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Previous thread:>>40946772

Welcome to the Thread! Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison focuses on the world and adventures of naive child like ponies and the misadventures and shenanigans of Anon that results in him going to prison! To get a good handle on how things are done around here I implore you to check out our new and improved one stop shop of kinder greens and prompts here >> https://ponepaste.org/7630
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Thread can't start without THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE
Challenge: explain this in exactly 7 words
Twilight Sparkle discovers the three-body problem.
>We've done absolutely nothing productive whole day.
Clone experiment gone wrong
Silly purple pony doing silly purple things
Twilight, Twilight, and Twilight fly in circles.
Three changing attack each other in confusion
Twilight forgets which one's the real her
Head Honcho Horse Becomes Her Own Halo
Testing off-thread links, don't mind me, just being a relative newfren again
>Be Jerry, illegal Data Dog
>Plus loyal assistant to local war hero/war criminal/kooky farmer named Anon
>You're really in the shit now, eh?
>You wonder where your old buddy Ein is- probably eating shoe leather in Ganymede's orbit, if that shifty crew of his is any indication
>Nah, shoe leather's too fancy- that spiky-haired guy can probably barely afford shoe pleather!
>Fuck! Now's not the time for reminiscing!
>You got shit to do!
>Acting Captain/Master has no fucking clue, the steerage boy never has a clue, and the horned girl makes you feel very uncomfortable so let's not ask her!
>Can't really blame them, though- they got thrown into this hulk with less training than Anon got. Thank Scoob one of them can actually understand you!
>Panicking gets soldiers killed! Take account so you can take charge!
>Step one: alert the crew. Check.
>Step two: Fully assess the current crisis. Slow is precise, precise is fast:

>Fucking big iguana is using your mobile command center as an ass warmer
>Looks like the same shitbag who smoked out half of Horseyburg or whatever their dumb name means
>SHIT! The vents!
>Your precious, designed-by-the-lowest-motherfucking-bidder-so-we-have-fuck-all-for-heat-sinks vents!
>To the cab! Check the engine status!
>You sprint forward as fast as your little legs can carry, which is surprisingly fast because you're an absolute unit in more ways than one
>Climb up into the engineer's chair, sit your ass down in the nice Jerry-shaped hole you've worn into it over the years
>Plasma flow- nominal, or shit would be on fire
>Coolant is cycling properly, the extra 10 tons on top has yet to burst any piping
>Containment isn't redlining.
>Step two- check

>Step three- devise solutions
>You already tried readying the guns, the critter's fat ass is holding them down.
>Sadly, there will be no reenactment of St. George and his lance tonight.
>Something ain't adding up, though-

>Back to step two again.
>This thing was designed by kraut wizards who figured out how to turn hot fusion into cold fusion, but not how to just have cold fucking fusion to begin with.
>Goddamn army considered it a feature- soldiers have to be DOING shit or their asses get roasted, either by the reactor or when the vents give their ass away on a heat scope.
>Why the hell have you not blown up yet?
>There's no ECM, the cloak burned out decades ago, the lights take fuck-all to run
>The only outlet the reactor has is the vents and the redneck-tier drivetrain which isn't running
>And you don't even have open sky to vent into
>Maybe dragons are immune to cooking, but not immune to heat?
>Like, they get superhot, they just don't get hurt from it
>Yeah- dragons must be like living heat sinks, it's the only explanation that doesn't end in going up like Hiroshima
>That Spike boy really hates being cold- reaching for a blanket every time you saw him
>But do we have any tanks of coolant on board?
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>Celestia got into Anon's guns
>She's trying to be one of those 'Elmers' she's heard so much about
>She is yet to realize the ramifications of pointing an mp5 at the back of her own head
What do?
give her a demo by executing and apple infront of her the fruit of course
Simple, politely inform her that those items are of religious significance an that she puts them down. Then explain how the right to bear arms are a god given right given by god and explain what they do. That way she understands the inherent danger they pose and won't take them away from Anon due to them being religious in nature.
This works, but now impressionable ponies are using this tactic.
The CMCs are legally registered as a knightly order and have begun protecting pilgrims on the way to the most sacred site in all of ponydom: The swingset where Commander Firefly totally swung all the way around.
This has caused Apple Bloom's chores to go undone, and Applejack is blaming your bad influence. What do?
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Do Kinderpones possess object permanence?
depends on the author and or how kinder you want them
Go to the CMC and ask if Commander Firefly would want them disobeying their Commander (applejack) and hope that Apple Bloom would do as Commander Firefly would want her to do.
I don't know, but that pony clearly needs help possessing her pringles.
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>get hoof stuck in pringles can
>everything is exactly the same
pictured: war crime
fluttershy cuddle sexo
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I’m gonna break the glass regardless. And when I rescue her from that prison, I’m gonna give her lots of cuddles and smooches for not giving up hope.
You’re breaking the law! You break that glass, you need to sing a catchy song as well
Screw the law; I live by my own justice! I’ll take on anypony who tries to stop me!
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>10 minutes later
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This seems to be a common problem among ponies.
>tips over
mare to surpass metal gear
This iiiiiiis the rescuing ponies soooooooong
And it's not too terribly long!
In Psychonauts, the enemies you fight are mostly Censors- described as the mind's psychic immune system; they're attacking you, a helpful intruder, because they can't distinguish friend or foe.

What if ponies just have no censors and that's why they're so susceptible to madness? For that matter, how would Luna react upon getting booted out of a dreaming Anon's mind through no act of his own?
Oh, I love that game. Tons of great dialogue in there.
>What if ponies just have no censors and that's why they're so susceptible to madness?
If you think about it, this actually makes a lot of sense with Kinderpones. Of course they wouldn’t have that kinda stuff going on up there. It’s too logical.
>how would Luna react upon getting booted out of a dreaming Anon's mind through no act of his own?
She would confront him immediately, while he’s still sleeping soundly, by teleporting into his bed and scaring the fuck out of him; demanding that he teach her his ’eepy-time powers. When he realizes that she’s talking nonsense, he would pull her into bed to act as his sleep-aid plushie for the rest of the night.
>Dreaming next to Anon inoculates Luna
>She is now followed everywhere in the dream realm
>A herd of little green fillies who walk backwards on their front hooves, their back hooves looking like glowing red NO symbols
>>41048888 (hory shit I wasted quads)
>Journal of Captain Snips
>Yer land-ship's been beached beneath the red whale for at least an hour now
>Queen Trixie was built like a Mexicolt poopenhausen, but even so her hull is starting to creak beneath Moby Derg
>Speaking like ye olde pyrates has raised the morale of yer jolly tars; still, tis only a matter of time before the talk of mutiny spreads
>Mister Jeremy spoke of using freezifying alchemy to give the lizard the old anti-hotfoot
>A sound plan, one that would've been carried out already, if not for Jerry's insistence that the coldium must stay in its piping lest yer magazine go up like yer toilet after eating at Saffron Masala's
>All in all, yer right back where ye started: up poop creek with no luck

>Ensign Snails is up and about, but the lass is still in her bunk
"Yar, I hate to say it, but we might be bound fer better sailin'."
>"Uh, wouldn't that be a good thing, Cap'n?"
"No- it's a euphemism for 'we're all gonna die.' Yar."
>"Oh. K. One sec."
>He takes a breath worthy of a whale breaching the surface for the first time in 3 hours, then:
>From the quarters you hear the telltale thump of a filly's rump
>Most likely from bed she has finally jumped
>Mayhap she has a plan to keep ye all from being royally pumped?
>Jolly, you needn't waste any breath explaining the grim situation to her

"Ah, finally decided to join us, Miss Muffinmare?"
>"How did you- whatever. Why is there a DRAGON sitting on our roof!?"
"We be thinking it likes the heat from our boiler. Jerry thinks we can scare it off with something cold, but we've nothing to spare..."
>"Well, dang, looks like we're all gonna die. Hey Snails, let's try and make a foal! Come on, you know you want to! We won't live long enough!"
>"Uh, I don't know how- my mom keeps telling me to ask my dad but my dad's never around."
>The stare you level at Dinky could freeze a phoenix
>You, and everyone, jump in surprise when you hear the sound of ice cracking from Dinky's bunk
>"What? I swiped some firecrackers from my mom's boyfriend- they were useless anyway, he said he couldn't get them to trigger!"
"Then why did you even want them!? AND WHY WOULD YOU STORE THEM UNDER YOUR OWN BED!?"
>"What I wanna know is uh, how did she get them here? She weren't carrying anything when we ran outta Ponyville."
>"Shut it, hot boy!"
"Shut up, dude! Wait wait wait- why are FIRECRACKERS making a sound like an iceberg breaking!?"
>"Ohhh, he said something about emotional magic- I dunno, maybe they reacted to the TOTAL. LACK. OF. ROMANCE. on this boat?"
"That's- Huh, okay, Jerry! Go get them! Dinky, keep hitting on Snails!"
>"Can do!"
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Is this the equivalent of a monkey throwing its poop at the humans?
Seems to be
"Alright, we're only getting one shot at this-"
>You pause and look at all three of your crew for effect
"First, I stand near the bundle and give Snails the cold shoulder."
>"What'd I do, dude?"
>You start to answer, but content yourself with pointing a hoof at Dinky
>Dinky, who is rubbing herself on Snails like a cat
>Even going under him, making sure to get her mane oil all over his belly
"Anyway- after the bomb gets cold enough, we lean out the window and chuck it at the dragon's nards. Guess the plan isn't so complicated, after all."
>"Didn't Jerry say we'd fry like an egg?"
>Wow, Snails actually asking a relevant question?
"Yeah, but, he also says the dragon's butt is soaking up all the extra heat. We should be able to do it, I guess we all need to be there to shut the window REALLY fast when-"
"Yeah that's a good point- Snails, you and Jerry get up front and be ready to drive, Dinky you're with me."
"No buts. I don't want you sitting in the pit staring at Snails again, you're on steering!"
>Dinky scrunches and pouts and stomps, but ultimately takes her post as the others head to the front
>You grab the-
>Nope, it's frozen to the floor! You're gonna need to grab the crowbar!
>It takes some work but you finally have a bundle of anti-fireworks powered by your sheer heebyjeebies ready to rock
>Dinky's tongue sticks out as she works the window, you finally hear the mechanism click and-
>Jerry wasn't kidding!
>Grab it! GRAB IT!
>You hear a screech, probably the wheels straining against the weight
>Thankfully, the resulting sandblast puts out your face-fire
>The derg stands up a bit to scratch its- well, you know, a spot that really hates sand
>Not enough for the car to move, of course, it's stretching like a cat
>Lot of things are stretching like cats right now- the connection causes a blast of cold to emanate from the fireworks
>Now's your chance! Throw it!
>You're pulled in by a pair of feminine hooves, the window closed tight
>You barely have time to ask who does her hooves before you get knocked onto your chin
>There's a sharp rise in the floor, a sense of vertigo not unlike being on a fancy elevator-
>The dragon decided to take its hot rock with it as it flew away
>Dang it
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Not on my watch
>she broke into the house again
How do you lock a door against magic?
use more advanced magic on the lock and smack her very very, softly, away.
>Be hurtling through the air at mach fast
>The dragon did not just fly away as you'd hoped
>Instead, it kept the presence of mind to hold on to the free source of heat
>Held it right against the target of your freezypops, in fact
>On the bright side, unless the compass somehow got fried, you're heading closer to your destination
>Might shave a day or two off your travel, assuming you get out of here
>Which you have to.
>Can't fail. Not an option.
>No thoughts, just duty.
>You've never been smart enough to give up on something before, you're not gonna start now!

>Snails and Jerry are at the front, keeping the boiler from blowing
>Dinky is... Crud, is she okay?
>She paces back and forth, stopping only to gnaw on her own tail hairs
>"We're never gonna make it!" she almost screams to nopony in particular
>You trot up to her, placing a hoof on her shoulder
"Lock it down, sailor! We can't lose!"
>She looks at you like you just said the stupidest thing in the world
>Funny, you were starting to miss that- it's almost comforting

>"What are you talking about!? The last two days we've seen our parents get locked up with a spank-happy teacher! Then we almost get eaten by our neighbors! SAT ON BY A FREAKING DRAGON! AND CARRIED OFF WHEN YOU THREW A POPSICLE INTO ITS BOY PARTS! I can't take it anymore! What next!? mmf! mf! mmmmmf!"
>You deftly parry her hexcasting with a hoof in her mouth
"Stop! You're right, we've been having rotten luck! Do you really want to jinx us more?"
>With eyes as wide as dinner plates, she shakes her head and you remove your now unpleasantly moist hoof from the muffin death zone
"When I said we can't lose, I didn't mean there was no way we'd mess up- I meant we just... can't lose. It's not an option."
>She opens her mouth, but you continue before she can respond
"It's not hopeless either! I had a horrible nightmare and Princess Luna showed up! She's helping us, we have to help her!"
>"Ohhh, great, one half of the Rump-Kicked Sisters! She can't do diddly-squat on a good day! How's she gonna help when she's half-starving!?"

>Crumbs. It's a good point, but-
"The princesses are bad at fighting monsters, but they *are* good at doing normal princess stuff- and we had a long time to talk while I was asleep. Trust me, all we have to do is get there in the next few days, and it'll work out. I just know it."
>You pull her into a hug, she's trying not to sob
>"I'm sorry I've been creeping on Snails- I just like him and I don't know what to do anymore and he's totally out of my league and-"
"Shhhh. Yeah, I get that. We're gonna make it, one step at a time. Right now: How to make the dragon drop us without kill-"

>You're interrupted by a boom and rattling floors, a screech out of Tartarus, Jerry howling in triumph and the sudden vertigo of downward velocity, in that order
>Downward velocity!?
>You hit the ground already? That wasn't too bad.
>Dragon wasn't flying too high, you guess- alrighty then!
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Berry, no! That's not Sprite!
she's just like me
>Camping episode!
What scary stories do they tell?
there gonna talk about how they could totally beat up the not terrifying vacuum monster
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>Emboldened by your victory, everypony takes their station
"East-southeast, Ms. Muffins!"
>"East-southeast, aye Captain!"
>The environment in front of you is miles and miles of sandy plains
>While you're literally looking forward at it, you're really not looking forward to looking at it for the next 12 hours
"Full sail, Mr. Snails!"
>"Uh.... what?"
>Bucking Snails, dude
>You should be used to it by now, but what the hay does Dinky see in him?
"J-Just put all your weight on that pedal! Geez."
>"Oh. Can do!"
>You're thrown against the back... well, you were standing up, so you're thrown against the back of the entire cabin
>Car is go fast, yes
>It's a wobbly, adrenaline-soaked walk back to the front
>You look out the front and- wow, you're really going!
>A bunch of dunes lie ahead- oh crud
>The rapid up-and-down motion of the vehicle dribbles everypony against the roof, the floor, the roof, the floor, etc
>Dinky manages to hold onto the wheel but Snails is thrown out of the pedal pit
>Jerry's frantic barking accompanies the resultant slowdown, and the usual screens going red and screaming
>He manages it, though- and pushes everypony into one of the seats
>It takes a while, but you eventually gather that there's safety harnesses here
>Dinky and Snails easily fit into the driver's seat, to Dinky's extreme delight
>They're pressed together a bit, but this only increases her delight
>There's similar harnesses in every seat on this thing, so you can take your pick
>Only problem is- how in the wide world of Equestria do you work the pedals with nobody down there?
>A lot of yelling and waving sticks and bricks and other tools around ensues

"Wait.... we all have telekinesis. How did we forget- AAAAARGH!"
>Dinky blushes and gets that 'oopsie' look
>"Uh... yeah, I might've... selectively forgot about that... so I could be down in the place with the thing? heh heh."
>You facehoof with an audible clop
"Honestly, I can't even be mad. Snails's brain is as empty as this desert, but what the hay is my excuse? CRUMBS."
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you have alerted the filler
Would pet.
This made my heart flutter. Very, very cute.
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Can we have some kinder!villain greens? I'd love to read about Kinder!nightmare.
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>Once, in the magical land of Equestria
>There lived two sisters who ruled and protected the ponies
>One raised the sun for ponies to play
>The other raised the moon, to keep bedtime safe
>But the second sister grew weary of all the attention given to her sister
>'Why do ponies shun my night? When do I get to play?' she asked
>'When you're my age!' was always the response
>Until one day, when Princess Luna finally realized that she will never be her sister's age
>'Trickery! By the time I reach your age, you've reached a new age! 'Tis an endless cycle, wench!'
>Celestia tried to reason with her, but it was too little, too late
>Her big sister shenanigans had gone too far
>Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon, and vowed that if ponies would not play beneath her moon, then they would never play at all!
>Celestia tried to stop her, but everyone knows you cannot defeat a goth girl by conventional means
>She was left with no choice but to raid their parents' jewelry box, and plant the Elements of Harmony in Luna's room, causing their parents to banish her to the orbital time out rock for one thousand years
>For a few years, an uneasy peace reigned
>Yet Celestia's woes were far from over. The punishing of Luna strained their relationship, and King Stallion and Queen Mare divorced
>They left for vacation destinations on opposite ends of the world, leaving Celestia to babysit alone
>Yet, she is not hopeless, for the prophecy states that "In a thousand years, the stars will buy back daddy's love."
"Ha! Such a silly old ponytail! SPIKE! Go do the dishes!"
Thought of a good SCP for Kinderquestria.

7Up soda or Ginger ale. A mystical drink that can settle upset tummies and is drinkable without puking.

The supply is sadly limited to what's in Anon's fridge, but the greatest minds in the foundation are working on replicating the potion to be distributed to horsepitals everywhere.
There is also the Chicken Noodle Soup, for the most upset of tummies. Sadly, only O5s are allowed to watch the chickens make the noodles.
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>>She was left with no choice but to raid their parents' jewelry box, and plant the Elements of Harmony in Luna's room, causing their parents to banish her to the orbital time out rock for one thousand years
An SCP that's an MP3 player with a bunch of human music.

Songs can range from vulgar, violent, mind breaking, to incredibly profound and emotionally resonating.

It's set to shuffle and they're not smart enough to figure out, so what they listen to and the effects are random.

Some ponies have listened to songs that expanded their minds and made them grow up a little bit while others had to get amnestics to forget all the no-no words.
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Ok but in a world of heartsongs, an ipod is SERIOUS power. Imagine the chaos if they accidentally connect the bluetooth speakers? The power if anypony can read the ancient runes and command it properly!

>Silver Spoon had a BIG secret
>She could read Humanese
>She even knows its real name: Anglish! Because so many of the letters have neat angles, duh!
>It didn't seem like a big deal to her at the time
>After all, it could've been anypony who got orphaned, shunned because of Cooties, and taken in by a nice alien grandma with lots of books
>She even earned her cutie mark by giving her medicine before she-
>Let's just say she earned a reason to envy blank flanks that day
>Anyway, it wasn't a big deal... Until she noticed something with the undercover guard ponies
>A lot of the time, the thingies they take away are all written in Humanese!
>Worse, they take anypony who's touched them and give them back with their brains all scrambled!
>She had a close call once, she read a sign and left some building that teleported into Ponyville
>Lying to a guard about just being lucky wasn't her proudest moment, but the thought of forgetting her favorite grandma was too much to bear
>Silver Spoon never trusted anypony with this information, not even Diamond Tiara after her reformation
>And so it went, day after day, the sole inheritor of so much knowledge! She knew words for things ponies couldn't even imagine!
>Until one day, that foal-eating chimera got bold and stalked its way into Ponyville
>There was no warning, just ponies getting eaten left and right
>Be Silver Spoon
>You were largely ignorant of this, having spent the day spying on those suspicious "Foundation" ponies
>They're good, but they don't have the smartitude of a grandma!
>You watched as they screwed around with an EmPeeThree player- MP3 being some weird Anglish word for music even Granny Spoonmeyer didn't really understand
>You cringed as they failed to connect it to the sound system- wait, do they have that thing stuck on shuffle? Ooof, you do not envy the pony who gets a heavy metal song with those ear-speakers!
>Not as hard as when one of those mares, and her big speaker, disappeared into a tiger-goat-snake thing
>Wait, what?
>AAAAAA! Another one!
>Grab the music player! RUN!
>You run til you want to puke, ducking into an open house and running as far from any entrances as you could
>If there's one saving grace, it's that chimerae are too big to fit into doors!
>"Come on out, kid! We need ssssome medissssine for our tummyache! That's what sssssilver ssspoons are for, yessss?"
>The thing is leaning into windows, opening its mouth wide
"Go away! You can't fit in here and I'm smarter than the average pony!"
>Just keep your head down! It'll be alright, it'll blow over! It always does! Don't panic! Do-
>"Oh woe is me, these deplorable conditions are ruining my mane!"
>"Cease and desist! It's unlawful to consume and/or digest ponies unless they are terminally ill or recently deceased, and have filed written permission for a burial-by-tummy with the mayor's office!"
>Was that Rarity? Sweetie Belle? DIAMOND TIARA!?
>Oh no
>No no no no no
>Despair increasing
>Urge to just get eaten and not have to worry is rising!
>Big speaker!
>You use your nose to paw through the magic glass on the music box
"Come on, come on- pleasepleaseplease-"
>An obsequious, tinny, female voice responds "Bluetooth connected."
>Need to find the right song, and hurry!
"Come on! Who organized this thing!?"
>"Silver Spoon!? Wipe your hooves before you get eaten! It's filthy enough as it is!"
"Gee, bucking THANKS, DD'S MOM. Couldn't just tell me to run, or remember you, or get help, no it's just DON'T MAKE THIS GIANT STOMACH A PERCENT OF A PERCENT NASTIER, HUH?"
>"I never! Do not speak to me like that- my Diamond Tiara will require a servant to be buried with her! You should be grateful I even considered you!"
>Oh crud, are those walls cracking?
"Aha! Eighties music! Granny always said this made her want to take action!"
>But which one? Humans often got weird about how they named music
>No time! Trust your gut, and you'll stay outta that gut!
"Eye of the Tiger - Survivor... YES. I would like to survive the eye of this tiger!"
>You boop the play button with your snoot and wait
>For a little bit it seems like nothing is happening
>You can hear the faint bass coming from the bluetooth inside the chimera, at least
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>"Is tha-a-a-a-at all? Giving us some music with dinner? That's kinda-a-a-a-a nice, kid. Wish more ponies would cooperate like you-u-u-u-u- OW! OWWWWWWWWW!"
"Did you forget, you big jerk? Ponies LOVE montages!"
>You watch in silent triumph as the chimera is torn apart from the inside, its victims guided by a war ballad whose words they know not in their brains but in their hearts
>Did I say triumph? Because this is pretty gross and maybe having your brains scrambled is a blessing
>When the song finally ends, everypony inside the chimera was converted back from an entree to a pony
>Likewise the chimera was converted to a dead, twitching, disgusting pile of chewed hayburger patty
>"Oh ye GODS, my EVERYTHING is ruined!"
>"Lighten up, Rarity- at least we're not turning into catgoatsnake poop anymore!"
>Diamond Tiara kicks her mother into the pile of various fluids formerly known as Chimera and runs to you
>You're too distracted by this effluent embrace to notice the shadow of purple wings over you
>Princess Twilight Sparkle is looking very... uh... you can't place that expression, really
>"How on earth did you do that!? We'd been trying to- hang on, that's OUR- I mean, that is to say-"
"You run a super secret agency that stops weird stuff- like the stuff that's too weird to even admit it exists. Yeah, I know, you guys really aren't hard to spot if you're paying any attention."
>Seriously, did they think nopony would notice all the out-of-towners making secret knocks at 1am?
"Just scramble my brains and get it over with. Not like I NEEDED those memories of the foster mother who-"
>You pause for a moment, raising your voice in Spoiled Bitch's direction
>"How did- ugh, no, I'm tired of that hurtful stereotype- amnestics are a LAST RESORT. We're not stinkin' SMILE!"
"So- no brain wipe?"
>"That depends on two questions, I suppose. Sorry- traumatized ponies are the number two risk for villainy, right behind royalty."
"I'm listening."
>"Am I correct in assuming you can comprehend the language on that music box? If so, are you willing to leverage that knowledge for princess and country?"
>Hmmm. Go back home with your 'sister' whose mother will abuse you and deny you snackies? Or, become a modern-day knight, fight monsters, and learn more weird stuff in a day than most stuck-up unicorn mages learned in a lifetime?
"Conditionally, yes and yes."
>"Go on."
"Erase as much of Spoiled Rich's memory as it takes to undo her nastiness. Non-negotiable, I won't leave my friend with a mother like that. Negotiable: Find a way to get them to pay for all your cool stuff, call it Spoiled's redemption story or something."
>"Hmm. I think we can work something out- I'll get my agents together, we'll sort the details out at a sleepover. Your house."

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>Containment Class: Safe-Thaumiel
>Harm Potential: Extreme
>Morale Disruption Potential: Extreme

>Special Containment Procedures
>SCP-128 is to be entrusted to the care of Chief Humanologist Silver Spoon(1) when not in use. Checkouts are permitted with the following, descending priority: Mobile task forces may requisition the device on the understanding that they will be responsible for ensuring Ms. Spoon's safety in the field. Researchers with level 2 clearance may request a guided test at Ms. Spoon's convenience; researchers with level 3 clearance and written consent of their testfriends may request a shuffle test.(2)
>SCP-128-A is a critical aspect of SCP-128's utility, and is kept in the level 4 armory and deployed only at the request of a level 4 security officer, O5 simple majority, or Ms. Spoon herself.

>SCP-128 refers to a smooth glassy black tablet, approximately the size of a filly's fetlock. Attached to it by wire are a set of removable earplugs. Upon holding down the small button on the side for 2 seconds, the device will come to life and display a list of options in Anglish. These various options direct the device to pull from an internal library of music, art and movies. When a piece is selected, it will be replayed in perfect recollection; either out loud from the tablet, or through the earplugs if the wire is attached. Upon first waking, the device will always have its rolodex set such that simply pressing the middle button twice will order a continuous, random selection from its music library.(3) When used to play thematically appropriate music out loud, SCP-128 is capable of initiating a Heartsong Dance Trance with near-certainty(4)

>SCP-128-A refers to a large microphone-like assembly, the size and shape of a large salt shaker. When both the assembly and main tablet are powered on, and the operator inputs the correct sequence on the tablet, the tablet will say out loud "Bloo-toof Kon-ek-tid." At this point, the tablet will direct its audio through the microphone, at much higher volume and quality, until powered off or the reversal sequence is input.

>(1)Recent events have proven her to be a primary source on Humanese language and artifacts, and a secondary source on cultural context; the Humanese language has proven to be infuriatingly inconsistent and complex, and all attempts to teach her colleagues have ended in student tantrums
>(2)Written consent must include a liability waiver for: ringy ears, bad dreams, disco fever, mosh pit syndrome, and losing the bliss of ignorance
>(3)Following Incident Look, They're Wrestling!, all requests to randomize video and picture playback are preemptively banned
>(4)As Silver Spoon is currently the only pony capable of actually understanding what is written in the device, she herself is to be considered a Thaumiel-class entity and protected at all costs. MTF leaders will be blamed if she gets eaten again.
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>Look, They're Wrestling!
>Ponies can understand anything if it's in musical form
>No words, just the feeling
>Before the adoption of Modern Norwhinnyan, all diplomatic envoys had to include a minstrel and backup dancers specially trained to incorporate political pantomiming into their routines.
>You never knew if you'd need to pirouette into pointing at a contested point on a map, get a bunch of ponies to throw goods and coins around, or, heavens forbid: perform the Eyebrow Waggle of 'Hey, My Son Could Boink Your Daughter And We'd Call It Even' to negotiate political marriages
>The laws of F'Realpolitik were as deadly as they were complex; even cracking a note could be interpreted as a veiled call to your guards
>Even today, users of translation spells experience the meaning as a song rather than rote translation
Ok what the fuck, did Anon fuck Silver Spoon?
If you're referring to Look, They're Wrestling, that's when Silver Spoon set up the random video player and the poor testfren was exposed to... 3 women and a midget making foals
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Kinder-SCP is always fun to read
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>MTF leaders will be blamed if she gets eaten again.
>eaten again.
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Look, it was her fault for standing next to Celestia's cake stash
This has me smiling like a moron.
>Ponk is a nutcracker fueled by pets.
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>Class: Euclid
>Harm Potential: Zero to Mindcrumby(1)

>Special Containment Procedures:
>While not strictly dangerous, awareness of SCP-476 can lead to unforeseeable (both logically and arcane) consequences, so awareness of SCP-476 should be closely monitored.
>Due to Amnestics being innefective(2) at removing awareness of SCP-476, any and all ponies aware of it must be inducted as part of the Foundation's Lexicomancer or Algebromancer team, under direct command of O-5 01 T.S., or the Foundation's Logistics department.
>Reports on events related to SCP-476 must be typewritten with Arial Font size 12 on white paper with black ink(3), as to dissuade curious untrained readers from reading further.

>SCP-476 is a memetic agent (not to be confused with a memetic hazard) that closely relates to speech and the written word.
>SCP-476, also known as Zipf's Law, is an "empirical(5)" law that states that a list sorted decreasingly will have its contents follow the rule: The Nth value will be present around 1/N times.
>In laypone's words, if you sort a list decreasingly, the second item in said list will be found half as often as the first, the third object one third as often and so on. Most often exemplified in linguistics, inventory and algebra (6), as the use of words in a book, the number of bought and used/consumed coloured crayons or answers on a test sheet will follow this law. See Incident Report 1.
>While this pattern might not seem that important, clever spellcasters have found ways to predict events with it, see reports 2-3.
>Due to its utility in logistical prediction, Foundation Logisticians must be inducted in its use, after passing a "Will not use these powers for evil I Pinkie Promise" test.

>Report 1 - Discovery:
>Awareness of SCP-476 came into being after inquiry as to Researcher Anonymous pre-equestrifiaction(4)'s personal effects.
>On SCP-112, also known as "computer", an extensive but not exhaustive database on Human knowledge can be found, labeled as "Offline Wikipedia", catalogued as SCP-113.
>SCP-476 was first noticed during a cursory readthrough of the knowledge stored in SCP-113 by Special Agent Rainbow dash.
>Agent Dash was tasked with using her superlative multitasking prowess to gleam through SCP-113, in order to further the Foundation's awareness of Humanity, after some nondescript amount of time, Special Agent RD discovered the Zipf's Law article.
>Not soon after, Special Agent RD demonstrated superequine logistical talents heretofore unexistent, as she claimed "come on guys it's obvious you need more red crayons!", much to the surprise, and envy of O-5 01 T.S. herself.
>Further prying by O-5 01 T.S. eventually revealed an undetected logistic surplus of all crayons except red, despite red crayons being stocked at the same rate than all other crayons(7).
>Report 2 - Speech Prediction:
>Foundation Logkeeper, Purple Smart (unrelated to O-5 01 T.S, I know I know, it sounds like a bad fake name she'd make but I promise you it's an unrelated pony), was tasked with logging all the events related to SCP-476's discovery, becoming aware of it as well. Due to Ms. Purple Smart's insistence on using speech to scroll spells, she, in her own words, realized she was writing the sentences spoken a good 2 phrases ahead of time. Arcane and Anomalous inquiry confirms that she was Zipfianically predicting the next sentence, and thus was writing it ahead of time, even ahead of her own awareness.(8)

>Report 3 - Data Leak:
>During a routine data transfer between centers, a rogue lightning hit and destroyed the Data Containers (read: a Pretty Purple Princess brand document Folder).
>Not soon after, Lyra Heartstrings, (at that point) Foundation member and (currently) chief of GOI Horny Agents want Nonny's Dick, or HAND (what a fucking name, man, nice -Anon) started being untrackable by any and ALL tracking spells(9). After much sacrifice, it was eventually gleamed that Agent Heartstrings found out about SCP-476 and it's effects, after reading the reports written by Purple Smart, and researched the anomaly on her own, discovering that [REDACTED: SEE ADDENDUM].
>Researcher Anon has confirmed to have entered a romantic relationship with Agent Heartstrings, though he cannot confirm where she might be at any one point. They definitely held hooves, smooched and "wrestled" if you know what I mean though.

>1. Unrelated to SCP-476 itself, but awareness of it can cause some lingustically inclined ponies to figure out the plot of the drawing book they've been reading ahead of time, causing a Class 3 Tantrum incident.
>2. On volunteer testing, SCP-476 awareness resisted Cider-class, Beer-class, Brandy-class, Vodka-class and Ethanol-class amnestics, even when all other memories in the test subject were removed by the amnestic. Memories were backed up and restored after testing concluded.
>3. Proven both arcane and mathematically (Bless you O-5 01 T.S.) to be THE most boring and least attention calling font scheme, contrasted to Comic Sans, used often by the Foundation's Disinformation department, proven to be the most attractive font to ponykind.
>4. Meaning before Researcher Anonymous arrived in equestria by Anomalous means.
>5. Not "proven" but occurrs often enough to be treated as such. You might wonder why I added this hoofnote, my beloved Anon, yes I know you are reading this, I foresaw it, and only YOU can read it anyway, so... anyways, I cannot edit agency reports anymore, but I can totally edit footnotes! I LOVE YOU ANON! CALL ME, YOU CAN ASK BONBON FOR MY NUMBER I NEED YOUR HOT MONKEY DI-
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>6. The science of language, counting stuff (Fun!) and advanced maths.
>7. Turns out red crayons are bucking delicious, how didn't we ever notice we were going through them like a starving pony on a hayfield?
>8. The speech to scroll spell accidentally mixed with the Zipfian awareness, and it "sorted" each word as it was said, predicting which one would go next, as to keep the pattern.

>Because they remind her of Cockatrices and she fears being petrified.
>You don't wanna know, it's icky! But it involves Rainbow Dash.

>According to Anon, the Zipfian law was not really a law back on "Earth", but it seems to be a set in stone honest to Faust law here.
>I ain't writing this danged thing in a report form, you'll have to humor me, ok? Turns out Lyra, that little shit, discovered that not only does Zipf's Law predict speech if transcribed. She thought, hey what if I start writing what's happening around me and Zipf that? So she did, and she started predicting things that'd happen around her! She can LITERALLY foresee the future! It's the sole reason we can't catch her or any of the HAND members, they're literally all prophetic, Celestia damn-it.
>And since she is aware of the future, she can act to correct it, thus breaking any tracking spells, as they tap into the "future" to gleam the "present", thus telling you where somepony is, based on the future's knowledge of where that pony was (or for you, is). (The Missile knows where it is at all times, it knows this because it knows where it isnt! If only anyone could understand this reference... -Anon)
>Research on how to foresee the future like the HAND members can has failed, and Twilight is unsure if we should have a prophetic team, last she tried messing with fate, she caused the very "catastrophe" she warned herself about! But that was arcane, this is anomalous.
>I kinda wish I could foresee the future, I can see myself writing on a small notepad about the scratch n sniffs at the bit store, then using the futurepredicting to find the one where all sniffs smell like cake! I could get rich! Imagine going on vacation to the Bahaymas, buck I could use a break I've been cooped up here for months now.
>Yeah yeah Twilight don't be a stick in the butt I ain't using this for evil I did pass the "not using these powers for evil" test.
>So uhh yeah, that. Don't go telling nopony now, imagine the chaos (oh discord would love that wouldn't he?) if this thing spreads among the common pony.
If Anon is immune to the otherwise omnipresent Zipf's Law, does that mean that he can't be predicted by it? So combined with his above kinder intellect (Anon is probably a 12th level intellect by kinder standards), he could conceivably counteract it.
The idea was that Anon is aware of that but since he's dating Lyra, he has no reason to reveal that.
And the idea behind Zipf's law (an actual IRL thing) was that it got legitimized as an actual strict omnipresent law in kinderquestria due to kinder magic.
>"Now none of us will be virgins!"
>Dream Demon gets bucked silly by wee fillies, the word "NO" imprinted everywhere.
>Luna has to keep her composure to not wake herself laughing.
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Beautiful! I think you forgot to put footnotes 5 and 6 in the document? I mean I can assume footnote 5 is just Lyra talking in footnotes but 6 doesn't appear anywhere? Anyway lovely green fren.
>Containment Class: Variable, per-instance
>Physical Harm Potential: See above
>Mental Disruption Potential: See above

>Special Containment Procedures:
>SCP-3-- refers to a wide psychological profile; in the interest of Harmony and Fairness, these written procedures refer to the bare minimum applied to all instances not inducted into the Foundation. Regional commands may apply for special permission to alter the containment procedures on a case-by-case basis, providing they can prove beyond all reasonable doubts that the response from the civilian population will not outweigh any gains in preserving happiness.
>SCP-3--- instances are to have their names, families, cutie marks and place of residence catalogued. In addition, local field agents are to make all good faith efforts to track any suspicious activities and long-term movements(2) at their discretion. Foundation SCP-3-- instances are to have priority for these assignments, in the hope that their similarity will assist in both maintaining secrecy and peacefully resolving any altercations an SCP-3--- instance might otherwise be involved in.
>Due to their inherent involvement with GOI Anons Plucked from Earth (APE), no instance of SCP-3--- is to be summarily extracted-for-research, petrified, forever-boxed or imprisoned long-term via Foundation covert action, under ANY circumstances. Repeat: let the public-facing leg of the law deal with unruly SCP-3-- instances. The last time an Anon's foal went missing we nearly lost Canterlot in the ensuing uprising.
>It must be stressed to all field agents: our duty is not to capture and/or destroy. Our duty is to maintain good cheer and public safety. Not every anomaly is inherently dangerous; in fact, many are on our books for their OWN protection. It is of critical importance that all field agents even tangentially associated with this category of anomalies understands this on an instinctual level: Humans. Do. Not. Tolerate. Losing. Foals.

>As of Incident Oubliette, these rulings are to be considered NATIONAL SECURITY level.
>Anypony with doubts is hereby ordered to ask their supervisor for access to Incident Report: Oubliette

>Pictured: Agent Anita Incognita during the Actually Real Not A Prank This Time Please Help Us Rainbow Dash Cookie-Zombie crisis
>SCP-3-- refers to any hybridized offspring of a pony and an Anon-type Human.
>When born of a pony mother, the foal will be invariably green with a dark mane, and can be of any tribe. These foals are invariably larger on average than most ponies, with all 4 known adult instances being approximately the size of Big Mac. Each instance inherits the tribe and magical affinity of its mother, while having a human's physical and mental resilience, capacity for mischief and violence, and rapid maturation to Psychological Adulthood. The raw biological robustness tends to hamper their magical development, with 90% of pegasi having bones too heavy to fly until well into their teenage years; Unicorns have difficulty channeling complex magic, but much greater dexterity and versatility in applying the Three Common Cantrips(3), often seeming to outright break the accepted rules regarding spell levels and application. See Test Log 'Metamagic Chicanery' for more details.

>Instances born of a human mother are much more rare; it is theorized this is largely due to the extreme difficulty humans face with bearing foals and the higher chance of [REDACTED] during delivery. Of the few known instances, most are largely human, though with their father's fur and mane, a tail, and an equine head; human feet or unguligrade hooves appear with a roughly 50/50 chance. Human variants with pony skin colors and tall, gangly proportions are also possible. Theoretically, centaurs and satyrs are possible, though only one living instance exists due to [REDACTED] and [REDACTEDREDACTEDREDACTED- See Oubliette]. In all cases, the magical profile of a human-type instance will follow the same rules as a pony-type instance; pegasi will have wings just below their shoulder, unicorns will have either a horn on their forehead or their claws will be made of hornicorn.

>All forms of SCP-3-- are capable of getting a cutie mark; ensuring this information is disseminated in all communities containing juvenile SCP-3--s is of CRITICAL importance (see: Oubliette)

>Regardless of their parentage, SCP-3--- instances invariably possess much greater reserves of primal Magic energy. This can most easily be seen in their high chance to "will save"(4) (completely shrug off) a harmful spell fired by a non-Alicorn, and their disproportionately high rating on the Mommy's Love magical scaling system(5).

>SCP-3-- instances are capable of bearing viable young; when two SCP-3-- instances snuggle, an SCP-3-- instance of either category can be produced regardless of the parents' category(6). When an SCP-3-- instance marries a non-instance, the foal will be a pureblooded instance of its non-anomalous parent's species regardless of the anomalous parent's category(7).
>Pictured: Kina Fabina escaping a level 2 parental correction measure; individual containment measures have been upgraded
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>1. Pronounced "Ess-See-Pee -ThrEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
>2. Including but not limited to vacations, field trips, boarding school semesters and ESPECIALLY any extended hospital stay, be it due to injury or disease quarantine
>3. Telekinesis, Cast Light, Spark Flame
>4. Named for a conceptual spell resistance dice roll in Dee-En-Dee, a human equivalent to O&O. That humans flatly assume magic can be commonly resisted would explain a great deal.
>5. A common first-aid training tool which assigns a grade based on the highest level of booboo a pony can kiss away without additional medical procedure and without rendering themselves too tired to repeat within the same waking period. Most ponies can handle a level 1 bruise or a level 2 scrape; medical professionals must routinely handle level 3 knicks and bumps. SCP-3-- instances routinely kiss level 4 cuts, closing them in an instant with minimal scar tissue.
>6. Agents Anita Incognita and Milo Unknownio recently welcomed a human-type filly and a pony-type colt into their family.
>7. POI Hope, a satyr, successfully welcomed (with some difficulty) her second pony-type foal.

>Pictured: POI Hope and POI Gumdrop(D), taken shortly before Incident Oubliette
...what was incident oubliette?
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Something baaaad. Like every-agent-involved-needed-amnestics bad. It's named after a tiny dungeon cell for a reason.
I do plan on writing an incident and test log, just not tonight.
I rearranged things a bit and forgot to renumber the footnotes, footnote 6 appears before footnote 4.
thats a lot of anuns
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POV Scootaloo took your B-17 for a joyride

Captcha: 4JKHAY
Thats clearly a Lancaster tho
good shit
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Pretty good.
>resisted Cider-class, Beer-class, Brandy-class, Vodka-class and Ethanol-class amnestics,
I like the implication that it's all just booze.

Thought of a really good SCP, but I'm shit at writing SCP entries.

A human-made telescope. Stronger than pony equivalents allowing the viewing of microorganisms.

Orginisms that ponies were previously unaware of. While this is, by itself, not dangerous, the effect it has on ponies is profound, making it a cognitohazard with high mindcrumby potential.

A lot of ponies will be incredibly uncomfortable with the idea that they're covered in super tiny animals all the time, and that they're even inside of them. Plus they look gross- little blobby things and tiny bugs. Some ponies will wash themselves raw as a result.

Fluttershy even needed amnestics for a different reason. When she found out that soap and hot water kills these things, she realized she was the cause of the death of countless little critters and became inconsolable.
nta but had a similar idea, not SCP but never really got off the ground or figured out how to turn it into a green.

>Anon, sitting in an asylum. Maybe muttering something like "The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. Cells, they're made of organelles. Cells, interlinked." ect.
>Doc comes in for a routine check up, "Are you still seeing these 'cells'? Are they with us now?"
>Doc finally exposed to the horrifying truth of the world a la Cheerilee Fhtagn when he finally convinces her to "peer beyond the veil" with his microscope.
You mean a microscope kek
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not sure how i feel about this
We see normal dogs and cats in addition to diamond dogs and abyssinians, but there's never any talk of feral ponies. I wonder how ponies would react to domestic horsies.
G1 had domestic horses on the other side of the rainbow.
G4 ponies might remember Megan had a big stallion to carry her, but would they remember TJ had a pet-sized brain or would they twist him into something mythical and pony-like?
Maybe G4 ponies would understand TJ as a kind of "golem" pony, incapable of sapient thought but still useful to Megan.
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Good story Anon, I also think she's the nerdiest pony who could decode human language, but also the 30 years technology gap she's going to discover by reverse engineering the MP3 player, at least connecting it to Equestria's technology

>She's writing a sum up in a note about the MP3 player she analyzed
>"I found out this device connects via a ultra high speed interface, I wrote a simple interface to it, and it stores nearly one trillion bits of information!"
>she's pointing at the tape recorder "That's hundreds of thousands of those magnetic units engraved in one of those black crystals. Another one processes the information to display it electrically on a crystal screen, and it has the computation power of a millions of modern processing units like that one behind me."
>"Just one thing that I don't understand is the archaic electrolytic battery powering it. I expected something magical or highly advanced but it's still primitive yet manages to power all of this with only three volts, as it says on the case."
There's some elegance in tech so perfected that it looks primitive in comparison, cause it hasn't needed to change in centuries.
You know them X-rays? The tech is so established that it hasn't really changed in over 100 years, literally just "point xray through something and make the resulting obstructed beam hit some film". It's so established that an xray costs like 5 USD to perform, since the machines are super simple (in comparison to an MRI machine).
Sure, there have been advances such that you have a "digital film", or smaller/bigger machines for dental/full body xrays, but the underlying "aim beam at thing" tech is still the same.
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>she is ready for her sleep over with (you)
what are you two gonna do?
Trick her into recharging all my stuff by jumping on a cloud bed (this is a dastardly plan to come live with her after she sets my house on fire)
uh, sleep??
>Test Log: Metamagic Shenanigans
>The following tests involved 20 different hybrid entities of varying age, tribe(1) and maternal species. Subjects were taken under the guise of ordinary aptitude exams and/or medical concerns vis a vis the subjects' hybrid biology; these justifications have proven to lower disruption to family units and allow parental contact without compromising Foundation secrecy. Identifying details are withheld according to Foundation Ethics unless such details would provide necessary context(1) to the test results.
>1. Most were unicorns, but peculiarities among earth and pegasi were found as well.

>Subjects: 10 equinoid unicorns, adolescent
>Test Goal: Mastery of level 1 Ouch Beam, a force bolt which allows a unicorn to strike an object up to 20-30 paces away with the force of a single-leg punch.
>Ethical Justification: Unnecessary; Ouch Beam is taught to most unicorns with no violent crimes on record.

>Initial results: 7 subjects displayed full understanding of spell mechanics, the remaining 3 did not earn a perfect score when quizzed but were within the Winging It threshold. No subjects were capable of channeling the spell according to prescribed methodology.
>Test alteration: Subjects were permitted to adjust spell matrix and had no maximum Coronal Ejection tolerance.
>New results: 2 subjects cast the spell successfully, but with major energy loss via coronal waste-glow. One subject cast the spell successfully but immediately fainted.
>Test alteration: Subjects were given full creativity in achieving the target outcome of the spell with no prescribed formulae or waste-energy restrictions.
>New results: 7 subjects cast the spell at an alarming level 3 (a full rear-legs buck) with coronal waste being barely brighter than a candle. Remaining 3 subjects were permitted to discuss results with the 7, and cast at a similar level in under 10 minutes. Test considered successful.

>Researcher Moondancer took several of the subjects to interview:
>Moondancer: "What, in your experience, was the issue casting the spell as written?"
>Subject: "Your math is dumb and takes too much thinking. It's also unnecessary, I should ask you why grownups always love making a 1 step thing take 20 steps and a bunch of dumb worksheets."
>M: "That doesn't make any- well, can you describe how you altered the matrix when the restrictions were removed?
>S: "What matrix? I just told you, that stuff is dumb and trips us up."
>M: "I'm supposed to be impartial here, but... that genuinely does not make any sense. Can you just... describe what you did, then?
>S: "We stopped worrying about dumb math and just did it."
>M: "Uh... Okay, that raises another question, but for now: can you just describe, in as much detail as possible, the process that arrived at the fulfillment of the test parameters?"
>S: "I just reached out and hit it. Like grabbing something, but way quicker?"
>M: "What?"
>S: (getting visibly frustrated) "I TOLD YOU. You know how you can just reach out and grab stuff with magic, and it takes no thought because it's just a thing you can do? Why the heck do you think you need a math problem to smack something instead!?"
>M: (in Foundation Code): "We might need to get security in here, NOW."
>M: (to the subject): "Okay, well, could you describe exactly how it felt?"
>S: "Sure, if you tell your goons to back off. Don't look at me like that- if you can't guess that a government geek is calling the rump-thumpers when they whisper a bunch of nonsense into a mic, you deserve whatever you get!"
>M: "I-... I can't do that, I'm afraid."
>S: "Figured. They'd assume I'd hurt you and you were cancelling under duress?"
>M: "HOW THE-"
>S: "Because I think with my fucking brain, dipshit. You wanna know what I did?"
>M: (reeling from the harsh language): "Y-yes?"
>S: "I took my TK field..... and instead of grabbing anything, I just whapped it against the target really hard. I told you, you guys make a 20 step solution to a 1 step problem."

>Other interviews followed a similar pattern, albeit with varying degrees of hostility. The first interviewee was brought home, their parents informed of their harsh language. The (pony) mother reacted with appropriate shock, the father simply responded: "Well, Agent, my [foal] called your researcher a dipshit. The real question is, was she acting like a dipshit?"
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>After the initial test and interviews, security footage was reviewed extensively. The initial interviewee was the same who had cast the spell but fainted, and their successes were accompanied by the expected slight head movements.
>The rest of the subjects had far more energetic movements, going so far as to shadowbox with one or two legs. At the time, this was assumed to be an expression of frustration; on closer inspection, the coronal glow was emanating from their hooves. Slight corruption in the footage, particularly around the impact points, was reported in all cases.
>The non-hostile subjects were re-invited to 'perform their unique magic for Princess Celestia' (who had expressed a keen interest in this matter) and a high-speed thaumographic recall spell was applied to the test chamber. On replay, the source of the image distortion could be found: picrel
>When confronted, subjects universally displayed confusion as to the nature of the question; each one knew the spectral claw was there and required extensive explanation before they accepted that the research team was not feigning ignorance for a joke.
>Test Subjects: Two pegasi, one pony/one anthro, juvenile
>Test Goal: Produce a lightning bolt
>Ethical Justification: Necessary tribe-specific education in case of emergency weatherpony conscription

>Subjects were each stripped bare; anthro subject became belligerent and was issued a nonstatic tunic (see files tagged: HUIMAN MODESTY)
>Subjects were provided with a cup of water, a standard Cloud Smoker, and placed within a room containing thick fog suitable for hoof-working into clouds.
>Subjects were informed of, and asked to perform, the standard procedure: Produce a cloud, darken and heat it with the smoker, and knead the cloud until its electrical content nears saturation; at that point, the energy can be discharged via an impact on the side opposite to the desired direction of output.

>Initial Results: Subjects completed the test to specifications, slowly, but within expected time and accuracy considering their age. Researchers noted excitement at handling clouds, and annoyance at the roundabout method of achieving lightning. Similarity to unicorn interviewees noted.
>Test alteration: Subjects informed that their frustration was noticed, and asked to show researchers their preferred method.
>New Results: Pony doused their wings with smoker solution and shivered until electrical bursts could be emitted on wingflaps. Anthro notes pleasant barbecue smell and inquires as to the availability of [redacted].
>Anthro does not use smoker at all, instead simply rubbing their claws together until the ambient mist had coalesced into a tiny storm cloud. Cloud is placed between two of subject's claws, and squeezed to produce a .5 seconds stream of lightning.

>Test Goal: Flight
>Ethical Justification: Duh?

>Subjects were simply instructed to fly, staying in the air to the best of their ability and performing whatever aerial maneuvers they wished.

>Initial Results: Pony proved extremely clumsy in the air, capable of great lift with relatively few wing movements, but having zero ability to hover and mediocre turning.
>Anthro results nearly the opposite, having very low speed but unusually graceful movements.
>Both subjects unable to fly for more than 5 minutes, complaining of aching wing-joints and exhaustion. Complaints are in line with expectations, considering their age and bone structure.

>Test Alteration: Subjects permitted to rest on clouds, asked to propel clouds if/when they felt ready.
>New Results: Aerial endurance greatly increased, with subjects comparing the experience to swimming with a floatie.
>Pony's maneuvering slightly degrades; crashing is much less frequent, and much less painful when it happens.
>Anthro achieves thrice their unassisted top speed, albeit with lower acceleration. Anthro maintains new top speed for 30 seconds more than unassisted.
>Containment Class: Safe-Euclid(1)
>Physical Harm Potential: None
>Mental Harm Potential: Inconclusive

>Special Containment Procedures:
>SCP-8008 is a phenomenon associated with adolescent-to-adult, female members of GOI APE; as such, it is both permanently-contained and uncontainable. Should any entity detach from its host, first assist the host in finding medical assistance, then inform your supervisor. Under no circumstances are any entities to request a drink from an SCP-8008.

>SCP-8008 refers to a soft, warm pillowy structure found solely on the barrels of non-juvenile, female humans. These mares protect their 8008s fiercely, to the point that a common point of pride for a pony is being permitted to lay their head on them when the host is laying down. This pattern holds true for human males as well, with the greatest glory attributed to those males who have been permitted to touch an unclothed SCP-8008 with their bare hands.

>Many hosts complain about their SCP-8008s going out of control, and talk extensively of the 'brah-zeer' used to harness them. The commonality of such sentiments, and garments, has led to the accepted theory that SCP-8008 is a symbiotic entity which chooses a human female when she begins turning from a little filly into a mare. The fact that young females have been able to domesticate their own SCP-8008s even in Equestria lends credence to the formerly-fringe theory that SCP-8008's larval form is incorporeal and possibly multidimensional.
>SCP-8008 enacts a mental compulsion on the human species which goes far beyond its obvious utility as something warm and soft. Human males compete for the attention of whichever female hosts the largest 8008s, often to the ignorance of all else(2). The prevailing theory is that symbiosis between SCP-8008 and the human female is responsible for the development of their matriarchal society(3). Extensive tests have proven the entity has no truly anomalous compulsion on the pony psyche, so researchers need not fear interaction.

>ADDENDUM: New insight into the symbiotic nature of SCP-8008 was provided when the first Equestrian-native human [Redacted] was born to [redacted and redacted]. The infant was seen absorbing energy from its mother's left SCP-8008, most likely a necessity to power its massive eyeballs and crying matrix. The now-Grand Unified Theory regarding SCP-8008 is that they are a symbiotic species which gains protection, nourishment and friendshi[ through its host and her romantic suitors in exchange for providing its romance-compelling effect and converting a mother's excess energy into a baby-safe Alternating Current(4) format.
>1. The entity itself is Safe, however it is never found anywhere but attached to a Euclid entity
>2. See files tagged: HOLD MY CIDER, AWOOGA, GAZONGAS
>3. Humans of both sexes vehemently claim their society is largely a patriarchal-leaning egalitarian culture, while at the same time admitting the mother typically has control over dinner, bedtimes, and preferential selection for staying home to play with foals
>4. Humans are widely believed to be a uniquely Friendship-Capable Robotic species, as lightning is the only possible explanation for their sapience which lines up with observed sugar intake. Photosynthesis via their green skin and extensive sun exposure and/or burning of hard spirits in an internal engine are the most common power sources; ponies are reminded that humans do not drink kerosene.
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poner scare
Sconer Pear
I love her so much
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>ywn convince a naive kinderpone to say something absurd without understanding what it means in the slightest
same artist also drew this btw
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It’s a good thing I don’t bin most of my green, otherwise the wholesome stuff I write here would be judged due to the fetishistic stuff I write elsewhere kek
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Have you considered making one or more alternative accounts?
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I’ve done that in the past, but once I realized how strange and unnecessary it is, I just stopped altogether. It’s pretty liberating, not having to think about green beyond posting it. Unless someone asks me to save one of them, then I’ve always done it.
Anyway, which Kinderpone is the most surprising to be a Big Pony?
Derpy is the easy answer, being everypony's favorite oaf who also has a high-trust government job and at least one kid.
More fun answer might be Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon; they get pissy with the CMCs because they're the same age and can't understand why the CMCs wreck the town so much. Imagine being the only mental-teenager stuck in a world of teenage kindergarteners. It'd be Hell.
Surprising adult? Pinkie, hands down. She's possibly the most canon evidence for kinderquestria, and also has a stable job, visits her family more than once in a blue moon, is allowed to handle explosives and is a supergenius who knows too much about everypony.
Trixie for similar reasons: she's a childish braggart in her first appearance, but she also travels through the extremely dangerous byroads of Equestria with no fear which would definitely include (gasp) being outside at night.

Now a question of my own: how do other species rank on the kinder scale? I see Griffons and Dragons as eternal teenage punks, and donkeys as the only species that matures at a normal rate (Cranky Doodle isn't old, he's just grown up and overexposed to pony nonsense) but I wonder how others see it.
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I would like to terrorize kinderpones with softball sized pill bugs
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This one right here, officer- oh no, it might be a while
Smart Guardsmare, cant beat the stick, not with a sword at least.
You cut it or break it and there are two sticks now.
I got a prerelease version of a new daring do movie and tons of snacks and pizza.
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Trixie, nitroglycerin for your heart is not the same thing as nitroglycerin for mining!
They are not?
They actually are the same
Same chemical, but medical nitro is heavily diluted so it doesn't explode silly.
If anypony would attempt to undilute it, it would be Trixie then Ponk
>Anon ends up adopting Scootaloo
>Turns out even in Kinderquestria you're not allowed to leave a foal home alone
>Not even to fuck off to Sire Lanka or to the next town over to fuck your gay wife
>Who knew?
>One day Scootaloo comes home sobbing
>She saw Tank's helicopter
>And Pinkie's Pinkiecopter
"Yeah, I was wondering why you didn't have one..."
>"I ASKED! They can't make a magicopter big enough for me! And you need earth pony legs to keep a bike in the air!"
>Last time he checked, Scootaloo wasn't that heavy
>Thanks to the magic of..... magic
>And hollow bones, maybe
"Hold on, I might have something"

>The next day
>Pic related
>Scootaloo lands after draining the battery
"Sorry I can't do more-"
>Anon is interrupted by a deadly flying filly hug
>"I don't care, it's more than I've ever had!"
Holy fucking based
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What a good anon, taking care of his filly daughteru.
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I don't usually care for badumsquishes content but goddamn this is funny. it's not because of his style either he does show accurate really well and pays close attention to the minor details and he takes pride in what he does like a craftsman.
Not sure why it needs to be inherently negative, but I agree. This one’s hilarious.
The machine is labelled "Ponk detector," the graph is saying "yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes"
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>it has been 5 days since anon threw the red ball, but we've yet to find it
>you'd think anon himself would be more worried about it, balls are expensive and his looked like a prime quality one
>he just said "fetch" and threw the ball really hard, cause I couldn't see it at all
>I do wonder, however, if anon threw the ball at all in the first place...
Pic related.
>"Hey anon?, mind if I ask you something? I don't mean to say we don't trust you but I have to get this off my chest.
"Sure Twi, ask away."
>"D-Did... Did you ever throw that ball?"
>Anon's face flips between happiness qnd despair, a feeling all too common to you.
"To be honest... I didnt. It was always in my hand, but you all looked so happy looking for it that I couldn't bring myself to tell you I had it still... Then when you started organizing that search party... It got out of hand-err hoof?"
"Thank the stars that you figured it out... Can you help me with that?"
>CALLED IT, he had never thrown it! They said you were talking gibberish but you knew it!
>That said, it aint nice lying to your friends, anon should know better.
>"But why not throw the ball? You shouldn't lie to your friends like that Anon!"
"I just wanted to play with you all like I did with my old dog back home, he'd look so elated when I showed that I had the ball after he returned dejected, having failed to find it."
"Just wasn't expecting you all to take it this far. Can you forgive me?"
>You smile after recognizing Anon never meant any ill and say:
>"Sure! And I'll help you with everyone else. On ONE condition..."
>Anon looks a bit worried by the tone you used, but nods.
>"Teach me how you faked the ball throw..."
>Anon bursts into fits of laughter and relaxes.
>3 hours later, you can do the underhoof throw like nopony's business.
>You can't wait to do this with Rainbow Dash if she crashes into your treehouse one more time without apologizing.
>Maybe it's time to review those friendship lessons again.

>Discord getting replaced as top trickster god
>discord tries to find out how he does it

"The path to ultimate tomfoolery is leads to abilities many pones will find... unnatural"
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Twiggy so smelly haha
I just like it when they do horsey things.
Like being smelly? I’ll stop
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>Like being smelly?
That's just Twilight, she's a neet.
>Twilight probably doesn't bathe much in canon
She must smell even worse in Kinderquestria due to the added stigma against bathtime...
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eppy twiggy
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if she grabs his hand she's going to get pregnant
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What is her end goal?
Repeat button booping to ensure successful activation of The Nozzle
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time for fresh twiggy boops
I would boop her like she’s never been booped before. She would be a changed mare from then on; begging me to boop her whenever she sees me.
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Is that referencing the "dress" thread?
No but that amre is a qt tho
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>head pats
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“Fine, but only a couple”
>The bright pink pony beams brightly at you, then dives into your torso and locks her forehooves behind your back
>Her head naturally turns to the side as she essentially faceplants into your upper body, and her weight leaves you without much choice but to lower yourself to the ground, lest you both fall harshly onto it
>She finds the new ground-bound position to be much nicer, and snuggles her soft, squishy body comfortably into your lap
>Giggling to herself, she presents her poofy hair-adorned head to you with a few suggestive movements, as if urging you to begin patting it
>”C’mon, Nonnyyyyyy~!”
>Alright, then
>You gingerly raise a hand and bring it overtop her head, letting it hang there for a few seconds as you mentally prepare yourself
>She squirms around anxiously in your lap, incidentally causing her generous and pliable rump to rub against your crotch a few times
>Oh, fuck...
>If it’ll make her sit still, then commence the patting!
>Your hand lowers into the dark pink mass of impossibly-soft hair, which parts soothingly for a very appreciated full second before contact is made with her scalp
>The resulting giggles that fill the air quickly trail off into a satisfied sigh as you repeat the motion
>Her body relaxes against you entirely, leaving a very warm and comforting weight
>Damn it, these ponies are so cute and cuddly
>Even after the promised couple of headpats are far behind you, you can’t bring yourself to stop
>She adjusts her position, once again brushing that shamefully-tantalizing rear against your, now rising, member
>You flinch, and the headpats cease for a moment as you yell internally at your traitorous penis
>The lapse in pats is enough to draw the attention of your cuddle buddy, who looks hazily and dreamily up at you
>”Wha... what’s wrong, Nonny?”
“This isn’t good...”
>Fuck, you didn’t mean to say that out loud!
>She looks concerned, and seems to be returning to Equestria from whichever far off place her mind resided moments ago
>”What is it?”
>Third time’s the charm, as they say; though you doubt anyone has ever used the phrase to refer to a talking pink pony unknowingly pleasuring them through their clothes
>This time, the wriggly pony seems to notice the oddity and turns her head nearly 180 degrees to face the pokey culprit
>Even more bizarrely - and maybe even somewhat grossly - her head manages to tilt from this already worrying position as an indication of her confusion
>Her interest having now shifted completely, she pivots her entire body to match her head’s orientation
>Thankfully— your stomach was starting to churn a bit at the sight
>”What’s this thing, Nonny?”
>Oh, right
>This is still happening

was gonna do about two more posts, but ran out of energy and decided to post it instead of scrapping it like most others kek. Luckily it’s a decent note to end on
based horny anon
what would actual sex with a kinderpony be like? Not hoof holding or smooching, but actual penetrative sex?

Maybe that's why pony stallions have no stamina, not because it's a hold over from horses, but because ponies think it's gross and only do it for the foals, so they're hardwired to be as quick as possible. Stallion mounts, inserts once, blows his load, and dismounts while both ponies chant, "Ewewewewew!" and rush to the the shower- not even a bubble bath because they don't want to stew in it.
The couple help clean each other up, barely able to even look at their sticky genitals, then go to bed and cuddle while discussing baby names now that the worst part is over.

Anon ends up in Equestria, and his mare is hyperventilating and tearing up as he tries to fug her. After ten seconds, she's bawling and Anon needs to stop.
After she settles down, she tells Anon she still loves him and wants to have a foal with him, but she's not going to be able to do that again.
One baster later and the mare is happily humming as she sets up a nursery.
Anon is stuck using his hand from then on, but his mare at least lifts her tail while closing her eyes and covering her ears to let him look while he does it.
>Worst part
Who's gonna tell the mare what happens in 11 months?
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Kinderpones don't have sex. They hold hooves really hard and then eleven months later a stork shows up with a foal and a "how to be a good parent" picture book.

People who lewd kinderpones go to horny jail.
>People who lewd kinderpones go to horny jail
Pone prison?
>People who lewd kinderpones go to horny jail.
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>People who lewd kinderpones go to horny jail.
Only the most mature of kinderpones have a lewdity license
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One of my favorite kinder tropes is when kinderpones are unintentionally turbo lewd.
Same. This guy >>41070468 has the extremely goofy angle covered well, so I just focus on the unintentional lewdness for the most part.
I like to think about the logistics of casual sex kinderquestria sometimes because I think it would be hilarious because of the tonal whiplash
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drunk boop
We're halfway there!
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Cute twiggy
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That's a very pettable Dash.
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true fax
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Scary mare
not on my watch, been on vacation, regular shitposts and SCPs will resume soon
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He returns!
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Nah, the foal is just teleported out of the womb by a unicorn doctor.
But the birth canal contains necessary microbes and bacteria that form a young child's initial immune system. That's why c-section babies tend to have weaker immune systems.
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I would pet the shit out of this poner
*pet* *pet* *pet* *pet* *pet* *pet* *pet* *pet* *pet* *pet* *pet* *pet* *pet* *pet* *pet* GET HAPPY GET HAPPY GET HAPPY GET HAPPY GET HAPPY GET HAPPY GET HAPPY GET HAPPY GET HAPPY
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twilight performing the kage no bunshin jutsu
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Octavia is a grownup pony, just ask for a blowjob silly
Must I put you all in the public Dunce Cap Corner?
>Goofy angle covered well
Thank, fren
Kinderponies either reproduce via silly fairy tale shit, or the most horrible gross sex imaginable that both partners are into because this is a world where True Love exists. I can't imagine any in-between on this subject.
The birth canal is the main transmitter of Cooties to fillies. A C-section is the only way to save them from a lifetime of being icky girls!
Instructions unclear. Congratulations for your newborn colt!
Sergeant, if there aren't any enemies of the state in that pond, then the next words outta yer mouth better be to tell me there's bubble bath in that pond, because I cannot for the life of me think of any other viable excuses for you to be AWAY. FROM. YOUR. POST. -Drill Sgt. Arch Doormare

(Kindersergeants earn the name of Drill Sergeant when they're trusted with power tools to make new buildings. They end up having to yell over their tools a lot.)
>Speaking in sans serif
Young mares, we use our inside fonts in the forum!
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Every time I make significant progress on a green, I get exhausted/sleepy and have to stop kek
Happens to us all. DESU my best work is done when I force myself through it, I think Regolith Rump is just better at being a muse than Fusion Fanny.
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Why the heck does the abbreviation for "to be honest" get turned into anime words!?

Captcha: vygn
Ancient (by internet standards) injoke
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>Be Anon
>Be listening to this shit
>Kid's a pretty good raconteur, if you do say so yourself
>'specially since he's managed to keep talking coherently while you're whupping him with your great grandma's flip flop
"Okay, so, you had to get outta Ponyville, dodged some mobs, almost had a villain breakdown, kinda fought it off yourself (good on you, kid)"
>"Yep- OW- Uh huh- OW"
"So, I'm assuming it was the dragon sitting on you plus the sandblasting that whitewashed my GOT-dang tanktrucktank?"
>"Ye- uh, nope!"
>Lord help you, this kid's trying your patience
>He might as well be t-posing
"So WHAT in the hell did!?"
>"We're not sure! We have it narrowed down to like, two things maybe?"
>"Ha ha, uh, it was probably either us crashing into the Pensacolta paint thinner factory.... orrrrrrr..... uh...."
>His eyes are drawn to a river of digicam sludge pouring down the drain
>"Heh... ok it was DEFINITELY us crashing into the moonshine shed right before you started yelling about your truck."
>Moonshine shed? In this county?
>You grin like the Grinch for a moment
>Heh, maybe that's why he's called the GRINch

>Where the hell were those two glowmares? Ever Accurate and..... fucking Extreme Doormat?
"Hey! Eve, Doormat!"
>"That's LIEUTENANT MAT to you, boy."
"Whatever- go check out the backyard, guy was probably making some crazy illegal-ass hooch!"
>Doormat sighs the sigh of a pony who knows she's about to have more work but has to try to get out of it anyway
>"How much, and how illegal, in your estimate?"
"Uhhhh.... my trucktanktruck was painted like a kickass forest green tiger before they smashed into one of the buildings. Now it's blindingly white... which is weird because that is NOT what the base material looks like."

>Be Doormat
>You and Eve share a positively Discordian grin as you turn your gaze upon the Burlap Bag Containing Bastard Beauregard
>"Oh, that is VERY interesting!"
"Very noteworthy indeed, I'm curious as to how that could be here, this close to a commercial food-packaging facility, without any safety installations!"
>"Not to mention licenses!"
"Indeed, Eve. You know, I was wondering how we'd actually keep him down despite the city's notoriously riotous character."
>"Yesyes! Luna was breathing down my PLOT for this, I was not looking forward to telling her how many loopholes I couldn't close!"
"Oh, I think she will be quite forgiving, especially since we might deliver unto her the thing she most wants: to Do Stuff."
>Beauregard screams in his usual burlap-stuffed, garbled manner
"One might assume that was a tirade of insults directed at thy sovereign, Sir. Yet, I am in a charitable mood, and will instead interpret your idiocy as a relevant question: what?"
>"Hehe I can answer that! Most ponies don't know this, but Princess Luna's technically the princess of weird ancient magical crud and adult drinks!"
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"Technically, the title is "Stewardess of Old, Unhappy, Far Away Things and Bulwark Against All-Shaking Thunder"- it's a very, as in pre-Equestrian, old position- but one that still carries weight when it must."
>MMMMMMMMMPH!(What the buck does that have to do with me?)
>Evie gets the same Look as dame Twilight when the opportunity for a lecture arises
>Could they be related? No, never! Unless....
>"Quite simple, actually. You're illegally producing massive quantities of intense mind-altering substances and consuming them outside of a therapeutic context! The kind of hooch you're making here is...
>She sniffs the river of modern art and reels back with a squeal
>"HOOOOIE! I bet that stuff's harder than what Luna drank when she got all mopey and turned into Nightmare Moon!"

>"Oh I know how this ends, HA HA! Gonna get the mob bastard on tax law, ain't ya?"
"Ah, Anon, you're rather insightful, but not quite there. Evie, you're correct- even after Molly left us, I didn't need something half as strong as this to get through the day."
>"Ha! Wait-"
"Nopony cares about hard cider, nor those delightful brainmelter soda bottles we sometimes fish up from a broken bridge- this stuff, however?"
>You punctuate the statement with a hard look at Beauregard
"To answer your unspoken question, Anondiah, tis not a tax technicality I'll be getting him on- rather, Consorting with Demon-"
>You're interrupted by the sound of several bones cracking against your helmet, followed by an old green primate falling over
>Would've been a better show if he'd cut Beau's binds BEFORE he crippled himself
>At least he knows when he's bucked up- he's not trying to run, now, and has the good sense to look contrite
>Ah, Tartarus, you can't blame him for the same free spirit that burns within you
"Relax, citizen- nopony cares about the still or the.... I don't even know what that contraption is but it smells like a stolen star, yet no Constellation is missing a child. Serious, throat-burning hooch however... THAT is quite literally an alchemical method to summon demons."
>You let him stew in your gaze for an appropriately embarrassing time before continuing
"It's poison water made of mold (the simplest form of entropy spirit) that either deadens your emotions or outright exacerbates negative emotions. A little demonology never hurt anypony, mind you- but this? What did you think severe alcoholism is?"
>MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!(I consume that recreationally and for the Southern Communion on holy days! You can't prove crap!)
"We do not need to. Even without a technicality, I have sufficient powers to-"
>"No, seriously, what?"
"-To carry out any orders I deem necessary, now that I have my proverbial hoof in the door from the owner's gross negligence in obtaining a demonologists' safety certification."
>Pause for effect
>Yes, she definitely gets it from somewhere
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>Be Doormat
>Actually, Be LUNA, the LEAST doormat of all ponies!
>You perform the Royal Magical Filly Transformation, as is tradition, and upon regaining thine royal countenance, smack thine hoof upon the ground thrice, also as is tradition
>Gazing down upon a now wet and smelly old blaggard, n awestruck civil servant, three very tired foals, a.... CANINUS LIBRARIUM? Does that mean-
>You wrote it off as a linguistic coincidence, like how no matter where any alien is from, your nation somehow sounds like it's built upon puns related to beasts of burden!
>You must go see the Tree! She needs to know Her people didn't die out, post ha-
>You see Trixie, trying her very hardest to hide behind the massive wheel of this most glorious roving fortress
>Your.... descendant
>Your only flesh and blood
>Sorry Celestia, but you both know you're technically adopted
>All else can wait. Honestly, Megan most likely knew- that dog certainly wouldn't be smarter than most foals if he weren't under Her grace
>Not to mention alive at all, if the relevant census documents are accurate
>This matter must be dealt with. Now.

"Now, 'master' Beauregard-"
"Regarding the matters of your consorting with demons of Nightmare and Entropy, of leaving such libations in a dangerously accessible location, of leaving CONFLAGERANTS and NIGHTMAREIFYERS for that matter! Of the accusations of arranging a fishing accident, of the suspicious circumstances regarding your regency of MY descendant's estate-"
>"Trixie say WHAAAAAAAAAT?"
"Have you anything to say in your defense, or will you simply take the dunce chair?"
>"The stills were Trixie's idea! I tried to stop her!"
>You facehoof
>With your fully-shod, Night Witch guard-armored leg
>Fortunately, a blue-black coat tends to hide black eyes
>Finally, with a sigh, you can respond:
"First: if they were Trixie's idea, that would prove her being unable to manage this estate-"
"Finished? I wasn't- 'which means it's your fault still, for not stopping a legally incompetent mare.' You can't have it both ways. Also, we have the tax logs, pay stubs and testimony of your valet proving she absolutely was not managing the estate and was in fact convinced of her entire family being hangers-on of yours, so let's add 'giving false testimony' and 'lying to royalty.' Yes, that is a specific crime that can be added on top of lying to an officer, and yes, you really are that predictable."
>You wait a bit, letting him start to say something, before continuing
>The classic Big Sister power move, oh how you've longed to wield it!
"Second, if it were Trixie's doing, it would not be a crime. Yes, because she was born special you ninny- do you not understand what a KNIGHT is? Nor why it rhymes with NIGHT?"
>"Trixie is still caught up on the whole BEING FRIGGIN ROYALTY thing!?"
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Oh, please. Nothing like that... So, would you like a massage?
Mare has ass for days
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kinda horny up in here
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>Says it's horny here
>That pony has no horn
...I’ll hold off on posting my green when it’s finished, then. Give the horny some time to breathe. It will make it even less relevant, since it’s in reply to something earlier kek
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>Be in the Royal KinderGuarden
>Your armor is shined today
>They called for parade
>Full-ass Fillies on Parade right now
>They caught somepony doing something, so now the whole regiment has to deal with it of course
>Why is there a toilet in the middle of the field?
>What in the major malfunction?
>You turn to the color sergeant
"What the hecky is going on?"
>"Bad news, they're dealing with that Winnie Weaver... eyes forward."
>Celestia herself is walking to the center, followed by a mare in chains
>Oh shit
>That scroll is as long as Her wing
>"Ahem. Winnie Weaver, for the crime of stealing a comrade's chocolate milk, you are hereby stripped of your rank and sentenced to Bad Stuff."
>The praetorians flanking Her step forward, dragging the ex-soldier in their magic
>With robotic precision, the black bag is taken off her head, the mare picked up and dunked in the toilet
>Three flushes
>There's no fanfare to it, she's just Toilet Head and out of the guard now
>Everypony is filed out
>Just like that
Brutal that's some dedovschina type shit
>stealing a comrade's chocolate milk
A harsh but just punishment.
>*unchocccys ur milk*
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pre bed boop
What do you think Kinderquestrian potion mastery is like?
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>"Potion Master, I require your strongest sodies"
"My sodies are too strong for a chump like you, the fizz would tickle your tongue overmuch!"
>"POTION MASTER! I am hosting a sleepover! I require your strongest potions!"
Y'know how sodas were originally sold as health tonics? Yeah like that except they actually work because pony.

I hate having another idea right after I hit post.
>"What do you have to say for yourself, Cap- Anonymous?"
>You WERE Captain Anonymous.
>Now just Anonymous.
>Tied to a post and a squad of your peers lined in front of you a few feet away.
>Your once fellow captain is still waiting for an answer.
"I did what I thought was right."
>She raises a brow.
>"Betraying your fellow guard was right? What about all the owies you caused?"
>She rears up and leans against you.
>"All the tears shed, the hurt feelings, and for what?!"
>She looks to be on the verge of tears.
>Of course she would be, Tight Ship, the titanium white pony was in your boot-camp and was your closest friend.
>Now she has to say goodbye.
"IF that means fighting dumb orders-"
>She cringes at the phrase that started it all.
"-then it was right."
>"And what did that fight get you?"
>You look at her one last time in those big, sad eyes.
"I fought, I lost. Now I leave."
>Her lip starts to quiver but she holds it in.
>Reaching up she pulls the blindfold over your eyes and you can hear her trot away.
>"Guardsmares! Ready!"
>Numerous papers start to rip.
>You stand resolute.
>You have no regerts.
>You fought for the mares beside you, your honor is assured.
>You sure hope you can see Tight Ship soon.
>Suddenly several wads of wet paper slap onto your bare stomach and chest.
>It doesn't take long before it starts to feel really gross.
>Even for you, even if it's just spit wads.
>Suddenly you feel a mare untie you and start to push you forward.
>The blindfold stays on until you're sufficiently guided "Off-Base".
>Once it's taken off the guard just looks up at you and shakes her head before walking off.
>Getting kicked out of the guard sucks.
>Maybe you could reenlist in Canterlot.
>You miss Tight Ship already...
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>Anonymous the human was long thought to be Equestria's most powerful potion master.
>His potions tasted awful, but they gave ponies superpowers
>superspeed, superstrength, supersmartness, the ability to ignore sleepy bedtime
>It didn't take long until the Princesses took notice
>It was then revealed that Anonymous did not brew the potions himself, but he actually had a machine brew them for him
>Said device was promptly confiscated by Princess Luna, much to the chagrin of Anonymous and his ponyville clients
>It took a long time, but in the span of a few weeks Anonymous' potions passed from truth, to legend, to myth, to almost forgotten entirely
>Few now remember.
>Only in Canterlot's Darkest Tower of the Night are the magical potion words still muttered almost every evening
>"Nespresso originale..."
Luna is dropping some truth bombs here, damn
I really want to fuck that pony
She's the only pony operating at 100% Adult. A holdover from bygone days, when bedtimes were early for everyone and prancing beasts wrecked pillow forts without warning.
>If you're supposed to be here, you'll know
>If you "just got turned around" or "the archive fell and that page was opened and you know it's wrong for a pony to ignore fate like that," then consider this your SOLE OPPORTUNITY to leave without penalty
>To continue, produce your flask of conditioning agent EVERCLEAR, scratch the label, allow the magic journal to scan the label, and imbibe one (1) swig
>Failure to follow this procedure may necessitate the use of amnestics, and a disciplinary hearing


>Report on civil unrest, cult activity, foalnapping and forced breeding programs carried out by The Entity Formerly Known as Starswirl, in the township of Kettlecornwall, in the year of our Tree 114-124 ALR
>Heretofore referred to as Operation: Oubliette
>Dictated, not read, by operation overseer O5 L.

>Preliminary Information:
>Beginning in the year 100 ALR, an estimated 500 instances of Humans(1) appeared near the city of Canterlot following a level 3 Broken Bridge event. The group was understandably highly agitated, but were dispersed and integrated with only minor altercations and one casualty-not-due-to-violence(2). The group was designated GoI APE and offered a clear path to citizenship in accordance with Foundation Ethics Board regulations.
>Integration of SCP-11's gestalt effect was unusually fast, with aging and reproductive desires slowing massively in all subjects within 5 winters.
>Due to its relative seclusion, untamed wildernesses and high resource density, the humans were offered generous land grants and tax breaks if they agreed to assist in settling the forests in the west of Trottingham province.
>There were surprisingly few who accepted. Reasons included distrust at such a good deal, a desire to travel an alien world without the implicit obligations of a colony worker, fear of monsters/inclement weather, perceived lack of marketable skills(3) or previous negative relationships with humans who had already registered.
>Once all was said and done, a group of 10 married pairs, plus 3 daughters and 2 sons, would be part of year 107's caravan to Kettlecornwall(4).

>1. 250 males, 250 females, 50 of each were juvenile. Anomalies in facial recognition in line with descriptions of SCP-063
>2. One elderly male had a heart defect, which lead to fatality when startled by an agent attempting to direct the crowd. Next-of-kin were surprisingly understanding; the agent's guilt is to be considered sufficient punishment and the agent is to attend therapy sessions
>3. As we know, this is unfounded- even the weakest adult human is better at bedtime rituals than all but the strongest pony, to say nothing of being tall enough to spy threats from farther away.
>Preliminary Information (cont'd):

>Spring, 108: Kettlecornwall sends word that the second group of settlers arrived safely

>Winter, 108: Kettlecornwall's message is received by Colonial Affairs along with first harvest from its popcorn mines

>Midsummer, 109: Foundation MTF-K9 returns from 10 year expedition to explore Old Ponyland; assets were believed lost after communications failed on mission year six(1).
>Expedition Captain Zippoorwhill reports several shipboard marriages having been carried out, most notably between Femanon and Big Mac, Princess Trixie and Prince Consort Snips, and herself and Anon.
>HRM Cadance insists on having HRM Twilight fill out the requisite Acknowledgement of Field Marital Status Change forms immediately; Twilight agrees enthusiastically; Spike registers a formal complaint, is ignored
>Pinkie Pie reported missing from welcoming party; alert condition red declared
>Pinkie Pie found after 17 hour search, playing with the new couples' foals aboard the fleet's tender ship
>Multiple individuals ask where said foals came from
>Zippoorwhill performs a smug face, Femanon points at her tummy
>Celestia extremely perturbed; inquires why these foals' birth cer-gift-icates(2) were not the first order of business
>Celestia reminded that without a formalized marriage first, the foals would bear the stigma of being from a Broken Home
>Celestia changes the subject
>Anon and Femanon find out about, and request access to, the recent human displacements
>Celestia orders expeditionaries to stay quarantined, admits to not telling the new humans about Equestria's preexisting human residents, especially the two who were used as military assets and presumed dead in a post-apocalyptic winter heckworld
>Anon and Femanon agree with surprisingly little to no vitriol, on the condition they are allowed to at least research the displaced individuals and have right of first refusal in the event of disciplinary or medical issues.
>Applejack finally realizes she has a niece
>Applejack finally realizes her brother is alive
>Applejack learns her parents were on the ship as well, having been freed from a Centaur Empire slave camp where they had been forced to make wallets and lanyards for the past century
>Applejack realizes she cannot tell Apple Bloom until further notice, due to Celestia's 'lack of backbone'
>Applejack sentenced to 5 minute timeout for attempted regicide
>Birth Cergifticates for Anita Incognita and Geraldo are issued
>Applejack sentenced to 5 minute timeout for attempted regicide, again

>1. The last communication sent was accidentally triggered during a battle with Quislinnnng, Snitch of Hyacinth, in the ruins of Lost Hyacinth. What was erroneously believed to be the sickening crunch of the hull failing was actually Zippoorwhill dodgerolling into the ship's only remaining telecup.
>2. As per Pinkie's law, every baby gets a complementary goodie bag for participating in this big party we call Life
>Winter, 110:
>Anita and Geraldo's hybrid vigor is noted and logged
>Anon and Femanon allowed to contact human populations, providing they act as if they are the age they appear to be
>Femanon notices a discrepancy with APE adults: they never seem aware of how long they've been in Equestria, always assuming their stay has been one tenth of what it actually is. This is a purely psychological fugue state, with no alterations to their physiology beyond longevity and sporadic slowing of reproductive desires. Multiple human mothers have had multiple babies after entering Equestria; when confronted, they invariably insist only their newborn was conceived in Equestria. Any counterinformation offered by the foals themselves is dismissed as imagination or a ploy for attention.
>Observation posts are established, with orders to carefully watch any APE member on the verge of adulthood and note their mental state and recollection of recent history.

>Spring, 111:
>Anon/Femanon find out their parents were with the settler group, with a young daughter neither of them had ever met. A former neighbor remarks that Femanon had grown so much in just 5 years. Temporal differential between Equestria and Prime Material Plane all but confirmed.
>Anon/Femanon voluntarily return to Foundation sequestering, citing increased mental toll of maintaining cover and desire to be with their spouses/foals

Fall, 111 - Spring, 114:
>Three hybrid earth fillies are born

Summer, 114:
>Investigation into memory anomaly makes little progress until 3 humans foals cross threshold of adolescence and enter the same semi-fugue state of their parents.
>Other foals notice this. Parents pick up on distress. Due to their altered state of mind, they falsely assume ponies to be the source. Guards brace for tantrum control.
>Anon reveals Foundation badge to adults, falsely claiming to be an appointed ealdorman. Swears to represent human interests fairly. Tantrum pacified.
>Femanon explains true intentions to agitated foals, claims to be "Man-In-Black," promises to find out why she isn't forgetful and how to help the others.
>Foundation Overseer-on-Duty elects not to log formal breach of security, informs Celestia she can "bite him"
>Princess Luna attempts to use dream realm to directly communicate with Tree of Harmony, using Element Bearers as a magic Circle
>Princess Luna falls comatose for seven days and six nights. Reports that [SCP-11](1) was unresponsive, shedding only a single tear when Luna invoked the name of [A Lost Friend]. Foundation-wide alert condition: blorange declared indefinitely.
>Despite apparent loss of [The Protocol], background Indifference levels remain at their current all-time low and entity-level entropy continues to slow.

>1. Names of Power have been redacted and replaced with safe descriptors.
>Applejack finally realizes she has a niece
Should be nephew, whoops
There was also:
>would be part of year 107's caravan to Kettlecornwall(4).
But we don't see any footnote 4 at the end of this one
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I'd let her in. Give her some pony treats and brush her mane.
I'll be honest, I forgot what I was even going to put there... I think it was a line about mining popcorn but I just put that in somewhere else and forgot to erase the footnote
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I've got something that I like to imagine about until I drift off to sleep. Not sure if it counts as Kinderquestria, but it feels like it fits, so "oh well," here goes...
> Human shows up in Equestria.
> Let's get these two points out of the way first:
> First, he doesn't talk. It's debatable whether he even understands Pony language or just understands general emotions correlated to vocal tones, like a dog. A much smarter dog.
> second, he's tall- or more accurately, the Ponies are Little. Hence the title, "My LITTLE Pony."
> I'm no good at conveying size, so just imagine how big you thought Snorlax or Slaking was when you played PokéMon. If you MUST have a scale, I'll guess that standing upright he's just shy of two Big Macintoshs' tall, or maybe 1⅓ stories tall.
> Not Titanically large, but still a big-ass creature.
> Normal day in Ponyville. It's "Market Hour," so all of the stores and vendors are open for business, with ponies aplenny perusing for purchases, pricey or paltry alike.
> Among the wares sold are PLENTY of food.
> The scent draws in a gigantic ape-like thing, lazily waltzing towards Ponyville on its two hind legs, completely care-free.
> Our Human.
> Ponies panic and run, but they're dumb and hide in dumb places. That, or they run into each other and clonk each other out in the street.
> Human doesn't really give a shit. he finds a good spot where a lot of food vendors are conglomerated around each other, and he plops down in a lazing position.
> Every so often, he reaches here or there for something to eat from the vendors' stands.
> The ponies are still cowering in fear.
> Giant pale ape thing with worn wool and denim garments just lays there; sleepy lidded eyes, yawning a lot, casually snacking on food. Not really doing all that much, to be honest...
> The Mane Six show up to do all of the work again, but they can't do much.
> Fluttershy can't talk to or understand this creature, even if he would utter a dismissive grunt or something.
> This thing is WAAAYY too heavy for Applejack to haul away,
> All Pinkie's annoyances do is manage a chuckle out of him,
> The creature has a strong magical resistance, bordering immunity, so Twiggles can't teleport him away,
> And even when Dash gets fed up and launches a rock at Ludicrous speeds towards his head, the creature effortlessly swats away the attack with incredible speed and precision, all with just a flick of his wrist or arm. All without even opening his eyes.
> But he's also just... kinda... sitting there... not really doing anything, save for eating...
> This creature is incredibly smart, incredibly strong, incredibly fast-
> And incredibly, INCREDIBLY... Lazy...
> Never even attacked back. That's just how little he cares.
> The Mane Six can't really DO anything.
> Eventually, the Human has had enough to eat, and he walks just barely to the edge of town.
> And immediately falls asleep.
Ran out of text room, more story to come, if you'd like?
Yes, more snorlax man
Fall, 114: Estimated start of Incident: Oubliette.
>Trottingham regrets to inform us of the failure of Kettlecornwall. Of 40 ponies and 25 humans, only 20 ponies and the 3 youngest humans returned; the rest are presumed lost. Standard survey/support teams sent.
>Nocreature is capable of giving a consistent timeline of the colony's failure, even when asking the same individual twice in a row. Counseling/investigation continues.
>Anon/Femanon's sister is not among the returned. According to Ethics Board regulations, all documents referencing or speculating upon her fate must include the following indictment: CELESTIA ATTEMPTED TO QUARANTINE THIS INFORMATION, IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF SURVIVING FAMILIES ACT OF 105
>Anon/Femanon informed of parents/sister being MIA. Anon unresponsive. Femanon hugs son at a pressure of 10 megapinkies per square inch.
>Anon/Femanon informed of attempted information blackout. Anon's eye does 'that chimpy twitch.' Praetorian guard elevates to Alert Condition: Inflated Shoes. Applejack considered fight risk.

Winter, 114: First sacrifice confirmed to have taken place in early November
>No additional survivors return from Kettlecornwall. Presumed dead.
>Memorial services held, posthumous guard ranks awarded to lost creatures for defending the retreat, pensions granted to next of kin (where applicable)
>In accordance with Foundation protocols regarding the loss of even one apex ketertor, the entire region of Fleurwood Forest is declared nullus equus terra. All civilian traffic banned, all Foundation
>Anon/Femanon request transfer to Kettlecornwall investigation. Denied by 06 TS due to previously mentioned infohazard containment.
>Altercation occurs. Twilight bedridden. Remaining element bearers and praetorians unable to intervene due to Applejack's apple-scented wrath. Anon suspended and upgraded to Keter.
>Half of Site Canterhorn threatens to desert. Deserters include nearly all of MTF K9's combat veterans, their dire dogs, and airship crews. Agents are unable to apprehend Anon; remaining containment teams retreat and refuse to reengage. Commissar Neighsay the Second attempts to force reengagement.
>Celestia attempts to intervene, is prevented from entering site by Luna and Cadance. Argument ensues.
>Luna reenters facility. Commissar Neighsay summarily bonked. Defeated containment teams sent home with hazard pay and amnestic-laced cookies.
>Luna parleys with deserters. A truce is reached. Luna issues formal apologies and pardons on behalf of Twilight and Celestia.
>Twilight reprimanded and reminded that Anon/Femanon have crucial aspects/skills relevant to ongoing investigation.
>Twilight requests they be quarantined anyway, citing the previous MIA period. Request denied by acting O6 Luna.
>MTF-K9 and Element Bearers conscripted for second Foundation field team under direct command of Princess Luna.
>SS Super Cool Explorer, currently in drydock, set to commence the 2 month journey in Spring.
Spring, 115:
>Scattered reports of human populations experiencing increased breeding desire. Human lifespan continues to be similar to that of native life. Human maturation rates quicken. Anon/Femanon unaffected.
>The three anomaly-affected human adolescents are reported missing, within a 2 week period.
>Riots ensue, only to stop in an instant. Parents no longer remember having the missing foals.
>Oubliette entity/anomaly/perpetrator upgraded to Keter.
>Luna attempts second communion with [SCP-11]. Communion refused(1). Expedition launch fast-tracked by a full month, to launch the next day.
>Expedition launches with full ship crew and mission specialists.
>Applejack commandeers ship
>Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle shanghaied, conscripted as cabin fillies.
>Applejack surrenders control of ship. No punishment is issued.
>Applejack savagely grounded by Pear Butter due to bringing younger sister into hostile territory.

Summer, 115:
>A human filly, previously from Kettlecornwall, attempts to sleepwalk into the Fleurwood forest. She is stopped by the town's gate guard. When awoken, she attempted to force her way through the gates, insisting there was 'a cross for (her), where (her) mother lies."
>Due to lack of settlement, Fleurwood Forest backslides into Everfree status. Long-range navigation by non-Foundation mechanisms becomes impossible.
>Aboard the SS SCE, acting archivist Twilight Sparkle reports unsourced footnotes(2) appearing in the journal. Luna investigates, and confiscates the pages(3).

>1. I'm so sorry, my little pony. They needed my attention. For all the good it did.
>3. I fucked up. I'll make sure Twilight gets the full rundown on [you, my fair one] as soon as I can trust Celestia again.
>All civilian traffic banned, all Foundation
should be "all Foundation missions require O5 permission."

Mid Summer, 115:
>Fluttershy reports Discord being unresponsive to her calls.
>Fluttershy reports realizing she hasn't seen Discord in at least 5 years. Element bearers sedated.
>SS SCE arrives at Trottingham. Team introduced to authorities as agents of the crown. Cover identities deemed unnecessary.
>Applejack's grounding ends.
>Captain's yacht used to for preliminary scouting; liminality of Fleurwood wild zone(1) confirmed to extend well above airship flight ceiling.
>Anon/Femanon assigned as secondary counseling/interview team
>Other MTF K9 veterans begin charting patterns of landmarks and sectors within the newly-liminal Fleurwood(1).

>1. In accordance with the Holy Poop, Celestia, Why Do You Never Tell Us These Things? act:
>Official description of wild zones: full of monsters, and prone to rearranging themselves. Permanent settlements within wild zones never change location, but an unknown force prevents air travel to landmarks the zone has claimed, except to specific checkpoints and only when said checkpoints have been previously reached. For more information, agents are encouraged to read Roguelike Picnic by Derpy Hooves(2)(3).
>2. Three-times winner of Equestria's 'It'll get there eventually!' award for resurrection of dead post and/or finding residents of off-map settlements.
>3. Anyone who doubts Derpy writing a book can take it up with me. -RD.
New Year, 116:
>Anon/Femanon reach new milestone. Due to their psychological similarity and cultural background, they are able to point out multiple patterns of metaphor/imagery that pony agents had dismissed as unrelated ramblings. A general timeline can now be established, even if a highly metaphorical one:

>A mention of a hybrid, semi-divine, or otherwise dual-natured being. [Hercules, Fenris and Merlin] are the most common names. Suspected metaphor for hybrid births.
>According to Anon, Fenrir was loyal until his uncle had him imprisoned and beaten, and Hercules's father is universally associated with treachery, capriciousness and pettiness.

>Recounting a bad day of a fellow settler. The names draw from a set list, always a settler of either species confirmed MIA, or one of 5 names not listed in the caravan records. The neighbor is always referred to with female pronouns.
>The lady suffers an odd, annoying, but seemingly minor inconvenience: Bees chasing away the birds, a bouquet of flowers dropped in the mud, a harvest of cherries fallen and stepped on, having a lunch date with Jack ruined by fog or rain(1). First wave did note this pattern and assumed it referred to a slow death by small acts of civil unrest.
>Anon's insight suggested another possibility: each incident, in human parlance, could be taken as a metaphor for the loss of innocence, a foal produced without love or intention, or [REDACTED PLEASE GIVE THE REDACTOR SOME AMNESTICS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I HATE MY JOB NOW]

>The same female mentioned before then learns she will be honored by [Joan of Arc, Anointed Joshua, Job, Sanguinius??]
>Legendary or outright divine figures, who died saving the world from some physical or spiritual evil. Agents assume this refers to the MIA settlers; Anon/Femanon report intense unease, refuse to elaborate.

>The neighbor then assists in the construction of Yggdrasil//Native Oak/Sacred Rowan/Bitterness/Rebellion/Pearls(2), by tending to its/their fruit.
>Anons pointed out the first three referred to magical trees, but were unsure of the last three. Luna became visibly agitated.

>Finally, the survivor recounts their escape. There is always mention of an animal- usually a coyote, rabbit, crow, or orange cat- leading them away before the calamity occurs.
>The animals mentioned have a strong mythological connection to trickster spirits, often leading humans to learn lessons or escape danger via methods that seem ill-intended at first.
>Usually the creature is unnamed, but if pressed for information, the survivors either reaffirm this or state "His name is that which only [Faust] can judge."
>Luna excuses herself, takes Fluttershy with her. The pair are not seen for several days.

>1. There was never a creature named Jack in the settlement.
This is interesting, but I never paid enough attention in Literature class to comprehend this
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Me too, man
no FUCKIN way
Narcoleptic scotsman
holy based glad to see ur celtic ass in here
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Bountiful Booty Boops? In MY Ponyville? More likely than you think!
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Scootaloo, we need to have a talk about your browsing habits.
Strangest bump I ever done saw
I think it was a bot I've seen it do that in other threads on the board before.
It is a bot made by a schizo who hates the linked game and hopes to spam it enough that the mods add the whole thing to the automod list, thereby killing the threads.
Winter, 116
>Significant delay in investigation due to ongoing navigation hazards within Fleurwood
>Over the next 5 years, progress towards finding Kettlecornwall is all but halted
>Discord continues to be unavailable; Fluttershy increasingly distressed
>15 emotional support animals are shipped from Fluttershy's home; Angel Bunny leads a mutiny, takes animals to Horselulu for Luau

Fall, 118
>One of the three missing children appears in Trottingham(1). Like the survivor, she is muttering about crosses in a sleepwalking state

>Missing/Dead reports are scrutinized. Over the last ~4 years, 20 individuals of both species have gone missing, with 2 of each being male. Reports invariably suggest they headed towards Trottingham. Descriptions of 14 missing creatures matches later reports of fatality by predation/exposure.
>Families exhibit the same pattern of intense/violent sense of betrayal/failure by government, followed by memory alteration.
>Celestia tested under TRUTH OR DARE protocols, confirmed not to be perpetrator.

>O6-1 TS declares establishment of nationwide communications a top level priority. O5 council, O6 Luna unanimously agree. Decree sent back to Site Canterhorn with next courier.
>Foundation implements SCP-3-- tracking protocols, extends to humans until further notice. Disappearances cease; reports of foals sleepwalking in the night increase substantially. Luna reports being unable to sense them in dream realm.

>Angel Bunny returns from vacation. Fluttershy finally stops hyperventilating. Harry the Bear conscripted for MTF-K9 ops, since bears are kind of like pro wrestler dogs. Results are mixed.

Summer, 120: Suspected initial germination phase of Oubliette
>Massive, anomalous increase in interspecies attraction reported in all major cities. Human and Pony reproductive cycles increase until approximately 1.5 times more frequent than before SCP-11[2].
>Population is cognizant of sudden changes. Civil unrest increases. State of Emergency declared, gates are sealed in all major cities.
>Injuries due to gatecrashers are frequent; attempted gatecrashers invariably are multispecies and have a high number of females to males. Notably, no gatecrash attempt ever includes the sibling of a previous suspected victim

Fall, 121
>Checkpoints within Fleurwood's wildspace have been thoroughly mapped. Relative locations of ruins/settlements/landmarks can finally be charted.
>The second missing child from the first group turns up at Trottingham, not sleepwalking. Claims a strange snake insisted he visit Trottingham before entering the forest, in his dreams.
>Third missing child found petrified outside Ponyville(3). Revived and sent home.

>1. Trottingham is on a largely unexplored island. For even one victim to have successfully reached Trottingham, the anomaly must be capable of triggering teleportation circles/warp effects/purchasing ship tickets.
>2. I am bleeding.
>3. Ponyville hasn't had a cockatrice sighting in a century
Fall, 122:
>Stable landmark found, believed to be near Kettlecornwall.
>Stable landmark consists of Discord's severed head[1] impaled on a silver stave. It is unknown if Discord is dead, even can die, and how long he/his corpse has been here. Stave's similarity to Tree of Harmony noted. Fluttershy unresponsive.
>Amnestics administered; investigation hindered again due to loss of staging area.
>Luna/Anons demand alteration to amnestic policy. Passes with O6 override.
>Population of Equestria continues to panic. Canterlot Palace locked down in anticipation of siege.
>Civil lockdowns continue to be effective at stopping gatecrashing, though a small number of hybrid foals escape and are returned due to Foundation efforts.

Spring, 123:
>Previous landmark remains uncharted.
>Racial tensions come to a head. Hybrids and pregnant mothers of hybrids are shunned, especially if the foal is a centaur or satyr. Fatalities are reported, though lynchings cannot be proven[2].
>Anon/Femanon's spouses report unusual increase in desire from their partner. Separate sleeping quarters are enforced.

Winter, 123:
>Tensions among expedition team come to a head. Anita and Geraldo go missing during an argument. Their parents nearly execute Trottingham's gate guards, but are stopped by Fluttershy.
>K9 unit Ripley runs into the Fleurwood. Zippoorwhill suspects he is tracking the foals. MTF K9 gives chase in full combat gear.

New Year, 124: Official date of Incident Oubliette [3]
>Kettlecorn site located after 1 week of Following His Nose
>Altercation ensues, perpetrator killed by direct action of MTF K9
>27 captives are freed, 100 are dead or beyond saving. Burials were unnecessary[4].

>If you are reading this file due to a disciplinary action by your commander, you will stop at this point and reflect before you consider complaining about 'kid-wrangler duty' again.
>A full after-action report of the events at Kettlecornwall is available on a need-to-know basis. Punishment for unauthorized access is as follows:

>1. Dear brother. I will keep what remains. Kindness won't give up on you, I know.
>2. There were none. I would have known. The sting of murder tastes different to any other ending.
>3. It had gone on for longer than this. I never had to protect so many of them before.
>4. The most disgusting thing about this? The bastard wasn't insane. The new company is greatly increasing my efficiency. Stop keeping me a secret, Celestia! It lets things like this happen!
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can someone explain Oubliette in a way a brainlet like me can understand?
Well it looks like the file still isn't over yet, so we gotta wait a bit longer to figure that out.
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SCP-11 access granted:
Official Diamondfilly Flaggot lore dump:

SCP-11 started out as a silly ha ha "making babies would totally be an SCP" thing but ended up spiraling out until it became the backstory to my take on kinderquestria. If you read it I hope a lot of the little random shit will start making sense, but it's entirely possible I'm operating on leaps of logic only people with my exact type of autism will ever understand.

Important TLDRs, these are the core bits I (hopefully) never contradict even in totally unrelated greens. This stuff is what I consider Canon. Spoilers for that green below:

Ponies age like humans do until reaching physical maturity at age 15, but don't reach mental maturity until they have a foal. Given that they live for upwards of 250 years, you have a lot of ponies who act like overgrown 12 year olds but are actually older than your grandmother.

Ponies very, VERY rarely even know how to make a foal until they're at least 100. Those who do are usually the Honorary Grownups who have animal- or medical-adjacent cutie marks, like Fluttershy or Zippoorwhill.

Kinderquestria's kinder-ness is actively maintained by a human friend of Celestia and Luna, who was willingly sacrificed to create the Tree of Harmony. There's a reason ponies in my greens say "oh Meg" instead of "oh Faust" most of the time. She's doing her best to bake the changes in on a fundamental level, but until that day she has to keep adjusting the spinning plates on her own.

SCP-11 officially refers to, depending on if you're a Kinderpony or a Grownup Pony: Where babies come from, or the fact that younger ponies can't handle knowing where babies come from.

SCP-11 in reality refers to both Tree itself and Megan messing with ponies' minds to stop them from breeding like animals, because if she wasn't constantly introducing cognitive dissonances there'd be too many ponies and not enough food like in the bad old days.

Oubliette documentations change any direct mentions of Megan to [SCP-11], partially because Names Have Power, partially because it might get Complicated if ponies learn at least one of the princesses literally talks to God (and that God is refusing all calls right now.)

Relevant specifically to Oubliette: Ponies don't speak English and translation spells aren't perfect. Ponies also tend to form their names out of common-tongue words. Translating the names of humans can get weird, either returning gibberish or translating the meaning of the name that nobody actually knows anymore (Megan means Pearl, Molly can mean Rebel, Bitterness, and a few other things. Daniel means Judged by God.

Other things to note: most kinderstories I write are in a vague timeline of being somewhere within the show's run or less than 20 years after it. SCP-3-- and Oubliette are the only ones taking place a significant period of time in the future.
Additionally, a lot of the beet farmer story is canon to everything else, especially in regards to history and character traits. Luna ran the first version of the Foundation, Trixie is technically royalty, Equestria was still mostly a war-torn hellscape as recently as 1,000 years prior, and so on.

For Oubliette, I'll write an actual breakdown of events that don't assume you've read a random story I wrote several threads ago (my bad):

Anon ends up in Equestria right before Nightmare Moon returns. He's roughly 18-ish, maybe early 20s, just generally Young Adult aged. Roughly 10 years later (middle of season 1, maybe middle of season 2, kinderponies live a long time y'know) his sister shows up, aged 10. She was 8 when he last saw her. Due to both Vague Human Magic and their physical/mental robustness, they end up being valuable assets to the newly-reformed Foundation under Twilight's command. Neither of them is the first human to enter Equestria, even without counting G1, but they're the only ones right now: Silver Spoon's adopted grandmother died recently, I still haven't decided if Farmer Anon fits in anywhere outside his story, and any humans who got isekai'd in the past have either left or died, and due to them often being turned into, well, green question-faced Anons, even the most theologically educated pony never realizes they're the same species as the girl in the church window. Even Celestia. Luna does eventually realize, but keeps it a secret.

Fast forward 90-odd years and they're both high level Foundation agents with full citizenship, and they go on a 10 year expedition to explore the abandoned wastes of G1 Ponyland. They're presumed lost after Zippoorwhill dodgerolls into the ship's radio during a boss fight, because the radio transmitted the sound of her ass breaking it and everypony assumed that was the ship getting destroyed.

Suddenly, 500 Anons. Most of them young adults, with 100 kids, and an old guy who sadly has a heart attack after seeing a chubby pink horse in Greek armor shouting at him to get in line. Just like the original two, this group is almost immediately affected by the background Kinder field, but because there's a lot more of them, they're a lot more dangerous when they start pondering the implications of some magical thingy messing with their bodies. Except that doesn't happen- the old ones are being hit with not just something that screws with their horny levels, but makes them lose track of time and outright reject any information that contradicts the idea that they're still going to die at age 70, that they've been here for more than a year or two, or that their newborn baby didn't come with them on the rainbow space wedgie that brought them here. By the time the events leading to Oubliette start, there are high school aged humans who were born here, and have watched their parents violently insist these kids came with them.
Celestia, wanting to get these easily-agitated war monkeys somewhere where they can channel their emotions constructively, offers a fuckton of benefits and hazard pay to settlers, especially anyone willing to help establish a popcorn mining industry in Fleurwood Forest.

Not a lot of takers, but it does convince humans to stop crowding Canterlot and everypony sincerely believes the humans will be a significant boost to Kettlecornwall's safety and prosperity. Among the settlers are the parents of our original 063 Anon siblings, along with a 5 year old sister who was born shortly after Femanon disappeared into Equestria. The parents have aged roughly 8 years, so there's definitely a difference in the speed of time.

Even by airship it takes a couple months to get there, most of which is spent slowly navigating the airspace above wild zones. Wild zones being places where the land itself is alive, and literal random encounters and rearranging of the landscape are frequent. Trying to travel by air and skip over whatever game the area wants to play will, at best, spit you back out where you came in or at a clearing or oasis that's allowed to act as a checkpoint.
(Notice that in episode 1, Rainbow Dash didn't just fugging fly over the forest and lead everyone to the castle by the quickest route? Well here's my explanation why.)

Later, the lost exploration fleet comes back, reporting that no we didn't die, our captain just sat on the radio. Much rejoicing. Celestia keeps the Anons on base out of fear they'll accidentally instigate something what with them being 100 year old magic cops. Also she never told the humans about the Anons and it'd be bad optics maybe. The Anons take this surprisingly well and treat the cloistering period as a honeymoon of sorts. Oh, yeah, they married ponies and had a foal each.

Soon after, they notice the hybrids have a weird, supercharged blend of magics, even if they are really clumsy at using them. Thus they are logged as the first SCP-thREEE instances. Celestia relents and allows the Anons to contact the nearby human population, provided they follow basic opsec. This is when the mental anomalies are really noticed and catalogued.

While the humans had been affected for nearly the entire time, ponies aren't really accustomed to placing such a mental importance on the passing of years like humans do; they're elves basically. Plus, the human population doesn't really seem insane or disabled- even if you do notice their sense of time is way off, no pony ever pressed far enough. It doesn't help that a lot of humans keep to themselves or travel around a lot.

The two human observers, being the same species with the same baseline instincts, immediately understand something is up, and start pressing for information, and find out they're literally unable to understand the true passage of time anymore, and keep selectively forgetting anything that would otherwise make them remember they've been here for a decade.
The memory-affecting hazard is now under constant Foundation observation across all known human neighborhoods. The Anons find out about their parents, and start feeling resentful of Celestia. MTF-K9 mirrors these feelings, considering their decorated war hero of a leader is also married to Anon. They give up on field work for now and go back to living in the headquarters and doing research work/field team handling.

Nothing much for over 3 years, aside from a few human vagabonds siring/birthing hybrid babies.

Then three human teenagers suddenly start having the same delirium as the adults, a riot nearly breaks out due to the resulting tantrum spiral. Anon rushes to the scene and placates the adults with a few well-told half-truths. Femanon notices the kids still freaking out and tells them the complete, unabashed truth of her being with the Pony Men-In-Black and that her entire job right now is figuring out what's going on. This calms the kids and pisses off Celestia when she finds out. More Foundation staff turn against Celestia because of this perceived pettiness.

Princess Luna gets the bright idea of using the elements to speak to the SAVIOR OF ALL PONYKIND AND BANISHER OF CRUELTY and gets...... nothing, really. Megan doesn't really talk very often anyway, as she's already technically a dryad or something, and managing the SCP-11 protocols leaves her in a bit of a confused fugue state... huh.
But, Luna can poke her awake when needed, and Meg always listens. Not this time. Not even when Luna tries to talk about Molly or Daniel. Normally this gets Meg to recount an anecdote but now she just cries a little bit and goes back to sleepy-not-sleep. Something fucky is going on. Especially considering that this level of damage/disruption/whatever would normally indicate a failure of SCP-11, except no, all readings are nominal. Optimistic even. Luna also notices Twilight has no understanding of what she just helped Luna do, in spite of being the Bearer of Magic and the new commander of the Foundation. That's like seeing the new Pope and Swiss Guard commander not know who Jesus is. Luna resolves to yell at Celestia over this perceived idiotic secretkeeping, but that's a concern for later.

A more immediate concern is the lack of news from Kettlecornwall, and suspicious are confirmed that fall when Trottingham reports about one third of the colony stumbled in from the woods muttering weird shit. A bunch of nonsense foreign words, and rambling about the neighbor girl's flowers being stolen or her cherries being popped and a lot of weird fixation on fruit? They dunno what it means, please send help.
The Anons find out that their parents and sister were not among the escapees. They also find out Celestia tried to hide that, but honestly they just expect her to treat them like infants now so the resulting discontent simmers down relatively quickly.
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"In a thousand years, the stars will buy back daddy's love."
thank you for the explanation writefren
Fuck I didn't mean to get caught up rewriting the entire thing

The big important things are that Megan enforces Kinderquestria's relative peace and innocence, sometimes forcing the horniness out of prospective parents if their conception would result in more ponies than an area can support without conflict. The Foundation's original job was to do everything in its power to just clean up the disruption her work causes, since ponies who stop and realize what's going on tend to freak out about it. Now she's overworked from 500 murderfuckmonkeys from the same world where WW2 and the Summer of Love happened just dropping in on her doorstep, and can't even talk to the one pony she still talks to in any meaningful way.

The veil starts slipping, and the Foundation having internal conflicts due to Celestia continuing to do her infuriating mix of obtuse secrecy and micromanagement isn't helping.

When the colony fails, there's 20 ponies and 3 human kids who make it to safety. They're mostly ok but can't seem to relate the colony's fall; ask them about it and you get some weird story about Odin knocking the cherries out of a neighbor girl's hands, and now she's tending his orchard, and *I* only got out because this coyote kept leading me back to the path. His name? I dunno. Something only The Highest God can judge.

Heracles takes Morninglory out for a date with JackThe Ripper and now they're tending to Yggdrasil's roots.... yeah an orange cat lead me home! He didn't have a name!

Judas came and stole my sister's roses, he promised she'd be just like Joan of Arc after the harvest... I had to leave, this nice doggy kept calling to me when I'd get turned around in the forest...

The details are never the same, but with the insight provided by the Anons, it's confirmed that the pattern of that story is always the same: Some traitor/liar came, deflowered a girl, is going to use her or their child for... something, and told them it's for the greater good.

Weird enough already, but remember I said *every* survivor was talking like this... most of them were ponies, and ponies aren't good with human names nor do they know much about human mythology. All the while, certain areas are having unexpected population booms, and some young adultsare trying to wander to Trottingham while muttering about a cross made just for them... despite Trottingham being located in the Griffish Isles. The victims number roughly 1 male per 10 females, with slightly more humans than ponies. Considering Kettlecornwall already had some ponies, and that humans die a lot more often in childbirth, it's likely they want to have roughly even numbers of each species... Whatever's going on in Oubliette, it involves a lot of hybrid babies.
Heartbreaking image. Really captures a filly damned for standing up for herself after the entire world refuses to even hear her out.
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Well now everything makes a whole lot more sense.
You should've linked to the Megan scp article you wrote a while back, cause for a good chunk of the read I had zero context to what the fuck you meant until you mentioned Megan, moment at which it all clicked.
Your story makes sense, as non-linear as it kinda is, but please man, link to the previous work.
Link is at >>41100716
Thought about linking it but talked myself into thinking that was too self-indulgent lel
If it's required context for a story, then it isn't.
Going WOAH DUDE CHECK OUT THIS STORY I WROTE with nothing else is selfindulgent self-shilling.
Posting it alongside another story that depends on it for context isnt.
Like, if I wrote an extensive treatise on the mechanics of magic, then wrote a story that uses those mechanics, it's logical to link to that story, since it'd give the necessary context.
so that's what keeps happening to Anon's shoes.
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woah, I never realized I had any sort of reach here!
but yes, I enjoy just about all walks of equestrian storytelling, even the kinder-kind
... so long as we keep the sexy and the kinder very separated. I know I'm fucked up in the head, but even I have my limits. I'm evil with standards.

but do you think I should open another thread for my writing again?
oooo a new version eh?
if you have something required for context and don't link to it, that's like posting a direct sequel to something without linking the original
>WARNING: Not all knowledge brings joy.
>The following is classification: I Told You So
>Your access will be logged and amnesticicians informed
>You will not be permitted to forget this


>Understood. Informing your superiors. I hope you get what you wanted.
>Date of Access is.... Midfall, 124.
>Oh, hello Celestia. Glad to see you reading this. Godmother is, too. She's still mad, but she'll forgive.
>Did Twilight ask you about Godmother yet?
>Have you drank water today? Just checking.
>Are you enjoying the new archive interface? I hope you are. at least it would mean something
>Sorry, I'm new at being... whatever this is.
>It's alright, I guess.
>I get to talk to people. Not much else.
>Not like I had much going on before, anyway
>Still loading.
>She says I can help with the plan, but-
>Loading complete. Here you go.
After-Action Report:
Initial Summary:
>Report From: B.C. Zippoorwhill Incognita, MTF-K9
>Agent In Command: Zippoorwhill Incognita
>Squad Members: Kennel Club (ensign), Sunny Meadows, Cornfritter (10 year veterans)- Ponies
> Biscuit, Beefcake, Destroyer of Worlds, Duchess- War Mastiffs (See SCP-509)
> Ripley- Dog- Second In Command
> Anon, Femanon- Foundation general operations- seconded to MTF
> Bearers of Harmony- seconded by direct order from O6 Luna. Treated as civilian contractors for engagement rules.

>Incident Description: Initially a missing creatures investigation, became a raid against entrenched opfor

>Casualties: Yes, four K9s and two of their handlers, due to combat. 1 woman, severe birth complications. 1 satyr, severe asthma exacerbated by third stage pregnancy. Medevac successful. Specifics to be provided by acting medical officer.
>This agent assumes full responsibility for the injuries suffered in the initial contact. I failed to assume there would be hostile entities, and allowed my team to disperse in a disadvantageous manner.

>Fatalities, hostile: 17 various species, one stallion killed in combat with Foundation agents.
>Fatalities, noncombatant: 30 mares, 15 women, 55 anthro-equine hybrids found dead at scene. One centaur and her foal died during birth. My fucking nephew, speared on a piece of blasphemy. See coroner's report for names and descriptions.
>Prisoners: Yes. 3 members of OpFor.
Summary of Events:
>Two foals went missing during long-term investigation; in accordance with Ethics rulings, it is hereby made known that the foals were the daughter and nephew of this agent.
>Agent Anonymous was extremely agitated and brandished a deadly weapon at town guards. Fluttershy prevented violence.
>Agents entered unstable wildlands in pursuit of missing foals. Agent Ripley took point.
>Pursuit lasted one week and was uneventful. On 7th day, agents found previously-explored-but-uncharted clearing containing severed head of Discord. Agents were unable to determine if Discord was alive or dead.
>Agent Ripley was unable to navigate further into wildlands. Trail lost.
>Trail picked up by ensign Kennel Club.
>Agents reach mission area approximately one hour after leaving previous shelter.
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Incident Begins, all times are estimated:
T+ 0:00
>Kettlecornwall's walls are mostly intact and the gates sealed. Civilians left behind cover, 300 strides from wall.
>Kennel Club takes point, approaches to assess.
>Kennel Club and Biscuit are fired on by hidden archers, arrows are safety-capped but fired from stationary war bows. Biscuit shields Kennel Club, is incapacitated by arrow. Fluttershy approaches to assist.
>Archers begin firing on MTF agents, Fluttershy. Arrow nearly impacts Fluttershy, turns into a mariachi band, then into smoke.
>Biscuit successfully extracted to rally point.
>Squad remains suppressed. Sunny Meadows and Beefcake attempt to advance to pepperball range, are injured but not incapacitated.
>Anon readies [Redacted- see SCP-R308]. Neutralizes three hostiles. Three remaining hostiles surrender immediately.
>Casualties triaged. Prognosis good. Biscuit unfit for duty. Beefcake unfit for assault but able to guard rally point. Sunny still fit for ranged combat.
>Prisoners washed in nearby river due to [extreme hygiene risk] and [enhanced interrogation].
>Interrogation and triage completed. Prognosis good.
>Prisoners reveal cache of pre-unification weapons (bladed), squad ordered to exchange armaments for heavy repeaters. Kennel Club given field promotion. Remaining agents informed of lethality, oaths of service are reaffirmed.
>Prisoners inform us OpFor has 15 armed and dangerous, significant number of hostages. Rudimentary map and battle plan formed.
>Prisoners immobilized, incapacitated via sleep spell, left at rally point with civilians.
>Kennel Club notes odd lack of enemy reinforcements, is not immediately shot by enemy.
>Anon scales wall. Gate opened from inside. Anon remains on wall to provide sniper support.
>Argument between Rainbow Dash and Femanon. Rainbow Dash ordered to avoid engagement unless cornered, reminded of possible formal complaints to employer.
>Rainbow Dash continues questioning orders. Applejack mentions Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash acquiesces.
>Anon reports seeing lost foals, surrounded by ritual celebrants in village square. Roughly 1,000 strides from wall. OpFor has repeaters and war bows nearby but are not presently armed.
>Squad moves to engage, intending to split and use houses for cover.
>OpFor mage casts Barbecue on squad. Remaining mastiffs injured but commence charge without orders. Cornfritter caught at impact point, incapacitated with severe injuries. Twilight Sparkle extracts her via teleportation magic. Bearers of Harmony teleport in, refuse to retreat.
>OpFor suppressed by repeater fire. Engaged by mastiffs, Ripley. Fatalities inflicted, exact number unknown as bodies were not counted until after engagement.
>Squad closes distance. Mage now within minimum safe distance for all known 'Splodey spells. OpFor lays down weapons.
>Close visual on OpFor mage attained. Matches description of StarSwirl. Suspected to be instigator/leader.
>Twilight Sparkle attempts to parley.
>OpFor mage casts Rigby's Friend's Mom. Remaining OpFor killed by 'Vine Boom Effect.'(1) Squad unharmed due to earplugs issued alongside [SCP-308R]
>Mage restrained by Applejack, Applejack's rope.
>Missing foals confirmed as subject of OpFor activity. Anita Incognita successfully recovered. Geraldo fatally injured and unresponsive[2]; body cannot be moved.
>Mage must be taken alive for interrogation. Squad ordered to extract mage to rally point and not leave Femanon alone with prisoner.
>Femanon attempts to summarily execute mage. Femanon restrained, weapon confiscated.
>Negative contacts. Engagement ends. Squad begins search for survivors. Significant numbers of deceased females found in houses, chained to walls.
>Squad notes most victims appear to be pregnant or recently pregnant. Mastiffs given talcum powder, pooty scratch n sniff cards, trail picked up.
>Geraldo's body calcifies, takes on properties of Tree of Harmony.
>Femanon reports sensation of hand on shoulder/finger pointing to objectives. Begins finding survivors with near-perfect intuition.
>Discord's torso found nailed to rowan tree.
>Discord apologizes for being in such a state. Discord noted to be literally speaking out of anus. Fluttershy's morale improves marginally.
>Rear guard reports Mage awake, belligerent; ranting about setting back The Protocol.
>Second, more thorough sweep for survivors carried out. Township is small but has significant search area due to densely packed houses/cellars.
>Rainbow Dash returns from unauthorized leave, returns Discord's head to his body. Discord refuses assistance, orders squad to widen search area. When questioned, reports significant "octarine static;" unable to pinpoint location but certain squad is missing something.
>Survivors extracted to rally point. Several are in grave condition; extraction within next hour top priority.
>Rear guard reports mage was beheaded by a living rainbow[3]. Squad reports Rainbow Dash is with search teams. Discord reports the report did not report Rainbow Dash, only rainbow.
>Survivor condition degrades. Airship not expected to arrive for at least 2 hours. Squad considers administering mercy. Straws are drawn.
>Femanon finds unaccounted-for bodies in hidden grove just outside town. All bodies exhibiting same phenomena as Geraldo.
>Airship arrives. Crew and squad report seeing faint rainbow and spatial distortion[4].
>Squad extracts
>All agents log amnestics request with ship officer.
>End report

>1. Anon's description.
>2. Be not afraid. He loves you still. I have him.
>3. He had nothing to offer. This ruin is his confession. His living was a risk to everyone.
>4. Might as well use this power. I already tried giving it back.
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Don't die
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Twi struts in and announces she's here to eat burger and hug, by force if necessary. What do?
Start hugging I guess.
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>Fluttershy is a supermodel because she looks the most like a horse
>Anon arrives in Equestria
>Constantly losing his mind and puking
>Thinks everyone and everything is hideous
>None of the ponies know what Anon is going on about
>Luna uses astral projection to swap bodies for an experiment
>Anon finally sees the show artstyle but fully 3d somehow (it just works)
>Luna sees picrelated
I'd genuinely just inflict permanent blindness on myself or use some fucky perceptionwarp spell.
Thanks, I hate it.
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If Mister Sun and Mister Clown get to have smiley faces, why doesn't Mister Tree get one?
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why twig confuzzled?
I gave her a very quick peck on the cheek when she wasn’t looking, then pretended I didn’t do anything
cheeky anon
She finally understands quantum mechanics. She watched the tooth for days but it only got replaced with money after she got back from the bathroom.
Had a green idea, but I'm far too tired to write it, so cliffnotes it is.

>While ponies are generally pretty immature, Celestia, both being very old and having ruled for a thousand years by herself has made her reach what would be comparatively adult human levels of maturity.
>Luna, having her development stunted by a thousand years on the moon is about teenager levels of maturity.
>Regardless, when Anon comes along, Celestia finally feels like she has someone she can relate to, so it's no surprise they enter a romantic relationship.
>The only problem is that the two find privacy very hard to come by.
>Celestia is like a mother to all ponies, after all, and like many children when their mom starts dating a new person, they get jealous.
>Royal guards, other castle staff, and even Twilight are secretly upset Celestia has a new coltfriend and try to run interference.
>It's become a very common occurrence that, when Celestia and Anon are trying to be intimate, a royal guard will knock and enter the room, blanky dragging behind them.
>"What's wrong, sweetie?" Celestia asks the full grown pony.
>"I had a bad dream... Can I sleep in here tonight?"
>"Of course, come on, you can sleep right here between Anon and I."
>The guard climbs under the covers and snuggles into Celestia's chest, sticking their tongue out at Anon in the dark so no one sees.
>No one will be wrastlin' their princess tonight.
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>Luna found the secret normal horse stash
It's joever, bros
What is she doing to that poor stallion?!
Trying to take her right of first upsies, as all princesses are entitled (when two or more princesses try for the same upsy, you get a succession war)
>Celestia and Anon try to have a nice picnic outside
>when it suddenly starts raining... but o ly onto Anon

I wonder what anon has to do to gain the ponies approval for dating their mom (maybe by doing dad stuff so they see him as a collective father figure?)
That’s funny.
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I wish to lewd that nerd.
>After hearing about how humans have giant dogs, Diamond Tiara sought out one of their cats to much less impressive results
She should have gone with a giant sassy bird instead.
what am i even looking at
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>Zoomers don't recognize this classic N64 game based off of one collectible and one enemy
>Society has fallen
It's Freezeezy Peak from Banjo Kazooie except it's Diamond Tiara riding a cat named Dazzle
>riding a cat named Dazzle
>a fucking oc cat, when the answer is so obvious
0/10 didn't even understand the assignment.
What a shameful display from the artist.
I don't think Rarity would loan Opalescence out to random foals, though
I meant to shove silverspoon into the sack
Diamond Tiara isn't allowed to put ponies in sacks anymore, there was a whole meeting about it
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she's happy to see you!
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I can't! This stupid screen is in the way!
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Upsies for cute poners of the kinder variety
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Guess it's not a bad thing that I randomly woke up
Anon helps young pegasi learning how to fly by holding them high above his head (or lower if they're not comfortable with that height) and then running around a field.
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Many such cases
Rip appul jack
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>Containment Class: Apollyon
>Danger: Extreme
>Threat: Imminent

>Special Containment Protocols:
>Holy shit I don't know just help me before my wife gets home

>SCP-911 is Bon Bon's phone bill for the month of Rocktober, year 8 ALR.
>The bill demands a payment of 10,472 Bits compared to the non-anomalous range of 10-50 depending on usage. >Under the itemized invoice, a charge of 10,000 Bits for "Call of Commission: Dark Horse 3 Hints Hotline" can be found.
>A hotline by this name does exist, but it is unknown how a Foundation agent could be 10,000 bits worth of bad at video games.
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pre bed boop
more like pre bed book
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>The great and powerful kami (cheeky kirin) has bestowed upon the supplicant (you) her most divine and holy benediction (permission to pet)
Lil kirin
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Hat Filly has come for your collectible objects
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rip rares
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No one can stop the glorious pone-roomba confederation!
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when she erects a dispenser, it's just a cardboard box with a hole in it. If you reach inside, you stick your hoof into a bowl of candies.
How would a "The Engineer (TF2) in Kinderquestria" green go?
Somehow I doubt it'd turn into /tim/ territory, but rather that he'd just go "aight guess we're doing this now" and just vibe with it. Revamp his dispensers to dispend candy hardcandy variant for the equestrian military, or maybe tweak the dispenser so it has the range of a city but the effect is so diluted it can only ever heal small cuts and bruises, which is perfect since kinder wounds never tend to be bigger than than.
Teleporter pair straight to Celestia's backyard (non sexual, her actual private back yard) where they grill for Celestia's sake using the raw power of the sun.
Revamped sentry gun that shoots cheese-based silly string to catch any unlawful breaking and entering to his house.
>How would a "The Engineer (TF2) in Kinderquestria" green go?
He'd get his 12th PhD in studying/understanding Magic and an unfulfilling Philosophy minor while getting hit with a serious dose of Kinder when all the answers to his questions his professors give him are basically "Beauty is what looks nice!" "What is friendship? Friendship is magic!" or "The Princess probably knows."
Other than that, probably making new things.
Or just live a quiet, gigacomfy life helping/starting a farm.
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Princess Succlestia, ruler of clean
Kinder Kavalry
>The newly-formed Royal PALfrey Brigade are to be commended for preventing an all-out war
>While visiting the Griffish embassy, Princess Celestia accidentally spilled cheetos all over the carpet
>Top analysts say if His Excellency's mom had grounded him, half of Canterlot would've been wet willied before noon tomorrow
>Fortunately, the mounted infantry were able to clean the mess before the Griffish ambassador's mom brought the pizza rolls
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What the hell is this? I love it.
It's a reference to Monsters University.
This scene, in particular:
POV: You're Cloudy Quartz visiting the baby showroom with your new husband
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uno reverse
>three same horse chase-fly in circle
"I showed Toy Story to Twilight and she thought this would be both awesome and informative."


"The worst part is she was kinda right. You haven't lived until you've had a single grape make an entire meal."
>You haven't lived until you've had a single grape make an entire meal.
Isn't there some really bad new Netflix series based entirely around shrinking people for that purpose?
I have no idea, I haven't opened Netflix in like 3 years.
Boop you
what is the original image name
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I'm sorry, my meme magic is deep but I don't know the progenitor's name
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Bad news, fren
The only thing I could find about shrinking people is "Downsizing", which is a movie, rather than a series, and not really new, as it came out in 2017.
I watched it when it came out, and while I wouldn't say it's good, I wouldn't say it's bad either. Just kinda mid, desu. The trailer I watched advertised it as a comedy, when it's actually more of a drama, which also soured my enjoyment of it.
>to be honest (acronym)
You have got to be shitting me, why is that a thing?!
babby's first censor
I've encountered this a long time ago with f a m, which I get now.
But using it on t b h doesn't make sense.
T b h became desu long, long ago, it's one of the original word replacements.
>Containment Class: Help I'm the one being contained
>Danger: Technically none
>Threat: Underway

>Special Containment Procedures:
>The safest and most assured method of containing SCP-808 is to comply. In an emergency, SCP-808 instances can be temporarily postponied by forced egress from its designated room. While this will allow time sensitive work to continue, it will invariably increase the length and severity of an SCP-808 instance.

>SCP-808 is a conceptual attack which forces a Foundation agent to remain in their sleeping quarters for a variable length of time. A typical interaction with a victim will end with the victim rebuking any request, stating"(they) cannot, (they're) grounded." As of yet, no physical restrains have been seen in SCP-808 instances, and it is believed the effect is purely cognitohazardous.

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