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Quick rundown
>We're making an anthology made up of a compilation of short pony clips.
>No need to be high quality and flashy, but of course if you want to make something more ambitious like an animation please go ahead.
>There is no need to volunteer to do the final editing. I can handle that myself. Thank you.

How do I contribute?
>Make pony related clips! It can be a PMV, YTP, Animation, or whatever.
>Please render them in 1920x1080 resolution, 29.97 OR 23.976 FPS, and using progressive scanning.
>Upload them to your preferred file hosting site and post them here with a title and the sources used or what it is parodying.

June 21st 11:59 PM PST

If you have a high quality submission that you don’t want leaked to the internet early, please email to the address provided below. Submissions through the email will still be added to the spreadsheet.
Email: ZWRpdGFub25tbHBAcHJvdG9uLm1l
Spreadsheet: http://tinyurl com/3wrxtf53

>2021 anthology, submissions, and threads: https://derpy.me/DR3L8
>2022 anthology, submissions, and threads: https://derpy.me/FCzOF
>2023 submission spreadsheet: http://tinyurl com/ycxzeu68
>MLP Episodes and Movies:
MP4: DL from Heartshine (ensure you're on 1080p, it defaults to 480p) https://mlp.heartshine.gay
MKV: DL from yayponies, iTunes Raw 1080p https://yp1.yayponies.no
>Video editing software: Da Vinci Resolve (Be sure to download the free trial version. Latest versions support MKV.) https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/
>Audio Recording Software: Audacity https://www.audacityteam.org
>Vocal Remover and Isolation https://vocalremover.org
>Talknet (Visit the Pony Preservation Project thread)

Some guidelines/restrictions:
-No porn
Pretty self-explanatory. NSFW and suggestive submissions are welcomed of course, this just refers to straight up porn images and videos.
-Anthro/barbies will be evaluated on a case by case basis
>But this just means you’re going to sneak in furshit!
Remember last year the problem with the Gurren Lagann submission? This does not mean I am going to allow any anthro or EQG. If it has merit, it will be considered. Anything explicitly or unironically anthro/EQG won’t be allowed. Calm down.
-No politics or fandom drama
This may be somewhat lenient depending on what the submission is, but we want to avoid too much /pol/ circlejerking or submissions that spend time bitching about Twitterfags or the like.
>All submissions must be in 1080p and should keep their original aspect ratio. Letterbox them when needed. No portrait submissions.
>No static image submissions.
>Submission length
Keep it brief. Anything longer than 1 minute will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

>G5 inclusion
lol. Is there even any content to use? If there are any submissions, they will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
>AI generated videos
-Evaluated on a case by case basis. If it has merit, it will be considered. If it’s just slop, it probably won’t make the final cut.

And a reminder! There will be a Wrap-Up Stream directly after the premiere with guest co-host Jhaller, creator of the original Ponies the Anthology series. Come join us for discussions on video editing, thoughts, and any questions you may have.
>vtumors in first reply
You're trying very hard to meet your faggotry quota right off the bat, OP.
Reposting entry in new bread.

Title: [GMOD] The Small Companion Horse: Antithology Edition

This is basically a remake of a video of mine from 4 years ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFaSiSABF4Q) [Open]. I had an original idea, but it did not work out the way I thought it would, but I still wanted to make something for this and was already running out of time. This is a little bit closer to the inspiration (Doctor Lalve's Tiny Desk Engineer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5v01iAfQvQ [Open]) of the original video with an added short "customer testimonial" section. I thought of making this a sequel to that original video at first, but then I realized it wouldn't make sense for those who never seen my videos before and feel out of place. So having something unique to the antithology is a better approach and I can make a sequel of it for next year!
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Finally Done!

Title: Scootaloo is an Xbox

Pony version of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYSWcCyWrzI which is basically based on a scene from the Simpsons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD67ClenBEY
Reposting since it was at the end of last thread I guess

Hopefully next year I'll have a better handle on things, I have an idea of something to make for the opening of the anti and several more clips.
Can't wait to see this year's.
I would absolutely recommend working on Anti submissions all year around, especially as ideas come to you. Build up a catalog to dump in the submission threads.
I absolutely love your videos man, you perfectly capture Lalve's vibe
that was my intent this year before I lost my job and stuff but I don't wanna drag down the thread with blogposting so I'll just say thanks to everyone who contributed and thank you for putting it together. I hope the project will return next year!
I have a few entries I've been meaning to bring up

Entries 46 and 47
both of these have been on youtube now for 3 and months, respectively. Just previously made and shared videos submitted to the anti

Entry 68
at first I thought this was an original animation, but the only difference in this video from its reference material (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJDtjlMBK0E) is that the vocals were cut out, run through an ai to sound like rarity, then put back in
It doesn't break any rules or anything, but idk, just doesn't seem right to me
When is the premiere again?
Ah yeah, thank you for bringing these to my attention. Videos already on Youtube aren't really for the Anti. And just running a video through an AI converter is just really lazy.

June 28th, 9PM EDT
>And just running a video through an AI converter is just really lazy.
I mean using AI voices isn't what also 15.ai and PPP do? Where is the author of entry 68? Although the fact that the original is on youtube this one at least is changed to have Rarity voice isntead of some random guy
> Where is the author of entry 68?
we will never know since everyone is anonymous, duh
and the author posted without any nickname
I mean if he posted here maybe he still lurks around. Still, mine was just an observation. IS up to the one putting everything together to decide
why is it called ANTIthology?
I thought it is called Anthology, it is on JHaller's youtube

is there any lore behind the "ANTI" bit?
something something JHaller's Anthology turned gay
something something /mlp/ made "based and redpilled" version of it
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this one's just a little more "anty" 0c<
>entry 95: a tribute to minty root
this one seems a little out of place, mostly it's just really long and not really that transformative of the source material, as far as I can tell
>longest clip in the antithology is a tribute to a namefag
>a namefag that has nothing to do with the board nor the antithology
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>Deadline tonight
God dammit I thought the deadline was next week because I can't read and mentally switched it with the deadline for /mlp/con. Hopefully I can quickly scrounge something together.
>2 minutes 30 seconds
yeah nah man
The regular Anthology went shit after few editions and JHaller (let say the main creator of the whole thing) basically gave up at some point.
/mlp/ people argued about making their own version and someone told JHaller about such concept who basically said "lmao you guys will never do something concrete", yet a lot of Anons made entries and the thing was called Anti-thology to mock him (but also because by being made on 4chan it can have a lot of things that the original can't have, such as racism, swearing and such). Notice that it was also 2021 so a lot of Anons had a LOT of free time since we were all locked up so that helped to make things more concrete.
Hopefully quality isnt too shit, TVpaint has been bugging out on this one for some reason


parodying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yiQXPOO1Yo&t

had a lot of fun with this one, one of the only perks of losing my job was getting enough time to animate again after months lol
What's it called when you "crop an outline" around a video so you can paste it over another video? I want to do that in Davinci but I don't know what the technique is called.
updated autopsy report

Turnabout Storm

for maximum effect I'd recommend putting this one shortly after the other Turnabout Storm clip (but not immediately after)
I'm against cutting stuff for effort reasons unless absolutely necessary, but #68 could go. The "popular video re-dubbed with AI" shtick is not worth 80 seconds.

It's a decently nice PMV-like video and I wouldn't mind seeing this some of kind of content in the anti, but I agree that it's far to long. Maybe if its author could cut it to ~30s?
>I'm against cutting stuff for effort reasons
same, I have nothing against low effort clips, a lot of great clips are low effort
My problem with it is more that, being in the antithology and not being an obvious edit, it makes it seem like it's a wholly new animation created specifically for this. Like people who haven't seen or don't remember the original will just think it's new anti clip because the edit is so subtle. idk just doesn't sit right with me
plus I think a lot of these animated lets play videos are only really funny if you're a fan of source material, and I never watched whoever was playing the game so it's not really doing anything for me
Yeah I was on the fence about this one too. I'm inclined to include it because it does have some nice visuals, but it is just too long.
>Premqueer doesn't support FLAC
What a piece of shit. Here:
>Internet Pone
>Rainbow Daesh
Keks. The style reminds me the Bambee animation by El-Cid
I need a title, anon
Fantastic, thank you!
Yo, I have a very last second submission. Crayon based melody.

Reference: This Anon post >>41173538
The only reason I let it get drawn out so long is because of the song I included. There was nowhere to cut it that wouldn't sound weird and undermine the sound+visuals thing I was going for.
Some anon said it would be good for including at the end of the anti given the length and I agree. If OP wants to trim it then that's cool with me since the blood would be off my hands, or just break it into multiple parts and spread them around. That would create a continuity of the song at least without it lasting forever.
Fuck you, Minty Root is cool, you are a faggot.
Also, I made this last minute
>The Perfect Pear [unrated]

Deadline is here!
Thanks to everyone who made soul entries and anti-thanks to everyone who made soulless ones.
Lick my nuts nigga
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12 hours till deadline
In case you want the one where I deleted the unused clips 20 minutes down the timeline
I never said he wasn't cool, just that this isn't really the place for a tribute vid imo
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Is it possible for me, a total retard, to learn animation in time for next year?
It's the calling him a namefag that really grinds my gears bucko. When you're that talented you deserve to be a namefag.
Of course, Anon. I don't know shit about video editing and I learned to edit for the Antithology
when's the next antithology gonna happen? i was too unprepared for this one :(
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>Ende Noi
Really rough but I haven't gotten the time to polish it up, better something than nothing I guess.

Song: https://youtu.be/yRAwLxg8i2k
Probably next year around this time
Newcomer guy again.
Yeah, this one came out kinda sucky. I need better hardware/software.

"Horse's Tail"

Source: Rabbit Rampage (1955)

Let me know if the MPEG-4 format doesn't work.
It works!
So when's the premiere? Can't wait to see what all these anons made.
based wapa submission
Yes, a little practice each day is key though but that'll get easier.
And if self-learning is not your thing, a few classes involving practice can help you a lot.
And perhaps later.
Miscalculation from my part I guess.
>The ANT-itholagy
Its ant ponies.
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>Pony DDR

Reference: https://youtu.be/WXh7cGi5o0w?si=IRVqarKjR2rWL8u-
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how to pronounce (oco)

reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGlBwW7f5HA
Ah shit. The 21st. Not the 27th. Oop
Title: Amethyst isn't Bready
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HTT2ocfkoA (Amethyst screaming at bread)
how are we feeling on late submissions? I don't mine waiting and submitting next year but I can squeeze another one out during the weekend if editor anon will take it.
If you can get them in over the weekend, I don't mind making exceptions.
My humble and shitty submission. I'd feel bad if I didn't contribute at least something but I didn't have any great ideas.

>Trixie's Phonecall
>Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yVPnukbK6I
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Hardware Store (Hardmare Store? I don't know...)

parodying: loose parody of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FwtC-1bpx0 which in turn is a parody of hardware store by weird al: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFI6cV9slfI

shorten it how you need.

I tried.
>Title: Somehow Waifustealing feels good in a place like this
>Source: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/8zrq79w.mp4
Parody of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiEeIxZJ9x0&pp=ygUZbmljb2xlIGtpZG1hbiBhbWMgdGhlYXRyZQ%3D%3D
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Christ I've wanted to make this dumb joke ever since I last rewatched Ghostbusters.

Doggone it: https://files.catbox.moe/rjq7ym.mp4

Parodying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j__Sjj96a6I
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Made it just in time

Title: YOU, ME, WAWA

Source: https://youtu.be/3at_m1J1O4I
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>June 28th, 9PM EDT
I need to wake up 4AM to watch that, whee! Fuck the time zones.
Congratulations everyone, we've set a new record for number of submissions for the Anti
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Hi OP, could I get a response why my submission >>41173742 is consider to not be included?
No politics or fandom drama. We don't need to stir that pot.
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oh well, gonna think of something for the next year.
Yeah i think that even it's just a silly shitpost, it can actually cause argument since JHaller is directly mentioned
thats rookie numbers, next years we should aim at getting two hours.
Yeah, this isn't that bad. Just an hour, 23 minutes, 27 seconds, and 14.... oh.... oh no....
based noi entry submitter
Isn't shitting on Jhaller a tradition at this point tho? Or am I thinking of a different person
The Ponesident goes to Dennys. Sorry, life happened lol
Even so guidelines were made for a reason and avoiding any Drama or potential Drama is always the best option. Drama is also probably what caused the Pony Antology to become shit and then basically die out because then Anons will just opt the fuck out since they don't want to be associated with it, especially those with an easily recognizable style
I was watching S05E15 and had to make a late submission for the latest viral slop that matched up with RD offering to clean Rarity's dress
> Dashie hawk tuahs
any last minute submissions?
Does anybody have a lead on the following clips:
139 Worm
158 Hoofynails4bits
166 Rainbow Dash Presents

They appear missing links in the doc.
They were submitted through the email as attached files. No catbox links. I can make that a requirement for next year if we need to.
Can we get a copy of them?
I've updated the spreadsheet. They now have associated catbox links.
Why'd you cut Super Numget? I like it.
See >>41173273. It's not new.
Ah. That's a shame.
I went through the clips marked as rejected, and I'd like to see some clarification on the three that have been stealthily cut without discussing or even mentioning it in the thread:
>20. Welcome to Fuckin Appleoosa (https://files.catbox.moe/3b6t0e.mp4)
>169. 2004 vs 2024 (https://files.catbox.moe/ip4ud6.mp4)
>175. It's Still Over (https://pomf2.lain.la/f/xvk6eko.mp4)
>Cutting clips without notifying the thread.
I do not like how this year OP acts like it's his personal project.
It IS my personal project, I'm the one who has to edit it.
Okay dude, nice try.

There's nothing particularly interesting or funny about this clip.
No politics. And it's not funny or original. I understand dunking on the gender nonsense, but even I'm getting bored of these jokes.
No static image submissions
Ahhh I messed up, used 720 for the
>Dashie hawk tuah
here's 1080

audio source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMlwQ_w41Es

Thanks editor anon for the hard work
God I just really, really need to get fucked by a big black cock tonight like right now
kinda weird bro
The first one is a tough sell at 50 seconds, but the other two are fine, imo.
OP what's wrong with you
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Well... he likes eqg and he wants to be fucked by black cocks. That's two things.
Thx for the quick-check, I would not have noticed. I agree, if you're an Antithology hoster you have to notify people about changes, not really nice from this OP

> No politics
> No static image submissions
are legit, according to the rules

> There's nothing particularly interesting or funny about this clip.
> And it's not funny or original.
> I'm getting bored of these jokes
are personal bias. We got it that these aren't funny for you, but at the same time very on-border NSFW jokes about genitalias, horse ass, sex are very original and funny for you
>cut without discussing or even mentioning it in the thread
>OP acts like it's his personal project.
>if you're an Antithology hoster you have to notify people about changes
Alright, sure, I should have been more transparent about what submissions are being omitted. That didn't cross my mind. I'm not making it my personal project, and I'm certainly not being "stealthy" about it either. I apologize, and I will be sure to post updates about those types of decisions in the future.

>but at the same time very on-border NSFW jokes about genitalias, horse ass, sex are very original and funny for you
Wrong. There are quite a few submissions that I don't find funny or very original, but they are still in the Antithology because I know there are plenty of people that will enjoy them. I don't understand what point you're trying to get at.
Based BBC enjoying editor
You said you cut 20 because it wasn't funny or interesting. Your reasoning is literally entirely subjective to you. Given it doesn't break any rules, if that is the only reason then that's bullshit and you should put it back in. I think Calamity Applejack and Trixie Trixie is funny as shit. It's funnier than some other stuff that is still included. If you can arbitrarily say something gets cut because it's "not funny" you have basically given yourself the right to cut anything you want. I'd say you shouldn't take something out unless the board agrees but you saw how that went in the last thread. Unless it definitely breaks a rule don't cut it. It's bullshit and not fair, plain and simple.
Fair enough. I just assumed given Jhaller made fun of us he was fair game, especially if it's a reference to him mocking the anti like in the first.
And if you make a sub that follows all guidelines but gets cut just because the op decides its not funny or interesting, why bother making shit if it can get tossed out on a whim?
Alright, I'll put it back in.
While we're on this subject of transparency, there are some clips that I am cutting short merely for brevity.
21 https://files.catbox.moe/uiqq9c.mp4
185 https://pomf2.lain.la/f/1st6km2c.mp4

The gimmick of these clips gets old and stale long before they end. I for one don't care much for clips that overstay their welcome. I don't think they need to drag on for the entire duration of the original length. Are there any objections to this?
Maybe for the numget one instead of cutting it you could add an exponential increase in speed. Or just plain speed it up so we get the full thing.

Or, like has been said, release an uncut version of the anti a bit later so people get their curated version and an extended edition of sorts.
numget is a forced meme that should be cut in its entirety.
numget moment
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what the crap, man?!?!
after all the talk with the applefried clip about how submissions shouldn't be edited without the creator's consent, you were seriously going to trim my clip without even telling anyone?!?
not cool man. Please either include the whole clip as-is or just omit it altogether
There is a difference between random anons changing other people's submissions on their behalf and me as the editor trimming certain clips for time.
There'll be the full clip in the no EQG version.
This IS the no EQG version.
You are including a bunch of EQG, and there's been even more included since the last time I posted about it.
[citation needed]
I still think applefried edit should be in, but trimming overlong clips has been a thing since the first anti.
Clip 188 contains EQG for example. And there have been others added as well since the last list of EQG/Anthro/G5 made in the last thread.
The images in that clip go by so fast I didn't even notice it. You must be some sort of turbo autist, bravo. And again
>And there have been others added as well
[citation needed]
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>The images in that clip go by so fast I didn't even notice it
either you're lying or you aren't paying enough attention to the clips that are submitted, neither of which is a great quality for an organizer of a project like this
given how many issues with clips have had to be pointed out to you, it's starting to make me suspicious of how selective you are with this stuff anyway
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Is this the famous "slippery slope" we've been hearing about?
And you have straight up lied about what clips contain EQG. Furthermore you are acting like a tremendous faggot to get so worked up and offended over split seconds that serve as jokes and gags.
>cutting short merely for brevity.
>The gimmick of these clips gets old and stale long before they end
>me as the editor trimming certain clips for time.
Since when has ANY anthology/antithology EVER cared about brevity? They always drag on, multiple clips or the whole thing.
I'm serious, you think cutting 20 seconds is gonna make or break this entire project?
And we've had clips in the past drag on(twikato, others that some people thought were shit but when it aired a bunch liked anyway, etc etc), that's just what you get with a project like this

The intent/criteria for the antithology is simply for Anons to make stuff. It doesn't have to be PERFECT (funny how assblasted people get when they want it to be).
If a submission is within the original time limit specified, there is absolutely no indication to cut it short/out based on how ONE individual personally feels about it.
>>41181236 see >>41181153
Also, there is a difference between ONE submission being trimmed when the bit gets stale, and a COMPILATION of related clips being cut up and distributed throughout the runtime.
I think you're getting kind of a big head. this is a BOARD project, you're an anon just like the rest of us
>I still think applefried edit should be in
same honestly
>but trimming overlong clips has been a thing since the first anti.
fine, whatever, I'm sure that's happened in the past, but still, I don't want my clip edited. So either keep the whole thing in as is or omit it entirely
or at least show the edit you want to make so the thread can decide which goes in
but just realize if you do that then it's kind of hypocritical not doing the same for the applefried clip (letting the thread decide which version goes in over the original creator, I mean)
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I'm not the anon that claimed there were more clips with EQG. You're just deflecting criticism like you usually do
As you wish.

>given how many issues with clips have had to be pointed out to you
The "issues" that have been brought up have been superfluous and downright nonsensical. It is silly to me to see people get worked up over jokes and blink-and-you-miss-it gags.
>or at least show the edit you want to make so the thread can decide which goes in
Deal. I've added a preview of the Anti to the spreadsheet.
why not post it here
To prevent leaks like last year with "Sweet Victory", but go off I guess.
The difference being, I object that it should be cut. I like it as it is.
You're saying it should be cut because you don't like it. That's only ONLY reason. It fits the runtime rules already so what gives?
Don't hyper focus on one example I brought up and ignore the entirety of what these projects have been.
I want a better justification for removing something. If you can't give it then the clip should stay in.
Are you still referring to "How to pronounce (oco)"?
I'm referring to both on principle. The default for submissions should be: allowed. Unless you get multiple posters disagreeing with it.
Your opinion of a submission should not hold more weight than anyone else's just because you're stitching them together.
I haven't played LISA so I don't have personal attachment to the first one but it's under a minute. Both are. The how to pronounce one would make no sense if it were cut early, did you even watch the reference footage?
Personally, I'd much prefer to see 'How to pronounce (oco)' over any of my own submissions. If length is the only issue, would you be willing to compromise by removing some of my submissions instead? I can identify which ones I've made if you agree. I just don't want the anthology to be soured by this, and I'm willing to cut out my clips if it'll make everyone happy.
>I'm referring to both on principle.
Okay well I'm not seeking to cut those clips. I want to trim those clips. Do you understand the difference? Make them shorter. Because the gags of those clips get boring after 10 seconds. There's nothing new or interesting to be gained past that. It's the same gag with no variation. There's nothing being lost if they get trimmed down.
>The how to pronounce one would make no sense if it were cut early
It makes no sense with the entire 45 second run time
>did you even watch the reference footage?
It doesn't matter. There are going to be plenty of people who won't know or even see the original reference material for every individual clip. And that's now how it works anyways. Every submission should be able to stand on its own merit without having to know the context behind it. I'm not saying the two clips in question DON'T stand on their own merit. I just think they could be more brief.
It's not the length of the Anti that's the issue, it's a matter of trimming individual clips down to a reasonable length so they don't overstay their welcome.
I don't get why people are acting like we can't take one more time block, it's not like /mlp/con is overstuffed with panels.
I haven't seen the original video, but I've heard the song before (who hasn't), and I find this submission funny. It's also obvious that more effort went into it compared to others (see: my submissions). If it were longer than a minute, I could understand, but it's only 40 seconds and a parody and not particularly lengthy.

Personally, I'm not a fan of many jokes and references in the anthology, but would I say they should be removed? No. Someone worked hard, for nothing, during their own free time just to help make this project successful. And in this case, according to the sheet, it wasn't going to just be trimmed down either; it was to be removed entirely.
The original contributor doesn't want it included at all if it's to be cut short. See >>41181248
>or at least show the edit you want to make so the thread can decide which goes in
where is the edited clip in there? I couldn't find it
I rendered the project after the oco contributor said he didn't want his clip included. Here is that section isolated
There's nothing left. Out of 45 seconds it's down to 15. It had an intentional slow buildup, leading to chaos as it went on, and now all that remains is the slow buildup. The pacing is off, the punchline is lost, and the best clips it builds up to are gone. All that work is just gone!
If it isn't a problem of totally anti length, and it doesn't break the 1 min rule, then the only reason to intend to trim it is that it's not entertaining enough, but that's subjective, isn't it?
It's the kind of decision that's to be voted on with a poll. The point of the transparency to make a post about the desicion being made is so that we get to have a say on it, no?
How's blender as an editing software? I'm using kdenlive (yeah at this point it's way too late but I want to get something done anyways) and it seems OK but I'm wondering if blender with all the money behind it may be more useful.
Okay, I will reinstate both clips to their original full lengths
With stuff like this happening, I'm questioning why everyones videos arent just streamed as a queue of videos. Why is all the editing to make it into one video needed if things can be cut for whatever reason?
NTA, but blender pretty much was able to do everything I would've wanted, especially with fine timings (for things like compiling animations that need to occur in line with the audio track) everything else I've tried just wasn't nearly as intuitive. I guess there's also the plus of having the ability to potentially integrate skills learned in this video editor with more things in the long term.
I'd rather just keep both fully intact instead of having them butchered in some back alley like what happened to my clips last year.
Now wait a minute: two years ago I also had to trim my entry because "it dragged for too long" according to the anon making the edit, while the whole short was under one minute and the original video had such length because it was based on a musical build-up, but now you can just complain and the trim is revoked? Whew lads, I wish I knew earlier. Maybe make it a rule that unless it's ovious that the clip is dragging for too long, the editior can't just decide to force to be shorter?
I'm not mad to, since it was two fucking years ago, but just a little bothered so maybe next time we can avoid all this debacle
I've always argued in favor of including more and cutting less, since the goal of this project is for anons to have fun making something and watching it together.
It takes multiple people in thread to review submissions and debate them when quality/appropriateness is concerned, and I think I'm speaking for more than just myself when I say a lot of us don't watch submissions early anymore because we want to wait for the premiere. So you've got less people to tardwrangle each other if they don't want to be spoiled (including myself I'm retarded a lot of times too)
I've also had several submissions cut out or down, it happens. Just have to move forward I guess.
NTA but I prefer the original this one feels flat compared to the uncut one plus as other anons said, you shouldn't cut clips short if they're within the time limit except if there is a majority wanting that. this is a board project not a (you) project
thank you!
it's pretty decent, I was able to do about 90% of what I wanted to really easily. Here and there I'd run into little roadbumps though, like the audio tools are pretty lacking. just the bare minimum for syncing stuff up I guess (and things like panning and volume, but don't expect anything like normalization or whatever). I literally looked up a tutorial for audio editing in blender and step one was to open the audio in audacity lmao
I was also surprised to find that there wasn't an easy way to chroma key. You can do it pretty easily in the 3d workspace place but for some reason the normal 3d/animation workspace doesn't connect as nicely to the video editing part as I thought it would (though maybe I'm just retarded)
like to use the video editor to put text over a 3d animation, instead of just going into the video editor tab and dropping in text (which is how you add sound btw), I had to render out the 3d animation and then create another project that was just for overlay/post processing stuff
but yeah pretty much it has a weird curve where it's great for basic stuff, probably a pain for intermediate stuff, and then super powerful once you know how to use the tools in it
I used blender for all my anti clips this year as an excuse/motivation to finally learn it. I've tried some of the donut tutorials but lost interest very quickly, but when actually trying to put together a video I have an idea for and interest in, one thing led to another and it was really easy to learn things step by step and figure out how everything works
tldr: pretty good, lacks some tools unless you get deep into it (but getting deep into it is worth it anyway)
the original clip is already back in, we don't need to dwell on it anymore
Which clips did you make? I know some loop-style videos were shortened but was there some more radical clipping happening too?
How are people feeling about submission 162? https://pomf2.lain.la/f/6cq9i1ll.mp4

In a previous thread we had some people chiming in with their disdain about AI videos of this caliber being included in last year's Antithology. I have no strong feelings one way or the other, but I know others feel strongly about this sort of thing.
I would say this one is fine, as its a pisstake on all the current tiktok ai click bait videos.
>some people
pretty sure it was just one guy lol, I had never heard of anyone disliking solar tendies or ai voice stuff in the anti before then (or since)
I agree with >>41184077, I think it's fine. Though I think it'd work better closer to the beginning of the anti
I'll test that out. Thank you for the suggestion.
Every year I say to myself "I'll submit something next year, when I get good" and then before I know it, submissions for the next antithology are open, and I still don't know how to draw, or edit, or make anything cool.
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should be included for the 'awesom rainbow dash' line alone
(.c.) why
| tho?
I'm fine with it if the objective is to make fun of it
I watched the rough cut, but didn't the creator of the evil leponk submission say to cut it so it doesnt drag on?
Start making it right now.
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I put off doing ideas I've had since Anti 2021 until now, most of them took me less than an hour to make. Just do it, Anon.
I know it's too late but I finished something. Feel free to ignore, I'll just submit it properly next year.

Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aENX1Sf3fgQ

Thanks, sounds like it'd be useful for animation stuff but not significantly superior otherwise. I haven't done any normalising or chroma keying but kdenlive seems to have functions for it.

>less than an hour
Even this relatively simple one took me hours upon hours
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why does the con schedule have two seperate versions of the anti? whole point of a grand premiere is to have everyone see it together.
>whole point of a grand premiere is to have everyone see it together

The eqg pedos ruined any chance of that happening.
I thought all the barbieshit was purged.
Yeah, I don't like that I'm forced to choose between watching it with everyone (and let's be honest, the no-eqg edit will have like 10-20% of active viewers) or without eqg. I feel like the eqg in this is not significant enough to warrant the split, but at the same time it sucks that it's there.
Oh did he? I forgor
I can still squeeze this in. You and one other anon have last minute submissions
yeah, I think he said to cut it off like after the first three lines (at the end of "you make me happy")

the original leponk one is still gonna be the same length, it's just the evil one that needs to be cut
Okay, the final cut of the Anti is rendering now. I just want to take this time to apologize to the Anons whose toes I've stepped on for the past few weeks. It was not my intention to ruin people's submissions, nor to make the Antithology my personal project. Truth be told this is my first time editing a large collabortive project of this scale. I've learned a lot about how to conduct myself when it comes to these sorts of projects. I know that clear communication is expected of me, and rules for submissions need to be more clear. If you guys can forgive me and be patient with me, I would love to come back next year as organizer/editor. Thank you all.
It's okay. I think that when you have the imrpession something is dragging fro too long, just ask an opinion in the thread ans see what people say
well played anon
What's the final runtime? I'm curious how it compares to the "no eqg" version that the other anon is making.
1 hour 26 minutes
Damn, thanks Anon, I appreciate it.

I haven't followed all the threads, but you seem to have done a decent job. And yeah, wanting to edit a clip for some reason isn't bad if the issue is really egregious in your opinion, but do run it by the thread before and generally err on the side of no edits because you might just not understand the intention. After all antithology is supposed to be less curated than anthology, that was kind of the point, but one and a half hours is starting to get real fucking long.
I do wonder, how many people have had clips in both anthology projects? There's got to be some, right?
MKog definitely has:
Yep. Fo sho
Mkog was only called later after Antithology 2 was done because before he was considered a no-no artist for some stupid reason. Also basically his entries are the only decent part in the Anthology they were put in
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It seems I have posted my entry over month ago in the /mlp/con thread instead of the antithology thread like a retard.
I don't have hopes of it getting in now since the antithology video is already rendered it seems but oh well, here they are anyway.

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/q3t4nj8l.mp4 (1440x1080)
https://pomf2.lain.la/f/5r9t2j1k.mp4 (1920x1080 w/ black bars)
Oh right.

>Also basically his entries are the only decent part in the Anthology they were put in
Desu I never understood the "Anthology is shit now/Antithology is so much better" thing. Yeah the concept got a bit worn out after the first few but they're still fun to watch and the amount of clips I get has stayed about the same (not many and same goes for the antithologies lol).

>Editing the speech to make him say everypony
Not the anon you're responding to, but the fact that new anthologies were like 50% eqg+g5 wasn't helping. They're free to do whatever they want, of course, but comparing that to the pony ones (where all content was pony, and thus for everyone rather than just the fans of one specific thing) is part of the reason why a bunch of anons are so vigilant about not letting any eqg into the anti.
Also, and this is a personal reason for me, I prefer the old ones since I adore and almost idolize the older internet. Even if I don't get their joke, there's a good chance I'll eventually dig out what they were referencing and feel clever. Meanwhile I don't get almost all the "current meme" clips in contemporary anthologies and don't find them funny even when I do. This is a very "old man yelling at cloud" take, but it's true for me.
I think people should man the fuck up and deal. I'll never like or watch EQG, but some people on the board have turned into such massive fucking pussies, and that they need a version specifically for them, to cater to their ultra autistic asses, to throw them a bone, is one of the worst things you can do. Because it means their legitimacy is great enough that they get their speshul version.

just do the one version OP, don't do two
I suppose I've not purity spiraled enough for that, I don't like EqG and don't care much for G5, but I don't mind those parts of the anthologies and I also find the no EqG rule here stupid because art shouldn't be restricted and it's part of the franchise this board is for whether we like it or not (yeah yeah, FiM board etc. but it's ultimately part of pony and there are "people" here who like it so excluding them is stupid to me but whatever).
For the older Internet part I get it although ultimately many of those old ones are also just contemporary memes or references, which makes me wonder if people will think similarly about current year an(ti)thologies in another decade or if current meme culture will always be considered stupid.

On the one hand, filters are for pussies, but on the other hand, that's what they're there for especially for easily triggered autists like we all are.
>just do the one version OP, don't do two
This. All you're gonna accomplish is balkanizing our viewerbase.
>Anthology is shit now/Antithology is so much better
A lot of clips of the lastests Anthologies were extremely boring, unfunny or just there to waste your time. I don't care if they had EQG or not i recall i waited untill Mkog one appeared then stopped watching because i literally wanted to do anything else. A lot of those more creative either stopped working on pony stuff or were no longer interested so overall quality went down a lot
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The live action segments in the latest Anthology were dreadful
I'm scared to even ask, but in which one?
I haven't watched the latest one yet but since I've never gotten the majority of the clips I guess that reaction might just be lesser for me because that could apply to so many of them in any Anthology.
>Meanwhile I don't get almost all the "current meme" clips in contemporary anthologies and don't find them funny even when I do.
Last anthology I watched was few years ago and most of the stuff were just... boring. I still don't know half of the references they made in earlier anthologies but the clips were so well made that they were fun nonetheless. For some reason antis 2 and 3 have been solid diamond from start to finish and i really hope the high quality stays with this one too.
Sorry anon, if you can hold it for next year we can include it then!
will there be a premiere link on youtube?
Most likely not. I uploaded it to Youtube and it is 100% blocked. I've uploaded it to Pony.tube. I also have a mirror uploaded to a MEGA drive. Links to both will be added to the spreadsheet after the premier.
then where the fuck is it going to be premiering on
At /mlp/ con
Yup. Friday 9PM EDT. Cytube channel 1 for /mlp/con. Keep an eye on this thread, I'll be linking the cytube before the premier.
I hope you only do the one singular showing, eqg anthro and all, and dont give in to the autists.
OP isn't in charge of the second showing, that's some other guy from the previous thread doing his own thing. I don't think OP can really do much about it.
Ah I see... well then won't the clips be all out of order and flow and their cut will be a completely different version to the original one?
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I think what I'm going to do is during the Wrap Up stream I am going to ask the audience if they would be interested in seeing the two clips people have bitched about and were omitted out of the Anti. And then open a poll asking the audience if they would have been okay with those submissions being included.
I think they will be okay with those, and that's irrelevant. I mean, have you seen the average /mlp/con goer? The con attracts a lot more casual fags than the board. Last year, quite a lot of them admitted to not using the board anymore. But that's why it's not substantial.
The point of these antithologies has always been to celebrate what makes /mlp/, well, /mlp/. Trying to get congoers' permission to start adding eqg is pretty much the most direct way to subvert that. That was one of the reason drama/political submissions were banned after first year. This is really important; do not fuck this up, OP. I don't mind some thread drama, but this would be stepping over the line.
Okay, so nix the poll. What about asking the people if they would be interested in seeing the omitted submissions?xhvtm
you could make a poll before the premiere starts or, perhaps more appropriately, after it ends.
or maybe even during the credits. also, the poll would have to be in cytube 1 of course.
A poll during the con is probably a bad idea per >>41188721, but if you're going to do it, it should be in both cytubes unless you wish to skew the results in favor of eqg. And if it is to be at the end of the antithology, it should happen before the anti follow up panel. As the panel after that on cytube 1 is an eqg panel, and only eqg-fags would stay around for that.
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>behind-the-scenes panel
I was referring to the panel after the behind the scenes panel. But there's a decent chance the behind the scenes will include that too considering OP.
Anyone planning to record the Antithology with live chat reaction?
You should still do the poll if you end up showing the deleted clips, sounds like a nice idea and you don't have to follow it at all but getting opinions is always interesting. Also unlike the anthology itself the panel is yours, so you're less beholden to us faggots what you do there.

I think in past years someone has recorded the entire con anyways, so might not be necessary, no clue if they're doing it again this year though.
At least two anons in the con thread said they'd be recording, and one of them is the anon who recorded the entirety of last /mlp/con. It's never bad to have more backups, but it should be fine.
i hope i have plans that came up unfortunately
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such a cute cute mare rump
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My internet is shit. Can I download the antithology in advance so I can watch it live with other anons? I think they allowed that last year.
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>after the premier.
Why after? People with fourth world internet connections like myself won't be able to watch live, and occassionally cytube shits the bed. I swear that last year it was available for download prior to the showing. I don't see the logic of hiding the link until after the premiere. If people want to spoil it for themselves that's on them.
Yeah that sounds fair to me. The links have now been added to the submission spreadsheet.
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Thanks, I really appreciate it. I always download longer videos for cytube in case something goes wrong.
can someone please record the antithology i wont have the opportunity
I will do what I can.
Thanks m'nigga. My shift starts at the premiere so I appreciate this.
https://cytu be/r/mlp-con
Can someone upload a catbox of twilight saying the terry davis 'blackest gorilla niggers' quote?
I completely missed most of the early chat reactions because I thought everyone would be on Cytube 2.
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Guess my video didn’t make Final Cut, serves me right for half assing it

Whoever did the y'all look lonely, great job!!
Also, would be nice if I can download the clip.
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The pony version of the anti was fantastic, compared to the furry/barbietroon version.

+ vastly better sound mixing
+ better clip flow
+ bonus clips
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Never mind. Found it.
Ok so I counted, there was 1 g% reference (3 if you include g% twilight and spike) and 1 eqg, and they were both taking the piss, so the other version was pointless, it was better edited/paced as well and the "no shit" version was 9 seconds longer.
Which video was yours?
Nah, the content was fine. The pony version of the anti was simply better edited and mixed, is all.
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all my submissions are now on youtube! go wild.
>all the worst clips were made by one guy
Sad to see that the non-pony version was even aired on the con...
i renember the bible proverb: the miserable will inherit the earth
because the first people will, inevitably,be gone one day, no matter how great they were. every mortal will die one day
>all the best clips were made by one guy
Good job lads, was great fun. The top gear theme was great, the clips being short made it feel smoother than twikato, though I wonder how many times the different anthologies have done the banging stereo joke by now.

I thought the proper version had pretty good clip grouping, how was the other version better? Also, what bonus clips? The rejected ones?
Just the one dunking on Zipper
Oh, and I think the editor of the "non-EQG" version included his own clips he never submitted to the thread
Fantastic anti, but I have to say that having two jokes from previous annis was a bit jarring, namely the Bateman walking with headphones clip and the Top Gear truck stereo clip. Probably just an oversight, but still.
no impure content antithology with more efficient encoding to save disk space
Oh so we can upload our clips now. Swank.
So did anyone record the chat reactions?
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thanks king, i hope you can do the actual antithology next year
Thank you for answering my question. I appreciate your consideration. However, I must say I fear you have missed the point of my question. By inquiring if the chat reactions had been recorded I was also implying I would like to recieve the link to that video so I may also view it.
It's gonna be a while. Usually around this time I start copying over data from the recording machines to start processing. However, this time around I have a new setup and a new issue to deal with. For whatever reason my gigabit switch is pretending it's a 100mb switch and so even copying over just the first day's data would take hours. Thankfully this doesn't seem like it affected the actual recordings. When Rock and Pone on channel 2 is done I'm going to try unplugging/replugging the switch to see if it fixes the problem. Really wish I would have spotted this before the con, but I guess there's only so much you can prep for. Keep an eye out on PonyTube. I'll be uploading it there when it's ready.
I appreciate your work. I like to save the antithologies with all of (you) being funny in the chat.
Try changing the switch port. Most likely a failed ethernet cable that needs replacement. You can force 1gb in your OS network settings but not good if your cable is bad.
>all this earape to whisper tier audio
Not to shit on you OP, but how have you not noticed the problem with audio levels? Doesn't your video editor allows you to see those all those jumps in volume?
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I got impatient and just did it. There's actually 3 switches in the room. I took the middle switch out of the equation and just plugged the end switch into my main 2.5G one. Don't know if there were actually any issues with the switches or if it was just the unplug/replug, but everything's working as it should now.
YO, here is recording of Antithology 04 with cytube chat. The final video is bit over 2GB if someone wish to download it.
You're a hero. I'm beyond happy to see people liked my intro and other subs. Can't wait to spam next year too.
Thank you for recording this! sad I missed it live but it's made me look forward to next year even more.

The amount of original animation in this year's anti was really impressive, a lot of creative anons on this board.
Thanks for leaving it in. I'm feeling quite smug atm.
Yeah, apologies for that. I tried getting the audio levels normalized, but with each pass I did it would fuck up some other parts. I plan on going back and fine tuning everything and reuploading the Anti with normalized audio levels.
I just assembled my collection of clips and there's 15 minutes of my stuff in the anti. If I start making shit for next year I bet I could make an hour's worth.
Yeah, doing it en-mass is usually not a great idea as it will lower the quality a bit. Usually the video edition programs would either show you visually how loud the individual clips are and then you can edit them one by one until they are in a nice average level. This is a long process as you would need to go back and forth between different clips (or lurk up the sound volume levels and try to aim to not exceeded 95% maximum sound volume or go below 20% )
Hopefully this should do it. If anyone else thinks there are certain parts that could use more fine tuning please let me know.
I just rewatched it on my own, and yeah. Hopefully that editor anon does it again next year, or overtakes OP. It's just a straight upgrade.
I missed the eqg vs no eqg poll, does anyone have a screencap or at least remembers what it was and what the votes were?
They voted no EQG
Should "ironic" or "shitposty" eqg be allowed and the answer was 3/4ths in favor of "No". This is consistent with what other parts of the board vote, so it's probably legit.
That wasn't the question pose, I don't think. I asked chat if they were interested in seeing the EQG related clips that were omitted from the Antithology.
Thanks, that's honestly pretty surprising, but apparently good things still can happen in 2024.
As the Anon said, about 2/3rds to 3/4ths voted against.
>noneqgfags overreact over minor bullshit
>expect everyone to cater to their bullshit
>screech when someone disagrees with them >treat even minor disagreements as a personal attacks
This is tranny behavior, noneqgfags are trannies
I want to rescind my previous comment, I saw the deleted submissions and that was shit
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I can't stop listening to Electric Avenue
send help
It's an ear worm, that's for sure
is good song
Nice antithology. It reminds me how much I love you faggots.
Go fuck yourself.
He literally made a better-edited version. That's the one I'm downloading, too.

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