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Mareasmus edition
OLD THREAD: >>41170075

Pony maps, sprays, and micspam!
Reskinned vanilla maps (with mares) by our very own anons!
Come relive the heyday of pony TF2 with your friends from /mlp/!

Visit our official website to check out the server info from your browser: https://mlp.tf/
If you'd like a custom icon on the mlp.tf scoreboard, post your Steam ID and attach your desired icon in the thread.

>Server info
Server IP: tf2.15.ai OR
Password: check filename
Steam group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/mlptf2_
Map downloads (extract the .bz2 file, then place the .bsp file in /tf/download/maps): http://mlp.site.nfoservers.com/server/maps/
Player stats: http://mlp.gameme.com/
Download demos from matches (request demos in the thread): http://mlp.site.nfoservers.com/server/demos/
Active hours: 7-9pm to 12-4am EDT (32-64 players)
Custom MvM also available for early hours (42 player limit) and other gamemodes like Death Run or VSH for after-hours.

This server uses a plugin that changes the stats of some weapons. See https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=2717299 for more info. All reverts except for the old airblast are active by default, and most reverts can be toggled in-game.

Consider installing mastercomfig if you have frequent frame drops, bad hitreg, poor network connectivity, or are new to the game. See https://mastercomfig.com/ for easy installation. It is STRONGLY recommended that all players install some preset of mastercomfig since TF2's default netcode settings have not been changed since 2007.

THERE IS NO DISCORD SERVER ASSOCIATED WITH THIS THREAD. Any post mentioning "the /mlp/ TF2 Discord" is a troll and should be ignored.
/vg/-style chatroom-posting is OFF-TOPIC and should be reported as such.

No one is judged for being new to the game, and skill level across the playerbase varies.
Join the fun!
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Website for making in-game sprays: https://rafradek.github.io/Mishcatt/
Micspam guide: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39428553/#q39430287
Guide to adding pony models to any map: https://ponepaste.org/9223
Pony mod collection: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/37462569/#37462590
Pony model replacements with voiceovers: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39697428/#39701005
Pony war paint texture mods collection: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39788496/#q39796303
Having trouble with sprays showing up in-game? Put the following in the developer console: https://u.smutty.horse/mfwtrwijazh.txt
Getting error signs instead of pony models? Download them manually here: https://github.com/EtraIV/SpawnPony (place the materials folder into /tf/download).

>Videos and content
/mlptf2/ videos playlist (highlights, karaoke nights, Anon Fridays, etc.): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlaewUctCKsJqnVcSDf3d9oIBSpewUQsO
/mlptf2/ intro: https://u.smutty.horse/maqwtlmafwl.mp4
/mlptf2/ New Years (2023 edition): https://u.smutty.horse/mlakpjgcooh.mp4
/mlptf2/ 2-year anniversary: https://youtu.be/4fzG-WLKIyc
/mlptf2/ 3-year anniversary: https://youtu.be/e269nQZnqcY
Heavy is easy to counter by yourself
Heavy + medic is basically impossible to counter unless you switch class to specifically target him
The next OP mare is Marble Pie. Reply to this with your art if you want to have it voted on as being the next thread's OP art.
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First for Dashie
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plap plap plap plap
Unf plap plap plap dashie
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plapping nursie dashie
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mlptf2 general in 2025 will just be 99% plaps, the only sane post in the storm being ghostmaster
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>Thread 276
So what are we doing for thread 300 boys?
i think another collab piece would be nice
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We will post Rainbow Dash
Good idea, but what kind of collab piece?
mares in action like last time but on a different map
What if we tried a more ambitious project?
Like what
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First for stallions
what if you had sex instead?
>train an ai to generate tf2 maps with mares on them
>doom obhack but for tf2
>never play marewater again
We already have what may be a Doom map, but I’m pretty sure Ghostmaster would be against the AI-generated map. Marewater also looks too good to discard.
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>Marewater also looks too good to discard.
>a deliberately dry and arid badlands aesthetic map, but with pastel green grass and sfm ponies just standing around
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what you're describing is soul and heart
soul would have been reusing the pyrovision textures instead of only changing the ground texture to mspaint fill tool green
>t. Someone who doesn’t believe in magic in a young girl’s heart
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>doing something lazily is more soul than doing it your own way
>own way
>literally just green tinted the original texture
far more effort went into pyrovision textures so i dont get the argument
Maybe something that shows the highlights of the server since the beginning. Like some kind of collab collage. It could be karaoke nights, anniversary photos, koth_sneed, metropolis "discoooooooooord", secret saxtons, dr_simulation and so on
could someone give a link to the real time svc or any other real time voice changer?
Just use your normal voice
Entirely my own (apparently trans) ego talking, but I'd pay money to have a jpg of president James Carter hidden somewhere in a community map.
>president James Carter hidden somewhere in a community map
why though?
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It’s actually James, Carter.
>Heavy + medic is basically impossible to counter unless you [counter him]
literally me
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an overhealed heavy that a medic is currently pocketing has effectively somewhere around 700 health that you need to do before he dies. that makes a 1v1 against him mathematically impossible unless you yourself are a heavy and you surprise him. every other class will need to fully reload twice to do that much damage during which time the heavy kills you 3 times over.
this is why the natascha is so powerful. it prevents you from executing the simplest counter to heavy - walking away from him. the 25% damage reduction quite simply doesn't matter. the additional 20% resistance on the heavy adds insult to injury as his effective health will be boosted even more.
on the other side of the argument trying to fight a pocketed heavy is akin to a 2v1. of course you should lose that, right? get help from a teammate! but then the problem of pub games being uncoordinated comes from. you're not sitting on mic with willing teammates so you can focus fire the heavy, you're probably playing fish scout and you just walked into a 700 hp natascha heavy camping around the corner.
heavy should be nerfed in a way that only affects casual games. but how? The huo long inspired me to propose this solution: while fully spun-up, the heavy is now visible to enemies through walls. now you will not be surprised by that heavy anymore and can coordinate takedowns with teammates easier!
The solution is easy, pick off the Medic
He cannot heal if he doesnt have a head to think with

Total Medic decapitation
You should be able to hear him spun up and know he is around the corner, this is the advantage of the tomi silent spin. If he was not spun up you couldn’t hear him, but you would have the chance to get away or get some damage in before he can shoot. Along with situational and map awareness, this is your main way of figuring out when a heavy is around a corner. Pretty well designed, but with increased player count the spam of explosions, gunshots, and music makes this rarely possible unless you turn down the micspam. I am not advocating for no micspam, but I certainly do think it changes a lot of the game negating sound queues to some margin, spy decloak being another example.
sometimes i play medic and dont heal heavies
(He aren't know)

Fair, but counterpoint: Funny Peanut President
I think buffing spy via making every player effectively deaf is funny and balanced, I don't know abou heavy though
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I will come bearing gifts tonight
Who is that on the right
now is my chance, I can feel it. I WILL get gifted a vita-saw this time.
some cute mare, no clue how they got there though.
i meant Dashie
she fucks dogs~
its not true!!!
and you suck cocks
got it
Who is that on the left
That's just the mare in your head, take your meds and she'll go away.
There's a mare in my head? I need to get her out!!
You don’t have to go that far, you can top off a heavy if he’s asking for a buff, but you shouldn’t pocket him the whole time so others can use those heals as well.
play medic and only heal me (sexually)
Healing heavies has always been a bad habit of mine, alot of the time they just seem like the only viable option for an uber but I really need to stick in my head that classes like pyro could arguably do more in the situation.
Heavies is the only class that carries a healthpack with them, so I don't worry too much about them,only when in direct combat. The most they normally get from me is an arrow and crit heals
Yeah, that's fair. I don't understand people who insist on playing heavy medic on low pop, it just makes the game unfun for pretty much everyone on the server.
it's funnier to ignore them
i already secretly pocket people i want more attention from on the rare occasion i do play medic
the deep urge to swap to quick fix medic and pocket ghost every few games
Heal the demoknight.
Uber the demoknight.

Do it.
i do this with spider and spruce
Isn’t the soldier’s robot costume supposed to give him some sort of flanger effect for his voice to make him sound more robotic? I’m pretty sure I remember being in one of UGC’s trade plaza servers and hearing something like this.
>an overhealed heavy that a medic is currently pocketing has effectively somewhere around 700 health that you need to do before he dies.
But if the medic is using anything other than the stock Medi-Gun or the Quick Fix, then the heavy may be vulnerable to long snipes or the kind of damage that he isn’t receiving a shield against.
But what if the medic has his own protection or if the heavy simply rotates to protect his medic?
Apparently, healing soldiers and pyros is an option. I haven’t played medic for very long, but I keep getting medic girlfriends whenever I play practice matches with bots as a soldier and I do get the occasional heals when I play pyro.
>Heavies is the only class that carries a healthpack with them
Assuming they don’t want to fat scout as their backup means of attack.
A fully overhealed heavy only has 450 health. He’d still die from backstabs and fully-charged headshots from any sniper rifle.
Small tangent but I have love/hate relationship with the QF.

QF ubers allows me to run over your typical braindead, feet clicking, reverted pickaxe, gunboats and Original using ape Soldier, and your fun hating Degreaser and Reserve Shooter Pyros, as well close the distance on a level 3 sentry, on top of not being slow down by the Natasha, which is just lovely.
At the same time, QF still does not out-heal the damage output of any minigun nor a level 3 sentry, means if the Heavy stands his ground and fights he can still win. As well headshots and random crits, specially random crockets can still BTFO me, or, whats most likely, the QF Medic, as well getting team focused fire down, without mentioning how incredibly exposed the Medic is if he mirror charges into the enemy (which happens often).
Which is why most of times stock uber is better, overheals are MVP, an overhealed 350 hp targelanderknight can barely survive a crocket, and that's huge.

The only thing I wish for Medic frens is to not actively pocket/follow me into battle since you are just so exposed you will just die if someone is smart enough to ignore the angry, yelling black man with a sword and pick the Medic off.
And to always start disengaging when uber goes down past 20% so you have time to fall back to safety, and to not stay until the uber has faded away.
>Which is why most of times stock uber is better, overheals are MVP, an overhealed 350 hp targelanderknight can barely survive a crocket, and that's huge.
What about Half-Zatoichi demoknights with at least one head who are still overhealed?
I dont think they survive since their max overheal caps at 300 hp, but it also depends what shield they be using, and since most of them use TT or the Screen, I doubt they can survive.
Could be wrong tho.
>your typical braindead, feet clicking, reverted pickaxe, gunboats and Original using ape Soldier
you're the ape
Say that in the server
How can you unironically think that Soldier is more braindead than pocket Heavy though
Must be hard mindlessly spamming chokepoints, or clicking enemy feet without actually having to aim, maybe knock people around, robbing them of their ability to move freely (outside air strafing), maybe roll a very deserved and funny random crocket.
Must be hard for you to pull your reverted pickaxe at the first sign of trouble, or freely gunboat rocket jump, often leaving your Medic alone to die.
Must be hard to not entirely rely on tankiness, speed and a cooldown based crit to get a job done, all the while being very easily to get countered, also risking your life everytime you go in for a kill since you are going into melee against often many enemy players.
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>Must be hard
for Dashie's gyatt plap plap plap plap
If you played 6s as soldier with the NC team you would literally get 0 kills
>Half-Zatoichi demoknights with at least one head
let me think
Cry harder you big baby
>No argument back
I accept your concession.
I'm not the anon you were responding to, I'm just calling you a baby because all you do is whine because you don't like the class you're forcing yourself to play every single day.
But I'm not going to argue with you, because I think you're incapable of actually understanding any point of view that differs from yours. It's just a waste of time and energy
I dont know people still respond to Health and Ghost even after 3 years desu, nothing they say ever makes any sense
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>The only two straight white men on the server make no sense
>health angel
learn to surf rockets, soldier is the funnest class for demoknight to fight if both players have a brain
I fully agree with this anon, everytime I go Targe demoknight I get a different experience fighting soldiers. Baiting rockets, surfing them, faking my charge; It's honestly pretty fun, I've never understood Ghost's hatred, demo has so much explosive resistance that soldiers normally empty their clip before they're able to kill me
it's pretty straightforward, if you approach fighting soldiers the way ghost does it's not very fun. If you can't surf rockets and don't have the intuition to bait them then rockets become the movement denial mechanic ghost describes them as without all of the interesting dynamics they actually bring
>ghost and health angel
dropping these at ~10:30 pm EDT btw
What about equipping the Booties or the Tide Turner? They would allow one to easily control one’s direction and charge away from the rockets.

However, equipping the Booties would leave one without a counter to Natascha heavies, so perhaps one suggestion here is to run perpendicular to his line of fire. The demoknight may not be his primary target and forcing the heavy to rotate would force him to consider whether there are better targets available.
genuine question here, is it just me or does it feel like there has been an influx in off-boarders recently?
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sorry apparently im retarded and all these secret saxtons are gonna have to wait until june 2
not just you, i have been feeling it for the past couple of weeks
just total randoms (furfags) with non-pony profile pictures and sprays shitting up the server
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It is summerfag season after all.
Yeah I had that feeling too
Too many silent randos, sometimes joining as a group but without saying a word
care to name?
Cant believe lank passed away, gone too soon man...
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>my favorite boykisser dies
lank is a cute
>he thought he could handle a 12in bbc
>Too many silent randos
is talking a requirement on this server
if this isn't definition offboarder i dont know what is
Are you sure they are all untradable and that they will all have to wait until that specific date? I have yet to buy an item from sources other than the in-game store where I had to wait to trade any of them.
did you buy from the steam marketplace
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it appears something non-canon sneaked into your picture, fear not, for I have fixed it!
What makes him an offboarder?
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yeah, should have bought them from elsewhere. didnt think it would effect actually giving them out :/
Buying from the official store or the steam market has mandatory one week trade lockdown.
fucking kek
take your meds twilight
not canon
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erm... what the sigma
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god i wish i was rainbow dash
need to do this to lank
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can you stop shitting up this thread
are you dashie? :O
i can be :3c
i love dashie she is so cute and wife
>“Hey, good lookin’! Gotta bucket o’ chicken!”
i need an adult D:
Ok lank
sadly not
34/64 on pl_mareward_b1
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Impregnate Dashie
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built for fisting
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its goin in
free health angel
15 here. He was banned for having fun on the server, we don't do that here. From now on this server needs to be horribly rulecucked and everyone will be muted.
all the same person btw
Health Angel is bad but you retards who believe everything he says are even worse
what did he say
lied about his mutes and tried to get people on his side (he succeeded because anons were talking about how fucked up his made up situation is)
why would what you are telling me warrant a perm mute though, is there still something im missing?
who caresssss, that does not warrant a permamute
Sure, but combine it with the 7 other times he got muted for the same exact same thing and it does. No one else has gotten as many second chances as Health and he still blew it.
geting muted for saying you keep getting muted seems kinda weird to me...
For anyone who wants to know the full context of what happened, send me a private message on Steam - you know who to ask.
Just say it here dude, there isn’t any difference
Ok Any One of Us
I'm not posting Anon Friday chatlogs in the thread
I wasn’t there for the whole thing, so please don’t ask me. For all I know, this has gone on for years.
So he's being perma muted today from something he said last week?
>anon fridays
glad to know he was muted for no reason then
No. Ask via Steam DMs. Thanks.
Just got told on steam what happened, Health Angel was caught with PSI’s cock in his mouth and the admins got jealous because it wasn’t theirs. Need to hear Health Angel’s side of the story though…
>you know who to ask
uhhhh... sleezus?
No Wart, don't be a retard
i wish my cock was inside health angel
wait wait i got, i need to ask zepdos
Cute Angel permamuted...
/mlptf2/ is over
sleezus will SAVE /mlptf2/
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chud angelbros it's so fucking over...
No we need to FIX /mlptf2/
unmute health, permamute sleez, FIXED
See you all in tomorrow night when he gets unmuted
Honestly, I'm surprised Health lasted this long. For all the times he's outright insulted the jannies to their faces I expected him to have been kicked out years ago.
With this sort of track record?
This doesn't even include the times he's been muted before Sourcebans lmao
most of these arent justified
Does it matter?
Ok Health
hot take but health angel isnt cute and gets mogged by lank
stfu lank
bro stfu im busy playing deathrun
everypony on the server is hard mogged by sleezus
Server's been around for years at this point. How you were to divide the server into chronological "Eras". Has the server already had it's "Golden era"?
Not sure. I do think we're at a point where we have more players than ever, so maybe one could argue that it's in its golden era.
golden era was around the time we publicly humiliated LD on the server.
>Has the server already had it's "Golden era"?
yeah, it was when a few people played 8+ hours daily for a few weeks
definitely never doing that again
can people stop pussyfooting around it and offsiting and just explain what happened here?
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like this?
What he/she do?
Xe burned our crops, poisoned our water supply, and delivered a plague unto our houses!
Golden era was when the server was pretty much brand new. 15 was playing regularly, and as the only mod he enforced his good taste exactly where it mattered and nowhere else. People only kinda knew each other, so everybody treated each other with a levelheaded respect. There were no butt-buddies or circlejerks, and therefore no drama whatsoever besides the occasional off-boarder getting b&. There wasn't much off-topic stuff, it was all ponies and tf2. There's no going back to that.
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Are you refering to an extremely small time frame of pretty much 1-2 weeks? Because back then we had more drama than today. I also don't believe current mods are doing it any different than how 15 used to. You're right in that people act differently now that they've known each other for 3 years tho. But complaining about people developing friendships on a friendship board is kinda silly. I don't see this fabled "circlejerk" either, everybody who posts in chat gets responded to and everybody has an equal say during the votes so what's the problem?
they just want something to bitch and moan about. the grass is always greener on the other side or in this case in the past
>the first three were added but not the following 4
why tho
speaking of the maps I really liked manners avenue and fragile. manners is just excellent all around. fragile is great but suffers from FPS issues thanks to the rain and the tornado. jerrycan was okay, it didn't stand out to me in a positive or negative way. I'd need to play it more with more classes before I passed final judgment on it.
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Giel please start playing trolldier exclusively again
Not the tiny 1-2 week time frame, it was at least a couple of months. I'm not at all against friendships and getting to know each other, I think it's critical really, but I think anons in casual environments like this take the social norms of anonymity and apply them even when everybody has a name and a face. Like there's just a total ignorance of the function of shame and decorum for keeping a community on the rails - rather than talking privately about private things, the whole community is just focused on private personal things and the drama that comes from that. As far as I can tell, that's the difference between disgraceful cliquey communities like this one/opg and quality chan communities like those focused on projects or art or whatever. If you care about the community you take your weird shit behind closed doors with likeminded people, you don't stir the shit into the watering hole. In other words, if you care about pony tf2, you take your unrelated interests like how wide your OC's ponut can stretch and talk about it over steam messages instead of bringing it into the server.
Circlejerk/butt buddy stuff is just a way of saying that this server is home to basically sub-fandoms, most notably the gay fandom that only want to talk about dick and trannies. That first started showing up for real when anon fridays was introduced and people could talk about it and signal their interest without shame, until it hit a critical mass where they felt themselves to be in good company to be open about it. Fast forward a while and people literally ERP on the SERVER now - maybe it's not common, but it's there and I'm one of the only people who even bats an eye at it?!
>If you care about the community you take your weird shit behind closed doors with likeminded people
I don’t know how often we’ll get to play Junction, but this probably won’t be feasible if it’s a regular occurrence.
Only words I registered were wide ponut stretching
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You keep rambling and I'm just failing to understand what your problem is. Are you trying to imply that in 2021 people didn't talk about anal and ponuts and teats and milk? You speak like someone who doesn't really play on the server, joined for an hour, saw something you didn't like and left.
>Circlejerk/butt buddy stuff is just a way of saying that this server is home to basically sub-fandoms, most notably the gay fandom that only want to talk about dick and trannies
Nobody talks about "dick" seriously, it's all fun and shitposting. Tranny discussion is politics and therefore disallowed by the server rules, but nobody's going to catch a mute for off-handedly mentioning trannies in an argument or something because we're not uncletopia. Just the other day Reusable Water Bottle was muted because he kept talking about how much he wanted to rape someone on the server like the edgiest zoomer alive so clearly the chat's being moderated.
>Fast forward a while and people literally ERP on the SERVER now - maybe it's not common, but it's there
No they literally don't. Post screencaps of this happening. One singular instance is enough.
>If you care about the community you take your weird shit behind closed doors with likeminded people
you mean i can't talk about fat ponuts and huge mare milkers? go fuck yourself.
Looks like pabbley. Great artists, draws plump ponies
First one is Pabbley, second one is KinkyPinkie
First one is Dashie, second one is Dashie
Anon rambled a bit but I don’t think a single person would ever attempt to argue that the server is in a better place now than it’s been in the past. It’s never been perfect and the server isn’t bad now, but some things and some of the company we kept used to be nicer
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>it's been 7 years now since kinkypinkie last posted
im tired boss
>That first started showing up for real when anon fridays was introduced and people could talk about it and signal their interest without shame, until it hit a critical mass where they felt themselves to be in good company to be open about it. Fast forward a while and people literally ERP on the SERVER now
Spot on.
> I'm one of the only people who even bats an eye at it?!
No you are not, I too noticed and dont like it, but pointing it out and denouncing it has done nothing, and sometimes made it worse, so I dont bother to voice my opinion on it. It's pointless.
>No they literally don't. Post screencaps of this happening. One singular instance is enough.
NTA, but there was definitely a time recently on marecoast i think where epiphany, sleezus, waterbottle, and some others were talking about "sleezus' small twink butt". i think waterbottle got gagged during that too.
i don't have any screencaps of it but some anons are sure to remember it because of the gag
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wtf happened, who got arrested this time n why is server down >.>
health angel got muted for having fun on the server instead of being miserable and sucking admin dick. no clue why the server is down.
>make subcommunity in /mlp/ in a video game
>everything starts off okay, talk about ponies and tf2
>playerbase normalizes
>every player is also a guy
>most people are virgins or perma horny
>standards are lowered because of it
>names are attached with reputation so anonmode allows people to act how they really feel
>eventually some turbogays like sleezus make being a twink their character
>perma horny players latch onto it and then talking about plowing twink ass instead of mares is normalized
>fast forward to now
for our next game we can do engineer to respect applejack by listening to raise this barn
having fun isnt allowed on the server anymore
I'm having fun though :)
I think someone has admitted to nuking the server before.
hi engineer.
just ban sleezus so these niggers shut up
Lank too
Compfag gets extra privilege, no.
Why? He can still play on the comp server if he is banned from the community server.
>just ban all the cute boys
they didn't say ban ghost or giel though
>Be Saxton Hale.
>A few years ago, you came up with your idea of starting a yeti-fighting theme park in the jungles of your home country of Australia.
>Everyone thought that yetis were extinct, so they were willing to pay top dollarydoo just to fly out to rural Queensland to see what everyone believes should not be there. And to get into fights with them that they may surely lose.
>The scientists all say that nature finds a way and they’ll all escape, but that’s the whole bloody point, isn’t it?

>Just recently, a group of individuals came to visit your park after you found out you only had one yeti left.
>Some of them died, but you had to kill this remaining yeti to save the lives of those who survived.
>You find out that yetis have gone extinct, so your theme park has been left without purpose.
>However, you also find out that a toy company called Hasbro has recalled some of its toys known as “Pinkie Pie plushies” because they have been known to become sentient and start acting violent against people.

Wat do?
no, lank is actually adorable. yes i AM one of the people who horndog over him in chat.
once again i am taking a massive shit so please hold off on marewater for about 15 minutes
>five minutes into marewater and retards are already bringing up last nights retarded drama
15 raped me at harmonycon
health angel is simply too cute to resist
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we should talk about dashie
>/aceg/ Callsign Eagle: wait what? why'd Health of all people get muted?
Made me kek
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>12 minutes left in the map timer
>map still changes because defense stomped 1st point twice in a row
I wasn't there but I can guess the "drama"
>"Why'd a long time player get permamuted?"
>"Stop trying to bring up drama."
>Proceeds to never say what happened
>Server defaults to assuming things incorrectly
It's a weird M.O. that takes more time to try to quash things instead of a short explanation.
He has been muted 8 times before
This does not explain the question that's being asked
What did he do THIS time
And I'm pretty sure it's more than 8
health was the kindest most loving /mlp/tf2er with a heart of gold, always there for his friends and never afraid to stand up for them or speak truth to power and that is why 15 had to vanquish him from the server forever
i hesitate to imagine the kind of dark and discordant spiral the server will slip into without him here to maintain harmony with the warmth and positive vibes he always brought
For your solidarity, I give you the greatest gift one can ask for
3 months mute <3
so true bestie
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Can we please start implementing mandatory bathroom breaks during tf2 time?
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>He doesn't own a gaming toilet
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a bit rusty
cute marble!!
also funny names
So cute!
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top kek
No clue what he did, weird that even players that were playing when it happened seemingly dont know
this nielgik sounds like he’s pretty cute desu
Where's her huge marecock?
>"I am the defense"
Do not fucking bomb the Marble!
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2 cakes!?
Kinda looks like Underrail
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nice painting angel
the lightning looks great!
Thanks Dashie
so awesome dashie
holy fucking kino
I would do anything to get a glimpse of Dashie's belly, crotch & hoof
Her goal is to blow up then act like don't know nobody
act like she**
Fug. Joke ruined
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>Fag. Joke ruined
What did he mean by this?
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It’d probably be pretty easy to set up a match against a bunch of engy bots within the server if I was able to do it locally, but my thought would be taking this concept a step further by having these bots somehow use an Applejack player model, just like how Uncle Dane had engy bots dressed like Leon Redbone. We may want to see whether our own maps can be used for bots, since only the ones that are used in training mode seem to be the ones that would work for sure.
Not a doc is submissive and breedable
So fucking real. With a hint of a bratty streak to keep things spicy.
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This but it's Limestone and Marble.
very cute! i love this
this looks awesome, the style is great

great work guys, both very cute marbles :)
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>Valve actually doing something and banned some 850 bot accounts
I mean it's just a "cutting off one head of the hydra" situation but still.
what do we think gamers, is valve finally committing to 'le treadmill work'?
>what do we think
I can't
>Find out about steamhistory.net
>A bunch of people from the server have either prior or active SourceBans from SKIAL and Furry Pound
this looks so rad! please vote for this over mine, this one is amazing
SKIAL, Blackwonder, Lazypurple.com...PSI's the only one I've seen so far that's got a Perma from Furry Pound.
I am also perma'd from TFP iirc
>Sitting and namesearching server members on steamhistory
This seems obsessive
>Sitting and namesearching server members on steamhistory
This seems apathetic
I'm Dash, and I'm ready to fuck. I'm cumming in, deep like a semi truck.
>Check it out
>Literally every player I expect to be banned due to behavior is banned
>The sweetest players ever have a clean record
>A few borderline normal players have a record for some reason????? Surprising.
>15's record still makes me kek because of how he got it
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>when you play too good
>when a jannie burns his mouth on a hotpocket and powertrips to take it out on you
>when you kill robots so good they ban you
>when you make a "nazi pony joke"
>when you perform a harmless funny bug
>when you don't conform to a compfag meta and play for fun
>when you play music
>when you get permbanned from THE FURRY POUND for inappropriate language
>when you dare kill somebody
>when you dare not kill somebody
>when a janny spots you ignoring the objective
>when you have fun with a friend
>when you spectate somebody
there's so many bans for "RDM" which stands for "random death match" which means going for frags instead of rushing the objective. you can be banned for the vaguest of shit because a janny feels small at the moment and needs a powertrip. remember how good you have it here.
Which one?
Private account, check on group to get it retard.
>there's so many bans for "RDM" which stands for "random death match" which means going for frags instead of rushing the objective.
But what if you’re using a weapon that encourages fragging rather than pursuing the team objective? The Big Earner, Persian Persuader, and Bazaar Bargain come to mind, as well as my alternate kunai.
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>honor bans from other servers
Lol, lmao even
This is the worst suggestion I've heard all week
>>41188502 (Me)
Never mind; it turns out that there is another component to this that I was missing.
Mod decided he was 3gud to be playing legit on sniper, perma'd him, and proved that place is a wasteland
Also I'm too lazy to get up so deal with my mobileposting
An argument could also be made that since he’s this good, he belongs in a high-stakes comp server rather than a community server anyone can join, just like how Aaron Judge belongs in the MLB rather than some beer league softball championship, but I do agree that false bans can happen.
Shut the fuck up Any One Of Us. Your worthless posts are worse than the dashieniggers, Peko, LD and Goku combined.
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No they aren't. He's cute. Stop bullying him.
I legit cannot remember the last time 15 played on the server.
I haven't played on the server in a bit so I was wondering where all of the posts that read like a love child conceived by chatgpt and a fever dream have been coming from
You could make that argument, but "we're permabanning you for being too good and calling it aimbot" is a shit argument
Being able to shitstomp is the reward for increasing skill at a game
Now, looking at the timestamp, an argument can be made that this mod is the indirect reason 15 put up the server...
15’s account was made in February of 2021. Banning a fresh account that has suspiciously good sniping skill isn’t an unreasonable thing
With the current bot crisis in the state it’s in, can we afford to investigate every single ban like this?
Or perhaps he has an older account that he used before he set up this current one and this main account is unknown to us. It wouldn’t be out of the question for him to have set up an alt account just so he could either use an aimbot or pretend to be a noob just to troll people in Skial.
>that sleezus ban
holy mother of based...
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what the actual crud is this
lmao they are that sensitive
mlp.tf website owner confirmed as much of a pussy as a furry pound admin
>talking bad about other servers moderation as if this servers isnt also shit with sensitive admins
name them and what you dont like about them then
As far as I'm aware, unlike known powertripper skial mods, our mods haven't banned anyone without good reason
MUTES on the other hoof...
seconding, name them
last night
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why cant i get the rest is it because i am bad at the game
To my knowledge, there are some weapons like the Big Earner, Bazaar Bargain, and Persian Persuader that encourage fragging over pursuing team objectives, but RDM would also involve griefing in the hope that one’s teammates also give up on pursuing the team objective.
>voteban hacking
So how many of these bans include bans from casual servers that resulted from bots voting people out?
im smart
Shut the fuck up
Legit or cheats?
This guy’s probably cheating. He’s hitting all of his headshots and has a perfect 100% hit ratio, other than what look like shots he’s intentionally firing just to make cheat detectors think he’s occasionally screwing up.
To be honest if I didn't see the name I would have thought this was cheats lmao
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Dashie Friday is tomorrow
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just a gay player
are you going to kiss him now?
last night i said the palamino desert is in saddle arabia but it is not, it is in equestria
I'll put a saddle on you
Why would his name have anything to do with it? It looked like he was intentionally trying to fool stat trackers into thinking he was playing legitimately when he really wasn’t. Any sane cheat detector, machine or human, would probably ban him. If he’s this good, he would have no need to try to fool annyone or anything into thinking he’s occasionally missing and these misses would instead come naturally.
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>trying to fool stat trackers into thinking
are you stupid
>chest fluff
unf unf
stats page says 21 hours ago
guys we can watch some mlp eg episodes when we play tf2
Did he play the game or he's just there to plap HorseTV?
What about EOI episodes?
Notice how he rapidly rotates the rifle to fire a few misses immediately after someone dies instead of keeping his finger on the trigger for a few more shots until a reasonable person would notice the change in the kill feed.
get plapped by*
How big is HorseTV's marecock?
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need lank to cum inside me
cant, too busy playing terraria
I like this because seeing Marble sad makes me happy
all im saying is if you need under the desk support let me know
this big
It’s interesting that you bring him up. How come we have never seen anyone play on the HorseTV server?
NC match, week 6
if Biden drops dead, I'll join, but he's still alive
I will annihilate Biden in Minecraft.
uhhh marewaterbros... this isnt marewater
it sure doesn't :(
our lord and savior dr fauci will come and bless us with marewater
go back
I haven't been seeding, am now
what was the result i missed it
1-4 mane6 lost
Gonna be fun to see who on the server gets VAC'd once the LMAOBOX banwave goes out
Don’t ban waves happen several times every day?
Apparently all the shit that went down is just the initial part of a 2 year effort Valve has been undertaking in secret.
There's a lot more dominoes to fall, it seems.
i know its the right call to action, but im going to miss phokas…
>inb4 nothing happens
>confirmed aimbotters: 15, sleezus, plain sight, lank, wartortle, squishment, derpy (gay), toona, tene, slav, beep!
cap this
I’d like to see them take more efforts, but my question is why they aren’t doing what they can now. It’s like putting out a fire without exhausting its fuel source: it will only come back.
>they found my demoknight lmaobox script
bros... i dont feel so good..
So what are we going to do if most of us end up getting vacced? Would we just use this thread to discuss TF2 in general?
I'm pretty sure that if someone was gonna get vac'd, they'd've been picked up by tenfive's anticheat by now. Nothing's gonna happen to us.
Is that the one we use?
Nooo dashie
He is not in the know.
looks like he simply panic swiped his mouse and picked it up at the end of his mousepad when it was perfectly on the head. shit happens randomly when you play a game for 10,000 hours. even the most unlikely events are bound to happen with time.
why did you put 15 twice
can banned/permamuted players still attend the marefair orgy?
Shut the fuck up
Why would he have a reason to panic (multiple times) and why would he keep firing while doing so?
For the same reason my grandfather wrote “money” multiple times in the list of items my grandmother would never call to ask him to bring to their vacation home.
If the address is being given out in the server chat, then banned players wouldn’t be able to obtain it except if others give it to them.
Shut the fuck up
It looks like the VAC ban wave has already come and gone, so if they don’t happen multiple times a day, anyone who isn’t vacced now probably won’t be vacced as a result of this wave. Though I don’t know much about this myself and I can’t guarantee anything.

The good news is that Valve casual servers seem to be safe from bots, at least for now, but we’ll never know when or whether they’ll come back.
After discussing it with the other organiser, we came to the conclusion that banned players will be allowed at the Mare Fair TF2 orgy.
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>burgers of kazuhira miller
no thanks
Can you re-make the trans list, but this time write down the reasons?
Cool video. I really like that it showcases actual jumps rather than lame bhops, which have always been a funny trick to me rather than a legit technique.
it's true i loose cannon aimbot, bros
>have always been a funny trick to me rather than a legit technique
skill issue
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It's RNG whether a bhop is even theoretically possible with a given velocity, similarly to edgebugs or bouncehops on jump maps. And, to me, gardening is about the fun jumps, surfs, speedshots etc. rather than scrolling my mousewheel furiously which is what every "bhop guide" I've looked at tells you to do.
>tenfive's anticheat
This server uses Little Anti-Cheat just like every other TF2 community servers in existence.
never let them take our ramp slide spooning away from us
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I want to spoon Gielnik
>he is unaware
i always bhop by pressing space bar every frame i hit the ground. L4d2 you have to do it this way because of how it registers inputs, but i find it more consistent than scrolling on most source games tbqh. Hl1 and sven (or anything on gldsrc) being the exception
i find it more fun to try and time it, using the scroll wheel just feels weird and kinda cheap when it does work
Yea, they definitely have been doing this already in secret, they just didn't want anyone to know.
My brother works at Valve and been thinking on a new weapon too by the way
The server had literally shown Lilac error before.
Soldier should get a mortar launcher that fires rockets that are affected by dropoff
tell your brother this concept, it's cool as fuck
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>he ACTUALLY doesn't know
15 wrote Lilac?
delete this
uhh sorry but giel is MY cute polish femboy wife
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Gielnik should've been banned long ago for being a femboy
I recognize that image
>anonette on her way to ban literally 90% of the players
This sounds more like a weapon for the heavy.
It looks like we could at least try to play Appletopia on pl_rainbowdashride, but the only other players I had to play alongside were other practice bots who were unable to get the payload past the first capture point because they were confused by the prescribed cart path. It may be interesting to see what contending with a multitude of sentries through narrow choke points would be like.
Dashie ponut unf
dashie marecock unf unf
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>“Spa creepin’ around here.”
I’ve dug up this old video of someone using a Trixie player model and I believe this player was playing as a pyro. Would it be possible to change specific player models so that they could play as ponies?
I’ve managed to play an 18v18 comp match with bots and it seems to demand perfection from both sides due to the fact that there will likely always be a counter to one’s class on the enemy team. Weapon bans would likely therefore have no use here if there is virtually always redundancy and this same ability to counter enemy classes.

What does everyone think? Maybe we could call it “Zoolander” after the Ben Stiller movie and because any time a bunch of animals are together in one place, it’s called a zoo unless it’s a farm.

I could have sworn I recall hearing him explicitly say “two of any animal in one place”.
lets watch some mlp episodes from season 1 ina mlp themed map
i was jk let's play a mlp themed map I WAS FUCKING KIDDING
please don't post this troon shit in the thread.
i dont care im going to fuck that horse
I can't imagine what it must be like to be this mindbroken by trannies
26/64 on pl_marewater_b6
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this is real i was not making it up
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>he spilled his milkshake on his desk
Guys, I have an idea:
>carrot sharing
(You) And your mare both grip a single carrot with your teeth, then try to snap it so you get the biggest bite. You both chew your individual pieces, then do deep tongue kissing where you share the mushed carrot.
>captcha yn0wjt
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>gielnik's reaction to a gay stallion spray
I can't think either
to the spy I taunted, hopefully you didnt take it to heart, I hate spies, it was automatic reaction, but I dont hate u
i'll be back next time with an unspilled milkshake mark my words
I'll make you a milkshake bb ;)
So is Mercenary Park/Yeti Park owned by Mann Co.? Or do they rent or lease the space for their weapon factory from them?
actually let me rephrase, I don't actually like you, but playing spy is besides the point, when it comes to that
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Sleezus irl
Either keep your dick riding in DMs or stop posting about yourself Sleezus
oh nooo its the anon flag what are we gonna do guys
Fuck off
Was not me i was in bed but i do like that image
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Valve did it, they saved Team Fortress 2!
>complex solution was taking a long time to implement and gather data for
>people sperg out in the meantime
>this possibly rushes the actual solution now that the streamers have riled everyone up
Here's to hoping they really were conveniently close to completion and didn't have their deadline shoved closer by said outrage streamers.
Also there's still no concrete proof they're nabbing the "average" user of stuff like LMAOBOX. The only sure thing is that they're grabbing the botters, sure, but can't really find any evidence that those who cheat but aren't "rage-cheating" like bots usually are are getting picked up by whatever this new system is.
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Don't forget to join the server tonight
Why would I? I'm at the con right now
that's also my reaction to gielnik OcO
can you niggers shut up for five seconds? you make this thread miserable for everyone else
"Everyone else" being you and, tops, 4 others.
Will there be brony sex?
yeah, if lank fucks me
You are even more insufferable than the people you are criticizing
How about this idea for Marena? If one side is forced to use a medieval or meme loadout, both sides should. Skial’s Class Warfare servers force both sides to use medieval loadouts sometimes, not just one or the other.

Also, if we ever have a version that doesn’t always randomize loadouts, we could potentially have a “meme” category for weapons that include the jumper weapons, the Holiday Punch, the frying pan, and the like. Maybe if someone’s currently selected loadout doesn’t have a meme weapon that fits a particular slot, perhaps some kind of default one could be chosen or he could be forced to use a loadout that excludes his primary or secondary.

All of this would likely mean there would need to be more than 5 seconds of preparation so that people could choose loadouts they are comfortable with. We may not need the full minute that Skial gives us, but I’d rather be a soldier with the Rocket Jumper and Market Gardener rather than one with just the Market Gardener. We may also need to debate as to which weapons would fall into the meme category, since we may have cases where meme status is up for debate. For example, the Classic is actually very similar to the Hitman’s Heatmaker, so should the Classic be permitted? We also have the Airstrike and Liberty Launcher paired with the BASE Jumper or Gunboats serving as alternatives for the trolldier loadout, so should we perhaps include these?
>Discord screencap
Yes, the botters use discord to communicate
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isn't that just the vs ponyville game mod
How does that have to do with you posting a dicksword screencap? Especially the one where it's too long?
it amazes me that people still see discord as the boogeyman of 4chan
You will play earlier or I will forever stop gayposting.
thats vs ponyville, there's a public server for it too if you want to play
Monkeys and ladders
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I am full of taco bell and baja blast
How full is the server
there's a pony there
I will only join if there's cute boys on though
Thats the old MLP Heroes mod.
4/64 on pl_pit
Cute Angel got muted and it KILLED /mlptf2/
30/64 on pl_marewater
we busting tonight or still edging?
Do you know its IP address? Perhaps we can get the help of one of their admins.
Wasn’t that on another server? I don’t know whether we have it, but if it means we can change specific players’ models, I may want to see how it works.
please stop replying to him
Why? That sounds like a fun game mode we could do.
>[SM] Vote successful. (Received 61% of 18 votes)
>[SM] The answer to Vote for the OP art is: Marble engineer crying over her sentry.
this one won, congrats
>[SM] Vote successful. (Received 52% of 21 votes)
>[SM] The answer to Vote for the next mare! is: Miss Cheerilee.
any one of us is 15's secret alt account
but he has a killstreak kunai
If we have a plug-in that turns everyone into the guy from Open Fortress, couldn’t we use it to turn one of the teams into ponies? I think all we need would be the player models.
Weren’t they both on the server at the same time once?
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why does he do it?
needs to farm his killstreak kunai
When was the last time you didn’t nominate a map you wanted to play and instead nominated a map you thought sucked?
yesterday, it was marewater
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CS in-house pugs are being revived tonight in 30 minutes - add up if you want to play!
can i join
Add 15 on Steam if you'd like to pug
we are not on good terms
I think it's a secret shitposting AI that escaped.
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>b-b-b-b-but anyone who suggests that the Brass Beast should be paired with the Dalokohs Bar and GRU is a robot from the future who’s here to take muh American jobs!
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nice site
nice website dawg
Peak autism, great work 15
Purplesmart a cute
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Very good
Completely off-topic post. You should have posted this on the Steam group. Since it's pony it might have landed better as a thread OP, or even on PPP. Are you persona non grata there?
The credits page should really be divided between solo and collaborative efforts, as it stands it may as well look like you did everything on mlp.tf just as you did on 15.ai
Why post this here
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Shut your useless mouth, Yappy Yapstein.
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Several people who play on the server stopped reading these threads, so if you only wanted to reach regulars with your book recs, the group chat was still better.
If you wanted to share with all horsefuckers you should've just made a thread.
I'm not Any One Of Us if that's what you're implying, I'm raising a genuine question instead of muttering about Rainbine and 18v18
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the steam group has 242 members but only 175 of them are in the chat. and even fewer of them even have alerts for the chat enabled and read new messages.
the group also was never meant to be a replacement for the thread. this is the /mlp/tf2 hub
It would still in my opinion get a higher reach than a thread which if I recall correctly got around 70 unique IPs when that was still a thing, plus was very close to hitting auto-sage at the time of being posted.
>the group also was never meant to be a replacement for the thread. this is the /mlp/tf2 hub
I wholeheartedly agree, but fail to realize where's the TF2. Now don't get me wrong, sharing your works with the community is always welcome, but there's a reason why ricy promotes his streams on the chat and we have an Artist Portal where Wapa shows his ponies. The connection of regulars' other ventures, pony as they may be, to mlptf2 is not strong enough to use a post here. Still deserves a spot in the /mlp/ board, just not here.
The alternative fan-sites thread was a perfect fit, sadly it looks like it's not a thing anymore, hence why I suggested PPP which to my understanding is more linked to 15's overall body of work.

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