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Previous Thread: >>41084169

Welcome to Fingerbang: The Equestria Girls & Humanized Thread! Anything with >no hooves is welcome and encouraged here. If you like to write, draw, read, or critique the humanized versions of the ponies, then this is the thread for you.

Story List:

--Recent Writefags-- (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)

https://ponepaste.org/2937 (Luna)
https://ponepaste.org/9978 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/9088 (Cadance)
https://ponepaste.org/3518 (Various)
https://ponepaste.org/7826 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/9092 (All Four Pie Sisters)

Cosmic Butthole:
https://ponepaste.org/4863 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/4864 (Mane 6)
https://ponepaste.org/4865 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/9741 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/10028 (Various)

https://ponepaste.org/9098 (SciTwi)
https://ponepaste.org/3985 (SciTwi)
https://ponepaste.org/7060 (SciTwi)

Magna Anon:
https://ponepaste.org/9460 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/3235 (Rarity)
https://ponepaste.org/3940 (Pinkie)
https://ponepaste.org/4395 (RD)
https://ponepaste.org/4987 (Twilight)
https://ponepaste.org/6019 (Applejack)

https://ponepaste.org/9699 (Pinkie Pie)

https://ponepaste.org/8602 (Coco)

Less Recent Writefags:

Archival Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/u/FingerbangingMLP (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)
Thread Resources: http://derpy.me/b783H
FimFiction Group: http://www.fimfiction.net/group/204505/human-eqg-fingerbang
Applications: http://derpy.me/tQSuG
Discord: https://discord.gg/jXfKyJP
Google Drive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zOXWA9Sk2Jx3mRzic0F-SMfBReeRLRXz/edit?usp=drive_link
>How did this Humanized thread get started? What happened to Fingerbang?

The Humanized thread was created when the various humanized threads (including Fingerbang) on /mlp/ decided to merge. The rest is history. Quite literally as of now.
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>Date 1: The BIG First Date.
>”Oooh, Anonymous! I really like that tie.” Compliments Rarity as you anxiously rest yourself into the cushioned bench of the corner booth.
>You smile.
>”I certainly hope I didn’t stress you out by picking a date so soon.” She continues.
“Oh I’m fine. I’m fine. Just a bit nervous.”
>”It’s quite alright, darling. We don’t have to go too in-depth with conversation this time if you don’t want to.”
>Now you finally look up at Rarity.
>The vibrant light blue top she has on spans all the way up to her neck, luckily not showing even a bit of her cleavage.
>This really makes things easier for you.
>Though Rarity’s shoulders are completely bare and this top’s “arm holes” basically just imply it’s a backless top from what you can tell.
>And her lovely busty chest is still tightly accented by the front of that top anyway.
>Rarity’s smooth perfect skin alone is enough to get you feeling some type of way.
>”The menus are right over here, dear.” Rarity pulls one of them out of the slot next to the table’s bottle of ketchup.
>You already know you’re just going to get yourself a simple burger and lemonade if they have that here.
>Saves time and effort… if they have that here.
>”Is this your first time being on a date?” Asks Rarity.
>”Alright, then. Well I’m sure you’ll have the hang of it by the end of tonight. It’s perfectly normal to be nervous, darling.”
“How many times have you been on a date?” You don’t bother putting into question whether she’s ever been on a date at all before.
>”A couple of times.” She responds.
>The conversation quickly turns into favorite things ping-pong.
>The standard topics might as well be bouncing off of the table between the two of you.
>Favorite movie, favorite color, favorite type of music, etc.
>Of course Rarity would enjoy watching that movie The Devil Wears Prada, why wouldn’t she?
>The fork in Rarity’s hand is neatly pinched between her fingers after your food finally arrives.
>The pasta she had ordered gets twirled into the fork’s hold very neatly.
>You can’t help but watch how Rarity does this with her hand so well.
>Even her very movements make you feel like a slob in comparison.
>”If only skipping gym class were an option.” Rarity casually complains before taking another sip from her drink. “I don’t believe students should be *forced* to work up a sweat if they’re already healthy enough as they are.”
“You’re saying there isn’t anything at all you find fun about gym class?”
>”Maybe if our uniforms weren’t so tacky. But then again, I don’t want to imagine something that looks better getting sweat all over it. I prefer everything stay as clean as possible.”
“Well the uniforms are more about function instead of appearance.” You ride along with the topic Rarity herself started.
>”Oh, I still understand that. But I would say the function of the uniforms we have doesn’t compare to a full elastic body suit.”
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>Rarity goes on to rant about aerodynamics and wind resistance, and which fabrics allow more air passage so loose arm and leg holes wouldn’t be as necessary.
>Mentally redesigning the school mandated gym uniforms into her own rendition she thinks would both work and look a lot better.
>”But I digress.” Rarity concludes. “I couldn’t imagine the toll that would take on the school’s budget.”
“Yeah, I was wondering about that.”
>”I suppose it’s just one of those things I can’t help but daydream about. While being forced to play dodgeball and rock climb.”
“I guess I can’t blame you for not finding those things fun.” You build off of it. “Wouldn’t be fair to assume everyone should like that. I actually used to hate rock climbing.”
>”You did too?”
“Heights make me uneasy.”
>”Oh, TELL me about it!” Rarity’s voice grows enthusiastic as her eyes lock with yours in full agreement of what you just told her.
>You begin to feel warm and fuzzy inside having found something you and Rarity connect over so closely.
>It feels so great to completely agree with her about how you feel about heights, even if it is probably more common than you’re mentally giving it credit for right now.
>The way she calls you “darling” on occasion begins to sound more and more personal.
>Like you’re listening to her gradually getting used to you in real time, through the sound of her voice.
>You had started this date off quietly and non-talkative.
>But you can’t even remember any of those moments now that you’ve really starting to vibe with Rarity.
>Notice that you’re clearing your plate off faster than she is.
>If it were a race, you just won and she’s still on the home stretch.
>But by the time the two of you go on to talk about your favorite animals, barely a crumb of food is wasted.
>Probably because the two of you only got small dishes to eat; you had settled for a salad due to the burgers here looking too big for your nervous self to finish all the way.
>Both of your voices don’t go above the volume of the voices of anyone else in here amongst the restaurant chatter.
>Rarity seems really good at keeping you at her level in a way.
>As in, getting you to speak up if you were too quiet (and probably would have gotten a loud guy to quiet down if that were the case).
>She politely prompts you to talk more about yourself.
>”So would you say playing a sport in gym class is more fun than playing it officially after school?”
“At least the after school part is optional.”
>”You raise a fair point, darling.”
“Maybe I just have more fun doing it in class where I have nothing else to do anyway.”
>”What would you do somewhere you’d *rather* be that isn’t at school? Something less active?”
“Honestly? Yeah. I’m not super into sports once I have an option to be somewhere or not.”
>”Ah, then it looks like we fall on the same page.” Rarity warmly responds with a smile.
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>You can tell she’s actively trying to make you feel as comfortable as possible, but you appreciate that a lot.
>You’ll choose this over being a nervous wreck any day.
>It’s so fulfilling to know that right now, you’re comfortable talking to a really attractive girl, on a date with her.
>The you from a week ago would have never guessed this would happen.
>Part of current you is still in utter disbelief that this is happening to you.
>But the rest of current you is enthralled to have this happen to you.
>You can’t believe you’re starting to initiate the topics you and Rarity bring up together next, even long after you’re done with your food.
>This has given you a massive boost to your confidence, this night. This date.
>You’ve never felt so… on top of your own personal world.
>Going on a date with a hot girl, with it happening outside of your fantasies.
>This is really really real, and you can’t believe how much your nervousness about it has shrunk.
>As soon as the two of you got the ball rolling, you’re talking for almost a full extra hour before it gets a little too late for Rarity to be out with a boy.
>”Well since we both seem to enjoy casual walks outside, how about we choose the park for our next date?” Rarity suggests.
“Our… next date?” You stare at her. “You really mean that?”
>”I really enjoyed getting to know you a little bit tonight, Anon.”
“I enjoyed getting to know you too, Rarity.”
>You and her take and almost synchronized deep breath together.
“So uh… how’d I do?” You ask.
“How’d I do for a first-timer?”
>”You did wonderfully, darling.” Rarity tells you. “I think you’ll learn everything you need about how to treat a lady on a date after we meet a second time.”
>There’s a short pause.
>”I have to say, I’m really starting to like you a lot.”
>Rarity’s really starting to like you a lot.
>The effect of her saying that courses through your body little by little the more you think about it.
>You can almost sense her… legs opening up in the future.
>A little ashamed that your mind is now going there after all of the intricate and platonic conversation the two of you just shared.
>But the mere newfound POSSIBILITY of getting laid with Rarity in the future drops into your mind, weighing it down and dragging it into the gutter.
>Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of virginity is even more promising than you imagined.
>A hot girl like *Rarity* being down for you?
>You better prepare to keep yourself maintained almost as dedicatedly as she does.
>Maybe that’s a great way to better yourself…
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Fucked up and skipped a post, redoing this part.
>Maybe something like that was Rarity’s intention, except in a less skip-to-third-base kind of way:
>She agreed to go on a date with you to your surprise, so you’d get at least some experience with a girl of her caliber instead of never gaining any experience at all.
>The latter might have happened as far as Rarity is concerned… a rejection could have sent you into a state of never wanting to ask a girl out again from fear of re-experiencing rejection.
>And you’d have never learned anything about how to treat a lady.
>Rarity’s probably doing this to give you a chance to actually gain experience and work your shyness and awkwardness out.
>As a sort of a favor to help you get more comfortable around girls and the idea of dating them.
>”Is everything alright, dear?”
>You return to the immediate reality right in front of you.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine.”
>”I suppose you really like me a lot too?”
“A lot.”
>Rarity responds with a quiet giggle.
>The two of you pay for your food and soon leave before it gets too dark outside and late on the clock.
>But not before you’re reminded of your own libido-driven nature while sitting at the table talking to Rarity.
>You can’t help but notice the slight bumps poking through made by what are undoubtably Rarity’s nipples.
>This makes you instantly visualize what Rarity’s breasts would look like if made bare in front of you.
>Now that you have this frame of reference.
>Many times before the two of you stand up, you pray Rarity didn’t catch you glancing down at her chest.
>And throw all the non-sexual bonding you just shared with her into question.
>As she soon leads you out the door, not only do you have confirmation that Rarity’s top is indeed backless, but direct confirmation that Rarity is indeed braless.
>The smooth perfect skin of Rarity’s bare back you’ve never seen this much of before mesmerizes you so.
>You can stare as much as you want as long as she’s walking in front and facing away…
>Swinging her hips, part of her beautiful hourglass figure she has been naturally blessed with.
>And when you’re standing outside the restaurant together, you notice the chilly night air has sided with your horny hopes.
>It’s getting easier to see Rarity’s hardening braless nipples poking out through her top…
>If she ever did notice this happening to her, it wasn’t until after both of you got into your cars and left separately.
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>Dates 2 and 3: The smaller ones.
>The smaller ones that happen before a monkey wrench is thrown into everything.
>But date 2 had a lot more important things said, and they all started coming out in a way you didn’t expect.
>First, you meet Rarity at the park on a cool late morning this time.
>She’s wearing another blue top, but this one is one of her tops you recognize from school.
>And it’s one of those tops that isn’t designed to go up to her neck this time.
>The upper front is low cut enough to show a bit of Rarity’s cleavage.
>This is the first thing you notice when you walk up to her.
>Level 2 sure is gonna be a lot harder than level 1.
>”Oh you absolutely must see some of the locations I’ve memorized here!” Says Rarity with her hand already gently gripping your wrist and pulling.
>The wrist gripping soon turns into hand-holding as you and Rarity take a stroll through the large park full of grassy fields and scattered trees together.
>You tingle a little to the feeling.
>Holding Rarity’s hands like this.
>Locking fingers.
>Rarity cutely swings her hand locked with yours forward and back
>”The trees here look absolutely gorgeous during the spring, darling. Don’t they?” Rarity peers up at the flourishing cherry blossoms.
“Yeah, they’re pretty.” You respond..
>You can see that Rarity is wearing a bra this time.
>But now her top shows her cleavage.
>Her tight skirt shows off her shapely behind.
>Your eyes struggle to stay on her face while she’s talking to you.
>But despite your hormonal nature, you manage.
>But Rarity’s hourglass curves tempt you when you are lucky enough to find her facing away from you.
>”So how do you feel now?” Asks Rarity as she leads the way down a gravel path past a few more cherry blossom trees.
“What do you mean?”
>”Not as nervous this time?”
“Not at all, actually. Yeah.”
>Rarity blinks with a kind laugh. “I knew you’d come out of your shell sooner rather than later. I could see it in you. You’re a lot more sincere than other boys. That’s what I like about you.”
“I just try my best to not screw things up.”
>”It’s a shame that trait isn’t as common anymore.” Conveys Rarity, squeezing your hand just a little bit tighter. “So many boys out there nowadays seem to be preoccupied with trying too hard in different ways. What I like about you is that you simply stayed yourself.”
“I wouldn’t know what you mean by that. I don’t talk to a lot of people, not even other guys so much.”
>”Let me put it this way, darling.” Starts Rarity. “I’ve noticed that a number of guys are either artificially nice, or artificially mean. And they think their motives can’t be figured out, but it becomes clear after talking with them for a while. It takes a little bit of intuition, but it’s eventually easy to tell if someone’s putting up an act, so to speak. I’m not mad at boys for it, but it does usually feel insincere.”
>You think back to the restaurant.
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>Where you, having previously expected rejection, figured you wouldn’t even try to make the date go in any direction except wherever Rarity wanted it to go.
>But then didn’t want to ruin the moment when Rarity agreed to share a date with you a date with you.
>The two of you are sitting at a park bench together now, letting the gentle flower petals falling from the cherry blossom trees flutter down and ever so delicately land on both of you.
>As birds chirp not too far away and a distant lawnmower hums in the further distance.
>”What lots of boys don’t realize is that us girls know exactly what’s going on. They’re *trying* too hard to influence what our next decision will be. Whether it’s to say yes to a date with them, or to believe we have more in common than we actually do, or to eventually have sex with them which is the end game in lots of cases.”
“I see.” You just let her continue, not saying much right now.
>”We may not read your minds, but we can read your actions. We can read where your eyes go. We can read contradictions in stories about oneself. And it feels rather offensive when a boy assumes I’m not able to read those things and proceeds as though I’m entirely clueless.”
>She sounds like she’s about to call you out for leering her; you knew she’d probably have noticed but didn’t want to say anything to not ruin the first date.
>Maybe you’ll just own up to it now and let her tell you thanks and goodbye and let that be the end of this.
>Then you can let the fact you went on a date and a half with Rarity get you some new buddies in school who sympathize with you for trying.
“Yeah, about that.” You scratch the back of your head. “I’m really sorry about kind of doing that the other night. When I was looking down at… you like that. I should try to have more self-control.”
>Rarity nods and looks over at you. “That right there, that’s what I like about you.”
>”You didn’t even wait for me to address it myself. You didn’t try to see if you could hide the fact you did that. You’ve proven that you’re too honest with me for that. And *that* was only the icing on the cake.”
“I uh, had a feeling you’d know.” You genuinely admit.
>”This is the thing about you, Anon. You’re not *trying* incredibly hard to persuade me, or hide your honest missteps from me. I understand that boys will be boys and the can’t help it sometimes, but it kind of ruins it when you try to *hide* it like we don’t know. There’s nothing wrong with being imperfect in that regard as long as you’re willing to admit it. As long as it’s not excessive as well.”
“You mean… excessive staring?” You don’t even know how you’re going to allow this date to fall through and be the last anymore now that Rarity herself sees something in you you didn’t expect.
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>”Absolutely. But you not only moderate yourself, but you entered this without over-reaching expectations. You didn’t go out of your way to try to convince me you’re the best possible guy for me… you actually listened to me, and then interacted more naturally.”
>You begin to feel more and more amazing on the inside hearing Rarity say all of this about you, especially so after doing exactly what she described and entering this without many expectations.
>”Darling, I don’t think you understand how refreshing that was. Going on a date with a boy like you.”
>It was at this point when you realized that you were doomed to go on a third date with Rarity.
>But you know what?
>You really wouldn’t mind that at all.
>On date 3, Rarity begins to complain more about the guys whom she describes as “artificially mean”.
>After having described the guys who are artificially nice a week or two ago at the park, and contrasted you from them.
>Actually nice guys who care for real don’t call themselves nice guys who care; they don’t have to.
>But now mean jerks are the brief topic, the ones with so much self-pride for a multitude of reasons.
>Who either never got rejected and are full of themselves and think they can act however they want around women and it won’t matter.
>Or got rejected too many times and turned themselves into a metaphorical fortress who constantly proves they’re not swayed by women.
>Or some compromise between the two…
>Each are equally sad.
>But this topic didn’t last long, and Rarity eventually just takes you clothes shopping with her.
>The two of you are at the mall now, and Rarity is wearing her off-white top that still shows an amount of her cleavage especially if she leans forward.
>If any of the further conversations you’ve had with Rarity so far have indicated anything, it’s that she only dresses the way she does because she’s… just dressing.
>Girls just like to play around with their own style, and they don’t see their own bodies in a sexual way like boys do.
>So it doesn’t really register with them as much as it does you when a girl wears something that shows off her cleavage.
>Same goes for short skirts, tight lowriding pants, etc.
>Talking to Rarity enough has helped you realize this to a degree you hadn’t before all of this, since she’s super into clothing and style.
>You almost wanted to assume that she showed herself a little bit just to test you, but you figure that would be foolish to assume.
>Rarity is currently taking you throughout department store after department store.
>Now confident in your opinion about her style enough to ask you what you think about different outfits she tries on before buying them.
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>”I always felt red looks too gaudy on me.” Comments Rarity. “Light blue accents me better, would you agree?”
“Light blue and light purple.” You tell her, three of her shopping bags in your hands that will bear the weight of them down the next few aisles.
>”Oh, it’s so splendid that you’ve been paying attention!” Rarity expresses her enthusiasm. “Are you sure you don’t want to shop for you next? I can help you pick out outfits that work best for you.”
“I don’t want you to have to spend money on me.” You politely decline. “But I’m more than happy to give a second opinion on your outfits you want to buy yourself.”
>You’re looking forward to seeing Rarity in more and more different lewd outfits, lots of which show off a lot of skin.
>As Rarity *encourages* you to look at her body.
>And there’s a reason why you’re thinking about it this way this time.
>In truth, you’ve been hoping this whole thing you and Rarity started together would eventually lead to intimacy.
>Whether that’s a month down the road, or a year down the road, a girl as divinely sexy as Rarity would be absolutely worth it.
>You started off jacking off right before each date to clear your head of any sexual thoughts, so you wouldn’t be glancing down at Rarity’s body like the closeted pervert you’re still somewhat convinced you are.
>At least after the way you’ve still been thinking about Rarity and the outfits she wears.
>But then you remembered what she said, the thing about trying too hard.
>Maybe it’ll help you more to stop jerking off so much, because it might condition your mind to remember all of the places it went to while doing that *right before* a date… while on the date.
>Maybe it’ll help your genuineness more if you just build up your natural resistance to horny thoughts by taking the brunt of it and learning to mitigate them all directly.
>So now, you haven’t beat your meat in almost an entire week now, solely to let your true self come out so you can surprise-discipline him.
>It’s making all of the outfits look even BETTER on Rarity, plus it might make you perform a lot better if you two ever do have sex.
>And if this doesn’t work out, you’ve got endless new mental images to fap to for years to come.
>Which might take your mind off of being so *into* other girls more than they’d be comfortable with.
>But that part is after this point this starts feeling like a massive reach in logic.
>Nevertheless, watching Rarity’s sexy body grace the fabrics of countless nice looking outfits that showcase the beautiful curves and softness of her body has made this mall-date feel like it lasted a lot shorter than FOUR HOURS.
>Lugging around all these shopping bags just feels like a workout for you, and your heightened arousal-encouraged testosterone helps you enjoy this too.
>You’ll be honest, you LOVE dating Rarity.
>But you can already tell she’s not going to put out any time soon.
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>Even outside of what you’ve hear her say about guys expecting girls to put out, she doesn’t give off the vibe of easiness at all, which shouldn’t have been hard to tell.
>But honestly?
>That is perfectly okay.
>You’re starting to really like being around Rarity in a non-sexual way.
>She’s helping you improve yourself.
>You’re showering a lot more often, you’re styling your hair, you’re being more social, you’re becoming the type of guy you wished you’d become.
>All due to Rarity’s guidance.
>After the mall date ends with you helping Rarity haul her shopping bags into her car, she already has intentions to date you a fourth time.
>She REALLY likes being around you, and conversing with you, and watching how genuine you display your demeanor as.
>She respects you because you *actually* respect her despite your horniness you’ve kept bottled up even since the beginning.
>And everything’s great.
>And if this eventually leads to sex down the road in this relationship, then hell fucking yeah.
>You already know you’d stay interested in Rarity even after that, which you assume was something she might have been concerned about regarding your motives as well.
>Going off of a bit of what she’s told you.
>Rarity wouldn’t want to date a guy who’s only in it for sex and would stop pretending to be interested in her and the things she’s passionate about the next day after they finally sleep together.
>You can perfectly see why Rarity would see that as not only disingenuous, but also just straight up disrespectful.
>Honestly, you wouldn’t want a girl doing that with you either.
>Relationships are a team effort built on trust and honesty.
>And that’s what you and Rarity have started together here.
>Would be a shame if some new event derailed this.
>Before the fourth date, Rarity suggests that the two of you are finally ready to meet eachother’s parents.
>This is how you know she’s actually getting *really* serious now.
>She hasn’t even decided where the two of you are going to go yet, but you’re going to meet her at her house to pick her up and drive her while she decides with you where you two want to go.
>And while you’re there, you can meet Rarity’s mother.
>In the living room of the place, Rarity’s mother, Cookie Crumbles, is currently engaged in her usual session of yoga.
>Dressed in recently cleaned clothes and resting her yoga mat atop the recently cleaned carpet beneath it, Cookie takes deep breaths and once again makes her muscles and tendons leans just like how they were when she was younger.
>she missed feeling this loose, after so many years of being on tight schedules and, on occasions, tight budgets.
>Cookie misses being a teenager.
>No responsibilities, slim, limber, full of energy and hope in her eyes for the future, much less stress over things that actually matter in life…
>She could go on and on about how she misses when she was in high school.
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>Yoga and just stretching and exercise in general is the perfect way for her to unwind and forget about her long history of adult life so far.
>Her smooth lotioned-up skin softly glows in the afternoon light shining through the window, illuminating her vibe as she slowly breathes in and out.
>stretching her arms, stretching her legs, stretching her core as her beep breaths relax her more and more.
>Cookie Crumbles has entered her zen zone.
>Mind falling away from not only the worried but also the logic and reasoning of the real world as she only does the tings that make her body feel… good…
>It’s like revisiting an old friend: her past self.
>Her easy-going past self who was more flexible and energetic.
>Cookie Crumbles has indeed been a little bummed out about letting her figure go a little bit after so many years of adulthood, but that’s just something that comes with life as one gets a little older.
>She’s read tons of articles on the internet about it… it’s perfectly normal for both women and men to go through.
>One of the most common remedies for stress and losing shape Cookie had sen popping up was simple exercise and yoga, along with eating healthy foods every day, which should be an obvious answer.
>And so, Cookie Crumbles bought herself a yoga mat, started up a few sessions of smelling the flowers while revisiting her teenage self in spirit.
>And now here she is achieving a transcendent state where there is neither suffering, desire, nor self of self.
>Feels like 1991 again as all the memories of what was going on in Cookie’s life at the time come rushing back into her mind as she stretches her body in serene silence.
>To this very day, you STILL haven’t waxed your carrot for a while now, having been prolonging the little thing you’ve been doing.
>You’re standing outside after having received a text from Rarity that a fashion agency had contacted her and needed her to attend something right away, so she’s going to be running late.
>But she left the front door unlocked for you.
>With this, you enter her house, eventually finding your way towards the living room as a woman’s voice calls out to you, having heard you entering.
“Hello?” You answer. “Rarity told me I can come inside to wait.”
>”Oh you must be Rarity’s boyfriend! I’m Cookie Crumbles, Rarity’s mother. You can come right on in! I don’t mind.”
>You weren’t prepared to meet Rarity’s mother so soon, but here it goes.
“Hi, I’m-“ You begin before the sight before you ambushes your curious eyes by surprise.
>Cookie Crumbles likes to do yoga.
>Loosen up her muscles and stuff.
>And she also likes to wear yoga pants along with a clingy tank top.
>Thing is, this tank top must be from when she was Rarity’s age.
>At her own age, Cookie Crumbles’s body has become really *really* developed.
>As a fully grown and proven fertile adult woman having to work with such an ensemble of completely developed assets and features.
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>No teen-sized bra could hope to properly fit over Cookie Crumbles’s massive soft boobs over-filling up the front of that improperly fitting tank top from ages ago.
>Rarity had certainly inherited her hourglass form from Cookie Crumbles.
>Almost two decades of non-stop slowing adult lifestyle has thickened this woman’s body out.
>Widening her hourglass shape.
>Packing lots of cushioning onto her buttcheeks wrapped up in those tight leggings.
>The slight but obvious muffintopping going on around the waistband of her leggings teases more of Cookie’s softness to you.
>Her smooth arms and shoulders are also noticeably thick and soft to the touch.
>The thin spaghetti string straps on Cookie’s shoulders pressing into that soft skin are the only things keeping those heaving fully developed adult breasts from spilling all the way out into the open.
>Cookie’s bountiful swaying breasts overstuffing her stressed lowcut tank top boast more deep busty cleavage than her teenage daughter Rarity could ever hope to.
>All of this *body*… wonderfully clothed in an outfit just a little bit too small for keeping these wide soft curves from letting their sexiness shine through without intention.
>Cookie asks you if you’re okay but you can’t process her words at first.
>All you know is that you want her soft fertile womanly form on top of your trembling body…
>Pinning you down on the floor under Cookie’s soft curvy body weight~
>”Are you okay?” She repeats.
“I’m fine.”
>”I see Rarity has good taste in boys.” Cookie says to you.
>She’s too into her zen zone to register the nature of anything she’s saying or doing.
>All she knows is that she’s been feeling like her early 20s again for the past 20 minutes.
“I’m just waiting for Rarity to come back.” You melt a little.
>”Oh I know.”
>You anxiously clench your fists behind your back, unable to think any more clearly than Cookie in her overly relaxed state.
>”You look tense.” Cookie observes your awkward posture. “Would you like to join me?”
>You say no in your head.
“I’d love to.”
>Having answered on your behalf, your stiffening member begins pushing against the inside of your underwear, as any guy would have the same happen.
>”Well get on down here, dear. I could use a hand with a few of these positions.”
>She doesn’t notice your rapidly growing erection bulge you’re feeling intensifying and thinking for you.
>Walk over and begin lowering yourself down to the floor with Cookie Crumbles.
>Your jittery caution cycles through countless emotions at once, unable to find the right one.
>Because Horny is throwing everything out of balance; struggle against it as your member threatens full erection inside your underwear.
>Cookie greets you as you become eye-to-eye with her, eagerly welcoming your presence into her personal space…

All for now. Will make a paste in due time.
God damn this looks promising. I’ll await your next update closely.
Updates will slow down this upcoming week because I'll be out on a work trip. I plan to have an update out tonight, though.
Good update! I appreciate the time taken to establish Anon's chemistry with Rarity, gonna make it sting even more when he goes after her mom
Very nice
>”I just want to kiss you and lick you and touch you and-”
>”Careful, Pinkie. If you keep talking about his body like that, poor Anon will think that’s the only thing you like about him! He’s such a sensitive soul, you know.” Sunset slyly reminded Pinkie, gently stroking your hair to accentuate her point.
>Pinkie’s eyes widened in shock and her hands flew to cover her mouth, making her impressive tits bounce a bit from the sudden movement.
>”Oh, no, no, no! That’s not true at all, Nonny! There’s a ton I like about you beyond just your body! I swear! I pinkie promise!” She worriedly promised you.
>You take a moment to catch your breath now that you’ve been given a break from your little wrestling match.
“Really? ‘Cause Sunset’s right, you’ve been talking an awful lot about my body.” You remind her with a slight smirk.
>The girls aren’t so shallow as to throw themselves at the first guy they see with a nice body, you know that.
>It might be mean to put pressure on her like this, but your ego is riding high right now and you’d sure like to hear more about how great you are.
>Besides, Sunset started it.
>As usual.
>Pinkie holds your head and presses her forehead against yours.
>”Really, really, really! Do you wanna hear when I realized I had a crush on you?” Pinkie asked you.
>That gets your attention.
>The sex and stuff is fun, but you’re always down for some tender confessions.
“Yeah, sure.” You answer her in a more gentle tone.
>Pinkie takes a deep breath and gets herself situated on your lap.
>Your manhood’s pressed up against her plush stomach and comfortably squeezed between her thighs.
>”Well, I remember how you looked super worried about fitting in at school when we first met. I really should’ve given you a proper Canterlot welcome on your first day, I’m super sorry I couldn’t find you!”
“I already told you, it’s all good. We found each other eventually, that’s what matters most.” You assure Pinkie.
>”I know, I know, but that’s not the point! Sunset said you’re a really cool guy, so I knew I had to get you to come out of your shell! And I’m really glad I did! You’re really funny in your own special way, you got along with the girls so well, and you were always so polite to the Cakes when you visited Sugarcube Corner! They told me you’re one of their favorite customers!” Pinkie continued, easing up on her grip and softening the tone of her voice.
“Really? They said that about me?”
>”Yep! Mrs. Cake really likes how you call her ma’am, she said more teenagers should be like you!”
>The Cakes are such nice people, they deserve your best manners.
>”At first, I thought I liked hanging out with you because you’re a super-duper friend, but…”
>Pinkie blushes a bit, giving you a very rare look at her shy side.
>”...When I saw you smile for the first time, I just kinda froze up and thought… ‘wow, Anon has a really pretty smile’.”
>You can’t help but blush.
>Pinkie gets all flustered at how you smile at her, proving her point.
>”And then I just couldn’t stop thinking about you! I’d think about how you smile and laugh all the time! Every time you say I did a great job making your milkshake at Sugarcube Corner, I’d get all warm and gooey inside! Remember when you said my new skirt looked cute? That’s all I could think about the whole weekend!”
“Well, you are cute! You’re super cute, Pinkie! Especially when you giggle, it’s super infectious!” You compliment her.
>Pinkie succumbs to a fit of flustered giggles.
“I’m really glad you pushed me to be your friend. Your relentlessly optimistic attitude really rubbed off on me. If it weren’t for you, I’d be in a worse place, for sure.”
>”Aww, you really mean that?” Pinkie graciously asked you.
“Of course! You did the impossible and gave me something to look forward to every school day!”
>You could see Pinkie’s heart grow three sizes before she gave you a tight, loving hug.
>”Oh, Nonny, you’re such a sweetheart!”
>”Isn’t he?” Sunset prodded her.
>”Hey, you wanna know something embarrassing?” Pinkie whispered to you.
>Where’s this going?
“Uh… Sure?”
>Pinkie awkwardly laughs.
>”Remember the time I split my pants when showing you the dance the girls and I made last year?”
>How could you forget?
>The sound of her shorts ripping could’ve been heard for miles.
>You’ll never forget the sight of her white panties patterned with red hearts.
>It was a suffocatingly awkward moment for both of you, but you both laughed it off and ended the day on a good note.
>”...I did that on purpose to get your attention.” Pinkie admitted.
>You couldn’t help but laugh in response to this revelation.
“What? Why?”
>”It worked for Rarity!” Pinkie claimed as she pointed over at the still naked Rarity, who gave her a shocked expression.
>”What happened between Anon and I was not because I was trying to get his attention!” Rarity reminded her, faintly embarrassed.
>”I know! But since Anon’s such a helpful guy, I kinda thought he’d leap in to rescue me and we’d get even closer! I spent, like, an hour picking out the perfect underwear for it!” Pinkie tried to argue her point.
>”She’s got a point, you know.” Sunset jokingly said to you.
“I mean, I’m flattered, I guess, but you really didn’t have to, though! I was already paying attention to you! I already cared about you a lot!” You insist with a laugh.
>”But it worked out pretty well, didn’t it?” Pinkie grinned, wiggling her hips for emphasis.
>You shudder at the stimulation, making Pinkie even more satisfied.
>”To think I would intentionally destroy my own clothing for his attention…” Rarity muttered indignantly.
>”Nah, you’d just strip naked and beg.” Applejack sarcastically agreed with a grin.
>As Rarity shot her a shocked look, Pinkie sheepishly giggled at you.
>”But now that we’re boyfriend and girlfriend, you’ll get to see my underwear all the time!” She cheered.
“Oh, really?” You ask her, intrigued by her offer.
>”Totally! I mean, we’re both super into each other’s bodies, why shouldn’t we hang out in our underwear when we’re together?”
>You feel like you should protest against an idea like that, but it does sound like fun.
“...You know, that’s actually a pretty good point.” You admit.
>”Ooh, you know what we should do? We should bake together wearing nothing but aprons and our underwear! That way if we get all messy, we can just lick it off each other!” Pinkie realized.
“That sounds like fun! You’ve always got such fun ideas~” You flirtily compliment Pinkie.
>She wiggles her body happily and nuzzles into your neck.
>”Thank you, Nonny~” She happily sighs.
>”See how fun this is?” Sunset asks you two before standing up and addressing the girls.
>”New rule: you have to tell Anon when you realized you had a crush on him before you’re allowed to touch him.”
>”Boy, this just keeps gettin’ more intense.” Applejack gently laughed.
>”How romantic~” Rarity sighed.
>”Oh boy…” Twilight awkwardly chuckled.
>”Uuuuuggghhhhh.” Rainbow loudly groaned to signal her annoyance.
“You’re not gonna get better at this romance stuff without practice, you of all people should understand how important practice is.” You cheekily remind her.
>”Don’t worry about Rainbow, if she wants to miss out on your sweet loving because she’s too proud to admit she gets all weak in the knees when you smile at her, it’s her loss.” Sunset teasingly assured you, getting Rainbow to stand up and point an accusatory finger at her.
>”You’re doing this on purpose! You’re trying to get me to be all girly and submissive!” Rainbow shot at her.
>”There’s nothing wrong with telling Anon how you feel about him, and we’re all gonna have to do it. I’m kind of looking forward to it, actually.” Fluttershy tried to calm her down.
>Fluttershy’s one of Rainbow’s oldest friends, she can calm her down better than anyone else.
>Rainbow hung her head and let out an annoyed snort.
>”...Fine, whatever. Being the closing act gives me more time to prepare, anyway.” She cooled off.
“That’s the spirit! There’s nothing you can’t do, Rainbow!” You flirtily compliment her.
>”Just focus on fucking Pinkie already!” Rainbow directed you, trying to hide her arousal.
>”Now THAT’S a good idea!” Pinkie agreed right before diving back in, taking advantage of your relaxed grip on her to pin you to the floor and go back to making out with you.
>You’ve adapted to being a Pinkie wrangler, so you firmly fasten your arms around her supple body and return her kiss with equal force.
>This time, it was a real fight to determine who’s mouth would serve as the ballroom for the fiery dance between your tongues.
>Pinkie’s back to grinding her desperately aroused pussy against your crotch.
>Her boobs roll across your chest with every thrust like the world’s most attractive rolls of dough.
>Her hands go back to exploring as much of your body as possible without sacrificing her grip on you, from combing through your hair to dragging her fingers across your waist.
>She’s breathing so rapidly.
>It’s like Pinkie’s a rabid animal trying to tear open a bag of gummy bears.
>If you were only going off of what you can hear, that’s what you’d think she was.
“You’re awfully touch starved, aren’t you~?” You softly gasp to Pinkie once you can separate your tongue from hers.
>”You have NO idea~” Pinkie purred, licking your cheek again.
>You manage to flip Pinkie onto her back, run your hand down from her supple chest, down her soft stomach, and stick your index and middle finger deep inside her pussy.
>She loses the ability to wrestle with you as you plant your fingers deep within her, getting the lewdest gasp you’ve ever heard from her in response.
>Almost your entire hand is soaked in her love juices.
>You withdraw your fingers from her cunt torturously slowly, making her arch her back up as she groped her chest.
>You loom over Pinkie, lock eyes with her, and lick your fingers.
>...What the fuck.
>Her pussy actually does taste like bubblegum.
>Pinkie snickers at your surprised reaction.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, Pinkie. If you always taste this good, I might just get addicted~” You flirt with her.
>”I’m already addicted to you, Nonny~” Pinkie flirted back with a grin.
>She licks your neck, making you shudder at the lewd sensation.
>”I’m thinking up all sorts of fun recipes with you~”
>She gives you a brief but passionate kiss.
>Her hands explore your back.
>She leans into your ear.
>”But you’re the sweetest, tastiest treat of all~”
“Aww, you’re the sweetest thing here, Pinkie~”
>You kiss her back, lining up your cock with her needy pussy.
“You ready?”
>”I’ve been ready for MONTHS.” Pinkie gasped, licking you again.
“Alright, here we go…”
>You hold Pinkie tight and sheathe your staff inside her.
>Pinkie reacts by locking her arms and legs around you and suppressing her scream of pleasure by locking her lips onto yours.
>She literally takes your breath away when you kiss.
>Once you two are united, you move as a singular being.
>Your hips move together.
>Your tongues dance together, now more unified than ever.
>It’s no longer a battle for dominance, it’s a frantic but loving dance.
>You don’t know what to do with your hands, there’s so much Pinkie to savor.
>Your hands fit so nicely on her waist, but she’s moving too fast for you to keep up with.
>You try to dig your fingers into her hair, but that jungle on top of her head threatens to trap your hands forever.
>”Smack her butt, she really likes that.” Sunset whispers to you.
>Pinkie rapidly nods while continuing to make out with you, accompanied by a muffled “Mm-hm, mm-hm!”
>Well, who are you to deny what a lady wants?
>Your hands slide down her back to find her butt, happily shaking for your handling pleasure.
>After indulging in the sensation of her fine ass in your hands, you raise your right hand up, form it into a palm, and firmly bring it down onto her cheek.
>”Ooooh!” Pinkie giggled, constricting you in her grip even tighter.
>”Do it harder! She can take it!” Sunset pushed you, gripping your shoulders again.
>Was this all a scheme to keep you beneath Pinkie as you two went at it?
>Eh, there’s worse places to be.
>Pinkie’s trying to somehow raise her ass for you to toy with some more while continuing to ride you.
>You smack her ass again.
>Pinkie quivers in your grip, biting your lip surprisingly forcefully.
>A warm liquid coats your dick and gushes down onto your pelvis.
>”Y-You’re really good at that~” She shakily says to you.
>You gently massage Pinkie’s butt some more before smacking her again.
>She’s trembling in arousal again.
>When she parts from the kiss to get another gasp of air, she’s panting like a dog in the summer heat.
>This separation doesn’t last long at all, she’s determined to feel as much of you as possible.
>Each smack of her butt gets her further and further up the wall.
>Her soaking wet pussy constricts around your dick like she’s trying to milk you, and only gets tighter every time you slap her ass.
>Pressure’s building down there.
>It’s happening again.
“Pinkie, I’m getting closer.” You whisper to her after managing to pull your mouth off of hers.
>”Do it, do it, do it! You already made me squirt!”
>Here it goes.
>With your mouth locked onto hers, you grip her ass with all your might and thrust into her one final time.
>At long last, you give Pinkie Pie a creamy filling.
>With every spurt of icing from your love stick, you sink into the floor and release the pink girl from your grip.
>Pinkie holds her cheeks as a wide, goofy smile covers her face, her eyes rolling into the back of her head in ecstasy.
>”Aaahhhhhhhhh~” She moans in delight, relaxing her beautifully plump body down onto yours.
>It doesn’t take long for you to empty your load.
>You lie flat on the carpet, feeling your strength diminish by the second.
>Pinkie snuggles into your shoulder and gently licks your cheek again.
>”So good, so tasty~” She whispers contently.
>You smile at her and plant a loving kiss on her forehead.
>”Aww, that was so sweet, I think I just got a few cavities!” Sunset giggled.
>You hear her make her way back over to the punch bowl Twilight prepared for you for this very eventful evening, but you’re more focused on cuddling Pinkie.
>She wiggles happily in your embrace as your hand cheekily slides down to her ass again.
>”I wish I could leave you two lovebirds like this, but you’ve got a flock of lovebirds waiting for you, don’t you, Nonny~?” Sunset reminded you, slipping the cup of the mystery juice by you.
>Pinkie clings onto you a little tighter, knowing her time with you tonight is drawing to a close.
>You look up and see Sunset surveying the small crowd of nude girls hungrily eyeing you and Pinkie on the floor.
>Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity.
>Each showing their arousal in different ways.
>Twilight’s laying on her stomach and looking you over, but how rigid her hands are on her chin give away the fact that she’s trying out a pose she saw in a book or something.
>Fluttershy’s showing a little more boldness, brushing her hair behind her ear and working up the gusto to spread her legs a little bit.
>Applejack’s clearly not used to this “trying to look enticing” stuff, judging by how awkwardly she’s folded her arms behind her to push up her chest.
>Rainbow’s arms are crossed and her face is scrunched up, showing she’s still annoyed about being put at the back of the line.
>Rarity’s trying to reclaim her image as a sexy seductress by laying across the carpet and batting her eyes at you.
>”Now, who’s been a good girl tonight~?” Sunset teasingly asks the group.
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lmao poor dashie
Though she kind of completely did it to herself
Stunning, any more of her?
Anchor for the anon coloring the bottomless humanized Fluttershy.

(NSFW, obviously)

Requesting that this sketch of bottomless humanized Fluttershy is colored. Be sure to expose her genitals.

Reference for color and painting style (also NSFW):

And this is how the original artist would draw female genitals in the similar pose and from the similar angle. (WARNING: NSFW, anthro and hyper)

Or, if you want to finish it yourself, here is the incomplete painting (it too is NSFW):
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Damn sunset really does have them lined up and thirsty for it doesn’t she? Anon’s dick and balls are going to be so drained by the end of the night that they’ll need a week to recharge.
A little uncanny but surprisingly hot
Why do you guys like this vapid thread?
Amazing, thank you so much you've made my day!
Why are you butthurt? Can’t you filter threads?
It doesn’t seem like Derpy knows how to filter threads at all…
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Sad, but also kind of hot.
>Anon’s dick and balls are going to be so drained by the end of the night that they’ll need a week to recharge.
And then another sleepover can happen right after
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I absolutely adore this Flutter's art, she looks so cute. Makes me want to read something wholesome
Damn, 4chan strips out the prompt info, these are real nice sfw.. any chance to upload these 2 to pomf or catbox?
My pool of unwritten ideas is already a mile deep but shockingly light on ones involving Flutters
What's a cute idea for a fluffy Flutterbutter story?
Mating season comes for Fluttershy's animals in Spring, but for some strange reason, Fluttershy herself also feels a burning heat in her loins and an irresistible call to "mate" with Anon, spurring some surprisingly forward behavior towards him.
Hello, Fingerbang. I don't believe I've ever posted here. I have some cover art for a story in the works, and I can post it here when it's done, but I'm not certain if it would be appropriate. The cover art shows a nice angle at two pregnant women, and they're the focus of the story.

Does anyone want to see it, I guess?
>Pinkie got to go 2nd
My heart can rest easy.
>but I'm not certain if it would be appropriate
If it's that Carnifex pic of Adagio and Applejack as super preggo with veins and each with the "linea nigra" around their navels, then I doubt anyone here would be into that lmao.
I'm just being honest.
Alright. I probably shouldn't post it then.

Damn, I guess I shouldn't go around looking for more places to mention it, but I really don't have much else to do until the artwork's finished except to wait.

>"linea nigra"
That is the medical term, sir. It's Latin for "dark line" is all.
Pregnancy thread is two blocks down.
Well good luck with the wait.
>It's Latin for "dark line" is all.
I know.
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>best pony isn't dead last
Cosmic Basedhole strikes again.
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Sure thing, Satan.
Anypony truly based know where to find the thumbnail source? Can’t find anywhere on derpi and would love help /)

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Blessings to you anon
what’s the prompt info?


score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, detailed, beautiful, (RAW, photo, realistic, irl, high res, <lora:Photo 2 Style SDXL_LoRA_Pony Diffusion V6 XL>:1.2) BREAK
equestria girls-ified, equestria girls series, blue skin, rating_questionable, princess luna, vice principal luna, equestria girls, female, solo, solo female, alternate version, bedroom eyes, breasts, clothes, crepuscular rays, dark, desk, draw me like one of your french girls, eyeshadow, g4, high heels, high res, legs, looking at you, makeup, open mouth, pants, pinup, pose, prone, sandals, seductive, sexy, shirt, shoes, sideboob, lying down, skintight clothes, yoga pants, long sleeves, legs in air, seductive pose, sideass, looking over shoulder, dimples of venus, stupid sexy princess luna, stiletto heels, dimly lit, long sleeved shirt, luna's office, commissioner:branagain
Negative prompt: blurry, painting, figurine, vector, wrinkles, uncanny valley
Steps: 30, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7.5, Seed: 3019128137, Size: 832x1216, Model hash: ac006fdd7e, Model: autismmixSDXL_autismmixConfetti, VAE hash: 235745af8d, VAE: sdxl_vae.safetensors, ADetailer model: face_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate erode: 4, ADetailer mask blur: 4, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer use inpaint width height: True, ADetailer inpaint width: 1024, ADetailer inpaint height: 1024, ADetailer version: 24.4.2, Lora hashes: "Photo 2 Style SDXL_LoRA_Pony Diffusion V6 XL: 19f2fc550f8d", Version: f0.0.17v1.8.0rc-latest-276-g29be1da7
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Im loving the greens, obviously the sleepover is great but the Rarity and Cookie Crumbles is loking really good, also Im waiting for the Harshwhinny one, she is one of my favorite so the anon that js making it please keep writing.

I love all of the writefags and I want to fucking hug you all for what you do
I feel the same way about the active readers
>You wonder how you would handle a situation like that
>If you had a friend who was being very competitive and getting upset like that, what would you do?
"That must have been difficult to deal with..."
>Commenting as she nods before saying, "Well, I did somehow manage to calm Sunset back down... So there's that."
>You talk a bit more about games, but the conversation trails off and dies as you end up awkwardly sitting there in silence
>Mrs.Harshwinney decides to see if someone wants to swap with Fluttershy and practice talking with you next
>You expect nobody to volunteer, but Moondancer seems eager to
>You're nervous about it because of how she was trying to push Mrs.Harshwinney to demonstrate how to ask you to be her boyfriend
>The reason you were nervous seems to be completely right with the first thing she says
>"I know Harshwinney told us we shouldn't just ask you to be our boyfriend right away..."
>She said before Mrs.Harshwinney interjected
>"Which I said for good reason. Please stick to a normal conversation topic."
>Moondancer seemed unsatisfied with this
>"You said wed need to hang out for a while, and go on a first date first, right? How would we do all that here in the club room? Couldn't I just pretend I did all that since it's just practice anyway?"
>Mrs.Harshwinney huffs and scowls at her
>"We aren't completely restricted to staying in the clubroom, and developing your abilities to socialize normally and talk with him like a normal person is very important."
>"But Mrs.Harshwinney!"
>Moondancer pouts cutely while Mrs.Harshwinney stands her ground
>She's got really dorky glasses with tape in the middle, a short ponytail that looks like a grandma tailored it for her, but a sweater that nicely shows off her sweater puppies
>Even the first two points have a kind of charm to them
>If this were outside the club and she asked you to be her boyfriend, you'd probably say 'yes'
>It's not like you have extremely high standards in that regard
>Though you don't know why she seems so adamant about this
"If you don't mind me asking... Why are you so rushed to have a boyfriend?"
>You'd also definitely noticed that everything they've done has revolved around that, but that's a question for another time
>She's caught off guard by you directly asking that
>"Well... We all want a boyfriend, but I'd might as well tell you why I'm so impatient about it..."
>Moondancer says while fidgeting and staring at the floor
>"My parents... They've been pushing me to get a boyfriend, and I've kind of... Told them I do, and they want proof of it. I keep putting it off, but..."
>She shouldn't have lied about it, but she probably felt too cornered about it to think rationally about it
>"So... Do you think you could be my boyfriend? So I'd really have one?..."
>You're tempted to just say 'yes', but Mrs.Harshwinney would likely scold you for it
>Marble speaks up even if softly
>"I-if he becomes your boyfriend... Then... What about us?"
>Moondancer looks to the other girls with a look on her face like she feels guilty
>"He-He doesn't have to be my boyfriend for real... It's just practice, right?! He could practice with me and all of you too, right? Just practice would be enough to get my parents off my back if I just..."
>Not tell them it's just practice
>Though you feel some doubt about if it'd really be practice or if she means it
>Mrs.Harshwinney looks conflicted as the other girls seem exchange glances with each other as well
>"I mean, I suppose if it's just part of our club activities and practice... I don't know I might have to think about it more. Though don't try to make Anon do anything he's uncomfortable with, and let's keep it PG."
>Moondancer sees the opportunity to make her case more and takes it
>"Otherwise you wouldn't be able to demonstrate for us either if only one of us could have him act as our boyfriend. It has to be all of us, just for practice and demonstration. Not for real."
>Mrs.Harshwinney nods now seeming fully convinced
>"Okay, but don't neglect trying to sociolize with him more normally as well. It's not just important for a relationship before you start dating, but afterwards too."
>Moondancer takes some deep breaths before addressing you again
>"Let's try this again, would you be my boyfriend, please?... You'll give the rest of us a chance too, right?"
>The way she asked made you feel absolutely compelled to say 'yes'
"Well, uhhmmm, yes. Yes, I will. To both."
>Moondancer blushes a deep crimson and seems overjoyed and overwhelmed
>She was no doubt expecting that answer and yet still unprepared just the same
>It seems like she might pass out
>Moondancer also starts stammering extremely flustered before saying anything coherent
>"Just for practice purposes! Just for practice purposes! I don't know if I'm really prepared for a boyfriend! Just practice!"
>You try to calm her down
"Yes, of course, just practice. No serious commitment or anything, and I'll help you with your parents. Even if we aren't seriously dating I'll help you with your parents anyway, I can only imagine how stressful it must be being pressured by them like that."
>Moondancer seems to calm down a bit though still blushing profusely
>She then quietly gives you the most sincere 'thank you' you think you've ever heard in your life
>You seriously don't know what her parents are like, but you're feeling very nervous about meeting them
>After a bit of thinking about it you realize she's gone as quiet as you
>"Maybe it'd be best if we swap out again."
>Wallflower volunteers and swaps seats with Moondancer
>She hesitates and stammers a bit before Mrs.Harshwinney tries to prod her to talk about herself
>"I'd like to know more about you though..."
>She says before nervously bombarding you with questions
>"Where do you live?", "What's your favorite color?", "Who are the patriots?", "What's your birthday?", "Do you have any siblings?", "What are your parents like?", "Where's the milkman?"
>You're overwhelmed by them and lose track of which ones to answer
>Though the 'favorite color' one stands out
>Mainly because Wallflower is so green
>Kind of similar to yourself, and you do like the color green
>Yet you're unsure if saying that will make her think you're just saying what she wants to hear
>As for some of the other questions...
"Maybe you could come over to my place sometime..."
>Wallflower's face turns a deep red as she replies, "I'd really like that..."
>You're not sure why, but she really doesn't seem to want to talk about herself
"How about yourself? Is your favorite color green? Maybe your favorite food?"
>She looks away and fidgets while stammering
"Maybe is there something you like to do?"
>They continue like that, and Mrs.Harshwinney steps in
>"We've talked about this, you need to provide your own input into a conversation. It can't just be talking about him."
>Wallflower whimpers and whines a bit before answering
>"I uhmmmm, I like gardening..."
>So cute...
"That sounds like a fine hobby."
>You don't really know anything about plants, but you can picture her tending to a flower bed
>"You, you said I could come over to your place, right?..."
>She sounded really nervous yet excited when asking it
"Yeah, I'm not entirely sure when, but let's find a time soon when you can come over."
>She excitedly nods before going quiet again
>Mrs.Harshwinney moves things along again
>"Who hasn't gone yet?"
>She thinks for a few seconds before looking to Marble
>"Marble, how about you now?"
>Marble meekly nods before swapping spots with Wallflower
>She starts with an introduction
>"I'm Marble Pie... I live on a rock farm with my family... Hardly anyone is ever around besides my family..."
>She pauses in thought before continuing
>"As Harshwinney mentioned I'm homeschooled, but I joined this club because Pinkie recommended it..."
>Marble looks up at you and down again
>"Honestly, it's been fun having friends like this, and I really hope I can spend some time with you, too."
>You nod with a smile listening to her, and she blushes adorably
>She blushes deeper before continuing with a shaky voice
>"A-about the whole choking thing..."
>You jump startled because you never would have thought she'd bring that up
>"It's not like I want to get hurt... It's just that my family really values strength. I'd like it if you could act strong, maybe a bit dominant... Especially if you're ever around my parents..."
>Imagining them as super strict and strong mountain people makes you wonder something
"Do they also try to pressure you to get a boyfriend like Moondancer's parents?"
>She shakes her head
>"They usually don't pay attention to me... They're typically too busy with my sisters, especially Pinkie. They feels she's a trouble maker and are always trying to bring her in line with what's normal for our family..."
>You own parents are rather hands off with you as well
>Though you'd say because you've always been very well behaved, and they don't expect you to get yourself into any trouble or do anything wrong
"Does it bother you at all?"
>"Not really... I actually kind of like not being the center of attention. Though even if may parents give Pinkie a hard time she's a very good sister."
"Would you like it if I came over some time?"
>She seems unsure
>"I would like it... But... If you do my parents will likey rope you into helping with our work... I'm not sure you'd really be ready for that with how physically demanding it is..."
>What is a 'rock farm' anyway?
"I don't think I've heard of a rock farm before."
"It's basically a mine... We just call it a rock farm because we only mine rocks and everything else is a farm, so calling it a 'rock farm' makes it fit in more..."
>She'd been seeming more comfortable as she talked, though she blushed and got nervous again
>"Although my parents haven't been pushing me to get a boyfriend... I'm sure they'd be happy for me if I did..."
>Fidgeting while rapidly looking up at you and back down again
"Just practice, right?"
>You say going along with what's been said about it
>"Right... Right, just practice..."
>She says sounding a little disappointed saying it
>You feel a blush on your own face and feel flustered at the idea she wants you to be her boyfriend for real
>After some awkward silence Mrs.Harshwinney announces the end of the club session
>"I think that's enough for today, are we going to be here for lunch tomorrow?"
>They have lunch here too?
>That sounds fine
>You nod along with the others
>Moondancer comes up to your side and presses herself into you clinging to your arm
>"You said you'd come over to my place first... So please... Come with me?"
>The others look like they want to object, but don't have the nerve to
"I'll make sure it's alright with my parents first, and then I could go..."
>Saying while a part of you hopes they say 'no' because it feels a little sudden
>"Okay, go ahead and call them."
>She says sounding more and more bold as she insisted on you coming home with her
>You pull out your phone and call your mom's phone
>Picking up before long your mom greets you
>"Hey, is something wrong? Usually you'd be home by now."
"No, I'd just joined a club and made some friends... Is it alright if I visit one of their houses?"
>Moondancer fumes a bit about being called a 'friend', but there's no way you were going to say 'girlfriends'
>"That's fine, just don't stay out too late."
>"C-can he stay the n-night?!", Moondancer butts while practically out of breath heaving with excitement
>"It's a girl? Hi, I'm Anon's mom, who's this?"
That's this update. I'm thinking of his time with them after school would mostly consist of going over to their places. With Wallflower being an exception for the reason she's said where she's more interested in going to his place and inviting herself over besides when Anon brings her over knowingly. Mrs.Harshwinney would be the most likely to actually take him on a more traditional date.
I’m really liking it so far
Damm, Moondancer is thirsty girl. It's interesting how Marble was able to speak so much in one go, unusual picturing of her in the stories, I like that. And it went, well, natural for such setup. Good work.
I'll have an update out later tonight, updates will slow down this week. If it was up to me, I'd write full time.
Aww, I wish I could hug you too! It's readers like you that reply to our updates that really make it all worth it!
Good update! Like the natural way each of the girls got introduced, looking forward to what Anon will get up to with them outside of school
I'm gonna be honest, I've been having fun humbling Dashie lol
Only a hand as careful and meticulous as hers could have organized this whole sleepover!
Good to know my taste is appreciated!
>Thank goodness you have Sunset making your evening easier.
>You’d be struck with the worst case of choice paralysis of your life if you were on your own in here.
>Look at you, having trouble picking which girl to have sex with next.
>First world problems.
>Sunset’s eyes pass over Rarity, making her sink dejectedly.
>She skips over Rainbow, who’s putting a lot of care into looking like she doesn’t care.
>Her gaze falls upon Applejack and Fluttershy, completely ignoring Twilight.
>”Hmm, choices, choices…” Sunset murmured with her finger on her chin.
>Fluttershy whimpered needily, inching closer to you.
>”Careful, Flutters: good girls are patient~” Sunset reminded her in a sing-songy tone.
>This gets a very annoyed groan from Rainbow for having caught that stray.
“Sunset, be nice.” You remind her as you cuddle Pinkie close.
>”I’m only looking out for you, dream boy! Someone as loving as you deserves nothing less than the perfect girlfriends!” Sunset defended her actions.
“From what they’re saying, it sounds like they’ve been plenty patient already. I can’t help but feel like you’re having a little too much fun with all this.” You gently accuse her.
>”Ugh, exactly!” Rainbow frustratedly agreed.
>”Now, now, it’s true that these girls would have revealed how you make them feel earlier if it was up to them, but it would’ve been so clumsy and awkward! These girls might look like they’ve got it all figured out, but they’re total dorks when it comes to romance!” Sunset rebutted, eyeing Twilight in particular.
>”I’d hardly consider myself a ‘dork’ in that regard…” Rarity huffed.
>”It would’ve been even worse if you tried to organize all this by yourself! You’re way too much of a paramour to pick just one of these girls!” Sunset turned to you.
“Because I didn’t think I’d have to! I thought I’d be lucky to go home tomorrow dating any of you!”
>”Well, it’s like you said to Rainbow: practice makes perfect!” Sunset chipperly reminded you, stepping behind Fluttershy and Applejack and placing a hand on their shoulder.
>”Come on, which of these lovely young ladies do you want to get busy with next~?”
>”There’s no wrong answers! And you’ll get both of them tonight!” Sunset reminded you.
“I know, but there’s, like, psychological stuff to picking which of them goes first!”
>Both of them really want to be the one you pick, but they’re having trouble expressing that.
>Applejack’s so used to appearing tough and reliable that she doesn’t have any experience with making herself all ladylike to attract a guy.
>Fluttershy, on the other hand, doesn’t have much experience with making herself the center of attention at all, much less the attention of a boy she likes.
>With a grin, Sunset pushes the two girls closer to you.
>”Oh, but can’t you see how bad they want you~?” She provokes you further.
>You sure can see.
>Fluttershy’s sitting on her hands to stay within Sunset’s rules, but she’s leaning forward and shakily breathing, staring deep into your eyes.
>Applejack can’t maintain eye contact like Fluttershy can, surprisingly.
>Her little strategy is to sit back and present her toned, muscular body to you so you can go to her, saving her the trouble of coming to you.
>Both of them look so needy, a side of them you’ve never seen before.
>”Ooh, this is a toughie!” Pinkie whispered to you.
“What about Rarity or Twilight? How come you’re leaving them out?” You ask Sunset.
>”Rarity got a little ahead of herself and didn’t wait for her turn, don’t you remember?” Sunset reminded you, making Rarity harumph.
“Well, yeah, but-”
>”As for Twilight, she can have her turn next, so long as she says the magic words~” Sunset grinned.
>Twilight’s losing the ability to protest.
>She opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.
>She glances between you and Sunset, her mind a swirling vortex of emotions.
>Twilight’s arms move to cover herself up, feeling even more self conscious now.
>”U-Uh…” Twilight manages to stammer out, staring down at the floor.
“Twilight, seriously, it’s okay. You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with. We’re all here to have a good time, right?” You try to comfort her.
>”But this is how she gets more comfortable expressing herself! Once she bridges that gap, she’ll be having all the fun she wants!” Sunset argued.
“She can do that at her own pace, trying to shove her out of her comfort zone isn’t gonna help.”
>You see Twilight relax a little bit, grateful that you’ve taken some pressure off of her.
>”Alright then, let Twilight do that. In the meantime, you can tell these two admirers of yours which one you’d rather have first~” Sunset redirected your attention, softly pushing Applejack and Fluttershy closer to you.
>They’re both so nervous, and trying so hard to be sexy.
>The two girls are kneeling right beside you, only an inch away from making physical contact.
>Pinkie tightens her grip on you, planting a few more kisses along your neck and collarbone.
>Sunset teases them further by playing with their hair.
>”Don’t leave these poor girls hanging, new boy~” She grins.
>”Would you rather play with the adorable animal lover?” Sunset asks you, running her hand across Fluttershy’s cheek.
>Fluttershy gently shivers at the stimulation.
>”Or are you more into the rough-and-tumble farm girl?” She continues, lightly tugging on Applejack’s hair.
>She bites her lip to muffle the sound of her arousal.
>Her hands travel down to their back and push their heads closer to yours.
>The soft, hot breathing of Applejack and Fluttershy makes goosebumps spread across your arms.
>”Guess I better get up!” Pinkie dismissed herself, rolling off you and giving you one last kiss.
>With a much better look at your nude form, your two candidates freeze up even more.
>Their lascivious gaze burns into every inch of your body, getting you at half-mast without the aid of Twilight’s mystery juice.
>Applejack’s grip on her knees tightens and Fluttershy licks her lips.
>You can’t choose one over the other.
>They’re both so pretty.
>And so willing.
>You’d have considered yourself lucky to date either of them, but you never thought you’d have to choose between them.
>If you pick Fluttershy, Applejack will think it’s because she’s not as feminine or ladylike.
>But if you pick Applejack, Fluttershy is gonna take your quasi-rejection even worse.
>You sigh and turn your eyes back to the incredibly smug Sunset, still firmly holding the two girls in place.
“Come on, Sunset, this isn’t fair. If I’m gonna be dating more than one girl, I shouldn’t be picking favorites.” You say to her.
>”See? You’re too much of a sweetheart! This is why you should let me run the show! Applejack, you’re up.” Sunset declared, pushing the farm girl on top of you and tugging Fluttershy back.
>The weight of Applejack’s toned body catches you off guard, making you wheeze a bit as she adjusts herself.
>While she eagerly runs her hands from your stomach to your cheeks to sate half a semester’s worth of lust, you can hear Fluttershy pout at not being the lucky girl to have you next.
>”Aww, cheer up, Flutters! You’ll get to share your first time with Anon tonight! Maybe you could use the time between now and then to think about how you’ll tell him when you realized how dreamy he is~” Sunset advised, teasingly massaging her shoulders.
>Fluttershy gently nods, feeling a little better.
>It always wounds you to see her upset.
>”...Is it my turn next?” Fluttershy carefully asks Sunset.
>”We’ll see!” Sunset chipperly answers before bending down and leaning in your ear.
>“That was the right answer, by the way.” she whispers before retreating with Fluttershy to watch the show.
>”Gosh, this is really happenin’.” Applejack nervously chuckled, getting used to both of you being naked and on top of each other.
>You can’t blame her for being nervous about all this.
“You know, we don’t HAVE to go all the way tonight if you don’t want to-”
>”Anon, you have any idea how many restless nights I’ve had to endure ‘cause I couldn’t stop thinkin’ of you?” Applejack asked you.
>Applejack’s face draws closer to yours.
>”I’ve waited long enough.”
“Well, okay, then.” You shakily respond.
>”The walls in our house ain’t soundproofed, and my room’s right between Big Mac and Apple Bloom, so it ain’t no easy task puttin’ out the fire you lit in my loins~”
>Applejack’s masturbated to the thought of you before.
>This sleepover’s the gift that keeps on giving.
>Applejack collects herself and sits back on your lap.
>”But I suppose I should be tellin’ you when I realized I fancied you before we get to the fun stuff, huh?”
>Her firm ass fits so nicely on your lap.
>Don’t think about that right now, though.
“I mean, all of this is fun stuff, but, yeah, that’d be a good idea.”
>Applejack gently laughed at your little remark.
>”...It’s gonna sound childish.”
“Don’t worry about that, I’m not gonna think any less of you.”
>”You sure?”
“Of course! No matter what you’ll say, you’ll always be the same farm girl with a heart of gold to me.”
>Applejack smiles at your assurance.
>”Okay, here goes… I guess the first thing that made me like you was… I dunno, you never made me feel dumb.” She admitted.
>This gets your attention.
>You sit up and give her a concerned look.
“Come on, I’d never do that to you.”
>”I know, I know, it’s just…”
>Applejack sighs.
>The room falls silent around you two.
>”...I always had a tougher time than most gettin’ to grips with some of the advanced stuff in math or science classes. Whenever I was in a group project, my partners would get tired of explainin’ stuff to me and just do my part of the work. It always made me feel like I was too stupid to keep up with my classes.”
>Her gaze falls downward, her stetson covering her shame.
>”That’s part of why I was so hesitant about asking you for tutoring. After Sunset and Twilight have been talkin’ up what a decent guy you are, I was worried you’d get sick of helpin’ me, too…”
>Her head tilts back up to face you with a gentle smile.
>”But I’m mighty grateful for how helpful you’ve been. Even after how long it took me to grasp some of the complicated stuff, you never lost faith in me. It made me want to study even harder to prove your faith in me was well-placed.”
>”When I got my first quiz back after you started tutoring me and found I got the first A of my life, I could’ve cried tears of joy.” She admitted with an unusually shy smile.
>You give her a heartwarming smile in turn.
“Aww, AJ-”
>”An’ I know what you’re gonna say: ‘I was just helpin’ you become the person you always were’, ‘Twilight would say the same about you’. ‘You were always capable of gettin’ good grades’, but none of that woulda happened if you weren’t always so kind to me. I know it wasn’t easy to tutor me, but it means the world to me that you stuck with it.”
“I feel like you’re hyping me up a bit too much. Canterlot High’s a great place from what I’ve seen, I’m sure plenty of other students would’ve made great tutors for you.” You try to humbly downplay her praise.
>”Maybe, but I doubt Granny and Big Mac would like ‘em as much as they like you. They wouldn’t have been as good-lookin’ as you, either.” Applejack chuckled.
>She knows her family better than you do, so you’ll take her word for it.
>Her southern accent adds a really nice flair to how she compliments you.
>”And they wouldn’t’ve been so insistent on helpin’ out around the farm, too.”
“Hey, you and Big Mac made it look like so much fun!” You jokingly reply.
>”Yeah, and it almost killed you.” Applejack snickered.
“Nuh uh, I’m built tougher than that. Plus, it gave me this body you’ve been admiring all night.”
>”I suppose I can’t argue with you there.” She admitted with a smile, rubbing your chest for emphasis.
>Her hands might be rough and calloused from years of farm work, but she’s still got that feminine touch that you’ve wanted to feel for so long.
>”But y’know what really made me like you as more than just a friend?” She asked, taking on a more serious tone.
>Applejack gulped, preparing herself to admit whatever she’s been so worried about telling you.
>”...Y’know those big stuffed animals they always got at the county fair?”
>”When I was a little girl, I’d always try to win one every time the fair came to town. I’d use up all my allowance on that darn rigged ring toss game, but I couldn’t ever win one.”
>Damn carny games.
>They’ve taken far too much of your own money in the past.
>”I grew out of stuffed animals around middle school, when I started takin’ on more responsibility around the farm.”
>Her breathing gets a little more shaky.
>The emotion of the moment is getting to her.
>”But… When I got that A back, and I waited to show you until you came over to my place for dinner, when we hugged…”
>Applejack takes a deep breath.
>”...You felt like what I always imagined those stuffed animals feel like.”
>She wipes a tear from her eye while smiling widely.
>”You’re just so reliable and handsome and warm and… I dunno, when we hug, I always feel like everything’s gonna be alright.”
>Now it’s your turn to get all misty-eyed.
>Such a tender moment, it almost makes you forget you two are naked.
>And you just fucked two of her closest friends.
>In any other circumstance, you’d feel like the biggest asshole in the world.
“Aww, Applejack…”
>You sit up and gently wrap your arms around her waist, pulling her into a hug.
>Applejack gently laughs and gratefully returns the hug, burying her face in your shoulder.
>The two or three tears of joy that built up in her eyes drip down onto your skin.
>Her hair’s got a certain roughness to it, but it’s still really nice to gently brush.
>She doesn’t need all those fancy hair products that Rarity uses.
>You gently trace along the curves of her back muscles, making her smile.
>”Y’know, most guys ain’t attracted to girls with a firmer build.” Applejack says to you.
“Lucky me~” You grin at her, showing her body more appreciation.
>You two share a gentle laugh before Applejack gazes into your eyes.
>”I’ve wanted to do this since I got that A…” She whispers.
>Her eyes slide shut and her lips find yours.
If this were more than a self insert harem story, I'd write in more psychological stuff about how Anon feels more comfortable around girls than guys because of all the bullying and abuse he suffered at his old school, and how the bullies at his old school controlled him through fear vs. how Sunset controls him through love. Oh well.
That’d be a pretty deep story. I can’t relate but it’d be a great read.
Very nice wholesome applejack buildup, I love it!
You could write an epilogue about anon starting families with all 7 of his wives and have him reflect on that.
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Nice Im loving it, It have two of my favorite girls: Wallflower and Harshwhinny but I cant say no to Moondancer and Marble. Keep going anon, this story look really promising
We're ready for the next update, Grey!
Damn that’s adorable
>Rarity not only gives Anon a chance at a date.
>But gives him actually really useful dating advice.
>He turns around and lusts over her mum the second he meets her in her own house.
Kek this is fucking gold. Please don’t let Rares find out.
>"I'm Moondancer, and I'm uhhh..."
>She clearly wants to say she's your girlfriend, but can't get the words out to your mom
>"Nice to meet you, but I don't think I can let Anon stay over unless I meet your parents first. Just a safety thing, hope you understand."
>Moondancer nervously nods even knowing your mom can't see that
>"O-of course!"
>"Anon, honey, be back before eleven, okay?"
"Okay, Mom."
>"See you when you get back, and have fun."
"Thanks, Mom."
>She then ends the call
>Mrs.Harshwinney looks worried
>"Make sure to behave yourselves."
>She said as it seemed like you were about to leave with Moondancer
"Of course, I won't do anything to get us in trouble.", you say to reassure her
>Mrs.Harshwinney gives you a look like, 'it's not you I'm worried about'
>Moondancer pulls you along with her while giving rushed goodbyes to her fellow club members
>She explains that she lives within walking distance and guides you while clinging to your side
>Arriving it looks like a rather plain house in a good neighborhood
>Without any delay she takes you into her house
>"I'm home, and I've finally brought my boyfriend!"
>She says before bringing you in front of her so you'd be front and center
>Her parents come in from the dining room, and actually look like very kind and sweet people
>Moondancer's mom speaks up first
>"That's wonderful, sweetie. He looks cute~."
>Saying in an almost teasing tone while looking you over
>Her dad chimes in next
>"I'm hoping you could make some regular friends too, but it's good you've got a boyfriend like you wanted. See, you could do it if you set your mind to it."
>They don't really sound like they'd been pressuring her to get a boyfriend
>Moondancer quivers and shakes behind you like she's embarrassed
>"Well, he's here! No need to doubt me now!"
>Saying defensively before tightly hugging you from behind
>Her chest pressing into your back forcing a heavy blush from you
>"We didn't doubt you, sweetie, it's just normal for any good parents to want to meet their daughter's boyfriend."
>The mom responds sounding a bit hurt to be accused of doubting her
>"So, how did you meet?"
>The dad asks inquisitively with great interest
>You give your best answer
"I met her when I joined the club she's in. It's a club for shy people who want to overcome their shyness."
>After saying that they both look at you more intensely, and their gaze makes you nervous
>"We've never heard of this club. What's it like?"
>Maybe you shouldn't have mentioned the club
>You definitely don't want to say it was a bunch of girls like her talking about how to get a boyfriend until you joined
>To avoid this getting really awkward you're going to need to bend the truth a little
"She has other friends there too who are like her. Mrs.Harshwinney is the advisor to the club and does her best to help them."
>Her parents look happy with that answer
>"That's even better! We were mostly just worried about her being unable to socialize. Knowing she has friends really helps put me at ease."
>The mom says as her dad agrees with a nod
>This really does beg the question
"So, were you not pushing her to get a boyfriend?"
>Moondancer squeezes you so tight it nearly cuts off your ability to breathe
>"We just wanted her to have friends really, it was Moondancer who insisted she'd get a boyfriend."
>Seems like she wasn't completely honest with you, as well as her with her parents
>"C-could we go hang out in my room now?"
>Moondancer says anxiously obviously wanting this conversation to end
>"I think we'd like to have a talk with him in private, if that's okay with you."
>Her dad says somewhat sternly
>She lets go of you and backs off sheepishly
>"Oh... Okay...", she says with resignation in her voice
>Sheepishly slinking away looking like she already assumes some kind of defeat
>Her parents come up to you much closer and start whispering with you
>"Did she force you in any way?"
>The mom asks
>"Are you really her boyfriend?"
>You feel like there's not point in not coming clean
"Well, I am her boyfriend and she didn't force me, but I became her boyfriend today... She wasn't really being honest when she said she had a boyfriend before..."
>Whispering this they understand but are definitely disappointed with their daughter
>"What about the club? Is that real?"
>The dad asks you
"Yes, that is real. I don't know how long she's been a member of the club, but it's obvious to me they're all very tight knit there. So I'd say she's been friends with them for a good while."
>The mom looks like she wants to press you further
>"Sorry to be like this, but my mother's intuition tells me there was more about the club you were avoiding saying."
>She's spot on with that, and just looking at her you know your reaction gave that away
"I'm not 100% sure about it, but I think they were mostly talking about how to get a boyfriend with each other before I joined rather than being less shy about anything else..."
>They both look like they actually expected that answer
>"Again, we're sorry about grilling you for answers like that, and our daughter isn't mean anything bad with the dishonesty."
>Her dad explains before continuing
>"She had a friend before, but when she moved away they lost touch with each other and Moondancer took it hard. She'd missed graduation last year because she wasn't going to classes, but now with online classes it seems she's back on track..."
>His voice trails off with worry for her
>"I don't know if you'll stay her boyfriend or not, but even if you don't keep dating could you stay friends with her? Help her graduate and open up more? I know it's asking a lot, but..."
>You don't think he needs to say more
"Of course. I'll do what I can."
>The mom tightly hugs you and profusely thanks you while swinging you around
>You can definitely tell where Moondancer got it from feeling her chest against you, but you wouldn't dare react to this the wrong way
>She sets you back down before long, and they let you go to join Moondancer in her room
>"Make sure to leave the door open.". the dad calls out to you before you get out of earshot
>Leaving the door open like they said you see Moondancer sitting in front of the tv with a dvd of the original Star Trek on the menu
>She's got a collection of the whole series next to her
>Moondancer motions for you to sit next to her, and she leans on you when you do
>She then starts it up on the first episode of the show
>You'd heard a lot about it, but you hadn't really sat down and actually watched the OG Star Trek before now
>Besides Moondancer's body pressed against you, watching the show with her like this feels pretty wholesome
>She cuddles into you as you both got comfortable and settled into watching together
>At one point her mom brings in some chicken nuggets and veggies for you both to eat
>You make sure to thank her for it and Moondancer follows your lead with it
>Her mom seems to really appreciate that and doesn't seem used to being thanked like that
>You eat the dinner together while continuing to watch
>After it's done you insist on taking the dirty dishes to the sink and rinsing them off before putting them in the dishwasher
>It didn't take long and you were back with it only paused for like a couple minutes
>Moondancer seems sleepy as it goes on and seems like she might fall asleep leaning on you
>It wasn't much longer before it was getting late, and it was time for you to go
>Moondancer grabs your arm as you're getting up
>"You'll come over again soon, right?", she asks with a very insecure tone
"Of course, we've got that whole collection to watch, right? Plus more?"
>She smiles and nods before letting go of your arm
>You say your farewells and mention you needed to be back before eleven to her parents as you head out the door
>They insist on driving you home, and that way they'll get to meet your parents at the same time
>You accept since that sounds perfectly fine
>You get in the back of their car while they sit in the front, and you head off
>Giving directions you get to your house in no time
>Heading in your parents are there to greet you, and they see who you brought right away
>They introduce themselves and let you head to bed while the two pairs of parents talk it out
>You don't go too far and eavesdrop a bit
>Her parents give you glowing praise for how you behaved at their place, and your parents reassure them how good a boy you are
>With that you feel content you don't have anything to worry about with their conversation and get ready for bed
>You plop down in bed feeling excited about what might happen tommorow
>It becomes a bit hard to go to sleep, but eventually you head off to dreamland and wake up the next morning
That's all for now. Thinking Wallflower next for the next after school segment.
Can’t wait for more wallflower content!
Nice, the idea of seeing Star Trek wirh Moondancer is really cute, and Wallflower being next is somthing that I really like, I will wait for the your next batch of greens
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So sweet I got diabeetus
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Gilda x Remedials Teacher

>Transfer student from Griffonstone
>Rainbow Dash's best friend
>Tough kid with a soft center
>Cadance personally assigned her a remidials teacher with the best of intentions.
>Unfortunately, her love magic had discharged in the wrong way as she met with her making her suceptible to her base urges and giving her a sudden "growth spurt".

>Route 1 - Cadance's love magic had accidentally discharged upon sensing Gilda's love-starved heart, and the sudden emission had focused on a desire for a romantic and physical desire for love.
>Now there's a constant sexual tension between the tsundere Gilda and the remidials teacher that just wants to teach her.
>Gilda is unable to focus with her urges in the way, and can't decide whether to sock him or suck his dick.
>And the tough girl attitude is gradually being overwritten by her primal urges, making her desire to "suck" outweigh the "socking".

>Route 2 - Cadance had actively tried to use her love magic to open Gilda's heart to love and affection, but accidentally made the latter TOO open.
>Now Gilda is more concerned with "studying" the hapless teacher rather than her remidials studies, uncaring of the feelings being inappropriate.
>The rough and thuggish former Griffonstone student is openly flirting and teasing with the older teacher, making lewd comments and offering to suck him off with others (aside from maybe Rainbow Dash) not taking the aggressively horny teen seriously.

Wouldn’t mind some Gilda content but there’s definitely better art out there to use. Gilda X gym teacher would be hot too.
This pick my interest, Im more for the Route 1 but either one is good for me, I would read it
Magical setups are shit.
>Your morning routine goes like usual despite how eventful yesterday was
>You get ready for school like usual and head out
>School itself starts like normal, at least until the halfway point when you go to the clubroom for lunch instead of your usual spot
>You take your lunch into the clubroom to find everyone else already there
>They were clearly interested in how things went last night with Moondancer and were asking her questions about it
>Mrs.Harshwinney notices your arrival first and doesn't approve of your lunch
>"The cafeteria food is garbage, Anon. You should be eating better."
>She said before blushing slightly as she offered and alternative
>"I could make your lunches from now on."
>This drew the other girls attention to her instead of Moondancer
>Flutthershy asks, "You know how to cook? If it's okay... Could you teach us how to cook for a boy too?"
>Mrs.Harshwinney blushes deeper before she answers
>"You don't have to be a master chef for that. You just need to know what he likes and... Make it with love..."
>She sounds really embarrassed to say that last part as she trails off and averts her eyes from your direction
>Then everyone's eyes were on you...
>They of course wanted to know what kind of food you like
>You have a burger and fries on your plate
>Though that's because you'd say that's the best the cafeteria has
"I'm not an especially picky eater... I'm sure just about anything you want to make for me will be fine, and it'd be rude to not show appreciation for the effort you put in..."
>Trying to be polite didn't exactly satisfy them
>They'd rather hear something specific to make
"I can't exactly eat five lunches either... Though maybe you could just try making something simple."
>You suggest as Mrs.Harshwinney interjects
>"I was just thinking I'd make you a healthier sandwich, and make sure you get plenty of veggies."
>She looks you over again before getting closer
>"You definitely aren't as healthy as you could be. Let's make sure you get some exercise too."
>Mrs.Harshwinney cradles your cheek in her hand as she looks into your eyes with concern on her face
>Marble comments on it, "Uhmmm... Mrs.Harshwinney?... You're acting more like a mom than a girlfriend..."
>Mrs.Harshwinney blushes a deep crimson before returning to her seat quickly
>"N-not that I should be acting like his girlfriend anyway! He's a student and I'm a teacher!"
>She's extremely flustered and embarrassed about it
>Fluttershy tries to help her calm down
>"It's fine to do that here, Mrs.Harshwinney. You're just demonstrating for us, right? We won't let you get in trouble for something like that."
>Mrs.Harshwinney does calm down a bit but remains flustered
>"You really think so? It's fine to act like I'm his girlfriend?"
>The other girls back Fluttershy up and reassure her they think it's fine
>"I wasn't trying to act like a mom though... It is important to look after his health if you love him..."
>She says defensively as the other girls drop the subject
>You realize you hadn't been eating your lunch because you were too distracted by everything going on here
>It's cold now, but you quickly eat it before lunch ends
>All of you quickly scurry off to your classes knowing you'd see each other again soon after school
>Your classes seem to go on forever as you anxiously await going back to the clubroom
>Mrs.Harshwinney is especially occupying your mind right now
>She's a very responsible teacher who has seemed to always have your best interests at heart
>Looking after you and making sure you didn't get picked on or anything
>Now you wonder if she was more interested in you than you thought
>Was it the other girls who made her start thinking that way about you entirely, or was there a spark like that already there?
>You really aren't sure
>Though she definitely isn't bad looking
>Sure she's significantly older than you too, but there's something about it that makes your chest feel tight
>A part of you just wants to give in to being hers no matter if it's okay with the rules or not
>Not that you think you should just say that to her
>You're even less sure how she'd react to you saying something like that to her
>Then end of school eventually comes and you head back to the clubroom
>You arrive last again and the girls are discussing cooking from before
>Mentioning online cooking shows they'd heard about and other cooking guides
>While also reassuring Mrs.Harshwinney it's fine that she's not a master chef like they assumed earlier
>When they notice you arrive they stop what they were doing to focus on you
>Fluttershy asks you, "We'd heard from Moondancer how it went last night, but let's heard from you too."
>You get your thoughts together how to describe it before answering
"I thought it went perfectly fine. Her parents were nice and friendly. We watched some OG Star Trek together and had a nice dinner. It was a very nice and wholesome time."
>Looking at Fluttershy and then the other girls they react like you didn't quite describe it the same way as Moondancer did
>Though none of them look like they're about to explain how your story of how it went differed
>Mrs.Harshwinney then called everyone's attention to her
>Before practically giving a lecture about what dates are supposed to be like
>What kind of places are appropriate date spots, what you do there, and all that
>She stressed the idea that going to your houses is meant to come later rather than the first thing you do if it's a serious relationship
>Yet none of the girls seem to want to go to public places like Mrs.Harshwinney suggested much, and still prefer the idea of you coming to their houses
>Well, except for Wallflower
>Who again expressed her interest in your house
>In fact she seems very intent on coming over to your house tonight
>Eventually the club draws to a close with them continuing to discuss how to best spend time with you
>Wallflower jumps to your side and clings to you
>"I'm coming home with you! I know you'll say yes, you said I could earlier!"
>You can't deny you did say that
>Responding as she pulls you out of the clubroom with her and out of the school before being forced to let you lead because she doesn't know the way to your house
>When you get there you go in with her still clinging to your side
>Your parents don't really react to Wallflower as much as you'd expect and just greet you like normal
>You take her to your room and start up a co-op Mario game to play with her
>You're playing that when you realize she hadn't asked her parents if she could come over before doing it, and hope she doesn't get in trouble for it
>After a while you have to go to the bathroom
>You let her know before going, and come right back
>Yet she seems to be gone when you get back
>She's not sitting at her controller, you look around the room, and don't see her
>You head back out the room and head to the living room where your parents are
"Did you see where the girl who was with me went?"
>They look at you oddly
>"Isn't that her right behind you?"
>They ask before you turn your head back to look
>Nobody there
>They chuckle a little
>"Oh, I see, it's like a little game or something. Oh, you kids."
>Your dad says as you're genuinely confused
>Heading back to your room you try looking for her again to no avail
>You sit at your controller and try calling to her come over and continue playing the game with you
>It seems like she must have gone home or something
>You hope you didn't do something to upset her
>Feeling down you just get ready for bed and go to sleep
>Though in the morning you wake up having trouble breathing
>Your face is being smothered by something
>Fully waking up you realize your face is buried in Wallflower's chest
>She's in bed with you holding you in her arms pressing your head between her tits
>"Are you noticing me now, Anon?"
>You face feels like it's on fire with how hard you're blushing
"I-I thought you went home! Where were you?!"
>She frowns before answering
>"I was with you the whole time!"
"Why didn't you just continue the game with me when I invited you to?!"
>She averted her eyes as her resolve crumbles and she mumbles something inaudible
>"Either way, I want you to make it up to me!"
>Wallflower says as you're unsure what she means
"Of course I didn't meant to upset you! W-what would you like me to do?"
>Asking her as she grins wide
>"Let me come over whenever I want."
"Yeah, of course you can."
>You say wondering why she'd think you wouldn't let her come over
>She holds you tighter and presses her lips to yours quickly before pulling back
>Blushing profusely herself like she's surprised she did that
>Then letting go of you and letting you get out of bed
>You get changed in the bathroom to avoid changing in front of Wallflower
>Though while there her words about having been there the whole time repeat in your mind
>You didn't change in the bathroom last night when you changed into your pajamas
>Without thinking about it much harder you get ready for school and head down for breakfast
>Wallflower sits with you at the breakfast table like it's perfectly natural
>Your parents are looking at her somewhat oddly though, and you can't tell what they're thinking
"I-is something wrong?"
>You ask them knowing there's plenty wrong with it, but what will they say
>Your mom is the first to speak up
>"Aren't you a little old to be sharing a room with your sister?"
>You're floored she'd say that and you drop your fork
>"I'm not his sister!"
>Wallflower says before your dad comments
>"If you weren't then that'd make sharing his room even worse, but..."
>He says as he thinks hard before continuing
>"I'm sure I'd seen you a lot before, I'm not entirely sure I remember where or when, but it doesn't feel out of place seeing you, and you being here feels natural."
>When Wallflower realizes what he's talking about she looks like a deer in headlights
>"I was just kidding! I'm his sister alright! His loving, doting big sis!"
>She says before pulling your into her arms and cuddling you affectionately
>You say in a startled and embarrassed voice
>Your parents chuckle and seem amused like you are just a little brother being embarrassed about an overly affectionate big sister
>"Well, get ready for school you two."
>Mom tells you as Wallflower keeps holding you close
>"Of course, Mom! I'll make sure to take extra good care of my precious little bro!"
>This is all a bit much for you, and you're definitely confused about why she's just leaning into acting like she's your sister so hard
>You quickly eat the rest of your breakfast even while restrained by Wallflower's arms as your parents push you to go to school with your 'sister' before you'd be late
>Once out of the house you're dying to ask her what that was all about
>Though the more badly you want to ask the more the words get stuck in your throat and you have trouble actually asking
>You definitely don't want to talk about what happened there with the other club members
>If you were to retell the story you think you'd stop at saying you played some Mario together
>Anything after that would be way too awkward to talk about
>You have to say something
"Uhmmm... Wallflower?..."
>Asking as she nearly jumps out of her skin knowing what you want to ask about
>"Let's just... Pretend that didn't happen. I didn't think things through and ended up playing along just to avoid things getting a whole lot more awkward than it already was..."
>You have a lot more questions about it, but it'll certainly be easier to leave it at that for now
Here's Wallflower's major debut. Next place to visit in the evening I'm thinking would be the rock farm.
Also Twist intro at lunch
So, Wallflower have the memory stone powers or whats the deal?
What I was thinking for it isn't supernatural, but maybe a bit of a stretch.
His parents had seen her following behind him and hiding from being seen (stalking him) before without knowing who she is or realizing what she was doing. After Anon went to the bathroom she becomes paranoid about him ignoring her and hides from him, which makes it a self fulfilling prophecy. His parents see her hiding behind him and avoiding his gaze when he looked behind him when he's looking for her and thinks it's some kind of hide and seek thing. Then when she acts like she lives there they come to the conclusion she's family with her being green like Anon making her coincidentally seem to have family resemblance. She plays into being his sister because she was terrified of them thinking about it any harder and realizing what was really going on and where they'd seen her before.
I like Harshwhinny and how she's coming around and wants to help the girls. Of course Moon Dancer would be sneaky to try and get the first evening session. And she eats chicken nuggets, too, just like me. What a qt.

>rock farm
excited to see Twist
She's just entirely forgettable, and always cursed to be that way, it seems. I think it's funny. I like big sis Wallflower.
>"I'd love to."
lel. This fucking Anon is too honest for his own good. Hope Rarity didn't hear that. She already knows he likes to ogle.
>AJ left the teddy bear note
never saw it coming, honestly. I thought for sure that was gonna be from pinkie or flutters.
Well, this ain't the farm, and she doesn't have to be quiet here. I think AJ is gonna knock Anon out with pussy faster than you think up of a countryism (cause I can't.)
Since she's already the delinquent type, is Gilda under the effects of corrupted love magic the type to casually offer to suck someone off?
Story Idea;
>Older Gilda
>Trashy single mom of a thankfully functional high schooler from a one-night stand.
>Still friends with successful Rainbow, who is also still single.
>Also friends with Gabby and Silverstream, who make sure to check up on her and her son as his aunt's/step-moms.
>Abrasive beer-drinking soccer mom who retained her looks despite being otherwise out of shape.
>Cadance, who sees Gilda as "the one who got away" for not being able to do anything to avert her single mom status years ago, meets with her to use her love magic.
>Unfortunately, a part of Gilda reverted back to her high school self in wanting to get laid and starts eyeing her son's fellow soccer players.
>Meanwhile, Cadance's love magic had unintentionally spread to Gabby and Silverstream, who start eyeing Gilda's son in turn in wanting to "bond" more with him.

Older Gilda
>Wear stuff that exposes her big breasts and chubby belly because it's "so frigging hot", and tells her son not to be a prude about it.
>Knows her son's friends ogle at her and doesn't care.
>Drinks and cusses regularly.
>Gets into fights with other soccer moms.
>Spends Summer sunbathing half-naked on her lawn with sunglasses, cheap beer and a foldaway lawn chair.
>Regularly pestered by Auntie Gabby and Auntie Silverstream.
>Does drinking contests with Rainbow whenever they visit, and end up crashing naked on a bed somewhere sweaty and nude (nothing happened, I swear)
I like a chubby Gilda
Magic in stories is shit.
This sound like a incest and I dont have a problem with that
She’s so much of a sexy cutie
>If this were your principal
Fun fact, the hot tub stuff wasn't originally gonna have skinny dipping. I planned for it to go from that to truth or dare in Rarity's bedroom, where everyone decides to stay in their underwear because "it's basically the same as our bathing suits" and would climax with Sunset daring Anon to kiss her
I'm saving truth or dare for Life Flutters By because I've got something specific in mind for that
Very much enjoying King of the Castle and want to appreciate you for writing it! I thought of The Princess Bride the moment movies were brought up and had a "holy shit" moment when anon came to the same conclusion.
Having a thought for when they get back to class. Every class Anon is in adopts a new rule.
Anon steps out of the classroom FIRST in case Pinkie is waiting with a high-speed hug! Even if it's a class with one of his other girlfriends, THEY will push him out. No one has been hurt yet, but folks only have to see it happen once to error on the side of caution.
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I Love Summer.
I'll begin posting more starting tomorrow. Sorry I briefly disappeared again, I'm really trying to do that less.
There are unironically good, damn.
Thank you very much! I promise I won't keep you waiting, and that I'll make sure the quality is as high as I can make it!
Wholesome Applejack is best Applejack. Read the earlier update too and this green is coming along really great.
I personally think you still could write that, but I understand if you feel that it would somewhat throw the story off. That's a really good idea, though.
>Truth or Dare in Life Flutters By
Ooh, can't wait to see how you implement that into there.
I'm glad you're writing more of this. These characters are really fun together. I await to see where you go with all of this.
What about Gilda *as* a gym teacher? Not influenced by magic or anything, but just kind of gets too "physical" on her own accord.
>Celestia's camp everfree outfit got shrunk in the dryer before leaving for summer camp and she has nothing else to wear.
I can't not see Celestia in that pic as cross-eyed
>Read the earlier update too and this green is coming along really great.
Thank you! I've been doing a TON of driving this week and don't think I'll have an update out earlier than Friday, but I made some good progress tonight.
>I personally think you still could write that, but I understand if you feel that it would somewhat throw the story off.
I'll mull over it some more. Maybe the idea will get explored more after the sleepover when school's back, and I can show how Anon acts around guys vs. girls
Thank you! Your appreciation is very much appreciated! I'm glad I thought of a great pick too lel
I'm honestly still working out the details on how Anon spends time with the girls after the sleepover during the spring semester. He'll have five classes during the day and one lunch period where he's with the seven, plus there's stuff he can do after school.
Wallflower's making for some real fun shenanigans already, can't wait to see what mischief she gets up to with Anon
>"See, Luna? My old camp counselor uniform DOES still fit!"
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>What about Gilda *as* a gym teacher?

I can see older Gilda "hitting the showers" with the male students to "make sure they clean their junk".
Older Gilda would delight in just how hormonal and horny school boys are as she bathed with them in the gym showers. They don't care about the barely visible age or the somewhat out of shape figure, their stares and visible erections tell her that she's practically a fertility goddess to them. She can even see one or two spanking it like she doesn't even notice.
>"Aww, what's wrong Anon? Too shy to clean your pee-pee in front of your teacher? Or did mommy never teach you how to clean?"
I can also imagine gym teacher Gilda wrestling her favorite boy as an excuse to feel him up.
Naked shower wrestling. If he cums before he can wrestle her off, he loses.
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That sounds like a game I'll never want to win.
That shimmer is hot too
Whoever suggested that idea of Fluttershy getting attracted to Anon around the time of mating season gave me an idea for a shorter green that I've been having fun brainstorming
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Gym Teacher Gilda;
>Ordinarily, someone this otherwise out of shape wouldn't turn heads.
>But Anon is a horny teen, and not masturbating in a while made the chubby woman look physically attractive, if not breedable.
>And he could tell if it weren't for the weight, Gilda would be conventionally attractive.
>It doesn't help that Gilda jogs along with the students, so Anon sees EVERYTHING jiggling constantly with no modesty.

>"Alright you brats, your old gym teacher came down with something nasty, so I'm replacing him for the week."
>"And since we're jogging, I may as well show you lazy turds how it's done."
>"...what the hell are you staring at? Never seen a pair of tits before? Or is it my beer gut? Don't complain, it's friggin hot!"
>"Well, sorry that I'm not like those girls on your nudie mags! Girls get fat too!"

>"Kid, you had a stiffie since track started. Did watching the girls jog get you like this?"
>"Heh, or did your hot substitute make you rock hard? Were you ogling me while I was jogging, was that it?"
>"Probably already creamed your underwear from seein' me jiggling my stuff around."
>"You little pervert... I should report you to the principals for harrassment..."
>"I'm kidding. If one of my students is too horny to fantasize about nutting all over me, who am I to complain?"

>"Well, another day, another lap."
>"So, you need to go rub one out?"
>"I SAID, do you need to spank it in the bathroom or something?"
>"What? You looked like you needed to take five for some stress relief."
>"Then again, there's a corner over there with your name on it. A quick wank wouldn't hurt anyone."
>"But then again, you'd need adult supervision. Your gym teacher would have to be nearby."
>"Maybe she'd be generous enough to give you some 'visual aid' to make the wanking go quick."
>"And maybe if you ask nicely, she'd even let you nut all over her belly."
>"Hopefully, no one's gonna notice the teacher's gut covered in her student's jizz when we go back to jogging."
>"Heh, you look like you're about to cream yourself from that alone."
>"Go hit the showers, Anon. I think we're done for today."
>"And try not to get distracted by thoughts of me while you're washing yourself. I don't want the janitor cleaning spunk of the floor."

>"Didn't I tell you not to waste time spanking it to me in here?"
>"Don't be modest, I know what you're trying to hide. Little horndogs like you even get hard at gross, out of shape women like me."
>"Well, Anon? Since you like my gut so much, you're gonna help me clean it..."
>"Do a good job cleaning me, and I might just do something about that..."
>"And try not to explode before you're done. I like my boys able to last until the fun REALLY begins..."
Also an idea with it I'd thought of.
>They have clothes on, but that does nothing to stop Gilda from reaching under his clothes to touch and grab him anywhere she wants
>She teases him while pretending it's still normal wrestling instead of her just bear hugging him while jerking him off under his shorts
>When he cums in his shorts she uses this as an excuse to take his now cum stained underwear
>Of course with no intention of returning them
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Alternate idea
>Gilda is a gym teacher who's still friends with Rainbow but jealous of her being able to be a successful professional athlete
>Anon is Rainbow's son
>Gilda isn't fully fat, but slightly pudgy and feeling fat compared to Rainbow
>She glares at Anon wanting to direct the jealousy and such she feels towards Dash but can't fully direct at her friend towards him instead
>Yet the longer she stares at him she can't help feeling he's cute and liking him
>When she notices him staring back and getting hard her feelings towards him turn to lust
>She makes any excuse to spend time alone with him and touch him wanting to seduce him
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I want this to be written similar to Harshwhinny's segment in Venus Mercy;
>"This has to be the work of Princess Cadance!", you repeatedly thought to yourself.
>You didn't know exactly WHY you saw Gilda as so physically attractive, you figured that Cadance personally hiring her as a substitute teacher had something to do with it.
>It had also strangely coincided with your decision to refrain from masturbating, as you had reason to believe that doing so would improve your odds of success in sports, so there was that too.
>Even so, Gilda didn't have the most friendly personality, and she obviously could stand to lose some weight.
>It wasn't just her breasts that were big, straining her thin top as they jostled in their tight constraints, but her paunchy belly that slightly sagged under them.
>But she was still a developed woman, and all that exposed flesh was casually on display in and under her short top.
>You can even see her thong peeking up along with her asscheeks above the rim of her tight sweatpants as she jogged along with the students to "show them how it's done".
>You just couldn't look away from such a strangely arousing sight, and you still had enough awareness to feel your shorts tightening to an uncomfortable degree when you stared for too long.
>The way Gilda openly teased you about your base urges after every jogging session didn't help either, riling you up further with accusations of masturbating to hr when you were trying to keep your load contained for exercise purposes when you were already reluctant to feel this way towards someone so trashy.
>It was like you were stuck with this desperate coomer brain where even
a woman like Gilda was hot and breedable.
Him thinking she'd not conventionally attractive yet finding himself feeling really horny for her anyway has potential for me. I think feeling conflicted could go both ways too.
>He thinks she's a foul tempered bitch who should lose some weight but is inexplicably unbelievably turned on by her without knowing exactly why
>She thinks he's a bratty dweeb, but a part of her can't help loving that he's attracted to her with her self image not being so great and not wanting to miss the chance to nab him while he's still into her
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>I can't not see Celestia in that pic as cross-eyed
You're right. Maybe she has one of those mini vibrator things inside the front of her bikini bottoms, then.
Also, I do really like that possible flashback to other-town-era Anon.
>and I can show how Anon acts around guys vs. girls
That sounds interesting.
>I've been doing a TON of driving this week and don't think I'll have an update out earlier than Friday
Ah, well then I guess it's okay for me to post a quick update right now, then?
Actually similar to something I have planned for Venus's Mercy but I won't say much for now.
But I do want to keep that stuff to that story itself though, I think I've already done plenty of branch-offs lol.
This. It's like with Frazzle Rock.

You plan on introducing Gilda in Venus Mercy?
Yeah dude, update away!
I know a lot of Gilda ideas have been posted, but I've got a more femdom one to add.
>Anon as Fluttershy's son
>Momma Flutters is scared of him ending up in her old bully's class and gives him excessive warnings about her
>Anon does end up in her PE class
>Yet instead of being scared of her he's turned on
>His mind tells him she's too pudgy, she's foul tempered, and he should think she's ugly
>Yet every time he looks at her loose and low cut top barely containing her tits, and her ass in cut off Dixie shorts his dick is hard as diamonds
>When she taunts and teases him he has fantasies about her just leaning in and kissing him
>Gilda, despite thinking he's a limp wristed dweeb starts to notice how into her he is
>Starts slowly testing the waters on getting intimate with him
>Not knowing he's already fully down to get fucked by her and have her declare him her boy toy
>If there was a super awkward part where momma Flutters wants to protect him from Gilda thinking she's bullying him, and not knowing what's really going on there between them
I can see Gilda unironically pulling a "your son calls me mommy too" on Fluttershy just to rile her up.
>Gilda is a gym teacher who's still friends with Rainbow but jealous of her being able to be a successful professional athlete.
Now I'm just randomly imagining an older Gilda and Rainbow in a bar, but Gilda is that one overprotective friend that gets violent and threatens any guy that tries to flirt with them.
>Try to resist, but the growing tension in the front of your pants insists itself.
>The front of your underwear feels tighter in front…
>When really all it’s trying to do is contain your riled up member.
>There is a tie for hardest thing in the room.
>Between your still concealed penis stiffening while trying to stand all the way up in your underwear, and resisting the mounting urge to glance at Cookie Crumbles’s soft and VERY exposed cleavage of her busty chest.
>Each are increasing together.
>So many days of restraint are put into a surprising amount of question you didn’t expect.
>Rarity couldn’t hope to be this thick and cuddle-able in just the right way…
>Everything you got a glance at from afar is now far inside of arm’s reach of you.
>And you’re not supposed to even look down at all *that* Cookie Crumbles has got going on.
>She doesn’t see your erection because she’s also being respectful and not looking down at your body.
>Even the sight of her smooth shoulders that are softly pressed on by the spaghetti strings of that undersized tank top is enough to get you visibly shaking.
>You rest on the clean living room carpet with Cookie Crumbles as your heart beats faster and faster.
>Some more of the blood pumping through your veins gets redirected to your privates.
>Send in pleading mental commands to cease this recurring detour of your blood flow.
>Only to feel it happen more.
>Your body is so close to Cookie Crumbles’s body…
>You can hear her quietly breathing.
>”Come on, Anon, lean back for me…”
>You do as she says.
>Barely minutes into the moment you first met and Cookie is already gently placing her hand on your chest.
>Delicately pushing you backwards next to her.
>”You’re shaking like crazy, hon.” Cookie says to you as she lies on her back next to you.
“I’m just a little tense is all.” You lie on your back as well.
>Both of you now stare up at the ceiling.
>The round circular ceiling lights of the living room are off but their glass reflects the sunlight coming in through the large windows doing their job for them.
>In an abstract way, they’re still turned on whether they mean to be or not.
>Look over towards Cookie to discover a perfect view “into” her tank top at her cleavage.
>Cookie’s massive soft breasts sway a little as she shifts around on her back getting comfortable.
>Barely even bound by their partial containment.
>You KNOW she’s braless because you’ve just noticed the slight bumps poking through the fabric, giving away where the BEST part of this view lies still hidden…
>Your member welcomes more and more blood rushing in as what you see overrides what you’re trying to think.
>And now you can only think about burying your face in those things.
>Ripping the front of that lewd revealing tank top out of the way~…
>Closing the distance inside her personal space: burying your face into Cookie’s soft boobies…
>”Nervous about your next date?”
“A little.” You slightly shiver. “Was mostly just only nervous the first time.”
>”Oh I’m sure. Rarity has always been such a sweet young lady. Knows how to make her company around others meaningful.”
“Yeah. She really helped me come out of my shell.”
>Cookie Crumbles smiles having heard you say that, knowing more people in the world have seen what a lovely person she has raised Rarity to become.
>”Don’t worry about buying her too many expensive things.” Cookie says to you. “She’s only materialistic when it come to getting things for herself. Rarity has a niche taste in style and possessions she is probably aware most don’t understand. Which is true for most.”
“That’s pretty much what she told me.” You recall. “She’s more interested in the gesture in something. Right?”
>”Absolutely, dear!” Cookie’s voice heightens very slightly. “I see you’ve been listening to her very well.”
“She always has something great to say.”
>”She always does. I hope you two find yourselves bonding closer and closer.”
>Your eyes have to keep getting pried away from her, from Cookie’s sexy exposed cleavage.
>Praying she can’t see how horny for her you are.
>Cookie meanwhile thinks back to when she was Rarity’s age and dating.
>When she was slim and more active in the late 1990s, having felt old then compared to her younger teen self just a few years prior.
>Boys would be nervous around her, pretending they’re not staring at her cleavage she sometimes happened to show.
>She would still be nice to them, because it’s nice to be nice.
>While hoping they wouldn’t take it the wrong way and think it automatically meant she wanted to date them immediately.
>She was afraid they’d ask her out because of that, and she’d have to say no and surprise-break their hearts.
>She’s glad she luckily raised Rarity in a way where she understood this and wanted to at least try to keep it from happening when approached by a guy who looked like he wouldn’t be able to take it.
>Lord knows what that unfortunate circumstance ends up turning young men towards these days.
>In the age of excessive anime and video game conditioning from a young age.
>She’d blame the companies for putting profit over what they might do to younger generations, but she’s too in her zen zone right now to think too negatively.
>Cookie Crumbles doesn’t realize her now-more-than-ever soft busty cleavage attracts a pair of young male eyes still today.
>Alone in her own house with him as he’s waiting for a date with her daughter.
>Not aware how affected he is by learning who Rarity got her goods from.
>”Anyway, you seem really tense. Stretch a little to loosen up a bit before you’re out with Rarity.”
>”First trick is to get your center above your head.” Suggests Cookie.
>You pull your phone out of your pocket and rest it on the carpet pretty far beside you.
“My… center?”
>”Your core. You know, your tummy area. Get it elevated above your head. Let me show you.”
>Cookie Crumbles raises her entire pelvic area as you observe.
>The bottom of her small tight tank top slightly wanders up her midriff.
>Your eyes wander all over her smooth skin getting partially exposed.
>Right when you felt like your boner had started to go away, this happened.
>Cookie’s top revealing her soft kissable tummy and lower back then riding even further up.
>But what’s causing this only adds to how hot it is.
>Cookie’s huge luscious boobs half-inside her tight little tank top are what drags it up her midriff as they shift upwards towards her face to gravity’s command…
>Those big soft swaying mounds of adult femininity try to spill out of the top of her tank top entirely, but are packed tightly enough into their fabric prison to pull it with them and drag it up Cookie’s fertile, developed womanly body~
>The bottom gets dragged up enough to half expose her bellybutton…
>You stay still as a statue watching Cookie Crumbles keep her pelvic area elevated far above her head as she starts pushing back at the carpeted floor with her palms.
>Is this just called a handstand or something else?
>Your brain doesn’t have enough blood in it to think.
>Eyes fixated on Cookie’s sexy body lazily but tightly wrapped up in a revealing tank top and tight leggings.
>Bent up in a bow position facing up for you.
>Cookie’s soft bountiful breasts, the part of her body most susceptible to gravity, still threaten to spill all the way out of her revealing little tank top~
>You scan Cookie’s smooth soft skin of her wonderful chest, almost expecting to see a sliver of areolae peeking out for you…
>Part of you needs it to happen, part of you needs it to not happen.
>”Very good, Anon.” Comments Cookie as she watches you raise your pelvic area before you realized you were doing so.
>Your erect bulge juts up towards the ceiling, just a slight fabric loosening away from being flung all the way up into a proper tent.
>Your hands are busy keeping you balanced, so there’s nothing you can do to even shield your noticeable in-pants erection from Cookie is she even does so much as glance over at you.
>You’re in a position more suited for if you desperately wanted her to see that you have an erection.
>Just letting your stiff bulge proudly assert its presence through your pants.
>”Now just stay like this and take a few deep breaths.”
>You nervously keep your crotch high in the air, with the view of your obvious hard-on helplessly up there in the open…
>Just as in the open as Cookie’s very exposed cleavage spilling out of the upper front of her lewd little tank top as she’s tilted almost upside down…
>”Rarity’s lucky to have a nice guy like you.” Strains Cookie as she stays in her upward bridge position facing up.
>You gotta figure out how to get out of this position fast before she sees how hard you are.
>Let yourself fall down, surprised at yourself for having unknowingly raised yourself up to begin with.
>Almost like your body is making your decisions for you…
>”You alright?”
“Yeah. Just a little weak right now.”
>Boy we’re you ever…
>”It’s okay, you can just spot me for my tougher positions you want.” Cookie has no way of noticing your eyes now freely exploring all over her body.
>Every time Cookie has to reposition her hands and balance herself, her soft massive breasts do a little bit of jiggling while half-inside her extremely revealing tank top.
>Her round tightly concealed buttocks in those leggings pushes outward even in this position.
>Her bellybutton is all the way exposed now; you almost salivate over Cookie’s bare midriff begging you to wrap your arms around and bury your face in her soft tummy~
>You have to be strong and outlast this only until Rarity arrives and breaks this moment apart by making her presence known at the front door.
>Restraint is the thing that made you powerful when thinking about Rarity.
>All you need to do is have Cookie talk about her daughter more and the day is saved!
>As well as the date.
>How the hell are you going to lie to Rarity with a straight face?
>You can’t.
>You’re too honest for your own good.
>This is what motivates you to keep yourself strong for real.
>You can do this, Anon!
>Sure, your own lust is a tough villain, but you’ve got Rarity’s arrival coming swooping in to save you after you’ve made it far enough.
>That sound of the doorbell will be music to your ears.
>The sound of your already established date with Rarity being your theme song as you resist your own lust and keep yourself on track like you’ve always been.
>Cookie Crumbles now rests herself back down to the floor with you.
>Facing you as you face her, unintentionally reminding you how close you both are in eachother’s personal space.
>”I’m sure Rarity will be here soon.” Says Cookie.
>Your phone lights up with a text right as she says this:
>[I will be done with the agency shortly. Hopefully the heavy rain over here won’t be too long. I will tell you all about what I was just offered on our date! <3]
>Out the window, a gentle few drops of rain start to become noticeable.
>The outskirts of heavier rain about a 20 minute drive away but rapidly approaching across the skies.
>[They're saying they want to see my whole portfolio on social media real quick, but I promise I’ll head over as soon as I can. Hopefully the roads won’t be too wet to drive fast.] Another Rarity text comes in.
>The rain outside begins to intensify.
>That doorbell ain’t sounding any time soon.
>You’re left fighting your own erect lust glancing as Cookie’s sexy exposed cleavage in her undersized tank top…
>Up against a tough villain, but getting overwhelmed, and your theme doesn’t start playing, and it’s starting to rain.

All for now.

>You plan on introducing Gilda in Venus Mercy?
Yes. There'll be a few fit athlete girls in it. Minus RD because she's already in BWB and that's already connected to this universe technically where she's already with her own Anon protag.
>If Fluttershy trying to get in the way of it actually pushes Gilda to further want him and only solidifies their relationship
Gilda would probably also make fun of Fluttershy over the fact that the former looks more her age and like a MILF than she does, and still managed to bag a young stud, and it's her son no less.
Also have a scene in mind with it.
>Gilda is struggling with the idea of wanting a relationship with him when Fluttershy confronts her with him
>Accusing her of bullying him and her threatening him as why he was uncomfortable saying how they are with each other
>Gilda flips from being conflicted to outright saying out loud he's her boy toy boyfriend and sexual plaything
>Then is actually shocked at how readily Anon agrees with her saying that
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Silly anon, you can't escape the cougar's den without paying your load tax!
Poor Rarity, she really really wanted to help Anon but he can’t resist her mom now.
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Nice, another Anon who’d be capable to “hang with the girls” no problem. I think you write this well.
Could you make him not go through with it if that is possible? I love the way you built Anon and Rarity up together and Rares is too cute!
>Could you make him not go through with it if that is possible?
I’m loving the smut but I’m sort of seconding this as well.
Rarity went OUT OF HER WAY to help Anon land a date and save him from life altering heartbreak that would have changed the way he viewed the world for the rest of his years. Rarity did the right thing most girls would never even consider, and THEN she went above and beyond with that by giving him advice how how to be a more dateable guy in case their relationship doesn’t work out after a while. Absolute based moves by Rarity here and she deserves all the props.
I’m sorry but that’s too much to have Anon just screw up like that. Puts a bad taste in my mouth just thinking about it.
Grey I know this is your story but please don’t have Anon betray Rarity’s faith in him.
Good update, really liking the tension that's being built up
Also, I'll have to agree with >>41138802 and >>41139203, it makes Anon look like a reckless idiot if he goes through all the trust and relationship building with Rarity just to throw it away by fucking her mom
But hey, it's your story. You do you.
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I'd actually be fine with Anon somehow keeping it together if that's what the readers want. Makes what I have planned next work even better too, coincidentally.
The outcome could still be either one regarding this scene, but there is another part Rarity after it that's going to happen whether they have sex or not. Didn't the poster who came up with this idea say something about Anon just creaming in his pants? I think I remember that, if you're here right now, correct me if I'm wrong.
I think making Anon cream himself is a happy medium, it shows how starved for intimacy he is without betraying Rarity's trust, and adds another layer of tension onto the ordeal
Anon x Cookie requestor here. I was hoping it would be like they would fuck, Anon would get his lust for Cookie out of his system, and they would keep it a secret to spare Rarity's feelings or something. Then again, I feel like that would only work if Cadance's magic was involved somehow and that isn't the case. If you want to just make Anon cream his pants, that's fine.
>The kiss is loving, but clumsy.
>Applejack clearly doesn’t know as much about kissing as Sunset, but she’s trying her darndest.
>Her lips are just kind of mashed against yours, but not as frenzied as Pinkie’s kiss.
>Granted, you don’t have much more experience than her.
>You try to guide her through the kiss.
>Your hands rest on her cheeks and you try to open and close your lips along with her to establish a rhythm.
>It doesn’t take Applejack long to succumb to your kiss.
>She locks her hands on your cheeks in return.
>Surprisingly forcefully.
>Like she’s afraid you’ll try to escape her.
>As if you’d even want to.
>You’re getting a great demonstration of her farm girl strength.
>She’s making up for her technique with extra emotion, kind of like Pinkie.
>But Pinkie’s kiss was more desperate, Applejack’s kiss is more aggressive.
>You still haven’t recovered your strength from enjoying Pinkie’s desserts, so you have to surface from the kiss to catch your breath.
>”How was that, city boy?” Applejack asked you, grinning while partially out of breath herself.
>Her cheek still bears the mark of one or two tears of joy.
“...That was really something.” You weakly chuckle back to her.
>”I know I ain’t know as much about romance, I’m just flattered to have taken your breath away.” She beams.
“You took my breath away when I first saw you silhouetted by the evening sun over the farm.” You gently flirt back to her.
>Her cheeks flush lightly, weakening her flirty demeanor.
>”You can’t be doin’ that to me, bein’ all sweet and romantic when we’re gonna get down and dirty.” She complained, unable to hide her smile.
>You take some initiative, sitting up and kissing her neck.
>Applejack inhales sharply at your kiss, and you can feel her muscles loosen up in response.
>She snatches the cup of wonder juice off the floor and pushes it into your hands.
>”If you’re gonna be teasin’ me like this, you better be ready to back it up.”
>You take the cup and gently swirl around the purple fluid within.
“...What’s in this, again?” You ask Twilight.
>”Uh… A bunch of stuff you wouldn’t know about?” She nervously answers, glancing over to Sunset.
>You’re getting more suspicious.
“Twilight, I swear, if this has LSD in it-”
>”Relax, Anon! We’re not drugging you! It’s just some plants and stuff from my… private reserve~” Sunset assured you, adding extra flavor to those last two words.
“‘Plants and stuff’?” You repeat back to her, not convinced.
>Then a realization hits you.
>It’s not very likely at all, but neither is seven girls agreeing to share you.
“Is this a love potion or something?”
>Sunset cackles at your accusation.
>Could it actually be a love potion?
>”I guess that’s one way to put it!”
>That’s not the answer you were expecting.
>”Anon, it ain’t gonna kill you. Twilight drank a gallon of the stuff and she’s still here!” Applejack tried to convince you, getting Twilight more embarrassed.
>”It wasn’t that much!” She tried to argue.
>”Oh yeah? You wanna tell Anon how many times you came to your study sessions after ‘forgetting’ to put on underwear that morning?” Sunset grinned at her.
>Twilight meekly sputters trying to come up with a comeback.
>”You don’t have to drink it if you don’t want to, Anon. The last thing we want for you is to be uncomfortable.” Fluttershy softly reminds you.
“It’s fine, I trust Twilight enough to not drug me.” You say, bringing the cup of purple fluid to your lips.
>As you tilt the cup, you notice it has a strangely sweet smell to it.
>Like some kind of flower you’ve never seen or smelled before.
>Like a flower from another world.
>Whatever it is, it’s gotta be safe.
>You gulp down a second cupful of the purple drink.
>The moment the last drop travels from the edge of the cup to your tongue, you feel it again.
>Something powerful surges through you.
>It’s like pure Adrenaline is coursing through your veins.
>Your breathing quickens and your muscles tense up like your body automatically picked fight over flight.
>Your dick’s valiantly returned to its post, much to Applejack’s delight.
>Whatever this stuff is, it’s working.
>”How’re you feelin’?” Applejack asked you with a grin.
>You take a moment to get your breathing under control and respond.
“Ready for round three.” You answer in a throaty voice.
>”Atta boy~”
>Applejack bucks her powerful hips against yours.
>She’s really flexing her farm-grown physique.
>You can’t help but groan pleasurably, making her even more eager to get going.
“You know, I gotta be honest about something…” You say to Applejack, resting your hands on her waist.
>”What might that be?” She asks you, still rubbing her hips on yours.
“When you told me you wanted to save the reveal of your grade for after dinner at the farm, I was afraid you got a really bad grade after my tutoring and wanted to corner me so Big Mac could rough me up.” You admit with a chuckle.
>Applejack bursts out laughing at your admission.
>”I’d have just told you if I ended up with a poor grade! And even if that happened, Big Mac wouldn’t beat you up!”
“I dunno, he can be real scary sometimes!”
>”Only when you’ve really wronged him! Like if you put hands on me!”
>You remember your hands are resting on Applejack’s naked hips.
>He trusted you and now his sister is one of your seven girlfriends.
>Feeling a chill run down your spine, you quickly retract your hands, as if Big Mac was standing right behind you.
>This moment of panic makes the girls laugh.
>”Not like that! You know what I meant!” Applejack laughed.
>You joke, but there was a period of time when you were legitimately scared of Big Macintosh.
>Not because of anything he did, you were just really jumpy around guys that are bigger than you, thanks to the football players beating you up back at Bullworth Academy.
>You ended up feeling really bad about that when Big Mac asked you if he did anything to make you feel uncomfortable around him.
>He might not have shown it, but it saddened him that you didn’t really like being around him when he thought highly of you for being so helpful and friendly with Applejack.
>Thank goodness you’ve moved past that uneasiness and got to know him better.
“I got it, I got it…” You say to her, feeling more comfortable.
>Applejack’s calloused hands slide down from your cheeks, over your chest, and onto your stomach before traveling up your body and resting on your neck.
>”You ready for a rodeo, city boy~?”
>Your hands return to Applejack’s firm, naked body, tracing your fingers along the valleys between her abdominal muscles.
>Firm, with a little give.
“Hell yeah, I am, cowgirl.” You teasingly whisper.
>”I dunno if you really are.” She grins.
“Oh, no? Why not?”
>Applejack leans closer to you.
>”’Cause I ain’t some dainty ‘lil thing you can manhandle like Sunset.”
>Her hands move to your shoulders and she forces you down onto your back with surprising ease.
>”I know how to wrangle a stallion~”
>As you’re pinned down onto the carpet, Applejack proudly presenting what her years of farm work has blessed her with, you think about how forceful Pinkie was with you.
>It’s a similar, but undeniably different feeling.
>Pinkie’s strength came from how frenzied and desperate she was.
>Applejack isn’t desperate.
>Her desire is focused.
>There’s still hunger in her eyes, but she knows how to wait for dessert.
“A stallion, huh?” You wink at her from your compromised position.
>Applejack bites her lip and grinds her sturdy waist against your cock.
>She’s not as soft as Pinkie or Sunset, but her movements are very deliberate and focused.
“Well, you’re something of a stud now, ain’t ya~?”
>Huh, that’s a pretty apt description of what you are.
>You’re being buttered up like some high caloric food at a carnival.
“That doesn’t put you in a very flattering position though, does it?” You ask her through a shudder as she continues grinding her sex against yours.
>”Oh, don’t you go thinkin’ you’re in control here.” Applejack said to you, lowering her head closer to yours.
>”You couldn’t pin me if you tried~”
>You grin at her.
“Challenge accepted.”
>You grab Applejack’s head, pull her in for another steamy kiss, and bring her down onto you.
>She’s off to the races.
>Her hands pin you down by your shoulders even harder, making it surprisingly difficult for you to even wiggle around.
>Her tongue makes a stunning return to the inside of your mouth, enacting its own wrestling match against your own tongue.
>She grinds her hips against yours even rougher like she’s trying to start a fire.
>Each time she drags her dripping pussy against your dick, you lose a little bit more strength you’d use to fight back against her.
>Your tongue’s on autopilot fighting back against hers as you focus more of your attention on trying to flip Applejack onto her back and give her a taste of her own medicine.
>Every square inch of her toned, sexy back is covered by your roaming hands.
>You become bold enough to venture further downward and grope Applejack’s butt.
>Such curvature, such firmness, her ass is like a pair of ripe, juicy apples.
>She shivers a bit when you grope her, but she doesn’t let up on you.
>You try to sit up and push Applejack into a sitting position, but she doesn’t budge an inch.
>Feeling up her back gives you ample time to appreciate her body.
>None of the girls have a physique like Applejack’s.
>Sweat’s building up on her skin like morning dew.
>Your brain’s not getting enough blood to think strategically.
>Your manhood’s hogging all the blood, and he’s not much of a deep thinker.
>But then you get an idea.
>You’re no match for her strength, but you’ll play to your strengths.
“Hey… Applejack…” You gasp out to her after separating from the kiss.
>When she looks back down at you, her long, blonde hair is draped over her shoulders and messily cascading down over you.
>Her robust, subtly sweaty chest heaves hypnotically with every breath she takes.
>A faint blush covers her cheeks, barely visible under the shade provided by her stetson, which silhouettes her against the light coming down from the ceiling.
>”Yeah?” She asks you in between pants.
“Is this any way to treat your teddy bear?” You teasingly ask her.
>Applejack chuckled at your question.
>”I thought you said you were built tough~” She reminds you, then stealing another kiss from you.
>The kiss is lovely, but you’ve got bigger fish to fry.
“Ready for the rodeo?”
>Applejack gives you a slow but firm nod.
>”Question is… are YOU ready?”
“Don’t get too cocky, now. This stud’s got horns.”
>Her resolve breaks and a laugh escapes her lips in response to your clumsy flirting.
>Her grip on your shoulder softens.
>There’s your opening.
>You fasten your hands on her shoulders and flip her around.
>Before she knows it, she’s on her back, and you’re on top of her.
>Surprise covers Applejack’s face as you loom over the powerful farm girl.
>Your hands fly to her hips to pin her down in much the same way she did to you.
>You line yourself up and slide your cock inside.
>”Anon, yoOOOOOHHH~” Applejack exclaims as you unite your body with hers.
>Her entire body reacts to you entering her.
>She arches her back upwards, her hands clench into fists, her toes curl, and her voice reaches high notes you didn’t think were possible.
>Of course you know studs don’t have horns.
>You just needed something to distract her.
>And it worked.
>This is the most vulnerability you’ve ever seen from Applejack, and she’s naked on top of that.
>But it didn’t work for long.
>You’re only able to enjoy two thrusts in and out of her tight pussy before she regains her composure.
>Applejack grips you and throws you back onto the floor.
>”Sneaky bastard, you’re gonna pay for that~” Applejack hissed at you.
>With gritted teeth, she ruts against you even harder.
>She’s practically slamming her hips against you.
>You’re gonna be bruised tomorrow.
“Language~” You tease her.
>You sit up and go in for another kiss, but Applejack’s already on edge, so she pins you back down and snarls at you.
>”I should’ve seen through that nice guy charade of yours.” She teasingly growled at you while pounding away.
“What… charade?” You manage to ask her through gasps.
>”All along, ever since we met, you were just tryin’ to get in my pants.” She continues her little accusation, scraping her fingernails across your chest.
>You’ve got just enough strength to match her rampage-like pace, reducing the blunt force trauma somewhat.
>”I’ve seen you eye me up when you thought I wasn’t lookin’. I’ve seen you steal glances at my chest and my rear.”
“Guilty as charged~” You boldly reply, allowing your eyes to drift down to Applejack’s naked, toned body.
>She gently glistens with the perspiration covering her body, highlighting each and every muscle she’s worked so hard to maintain.
>She grips your hair and forces you to look up at her.
>”Big Mac warned me about how you might try to pull some funny stuff on me…”
>She leaned into your ear.
>You’re even more sensitive to her every hot breath.
>”I was hopin’ he’d be right~”
>She playfully bites your cheek, snarling into your ear.
>She’s getting to be a lot for you.
>You need to turn the tables on her.
“Oh… Yeah…” You groan.
>Then, you do something you thought you’d never do.
>Something so low and detestable, you wouldn’t even humor the idea until tonight.
>But you can’t let her win.
>Desperate times call for desperate measures.
>You reach up and steal Applejack’s hat.
>The moment her stetson leaves her head, she freezes.
>Her hands shoot to cover her bare head, as if she’s that much more naked now.
>...Actually, she is weirdly naked.
>You’ve never seen Applejack without her hat before now.
>Now she really is wearing nothing.
>”Anon!” She exclaims.
“Hey, come on, if Fluttershy can get naked, so can you!” You cheekily remind her, waving her hat teasingly.
>”Gimme my hat back!” She orders you right before trying to snatch it out of your hand.
>You’re quick enough to keep it out of her reach.
>Her womanhood’s grip on your dick tightens.
>She’s into it.
>She wants the chase.
>She wants the fight.
“Make me.” You challenge her.
>Applejack lunges forward to grab her hat back.
>Another golden opportunity has presented itself to you.
>While she’s partially off the ground, you flip her around onto the floor again.
>You almost lose your grip on her because of how her sweat lubricates her skin.
>But when she’s back on the ground, the look she’s giving you is a dangerous mix of angry and aroused.
>”It ain’t good for your health to steal my hat, city boy.” She warned you, arousal dripping from her words.
>She’s still thrusting against you.
>She’s so tight, it’s like she’s trying to milk you.
>She knows that when you cum, it’ll be over for you.
>But your shithead-ness is keeping you in the game.
>Her body’s betraying her true desires.
>She wants a challenge.
>Let’s keep poking the tiger.
>You give her a sinister grin.
“Hey, Sunset…”
>You slowly put on Applejack’s hat and strike a smug pose.
“...How do I look?”
>Even though you’re staring down the farm girl, you hear Sunset giggle behind you.
>”You look mighty handsome, partner!” She answered in a fake southern accent.
>This really sets Applejack off.
>She lunged up at you with a battle cry and her hands outstretched.
>”You’re gonna regret takin’ my hat!”
“Come on, you ain’t got nothin’ to be ashamed of!” You cheekily tease her.
>Like the mighty alligator, Applejack furiously rolls you back onto the floor.
>Through some kind of magic, her hat stays firmly planted on top of your head.
>She’s breathing through her nose like a bull rearing to charge.
>”You’re lucky you’re such a charming devil.” She bitterly muttered to you.
>She dives in for another furiously passionate kiss.
>Her hips jackhammer away at you, threatening to rip your dick right off with nothing but her womanhood and gusto.
>This is definitely gonna bruise in the morning.
>She claws at your back like an eagle tearing apart the unlucky fish it plucked from the river.
>This is hopeless.
>You’ve tried every trick you could come up with, and you always end up beneath her.
>All you can do is go along for the ride.
Dayum, Appul sure does like to play rough.
Quick Idea;
>You are friends with Yona.
>Aside from her strange customs, she was fun to be around.
>And being from a perpetually cold region made her hot more easily, leading to skimpy clothing, which led to a lot of exposed skin in the summer.
>Yona never seemed to mind you staring, though.
>One day, Yona had you do something weird with her.
>You unknowingly preformed a Yakyakistan courting ritual with her.
>You are now husband and wife according to Yakyakistan traditions.
>Yona eagerly wants to consummate your new marriage.
>Aside from the more obvious problem, everyone from Yakyakistan was , to put it politely, also "built different" from those outside from it.
>Yona especially, with being almost twice your size, you were all but certain she was going to literally crush you under her.
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>Even the women from Yakyakistan, from the teens to the elderly, were these hulking amazons.
>Yona was no different, even being taller than a majority of adults despite being of highschool age.
>There was also her body's "bulk", having a mix of hard muscle and soft fat on her breasts, belly and butt that made it obvious that her natural Yakyakistan genetics and puberty was generous to her at such a young age, resulting in a body that most adult women would envy.
>Maybe that was also why you were one of her first friends when she transferred here to Canterlot High, being unafraid to approach her when even some of the teachers were intimidated by her and her stubborn, headstrong personality.

>Being close to Yona all the time, given her tall height, your head was always level with her big chest.
>She also never seemed to wear a bra, or much of anything else under that thick brown sweater of hers, saying that anything else was "pointless and unnecessary".
>Yona also never seemed to mind you staring, even shoving those huge tits in your face as a way of bluntly grabbing your attention when she needed it.
>She was rather "tsundere" with you with things, saying "Yona merely looking out for tiny friend" in that admittedly cute broken English.

>In hindsight, you probably should've noticed all the hints that Yona felt much more than friendship towards you...
I think it’s pretty cute
AJ being “more naked” without her hat was a nice touch
Can you make a paste for the story now? It’s been a week.
Random thoughts in no particular order.
AJ is going to tie Anon's dick into a knot. (The other girls somehow will like this!)
Pinkie going 2nd was brilliant in another way. She will be awake to make Anon breakfast when he wakes up tomorrow evening. After which she will challenge him to "Strip Mario Kart".
Remember, when you date Applejack, you also date her hat! Take good care of both!
Unforeseen side effects of friendship magic may include sharing a boyfriend 7 ways.
Even odds Twilight hands Anon a remote control between classes at school one day.
Fluttershy will be a SCREAMER..
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Please stop. I don't want to write a snu snu green about fucking Yona of all things. The student 6 were cancer and everyone knows it.
Then why are you even in this thread? If you don't want to read a Yona green, then block that poster. Simple as. Freaking summer children, I swear!
Alright, that's where this'll go next. The way it happens can still vary. But even if she's not aware of anything that actually happens, I still might write a mini arc of now-attached Rarity competing with Cookie to retain Anon's interest and have to compensate for not measuring up as much in the endowment department.
>"Strip Mario Kart"
Pretty clever idea. Never got around to doing something similar in another much older green of mine and probably never will in that one at this point.
If Cosmic's not doing that in his then I guess I'll give that a go in the near future.
Amazons are fun. Not planning on writing Yona any time soon but if someone else wants to do that, go for it.
Ah fuck, I forgot to reply here.
I agree with this Anon >>41142194, she's so attached to that thing it might as well be part of her, outside of scenes like that one where she was in her footsie pajamas iirc.
Good update, mate.
Cute ponka
One day, Magna will come back... One day, Single Players will continue...

I will trust the plan. I have to...
>AJ on top
>"I was hopin' he'd be right~"
super unf. AJ was hot here m8
wonder what that flower is
I'm sure he's lurking. He'll finish it.
To tell the truth Grey, I'm more attached to Rarity than Cookie in this green so far. She's a gem.
that idea is hot af tho
>Rarity competing with Cookie to retain Anon's interest
Seconding this. I hope to see Cookie actively trying to pull Anon away from Rarity.
Cookie doesn't seem like the type of woman to intentionally steal her daughter's boyfriend.
Don't care. The idea is still fun.
I could see it happening more as Cookie trying to compete for Anon's attention because she wants to feel sexy and wanted rather than anything personal or against Rarity.
Quick Idea;
>Anon is next in line to run a big corporation.
>Harshwhinny is secretly there as something of a honeypot to "influence" his decisions in the workspace.
>The older woman is not above sucking him off in private if it means making sure he makes the most "professional" decisions.
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I felt it was important for the dynamic of Anon's harem that Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and even Pinkie Pie could physically overpower him if they really wanted to. It keeps him humble and makes sure he doesn't get too much of an ego from dating seven girls at once
She really does feel more exposed without that hat of hers, even though nothing really spicy is showing. Kind of like Donald Duck without his sailor getup
I'll let you have the Strip Mario Kart idea. The way I'm interpreting Pinkie, she's not one for foreplay at all, more so into pinning Anon down and making out while undressing and skipping right to the fun stuff now that the slow buildup is out of the way and they're officially dating.
Lots of good ideas! We'll have to see how the story develops, I'm still mapping out the story after the sleepover.
Applejack was a lot of fun to write here since she plays the roughest of the seven. I like to imagine she's secretly hoping Anon would make a pass at her or grab her ass so she could turn the table on him and show him who's really in control
I'll expound upon the Strip Mario Kart idea as that got the most response. The real fun in this idea is in the variations since the most basic version, last place loses a clothing item of their choice, has all the downsides of strip poker while taking longer.
The next level is everyone but the winner loses a piece of clothing. This IS quicker, but it's harder to maintain a tension in the narrative.
Next is "Winners Choice" where the winner gets to choose who loses an item, Loser chooses the item, and then the winner gets to remove that item in whatever way they choose. A reasonable further variation is "Parity", where if Anon wins, he gets Winners Choice with each of the 3 girls to make up for being outnumbered.
Spice with pics and video to taste and simmer till something overflows.
Would Frazzle Rock be the type to preach about the importance of abstinence and self-restraint, and then let you stick it between her huge boobs so it technically isn't masturbation or pre-marital sex?
>Imagine being so pent-up and horny in the middle of prom that you had a stubborn erection in the middle of a slow dance, so the skimpily dressed Frazzle let's you stealthily whip it out and start humping her humongous hooters in the middle of the crowd. Due to the size difference (her large chest comes up to your crotch), the dim lights and the crowds of other dancers so bunched together, nobody knows you're busy titfucking your prom date. At the most, they can only make out a vague plapping noise as your hips collide with her massive mammaries, and when you inevitably spurt your huge load in between those deep milkers, you simply zip back up and resume dancing with nobody else all the wiser.

Unf that’s hot. Stealth stuff is a good turn on.
She probably would
>At least now you’re used to Applejack’s furious pace.
>She’s pressing down on you with full force, like she’s wrangling a stallion.
>She’s even got you by the lips.
>Your entire body moves along with hers.
>You’re starting to get a fairly serious case of rug burn from how you’re being rubbed along the carpet by her bucking.
>Applejack isn’t moaning like Pinkie or Sunset, she’s grunting and groaning like a powerful mare in heat.
>She’s gripping you with such force that you’re partially worried that she’s gonna draw blood.
>Applejack only parts from the raging kiss to bite your lip surprisingly forcefully, teasing you in her own way.
>You try to match her intensity, but she’s got stamina for days.
>Your fingers lace themselves through her long, blonde hair, keeping her head pressed against yours to let her know you’re just as determined to continue making out as she is.
>You decide against pulling her hair, though.
>You’ve been teasing her enough tonight, something like that would be a bridge too far.
>Speaking of which, you notice she stopped trying to grab her hat off your head.
>Maybe her fingers are too burrowed into your flesh for her to pull them out and make a grab for it again.
>The raw force of your hips slamming against hers is enough to distract you from how close you are to finishing.
>At this point, it isn’t even really sex.
>It’s a naked wrestling match, and she’s got you pinned.
>Your hands slide down from her hair to her waist.
>Her muscles are really nice.
>Every firm ridge on her undeniably feminine body tells the tale of long days spent toiling in the fields of her family farm.
>From sunup to sundown, Applejack would carry crates of apples, manage apple trees, handle farm equipment, all while building up one Hell of a sweat and getting a lovely tan.
>Out of the corner of your eye, in the portion of your view that isn’t taken up by her face, you admire the farmer’s tan that’s been years in the making.
>Halfway up her forearms, Applejack’s skin tone changes from a weathered tan to her lighter, more natural skin tone.
>You don’t get very long to admire her like this, though.
>Applejack parts from the kiss, allowing you an opportunity to gasp for air.
>She doesn’t give you any rest, though.
>She tries her hand at being flirty by biting your neck, but it’s still too forceful to be flirty.
>The passion is all there, though.
>A realization hits you as you hold her firm ass in place as you thrust back against her and she bites at your neck and ear.
>She’s angry.
>Not because you stole her hat, but because it took you this long to steal her hat.
>She welcomed you into her home, introduced you to her family, fed you her family’s delicious cooking, got you to know her friends, made you a part of her weekly schedule, and ONLY NOW did you realize she’s into you.
>She had to strip naked and throw herself at you to make you realize she’s into you.
>You’ve kept her waiting for months, and she’s subjecting you to months of built up feelings.
>You’re pretty angry, too.
>You’ve been led around by the nose all day.
>Your friends have been scheming about you behind your back.
>They’ve been dressing you up and making you sing like you’re the night’s entertainment.
>And how could Applejack be angry at you for not noticing her feelings for you?
>She never gave you any signs she was interested in you.
>She’s normally so blunt and upfront about what she’s feeling, you learned to trust her to tell you what’s on her mind.
>How is this your fault?
>Your breathing turns to snarls that match hers.
>Applejack’s eyes widen a bit when she realizes you’re getting more intense.
>You kick your leg out and knock her off her balance.
>You roll Applejack onto her back, relentless in your pace.
>”Oh, no, you don’t.” She growled, rolling you right back where you started.
>You’re not letting up.
>You keep rolling and get Applejack back onto her back.
>She rolls you onto your back in turn.
>You two roll around on the floor, desperately struggling for dominance.
>Her legs are firmly locked around yours.
>Her arms are wrapped around your head, ensuring no escape from the frenzied kissing.
>Miraculously, her hat stays on your head.
>Must be made of some quality stuff.
>Thinking about this is distracting you from your fight.
>Applejack’s thrusting gets even faster.
>You match her speed.
>You two can only communicate with animalistic growling in between desperately clawing at each other’s body.
>You two knock into Rarity’s nightstand and hear various objects fall to the floor.
>Neither of you care.
>But you can feel pressure building up in your manhood, being coaxed even further by the warm, moist grip she has you in.
>You’re getting closer.
>So is Applejack.
>Her pussy’s tightening and her breathing is getting higher pitched.
>Her grip on you is getting even tighter.
>Time’s running out.
>You need to make this count.
>You let out a throaty roar as you harness the power you need to pin down the farm girl long enough to solidify your victory.
>But when you’re finally on top of her, you’re all burned out.
>And you’re still not finished.
>Applejack realizes this, a wicked grin appearing on her face.
>She whips you back onto your back one last time.
>When you’re on the floor, you’re done.
>The two of you climax at the same time.
>Her grip on you tightens as viciously as possible as she grits her teeth, hunching forward and letting the ecstasy of the moment wash over her and free her from this stressful encounter.
>You’re so burned out after that frenzied fight that all you can do is melt into the carpet.
>Staring up at the ceiling and barely capable of breathing in and out, you hear excited murmuring surround you.
>The passionate anger you felt when fucking Applejack exited stage left along with your strength.
>Your friends, attracted to you as they may be, only lead you on to set up a fun surprise for you.
>It’s not like you didn’t enjoy how they got all hot and bothered watching you sing in that himbo getup.
>And it’s not fair for you to judge Applejack for not being able to tell you that she has a crush on you.
>It’s not like you were amazing at talking to girls.
>Applejack allows herself to succumb to her weakened state and slump down on top of you.
>”You know… You’re the only guy that I’d let take my hat.” She weakly chuckled, nuzzling into your chest.
>With some straining on your part, you raise your arm up and let it flop down onto her back, tenderly rubbing her.
“Heh… I’m… honored…” You manage to pant in response.
>Applejack looks up at you with a gentle smile.
>For a moment, it’s almost hard to believe this is the same girl that rode you like you’re a rodeo bull.
>”You look like a mighty handsome farm boy with it, now that I’m gettin’ a good look at ya.” She gently flirted, gently adjusting the hat on your head to make you look as appealing as possible.
>”Oh, yes! I can see it now! Anonymous, resting beneath a tree after a hard day’s work, peering out at some lucky girl from beneath the brim of his hat, instantly casting a spell upon her with his rugged charms!” Rarity was quick to agree, swooning.
>You didn’t have much energy to express how flattered you are.
“You… charm me… too much.” You reply, letting your head fall to the side to face Rarity, who’s kneeling towards you with an excited look in her eyes.
>Man, Rarity’s naked.
>So is Applejack, Sunset, and all the other girls.
>It still feels so surreal.
>You’d pinch yourself to make sure you’re not dreaming, but Applejack, Sunset, and Pinkie have done more than pinch.
>”Shoot, AJ, looks like you did a real number on him.” Rainbow remarked with a grin, entertained by how exhausted you are.
“Eh, I’ll live.” You weakly chuckle, waving your hand dismissively.
>You’re not entirely sure you are, though.
>”You better!” Rainbow jokingly warned you, albeit letting her impatience shine through a bit.
>Fluttershy looks incredibly worried about you, clasping her hands together.
>”Don’t worry about that! Nonny’s such a super guy, he’s not gonna leave us high and dry!” Pinkie piped up, lying on her stomach and gently kicking her feet while giving you dreamy eyes.
>She’s still riding the high of your time spent together.
“Darn right…” You agree with a weak smile, giving Pinkie a wink.
>Pinkie’s cheeks flush and she succumbs to a small giggle fit.
>Twilight’s been surprisingly quiet.
>You look over at her and see her hands situated between her thighs, covering herself up and looking down with a faintly embarrassed look on her face.
>She’s chewing on her lower lip, clearly a lot’s going through her mind.
>Only after you cast your eyes towards the ceiling do you notice that Sunset’s kneeling behind you.
>When your eyes meet hers, she smiles and rubs your shoulders, encouraging you to sink even further into the floor.
>...All these eyes on you are really driving home how awkward all of this must be.
>You’re fucking each of these girls one at a time and all the others do is sit and watch.
>You haven’t really had time to really think about the situation.
“...Hey, this isn’t, like… awkward for any of you, is it?” You ask the girls, propping yourself up on your elbows to address the group.
>”Heavens, no! You’re quite the showman, Anonymous!” Rarity answered with wistfulness in her voice.
>”Y-Yeah, you’re hypnotic…” Twilight finally spoke up, still unable to meet your gaze.
>”And you’re giving me more ideas on what I’m gonna do to you when you get to the main event.” Rainbow added, unsubtly presenting her athletic body for your admiration. “Just don’t keep us waiting!”
>She’ll get her time in the spotlight.
“Okay, okay, as long as you girls are having a good time.”
>”We sure are~” Pinkie replied, wiggling happily on the floor.
>Her body subtly jiggles so wonderfully.
>It’s not fair of you to focus on her, you’ve got a farm girl on top of you that deserves to share the warmth of your afterglow.
>You run your hands down her back to her ass, appreciating her body more now that you’re not in combat anymore.
>Applejack smiles into your neck, indulging herself in your gentle, loving touch.
>The room’s starting to smell like sex and arousal.
>You sniff again and pick up the scents of sweat and love juices from you and the girls.
>Fittingly, each of the girls have their own aroma of arousal.
>It’s gonna take at least a whole can of air freshener to mask the scent of what’s happened tonight.
>That’s not worth worrying about right now, you’re sure Rarity and Sunset thought of some way to deal with that in advance.
>”I shaved my sensitives for tonight.” She admits, then nudging herself up to whisper in your ear.
>”Don’t tell Big Mac I borrowed his razor.”
>You gently laugh at her admission of guilt.
>You never thought she’d ever do something so scandalous.
>But you don’t want to lie to Big Mac, he’s such a great guy.
>It’ll never come up, you shouldn’t worry about it.
>You carefully remove Applejack’s hat and place it back onto her pretty head.
“There you go, good as new.”
>Applejack smiles and adjusts her hat a bit.
>”Thank you, sugarcube.” She happily sighs.
>”You treat me right, you’ll get to wear my hat more often.” Applejack offers you.
“Ooh, I’m looking forward to that~”
>”How’re you feeling, cowboy?” Sunset asked you, gently combing your hair with her fingers.
“Heh… Alive…. But barely.” You chuckle, then realizing how dry your throat has become.
>”Alive enough for Fluttershy, I hope.” Sunset teases you.
>Fluttershy perks up like a rabbit hearing a strange noise upon the invocation of her name.
“As long as I’m capable of breathing in and out, I’ll always be alive enough for Fluttershy.” You assure her with a teasing smile.
>Fluttershy shimmies closer to you carefully, nervously looking between you and Sunset.
>She clearly wants you, but there’s at least three emotional barriers separating her from you.
>Rarity rubs her shoulders to reassure her, which she appreciates, going off the way she gently smiles.
>Her eyes finally fall upon Sunset, still clasping her hands together in uncertainty.
>”S-Sunset?” She asks her.
>”Yes, Fluttershy?” Sunset teasingly responds.
>It takes Fluttershy a moment to say what’s on her mind, but she finds the confidence she needs when she looks into your eyes.
>”...Is it my turn with Anon now?”
>She’s so cute when she wants something.
>”Hmm…” Sunset pretends to ponder, casting a smug look in Twilight’s direction.
>Twilight still can’t find the strength to say what Sunset wants to hear from her.
>All she can do is look down at the floor shamefully.
>Fluttershy’s getting more nervous the longer Sunset takes to answer.
>”Just say yes already.” Rainbow butted in, losing more of her patience.
>”Fine. Flutters, you’re up!” Sunset finally answered.
>The animal lover perks up, rising to her feet and turning her needy gaze to you.
>”Yay!” She softly cheers.
>God, she’s adorable.
>Fluttershy should be a nice change of pace.
>There’s no way she’ll be as rough as Pinkie or Applejack.
>As fun as it is to wrestle with those lusty girls, it’s not something you could do all night, even with Twilight’s party juice.
>Now that she’s standing up between Rarity and Rainbow, you get a good opportunity to admire her body.
>She’s got a bit of pudge to her, thanks to her sedentary lifestyle, but Pinkie’s got her beat in the thickness department.
>Her pubic hair is neatly trimmed, she’s been preparing for tonight, too.
>She’s got really nice thighs and hips, but she’s gotta have the most impressive chest of the seven girls.
>”Guess that’s my cue to leave. Knock ‘em dead, Flutters.” Applejack wished her well, rolling off of you with a quick goodbye kiss.
>”Oh, no, no, no! I’d never do that!” Fluttershy quickly answered, taking on a more concerned demeanor as she hurried over to you.
>”Are you okay, Anon? Applejack didn’t hurt you, did she?” She worriedly asked you, looking over your body for any bruises or bleeding.
>A guilty look flashes across Applejack’s face at her question.
>The Fluttershy that felt you up and tried to kiss you after having that hard cider is nowhere to be seen.
>This is the closest she’s ever gotten to your exposed body, but sex isn’t on her mind right now.
>Right now she’s real worried about you.
“I’m fine, Flutters, Applejack didn’t hurt me. I’m a little worn out, but hey, that’s what Twilight’s drink is for.” You assure her with a gentle smile.
>Your answer doesn’t convince her.
>”Can you stand up?” Fluttershy asks you.
“Yeah, hold on.”
>You move to sit up, but the soreness in your stomach and loins remind you of what you went through.
>An involuntary groan escapes your lips, getting Fluttershy even more worried about you.
>”Oh, dear! Where does it hurt?” She asks you like a doting mother.
“Ngh… stomach area, mainly.” You groan. “But I think I’ll be fine if I have some more of that-”
>”Where exactly does it hurt?”
>You glance down at your stomach.
“Uh… Here, I guess.” You say, pointing to your lower stomach, just above your nether region.
>Fluttershy kneels down and plants a gentle kiss on the spot on your lower stomach you just pointed to.
>When her lips meet your skin, you feel a loving warmth spread throughout your body.
>You contentedly sigh as Fluttershy gently brushes her fingers across your skin.
>”Did that help?” She gently asks you.
“...Hey, it did. Thank you, Fluttershy.” You softly say to her with a smile.
>Fluttershy smiles back at you, but then turns to Rainbow.
>”Can you help me carry Anon to the bathtub?” She asked her.
>Rainbow, eager to finally get up close and personal, leaps to her feet.
>”Can I ever!” Rainbow answers, leaping to attention.
>”Wait a minute, remember the rule! You’ve gotta tell Anon when you realized you had a crush on him before you can touch him!” Sunset reminded her.
>”But I only want to get him into a warm bath! I’ll tell him after I get him settled in, I promise!” Fluttershy anxiously said to her, retracting her hands from you to avoid any more remarks from her.
>A warm bath sounds really nice right about now.
>You weren’t really able to savor the hot tub as much as you liked.
>You were more focused on the naked girls.
>Weirdly, Fluttershy and Sunset carry their nudity in vastly different ways.
>Fluttershy looks so exposed and vulnerable when in her nudity, but Sunset stands proud in her nudity, like she’s serving as the model for a statue of a Greek Goddess.
“Come on, Sunset, I trust her.” You argue on Fluttershy’s behalf.
>”Anon, I thought we agreed I’d call the shots around here.” Sunset teasingly turned to you.
>You sit up as much as you can to address Sunset, groaning a bit from the effort.
“We’re not cast members in a play you’re putting on. I’m my own person, and so is Fluttershy. I won’t let you penalize her for trying to help me.”
>For the briefest moment, a look of satisfaction appeared in Sunset’s eyes.
>”Oh, alright. Fluttershy, Rainbow, get Anon to the bathtub.” She directed them.
>She didn’t have to say that so authoritatively, but at least she relented.
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>ywn have a Luna witch cast a seduction spell on you
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I too long for this.
Flutters being a screamer only makes sense imo
Sounds good, but I'd also like to add my idea with her as a teacher and explain it a bit more.
>Fraggle Rock being like a reference to Mrs.Frizzle from the magic school bus
>She's a very innocent seeming and cheerful teacher
>Despite her huge breasts that always seem to strain against her frumpy sweater
>Anon's friends dare him to ask her out on a date
>They expect her to become very flustered, be uncomfortable, and not know what to do about a student asking her out on a date
>When Anon goes though with it she flips and goes from innocent and pure to super sexually aggressive with him
>Instead of her being caught off guard it turns out it's Anon who's in way over his head
>Nobody will believe him either that Fraggle could possibly behave that way because her image as this ultra innocent and pure woman who'd never do anything sexual is so firmly ingrained in people's minds
>Anon's friends dare him to ask her out on a date.
>They expect her to become very flustered, be uncomfortable, and not know what to do about a student asking her out on a date.
I'd stick with teacher Frazzle being very flustered and nervous from asking her out, but going with it anyway and gradually becoming physically intimate with her student because she genuinely likes him because it's hotter to me than just going full-on pervert immediately.

Half the time you're doing lewd stuff with her, she's like "A-am I doing this right?"
>she flips and goes from innocent and pure to super sexually aggressive with him
I feel like I've seen this idea more than once, like the NNN + Cadence's haywire love magic thing.
Also cute, but I was going for more of a twist of Anon finding himself at the mercy of her and in over his head when he expected her to be more passive and innocent.
Instead of magic I was thinking more along the lines of her having strong repressed lust and desperation she'd been hiding to be a proper teacher, and it abruptly coming to the surface when Anon asks her out.
Quick question.

If a male student or teacher found about Celestia, Luna, and Cadance's lusting after and fucking the boys in the school, what would the latter three do if he was discovered? Would they use the love magic to try and bribe with sex or blackmail him with an incriminating situation they create to keep him quiet?
That’s a good question. I suppose it depends on which guy that finds out.
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>To tell the truth Grey, I'm more attached to Rarity than Cookie in this green so far
Yeah that's kind of the intention, outside the lewd stuff, of course.
Also, I don't intend for her to do it intentionally, at least not in a way where it's against her own daughter, if that makes enough sense.
The end goal of this arc is to have Rarity take more drastic measures to show Anon she can be lewd too, to the point of her leaving her own still-limited comfort zone.
I'm going to type more now and post tomorrow.
Thanks, man. I've been getting lots of ideas lately that are making it harder and harder for me to stick to my original plan of keeping it PG. But hey, that little struggle might make this even more fun for the readers if I go about it right.
I'll keep this in mind.
I'll keep this in mind and might write my own interpretation of it shortly, maybe. Might not have the space/time to.
Fluttershy is being adorable as always. Also, neat satanic trips.
I just thought about it for a few minutes and I agree with >>41147948
It depends which guy is in question here. Due to a few of the characters I have planned. If it's a regular guy they can probably just bribe or seduce him. If it's someone like Forest/Wood Elf, then they'll need to get more creative than that.
>If it's a regular guy they can probably just bribe or seduce him.
Would they be above using a proxy to seduce him, like with Redheart and Harshwhinny?
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I imagine if it's a really impactful guy who can be seduced with magic if need be, they'd probably do it personally. Like one who's in a position to change things too much for their comfort, so they gotta step in and not let him get too powerful. You know, control-clinging power moves.
But if they weren't in a position to do it with him directly for some reason, they'd still use proxies to seduce him for them?
Probably, yeah.
So, example;
They predict he tries to videotape them if they try to come after him, so they use love magic to have a girl he would be in big trouble if caught with seducing him into sex, like a schoolgirl, someone's girlfriend or a married woman.

Would that count as something they'd do with someone outside their influence?
This pic, and Trixie is hot in general. But I always imagined Trixie to be a bit flat chested, to help explain some of her insecurities that she hides.

Cadence would have the loosest pussy out of the three i reckon
>But I always imagined Trixie to be a bit flat chested, to help explain some of her insecurities that she hides.
She stuffs her bra in my headcanon.
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>Would that count as something they'd do with someone outside their influence?
That does sound like it, yeah. It'd be a strategic move.
Trixie being B-cup is a nice compromise because her tits not being an A-cup makes them just as "great" as D-cups in her ego-infested mind.
I think she's more arrogant than insecure. In the way where she could make a mistake and genuinely believe it doesn't count and not care. She's just overconfident.
Yes, with those multi coloured silk hankerchiefs magicians tie together
>ego-infested mind
I can just imagine her during sex boasting how good she is and thinking she is the best thing anyone can experience... damn hot..
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Not an eqg pic but still the same in spirit
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Another random question;
When it comes to smut stories, ages are one thing as long as they're close to each other, or one is at least over 18, but what about incest? Are cousins the furthest it can go, or is it already too far?
Cousins is sort of pushing it, but as long as they’re over 18 it’s probably fine.
Anything closer than that would be more akin to the incest thread, no pun intended.
That being said, I wonder how Cadence or Chrysalis would feel about romantic love between cousins. I feel like Cadence would be conflicted if said love was genuine while Chrysalis might have less standards regarding where the love comes from as long as it isn't TOO far.
I just had another idea for a story, and it's based on that one Family Guy episode where Lois brainwashed Peter into being a better lover and he ends up performing cunnilingus on his mother-in-law before he realizes what happened.

>Anon has a confusing crush on his cousin Applejack, to the point of strong lust.
>He knows it's wrong because they're related, but he can't help but recognize her as a very sexually attractive girl as well as close family.
>Cadance, aware of his crush but not knowing of their familial relation at first, uses her love magic to encourage him to act on his feelings.
>It's not until after that that Cadance realizes in horror what she's done, and she rushes to the two to prevent the incestuous coupling before it happens.
> She arrives too late to stop it.
>Applejack might have her own closet feelings towards her cousin Anon that she's also understandably reluctant to acknowledge, let alone act on prior to Cadance's unwitting intervention.
>She's not above joking to herself that a few beers between herself and Anon could probably fix what's between her and Anon, but that was about it.
>After Anon's visit from Cadance however, he and Applejack strangely found themselves a lot more... "open" with how they really felt about each other, playfully flirting like they were already a couple, and finding each other touching, grabbing and squeezing each other in private.
>Then prom came, and the idea of... consummating their newfound relationship during it quickly occured to them.
>At this point, they didn't care they were cousins, they were now determined to show each other how much they meant to the other. Not as family, but as a true romantic couple.
I kind of feel like Cadence would be more for more pure kinds of love. While Chrysalis will get off on actively pushing for more forbidden kinds of love.
Also, unfortunately the incest thread is gone. There's a 'what if Sunset were your sister' thread, but that's not quite the same thing.
>Wallflower continues clinging to you as you arrive at school
>Only a couple people glance over at you two, but most just continue as usual
>Soon she has to part ways to go to her classes and you head off to your own
>You seriously wonder what you would say to the other club members when you go to the club room during lunch
>As much as you would want to simply not think about it you can't
>Wallflower acting like she's your sister after your parents start thinking she is
>With both of you being green someone might think you're related somehow
>Yet, you aren't
>At least you're pretty sure you aren't
>If she was your sister you'd have known, and she said she wasn't before she decided to play along
>Though where did your parents see her before, and why was she so frantically not want them to think about it any harder?
>All you do know right now is you simply don't have the answers
>When lunch does come around you go to the club room without getting lunch at the cafeteria first
>Thinking lunch may have been made for you from yesterdays talk
>If not you could still go to the cafeteria to get food
>Even not going to the cafeteria first you're still last to arrive to the club room
>Do they all run here?
>Either way the other girls were questioning Wallflower about her time at your place, or at least trying to
>Wallflower seemed to be dodging answering any questions as had as possible
>Of course you know why
>They all turn to you, and you're not feeling much like you want to talk about it either
>"What exactly happened, Anonymous?"
>Mrs.Harshwinney asks as you feel like she said 'Anonymous' like a parent using your full name when you're in deep trouble
>You don't feel like you can hide anything from her
>Which makes you want to say it even less, but what do you do?
>You sit there like a deer in headlights until it feels like divine intervention comes
>The club room door swings open as it seems someone new is coming in
>Sweet, a distraction!
>A younger girl who's head comes up to your chest comes into the room looking really worried about something
>She has a cute sweater with candy canes on it, big glasses, and red poofy hair
>Though of course there's no way you can't not address her huge breasts
>Kind of like the other girls, but on her short frame the look even bigger proportionally
>She addresses Mrs.Harshwinney first as the adult in the room
>"Mrs... Could you help me? I want to find someone I'm worried has gone missing, but I'm too much of a nervous wreck to go out searching myself..."
>Only after saying that does she scan the room to see who else was here
>Then her eyes lock on you, and she looks shocked
>Her face goes from worry to being overjoyed
>"I found you already! How lucky you were here"
>She runs up to you and nearly tackles you hugging you from the front
>Her chest presses into your crotch as you take a quick sharp breath because you weren't prepared for it
>"I'm so glad you're okay!"
>Saying before leaning into your chest as every movement the rest of her body made cause her breasts to rub up and down against your crotch
>Your body shakes as you try keep your lower rejoin calm and not 'react' the wrong way
>Fluttershy looks mortified seeing her do this before saying, "To do that so shamelessly?... Anon, did you have a girlfriend already?"
>Moondancer looks like she's beating herself up inside as she says, "I should have known it'd be like this!"
>All of them are some level of distraught
>Even Mrs.Harshwinney tells you, "If you had a girlfriend, you should have told us."
>The new girl takes in what they're saying and looks hurt too
>"You already have a girlfriend?... I should have known you'd be taken already..."
>Acting dejected now even while still hugging your front
>"T-they uhmmmm.... Meant you...", Marble tells her
>She looks shocked to be told that
>"W-what?! Me?!"
>Now looking very flustered
>"I couldn't possibly be sempai's girlfriend already! It's too soon! Unless..."
>She looks up at you again
>"Am I your girlfriend?"
>Asking like she really wonders what you'd say
>You don't even know what her name is
>Mrs.Harshwinney calms down a bit
>"Alright, let's calm down and back up a bit here. Let's hear your story from the beginning."
>She tells them before looking at them a bit more sternly hardly a moment after speaking
>"No really, back up from him, take a seat instead of carrying on like that."
>They seem to have no idea what Mrs.Harshwinney is talking about even as her chest practically envelops a stiff tent you couldn't possibly stop from forming
>You actually wonder if it's possible she doesn't feel that against her
>Fluttershy backs up Mrs.Harshwinney telling her to stop
>"Regardless of your relationship with him or not... Could you please not do that in the club room in front of us?"
>She still acts like she has no idea what Fluttershy is talking about
>Even as your pants are the only thing keeping your dick from being sandwiched between her breasts
>"Even with my glasses, I like seeing things up close. Plus, staying close like this just feels... Right."
>Moondancer looks like she's about to blow a fuse
>She gets up and actually pries the girl off of your and makes her sit down in an empty chair
>They whine and complain a little but don't fight it much
>You quickly sit down as well hoping nobody really notices the state of your pants if you sit quickly enough
>Mrs.Harshwinney then prompts the new girl again to introduce herself and explain
>"I'm Twist, I'm a freshman here, and I uhmmm... I love my sempai!"
>She ends yelling nervously while staring at the floor
>Then glancing up at you before back down
>"After he helped me out with a school project I'd see him at the cafeteria during lunch. I wanted to sit with him but couldn't work up the courage to do it..."
>You don't remember the project with her
>"Then yesterday he was suddenly gone, and when he wasn't there today either I really got worried something had happened to him..."
>She really looks like she wants to jump back at you but knows she's been disallowed from doing that
>"I was going to get help having the courage to do a serious search here, but it seems he actually was here."
>After that she doesn't seem to have anything else to say, and that it's the whole story
>Mrs.Harshwinney then comments, "So that's what it was. I guess if he did have a girlfriend already I'd have known."
>Would she have?
>That comment caught the attention of the other girls as well
>She then reveals a small lunch box she hands you
>You open it and see a carefully made sandwich
>"Almost forgot the lunch I made you with everything going on."
>You're about to thank her when Twist comments
>"Are you his mom? Can I have permission to date your son?"
>Mrs.Harshwinney blushes a deep crimson before responding
>"I'm not his mom! I'm his teacher!"
>She then stumbles and tries to correct herself
>"I mean I'm... Never mind that!"
>Fluttershy jumps in next
>"If you are dating him... Do you think you'd be willing to share him? With us?"
>Twist seems to be confused by the question
>Moondancer jumps in to the conversation next
>"I want to date him as well... In fact... We basically all do..."
>The rest of the girls give mixed responses but give some level of agreement with that, even Mrs.Harshwinney
>Twist then thinks about it while seeming nervous
>Scanning her eyes across each of them and recalling anything she already knows about each of them
>"I'm not sure how that would work, but I'm open to the idea... You're all trustworthy girls, and I really do want to be close with him, even if it means sharing him with you all..."
>Mrs.Harshwinney, while heavily bluashing, tells her something more related to the club to get away from the current topic at least a little
>"So... Welcome to the club, Twist."
>The rest of the girls share a look with each other before deciding something collectively
>"I think we have enough members now."
>Moondancer says pointedly
>The rest of the already existing member girls eagerly agree with her, and Moondancer turns to Twist
>"Could you help us take down all the posters around the school advertising the club for new members?"
>Twist nods quickly wanting to agree and get along
>There wasn't enough time in lunch left to actually do that, but everyone agrees to do it after school
>You end up quickly eating your sandwich from Mrs.Harshwinney right before lunch ends before scurrying off to the rest of your classes for the day
>Sitting through your classes seems to take forever as you feverishly await your time after school
>You feel anxious about it actually worrying a bit what might happed, but you're also very excited about what might happen at the same time
All for right now, the club officially closing out new members and Marbles after home visit from Anon next.
So, how many girls are in that club now?
Twist just joined

I forget, is Frazzle Rock in the club too?
Nah, Fraggle isn't in the club, although she would fit. The members are, Mrs.Harshwinney as the club adviser and adult in the room, Fluttershy the founder and original member, Marble, Wallflower, Moondancer, and now Twist. Fraggle would definitely fit in well, but that might be too many if she also joined. I don't know, I might try to think of a way to get Fraggle in there too if people want it.
>I might try to think of a way to get Frazzle in there too if people want it.
We do. Give us third big titty nerd girl!
I think I'll want to hear what people like Cosmic Butthole and Grey think as well, but I'll start brainstorming on it. We'd definitely want Fraggle to stand out in some way from the others, and it could be interesting to think about what kind of connection she might have with our shy Anon here. As well as what special circumstances might allow her to effectively join despite the club not intending to allow new members after Twist.
>Fraggle to stand out in some way from the others


>Former study buddy
>With him in previous club

Stands out;
>Cheerful to the point of oblivious
>Stern and no nonsense, by the book

Special circumstances;
>Fraggle gets her hands on a poster before they're all taken down, and "convinces" Anon to vouch for her

Final thoughts, I know there's a limit to how many big-tittied girls allowed in the club, but would Starlight Glimmer and Sci-Twi fit in the club too?
>Stern and no nonsense, by the book
Probably also admires Harshwhinny enough to emulate her attitude and methods to a degree.

Of course, now I'm just imagining Frazzle lecturing a male student while those huge breasts are pressed against their crotch to make sure they listen and can't escape. Probably even does so with Anon while she thinks he's loitering in the halls while taking down the posters.
Definitely getting some ideas from these already. Though now I can't help imagining a straight laced Fraggle who looks up to Harshwinney having her perception of Harshwinney shattered by how she acts in the club.
Frazzle could also be treated differently because of her looks (string bean with big tits), see the club as a place to fit in due to the other shy or nerdy girls with big tits, and see Anon as the main way in given that the club seems to revolve around him and his involvement.

Maybe Frazzle is just a little too excitably forward in asking while oblivious to how close she physically is to him, or maybe she makes a haphazard attempt at seducing him since two of the other girls are big-tittied nerds with thick glasses like her. Either way, those huge breasts are pressing into his crotch like with Twist.
I do have a more concrete idea I'm considering for her now.
Anon's studies start to suffer because of his focus on the club and his relationships with the girls. His parents get a tutor as a response to this. Enter college girl Fraggle who's studying to be a teacher and looks up to Harshwinney. She's no nonsense and straight laced, but starts to get flustered when she notices Anon's eyes drift down to her chest when she excitedly and non-stop info dumps like an audio book encyclopedia trying to tutor him that way. Fraggle starts to realize what's monopolizing his attention away from school work and comes to find out more about the club. Is shocked to see what Harshwinney is like in the club as Harshwinney is made to disavow her previous stance on relationships while trying to explain herself. Fraggle is welcomed into the fold out of fear that if they don't Fraggle will want to whistle blow what's happening and ruin everything.
Cool. I hope Frazzle has a habit of getting too close and putting those huge milkers into his lap without realizing during her info dumps.
I think you've got a strong cast already and you don't really need Frazzle Rock or any other additional members for the club. To go along with that, bigger isn't necessarily better with these kinds of harem stories because more girls means more characters you've gotta keep track of over the course of the story. I mentioned this before, but the biggest challenge to writing King of the Castle is keeping track of Anonymous, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy when a good chunk of the story is spent with all eight of them in one room. Having fewer characters also means you can make them more distinct from each other. Although I suppose you're onto something with making her the most well endowed of the girls, that gives you stuff to work with.
TL;DR I would personally advice against adding more girls at this point, but it's your story, so you do you.
I definitely like the idea I've come up with for Fraggle now. Though it probably would be better if Fraggle was more of a side character rather than a member of the core group. Not actually a member of the club and only appearing occasionally.
Correction, I really thought her name was Fraggle Rock, but I looked it up and apparently it really is Frazzle.
I don't know if the story would turn pornographic enough to have a scene like this or it could be in something else, but here's a lewd scene I imagined with info-dumping tutor Frazzle.
>Frazzle tutoring Anon with his dick between her bare tits
>Basically giving him paizuri while tutoring him
>He blows his load all over her face, but it doesn't interrupt her at all
>She continues to info dump completely unhindered by Anon's spunk covering her face
In fact l, it really might be better for me to do a separate story with Frazzle, and just have Harshwinney tutor him. Also in terms of other stories if I have time later I'd definitely want to do GildaXFlutterson.
>”Oh, thank you, Sunset! Rainbow, get on Anon’s left side.” Fluttershy graciously thanked Sunset, then directed Rainbow as she got on your right side.
>Rainbow hurries over and kneels down by your left side, not-so-subtly eyeing you up.
>”Damn, think I’m starting to see some bruising.” Rainbow remarked with a grin like she’s proud of you.
>”Oh, dear…” Fluttershy mutters.
>”Is there anything I could do to be helpful?” Applejack asks Fluttershy, looking over you to get a look at the damage she caused.
>”It’s okay, we’re only getting down the hall and into the bathtub. Though if you could get the doors, that would be helpful.” Fluttershy answered, gently stroking your cheek.
>”Right, yeah, on it.” Applejack is quick to answer, hurrying over to the bedroom door and opening it wide.
>The way she hastily opens it shows you she’s starting to feel bad about being so rough with you.
>She keeps glancing back at you with a hint of regret in her eyes.
>”When I count to three, I want you to sit up, okay?” Fluttershy gently instructs you.
“Okay, got it.” You respond, mentally preparing yourself to get up.
>How much would Twilight’s purple stuff help with this, anyway?
>It gets you all reinvigorated, but you can’t imagine it’ll do much for physical trauma.
>It’s not magic.
>”Rainbow, when I count to three, you and I are gonna lift him up by his arms.” Fluttershy turned to her oldest friend.
>”Got it!” Rainbow confirmed.
>”Okay, one…” Fluttershy began.
>All you’ve gotta do is stand up.
>You take a deep breath.
>Fluttershy and Rainbow hoist you up by your forearms.
>Fluttershy is clearly struggling more than Rainbow, judging by her muffled groan of exertion.
>You try to get your legs beneath you but the soreness in your lower stomach reminds you of what you just went through.
>You inhale sharply through your teeth as you steady yourself.
>”Are you okay?” Fluttershy worriedly asks you.
“Yeah, yeah.” You answer her, feeling the soreness fade as you stand up.
>”Rarity, could you please get a bath going for Anon?” Fluttershy
>”Certainly, darling! Just you wait, I’ve got the PERFECT foaming bath solution with Epsom salt, it’ll do wonders for you!” Rarity excitedly informed you, darting off down the hall towards the bathroom.
>Rarity’s gotta have the best bubble bath stuff money can buy.
>This night just keeps getting better.
>”Are you ready to walk, Anon?” Fluttershy asks you.
>You give her a confident nod.
“Yeah, I am.”
>”Okay, here we go!”
>With the two girls supporting you, you carefully place one foot in front of the other before your movement more closely resembles natural walking.
>Your arms are draped around their shoulders like you’re a scarecrow propped up on an old section of wood.
>You’re more lively than a scarecrow, but not by much.
>”Look at you, between a rock and a hot place.” Rainbow grinned at you, bumping your hip with hers.
“Honestly, you girls have been spoiling me too much tonight.” You say with an exhausted smile.
>”Don’t worry, we’re having a lot of fun, too!” Fluttershy smiled, gently leaning into you.
>She doesn’t have the strength to lean into you hard enough to throw you off your delicate balance.
>You’re still getting used to how comfortable Fluttershy is with her nudity.
>She’s just about the last girl you’d expect to be into casual nudity.
>...Although, you could conceivably see her being into naturism.
>She likes animals and nature and stuff.
>Whatever the case is, you get to enjoy the sight of Fluttershy’s nude body.
>That’s a win any day of the week.
>Especially with Rainbow Dash’s nude body on your other arm.
>Don’t get ahead of yourself now, Anon.
>The walk to the bathroom is hardly a voyage, you’re there in no time at all.
>The moment you walk through the doorway, you’re met with a very welcoming cloud of steam.
>As you’re engulfed in the cloud of gaseous water, you feel the soreness you got from Applejack melt away.
>The epsom salt in the air is doing wonders for you.
>You’ll have to make note of the stuff Rarity uses so you can get some for yourself.
>But you’re still so exhausted that if you didn’t have Rainbow and Fluttershy supporting you, you’d probably collapse onto the bathroom floor.
>Through the steam, you see Rarity adjusting the temperature of the water in the bathtub.
>She’s bent over the bathtub, gently swaying her hips enticingly.
>Treating you to a breathtaking view of her pristine ass and pussy, gently glazed with her liquid arousal.
>Ah, there you are, Second-in-Command.
>Good to know you still work without the aid of weird liquid drugs.
>”Ah, just in time! The water should be just right for you!” Rarity beamed, taking pride in her work while striking a seductive pose for your viewing enjoyment.
“Thank you, Rarity.” You smile at her.
>Rainbow grips your arm a little tighter.
>”Watch it, you two. It’s Fluttershy’s turn with the dream boy. Don’t get too handsy now!” Sunset slyly reminded Rainbow and Rarity from behind you.
>Damn, she’s good at sneaking up on you.
>”I know, I know…” Rainbow mutters.
>Rainbow’s grip on your arm loosens dejectedly, but Rarity does a better job hiding her disappointment.
>”You think you can stand on your own, hot shot?” Rainbow asks you.
“Don’t worry, I got it.” You say to her, cautiously taking your arm off of her.
>Your legs have gotten used to keeping you upright, so you stand confidently.
>Fluttershy still has your arm in her grip like she’s afraid you’ll collapse without her.
>”Here, let me help you get in.” She softly guides you, with her left hand on your upper back and her right hand on your lower stomach to keep you balanced.
>Her hands gently rub your skin, secretly indulging in your body despite her pure intentions of helping you.
“Flutters, I appreciate it, really, but I can get in the tub just fine.” You promise her with a chuckle.
>”I just want to be sure. You’ve been so very busy this evening, there’s no shame in needing a little help.” Fluttershy rebuts, gently guiding you towards the tub.
“Yeah, busy.” You can’t help but laugh a bit.
>”Absolutely! Being so good and loving to us is no small task! You should be proud of yourself!” Fluttershy softly insisted.
“Oh, I am, don’t worry~”
>Rarity steps out of the way, teasingly dragging her finger across your shoulder as she passes by you.
>Fluttershy kneels down to check Rarity’s work, testing the temperature of the water with her index finger.
>”It should be just right for you, but let me know if it’s uncomfortable.” She says to you.
>She’s fussing over you an awful lot.
>You haven’t seen her like this since Hoops beat you up.
“I can manage the temperature of the tub on my own, you know.” You gently remark to her.
>”I know, but this is your special night. You shouldn’t have to worry about a thing.”
“Not even the temperature of the tub?” You ask her with a grin.
>”Not even that!” Fluttershy insisted, failing to suppress a smile of her own.
>You two share a soft giggle before you turn your weary gaze to the bathtub
“Alright, here we go…”
>You raise your foot up and gently lower it through the fluffy mass of bubbles and into the warm bath water.
>The moment you make contact, you feel all your muscles loosen up enough to slide off of your foot altogether.
>You contentedly sigh as your foot sinks into the water, eventually making contact with the bottom of the tub.
>”Careful, now…” Fluttershy’s soft voice guides you, holding your nude body tenderly as you raise your other foot to step into the bathtub.
>With both feet in the bath water, you slowly sit down, immersing yourself up to the chest in soapy water and scented bubbles.
>You notice that scented candles have been set up and lit at each corner of the tub, nicely complimenting the bubble bath solution.
“Rarity, this is lovely, I can’t thank you enough for this.” You softly say to her, smiling contentedly as you sink into the water.
>”Don’t you worry, darling. You’ll have your chance to express your gratitude~” She flirtily replies, batting her eyes at you.
>Rainbow and Sunset stand right behind her, with Applejack, Twilight, and Pinkie in the back.
>Fluttershy’s kneeling right beside you on the other side of the tub.
>Clearly this bathroom was never designed to entertain a party of eight.
>But at this point in the night, you’re used to being so close to the girls.
>And being the center of attention.
>So many things you never thought you’d be able to get used to.
>Fluttershy gently smiles as she sees you relax into the warmth of the tub.
>”Feeling better?” She softly asks you.
>You contentedly sigh and nod.
“A lot better. Thank you, Flutters.”
>She leans forward and gently kisses your forehead.
>Her kisses are like the gentle brush of a warm spring morning.
>It may be emasculating to be doted on like this, especially after you were thoroughly wrangled by Applejack, but you don’t care.
>It feels too good.
>”I know I’m supposed to tell you when I realized I liked you, but… would you mind if I got in the tub… with you?” Fluttershy carefully asks you, growing more nervous with each word.
>It’s funny how she asks like that as if there’d be more than one answer you could give her.
“Not at all! It’s a little lonely in here without you~” You invite her in, playfully swishing the water for her.
>”O-Okay, here I go!” She gently giggles.
>Fluttershy carefully lifts up one foot and places it inside the tub in much the same manner you did.
>You curl yourself up as much as possible to give her the space she needs to get into the tub with you.
>As she slowly lowers herself into the water, you’re treated to an exquisite view of Fluttershy’s nude body.
>The slight plumpness to her stomach and hips could make you easily mistake her for an icon of fertility.
>Her thighs look so fun to squeeze, and you’d love to help her with the burden of having such massive breasts.
>She looks like she could use a supportive set of hands with those.
>The water barely ripples when Fluttershy settles in, going to show how graceful and delicate she is.
>The bathtub is just about big enough for the two of you with a little wiggle room, but your legs end up having to rest against hers.
>Her pair of melons are hoisted up gently by the soapy water and nicely decorated with soapy suds.
>Her pink hair cascades over her shoulders like an angelic waterfall.
>You’re so wrapped up in admiring her serene nudity that it takes you a bit to realize she’s eyeing you up in much the same way.
>Both of you realize this when your eyes meet.
>A bit of an awkward moment is shared between you two, awkwardly chuckling at having caught each other peeping.
“I’m really glad you feel so comfortable like this with me.” You say to her with a gentle smile.
>Fluttershy lightly blushes, brushing her hair aside to look you in the eyes.
>”Only you could’ve gotten me to do this…” She giggled.
>She takes on a slightly more serious demeanor and leans closer to you, gently stroking your hair.
>”...I feel terrible for not trusting you sooner…” She quietly apologizes.
>You’ve grown close enough to her to rest your hands on her waist in reassurance.
“Hey, hey, you don’t have to apologize for anything. I couldn’t make you trust me.” You softly remind her.
>Fluttershy shakes her head, slumping forward in shame.
>”I can’t believe I listened to those horrible things people were saying about you, even after you started spending time with Pinkie and Applejack…”
>Canterlot High might be a better school than Bullworth Academy in every way, but it still isn’t a perfect school.
>Rumors are a subtle, insidious thing.
>Principal Celestia’s much better at dealing with bullies than your old headmaster ever was.
>”To think I was… scared of you…”
>Her voice is quivering.
>You wrap your arms tighter around her waist and pull her in for a hug.
>Fluttershy gratefully returns the hug, shakily breathing into your shoulder.
>”Th-They all said you were angry and violent a-and that you were gonna be the biggest bully in the history of the school…”
>She holds you even tighter.
>You feel a tear drip down from her cheek onto your shoulder.
“Fluttershy, I don’t care about what they say. As long as I’ve got wonderful friends like you and the girls, it doesn’t matter what they think.”
>She gently nods, raising her head back up to regain eye contact with you.
>Her eyes are just a little puffy and her lips are gently quivering.
>”Y-You’re right, what matters is that you showed me what a caring, kind, gentle soul you are.”
>You doubt Sunset or Applejack would describe you as gentle after what you did with them, but that’s not appropriate for right now.
>”I treasured the time we spent together at the animal shelter, taking care of the little guys, doing homework together, sharing stories…”
>”I know I fussed about how you got hurt for standing up for me when Hoops was trying to steal my diary, but… I really admired how brave you were…”
>You softly smile at her, brushing your thumb along her cheek.
>Fluttershy gently leaned into your touch, appreciating the gesture.
“Of course, Flutters. Nobody’s gonna bully you on my watch.” You gently joke.
>She manages a weak half-chuckle in response.
>”After that day, when you hung out with us at Sugarcube Corner for the first time, you were telling us stories about your old school…”
>It’s getting harder for her to speak clearly through the emotions bubbling up.
>She’s clinging onto you even tighter.
>”You told us about how your old classmates would hit you, or steal from you, or call you names, and do all sorts of horrible things to you…”
>”A-And I don’t want to tell you how to talk about your life, but… whenever you say ‘I’ve survived worse’ or ‘I’m used to it’... it breaks my heart.”
>You remember that day.
>Some of your stories from Bullworth were funnier in hindsight, but the girls didn’t find the humor in as many of your stories.
>Stories about how the football players would beat you up, or how the greasers would steal your money, or how the nerds would plant stink bombs and itching powder in your locker, or how the preps would mash your face into the mud.
>After everyone left Sugarcube Corner to go back home, Fluttershy followed you to the edge of downtown Canterlot to give you a hug.
>You couldn’t say anything, you could only hug her back and gently cry in response to such a tender gesture.
>You’d be hard pressed to think of a time when you felt more loved and cared for.
>”B-But I didn’t develop a crush on you because I felt bad for you!” Fluttershy hastily promises you, realizing what her confession was sounding like.
“It’s okay, I wasn’t thinking that.” You reassure her.
>Fluttershy takes a deep breath.
>”That happened one day, about two months ago, when you were outside watching the dogs while I cleaned out their kennels…” She confessed.
>”When I went out to check on you, I saw you sitting on the grass, surrounded by dogs, bathed in sunlight through the parting clouds…”
>She softly smiles at you.
>”...You looked so happy and peaceful. I mean, I always thought you were kind of handsome but… Pinkie’s right, you do have a lovely smile. And I love listening to you sing.”
>These girls are doing a great job of flattering you.
>”You make me feel really pretty when you look at me, or when you compliment my outfit or eyeshadow. I just want you to feel as loved as you made me feel.” Fluttershy concludes her confession, her cheeks slightly glowing from the emotion of the sappy moment.
>With a smile of your own to match hers, you gently pull her into your embrace for the most intimate hug you two have shared yet.
>Fluttershy nudged her way onto your lap, hugging you by wrapping her arms around your neck.
>Your manhood’s pressed against her pussy, letting you realize that her hips are gently moving back and forth.
>As sweet as she is, she isn’t capable of hiding her lewder desires from you.
>You can hardly blame her.
>Her body is as plush and huggable as it always looked.
>She almost feels like a memory foam mattress, only much prettier.
>You two separate from the hug, tenderly holding each other and gazing into each other’s eyes.
>Fluttershy’s breath carries the same erotic emotions that compel her body to grind against yours.
>”...You said you realized how much you like kissing after making love to Sunset.” She smiled at you.
“Yeah, turns out it’s a lot of fun.” You reply.
>You two share a small giggle.
>You’re really enjoying holding Fluttershy’s naked body.
“...Want me to show you how fun kissing is?”
>”Yes, please.”
I like Twist's introduction! It's fun and endearing, really looking forward to seeing more of her! Especially why exactly she's so attracted to Anon
Fair enough, can't wait for the next update!
Whatever form your sleepover idea ends up taking, I'm confident it'll be a fun read
Concerning Cookie and Rarity, I like the idea of Cookie unknowingly seducing Anon and irritating Rarity by doing a better job of getting his attention without even trying. Can't wait to see what form those drastic measures take.
>She stuffs her bra in my headcanon.
Now that's a fun idea
I think cousins/incest stuff is a bridge too far for Fingerbang, that kind of stuff is better reserved for its own thread, like that spanking general I see every now and again
>I kind of feel like Cadence would be more for more pure kinds of love. While Chrysalis will get off on actively pushing for more forbidden kinds of love.
I completely agree there, that creates a really fun dynamic between the two
Great update with Fluttershy, can't wait to see more. Also I think I'll just think about the Fraggle thing more. I've flip flopped on it a bit, but it'd be a while before she could appear in the story even if I decide to do it instead of giving her her own story. So I have plenty time to think about it before making my more or less final decision on it. Also with your opinion on things what do you think about the Gilda and Flutterson idea?
>Anon is Fluttershy's son
>Fluttermom warns him a lot about PE teacher Gilda fearing her old bully
>Telling him she's dangerous and scary and how he should avoid her
>When Anon actually meets her in her PE class he's turned on instead of scared of her
>He doesn't think she's conventionally attractive and realizes she's not friendly at all
>Yet can't help being attracted to her anyway and seeing sexiness in her curves and relatively skimpy clothes
>When Gilda taunts him and teases him he fantasies about her just leaning in and kissing him
>Finding he wants to be her boy toy
>Gilda thinks he's a limp wristed dweeb, but soon catches on to how into her he is
>Her lack of good self image and confidence in herself makes her really like that he's attracted to her
>Causing her to test the waters with being intimate with him not knowing he's already willing to go all the way with her
>Fluttermom gets involved trying to protect him, which only emboldens Gilda to claim him
>Even Gilda is surprised by how quickly Anon agrees with being hers
>After that Fluttershy actually does stuff to further push it more than Gilda would have on her own because Fluttershy feels powerless to stop it
>Like Fluttershy getting him a collar that says 'Gilda's toy' on it and bring him to Gilda's place to spend the weekend with her
>When the anon who kept saying he missed the sleepover thread really just meant he wanted a sleepover green
Why the hell didn’t you just say that? No one knew what you really wanted, you weren’t clear enough.
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... Apparently I've come across quite a bit of fan material based on filename related, and realized that Sunset might potentionally die as well given an alicorn's immortality. No way the other alicorn princesses are emotionally well.
I think the bottom part doesn't need Anon immediately agreeing with being Gilda's toy, or Fluttermom going along with it to the point of getting a collar.

I think it should be Anon trying to keep his indecent crush on Gilda a secret from others as long as possible and Fluttermom desperately trying to separate the two on a strong suspicion, but only pushing the two closer in the process.

Also, the taunts and teases towards Anon should be sexual in nature to highlight how sleazy Gilda is behind the PE teacher job.
I get what you're saying, but I'd still like to explain what I was going for with it. The idea was that it'd be amusing for Gilda be all smug and cocky before things start to move faster than she's actually ready for. Also with the whole collar thing I was imagining Gilda questioning Fluttershy thinking she approved now, and she says all distraught that if course she doesn't approve but feels powerless to stop it and is just giving in. Then Gilda, who probably would never have gotten him a collar or told Fluttershy to, would then be left to decide if she'd have him keep wearing the collar or tell him to take it off. Perhaps fearing getting in trouble if he went around wearing it, but also seeing if he did wear it it'd tell any competition who might want to take him from her that he's hers.
>that one Family Guy episode where Lois brainwashed Peter into being a better lover and he ends up performing cunnilingus on his mother-in-law before he realizes what happened.

I can see another story idea with this as inspiration, but with three of the Mane 6;
>Sci-Twi, out of scientific curiosity.
>Rainbow Dash, as a prank.
>Rarity, to make Anon the "perfect" man.

But it goes too far when their mothers are involved, and sex happens before they can stop them.
Oh yeah;
>Pinkie Pie, in a misguided attempt to cheer up Anon, like the Happy Happy, Joy Joy helmet from Rem and Stimpy. Whether it's Cloudy or Cup Cake that gets sex depends on where the theoretical story goes.

>The CMC, also misguided, and similar to the story with the love potion used on Big Mac and Cheerilee. Either Cookie or Windy get sex, and Rarity and Rainbow Dash are pissed at them.

>Starlight Glimmer, regressing back into her control freak phase in an attempt to have Anon behave more after an incident he was involved in. Stellar Flare gets sex and Sunburst is far from happy.
>Diamond Tiara, on an Anon that was about to quit her family's service. Diamond is uncomfortable with how Spoiled Rich is "spoiled" by him until it goes too far.
>Silverstream, same or similar reasons as Pinkie Pie.
>Cozy Glow, because it's Cozy Glow.
We're ready for more Anon and Cookie, Grey!
Twist is my favorite so far, besides Harshwhinny and Marble. Loved the confusion the little girl caused over her senpai.
I don't think Fraggle is necessary, since Twist is already so good, but I will see what you do next.
>misunderstood by others
>still likes animals and sings when he's alone
yeah, Flutters identifying with Anon p hard af rn.

Liking the change in scenery. The bath always seems like a tranquil place in my mind, appropriate for Flutters fo' sho.
>Just kissing.
Rainbow ain't gonna like that. Kek. Putting her dead last just makes me grin.
also checking those satanic trips from last time, when Sunset was standing like a goddess
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Hello? Anyone else here?
Probably a slow day today.
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>>"If you are dating him... Do you think you'd be willing to share him? With us?"
And so it begins with a big shared group hug in the future too.
These characters are all really cute together.
I can't help but wonder a little about how/if a sex scene right now with Fluttershy in this story would impact the future sex scene with Fluttershy in Life Flutters By. I'm aware this is probably just me looking too far into things again but I've always wondered about this sort of thing whenever writing multiple stories with the same character at different "bases around the field" with them. This is probably why I felt like it wasn't worth writing my own similar version of something everyone else already read and enjoyed recently lmao. Still hoping I was wrong about that.
But great update, though. More cute Flutters is always a good thing.
>I like the idea of Cookie unknowingly seducing Anon and irritating Rarity by doing a better job of getting his attention without even trying. Can't wait to see what form those drastic measures take.
Yeah, that's coming up. I got delayed by things explained below.
I'm still here, but irl is trying its darndest to throw more and More and MORE stupid shit I want nothing to do with in my way, and I barely even got to work on the Celestia animation.
So now I'm shifting into "fuck you" mode and cutting the strings in life trying to keep me from doing things. Will definitely have the next part out by as early as tomorrow.
>So now I'm shifting into "fuck you" mode and cutting the strings in life trying to keep me from doing things
Maybe whatever those strings are are not so life-important as I hope they’re not, but please don’t go messing your life up over this.
Warning: NSFW

Could someone remove the remaining parts of clothing off this humanized Rarity, and apply some gravity to her breasts? The zero-gravity boobs are weird as fuck, you know.

But if redrawing the breasts is out of your capacity, or if you are busy right now, you can just remove that part first. Boobs with correct physics can wait, I guess.
Yummy rares
Any thoughts about the idea? I want to hear what the writers think.

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I like how each of the girls have different reasons to want to go through with it. Sounds like a fun idea.
It's nothing vital to my ability to eat or live somewhere. Just irl friends and other responsibilities I've wanted to separate from for honestly years now. But right now, my poor sleeping pattern is being a nuisance.
>Rarity competing with Cookie to retain Anon's interest and have to compensate for not measuring up as much in the endowment department.
You know, I can see a similar story between Anon, Rainbow Dash and her mom Windy Whistles, since Rainbow has a more pronounced inferiority complex due to how competitive she is, and Windy seems like the type to be touchy-feely over who she thinks is Rainbow's boyfriend. On top of this, it's easy to imagine Rainbow not getting her mother's natural endowments and being bitter and jealous over it, which fuels her one-sided competitiveness.
Hi there, hello. I'm learning how to write prompts for my AI.
I think is enough girls for the green, it would be better focus in the girls that we already have
I still want to see how Frazzle would interact with the other girls, especially Harshwhinny and Moondancer.
>Especially Moondancer
>If she as a tutor tried to tutor Moondancer as well considering she's a super senior
>If because she's hired by Anon's parents if she thought Wallflower was his sister because his parents said so
I just imagined two different flavors of nerds, both overachievers, but one a reclusive NEET and the other an extroverted perfectionist, competing to see who's the better study partner/tutor for Anon.

And Anon will (literally) be caught in the middle.
I'd more imagine them butting heads as nerd vs geek rather than competing to tutor him.
>Frazzle trying to tutor math and science while Moondancer feels a crash course in the lore for Star Trek warp engines and learning Klingon as a language is far more important
Don’t mean to intrude, but pogo ponka progress?
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That actually works even better for those two, yeah.
It's coming along. Working on a lot of other content at the moment but the project is really working its way up the priority list. It was a bad idea to put so much on my plate at once but I'm managing. Anyone who thinks it's not happening is dead wrong, I just want to make sure it's done right.
>If Frazzle tagged along for otherwise one on one after school sessions
>Acting as a foil for each of them
>While also trying to keep things PG and actually ending up doing the opposite
>Actually making things more sexual than they would have been if she weren't there
ty so much for your work, anon
can’t wait to see bouncing skirt, butt, and booba
>You two smile at each other, close your eyes, close the distance between your lips and finally kiss.
>Fluttershy jumps a little when you kiss, like she’s still surprised by the action.
>But it doesn’t take long for her to submit herself to the moment.
>It’s really nice.
>She doesn’t have the energy that Sunset, Pinkie, or Applejack had, but she’s pouring her emotions into it.
>Her gentle moans are as heavenly as the rest of her.
>She doesn’t dig her fingers into your hair, her touch is delicate and deliberate.
>When you two briefly separate for a breath of air, your forehead stays pressed against hers, savoring the intimate moment.
>You never thought breathing could be as lewd as Fluttershy does it, but there’s a lot beneath the surface of her hot breaths.
>Of course, these pauses are few and far between the loving kisses you share with her.
>She strokes your hair like she’s afraid it’ll fall right off your head if she’s too rough.
>You can tell this isn’t out of hesitation.
>Fluttershy is being so loving and caring that she doesn’t want to mark you at all.
>Your hands slowly slide down her waist to find her ass.
>She reacts positively to your gesture, rubbing her crotch against you slightly more intensely and moaning slightly louder.
>Her lips are the softest of the four you’ve kissed so far.
>Everything about Fluttershy is so delicate, like a beautiful flower having miraculously grown in a windy valley.
>You really appreciate taking it slower with her.
>Not only does it decrease your risk of getting a heart attack tonight, it lets you really appreciate the romance of the act of kissing.
>It’s less like a wrestling match and more like a mutual expression of previously-thought-unrequited love.
>Despite how gentle she’s trying to be, Fluttershy’s lust manages to leak through the cracks.
>Her moans are getting shaky and she’s grinding against you even more.
>Eventually, Fluttershy pulls away from the kiss, lovingly smiling at you through her slightly messier hair.
>She’s never looked this hot before.
>”You were right, that was a lot of fun.” She gently giggled.
>You giggle in return and playfully kiss her forehead, getting another cute, flustered reaction from her.
“You know… Tonight’s supposed to be the best night ever, so we can do more than kissing if you want.” You gently offer her.
>”Oh, but we can’t do that yet!” Fluttershy giggles.
>She reaches past you and grabs a bottle of fancy-looking shampoo.
>”You look like you could use a bath!”
>You can’t help but laugh a little.
>You can’t remember the last time you were bathed in the tub, but you’re not in the mood to turn down the offer.
>Fluttershy places the shampoo to the side and gathers some bath water in her hands, clasped together to form a cup.
>You lean forward for her and let her pour handfuls of warm, soapy water over your head until your hair is thoroughly soaked.
>She pours some shampoo into her hands and gets on her knees to get into a better hair washing position.
>While it’s saddening that Fluttershy isn’t sitting on your lap anymore, you can hardly complain about the view you’re given.
>Her hefty chest is right at eye level, her flowing pink hair descending upon you like the branches of a weeping willow.
>You look up at Fluttershy, appreciating that this is the first time you’ve ever been beneath her.
>She giggles at the way you’re looking at her, making her boobs subtly bounce hypnotically.
>”You’re so cute when you look at me like that.”
“I dunno if I can be cuter than you, though.” You try to flirt back at her.
>”Don’t you worry about that, just relax and let me spoil you~” Fluttershy gently instructs you.
“Okay…” You gently relent, relaxing your body a tiny bit.
>Fluttershy leaned forward and laced her fingers through your damp hair, gently scrubbing in the shampoo.
>The process is very therapeutic, you can’t help but sigh contentedly, sinking a little lower into the bath water.
>With your eyes shut, you could easily mistake Fluttershy for a trained masseuse.
>All those years of carefully handling those little critters of hers have really paid off.
>She's delicate, yet deliberate.
>Her touch is just as loving as the touch of Applejack or Pinkie, but far more focused.
>”You’ve had such a stressful day, haven’t you, Anon?” Fluttershy softly asks you, rubbing the shampoo into the hair on the back of your head.
>Your ability to put up any kind of resistance to this kind of patronization has melted away.
“...Yeah…” You quietly admit.
>Her fingers move back up to the top of your head to scrub the shampoo in deeper.
>”You’ve had to worry about picking the right movies for this sleepover on top of your finals!”
“Mm-hm… Not to mention the love letter stuff…”
>”Oh, I know! To think you had to worry so much about figuring out which one of us liked you, it just isn’t fair!”
>Fluttershy gingerly kisses your forehead.
>”You shouldn’t have to worry about anything on your special night~”
>She gathers some bath water in her hands and rinses the shampoo out of your hair.
>You’ve never been pampered like this before.
>In any other situation, you’d be feeling too embarrassed to really enjoy it.
>But you’ve really loosened up tonight.
>The way these girls are treating you, you’re half expecting them to ask to borrow money.
“Thank you, Fluttershy.” You happily sigh, feeling the soapy water wash the shampoo out of your hair.
>Fluttershy contentedly hums to herself as she fetches the bottle of conditioner for your next round of lathering.
>As she prepares a small handful of conditioner for you, you subtly admire her nude, lush body.
>Her stomach looks so fun to play with.
>Her impressive chest sags so wonderfully, with a vein or two peeking through her skin to highlight how she’s been blessed.
>Rainbow would never admit it, but she’s totally jealous of Fluttershy’s chest.
>Your admiration of Fluttershy’s body is cut short by the sound of her giggling.
“Sorry…” You meekly apologize, feeling ashamed for staring.
>”It’s okay, you can look at my body! It’s really flattering.” She softly assures you.
>Fluttershy reaches her arms up to show off her body a bit more, pushing out her chest and presenting her pussy.
>Her inexperience with being so flirty shines through as she fails to stifle an embarrassed smile.
>Glancing to your left, you see Sunset, Rarity, and Pinkie sitting along the edge of the bathtub, leering at you hungrily.
>Sunset’s riding the edge of the bathtub, with one leg in the bath water and the other foot on the bathroom floor.
>You notice the way she’s rubbing her crotch along the edge of the bathtub.
>Rarity’s striking a pose with one leg properly crossed over the other to cover her pussy while pushing her chest out for you to admire her pale breasts.
>Pinkie is still the most openly horny of the bunch, dipping her toes into the bath water behind Fluttershy and leaning towards you with a lustful grin.
>Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow stay behind the three.
>Applejack’s trying to not look too interested in what you’re doing, Twilight’s blushing pretty fiercely, and Rainbow is visibly losing her patience about being put in last place.
>You don’t look at them for too long, Fluttershy deserves your attention the most right now.
>”Y-You can touch, too~” Fluttershy softly sputters out.
>”I-If you want to, of course!”
>You can’t help but giggle at how cute she’s being.
“I’d sure like to, but I’d hate to disturb you while you’re working.” You playfully flirt back at her.
>Fluttershy shakes her head with a smile.
>”You wouldn’t disturb me! In fact, after seeing what you did to Pinkie and Sunset, I’ve been dying to feel you~”
>You didn’t think Fluttershy was capable of such a lewd tone.
>You imagined the thought of intimacy would make her burst into flames, but you’re not gonna let this opportunity go to waste.
“Well, in that case…”
>You bring your hands to emerge from beneath the bath water, subjecting them to the slightly cooler air of the steamy bathroom.
>They don’t suffer too long, because you introduce them to the pair of breasts that belong to Fluttershy.
>The moment you make contact, your fingers sink into her exposed skin.
>Fluttershy stiffens up at first, but then her entire body succumbs to your grip.
>A lewd moan leaves her lips, getting you stiffened back up.
>”L-Looks like not getting distracted is gonna be harder than I thought.” She chuckles.
“Aww, that’s what I was afraid of-”
>”No, no! I want you to feel good! I’ll work through your wonderful touch, you just focus on enjoying yourself!” Fluttershy is quick to remind you.
>Before you could protest, she leans forward and begins gently scrubbing the conditioner into your hair.
>Once again, her angelic touch relaxes every muscle in your body as she resumes tending to you.
>There’s gotta be magic in those fingers of hers.
>She’s got years of experience caring for animals of all kinds, from dogs and cats to rats and hamsters, even including a bear she nursed back to health once.
>She knows how to make you feel good.
>You want to make her feel good, too.
>Good thing making her feel good is so much fun.
>You slowly knead Fluttershy’s breasts as she scrubs the conditioner deeper into your hair.
>Her moans get higher pitched as you playfully squeeze her, making her hands gently shake as she tries to work.
>She kneels closer to you, bringing her nude form closer to you and arching her back in pleasure.
>Fluttershy is still determined to clean your hair, but she’s playing with your hair more as she scrubs you.
>She lovingly curls locks of your hair in her fingers.
>Your hands figure you’ve given enough appreciation to Fluttershy’s chest and move down to her tummy.
>You don’t squeeze her stomach as intensely, but you make sure to show her midsection some loving appreciation.
>Fluttershy coos appreciatively as you play with her tummy, trying to hide her arousal by casting her gaze downward.
>Her huge boobs sadly hide her beautiful blushing face from you, but at least you still get to look at her boobs.
>”Your hair’s gotten so pretty since you started listening to Rarity’s advice.” She shyly complimented you.
>”It HAS, hasn’t it?” Rarity is quick to agree in a lustful tone.
“Thank you, girls. Honestly, I feel kind of dumb I didn’t start using conditioner sooner.” You sheepishly admit.
>”Ooh, you know what? Rarity and I could do your hair sometime!” Fluttershy excitedly offered you.
>Rarity gasped in delight at the idea.
>”Absolutely! Why, I’ve got some marvelous ideas already!”
>”Oh, God.” Rainbow muttered to herself.
>You awkwardly laugh a little.
>You’ve been content following the self care advice Rarity’s been giving you, but you’re not sure you could survive a full-on makeover from her.
>Fluttershy would make sure you survive the ordeal, surely.
“That sounds neat!” is the best response you could manage.
>”Oh, wonderful!” Rarity cheers.
>”You’re gonna be the most handsome guy in town when you’re all done in here…” Fluttershy eagerly promised you, gathering some more water to rinse the conditioner out of your hair.
“Hopefully that isn’t too far from now, I’d hate to get all prune’d up while having all this fun with you.” You jokingly remind her.
>”I’ll make sure that won’t happen to you!” She declares as boldly as she can.
>She then turns to grab the bottle of body wash off the small shelf next to her.
>”Sorry we don’t have any more masculine scents available, you’re gonna be smelling like lilacs for a while.” Fluttershy giggles.
“Oh, the sacrifices I make for love…” You jokingly pout.
>With her hands covered in expensive-smelling body wash, Fluttershy gets more flustered the closer her hands get to your naked body.
>There's that look again.
>The same look she gave you when you showed off your new wardrobe and after you got done singing karaoke.
>She’s hypnotized by the way your chest moves up and down as you breathe heavier.
>In much the same way you are, staring at her chest.
>You've had all the boldness sapped out of you by this point, if you were stronger you could reach up, pull her in, and ravish her like she deserves.
>But she's having trouble making a move on you, too.
>It must be getting harder for her to justify all of this as just bathing you.
>She's having to come to terms with the fact that she's actually getting intimate with you.
“Fluttershy, I’m starting to get a little touch starved~” You pout to elicit a reaction from her.
>”Oh, dear! I better start, then!” Fluttershy fussed.
>She leans forwards and rubs the lotion across your chest and shoulders, slowly and sensually.
>A soft gasp can be heard from her when she grazes her fingers across your skin, like you shocked her the moment contact was made.
>She stays determined to wash you, lovingly spreading the soap to your arms.
>If you were in charge of bathing yourself tonight, you’d be done by now.
>Fluttershy’s taking better care of you than you take care of yourself.
>You bring your hands up from her midsection to her back, bringing another moan out from the shy girl.
>”You’re so handsome, Anon~” Fluttershy dreamily sighed, lathering some body wash onto your neck.
>”You deserve to look and feel as good as possible.”
>She spreads the body wash to your face, and you obligingly close your eyes for her to work.
>”I’m not gonna let anyone make you bad about yourself.” She quietly promised you, cradling your head.
>You relent to her loving touch and let your head rest in her hands.
>Fluttershy makes you feel more comfortable letting your guard down like this than you’ve ever felt before in your life.
>She could get you to do most anything simply by asking nicely.
“Thank you…” You delicately whisper to her.
>You feel warm water wash over your face, rinsing the soap off and allowing you to open your eyes again.
>But when your eyes are opened, your view is obscured by Fluttershy leaning in and gently kissing your cheek.
>Her hands carefully hold your jawline in place as she plants several slow, loving kisses on your cheek.
>”You’re the kindest, sweetest, most loving guy I know.”
>Fluttershy’s hands drift down to your chest, pushing you back against the edge of the bath tub.
>From the way she pushes you, it seems like she’s putting her entire body weight into the effort.
>Not like it would’ve taken a ton of strength for her to win you over anyway.
>”You poor, poor guy…” Fluttershy sighs, preparing more body wash.
>”It’s not fair that someone as wonderful as you had to go through so much…”
>She gets to scrubbing your stomach.
>The closer she gets to your nether regions, the more you react to her bathing you.
>Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve been worked over three times already, but with each stroke of her hands across your lower stomach and waist, you shiver and gently moan to show your appreciation for her care.
>Your hips move along with your chest as your breathing gets heavier.
>Each gentle thrust brushes your manhood along Fluttershy’s pussy, getting her more and more worked up.
>Her fingernails begin scraping along your skin as she scrubs at you, revealing more of her more intense feelings.
>She leans further into you, pressing her chest against yours.
>It gets more difficult for her to smoothly reach down and scrub you as she leans into your ear.
>”Sometimes I wish I could bring you home with me after school, we could relax and cuddle and not have to worry about anything else…” She whispered.
“That sounds really nice…” You whisper to her, rubbing her back.
>Her pelvic thrusting is getting more noticeable.
>The way she gently moans into your ear gives you goosebumps.
>It's like you're being given a private performance by an exquisite singer.
>”We could have soup together, and I'd kiss you to make you feel better, and… I could…”
>Her hand dips below the water.
>”If you want…”
>Her lips brush against your earlobe.
>Her voice drops to the quietest whisper you’ve heard from her yet.
>”I could... undress you... and…”
>Her fingers brush against your manhood.
>”...Touch you…”
>I can't help but wonder a little about how/if a sex scene right now with Fluttershy in this story would impact the future sex scene with Fluttershy in Life Flutters By
That's actually something I was thinking about prior to starting King of the Castle, and one of the reasons why I initially didn't want to dive into writing a sleepover green
But I realized I could write the relationship between Anonymous and Fluttershy differently for each story
>In Life Flutters By, Anonymous is always there for Fluttershy when nobody else is, either for volunteering at the animal shelter, studying for a quiz, or helping her with a wardrobe malfunction. He's always there to comfort her and reassure her when something is troubling her. As a result, she feels much more comfortable letting her guard down when she's with him and letting herself feel the things she feels inside. She trusts that she can submit herself to Anonymous and he'll treat her with love and care, as illustrated in her dream where she's his pet. She wants Anonymous to dominate her because she feels safe with him.
>In King of the Castle, Fluttershy was the last girl in Sunset's friend group that Anonymous got close with. When they got closer, Fluttershy learned that Anonymous was viciously bullied at his old school, and was even beat up at this new school for standing up for her against her bullies. The more Fluttershy got to know Anonymous, the more she saw him as a sensitive soul who only wanted friends. Combine that with her physical attraction to him, and Fluttershy becomes very doting with him, fussing over anything that might be bothering him and wanting him to feel as good as possible, as illustrated by how she goes about getting intimate with him when it's her turn with him during the sleepover, and how she was concerned Sunset was being mean to him. She takes on a soft-dom role with him because wants him to be as happy and healthy as possible after everything he's dealt with.
In short, Life Flutters By has Fluttershy feel safe with Anonymous, and King of the Castle has Fluttershy want Anonymous to feel safe with her.
Which poster are you talking about?
Flutters needed this moment to shine so badly
>tfw will never have flutterbutter bathe you
It hurts
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So, which type of woman would be most effective to be used as the "ticking time bomb" to unwittingly seduce, incriminate and blackmail Anon? Would it be Cup Cake during a bake sale he either attends or helps with for being a married mother of two that everyone loves?
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Or would it be Spoiled Rich for the possibly monumental scandal caused by sleeping with a rich, married woman who's husband is a powerful tycoon?
With Spoiled, it would be the classic scenario of "coincidentally" meeting in a high-class hotel while Anon is either hiding or on some vacation.
Cup Cake, I can see early a story inspired by one of the early episodes of The Laughing Salesman (the one where the stern-looking salaryman is inwardly very stressed, so Moguro offers him comfort in the form of a maternal figure that his family later catches him with);
>Anon, learning what he does of the principals, becomes increasingly stressed and paranoid of what they might do to him when they find out what he knows, or what he should do with his forbidden knowledge.
>They already know,and are waiting for him to let his guard down.
>Anon ends up finding solace in Cup Cake's comfort, company and pastries, and develops a crush on her that quickly turns into lust.
>Obligated to help Cup Cake with a bake sale, that's when the Principals make their move, with Cup Cake as their unwitting "time bomb".
>It takes place during a heat wave, and Cup Cake felt the need to not wear much under her apron, showing off her deliciously pudgy body.
>Cadance had bought a treat from Cup Cake directly, subtly using her love magic on her and caused the plump baker to feel the heat even more than usual.
>Naturally, Anon can't stop staring, or keep himself from getting erect.
>Cup Cake invites Anon to take a break somewhere, not knowing there's a hidden camera nearby to catch them when things inevitably get heated between the two.
How it starts;
>Something was going on at Canterlot High, and you attempted to do some amateur sleuthing to get to the bottom of it.
>It's really strange, every time you try to investigate, Celestia, Luna, or Cadance coincidentally show up where you are.
>You don't know why, but something about them and the way they dress makes you too hard in the pants to think straight, and you have to make a hasty retreat to the bathroom.
>Through sheer force of will, you managed to abstain from masturbating for weeks to build up enough self-control to focus on the task at hand, and managed to find out something incriminating for your efforts.
>Discovering them taking advantage of the students for their own sexual pleasure was a huge blow to your view of them being these benevolent, responsible school administrators, and you had no idea what to do about it.
>Do you tell someone? Do you go to the police? Warn the other students? The teachers?
>The more you thought about it, the more stressed you got.
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The Buildup;
>You were working days at a bake sale hosted by Cup Cake.
>Aside from the increasing heat of the summer, you simply didn't mind.
>One night, your dream had revealed everything to Luna that you learned too much about what they were doing with the students, and that a certain baker had caught your eye.
>The dream turned wet with "plump buns" needing your "cream filling".
>Thankfully, you woke up in time, having barely managed to not cum.
>Having retained your load for so long, you didn't know what cumming would do to your mind.
>That same day was hit by a nasty heat wave, where you were assisting Cup Cake with baking and selling treats with help from Cookie Crumbles, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Twist.
>More than once, you found yourself staring a little too long at Cup Cake, seeing her sweat-soaked yellow apron cling to her otherwise bare skin and exposing her plump curves.
>You were certain that going a while without masturbating had something to do with seeing Cup Cake this way, as you never saw the sweet older lady like this before until recently.
>Her mention of sweet confections sounding like many sex euphemisms didn't help either, as her odd choice of pastries made her do so without apparently realizing.
>It also didn't help your nerves that you swore you saw a familiar pink-haired principal buy something from Cup Cake directly before, and you only caught a glimpse of her before she up and vanished.
maybe a silly question, but where can I find the other stories mentioned?
In the OP
Ready with the Anon x Cookie story yet, Grey?
>Fluttershy coos appreciatively as you play with her tummy, trying to hide her arousal by casting her gaze downward.
>Her huge boobs sadly hide her beautiful blushing face from you, but at least you still get to look at her boobs.
Lovely Hootershy
>”I’m not gonna let anyone make you bad about yourself.”
probably meant to write 'feel bad about yourself'
man...i really love soup

>"You're the kindest, sweetest, most loving guy I know."
She can't know that many guys, or that many people in general. She's just trying to be adorable here.
it's working
wonderful update. can't wait to see Anon lovingly bully her pussy
Anchor for the full nude edit of two different Cogbrony pics.

Here are what I've been requesting, by the way.

1. Remove the top from Wallflower blush.

2. And merge the following images to remove all clothings and cowprint from both Sci-Twi and Fluttershy.

As always, if you need references for the way the artist draws nipples, switch your booru filter to either "Maximum Spoilers", "18+ R34", "Everything" or similar, and search for:
artist:thebrokencog, -edit, sideboob, nipples
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not bad for ai
I great way to rake in some extra sugarmomma bucks
Now I'm just imagining Cadance and the other principals purposefully setting up Anon to sleep with Spoiled to knock out two birds with one stone, to get Anon under their thumb after learning too much and to influence Filthy away from doing something they don't want through Spoiled.
Thoughts? Any thoughts at all?

...anyone still here?
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I'm creeping up on multiple animations now. But pogo ponk is gonna be something special. Might make pic related the vibe for her. Armhole size included.
Maybe that's what I should do too, just change each character's approach so it doesn't clash with either another one of my stories or your sleepover story.
I see it working if someone else wants to write it. The whole investigation thing has a lot of similarity to something I'm going to be doing. I kinda want to rush back to that now. But I can't yet because:
Here's more of it right now.
>Cookie’s beautiful cleavage tauntingly wobbles for you some more as she leans forward on all fours.
>Your poor eyes just couldn’t resist giving those breasts a long blatant stare.
>The way she’s crawling in your direction across the smooth white carpet must carry some level of intention in it at least.
>You start to try crab walking away, but your raging erection found a way to proudly stand all the way up inside of your underwear.
>A wanting surge freezes you in place as Cookie closes in on you on the floor.
>Everything in this room is perfectly clean.
>The pale walls, the silky carpet, Cookie’s newly washed, softly creasing clothes on her curvy womanly body.
>Her mind is in a serene place, too lost there to not feel exhilarated getting closer to you.
>You’re a friendly forest dweller to her, someone she’s just so glad to be in the comforting company of.
>No longer alone in her meditation but welcomes friends like you.
>Her happy smile stays right in front of your face.
>The proximity of Cookie’s sexy body to yours gives off a physical almost magnetic attraction.
>She rests very close to you on the floor, ready to brush against you on purpose like a cat.
>She raises her smooth shoulder, inviting you onto her soft silky skin from your presence filling her with so much comfy joy.
>”Could you spot me?” Asks Cookie Crumbles.
>Her intention is to do a handstand, not to figure out whether or not you’re thinking of another kind of “spotting her”.
>Obediently, you grab her knees and help her into a handstand position.
>Fighting back numerous inner urges to start… grabbing her…
>Your fully erect manmeat is nearly poking Cookie’s soft tummy through your pants.
>Does she see this going on?
>When she breathes out, her tummy presses against the tip of your tent, emitting a gulp out of you.
>This is what makes your legs feel weaker and weaker as all of *that* is right up against you.
>Her breaths invite you deeper into her personal space.
>Hold her legs together as she proceeds with her handstand, trying not to jab your stiff bulge against her soft tummy the best you can.
>At least any more times.
>You can't imagine a reality in which she didn't feel that happen a couple of times.
>Maybe all you can hope for is that she didn't really process exactly what it was she felt because she's just not thinking about it that way.
>Or at least you HOPE she's not thinking about it that way.
>Cookie's groan gets you feeling something for her, imagining things you'd do to get her to sound like that on your own accord.
>A bit of shakiness has entered your breath along with jitteriness throughout your body after she lets you rest her back down upon the plush carpet.
>It takes a lot of strength not to glance back down at Cookie's delicious cleavage beckoning you to just enjoy that incredible rack of hers.
>Just wonderfully packed into the front of that small sexy tank top.
>"You want to try a handstand next?" She offers.
"N-no thanks." You envision how quickly she'd discover your flagpole in your pants if this happened.
>She’s probably going to discover it one way or another no matter what.
>Especially after asking for your help with another position.
>Cookie perches her juicy body over you.
>The rain outside begins to patter against the roof and the ground harder and harder.
>A rush of cautious tranquility tries it’s best to wash over you as you lie on your back under the smooth and soft under-dressed woman.
>Horny panic grows stronger and stronger inside of you.
>The urge to just physically interact with ALL THAT within groping distance is just…
>”It’s okay…” Cookie smiles at you.
>It’s easy to see how concerned about your tension she is.
>Her eyes lock with yours in a protective gaze.
>Her smile is unaware of the full mast in your pants you wish you knew how to make go back down.
>The silky skin of Cookie’s soft shoulders is easy to glide your fingers down.
>It feels so good to touch her skin directly.
>It riles your inner nature up to feel Cookie’s bare skin in your gentle caress.
>Wait… why are you stroking her shoulders to begin with?
>It didn’t even occur to you until she reacted to it:
>”Shoulder massage?” Cookie’s voice is cheerful and clueless.
>You look up at her with a quick nod that only serves to go along with it.
>Get your hands off her, Anon!
>Think about how Rarity would feel about this…
>You can barely see that part of your mind over the part experiencing how YOU feel about this.
>You LOVE this!
>Can’t even pull your curious hands away from Cookie’s shoulders.
>She doesn’t protest against your inadvertent advances.
>She almost invites them to persist with that arch of her back.
>You watch Cookie Crumbles’s lovely fertile chest push itself outward in that tank that’s top trying its best to cover everything.
>Do what you can to hold together your restraint Rarity helped you grow.
>You’re too strong to just lose to your own self now.
>But your erection in your pants refuses to agree with this.
>The pale clean carpet below you feels like it’s keeping you magnetically pinned to it through the close-quarters proximity of Cookie Crumbles.
>You’re too naturally conditioned to have your libido further and further set into motion from the mere intimate contact with this woman’s tempting smooth skin.
>An irresistible preview of what *she* feels like as your hands massage her shoulders like you know you shouldn’t be.
>Curse this for feeling so good, you’re not as loyal as you ought to be.
>You’re morally supposed to save all of this for Rarity, but you’re naturally supposed to be weakened by all of *this* so your body does what it is designed to do.
>There was a little bit of smalltalk resulting in you agreeing to balance Cookie with your legs while on your back.
>Like she’s flying superhuman-style or something.
>Your timidness doubles as her face is closer to yours.
>Try not to let her gentle breath tickle you as her up-close presence clouds up what you were thinking of Rarity.
>You were doing so well until you were introduced to the slight scent of Cookie’s perfume.
>To the logic-sedating sound of her tank top’s clean fabric gently dragging across her smooth skin as she moves her body around.
>”The idea is to balance me as long as you can.” Cookie says to you.
>She gestures you to look down at what your arms and legs are doing.
>But the soft curves and assets of her developed womanly body are partially in the way.
>Not to mention how impossible it is to avoid staring at Cookie’s heaving, swaying soft cleavage spilling out of that small tank top.
>This beautiful sight is too much for your erect member to resist.
>Begin to visibly twitch in the front of your pants.
>This outfit Cookie is boasting so up-close-and-personal to you feels just as tempting as her being naked across the room from you.
>No choice but to stare right at her soft arousing chest up close while it continues to sexually charge you.
>And do so right in front of her face as you briefly lift her up with your weakening legs.
>”Come on, Anon. Just a little more.” Cookie focuses on encouraging you.
>She’s intent on helping you out of your shell like her daughter had.
>Wanting to show you you have no reason to be so tense and nervous around her.
>Unaware that you’re really just scared of your own arousal making you susceptible to doing disloyal things.
>”Anon… it’s gonna be hard for you to do this if you’re still massaging my shoulders.” Cookie comments as she feels your eager fingers make her tank top’s thin straps roll back and forth across her soft kryptonite-laced skin.
>Her body weight over you helps you surrender to your own sexual thoughts more easily.
>You’re naturally hardwire to help steer this situation towards getting those huge boobies to press down onto you.
>You un-bend your legs under the pressure of her hips weakening your knees.
>Down she goes, down she comes…
>You didn’t figure where your stiff tent would end up…
>Not until she seems to react to feeling your hard bulge interacting with her crotch through the front of her leggings.
>Not through her kind words or facial expressions, but reflexively in the position she’s in on top of you.
>Her pelvic area tries to pull away to be polite.
>To give your erection some space and not to be further riled up by such forbidden contact.
>”…Anon? Are you alright?”
>You nod as your hands can’t stop enjoying Cookie’s bare shoulders.
>Watch her soft swaying chest brush against your chest.
>Eyes now shamelessly locked onto her exposed cleavage.
>There is no room for coming up with some bogus explanation for your blatant leering now.
>”Anon… is my… chest… distracting you?” Cookie starts to blush, somehow not registering your twitching meat giving your barely tamed arousal away against her clothed crotch.
>Your eyes cannot be pulled away from that beautiful and hypnotic cleavage of hers.
>Glued to the common-sense-defeating sight and feeling of those wonderfully hanging soft assets mashing down against your chest like a hydraulic press onto the final eggshell keeping your arousal inside.
>The last of your resolve screams at you to push her back up and away from you with your arms, now that your legs are properly out of this fight.
>But your arms are beyond your command as well.
>The feeling of wrapping your arms around Cookie’s soft curvy body in a base-urges-fueled embrace was too much to resist.
>Part of you pretends this isn’t happening to you.
>But knows you have to acknowledge that it is if you want to escape th-
>Cookie’s voice now sounds more in-tune with the pouring rain outside.
>Now that she feels your unprompted hug onto her sexy body as she has you effectively pinned on your back on the floor.
>Both of you know this has nothing to do with yoga anymore.
>You each know that the other knows this.
>But Cookie is still trying to figure out a way to convince herself it still does relate to yoga.
>While she slowly leglocks you…
>This sounds the alarm and makes you jerk your hips trying to free yourself.
>Only making your erect bulge interact with her crotch more through the clothes.
>Desperate to somehow break through every layer of fabric and share a much needed penetration between sexes.
>How long ago was Rarity’s text by now?
>This is all you can think about anymore as Cookie Crumbles tightens her leglock upon you and squeezes you dry of the last of your restraint.
>Defeated by your own sexual urges, you run your hands up and down her back…
>The rim of your pants suspiciously gets tugged down a little.
>Her dry humping that teases your imprisoned cock into going wild might not stay so dry for long…
>But pogo ponk is gonna be something special.
I cannot thank you enough
I just realized, Is Venus Mercy still going? Is Spitfire and Anon still a thing? Is Celestia still going to fuck him after he's rescued from Harshwhinny?
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It's my pleasure.
Yes to all. But the way it happens is going to be very particular. Plus a lot more other things are going to spawn from it. Which is why I really gotta get back to continuing Venus's Mercy and its related stories.
Pinkie’s outfit here just makes me as hard as diamonds for some reason
Good update fren
>Creates paste more than a week after starting the story
>Next update another whole week after that
You should update more often again
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11 years ago today.
Who’re the two sluts at the bottom?
the music idols from sunset's backstage pass
captcha: NYGR
Why do artist give Flutters massive titties?
because flutter is mommy and mommy has milky. next question retard
>is mommy
Nice try retard.
Kiwi Lollipop and Supernova Zap
If the "months worth of nut saved up" thing is overdone, what about other factors on Anon that might lead to sex happening? Like, if Cadance or Chrysalis' love/lust magic turned him into a chronic masturbator that needs to fap when exposed to the slightest sexual imagery, or gave him a sensitive hair-trigger that makes him quickly cream his pants around attractive girls? Was it by accident like with the MILFs, or was it some kind of "reward" or punishment for a past transgression?
Meant for >>41160937
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Be nice to Derpy. She's really trying.
What if I want to be mean to her?
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Had to do it bcs of feels.
I'm really liking the gradual increase of tension with how increasingly sexual each yoga position is. At the same time, I'm really hoping Rarity doesn't walk in on them like this. What's Cookie Crumble thinking, trying to steal her daughter's boyfriend? She's setting a terrible example if nothing else lel
I respect your ambition to work on so many greens and animations at the same time, but I'd hate for you to overburden yourself like this. Nobody worth listening to would mind if you took a break from greentexting to work on your animations. I'm personally looking forward to that Pinkie one
We writefags update as often as we do. We've got lives and hobbies and stuff outside of this place, and we're writing for free. Getting impatient won't help get updates out.
I like the investigation angle to it, but I feel that the NNN stuff is there for the sake of being there. You'd think abstaining from masturbation work make it worse for him, not easier. It's an easy fix, just have Anon squeeze himself dry right before investigating again, so he's still coming off his earlier bust and unable to get horny again for a bit
The idea of Spoiled Rich being Anon's sugar momma could make for a fun green on its own, she's bored of the opulence of her life and wants to spice it up with the thrill and scandalousness of secretly sleeping with a high school senior. Tons of potential drama there.
Thank you! Adorable Fluttershy is always fun to write. And yeah, I noticed that right after posting. It's been fixed in the ponepaste. I'm saving the lovingly bully her pussy stuff for someone else...
I'll find you and hurt you if you're mean to Derpy >:(
Assuming that "mutual attraction after time spent getting to know each other" is out of the question, the Chrysalis lust magic might be a fun spin on the idea. You could play it as a kind of deal with the devil, where Anon tries to find a way to get a girlfriend but gets more than he bargained for when Chrysalis puts a spell on him or something.
There was an idea in a past thread where something like this happened to Anon that made him subtly more attractive to the girls in school, only getting worse and worse until it reaches critical mass on prom night
>Maybe it’s what you went through tonight.
>Maybe it’s Fluttershy’s caring touch.
>But when her thumb brushes across the head of your member, you sharply inhale and feel something fierce coursing through your body.
>Your hands grip her hips with slightly more intensity, careful to not squeeze her too tightly.
“What… Kind of touching?” You quietly ask her, gazing at her with half-lidded eyes.
>Fluttershy stammers a bit before she can answer your question.
>Her hand remains resting on top of your sensitive appendage.
>”Well… The fun kind, of course.”
“But Flutters, all this touching is fun!” You rebut, managing a small, mischievous grin.
>Fluttershy crosses her arms and playfully pouts.
>”Y-You know what I mean!”
>”Guess he’s not so kind and sweet after all.” Sunset grins.
“Oh, yeah, I could be a real jerk if I wanted.” You impishly agree.
>”But that’s not who you really are!” Fluttershy insists as she grabs your shoulders.
>”You’re too much of a sweetheart to be a jerk!”
“But am I really the ‘kindest, sweetest, most loving guy you know’?” You question her incredulously.
>Fluttershy freezes for a moment, carefully thinking over her answer.
>”...It’s kinda complicated…”
“Oh, yeah?”
>”W-Well, I mean…”
>Nervousness seizes control of her, unfortunately replacing the caring lust you were enjoying so much.
>Although it is a little fun to see Fluttershy squirm like this, especially when she’s nude.
>”...Y-You’ve… uh… got a nice combination of being sweet and… l-looking good…” She admits.
>You gently chuckle at her confession before cuddling closer to her.
“Aww, thank you, Flutters…”
>Her caring flirtiness resurfaces as her arms find their way around your back.
>You’re really loving the way her chest feels against yours.
>Her fingers find their way back to your hair, gently playing with it.
“So… What’s this about touching?” You teasingly ask her again.
>Fluttershy takes a deep breath.
>Her hands slide down to your chest.
>”You know…”
>Her hands slide down to your stomach.
>”...The kind girls do with their boyfriends…”
>Her hands dip beneath the water.
>”...The kind I’ve… wanted to do for a long time…”
>Her fingers curl around your dick like an apprehensive python.
>She’s gotta be releasing some kind of substance into your body when she touches you.
>Not like what Twilight whipped up, but something like tranquilizer.
>You softly gasp as you sink into the tub’s soapy water, resting against the porcelain rim.
>Fluttershy is quick to close the distance between the two of you, leaning over you while gently squeezing your manhood.
>It makes for a lovely view of her.
>Her body’s darkened by the ceiling light shining down on her, which creates a glowing outline around her as she carefully rubs you off.
>Without that mystery juice you’re sure you’d be shooting blanks if she kept going with this, but you’re enjoying the ride just for getting to be close with Fluttershy like this.
>...But the mystery juice did a good job at keeping you hydrated.
>You realize how parched you are when you try swallowing and feel a harsh dryness in your throat.
>But Fluttershy’s getting really into rubbing you off and whispering in your ear, you’d feel bad spoiling the moment.
>Another attempt at swallowing convinces you that a hydrated boyfriend is a loving boyfriend.
>She wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable in a time like this.
>You carefully sit up, surprising Fluttershy a little.
“Hey, sorry to spoil the moment, but… Can I get some water, please?”
>Fluttershy’s eyes widen and she backs up a little.
>”Of course! Excuse me for just a moment!”
>She somewhat hastily gets out of the tub as the girls make space for her to dart out of the crowded bathroom.
>The idea of Fluttershy frantically running naked through the house is fairly amusing.
>Sitting by yourself in the bathtub is something you normally reserve for doing without an audience, so having six pairs of eyes locked onto you creates a rather surreal atmosphere.
>Like you’re at the world championships of bathing and you’ve got six judges analyzing your form and technique.
>The self-consciousness you’re feeling is less severe than it would be if you haven’t been naked with them for the past while.
>It helps that they’re naked, too.
>They should sit like this in the front row the next time you need to give a speech or something.
>Nobody says anything, the girls know they wouldn’t be good friends if they interrupted Fluttershy’s turn with you.
>But Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow are clearly dying to get in with you.
>They’ve been getting wound up by you and Sunset all night, they’re losing the ability to wait patiently.
>Rainbow, especially.
>Her jaw’s clenched and she’s grinding her teeth.
>Such a shame she’s last in line.
>There’s not gonna be much of her teeth left by tomorrow at this rate.
>The bathroom door bursts open as Fluttershy makes her return, holding a perspiring glass of ice water in each hand.
>”I hope I didn’t take too long! I brought two, just in case!” She informs you, nudging the door closed with her thick hips and stepping back into the bathtub with you.
“Don’t worry, I barely had time to miss you.” You say to her, carefully taking one of the glasses of water from her.
>Fluttershy holds the other glass of water close to her as she anxiously watches you drink from your glass.
>Man, you needed this more than you thought.
>Your throat’s soreness immediately vanishes as the chilled water travels down your throat.
>You end up drinking the entire glass of water in one go, chewing a couple of the ice cubes for good measure.
>”You really needed that.” Fluttershy giggles.
“Yeah, no kidding. Thank you.” You graciously say to her, setting the glass aside.
>”Would you like some more water? Or maybe a snack? You must’ve worked up a real appetite tonight!” She fusses over you.
>You chuckle and wave your hand dismissively.
“I’ll live, don’t worry!”
>”I’m gonna worry about you! I want you to be as comfortable and happy as possible!” Fluttershy insists, holding the second glass of water out for you.
“But I’m already happy and comfortable!”
>”You need to drink more water, all you had tonight was orange soda and hard cider!” Fluttershy asserted, pushing the second glass of water closer to you.
>Before you could try to convince her you’re as hydrated as you need to be, she carefully brings the glass of water to your lips and tips it towards you, filling your mouth with more of the refreshing drink.
>She makes sure to not accidentally waterboard you by only allowing a small dribble of the water to enter your mouth.
>With your ability to physically resist drained and your ability to verbally resist stifled, all you can do is accept the naked Fluttershy’s hospitality.
>There’s worse fates to be subjected to, anyway.
>You would know.
>Turns out she was right, you did need more water.
>You gently grasp the glass of water and drink its contents, much to her satisfaction.
>”Better?” Fluttershy asks you, already knowing the answer.
“Yeah, better.” You admit with a playful eye roll.
>Fluttershy beams at you as she wades through the bubbly bath water and cradles your head in her arms, pressing your face into her chest.
>”Where would you be without me?” She gently asks you with a giggle.
“Somewhere worse, that’s for sure…” You quietly answer her.
>She goes back to playing with your hair, which you barely notice with your face pressed between her breasts.
>No pillows on Earth could compare.
>Divinely soft.
>Disarmingly warm.
>Nothing you could say to her could convey what you’re feeling, so you hug her waist and pull yourself deeper into her cleavage.
>”Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay…” Fluttershy whispers to you, softly pulling you closer and leaning into you.
>Your eyes slide shut as you succumb to her tender care, feeling the warmth of her love and the bathtub surrounding you.
>”There’s nothing to worry about, mommy’s here…”
>Your eyes open back up like your alarm clock announced its arrival to the party.
>Fluttershy’s been getting more open and bold with you since you got to know her better, but that was one Hell of a curveball.
>You pull away from the hug and look up at her.
>Fluttershy’s eyes shoot open and her hands fly to cover her mouth when she realizes what she just said.
>”Oh, no, no, no! I’m so sorry! Did I make you uncomfortable? I’m sorry!” She began to panic.
>She becomes more conscious of her nudity, covering her breasts with her elbows as she casts her gaze downward in shame while blubbering meek apologies.
>She consciously pulls away from you slightly like she’s afraid touching you would make you feel more uncomfortable.
>Taking the initiative, you reach up and gently hold her shoulders.
“Hey, it’s okay! You didn’t make me uncomfortable! I was just surprised, that's all.” You assure her, the warm water helps you speak in a soft tone.
>Fluttershy slowly comes to stop apologizing, falling silent and sinking into your reassuring touch.
>”...Are you sure?” She asks you, almost inaudibly.
“Of course I am, Flutters.”
>You gently brush her hair, making her feel a little more comfortable.
>A silent moment passes.
>”...You didn’t think it was weird?”
>You gently smile and shake your head.
“It wasn’t weird, I promise.”
>She opens her mouth, surely to ask if you’re sure, but she stops herself and closes her mouth again, trusting that you’re telling the truth.
>”...Thank you, Anon…” She whispers.
>You pull her in for a comforting hug, your forehead gently pressed against hers.
>Fluttershy sigh happily into the hug.
>Hugging Fluttershy never gets old, especially when both of you are nude.
>”I don’t know when it happened, but I just kinda… started imagining our first time together…” She whispers in your ear.
>”I didn’t really imagine anything too racy at first, but…”
>Thank goodness she’s whispering right in your ear, otherwise there’s no way you’d be able to hear her.
>”...Then I… Found some stuff online that made me think about you…”
>”You were so content when I took care of you, I kind of…”
>Fluttershy gulps.
>”...I touched myself imagining you calling me mommy…” She admits with deep shame in her voice.
>She’s so tense.
>Her body’s rigidly locked in place in your arms like she’s bracing for impact.
>You’re not sure how to respond, yourself.
>You’ve had fairly vanilla tastes in your adult media, you didn’t think you’d ever be into mommy-dom stuff, especially with Fluttershy.
>You’d have had trouble imagining her masturbating to begin with, she’s so precious.
>The hug you share restores some of her confidence and comfort as she sits up a little straighter.
>Fluttershy carefully opens her mouth as she prepares to speak.
>”...Do you think… Maybe… When we…”
>She hesitates.
>“...Do it…”
>“...You could…”
>She inhales.
>”...Call me mommy?”
>She’s about to say please, but she loses her nerve and backs out of it.
>”Y-You don’t have to if you don’t want to, though! I’d understand if you-”
“I do want to.”
>Those words leave your mouth without effort on your part.
>You can’t tell if it’s you or Fluttershy that’s more surprised by your response.
>You don’t know if you said that because you want her to feel better or because you actually want to try it out, deep down.
>It doesn’t matter, this year’s been full of trying out new things you never thought you’d do.
>Why stop now?
“It might be awkward having an audience, but… It sounds fun.”
>”Are you worried about what the girls will think? They won’t tease you! I won’t let them!” Fluttershy reassured you with a firm grip.
>You could see Rainbow calling you mommy’s boy as a joke, and you know she’d just do it to mess with you a bit, but you know she wouldn’t intentionally do anything that would upset Fluttershy.
“No, no! I’m not worried about that! Let’s just…”
>Fluttershy sinks down into the water, still gingerly holding onto you.
>You lean forward and lick your lips, preparing yourself for what you’re about to say.
“Let’s focus on having a good time…”
>You slightly hesitate before taking the leap.
>Fluttershy sharply inhales.
>Her arms snake around your neck and she nudges her body back onto your lap.
>That one magic word awakened something in her.
>”Yes… G-Good boy…” She shakily whispers in your ear.
>She presses your face back into her supple chest to make you feel even more secure, completely surrounding you in loving warmth.
>The way she rubs her sex against yours is even more noticeable.
>She’s dragging her pussy all along the length of your cock, getting a soft shiver from you when she reaches the head.
>You’re powerless against her, but in a fun, relaxing way.
>Fluttershy reaches behind you and carefully presents another red solo cup, filled only a third of the way up with the purple girl’s purple stuff.
>”Be sure to drink all of it.” Fluttershy softly instructs you.
>You take the cup in your hands, but she’s still holding it securely for you.
>With her help, you carefully tip the cup and drink the strangely sweet liquid.
>It doesn’t give you the Popeye-esque boost of energy you felt the two times, but you definitely feel rejuvenated.
>Twilight must know the proper portioning for this potion.
>It’s like an energy drink that doesn’t make you feel too jittery.
>Your fingertips are much more sensitive to the warmth and curves of Fluttershy’s body.
>Her hot breath lingers on your skin with each soft breath.
>Your dick’s a bit fashionably late to the party, but understandably so.
>”Feeling better?” Fluttershy asks you.
>You snuggle back into her embrace, nodding.
“Yeah, thank you… mommy.”
>You’re gonna need more practice getting that last word out of your mouth in an orderly fashion.
>Fluttershy’s shivering like she’s out in the snow.
>She constricts you even tighter, pressing your dick right against her entrance.
>”Good boy… Such a good boy…” She lewdly whispered, stroking your hair like you’re one of her beloved rabbits at the animal shelter.
>You’re enjoying this a lot more than you thought you would.
>Even disregarding the sexual nature of all this, being able to just completely unwind and be cared for is lovely.
>Combine this with the aromas of the bath prepared for you and Fluttershy, it’s like you’re spending a night at the best spa in the world.
>The you that conquered Sunset and wrestled with Applejack feels like an entirely different person compared to the you that you are now.
>Applejack would tie you in a knot if Fluttershy tagged her in.
>But the more you prod at Fluttershy’s pussy, the more you want to get to the main event.
>You’re confident she’s feeling the same by the way she’s quivering and holding you.
“Ready, mommy?” You quietly ask Fluttershy.
>The invocation of that word provokes her to grip your hair a little tighter as she nods.
>”I’m ready.”
>Your hands drift down to her hips, carefully holding her in place.
>She bites her lip in anticipation.
>You’re getting used to this, lucky for her.
>You hold her steady, and slowly, carefully, lovingly, enter Fluttershy.
>You’re swimming with her in the bathtub as one.
>You'd think abstaining from masturbation work make it worse for him, not easier.
There's a practical reason that doesn't involve NNN, even if it sounds similar. The entire point of not fapping at all is to build up the willpower to not succumb to temptation so he can properly investigate, even if it would also result in him feeling physical attraction to those he wouldn't feel it towards before, like Mrs Cake. It's also so when it finally happens, the dam bursts HARD, and I like seeing all that pent-up load release from him after so much tension.

>There was an idea in a past thread where something like this happened to Anon that made him subtly more attractive to the girls in school, only getting worse and worse until it reaches critical mass on prom night.
Yeah, I was the one who suggested that. It was based off that Rick Potion 9 episode from Rick And Morty, except Anon was saving his load for a girl he would easily pick up at prom with said live potion stolen from Cadance, only to end up biting off more than he could chew and sleeping with three of the mom chaperones at once (Cookie, Posies and Cloudy).
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>What if I want to be mean to her?
Only if you do it in a friendly and preferably lewd way.
Based mommy flutters enjoyer
Anon better hope he still has something left when it’s Dashie’s turn
I don’t know who you’re talking about but there’s one thing the recent sleepover green reminded me.
>Rainbow ain't gonna like that. Kek. Putting her dead last just makes me grin.
Honestly didn’t know there is /still/ so much hate for Rainbow Dash on this board. Looks like I was wrong.
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Speaking as someone who's been involved in quite a lot of fandoms over the years, I'm not surprised that even Rainbow Dash's hate even exists.
So is this stuff in the red solo cup supposed to be more magical or more scientific? Apologies if this is a pointless question.
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Derpy sure is
It's not a pointless question at all, the implication is meant to be that it's something magical, as indicated by Sunset having a hand in creating the stuff Twilight gives to Anon
>Honestly didn’t know there is /still/ so much hate for Rainbow Dash on this board
I didn't Rainbow in last because I hate her or anything, I just think it's fun to take the cocky character down a peg lel
And here I was thinking "personal stash" meant something along the lines of Shimoneta.
You know how it goes, dogs go "bark", cows go "moo", Cosmic Butthole goes "this green ended up being longer than I thought it would be"
King of the Castle is getting split into two parts. Part One focuses solely on the sleepover, Part Two will take place over the following spring semester as Anon and the girls get into all sorts of wacky situations, making new friends and enemies, and overall having one unforgettable school year
Might take a break from writing greens to go back to art stuff for a while after completing Part One, we'll see
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>ou could play it as a kind of deal with the devil, where Anon tries to find a way to get a girlfriend but gets more than he bargained for when Chrysalis puts a spell on him or something.
I really want to see something like this happen with the female adults in his life. Like, older women like the MILF 6 and others like Cup Cake and Harshwhinny that Anon usually wouldn't glance twice at are suddenly either able to easily make him so horny he creams his pants with prolonged contact, or get him so riled up with lust that he needs to immediately jerk off.
Like, Anon either finds himself so weirdly sensitive to their proximity and touch that he can feel his balls contracting from that alone, and the mature woman in question is obliviously wondering why Anon is shaking and gets closer to him, which only makes him cream himself faster.

Or as I said, Anon never looked at the mature women in THAT way before, but now that he does, he can't STOP looking at them in such a sexual way. He can't stop glancing at their chests and butts, something they may or may not notice, and he needs to get his sexual feelings out of his system NOW with what's possibly his third or fourth wank of the day..

Because of Chrysalis, now Anon can't NOT see older women in a sexual sense because of her, perfect for a deal with the devil-style agreement.
I'd say I prefer if they're the aggressors. Like if Anon gets Chrysalis' help wanting her to get his crush to be more into him, but instead the milfs start aggressively going after him.
>Anon helps out at a book club attended by the milf six
>He has a crush on someone like Fluer and tried to get Chrysalis' help
>She tells him that whoever has their eyes on him will now find him irresistible
>He's like, 'boy, I sure do hope it's Fluer'
>Then suddenly the book club attended by the milfs becomes a lionesses den for him as they're all trying to nab him for themselves
Oh my...
Thank God Rarity has a big tub.
>I just think it's fun to take the cocky character down a peg
This. No one hates Dash. I just want her to be so worked up by her turn that she's in danger of ponying up when she cums.
that's a really small lifeguard uniform
I just want more married MILF debauchery, writers...
There's been a guy coming back approximately every thread or so saying he misses the sleepover thread and saying he wishes someone would revive it.
I don't see him posting that anymore. Which leads me to believe all he really wanted was new lewd sleepover green to read.
NTA btw.
Replace the book club with a mixed sauna stay that Chrysalis promises will get Anon laid if he stays in it, but older women like the MILF 6 hoping to feel young again use it instead of girls around his age.
I mean that thread was titled lewd sleepover for a reason.
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Windy comes with Rainbow and Anon to a Spring Break vacation where they get into a contest that requires the participant covered in oil. A bikini-clad Windy gets a little TOO into slathering Anon's bare skin in oil when her hands reach his crotch and it turns into an oily handjob that makes him cum before she realizes what she's doing, and Windy now wants to REALLY get to know Anon in private. Or maybe Windy is partly desperate to keep Anon's shame from showing to the public and hastily jerks him off before anyone else can see him, and unexpected feelings grow from there.
Yeah, that sounds good in fact I think I have some more to add to that.
>The milf six had been talking shit to Chrysalis for being a cougar
>Chrysalis comes up with a plan to not only knock them down a peg, but also get them into debauched relationships which she loves even when it's not payback
>She convinces Anon he'll get laid at this sauna and let's him think girls his own age will be there
>Except Chrysalis is also luring the milfs there with the promise of feeling young
>Conspiring to make sure the milfs gang bang him
god i love that pic
Windy knows she still got that form
Continuation of https://ponepaste.org/9556

>You groan from the effort it takes to move your painfully stiff legs
>There's a dull ache in your calves
>A brief glance at where they once lay reveals a folded-up blanket draped over the cot's footboard
>Why would they put you in such a small bed?
>You shake the question out of your head
>Have to focus
>A tight fist gripping the IV stand, you shakily try to drag yourself to your feet
>Before you can put even an ounce more of weight onto your legs, you crumple to the floor
>Luckily, your cast broke your fall
>And knocked the wind out of you
>After spending God knows how long catching your breath, you laboriously climb up and sit on the edge of the hospital bed once more
>Looking around the room, your eyes land on the folder that Dr. Stables had
>You can see some papers spilling out from it from the doctor's hasty exit
>Your intent gaze darts to the stool he had sat on, to the door, then to the folder once more
>Keeping one eye on the door, you set out moving yourself to the stool and over to the table
>Sifting through the file's contents, your fatigued mind is bombarded with sheets of numbers and graphs
>More photos, these showing every part and angle of your body
>Not an inch of skin that isn't stained red with blood
>You shouldn't have lived
>The back of the photographs doesn't give much more information than the first
>You continue through the folder's contents
>Some of your arms, legs, torso
>None of your skull, you notice
>Eventually you find some more useful papers
>Nurse's reports-copies, at least-detailing your condition daily make up the bulk of the file
>[ROOM: 206]
>[DATE: 5/14/1998]
>[DATE: 5/14/1998]
>You reread it a third time
>Then a fourth time
>Fifth, sixth, seventh-
>You tear through the rest of the reports, checking the date on each and catching glimpses of notes as your heart paces faster and faster
>[DATE: 5/17/1998]
>[Vitals improving]
>[DATE: 5/26/1998]
>[Recovery slow]
>[DATE: 6/13/1998]
>[Condition stable]
>You reach the most recent report, your eyes nearly burning a hole in the paper as you stare at the black ink
>[DATE: 7/13/1998]
>You're panting as if you just ran a marathon, your pulse pounds in your ears like a war drum
>This isn't possible
>You must be dreaming
>Or in a coma
>Maybe you're in h-
>You jump off the stool at the sudden touch and scramble on the floor to face a stunned nurse.
>This one had pink skin with purple and white hair
>You never heard her come in
>"Are you alright, dearie? I was callin' your name, but I reckon ya didn't hear me."
>You ignore her question and take a shaky breath
"Wh...Where am I?" You plead
>"Why, you're in Canterlot General, dearie," The nurse smiles warmly, offering a hand

More soon
Book club sauna?
Nah that wouldn’t work
The books would get ruined in record time lel
Hi, I once requested a nude edit of Sunset Shimmer (and got it delivered) here.

I have moved (back) to the /trash/ Edit Thread since then in order to request further edits, including naturally sagged breast while maintaining the same size (among others), and recently got one.


While I could notice some changes, the editor there failed to make her breast not to defy the gravity.

So I'd like to request here that Sunset Shimmer is given a naturally sagged breast.

You can remove the background or give a new one, if you have no idea how to deal with it.
Oh I remember this green, is great to see it continue
>Fluttershy grips your head with strength you’ve never seen from before as she squeals into your hair upon your entry.
>Your head is now firmly pressed into her chest, completely filling your vision.
>Fluttershy is firmly planted on your lap with her thighs locked around your waist.
>For how soft she is, she’s surprisingly strong when she really wants to be.
>She’s more delicate than Applejack, Sunset, or Pinkie, so you take things a lot slower with her.
>Your cock slides halfway inside her with delicate precision, making sure to not hurt her.
>”G-Good boy…” Fluttershy shivers, holding you in place as she settles herself with you inside her.
“Are you feeling okay, mommy?” You quietly ask Fluttershy.
>Calling her mommy is getting easier.
>That could lead to trouble later, but whatever.
>Fluttershy frantically nods, still holding you in place beneath her.
>”Yes, thank you…” She manages to answer, struggling to speak clearly through her arousal.
>You gently hold her hips and slowly thrust up, getting this gravy train going at a slow pace for her sake.
>Fluttershy’s voice reaches a new high note as you slide deeper inside her.
>Her pussy squeezes your member, forcing a sharp inhale from you.
>”S-So good… Such a good boy…” She moans.
>After a little hesitation, she allows her body to sink down onto yours, bringing you fully inside her.
>She’s trying her hardest to keep her arousal quiet, but it’s an uphill battle for her.
>High pitched squeaks laced with sensuality break through her lips in spite of her tensing every muscle in her body to keep it down.
>You don’t get much of a view of her like this, but you’re perfectly happy where you are.
>Fluttershy slowly picks up the pace while still carefully thrusting up and down.
>The tension in her body is squeezing your dick like a python, earning a few groans from you as you try to match her pace.
>”Does it feel good?” Fluttershy asks you, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
>You eagerly nod, still buried in her chest.
“Yeah, it feels… really good.” You answer her.
>”Good, good boy…” She contentedly sighs, resuming her loving thrusting.
>Her pace subtly quickens as she gets more comfortable with feeling you inside of her.
>But when you thrust in turn, Fluttershy squeals again.
>She tries to muffle herself by keeping her head low, but she doesn’t want to take her hands off your head.
>”So handsome, so lovely…” Fluttershy whispered to you, twirling your hair in her fingers.
“Thank you, mommy…” You respond, deciding to toss another ice cube into the deep fryer.
>Her reaction is instant.
>Her thrusting pace picks up slightly, squeezing your dick even tighter.
>You’re feeling energized enough to sit up a bit and fully wrap your arms around Fluttershy’s waist, holding her as close as she’s holding you.
>She’s loosening up, but at the same time, she’s so sensitive.
>The subtlest movement of your hands across her nude body makes her react like she just felt a jolt of static electricity.
>Using the magic word is only getting her even more wound up.
>Let’s have fun with this.
“You’re so pretty, mommy.” You gently moan.
>Her entire body shudders.
>She’s squeaking more, and louder.
>Fluttershy’s getting more and more flustered.
>She’s bouncing up and down on your cock with much more vigor while lovingly stroking your hair and face.
>Her hips roll with each thrust, adding more sensuality with her every motion.
>It feels like you’re drowning in an ocean of warmth and comfort.
>It’s admittedly a little difficult to breathe through Fluttershy’s cleavage, but you’d be content to suffocate here if it wouldn’t ruin the sleepover for everyone else.
>The bath water that comes up to your waist swirls around more and more as you and Fluttershy thrust and rock in unison.
>The water’s maintained a lovely, relaxing temperature throughout your bath, combining that with the damp warmth of Fluttershy’s pussy is heavenly.
>You’re reminded of the glistening arousal that lightly coated her pussy when you admired her naked form earlier in the night.
>Her arousal’s mixing with the bathwater like a deadly aphrodisiac sneakily added to a glass of wine.
>You could feasibly seize control of this encounter with her like you did with Sunset, but that wouldn’t be right for this encounter.
>Fluttershy’s so adorable on top of you, trying to be dominant in her own special way.
>This must be what Applejack was talking about, Fluttershy feels like the world’s most comfortable, lovable stuffed animal.
>She’s trying her darndest, and you love her for it.
>”Suh… Suh… Such a good boy… So n-nice to mommy…” She shudders in a melodic tone.
>She delicately kisses your forehead, smearing the kiss slightly with how she’s shuddering.
>The feeling of the kiss lingers, seeping into your skin and infecting your being with more of her love.
>Fluttershy’s given up on trying to restrain her vocalizations.
>Each thrust forces another salacious moan out of her.
>Her head’s fallen back as she gives in to her emotions, almost panting like a dog.
>It’s starting to make you worry a little that she’s getting overstimulated.
>The poor girl’s so sensitive, after all.
“You alright, mommy? You’re not overwhelmed, are you?” You ask her.
>Huh, that almost felt natural.
>Fluttershy frantically shakes her head, tossing her pink hair to and fro.
>”No, no, you’re doing wonderfully! I’m loving this~” She moans.
>She strokes your hair some more and plants several kisses across your forehead.
>”You’re so caring, good boy~”
>You’re starting to enjoy being called a good boy more than you care to admit.
>To show your appreciation, you lift your head and kiss Fluttershy’s exposed neck.
>Reaching her neck involves a bit of a journey to get past her breasts, but it’s worth it.
>Fluttershy clings onto you even tighter as your lips make contact and gently nibble.
>Despite how firmly you two are locked onto each other, she’s putting her all into her humping.
>She’s almost bouncing on your dick, sloshing the bath water around the tub.
>You hear some spill over the rim of the tub and splash onto the tile floor, but that’s far from what you’re most concerned about.
>”Gonna… Share soup with you… Gonna… Kiss you all over… Gonna… m-make you feel loved…” Fluttershy gasped.
>Each lovey-dovey promise she makes is like aural ambrosia.
>Each heave of her hefty chest comes in perfect timing with each thrust of her hips.
>She’s gripping you with her arms and legs so tightly that you’re sure she’d stay attached to you if you stood up and got out of the tub.
“You’re so enchanting, mommy. I want to make you feel loved, too.” You softly say to her, driving her further up the wall.
>”Oh, Anon, don’t you worry, you’re doing a wonderful job…” She happily sighed, holding you tightly in her loving embrace.
“Thank you, mommy, but wouldn’t it be fair if I got to bathe you, too?” You offer her, rubbing some soapy water across her back for emphasis.
>Fluttershy leans into your touch, slightly disrupting the pace of her humping.
>”I’d really like that~” She softly agreed.
>Her arms release you from her embrace just enough for you to unearth yourself from her chest and get a better look at her visage.
>Love and arousal cover her face, with her cheeks tinted a pink hue, her hair messily strewn about, and you could swear you see hearts in her pupils.
>Your admiration of Fluttershy’s beauty is cut short when she dives in to take you to first base.
>When your lips meet hers, she moans happily and wraps her arms back around your neck, humping even faster.
>Her tongue gingerly prods at your lips through the kiss as if requesting permission to enter.
>You oblige her, opening your lips just wide enough for Fluttershy’s tongue.
>She leaps at the opportunity, eagerly guiding her tongue to yours and exploring the inside of your mouth.
>Fluttershy’s showing more enthusiasm for this kiss than you think you’ve ever seen from her before.
>The way her tongue swims around your mouth, the way her hands needily keep you in place, the way her hips desperately rise and fall, she’s wanted this for months.
>Months of thoughts and feelings she couldn’t express pouring down onto you like you’re trapped beneath a waterfall.
>Her moaning gets quicker and higher pitched, and her pussy’s constricting your manhood even tighter.
>You grip her hips even tighter to help her maintain her pace.
>Fluttershy separates from your messy kiss with a wet pop, taking a moment to catch her breath and shiver lovingly into your neck.
>Her mouth hangs slightly open to keep whispering loving things to you, but she’s only capable of lewd moaning.
>You can’t tell how many times she climaxed, the bath water swirling around you mixes with her love juices so well.
>One thing’s for sure: you’re not far from cumming.
>You try kissing her again, but both of you are so enraptured in the raw lust you’re both feeling that you only messily lick each other’s faces.
>You both awkwardly giggle at the attempt, gently pressing your foreheads together.
“M-Mommy…” You whisper to her.
>”Good boy…” Fluttershy manages to whisper in return.
“Are you close, mommy?”
>Fluttershy squeals into your neck as her pussy constricts your dick.
>Guess that answers that question.
>”Mommy’s f-finished… so many times, mommy wants you to feel good~”
>She tries to go back to combing your hair, but her hands are trembling too much to do a good job at it.
>Her motherly technique has been melted away by her fiery, animalistic lust.
>”Y-You can cum whenever you want~” She shakily says to you, rubbing her body against yours with unprecedented vigor.
>Your loins are feeling the pressure build.
>You grit your teeth and hold your breath while maintaining the speed of your thrusting.
>The rest of your muscles match the intensity, gripping the shy girl even tighter.
>”Cum for me, Anon.” Fluttershy needily whispers.
>”Cum for mommy.”
>Just like that, you’re over the edge.
>You release a loud, erotic moan as your cock spurts out load after load of cum into Fluttershy’s welcoming pussy.
>She arches her back up and lewdly sighs as she feels the warmth of your cum course through her.
>The juice Twilight made has gotta be doing something to make you more sensitive to climaxing, it’s only now that you notice your feeling of ecstasy lingers longer than it usually does when you masturbate.
>The sensation fills your body in a way nothing else does.
>The way Fluttershy clings onto you only heightens this amazing feeling.
>But sadly, the feeling eventually fades.
>The sleepiness, exhaustion, and slight soreness you felt before getting in the tub makes a return, but sinking into the water helps a little.
>Fluttershy gently pulls you back into her embrace, bringing your face back into her chest as she smiles and gently strokes your hair.
>”You’re such a good boy~” She lovingly sighs.
>You give in to her loving touch, sinking down into her body and into the bath water.
“Thank you, mommy…” You sleepily reply.
>A moment of serene silence passes.
“...I’m not calling you that at school, by the way.” You weakly chuckle.
>Fluttershy cutely giggles, nuzzling you closer.
>”Oh, thank goodness. I’d die of embarrassment if you did that.”
>Time to face it, you’re into calling Fluttershy mommy.
>You definitely see the appeal now.
>Fluttershy is such a terrible influence on you.
>”That was really something, Anon.” Twilight giggled.
>The reminder that you shared that intimate encounter with Fluttershy in front of an audience gets you a little self conscious.
>The feeling of six pairs of eyes on you burns into you, making each time you called Fluttershy mommy echo in your mind.
>But Fluttershy’s even worse in front of an audience than you, and she’s still as content as can be.
>Her comfort reassures you, so you give Twilight a gentle smile.
“Heh, thanks, Twiggles.”
>The invocation of your new nickname for her gets a nerdy giggle from her.
>”Twilight’s right, too many guys are too concerned about looking tough and cool all the time to really embrace their sensitive side! Girls love a guy who’s in touch with his emotions!” Sunset adds, leaning over to kiss your cheek.
>”I know I do~” Fluttershy softly admits, kissing your other cheek.
>So many kisses, so much touching.
>These girls are gonna be the death of you.
>But you couldn’t think of a better way to go.
>After everything you’ve gone through tonight, you’re ready to fall asleep right here, right now.
>The water, Fluttershy’s body, the steamy air, it’s all so incredibly relaxing.
>As Fluttershy breathes in and out, you’re gently rocked to drowsiness by the gentle rising and falling of her chest.
>Your breathing slows…
>Your eyes slide shut…
>”Hey, come on, wake up. You don’t get to sleep yet.”
>Rainbow’s voice, combined with her shaking your head, jolts you back to the world of the awake.
>You turn to face her to find her faintly annoyed at you, but at least she’s still naked.
>She’s taken Rarity’s spot right next to the tub, between Sunset and Pinkie.
“Right, sorry.” You apologize, sitting up to rub the sleep out of your eyes.
>Fluttershy quickly sits up to continue comforting you.
>”It’s okay! You don’t have to apologize for anything!” She assures you, stroking your hair with greater intensity while shooting Rainbow a stern look.
>”Don’t get him too comfortable, he’s still got a long night ahead of him.” Sunset reminds Fluttershy, nudging her way closer to you and pulling your head into her chest.
>Fluttershy pouts slightly, keeping her hands on your shoulders and staying close to you.
>”But he’s already done so much for us today! He deserves his rest!” She insists, nudging closer to your lap.
>”He can rest after we’ve had our turn with him.” Rainbow grumpily butts in.
>She reaches out to nudge you, but Sunset swats her hand away, as it isn’t her turn yet.
>Sunset’s grip on you remains firm, keeping your head between her more modest breasts while gently rocking back and forth.
>Her body feels hotter than Fluttershy’s, like there’s a dancing flame at the center of her chest as opposed to a heart.
>”Oh, relax! We’re not gonna kill him!” Twilight giggles at Fluttershy.
“Yeah, if I could survive Pinkie and Applejack, I can survive anything.” You concur with a gentle laugh, earning some giggles from the two girls in question.
>”You ain’t gonna survive me, that’s for sure.” Rainbow muttered through her scrunched-up mouth and unsubtly cocking her hip towards you.
>You giggle at Rainbow’s bravado, but Fluttershy clutches you even tighter as if she’s afraid Rainbow’s telling the truth.
>”...Thank you for this, Anon. I really enjoyed what we shared.” Fluttershy lovingly says to you.
>You smile and rest your forehead against hers.
“You don’t have to thank me, Flutters. I had a lot of fun, too.” You softly say to her, gently rubbing her shoulder.
>Fluttershy sheepishly smiles and embraces your touch.
>”I’d really like to do this again with you in the future, except maybe… we bathe each other.”
“I’d really like that.” You say, nuzzling her closer.
>Fluttershy giggles a bit, eyeing the girls watching you two.
>”You know… I bet one of the girls wouldn’t mind helping me bathe you~” She teasingly suggested.
>This gets the attention of Applejack and Twilight.
>”Now there’s an idea!” Sunset grins.
>”I wouldn’t mind! Not at all!” Twilight shakily assures you, like she’s talking about helping you study.
>”Heck, I know all about gettin’ cleaned up good and proper after a hard day’s work, I’ll make sure you’re spotless!” Applejack promises you.
>”Ooh! I know! Nonny and I could get all messy baking, and then you could get him all nice and cleaned up!” Pinkie excitedly chimes in, bouncing closer to you and hovering over Sunset.
>You laugh along with Pinkie’s enthusiasm.
“Sounds like one heck of a date night!” You enthusiastically agree.
>”Thank you! I thought so too!” Pinkie giggles.
>As much as you don’t want to pick favorites, Rarity would probably be the best bet to bathe with.
>She already takes great care of herself and has given you invaluable self care tips, bathing with her would be a day at the spa.
>...You don’t see Rarity among the group of girls watching you sit in the tub with Fluttershy.
“Say, where’d Rarity go?”
>”She’s back in her bedroom making herself decent for you! Her turn IS next, after all!” Sunset answered, combing your hair.
Ooh, very intriguing! Looking forward to more of this!
I agree with this, Anon's already interested in girls, it makes more sense for him to wish that girls would be more attracted to him, only to have it end up only attracting older women to him
The book club idea is nice, but the sauna lends itself better to Chrysalis' involvement and getting to the saucy stuff. You could play it like Chrysalis just arrived to town and is looking for employees for the sauna she just opened, luring Anon in with the promise of getting close with girls
Fluttermommy is something I haven't seen a ton of in greentexts here, so it was pretty fun to write that and see how it all feels out
Rainbow's not gonna be any kind of mommy when it's her turn
>The entire point of not fapping at all is to build up the willpower to not succumb to temptation so he can properly investigate, even if it would also result in him feeling physical attraction to those he wouldn't feel it towards before
Ah, I gotcha, that makes more sense now.
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>”You ain’t gonna survive me, that’s for sure.” Rainbow muttered through her scrunched-up mouth and unsubtly cocking her hip towards you.
Oh she’s gonna do some compensating
The nude version of this is kino if it exists
Looking forward to rarity’s turn, this is her house after all
Celestia’s breasts were MADE to be sucked on!
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>Twilight is the first one to say something about Fluttermommy
Bet she was into it.

Rarity do be setting the scene tho. Of course she would want (You) right after coming out of the bath. I'm sure whatever she set up will be quite the enchanting scene. She might even want (You) to draw her first, like it's one of their art classes.
Sunset is an artist too. Man, having an artist gf in your harem who could do lewd paintings of you all would be so kino.
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Reposting this drawing of mine here bc sunbutt is best butt
Where do I apply to be her new office chair
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I finally got back to the Celestia gif on this Summer Solstice and added a closer shot of her tummy to it. I'm about to add even more immediately and will get to the NSFW parts in no time with Principal Celestia completely naked by the end.
What do you guys think?


Good stuff. I like the one you did where she's naked at the intercom even more. Feels great to create lewd content of Principal Celestia alongside someone who's just as down bad for this woman as I am.
>Like, if Cadance or Chrysalis' love/lust magic turned him into a chronic masturbator that needs to fap when exposed to the slightest sexual imagery, or gave him a sensitive hair-trigger that makes him quickly cream his pants around attractive girls?
I like this one a lot. Could do that.
>I'm really hoping Rarity doesn't walk in on them like this
Don't worry, she won't.
Also, Cookie is barely thinking at all right now, she'll try to keep it a secret as much as Anon does.
>I'd hate for you to overburden yourself like this.
It's alright, I'm used to my own chaos.
>Nobody worth listening to would mind if you took a break from greentexting to work on your animations. I'm personally looking forward to that Pinkie one
Gif related is the bit of progress I just made with the Celestia one today now that I finally got back to it.
Pretty much what Cosmic said. I do way too many different things with my free time in addition to being busy with other stuff. But I'm about to change that anyway so you might be in luck.
Great updates, I kinda like how this still ended up being one girl at a time lol.
Looking forward to you continuing.
It's just kind of a meme on this board to write her as really mean and then punish her for it. If anything, we do it because we love Dashie.
There's less "punishment" in Bros With Benefits if you're interested.
>What do you guys think?
Nice work. Roughly how much more of this scene do you plan to animate?
Great job!
>Chrysalis' love magic easily attracts full-figured women!
The full-figured women in question;
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Whoops wrong pic, I really meant;
Imagine that well endowed asset bikini bod falling under control of lust magic, doing lewd things she’s never imagined herself doing until the Succubus woman started hanging out with her.
>”I never knew it felt so good to shake my moneymakers like this”
>EQG coomer is a fellatrixfag
imagine my shock
Hi, Mr Hands
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>I'm about to add even more immediately and will get to the NSFW parts in no time with Principal Celestia completely naked by the end.
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I'm just imagining Chrysalis, in an act of spite, forcing Anon to lust uncontrollably after women he wouldn't normally feel physical attraction towards, or maybe Cadence uses her love magic to make Anon see the "inner beauty" and "positive qualities" (only what he finds sexually attractive while ignoring other things) in women he wouldn't otherwise look at after hearing him be dismissive and critical of girl's appearances like in that one comedy movie with the guru.

No, I didn't.

Sorry you have shit taste.
Wanker. Call them wankers.
Based, I like
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All thanks to Chrysalis as her nature enhancing magic attracting already bountiful full-figured women;
>You can’t help but gently chuckle.
>Of course Rarity would want to doll herself up for her big night.
>With you.
>She’s not getting herself ready to fuck any of the football players or drummer guys at school.
>She’s getting herself ready to fuck YOU.
>Hell yeah.
“Making herself decent, huh?”
>”She really needed to! You’ve made her such a mess~” Sunset said to you, dragging her hand across your chest.
“What can I say? I’m a people pleaser!” You cheekily defend yourself.
>”That’s one way of puttin’ it!” Applejack chuckled, nudging her way closer to you.
>”W-Wait! What about me?” Twilight nervously asked Sunset.
>Sunset slyly covered her mouth as she chuckled.
>”You know the rule! You’ve gotta tell your dream boy ALL about what a pervert you are~” She reminded her.
>Twilight sputtered pathetically as she desperately looked between you and Sunset.
>Rainbow found some relief from her sexual frustration as she snickered at Twilight’s display along with Applejack and Pinkie.
>Fluttershy snuggled closer to you, savoring the time she still has with you in the tub.
>As lovely as she feels on top of you, Twilight’s being far more entertaining.
>”I- I- W-Well, uh…” She stammered, blushing more and more.
>”Communication’s the cornerstone of any healthy relationship~” Sunset teasingly reminded Twilight, shoving her closer to you.
>This only makes her even more of an embarrassed mess.
>She looks around for some kind of help, but she knows there’s no way out of this.
>Her nudity, as cute as it is, isn’t helping at all.
>On top of all that, her glasses are all fogged up.
>Looks like she needs a gentle push.
“Come on, Twiggles! I believe in you!” You goad her on with a grin.
>”Ugh, fine!” Twilight cries out, throwing her fists down in frustration.
>”I’m a pervert, okay!?”
>”I’m a HUGE pervert!”
>”I masturbate to thoughts of you every night!”
>”I get all hot and sweaty when you sit close to me at lunch or in the library!”
>”Like, half the time we study together, I’m not wearing underwear!”
>”I tried leaving my panties in your backpack a few times but I always chicken out at the last minute!”
>”T-Two weeks ago, when you left to go to the bathroom, I sniffed your chair!”
>”Settle down now, Twiggles! That’ll do!” Sunset interrupted Twilight’s rambings, patting her on the back.
>Twilight’s eyes widen as she realizes how carried away she was getting with her little confession.
>Everyone in the bathroom is struck with the same awkward silence as Twilight.
>After glancing around at Sunset, Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow, and finally you and Fluttershy, Twilight awkwardly laughs while twirling her hair.
>”Hehe… Sorry…”
>That’s a lot to take in.
>It completely recontextualizes the past month of studying together after school.
>At least it makes you a little less embarrassed about calling Fluttershy mommy.
>Now it’s your turn to awkwardly laugh.
“Wow, Twilight, I’m… flattered!”
>Your attempt at a response induces a nervous giggle fit in Twilight.
>”Ah, geez…” She mutters, awkwardly rubbing her arm and averting her gaze shamefully.
>The way she’s holding her arms, it’s like she’s actively trying to remain confident in her nudity despite having spilled her deepest, least family friendly secrets to you.
>”Good thing Anon and Fluttershy are done with the tub, ‘cause it sounds like you need a cold shower.” Rainbow remarks.
”Hey, be nice to her! We’re all really proud of Twilight for being so open with us, aren’t we?” You interject on Twilight’s behalf, then turn to the other girls for support.
>”You betcha!” Pinkie is quick to chime in, encouragingly nudging Twilight from the right.
>Applejack chuckles, rubbing the back of her head.
>Fluttershy nervously avoids looking at Twilight, thoroughly red in the face.
>”We sure are! And to think you’ll be able to live out all your WILDEST fantasies with him tonight! You must be on cloud nine!” Sunset chipperly agreed, closing in on Twilight’s left.
>”Uh, hehe, y-yeah…” Twilight shakily agrees, looking back up at you with her legs trembling a little and her pussy glistening.
>”Good thing you’ll have plenty of time to get ready while Anon’s showing Rarity a good time!” Sunset beams.
>Twilight’s expression falls slightly as she turns to Sunset.
>”B-But you said-”
>”You had plenty of opportunities to tell our dear Anonymous about your dirty little fantasies! Just think of poor Rarity, putting all this effort into getting herself ready for her first time with him, only for you to yank him away at the last moment! She’d feel so betrayed!” Sunset lightly scolds her with a smirk.
>Rarity’s first time.
>Twilight looks over at you, expecting some help pleading her case with Sunset.
>With Fluttershy comfortably nestling herself on top of you and planting delicate kisses across your chest, all you can do is shrug.
>”I’m sorry, Twilight, but Sunset’s kinda got a point. But hey, you’ll be up right after! I’m not gonna let you fall asleep tonight without fulfilling your fantasies and making you feel loved.” You comfort her in a gentle, loving tone.
>Her disappointed expression lifts a little as she comes to understand Sunset’s (and Rarity’s) perspective.
>”Thanks, Anon…” Twilight gently smiles.
“Besides, you’re kind of a nervous wreck right now. You could use the time to collect yourself and really think about what kinda fun we’re gonna have together. Whatever you wanna do, I’m game.” You promise her.
>Twilight perks up at that.
>”...Whatever I wanna do?” She asks, rubbing the accumulated steam from her nerdy glasses.
“WHATEVER you wanna do.” You reiterate with a teasing smile.
>”And he means it~” Fluttershy happily sighs.
>”Just be careful, ‘cause he’s one heck of a rodeo partner.” Applejack adds with a grin.
>”And it’s not like you’re going last or anything.” Rainbow mutters.
>A dorky smile spreads across Twilight’s face as she finally nods relentingly.
>”Alright, alright, you win, I’ll let Rarity go next.”
>”It’s times like this when I really appreciate our friendship! Being able to resolve something like this with our words, I’m proud of all of you!” Sunset cheers, drumming her hands on Twilight’s shoulders.
>These girls sure do love their ‘power of friendship’ stuff.
>You shouldn’t judge, it worked on you.
>”But we can’t keep Rarity waiting, can we?” Sunset asks you, standing up from the edge of the tub.
“No, we can’t!” You grin at Sunset.
>”No, we can’t.” Rainbow bitterly repeats through gritted teeth.
>”Then we better get you ready for her! Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie, would you mind helping Anon get dried off?”
>Their eyes light up at the prospect of getting their hands all over you again.
>”Not at all!” Fluttershy answers her.
>”I certainly wouldn’t mind!” Applejack adds.
>”Me either! I’d love to!” Pinkie pipes up, bouncing in place a little.
>”What about us?” Twilight asks Sunset, referring to herself and Rainbow.
>”Yeah, what ABOUT us?” Rainbow repeats in a more pointed tone.
>”You two haven’t had your turns yet! Once you’ve told Anon when you realized you had a crush on him, you can put your hands anywhere on his fine, masculine body!” Sunset reminds them in a faintly smug tone.
>Twilight’s shoulders sink slightly and Rainbow crosses her arms and scrunches her face up again.
>You can’t make out what Rainbow’s muttering under her breath, but you’re confident whatever it is is gonna result in you spending the next couple months with a broken pelvis.
>”Come on, let’s get you nice and dry for Rarity!” Fluttershy ushers you, getting off of you and helping you back step out of the bathtub.
>The moment your bare feet meet the carpet, hands are all over you.
>Towels of varying sizes fly across your field of view before they’re rubbed across your naked body by the girls surrounding you.
>Sunset’s in charge of drying off your chest, Fluttershy’s rubbing her towel across your back, Applejack’s got your right arm covered, and Pinkie’s taking care of your left arm.
>You’d imagine being toweled off by four lovely young ladies would be a relaxing experience, but they’re hardly relaxing with how they rub you.
>Despite how you’ve made love with each of the girls rubbing you down, there’s still embers of lust remaining within them.
>You’re reminded of how Twilight tried to clean the hard cider off you earlier tonight with how their fingertips slip out from the towels to glide across your bare skin.
>Applejack and Pinkie rub your arms dry vigorously while Fluttershy and Sunset rub their towels on you much more delicately.
>It helps keep you balanced while you’re pushed every which way.
>The towels move further down your body once the girls are satisfied you’ve been properly dried off.
>You shudder a bit as they rub around your crotch area, still more than a little sensitive after everything you’ve been up to tonight.
>”Let us know if you’re uncomfortable, okay?” Fluttershy instructs you while carefully scrubbing at your inner thigh.
“I’m not uncomfortable, you’re doing a wonderful job.” You assure her.
>Pinkie’s having a lot of fun getting her hands on you again.
>”Just making sure you’re nice and dry!” She insists as she lovingly touches your right thigh.
>Pinkie then slides her hands down your back and squeezes your ass.
>”Whoopsie! Dropped the towel!” She giggles at your surprised gasp.
“Uh huh…” You roll your eyes with a smile.
>”Whoops, almost forgot!” Applejack realizes.
>Before you could ask for clarification, she throws her towel over your head and vigorously scrubs your hair, rocking your head back and forth like a bobblehead.
>Applejack’s experience with scrubbing farm equipment clean comes into play as she dries you rough enough to chafe.
>”Be gentle with him! He’s had a long night!” Fluttershy scolded her, her voice muffled by the towel over your head.
>She, on the other hand, is so delicate you doubt you’d notice her rubbing if you had your eyes closed.
>Sunset’s rubbing you off the most sensually, with the same touch she used to tease you so many times before.
>It’s a weirdly mixed experience with so many different sensations, but then again, your friends are also a mixed experience.
>That’s what makes them so fun.
>Every day’s an adventure with the girls.
>Especially tonight.
>You steal a glance at the two girls that got left out.
>Twilight’s disappointment at being excluded was replaced by a deep attention to how your body is tended to by the girls.
>You’ve gotta be a real sight to see, having four girls rub you dry, so you don’t blame her for staring.
>She’s drooling a little, too.
>Rainbow’s crossed her arms and really trying to look like she doesn’t care.
>You’re starting to dread what she’s gonna do with you when she gets her hands on you.
>Maybe saying you were saving the best for last was a bad idea.
>The only thing harder to deal with than Rainbow Dash is a riled up Rainbow Dash.
>”All done!” Sunset proudly announced, withdrawing the towel and standing back up.
>Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie are slower to pull back, each of them lovingly touching you one last time before stepping away.
>The sensation of their delicate fingers trying to remain on your exposed skin lingers, making you feel even hotter.
>Figuratively and literally.
>You run your hands down your body to inspect the girls’ handiwork.
>You’re as dry as you were before you got into the tub.
>A little less exhausted, too.
>Your skin feels softer, thanks to Rarity’s fancy soaps.
>You feel your hair and find it almost as soft and luxurious as Rarity’s.
>You’ve gotta take note of the brands she uses before heading home tomorrow.
>”Wow, you clean up nice, Anon!” Twilight speaks up, blushing brightly and slightly unable to maintain eye contact with you.
“Thanks, Twiggles!” You reply with a confident smile.
>With Sunset, Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy surrounding you like the divine figures in the Birth of Venus, you feel a certain power within you.
>It’s not because of the mystery elixir this time.
>It’s pure Anonymous.
“You know, you’re real cute when you’re a flustered mess~” You playfully tease her.
>Twilight was immediately reduced to even more of a blushing, giggling mess.
>She shrinks down and awkwardly fumbles with her hair.
>Through the embarrassed noises she’s making, she’s just about able to produce a sound that sounds close enough to “Thanks”.
>Damn, you’re hot.
>”Don’t get Twilight too worked up, hot stuff! Rarity’s waiting for you!” Sunset reminded you, ushering you towards the door.
>”Better get going! Rarity can get so grouchy when you’re late!” Pinkie said, helping Sunset guide you out of the bathroom.
>Fluttershy and Applejack follow you close behind, with Rainbow and Twilight behind them.
>When the bathroom door is opened for you, steam billows out into the hall like an ethereal fog.
>The lights from the bathroom help illuminate the hall, giving you a small look at the world on the other side of the window.
>The snowfall slowed down a bit, but there’s still a thick blanket of snow covering the buildings and streets.
>The pure white of the snow contrasts harshly against the pitch black of the sky, more closely resembling the infinite void of the mysterious cosmos than the night sky you’re so familiar with.
>The borderline surreal scenery outside fits the dreamlike aura that surrounds you and the girls.
>This lewd aura’s been present all night, but became most powerful when you shared your first kiss with Sunset.
>From that point on, you’ve been trapped in an intoxicating miasma of love, lust, and everything in between.
>Nothing, not even clothing, kept you and the girls from submitting yourselves to this aura.
>Speaking of which, there’s something different about Rarity’s bedroom door when you stand in front of it.
>It’s shut, but through the cracks in the door seep out an aura that’s new to you.
>You almost want to wave your hands about to try to get a better sense of what exactly is different about this moment compared to when you first started going down your list of girlfriends, but that would be wasting time.
>It would be quicker to just open the door and see for yourself.
>But you’re stopped when your foot hits a box placed at the foot at the door.
>Looking down, you find a short, long box that looks like it could have been wrapped by Santa Claus himself.
>Scarlet red wrapping paper with sparkly golden details cover the box, paired with a lavender bow attached to a note reading “For my lover~”
>”Ugh, of course she does something like this.” Rainbow groans behind you.
>”Whaddya think’s inside?” Applejack asks you.
“I don’t know.” You answer, picking up the box to feel how heavy it is.
“Whatever it is, it doesn’t weigh much.”
>You shake it around and hear what sounds like fabric shifting around inside.
>”Hurry, open it up! Rarity’s burning up in there!” Sunset urged.
“I’m on it!” You say, hastily yet carefully opening the wrapping and setting it aside to get to the box.
>You toss aside the box’s lid and find…
>...Another outfit.
>Made from even less fabric than the last outfit Rarity presented you with.
>One of the two garments looks like a mix of a vest and a crop top that’s held together with drawstrings, and the other garment is a pair of incredibly short shorts.
>It’s like lingerie meant for men.
>You do remember Rarity talking about making men’s lingerie once or twice in the past…
>”How racy~” Sunset grins.
>”Ooh, that looks really nice!” Fluttershy comments, peering over your shoulder.
>”Put it on! Put it on! Put! It! On!” Pinkie urges you while bouncing up and down for emphasis.
>The girls are getting handsy again, impatiently gripping your shoulders and stomach.
“Okay, okay, don’t rush me!” You respond, taking the black, silky garments out of the box and holding them up to get a sense of what you’re supposed to do with them.
>It’s a little awkward putting on something like this, but a moment later, you’re back to being clothed.
>Not enough to meet Canterlot High’s dress code, however.
>The shorts barely go down farther than your crotch, and the lace-up top has the widest V-neck you’ve ever seen, let alone worn.
>The silk clings to your skin to leave as little to the girls’ imaginations as possible while riding the border of “too small”.
>You somehow feel more revealed than you were when you were completely naked.
>Still, you’d rather wear this than your old school uniform.
>Sunset wolf whistles at you from behind.
>”Looking good, Anon!” She compliments you with a sultry smile.
>You turn around to face the girls and see what they think of your new getup, but Sunset’s the only one who’s capable of communicating her approval verbally.
>Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Twilight devour you with their eyes, now even less subtly compared to when you were rocking the crop top earlier, now that the barrier’s been broken and they’ve all revealed they’re into you.
>Applejack and Fluttershy in particular reach out to touch you some more, taking advantage of being the closest to you.
>Pinkie’s ravenously licking her lips and Twilight’s losing what’s left of her composure.
>At least Rainbow’s not so sour anymore, now she’s mostly just horny.
>”They think so, too.” Sunset informs you, grinning.
“Yeah, I can tell. They’re not very hard to read.” You chuckle, savoring the way the girls are eyeing you up.
>”Rarity’s on the other side of that door, all dolled up and just DYING to see how you look in this saucy little number, so get in there and ruin her makeup!” Sunset cheekily commanded you.
>You give Sunset a sinister grin.
“Yes, ma’am!”
>You turn around, open the door to Rarity’s bedroom, step inside, and shut the door behind you.
Based manwhore slutwear
Nice job hyping the anticipation for Twilight while getting Rarity ready to drop a bomb!
Anon may not be capable of noticing new earrings right now though.
Some pretty solid nude edits. Not bad.
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Twilight Velvet

>You were meeting for a study session in the library with Twilight when you met her mother Velvet.

>Recently, Velvet had bought a special new book with empty pages, not knowing it's magic.

>Maybe it was supposed to be where she would write her ideas for a new novel, but gradually turned into a steamy romance.

>The book had subtly encouraged Velvet to write her hidden sexual fantasies into it, unknowingly affecting a nearby boy into acting them out with her.

>That boy was Anon, who she found mentally replacing her daughter Twilight with herself as they were studying.

>To Velvet, Anon was the "strapping young man who can barely restrain himself around her", and eagerly looked forward to her "private" study sessions.

>The more she wrote about him, the less she described his person in favor of going into detail about what she would do to him, and what she would allow him to do to her when they're alone.

>The book also prevents her from putting two-and-two together to keep her writing, convincing her that everything that happens is just a part of her imagination.

>Meanwhile, Anon strangely can't refrain from thinking about Twilight's mom Velvet.

>He keeps thinking of Velvet whenever he meets with Twilight, and soon can't refrain from thinking VERY lustful thoughts about her.

>Her visible age seemed to fade in favor of her womanly attributes that seemed to increase over time, which Anon couldn't stop fixating on.

>That may or may not have been an effect of the book itself either hiding or erasing Velvet's older traits and replacing them with a more shapely, busty figure.

>More than once, Anon had to hide a very stiff erection from Twilight when his fantasies with Velvet went too deep.

>Twilight also found it strange how you could never focus, and even stranger how you couldn't seem to sit still when her mother checked up on them with a strange frequency with Velvet soon asking Anon if he was having problems focusing with his study session, and asked if she could "help" him while Twilight was sputtering over being the one to tutor him.

>They would always disappear for several minutes, only for Anon to come back exhausted and sweaty.

>Being the inquisitive person she is, Twilight felt the need to investigate this, only to be completely floored by would she would discover.
Investigating her own mother is a conflict of interest
A conflict that Twilight is going to have an uphill battle fighting given that Velvet has a mind/reality altering book she's subconsciously using to her advantage. Unless...

Unless Twilight worked WITH the smutty romance nature of Velvet's reality/bending writings to insert herself as a love rival to Velvet's perverse affections! That would get her a chance to get the journal away from Velvet, assuming the magic doesn't tempt her to using it herself...
Very impressive work with the animation! Cannot wait to see the end result!
>I kinda like how this still ended up being one girl at a time lol
Yeah, I kinda dug my own grave talking about that before lol. I agonized a bit over how the night would actually flow, because I believed Anon wouldn't want to have sex with Pinkie or Rarity after having sex with Sunset because he'd care about not betraying her feelings, and interspersing sex scenes through the night didn't feel natural going from fun sleepover activity to sex and back and forth
That's why I've set a rule for myself for part two: every sex scene has to include at least two of the seven girls
>Feels great to create lewd content of Principal Celestia alongside someone who's just as down bad for this woman as I am.
Amen, brother. I've already got a few more ideas on what to draw with her in the future. I'll get back to drawing once I'm done with part one of King of the Castle
I've been really enjoying brainstorming Rarity's turn, so I've been excited to finally get to her
If only you knew what Rainbow's got in mind...
Women are into that kinda stuff. If Anon's gonna have seven girlfriends, he's gotta play to the crowd!
Thank you! Twilight's been real fun to play around with lol
Any comments on my idea with Twilight Velvet?>>41176225
Man I can see Rarity going so many ways with this! But if I post a guess and it turns out to happen it can have a spoiler effect so I'll limit myself to minor stuff.
>The room aura
This one's pretty easy and inconsequential. It all boils down to Rarity having a "homefield" advantage, while being the most materialistic and 2nd most methodical. She's using that big ass TV as mood lighting. Likely with pictures of dark pink and violet flower groupings moving slowly.
>What's Rarity going to be wearing?
Almost every other girl is very happy to be naked with Anon (I have theories about Twilight), but Rarity is the Fashionista. Clothing is another form of communication in her mind so this should be obvious to all. That said, my guess is she will be wearing something that closely matches what she made for Anon.
I like the inclusion of the magic book, it feels in line with what would happen in the series, minus the sex stuff obviously. You could play around with the book more like having Velvet write in something about how the strapping young man speaks French and Anon could wake up the next day suddenly fluent in the language. Sounds like a promising premise! Bonus points for not making it about love magic or NNN lol
Also, I'm gonna be real, be the change you wanna see in Fingerbang. If you've got an idea for a greentext, write it! That's how I became a greentext writer: I'm the only person who could write the stories I want to read.
If you've got an idea for a greentext, go for it!
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I just noticed Starlight's booba in this shot.
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>Cannot wait to see the end result!
Thanks! I'll do it as soon as possible to also get to the Pogo Pinkie one as soon as I can too. Seeing as a lot of you guys are anticipating that one as am I for wanting to make it.
>That's why I've set a rule for myself for part two: every sex scene has to include at least two of the seven girls
That sounds like a good plan.
>I've already got a few more ideas on what to draw with her in the future.
Can't wait. As for myself, I don't think I could stop making content of her if I tried.
It's a fun idea, I also like the little bit of conflict of interest thing the other Anon mentioned.
It's a very edit-able shot that I've only seen one editor go for so far.
I'm about 20-ish percent done with it at most.
The portal has its priorities straight.
>Thanks! I'll do it as soon as possible to also get to the Pogo Pinkie one as soon as I can too.
So glad to hear this. You’re going to make someone very happy :)
Pinks bouncing around in that frilly skirt makes me diamonds
Love how you noticeably made Celestia’s tummy rise and fall! Damn that’s hot…
The show staff lowkey deserves more praise than they get
Oh boy. Here we go.
>Twilight's breakdown
>Rainbow Dash still pissed off
fucking kek. this is great
>"so get in there and ruin her makeup!"
Sunset is enjoying herself

good one m8
Wew didn’t notice that at first glance
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These threads still exist? Nice. I haven't drawn/edited here in years.

Here's an old one to showcase.
Do you take edit requests?
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Sometimes, but I prefer more subtle/pin-up edits like these.
those are pretty nice edits.
Thanks! Bigger breasts, hips, or thighs work best for these characters.
my favorite thread has been gone for a few days
hope you guys dont mind me posting some art here
Cosmetic detail suggestion for part 2, Anon's ringtones for the girls should be the songs they serenaded him with.
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Would an encounter with Chrysalis have the Dazzlings "decide" to fixate on feeding on specific negative emotions such as sexual frustration?

Maybe Chrysalis would be a sponsor for a special singing tour that has their singing invoke feelings of pent-up horniness in a private audience or something?
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Any idea when the Cookie story gets another update Grey? I love your stories with MILFs in them, I hope to see more!
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Regarding my own sleepover green, I still (personally) want to at least have Anon genuinely not want lewd or do anything lewd, but I also fully understand that's probably not an Anon and story the readers here can get invested in. Unless I'm mistaken.
I understand the "just write what you want" angle, but right now, what I truly want to write is whatever the most readers would enjoy reading.
Which leads me to ask the sleepover harem enjoyers here:
How many of you would enjoy reading a green that's more or less another version of Cosmic's current fic?
How many of you would be actually interested in reading something different? (might contain lewd, might not)

Either way, I promise to /actually/ care about the characters and the moments with them a lot more this time, unlike how I seem to write them in other greens of mine. I'm well aware of this, and I want to do better for you guys.
Dammit, I can't believe I forgot to reply to you. It's coming, as soon as I get other stuff out of the way.
>Anon genuinely not want lewd or do anything lewd
Would probably be easier to do if they were ponies still. Or if Anon was already dating someone (maybe it could be Wallflower, which is why no one ever notices that Anon has a gf. idk)

I'd rather see something different, personally. Have you got an idea yet? I dip in and out of here though, so other people better chime in too.
>I want to do better for you guys.
Don't worry, it shows. You're still here and still doing stuff, after all.
Do more "subtle" edits.
>lipstick on at the beach
I hope to see more stories with married MILFs in them! Forbidden lust is hot!
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I don't think Fluttershy and Rarity are any better considering they wore eyeshadow in Legend of Everfree. It's as if the Hasbro staff knew or something.
>The aura in Rarity’s bedroom really has changed.
>The ceiling lights are turned off, leaving the room to be illuminated by scented candles and LED’s lined around the edges of the walls.
>Her huge TV’s changed to play a hypnotic display of shifting hues from purple to red to pink to blue.
>Soothing, sensual music plays through Rarity’s Bluetooth speaker, perfectly matching the sexy yet relaxed atmosphere.
>The pizza boxes, soda bottles, and sleeping bags are nowhere to be seen.
>If you were only arriving now, you’d have no idea a sleepover was happening here.
>The couch in front of the TV is angled in such a way to draw your eyes to…
>...Rarity’s bed.
>The biggest, fluffiest, most comfortable looking bed you’ve ever seen.
>It rises four feet up off the ground, has gotta have three different expensive-looking blankets covering it, and topped off with four luxurious pillows.
>And at the center of such a magnificent piece of furniture is Rarity.
>No longer nude, but just as breathtakingly beautiful.
>Adorning her flawless body is a lacy black bra and matching panties, no doubt her own handiwork.
>She’s also wearing black stockings held up with a garter belt, and black gloves that go up to her elbows.
>The color and texture of her lingerie perfectly matches yours.
>To top it all off, she’s applied black lipstick and dark gray eyeshadow.
>Her dark colored getup contrasts really nicely with her creamy white skin, in much the same way the snow covered streets and buildings outside contrast against the night sky.
>If it weren’t for her hair, you’d swear you were looking at Rarity in a black and white movie.
>She’s stunning.
>”My, Anonymous, you look absolutely ravishing~” Rarity seductively sighed, draping herself across her bed to give you a better look at her body.
>Her eyes unashamedly track across your body with an enticing smirk paired with half lidded eyes, admiring her own craftsmanship and your physique.
>You’re feeling nice and fresh after your bath, and getting an impressive body count within an hour boosted your confidence more than any self help course on Earth, so you puff up your chest a bit and meet her gaze.
“All thanks to the master seamstress.” You say to her in a low, husky tone.
>Rarity’s grin spreads a little wider.
>”Save your praise for just a moment, darling. I’ve been feeling terribly lonely preparing for you~” She faux-whined, sitting back and beckoning you forward with her index finger.
>Who are you to keep a lady waiting?
>You saunter over to Rarity’s bed and climb atop the blankets to lie alongside one of your seven girlfriends.
>The blankets and mattress are so soft you feel like you sink half a foot into the cushioning.
>Somehow, her bed’s even more comfortable than it looks.
>Her covers feel like the pelt of some enchanting fantasy creature, or like the clouds that permeate the world of dreams.
>You slowly run your hands across the velvety blanket, luxuriating in the sensation like you were getting your first taste of upper class living.
>But you aren’t interested in Rarity’s bed.
>You’re more interested in Rarity.
>Your eyes slowly and lovingly trail up her body, beautifully illuminated by the soft purple lights.
>The curves of her body rise and fall like the gentle waves rolling onto a beach at evening time.
>There isn’t a single blemish or imperfection to be found on her body.
>Even though Applejack has thicker thighs and Fluttershy has bigger boobs, Rarity’s more modest proportions perfectly suit her.
>She knows what she has, she doesn’t need to show off.
>Except to you.
>”There’s that look in your eyes again~” Rarity teases you, drawing you out of your trance.
>You look up to give her the proper eye contact she deserves, but you’re a little surprised by how close her face is to yours.
>She’s sitting up with her hands on her knees, pressing her boobs together for your viewing pleasure.
“What look?” You softly ask her, sitting closer to her.
>Rarity shrewdly giggles, covering her mouth with her hand.
>”Oh, you know! That hungry, RAVENOUS look that’s haunted my thoughts for some time~”
>She reaches out to rest her hand on your shoulder, but stops herself.
>”I suppose I should tell you more about that, shouldn’t I?” She asks you.
>You’re conflicted, you want Rarity to touch you, but you also want Rarity to talk about what she likes about you.
>Sunset would want you to choose the latter, she organized all of this.
“Yeah, I suppose you should.” You agree in a faintly cheeky tone.
>Rarity leans closer to you.
>Close enough to feel her every breath.
>”They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. And you, Anonymous, have a soul unlike any other I’ve seen~” Rarity complimented you with lust in her breath.
“How so?”
>”You should hear how Sunset sang your praises after getting to know you on your first day! She saw something in you nobody else saw, and she was absolutely determined that the rest of us see that in you as well!”
>Rarity kneels even closer to you.
>Her desire to touch you is only getting stronger, but she continues.
“Is that why I caught you peeking at me in art class a few times?” You ask her.
>”Indeed, it is! Especially with how highly Applejack and Twilight spoke of you from your time with them, there was something so… magnetic about you. I never believed any of those dreadful rumors about you, you don’t have the eyes of any kind of ruffian.”
“Then, who do I have the eyes of?” You ask Rarity with a faint smirk.
>Rarity takes a breath, gazing deep into your eyes.
>Your breathing instinctively slows as the beautiful young woman draws closer to you.
>”A sweet, sensitive soul who treasures those close to him and knows how to stay in touch with his feminine side…”
>That last bit is added with a salacious gaze up and down your lingerie-clad body.
>The way she finishes her sentence makes you think there’s something she’s leaving out.
“...But?” You carefully lead her.
>Rarity’s grin turns a mite sinister.
>”...But there’s fire in your eyes, Anonymous.” She breathily continues.
“Oh, yeah?” You grin at her.
>”Oh, yes! When our eyes briefly met for the first time, I saw but a small ember within you, simply crying out to be fed and grow into a mighty, roaring inferno!” Rarity exclaimed, allowing more of her arousal to seep into her words.
>You’re starting to feel some of that fire right now.
“Sounds to me like you knew I’d be trouble, deep down~” You flirt with her.
>”The BEST kind of trouble! Applejack was right about you having ulterior motives, beneath your warm, friendly exterior is a young man HUNGRY for power and greatness!” She panted needily, losing the ability to restrain herself from touching you.
>You nudge away from Rarity a bit, but she nudges closer to you.
“But when’d you see this fire in me? I’ve been nothing but decent to you!” You teasingly complain, egging her on further.
>”You were, darling! I never stopped thinking about that day when you saved me from complete humiliation. To think my attire would fail in such an appalling manner, with only you leaping to help me, it’s as if fate brought us together!”
“I’ve been thinking that, too!” You concur.
>”And, truthfully, the fact that you’re willing to put ANY amount of effort into your appearance puts you head and shoulders above most of the guys at school.” Rarity giggled.
>You giggle along with her.
>So many guys put the bare minimum into getting ready in the morning and then wonder why they’re still single.
>At least you’re not one of them anymore.
>”But through all that, through every selfless act and thoughtful comment, that fire within you remained~”
>Rarity’s breathing gets heavier.
“Aww, you mean you never fully trusted me?” You fake pout to tease her further.
>Rarity shakily exhales, eyeing you with intensity you’ve never seen from her before.
>”Don’t be coy with me, Anonymous. You’ve always found me attractive.” She seductively scolds you.
“So does every other guy at school!” You cheekily counter her.
>”None of them care as much about my work or my art as you! Do you have ANY idea how much it means to me that you see my outfits as a means of artistic expression and not just an obstacle keeping you from my body?” Rarity exasperatedly retorts, briefly losing her composure in the frustration.
>She takes a moment to collect herself and put her seductress face back on.
>”What I meant was, none of them found their way into my heart like you have, so you can imagine the kind of effect your fiery gaze has on me~”
“That’s better.” You tease her.
>Rarity’s eye twitches a bit as you prod her, much to your satisfaction.
>She might have home field advantage here, but she’s not gonna have complete control over this little encounter.
>”You- You know what you’re doing to me, you devil!” She accused you, letting the mask slip just a bit.
“But Fluttershy says I’m such a sweetheart!” You keep teasing her, leaning a little closer.
>”You’ve never tormented Fluttershy the way you have me!”
“Oh, yeah, I forgot, the fire in my eyes~”
>A strange, faintly frightening mixture of irritation and arousal radiates off of her.
>She reminds you of Rainbow Dash in that way, but she’s far better at keeping herself composed.
>But she’s not perfect at staying composed.
>Rarity wants to touch you.
>Really bad.
>She wants to pin you down and show you how you should treat a lady, but she’s beholden to the rule Sunset put in place.
>”This, Anonymous, THIS is what I’ve seen in you for so long.” Rarity whispered to you, with just a touch of venom in her words.
>Rarity looms over you with the mood lighting silhouetting her, much like the subject of her painting from art class earlier today.
>”You’ve had your lusty eyes on all of us girls throughout the semester, just waiting for the opportunity to pounce and make us yours~”
>”I see it all so clearly, you and Sunset worked together to put all of us decent young women under your spell, slowly and subtly throughout the semester…”
>”Words and actions, chosen with surgical precision, with the sole intention of getting us girls to lower our defenses and let you into our hearts.”
>...You’d be lying if you said you weren’t trying to get the girls to want to date you throughout the semester.
>Complimenting their outfits, being there for them, stuff like that.
>Nothing as sinister as Rarity’s claiming, though.
>”Sunset fought for you, darling. She INSISTED we get to know you better. And it worked! It worked in spades! After everything you and Sunset did to us girls, how could we NOT invite you to our sleepover?”
>Sunset FOUGHT for you?
>That phrasing sticks out to you.
>She always made it sound like she just recommended you to her friends.
>”And when the obscene idea of skinny dipping was proposed this evening, I saw right through your polite, humble demeanor. I saw within you a burning desire to gaze upon our nude bodies. Us poor girls, we were powerless against you~” She lustily sighs.
>Rarity inches even closer to you.
>”But when you finally made love to Sunset Shimmer, when you unleashed the inferno within you, when you pinned her down and made her body yours, you gave me goosebumps~” She whispers at you, her blush peering through her makeup.
>”You were so passionate, so loving, so… beastly~”
>Rarity’s lips are an inch away from yours.
>She’s got a fire of her own within her.
>”Pinkie Pie might not know what you did to her, Fluttershy might not know what you did to her, Rainbow Dash might not know what you did to her…”
>She’s almost panting.
>”But I know what you did to me, Anonymous.”
>She’s almost sitting on your lap.
>”And I love it.”
>A small laugh escapes your lips at her confession.
“Could’ve fooled me, you were making me sound like a manipulative creep.”
>”I love a man who knows how to treat a lady… But I also love a man who knows what he wants.” Rarity huskily whispered to you.
>”I want a man who who knows how to slow dance and treat me to a romantic dinner before taking me home and defiling me~”
>Her breathing is getting shakier and shakier.
>Every breath leaving her mouth is accompanied by a soft, high pitched sigh.
>You’ve never seen Rarity so improper.
>There’s that feeling of intimidation again.
>The feeling you felt when you first saw Rarity in art class in the beginning of the school year.
>Like she was the apex predator of the classroom, and a single incisive glance your way could cut you down.
>But here, in her carefully decorated bedroom, she really is the apex predator.
>And she’s bloodthirsty.
“I don’t think I could have ever expected you to act like this. I’d have thought you’d be all about properly courting a lady.” You whisper to her.
>Rarity’s pristine lips curl into a wicked grin.
>She got her confession out, she has every justification to get her claws on you and sink her teeth into you, but she’s enjoying the hunt.
>”Love isn’t about rote procedure following, love is about freedom! Love is about casting off all earthly shackles and submitting yourself to your lover. Love… is the purest… rawest… most beautiful expression of two souls becoming one~”
>She’s almost gasping for air with each breath.
>”That’s why my skirt ripped that day, Anonymous.”
>”That’s why my bikini top came undone in the hot tub.”
>”My body yearns for freedom.”
>”My body yearns for YOU.”
>This is it.
>You’re gonna have sex with Rarity.
>The girl every guy at school has their eyes on.
>But to you, one of your seven girlfriends.
>But in a surprising move, Rarity then darts away from you and reaches under her bed, soon producing a bottle of wine and two wine glasses.
>”Baiser De La Mort, bottled in 1928 and imported from France.” She informs you, delicately running her fingers along the glass body of the bottle.
>God, Rarity’s French accent.
>Like the voice of a siren.
>You’re not even gonna question how she got the bottle of wine.
>There’s more important things to worry about right now.
“Sounds too rich for my blood.” You gently remark.
>”Au contraire, Anonymous. It was fate that brought this bottle and you to Canterlot.”
>Rarity carefully places the bottle between her thighs and presents you with a corkscrew.
>”Would you mind, darling?”
“Not at all.” You answer her, taking the corkscrew from her.
>You firmly screw the device into the bottle’s cork, and with the raising of the two levers, the cork comes out with a pop.
>Rarity takes the bottle into her hands and carefully pours the dark red liquid into the two glasses, then places the bottle of wine safely on her nightstand.
>It’s difficult to make out the details in the faintly-lit bedroom, but the color of the wine bears a striking resemblance to blood seeping from a fresh wound.
>”Oops, almost forgot~”
>Rarity then produces a glass vial of the purple drink that’s been getting you through this exciting night and pours it into your glass.
>The added substance makes strange pink bubbles rise to the top of the glass, bursting the moment they surface.
>The strangely sweet smell of the purple drink becomes even more prominent, luring you forward.
>”Here you are~” Rarity says to you, offering you the glass.
>You graciously take the glass and swirl around the liquid within.
“Thank you, darling.” You softly say to her.
>With a flirty smile, Rarity leans forward and intertwines her arm with yours.
>”To our freedom.” Rarity proposes a toast.
“To our freedom.” You repeat, clinking your glass against hers.
>In unison, you and Rarity bring the glasses to your lips and down the wine in one go.
>It’s got a very strange taste.
>You can definitely taste the near-century of aging in the wine.
>The sweetness of the purple juice meshes weirdly well with the dry bitterness of the wine.
>It’s like the effects of the alcohol are heightened.
>Goes down your throat smoothly enough, though.
>The feeling of being juiced up returns, but it’s more subtle this time.
>It’s more powerful than what you felt in the bathtub with Fluttershy, but beneath what you felt before going at it with Applejack and Pinkie.
>You feel the fabric of your lingerie strain slightly when your body tenses up from the purple juice, threatening to burst off completely.
>Your member stiffens back up in record time, ready as ever to service her.
>When Rarity’s done with her glass of wine, she drops the empty glass onto the carpeted floor and clamps her hands onto your head.
>Her delicately cared-for fingernails risk drawing your blood as her hands ever so softly tremble.
>She’s on her knees before you, her entire body heaving with every breath and staring deep into your being with her wild eyes.
>”Free me, Anonymous.” She gasps.
>Rarity then dives in for a fierce, passionate kiss.
Honestly, I'd be most interested in seeing what a non-lewd sleepover green would be like. You're a strong writer, and I'm sure I'll get invested in the story you want to tell.
I think >>41181056 has an interesting idea of having Anon already dating Wallflower so he wouldn't be interested in the other girls, but in the end, it's up to you.
I'm game for whatever you want to write!

Are you gonna continue your green pal?
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Rarity always bringing her classy element to the table as usual. With some pretty good exposition about Sunset fighting to get Anon.
>>”Free me, Anonymous.” She gasps.
This kind of framing of a girl saying "strip me" has always been underrated. Bless you for including this.
Also love that it's Rarity saying this, the girl who's thing is clothing, and it's like she's asking Anon to free her from her usual self to be with him in the most intimate way possible. I'm not sure if this was directly the intent, but if it was, I'm sure I'm not the only one who picked up on it.
Well I'll have to focus on finishing the current one I'm doing first, then we'll see. There's room for it though.
As I've said above and before, it will be continued. As for the guy writing the big titty committee green, I'm not him so I couldn't tell ya.
Thanks, that really means a lot. I'll be taking in anyone else's two cents as well while I'm brainstorming. Namely the Wallflower one you also mentioned.
Yeah, you raise a fair point. Actually, that Wallflower one could actually work super well for combining the sleepover thing with a Wallflower roommate story I've been floating around in my head ever since the last Wallflower story I did that ended up kinda tangled up with itself.
>Have you got an idea yet?
A little something where the girls all already know Anon but he doesn't realize it, which can actually work well with what you mentioned in your post with Anon having a girlfriend none of them know about. Each side has a secret. I should try to make that premise a little less busy.

>so other people better chime in too.
I really hope they do.
I've been pretty busy lately, but I intend to continue on it.
eqg bump
good to hear you're still alive
Time to please the lady of the house!
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I like how rarity got re dressed just to get undressed again. Classic rarara.
The question was for you two, good to know ya gonna continue your green, pls don't leave it unfinished
No problem, I'll be waiting
Page 9 boop
i want her to cheer me up
Page 9.
Rarity asks Sunset not to use her bed to take Anon's virginity.
Sunset says "No prob! That's what your parent's room is for!"
The girls cheer!
I’ll save the next update for the next thread. I’ll be on the road on a work trip through tomorrow so that’ll eat into my time spent writing
That’s a neat idea! People text each other way more than they call though, but bringing back the songs they sung is definitely something worth thinking about
Thank you for your great response! Giving each of the girls their own scenario and build up to the sex scene really helped the story stay fresh and interesting, and more engaging to write
>it's like she's asking Anon to free her from her usual self to be with him in the most intimate way possible.
That was definitely the intent. To me, Rarity would definitely want to indulge in pure hedonism with her lover after all the time spent courting and being romantic, to just completely throw aside everything restraining her and just doing what feels good without a care in the world.
And yeah, always, man. I’m always gonna be interested in what you want to write.
Looking forward to your next update! Especially Twist, she’s been fun
Isn’t that what we all do, at the end of the day?
The way I'm thinking, the ringtones and their association with "THAT" night, will help to reinforce to Anon that they want to discuss sex in a way that will bypass his ego's natural inclination to revert to cluelessness.
Oooh, now that’s a good idea. I could even work it in as something Fluttershy, Twilight, and maybe Applejack would do to say they’re in the mood for sex without having to outright say it. Something to think about, for sure!
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>pls don't leave it unfinished
I won't.
>Rarity would definitely want to indulge in pure hedonism with her lover after all the time spent courting and being romantic, to just completely throw aside everything restraining her and just doing what feels good without a care in the world.
That's a nice way to characterize her.
>And yeah, always, man. I’m always gonna be interested in what you want to write.
Thanks, right back at ya.

Also, gif related is a surprise Fluttershy mini animation I wanted to try and get close to finishing before the thread was over and the next OP had to be a different character. But I kinda started it at the last minute because that's a terrible habit of mine I desperately need to work on, so this was the furthest I got with it so far. I'll put the rest of this one on the back burner for now, but just know it's going to be a thing in the future (NSFW wardrobe malfunction included). The post that inspired it was https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41084169/#41085560.

I'll have more of the Celestia mini animation out next thread and start the Pinkie one as soon as I can. But more green is coming too, I'm sticking by that.
It cool if I make the next thread?
Yeah it finally dawned on me that even humming a few bars might be enough.
Oh man, that’s looking great! Definitely can’t wait to see how it looks finished!
And yeah, I get having trouble getting started with this stuff. Personally I have a hard time getting going on my art or writing so I spend too much time just sitting around.
That’s a good ass post, too. It conveys that she’s consciously revealing more of herself, which makes it more lewd
Go ahead and make the next thread, I’ll be away from my computer until late tomorrow.
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Thanks, man. Glad you like it. Also make me feel better that I'm not alone in the whole sitting around thing.
I'll have the next thread up in the next hour or two, and I'll see you there.
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New Thread
Double Woo!
>If it weren’t for her hair, you’d swear you were looking at Rarity in a black and white movie.

>"Baiser De La Mort, bottled in 1928 and imported from France."
Google is telling me this translates to Kiss of Death, and that a bottle of wine from 1928 costs about two racks. I want to say this is her parents' wine that she stole, but I don't think that's necessarily the case.
Maybe Rarity is just larping. It is dark. Cookie probably has some cheap wine in the house somewhere that could pass for old...
Anyway, I'm kidding. Right now it's lady time.
>3rd animation in the works
I’m just happy fingerbang finally has more active artfags after so long

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