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/bfed/ - Banned from Equestria (Daily) - Not ths shit again edition (202406)
Discussion regarding Banned from Equestria (Daily) by Pokehidden, aswell as the community efforts surrounding the game and concept.

Banned from Equestria (Daily) is a point-and-click clop game where the objective is to get with as many mares (and stallions) as you can in the span of three days.

BFED Player (Ruffle) - https://bfed.ga/
Translation Repository - https://explore.transifex.com/testt57y56h56u/bfed2/
Translation Mirror - https://notabug.org/BlackCat/BFED-Translation

Previous efforts included engine re-writes aswell as original stories made in the style of BFED.
Feel free to post drawings, tips for the original game, ideas of new games, or whatever BFED related.
The goal of this is to be some kind of monthly threads. Like, post as you please, but don't bump endlessly.
O will try to make a thread at the begining of each month to share progress about the projects and give a place to talk about this game.

Check anchor post for resources related to BFED.
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>Play Banned from Equestria (Daily) online:

>Download game
alpha 1.0: http://d.facdn.net/art/pokehidden/1322250832/1322250832.pokehidden_beta_1.swf (https://web.archive.org/web/20150425072246/https://www.furaffinity.net/view/6918638/)
alpha 1.1: https://d.facdn.net/art/pokehidden/1324749963/1324749963.pokehidden_beta_2.swf
alpha 1.2: https://pokehidden.archive.hexstream.net/banned_from_equestria_daily/alpha_12.swf
alpha 1.3: https://d.facdn.net/art/pokehidden/1338192815/1338192815.pokehidden_banned_from_equestria_daily_alpha_1_3.swf
alpha 1.4: https://d.facdn.net/art/pokehidden/1357005305/1357005305.pokehidden_banned_from_equestria__daily__alpha_1.4.swf
Banned [FOREVER] (Halloween Special): https://d.facdn.net/art/pokehidden/1383259961/1383259961.pokehidden_banned_forever.swf
alpha 1.5: https://static1.e621.net/data/ca/e8/cae81f07bb49f8e5a95b121b46965c95.swf (https://web.archive.org/web/20190203014015/https://e621.net/post/show/712362)
alpha 1.5 (Not official, Russian translation): https://www.yapfiles.ru/files/1703796/bfe_daily_15.swf
1.6 (Not official): https://u.smutty.horse/meyjearxscy.swf
1.6 (Not official, android only): http://www.mediafire.com/file/d8gi7gcga6t63y6/BannedfromEquestria_ENU.apk/file
1.6 (Not official, Chinese translation): https://u.smutty.horse/mfjufpghksz.swf
1.6 (Not official, android only, Chinese translation): http://www.mediafire.com/file/42couackeuyh0i6/BannedfromEquestria_CHT.apk/file

>Play the game
Play flash files locally using Flash Player projector content debugger: https://web.archive.org/web/20220331041116/https://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/debug_downloads.html (Thanks Adobe! Not really.)
Install Ruffle

>Archive sites
FurAffinity: https://web.archive.org/web/20150328080957/http://www.furaffinity.net/user/pokehidden/
Inkbunny: https://web.archive.org/web/20140712121759/https://inkbunny.net/Pokehidden
Tumblr: http://web.archive.org/web/20131208214200/http://pokehidden.tumblr.com/
Website: https://pokehidden.archive.hexstream.net/

>Original ressources
OST playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh5cfJBCQ4sgY_-u3WosreRDzGDFS2tUO

>Ressources extracted from the game
Sprites (png): https://u.smutty.horse/mevzucmydci.zip
Fixed Sprites (png): https://u.smutty.horse/mfhbpdxznug.zip
Sprites (svg): https://u.smutty.horse/mevzultwzre.zip
Sounds (mp3): https://u.smutty.horse/mevzxmuedjn.zip
Animations rendered (png frames): https://mega.nz/file/IwkWlKDa#Y7HEMcSjajhpXGe7XvhGD2B-en1JkcMjv4uXgXTH084
Fixed Animations (png): https://mega.nz/file/h1FySRDB#1grP1h40_hbWXx7vw90WouQrgDZqZtj2VSuw9Dmfg9U
Text: https://u.smutty.horse/mewhvlxlxwd.txt
Font: https://u.smutty.horse/mevzmwnjtgy.woff
Font (Converted to more useful formats): https://u.smutty.horse/mevzmuzbznl.zip
Font (Vanilla version): https://www.urbanfonts.com/fonts/Emulogic.htm
Wasnt there a G5 version being made? I saw some art somwhere
Yes there were at least two I think? But one of them went much further.
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(Still) Banned from Equestria ?
Idk if a game was planned, but some ideas were drawn, yes.
meh I’ve only seen mimics of the artstyle.
I remember there was an Anon making some kind of Unreal Engine puppet for easier animations? I hope he is still around.
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You are probably thinking about [age3rcm] (!VofC1oqIWI), yeah he does animations for the projects here (and you can comition him if you want too).
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The thread is gonna die without any result, isn't it?
most likely, think pokehidden could make a surprise appearance like tiarawhy in that one thread?
I see Tiarawhy constantly. But Pokehidden doesn't lurk at all, that one time when he visited because his friend told about our threads.
meh then yeah don’t really see this thread progressing without…….well progress towards something.
Well, just give a hand then.
Check the translation maybe if you know an other language.
Or map the original game to help the recreation projects.
Idk, there is work to do.
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Is it a single image or a project ?
Just an image, so the thread is not a complete waste.
I can't design a real project, I'm just not into games. If you guys don't play adventure games at all, like me, I don't think you'll ever get any chance to finish it. And if there were real /v/idya anons, they could easily come up with some cool stuff.
The drawing is really sweet anyway!
As for the game scenario problem, you are right, someone in the know would be beneficial.
Mind if I try something with the image if I have some time ?
Sure thing I'm not
i don't
I jerked off to this game a few times, never played the whole thing cause the final version wasn't out when I played

I now have a new job, I have less free time but, curiously, I work a more on my projects in my free time now instead of slacking, so there is that.

I will repost the ideas for "Laid Zeplin" and work a bit on it this week.
Please, even if you don't help by drawing or making music or coding, at least tell what you think about it.
Is it shit? Acceptable?
Too complex? Too simple?

Also, it's not the only project, so if you want to participate, but don't like this project, you can still help the translations or map the original game to help remakes!
Is there anyone willing to do anything?
what is the project? im confused
In short, we have nothing but rough ideas.
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Yes, we are 3-4 anons, I can't certify that the other will come back and help, but it's a "let's see what happen" kind of project anyway.

"Laid Zepplin" (it's a working title)
You learn that an evil changeling is on this zepplin! You need to investigate to stop it before it's final destination.

Basically, the same kind of game than BFED (three days and night, limited area), but with maaaybe random area (daily stop of the zepplin) and porn off by default (but you coomers can activate in in one click).

Current (and first) workload is to make one of the stop "Pines Peak".
So that we can see what kind of tech is useable and how to work together.

You big liar !
Actually, you are kind of correct, but that will change.

Hey, great seeing you here!
looks good, and there's Kirin beer, so that's excellent. I like the premise, and the stops will help keep things interesting

now, to ask the real question
who's best pony?
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This is just a test to see what it could look like.
It's not from the engine yet, just a video.

The meme wants me to answer Rarity
My heart wants me to answer Twilight
how can we use artificial intelligence to make these rooms? or at least, have concept art?
having a job and seeing you have more time for this, meant that your routine was unorganized. the more you have things planned to do, the more you find openings to do anythings
The map has too many locations. I think it can be reduces to a minimum.
I don’t think the lines from the neck and head should be going over the muzzle.
What program did you use to animate this?
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What's the point of using AI? It's shit for pixel art (result seems awesome, until you realize that no pixel align).
I want to learn not to do a half assed game.
But please, if you think it can work, please do.

I was indeed unorganized.
But more importantly, I was depressed. That's why I never did anything of my days.

Okay, I can understand that.
On the other hand, look at the way to Sweet Apple Acre on the original game: lot of screens, but nothing on it. Just to give an impression of taking a journey to there.
I will see what I can simplify, but to me, half of the locations were simple "left or right" screen without interaction or anything.

Yeah, it's a quick animation Age3rcm made in December 2022. He wrap it up pretty quickly after the script went public, so it's normal that animation error exists.
Not taken for the final animation.

You... you don't wanna know
Edit by hand of the Fluttershy's animation, and then a python program of mine to make gif from images and text. Last, ffmpeg to compress. It's still very manual, but I love the look of it, and it's not blurry.
>Don't try to frame me Fluttershy! I don't know who booped you!
Why is it porn off by default? Shouldn't it be the other way around? BFEQD is a porn game after all.
He doesn't like porn
I can make music
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I wish this cutie doesn't get eaten, pony should eat plant, not the other way around!
If you want an idea to work with try making a short zeppelin takes flight ditty that can be reused at the start of each day.
or just make whatever and post it for op to hold on to.
Say, can someone with enough motivation try the current Kazeged version? (nota bug org/BlackCat/Kazeged)
There is no game, but it should launch and display an image and play a music.

Well, both because I think more anons would be willing to help that way, and because of >>41133604 . But I know it's a big part of BFED, so it would be strange not to have NSFW version (and in the beginning, I didn't wanted any porn in it).
As for "SFW by default", it's the best choice I think. Even if the choice is two big buttons in the beginning, so there is no real default, I want to be able to enjoy a porn free version if I so desire.

That would be awesome!
I used www.beep box.co to make some test and I am definitely not a music composer.
That being said, composing would be a bit strange because one of the forces of BFED was the stolen chiptune game music.
So, maybe the game could ship with custom music, but when you inadvertently drop chiptune music in the folder, it works too... Idk, I think it would be a lot of work.

A theme music would be awesome nonetheless!
>>41134108 is a good idea too, like the chime at the start of Zelda Ocarena of time when a new day starts.

Yay! More cute ponies!
i think someone can help with concept art only, not provide real assets, just something to base out of.
The best part is that Pokehidden is from the same country as mine.

Pokehidden is awesome!

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Eyup, that can work too.
As a matter of fact, that's what happened with Pines Peak, have the animatic (yeah it's slow but more than 120s, so can't webm).

Nice, gotta watch that tomorrow.
He usually stay... hidden
It works well to mix pixel art ponies and full res background.
If you have time, can you draw one with Moon Dancer (or any other nerd pone)?
>the chime at the start of Zelda Ocarena of time when a new day starts.
i cant figure out which track this is in the OST, need link. but i will make a demo and see if u like it :)
Maybe I missremember?
It's the "day song".
Same theme as the start of the "Hyrule Field" youtu.be/DNTDJcQec3g

Edit find it but with no orchestration:
I probably mixed the two...
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Can I help you with the project? I can draw some stuff.
how about this?
Yes, indeed!
I will see if I have clear workload established already, but I think I can't post it tonight.

But it may be more useful for the night tho.
The pace is good, but maybe a faster start, and a rising tone instead of a falling one for the day?
oh hey.
so uh. did we ever end up getting the translations playable?
I made a python script that barely generate the files, but it's a mess to inject into the game because there is no automatic text centering.

I can have a look tomorrow, what language did you have in mind?
Also, in the mean time, you can double check the translation if it's not don already, that would be great!
well i made the swedish one thats on the old transifex. i remember finishing all the lines that were on it but your notabug says its 75% complete, were there lines missing on the transifex?
How the hell do you recreate the art style? Ive been trying to find a brush but I cant find one pixelated enough. its driving me crazy.
I will set up some workload tonight for Pines Peak.

I think the transiflex one missed some lines yes. Also, it didn't take in account images with content.
Say, can you read the not a bug repo and try to add the missing lines?
This way I can now if it needs more explanations for people to contribute.
I will try to work a bit on this particular translation tonight (it's 10am here)

From the top of my head, draw on a ~300*200 pixels image, no aliasing, hard brush of ~4px for outline and ~1-2 px for details.
Flat colors, and simplify the design (of mane in particular).
The style is not strict, the best reference image is the wallpaper you can find on the official website (see the anchor).
yep that's perfect, time to draw...
Pokehidden drew all his animations on a NintendoDS.

Hello ponies, would you like to discuss porn mechanics?

Ooohh finally a design. A map even if not a full GDD.
try having 100% hardness
i can try. not super familiar with git stuff, is there a clone button in the browser or do i have to do it through git bash?
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The map was already posted in previous thread.

You can simply download a zip with a button on the website.
Or you can explore the files on the website directly too.
Has this been updated in the last 6 years?
Yes, I did check some links (of the anchor post) and removed the ones not working.
I didn't check all of them tho.
I haven't played it in a very long time. I'm excited to see new shit.
Do you suggest a version to try?
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Honestly, there is nothing at the level of the original game.
But if you haven't tried the last version (1.5), have a go!
Then, you have the (very short) Banned Forever (warning, gore).
And lastly, it wasn't done by Poke Hidden, but there is a less playable but more animated "Christmas Special" (pic rel)
I can't find a download link tho, but the data is in the 1.6. I don't know how to access it.
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I found this link in the game file (text 5510) https://www.dropbox .com/s/078o2mmxueihoq7/thrething .jpg?dl=0
Has anyone ever seen it?

Yeah, I posted it on the previous thread already.
But yeah, the GDD for this part is still not finished. I thought I wrote it already, but I think I just made the map and never wrote more than:
>Pines Peak
This stop allows curious ponies to discover the local woodworking town shop working since before the banishment of nightmare moon!
Of course, you can wander by, and of course, Fluttershy lost angel in the unwelcoming forest of Pines Peak.
(story and script by an anon, animatic by an other anon, some animated drawings by Age3)

Sweet! That's a smart horse!
But she should swap her wheels for round ones, she could transport more books!

I am sorry, i tried but couldn't finish tonight (it's almost 4AM here)
I still have a mother buking offset, and even if I managed to estimate it, I still have to rework my code to inject it properly.
And all of that needs to basically reformat all the translation files.

Fortunately, reformating the translation files could probably be easily automated (I hope), and as soon as I finish my offset code, I can inject the translation in the game.
So, even if it's not fully automated, it's almost nothing compared to edit everything by hand.

You can try the first few texts are changed (I work with partial files when I develop the tools) but you will see both the offset is horrible, and some translations are really too long
You (or some other Anon) will probably need to re translate everything that is too long to make it fit.
Can you list down what isn't working anymore?
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>I will see if I have clear workload established already, but I think I can't post it tonight.
post it now then
dont worry. i was gonna try to get around to doing the rest of the translation but couldnt get to it.
I removed it, but yes:

Online host of Ruffle version (Flash emulator for modern browsers): https://bfed.ga/

>Edit guides

I was sure there was more, but it seems that's all...

Nice save
As I said one message earlier, I though I had one already written, but I don't.
So here is a quick one, I have some free time Sunday, I will polish it then.

In the mean time, how do you feel about ponies that you can only talk with?
I think it helps liven the place up, but on the other ho..hand, it may be unclear to the player if they are helpeable or not...
For example, I put Applejack in the stop, I was thinking about something like "I am sick on that damn contraption! Fortunately, here, I can recover".
But now that I think about it, maybe it would be good.
Like, when you see her in the Zeppelin, she is always sick and can't talk, but it you talk at the three stops, you can help her the final night?
Too complicated maybe?

As for resources, one music is ongoing.
If you know how to write, maybe write a few lines of dialogue for the lone ponies.
Also, if you give the "old beer cup" to the Kirin, she gave you the beer. Some dialogue to write here too.
As for images, there is a lot to do! Maybe draw one background or two? Or try to charadesign that Kirin?
Booperino for interesto.

Also, what about a comic in BFED style?
Is there any?
site is giving me error
That's why I removed it...
It was an Anon hosted website allowing you to play the game.
It also had nice tutorial on how to hack the game to change color, and hosted some hacks/variants.
If you are still lurking bfed.ga anon, care to repost your tutos?
That's quite the task
It's like that for every translation.
But yes, that's a huge task, that's why it's better when people work together.
Wanna help? You know an other language beside English?
Who's that green dog?
Some old thing
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I finally managed to find these fuckings offsets.
Well, now I have to find why some text are cropped.
Okay, a lot of texts are too long, and so display is funky.
But still, I think in some places, the text is cropped.
And I will need to convert the translation files to the new format too...

Anyway, progress is progress.
Now, if you excuse me, I really need to visit Luna's realm to have some rest.
fucking based
You like old Apple action Anon?
Do you think it's the magicians that fuck her?
Are you planning to review/update the translation, or do you give up?
Tonight I worked on converting already existing translations.
I will push the blank English file for you to have a look at the new format if you want.
Also, I probably won't be able to work on this until next week. So, if there is not enough post, just let it sink, I will create a new thread in July.
Obviously, if you have content to post, that would be better...
Captcha 8GAY4N kek
Am I the only one experiencing very bad access to NotABug?
It's worse and worse each time I try to push something...
I won't hold my nut tho, content is coming, but ever so slowly.
Your legs! Ponk, what happened to your legs!!1!
I am thinking about moving my repos to a' other host.
Any ideas?
I would keep notabug as a mirror, but I am fed up with it being unstable...
the christmas special is in the flashpoint archive, you can find it there if you have trouble, its called wrapped in pink
that BFED player link doesnt work
animations rendering and the fixed animations dont work
oh also htf do i get BFED 1.6 to work? i have no fucking clue what im doing and it just wont
>The link doesn't work
Yeah, sorry, I removed it from the anchor, but didn't check OP. I should have...

>Link don't work
Again, sorry, I hastily backed for no reason and should have checked better...

>How tf do I play 1.6
I would recommend downloading the flash version, and then install and use ruffle.
Just know tht 1.6 is a repackage of 1.5 with the Halloween and Christmas specials (and 50bits hidden at the bottom of a tree somewhere).
It's a nice version, but may have other changes and is not the original.
Flashpoint archive?
It's a website?
I am almost as much a faggot for asking to be spoonfed, as you are for not giving sauce.
Here it is:
For the anons that want to play, see >>41149916
So, anyone have something new to post?
New drawings or hacks or something?
well, from the recent news the only thing I know is that there's a sequel is in the works
theres a few lines missing that i want to get to sometime when i have a bit of free time
Kek, perfect, we will be able to enjoy bfed2 at the nursing home.
As I said, I won't be able to do work until next week, but I can list all the sentences that are too long.
Also, I need to convert everything to the new format.
But yes, it would be nice if you could finish or check the translation when you have time.
Don't worry about git if it's too complex for you, you can post it here (via catbox.moe if needed)
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Is the fancy physics cat absolutely correct mein horsefuckers?

I will utilize horror as a stand-in for porn since horror and porn have an unusual amount of problems in common.

Horror functions merely as a thematic element in video games rather than a distinct genre. A genre necessitates a defined set of rules, much like how FPS games require a first-person perspective and shooting mechanics to qualify. What specific gameplay mechanics does horror demand? None. The emphasis is consistently on its thematic aspects. The only gameplay elements commonly associated with horror are evading 1-hit KO enemies and solving puzzles. Sometimes with redundant letters spread throughout to reveal the backstory with no direct gameplay change.
Now let's take a look at hentai games, they don't even have those elements going for them. They don't even have a specific kind of story style and element going on. Porn games are the weakest link of the weakest group of digital interactions.
You know, the older you get, the more vivid are old memories (and new ones fade before you can remember it).
It basically means that, one day will be the second day of your life when S2 is top mlp, and G5 never existed.
Really makes you think...
Ponified EQGirls?
>Sunset Shimmer lingers in the castle (may need a full moon mechanic)
>the Dazzlings can be heard singing at a beach
>the Shadowbolts have their own Luna's School for gifted cunts
>Gloriosa "I got this" Daisy can be found deep within the Everfree forest
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Hum, long but interesting reads so far, Capper is right it seems.
I will read the rest Monday tho.

That would be possible.
Banned From Barbie Land.
Imagine the salt... Glorious!
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Cute art repost
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Why sad ponies?
There must be some joyful ones too, no?
Do any of these versions of the app work with modern versions of android? I remembered getting it to work a long time ago but then it just suddenly stopped launching, presumably after an update.
I can't say, I never tried to install the APK.
And to be honest I don't even know how we could update it if needed...
Any Anon can investigate?
Hum, the Dazzlings would be in pony form?
Shouldn't they be in siren form in Equestria?
I mean, they are cute ponies, but canonically...
Or maybe now that their pendant is broken?...
Specifically in their early merchandize fairypony form, yes, and a chat option allows for mermaidpony snusnu, and for the brave, sirens.
Something like this?

You arrive at the beach.
A faint melody starts in the cold briny air.
You click on the sea.
You move closer to the water, the music is louder, and you can see three ponies (?) bathing.
You feel it in yourself, you need to know more.
You click on the water, and walk into the sea. Your belly is now wet, and you can barely stand. On the verge of needing to swim even.
The music is now captivating.
You don't feel the cold or salt anymore, just a warm glow in your chest.
The then silhouette are now clearly visible. You are not sure it's ponies, but the three of them seems calm and at peace.
You click on the silouettes.
You need to swim now.
You can't even say how deep is the water.
And that fog, was it there before?
Whatever, you are close to the three singing beings.
You could almost reach them if you didn't need to use your hooves paddling to stay afloat.
The salt in your mouth straightens your mind for some instants.
Bit soon the beauty of the music returns.
You click on the strange singer.
She is alone.
The other two are now behind you.
You can't tell where is the shore or where you are.
You know you are tired because it's harder and harder to swim, but you can't feel the pain, only the sweet music.
That's the most beautiful voice you have heard.
And that smile...
The sharp teeth don't even shock you, neither the fact that they are clearly not ponies, nor that your vision starts to fade.
You just want to hear more.
And as everything went black, and you can't hear the music anymore because you are now underwater, you can feel the cold enveloping you.
You still try to understand the last sentence your heard.
But you can't really focus now. Not anymore.
Your brain already know it's too late, and your body is too tired to even try to fight.
The worst part is that you are not even scared, just pained that you can't ear one last note of that beautiful music.


Bad Ending
Back to main menu?
>That's my fetish.jpg
>Snusnu with mermaid pones
Smells like a fishy proposition...
Bad Anon!
It's a sad story and no fishfuck!
Also, is it a story to bump or something you are working on?
Very nice! How about an option to bait them to strand themselves?
Answer Honestly OP.
Are there any TAS runs of this game?
I think either it shouldn't be possible (like Chrissy in bfed), or maybe, you transform them in ponies thanks to whatever magical tricklet.

As far as I know, only regular speedrun, no TAS. But I can be wrong.
Using AI to directly generate pixel art is obviously a bad idea, but it could still be used as an intermediate step. It could be trained on the "line art" without pixelation and then post processing is just a human going over the lines with the pixel brush. So it'll just be for quick "concept art".

Or it may seem more useful for short animations by learning how to interpolate between frames. Again it'll just learn how to do the "line art", which will act as a guide when a human actually does it.
That's an idea to explore.
You know, maybe there is enough data to make a bfed LoRa ?
That would help.
And maybe that by generating images at thrice the resolution and then scaling down with closest neighbour, we can have convincing images ?
I don't think it will be great for animation tho.
Idk, is there any model specialized in pony?
If so, maybe also try image to image generation.
Like, whe draw very crude background and ponies, and the AI do the rest?
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Where did you find this? I think I drew this but I could be imagining things.
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I am almost certain I find it in an old thread.
I can't find the original post on the archive, but the file date is 2022 03 29 01h23
12h later, I made this edit.
One thing is sure, I am almost certain I didn't drew the original.
Found it!
Thanks. I remember drawing the other Derpy image so I guess I drew Maud too.
Well, it would be in accordance with the saved thread.
It's nice to see old Anon still there by the way.
Any other drawing planned?
I might today if I can find where the tablet has gone to. It’s been almost a year since I’ve touched it.
The thread is still afloat, that's nice!
Gotta wageslave, but tonight, I will write up some kind of documentation to know what to do.
It will clarify what is done and what is left to do.

That would be nice!
Taking back the pen, whatever the reason, is always good if you enjoy drawing.
>no more magic gems
>they hop onto land and forget they can't fly anymore
what tools would even help in that regard?
Any TAS tool?
Point and click games are speedrun too, no?
Imagine the bitterness...
Without speaking of rape, you are a powerful millennial flying dragon, and you are transformed in puny pony.
That would sting.
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Rainbow Boop!
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Sorry the docs will have to wait tomorrow, I am really beat up.

Maybe the AI thread can help?
Like maybe we can make a LoRa just for BFED?
Seems like this is going to be another busy work week. Can’t draw (unless I do it on the work laptop discreetly).
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Do as you wish, but don't get fired because of it. Irl is more important than this thread.

Nice, reminds me of star trek for whatever reason...
It's still you puppet on OpenToonz, or a new one?
On his way to get some horse pussy!
its a toonboom puppet
on opentoonz i only have a MLP-FIM
any simple requests to make pokehidden style animation?
Ha, I remembered you changed once.
Isn't toonboom expensive?

Maybe Red coming out of his hiding place behind a log?
Of just a stressed Fluttershy talking to the camera?
That would help on >>41131845
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Damn, I really need to stop procrastinating and finish writing that damn game doc...
I should have started with the forest edge clearing where the action with Fluttershy takes place...

In the mean time, did anyone tried Kazeged?
If it only works on my computer, it's useless.

>==== Town central place ====<
3-4 backgrounds:
- One background to the ballon
- One background to the shop
- One background to the forest
- (opt.) One background for interraction with ponies

1-3 ponies:
- Applejack (happy to be hoof on earth. 'help' counter+1 if talked to)
- (Opt.) Bonbon, looking at the view (the town)
- (Opt.) Lyra, looking at the view (Bonbon)

>==== Old timey shop ====<
2 backgrounds:
- Public area (somewhat organised if old and dusty)
- Storage room (messy, filled with woodworking tools, pieces of sculptures, and stuff.)

1 pony:
- Seller (say something like "Welcome! Feel free to buy something!")

1 object:
- (No usage) half finished wooden statue of toaster

>==== Lonely Kirin Cabin ====<
2 backgrounds:
- Front area (the clearing is almost well maintained. Some burning marks here and there. The cabin is welcoming if simple)
- Cabin itself (simple but cozy. some brewing stuf in the background)

1 pony:
- Lonely Kirin (Wear glasses. Happy to see someone. Talks about beer and loneliness)

1 object:
- Kirin Beer (can only have it if you bring the [Old Beercup] )

Feel free to criticize, draw things or give ideas on this or that.
it is a lead!
lets assign the workers to the tasks?
first, search and post; any refference or something you imagine, anything, like what you would use to explain to someone what you saw. use episode screenshots, sketch something on a paper or even ms paint
concept art phase
use pony diffusion or other AI
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there is a .safetensor for MLP backgrounds, courtesy of /MPPP/
This will be extremely useful to me, thanks for sharing anon.
To assign work to someone, you first have to have a list of people working on the project.
But yeah, I can make a handful or task that any anon can grab and complete.

I just wake up and I am phone posting, but let's try something.
Anons, if a task speaks to you, grab it!
Reply to this message and put >[Taskxxx] at thz beginning of your message.
You are a beginner? Think that you are not good?
No problem, grab anyway. It can always be used as a starting point for improvement if needs be to redo it.

[Task 1] Draw Red face, smug and happy (because finding this rabbit will be happy, and he will have a reward)
[Task 2] Propose ideas/designs for this old town (can be a collage if images from google, no need to have drawing skils)
[Task 3] Propose a design for the Kirin shopkeeper (I said glasses because I think a kind of "old, small town shopkeeper" would be fitting, but go wild)
[Task 4] Draw a deep forest background (dense pine forest, a barely useable trek in the middle)
[Task 5] Short animation of a tired/sad Fluttershy talking to the camera (she just lost her bunny and explain the situation to you) (age3rcm maybe ?)
[Task 6] Write a small dialogue (10-50 lines of dialogue) of the lone Kirin explaining that she lost her cup and will give you beer if you find it for her

So, I think with that, every kind of craft is covered, so go ahead anons, grab something!
I will start with "free to participate, give your ideas" for now. If things don't work out, I will give my vision, but I think doing it together as a board project is more fun.

Gotta have a look at that!
I hope it will work with my Stable Diffusion "rig"
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Well, it works.
Positive:A sweet view of Ponyville in the morning, vector art, background, masterpiece, best quality, flat shading, vibrant, colorful
Negative:messy, blurry, greyscale
DPM++ 2M SDE Heun, Karras, 25 steps
640x480 with Upscaler R-Esrgan 4x+ (x1.6)
Can you draw a cute Ponk sleeping?
Maybe with gummy close to her, and some junk candies here and there?
I wrote some Kirin scenes. I took it in a slightly different direction from the proposal, though. Tell me if there's something wrong with the following:

(AUTUMN BLAZE sleeping)


AUTUMN BLAZE: *Hic* Where'd it go? I can't find it. *Hic*

AUTUMN BLAZE: Gotta find my cup.

(AUTUMN BLAZE falls down)

AUTUMN BLAZE: Sorry. I'm a drunk little right now. Right yesterday. Drunk a long time. *Hic* Hee hee!

AUTUMN BLAZE: I thought I wanted everykirin to talk again. I was wrong.

AUTUMN BLAZE: Most things Kirin say are stupid. Ponies too.

AUTUMN BLAZE (as Nirik): We all ought to shut up!

AUTUMN BLAZE: But nopony wants to go back into the Stream of Silence.

AUTUMN BLAZE: I guess that ship has sailed.

AUTUMN BLAZE: Or that village has burned! *Hic*

AUTUMN BLAZE: I was so depressed. Then I found a solution.

(AUTUMN BLAZE falls down)


AUTUMN BLAZE: If I can't make Equestria a better place, at least I can ignore everything wrong with it! *Hic*

AUTUMN BLAZE: I wanted to destroy the cup I used for foal's-breath tea.

AUTUMN BLAZE: That would help me forget my mistake.

AUTUMN BLAZE: Can you find it for me?

AUTUMN BLAZE: I'll give you something in return. *Hic*

AUTUMN BLAZE: Something special. I wouldn't give it to just anypony.

AUTUMN BLAZE: I'll give you one guess...

AUTUMN BLAZE (flutters eyelashes): Tee hee hee!


(AUTUMN BLAZE falls down, sleeps again)


You'll need additional dialogue if the player tries talking to her again:

AUTUMN BLAZE: Zzzzz--what?

AUTUMN BLAZE: I still want my cup. *Hic*

AUTUMN BLAZE: Then I'll give you some beer.

And dialogue for when the cup is returned:

AUTUMN BLAZE: Zzzzz--hmm?

AUTUMN BLAZE: You found it!

AUTUMN BLAZE (as Nirik): Stupid thing!

Autumn Blaze burns the cup to ashes.

AUTUMN BLAZE: There. It's gone. And now I--I--

AUTUMN BLAZE: I don't really feel any better.

AUTUMN BLAZE: What a waste of a cup.

AUTUMN BLAZE: I have a fallback solution, though.

Oh yeah!
It's depressing for this poor Kirin, but I like it.
One thing tho, I think the game should take place before S3.
So Kirins are possible (they existed before S8) but Autumn Blaze can't be used here.
On the other hand, it's said in the episode that some Kirins chose to leave instead of become silent, so it can be one of these.
What do you think? Would that be good for you ? Rework the story a bit to make it fit this narrative?
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The anime version of realersgann is superb for MLP backgrounds upscale
"Loyaldk-SuperPony" .pth is the best bet for pony vectors
What's more fun?
>a) ponies who used red crystal gems to mutate into sirens
>b) sirens who can shapeshift into fairy ponies
I like pre-S3 anyway. I think there are a few options. Option 1 is to ignore the problem and use the scenes I wrote before. It's logically inconsistent, though. Option 2 is for me to write new scenes but still use Autumn Blaze. This makes logical sense if you make the player take a train ride out to her cabin (like in the episode). You could insert a puzzle here, like getting a train ticket or finding the shortcut (from the episode). Option 3 is to use an OC. I didn't see anything in the episode transcript about Kirin other than Autumn Blaze being able to talk. Maybe that doesn't matter. Just make a character name and a design and I don't think anyone will complain. But everyone likes Autumn Blaze, so I think I prefer Option 2.

Does she need to have an old beer cup? Here's another possibility:

AUTUMN BLAZE: I haven't talked in ages! Except to myself. I talk to myself.

AUTUMN BLAZE: I talk to myself a lot. I'm going crazy out here, and I need help, and--

AUTUMN BLAZE: Wait, that came out wrong.

AUTUMN BLAZE: I don't talk to myself in a crazy way. More like a desperate way.

AUTUMN BLAZE: Because I'm all alone in my house, and I'm desperate, and I'm naked, and--

AUTUMN BLAZE: That came out wrong again.

AUTUMN BLAZE: I wish I were better at words. But I don't get a lot of practice.

AUTUMN BLAZE: And when I get started talking, the words just come.

AUTUMN BLAZE: They come so fast, and they keep coming, and it feels so good when they come, and--

AUTUMN BLAZE: Hey! I know!

AUTUMN BLAZE: If you bring me a dictionary, you'll help my words come!

AUTUMN BLAZE: I can't get one myself because I scare ponies when I try to go into town.

AUTUMN BLAZE: I think it's the size of my horn. I'm pretty horny even for a Kirin.

AUTUMN BLAZE: In exchange, I'll show you how a horny babe entertains herself!

If the player tries talking to her again:

AUTUMN BLAZE: I still need a dictionary to help my words come.

When the player brings a dictionary:

AUTUMN BLAZE: A dictionary!

AUTUMN BLAZE: I know they say size doesn't matter, but long, hard words excite me.

AUTUMN BLAZE: Now I have something to do besides getting drunk!

AUTUMN BLAZE: Go ahead, take my beer. I have other ways to entertain myself now.

If the player tries talking to her after bringing her a dictionary:

AUTUMN BLAZE: I'm a sesquipedalian autoeroticist!
That poor mare seems troubled, better let her sleep.

I tried to share my stable diffusion instance, but as soon as I want to remove tabs from the interface (to prevent users to fiddle too much), the whole UI stops working.
It's late, but I wont be able to see earlier than this week end.

Hum, I like it too, but let's keep this dictionary quest for an other character.
As for Autumn Blaze, I know she is beloved, but this Kirin is in Pines Peak, so it can't be her.
Unless this interaction is moved to an other stop, at (or very close to) the Kirin village. But they are not supposed to be remembered...
On the other hand, there is a train station, so maybe an other stop can be a pretext to show off some Kirins if you go "too far"?
The game have to be easy tho, so having a whole side quest to got a train ticket to gain an old cup just to "help" Berry Punch, that may be too much...
Maybe I should write all the paths first and the mare to help, to manage who goes where, and what actions allow what?

Whoa, there... Vow of silence?
And Autumn’s ebullience turns to sadness.
Mmhmm. That’s why they asked me to

And latter, during the song:

So, yeah, from what I understand, after she found the cure, other Kirins could have taken it too, as long as they quit the village.
But, you are right, nowhere it's said that such a thing happened.
I've changed my mind on the last few lines. For gameplay reasons, I think the following would be better:

AUTUMN BLAZE: Hey! I know!

AUTUMN BLAZE: I need something to help my words come.

AUTUMN BLAZE: I can't go into town myself because I scare ponies.

AUTUMN BLAZE: I think it's the size of my horn. I'm pretty horny even for a Kirin.

AUTUMN BLAZE: Bring me a dictionary, and I'll show you how a horny babe entertains herself!

>But they are not supposed to be remembered...
Yes, I think you have written yourself into a corner. Kirin are supposed to be almost unknown:
>Twilight Sparkle: Only what Rockhoof told me. Back in his day, nopony knew much about the Peaks of Peril except for the legend on this ancient shield. It says a group called the Kirin used to live there, known for their kindness and truth-speaking.
So Kirin are a legend even to Rockhoof. If you want the story to be pre-S3, then almost all ponies have never heard of Kirin, and nopony has ever met one. If there's a Kirin anywhere near a pony village, then the game is not consistent with canon.

>let's keep this dictionary quest for an other character
I was inspired because Autumn Blaze says things like,
>Some words I haven't said in a will. While! While.
But I think it would be easy to change the dictionary scene so that it works for a unicorn mare who lives outside the village. Change the first line to "I haven't talked to anypony in ages! Except to myself. I talk to myself." Then the second-to-last line needs to change. Option 1: The mare has an abnormally long horn. Change the second-to-last line to "I think it's the size of my horn. They can't handle how horny I am." Option 2: The mare is extremely ugly and has a very short horn. Change the second-to-last line to "I think it's because my horn is too big. Don't you? I don't know what else it could be."

>Maybe I should write all the paths first
The dialogue has to establish the quests, so knowing more about the paths would help me.
Thank you!
She is such a cutie
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Thank you she seems more peaceful like that.
I bet she dreams about cupcakes and whipped cream
Hum, the "red cristal gives you huge powers but also turns you into a monster so chose wisely" is an interesting take.
Sleep tight ponkapone, I will protect you from page 9.
You mean page 10?
Cuddling with Twilight
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I would cuddle her so much!
But that's not possible unfortunately..
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Emergency bump
do you think that interest has faded?
Well, I think most Anon would love to see some new content but don't want/can't produce it.
And the remaining that could and want have busy schedule.

That, or people don't care, yes.
the thread got 180 replies, someone did care at least
if this thread dies, someone will make one next month?
I have my date for my heart operation, that's why I wasn't very active. Also I probably won't be very active next week because of that too.
(It's not something heavy, but it's still heart...)
So, sorry if I couldn't produce much things.

Well, probably a bit yes, but some still care.
And as 4chan removed the IP counter, we can't estimate the interest.

Yeah, as said, I will try to make one each month to follow up the ongoing projects.
So, what are you working on?
Last bump for me.
After that, I let it sink.
do not sink!
Then I shall bump instead.
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I did a thing
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Ha! I just finished a thing too.
Yours is cuter than mine tho, and quite close to the original too, well done!
How much time does it takes you to draw it?
Mine took like 2-3h...
Well see that’s the problem. I took 1.5 hours because I no longer remember how to draw without shaking a lot. Stabiliser doesn’t fix it much unless it’s so high that I can barely get the lines I want anyway.
Also you did 2-3 hours including the text and mouth movements! Better use of time indeed. I think the muzzle just needs to be closer to the original style, but otherwise everything else is ok.
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Oh, you didn't use splines to draw your? Damn, you have quite a steady hand then (maybe that is the stabilizer you are talking about?)
Is the shake because of health problem?

Don't be fooled, the movement took like 5 minutes, as I only had to draw 4 mouths, and the text took literally 2 seconds, as I made a program to draw and animate it. I can give it to you if you want, but it's really peculiar and unstable, and tailored to the size I use.

As for the muzzle, I always struggle with it. I took the "walpapper" (pic rel) as a model, but still.
Also, what may make it apear strange/ where i may have shat myself, is the green part of it.
I think my face is still too round, and also, I forgot the eye glare.
I need to do a checklist before posting..
Thanks for the pointers ! It's nice to be able to exchange a bit with others.
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>what are those two up to now..
>'Are you OK, Berry Punch?'
I just have to ask, is this how slow normal humans read?
Just put it all on the screen at once so my brain can look at the first and last letter of every word and parse it instantly like the god I am
Yeah, it's so slow it kinda hurts
You didn't play the game, did you?

Idk, I mostly choose a delay between frames that make it moves. I put 80 as a delay between frames (whatever is the unit GIF used) and went with my day.
Now that I checked with the game, indeed, it's 50-60% of the original speed.
I will update that when I have a bit of time.
>I made a program to draw and animate it
I’ll take whatever is free!
>I took the "walpapper" (pic rel) as a model
That’s the problem I have with getting close to the style. Pokehidden had to draw thousands of these by hand (or at least a few hundred and the rest via slight changes) so the style changes a bit throughout the game. Best is to look through several references and pick the ones that are more consistent. I know that the ear changes a bit, and so does the muzzle. Having thinner lines for “details” as opposed to the usual thicker lines isn’t consistent either. And for a lot of ponies he doesn’t let the mane cover any part of the eyes (I assume this helps with expressions in whatever he’s drawing with), but that changes for some ponies.
>you have quite a steady hand then (maybe that is the stabilizer you are talking about?)
No that's just me redoing the lines over and over again for 1.5 hours. If I try to use enough stabiliser to correct it, I don't get the exact lines I want either. I know artists say to use broad strokes with the arm to get those confident lines and less wrist motions but I could never get those right either. I'm not sure what else to do.

>Is the shake because of health problem?
I don't think so. When I try to keep still, it still shakes slightly. It's always been like that and I let it be. No health complications (yet).

>you didn't use splines to draw your?
Maybe splines could be faster for me. The only reason why I didn't do that is because then it might look too "clean" compared to the original. Pokehidden did everything by hand and it shows in some drawings show where the lines are more jagged or extra pixels where lines meet together. Not trying to be perfect with the lines would also cut down time, but I ended up being too clean in >>41177456 anyway. Maybe this isn't worth fussing over and I'll just use splines next time.
>Whatever is free!
Well, okay, I will make you a zip after my lunch then.
You can install python (check "add to path" when installing) and "pip install pillow" in the mean time.

>changing style
Yeah, I know. That's why I keep this as my style guidance.
I usually try to make less pointy muzzle tho., but I know the style is fluid and not a hard guide.
didn't saw you second message...
>confident strokes
Yeah, it comes with practice. I should know, I don't practice enough, so I struggle and Ctrl+Z a lot.

>the shake
Good then. Health problems are not fun.

Well, then, maybe try drawing with splines but with small width (like 1px), and the trace over by hand?
I only use it when doing garbage troll content on paint, like pic (took literal 15mins), but that' because I am lazy and don't want to use my tablet and practice for real.
That being said, clean aesthetics have it's charm too.
Haa, sorry, I had other things to do an forgot to post...

Take it while it's hot (3 days remaining).
Also, don't use for monetized content.

I wrote a .md to help using it, but if you have problems, just post.
I probably won't be very responsive until Wednesday, but I will try my best.
This has a 404 error.
I set it up for 3days, it should be still up...
Oh well, I probably won't have time to re upload it this afternoon, so I will upload it tuesday, after my surgery.
But that's strange, I literally clicked the link to copy it and then pasted it.
Should have made a git repository...
Who's that cutie from?
An OC from a green?
elements of justice
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I had to turn on the computer to print papers, so I took time to reupload it.

Here is a new link :

See ya in a day or two.
Make a list of ponies.
Twilight Sparkle
Alicorn Twilight Sparkle
Giraffe Twilight Sparkle

Actually, nevermind, Spike is not a pony.

Seriously tho, what kind of list?
- ponies
- ponies.
- ponies!
- ponies?
Holy shit this game is fucking amazing, I LOVE IT!! <3
so simple in coding, such good animations, just throws you in without instructions
(+ nsfw is a nice touch)

I'm a bit late to the fandom
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I just beat the game
It was great
I don't know how to unlock trixy part 2, celestia (the castle one) and big mac

Also, the death part is amazing
Say I wanted to try and replicate the chunky pixel style of the line art of this game, any ideas what photoshop brush preset I should use? I have been using the pencil, but the lines are too smooth and look kinda similar to >>41127912 im trying for something more like>>41127775 Maybe if I use a smaller canvas resolution might help?
Oh thanks, didnt see that post
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here is my test drive using a neet I had laying around
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the pixelating looks better now
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eyelashes.... ugh
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This is so awesome.
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Here is another.
The outlines for the eyes should be thicker
Hey everyone, any major news or progress on anything?
My work on BFERemastered barely moved in the last few months, felt burned out with all the unforseen difficulties. I have a lot of free time and some motivation now, but i'll need some help to keep progress steady. Does anyone want to work with me on a godot project over discord or other means? If so please leave some way to contact you, i'll explain all the details.
On an unrelated note, saw SlutterShy removed her profile, what's up with that?
Wasn't the one in your pic here called 'Wrapped in Pink?'
Is there like a developer thing?

I would like to rewrite the thing(as a summer project) in a different language(C++ sfml), but i can't find the source code to just translate it(which i would prefer over rewriting).
I survived my surgery !
(Okay, it was a somewhat safe, but still)
Glad to see new pictures and projects on the thread!

Well, I worked a bit on the translation and the swf injector, but not on Kazeged.
As for helping in your project, I am sorry, I am full. But feel free to use the translation files (it's json, it should be easy to use).
Idk about SlutterShy.

You can talk about it here.
There is no source code per see, the original game is in flash, so you have to decompile it, and the display is really flash dependent (like for the text scroll, it's a sprite hiding more or less text).
I am doing an engine in Python, but I am slow af.
>saw SlutterShy removed her profile
Interesting. I was just checking a few days ago and it wasn't like that, so it must've been very recent. Also doesn't seem to have any other accounts elsewhere.
>Starting a C++ project in 2024
This is a terrible idea.
>doing an engine in Python
You shouldn't have to make your own engine. It ought to be possible to do it in RenPy, and that would save an enormous amount of effort. I don't have a lot of time to help, but I'm proficient in Python.
I'm not really in the mood of dealing with dead tech (flash) and i have some bad previous experience with decompiling

I really just need a map of the game and some assets, i will figure the rest out as a go
I can start working on it tmr(if i pass an exam), maybe even help you out with the engine

burner discord if you wanna ger in touch: da4cfan
That's correct.
>Own engine
Well, I made this engine to allow the easy creating of other games looking like BFED.
Be it short or long, interactive or not.
I can see a lot of CYOA being easily converted to a format alike.
For the moment, I have a local library of game you can choose from at start, but in the future, I can always add downloading from other sources, and that could be great to play whatever game anon took the time to make.
Also, I did make some test in renpy and even html story telling engines like Twine/sugarcube , but it always had it's drawback.
Python may not be the best choice. Mostly because it's "hard" to distribute and can't export to web.
But as I make my own filesystem, as long as the game is done, everyone ca write an other interpreter.
I would gladly have feedback on the code if you can. It's old and I didn't structure it very well, so any help would be great.

I tried to make a flash file reader, it's a real mess.
As for a map of the game, you would have to make it yourself.
The assets can easily be exported with ffdec.
If you want to help, that would be great, but I barely have time to code on it, let alone take time to plan what to do and make payload for everyone.
But if work can be shared, that would be great for sure.
Possible to share what you have so far?
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>It ought to be possible to do it in RenPy

RenPy aint a bad idea
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Not much on the godot project itself. A lot of time went into sorting and preparing original assets only to realize some of them are unusable (all animations that can have different forms of mc have them merged together, a few just dont loop right) and i could never find or extract proper versions of them (except for poke's own spritesheet with some of them, but with shitty frame placement and a non-transparent background). Aside from the animations i have an artist on standby, the plan is mostly thought of, the code seems pretty straightforward, but i just couldn't bring myself to work on anything with this setback.
You are making a RenPy project?
What's it's name?
absolute qt
A friend of mine had the same problem, he would't work on a project as long as he didn't have enough/all the data to start. And it blocked him quite a lot.
So, yeah, just go with temporary data.
Even a white picture with 'WIP' in comic sans ms is useful if you only want to test your image loading routines or whatever.
Also, making your blank data allow you to iterate faster and see what works and what don't.
So, yeah, make a small scene, with non final resources, and just code your game.
You can always replace the resource folder later.
>You are making a RenPy project?
Maybe, kind of just drawing possible game assets, seeing where it goes

>What's it's name?
I'll let you know if I make it out of the concept stage
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here is some work:

open up the game, go right, right, up, right (get to the forst)
and you will figure out how to read the diagram

0 is entering the forest
1 is the first image(scene) where you can choose to go right, left or down

i will delete the burner discord in 24 hours
Nice, It's good to have some info about the original game.
I need to organize the data I have to share it.

As for the discord, I don't want to make an account just for that. But you can send me an email if you want blackcat@derpymail.org

Sent a message via gmail, hope you get it
Eyup indeed.

Registration is dead
I tried that one, multiple combinations, dom edits and nothing works

I've spent more than 30m trying to make it work
Feel free to send a response mail, we can figure it out from there
Nevermind, I am stupid, you are talking about derpymail registration?
If so, it said that the registration is closed since august 2017. Try contacting the support [http://derpymail.org/problem/index.php] because they don't explain why they closed the inscription in the FAQ, so maybe it was temporary and they 'forgot' to set it up back again?
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Did one of you drew this?
It's from an old thread.

I can't spend too much time trying to get in touch. I've lost hours, we lost a days so far, and the private 4c discussion continues.
That time could have been used coding/making plans for the game.

You have the discord, here is the mail:

we will figure it out from there, one call/a few emails and done
Damn, I really want to code, but I am so fucking tired...

Oh, I missed these, they are adorable!

Ok, we found a way to communicate.
I am writing a message to you as soon as I post this one.
I think this is mine too but you’ll have to link the thread you found it in.
Sorry, I don't remember.
I just saved it a while back with the correct name and that's it.
Just to know, did you color it?
Just let ChatGPT4 code for you.
I tried, you have to know how to code to correct it, and it can't do big files.
But it's damn useful to learn new libs or rech, really.
>(and stallions)
there's more stallions this time?
Ok I found the file. Yes I did this one too. I didn’t colour it, which is understandable since I didn’t think it was close enough to the BFED style. I can still colour it if you want.
Oh, sweet!
Idk, bfed style or not, I find her cute.
If you want to color it, it would be very nice I think, but you are the one to choose
Did you do this one too? >>41160978
The style is close.
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Tiny tinsee push to the repo.
Thanks for the feedback, Anon.
I think I will have some time this week to finally start working on the game itself, yay!
Yeah that’s me too. I wouldn’t draw the muzzle that way if I were to do it again though.
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The more time I spend with Python and Pygame, and the more I question this choice...
All these fiddling because "compiled" python programs run in a simili-sandbox.
Anyway, I fucking need to go to sleep now.
But at least I managed to produce an exe to validate the tools...
Anyway, for you, glorious Anon that are willing to run wild exe on your computer, here is a link:
The NotABug release should in up in the following minutes.
Please, do test, and make feedbacks!
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Fuck it, NotABug only allow files under 32Mb, and because of bloated Python, the archive is 37Mb.
What should have been a handful of Kb, 1Mb top is expanded a lot because of Python.
Ho well, at least the catbox link should work.
I want to know too.
GPT can't code properly, polish the code is more tiresome than write it yourself.
Why do you want more?
Wait a minute, are you Braeburn?
Python is not designed for that. Python is designed for programmer convenience. It runs slower than something written in a lower-level language, it uses a lot more memory, and its executables are bigger. The benefit is productivity: An experienced programmer can usually produce feature-complete code more quickly in Python than in lower-level alternatives like C, C++, and Rust. There's a lot of code that needs to be written but is not resource-constrained, and for those situations, Python is often an excellent choice.

I don't know what kind of experience you have, nor how much time you'll be able to devote to the project, nor how much motivation you have, but all of those affect your choice of language. If I were doing this myself, I would probably use Python: I doubt there's anything that will need to run very fast that isn't already handled by Pygame, and you'll likely have a working product sooner than if you worked in another language.
Is it me or is the board faster these days?
(Not that it wouldn't be a good thing...)
I usually just use it to generate a “template” or guide for what I want to do. It’s usually good at reasoning so it should be able to do this, just not when it needs to get syntactically correct code.

I do two passes. First it’ll come up with the plan for what needs to be done on a high level. Then second pass is to feed back the plan and ask it to generate comments detailing what needs to be coded step-by-step. This can include skeleton functions. Then I just fill in the rest under each comment. Sometimes if I feel lucky, I’ll finish about two thirds of the code and then let it try to complete the rest. The context from the finished code may be good enough to do the rest pretty well.

Or just use an LLM that’s specifically trained for coding (GPT-4 isn’t).
Yeah, I know, but I wanted to believe...
I choose Python because I will need to manipulate lot of text files and create dictionaries, so I thought it would have been easier with Python.
And I mean, it is. But it's just a pain for distribution.
I have enough experience, but not enough time, so speed of writing code was a big point for me.
Your analysis seems good to me, I agree.

This is the correct way to use that tool.
Just asking it to generate everything won't work.
But first loading it's context and then generate small bricks works well enough to be helpful.
You have to know how to code tho.
Hello, this is the administrator of PornHub. We noticed that you have not been online for 3 days, which is not typical for you. We want to check if everything is normal. We've prepared a list of all your favorite videos from your favorite categories: my little pony sex, horse porn, MLP SFM porn, young filly cumshot, banned from equestria daily gameplay, twilight sparkle sex. We look forward to seeing you on our site, because your ViP expires soon and we suggest you buy it again, you are a regular and buy it every year
I am a 54 year old father, probably one of the oldest people playing this game
I am a single dad to my son who is now 14 years old. My son has recently started playing My Little Pony: Banned from Equestria (Daily)
In less than a week, he has already played over 20 hours
It was terrible for me because it was already hard enough for me to spend time with my son.
Because he was always with his friends or watching YouTube videos
So I decided to create a Steam account to play with my son. I started playing, but it was my first time playing a video game since the 90's, so I was pretty lost. I asked my son for help and we spent a few hours playing the game together
I loved it, as it was the best time I had spent with my son since my wife died. Playing video games reminded me that there is fun in everything, and it brought me and my son close again, and now we actually spend time together outside of the house
top kek
So hearthwarming!
You should try watching Skibidi Toilet with him next, grab some slices of good old zaa' at costco, and it will be a guaranteed good time!
Everyone have it's own style I presume.
Sure the uppity snooty is peculiar, but still, not horrendous.
Oh I know. I just want to get closer to BFED style.
>Why do you want more?
The game is full of mares. At least a few more stallions to be in pair or similiar in amount. And because we are gay.
>Wait a minute, are you Braeburn?
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>You have to know how to code tho.
That’s a given for anything LLMs are used for. They should be used to *assist* based on context. Getting facts right is a side effect of the large training set.
You are right.
Unfortunately, that's not how some people think...
Normies think it's a tool that magically solve every problem and is intelligent and can code whatever you want.
Tomorrow maybe, but not today.
Honnestly, a simili hidden animation or similar is the most that should be.
Like in bfed.
Maybe not BigMac, to change a bit, but you still had stallion on stallion scene with Celestia.
reminds me of that...
Tell that to the normies...
So, did anyone try the Kazeged "release"?
Any feedbacks?
I should be able to code a bit this weekend.

So... About >>41167576 any progress by anyone?
Any thing?
On the other hand, if there is no new content...
I'm so confused, this game is still being talked about? Ain't this shit old?
I've seen this one, the og is from a different game

+ bfed is not on steam lol
Wow, you're so smart to figure that out
Eyup it is.
The style and impact it had makes some people come back even 10 years after.
Works on Linux Mint
Couldn't code today...
Maybe tomorrow.
Is the board faster than usual, or is it because of the weekend?
Or maybe just me...
I love her!
Were there any attempts at making BfED, but the MC is human?
Not that I know of.
I think swapping Red for an Anon would require a lot of work, and would probably don't work at some places...
But, hey, you can try!
Grab the game and a copy or ffdec and you can change the sprites
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So, shall we let it sink?
And new thread in August?
If this thread is still up later, I’ll try drawing something.
Aw man, that's pretty disappointing.
Nice, more cute mares!
More cute mares, right?
[Padme and Anakin.jpg]
Well, this game is pretty old.
And, as far as I know, the creator did lurk a bit, but wasn't a regular 4chan user.
Moreover, while old himself, using Anon in mlp settings doesn't date back to the start of the fandom (/co and early /mlp).
So, it's normal that this game doesn't show any human.
Heck, it even use "old fashioned" human pussies.
But you can do your own edits if you want to.
May I request something cute?
Like, whatever you want as long as it's heartwarming?
Some days are less easy than other, and cute mares always cheer me up
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A cutie from an old thread
The og of this pasta must be something kino like aristoputas
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My all time favorite from poke's collection
animator here:
do you think i should make it 12fps instead of 24fps?
Less frames, blocky instead of smooth?
Well, look at the original.
The animation is not smooth and tempo varies.
No problem to keep 24 (even if 12 may be closer to the original), but more importantly, keep some poses.
Action-pause-action-pause etc.
Action during the whole animation is what feel weird imho.
Original was 30 fps though
Style is not that bad when you use hires and shading.
I still prefer pixels tho, but everyone have it's own taste.
Maybe, but not all the frame were animated.
That's what I wanted to say.
It gave a peculiar choppy look.
Also, wobbly lines too.
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Forgot to get back to you. Here it is coloured. Do whatever you want with it.
Bump for more
Ho sweet!
A cute Celly now in color.
I will try to animate it this week end.
More of what Anon?
More image in the style of Bfed?
Or anything?
Shit I need to take time to make something.
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Smol Celly a cute
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and here is a smol animated test version. I dont really know anything about animation.
Very nice!
Well, your animation is good, even more if you are not familiar with this subject.
These kind of animations are easy but are an important first step, and really liven an image imho, so kudos!
She is cute and now, she talks, perfect!
Is it for a project?
Like a story or something?
no, for now.
>For now
That means there is hope!
Doesn't work properly on my machine. It runs only from IDLE, it doesn't show the menu like >>41213389, and I'm stuck in game's menu, can't get to the actual game, if there's a game, of course.
big brian is a classic but please make a human on pony variant
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this, human on pony is the best
Oh thank you for the feedback!
Well, if you run it like it, you should go directly to the menu of the demo game.
With a background, a music and some text. But nothing more after for the moment.

To have the game selection, you need to use the switch -f (and -s to skip the intro)

Then, can you try runing in a console "python Kazeged.py" ?
It's probably the default python path that's not good on my script.

Also can you post a screenshot if there is any error?
Thanks a lot for trying, it's very helpful for me.
And now it's friday. What a week. Going to sleep first.
Okay I'll try (I want to draw cute pones anyway), but feel free to leave suggestions.
>But nothing more after for the moment.
I thought there was some interactivity, it says it should have day and night cycles.
>Then, can you try runing in a console "python Kazeged.py" ?
It works, but now the list is empty.
>Day and night cycle
Well, the engine will support it, but for no, nothing more than the menu's background and music...
I really wanted to work on it, but I couldn't set some free time this week.
I hope I can add something interesting this weekend.

>empty list
Not even the "default game" ?
That's strange.
Or the console sandbox the game, that's possible too.

Well, I will work on Kazeged anyway, I hope I can get a working partial menu leading to a bare but bugless scene.
Once that's done, it will be easier to add other things I think (in the sense that I will understand and know how to use basic pygame functions).
Care to use a name or at least a pone face when posting about it ? (Like "Testeranon" and/or your favourite pone's face)
So I can leave you a message in this thread to test new versions?
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Yay! Cute ponies!
>Care to use a name or at least a pone face when posting about it ? (Like "Testeranon" and/or your favourite pone's face)
Nah, I'd never. Just post here when and what should be tested out.
Ha it's okay, I understand.
I will post when something new is testable then.
sorry I procrastinated
there may be more tomorrow
It's okay, we all have our schedule.
perverts get the FUCK out of my fandom
I don't like pony porn too, but, come on, the style is nice and the upcoming game have a sfw mode.
God she cute.
Later seasons may have been meh, but, sometimes, just sometimes, they puled out really cute reactions.
Couldn't code today too unfortunately, but I manage to draw this.
>my fandom
>ignoring the fandom existence is because of horsefuckers
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More info on that please, and also, what game exactly? What upcoming game? No pics - no links - no proof.
Basically two button on the main menu SFW/NSFW.
In SFW, all the sex scene a replace with cute things or just not displayed.
NSFW version is what you coomers want, don't worry.
But as no one is working on the game (or answers to pathetic project management posts), don't worry, neither will exist.
Oh, thx for the response, I really didn't know that SFW/NSFW switch thing, and that it switches to alternate cute cutscenes
>But as no one is working on the game
haha I'm not surprised at all, it's /mlp/ after all
Well, /mlp can do some amazing stuff (Mass Produced Plushies, Secret Santa, Saving Verity, Silver coin, PPPV, etc.)
It's just that a video game is an other kind of project with it's very own problems...
Did you guys ever had an idea for a porn game genre or mechanic but never had the one man army game dev skills to pull it off? what was it?
It's far from perfect, but there is an attempt, see Laid Zeppelin:
Use GPT4 to code it. Just throw your code at it like 3 or 5 times till it works wven if you have no idea how it works.
As discussed earlier >>41204360
You either don't know anything about coding or are trolling.
Chat GPT, even 4-o, can't handle all the code for a whole game, even a simple one like bfed.
That being said, I just ran some tests, and it can generate a basic skeleton.
I am quite impressed.
Still, lot of work to do.
God I fucking love this game so much in my opinion its the best mlp fan game ever made, even if you take out the sex its just the perfect representation of the world I feel like I'm genuinely in Ponyville
I'm not gonna tell you, you would do a furry version of it.
Y'all need to consider scaling back, not adding more features. Scope creep is the death of projects.
I think they are talking about an other project they would like to see, not something to add to current ones.
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It took me 2h+, but I added the menu!
Well, it took like 10 mins to make the menu, and 2h to fix the configuration file loading and parsing.
I can't wait to work on the first scene version!
I will update the repo either now or later, it's really late here, and I need to sleep...

I may ask it a thing or two, but I prefer to code by myself.
Feel free to test tho, it should be easy to have something working quickly I presume.
But good luck to add complexity latter.

I wouldn't be that extreme, but yes, it's a nice game, and being "free" in ponyville is the main appeal for me too.
I took a look at your engine. I'm experienced in Python, though only for back-end sorts of things.

The first thing that stands out is your formatting. The simplest thing you can do is install black. Trust it (except maybe on line lengths, where its default of 88 violates PEP 8; I recommend 78 or 80); this way everyone will be able to read your code. Other tools you should consider are flake8 (looks for formatting errors but will also catch some simple errors like typos), pylint (checks code for mistakes and bad style), ruff (does both of the previous).

Global variables are almost always a mistake. Create a class called Engine and turn your globals into class attributes. Your code will be easier to read.

You have a line with 80 characters of indentation. You're indenting with 8 spaces per level instead of the standard 4, but still, that's a lot. Before you get to this point, you need to refactor the function.

A little thing: Get rid of your choose function and use random.choice.
>except maybe on line lengths, where its default of 88 violates PEP 8; I recommend 78 or 80
Despite the violation, I’ve seen lots of people recommending to stick with 88 these days as they feel the original is a little too restrictive.
Well, thank you for the code review.

I will pass a linter / checker on the code to see what it displays. I don't praise pep8, but still that would be interesting.

The 80 column size, I never cared about. I tey to keep the lines short, but I won't count chars just because "muh pep8" or "but in vim..."
And that lead to an other point, I don't use spaces.
I hate python for leaving the choice to the users between spaces and tabs for the indentation, because, obviously, people are lazy, and piece of shit if ide convert tabs to spaces or whatever. And so, pretty quickly, it was a fucking mess, and as people are retards, python "highly encouraged" spaces. But indentations are structural in python, thus using the char meant for indentation is the only logical choice.
I don't know how you opened my code, but I didn't use 8 space for the indentation, I used tabs. So, just configure your ide/editor to display tabs as you like. Apparence should be removed from function (like css and html).
But I digress...

Yeah, I need to get rid of it. I usually try to reduce the scope as much as possible, but It's not my priority now. I took way too much time already and want to push a scene display "quickly". It will be done eventually.

>Get rid of choose
Yeah, why not, it's not a big deal, but if there is a python function already, why bother rewriting it, you are right.
Also, I have to check. I took the (bad?) decision to make a "GM like" lib to develop Kazeged, and clearly, it wasn't the best choice in the world.
Now, if the choose function exists in GM, I will keep it. It may not be at the right place tho.

So, all in all, thanks for the code reading.
I will check what you pointed and try to fix some stuff if need be.
But I also took questionable decisions right at the creation of the project, and I now have to continue with it (until I maybe rewrite huge chunks of code).
I agree with you that tabs are a more natural character for indentation, but nobody can agree on how many spaces equals one tab, which is why I saw 8 spaces while others might see 4, or even 2 or 1. If you want appearance removed from function, then you should adopt a standard code formatter like black (or alternatives like yapf). It will make your code look consistent in many ways besides spacing.

You actually have two identical choose() functions, one in engine/__init__.py and one in engine/GM/__init__.py. (This is the sort of thing that pylint will catch for you.) You only call choose once, in engine/__init__.py:intro() at line 97. Just change that line to

subText = random.choice(["Stories to tell", "The mane engine", "Always mare", "Horsing around"])

Now you can delete both copies of choose().

One last thing. When you make questionable decisions and decide not to fix them, you build up something called "technical debt." Sometimes, it is worth building up some technical debt. You may need to get something working, or you may not be sure what a better design would look like, or refactoring into a better design might take more time than you have right now. But the more technical debt you have, the harder it is to pay back, that is, to rewrite it in a better way. That's just because there's more of it to fix. You should keep that trade-off in mind as you continue development.
Yeah but, I mean generally speaking, I don't care how you like your tabs, you do what you want. Heck, theoretically, you could set it up to 1.75 'spaces', and nothing should break.
That's why I am not counting on tabs to align doc or parameters or whatever.
Only to indent.
I will definitely try black or yapf, I was looking for a good tool that can do code presentation (to use at work too), but couldn't find any really easy to share with colleagues (but I searched for C, not python).

Ha, the copy in engine is a leftover.
The one in GM will probably stay, as I said, for GM "compatibility".

>Tchnical dept
Yeah, that's a good thing you talk about it, it's not a wildly understood concept.
Professionally, I fight it as much as possible (without breaking compatibility and in the time I am allowed, a delicate exercise).
Here, Kazeged is a small personal project.
Not a reason to have bad manners, but I don't want to be as strict.
Also, this project was to learn pygame. It then more or less envolved to a test bench for GM.
I think the worst choice was to choose this project to learn pygame.
As for the code, it's old too, there are stuff to change I agree.
But it probably will never be really clean.

Anyway, I will try to work a bit this afternoon, but I think it will have to wait this weekend.
It's nice to talk a bit about programming, thx.
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Spooky boop.
Some company I worked for even used 120 chars.
When using console, I can understand the limitations, but close to no one writes code on console nowadays.
Just replace "def choose(..): ..." with "choose = random.choice". It'll be fine.
120 chars would drive me insane. I often split windows vertically in Vim, and if the lines are 80 chars, I can fit three windows side-by-side. At 88 chars, some long lines would wrap, but I think I could stand that. But at 120 chars I'd only be able to fit two windows. I really think I would be less productive in that environment because I wouldn't be able to see what I was doing so easily.
I didn't have the time to check it yesterday.
Just know that, if it's in GM, it will be in the lib.
And if it's in the lib, why not use it.
I can understand the newcomers need to get into the code, and the more standard the better.
But honestly, that's not a big deal.
Code architecture is more important, and I have a lot of work there.

You really code on vim?
Damn, I couldn't be productive with it.
Tell me, why do you use multiple consoles side by side? A friend of mine do that too, and I vastly prefer alt tab to switch (except the particular case of comparing two files of course)
Maybe my screen is too small for that ?
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I finally did another thing to complement >>41223332
Feel free to add fitting text
she ams cute anon, very nice!
Woona !
Damn, she is cute, well done anon !
I will try to do something with her this weekend.
But don't wait for me, I have some busy days ahead.
I learned vim about 25 years ago, so it's had time to sink in. At the time, the only realistic alternative was Emacs (there was no VSCode, no Notepad++, etc.). On Windows, there were various Microsoft IDEs (Visual Studio, Visual C++, and Visual Basic were different products each with their own IDE), but I wasn't on Windows. I use multiple vim windows because it increases the amount of stuff I can have on my screen at one time. At work, I might have two or three different files open. On my personal laptop, I can only comfortably fit two. Sometimes I have one file open in two windows, and the windows show different parts of the file. I split windows vertically because code generally proceeds top-to-bottom, and as long as you have a reasonable line length limit, there's no benefit to having wide windows. By the way, when I refer to windows, I mean windows within Vim tabs. I move between these with commands like ^Wh and ^Wl, not by clicking or using Alt+Tab. I also sometimes have multiple Vim tabs open (commands like gt and gT). Usually that's because different tabs are working on different things. For example, I may have Project 1 open in one tab. If I get interrupted to work on Project 2, it goes in its own tab. Sometimes I use different tabs for logically distinct things. If I'm looking at logfiles from Project 1, then those might go in their own tab. If I need quick scratch space to try something out, that could go in a tab (or a window, depending on how busy the rest of my screen is).

It's not really important what editor you use. I know excellent developers who are productive in Emacs and VSCode. What's important is finding a tool that works for you and learning how to use it well.
Pretty much nailed it! Very nice
Oh, okay, that makes sense.
I was always on windows (and still am, but maybe not for long) so I only used graphical tools. Also, I used alt tab a lot because of screen size back then (and even now, I have hard time using multiple screens efficiently).
I also understand the console tab switching.
I tried coding in console (or was forced at work for some projects) and really didn't liked it.
That's a matter of choice and taste I presume.
Nano was useable for me at least, but vim, well, let's say I didn't want to learn 20 shortcuts just to edit a conf file (Again, personal tastes, and sometimes, you don't have choice).

I totally agree with the tool choice.
I use notepad++ and consoles for compilers/git/etc. But I worked on lot of IDEs and platforms, and people should use something they are at ease with.

Thanks for sharing the way you work, it's always nice to exchange about ways to do stuff.
Is it from a green, or just a drawing?
just a doodle
Wish more MLP visual novel games like this too.
Oh, ok.
Well, that's still nice!
Just wondering, would you like sfw games too, or only nsfw ones?
Both, it's possible to tell great stories using both, despite NSFW mostly being for clop purposes. I'd like to see more SoL VNs that don't focus on fucking somepony, but it can be part of it too. Maybe that's why I got pumped the possibly new BFED have SFW and NSFW options.
Yeah, that's my point of view too.
That's why I would love for new adventures to be both sfw and nsfw (for these whom like it).
Maybe writefags would give a hand here?
Like writing a small green and then other do the graphics?
Anon and foals?
It's just sfw right? Right?
That's one of my concerns.
That the sfw part of Laid Zeppelin would be too "game intensive" for a nsfw "let me cum already" game.
So, maybe we should remove some scene in the nsfw mode, so it's faster and easier?
What do you think?
One of these days, Anon is going to lose a finger.
The dangers of working at a booping factory.
It never happened before, but with these little shids...
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I want to display cute pones before going to sleep!
I have 1h left.
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Yeah, not only did I overwork 2h30 on it, but also it's a fail...
I had to add ressources management (backgrounds and music) and it took quite some time.
I couldn't do scene loading too, the data here is hardcoded (in the scene format, but still).

On the other hand...
Now, the main menu works and clicking play "loads" (not really) the first scene.
It's getting close !
And even if there is still a lot of work, displaying the first pone is a nice milestone.

Now, I need some sleep.
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I could leave like that, here, have a mare!
As usual, I pushed it to the repo (I should start using a dev branch btw...).
You can test it but it would be useless anyway, as you d'ont have the images and musics on your computer.
But now at least, I can sleep peacefully!
For 4h... Oh well!
Too-too close Trixie! Back up!
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A small two frame animation of Celestia giving you life changing advice.

>"If you cant make friends, try buying some! Collect bits by beating up random ponys on the street! "
Wise words from a wise monarch.
Reminds me of some old NES game speech animation.

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