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Traditional Kindness Edition

For those seeking any and all things Fluttershy.

>/shy/thread Ponepaste (includes the OP, writefag list, writefag request bin, and all current/completed stories)

>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist (request for new content to be added in the thread)

>/mushy/ Musical mixtape (request for new content to be added in the thread)

Previous thread: >>40986601
First for vitamin A.
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Been a while but here's another doodle.
That's really good anon! You're a good artist.
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Look at her. She knows she's sexy in those socks.
I'd like to be wedged between them
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cute snoot
The cutest!
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I really like these facial expressions.
Thank you! I really enjoy doodling/sketching these at work. It helps with insecurities in traditional art. I'm still working on a sketch commission from a friend. The pose and interaction with an object make it the toughest draw I've worked on so far construction-whise. It keeps turning out bad still. The doodles strengthen the trad art skillz in the meantime.
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My what a big head you have Flutters!
Love those big blue eyes.
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Flutters wants a hug from (You) right now.
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And another draw, now with sexier clothing.
It has been a while since I last did /r/s for this thread. Maybe I'll do one, so drop 'em.
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UNF also unshaven hindlegs extra unf

and /r/ing the current Flutterrape op fluts getting a hug
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>Wapa doing reasonably-sized booba
I can't believe my eyes.
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I want to touch her hoofa
Hugs for the sweet pony! Nice drawing.
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yes please.
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I want to suckle on her hoofa.
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Those shorts are nice with the booba bulge!
cute I just want to feel her tum.
Divine chest fluff!
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Delivery. Every time I draw anon it gets worse, but then again its been like a year and I rarely draw humans and never bothered practicing drawing humans, I just don't care about them.

Her teats are actually magically compressed and not actual size. :^)
In seriousness, you clearly are not looking hard enough at my artist tag on ponerpics (I'd say ponybooru where I exclusively uploaded my stuff, but its down now and ponerpics imported my stuff there) or don't remember the few other flutters with similarly sized teats. I even drew literal board flat mosquito bite teats once.
Also I realized that I didn't link the big teats variant when I made that post: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/2rodsc8k.png

I want to use her floof as a pillow.
great delivery anon every shy deserves a hug!
Nice drawings Wapa. Also like the big Teat version.
>See? Just like this, Anon.
>Oh, you should probably rinse your hands with water first, though.
>And no soap. Amphibians absorb chemicals through their skin, so that could make them really sick...
>You wouldn't want Mr. Ribbit getting sick now, would you Anon?
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This but with Flutters
Wait what the fuck happened to ponybooru?
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This apparently.
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I wanted to draw Fluttershy in a teata bulge outfit, but I didn't dare to do it at work. This is also a little bit sexy with absolute territory action, I think.
I want office lady Flutters to step on me... she's so hot...
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Pantyhosed hooves
I like this mane ribbon, it looks a bit pin-up style.
I want to be her subordinate
I do hope you draw her with teata again soon
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>This is also a little bit sexy with absolute territory action
It's the socks. And that short little skirt.
>"Oh my... that's my naughty little aide, so eager for my body."
>"Get on the desk~"
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she’s so frazzled
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I adore her large wavelike mane cresting over the side of her head. One of her most physically attractive features. Well aside from everything else.
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Apologies for the tiny image. I keep forgetting that's in my folder.
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Rough doodle: meeting hampter
Cute! Love seeing her meet new critter friends
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>"Fluttershy, darling, even a million boops won't save that sofa from bad fashion."
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Nice and cute draw.
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Her body language is telling me she's open to sharing that bed.
I wish she were real fuck
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She's real to me.
She's as real as you let her be.
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Butter made out of Fluttershy's milk...
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Beautiful pointy Flutterteat!
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any fluttershy greens you lads have saved?
Guess I'll shill myself and my ESL garbage.
Forest Princess.
cunnilingus with fluttershy
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Forest Goddess.
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I want to cum inside Fluttershy.
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She's so silly!
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sexy floof
A true work of art!
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Must feel so good on your dick.
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Wonderful art. The flanks and the tail are beautifully done.
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Ayo where the FUCK she get a rumpa like that?
Her butt is the same size as the rest of the mane 6
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Is that true?
No because she alone has the best butt.
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I think of Angela Merkel any time I see this specific picture, kek.
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Flutter wants to know how sperm production works in humans.
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I'd be happy to show her how fast my sperm can be produced.
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Sperm is stored in the spleen.
Pee is stored in the balls.
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I love mare clothes like these. Flutters is so pretty in them. More then she is already of course.
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Why does she only need/have two hoof-boots?
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Artist is lacking in taste
For petting critters and unprotected hoof holding duh
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>ah, e-em... hullo, Ahnon. fæncy sæ'in yew heir...
>is, em... is oi'reland ye fetæsh, by inny chans?
Such beauty in this thread only to be smeared by one image of ugly.
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Fresh delivery!
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that's not very nice of you anon. human flutters and amre flutters are both cute in their own ways.
No just the mare please and thank you. Humans are ugly. No humanized version could ever capture her beauty. Especially this bad art.
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anon you are being so mean right now. even if she is a human, she is still a fluttershy. her vessel may be flawed but the snowpity within is as pure as always
Humans don't have snowpity. Wtf are you even trying to say? If it's a human it's not Fluttershy. inb4 you say for some magical reason she became one. Which is a fantasy you can entertain, but not push on me. There is is only one Fluttershy, the mare. I'm not being mean. Just don't put a pink wig on a broad and call it Fluttershy.
Who’d she eat? Coco or Scootalo?
>Human "Fluttershy" is ok!
>Just like trans "Fluttershy" is ok!
You've tried this before. You aren't fooling anyone.
You can say this is just a generic human with pink hair, but by this same logic what's stopping someone from calling regular Fluttershy a generic pony with pink hair? Fluttershy is not defined by being a pony, but rather her own unique characteristics. This is the true essence of Fluttershy, and if these characteristics are suddenly meaningless to you simply because they appear in human, that is the equivalent of saying you do not love your waifu at all, you are merely a horse fetishist enjoying your favorite flavor.
Her experience as a pegasus means nothing? Her upbringing in Equestria compared to some normal human society is the same? You don't care about her struggles or her past. You got some fucking nerve accusing me of not loving my waifu because I don't love some human who isn't the same. No matter if she has the same personality. The body one grows up in has its part in shaping the pony. I feel like I've been guilt tripped by you before every time humanized is brought up here. And it will never work.
You can't just abstractly pull somone's "personality" away from her life, memories, and body. They are inextricable. It's just the "would you still love me if I was a worm" meme.
Funny how people like you are always quiet when Flutterbat gets posted.
Because it's not the same thing retard.
You're right, it's even worse.
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It's AIsloppa.
>Fluttershy from the show but with a gimmick = """""""""""""""Fluttershy"""""""""""""""" from troon headcanon that never had hooves
You are actually retarded. Lay off the faggot ERPing at the canterslut general.
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BTW, would you love your waifu if she was a fucking bacteria without a brain, thus unable to even remember her past memories?
You have such incredibly shit taste it's stunning. Go back to one of the many no hooves generals on the board that seems more your speed.
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>You have such incredibly shit taste it's stunning
He wouldn't be a dougtard if that wasn't the case.
Also, like THIRTY FUCKING nohooves threads (including [optional pedo spinoff version of a character] threads), trannoid jannoid protection and yet they still seethe about cute mares and their snowpities.
I'm baffled.
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Imagine slipping your hand under those panties.
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I feel like she does that with her face
So if Fluttershy asked you if you if you'd still love her if you were a human you'd say "no"? Fucking "no"? Are you kidding me?
Meds now, retard.
FUCK! Ok- I'll be heading out.
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Thanks for dropping by Sunfren!
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Hot socks.
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Fluttershy is hot.
Fluttershy is sex.
Both true.
How serene
shy in socks always looks cute to me.
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Fluttershy = sex.
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Very cute.

some Fluttershy stuff I drew today
Good stuff anon!
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Shy is cute
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https://u.smutty.horse/mblnoqwseob.mp3 As is tradition
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i was bored so i made this. enjoy.
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Why do people associate her as being a spider so much? I don't get it.
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Rising amounts of boner and depression.
stop posting garbage please
You never know when you’ll need more Fluttermilk in your life
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>You never know when you’ll need more Fluttermilk in your life
>You never know

Wrong, you always need more Fluttermilk, you can never have too much. Imagine all the Flutterbutter you can make with that milk!
fluttermilk is a national treasure

captcha: HOHOXJ
Liquid gold.
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beautiful flutterdance
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I keep having dreams of this 100+ chapter fanfic where (You) become friends with Fluttershy and end up falling in love with her. A lot of it is just you hanging out together while Discord tries to help you win her over. Each chapter had this really nice, detailed, painted cover art with these soft, warm colors.
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I think that could be in less than 100+, would be more straight to the point and with less water and shitty filler.
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*could be done
a lot of it was written as a day-by-day story with a few time skips
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>Discord tries to help you win her over
Discord appearing in an anon's dreams is somehow positive in the vast majority of cases. Gosh I love him. You say (You) keep having these dreams? Are they presented as you reading a story, does the story play out in front of you? Has Fluttershy begun to reciprocate your feelings? I'm interested in hearing more about what your dream Discord is like, so perhaps you could tell me more about it in /dad/ where it can't bother any Flutterfrens.

Of course, only tell me more about it if you are confident that verbalizing your experiences doesn't make that wonderful series of dreams slip away. They sound like a real blessing.

(Please don't accuse me of shitposting or ragebaiting, I genuinely don't do that. I just lurk for cute art once in a while. One of your drawfags is a friend of mine, too.)
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Not him, but I've been thinking of utilizing Discord as a wingman. Also, some people claimed
>durr waifucels are so insecure they keep out canon male characters out of their stories!!!
so it would address that issue. But I'm still a novice at writefagging.
>mutant butterflies on a CM that looks like it's been pasted on
>novice at writefagging
I encourage you to try writing the stories you want to tell, and then ask others for feedback. You just know not doing that creative idea at the back of your mind will haunt you forever, kek. Also, you can always visit /dad/ when it's up in the middle of the month and you want second opinions/ideas on how to write that bugger. Or you poke your bro Whiskey Panda to ask a certain Discordfag. I love seeing people who truly care create content, even when it's not my own cup of tea.
I think the concept of wingman Discord is a great idea. Helping his friend get hooked up with a good man is a much nicer take on things then the usual ragebait of him being a competitor. I'd even tolerate Disocrd posting if it was more regularly like this.
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Got a Fluttershy plushie. The designers knew what they were doing because she cutely looks upward. The adorableness is overwhelming.
That is a nice little plushie. Congrats on getting her.
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>*stretches out fangs seductively*
They don't make em like they used to, what a cute
I think people overplay the shy aspect of her personality when portraying her. She's very sexy when she's assertive or when her confidence comes out.
I still maintain that in the bedroom, with a lover that she is familiar and comfortable with, she would be fairly aggressive but not in a mean way; just more open, more confident, and much less shy. Knowing that her lover would never betray or humiliate her would make her more comfortable to be herself. Also, in that kind of setting, all the frustration from being a doormat all the time could come out in a constructive way as cute, sexy, confidence and assertiveness.
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The assertiveness is all the more sexy from her cause it has more meaning. Given how she is usually. At least on the outside.
Fang? Is she partway Flutterbat?
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Requesting these shy whomps to be added to /mushy/
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she’s enlightened
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For /mushy/
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I want to have a lot of children with my sexy shy wife!
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nice this BFED stuff is kino
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imagine after the whole bat incident some batpony features pop up on her routinely.
That's hot.
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shes hungry
My wife Fluttershy is so perfect.
love the style of this art! also d'cord looks like he's about to fuck angel up.
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Yeah I'd fuck Flutter and give her tons of orgasms with my cock, got a problem with that?
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>"Secret Agent Mare" music intensifies.
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Love me some Fluttergoth.
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muh dick
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Some flutters I drew in a /mlp/con post-con draw panel.

>I drew these 5 years ago

Based fluttermilkers and flutters wanting to get that next orgasmic lactation high. Great for feeding her animals! And (You), your foals and for others who need it... Surely her lactating just a little more than before isn't a bad thing...
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Do you think batponies would find common ground with Flutterbat, and vice versa?
That's a great question. In my opinion, bat ponies might generally be more wary of outsiders. On the flip side, Flutterbat shares unique abilities with bat ponies, which could make it easier for her to fit into their community or even become a goodwill ambassador for them.
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That would have been an interesting episode for them to make. A return of Flutterbat and on screen canonization of the batpony race. Fluttershy would have to get more control over her Flutterbat self in order to play ambassador though. Which is another interesting idea.
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Cute draws!

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