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Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: A corpse! An exquisite one!

ITT: Drinking away your will to write, Surprise audio readings, Watertrucks and hot air balloons, 10k words of bloated inelegance, Writing vs. Reading speeds, Adventuring through "Also Liked", Esotericists and their schizophrenic visions, Enojoying a heckin' good read, Petty downvote reasons, Trading your anonymity for autism, Alicorn lore, Ironing out collab ideas, Improving your story by giving it a touch of zestiness, Fetishistic cover art, Getting sacrificed atop the altar of comedy, How far you're willing to let dark AUs go, Writing all through the night, Just try not being extremely gay, How about those horsewords?, Autistic hyperfixations overtaking a story, Drafting up your suicide note, Breakfast, Epilogues and prologues, Isn't reading just grand?, and delusions of superiority!

>/fimfic/ Secret Book Club
The sixty-eighth book is 'The White Mare':
If (You) want to participate, read the entire story by the 9th.
On Sunday we'll discuss what we've read.

>Recommended stories:
Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key? Fed up with 10k inner monologue chapters? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!

New Starter Kit - http://mlpficreviews.org.uk/starter/
Old Starter Kit - http://i.imgur.com/vuTA7EN.png

>Common fic abbreviations used by the thread:

>A list of reviews made by the Anons in this thread:
Use the commands ">review <story link>" and ">discuss <story link>" to add reviews to a story.
Userscript for extra features: https://ponepaste.org/8619

>An in-depth writing guide for beginners:

>Can you pre-read my story?
Post it on Google Docs or HackMD with comments enabled and give us a link.

>Additional material for authors:
Rhorse's Horse Behavioral Notes - https://ponepaste.org/932
Politics and the English Language - https://www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/
Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop - https://poneb.in/g4VpEg4f
Setting a story in motion - https://youtu.be/ufO8LbwTdu0
Taking criticism - https://youtu.be/-v4R2ZcxPlA

>Various reviews and riffs:
Fillyanon's Bookshelf - https://ponepaste.org/5555
Notkickass222urmom's Reviews - https://pastebin.com/u/notkickass222urmom
IHeartShinzakura's Reviews - https://ponepaste.org/user/IHeartShinzakura
Appleanon reads fics - https://poneb.in/wmGX7FPm
Deluxe Big Master Review List - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z9Bz7UnEbxo-svlXa2tV49PJkP-yFuR7pRXiBUn-IeU
A Guide to Rational Fics - https://files.catbox.moe/3jzrfm.png
The Royal Canterlot Library's Top 16 Fanfics - https://royalcanterlotlibrary.net/top16/

Previous Thread: >>41110358
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First for best duo!
Actual first for EXISTENTIAL DREAD.
>The butter yellow pegasus
>the rainbow-maned pegasus
If that's what you're quoting, you've not even glimpsed the true kino of that fic.
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>bloated the opening of my fic with nearly a full page of scenery and description
Anyone else writing for the wrong century? I think the Victorians would appreciate me spending an entire paragraph on a tree.
My gut is telling me it isn't worth it and is indeed bloated as hell, but maybe it's just pure kino and you're a literary genius.
Post it.
Victorian English is the PEAK of the language. Admittedly, if you don't know what you're doing it's very easy to get it wrong and make the descriptions pointless filler.
But 'Victorian' doesn't mean 'purple prose', it means that the author had the freedom to use the words as they wanted instead of needing to constantly rush to dialogue. Last week I gave up on my ASoIaF reread and read Alice in Wonderland (+sequel) instead, and even though it's a children's book, it reads so much better it's unreal. It's very imaginative, witty, and its logic-based/wordplay humor is actually funny. And it's neat to understand the references. It became my favorite non-pony story I read in 2024.
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According to all known laws of thaumaturgy, the unicorn should not be able to use magic.
This fic is pretty interesting. Basically, it's a 7k word crackfic with 17k more words of "alternate endings" stapled onto it. That makes it read like a CYOA / classic RPG / a VN where (You)'re reloading after every bad end to get to the real ending. Only... the endings are not even in order, and there's no rhyme or reason to how they're presented. Most are complete shitposts or 1:1 shallow copies from other media, but a few seem to have at least a bit of thought put into them. As for what it all adds up to, I can't really say. I didn't hate the fic, but I can't say I liked it too much, either. A couple jokes are decent (I smiled at the VHS rewinding/forwarding), but overall it does the [Comedy] tag justice by not being very funny. It certainly is [Random], though. It also puts Lesson Zero Twi on the cover only to introduce her as a princess in the first chapter, which I'd be remiss not to mention.
It helps that it's not written horribly, like [Random] tends to be. Well, it is okay on a technical level, but it's pretty bad as far as delivering on the actual function of writing is concerned. For example, when the demon thingy gets introduced, there's nothing to describe how he looks. Is he a biped? Quadruped? When Twi has her "Seeing" moment with the cosmos and the future god-Twi, the writing tries to go for something fancy and falls horribly flat. It even has the hallmark of an amateur fanfic work—an alt. set of M6 OCs. The Prench pony randomly tossing in French expressions used in English hurt just a little.
I won't say too much about characters being OOC, because it's pretty clear that they do only what the plot expects them to do, and the genre warps characterizations to allow for that. That bending includes the fic's premise, by the way, since Twi's entire argument is woefully unscientific. Then again, going from Canterlot to Ponyville on hoof takes a few minutes here, so I doubt accuracy was the writer's priority. But he definitely had a lot of fun with it, and the fic is kind of genuine in its shitposty nature, so I can't bring myself to dislike it. I don't have any strong feelings about it.
Next week we're reading:
You should decide what we'll read after, too:
I read this story at night, and had a delightful time.
Honestly, I snickered, I gasped, I laughed. I enjoyed myself through the great three chapters of this story. I had such a delightful time that I didn't even bother reading the alternate endings at the time.
"It's Impossible" is a great little fic that I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone who wants to kill twenty minutes, and have a good time.
A'ight, about those alternate endings. They're all essentially different stories altogether. Some build upon what the main story does, while others just go on completely different tangents. I don't think these are as good as the core story. They're fine if you want more, but those three chapters alone have been one of my best reading experiences in recent memory.
For a change of pace, The Fishbowl?, I think we should try something bigger.
>I didn't hate the fic, but I can't say I liked it too much, either.
That's kind of where I'm at as well. Granted, I'm also not in a mental state capable of having complex thoughts right now, but overall my general impression of the story was that it's just okay, and fine for what it is. I do wish I could make a longer post, but I'm afraid I'm still too mentally checked out for that. At least it happened on a rather silly fic like this one and not on something else.
>Lesson Zero
That's It's About Time, actually. DYEWTS?
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>I had such a delightful time that I didn't even bother reading the alternate endings at the time.
See, that's my main issue with it. I'm a known hater of the Comedy+Random tag combo so I could concede that the first part was pretty funny if you like that kind of humor, but even looking at it objectively, you're ignoring >70% of the story here. The first story was the best one (maybe except the alt ending with the demon of knowledge and Rarity Lady of the Veil, assuming that's original), but I don't think it's fair to just pretend the next 17k don't exist. And these endings are mostly bad; they're context-less snippets at best, and at worst a re-framing of a scene from some other movie/show with ponies acting OOC. The Celestia interrogation ripped off from that one Avatar meme is terrible. They're prose shitposts.

>fine for what it is
Yeah, my post might've sounded a bit harsh. Like, I wouldn't ever downvote this.
>That's It's About Time
...fuck. Mental typo or something. Time to commit sudoku.
I got bored pretty quickly.
Sounds like you need a diet of heroin, coal, asbestos, and chimney sweeping to fully appreciate it.
And I thought I was pretentious.
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Is there a single good "human shows up with knowledge of the show, proceeds to fuck with the timeline" story?
>Is there a single good "human [...]" story?
What do Diamond Dogs do with the gems they collect?
Spoilers ahead, but while I can't think of any that'd fully meet your criteria, there are a few fics that fit the first two requirements (good and "human with FiM knowledge").
What a Strange Little Colt has a protag who has watched the show. This information is relevant to the decisions he makes in the fic, but the reader isn't told about it until the finale. Though it's almost the opposite scenario, where he feels guilty about potentially influencing the timeline by simply existing.
For something totally different but also good, you could spend three minutes reading Mason. I liked its atmosphere and approach to HiE.
I was going to mention that, but the fact that he doesn't fuck with the timeline is a key ingredient among the several that are required to make that story even worth reading at all.
So, the answer is still Pirene.
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But also not Pirene because that also doesn't have timeline fuckery.
I promise that this will be far from what you expect.
Possibly relevant for once, kek.
That's the best recommandation that was given.
For the worst request this thread has had.
You may not like it, but this is what peak fimfiction looks like.

It would be far more reasonable be to open with something like "It's Fluttershy's world, and we're all just living in it", but that's boring. Seriously, this fic is so amazingly good in a lot of aspects where it really, really matters. It also stumbles just a tiny teensy bit in some other spots, but to be quite desu with you, it could get away with a lot more than it does, and I'd still adore it. It only asks you to tolerate its LUS and provides something great if you do.

Alright, alright, let's do this properly. Before I say anything else, it's clear that the author's unabashed love for FiM permeates every inch of this story. The nerve on this guy! Luckily, he happened to post his fic in a place where people like this one little show a lot, too. You can almost feel how glad he must have been to include all these little references to the show in spots where they don't feel out of place, like the two lines of So Many Wonders snuck into Twi&FS's dialogue or the dozens of offhand S1&S2 references in the fic. I believe that this is what they call TRVE SOVL.
But I'm burying the lede yet again; the fic's AU and its characters are a far better and more significant example of this. Dear Celestia, I'd take this fic's approach to AU and "pony" over twenty TWOLOTs (and I liked that fic). Every single character—no exceptions—is written super well here. They are exactly who they should be in this AU, which itself respects the show so much more than 99% of the AUs we read. I see why AU stands for gold. It's easily one of the most FiM stories I've read. If you were to tone down the violence in the finale, this could be a show episode, and a very good one at that. A rare few fics could claim the same. The little touches like AJ's connection to her parents (because someprincess didn't send her family to colonize the place next to a deadly forest) or Twi's more obsessive personality (with no Celestia to guide her and everypony believing her to be a schizo) demonstrate a level of care for the M6 that I don't think I've seen in any AU. Unlike literally all of them, this story has the author writing the AU *for* the characters instead of writing some cool worldbuilding/idea and retrofitting the main mares into it or just writing them plainly OOC like Numbers did. Oh, and this fic might have the best portrayal of Ponk among all the fics on the site. And I do mean it; she's the perfect early-season Pinkie. Just... wow. I could nitpick Twi's arguments going a bit hard, but that's totally appropriate for this Twi. 12/10 characterizations because they're 20% cooler, get it? I am not sorry for this.
For the sake of completeness, I should mention what the fic did less than ideal. One, the writing. Kinda. The beginning of the fic has that distinct "I am not the best writer, but, as Celestia is my witness, I *will* write it the best I can" feeling that some of the imperfect stories have. Though it's not even bad-bad (at all!) and it's really sweet to see him git gud as he was writing it; the second half is just good. Well, minus his insistence on using an absurd amount of LUS, but even that can be partially excused as something giving it a more 2012 feel. Because the fic does read exactly how, I think, we would all like a "2012 fic" to read. This is the best "2012 fic" I've seen, and I will not let silly things such as "publication date" convince me otherwise! And because I tend to exaggerate my opinion sometimes, I'll add that this is now possibly one of my favorite fics on the site. Were I to write it a review, I would try to convince myself to give it the elusive 10/10 grade.
There were two smaller things that I nonetheless disliked more: the stupid tree and the Princess's non-princessiness. I shouldn't really hold it against the fic, but the dumb rock tree felt out of place. This is such an E01&E02 story, and including one of the worst parts of the middle seasons was in poor taste. Similarly, while I understand that this Celestia spent the last millennium as a vagrant rather than a ruler, the way the fic has them (and the narration) decisively reject their rightful status had too much... finality, I guess? It feels like it goes out of its way to say "and they won't ever rule Equestria", when it really didn't need to do that.

One thing that I'm sure someone is about to point out is that the EoH sequence was super rushed and not really a natural story progression from the first half. And you know what? It's true! I can think of some other media that had the exact same structure/problem in its opening two episodes. Yep, I can't even be upset because of how it mirrors Friendship is Magic parts 1 and 2. Going back to the opening line I wrote here, I think I stand by it. This is realistically not too far from perfection.

So yeah, next week we're reading the first half of:
Chapters 1-16 this week and 17-30 the week after.
The White Mare was like a one-night stand that started with a blaze of glory. Oozing charm and soul, it seduced me with its magic. Then each new chapter was another cold, harsh morning after.

The seeds of ruin were there from the start, if I'm honest, but I was hooked by that prologue and those first two chapters.
Fluttershy's grand epiphany and her fateful encounter with Celestia? SOVL.
Twilight reenacting her Winter Wrap Up shenanigans with the critters? Charming (I'm a simple creature.)
And picturing Rarity being dragged across Equestria by her horn for days on end? KINO.

But then, with the regularity and lifelessness of an assembly line, the other elements started marching in. Formulaic.
Applejack? Couldn't have cared less (Make the joke). Her stint as a door-to-door peddler held some mild interest, I guess. Call me autistic for nitpicking, but shrinking her with poison joke like the show did was not just unoriginal, but nonsensical. In the show it played as an ironic twist on her relationship with her "little" sister. Here it just... happens.
A minor detail, sure, but a missed opportunity nonetheless. More could've been done to actually enhance the chapter.

Rainbow Dash gets roped into some Sky Ranger bullshit I just couldn't buy or bring myself to care about. Her refusing to tell Fluttershy about Celestia (despite Fluttershy confiding in Dash as a filly) because she "wasn't allowed to unless Fluttershy opened up to her first" also felt like a cop-out.
Pinkie Pie was just a bit too much... well, fanfic Pinkie for my tastes.
I'll give credit where it's due though: "Great! I love getting letters!" is dumb but got a genuine chuckle out of me. So there's that.

But the real gutpunch, the final knife-twist, was the prose itself:
The butter yellow pegasus. The pale yellow pegasus. The rainbow maned patrol pony. The chromatic patrol pony. The soft yellow mare's aquamarine eyes. On and fucking ON.
I found myself drowning in a sea of shitty, overused epithets. Spotting an actual name or pronoun was like coming up for air.
I'm no "Lavender Unicorn Syndrome" obsessive, but holy hell is it egregious here.
It's an easy target because it's just that bad. But more than that, it's symptomatic of the fic's prose as a whole - bland, overly verbose, and chock full of lifeless descriptions that linger pointlessly without evoking anything to justify their length. (Overly harsh, I know. It has bright spots. I'm just disappointed. It deserved better.)

I didn't much care for the ending either. Skipping the forest trek was smart - coulda bloated the fic. But it weakened the Element of Harmony reveal (even if the show played it a bit on-the-nose).

And Celestia, built up as this mystical, divine figure, even more than in canon, only to end up catfighting with Nightmare Moon? Silly, but the good kind of silly.

Easy read, would still suggest. It has SOVL even if tarnished, and that early fandom vibe.
Well I'm phoneposting so I'm definitely dont want to type a bunch out bunch the white mare was fantastic. I loved everything about it except for Applejack's stupid accent which lowered enjoyment every chance it got which thankfully wasn't many (and apparently it was already dialed back). Why would she even have this heavy of an accent when she has always been on the road? She should have less of an accent if she never stays in the same place. And then there was perhaps a bit too much 'tail hiking' being used as some sort of all encompassing gesture. Othere than that though, the fic was amazing. Very showlike AU that manages to have about 70% of the fic take place at Fluttershy's house and still be a fun read.
>Buttershy - Flutterbye
>secret royal guard
>strategic ostrich reserve
And I liked the elements being butterflies
>>41144099 me being a phoneposting nigger because I'm in portland

>rd and fs
Yeah that part was retarded. Fluttershy already told her about tia before rd was a royal guard and she fucking laughed at her. Saying she couldn't tell fluttershy until fluttershy tried to confide in her again is retarded.
And I was also with you a bit in that after the first 2 ponies I feared what was gonna happen next. Shy, Twi and Rarity was a smart intro move. The rest don't mesh nearly as well (but at least RD has a reason to show up) AJ really doesn't. And ponk saying 'sugarcube' just highlights how shitty AJ's speech is
I might be a little defensive over this fic. I swear that's not because I think my opinion is the only correct one, but I really, really loved it and have to do something. It is, admittedly, very much "my" kind of fic.
>A minor detail, sure, but a missed opportunity nonetheless.
Oh you cannot just nitpick those little details without mentioning literally all the other good bits that did make it in. I was sold a lot earlier, but the moment Apple parents were mentioned was when the fic really confirmed (to me) that it absolutely knows what it's doing. It feels like every other page another great idea was woven into this masterpiece of a fic. Maybe a masterpiece with some flaws, but still one shining its light into the darkness of the site. AJ is not the fic's highlight, but she's not bad. In a lesser fic, her story would be something to point out as good. She's just suffering from how great the rest is.
>Rainbow Dash gets roped into some Sky Ranger bullshit I just couldn't buy or bring myself to care about.
Oh come on, Sky Ranger Rainbow Dash was a super cool idea. It was done better than 90% of the "cool" AUs with some edgy Equestrian Secret Service. And the reveal with her badge and the spiel about Royal Guard keeping watch for a thousand years was top tier.
>Pinkie Pie was just a bit too much... well, fanfic Pinkie for my tastes.
Genuinely what the hell, this is the perfect Pinkie. She's been consistently super fun, and all without going screechy and over-the-top like most of her appearances in fics and a lot of her character in later seasons of the show. I will not say that she carried the fic because the fic was soaring so high that it did not need help carrying itself, but just her scenes alone (and there are dozens of very fun non-Pinkie scenes) blow most Comedy-tagged fics out of the water.
>bland, overly verbose, and chock full of lifeless descriptions that linger pointlessly without evoking anything to justify their length
Boo, bad take. You cannot praise a fic for SOVL only to later berate is for LUS; these two go hoof in hood regardless of what we'd like. Aside from LUS, I think it ranges from fine to good, tending towards the latter in the second half.
Also, I find it curious that you scarcely mentioned the M6 depictions and their interactions when that's -- in my opinion, of course -- the fic's second biggest strength after its fantastic show-faithful AU.

>definitely dont want to type a bunch out bunch the white mare was fantastic
You can always type it out when you get back, this fic deserves all the praise. I had to fucking double-post, even though I usually tend to stop myself.
>and apparently it was already dialed back
I almost want to look up an old version of it (if one exists) to see how truly bad it was.
>I liked the elements being butterflies
Yeah, that was really nice, too. Then again, so was most of the fic.
>being in portland
That must be fun, seen any drug zombies?
Phoneposting at a party and I still haven't finished the fic, but so far it's really just okay. It does this really annoying thing where it splits a character's dialogue between subsequent paragraphs, which is really distracting, especially combined with the extreme LUS on display. I'll reserve further judgement on the story until I'm done, but I'm really not impressed so far. I'm surprised you seem to have liked it so much, it's nothing special to me.
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>It does this really annoying thing where it splits a character's dialogue between subsequent paragraphs
Do you mean stuff like picrel (also LUS on display)? Because I'm usually the first to ree about weird/annoying formatting and here I hardly noticed it.
That, yeah, but that particular example isn't too bad. There are far worse ones and they're constant. You get used to it, but I found it annoying.
>phone captcha only has 4 characters
Yeah a lot, and a random main street was covered in prostitutes at about 6:30pm on a Saturday. Also a bunch of Palestinians showed up at the parade i came for and chimped out which was amusing

>phoneposting at a party
>I might be a little defensive over this fic. I swear that's not because I think my opinion is the only correct one, but I really, really loved it and have to do something. It is, admittedly, very much "my" kind of fic.
No problem. I still liked it, and I do think my tone was a bit overcritical.
>AJ is not the fic's highlight, but she's not bad. In a lesser fic, her story would be something to point out as good. She's just suffering from how great the rest is.
I honestly don't see it. Maybe I'm too harsh because Twilight and Rarity's entrances were miles better, but I find her bland at best and annoying at worst (I'm with >>41144120 on the accent). I pointed out the poison joke details because I believe a good 'joke' here could have elevated her chapter, and it really needed something.
>Oh come on, Sky Ranger Rainbow Dash was a super cool idea.
Maybe the whole "I knew but I couldn't tell you before you told me, even if you told me before" tinted the whole thing for me, but no, the story didn't do enough to make me believe in the idea of this secret group or to find the idea cool.
>Genuinely what the hell, this is the perfect Pinkie
I found that the cake part was going a bit too long, same for the "secret defense" part. You can 100% blame this on me being a no-fun faggot. Like I said, I did like the more direct and light jokes like the "letters" one.
>Aside from LUS, I think it ranges from fine to good, tending towards the latter in the second half.
>Aside from LUS
I can't put the LUS aside because it's really, really that bad in the fic. I can find it charming in early fics when it's used awkwardly at times, but here it's just too much.
It's also not helped by the fact the same LUS will be repeated heavily in the same chapter or even in the next paragraphs. I have Butter yellow pegasus and Ice blue pegasus in mind for that.
And the narration is very, very bland. That's why I believe I'm that harsh with the fic. Because you have soulful ideas and dialogues, but it's tainted by soulless narration.
I opened a chapter at random and took a random paragraph.
>Dash let out a grunt of surprise as she collided with Applejack, who was suddenly standing in her way with her green eyes flaring. The blonde earth pony puffed out her chest and hiked her tail as she faced down the angry patrol pegasus.
The LUS isn't helping. But the whole fic is like that.
Also the LUS gets downright wrong at times. Soarin' is not sky blue.
>I believe a good 'joke' here could have elevated her chapter, and it really needed something.
Out of all the chapters, this was probably the one that could've used something more. As for me, this fic's worldbuilding helped shore up the weaker parts because I really liked how it was done here. AJ gets the weakest chapter, true, but there's still enough there about her family (both stated and implied) and how they changed in this world to be interesting, even if AJ herself is less than impressive. And yes, the accent was a bit much even after the "fix".
>I can't put the LUS aside because it's really, really that bad in the fic.
That's also completely understandable. The amount of LUS here (both big LUSes and minor LUSettes) is frankly absurd. Looking at the author's bio, I think it's a choice, but certainly not a recommendable one. Personally, I could get over it after rolling my eyes a few times in chapter one, but I wouldn't blame anyone for not liking the fic too much because of this. Even early DB was nowhere near this bad about LUS, and that was my previous pick for an example of why it's bad to do this.
>Because you have soulful ideas and dialogues, but it's tainted by soulless narration.
Sure, but the ideas and (most of the) dialogues are really good! But yeah. It's not very fair of me, to be sure, and I would obviously prefer it if it had better writing, but one thing that I've noticed about my reading habits is that if the story manages to sell itself to me, I'm subconsciously willing to overlook a lot more than I normally would. Case in point, this fic's writing or the extreme non-ponyness of that tragedy fic that was in the other club last week.
Need any and all fics where Big Macintosh is illiterate.
I like this clopfic, even though it suffers from LUS.
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What color is Twilight, again? I forgot.

I have had a pretty good time reading this fic, although I didn't have time to finish it. I'm just about through the M6 introductions where Zecora arrives. As such, all of my thoughts on the fic revolve around that first half and change of the fic.

Like you, I really want to compare it to TWOLOT, but I don't find this story such a comprehensive winner over that fic, and I was trying to figure out why. More specifically, The White Mare doesn't have the same sort of excitement and anticipation of seeing how the AU is different from canon for me. The M6 are significantly different, and the differences they have are interesting. It was really funny to read AJ in a northern accent instead of a southern one. At first, I wanted to say that it was the pacing: the story has a rush in which they all come to Fluttershy, which only left me to dread when Pinkie was going to interrupt a perfectly good scene. However, we just read Moon and Stars, and that fic absolutely captured the fascination over how the AU was different that this fic didn't for me, and it breezed through the M6 introductions as well.

So, in the end, I think that what TWOLOT has on this fic is higher highs and lower lows, because in that fic there is a lot of buildup for each introduction and most importantly we get to see each of the M6 in their element as they're being introduced. Because, in fact, this fic did have the anticipation I wanted of meeting AU butterpegasus, just not the others.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to finishing it soon.
I've read a bit more. I think what's rubbing me wrong is how this fic handles emotions. It's really poor. Everything feels exaggerated without justification.
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>Oh come on, Sky Ranger Rainbow Dash was a super cool idea. It was done better than 90% of the "cool" AUs with some edgy Equestrian Secret Service. And the reveal with her badge and the spiel about Royal Guard keeping watch for a thousand years was top tier.
Yeah, this was good stuff.

>And the narration is very, very bland
It isn't. I spotted more than a few cheeky turns of phrase while I was reading, and I'll be on the lookout for more. The author was also clearly having a lot of fun with the ways the characters speak, even if that's dialogue and not narration. And I agree with Rariflag that LUS is inherently orthogonal to plain narration.
I thought that when I checked out a fic Reddit, I'd get all-time best fics lists. Instead, I get writing prompts.
>Harry Potter fics on reddit
In what way is this relevant?
>The White Mare doesn't have the same sort of excitement and anticipation of seeing how the AU is different from canon for me.
I think part of this is that this fic is less AU'y than TWOLOT. It's still a different world, but it's built according to the same rules, so to speak, whereas TWOLOT is mostly completely its own Victorian/steampunk AU setting. I guess the difference is that I actually like this approach better, and not just because it let the author keep the actual characters in and not replace them with OCs when convenient.
And I think you're right in comparing this to Moon and Stars. The structure of the story and the core "M6 in an AU" idea made me think of TWOLOT, but the kind of worldbuilding is more like Moon and Stars. It's often also better, imo, and it cannot be stressed enough that writing a full cast of very different AU M6 while ensuring that none of them are OOC is a pretty huge achievement.
>it breezed through the M6 introductions as well.
That's a bit like comparing apples to oranges, though. Moon and Stars wasn't about M6; they're basically background actors in the Luna+Twilight story, and that gets away with skipping past it by leaving them in their show personalities. It'd be better to compare how this fic handles M6 to M&S's Twilight and Luna, and they both get a bunch of words dedicated to them.

The emotions (particularly in arguments) being exaggerated is a fair criticism, and one of the non-LUS problems with the writing. Most of the time you can blame it on the slightly-more schizo Twi, but not always.
I do think it's kinda funny we're the only fanfiction thread in 4chan. Even /vp/'s writefag thread isn't as constant.
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Fics for pic related?
We're more of a square.
Source or GTFO Jenny
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>book club+10 hours
>pnly 3 participants, barely any discussion
Book club DED, /fimfic/ as a whole next?!
>pnly 3 participants
5 actually, please read more carefully. Example posts:
>>41144056 - Raraflag
>>41144078 - new flagless anon
>>41144099 - Twiflag
>>41144160 - a different anon, possibly bon bon
>>41144267 - tuna
There wasn't too much discussion mainly because two of the more active regulars were forced to phonepost and couldn't stay for long.
There wasn't a lot of disagreement this week. So, in the interest of sparking discussion, I present my review:

I gotta say, some of you guys are being way too harsh on that fic.
I know we've got a reputation for being critical, but I think this one deserves some credit.
The author really took the time to develop the mane six's personalities beyond their usual tropes. Like, Pinkie Pie has some legit depth for once instead of just being "lol so random" all the time. And Twilight's struggles with self-doubt feel really believable.
Plus, the plot itself has some real adventure to it! Actual stakes, some tense action scenes... it's not just silly slice-of-life stuff or shipping like so many fics. The quest structure gives it a sense of forward momentum.
Are there some cheesy or cringey parts? Sure, a couple. But every fic has those. On the whole this is some of the most engaging MLP writing I've seen from the fandom in a long time. It really captures the spirit of the show.
So maybe lay off the hate-train for once and give credit where it's due. This fic deserves better than the dumping you guys are giving it. Just my two bits.
Wow, you really drank the Kool-Aid, huh? This fic is garbage and you know it. You're just trying to defend it because you're a fanboy/girl of the author or something.
The mane six's personalities are not developed, they're butchered. Pinkie Pie is depressed, not deep, and Twilight is whiny, not self-doubting. The rest are just cardboard cutouts of their canon selves.
The plot is a mess. There's no logic or consistency to anything that happens. The stakes are nonexistent because nothing matters in this fic. The quest is just an excuse to drag the characters from one contrived situation to another. The action scenes are boring and repetitive, and the romance is cringey and unrealistic. Silly slice-of-life or shipping would be better than this garbage.
The writing is atrocious. Awful grammar and spelling, stilted and unnatural dialog, and descriptions that are somehow bland and purple at the same time.
This fic does not capture the spirit of the show at all. It's a mockery of everything that makes MLP great and an insult to the fandom and the creators. Get off your high horse and admit that this fic sucks. It deserves nothing but the hate it gets.
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>best book club book ever
>2 people in the last 'discussion'
Sometimes it be like that
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Oh yeah, I forgot to note in my first post that it's funny how much more focused on honor and truthfulness Applejack is in this fic than the show. Also, having finished the fic, I'm struggling to figure out what it is that she actually did. So yeah, it's an achievement that the fic managed to give them all histories that are strongly distinguished from canon, along with the accompanying mannerisms, while maintaining their recognizable characterization.

I will say that it's not better worldbuilding, though. There's really almost no worldbuilding besides "it's season 4 of the show, but without Canterlot, and no, you can't see" S1-Lunaflag was all fired up about Moon and Stars because Equestria was no different with Luna in charge than Celestia; here we got a supposedly transformed Equestria, but there was only FS's cottage and the Castle of the Two Sisters. In the other fic, Hollow Shades and the siren were worldbuilt, along with the night guard chapter, and we got to see so much of Canterlot and got up close and personal with all the myriad quirks of Luna's ruling style. The White Mare has a pair of companies alluded to and an alternate Wonderbolts by comparison. Some of that is a limitation of word count, but for an AU, this fic is weaker than other club AUs on the worldbuilding score.

>any mare gets slightly excited
>pop! up goes her tail
It is a funny effect of just copying the emotes from the show directly without consideration.
>binge Frieren anime in three days
>now have to wait two years for them to announce another season
I need mage training fics to inject directly into my veins.
You could always read the manga.
Or post in the right threads.
If we restricted ourselves from posting in the wrong threads, /fimfic/ would vanish overnight.
>If we don't post off-topic content, the threads will not survive
Tell me about how we must embrace multi-fandom fanfiction next, you gryphon.
Read the manga, dummy.
Manga > Anime
Subs > Dubs
Finally finished the fic. It was okay. The LUS was really bad and I don't understand why the author was so obsessed with putting everypony in clothes. The slapfight between the sisters was rather meh, but I do like the Elements purifying them both. Plenty of small mistakes hinting at a lack of proofreading. Rarity doesn't really get to show off her Element at all. Some good stuff in there though, enough to not make me hate the whole thing.
>and I don't understand why the author was so obsessed with putting everypony in clothes
weird criticism and I completely agree AJ's attire seemed weird and then like the entire epilogue had a bunch of clothing descriptions. And I think I recall something weird about specifically twilight's clothes at some point also
Good RariJack fic?
I remember liking these:
Today I learned that I can't think about hydras without my mind going to the ___ scene.
> ?
>without my mind going to the gay scene.
I had it with this fucking thread, I swear
This, but unironically
I am new here but I want to join the next book club :)
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Yes please do. It's fun! Even when the story sucks! Or maybe especially when the story sucks.
What'll be your flag and gimmick?
I don't know what that means!
You already fit in.
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Brewing up anything for this year's 1k contest?
I'd rather finish some of my other writing projects, but I'll try squeezing something in.
I have other things to write, but it's only 1k and the deadline is a month away, so I'll probably try to submit something.
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Next week will be the upload of the final chapter for my story. It's been a long time coming.
Congrats, Anon.
I hope you get comments and upvotes.
Boo, be a miserable failure to launch like me.
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ventfics: what's the consensus?
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*blocks your path* I'm actually happy for you, anon.

I didn't want to cockblock this poor Anon, but I said I would shill my story once again when completed, and that day is today.
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/549501/by-the-will-of-the-council is now finished, and can be read in full. If that one(?) anon who wanted to read it, but fears of being burned by [Incomplete] stories, can happily advance now.
With that said, I guess this is also my only chance to shamelessly step forward, and nominate this shebang for a book club reading. I don't expect anything, but I don't think I lie if I say every author would like the amount of eyeballs that meet his story to be maximized. And since I didn't exactly get a massive amount of feedback on this during its puplish period, I'd be delighted if I got some this way.
Cheers, and thanks again for helping this become a reality, even if you weren't exactly aware of it.
Seconding the nomination.
For the lulz.
I prefer nonconsensual ventfics.
Congrats to both of you. It's always great to see new, complete fics in 2k12+11.
I was going to suggest rigging it for both of your fics to get into the bookclub, but it's looking like that won't even be necessary.
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It's hard; the years have started to go by too quickly lately.
>For the lulz.
Don't paint the devil on the wall, anon
The devil has been with us all along, Anon.
Well I knew from the start that my latest idea would wear out its welcome pretty quickly if it were very long, so maybe I will shave it down to 1000 words. Why not.
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You know how at the bottom of each page, Fimfic reports the number of users online? For the past two weeks or so, I've been recording that number every five minutes. (Minus some times where things went wrong and I have missing data.) This is one of the results. The horizontal axis is the date and time (all times are UTC). The vertical axis measures users. The blue curve is the actual number of users online, while the red curve is the result of applying to the blue curve a low-pass filter with a time constant of ten minutes.
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Here is what you get when you combine all the daily information. Each blue dot is a measurement. The horizontal axis is the time after midnight UTC of the measurement, and the vertical axis is the number of users online. The red curve is a smoothed estimate. I used a circular Nadaraya–Watson estimator. (The Nadaraya–Watson estimator is like a kernel density estimate, if you know what that is, but for a regression problem instead of a density estimation problem. What makes it circular is that the kernel wrapped around when it crossed midnight.) The kernel was a von Mises distribution with precision equal to the inverse square of a half hour.
There doesn't seem to be any noticeable change during the weekends.
All me
They're shit. Fixfic-tier but possibly worse since it's usually relating to IRL bullshit.

>tfw it's now virtually impossible to get a 1k upvote fic
What sort of things do they "correct" in a fixfic? Any particularly egregious examples I should point and laugh at?
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>tfw it's now virtually impossible to get a 1k upvote fic
It's so over, lads
It literally doesn't matter. I'd say that comparing updoot counts was never very productive, but if you absolutely have to, you should compare to the 2024 counts. Those are the fics you are "competing" with, not 5k+ upvote 2013 stories.
Fug, I haven't touched mlp in 10+ years and recently my heart has been re-ignited by fucking Tamers12345's latest episodes of all things. I originally tapped out at the end of season 3 thinking it was the show's grand finale while also dodging that Equestria Girls shit (I'm racist).

Only the other day I've found out that there were fucking 6 more seasons which I had no clue existed not to mention the movies or even G5 — Have I just been under a rock? Has Hasbro fumbled that hard with their promotions? Or has mlp stuff been quarantined that badly from the internet?

I only wanted a comfy Twilestia shipfic but now I probably have to watch all this crap to understand anything.

Anyway, have a souvenir pic from 2012, and keep on writing you weirdo autists — I'm just a random anon who's appreciated your work way back then and hopefully now and in the future.

Nice blogpost, I'm giving it an upvote
How's the exquisite corpse going?
Waiting on the Raraflaggot to bring forth his chapter.
>1k upvote
You don't have the same users all day long because people go offline when they sleep. So even though the number of online users rarely surpasses 1,000, there are several times that many users per day. You can see proof of this in the sinbox: A story that's been up for less than a day can have over 1,000 views.

But in order to get that many upvotes, you need almost everyone who reads your fic to upvote it. Which means it needs to be AiE porn.
>tapped out at the end of season 3 thinking it was the show's grand finale
You were almost right about that since it was originally written as the show's finale. In some alternative timeline, maybe it was. But FiM was so successful that Hasbro kept it running for much longer. Later seasons are generally not liked as much (the last two being especially trash) and G5 is supposedly so forgettable that all but the most brand-devoted fags stayed on the G4 ship. Years have passed since the show ended and we're still mostly a FiM fandom. I'm saying 'supposedly' because I only made it through the first movie of G5 before realizing that this is just not it for me.
>Or has mlp stuff been quarantined that badly from the internet?
A fuckton of people like (You) left the fandom after S3 and S4. At the same time, many based autists couldn't stomach some of the show's developments and left around that time, too, because back when the stupid "must keep up with the current thing" mentality was still very present.
I'd say that watching the show to the end would still be recommended, but quitting after season 7 and the movie is also fine if you don't like what comes next; the new cast of s8/s9 is seldom relevant to new fan creations.
There is no worthwhile pony fiction set after S2E24.
I remember once when I was desperately looking for any Black Clover fanfic I could find and found one with MLP where Sunset goes to that universe instead of the EQG
I stopped reading after five chapters or so when Sunset started explaining their own magic to the BC characters
Also it looked like it was doing some Ron the Death Eater, if you'll forgive the TvTropes term, with Celestia
>There is no worthwhile pony fiction
And yet we're here anyway.
>Later seasons are generally not liked as much
And yet S5 is the best one.
That one is notable for how consistently great it is, yeah.
I feel like I said it itt already, but while I wouldn't put it ahead of S1/S2 myself, it belongs in the same group as those two.
Truncation stopped being funny when your parents had you circumcized.
>it belongs in the same group as those two.
S5 is much worse than either of the based seasons
>years ago started on a big lotr crossover project
>would be primarily based around the silmarillion premised around Feanor and Morgoth having a psuedo rematch using Equestria and Griffons as pawns.
>had everything already planned out
>wrote about 40,000 words at various stages of the story, mostly the beginning but did write out how it ends
>developed a real life and lost interest in mlp as a whole at the same time
>never posted the story, had wanted to have it 100% complete

I've been reading through the story and I was wondering if it would be worth it to publish as is. There's no way I have the time to finish it, the whole story would easily breach 100k words and then some. Was considering maybe adding a little bit here and there to clean it up at most.
Go for it; what's the worst that could happen?
>posting a deadfic
If there's no chance you'll finish it, then I don't think you should post it.
But if you do, at least do your readers the courtesy of setting the status as cancelled to let them know what's going on.
>the worst that could happen?
FiMfiction gets sued by the Tolkien estate like that guy who got his LotR fanfic nuked last year.
I'm sure he'll deliver.
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>Only the other day I've found out that there were fucking 6 more seasons which I had no clue existed
what's the line between witty banter and two autists hurling verbal abuse at one another?
Whether you laugh with them or at them.
Been a while since I seen anyone that's leet.
You see anon, it goes like this:
You write it: the cringiest, most autistic conversation that was ever penned for a story
I write it: Witty banter between two great characters, verified comedy gold
Any form of written communication on 4 channel is a phenomenon of two autists breaking out of their shell and connecting with one another. No exceptions.
Storks and all?
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>forced myself to use oxford commas to make my ponyfic writing clearer
>started using them in my native language every single time
I am the reason for all my misfortune.
The Oxford comma is superior. Retards who do not employ it are annoying, dumb, and a third thing.
>the reddit coma
>do they "correct" in a fixfic?
Fixfics try to "fix" some perceived issue with a canon event. These were usually driven by waifu fags who were pissed their character got shafted in an episode. The "Wedding Accusation" genre is the golden example, where Twifags got pissed the rest of the M6 got mad with her, so hundreds of fixfics were written where she usually sat on a soapbox and whined at them for a few thousand words about how shit of friends they were. In edgier cases, it serves as Twilight's "start of darkness" because she's apparently so fragile, she can't handle getting yelled at without turning into a psychotic necromancer.

>Any particularly egregious examples
Twilight gets all edgy, runs away, and joins the author's self insert alicorn OC. I dropped it shortly thereafter but in the sequel the Elements of Harmony are actually evil and start a civil war between Twilight/the author and Celestia/M6.

No doubt he's trying to work in a pregnant mare getting stuck in a door frame somehow.

You mean the autist who tried to sue Tolkien's estate for 250 million dollars so he could have his fanfic professionally published and was then laughed out of court and had all the copies destroyed? Don't be an idiot and poke the bear and you won't get bit.

>there's sometimes whiplash
There wasn't. Originally, Fimfic had a unicorn Twilight tag and alicorn Twilight tag, so you'd pick which version was in the story. Knighty merged them about a year later since by then the fandom had grown accustom to the new status quo and he felt the separation wasn't needed anymore, thus birthing Tag Anon.

>where the terms are used synonymously
That doesn't happen. She's either a unicorn or an alicorn in fics and I've never seen an author mix them up. If a story has both in it, you're looking at an old "Twilight becomes an alicorn" fic.

>spelling error in a three word post
You're only proving >>41152536's point.
>can't tell illiteracy from irony
Who's the real retard here?
>be me
>enter the thread
>as usual do a quick search for all "Spike" mentions
>ZERO, again
>Check literally any other man 6 or Princesses (save nympho corn, a.k.a cadance for some reason)
Bruh, like... i get it, Spike is a more balanced character and usually the end butt of the joke but like, i dont know since when but since i joined the community like 3 years ago, i feel like the lil guy is either mostly hated (for reasons i cant comprehend) or just ignored.

Wich... yeah. Pretty sure accurate actually, he was for the most part ignored, pretty shitty situation.

I guess that is why i relate with the lil faggot. I mean he is genuinely nice and quirky yet, well he is like the kid who always get picked last. I would know, it happened to me in my childhood.

I have always thought that some bronies and pegasisters hate the guy because he is not hyper anything, like most characters in the show.

Its kinda like the thing with Shinji from evangelion, people hated on the guy because he was not a typical shonen protagonist and was actually pretty human accurate of what someone would do or feel like in his situation.
im esl, so excuse my retardation but what is oxford comma?
>a fixfic is when literal spergs sperg out about something handled and resolved competently in the show
Damn. That's even dumber than I thought.
Have there been any attempts to "fix" any actual problems? Like, Thorax dealing with the way his mother was lost in the wilderness, roped into an entrapment scheme, then turned to stone? Or the Apple family dealing with the way Granny Smith's policies are running Sweet Apple Acres into the ground?
Or you know the fact the whole Sparity thing got teased for all seven seasons to ONLY get that dragon dropped chapter and then let to die?

That shit was annoying. Either let it die or Live but dont do that shit.
Example from Wikipedia. No Oxford comma:
>To my parents, Ayn Rand and God.
Oxford comma:
>To my parents, Ayn Rand, and God.
The idea is that while both are correct, the latter resolves ambiguity of whether the speaker is talking about three separate things (their parents, Ayn Rand, God) or only two (Ayn Rand and God, who happen to be their parents) without needing to rephrase the sentence.
On the other hand it can also introduce ambiguity, consider:
>I went to a bar with Joe, the gardener and the cook
>I went to a bar with Joe, the gardener, and the cook
In the latter case the Oxford comma makes it unclear whether Joe is the gardener or if that's a completely separate person.
So it's no silver bullet. I personally like it, but it's an entirely optional feature of the language.
damn, thank you for enlightening me. To be honest seems a lil complicated but also not really.

Though, it seems pretty useful but then again, it involves to put even more attention on how you write things.

I guess, we do learn something new everyday huh?
In fact it's even more ambiguous, because in the first "I went to a bar" example it might mean three people or only one, in case Joe himself is both a cook and a gardener. So yeah, in these instances it's best that one rephrases (unless you want to use a bunch of typography tricks, but I think that looks awful in prose).
>it involves to put even more attention on how you write things
Well isn't that an important part of good writing?
i mean yes, sure. Problem is... time. You either focus on quality, quantity OR a middle ground.

If you have no quality, its not as enjoyable
If you have no quantity, there is nothing to enjoy reading.

get my drift?
The Oxford typo
I don't know, Anon. This is a hobby, you're not rushed by anyone to deliver on time, so the 'choice' between quantity and quality is a self-imposed one. But, even if you truly don't have much free time, you can still write quality oneshots / shortfics.
well, i could really say. I dont have all that much time and when i do a fic, i usually my brain can only make "complex" stories that are long.

For example, currently as of now, im working on a fic wich at first i thought maybe i would do 100k words tops but how its going, its probably going to be at least 2 times that.

Also, i know im not "obliged to deliver" but i really try to , so the readers get some satisfaction, specially considering the character i focus on is in my opinion mostly ignored in the fandom.
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First thing, double-spacing your individual sentences here makes you look like the newest of newfags, which doesn't help your point. Taken to the degree of your last five posts, it's almost like namefagging, except worse since it shows astounding ignorance. Appropriate for a spikefag, I'd say. You even triple-spaced a sentence in >>41153132
Secondly, no, writing is not a race; it's an art. It's better to write one polished long story than five with plot holes and poor grammar. It's never better to pick quantity over quality. It's not like anyone's running out of stories, but good stories are -- and have always been -- a rarity. Writing self-described garbage doesn't help anyone.
>writing is not a race
Then why does it fill me with genocidal fury?
You sound like someone who writes Pokemon crossover and/or HiE fics
As an Oxford Commetarian, I would suggest if Joe is in fact the gardener, the line should read
>I went to a bar with Joe the gardener, and the cook.
>In the latter case the Oxford comma makes it unclear whether Joe is the gardener or if that's a completely separate person.
In the former case it makes it unclear if Joe is a gardener and a cook. So using it is still an improvement.
>Gardener Joe
There you go. Problem sidestepped.
>just reread one of the stories I wrote when I was 12 that somehow didn't get any hate or dislikes
>it's so fucking bad and bland

I'm going to kill myself
Have your stories improved at all?
I stopped writing anything not long after, just don't have the creative chops or the drive for creative pursuits. However I imagine I'd be able to write better stories, now having worked on my autistic deficiencies and fleshed out my theory of mind. Don't plan on writing anything any time soon, especially nothing pony related (I'm in my 20s ffs).
>I'm in my 20s ffs
And what does that have to do with anything? Not him, but I started writing ponyfics in my 20s.
I've just moved on from it all. I tried watching an episode the other night and couldn't stop cringing for more than a minute (in a guilty pleasure sort of way). It was embarrassing enough being an 11-14 year old brony who drew ponies in class and asked my family for MLP shit for birthdays.
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Oh no, the normie fake maturity disease took another one!
Endless crowds of people watch new Marvel movies and other, much sillier things, but you're having that reaction at ponies. That's entirely on (You).
>oh no, this story i wrote for fun as a literal child isn't actually a brilliant work of art???
>i literally want to le DIE
Who fucking cares dude
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You don't deserve those trips
>not quadruplespacing your posts
I seriously hope you guys do this
This is where 4chan steps in and decides that you've had enough nonsense.
censorship of the highest order
I hate most capeshit and think that the people who obsess over it are utter retards, but there's a difference between that and MLP. It's a me thing I guess, but idk I'm still struggling to get back into it even for a trip down memory lane.


I do like ponies, or at least I used to. I'm just taking a stroll down memory lane. Maybe in a few days I'll gather the courage to watch the first season or two again. If there was a watch party for it I'd definitely rewatch it.
>seething because of spacing
>muh namefag
>muh newfag
Yeah ok, whatever you say.
>rarity image
>has always been a... rariry. Wink
>rarity lover
That is... ok?
Yes, i am. Suddenky liking a character is bad now? Altough you are a rarafag? Come on now.

The only thing i took seriously is your view on focusing on quality wich like i said is fair but i preffer a balance. This again is MY PREFERENCE and OPINION.


Live it to some rarafags to hate on people for no reason.
>for no reason.
He explained his reasons, though.
>wich like i said is fair but i preffer
I weep for your readers.
I mean if by valid reasons you mean:
>liking a character who anon does not
>using spaces
>Have a personal view focused on balance
Then i dont know what to tell you.

There is a saying: dont follow perfection, you will never achieve it.

And i stand by it. Id rather do the best i can with the quality but never as much as it stops me from actually writting and/or stop my story flow.

THIS however is my preference and personal view.

Also keep in mind its not even my native language so of course is harder for me in that regard.
You know, at the end of the day. Somebody reads me and while its not a metric for validation i do have more positive feedback so regardless of how you feel.

It does not prove me right, but it does prove someone enjoys it. And that is reason enough for me to keep writting.
Okay so the Spikefag is a faggot. Nothing new for us.
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Its honestly surprising how despite being cordial and having the best intentions shit always devolves to this.


Its all so tiresome.
>>has always been a... rariry. Wink
It was actually a coincidence that I didn't see until I hit submit. Also, for future reference she's called "Rarity".

Perhaps the first post was too difficult to read, so I'll rephrase it: by intentionally refusing to conform to the known standard, you're showing that you feel super special and want anons to notice you. Same as using a flag or a name (although those two have legitimate uses), only it's even worse when you're doing it via super unnecessary formatting.
>Also keep in mind its not even my native language
Not an excuse. Many of the writers itt are ESLs. Joseph Conrad was an ESL, too.
You just have to put in a bit of effort to learn the goddamn language that you're using. That, or start to read English books. The latter is super helpful, both with learning how to write good stories and how to use the language correctly. Which, being blunt, you could use some help with.

>being cordial
You're not. Deliberately ignoring conventions to stand out comes off as an extreme attentionwhore behavior, and saying "fuck quality, gotta put out more garbage" is not a very respectable opinion, either.
Fics for this?
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Your way of typing and general tone can be summed up with the following image.
You set people off. Be less faggy.
Ok here we go again.

>It was actually a coincidence that I didn't see until I hit submit. Also, for future reference she's called "Rarity".

So i did a typo, and of course you had to be petty about it, how new.

>Perhaps the first post was too difficult to read, so I'll rephrase it: by intentionally refusing to conform to the known standard, you're showing that you feel super special and want anons to notice you. Same as using a flag or a name (although those two have legitimate uses), only it's even worse when you're doing it via super unnecessary formatting.

I dont feel special, im simply not going to be hard on myself and stop myself from writing just because somebodies expectations are X.

>Not an excuse. Many of the writers itt are ESLs. Joseph Conrad was an ESL, too.
You just have to put in a bit of effort to learn the goddamn language that you're using. That, or start to read English books. The latter is super helpful, both with learning how to write good stories and how to use the language correctly. Which, being blunt, you could use some help with.

Yes, indeed i could use help mind you. Now, here is the thing, im not trying to "Make an excuse" im just pointing out the fact that at the end of the day there is more chance for flaws however minumum or not they may be just because of that fact alone.

>You're not. Deliberately ignoring conventions to stand out comes off as an extreme attentionwhore behavior, and saying "fuck quality, gotta put out more garbage" is not a very respectable opinion, either.

First of all i dont "ignore conventions" fyi i have become better with time, and i do usually read stories in english precisely for this. Do i am satisfied now with what i can do?, yes. Did i wish i did better stuff?, also yes.

I am not going to beat myself up about it and it definately is not going to stop me from writting, period.

>fuck quality, gotta put out more garbage"
you seem to lack reading skills because that is NOT what i implied or wrote.

I do believe the better the quality the better HOWEVER, quality needs TIME and i DO NOT have it. I do WHAT I CAN with WHAT I HAVE.

So, like i mentioned before, I BELIEVE that its better to do best you can with quality WHILE NOT letting it stop you from writting more, so you can actually do a story and not a bucking paragraph.

I don't see how is that so hard for you to grasp.

But you know what?, this is not going to end anywhere it seems to lets leave it as follows
i can and should do better, and i will try to as i always do.

Sorry bruh, dont know any fic with that specific premise.


>I will be going now, gotta go to work. Have a good one.

how about... be less judgmental?
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Don't let the haters get you down, Spikechad.
>American hours start
>Janny immediately deletes effort post because of the slightest of anthro pictures
Kinda based, but then again Humanized and EqG is still allowed to walk this earth. Grim.

>>41151589 kek
>>41153101 re: whiplash
Thanks again for the explanations.
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Hope you have a productive writing night, Anons.
Because you are going to write tonight...
I was actually where you are, just getting back into ponies from a hiatus of about 10 years.
Watching the first few episodes, I had to stop not even every 5 minutes and take a short break from cringing. I got over it pretty fast though, it's just a matter of rebuilding your cringe tolerance.
Not that I talk to anyone I know in real life about ponies, I'm not that far gone.
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Yeah, I'm gonna write your name down in that special journal that kills people.
You better hurry, though!
>any attempts to "fix" any actual problems
I'm sure there are, but those are likely just normal stories. The key part of a fix fic is the author shoving their hand up the characters' asses so they can be turned into mouthpieces for the author's preferred solution. A lot of the "anti-Twilicorn" fics can also be called fix fics for this reason. Rather than the story being there because the plot's interesting and develops due to a natural course of events, it's there because the author wants to vent.

As an aside, recursive fixfics--where an author writes a fixfic for another fanfic--are probably the best, since they're both incredibly petty and will have a ton of drama in the comments, like https://www.fimfiction.net/story/437152/a-foreign-education-another-road
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Tonight's the night.
And it's gonna happen again and again.
Written about 1000 words so far
How fucking long is that gonna be?
Same, I'm never mentioning this to anyone irl again.
I'm totally writing, ha ha...
Hopefully soon.

>Sixteen years ago, Princess Cadance was forced to adopt a changeling grub as her daughter and Flurry Heart's younger sister. Her name is Cheval, and she was always intended to be a living weapon to be used against Cadance and her family.
>In one story, that's exactly what she became, despite all her efforts to be otherwise.
It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that the original that this "fixes" was written by the author of 81 Days.
I haven't written anything properly in months.
I am sad about it. I hit the wall and burned out and need to get back into the swing of things.
Hit the wall of writing block, not the wall of looks. I already hit that wall a decade ago.
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>anything to do with ACW
>something handled and resolved competently
The fixfic's author had an interesting critique of the original and its author. I think it explains what went wrong with 81 Days quite well: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/437152/a-foreign-education-another-road#comment/9871030
holy shit the slapfight involves both authors too
It's several degrees more petty than what I'd ever consider writing on the site, but I largely agree with what he's saying there, yeah. 81 Days was 100% a Message fic through and through. The fact that he took the fairy tale land of Equestria and presented it as naive scapegoat for the Message was enough to take me out of that story.
>These were usually driven by waifu fags who were pissed their character got shafted in an episode.
>Have there been any attempts to "fix" any actual problems? Like, Thorax dealing with the way his mother was lost in the wilderness, roped into an entrapment scheme, then turned to stone?
kek, pottery
Tell us about what you're currently writing/reading.
The club fic has been a page turner, I started on it last night.
Well, I'm struggling with it, but I'm working on the last story in the little series I've been doing. It's definitely going to be the largest of the three, since the previous two were more set up and I have a rather sizeable cast of characters to contend with though I was thinking of just focusing primarily on Celestia and Luna and letting the others have the spotlight in occasional interlude chapters.
I am attempting to get back into writing by doing some comfy sci-fi/fantasy 'shadowrun' style stuff.
I hope you have an easier time with it, Anon.
My relatives had surgery but none of them died. When will I ever find time for fics?
Kill one of 'em. You can write in prison.
I'm in the middle of being swamped by a ton of irl stuff, so I scarcely had the time to read or write anything. I hope I can at least read the book club fics on time.
Life Hack
Which fic is for the club? Where is the club fic usually posted?
Maybe I'm retarded and missed in in the thread.
It's always all in the thread. See the end of >>41144060 for the "main" bookclub,
or >>41141878 if the schizo club is more to your liking.
Here: >>41144060
Next week we're reading the first half of:
Chapters 1-16 this week and 17-30 the week after.
And the one for the secreter club is here: >>41141878
Next week we're reading:
Kassaz is past due. But it'd been progressing until then.
Some ideas take time to gestate.
thank you <3
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Nice one, kek Your dubs are nice, too
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What sort of writing rituals do you have? Every time before I sit down to write I have to listen to Fortunate Son while watching footage of the Vietnam War to get in the zone. I don't remember how or why I started doing this but it's so ingrained now if I don't do it I'll get writer's block.
I put on atmospheric music and close as many open tabs as I have.
I love —
You love? Still? Have we not blackened your heart? Have we not shown you the doomed world you walk? Don't you see that love will never find you?
Normal hyphen chads rise up!
The day of the long hyphen will soon be over!
The archmage fic, now and forever. The denouement's starting to worry me now that's it's ticked above 11k. Also just started back up on the clopfic sequel, now that it's getting hot and arousal's at a premium. Writing up a "permanency" angle for one of the character's that only happens to her because of her pride. Dash's ticket's already been punched.

Patriot Games is worse than Red October so far. Clancy needs to pick up the fucking pace and get on with the Irish terrorism. It's insane how long the hospital scene goes on for and nothing of importance happens.

Fanfic-wise, I need to dawn the miner hat and enter the mines, trying to dig up a mage training fic gem in what will no doubt be a pile of crap that needs to be sifted through. Then, I won't find anything and the idea will stew within me like the serial killer investigation fic has.

I have 41 playlists of fandom music I've assembled that I pick from.

I'm more a fan of − myself.
>a mage training fic gem in what will no doubt be a pile of crap that needs to be sifted through
We tried that, but nobody read Scion of Chaos that week.
While hyphen cucks limp around with their pathetic—SAD!—little lines, em dash chads penetrate sentences and impregnate paragraphs with raw punctuating power.
Solitary confinement does sound extremely peaceful; there's no downsides.

For writer's block you can always instead write a multi-page musical filler in phonetics and never be out of character.

>>41157679 I kneel
Remember anons, the ALT code is 0151 — you DO have a numpad and not a stupid overpriced tenkeyless keyboard, right?
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>is 0151 — you DO
>spaced em-dash
I prefer spaced en-dashes – although non-spaced em-dashes are also cool – but that's far too much for me.
>tenkeyless keyboard
Numpad is also super nice for, you know, writing down numbers. It's so fast and convenient.

Lazy and ugly.
Definitely not an en-dash.
These punctuation marks predate unicode by hundreds of years, and it'd be unfortunate if they got killed by people's laziness (semicolon has only been saved by its programming use). Moreover, while the choice of en/em-dash comes down to preference, en-dash has some actual uses, such as writing down ranges of things. I rarely bother tbdesu, but "2012-2024" is just incorrect without the chad en-dash.
Em,dashes, colons, semicolons, I exclusively use commas, even where lesser writers would use other punctuation,
>I rarely bother tbdesu, but "2012-2024" is just incorrect without the chad en-dash.
Seriously, who the fuck cares? I never used any of the autism dashes, and no one ever called me out for it. The hyphen is well enough for anything, why bother with that unicode shit
Actually, this is the only place that seems obsessed with them. Not even /lit/ bothers
Mainly, it improves the clarity and makes the text look cleaner. I do think it's a topic that comes up more often than it should here (which is why I didn't say anything in this discussion until the post you responded to), but you could make the same case for not using other punctuation marks or any punctuation at all. Punctuation is there for you to control the flow and tempo of the sentence. In the case of hyphens specifically, their long break reads much differently than a short hyphen; it gives a different cadence to the sentence.
But I will say that while dashes are just strictly better, putting a double hyphen "--" does the job just fine, too, without needing to bother with anything extra. Although, your word processor likely has the option to format double hyphens into dashes, costing you no effort.

As for why it comes up so often in /fimfic/, I think it's generally true that we have several posters wanting to improve, and fixing minor details like this is both simple and easily quantifiable. It gives the writer the feeling of improvement without needing to spend more time actually learning how2rite. I'm not saying it's wrong, of course, only that learning punctuation should not come at the cost of writing.
Linux. Press Shift then AltGr then press --. in sequence. –
My word processor automatically turns -- into —.
Thanks, word processor. Now I can devote my thoughts to the story itself.
Holding down ctrl+shift and typing the unicode (u2014 for the em-dash, and u2013 for the en-dash) also does it, which is useful for keyboards with a second alt instead of AltGr. But what the next anon said, too: word processors just do it on their own these days.
Mac users can press Option+- for an en dash and Option+Shift+- for an em dash.
>who the fuck cares
Me. I distinguish the different kinds of dashes at sight, and seeing the wrong one grates on my nerves. It looks wrong; it stands out in a bad way. I first learned about the different kinds of dashes about 25 years ago, and it's been a curse tb desu.
I had to reconfigure my work computer before it would do this. Maybe it's something our sysadmins did, but the compose key wasn't activated by default. Also, same thing but --- instead of --. produces an em dash —.
Unicode filtering is based and redpilled because it keeps the drooling retards away from our elite em dash club.
That just gets me an underlined u that disappears.
That "u" should mean that you're in unicode typing mode. Just enter the relevant code (it'll also be underlined as you type) and it will turn into the dash when you let go of the key/keys.
Yet you didn't ever write a single word of fiction that would utilize it
You need to let go of ctrl+shift after pressing u. When you have typed 2014, press enter.
Neat, I didn't know that, but both ways work for me. Holding (you only need to hold ctrl or shift, not both) means you don't need that final enter.
I keep Alt+151 and Alt+153 committed to memory.
Alt+153 because I SOON™post a lot.
But it creates mustard gas in my System32 folder when I do that. :c
>still has System32
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Coincidentally, I started watching Trigun recently.
This was definitely a [Comedy] [Random] fic, I'll say that. It didn't particularly resonate with me, but at the same time I can't find too much to be objectively mad about in it. I guess with how it's set up it may make more sense to tackle each individual chapter as its own thing, since it's almost like an anthology of sorts in that regard. There's not much to say about the setup chapter, it's just there to kick things into motion I guess. Though it does establish the running gag of no one listening to Fluttershy, which I guess is very early seasons. The AJ chapter doesn't really work for me, and having her plan be what it is is certainly a choice. It is a little odd that the story just skips over the fight scene, but I guess that's not the point of the fic. Though AJ in general feels a bit ignored in this fic, as we'll see.
I liked the Rarity chapter, mostly because evil Rarity is neat and because at least it presents an interesting concept. I guess Pinkie startling Sweetie out of her trance was funny, too. The Rainbow Dash chapter is just sort of there, as far as I remember, and I don't know if Moth ever got around to doing anything with the monster presented there before his passing. Then we get to the Pinkie chapter, which ends up being the core of the story for whatever reason. It is neat in a nostalgic sort of way to see an old interpretation of the Pia family, with old Pacman fandom names and all. The bits of lore about the rock farm are nice, actually, and Celestia playing along is at least a little amusing. Then there's the CMC interlude. It doesn't really do much for me, and in general I feel like most chapters are too short to leave an impact, but at least some of the Poison Joke effects here are funny, Cheerilee in particular.
The second Pinkie chapter, despite being the longest in the whole fic, isn't really all that great in my opinion. It's mostly just references stacked over each other, and while the various mini arcs it goes on do have some nice bits in them it's overall kind of just mediocre in my opinion. Doesn't help that it also skips over the action at points, and that it straight up forgets about AJ, possibly on purpose. KISS rant aside though, I guess the scene of them figuring out where to go is neat. The Fluttershy chapter is a neat payoff to how she's been treated, but a little repetitive beyond that. The Twilight chapter is actually pretty neat, I would say the dance-off at the end with the song is actually a pretty great climax to the story and maybe my favourite moment. And then the epilogue is decent enough. All around just an okay fic for me, but I didn't hate it or anything.
Next week we're reading the first half of:
Up to and including chapter 14, "14. A Door Full of Sky".
You should decide what we'll read after, too:
Putting the shit in shipost, truly.
I almost dropped this fic two chapters in, when it was apparent that this is a fic with not much substance and that MythrilMoth's peculiar reputation has not been unearned (I have never read any of his fics myself). It's also not entirely the fic's fault, because I've been insanely busy this week. But I kept on reading, and I'm glad that I did, because there's a nugget of gold buried in—you know what? I'm not making any references to feces in this post. I apologize for being too weak, MythrilMoth.

It's the dreaded [Comedy]+[Random] again, but it's not too awful, actually. Keep in mind that I might be a little enamored by the early fandom nature of this fic; the sillyness of its premise and lack of late-season elements are one thing, but Daring Do not existing also reminds me of better times. But that's on me. After all, I think it's fairly likely that, by the end of the year, I'll still be the only one to write a story involving Inkie Pie in 2024. The point of this tangent is that the fic earned some bonus points without even trying, and I won't pretend otherwise. Sue me.
Regardless, while this thing is not serious at all, the Pinkie Pie chapters made for a pretty neat little adventure montage. It's references all the way down, but some were okay on their own. And I'm surprised that I actually liked quite a few of the jokes in the fic, too. Moreover, the author was definitely, 100%, a weeb, what with evil-Rarity doing the certified anime rich girl's "Oh ho ho ho" laugh. I'll concede that it suits her there, but the author's not fooling anyone. Bias and all that, but I liked her here.

Even the writing is surprisingly decent for a 2013 fic. Maybe not especially good, but I expected worse. While I'm not a fan of comparing bookclub fics, this one's mostly just a much better Comedy+Random than the thing we read last week. It *does* have one thing about it that stinks, but everyone knows what it will be as soon as they see who wrote this. Characters are pretty OOC at times, but that seems to be a staple of the "genre", and imo it's not as bad in this regard as most of the similar fics either bookclub has read. Celestia's few scenes were the highlight of the fic, not that it's reaching too high. The humanized nightmare was a true nightmare, but it was both not real and super short, so I won't be too harsh and lower my grade because of it.

At this point, I think I've spent way too many words talking about this pretty silly fic. I came in expecting to downvote this fic, and I ended up liking it okay. It's a solid 5.5/10, dead average. Which is actually not bad for this kind of a story. Maybe you could rate it higher you're a Random+Comedy enjoyer.
Now this is what I call an alright fic. In the best of way, I feel. You're not going to hear me sing praises to it, but it was engaging enough in its silliness for me to enjoy it as I would a low budget direct-to-video horror movie from the 80s. The premise is a tad contrived, the setting's wonky, the characterisations are bent enough for everything to flow, and for fun to be had.
I don't see how you'd make this story work as a serious fic--or even one with a different kind of comedy--without fundamentally changing everything about it.
Dumb, but earnest, and definitely enjoyable.
As for the evil plans... I'd rank them Twi>Pinkie>CMC>AJ>Rares>Shy>Dash as far as actual evil. Execution is a different matter. A shame Zecora didn't get a turn.
I don't have much else to say that wouldn't devolve into criticising style and narration. I like the core of the story, and I feel everything else was just good enough.
I look forward to reading it again in 2034.
>I liked the Rarity chapter, mostly because evil Rarity is neat and because at least it presents an interesting concept.
Should I be concerned that you liked the foal abuse one? Nor surprised, y'know, just concerned.
Rarity wears it best, but RD is not too bad either, in an over-the-top way.
>having her plan be what it is is certainly a choice
I mean, yeah, but we knew what we were getting into; he was known precisely for one thing.
>I guess Pinkie startling Sweetie out of her trance was funny, too.
The fic wasn't super funny as a whole -- couldn't be, bearing the curse [Comedy] tag -- but a couple of jokes were pretty decent. Whether it's throwing shade on Mayor Mare ("Let's ask Twilight instead! We'll get help faster!"), or doing anything involving the Sun Horse, or all of the Seapony jokes ("You can always call upon..."). There's at least some effort here and their execution is generally fine.
>in general I feel like most chapters are too short to leave an impact
Maybe, but they could've easily overstayed their welcome if they were longer, too. With them being so short, it's hard to be too annoyed at them.
>The Twilight chapter is actually pretty neat
I didn't really love the huge song dance-off, but the setup of that chapter was nice. Again, this is pretty decent for a total shitpost. I liked reading it, I think.

>I don't see how you'd make this story work as a serious fic
>enjoy it as I would a low budget direct-to-video horror movie from the 80s.
Yeah, kinda like that. The author wasn't trying too hard while writing, and it can be pretty alright if you read it with that mindset. It's a dumb fic with some decent moments and a couple good jokes.
>Shy so low
You're clearly underestimating how evil keeping Pinkie off of her sugar was.
If rariflag doesn't deliver soon, I'll write a comfy SoL oneshot where ponies reproduce through osmosis.
>You're clearly underestimating how evil keeping Pinkie off of her sugar was.
Yeah, but only towards Shy. It's a smaller sacrifice to make in the grand scheme of things.
Also, looking back on it, I'd call the prose of the fic efficient. Just like a Roger Corman movie. Most sentences are there to give you just enough information to keep the scenes going and moving on to the next part. If anything, it's an interesting view on what you can accomplish with very little.
So, yeah. bad (good) 80s flick.
what else did you find?
>I don't see how you'd make this story work as a serious fic
Maybe like that Justice League movie where Batman has a plan to deal with each JL member.
SMILE, or whoever has plans in place in case the M6 turn evil and threaten Equestria. Someone comes across these plans, thinks they're good, and tries them, now the M6 have to think as if they were evil to come up with ways to fight back against the baddie.
If rariflag doesn't deliver soon, I'll write a [Comedy] [Random] [Porn] oneshot about a miscarriage
If rariflag doesn't deliver soon, I'll write a serious drama where he gets reverse benjamin button-ed and put back in his mother's womb as an old man to be born again but this time he refuses to come out
he does keep the lawn nice and trim though
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Also, I'm not sure how I feel about this being my first ever pony art.
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>3. Equestria Girls. Jeez!
Kek, one word is enough
>evil-Rarity doing the certified anime rich girl's "Oh ho ho ho" laugh
Now give her drill hair.
>Celestia's few scenes were the highlight of the fic
>Should I be concerned
It wasn't the foal abuse, it was more so Rarity acting evil and lounging on a pile of gems.
>Rarity wears it best
I think that's because her design is at least semi-official, even if I always found that particular arc of the comics weird. I mean, its climax explains the design change between S1 and Luna Eclipsed, but it does so by making Luna Eclipsed make no sense.
>but a couple of jokes were pretty decent
Agreed there.
>they could've easily overstayed their welcome if they were longer, too
True enough.
>I'd call the prose of the fic efficient.
I'd agree there, actually.
I'm sorry for taking so long, guys.

You took the words right out of my mouth. Gestation's done, and now I merely need to finish the labour.
Remember to give your chapter a title.
I think >>41159294's
>100th trimester abortion
is a pretty good idea.
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After a long time, I've completed a pony story. A mystery thriller with a horror twist. Any and all feedback is welcome.
It's currently 15k words long, and I'm also looking for good places to split it.
>Celestia finally marries
>gets pregnant
>some accident or attack happens
>leaves her unscathed
>kills both her husband and baby
>dead baby
You have a strange definition of unscathed.
I can't imagine a safer place than Celestia's uterus.
The idea is that Celestia herself suffered no injury thanks to her immortality but the baby didn't inheret her durability.
That's probably what everyone thought until it happened, even Celestia herself.
Just in case anyone's curious: - – − —

Actual publishing cares a lot about this autism. My entire job for a summer was taking word docs full of hyphens and correcting them to the proper dash/minus so the typesetters didn't have to bother with such plebian work and could focus on the InDesign shit instead.

>main characters are never shown to have parents
Did your twelve year old self watch the show? Twi's, Pinkie's, and Rarity's make appearances in S1-S2.
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>urge to club post after just finishing the chapters a few hours ago
Why not split it first, then?
You:re more likely to get attention with three 5k chapters than one 15k chapter.
Like a true chad, I didn't make it past Boast Busters.
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>join the fandom
>but not watch the show that it's about
If you didn't love the show, why did you even stay around in the show's fandom? I don't get it.
Some people are fans of the fandom due to the art, porn, fanfiction and general community. It makes sense with fans of fanfiction too since it is easier to find good MLP fanfiction than good fanfiction from any other setting or fandom. It's also a lot easier to find good stories on fimfiction.net than on fanfiction.net, and fimfiction.net is a very good fanfiction website in comparison to other fanfiction websites. A lot of the fan of the fandom types probably would have been furries if they were born 5-10 years earlier though.
I know true fags of the fagdom were always a thing (I randomly remembered an eqd poll from forever ago asking simply canon vs fanon), but very much unlike furries, FiM has a canon base that it's all built around. That's probably of the biggest differences. With everyone else referencing the same source, you can't really appreciate fics without first understanding what it's about. You'd think they'd watch the show at least for the necessary context.
Fics for "what no pussy does to a guy" feel?
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Best Princess of High Treason,

I'm slightly mad at this fic. I'll get to the story, characters, etc. in a moment, but this has to be discussed first—the writing. I don't usually like to spend too much on it, but this fic's deserves a mention. Primarily because it's great. Actually great. Like, holy shit, the descriptions in the opening sequence have such a strong style and a lot of emotion. They're usually dark and heavy, and the fic handles them expertly. The dialogues are not far behind; the back-and-forth between the characters is masterfully tense and layered if, perhaps, built around characters who are somewhat larger than life. And yet the author, despite being clearly skilled at this whole writing thing, neglected to give it that final level of polish. I personally disagree with the punctuation here a lot (especially all the missing commas and troves of horrendous comma splices), but it does include several blatant typos and errors, too. This wouldn't be worth mentioning for 95% of fics, but with the writing being otherwise as amazing as it is, every "than" in place of "then" took me out of the fic.
This sucks because, when it doesn't make the typos, the writing here is kind of masterful. Maybe that's too big of a word, but I don't think we've read anything written this well in months! It's hard to describe without relying on nonsense terms like "environmental storytelling", but basically, it's my personal opinion that good writing is clear and has no errors, but fantastic writing must have its own "taste" that distinguishes it from the rest—the style that makes the sentences a lot more than merely an efficient means of conveying information. This fic does it really well. To name some actual examples, the way it plays with the pacing of individual sentences to sell a given atmosphere is superb, and the choice of adjectives suggesting certain moods is something you'd expect more from a poem than a fanfic. And that's why I'm mad; leaving the dumbest of dumb typos mars this writing in a way it really shouldn't have. Last week's author tried super hard and still fell a little short. Here, the author has all the skill he'd ever need but didn't let it shine to its fullest.

Characters, too. This Luna is several shades darker than fics like to portray her, and Chrysalis just oozes threat and danger like she does in no other fic I've read. She's a great monster: guileful, with a strong will, a sense of purpose, and the sheer raw danger that she emanates whenever she wants to. I wouldn't write her like this (couldn't write her like this, by any count), but I can acknowledge that this is probably Chryssi written at her best. Her relationship with Luna is handled super well. Speaking of Luna's relationships, the supporting cast is not numerous, but they make up for it in quality. The little moonstruck bug comes to mind first, but Wax and Beetle were also well-defined and very distinct.
I ran out of space again before getting to Luna. Whoops.
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Well... These are my first 2 notes I took early on in ch1
>Well right off the back i really like the style of the prose
>Luna kinda being a little bitch
Every single other note except for a handful of writing error complaints are an elaboration of my 2nd note. This is the worst Luna I've ever read and also the most powerful Chrysalis I've ever read. I can't tell if this story is more for bugfags or Luna haters but it is ridiculously one sided. "Completely in their power Luna is entirely at the whim and mercy of the Queen of changelings" Well, the description certainly wasn't fucking around. This reads like a corruption, ntr or fat ugly bastard doujin. The story quickly establishes the background of post wedding bugs, just to then set the stage for the entire story being opposite of what that lore would imply. Chrysalis is ALWAYS in complete power/control of any situation. When Luna attacks her out of the blue, Chrysalis has already won the fight. When a squad of royal guards show up, Chrysalis' word is law. When Luna has her pinned down with a hoof to her neck, Chrysalis is the one making threats while Luna whimpers in fear.
Meanwhile as I've said, this is the most mind broken pitiable embarrassing pussy bitch Luna I think I'll ever see. I think I got baited on some level by the way the story portrays Luna because there is a constant façade the story shows us about a powerful Luna who has mastered darkness and is immensely powerful while being elegant and regal as a princess should. Any and all of these snippets are almost immediately followed by a scene where Luna is shown to be completely pathetic and submissive. Any sort of attempt by Luna to say a few lines and have any sort of backbone or even rudimentary plan is immediately shattered by Chrysalis saying literally a single word to reduce Luna into a blubbering mess.
Ultimately the first 15 chapters boil down to this. If Luna is in a scene, expect her to be put in her place like a bitch. If Chrysalis is in a scene, she is without question dominating the scene and she will have get her way with no trouble at all. Many, many scenes contain both Chrysalis and Luna. I think you could add a single paragraph or maybe even sentence somewhere in ch2-4 and the fic could have an M and non-con tag and be a perfect fit for /fssbc/. Surreal and Canterlot/Celestia were the main factors that got me to the end of the week, but I think there was a piano man turning point in chapter 16 where I couldn't even try to take it serious anymore when, in this post-wedding world, the security was worse than pre-wedding. Not even all of the changelings make it to the city under """""guard""""" and then Chrysalis literally just decided to 'subjugate their little pony minds' and talks about how nobody would see her if she just flew around canterlot undisguised (she's right of course). I just started to kek at shit
>Luna's personal guard are these 2 funny guy male OC brothers
Yeah sure, of course.
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Ironically Luna's most powerful portrayal in the fic is when she's unconscious in a changeling pod. Thankfully not being awake means she can't actively be submissive and pathetic which means the author can write as much as they want about how powerful she is and how awestruck the changelings are without her immediately doing something embarrassing to juxtapose it. And she got her own gang of changelings or something for being some sort of emotional cognitohazard.
>chrysalis has ponies hostage
>Luna thinks about freeing them
>chrysalis has epic 'you put them in danger, not me'
Nigger wtf, you took them hostage lmao
>Chrysalis drops Fallow's journal
>Luna gasps and lurches forward to catch it with her magic
You're thousands of years old. Just fucking catch it not like a bitch. How hard is that? Just have a fucking shred of dignity for even a single second at any point in the fic where you're conscious, please I beg of you. Sure this bitch has caught something falling off of a table before. It's not a fucking life changing experience
>surry thought luna knew she was there (kept at a respectful distance and quiet), the same luna who in a combat situation didn't know her opponent was holding a huge rock right behind her head
Yeah I kind of doubt it.
>"Given every opportunity to leave, Luna wouldn't. The princess wouldn't even think of it as escape anymore."
>"But that was his Queen's skulking alicorn somewhere out there, and Beetle had to go in and get her."
>"...no?" "I'm sorry."
>"That's better."
>Beetle disliked every part of luna, she was dangerous
Not sure where he got that idea unless he's reading the words. The story is never ending in its grandiose descriptions and perceptions of luna and yet none of it is real, every scene she's in is her being more corrupted and becoming more of chrysalis' bitch. Is this like premium reading for bugfags? Chryssi is 100% in control since the first chapter and every single action performed by a pony is some of the most pathetic stuff I've read.
>throwing moldy fruit at a princess
Based as fuck tbdesu. She deserves it.
I'm gonna continue next week, but the hope I had for canterlot in ch15 was gone by ch16 so I think I only care about Surreal licking Luna at this point. So unless Celestia get's her act together and beats the shit out of Luna or something I don't think I'm gonna care about anything else in this fic and I'm probably not gonna finish it. It reads too much like a fetish fic.
Next week we're finishing this, so here are some suggestions as to what we could start afterwards. But suggestions are always welcome, provided (You) stick around to join at least that week's bookclub:
I only could read up to chapter fourteen, so bear with me. And I'm not sure I can convince myself to continue
Dunno what to think of this story. Individually, the chapters are fine, but stringed together, it's just eh. Halfway in, it's just beginning to have a direction.
This works better as an extended character piece, I think. I love this Chrysalis, she is confident, bossy, underhanded, and oozes authority. I don't like Luna that much, though. Surely, even her canon personality hints at she being sort of wild and very emotional, and sort of angsty, but she tends to be just a little bitch here, for lack of a better word.
And I still can only guess why /exactly/ Luna sought out Chrysalis. Does she want peace? Does she have some personal quest going on? It's never spelled out, and the hints are very vague, but correct me if I'm simply being retarded. Then practically nothing happens for chapters, but the conversations between Chryssy and Luna are at least interesting, and very loaded sometimes, but even still, it feels like the author just teases the audience with something that ultimately will never be revealed. And I never did this, I wonder if I should skip to the end, and see what happens there. I have a feeling it would be largely more of the same.
Also, some random notes:
Little Moon - great nickname
Luna knew the cruel irony well that her big sister was the only one who never made mistakes. Celestia never let herself.
"You use the truth like a worse kind of lie, until even the truth doubts itself."
This fic definitely has a way with words, I'll give it that. If only it was proofread a bit more, there are many grammar mistakes, and word repetitions
Might I suggest adding my story as a possibility?
I just think it would be a nice test for when (it will be I swear) Project Sparkle is finally finished because I think they're at a similar level of writing without the violence and sex. Someone suggested it before and the idea has been rattling around for me to go 'yeah' at the thought.
>but this has to be discussed first--the writing.
I agree with pretty much everything here, it immediately had my interest and even late into the reading when I was just criticizing everything there were paragraphs that I noticed were beautiful. You know, in between typos and "than"s that is. Another set of eyes would've done wonders for this fic
>this is probably Chryssi written at her best
I feel like it couldn't be simply because of who she's written with. If you had said 'Chryssi written at her most powerful' I would agree but I don't think it's her best, and if it is then I don't think we've gotten to see it yet. Maybe Celestia will prove a better character for her to interact with. We'll get to see if they'll have real interactions, or if she'll just instantly make Celestia her bitch as well, proving that the wedding was a fluke and she's more powerful without Cadance than with her.
>>>Her relationship with Luna is handled super well
>I ran out of space again before getting to Luna. Whoops.
It's for the best

>I love this Chrysalis, she is confident, bossy, underhanded, and oozes authority. I don't like Luna that much, though. Surely, even her canon personality hints at she being sort of wild and very emotional, and sort of angsty, but she tends to be just a little bitch here, for lack of a better word.
Absolutely correct. I tried to stay away from saying I hate this Chryssi, because I don't. But she needs to have real characters and real interactions, she's had none of that. She just steps on Luna every scene instead of anything deeper. That said if there was some sort of 'all-stars' universe, this is a candidate for Chryssi.
>And I never did this, I wonder if I should skip to the end, and see what happens there
kek, I'm gonna read some comments and if they spoil then so be it. I'm in the same boat as you thinking 'why should I finish this' right now, but if I can tell something changes in the comments then maybe I will manage it
I didn't have much time, so here are some quick notes about the fic:

- Prose is damn great, very evocative, great flow.
- Pacing of the story can be a bit slow, but it didn't bother me at all so far.
- I like Chrysalis in this, a bit too manipulative and competent compared to the show, but that's a good thing and the author even explains it somehow in the story.
- Mixed feelings on Luna; I like the aspects that are hinted at in canon and how it explains her previous fuck-ups: temperamental and melodramatic. But damn, she's Chrysalis' carpet in this, always going down like a bitch in both physical and psychological battles.
- Personally, since the prose is so good, I would have liked to see the Hive explored more. I would have loved to see more detailed alien, otherworldly stuff and cultures.
- I don't care that much about the other characters. We'll see how it goes, but I can already sense that I will hate the guard bros, and both Surreal and Beetle are more interesting as devices to see how Luna's love is affecting the changelings than as characters, in my opinion.
- I do hope the three jewels will lead to something.

I'm interested and will continue to read, but for some reason, I have a gut feeling that things will worsen as it continues (nothing objective or rational, just a feeling).
>And I still can only guess why /exactly/ Luna sought out Chrysalis.
At the start? She wanted Chrysalis to remove fragments or memories of 'Love' that were possibly very painful to her. Those are the three 'jewels' Chrysalis removed.
We can only speculate, but Luna may have believed it was necessary for her to move forward, to start anew, or to rule effectively.
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>- Prose is damn great, very evocative, great flow.
>- Mixed feelings on Luna; damn, she's Chrysalis' carpet in this, always going down like a bitch in both physical and psychological battles.
>We'll see how it goes, but I can already sense that I will hate the guard bros, and both Surreal and Beetle are more interesting as devices to see how Luna's love is affecting the changelings than as characters
>- I do hope the three jewels will lead to something.
Good post

My words and your pic are not an exaggeration. If you want that feel, it might be worth reading this. Chryssalis completely embarrasses Luna in every single scene they're in together, to the point where it started to feel fetishy to me.
glad my Certified Twifag Take™ was actually in line with what most others thought and I'm not fighting everyone off. Even though the replies haven't really taken off
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I ran out of characters at precisely the worst possible time, I think.
>This is the worst Luna I've ever read
Au contraire, this is the worst opinion I've seen you post here. Subjective and all that so it's not "wrong" wrong per se, but Luna is my second favorite pony and this fic does her well imo. This is a more flawed version of Luna than I'd like to see, but her character is not far behind this fic's awesome (in both the modern, and the classic meaning of the word) Chrysalis. Yes, she makes some decisions that are perhaps too emotional and not right, but (You) get a good explanation about what she thinks and how she got to the conclusions that she reached. Her entire state of mind is presented so well, that your post reads to me like a complete misreading of the fic. It's difficult, if not impossible, to blame her for anything she does here. The nuance in the conversations between Luna and Chrysalis, as well as the nuance of their personalities, is the fic's strongest point imo. It's super well written.
Like, I think you're just wrong. Chrysalis, in a way, lost too. Do you not see what Luna did to them? You even get the world's most blatant prop bug to show it explicitly, but Luna has kind of mindbroken the hive and changed Chrysalis. The reason why Chrysalis feels the need to make all those shows of force is that Luna has done so much with here presence alone, and Chryssie cannot match her at all. Chrysalis won't admit it, but she's afraid, perhaps more than Luna is afraid of her. You see it in every scene before Luna embarks, in the way the 'lings treat her, how the "queen" treats her. The fic is incredibly stylish in its presentation, too, e.g. with intentionally capitalizing Queen but never princess, and it all works together.
This honestly reads like you decided to see what you wanted to see and didn't give the fic's subtle writing a chance. Whether by the fault of the author or you, the story missed for you. Missed with everything it was doing. I think that's fair, though. It's certainly way more subtle and nuanced than the average fic and reading it straight-up would have most readers miss the point, I think.

>Nigger wtf, you took them hostage lmao
>Yeah I kind of doubt it.
This is what I'm talking about. The fic is dramatic and very theatrical like Eternal (which is a somewhat subjective taste), but these kinds of oversimplified and contextless comments show that you never really got into the fic and its story. In all honesty I'm probably doing the exact opposite thing, where I'm willing to overlook more and go with some minor bullshit because of this excellent presentation. This writing sucked me in so bad.
A different, and less fitting imo, example would be Highball. This is kind of Highball's writing again, and you had a similar reaction to it.
>So unless Celestia get's her act together and beats the shit out of Luna or something
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>This works better as an extended character piece, I think.
I agree, but for both of them. Chrysalis is the spotlight character, but unlike you I like this Luna. I was also not that much of a fan of how the author decided to write her, but the decision was justified imo when it became apparent what kinds of scenes he had planned for her.
>I still can only guess why /exactly/ Luna sought out Chrysalis
>the hints are very vague
This is not that kind of a fic, I think. We got the basic explanation and we might even get more answers later, but the way I was reading it, the "what" is much less important than the "how".
>I have a feeling it would be largely more of the same.
It probably will be, yeah.
> If only it was proofread a bit more
Definitely! It's so close to A-level writing, if only it didn't have stupid stumbles along the way.

8k is a bit too short, but I might throw in a few shorter fics into the pool and add yours as a second fic when one wins. Kind of rigging, but I've no shame about rigging for /fimfic/ fics.
Voting for By the Will of the Council by the way.

>I feel like it couldn't be simply because of who she's written with.
I continue to disagree, and I think the exact opposite is true. The fic knows what it's doing, and it intentionally contrasts them at every step.
>'why should I finish this'
You shouldn't. I am almost certain that you won't get what you're looking for here. The author had a plan, realized it really well imo, and if it didn't work for you in the first 50%, seeing the payoff and the results of Luna's influence on Chrysalis will fall flat too. I feel like I have a good idea where the fic will go from here (having, I presume, "gotten" it the way the author would've liked the readers to read it), but I will keep those to myself.

>Pacing of the story can be a bit slow, but it didn't bother me at all so far.
Same, and I think that's intentional. This kind of writing cannot rush ahead, and needs to take its sweet time. This is not paced like most of the "default" adventure fics, and that's great. Maybe I'm overestimating the author, but I really don't think that I am.
>I would have liked to see the Hive explored more
Yep, but I honestly could read about this fic exploring anything and I'd probably be content. The glimpses we got at the hive were great, but so was the dark forest, the cold journey, etc.
>both Surreal and Beetle are more interesting as devices to see how Luna's love is affecting the changelings
Yeah that's also fair. I do like this Luna for all the reasons I already said, but I think you're right on the mark here that they're more of an extension of her influence than their own ponies. Er, bugs.

>My words and your pic are not an exaggeration.
Indeed, they are not. They are a mistake. Picrel.

Words spoken seconds before disaster.
I read this story twice, the first time was a long, long time ago, maybe sometime after it had been completed, and the other a few years ago after I had gotten back into the fandom, and I've just been trying to struggle through writing my own stuff lately so I haven't really read it a third time (not that I wouldn't want to but I need to focus on cleaning up the last chapter of my current story and work on getting more than one chapter partially done for the next) but in regards to Luna's character in the story, we have to remember when it was written, which was after the end of season 2. Hell, Sleepless in Ponyville wouldn't air until after chapter 23 was released, and there was seven more chapters to go. At that point in time we had Luna's backstory and Luna Eclipsed to go off of, so her characterization I think is fine in what we see since not even her dreamwalking had been introduced in the show yet.
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Oh aye, fair doose.
>In all honesty I'm probably doing the exact opposite thing
We're both focusing on different things, but that doesn't mean neither of us saw what the other did. Nothing you said goes against me being mad that Luna gasps and gets flustered because Chrysalis dropped Fallow's journal instead of just passing it to her. This is a thousands of year old being. Every changeling in the fic knows that. But Luna herself seems to be the only one who doesn't. When she goes on some internal monologue about actually owning up to something and then Chryssalis says "No." it felt like she would've blown her own brains out if there was a shotgun nearby. She's absolutely pathetic.
>>>>>nuance of their personalities
>Chrysalis, in a way, lost too. Do you not see what Luna did to them?
The story itself opens with the fact that Chrysalis lost. Both the invasion (and her being a ruler) and into Luna's overarching plan of holding her to muh honor so this whole thing works. But when this is followed by her whipping Luna in every single scene then don't expect me to have that much fun reading about one of my favorite ponies "winning" in the end, because the journey certainly isn't that fun getting there.
>is that Luna has done so much with here presence alone
You say "presence alone" but in reality, it is only with her presence. Her presence IS powerful, I said so myself. In fact it's her most powerful trait, maybe even her only powerful trait. Her presence achieves more while she's in a pod than anything else she does. It's her actions I have a problem with. She would have a better time in this fic if she sat still and didn't react/interact with anything or anyone. Her presence is good, her actions are always a detriment to herself.
>This is kind of Highball's writing again, and you had a similar reaction to it.
kek, weird but true-ish comment. But again you bring up the writing and not what is written. Yes Highball had a strong style, I would think I even mentioned it. But it also was a complete cuck story just with a train as the mare. So sure, I did have very very similar thoughts about both. But you can have a story with good style that doesn't stray into fetish territory, we just don't seem to read many of those apparently.
> Do you not see what Luna did to them?
Not the anon, but I think he did see it, which is why he posted:
> Ironically, Luna's most powerful portrayal in the fic is when she's unconscious in a changeling pod.
I'm less extreme than him. Like I wrote, there were aspects of Luna's flaws that I liked a lot in this fic, but I do agree that Luna is portrayed as too much of a doormat here.
> Do you not see what Luna did to them?
> Luna has done so much with her presence alone.
Yeah, but that's not due to active actions on her part. She just went down and they fed on her. You wrote "presence alone," and that's kind of a problem in my opinion. Her only victory is because she's "there," and her love is good. She has no 'victories' because of actions she actively takes. Every time, Chrysalis is way ahead of her.
I would have accepted that a bit more if it were Fluttershy who was kidnapped, for instance.
>Words spoken seconds before disaster.
But every other poster besides you has directly called Luna a bitch. And in their own first posts

I'm glad you brought that up since I actually had no note of publishing date since I just slapped it on my e-reader. I don't really think it changes anything really, but it is good to know nonetheless

Is this another Groomgang moment? you should choose a flag because we are pretty damn in line with each other on this.
>Yeah, but that's not due to active actions on her part. She just went down and they fed on her. You wrote "presence alone," and that's kind of a problem in my opinion. Her only victory is because she's "there," and her love is good. She has no 'victories' because of actions she actively takes. Every time, Chrysalis is way ahead of her.
This exactly.
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Voting "By the will", I have a review prepared.
you should choose a flag
I like being flagless. Since I'm the only one I've seen participating in the book club, I can:
- Still be recognizable.
- Judge you all for being flaggots.
More seriously, I don't want to because I know I'll forget it when I post elsewhere.
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>This is a thousands of year old being
Is she? All that canon says is that she ruled for some time, got jealous, and then got banished. There's nothing said about how long she was actually, you know, alive and how her moon-exile functioned. If she was in some kind of a stasis, she could not be very old nor wise. It's not like I like to see her or write her, but I object to calling this out as a fault with the fic.
Though it's not like I entirely and completely disagree, it's just that that I think this portrayal is defensible, and if the author thought that he needed to use it to tell this story, I don't believe that to be the wrong choice.
>because the journey certainly isn't that fun getting there.
The writer even gave you Surry to see what's happening. It doesn't look like it, but Luna not losing where it matters.
>Her presence achieves more while she's in a pod than anything else she does. It's her actions I have a problem with.
That's not wrong, but I think you're underselling her a bit. Her actions do not achieve much, but you can understand why she acts the way she does.
>But you can have a story with good style that doesn't stray into fetish territory,
This is not a "fetish territory" story lol. But more to the point, I don't think you can, not with the way you're presenting it. This fic's style is why Luna acts like she does, and why you dislike her. If the author went for a more barebones writing then--well first of all this fic would not exist--Luna would've acted differently. One is the result of the other; trying to "fix" Luna would reduce the impact of the fic's writing style and where it's going with it, I'm sure.

>>41160912 (also >>41160906)
>I do agree that Luna is portrayed as too much of a doormat here.
Sure, I would also say that she's not exactly how I'd like to see her portrayed in fics, but my point is that I think she needs to be this Luna for the fic to fully work. Write her as a more powerful version of herself and you lose what the author went for with the contrast to Chrysalis and the differences between them. Normally I'd say that's wrong because bending characters for the sake of the plot is not great, but as >>41160898 pointed out, we had way less of canon Luna to go off of back then, so she's not OOC, either.
>Not the anon
Incidentally, wearing flags for the bookclub is supposed to prevent exactly that. I don't like partially de-anonymizing myself, either, but I kind of already do that by posting the anchor.

>I don't really think it changes anything really,
I think it does. Exactly what he said; you can't call her written wrong, at most you can say she's not written like you'd like to see her based on your headcanon.

>second spoiler
Respectable and yes, this happens way too often still.
>review https://www.fimfiction.net/story/540147/p-value
With a title like "p-value" and its lone chapter named "α = 0.05", I couldn't resist. This is an EqG story about a romantically entangled Sunset Shimmer and Wallflower Blush being forced to separate. The reasons are only hinted at, but it's something to do with the presence of Equestrian magic in the EqG world being dangerous. The story portrays their last night together before Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria.

I appreciated the fact that Bike italicized the "p" in "p-value" whenever it shows up. Also, the definition of a p-value she gives is very nearly correct. (She defines it as, "The probability that the observed result would happen in a world where the null hypothesis were true," when it's "the probability that the observed result or a more extreme result would happen in a world where the null hypothesis were true.") But despite the title and the "Sci-Fi" tag, the story is pure emotional drama. (To counterbalance my appreciation of the italicized "p", however, and apropos of a recent discussion here, Bike used an en dash to truncate the line, "and then–" when she should have used an em dash.)

The drama is okay, but nothing remarkable. A few hundred words in, the plot becomes apparent, and from then on, the story is entirely predictable. Even the conclusion is predictable. The writing is adequate, but unremarkable (except for the fact that Bike correctly uses "lain"). If you like Sunflower romance and are in the mood for something brief and tinged with sadness, it's a good quick diversion. Otherwise, there's not much here. 6/10.
>Write her as a more powerful version of herself and you lose what the author went for with the contrast to Chrysalis and the differences between them.
I agree that for the fic to work, Chrysalis does need to be in a position of power above Luna. However, I believe it went too far here, and something less tilted toward Chrysalis could have worked. I'm not asking for Luna to overpower Chrysalis or for the situation to be reversed; I just would have liked to see a bit more assertiveness and less passivity from Luna.
(Taunting Chrysalis about how she acted like a foolish clown during the invasion, actively planning actions based on the fact she is the main food source for the hive, more actively noticing the changes she is provoking, anything really, just something.)

I will see how it goes for the rest of the fic, but I also believe that this balance of power is less necessary from now on and that it's actually the perfect moment for Luna to assert herself.
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>I like being flagless.
That's completely fair and good
>Since I'm the only one I've seen participating in the book club, I can:
>- Still be recognizable.
But how would we know that. Perhaps in one club maybe, but between clubs are we expected to assume it's just 1 person each time and the same person between clubs? I don't really care, of course. Do whatever you want it was just a suggestion if you had forgotten

>Is she?
She is absolutely at least 1,000 years old even if you wanna argue 99.9% was in stasis or some shit
Regardless, she has literally no poise. She is a perfect subject and a horrible ruler simply based on how she interacts with people and how she views herself. The only other character remotely similar is Celestia, and while obviously a big part of Luna is that she isn't Celestia, if the difference is this big then it is truly a wonder that anyone let alone both of them thought that she should rule alongside her sister.
>It doesn't look like it, but Luna not losing where it matters.
I get that. I'm saying "where it matters" is off the page. On the page is "It doesn't look like it," I get to read loss after loss. It's not fun. This story has an active and passive side. Actively, Chryssi domming Luna, passively Luna scoring some sort of W for equestria by becoming a bitch.
>Her actions do not achieve much, but you can understand why she acts the way she does.
I can understand the macro and not the micro. Peace with changelings = good. Every single action leads to her being embarrassed, so she keeps taking action = bad. I went to the "No." scene to check, and she channel's Tia and "rewrote for her a fitting speech, one becoming of her station." which meant a 12 word apology and when it was not accepted she just breaks down. Everything else I can think of is just her getting frustrated, so I mean I guess I can see why she feels the way she does after all of her actions. I can see why she cries in the shower, I can see why she feels like shit after every interaction with Chrysalis, and I can see why she lets her cast spells on her personal guard. It's because she can't stand up to the bugs in any way. She has completely submitted to them, but every once in a while tries to prove she isn't and fails because she is.
>This is not a "fetish territory" story lol. But more to the point, I don't think you can, not with the way you're presenting it.
You misunderstood me I think. All of my opinions on the style have been about the writing not the story. You can write beautiful prose about Luna walking through the woods with changelings without having her getting her ass humiliated by them. It's probably not much harder than just writing it with her getting humiliated. This is what got me through most of the first 15 chapters. Of course, if I'm wrong and good writing requires sub/dom dynamics then I guess I never want to read good writing.
>advocating flaggotry
kys. wdytwa?
>Incidentally, wearing flags for the bookclub is supposed to prevent exactly that.
>I think it does. Exactly what he said
I see what you're saying and I definitely misworded my own post about this but if the story's interpretation of a post s-2 Luna is that she is completely useless then none of my opinions are going to change. It's helpful to better understand the state of canon when the story was published for sure. The problem is that even within the story Luna constantly thinks to herself and tries to appear more princess-like, and like her sister and yet has less grace than any random pony from canterlot and less strength of will than any pony ever.
I'm not saying we've reached it, but there's a point where killing herself is a bigger boon to equestria than handing one of two heads of state to an enemy is because of how incompetent she is. Thankfully, she's passively competent so we aren't there and she might yet save the day if Chryssy doesn't immediately body Celestia again

Agreed again for the most part, but maybe
>I just would have liked to see a bit more assertiveness and less passivity from Luna.
I don't know if that would've fixed it. In this fic specifically there's plenty of both but I think I get what you're saying. She needs at least small wins to even be relevant. She has gotten literally none (of her own accord) and she thusly appears horribly incompetent.
>just something.)
This is pretty much what I mean. She's plenty assertive, but every single time without fail it leads to some embarrassing failure. She needs to at least NOTICE something for us to think she isn't just the alicorn of failure wandering around accidently influencing changelings as her only benefit to existing.
>but I also believe that this balance of power is less necessary from now on and that it's actually the perfect moment for Luna to assert herself.
Yeah, we're at a pivotal point for the story, although for me it's actually seeing Chrysalis' dynamic with somepony else that will make or break everything. I've simply lost hope for Luna actively doing anything good.

>kys. wdytwa?
no u kys. wdytwa? It's the book club.
>It's the book club.
This is why I stopped doing the book club. It's not about books; it's just a clique of flaggots.
>Verification not required
He does not represent the opinion of everyone. I would definitely ditch the flags and forcibly anonymize everyone between each book club if I could. Associating opinions with posters is super gay and a (very) unfortunate consequence imo.
>I would definitely ditch the flags
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Which is why I've remained flagless in the secreter club, but even then that becomes distinctive when the others have a flag.
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>Regardless, she has literally no poise.
At this point in the show, we've only seen her in Luna Eclipsed, where all episode she:
a) screamed at kids like an out-of-the-loop boomare
b) sulked like a sad frog
Once again I'll say that it's definitely not my preferred headcanon, but you can totally argue she's eternally in the shadow of her sister and is kind of weak and bad at all the "actually ruling" stuff. This would even make a lot of sense with the NMM happening as it did. Not to mention being ten centuries behind the curve.
>wonder that anyone let alone both of them thought that she should rule alongside her sister.
They defeated Discord together and Celestia loves her. Of course she'd want to share with Luna, especially if Luna wanted to rule, too. Ironically, Celestia being so good might've turned out poorly for Luna -- she never had to improve if her big sister was always the right mare for the job.
>"where it matters" is off the page
It's only kind of off the page. The way I read it, this fic lives by its implications and the stuff you're supposed to infer from what is happening "on the page". Not liking that is absolutely fair, but it's intentionally written this way.
>which meant a 12 word apology and when it was not accepted she just breaks down.
Right, so you see the micro. She tried to do it right, was knocked off-balance by Chrysalis, and didn't know what to do next.
>She has completely submitted to them, but every once in a while tries to prove she isn't and fails because she is.
Chrysalis also has a backdoor into her mind, which isn't helping.
>You can write beautiful prose about Luna walking through the woods with changelings without having her getting her ass humiliated by them.
Yes, but it to be good it needs to go /somewhere/. Pretty descriptions for the sake of prettiness itself are literally purple prose, as much as the term is very overused. You can see it at the very start of the fic, where the pretty prose serves to characterize Luna and the changelings without either of them doing anything, relying just on the correct adjectives and the right atmosphere. That's the most neutral use of it I can think of, but what the fic does later is in a similar vein.

>if the story's interpretation of a post s-2 Luna is that she is completely useless then none of my opinions are going to change
Yeah, and that's why I said you maybe shouldn't force yourself to finish, because even when/if the dynamics change, this Luna probably won't get magically ultracompetent and wise overnight.
>She needs to at least NOTICE something
She's also bad at this. Maybe the narration is just trying to fool us, but I don't think she even recognized the effect she's had on Surry. She seems kind of half-aware of it, but nothing explicitly saying it yet.
It's kind of pointless because I will keep making the anchor posts and because these walls of text in the replies and the posting style would still identify me as the raraflag every time. Back in Lyraflag's times, I tried to go incognito for a few weeks, but responding to the anchor immediately after it was made worked the same as a flag.
The thing that flags do well is help clarify stuff when two anons are replying in a chain.

That's actually a good point, dropping it there is 100% the right move.
I am sorry for your temptations to read rational fiction.
I never said this, but you were pretty on the nose regarding this fic. Even if that's only because broken clocks something something...

Also, I can't wait to see how Tunafag will spin this one. Well, if he shows up, that is. But I bet he will said it's all part of Luna's epic keikaku, and Big Bug didn't completely wipe the floor with her, squeaky clean, every time
I was >>41160840 btw
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This fic has a really strong start. I liked the environmental descriptions a lot, as well as the decayed tree setting for the changeling hive.
Chrysalis is OK. She talks like an edgelord too much. However, I do enjoy her sass and much more often than not, the ways she pushes Luna around are creative.
Luna herself is a not that great. A dog? What the fuck? I don’t like how dumb this fic is writing her to be. There are limits to how many mistakes you can assign to her natural impulsiveness, and this fic has passed them.

I've lost faith that the story is going to really improve on her motivations. Why did she go to the hive? This one is deliberately obfuscated by the story. Why is she staying at the hive? This one is a much more serious problem. Right after she woke up, I could not even guess why she didn’t leave immediately. She got what she came for. After that, it became more clear that she didn't want to leave the hive, but I don't expect the story to really ever give a good reason for that. I guess there is a chance that the blue and gray gems are her love for Equestria and her love for power, respectively, and now that she lacks them, she doesn't feel any reason to go back. It would still be a bad plot hole, given she hasn't lost any of her individual relationships and clearly still wants to go back to Celestia, etc.

One of the good things about Luna here is that she doesn't stay down. I’ve definitely read some fics where she’s constantly off balance or morose or something. The story does a good showing that even though Chrysalis is has such a ridiculous advantage in manipulating her, her natural state reasserts itself quickly and she rebounds. She’s so dynamic here, it’s really great to read all the emotions that she goes through.
The changeling OCs are pretty good too.

Chrysalis's evil experiments on her own bugs kinda remind me of Integration, although she wasn't nearly as callously evil in that fic.

Yeah, it's a real bummer that the story has so many of them this many years later. then/than, punctuation, and especially that fucking we're right at the top of Ch 13.
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I was going to write that she's far too much of a pushover in this fic as well, but the way that she bounces back from everything helped a lot with that problem. Not enough to make it good, but it helped me not drop it.
I mean these are all good points, but that doesn't make reading Luna this low any better
>maybe shouldn't force yourself to finish, because even when/if the dynamics change, this Luna probably won't get magically ultracompetent and wise overnight.
I'm more hoping that surreal pays off or Celestia is a good character (or someone else in canterlot but definitely not the brothers)
>but I don't think she even recognized the effect she's had on Surry
ummm don't look now, but there's like totally a changeling licking me. "Can I lick you too?" fuck off OC, (I now just remembered that part)

>Also, I can't wait to see how Tunafag will spin this one
I was also waiting to see

>A dog? What the fuck? I don’t like how dumb this fic is writing her to be. There are limits to how many mistakes you can assign to her natural impulsiveness, and this fic has passed them.
kek I forgot about the dog being one of her more significant emotional states. But I agree that the story is leaning too hard on how many fuck ups she can have because of her behavior
>One of the good things about Luna here is that she doesn't stay down
>but the way that she bounces back from everything helped a lot with that problem
interesting, but I think I could only think of that as a positive if anything came of it. Like I said earlier, she needs to do SOMETHING right, even if it's just to notice something before I can commend her for getting back up. As it is, I really just want her to stay down.
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You have a really good counterpoint for Twiflag's overly negative take on Luna in the way that Luna is passively overpowering Chrysalis, but I don't really agree that Chrysalis is being cruel to Luna as a response to Luna's passive effect on her hive. I think she's just being cruel because she likes to be cruel.
The fic helps itself a lot with Luna's passive domination of the hive under Chrysalis's nose. But >>41160912 is right that it doesn't feel like Luna is earning it. She's benefiting a lot from just being a cosmic princess, and the fic does an excellent job in capturing that sort of mystical, legendary nature of Luna's character. However, it completely fails to recognize that as a princess, she's supposed to be a ruler as well.
While reading the fic, I was going to post a comment like >>41160898 in that the fic is so old it doesn't capture Luna's canon dreamwalking characterization. Luna's dream episodes with the CMC did a lot to really set in stone the fact that she's just as dutiful a princess as Celestia. That being said, plenty of stories written before S3 really did not have trouble writing Luna as a princess and not just an overpowered pretty pony. This fic completely fails to capture NMM's sense of authority that is part of Luna's character as well.
Besides, what's up with Wax's eye color? It's described as a different color each time. Is it some sort of metaphor, or does he have some weird eye condition the author forgot to explain?
I'd assume we'll get more into that in the 2nd half. Maybe when his bro shows up. But I'm not gonna be surprised if it's simply le epig unique OC. Inb4 it starts turning green because all the spells he's stuffed with
>posting in the book club several hours late
I thought this story was quite enjoyable. Like many anons have already said, the prose and especially the environmental descriptions were some of the best qualities of the story. Echoing >>41161101, the tree setting for the hive really complemented the portrayal of the changelings and their society. It really emphasized how the changelings were mysterious, decaying, and forgotten in this far-flung corner of the world. The atmosphere the early chapters set is what really drew me in and got me invested in the story.
I also really enjoyed the portrayal of the changelings themselves. Their autistic stoicism was completely adorable, but Surreal definitely reinforced the idea that the changelings were their own race with personalities and emotions. I think this is a little more significant when we consider that when this story was published, there hadn't been any canon portrayal of a changeling hive, or any changeling with personality other than Chrysalis. This speaks to the author's creativity. There are also so many little touches that served to differentiate the changelings from the ponies, such as Surreal's mucus bandages she made, or the fact that the changelings subsist mostly on love and supplement it with that weird nutrient paste.
All this is really to say that the story is really great in terms of setting and world-building. The view we see of the changeling hive paints a pretty believable picture of how their society works and what their culture is like. Of course, the story isn't really about that, but rather Luna and Chrysalis's relationship.
Also, I'm new, so please tell me if Glimmer's flag is taken already.
>It's what you deserve my little pony
I clapped.
I thought Chrysalis's portrayal was very interesting. It was nice that she was shown to be competent and calculating. Even when she's fighting with Luna, the fact that she overpowers Luna completely seems more a failure on Luna's part. As many anons have said previously, Luna was a bitch and a doormat in this fic. I understand how >>41161029 makes the point that her aura is exerting this passive influence on the hive and undermining Chrysalis's authority, but that speaks more to Luna's strength as a plot device than as a character. Nothing she does actively really helps her situation, or even makes sense in context.
Again, like >>41161101 says, the story sets up Luna's reason for entering the hive to be excising these extreme loves she feels are burdening her. Once she does that, what reason is there for her to stay? She also constantly falls for Chrysalis's blatant attempts at manipulation. You would think that a princess (who was a princess BEFORE being banished and should have at least some social skills) would be able to recognize these kinds of tricks.
As the story went on, these kinds of exchanges between Luna and Chrysalis repeated ad nauseam. I definitely started to lose interest by the time they left the hive. In fact, I'd even agree with >>41160906 that parts of it felt like they were veering into some kind of S&M fetish dynamic between Luna and Chrysalis. The author even makes this joke himself, when Wax walks in on Chrysalis with Luna standing on her throat.
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>Why is she staying at the hive?
>I could not even guess why she didn’t leave immediately.
What I got from it is that she, despite everything, doesn't have it in her to just leave them to die after she'd seen them from up close and found that they're not the mindless monsters that she portrayed them as in her mind. See the few arguments she has with herself about how ponies see them as just monsters and that they'll starve and all that. She's conflicted about feeling this way for Equestria's de facto enemies, and thus ostensibly overreacts (primarily at Surry), just because, I think, she struggles to accept that she feels for them.
>She’s so dynamic here, it’s really great to read all the emotions that she goes through.
Definitely another strength of this fic. Not even I would have it in me to defend it if she just lied down and took it all.
>especially that fucking we're right at the top of Ch 13.
My favorite is the "Chyrsalis" at the end of a paragraph. It's so bad it actively stands out.

>fuck off OC
He's not so bad. Yeah, yeah, stallion OCs are not at an advantage, but the author got their care for Luna down very nicely, and their banter is nice.
>the dog
It's a tiny thing, but I agree that was stupid and painted her as needlessly shallow/immature. That love extraction earlier did well to show that she's a pretty complex character and then we get "oh no my dog!" right after. But it's a really tiny thing; literally one paragraph.

>I think she's just being cruel because she likes to be cruel.
It is certainly possible. Maybe I have higher hopes than I should have. Wouldn't be the first time.
>plenty of stories written before S3 really did not have trouble writing Luna as a princess
Just to make it clear: it's really annoying to defend this Luna when I don't particularly like the direction the author went with her, but I think this is a valid version based on what he had to reference. NMM works with this Luna rather well, too: if NMM was a highly emotional and rash decision then I can totally see her leaning in the exact opposite of her normal personality as NMM. NMM's defeat would also reinforce her weaker character traits, perhaps more than Celestia's successes as a princess.

It's sorta explained when Luna meets with him first. It's always kind of silvery, but the exact hue on top of that silver changes whenever one looks at him. So far it's been used descriptively as a neat way to weave more evocative colors into the scenes, but I hope there's a real justification later.

Definitely agree with what you're saying; the bugs here are very good. They strike the right balance between being individual and independent creatures like ponies and, well, bugs.

I mean, it's not like anyone's reserving any flags (they're only to make differentiating posts easier), but in any case, I don't recall anyone ever representing Glimglam here.
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It's not, but the only thing that actually matters is maintaining a flag for the day itself, and, to a lesser extent, the book. More than a few change flags from club to club and book to book. The only real problem are the ones who intentionally make conversations difficult to follow by not being identifiable.
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I had a draft that was basically talking about how Luna seems to revert to "herself" whenever she's not directly interacting with Chrysalis.
I don't like that Chrysalis has to carry the long scenes that are interactions between herself and Luna. But, she does. Luna was assertive at the very start of the fic, until Chrysalis got her fangs in, and then she's sufficiently assertive as long as she doesn't have line of site to Chrysalis.
I wonder if there's anyone here who's read the Sword of Truth and started getting flashbacks from Wax to the way someone could reveal their blood type, tax ID, sexual preferences, genealogy, what they had for breakfast, and what side of the bed they woke up on two weeks ago from being looked in the eyes.
It's good practice to link to first post because it makes it easier to follow in the catalog, and also lets those who aren't interested in reading recursively hide it all.

>Once she does that, what reason is there for her to stay?
See the first part of the post I posted right after you asked this. I think she's feeling bad for leaving them to just die (to starvation or by pony hooves) and really struggles with admitting that to herself. Although she kind of does admit to it: notice how she's always repeating the cope that lasting peace is the best for both of the races. IIRC she even outright states that it's the best the changelings can hope for. It's yet another stark contrast between the two main characters, because Chrysalis naturally only thinks about the peace from the perspective of her own hive, and how to best use ponies to sustain it.
>The author even makes this joke himself, when Wax walks in on Chrysalis with Luna standing on her throat.
But hey, that's when the situation is reversed! (to an unwitting observer at least)

>she's sufficiently assertive as long as she doesn't have line of site to Chrysalis.
Let's hope that this is right and that she does at least something in the second half. The meeting with the press was a good first step.
Yeah, I agree that the locale and culture of the changelings is nice to see
>She also constantly falls for Chrysalis's blatant attempts at manipulation. You would think that a princess (who was a princess BEFORE being banished and should have at least some social skills) would be able to recognize these kinds of tricks.
Yes, this is what I was trying to get at by saying she's thousands of years old and needs to show some dignity and poise. One single word from a foreign power shouldn't make her crumble into a ball and cry. Maybe even especially when her own subjects are mean to her. The kino route is her not caring at all about Chryssi's jibes and saying "It only hurts when my ponies say it, not filthy bugs."
> these kinds of exchanges between Luna and Chrysalis repeated ad nauseam
for sure, every scene with both of them in it has been extremely predictable so far
>The author even makes this joke himself,
Jeez, I had somehow forgotten about that between it just being a 'funny OC haha' moment and it immediately being followed by Luna having her hoof on Chrysalis' throat while she whimpers like a bitch and the bug makes threats to her. But yes, very good point about even the author acknowledging it

>But it's a really tiny thing; literally one paragraph.
I didn't particularly mind it, and it's mentioned again with Wax, the dog seems to be one of like 5 beings that like her so the emotional reaction makes sense. The post just made me remember it that's all. Also kind of weird where it's one of her only successful moments to an extent
>You're wondering what I'm thinking of to feel this way? Well it's my dog.
Wow, amazing insight from this Luna to be frank. Now put some thought into why Surry keeps hanging out with you against orders and licks you.
>They strike the right balance between being individual and independent creatures like ponies and, well, bugs.
They even get along with mosquitos kek

>I had a draft that was basically talking about how Luna seems to revert to "herself" whenever she's not directly interacting with Chrysalis.
>she's sufficiently assertive as long as she doesn't have line of site to Chrysalis.
Good way of putting it. You're right. This is what I was getting at in my first posts when I talk about how much the story talks her up. Everyone IS scared of her and she might even be powerful, but it's only when Chrysalis isn't in the room. Because when she is, Luna becomes utterly pathetic.
>by not being identifiable
In effect, you're demanding that everyone commit a bannable offense by using an avatar. Non-identifiability is supposed to be part of the soul of this place, and you're shitting on it. I usually report you at least once per thread, but I'm thinking I should do it more often.
Yeah, I forgot to say I also enjoyed the changelings' portrayal. They feel pretty alien, but not quite enough to not have individuals among them. Good worldbuilding, this way they don't just feel like ponies with chitin hides.
Actually, I have to agree with twiflag once more, this fic is practically a love letter to the buggos: the changelings are great, Chrysalis is great too, but everything else suffers for it.
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I know I'm making a shot in the dark here but I've been trying to find an old fanfic for ages and it's driving me nuts. I can't remember the author, but the premise of the fic was Anon building a robotic version of Twilight Sparkle. There are lots of technical details about him troubleshooting his build, and at one point he fucks it up and has to restore her from a backup. I thought it was by the same guy who wrote Friendship is Optimal but I seem to be mistaken. it's been like a decade, I might have gotten some of the details wrong but does anyone know what I'm talking about?
God damn it, you sardonic little thread goblin, how can you consistently be so fucking based.
I sincerely hope whatever demon that possesses you will release your soul — preferably all over the wall. That way we can finally all be free.
>That way we can finally all be free.
Don't worry. They'll implement that e-mail verification /biz/ has on the whole site, and we'll finally leave this place.
>They'll implement that e-mail verification /biz/ has on the whole site
We can only hope.
/biz/ got it because there's actual incentive to pump shitcoins on that board. There's no chance they'll bring it to other boards.
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It's funny how as soon as the book club ended, the thread died down, and went back to its usual 2-3 posts/hour speed.
And when I say funny, I actualy mean kinda sad.
And it's still one of the fastest threads on the board.
I doubt any of you want to hear about the EQG fics I've been reading
I do.
I can drop some baits about AIE, HIE, futas or em-dashes.
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The bugfic made it on to my RiL, finally. Part of it is bias from reading really excellent bugfics by authors with furry pfps.
I would've voted for it if I was sure I had time to read it. Having to choose either club fics or what I want to read is annoying.
I read https://www.fimfiction.net/story/524785/chromatic-aberration because I liked the first chapter of the author's latest fic, and I was hungry for more of their style. I'd also enjoyed her other fic 'Cold Open' but that was at the end of last year.
Anyway, it's a really engrossing drama; I spent the majority of my evening reading it in full when I got back from work. The first person perspective helped to get me invested in Sunset's journey through the fic—which definitely has quite the few road bumps along the way. It's also paced really well too, even with a lot of it staying inside her head. I didn't think I'd end up liking it as much as I did, but I guess there's still room in my heart for teenage drama even after leaving high school years ago.
Would recommend if you're open to >no hooves
The good news is I finished my draft. The bad news is that means now I have to start editing.
And the worst news is you have to come up with a blurb to sell your fic to the masses
After more than half a year, I have finished working on my Apple story.
Read it if you like mysteries, thrillers, apples, or SPOILER.
And a title. I always suck at titles.
I always come up with the title first, cover art second, and premise third.
How long have you been sitting on that story?
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Why don't groups show up when I click on the groups section?
Smart. I should do that.
It was originally a random idea I had for a romance one-shot, but I never wrote more than a few paragraphs for it, so I just repurposed it for this.
Where do you get this menu? It doesn't look like the https://www.fimfiction.net/groups or the "add to group" button.
Hover over your username and this pops down. I click on "Groups" hoping to see the groups I'm in, but no.
Oh, that. Yeah, I'm getting a blank page too.
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It's probably the page from which you can delete groups you created (or at least admin)
Fimfiction is littered with these idiosyncrasies, they're a result of Knighty having done fuck all with the site in over a decade.
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Feels for this fic?
Uh... A tailsopony fic?
I made it to the sandbox.
Premise sounds interesting, will give it a read.
zaidies, we're so back
I gave you an updoot, kind stranger.
>horror with Apul
Color me interested.
I rather like the title "sardonic little thread goblin."
In my role as sardonic little thread goblin, I'm tempted insult your efforts out of pure spite, but actually I thought this was pretty good.
This was a little too obvious for me, though. Then again, I've seen it before.
>making it with five upvotes
That's not good news for the site's health, but I congratulate you all the same
I once saw a story that had a 10:7 ratio, or somewhere nearby. As long as you hit the magical unknown ration in the right amount of time, you'll make it.
>This was a little too obvious for me, though.
It is very obvious. Which is why I love it. I can't help myself. I did the same in another story. picrel.
Thanks for your interest!
I hope I don't disappoint.
> with traces of annoyance in her voice.
I can't rationally explain why, but I've always hated this.
I can sense traces of annoyance in your post.
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On the main menu bar, you go to Groups > My Groups to get to the ones you're a member of. I think the tab under your username is for groups that you created.

>or at least admin
Must be for creators only since I'm admin of a group and it doesn't show up.
How may I share a chapter of an unpublished story?
Print it out and mail it to random addresses.
Give the story a password for unpublished viewing and then link the chapter. Alternatively, toss it somewhere else.
>Give the story a password for unpublished viewing and then link the chapter.
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>Though there was a part of her that felt happy about this, she couldn’t shake the nagging notion that maybe her cousin wouldn’t be in this situation if the city had remained a haven of fancy ponies.
>have an immediate urge to updoot my fellow /fic/cer's fic despite a total lack of interest in reading it
Is this why they call us a circlejerk?
You can justify it by reasoning that, on average, a fic posted by one of the anons here will be of higher quality than the stuff filling up the New and Featured sections, so even if you don't want to read it yourself, clicking like on it improves the site slightly.
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I guess I could read the rest in the draft, but that would kind of spoil the fun, so rather I'd just comment on what I've read so far.
I really like it! To be fair I'm already partial to AJ, but her dynamic with Bloom is heartwarming and fitting to both characters. The mystery feels a little low-burn for a 15k word fic (we're over the halfway mark and still don't really have any strong leads beyond "uhh some colts who just so happened to talk about the one filly who disappeared") but I'm willing to give the story the benefit of doubt, because I'm a sucker for some Apple-family drama. I hope you'll manage to tie things together in a way that feels both satisfying and plausible.
Seeing the horror tag, the disappearances, and the way the cop mare seems super uncomfortable after AJ mentions the filly makes me assume there is some kind of "rich ponies exploiting foals while everyone else looks the other way to save their skin" thing going on. Probably not sexually, seeing the T-rating, but seeing how Manehatten is depicted as a typical slum and you mention stuff like drugs, I wouldn't rule out slavery or being forced to entertain the moneybags. Or maybe I'm completely wrong and in a week or two we'll all come back to laugh at me.
One thing I was wondering about was whether this is a joke or a typo:
>But, like Twilight would say, these were just hypotenuses
It's a pretty funny joke if it was intentional, but the rest of the scene doesn't really lend itself to levity, so I figured I'd ask.
I have come to announce that I have published the final chapter of my story. I must thank Filly again for his hard work in ensuring it wasn't a pile of shit. Now to work on the final story for the series.
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The spoilered text will include stuff from the story's ending because I read ahead.
Whoa. My enjoyment of the fic increased the more of it I read, especially in the yet-unpublished half. I'm still waiting for you to finish Blankness before I start it, but otherwise, this is my favorite thing from among your stuff that I did read. Filly is right that the pacing starts slow, but I think it was a good choice for this fic, even if it might bore some people. In the first half, I particularly enjoyed the thick—almost oppressive—atmosphere of the cold Manehattan being contrasted with AJ&AB's bond and their determination. That works super well, imo, and the writing is quality enough to sell it nicely.
It's the second half of the fic, however, that really shines here. As I was reading the long train search, I thought it was easily going to be the fic's highlight for me. It feels properly foreboding, and the emotions of the characters are shown well. Then the horror part came, and I wasn't so sure about the train being the fic's best anymore. Granted, it's pretty short, but the escalation leading to that final confrontation is great. I might be showing some bias, though, since I was about to read The Curse of Yig before I saw your post.

I'll also say that the writing feels pretty polished, too. I'm mainly commenting on the first half here since I intentionally paid less attention to this in the g-docs draft (it's a draft, duh!). Though the second half did have two kind of bad oversights/typos, and I've marked them in the doc.
The writing is more correct than in >95% of fics on the site, and most of the things I'd object to are very minor or even up to style. There are a few comma splices ("We will find your cousin, just trust us to do our job."), some sentences that I think would read better with a slightly different emphasis ("They only knew the line Babs was most likely to have taken." vs. "They knew only..."), and a couple spots that, ideally, I'd have liked to be a little clearer. As for style, a few too many sentences start with "buts" or "ands", but that's just nitpicking. Going back to that Apples-Manehattan contrast, I did also notice that several paragraphs in the first 5k end on a variation of a sentence describing AJ's optimism; it started to get a little repetitive.

The tags made me raise a brow, especially after the second half.
I know it's tough to balance mystery and accuracy, but I do not think you can publish this without any reds. T is fine, for sure, but something like [Death] should be there. I know it raises the stakes for the readers before they even start the story—that's probably why you opted not to have it—but I don't believe on-screen bloody protag murder and piles of gore are appropriate given the fic's current tags.
Sorry for not posting on fimmy for the algorithm, but I wouldn't write most of this there, and it'd need to wait for the [Complete] tag anyway.
Whoa buddy, you can't just drop info like that without shilling the story in question unless this is you https://www.fimfiction.net/story/545827/the-princess-of-night-in-the-city-of-light
I'm happy you pulled through, Anon. Sorry for ghosting you for a while, I'm kinda going through crap of my own. I'm curious to see the final part.

That's the one. If you like (or at the very least don't mind) EaW, it's pretty good.
I'm done, to let you know.

Also, Luna flag, here's some nice, new artwork of Luna made just yesterday: >>41162884

I think you may like it.
That is, yes! If you've been waiting for it to finish then apologies for taking so long. The interlude chapter was a stonewall for me for months.

Oh don't you apologize for nothing, your own business is more important than helping a stranger out! And I simply must thank you again for telling me that it'd be a good idea for the interlude chapter, it helps the overall narrative.
Out of all people, why do you think the mega-pretentious tunafag would be into your preg fetish?
Because he can pretend Twilight impregnated her rather than Celestia
>we had way less of canon Luna to go off of back then, so she's not OOC, either.
>At this point in the show, we've only seen her in Luna Eclipsed, where all episode she:
Luna had no trouble standing up for herself and asserting herself. She feels guilty and lonely, but she is not some spineless incompetent pushover. Her having fewer appearances actually makes it less believable for her to act like that since she didn't have any self-torture yet. Based on what there was she'd be much more likely to just say fuck it and leave.
Not part of the book club but I saw these and needed to let you know that you were just flat out incorrect.
To be quite honest, i'm kind of disappointed that anon never responded. I've been pretty bored lately and it's been almost a year since i translated anything so i was somewhat excited to get back into the flow and work on some fanfic.
She doesn't have issues asserting herself in the fic. She does it repeatedly, practically in her every scene. The problem is the result, with Chrysalis dominating her almost every time. A part of it is certainly Luna being confused and weak after the removal procedure, as well as Chryssi having a backdoor to Luna's mind, and a proverbial knife on her throat. The only time Chrysalis's taunts truly get to Luna and make her turn against the 'lings in anger, Chryssie invades her mind and literally tells her "No".
>she'd be much more likely to just say fuck it and leave
Her motivations are deliberately unclear. I haven't read anything past chapter 16 yet so I stick to my claim that she's somehow doing it for the sake of the bugs (even if she also finds the idea revolting), but you could argue she's trying to prove herself, too. That's definitely what she's been doing in Canterlot when she refused Celestia's offer of help to handle things on her own and be known as the princess that she should be.
>Chryssi having a backdoor to Luna's mind
>The only time Chrysalis's taunts truly get to Luna and make her turn against the 'lings in anger, Chryssie invades her mind and literally tells her "No".
This sure sounds a lot like a fetish fic.
read it if you're into that. I want someone who likes this shit to read it and verify my claims ^:)
This is why it's tough to discuss stories without both parties reading it first. It's impossible to relay the events without coloring the interpretation with the way you choose to describe what's happening. It does not read like a fetish fic; it's main focus points are (in order): the changes happening to the bugs, and Luna's struggle against all odds. We did end last week with Luna finally seeming to have done something successfully.
Although it's also true you can describe the fic in a way that portrays the Luna-Chrysalis dynamic that way--like what Twiflag's done. You could misrepresent a lot of fics in this manner, and this one even acknowledges the situation with a joke, when Luna's guard walks in on Luna holding Chrysalis to the ground and threatening to push her throat in with her hooves, which to the guard standing in the doorway looks very different.
If it were a fic about how Chrysalis got into Shining's mind and how she still has influence over him even after the fact I'd be all for it, but not with Luna.
Maybe I'll give it a read.
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I'm glad I managed to make it engaging. As for why it's so low-burn of a mystery is that there really aren't many leads. It's part of the reason why the police haven't achieved much. Part of it.
Regarding your spoiler, you're not far off. Let's just say there's a lot flying under AJ's radar.
>I hope you'll manage to tie things together in a way that feels both satisfying and plausible.
All I can say is that the story is as faithful an adaptation of the idea that came to me before I fell asleep that one time as I could.
>pretty funny joke
It was intended as such. I just needed something to keep it from getting too heavy before chapter 2. I hope it wasn't too jarring.

I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, Anon. I loved writing AJ and Bloom. Maybe I should write something with Rarity and Sweetie Belle at some point.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabout three chapters left until the end, unless I go overboard with the length. Again.
Thanks for catching those slips. I've fixed them and hopefully cleared them up.
Applejack going so hard with the forced optimism was completely intentional. Read the last lines and you'll see why she spends so much time saying things would be alright.
Oh, God. I'm retarded. I totally forgot that was a tag. Jesus Christ. How bad would it be if I add it right before publishing the second part?
As for the gore, I counted, and it's only three paragraphs out of 15k words. I hope that means I'm in the clear regarding that one.
Oh right. I was going to wait to have the full story out before I tried seeing if you were still around. The entire thing is here, if you still want to try translating it. >>41159670
How do you cope with loving someone as a person while hating their fics?
Angry sex.
And how do you cope with the opposite? Hating the person, but liking his fics?
>first spoiler
I feel markedly dumber now than I did five minutes ago.
I've seen some longer (100k+) stories add new tags only as they become relevant. I don't think that's the best approach, but it seems to be considered acceptable, I guess? Adding it late is better than not having it at all, imo, and that would at least make it look intentional.
Yeah, the fic definitely doesn't need that tag. It seems to only go on the most bloody of slashers. It was abrupt in a fic without any warnings (a horror story without any red boxes sets some expectations regarding the content, at least for me), but having [Death] would be enough of a warning.
This one's easy; regularly bitch about the guy itt to vent while still reading all his fics.
>I feel markedly dumber now than I did five minutes ago.
Here, have another line from near the end that I really like: One way or another, they’d be reunited with their cousin.
And yeah, I'll take your advice. Thanks.
Anyhoot. Time to work on my corpse part!
>/fimfic/ hates Anon, but likes his fics
At last, I see...
Don't worry about doing it fast, pregnigger's already set the bar lower than his sperm count.
We'll see.
All I'll say is that I don't think I'll have a problem continuing.
>This sure sounds a lot like a fetish fic
Does the narrator go on and on about it and give way more detail than is seemingly necessary or is it brushed over in a few sentences as the story continues? That's how you tell if something's a fetish or not. The pacing will suddenly sputter as the author takes time to admire things.

It's like the Tarantino feet meme. Having a panning shot show a woman's feet for a second is normal. Having a shot linger on them for ten seconds despite the actors doing other things is not.
Has a fic ever altered your perception (i.e. brain damage) of either the show, other fics, or both? I'm curious since both >>41161451 and a couple comments in the following fic mention the feeling. Essentially an unintended or introduced headcanon, I wonder if it's measurable and can point to some interesting and unique stories.

My example is https://www.fimfiction.net/story/696/feedback (Sequel is /8794/sing-the-nights-song )
This fic has Vinyl portrayed as blind, I remember reading this way back and thinking it was a really neat gimmick and allowed for some unique writing. Don't know if the fic still holds up, but to this day whenever Vinyl is depicted I initially assume she's blind, then get disappointed when I realize I'm just retarded.
The show in general facilitates the 'ability' theme naturally by having different pony types like unicorns and pegasi, which is nice. Sometimes the show does include actual disabled characters like zebras and earth ponies, but it's refreshing having something like that in writing — especially sensory disabilities.

Anon... are you normal and able to differentiate fiction from fiction? (Also thread almost dying because off-peak)
I wrote a story where Songbird Serenade is secretly an alicorn and when I think about her I always have to remind myself she's actually just a pegasus.
I was going to tell you to fuck off I'm not searching through the all 34 Songbird Serenade fics (That's too many)
>Because hiding eyes is sexy
Fellow blind fetishist
My nigga. Not seeing eyes or hiding them with a mask or something is extremely hot.
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I can point to a few examples of this, usually with background ponies who lacked canon characterization and were thus more susceptible to being overridden by fanon from good and/or memorable stories. Most recent example would be Sassaflash, which I associate with eldritch business ever since reading the excellent Rise and Fall, even though there's nothing to even remotely hint at this in the show. Same as you with Vinyl, I always wonder for a second what she's planning in any scene she appears in, only to realize she's a true background pony. Not fic related, but I always see Alula / Erroria (the princess of /mlp/, for any who remember that) as an alicorn until the fic says otherwise.

But more insidious is the situation where your perception of major characters slowly shifts over time as a result of how they're portrayed in the fics you read. Celestia, Pinkie, Luna, etc. all commonly suffer from this. That's why it's good to rewatch the show regularly. Even as I say that, I will admit that I've grown to like RD much more over the last ~6 years, and I'm perfectly aware that it's at least partially caused by her softer, more caring side often being more emphasized in fics. It's not OOC, but it's still a brain damage caused by fics.
>Anon... are you normal and able to differentiate fiction from fiction?
Stories are stories. For a true schizo take, one could argue there are fewer differences between fiction, fiction-fiction, and 'real' ones than people like to believe.
I have the same reaction whenever Vinyl talks. In my mind, she's either mute or nearly mute, and I'm always disappointed when a fic makes her talk normally.
>actual disabled characters like zebras and earth ponies
Don't forget Spike's mental disability.
What in the fuck?
>23. New reviewers who hasn't done 10 reviews are not allowed to participate to be the judge.
>24. New reviewers who haven't been here for over 2 months are not allowed to be the judge.
So it's just a lure to get people to their club.
An announcement that begins,
>The event starts in may 1st through end of September (Rules might update through April 28th)
makes me wonder whether the judges will be literate.

Maybe I'm being too harsh; it looks like it's being run by a teenager, probably with the help of her friends, and it's a nice idea even if I don't trust the execution.
In Prey and a Lamb, what’s the giant worm thing Prey summoned?
I'd like to confirm this warning. The Harry Potter fanbase is much older and several of their characters are nothing like that of the books. The books read like an entirely different franchise.
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The Lamb, duh.
I don't get it
How are you databases running? I spent today tuning somebody else's SQL Server instance.
If you're the always off-topic webcode faggot, then please fuck off now.
No, I don't care the thread is so slow otherwise, this is still a pony fanfic general
>always off-topic
Not that he should post his database posts, but I'd guess he's the guy who's been reading DoWaS the last 6 months.
This is a quality post.
>Just regularly detox on 200+ episodes bro
Psychosis is magic.
>>Just regularly detox on 200+ episodes bro
There are certainly not that many episodes worth rewatching. In fact, going that far damages your interpretations of the characters more than it focuses them
>Not trading your mortality for an encyclopedic knowledge of useless shit
>He doesn't know the appearance order of individual parasprites (including flashbacks) by color and where otherwise referenced by characters
>The stupid fucking slut for brains
>get back into reading fics after a prolonged break
>glance at the clock
Fug, I need to be up early tomorrow.
Read through the night. That should get you energised.
The anni stream provides both an excellent opportunity and an excuse.
>of either the show, other fics, or both?
It's hard to break Cloud Kicker of her Winningverse association, but the BPs are all easy targets of this. Also reminds me of the fact that Littlepip's design is strictly from fanart and no description is given in FO:E.

>25. Mus have a few different species other than ponies.
Creaturebros, you won.
>electric company installed a (((smart meter)))
Should I start writing my manuscripts on a typewriter?
Digits say so.
Godspeed on your analog quest.
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Why did he do it?
Get ready for your next power bill being all fucked up.
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Man, such a shame MagnaLuna went from this to her later AU full-cat "Luna".
The story is now complete. I'm happy with how it turned out, and I wish people like it too.
Thanks for your attention, Anons!
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Still, I gotta say, congrats on finishing it. One of these days I'll have to look into Blankness.

>review https://www.fimfiction.net/story/281406/taking-a-bite-out-of-the-big-apple
'Taking a Bite Out of the Big Apple' is a 16 thousand-word horror shortfic. When Babs goes missing, it's up to Applejack and Apple Bloom to brave Manehatten and find her.
On the technical level I have nothing to say, but positives. The prose is clear, evocative, and the only time it gets repetitive is very much done intentionally. As this is a horror fic, there's plenty of mindbending going on and the story rarely has to spell it out that "hey, things aren't right!", which is always a good thing. I specifically liked the second time AJ and AB get on the train. I'd say it's probably the tensest part of the fic as there's nothing necessarily immediately wrong going on, but it quickly becomes clear that the train has a few too many carts and the ponies there are wrong.
As for the plot, I'm on two minds about it. On one hand, the tension is impeccable all throughout the story. Manehatten in this story is oppressive even without anything bad needing to happen. The stakes are nicely raised throughout the two chapters too, with AJ's hope slowly eroding away and she regardless has to put on a brave face for Bloom. On the other hand, and I feel like different readers' experiences will vary greatly, the story gives no answers and hardly ties up any ends. This is not unheard of when it comes to horror. After all "nothing is scarier than the unknown" and I admit I was completely off about my mark when it came to predicting the ending.
However, as much as being surprised is nice, I feel like 90% of this story was setting up one thing (i.e. an oppressive detective fic about the two Apples trying to recover Babs) and then the tail end throws in a supernatural twist and storms through the rest of the plot like a tornado. It was kinda like the literary equivalent of a jumpscare. Sure, it's horrid, but it also resets the tension. And I'll be honest the colts being flesh eating "demons" who've already kidnapped hundreds and got away with it certainly wasn't on my bingo card and, to me at least(!), it lessened the impact of the reveal compared to if my original prediction [spoilers]a wealthy elite, untouchable by the police, engaging in debauchery / slavery / etc. were right, because I feel like the identity of the culprits makes the whole situation less interesting as a whole, due to there being just enough information to make the basic idea clear, but no depth to sink our teeth into.
Overall the story ends up being a very specific kind of horror, that I think either resonates with you strongly or turns you off. For me it sadly ended up being the latter, despite enjoying literally everything else about the fic, but it could easily be that you'll love the fic for the same reasons I ended up being a little let down.
How the fuck did you manage to write exactly 16k words?
>the chapter lengths, too
This is some advanced autism, huh?
I think it's better to get the whole thing done first. This lets you go back and change some things as you write later chapters, ensures you'll have a clear vision for the whole thing, and guarantees that you'll have a complete story instead of adding yet another fic to the massive list of incomplete works.
But a lot of people post as they go for the satisfaction of getting feedback. The argument is that this motivates them to continue writing.
Yeah, good point. It's just that this story feels like it's gonna be a doozy to do and I might not even finish it until this time next year if I don't hit any major writing block. And that's before trying to wrangle someone to proofread it.
>In my mind, she's either mute or nearly mute
Because it just makes sense. Background ponies don't typically have dialogue, and a musical pony would obviously express themselves through music. For communication apart from nods, shakes, and shrugs; she's a DJ, it might be possible to have limited dialogue via music samples, although comical and maybe difficult to write, sounds like fun. https://youtu.be/BPknZ3Lk4xU
>Spike's mental disability
That's mean. You shouldn't expect that much from a pet animal with no rights.
There's a tiny couple of pixels right above AJ's hat. Near the pointy bit at the front.
I mentioned this in a previous post, but the main concept for this story including the main premise, the train setting, and everything about the ending came to me one night before I fell asleep. I mulled this idea for a while, and eventually wrote a first version of this for a WriteOff event last November. Here's the original, if you ever feel like knowing how it looked under tighter limits.
From its inception, I knew this story would be divisive. If I were to describe my intentions, it would be as if two people were so deep in a conversation as they walk down the street, that they don't notice the out of control car that's going to run them over. I wrote the original and expanded it into the current story with that mindset. Not only that, but also the way the end would happen. I wanted that sensation of pulling the rug under the reader the same way it comes as a shock to Applejack.
To serve this purpose, I intentionally set the story so there was hardly any way for AJ to learn what was really happening. The creatures living beneath Manehattan cover their tracks quite well, and they attack in such a way that they slowly predate every aspect of society. There's a reason Uncle Cortland's apartment is rundown, why the police precinct is understaffed, why it feels there should be more ponies here and there, what happened to the families of the other foals, as well as the lack of homeless ponies beyond that one guy. The city is dying under everypony's noses, but they are too preoccupied with their own issues to see the full picture.
There is a bigger story in my mind, a way things connect and how they ended up the way they did. But that's not what Taking a Bite was ever going to be. I talked about some conflicting thoughts about the tags. For a moment, I wondered if the end result should have the Tragedy tag. I emphasised AJ's forceful optimism, but the very first draft had her react in a different way to the police's indifference, to the homeless guy, and to the colts in the train. I wondered if I could make my earlier point of tunnel vision (ha!) and how stubbornly she would look for Babs while ignoring all the red flags lead to her and Bloom's demise.
In the end, I didn't like how that story developed, so I shifted gears into being thrust into something that they didn't understand and weren't capable of actually defeating. I felt it was easier for me to write a story about playing a rigged game where any hope you had of leaving unscathed was left behind some stations ago.
I was at 15,6k words and was tweaking a couple of scenes when I realised I'd gotten quite close to a round 16k. I added a couple dozen to chapter 1, and a couple hundred to chapter 2, until I reached the nice round number.
So... Medium autism.
I read the rare decent TCB fic I find every once in awhile. One thing I don’t get is that, since it’s a very edgy universe or whatever you want to call it, why hasn’t anyone written a story where the humans win and then genocide the ponies? It’s all “oh the wars over, peace and love now” when you’d genocide an alien species that tried to do the same to you
Revenge is only good when it fuels my misanthropy.
Because the only people who would want to genocide ponies are also people who are extreme self-hating misanthropes.
/co/ would like a word.
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>Why don't the TCBers write a TCB fic that would, by definition, not be a TCB fic?
Because it would then be instantly forgotten after getting tossed in the pile of HFY garbage that it's indistinguishable from.
So the answer is that they just stick to the niche because it drastically lowers the bar of quality.
Like everyone who writes horsewords.
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>why hasn’t anyone written a story where the humans win and then genocide the ponies
HFY is supposed to be showing our superiority in everything, including morality. "Humans are so awesome and merciful, we'll let the puny ponies live." The readers are supposed to agree with this idea as well, but that would be very difficult if death camps have been set up to gas the foals or spread rinderpest.

From a strictly pragmatic perspective, genociding a species that can levitate, teleport, heal, transmute objects, manufacture and control weather, etc. is probably one of the most retarded ideas possible. The technological or metaphysical leaps humanity could make by understanding the ponies' biology and magic would be singularity-tier and would rocket us directly into Kardashev I territory.

Also, reminder the HFY faction of TCB is utterly retarded and the magic radiation is completely accidental. TCB's supposed to be a story of first contact in the worst possible circumstance and how the two sides are able to overcome it and unite. It shows the strength of Equestria and humanity. It becoming a pissing match between misanthropes and HFY was one of the great tragedies of the fanfic scene, among many.
The original TCB is much like My Little Dashie, a story where a normal guy can go 'man ponies would make my life so much better' but he never finished it and chatoyance took over as THE TCB writer and turned it into 'Equestria is a literal paradise where nothing bad happens and humans that don't want to change are evil also Celestia and Luna are literal gods who are always just and right' which is just wrong from watching the first season. Read her blog posts about the second season and it's full of his angry ranting about how they ruined Luna and shit like that.
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Nah, they're pretty too.
Who was the original author? I thought it was Chatoyance
Nice pic, shame it'll be a week before we can use it.
Why do (You) write?
Because nobody else will write what I want to read.
Because I am attached to FiM's world and its characters enough to pick it as the setting to tie myself to, and I don't see fics as second-rate stories. Also because I believe it's our responsibility to maintain FiM's writing scene, with this being the best way I can contribute to the fandom.
Because poni is the only thing that makes me wanna write, and that's too rare to pass up.
That's a good, logical reason. But don't you fear that in the end only (You) will end up caring about your fic as well?
That's a pretty noble reason, and you have my respect for thinking that way.
Besides being able to imagine myself writing TES fanfics, FiM is the only world/setting that ACTUALLY made me write.
Not this anon btw, my reason is kind of a mix of all the above, plus probably the fact if I don't write out my ideas eventually, they'd just continue living rent free in my head, and that's not good
>But don't you fear that in the end only (You) will end up caring about your fic as well?
That's already the case, for the most part.
No, it was some random teenager. But Chatoyance wrote a bunch of spinoffs and got really into it, to the point of feeling personally attacked by people writing unapproved interpretations of the TCB premise and ragequitting the site as a result
>Read her blog posts about the second season and it's full of his angry ranting about how they ruined Luna and shit like that.
He was right though.
Luna didn't even have a character until season 2
What could be inferred was still better than what they gave her.
Pick a damn side.
Any House MD crossover fics that aren't incomplete?
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Shallow, meaningless comment. You can infer anything because she was only a picture of a character. That is why there are almost no Luna fics worth reading that were written before Luna Eclipsed.

And, even more critically important, every Luna episode since S2 improved her character more. Even outside the episodes, nearly every scene helped her as well. It's no coincidence Luna fics kept getting better and better as the years and seasons went on.
>tunafag is a retard with shit taste
More at eleven.
No, stop stalking me.
This never even crossed my mind. How the fuck? Any links?
The only one I remember is a brief interlude in Kojimanon's green, not long before he abandoned it.
>More at eleven.
Please, no more Tunafag.
>full moon tonight on the summer solstice
Fics for this?
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/241032/spring-tide & https://www.fimfiction.net/story/393985/midsummers-eve
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His name was Blaze. It's long since been a deadfic and predates Fimfiction, so it's unknown whether he wrote any other fics or even has a Fimfic account. It remains a mystery to me how a four chapter deadfic could birth so much autism.

Because I can't read them. I write fics I want to read, but haven't been able to get the itch scratched.

>don't you fear
No. I have fun writing the story and I have fun reading it and in the case of the fetish fics, fapping to them. That's all that matters. Other people reading it is just a bonus.

How would that even work in a non-crackfic premise? He has no knowledge of pony anatomy or magic diseases, so the central premise of the show's undercut and it'd just be a snarky cripple hobbling around Ponyville, which I'm sure a dozen AiE fics have already done.
Edgy and confident Luna is far better than blue Fluttershy. Faggot
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>original Luna looks cute in a more childlike way and is more similar to a normal pony, perfectly fitting with her story of being not given the same respect as Celestia
>new Luna looks very distinct and apart from normal ponies, clashing with her backstory or at the very least making her motivations seem far more petty, yet she's also not given a more Celestia-like design, making her still seem lesser to Celestia to the viewers
>original Luna is meek and lacking confidence, once again fitting well with her being given less consideration by ponies
>new Luna is authoritative and has no trouble asserting herself, once again clashing with the idea that ponies would not care about her
And to top it all off, original Luna even works better with the whole "wanting to make friends and be loved but not knowing how to" than new Luna does.
>original Luna looks cute in a more childlike way
So is Celestia. Picrel. You assume Celestia didn't have a similar look because it fits that headcanon despite us being shown the opposite was true within the first minute of the show.
>new Luna looks very distinct and apart from normal ponies
You just said she is more similar from normal ponies in the previous line. Which is it?
>clashing with her backstory or at the very least making her motivations seem far more petty
And is either inconsitent backstory or pettiness a good thing?
>yet she's also not given a more Celestia-like design, making her still seem lesser to Celestia to the viewers
This is the one part of your post that I can agree. However, you're building an entire headcanon based on personal interpretation just to justify your preference.
>original Luna is meek and lacking confidence, once again fitting well with her being given less consideration by ponies
You're extrapolating a lot from a few seconds of screentime. What you see as meekness and lack of confidence can easily just be discomfort from being back after a thousand years or--and just follow along for a moment--having to face the ponies who last saw her as the tyrant who deposed the previous leader and was going to bring eternal night.
>new Luna is authoritative and has no trouble asserting herself, once again clashing with the idea that ponies would not care about her
Did you even see Luna Eclipsed? Luna STILL has problems connecting with ponies. That's what the entire episode is about.
>And to top it all off, original Luna even works better with the whole "wanting to make friends and be loved but not knowing how to"
How? If anything, being so different from Celestia would make her seem more approachable to the regular pony than the mighty huge alicorn who has ruled for centuries.
>than new Luna does.
Just come out and say it. You don't like regular Luna because she's black.
>MLP crossover with [anything]
>easily gets +1000 comments
Sure is 2012 in there
Maybe I should fake my own death so people pretend like my fics are worth reading.
I am straight up not having a good time.
the human condition is sadly terminal.
It's that shitty between two chairs feeling when you're both yearning to write, but also have zero ideas, and even worse have extremely important and time consuming responsibilities.
At least I'll hopefully be free by next week.
Meanwhile, I'm sitting here with both the ideas and the will to write, but somehow I still can't get myself to do it. I'm blaming it on my responsibilities, too, but that's more likely to be an excuse.
You don't want to write. You want to have written.
That's very possible. Motivating myself to sit still, don't get distracted, and get the writing done is always the hardest part.
Which one of you fuckers was this?
take your friend substitute elsewhere
Is it over?
>it is the back half of 2024
>East Horse is long dead
>Empty Horizons Part 3 has not arrived
>This Platinum Crown and Asylum remain untouched
it's more over than it's ever been before
The section with Vinyl driving reminded me a bit of Paratopic, of all things.
I like this story so far, a lot even. It's a real page turner, and I breezed through the first half in a couple of days and had to stop myself from going further into it. I think that alone is a pretty positive sign, but there's also a lot I can more directly explain my like for. So instead I'll start with pointing out what I don't like. Even if it hadn't aged horribly thanks to more recent events, I'd still be bothered by the Fluffle Puff inclusion. I get it, it's a thing fanfics do to include fandom elements, but it still annoys me greatly. I can overlook it for how it's used later on and for the good couple of scenes it leads to, but it's still annoying that it's there at all. Secondly, this fic is clearly written with knowledge of subsequent EQG content, and clearly assumes that that all will happen too, which has me rather worried about where it might be going with the ending.
That aside, some other minor notes. I feel the fic is mistagged a little, perhaps deliberately. A Chrysalis tag should certainly be in order, and a drama tag too. On a personal note though, the kind of oddly sexual high-school drama this fic has is the exact kind of stuff I have an unabashed passion for, so I'm all for it. But the plot itself is engaging too, like I said. I feel like we stopped at a good turning point, where things have been established for now and it's time for the protagonists to try to escape somehow. Cerberus is obviously the guard Chrysalis mentioned. I like how the fic hooks you in with the initial mystery, but doesn't beat around the bush too much. I like how there's a bit of a guessing game every time a secondary character is described, as you figure out who it is. I really liked Octavia's little childhood backstory, that was nice and cute.
The fic is rather good at making you root for its main characters. The central idea is nice and inventive too, even if I disagree with the whole "it's the only fic that explains all of EQG properly" crowd. I'm not sure it does at all, and in fact it opens up a whole host of holes depending on what Sunset's plan was in EQG one. But that's already nonsense to begin with. I do like seeing stuff from between EQG and RR from a different perspective, although I was glad the story didn't feel the need to give us all of Guitar Centered again and just did a few beats from it. Though, again, lodging fanfiction so firmly into a show's continuity is dangerous. RaF got away with it, but I worry about how things will be resolved here. Probably with a bunch of villains escaping, explaining future show events, and the girls going back to Tartarus. It is actually annoying how the story's adherence to canon makes it predictable in that regard. The Pinkie Pies are weird, also.
Next week we're finishing this fic. You should decide what we'll read after, too:
What the fuck is this entire horse shit?
The reason the thread is dead.
The reason the Filly is gone.
The reason Mom doesn't love us anymore.
Yes, 100%
...what are talking about exactly?

Most of that has been true for years. Also I don't think most anons even read those fics.
> Writes happy and funny story
> Realizes it's cringe and shit
> Writes clop
> Realizes it's also cringe and shit
> Stop writing horsewords
> Realize that all ponyfics are supposed to be cringe and shit
> Fuck
>can't even greentext properly
Have you considered it might be (You) who is C&S?
>Most of that has been true for years.
I can go further back
>Composure is dead
Paradise will update any day now!
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>14 words
/fsbc/ you're reading Will of the Council next, yeah?
Yes, we are. Next week and the week after that.
No, we're doing Background Pony.
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Nice filename.
I got so busy this week, I couldn't finish reading. I made it as far as chapter one, and I am hooked. I will definitely finish the entire story by next Saturday.
Now that's a mystery I haven't thought about it years
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When you're ready.

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