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>misty episode
I got relieved. I thought they were gonna edit out all negative moments from the family trip video, like in "Swirlpool Starlight" episode, but it was much more heartwarming than that.
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Can Misty stop being a negative nancy for one episode?
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Enjoyable. It doesn't really miss the landing or anything and some of it was amusing.

Misty a shit as usual though.
That's two good episodes in a row. We're on a roll.
>Misty episode
Meh, I'm going to sleep.
A sweet little episode about family
Shame they had to shoehorn in the power rangers catchphrase though
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finally some more of best pony
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someone is slaying queen puss after the trip. also
>we might be sisters one day!
get ready for Princess Misty
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wet mane zipp wet mane zipp
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Also I finally realised that it's Misty that will be the future queen. No way Zipp will do this. I thought Pipp will take over, but they will probably give Misty some heroic deed to make her worthy of the throne and Zipp will give it to her.
I want to say "be ready for new toys", but Hasbro is even more incompetent than usual lately, so likely 0 toys.
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yeah Zipp has expressed active disinterest in the throne. Pipp is a "maybe", but she already has several businesses going. she might not have time for it. Misty is doing fuckall so they might as well put her on the throne
I knew investing in Misty was worthwhile. Equestria needs Heart
I mean I suppose thats a logical chain of events but it also sounds sorta shitty I dunno.
Not that MLP has exactly handled the ramifications of the role particularly well in the first place but Misty feels like a character who doesn't really fit either.

Its a less awkward trend when the character in question pushing the role to the other character isn't a character but when both are it becomes kinda jarring.
If its checklisting ideas then it makes sense because it was probably barely thought out but man.
Queen Haven is not gonna change the successor, lol. It's always the oldest one, Zipp trained for this her whole life, she's already coming to terms with it.
So, Misty has a typical day in Equestria.
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When Queen marries Alphabeta Misty will become "her" child. Maybe it will turn Misty is older than Zipp. Also Haven might be removed from the equation before having any say.

< Zipp being opposite of Tempest: tries to dodge being ruler of Equestria while Zipp tries to avoid being Queen
>on /mlp/
Anyway, I dunno what fanfic stuff you're talking about. Tempest was The Storm King's right hand mare. Military commander of the king. Not... whatever you said.
Anyway, Misty couldn't even handle the public event that literally every single pony in Equestria went through. Being a Queen is endless public events.
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>gay frogs protected by a bvllfrog
It's hard when you've been abused for most of your memorable life and the one taking care of you, liked you to feel like dirt.

I'm sure Misty just wanted everything perfect for her family.
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WHAT did they mean by this?
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I hate those catchphrases so much. At least the rest of the episode was fun and had some good screencaps. Like this one to check those dubs
I don't know what pinktext even is. I used < because "pic rel" is longer and I don't like to >greentext when refering to attached pic.

Anyway I butchered that post so much that there's no reason to defend it.
post bmi
Kek they evolve so fast. How long ago the g4 was?
I will kill Cocks if this happens.
Cute episode, tired of catchphrase being shoved in like ponies are a wind up doll
What is she bitching about now and how's that Opaline's fault for some reason?
Misty needs the firm hoof that only Opaline can provide
SO is Misty's talent that she is the only one who can feel emotions?
I wish she had any additional story arc and trait beyond mopping over being abused, still she at least some backstory and episode focus unlike Hitch who literally had one episode in S1 about critters and snails fighting
Zigger Unicorn cant become a Queen of Pegasi. This is is UK level of muslim immigrants taking over the goverment
No, you fucking idiot. She may seem a little quiet, but her strength is very real. Okay? When her cutiemark comes to life, her heart helps her feel. Do you fucking get it now
So shes normally a psychopath and only after her cutie marks triggers, she feels emotions like a normal being?
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Horses do not have the capacity to suffer psychopathy. She is merely quirky in a bit of a sour way, and arousing for one's loins.
she just wasting time
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Misty's superpower is autism
She's a sleeper agent. Once she gets crowned, her programming will kick in. She'll abdicate and restore Opaline to her rightful place as queen of all Equestria.

Hey, leave my boy Bufogren alone.
More like Zipp does more research into 'ancient Equestria' and eventually realizes that technically, she could abdicate to Sunny.
> be me
> start watching episode
> Misty: "I wish I could forget it"

I barely made it past 30 seconds, give me strength
She starting to outpower Sparky in annoyance levels
Zipp will be a Queen of both Maretime Bay and Bridlewood.
And once the royal sisters marry Hitch, it will be all three cities.
Zipp is a Queen, Sunny is an Empress.
I like the fact that Misty learned a lesson.
This shit was so ass. Extremely boring 0/10
Who is Misty supposed to appeal to? It's one thing for a character to always complain and whine, but usually the complainer is treated like the joke that they are and the show isn't afraid to have some humor at their expense. So again, who is Misty supposed to appeal to?
my cock
Was she properly validated this episode?
Please tell me she was properly validated.
This is basically Misty in a nutshell
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FUCK. Forgot my image
What is Zipp doing here?
If Sprout went camping with the boys and started whining like this he would have gotten his flank beaten for that.
She learned nothing! In 3 months she's going to be needing a hug again for some stupid reason.

We had multiple episodes and MYM of people assuring Misty.

Can she please just stop being sad, or people would call her out.
>samefag is at it again
>shill at it again when people don't mindlessly praise Misty having first world problems
I already posted in this thread, and it wasn't praise. Meanwhile, your posting style is very obvious. Did you think people wouldn't notice?
Until you started whining I've posted twice itt
ok, finally sat back down to finish the episode. I made it through and: I didn't hate the lesson! No real special treatment for Misty, just friends showing her how to frame her experience: there are mishaps, but with family and friends it's memorable fun. Another anon called it the "power rangers catchphrase" >>41153622 and when that happened in the episode I laughed instead of cringing out too badly, but still, the laugh was from the feeling of cringe.
>watching videos of your camping trip while you're still on the same camping trip
This was a nessesary episode, especially after "Swirlpool Starlight". Misty got too used avoiding thinking about/trying to forget "bad" things. The lesson of "finding good things in seemingly bad things" instead of "trying to forget bad things" needed to be learned. She wasn't ready for it before, but she is now.
>sat back down to finish it
It's five minutes, nigga.
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sorry for being so Misty racist that I had to take a break after 30 seconds
>that pic
I forgive you, thanks for delivering Posey unto me.
The correct term is "individualist".
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Didn't she discovered some magical dimension room in previous episodes? Whats that about? Explore that instead her shitty feelings
I mean the contract stuff probably means the anni bait room isn't for this year. Also in general next year is a anni milestone for FiM, just seems like an obvious lineup.
Probably a big finale setpiece or whatever.

The marriage is probably the big thing for this year.
i didn't understood a single sentence, are you from India?
I guess some people are iffy with shortened sentences. Sure as shit isn't ESL though, jumping to that just makes you look dumb.
Regardless context;
>The contract stuff is the discovery stuff being tossed around these days; essentially G4 is in a contract that locks most of its airing permits(including concepts and characters) to Discovery's whims till mid next year
>The room misty finds had murals for all gens(hence "anni room") and the next notable anniversary is FiMs 15th next year
>So its decently likely that 2025(which seems basically confirmed to be the final year) would be the point they intend to do anything with it
If you were being literal and i need to explain the last one well then i refuse. Literally this episode is linked to the final point.
...Did you post in the wrong thread?
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Yeah the episode was not that interesting, and actually a bit painful, because I remember being an annoying ass kid on family trips. I had undiagnosed poor eyesight and I hardly enjoyed anything other than playing games on Amstrad CPC and then Amiga. I disliked the trips because they were not enjoyable, but trips aren't about the trip itself, but about connecting with your family. Task that I often failed. Episode isn't exciting, but has a lot of value for kids watching.
Man you're old
When I was born the Soviet Union still existed, kek. Fun way to say i am 34.
I thought you were like 50. I haven't seen an Amiga since like 1993. You would have been 3.
How is that possible? I had a C64 and I'm in my 40s.
2024 - 34 = 1990, the USSR was dissolved in 1991
amigas stuck around for a while. I know a guy who was homeless until 2010 or so and he used an amiga up until then
Can you deliver us original meme, anon.
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sort of, I ended up piecing it together from a couple sources, but found this one with an ifunny watermark (removed for (you))
here's one I found
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>FiM's 15th anniversary next year
Slice of Life aired nine years ago.
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>/mlp/ has been around for 25 years
Fuck off
I had to look up what a "soijak" was and he looks just like you lol
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>every wojak is a soijak
There's only one wojak: "feels" one. Anyway, go back. You're not welcome here.
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>go back. You're not welcome here
>more talking about jaks than the episode
Misty acts like she was happier with Opaline
Zipp is ready, whether or not Pipp is
This time I did not even bother to watch the tranny's "review" of this episode. The title already tells us it's a shit take.
be cute if Misty becomes Pipp and Zipp's step sister.
As long as Misty doesn't become queen
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this is The Misty Show now. not only will Misty become queen, she will also become an alicorn and Sunny's best and only friend
What is she going to do to Izzy?
Probably stab her in the back since she's so good at it.
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I’m tuning in.
Even after all this happens she'll still constantly moping.
Damn my fucked post got dubs, so I'm less inclined to just delete and post an unfucked version.
I'm tuning out
Still haven't watched this episode, mmmhmm yep
They turned the frogs gay
Misty's learning from assurance is just the new Fluttershy being assertive cycle
It was funny when Fluttershy did it
How it it assurance in any way, shape or form? They showed her a new angle
Misty needs insertive assurance
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What are they watching?
Bestie nooooo
Of course I'm right
Misty keep your degenerate coomer porn to yourself
With the firm hoof of Opaline, she decays
That's right, she blooms when she's free
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no new episode today
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New episodes twice a week??
They lied and they're behind schedule
Hasbro lied, pony died
I don't think its scheduling considering the timeline, its not like there's a way they can be behind on episodes they made a year ago.
They probably cut the amount of episodes they produced that year in half right after saying that shit.

Sure some episodes could be pushed forward but G5 has a pretty obvious "important" beat structure to sell toys.
Toys hasbro doesn't seem inclined to make at this point but toy concepts neither the less.
Alright, I guess incompetence is a better way to frame it l, but they did go past their quarterly deadline for the blockie wockies special
Remember Pony Life? It was supposed to be released in YouTube Channel at the beginning of June 2020. It didn't. Then it was supposed to be release at June 10th at Discovery Family. Even TV guide said so. It didn't. It ended up being released in Canadian Treehouse TV channel. It never got proper release on YouTube, and it got released on Discovery Family only in freakin' November.
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make a new bread for templates
When are they ever going to go to ponytropico?. They're royalty
Sorry, Ponytropico was an one-time location. It likely no longer exists
Was it wiped off the face of equestria?
It "never" existed.
but I saw it in an episode
New episode in five days?
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I want to vacation with Haven
It's trash
It was just a bunch of props and actors to lure in unsuspecting ponies for an elaborate pony trafficking scheme.
Trafficked to where?
My basement.
I can't will myself to make webms for tyt anymore

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