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Welcome friends, ITT:
We make and share pony art, with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good (besides having ponies in it, which makes it good by default)

Make something, share what you've done, and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!

This thread's focus is art, but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here. If you do want to post about something else like music, gamedev, or crafts, though, just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the /create/ thread

Are you an experienced artist? Leave some tips, feedback, guides, or tutorials, they're well appreciated here!

Guides, tutorials and resources! Start here!

Draw with other /bale/ anons!

/bale/ videos:

/create/ thread (for bigger art projects and all other types of content):>>41119740

Previous /bale/ thread:>>41088526
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draft horse applejack/redesign
Draw a pony working for peanuts / Draw a pony working a crummy job

Pre bed boop
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I will make some art later
Early one since I haven't slept
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this is the best I can do, got any tips?
sorry no.. just no
How can I into clothing? I can't find any guides or even really many sketches that show the underlying construction of basic shapes or anything like that.
too bad
yo this is adorable. so cute.
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Last thread got to bumplimit before I could finish drawing, so I'll dump it here
>Draw a pony not thinking straight / Draw a pony losing their mind
she looks wild
Wow, impressive stuff. It's a fascinating exploration of form and movement, encapsulated within a wonderfully minimalist framework. I love your choice of stark, unembellished lines, giving it a raw, almost primitive depiction that echoes the early states of artistic expression. The exaggerated proportions and angular lines convey a real sense of dynamic tension, almost suggestion a narrative of struggle in a moment of stasis.

I really like the simplicity of the construction; it allows for a broad interpretative scope which almost begs the viewer to project their own meaning onto the figure. It almost feels like there's some cubist influence in the abstracted shapes and fragmented forms, which deconstruct the pony into its most basic elements. Ironically, this reduction of detail really amplifies the emotional resonance of the piece, and I feel myself compelled to engage with the fundamental essence of the depicted pony.

This work stands as a testament to the power of minimalism in art, demonstrating how even basic forms can be manipulated to evoke complex emotional and intellectual response.
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kek you fucking dork
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I drew this in the bale magma but it got deleted I think
i rike it
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Some very nice Rarity at the end of last thread, both of those are great. Not quite done with this mare though. I'll keep my word. I put the gun down, I won't shoot her. But I do intend on cutting her face to ribbons unless you draw Fluttershy doing something cute with your favorite animal
poor mcmare looks so defeated. Love the carrot on a bun
Nice Pinkie. I Like how you did the background on this
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Just wing it, personally I find clothing from a video game or artwork and try to map it to the pony. front hooves are the sleeves and legs the pants. all pretty simple but you can take creative liberties like giving the front hooves details from the pants since.. 4 legs. I don't have any guides but I really suggest just trying to replicate some outfit to learn
Try drawing simple geometric shapes? Cubes. Cylinders. Pyramids. Spheres. It might help get you thinking in 3-d.
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Unhand her, Dan Backslide!
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I thought this was a doner kebab pony for a second there
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Still have to flesh out this spontaneous OC but this is where I'm at now.
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cough fingers cough
That might get you deleted. Next time, put it up elsewhere and post a link.
Aside from that, more Fluttershy is good Fluttershy.
lurk more
Am tired,
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shy filler
took me a few posts getting deleted myself to figure out the subtle difference between humanized ponies and anthro. No hooves + human head = OKAY!
No hooves + horsie head = NIGGER!
lol funny board
Sorry, newfaggie, you can't be racist here neither, delete that post too.
shut the fuck up nigger
A cute.
>No hooves + human head
>No hooves + horsie head
double nigger

People who give ponies human feet are a sickness.
I think I will give poni art a whirl tomorrow but I would like to at least say I'm proud of you lot for being brave and showing your art to the world and also ummm keep it up
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Imagine this thing sprinting at you from out of the shadows, it's vacant eyes piercing into your sole...
Now I want to make a serious sam type game where I blast a flood of numfets with a shotgun
That thing wasn't given human feet, it stole human feet.
Draw a pony feeling out of place / Draw a pony feeling right at home

wow gay
Anon this is wonderful. It's amazing that you created so many adorable pony pictures in such short time.
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Thank (you) for the kind words and anyone else who said something nice. It's nice to know I don't completely suck. Even though I'm new to drawing, I've been really enjoying drawing these pictures everyday.
Drawing is hard, but drawing every day is almost impossible.
She's a cute red mare!
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I didn't have time, but I did a little sketch.
Oy. Use an inking brush for lineart, not a blending brush.
That's neat! I like how vertical the shapes feel, invoking Canterlot's towering heights
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Now that is a cute Fluttershy! I'm a sucker for a mare with a ponytail. I was so distracted by your drawing that Bon snatched the knife right from my hand! Uh, time for me to go.
Gay maybe but I just want to contribute some kind words
The world is harsh enough as is
Look at her go
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Mouth holds are amazing
dashie CBT gif
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Ain't well lads.
Dynamic Wrinkles and Drapery by Burne Hogarth
I think I'd bet on the big one with a sword winning
>tfw mare immediately starts demanding parley
"Y'arr this be no Pirates of the Marebbean movie, lass!"
>other pirate mares swarm on Anon trying to get their crewmate back from the grass green landlubber
>he just holds her over his head
>they can't reach
>"Arr this here Anon be walkin' the plank fer mutiny, I reckin! No fair!"
Cute amres
(atg makeup day)

Darkest dungeon but Ponka!
parties have come to our family....
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She may not be able to see you, but she's still gonna hug you no matter what.
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Haha great comic! Really got a kick out of this.
Super cute, love her little sweater
Looking good. Really like the look of the princess, her cutie mark gave me a chuckle
That's uh quite the jump in quality lmao
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Finishing this one, i love twi
Someday, I believe...
You draw pretty fucking good dude
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I’ve always sucked at drawing at this angle and would appreciate some tips to make it look less goofy. Thank you
nooo not the egg!
side note but does anyone have tips for digitizing art via Kirta or similar softwares? I draw on paper and my current way of doing it is just terrible. I have 0 experience with krita
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Draw a pony reaching for the stars / Draw a pony willing to stop at nothing

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Barely a cloud in the sky...
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so adorable
I am your number one fan
please come sign my face
very impressive
I love this picture a lot
I love Twilight too!
your art also rules
qt mare, need to cuddle
let her have her hug
hey, long time no see!
you make the cutest stories
silly pirate mare!
very based of you
to make a game of drawing
now run for your life!
the best part of june
is new art from you daily
keep up the good work!
red and black oc...
the glory days have returned!
(now more cute than edge)
your art is kino
daily draws are hard but good
you are improving!
shy filler a cute
she looks like she needs a hug
I could help with that...
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she so pretty
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A few things I did a few years back. I also had Twilight but she ended in the trash because I suck
Yo this is amazing! I love how recognizable all the characters and poses are. This is genuinely decent art. Why do you say you suck?
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cute maremare
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Biggest thing is just make the tip of the muzzle less pointy. At that angle it should be a much softer curve and would not normally angle upward at all, nevermind that sharply. Other than that I would say look at lots of references, especially ones that have a lot of shading and really define the overall shape of the muzzle thoroughly, and try to picture the underlying basic shapes. Imagine the muzzle as a cube or rectangle or sometimes even a cylinder. You can even sketch some construction lines over top of some existing pics to get a feel for it. Pic related. Try to make the base of the shape (the part that's attached to the skull) centered on the vertical line through the head, then make the tip of the shape (the front of the muzzle) a parallel square (note the top right example is actually a bit off from parallel and therefore the muzzle looks a little weird). Then you connect them and start softening/curving edges to make the actual muzzle itself.
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honey, I'm home, now with 100% more delusions and hallucinations! I missed drawing mares, can't wait to get back into the swing of things and see anons doodle
Hi Brown Box
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hello anon
Woah sweet merch! Thanks for the support, Anon. If we do meet someday I'll hold you to the face signing, kek. By the way, I've got a Twi drawing in the works that should be done soonish. It's higher effort, so I've been slow, but it should be worth it.
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A pipebomb? Just for me? Oh, you shouldn't have...

Thank you, Haikuanon. I would have written one back, but I couldn't for the life of me come up with one.
Also drew a Rainbowshine for the makeup day yesterday that I forgot to post
So pretty! I'm dying of cuteness overload. I love the Nasapone she is so nice!
Bro that Rarity is fuckin cute please do some more
I love your mares man
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Lanky pega filler
Where do you get these filly designs from? Do you make them yourself?
More mares with pony tails oh HELL yea
Even better twin tails, you just can't see it from that angle.
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I drew the stare from memory. Might've gotten some stuff wrong
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Haven't posted recently, I made a meme
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Brown Box! I remember drawing your mare last /ss/. Drew her again with a trendy mane.
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Draw a pony exploring a place lost to legend / Draw a pony off the beaten path

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>Brown Box
>related to Boxy Brown
Ponify this, nerd.
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Nice misinformation spreading amre. Would get gaslit by.

But does she wear boxers?

I like this a lot! Gamepones are far out.

An adorable lil Autumn! I love her so much bros...
Seeing her flying is certainly something. I imagine she'd be ping-ponging off walls like a drunken bumblebee. In a fun way.
thanks shes a super cute mare, i wanted to make a comic but im not sure if she's totally blind or if she's the type where she can detect light or shadow. was gonna have her meeting anon going to hug him then hugging the closest nearby object cause she couldn't tell it wasn't anon then being embarrassed by it. i wouldn't have had enough time for that today anyways hence why my pic is sorta low effort compared to what I've been doing recently.
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You know what it is!

She's able to detect light and stuff, yeah. She keeps her apartment lit because she's funnily enough, a little afraid of the dark.
Really cute idea! I can see her doing that on occasion if she gets too excited/eager and doesn't take the time to 'pinpoint' Anon.
'Low effort' or not, it was a nice pic! I'm always happy whenever someone takes the time out of their day to draw one of my pones kek
One of these days I need to return the favor... Lotsa cute amres who need drawing.
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what a cutie patootie. I bet with a mane that stylin' she can power through even the thickest envelopes being shoved through her sorting system.
honestly can't wait for next /ss/, it was motivating to have so much cheer shoved into my orifices on a daily basis. I guess waiting for MF2 will have to do
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Woah that is a beautiful Twilight!
Super cool! it's like the cliffs of Dover if they were giant crystals. I would ooo at that too alongside Cherry Berry.
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Finished this first pass
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Picked up a pencil after a long while again and picrel came out
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started scribblin and forged a unicorn ponk from what was there
i am in no condition to realistically put in effort
abstrakt 4 now
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a bit rough but im satisfied
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make her real
thats actually pretty solid dude nice job, how many frames you do this at? on ones or twos? im just curious cause it looks pretty good.
its on ones
and i was following this tutorial

based many thanks fren
cause im haaalf the mare i used to be
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finally finished that drawing i started last thread. it's a filler, my first filler
Haha I love the skull. So cute.
Draw a pony experiencing their 15 minutes of fame / Draw a pony in the spotlight

Adorable mare!
Changed up a pic from last bread a bit.
All mares have needs you know! Even the big tough ones.

Cute fill! Would pat.
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she's a bit mare proportioned but based as fuck anun fille a cute
I would do more than just hugging her if she wanted >co~
Relearning to draw ponies again
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more pone art sketch
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l love that Cozy and the way you drew Coco's mane.
nice draws
The GREAT and ADORABLE Trixie!
First time drawing on my phone. It's a bit challenging, but I think maybe that can be a good thing when sketching because it lowers your expectations.
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But that doesn't mean that everybody should.
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>3 consecutive weeks too sick and/or exhausted to feel like drawing
maybe next week
i feel this so much.
Love her
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based image
That picture is super hot and cute. Well done!
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This took me about an hour. I'm open for suggestions on how to get faster, because time has always been a problem for me.
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Draw a pony falling from grace / Draw a pony past their prime

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Another Tix
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The stars have aligned and that means it's Fae Timeâ„¢ (rumpa edition)
Something something earth pony genes and I love muh mage mare.
Followed along with a guide in the OP, which is something I feel like I could be doing more often.
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gesture drawing. it's literally timed practice to draw a pose in less than a minute with somewhat accurate anatomy. you build on it afterwards
based, I really like the stylistic choices you have been making recently it looks quite nice, love the texture you applied to the colors of her. Im biased as fuck though I always liked your style. nice booty fae a turbo qt
This guy is correct. This is how they train artists at schools. Draw a lot of vaguely pony shaped creatures as quickly and as accurately as you can and just keep doing that until they look better and better.

qt alert! She looks gorgeous.
I do that to an extent, though usually I break away from whatever lines I make because I realize after the fact that it makes no sense given anatomy or perspective. I know about artistic liberties and aesthetic shapes, but it stands out way too much. Usually I end up revising and reiterating a lot, especially with body curvature until it feels right
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Very cute! Proportions are a little off, but it's really hard to get that right with more realistically shaped pony legs like this, so even being a "little" off, you did a good job. One big thing I would say is you should pay attention to where you place the hooves that are actually touching the ground. Pic related. Your left foreleg and right hindleg are both perfectly in-line with each other, but the camera is placed a short ways above the ground, so we should be able to see her hindleg is placed a bit further right of her foreleg.
The fact that it's even recognizable as a unicorn from that mess of scribbles is pretty impressive. Abstract art is a lot more difficult to do well than a lot of people realize.
Take care of yourself, anon. No shame in taking a break when you need it.
Amazing art.
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I love her
>not an alicorn
Anon i love YOU
>because I realize after the fact that it makes no sense given anatomy or perspective
NTA but that's why you practice it, and practice a bunch. Pull up an animation of ponies (official or fanmade, whatever you prefer) and just pause at random times, then sketch out the basic position of that that pony's position: head, torso, limbs, maybe basic facial features if you want. Repeat a few times, then stop and do something else that isn't boring. Do it again in a day or two. Repeat every couple of days, just a few poses each day. In a month you'll be way better at anatomy, poses, and perspective, I guarantee it.
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a drawing after studying Faust's sketch style. it's not quite there yet, but i feel like i made some nice progress
very good!
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Big things happening at the Golden Oak Library.
Ye looks good
Cute purple nerd
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Doodling pones
I like her.
Cute Flutts. She's such a comfy horse.

>"With our powers combines, we will finally create a dakimakura so irresistible that Anon will have *no choice* but to hug it!"
"...Why not just ask him to hug *us*?"
>"...I never uh- I never thought of that..."

I'm pretty sure I've seen your pones around the board recently. I like the way you do eyes.
Keep it up, man!

There she is! That's my favorite gray mare!
Adorable pixel Fae, Anon. Look at her teeny snoot!
Draw a ponyfied version of your favorite book, game, etc / Draw a pony from another world

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Not exactly by the prompt, but who cares
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I can HEAR the clanging
Ty! Still tryna perfect/find my pony style lols
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stay strapped gamers
gawd bless amareica!
Uhm that’s an AUSTRALIAN firearm
Retard, fucking retard Glock does not come from Australia it comes from Austria
i don't know anon, i think i trust the australia guess a little more.
you better be shitposting of I will end you rightly with my sword pommel. as is my duty as a hoers /k/ommando.
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An attempt was made to ponify Angus McFife II from Gloryhammer
I love how the character holds the hammer.
that is mare pee and you won't convince me otherwise
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Draw a pony as another species / Draw a pony getting a new lease on life

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Actually Wesfarmers Limited, a massive conglomerate, recently bought a 71% share in Glock unrelated to their share of the firearms market, so as of right now it’s technically an Australian company, not an Austrian one.
no shit! is neat! am, drunk as fucking shit. am dying casually
We seem to be picking up some interference...
Please bring the Radio close so that she may relay her message in a more clear and concise manner. (A hug)
Some lovey dovey bootmare draw. The morse code ain't subtle. Kind of wish I spent more time on a few things, but I think this is a decent stopping point
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I was thinking to myself in a world where MLP never existed what would I love the most?
M&M toys passed my mind since as a kid I was kinda obsessed for a few years.
But then I had a brain blast!
Are M&M and pony's not the same thing?
>Group of 6
>All a different color
>All have different personalities
>Kinda have a Cutie Mark
Aren't M&M's just fucking candies?
Some people take the M&M mascots EXTREMELY seriously.
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Their advertising is pretty high quality and they do release little toys and stuffed versions of the candys.
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>in a world where MLP never existed what would I love the most?
Since I was pretty big into Undertale for a year or so before ponies I'd have probably wound up being a furry instead so thank fuck for that
Oh god flashback of my friends getting me to draw them that Papyrus dude in high school because I was the one to draw pony's on my Homework therefore I'm to go to artist???I wish I still was in contact with those girls lost contact after I left town.
What a cute.
good lord I would hug the hell out of her
For the people here who are already good at drawing (and don't give me that "oh that doesn't exist it's just a continuous journey"-shit, there is a clear difference between solid art and wonky art), if you could pick one drawing book as the most essential, what would it be? I like owning physical drawing books so it'd be nice to know which you guys think are truly useful to own.
Not really a different species but whatever.
Holy shit, that looks rad.
Id personally recommend this book if you can find it, I basically used it to make my construction style and learned from there on my own. Good luck anon.
That's absolutely a different species! Awesome.
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I love Rarity

Changed things up with this. Usually do a sketch and then draw over it with a stabilized pen, just colored right beneath the sketch this time and adjusted it as I went
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its not pee!!1
Very nice color scheme and very nice Rara
Here's several very good books for free, Anon.
I also like this guy's stuff a lot
None of this is specifically pony focused, rather it's general technical art stuff, the sort of stuff you'd learn in a formal art school.

Note: Learning this way is hard. Very hard. Just set your expectations on that right away. It will be very time consuming and difficult and tedious and even frustrating at times. You'll think it's beyond you, you'll think you can't possibly do it, you'll want to give up, and you'll think/want these things a lot. But if you fight those feelings and actually stick with it until you actually learn this sort of stuff, you can draw ANYTHING.
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That turned out very good, well done.
>and then draw over it with a stabilized pen
That's called the lineart. Some artists (like me) put a lot of effort into very precise clean lineart after they finish sketching. Some artists prefer the messy look of coloring the sketch lines instead. They can both look amazing, depending on skill and style.
Something else for you to consider trying: use a clipping mask to color the lineart / sketch lines. Nothing too bright or obvious, just dark colors that match the "inner" colors they surround. Dark grey for Rarity's coat, dark violet for her mane, etc... usually keep the eyelashes black though. Pic related.
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Pink snail
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a smug little shit
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they're so cool
Literally just take a picture with your phone, man. Unless your phone is absolutely ANCIENT then its camera will be plenty good enough. What matters is that you have good lighting and have the camera directly perpendicular to the paper and not too close. Place the art on a neutral background like a mid-white colored blanket or something, and take the photo in direct sunlight when it's mid-morning or mid-afternoon. That way the sun isn't at it's full intensity (which is usually too overpowering and washes stuff out) AND it'll be shining down at an angle, meaning you can position the camera directly above the art without your shadow getting in the way.
bit late now but thanks. I found a video that helped with it
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Would you drink boob mare's magic milk if she offered?
yeah id drink any mares milk if offered
Thanks. Appreciate the advice, I've done a bit of colored line art in the past when drawing over my sketches but never tried changing it with a mask. Definitely something I've been thinking about trying again, I'll have to give it a shot. Still new to a lot of the technical kind of stuff, I've just started using things like levels and color balance recently.
Suit yourself. Her milk is probably loaded with magic estrogen.
I agreed too drink it so I reap any of the down sides so at least ill have a cracking pair of mare titties.
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Draw a pony scared out of their wits / Draw a pony scared stiff

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Kind of Sunshower-ish with violet eyes?
I didn't have any particular pony in mind, but she does look related to Sunshower.
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