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Mare winks, tail flags high,
Love's message in playful stride,
Heart's joy in hoofbeats.
Lovely freckled teats
Between slender, yellow legs
Janny cries in fear
In dream's twilight haze,
Janny flees the mare's teats' swell,
Job lost to milk's lure.
Within barbie threads
Among lanky high school girls
Janny seeks refuge
Men who seek indoors.
Among the dashes of rain.
Finds naught shelter ever.
Linky will suffer
Cutting in line now crush her
Oh I'll get rougher
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Posted it again
The desire of many
To cum inside her
Shines brightly
With wisdom of the wisest
Best thread on the board
Impressive digits
The desire and culture
Essence of the board
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Snowpity shines bright
Fluffy cotton candy mane
Superb pony wife
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Spending countless hours
In misery and in tears
He does it for free
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Pure soul, eyes askew
In her missteps, grace is found—
My heart beats for her.
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Many arrive, sitting with us
Our fire pit burns brightly
Enjoying cute pones
Laying in our cots, they never sleep
As the sun rises, they used the last of the wood
Nights are cold but cute pones keep us warm
Dutifully worshipping our horse goddess.
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Shy mare's tender blush,
Hidden strength, a thick surprise—
Anon's creamy treat.
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Her eyes, unblinking
See your poor dental hygiene
Brush your teeth, faggot
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I happened upon a small mare
WIth snowpity lovely and fair
“Anon, thou’rt not ready”
“For marepussy“ said she
Conversely, I raped her right there
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Once, upon a midnight bland, while I pondered, cock in hand,
Over many a hooved and sexy booru pic of pony porn -
While I clopped, nearly cumming, suddenly there came a humming,
As a pony, stomach rumbling, rumbling past my basement door.
“T’is that pegasus,” I muttered, “famished from the day before -
Only this and nothing more.”

Presently, I rose, and slipping on a spot of cum still dripping,
Hand still pumping, firmly gripping, I peered outside my basement door.
At the table there I saw her, blini heaped to sate her hunger,
Fresh smetana, there to offer, all my stores she sat before.
In a flash, the plate was emptied, yet had I even to implore,
“All my blini, nevermore.”
Homosexual fantasies, Anon posted
His immunity, by AIDS completely toasted
Involuntarily soiling himself
all those syllables
inability to count?
likely a retard
Books all around her
Sounds of magic whirring past
Dreams of purple plot
What kind of mare winks?
The best kind
Three little fillies
Youth and whimsy flows through them
Flanks no longer blank
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Rainbow cascades flow,
Gentle dock, a graceful sway,
Velvet folds revealed.
This mare I will seize
Rainbow ecstasies yes please
Plap plap plap and squeeze
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Thrusts between rare gems,
Triggering her eruption,
Love pours with gold hue
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Faust's canon fallen
A beautiful thing destroyed
Hasbro strikes again

Mares make me happy,
Cute snoofers I want to boop,
Fluffy manes and tails.
Posting in an epic bread
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Curls of pink spring forth
Fresh joy with each twist and turn
Life is a party
These are my favorites so far, very snowpitiful
Redheart Blessed Healer
From her, my Mind In Good Health
From now and forever
Nurse with the Red Hearts
Many Good Tidings She Brings Me
Saved My Life She Did
Honored by her touch
Her Smile Wraps Many Wounds
Beautiful Nurse Pony
mares mares mares mares mares
mares mares mares mares mares mares mares
mares mares mares mares mares
Geneva is mean
No voiding any conventions
Pure of soul is she
eat all hayburgers
shit all around her
twifag heavens
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best one this thread
Two mares, lost at sea
Refuge in the art of song
Tropical Octav3
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Lady marks the spot
Propriety forgotten
Seeks a lovers kiss
So true
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Fucking ponuts man. Even the literal arse-end of a pony is hot
I learned a really good new word today
Would kiss
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Faint sounds of snapping
Reality shatters
His laughter roaring
fr fr
Hasbro denied us
Original visions
Their tales lost to time
Keep em coming lads
My is mighty
I want to climax inside
Sexy bluefast horse
Curvy equine rump
Tail hiding wondrous delights
Women can't compete
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Snoofa is twitching
Golden eyes bright with mischief
My oats are now gone
A want and a need
The acronym conveys all
Yet enables none
You know if I was weeb enough to have the gear I would write some of these out like actual old haikus
Magic learnt of friends
On a ride that never ends
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Anon sees mare
She approaches quickly
The mare stink bad
Anons, it's not that hard to get this right

do five syllables
then do seven syllables
then do five again
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mare showers daily
her aroma is divine
fresh as spring lilys
It’s true what they say
Numbers continue to perplex me
I can’t count
I love mares so much.
Such kind spirits, such warm smiles.
Snowpitys so bright.
Ponies rest and sleep
While my stars shine down on them.
Life twinkles in dreams.
mares are quite stinky
especially that linky
sniffing my pp
Rise to knocks again,
Jaundice horror aplenty,
Freedom eludes me.
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Need a live reading of these
Why dont you try, anon?
Years past, posts persist
Daylight fades on dwindling fans
The ride never ends
time stretches behind
a man falls for a pony
time keeps on passing
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Shitposting dwindles
So long as there remains two
The ride continues.
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Pure white flanks aglow,
Gems sparkle where secrets lie,
Ponut waits for you.
snap to that one brother
Pretty purple plot
Perky princess provides peek
Perfect pone pussy
There are alot of P's here.
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Autism, astounding Anon
Five, seven, then five
Autism has three, not two
Love you anyway
I specifically checked multiple sites and only one claimed autism to have three syllables. I've tried to avoid ambiguous words like that but it should be correct in this case.

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