluttershy's torn panties.
>"It's not gonna bite, silly!" Fluttershy giggled.
"I-I knew that!" You retort, still blushing.
>You stand back up, carefully holding Fluttershy's underwear in your hands like you would an injured bird.
>Before you could become too entranced by the article of clothing, you carefully fold it up and secure it in one of your pockets.
>You can appreciate the intricacies of her panties later.
"Well, now I wish I had something to give you to take home." You remark, trying to get the tint of your cheeks down to a more neutral state.
>"Oh, you've given me plenty already~" She flirted back to you with her hands behind her back as she leaned towards you with a half-lidded smile.
>"Hey, you!" A female voice called out to you from behind.
>Both of you snapped out of the heated moment to see a young woman in a park ranger uniform marching towards you two.
>Oh, God.
>Please, no.
>Everything was going so well.
>You were THIS close to sticking the landing.
>Fluttershy gives you a concerned look.
>There's nowhere to run.
>Time to face the music.
"Uh... Yes, ma'am?" You nervously greet her.
>"Is your name Black Dynamite, young man?" She questions you.
>You cringe at having that repeated back to you.
>It seemed like a much better idea in the moment.
"...Pretty much, yeah." You admit.
>"Is there something wrong, ma'am?" Fluttershy asks her, sounding a little worried.
"Your boyfriend here's in trouble for carrying illicit substances in a green tarp, according to one of my coworkers." The park ranger sternly informed her.
>You really wish you could say something to make this problem go away, but you're drawing a blank.
>How do you explain all this to the park ranger?
>Or even to Fluttershy?
>You look at Fluttershy, who's nervously looking between you and the park ranger.
>"Th-That can't be true, we were having a picnic out here, until he went to go looking for me when I ran off to-"
>Fluttershy clamps her hands over her mouth to prevent herself from revealing her embarrassment.
>"When you ran off to WHAT?" The park ranger pressed further.
>Geez, some people can become power-tripping jerks when giving the smallest bit of authority.
>"Uh... W-Well..." Fluttershy sputters, trying to think of something to say.
"Look, you can search our bags, you're not gonna find any drugs on us, Scout's honor." You assure the park ranger.
>"Then why did you tell the other park ranger that's what you had in that tarp?" She shot at you.
>You glance at Fluttershy.
>You really don't want to answer that.
>But she realizes that might be what has to happen.
>"Wait... The tarp was green, like t-this?" Fluttershy nervously asked the park ranger, motioning to her skirt.
>The park ranger raises an eyebrow.
>"He didn't give a very detailed description, but... sure."
>"Um... I think I can explain the confusion..." Fluttershy quietly said.
>The park ranger crossed her arms.
>"Oh, yeah? Then explain."
>Fluttershy stepped closer to the park ranger, leaned in her ear, and whispered the whole ordeal to her.
>Over the course of her story, the park ranger's expression shifts from sour to compassionate, glancing between you and your girlfriend.
>Once Fluttershy's finished telling her story, the park ranger pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.
>"...Alright, I'm gonna let the both of you off with a warning and I won't tell anyone what happened, but no more stunts like this in the future, got it?" The park ranger turned to you.
>You hastily nodded in understanding.
"Y-Yes, ma'am. Won't happen again, I can promise you." You assure her.
>Satisfied with your response, the park ranger couldn't help but gently chuckle with a small smile.
>"Young love makes you kids do crazy things. Just... try to not do anything too stupid."
>"Oh, thank you, ma'am! We hope you have a lovely day!" Fluttershy wished her, relieved that no more trouble will come of this.
>With a tip of the hat, the park ranger returned to the woods and radioed to her coworkers about the update.
>When she's out of sight, the both of you finally release the tension that suffocated the both of you.
>"...So, 'Black Dynamite', huh?" Fluttershy giggled.
"Hey, I panicked. You get my A-material when I'm cornered." You defend yourself with a smile.
>After a small shared laugh, you take on a more solemn expression.
"...I'm really sorry for making you talk about what happened. That wasn't fair of me."
>"I understand, Anon. You were only trying to defend my dignity, and neither of us are in trouble." Fluttershy assured you.
>You give Fluttershy a relieved smile.
"Man, what did I do to deserve you?"
>Fluttershy gently laughs, flattered.
>"Why, you managed to charm the pants off of me~"
>You blush a little more, now reminded that you're carrying her panties.
>Now you need to be extra careful when getting home.
>If your parents see you come home with a girl's underwear, you'd be trapped in the worst conversation of your life.
"Geez, when did you become such a flirt?" You jokingly interrogate Fluttershy.
>She gives you a sly grin.
>"I can't help it, you just bring out the worst in me~"
"If I found out Rarity was encouraging this, I'm gonna have to have a talk with her." You jokingly warn her.
>"Oh, sure, tell Rarity ALL about how you ended up with my panties in your possession. I'm sure she'd LOVE to hear that story." she retorted, now even more smug.
>Damn, she's got you there.
>Fluttershy giggles victoriously.
"Alright, fine, but if I hear about what happened today from any of the girls, you're buying my next drink at Sugarcube Corner." You warn her.
>Fluttershy laughs more vocally at your joke threat.
>"Don't worry, our secret's safe with me."
>You two share the nice moment before Fluttershy checks the time.
>"...I should be getting home soon." She says as her expression falls.
>You sigh, yet nod in agreement.
"Yeah, me too..."
>"I'll text you when I get home!" Fluttershy assured you.
"Not if I text you first!" You challenge her.
>As you two share some giggling, you finish packing up and out at the path leading back to the entrance of the forest.
>You feel a glum feeling grow within you.
>It's time to leave this little escape from life and return to the real world.
>A world with homework and bullies.
>But also a world with friends and milkshakes.
>A mixed bag.
>But it's worth all the trouble for Fluttershy.
"Ready to go?" You ask her.
>She fastens her bag to her shoulders and gives you a confident nod.
>"Ready as I'll ever be."
>You gently hold her hand as the both of you walk down the forest path together.
>The sun's lowered from the sky since you two arrived, coloring the sky and trees a slightly more orange hue, gently cascading through the branches.
>The brief rays of sunshine that manage to break through the trees offers some warmth, but not enough to lift the sadness of this date ending.
>Despite all the excitement and near-failures, today went pretty well.
>You got to second base with Fluttershy, that alone makes it all worth it.
>To think she trusts you enough to get that intimate with you, out in the woods, no less...
>And how she was admiring your size...
>But really, what matters the warm, trusting smile on her face.
>That's all the warmth you could ever need.
>Nothing is said between you two as you walk through the forest, but nothing needs to be said.
>When you two finally reached the end of the trail and arrive at the parking lot, you and Fluttershy simply hold each other's hands tighter and share a gentle yet loving kiss.
"Text you when I get home." You bid farewell to her.
>"Not if I text you first." Fluttershy smiles.
>After one last shared laugh, the two of you part ways.
>Man, what a first date.
Man, the more I brainstorm this sleepover green, the more I want to turn it into a full-length work.
My thing is that if I want Anon to fuck all of the mane seven, you gotta really earn it. I drafted a bit of the opening last night trying to establish Anon's whole deal and how he got so close with the mane seven because if I was gonna skip an entire school year of character development and relationship building, then I'm gonna get as many introductory paragraphs as I want. But it annoyed me when I was writing "Then you met Sunset and got to know her really well" because that's telling and not showing.
But if I commit to turning this sleepover green into a much larger scale story, not only will that increase the risk of me not finishing it, I'll also likely end up retreading some story points I've used in Life Flutters By and the Applejack one-shot I've had in mind.
I'll keep you guys posted on what happens with that.

Sounds great, man! In my experience, the first step is always the hardest. I was worried about not being able to get back in the groove of writing this greentext, but that feeling went away once I got started writing.
Can't wait to see more!
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Need flutter gf so badly bros
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Idk why I didn't mention this earlier but I'm a crossposter from /vp/ too.

Prepare for some dumb headcanons, shame I can't post them on both /vp/ and /co/. https://www.deviantart.com/lrlb05061996/status-update/As-of-right-now-I-m-1038121955

To those originally from /vp/, it's L Boy here. It's been awhile.
You still might be the only /vp/fag here. The other guy being talked about isn't from here and probably didn't go to /vp/ anyway, because posters on this site make up baseless assumptions about each other all the time.
>You still might be the only /vp/fag here.
I'll take it!
The fucking google doc is dead.
You mean the one that hadn’t been updated since 2018?
We used to have stealth posting threads.
Also what's with the Ladybug show? That's random.
God damn it Angel
I’m looking forward to how well the next encounter with Fluttershy will go.
She’s so cute and sexy and these kinds of greens have my favorite way to get with one of the humane seven.
I’m sure Fluttershy’s friends will still trust anon to the fullest after he got super comfortable with Fluttershy. He seems really established with them.
How much of this green would you say is left?
>"What're you waiting for, handsome? C-Christmas?"
Damn. Flutters can stutter and still bring the rizz.
Do it fgt! I don't think Fingerbang even has a mane 7 harem story yet, and that fucking sucks! Well maybe it has one, but I doubt it's finished. Damn.
Do you take story requests?
I’m pretty sure there’s at least one or two from the 2013 to 2015 era.
>How much of this green would you say is left?
Oh man, that's a difficult question to answer
I've got a set of plot points that I want to hit and I want to say it shouldn't be a lot, but the way I write, I have this bad habit of underestimating how much writing I'd actually have to do for each section I plan out. From my estimate, we're in the first third of Act 2.
So, short answer: probably a lot.

>Do it fgt! I don't think Fingerbang even has a mane 7 harem story yet, and that fucking sucks! Well maybe it has one, but I doubt it's finished. Damn.
Oh man, now I feel more motivated to get into it now that you're challenging me to. I'd have to REALLY plan it out, I've never written a harem story and I want to include as much setup as I feel is needed to justify seven girls being into Anon enough to want to have him as a shared boyfriend. I could make it work, though. Maybe I could draw influence from stuff like Persona 5 to help with that.
Knowing the way I write, the story of Anon getting seven girlfriends in his senior year of high school will end up being like half a million words long lol
The way I'm envisioning the order Anon gets the seven interested in him is:
It could possibly be easier to set up the harem if he's younger than the main seven, and they feel safe in treating him as a shared plaything for that reason.
>Sunset is first thinking he's cute and insisting she's just messing with him rather than it being anything serious
>Applejack is second already thinking he was cute, but not acting on it until after Sunset starts toying with him
As an example of how it could start, and from there the others are worked up and emboldened enough to act on desires by the girls who go before them.
Also something else I thought of that could possibly justify a harem.
>Each of the seven feels too busy with their personal interests and such to want a full time boyfriend
>Just having Anon occasionally is enough for them, and collectively they'd keep him in line just to the seven of them
Also now that I think of it that kind of sounds like a timeshare boyfriend.
That's actually a pretty good idea
I was already thinking of Pinkie pitching the idea of sharing Anon like "Well, we all like him, and we're all friends already, so why not share him? Sharing is caring, after all! And I doubt he'll complain about having seven girlfriends!"
Could be a fun idea to work with.
>It could possibly be easier to set up the harem if he's younger than the main seven, and they feel safe in treating him as a shared plaything for that reason.
I wanted to say I'm not sure about that, but the more I think about that, the more I could make it work. I was worried about it being out of character for some of the girls, but like you said, they could be emboldened by the other girls and seeing that Anon is comfortable with the arrangement. I'm having fun imagining Fluttershy trying to be teasing and flirty like Sunset or Rarity and fumbling it.
Thanks for the advice!
One more thing I could mention is one thing that could be fun and keep it from turning samey with all of them is if each of them had as distinct as possible of an approach to being his girlfriend and wanted to do different things with him then the others.
I absolutely agree. I already imagined a scene where Pinkie makes her debut with Anon by walking up to him in the hallway, grabbing his cheeks, and making out with him right there.
"Same, but different" was one of the key lessons my Story and Concept professor drilled into us when I was in college. If you're gonna have similar things happen in a story, make them happen differently from each other so the audience stays engaged. Definitely gonna be fun to brainstorm!
I definitely have some ideas you'd be free to use if you want.
>Kind in line with your Pinkie idea if she leaned towards exhibitionism and being attention seeking with him at parties wanting her antics with him to be the center of attention
>Rainbow wanting him to act like a die hard fan of hers and heap praise on her
>Rarity wanting to play dress up with him and getting off on making him wear skimpy and/or embarrassing outfits for her
>AJ wanting rough and aggressive rolls in the hay and to satisfy Granny's desire for great grandkids
>Fluttershy wanting to fuss over him and mommy him
>Sunset being very teasing with him and messing with him a lot thinking it's amusing to get under his skin
>Story and Concept professor
Aw man. That sounds fun. Was the class called story and concept or something else?
t. a dorky writefag from a different general
I would imagine a general kind of writing class. Though it'd be amusing if there was a class specifically for writing mlp greens.
All of those are very good stuff!
The class actually was called Concept and Story Development. It was centered around the basic principles and techniques in storytelling, with a focus on short films since it was an Electronic Media and Film course. Our final project was submitting a draft of a script or treatment for a short film of our own
I minored in MLP Greentexting though
Accidentally hit post too soon, meant to add these thoughts
>Fluttershy mommy'ing Anon is a nice change of pace from my current green, that'll definitely help me keep things fresh with her
>I also imagined Pinkie being exhibitionistic, texting Anon lewd stuff like an upskirt photo of herself that she took in the middle of class or randomly dropping "texting u one handed btw ;))))" in the middle of a mundane text conversation
>I imagine Rarity would want to have her first date with Anon be very proper, dressing up all fancy like an old-timey seductress and having dinner in a romantic restaurant before delving into the kinky dress-up stuff
Really looking forward to it if you do write it.
Just one last thing. I'm not sure if you have an idea for the start of Sunset as the first girl aomg them to nan him, but I had an idea for it.
>Anon as a freshman get snatched up by Sunset going on a freshman hunt, and after capturing him decided to have more fun with him than messing him up a bit before sending him on his way
Thank you! With all these new ideas, it's definitely more likely that I will end up writing it
I'm admittedly not super into the idea of Anon being a Freshman and the girls being Seniors, but I'll think on it some more as I brainstorm more of the story
They could be sophomores or juniors, and not necessarily seniors. Though I was definitely liking the idea of Sunset capturing him for being a freshman, but instead of something like beating him up decides to cuddle him and tease him while purposely making him flustered.
>Holding him in her arms on her lap, and pressing her chest into his back
>While seeming flip flopping on if she wants to date him or not
>"Would you like it if I were your girlfriend~?"
>"As if I'd date a freshman!"
>"Or would I~?"
>She then bring him to the slumber party and carries on with the 'will I or won't I' playing that ignites the other girls' interest in him
>Your walk home was only quiet when concerning your surroundings.
>The sidewalk, the crisp breeze brushing dried leaves across the pavement, the birds chirping in the air, it was all very serene.
>But a storm swirled in your head.
>You were sure Anon would organize a lovely date, but you never could have imagined today would be so… exciting.
>First, there was the whole business of finding your skirt after Angel ran off with it.
>You’ve heard rumors that the Dazzlings streaked through the forest at night for some illicit thrill, but you never thought you would get so close to being able to relate to that experience.
>...Well, you weren’t exactly naked, but you were far too close for comfort.
>You’re gonna remember your time running through the trees with nothing but your ripped panties covering your womanhood for the rest of your life.
>Thinking about it now, you feel yourself blushing again.
>Especially the way Anon found you.
>Your butt sticking in the air, panties ripped in the seat.
>Almost like you were… presenting yourself to him.
>How could you possibly explain what happened to Rarity or Rainbow or Twilight or any of the girls?
>You’re sure they’ll be sympathetic, but you can’t imagine even talking about what happened.
>With the park ranger, it was easier.
>You won’t ever run into her at school, and you saved Anon from getting in a lot of trouble.
>To think, he could have gotten in trouble with the authorities just to avoid telling people that you were running around in your underwear…
>Part of you wishes he just told that park ranger and avoided all that trouble.
>But the other part of you is so grateful he cared about you so much to do that, as reckless as it may have been.
>Then, once you two were reunited, you got to see Anon’s boxer shorts.
>And his…
>...Your face heats up just thinking about… it.
>Seeing Anon like that as you lay back, eyes filled with desire and his arousal almost on full display…
>...It’s deeply flattering.
>All of that.
>All for you.
>Not for Rarity, not for Rainbow, not for Sunset or Twilight.
>Anon was deeply aroused for you, and you alone.
>The way his hands slipped beneath your shirt and your bra, the way he kissed your stomach, he savored every moment of it.
>He was more than affectionate.
>He was hungry.
>Anon asked you for permission to fondle your breasts, but you can’t ignore that part of you that wished he didn’t.
>It would go against how decent he is as a person, but you wanted him to tear off your clothes and ravish you.
>Nothing else mattered at that moment.
>Not Angel, not anyone else in the forest, not anyone in Canterlot.
>It was just you and Anon in paradise.
>When you closed your eyes, you could almost imagine the both of you in the garden of Eden.
>Alone in paradise, with nothing, not even clothing, keeping the two of you apart.
>You’re brought back to reality by the sensation of a single drop of arousal dripping unobstructed down your leg.
>Your eyes shoot open and dart around to make sure nobody sees you lose yourself in your thoughts.
>Gah, you need to stop thinking about this.
>You need to be able to tell Zephyr and your parents that today went well without giving them any idea that anything so sensual happened.
>Mom and dad don’t even know you’re dating yet.
>They definitely don’t need to know that you gave your panties to Anon.
>...Neither does Rarity.
>You don’t even want to imagine her reaction to that news.
>Gosh, thinking about the fact that you’re not wearing panties beneath your skirt is making this walk home so much more.
>The moments when you feel the fabric brush against your butt or your womanhood send a small shiver down your spine.
>If Angel was out to steal your skirt again, or if your skirt got caught on something, you’d be naked from the waist down.
>It’s almost… exciting.
>If Rarity could see you now, she’d be appalled.
>...Or thrilled…
>Thankfully, you don’t have to stew on these thoughts much longer.
>Before you know it, you're back in your house’s driveway.
>You duck behind a tree and cool yourself off with your hands to ensure that you weren’t blushing at all when you walked through the front door.
>Angel rustles around in your bag.
>You’ll deal with him in a bit.
>When you entered your house, you found Zephyr slouched over the couch scrolling through his phone as your parents work on dinner together in the kitchen together.
>”Oh, welcome back, Fluttershy!” Your mom says over her shoulder as you shut the door behind you.
>”How did your little hangout go?” Your dad asked you.
>You sigh, gently setting your bag down on the floor.
“It was… I had a good time today.” You answer, struggling to come up with a convincing reply.
>Your parents don’t suspect anything, but Zephyr’s head perked up from the couch.
>”What’d you say you were doing, again?” He asked you.
>You gulp.
“Just hanging out with some friends in town.” You reply.
>”...Which friends?” Zephyr prodded.
>Ugh, he’s onto you.
“...S-Some friends from school, that’s all.”
>Your voice warbles a bit.
>A grin appears on Zephyr’s face.
>He knows.
>You should change the subject, quick.
“S-So, uh, is there anything I could do to help prepare dinner?” You ask your parents, stepping into the kitchen.
>”If you could set the table, that would be great.” Your mom answered.
>You quickly nod and get to work, placing four sets of forks, knives, spoons, and napkins at each tablecloth.
>You can smell what they’re making: vegetable stew.
>It’s only after smelling the lovely aroma of their labors that you realize how hungry you are.
>You didn’t eat anything after Angel stole your skirt, and you worked up a real appetite trying to get it back.
>It’s really nice to see your parents working together on dinner, they look so peaceful and content.
>You can only hope you’ll be there with Anon some day.
>Living a peaceful, content married life, making dinner together and enjoying a shared, comfortable silence.
>You giggle a bit at how this is the first safe-for-work fantasy you’ve had about your boyfriend.
>...Although, it would be pretty fun if both of you were only wearing aprons-
>”Soup’s on!” Your dad spoke up, but not in a significantly higher tone than usual.
>You quickly move over to where the bowls are stored and fetch one for you and one for Zephyr.
>He trudges on over to the kitchen as mom is pouring stew for your dad.
>It kind of annoys you how it didn’t seem like he helped at all, but it’s not worth making a fuss about.
>Everyone sits down with their bowls full of stew and gets to dinner.
>You sigh contentedly as you take your first sip.
>It tastes just as lovely as it smells.
>Mom’s stews are always great.
>Zephyr’s eating much faster than anyone else at the table.
>Messier, too.
>You frown at him a bit, hiding your expression with your spoon.
>”Something the matter, Fluttershy?” Your dad asked you.
“Hm?” You reply, turning to him.
>”It just seems like a lot’s on your mind. Anything big happen today?”
>You quickly take another sip of the stew to avoid revealing anything with your facial expression.
“Uh, n-not really, we just kinda walked through the forest, is all.” You eventually answer.
>”Ooh, that sounds nice!” Your mom chimed in. “It’s nice to take advantage of the last of the warm weather before it really gets chilly.”
>You nod in agreement, focusing on your bowl of stew sitting in front of you.
>Don’t think about your skirt.
>Don’t think about Anon.
>Don’t think about Anon’s hands.
>Don’t think about Anon’s-
>”Fluttershy has a boyfriend.” Zephyr nonchalantly spoke up after removing his spoon from his mouth.
“Zephyr!” You cry out, feeling your cheeks flare up in embarrassment.
>”You do?” Your mom excitedly asks you.
>You gulp and try to nod your stiff neck.
>Don’t think about how you’re not wearing panties.
>”Oh, that’s wonderful!” Your mom congratulates you.
>”What’s his name?” Your dad asks you with an encouraging smile.
“...Anonymous.” You answer.
>Just saying his name brings the saucier memories of today back to the forefront of your mind.
>You can practically feel his fingers grazing across your chest…
>”He sounds like a nice young man, do you think we’ll get to meet him soon?” Your mom asks you.
“Uh, y-yeah, maybe! I’ll have to see what his schedule’s like…” You answer, stemming the torrent of dirty thoughts.
>”Did you meet him at the animal shelter?” Your dad asked you.
“Yeah, kind of. He was the only person from school to volunteer with me…”
>”Sounds like a match made in heaven!” You mom giggled.
>You glance over at Zephyr across the table.
>He’s clearly enjoying you being the focus of mom and dad’s attention, leaving him alone to finish his stew.
>He better not do anything dumb when Anon comes over.
>You finish your stew soon after, giving you a means of escape.
“I can talk more about my boyfr- Anon later, I got a bunch of homework to get to. May I be excused?” You explain, gathering your utensils and napkin.
>”You sure may! Tell Anonymous we said hi!” Your dad replied after taking another careful sip of the stew.
>Out of the corner of your eye, you see Zephyr giving you a sly grin as you gently wash out your bowl and utensils in the sink and place them in the dishwasher to be cleaned later.
>You grab your bag by the door and make your way up the stairs and return to your room.
>With your bedroom door shut behind you, you unzip your bag and allow Angel to hop across the floor.
>You kneel down on the ground and frown at him with your arms crossed.
“How could you do that to me, Angel?” You ask him.
>Angel scratches his ears.
“Do you have any idea how much trouble I could have gotten in if someone caught me running through the forest in my underwear? I would’ve died of embarrassment!”
>Angel gives you a faintly smug look.
“Well, I hope you enjoyed those treats Anon brought for you, because you won’t be getting any treats for a VERY long time! Not until you’ve proven you’ve learned from your mistake, mister!”
>Angel hardly seems fazed.
>He just hops on over to his little enclosure in the corner of your room.
>You angrily sigh and get to your homework.
>While you’re working, you think more about what happened today.
>Angel’s smug face stays in your mind as you work on your Geology homework.
>...Was this all his plan?
>Did Angel somehow know you losing your skirt would lead to you and Anon getting frisky?
>You brought him with you a few times when you worked with Anon at Paws 2 Paws, he had to have seen you two kissing under the shade of the trees.
>A glance at Angel from across your room shows you he’s nestled comfortably in his bed and napping like a baby.
>It’s a little frustrating to see him so snug after all the trouble he’s caused today.
>But… You can’t deny that his little scheme got results.
>That look in Anon’s eyes as he looked you up and down when you were on your back…
>His gentle, yet firm touch…
>You can’t focus on your homework under these conditions.
>You hurry through what’s left of your homework and flop onto your bed.
>The rest of the evening is spent texting your friends.
>Rarity’s delighted to hear that the picnic went well, even though you omit some details from your retelling.
>She spent most of today working on dresses for the Fall Formal.
>You can’t imagine how busy she was.
>Twilight and Sunset spent most of today studying together.
>Those final tests can really sneak up on you, so you’re glad she’s getting ahead on that.
>Applejack helped make more of her signature apple pie for an upcoming bake sale.
>Pinkie spent the whole day with Cheese Sandwich at Sugarcube Corner.
>You can’t imagine she got up to anything more thrilling than you today, but she IS full of surprises…
>Sundays are also Rainbow Dash’s rest days, so she spent as much of today as immobile as possible.
>You’ve heard her complain about how sore she is on Sundays in the past, but sometimes you think she did that to get out of studying.
>Finally, Anon spent his evening much like you: eating dinner, then working on homework.
>He’s probably also been texting Norman and his other friends.
>The hours melt away as you keep up with five different text conversations at once.
>It’s a skill that rubbed off onto you from Pinkie.
>As the moon replaced the sun’s place in the sky and brought its star friends to keep it company, you change into your pajamas and nestle yourself beneath your blanket.
>Before you drift off to sleep, one thought lingers in your mind:
>What did Anon do with your panties?
Fair enough! The idea does have some appeal, I'll stew on it some more and let you guys know if I think of anything brilliant
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what I wouldn't give for a giant tiddy Hootershy gf
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Fluttershy brings happiness by simply being who she is.
pic related
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Hi, I once requested a nude edit of Sunset Shimmer (and got it delivered) here.

I have moved (back) to the /trash/ Edit Thread since then in order to request further edits, including naturally sagged breast while maintaining the same size (among others), and recently got one.


While I could notice some changes, the editor there failed to make her breast not to defy the gravity.

So I'd like to request here that Sunset Shimmer is given a naturally sagged breast.

You can remove the background or give a new one, if you have no idea how to deal with it.
Good greens
Fluttershy brings erections by simply being who she is.
What did he do with them panties? Wouldn't surprise me if he has a box where he keeps precious mementos of all sorts.

Another good update, Cosmic. Can't wait to see more.
Threads are reaching page 10 fast for no reason again. It’ll probably stop soon then continue in about 12 hours or whenever almost no one is up, stay alert.
This whole story idea made me think of this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQ2i9gPol5s&pp=ygUUcm95YWwgcmVwdWJsaWMgbWFnaWM%3D

Thank you! I'll be sure to bring more!
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>The next thing you know, you’re walking down the sidewalk with Anon.
>It’s a surprisingly warm day out, you thought your picnic date with him was supposed to be the last warm day of the year.
>But with how warm it is now, you’d think you slept right past winter and woke up just in time for spring.
>The birds are chirping and happily flying around, there isn’t a cloud in the sky, and the squirrels feel safer scurrying about with their acorns.
>The spring breeze feels especially refreshing.
>It’s just cool enough to make you appreciate the sun’s warmth without being excessively cold.
>...Sure is drafty today, though.
>There are some other people out enjoying the weather along with you and your boyfriend.
>Couples young and old, groups of friends, and families pepper the grassy fields and sidewalk as you and Anon walk together.
>...Come to think of it, you’re not entirely sure where you’re going.
>Anon seems to know, he’s walking on with confidence in his step and a gentle smile on his face.
“Hey, uh…”
>Anon stops walking for a moment and turns to face you.
>”Yeah, Flutters?”
>How do you not know where you’re going?
>How could you have gotten this far with him without having talked about it all?
>How do you ask this without sounding stupid?
>Your eyes dart around the peaceful environment, trying to come up with a good way to ask him.
>Anon steps a little closer to you and gently brushes his hand across your cheek.
>For some reason, this makes you quietly shiver in response to the gentle, intimate gesture.
“...I-I wanna hear your plans for today again, because I… l-like the way you talk about it.”
>That could have been better.
>Anon gently laughs.
>”We’re just gonna enjoy a nice day at the park together. You know, I’ll take you for a walk, we'll get some ice cream, all the fun stuff that’s involved!”
>You smile, feeling more excited about your day together.
>Anon does such a great job planning your dates together, he’s so romantic.
>Although you notice that he said that he’d “take you for a walk”.
>It’s not worth worrying about, it was probably just a slip of the tongue.
“That sounds lovely!” You softly cheer, earning a small chuckle from Anon.
>”And don’t you worry, I know the perfect spot for us to really enjoy this lovely day together.” Anon assures you.
“Well then, we better get going!” You say to him.
>Anon gives you a warm look before turning back around and leading you through the outskirts of Canterlot towards the special spot he picked out for you two.
>As you walk, you notice Anon is dressed rather nicely today.
>He’s wearing slacks and a semi-formal button down shirt, with some expensive looking shoes.
>It doesn’t seem like the kind of clothes he’d wear for spending a day at the park.
>Maybe Rarity insisted he dress up all fancy for you.
>You understand she’s just looking out for him, but sometimes you wish she wouldn’t butt in so much.
>You also notice Anon’s holding a rope in his hands.
>You follow the rope trailing behind him to see what he’s dragging.
>...You freeze in place and feel your face reach fiery temperatures when you see what the rope’s attached to.
>It’s you.
>You’re on the other end of his rope.
>The rope’s attached to a collar on your neck.
>Anon has you on a leash.
>Your attempt to vocalize your concerns about this bring you to another harrowing realization.
>The collar and your boots are the only things you’re wearing.
>You’re naked.
>In public.
>For the entire town to see.
>Realizing this makes the cool breeze against your exposed breasts, butt, and womanhood so much more painful.
>The incredibly small coverage your boots give you make it even worse, like they were highlighting the parts of your body that aren’t covered.
>As if to humiliate you even more, you forgot to trim… down there.
>You’re unable to move to cover yourself or even squeal in embarrassment.
>Not again.
>This is a nightmare.
>It has to be.
>You can’t be naked in the middle of town.
>You try to seal your eyes shut to keep the tears of humiliation from flooding down your cheeks.
>All you can do is wait for everyone to point and laugh at you.
>...But it never happens.
>You hear the same sounds you’d expect to hear from an ordinary spring afternoon.
>Idle conversations between friends and lovers can barely be heard, but you don’t hear your name from them at all.
>Nobody gasped at the sight of your naked body, and nobody’s laughing at your complete humiliation.
>...Maybe this isn’t a nightmare?
>Anon hasn’t said anything at all, he probably isn’t ashamed or embarrassed of you.
>Slowly, carefully, you force one of your eyes open to see everyone’s reaction to your public nudity.
>But there is no reaction.
>The families, friends, and couples enjoying the nice weather don’t pay you any mind at all.
>It’s not like they don’t see you, several of them are looking in your general direction.
>A jogger even runs right past you and Anon on the sidewalk, he had to have seen you naked!
>”Something wrong, Flutters?” Anon asks you.
>You spin around to face him, puzzled by how he could possibly not know what’s wrong.
>His tone, too.
>He’s not teasing you or anything, he’s being completely genuine.
>You sputter your response, deeply flustered.
“I-I-I’m naked! In p-public!” You cry out, no longer caring about making a scene.
>Instead of leaping into action to defend your dignity, Anon just laughs a little, like you just asked a dumb question.
>”Well, yeah! Pets don’t wear clothes, silly!” He responds, chipper as ever.
>You could barely register what he just said.
>You stand there, dumbfounded, trying to think of any kind of way to respond to that.
>Anon called you his pet.
>The collar on your neck makes sense now.
>But none of this makes sense.
>When did you become Anon’s pet?
>This is a dream, it has to be.
>But it’s not a nightmare.
>It’s not horrible and humiliating, it’s all so casual.
>Nobody’s laughing at you for being Anon’s pet.
>And, now that you’re used to it, the breeze against your sensitive areas doesn’t feel so bad anymore.
>It feels… refreshing.
>...Maybe this isn’t so bad.
>You’ll play along, see where this goes.
>With Anon here, nothing too bad can happen.
>He lightly tugs on your… leash to get your attention.
>”Something the matter, Flutters?”
>You snap out of your thoughts and quickly shake your head.
“N-No! Just, uh… l-let’s get going.” You manage to stammer out.
>”Good idea!” Anon beams, leading you on.
>The two of you walk to the park.
>You’re still naked for all of it.
>The entire walk is spent covering your breasts and womanhood with your hands.
>Nobody else might care that you’re naked, but you sure do.
>This may be just a dream, but you’re still far from being comfortable with public nudity.
>Thankfully, the spot Anon had in mind for relaxing in the park is far from any prying eyes.
>He sets out an incredibly soft blanket down on the ground for the two of you.
>You don’t waste any time in getting yourself settled.
>Sitting on the grass would make it even harder to get used to your “pet” status.
>At least sitting naked on a blanket feels more familiar.
>Anon sits right next to you, lovingly stroking your hair.
>Your nudity makes you so much more sensitive to every sensation.
>The blanket beneath you, the breeze brushing across every inch of your skin, Anon’s gentle, loving fingers.
>It’s… a lot.
>”You sure you’re alright, Flutters? You seem all over the place today.” He gently asked you, brushing your hair with his hand.
>You pause for a moment to think of your answer.
>Who knows what could happen if you tell him you know this is a dream.
“I, um… I just, I guess I’m just… remembering what it was like the first time we… did this…”
>Anon smiled gently, brushing his thumb across your cheek.
>”Yeah, that was a pretty exciting day.” He chuckled.
>You can only imagine.
>His thumb finds its way to your chin, bringing your face closer to his.
>”I know I said this a million times, but nobody makes a prettier pet than you, Flutters~” Anon whispers to you in that husky tone of his.
>Oh, gosh, you can feel yourself heat up.
>His hot breath spreads goosebumps across your skin when he leans close.
>The way he talks and the way he calls you his pet makes you bite your lower lip in anticipation.
>Anon’s hand travels down your chin, down your neck, across your exposed breast, past your stomach, to just above your pussy.
>You manage to stifle a small squeal at the intimate contact, but you lean backward until you’re lying back on the blanket.
>”Ooh, puppy wants to play~” Anon teased you as he squeezed your hip.
>Your animal instincts compel you to spread your legs open and reveal how wet you are to your… owner.
>You almost can’t help yourself.
>You’re starting to like this.
>A lot.
>Anon kneeled over your naked body, holding your leash tight in his hand as his hand explored more of you.
>He intentionally avoids touching your womanhood.
>It’s driving you up the wall.
>And he knows it.
>The longer his “petting” goes on, the more you squirm and moan on the blanket.
“P-Please…” You softly moan.
>You didn’t even mean to speak, the word manages to escape your lips in the most lewd way possible.
>Anon turns his attention from your thigh to your blushing face with a growing grin.
>”Please, what?” He teases you.
>You meekly whimper.
>He’s not going to make this easy for you.
>”Good girls use their words~” Anon whispers, drawing you closer to him with your leash.
>You’re pretty sure your face grew another shade of red darker.
>Those two words awakened something within you.
>Good girl.
>And like a good girl, you obey.
“Please… t-touch me… d-down there…”
>Anon gently giggles.
>”Oh, Flutters, you can’t skip to dessert like that! We have all sorts of fun ways to play before we do that~” He reminded you.
>You can only nod in submission.
>”First, I want to brush up on some tricks we’ve been working on.” Anon continued as his gentle hand returned to your cheek.
“O-Okay…” You manage to speak.
>”Can you roll over, Fluttershy?” Anon asked you in the same tone of voice you would use with a puppy.
>You’re the puppy now.
“Y-Yes, master.”
>You didn’t mean to say that second word, it just kind of slipped out.
>Nevertheless, you roll over onto your stomach and get on your hands and knees to present yourself to him.
>It should feel humiliating, presenting your naked body to Anon like this.
>But… it’s so exciting.
>You’re breathing so heavily.
>”Good girl!” Anon congratulates you, running his hand down your back and squeezing your butt.
>You lean into his touch, arching your backside up to make it easier for him to indulge in your body.
>You’re so wet.
>Anon teasingly smacks your butt, making you squeal in delight.
>”I love the cute little sounds you make, Fluttershy. You’re so fun to play with~” Anon teases you, gently yanking you upwards with a firm tug of the leash.
>You allow yourself to moan at his more forceful gesture.
>”Now, can you speak?” Anon asks you.
>You giggle.
“You know I can, silly!”
>He smiles and repositions himself in front of you.
>”Not like THAT! You know what I really mean~” Anon clarified.
>Now it makes sense.
“O-Oh…” You mumble.
>Gosh, this is embarrassing.
>Are you really going to…?
>Anon tugs on your leash lightly.
>”Speak, pet.” He muttered to you, in a tone approaching a growl.
>His grip on your cheek grows a little firmer.
>Your legs are getting weaker.
>Anon’s never used that kind of tone before.
>But you like it.
>A lot.
“...W…Wff…” You mumble.
>”Hm?” Anon says, running his fingers through your hair.
>”I didn’t hear that, pet.”
>You gulp, then raise your hands in front of you, imitating a puppy’s paws.
“...Woof… Woof, woof…” You speak up, doing your best impression of a loyal pet dog.
>Anon’s expression softens, smiling gently before planting a kiss on your forehead.
>That one gesture sends waves of ecstasy throughout your body.
“O-Oooh~” You moan as your body shivers.
>You’ve never been this vulnerable before, but you’re having a LOT of fun.
>A goofy grin grows on your face.
>You’re gonna commit to this.
>You move back a bit, spread your knees, arch forward a bit, and let your arousal take control.
“Woof! Woof, woof!” You gently bark for Anon.
>You feel so ridiculous.
>If anyone could see you now, you’d be branded as the weird dog girl for the rest of your life.
>But you don’t care.
>You’re having too much fun.
>Anon’s delighted to see you indulge yourself in the moment.
>He tugs your leash close to him and firmly holds your cheeks in his hands.
>”You’re such a good girl~” He mutters.
>Anon pulls you in and forcefully presses his lips against yours.
>Whatever was left of your resilience vanished in that instant.
>You let your body collapse against his as you threw your arms around him and returned the kiss like your life depended on it.
>Anon’s tongue slithers into your mouth, which you gratefully welcome with your own tongue.
>Desperate moans pour out of your mouth unopposed, you want to express your lust as nakedly as you are.
>Gosh, the sensation of your naked body against Anon’s nicely-dressed body is driving you even further up the wall.
>He’s gripping your body so fiercely.
>No, not your body.
>You’re just his pet.
>Your body belongs to Anon.
>It’s his to play with.
>Anon parted from the kiss, gasping for air.
>His hair’s tousled in a super sexy way.
>You want to reach out and touch it, but you know you aren’t allowed to touch it.
>You don’t get to play with your master the way he plays with you.
>”You’ve been wanting this for a while, haven’t you, pet?” Anon whispered.
“W-Woof!” Was your immediate response.
>Anon giggled, getting the message.
>”Now, there’s just one last trick for you to do before we can get to dessert…” He informed you, gripping the least tightly.
>You’re way too horny to be worried about looking like a fool.
>Anon leans in your ear, drawing you closer with the leash.
>”Who’s a good girl?” Anon playfully asks, tousling your hair like he was petting a Saint Bernard.
>You smile so widely your eyes shut.
>You soak yourself in the moment, allowing Anon to wash you in his affection.
>Your naked body wiggles happily.
>But try as you might, you can’t bring yourself to say those four words.
“W-Woof…” was the best you could manage.
>”Come on, Flutters, who’s a good girl?” Anon goaded you further.
>You take a deep breath.
“...Me…” You answer, trying to hide your embarrassment at answering the question.
>Anon lifted your head to look deep into your eyes.
>”Who’s a good girl?”
>You’re literally dripping with arousal.
>You get down on your hands and knees while maintaining total eye contact with Anon.
>You’ve got a stupid grin on your face, but you don’t care.
>You stick your butt up in the air and wiggle it around for him.
“...I’m a good girl~” You finally answer, in the most lewd voice you could possibly vocalize.
>Anon yanks your leash upwards until your face is an inch away from him.
>”Yes, you are~”
>He grabs your shoulders and pushes you onto your back.
>Before you could react, his hand slid down your stomach, onto your sopping wet pussy, and slid two fingers inside you.
>You practically scream in pleasure.
>This may be just a dream, but you’ve never felt anything like this before.
“A-Anon!” You cry out, arching your back upward.
>You’re not in control anymore.
>Your body’s moving on raw instinct now.
>Anon’s other hand forcefully grabbed and squeezed your breast as he hungrily kissed and nibbled your neck while fingering you like a guitar solo.
>You’re drowning in ecstasy.
>If there’s some kind of master of dreams out there, you can only pray you can never wake up from this.
>You wish you could stay here forever.
>You wish Anon could play with your naked body here in this lovely park.
>You’d walk on your hands and knees for the rest of your life and never take off this collar if it meant staying here.
>Anon growled compliments and flirts, but his passionate words were muffled by him barely being able to keep himself from your body long enough to finish his sentence.
>Your legs lock around his waist and you cling onto his neck like a life raft.
>”Fluttershy…” Anon groaned, twisting your nipple and nibbling your ear.
“Wooof~” You moaned.
>His fingers danced in your pussy, tickling your clit more and more.
>You can’t last much longer.
>You can feel the climax coming.
“A-Anon, I-I’m close!” You warn him in between desperate pants.
>”I know.” He muttered in your ear.
>”Be a good girl, and cum.”
>His word is your command.
>In that instant, you squirt your love juices all over Anon’s hand and forearm.
>You throw your head back and scream in ecstasy.
>You scream for all of Canterlot to hear.
>You don’t have any shame anymore.
>You want everyone in town to know how much of a good girl you are.
>Once you’ve fully drained yourself onto Anon’s nice sleeve, you slump onto your back and gasp for air like you just sprinted a mile.
>Glancing up, you see Anon slowly and lovingly lick his hand clean of your arousal before moving to cradle your head in his arms.
>You sigh happily gazing up at him.
>Anon looks so lovely when he’s silhouetted by the sun.
>”You’re the best pet I could ask for, Fluttershy.” He sighed happily, gently stroking your cheek.
>You can only manage mumbling sounds of contentment, you’re so exhausted.
>You wish you could fall asleep right here in Anon’s gentle embrace, but there’s a strange beeping sound in the distance.
“...Do you hear that?” You gently ask him.
>Anon looks confused, glances around the park, then shakes his head.
>The beeping gets louder.
>It’s so irritating.
>But as it gets louder and louder, you realize what the sound is.
>Your alarm clock.
>That’s when you shoot up from bed with a gasp.
>Now you’re back in your bedroom.
>Not naked, and nowhere near Anon.
>None of that was real.
>You let out a depressed sigh and switch off your alarm clock.
>The sunlight streaming in through the window is real.
>The carpet under your feet is real.
>...And the damp spot in your pajama pants is real.
I always found it a little weird when the lewd scene was written from the girl's perspective, but it does work sometimes. This is one of those times where it works, so good on you for that and great work.
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>Lewd, EqG version of "It's so nice to be the pet for once"
based af
Warning: NSFW

Could someone remove the remaining parts of clothing off this humanized Rarity, and apply some gravity to her breasts? The zero-gravity boobs are weird as fuck, you know.

But if redrawing the breasts is out of your capacity, or if you are busy right now, you can just remove that part first. Boobs with correct physics can wait, I guess.
What’s her name again?
Thank you! And yeah, I get that. I only write lewd scenes from the girl's perspective when there's a point to it bc I know we're all here to self insert as Anon
Wanna hug her
Multiple reasons
>You hurry through your morning routine.
>Showering, brushing teeth, getting dressed, and eating breakfast all goes by in a flash.
>You can’t be seen around your family like this.
>People normally forget what happened in their dreams almost right after they wake up, but not you.
>Every time you close your eyes, you’re back in the park.
>Alone with Anon, wearing nothing but your boots and your collar.
>These images, these sensations, they’re all so vivid.
>They’re seared into your mind as if they were actual memories.
>All this made showering especially torturous.
>Actually being naked and alone in the shower brought you that much closer to the dream reality you just left.
>You could almost feel Anon’s gentle yet firm touch grazing across your body.
>You even catch your hand drifting down to your nether region, guided by your intangible lover.
>You snap out of this trance just in time.
>Waiting on Zephyr is bad enough, you don’t want to be a hypocrite on top of a…
>Darting out of the shower, you dry yourself off in record time.
>Rinsing your face with cold water doesn’t help assuage these dirty thoughts, they’re rooted far too deep.
>You brush your teeth and throw your clothes on before you dart out of the bathroom.
>You decided to wear jeans and a thicker jacket today.
>After what happened yesterday, you won’t be wearing skirts for a while.
>Angel’s gonna have to wait a while before he can come to school with you again in the future, too.
>Zephyr only briefly appears in your line of sight as you hurry downstairs to the kitchen.
>He mutters something under his breath, but wondering what he could have said is so very far down the priority list.
>You quickly prepare some toast and spread jam across the two slices.
>With a glass of orange juice, you try to get through breakfast as quickly as possible.
>Your eyes dart around the living area.
>Mom and dad aren’t around.
>Your heart rate eases a bit, but you’re sure your cheeks are still a little pink.
>Zephyr won’t be a problem, he always spends, like, an hour in the shower.
>As you’re eating your toast, your phone buzzes.
>Turning it on, you see text messages from Pinkie, Sunset, Rainbow, and…
>How are you gonna be able to face him today?
>You just know the moment he says hi to you, your dream is gonna come right back.
>The last thing you need is to embarrass yourself by calling him “master” or something.
>His text message is just to confirm if you’ll be meeting him at the same intersection you usually do.
>You hesitate.
>Part of you wants to say “no” and meet him at school, but if you do that, you’ll risk making him suspicious.
>In the mental state you are now, you doubt you could tell a convincing lie about not being able to meet him.
>...And you don’t want to lie to him.
[You know it! :)] You text him.
>Setting your phone down, you take a deep breath.
>...It’ll all be fine.
>Once you see him in person, it’ll really set in that last night was just a dream and nothing so lewd actually happened.
>You’re just overthinking all this.
>”Good morning, Fluttershy!” You hear your mom gently greet you.
>Your fight-or-flight immediately kicks in, and you choose flight.
>You stuff the last of the toast in your mouth and swallow the remainder of your orange juice.
“Goodmorninggottagotoschoolnowsorryseeyoulaterbye!” You hastily say to your mom, flying out of your chair and grabbing your backpack.
>”Oh, well then, see you later!” Your mom replies, clearly surprised by how much of a rush you’re in.
>You shut the door behind you and take a moment to calm yourself.
>It’s much colder outside than it was yesterday.
>This will help, it was unnaturally warm in your dream.
>If you focus on the cold, you’ll stop worrying about your dream habits to seep into your regular speech.
>You see your breath in front of you as you exhale.
>There are barely any birds outside, and the squirrels are sure to be staying nestled in their little homes.
>The sidewalks are a little emptier than they were earlier in the semester.
>Some people just aren’t as willing to walk downtown if it’s too cold.
>The trees have lost most of their leaves by now.
>It’s always a little lonely in the colder seasons.
>But soon you’ll have Anon to walk with.
>The whole time you’re walking to the intersection of Striker and Drake, you’re mentally preparing yourself to see him.
>You’re rehearsing what you’re going to say to him.
>You’re trying to shove phrases like “woof” and “good girl” out of your mind.
>...Maybe it would help if you distract yourself.
>You pull out your phone to see what the girls have been up to as you walk.
>Pinkie got something exciting she wants to tell everyone at lunch.
>She’s unusually tight-lipped about this, it must be something big.
>Sunset spent her whole weekend studying.
>She’s taking a lot of intense courses this year.
>AP Algebra, AP Physics, AP U.S. History…
>You can’t imagine how much studying she has to do, but you’re really proud of the progress she’s made.
>Last year, you never would have thought you would’ve become such close friends with her.
>She was just awful back then…
>But then Twilight came along, got your friends back together, and saved the Fall Formal along with Sunset herself.
>You’d be lying if you said it was easy for you to accept her change of heart, but she really has been trying to turn over a new leaf.
>She’s become so friendly and caring, but there’s still a good amount of people at school who don’t trust her.
>At least she has you and the girls.
>As for Rainbow…
>[gonna be a little late this morning]
>[gotta finish my geometry homework before class]
[U didn’t finish it yesterday?]
>[ofc not!]
>[I could barely leave the couch after soccer practice saturday afternoon]
>[Even I’ve got limits u know]
>Sometimes she pushes herself too far.
>As much as you try to tell her to rest every now and again, she can really get ahead of herself.
>[I did practice my guitar tho!]
>You frown a bit.
[Kind of seems like working on homework would’ve taken less physical work than playing the guitar]
>[Less mental energy tho!!]
>[Playing the guitar’s like second nature]
>[Geometry might as well be another language]
>[Who'd've thought geometry would be so annoying]
>[It’s all shapes and stuff]
[Twilight tried to warn you about the class]
>[Ik ik]
[I’m sure she or Sunset would be willing to help you with your homework]
>[I knowwwwww]
[Promise you’ll ask for help the next time you’re behind on homework?]
>It takes Rainbow a few moments to respond, but you can see she’s typing the whole time.
[Say you promise!]
>Another moment of Rainbow typing passes.
>[I promise, okay?]
>[Enough about me tho]
>That’s a first.
>[How was your picnic with that dork Anon]
>Now it’s your turn to spend a few moments trying to figure out your response.
>Rarity must not have told her what you told her.
>Memories of yesterday flash through your mind.
>ALL of yesterday.
[Tell u later] was the response you eventually decide on.
>[Did he put the moves on you? ;))))))))]
>Your cheeks flare up at her suspicion.
>[Wait a minute]
>[Did Anon do something to you that you didn’t like!?]
>[I s2g I’ll kick his ass into next week if he made you feel uncomfortable]
>Oh geez, Rainbow can get worked up so easily.
>You need to interrupt her really soon.
[No!!! He didn’t!!!!!]
[We had a great time!!!]
>[Ok thank god]
>Phew, thank goodness she’s calmer now.
>[In that case]
>Your cheeks flare up again.
>Your sensual dream returns to your mind.
>”Come on, Fluttershy~” The dream speaks to you within your mind.
>”Tell Rainbow all about what a great time you had yesterday~”
>You shake your head to get that awful, silky-smooth voice away.
[I thought you weren’t interested in cutesy relationship stuff] You retort.
>[I just really wanna hear how that dork tried to act all seductive]
>[Did he use any pick up lines?]
[That’s none of your business!!]
[Shouldn’t you be working on your homework?]
>Rainbow doesn’t respond to that, she must’ve gotten back to work.
>You stuff your phone back into your pocket and feel your cheeks.
>They’re still very, very warm.
>Gosh, how are you gonna talk to Anon like this?
>Rainbow just had to bring up your date…
>You’re honestly surprised Rarity didn’t talk her ear off about what you told her.
>Maybe she would’ve if you mentioned what happened after Anon took care of the rubbish…
>Before you know it, you’re at the intersection.
>And you see him.
>He’s scrolling through his phone.
>He hasn’t noticed you yet.
>You can’t get closer to him, your legs decided they’re too stuck to the ground.
>You’re too nervous to surprise him with your hands over his eyes.
>Your lips are sealed as tight as a vacuum.
>You don’t trust your voice to say anything that you learned to say last night.
>...You know you want to.
>You gulp.
>It’s gonna be alright, it’s all gonna be alright.
>It was just a dream, this is real life.
>Focus on the cold.
>It’s cold today.
>It wasn’t cold in the dream.
>It’s cold in real life.
>In real life, you’re Anon’s girlfriend and not Anon’s pet.
>You take a deep breath and march forward.
>You open your mouth to greet him, but no words come out.
>Come on, voice box, play along.
>You can do this.
>You can talk to your boyfriend without thinking about your perverted dream.
“G-Good morning!” You eventually manage to say.
>Anon looks up from his phone and turns to you with his lovely smile.
>The color in his eyes seem so much more vibrant compared to the cold environment.
>”Hey, good morning, Flutters!”
>...This is gonna be harder than you thought.
>As soon as you greet Fluttershy, her mood immediately shifts.
>Her face grows a shade of red darker and her eyes get wider.
>You can’t imagine you said anything wrong, you just said good morning.
>This has got to be a new speed record for things getting awkward between you two, and you don’t even know why.
“Uh… Did you sleep alright last night?” You ask her, trying to alleviate some of this strange tension.
>That was apparently the wrong thing to say.
>Fluttershy’s cheeks are far past Code Red, approaching Code Crimson.
>Her mouth opens and closes like a fish on dry land and her eyes dart around like she’s trying to find anything else to talk about.
>You really wish you knew what you were doing wrong.
“...Are you okay?” You ask her in a more gentle tone.
>Fluttershy takes a deep breath, looks up, and forces a smile on her face.
>”Y-Yep! I sure am! What about you?” She nervously answers.
>You’re still a little suspicious.
>She seemed just fine when you texted her last night, what changed since then?
“Flutters, are you sure? It kind of seems like something’s on your mind.” You press a little further, making sure to use your most gentle tone of voice.
>You don’t want to sound like you’re accusing her of anything.
>Fluttershy looks down, feeling guilty.
>Clearly there’s something troubling her.
>”...I’m sorry, there’s just… a lot on my mind right now.”
>Your heart sinks.
>That could mean anything.
>Was someone bullying her?
>If it was those little shits Snails and Snips, you’d beat the brakes off of them.
>But… What if it was something you did?
>What if you said something to Twilight or Rainbow or Rarity that they didn’t like, and they told Fluttershy that you’re not so great?
>She could tell you’re starting to worry.
>”D-Don’t worry! It’s nothing you did!” She insisted.
>”It’s just… Uh… o-other stuff…”
>That’s some relief, at least.
>But you’re still concerned.
“...Nobody’s bothering you, right?” You ask.
>Fluttershy shakes her head.
>”Right!” She assures you.
>You smile at her and gently brush a stray lock of hair out of her face.
>Fluttershy’s cheek situation has deescalated from Code Crimson to a more manageable Code Rosy.
>”I guess they’re too scared of my awesome new boyfriend.” She giggled.
>Damn it, there’s that awful feeling again.
>You’re getting better at managing it, though.
>Now it’s something you only feel internally.
>You just hope she’s right-
>You know she’s right.
>You’re strong enough to be the boyfriend she deserves.
“Heh, you might be right.” You smile at her.
>You offer your hand to her.
“We should get going, though, as much as I’d like to spend all day with you.” You remind her.
>Fluttershy stared at your hand, her cheeks threatening to escalate to the next threat level.
>But soon enough, she takes your hand and gives you that adorable smile.
>”Lead the way, handsome!”
>girl talk sesh update
lel, fucking Rainbow
Yeah people always say Pinkie is most likely to be an exhibitionist and that's probably true, but I've always felt like Fluttershy was a likely candidate.
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You know what they say about the quiet ones...
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Giant tiddy Wallflower Blush gf is fine too
Do you think we need an /mlp/ edit thread?
I'm honestly pretty tempted to put Life Flutters By on pause while I write the sleepover green, now that I have a more solid idea of what to do with it.
Maybe a break from LFB will rejuvenate my creative powers a bit and give me time to come up with fun new ideas for that
Switching stories is a thing lots of writefags do to keep things fresh
Good point! I'll take a break from writing for a bit to do more art stuff and brainstorming before I jump into this new sleepover green
In retrospect, Starlight pulling that flip kick despite only being in the human world for a short time felt badass imo!
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Actual Juniper reaction mere seconds before disaster, idk. Dumb headcanon but anyone think she developed eisoptrophobia (fear of mirrors)?
It took me a few tries but I got it to come up on wayback.
It says updated in May 2021 but I’m not seeing any stories more recent than 2018 in there.
I’m guessing whoever made it just kind of forgot about it. Someone should fetch all the links and make a new archive doc.
Holy shit you're right. That was fucking awesome.

Where did she learn to do that after only being in the human world for about a day?
I don’t know if that’s necessary… if we already still have everything on wayback and also the list of links in the OP, then what do we have to worry about? Sure you could argue it’s easier to have working links to everything on one site, but then someone has to consistently maintain the page. And if it eventually dies like the last one apparently did, that loops everything right back to the point we’re currently at anyway. Seems pointless in the long run.
You there, Grey? We're ready for more!
>Not maintaining ownership of an offsite domain for a book of stories about your EqG waifu
For shame anon
Not really what I meant but unironically yes.
The FimFic group isn’t going anywhere. The discord group moved on. The ancient derpyme links don’t lead to anything that’s still useful today. The archival bin and google doc are both dead but preserved. We have wayback machine and desuarchive as a means to find everything not immediately in the OP.
I’ll admit the least we can (and most we should) do, if anything, is get all story links onto one paste page so it’s all there, put all thread links in desu on a second paste page, and update those as more threads and stories come along. Then have someone back it up somewhere after every year or six months this general isn’t dead yet.
General threads don’t really need their own site with its own domain, it’s not like we’re the soccer cup or anything, which is actually big enough to be an exception.
Replying to >>41037932
4chan’s automatic kept thinking my post was spam and threw my shit off. Someone needs to fix this shit.
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Imagine her naked in a hall of mirrors with a fear of mirrors
That’s hot
I liked that guy, the one who made that google doc. Wonder what happened to him.
Pink bikini babe
I need help picking the title for my sleepover green. I'm thinking:
>Sleepless in Canterlot
>Sharing is Caring
I'm like 80% sure that the first option has already been taken but I haven't looked. Which one do you guys like more?
first one is better for me
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I agree first one might have been done before
Very hot and cute. Would accept hugs from.
Poor Dashie getting mogged again
If the sleepover green is the one where he's gonna fuck all the girls, then here's my submission for a joke title:
I only know about this show cause of family guy
That's actually not a bad idea...
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I'll have the next and hopefully final section out soon. Will do everything I can to keep this from getting too long so I can get back to the other greens as well as drawing. I can still comfortably promise I'm not going to disappear. More green very soon.
I second this. It's a pretty good idea.
I vaguely remember writing an unfinished sleepover green with all the mane 7, but I don't remember it being harem-centric and instead wardrobe malfunction centric. The link to it is dead but the posts are easy to find on desuarchive and I have it still on my computer anyway. I'll make a new paste for it since the thread seems to be fixing to archive past stuff anyway.
In fact, I could try and find all the stuff from the dead google doc link given I have enough time if anyone wants, since the urls are copyable from wayback. I've gotten really good at finding things.
Very cute. Tall Fluttershy works very well.
>I don't remember it being harem-centric and instead wardrobe malfunction centric
Well, now I'm interested

>I'll have the next and hopefully final section out soon.
Sounds great! Can't wait to see what you've cooked up!

>Will do everything I can to keep this from getting too long so I can get back to the other greens as well as drawing
Oof, I feel your pain
If you wish to chip in that would help a lot. There are too many stories from this general to count.
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big voluptuous Hootershy takes me back. Wish I had done her story better.
Drew a Pinkie
I plan to get into (Unnamed Self Indulgent Sleepover Green) this Saturday. I'm gonna take time to brainstorm the story and hopefully get through Cyberpunk 2077
very nice.
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A very good use for Pinkie’s party cannon
Imagine how sore Hootershy's back or shoulders are on a daily basis and how nice a massage must feel
Very true
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I'd give her a massage too.
Would you stop and give Flutters a hand? Poor girl must be cold..
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Forgot pic!

actually a better question is what happened to cause this
>Treehugger gets her high in the woods and convinces her to engage in some nudist shenanigans while high
>When Flutters sobers up her clothes are nowhere to be found with neither of them remembering enough to know what happened to her clothes after she took them off
>Thus Flutters has to try to get back home without her clothes
That works. I like to imagine Flutters would be the kind of girl who strips off nude when drunk/high without even being asked
Pls update it soon, this love zombie theme is spicy
Poor shy
If I wore Wallflower’s boobs as sunglasses I’d still be able to see.
What if Anon lost his glasses and Wallflower tried to help him out by using her boobs as glasses for him
I’d ask her if she can be topless doing that
>"Hello? Anon, what do you mean you can't see where I am without your glasses?! I'm literally right up in your face!"
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Derpy is so cute with her new smartphone.
An ironic item for her to have.
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lmao true
Only makes it even cuter.
>If Derpy often wanted you to teach her how to do stuff on her smart phone
>"Where's all the buttons, Anon?"
Anchor for the full nude edit of two different Cogbrony pics.

Here are what I've been requesting, by the way.

1. Remove the top from Wallflower blush.

2. And merge the following images to remove all clothings and cowprint from both Sci-Twi and Fluttershy.

As always, if you need references for the way the artist draws nipples, switch your booru filter to either "Maximum Spoilers", "18+ R34", "Everything" or similar, and search for:
artist:thebrokencog, -edit, sideboob, nipples
>"It said the battery died...So I bought a new phone!"
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Absolutely Beautiful.
Love this guy's art
He has some great stuff.
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Do you think 9/11 happened in the world of EqG
Probably not.
what do you think happened to AJ's parents?
I like the black lipstick
Hey gang, guess what: I happened to have opened the dead google doc in Word on my PC, so I was able to download it and put it back on my own Google Drive!


I'll start writing the Sleepover green this Saturday, so stay tuned!
That’s great! Really helps take care of all stuff before early 2015. Did you have the 2018 doc open on your PC too? Would save me the headache of wayback machine being weird about making it show up as I try to fetch more living or dead pastebin links from then.
Based Butthole
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They didn’t live in the city

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