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First reply, I just broke this threads hymen.
Anyone else who posts after me is getting my sloppy seconds, my leftovers.
Just remember that the first reply is the most special reply and you'll never experience this thread the way I did and this thread will never feel the way it felt about me about you.
Its over, you might as well just go post on reddit and talk about how much of a "man" you are for replying on a thread that I pumped and dumped. Have fun with my scraps, cucks.
Excuse me waiter, I didn't order the pasta!
KEKgeta lost
SHARTku lost
Sexy mare BELLY won
I don't get it.
Rarity never gets laid
You don't have to.
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Shit taste. Rumble is so much better.
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>The Nulytwink is here
>He's a pedo too
I thought the joke was that she is a slut?
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>being this obsessed with Shitly
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I don't know about all that but Granny Smith is the best pony.
Makin' poo with Majin Buu and Pinkie, too!
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>When you're going past Sugarcube Corner and you find Pinkie left a stinky garbage bag full of the Cake Twins' diapers right outside.
Empty egg carton
Always does.
>Empty egg cart-
>When Pinkie spots the Horned Coprophile making off with yet another bag full of soiled diapers.
>Although their eggs do deplete eventually
It's right there in the image you posted.
>When news spreads around Ponyville that the Horned Coprophile has finally been arrested and is in jail in Canterlot, so Pinkie decides to celebrate with a "Horned Coprophile has finally been arrested so no more dirty diapers will be stolen around Ponyville ever again" party.
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I like to watch, I like to see
Discord have sex with Fluttershy in front of me
>bejitas wife OUT OF NOWHERE
Ladies and gentlemen, Goku and Bejita's #1 diaper disciple!
So the loser will reincarnate as the foal of that mare?
Good Golly, Miss Molly! Well, would you look at that, Goku and Bejita! It's been so long since I've seen you here in Canterlot! What brings you here on this fine...huh? Cadence called for you? She told you both that she wanted to get double-teamed by you BOTH?! Goku will fuck Cadence in the ASS while Bejita tenderly and passionately kisses her on the mouth before shoving his massive Saiyan dong down her throat?!! What??!!!! Goku, you would never dare to kiss a woman, even one who's a pony, but you would gladly extend your power pole inside of her?!! You'll plant so many of your tiny seeds inside my wife's plush, supple anus that she'll shit semen out and it will look like the gushing rapids of a waterfall?!! Then, while your spunk is leaking out of my wife's stretched out ponut, she's going to turn over and let BOTH OF YOU take turns fucking her in her vagina?! She'll have to carry the bastard child of both of you all the way to term and then once it's born, Goku will use Instant Transmission to return you both to your own universe and leave ME to raise your Saiyan/pony hybrid child?!! Well...I...uh...wow...I'm not sure what else I can say other than YABBA DABBA DOO!!!! Goodness gracious, great bull balls of fire! I'm such a happy little kek!
Nope. Read the part about where it only happens in geriatric mares, AKA Granny Smith's age. Rarity is still fertile the last time we see her. I won.
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Yup yup yup
Shining Armor said that.
You don't have to tell me. I saw the episode. Season 10, episode 1, "Buckolding Part 1". And Cell's right: Shining Armor was a moron for letting Goku and Bejita buck him. What would the Crystal Empire think if they saw their prince's wife getting banged by two other creatures who aren't even from their world? Luckily, the Mane Six were able to get our Saiyan heroes to leave peacefully, though there was still the pressing matter of the child they left inside Cadence.
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>mfw Fluttershy puts me in a shed
>but I still open a portal to watch her ride a human cock
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>Punchfaggot is a rainbow shitter
You lost.
>PunCHAD is a DashGOD
You won.
Bogus bomb.
Fact flood.
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what the fuck is this thread
Everyone here will watch Daima btw
Bejita wants Rainbow Dash to shit her rainbow colored poop all over his chest.
latinx are on the board
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>When Cadence locks you in the kek room but after seven hours, you finally manage to get yourself free and you go peek in at her riding seven young, virile male zebra cocks
this is what dragon ball does to a man
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K, b, c.
What if our heroes were ponies?
I will never be a real woman.
Don't worry my beautiful wife, I still love you all the same.
It's okay, Gigi. You're still my fellow diaper friend and I love you just as you are. Now, what do you say we go to the Crystal Empire and steal ourselves some of Flurry Heart's used diapers? They say her poop has alicorn magic in it.
Whatever, vanilla handholding missionary sex with Gigi
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>Gigi is a spike fag
>Bejitabro is an apple fag
>Punchfag is a Dash shitter

Well Gigi is a pedophile after all.
Correction: Gigi AND myself are massive Spikefags Or, in my case, I guess I'd be a Spikedyke. I wish I could be even half the dragon Spike was, but I'm not even a half-dragon. I will never be cool enough to be one, so instead, I've chosen to settle with being Goku and Bejita's diaper apprentice. I also want to confess that I am a Pegasister and along with being a massive Spikedyke, I also fantasize about forcing Twilight to give Rainbow Dash a massive futa dick which she then uses to penetrate me. So, yes. I am a Spikedyke and a Rainbowdyke.
>PEDOccolo headcanon
>Piccolo out of fucking nowhere
Imagine being THIS mindbroken.
What about Celestia?
>First it was the Tien bro being the pedo
>Second it was the Gigifag being the pedo
>Now it's Piccolo being the pedo

How many false flags are there?
Worst thing is you're posting this in a board that is full of horsefuckers
>full of horsefuckers
>1/3 of the board is dedicated to the optional pedo spinoff
So 2/3 horsefuckers and 1/3 fillyfuckers?
>optional pedo spinoff
I mean, Pony Life sucked massive ass, but that's a little harsh, don't you think?
>the pedo main show is just fine though
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Of course a tranny lover would still visit that dead shithole that's most famous for inventing rags for attack helicopter "genders".
>Pony Life
Literally what?
>EqG out of NOWHERE
But enough about moe anime
>posting a fanfic cover
Next time you're going to post the FoE cover, isn't it?
>Calling an official product a fanfic
Not too bright here, are you? Plus, FoE is overrated so of course I wouldn't post it.
>>Calling an official product a fanfic
That's right, it's not even made by fans so it's not a FANfic. It's a SHITfic.
Okay, that makes more sense. In that case, I will agree with you. Pony Life is complete shit.
Ruri and Giselle are huge fans of Pony Life. In fact, they actually like it more than Friendship is Magic.
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Oh cool a DBZ thread, I w-
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Rainbow Dash absolutely loves DBZ. Her favorite character is Bejita. In Dragon Ball Z, Bejita and Trunks are huge Bronies. They both share a favorite character in Rainbow Dash.
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>Giselle: So I can't get a period?
>Doctor Piccolo: Nope.
>Giselle: What about eggs?
>Doctor Piccolo: Nada.
>Giselle: Do I at least have a womb?
>Doctor Piccolo: Nope.
>Giselle: So I can't get pregnant?
>Doctor Piccolo: Pretty much.
>Giselle:......so I'm not a woman, I'm just a man with a mutilated penis.
>Doctor Piccolo: Correct.
>Giselle gets up sadly to leave
>Doctor Piccolo: Oh Mr. Gewelle.
>Giselle: Y-Yeah?
>Doctor Piccolo hands him a small object.
>Doctor Piccolo: Don't forget your dilator.
Goku wished upon a dragon scale and that started Ruri's diaper tales
Around the diapers the dragons flew, but Goku and Bejita knew what to do
Goku and Bejita made Ruri their diaper friend
Now the adventures never end
Diaper Tales, Diaper Tales
It's almost time for Diaper Tales
Come along and take my hand
Let's all go to Diaper Land
There's Krillin, he's the smallest, not so brave of heart
There's Gohan, so shy but also very smart
There's Goten and Trunks and their tales of fun
'Cause, you know, two boys are always better than one
Diaper Tales, Diaper Tales
It's almost time for Diaper Tales
Come along and take my hand
Let's all go to Diaper Land
Diaper Tales, Diaper Tales
It's almost time for Diaper Tales
Come along and take my hand
Let's all go to Diaper Land
In the next exciting chapter of Ruri Dragon, Ruri will fart, learn the difference between pony farts and dragon farts, and go on a farting spree. Everypony will love it because they will love the cutesy fart clouds.
Bulk Biceps was raped in the sweltering hot summer of 1992.
I think Mr. Satan and Dr. Piccolo were involved in the sizzling hot summer of 1992.
You think those two might have had something to do with Bulk Bicep's rape in the scorching hot summer of 1992?
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>THEY are all here
anti-g5 Twifag...
>sharty child
Your site was taken over by twitter troons btw
Canon manga
Canceled animed
>NO U!!!
Immense cringe
In addition to Trunks and Bejita being huge bronies, Goku, Gohan, and Goten are, too. Every weekend, the five of them get together and watch MLP before Goku and Bejita start their training.
At first, Bulma and Chi Chi didn't understand it. They had watched MLP growing up, but it seemed weird to them that their husbands and sons had developed a liking for the newest generation. Eventually, they came around to it and joined the rest of their families in the pony fun. Bulma's favorite character is Twilight Sparkle because of how smart and crafty she is, and Chi Chi's favorite is Applejack because of how hardworking and dedicated to her family and friends she is. Traits she wishes Goku would take on.
Frieza doesn't want anyone, most of all his most hated enemies, Goku and Bejita to know this, but when he was little, he also loved MLP. In fact, on Frieza's eighth birthday, he had a My Little Pony-themed birthday party. King Cold bought him a pony-themed dress to wear for his birthday party. King Cold thought a pony dress would be fitting for the pony princess of the hour. Cooler thought this was hilarious and called his brother a sissy faggot, causing the young Frieza to cry and ruining the birthday princess's eighth birthday. This memory would always stay with Frieza as he grew older and fueled his resentment towards his older brother.
Despite this traumatic memory, Frieza never let his dickhead brother's taunting of him tarnish his memories of watching MLP as a little...whatever he is. His favorite pony is Rarity since they both look so much alike and because he knows that if the two of them could be together in real life, Rarity would be able to make Frieza feels as fabulous and as beautiful on the outside as he does on the inside. For Frieza, there is no one else he would rather have by his side ruling the universe than his beloved pony waifu, Rarity.
Nulybro btw
Perhaps. Nuly's favorite pony is Big Macintosh. Nuly sees a lot of himself in Big Mac: both are quiet, strong, normally docile, but both can also have their angry sides. Though Big Mac is more levelheaded than Nuly is, Nuly has been emulating Big Mac, trying to teach himself to keep a calmer head and not let his power go out of control again. After all, his hero, Big Macintosh, wouldn't want that.
Nuly is too dumb for MLP.
Cheelai and Lemo could help Nuly understand MLP. They're smart enough to get it.
No one in dragonslop can survive a mare fart
Krillin doesn't have a nose.
The magical properties of a mare fart will magically poof a nose into his face and than travel into it so his first smell will be his last
Magetta could. He's a metal man that looks like a robot (yet isn't one) and doesn't have a nose.
>corrodes because it smells so bad
But the only way a metal man can truly be defeated is by insulting them. They're known for being extremely emotionally fragile like a genderspecial, so otherwise, you can't really do much damage to them physically. I don't think even a mare fart would be enough to corrode their metallic shells.
Much to Gohan's surprise, he would find out that Pan enjoys MLP as much as her old man does. The Son family and Briefs family ritual of getting together every weekend at either Goku's house or Capsule Corp. would continue even after the births of Pan and Bra. The two youngest members of their families have a tendency to sing the FiM theme as loudly as they can which everyone finds adorable. Sometimes, Goku, Bejita, and everyone else join in with Pan and Bra in their singing, making their singing into a whole chorus.
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>They've all gone insane
I like to think it's rather wholesome, actually. The Son family and the Briefs family spending quality time together, bonding over a cute, innocent cartoon they can all enjoy, singing the theme song together with Pan and Bra. What's insane about that? I think it's pretty sweet, actually.
They were mad already
Whenever Piccolo would babysit Pan, he'd watch MLP with her. At first, just like so many before him, he saw it as a goofy kids show about multicolored horses, but as he watched more of it with the daughter of his beloved friend, he came to develop a fondness for it. Despite conflicting opinions on her, Piccolo's favorite pony is Starlight Glimmer. Though he doesn't care for her backstory and finds it to be poorly written, he relates a lot to her redemption, since both he and Starlight were able to change their ways through one simple act of kindness from another: Gohan for Piccolo, Twilight for Starlight.
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>When you're hard at work making frownie bronies in the toilet for everyone to eat and Goku and Bejita check up on you to see how progress is coming.
It could always be worse, Anon. You could be like Shining Armor and getting locked in the kek room while Cadence is getting a train run on her by numerous young virile zebras with massive BZCs.
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Hey, so, I came to this topic because I saw my friends Goku, Bejita, and Ruri migrated over here and I figured if I followed them, I'd be led to some yummy pony scat. After all, where those three go, poopy is sure to follow, and Andy loves his poop! Sure enough, they didn't disappoint! I especially like this post >>41190333
Mmm...I sure could go for some Rainbow Dash shit myself! It'll be yummy yum yum for Andy's tummy tum tum!
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Mmm...mmm...mmm...Oh, God, oh, my God, I see why they call you Big Mac. Mmm...Oh, Big Mac, please shoot your apple juice into my puckered mouth as I suck, and suck, and suck your tree trunk with an apple at the end dry! Mmm...mmm...
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k, b, c.
Oh, for fuck's sake! You see, Frieza?! This is why I make fun of you! You are such a fuckin' pony loving sissy! Oh, sure, the adults were all happy to see you having a good time, prancing around in that frilly pony dress father bought you for your eighth birthday, but me and our friends? We were all laughing at you behind your back! Even Ginyu was making fun of you! Fucking! Ginyu! And he was wetting the bed until he was seventeen!
Tien could kill Zecora
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But! But, Cooler...you all...you all said I looked cute in my dress. I mean, it had all the Mane Six on it, it was so frilly and pink...
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Goddammit, Frieza! It was SARCASM!! We were being sarcastic! Appule literally said that we were just making fun of you! He was the only one of us who felt even a little bit sorry for you! My Kami, you dense, literal faggot!
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CHADcterian solos.
18 gets to fuck THIS?!!
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Frieza, wait! I'm so-- Oh, Kami dammit. Fu...I mean...Gah...I really fucked this one up, didn't I? *Sigh* Well, guess I better go apologize.
Okay, okay, I'm back! I had a long talk with Frieza and he seems to be doing better. I...*sigh*...Maybe I did go overboard with picking on him, but for Kami's sake, our family is supposed to be a family of battle hardened conquerors. We're not supposed to love rainbows and ponies and sugarplum farts or whatever! We're supposed to love laying siege to unsuspecting planets and selling them to the highest bidder! Now, I will give my brother this: he is good at that, but the pony stuff really isn't a good look. Well, he said he won't stop being a...what do you people call yourselves? "Bronies"? Yeah. He said he's still going to be a brony, but he'll keep that hidden from the inhabitants whose planets we take over. In the meantime, he wanted me to show you some fanart he did of us...as ponies...*grumble*
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holy shit this thread
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Here it is. He did some art of us as ponies. I think the one he's supposed to be is called...Sweepy Belle, or whatever, I don't know. And then there's just me as a pony. Then, he took these pictures he made and put them in a screencap from an episode and I guess that's supposed to be looking at the picture and...*sigh* I have no idea. I guess it is kind of a sweet gesture. Don't you dare tell Frieza or my father I said that.
>holy shit this thread
I know right?
It's pretty funny.
>posting on moeshit board
These halls have fallen.
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>Calls MLP "moeshit"
>Uses a Pinkie Pie icon
Whatever post Trixie and her huge dong
No! Post the Cake Twins with filled up diapers!
>>Calls MLP "moeshit"
It is moeshit.
Nah, MLP has actual substance to it. Moeshit has no substance. It's just trash for pedophiles to fap to like loli and shota.
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Ojamajo Doremi is better written than Mlp.
You love little girls, don't you?
Yeah, you do. Well, that explains a lot. Anyway, back to the serious stuff. Goku just had Ruri change his diaper. She said it was easily the worst mess he's made yet. Apparently, the shit Goku left in his diapey was so bad that even she didn't think it would be good to eat. That's gotta be pretty damn bad if even the diaper protege doesn't want to eat her master's fecal treats.
EqG chad btw

My Hero?
I am a Gokubro.
Yamcha wants Princess Celestia to pee in his mouth.
Flash Sentry?
Tien wants to cum inside Rainbow Dash
Master Roshi wants to go to the Equestria Girls world and peek under their skirts.
Krillin wants to bring 18 with him to Equestria and watch her get plowed by every male creature that inhabits the mystical land. He also wants to meet up with Shining Armor and Discord to compete to see who the biggest kek in all the different dimensions is.
Mr. Satan wants to challenge Iron Will to a friendly sparring match. He also wants to question him on why the two sound alike.
Piccolo wants to hide in the bushes outside of the Ponyville schoolhouse and abduct any foal that catches his eye. He's currently most interested in Scootaloo.
Future Trunks wants to go to Equestria just to experience some modicum of happiness and believes that watching cute, colorful little horses prancing around and being friendly with each other will help give him some peace of mind.
Majin Buu wants to go to Sugarcube Corner and eat all the sweets they've got. He also wants Pinkie to make him as many as she possibly can.
Chiaotzu wants to hide out somewhere in Equestria away from Tien and away from the black bvlls he's become friends through 18 and who tend to shove poor Chiaotzu up Tien's smelly butthole.
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I just remembered that I had this.
NUly would unironically like MLP. I can imagine him sitting on the floor watching it while Goku and Vegeta look at him doing so uncomfortably.
Nuly is literally retarded. He can barely speak.
That's why he also watches Wow Wow Wubzy, Higglytown Heroes, Sid Science Kid, Elmo's World, Veggietales, Oswald the Octopus, Blues Clues, Bubble Guppies, Paw Patrol, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Peppa Pig and of course Mr. Rogers so he can learn. He also likes to read Dr Seuss and other such books.

His favorite show is MLP:FiM though because it makes his peepee hard but he doesn't know why.
You're brown, that means you LOVE Jiren.
>t,projecting Gohantard
See? Do you fucking SEE?
Goku and Bejita are bronies, dude. They would enjoy watching MLP with Nuly.
Doesn't change that FLOPhan killed DB. He's in the same, "Character so bad they killed the franchise" club as Silver and Misty.
My hero!
Nuly wants to go to Equestria and get some of the ponies to play with his peepee. From what Cheelai and Lemo have said, he especially seems to want Twilight to play with it most of all since he tends to stick his hand down his pants and play with himself whenever Twilight's on screen.
Bulma doesn't want Bejita to know this, but while he and Goku have been away training with Beerus and Whis, she's been hard at work making an interdimensional transporter that will allow whoever goes through it to travel to alternate universes. One of these universes is Equestria and Bulma has been going there while Bejita would be away on Beerus's planet. She allows herself to be gangbanged by all the male ponies she can find. Her favorite stallion to fuck is Soarin'. Bulma especially loves letting him have a taste of her pie.
Jiren...ah, Jiren. A legendary hero who seeks to improve his own strength. Despite what he'd have you believe, Jiren is also a major brony. When he discovered that Bulma had made an interdimensional transporter that would allow him to travel to the magical land he only ever saw on television, he felt true excitement for the first time in a long while. In Equestria, he set out to challenge the most powerful creatures known to the citizens of that fine world. His greatest challenges have no doubt been the princesses and Discord. Of course, Jiren would eventually triumph over them and assert his dominance as the most powerful creature in Equestria by shoving his massive alien girth into all he fought. Not that they had any qualms with this. For all who fought Jiren, their loss would turn out to be a victory for them of sorts.
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>Despite what he'd have you believe
Bullshit, CHADren loves ponies out in the open for all to see.
What did Toriyama had against the moon? It got destroyed multiple times in DB and Arale. It even wrote that the sun was more popular that the moon
Whis learned of the interdimensional transporter Bulma had built on one of his trips to get some tasty sweets from her. While this was usually seen as a taboo along with time travel, Whis was willing to overlook this transgression if Bulma would allow him usage of the transporter while Beerus was asleep. Anytime Beerus would go to sleep, Whis would use that as an opportunity to sneak off to Equestria and hit up all of Equestria's gay bars and nightclubs. Whis, ever the manwhore that he is, absolutely enjoys being used by all the various gay ponies that go to these bars and nightclubs like the dirty little cum slut he is. As Whis, like everyone else, takes on a pony form when they visit Equestria, Whis became known around the gay circuits of Equestria as "Cum Dumpster". As Cum Dumpster, Whis loves getting his ponut stretched out to unbelievable sizes and he also loves when his various male suitors leave their frosting on his ponut, so to say. Cum Dumpster...sorry, I mean Whis, doesn't want Beerus to know he sneaks off to have gay sex with ponies while he's asleep. Angels are supposed to stay by their master's side even while they sleep, but Whis can't help but attempt to satisfy his cravings for massive pony cocks in his ass.
why did he have a EQG poster then?
Because he's into barbies too.
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>Toriyama was a Sunchad
>BTFO Moonchuds every chance he got
Makes bad guys stronger.
Kills bad guys.
>It even wrote that the sun was more popular that the moon
Toriyama though Superman deserves the 3-0.
Toriyama...his issues with the moon were known only to him. However, with his unfortunate passing, he left it to me to unveil the truth behind why he always had the moon get destroyed in Dragon Ball and Dr. Slump...
You see, Toriyama could sense the coming arrival of Nightmare Moon. Starting all the way back in 1980 with the creation of Dr. Slump, Toriyama could sense, in the alternate world of Equestria, that a great evil that could threaten the safety of all worlds, not just Equestria, would arise in thirty years from then. With Equestria being a fictional world, he enacted a plan to create fictional characters to one day send to this world to combat the evil that was slowly beginning to awaken. He began with Arale, a gag manga character, and though she was able to destroy the moon in her world, it wasn't enough. So long as Nightmare Moon still remained, the moon would come back. This led him to the creation of Goku and the Z Fighters. By this point, however, Nightmare Moon had gained enough power to bring the moon back again and again. He put the Z Fighters through many a challenge, fighting such powerful enemies like Frieza, Cell, and Majin Buu, but even they paled in comparison to the approaching evil that was Nightmare Moon. Sensing how powerful this evil was growing, he realized that only brave heroes born into that magical world could save it, and so, having done all he could...Toriyama...left watched and prayed for the safety of Equestria...for a brave group of heroes to rise up and one day defeat Nightmare Moon once and for all and save not just Equestria, but all worlds.
The Mane Six will never truly know just how dangerous Nightmare Moon actually was. They believe that she posed a threat just to Equestria, but she was much worse than a simple threat to one world. Nightmare Moon's evil could have affected all worlds, eventually making its way to ours, a real world. Toriyama realized this, and this was why he created characters of his own to try and fight back the threat, but even superpowered characters like the Z Fighters or Arale with her gag manga powers stood no chance against Nightmare Moon's might. This realization would allow for the Mane Six to defeat Nightmare Moon for good and save not just Equestria, but the entire multiverse as well. But as I've said, they will never understand just how important their victory over Nightmare Moon truly was. They became heroes to all of Equestria, but truly all worlds owe their thanks to these brave equines.
Jiren loves to sing Barbie Girl when he's in the shower.
What if Luna was TRAPPED and BETRAYED in the moon for a thousand years?
What if Goku and Bejita were TRAPPED and BETRAYED in Luna's asshole?
Luna is a massive attention whore. Imagine being seen as a comforting figure that helps ponies conquer their fears and come to teams with issues, and still turning into an edgelord because people need to sleep.
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Of course there’s “scholars” posting in the GR15 board, no wonder the halls keep decaying in quality.
The GR15 board?
Tm could have saved us...
Ponies have always been welcome in the halls, tourist. Vamoose or be destroyed.
Shut the FUARK up.
I've been an scholar since the announcement of BoG movie and I know other scholars are also horsefuckers since the ToP
The movie or the arc?
As lifeless as the moon.
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Unacceptable. Heresy. Blasphemy.
It’s the truth. HAGlestia hasn’t been fertile in thousands of moons.
That's why the best Celestia can do for certain Anons is pee in their mouths. Even if they did cum inside her, it wouldn't matter. Celestia's infertile, so you wouldn't be able to make any pony/human hybrid children with her.
>BoG movie
>The movie or the arc?
Luna too.
My bad. I’m so FUARKING smart that my brain moves faster than my eyes.
Maybe that would be true of any regular mare, but alicorn fertility has kept her eggs fully intact.
Makes me wonder if the two have ever had sex. Maybe they had a threeway with Discord once or maybe Celestia banged the alternate universe Sombra.
Is GODren wrong though, Celestia? Your sex life has clearly been as lifeless as the moon.
>Maybe that [decrepit dusty womb cope]
No, she’s virgin on top of having a lifeless
I bet after a while, Celestia regretted not letting AU Sombra plant his tiny seeds in what used to be fertile soil...if you know what I mean.
you shouldn't talk about your waifu like that
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Get ready for a dose of my TOUGH LOVE.
Ruri is another case of someone who grew up watching MLP. When she learned that Bulma had made an interdimensional transporter, she knew she had to try it out for herself, realizing that she could travel to other universes like Equestria and eat all the pony poopy and all the used diapers this mystical new world had to offer. While in Equestria, Ruri quickly garnered a reputation for stealing diapers and eating them and their fecal contents which earned her the nickname, "The Horned Coprophile". Until recently, she had managed to steal untold amounts of used pony diapers. However, this would be put to an end when Pinkie caught sight of Ruri running away with the bag full of the Cake Twins' soiled diapers draped over her shoulder. Pinkie alerted Twilight of this and Twilight immediately sent word to Princess Celestia, who had some of the royal guards dispatched to Ponyville where they found Ruri snacking on a used, filthy Cake Twin diaper in the Everfree Forest. She was then taken into custody and has been jailed in Canterlot. Pinkie, happy that justice was finally served and the fine ponies of Equestria no longer had to fear their foals' dirty diapers being even further used and defiled, instead being allowed to be properly tossed out. However, does this mark the end of The Horned Coprophile's diaper thievery? Very likely not, as Ruri promises that she'll get out of Canterlot jail and find even more pony diapers to satisfy her unending hunger for scat and diapers.
Oops! Forgot to finish part of my sentence. Pinkie, happy that justice was finally served and the fine ponies of Equestria no longer had to fear their foals' dirty diapers being even further used and defiled, instead of tossed out, threw a "Horned Coprophile has finally been arrested so no more dirty diapers will be stolen around Equestria ever again" party. All of Ponyville celebrated, and they all agreed that it was one of the best parties Pinkie had ever thrown.
That is correct. Shining Armor did say that. Yep yep yep. He did. He did.
These halls are.....tainted....I blame the Nulybro.
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I have no fucking clue what any of you are saying
Large zebra phalluses!
Fluttershy is Nuly's favorite pony.
Goku won
....the kissless competition
't get Shining Armor to kiss Chi Chi. And Shining Armor won't get Goku to kiss Cadence.
>Shinning Armor is a [HEADCANON]

Slander against my HERO will not be tolerated.
KEKAROO don't you have some cobwebs to clean from BARRENletia's womb?
...the retard contest. Rainbow Trash was in second place.
Gohan won btw
... the fucked chrysalis award
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BUGhan was just conducting research.
Just like MLP.
So Faust... TRACED that?!
Nah, they both job in MLP.
Based NuGODly.
He's also a Fluttercord shipper (he self-inserts as Discord)
Oh...oh no...Is...Is Dr. Son Gohan setting his sights on ponies now?! Is he going to make...pony centipedes?! When will this mad scientist be stopped?!!!
How would gohan feel about nu-lings
Nuly pretends he's Discord and makes Cheelai role play as Fluttershy. Sometimes they're RPs get a little...steamy, though and "Discord" tries to get inside "Fluttershy"'s ponut.
Oh...I get it. I see what Dr. Son Gohan's planning now...He's looking to continue his sick experiments in Equestria because he thinks no one, least of all Officer Krillin will be able to stop him. Well, little does he know that if he tries to do anything, he'll have to contend with the Mane Six...unless he gets to them first! Well, surely he'll be no match for Princess Celes...PFFFFFTTTT!!! Sorry, I couldn't finish that one.
So, I can't say Shining Armor is a stud who gets all the mares? Alright, I won't say that.
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Do you have a jobber list for the princesses? I want to see where Celestia, Luna, and Cadence fall in that tier.
>Jobs to a literal filly

Starlight Jobber
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Oh, my God...Fluttershy's...she's become...The Legendary Super Pony!
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>jobs to a mote of dust
>*thing that never happened*
FlutterSTACY would use The Stare on BeSHITa and he would kneel (as he usually does).
The stare only works on animals and fillies, VEGETA is neither.
something that would be on a Pony thread Simulator video.
Are those still being made?
Oh, I beg to differ, my friend. That Bejita is nothing more than a filthy Saiyan monkey. It doesn't matter if he lost that tail of his. Once a monkey, always a monkey.
>Bejitabro once more proving his lust for moe

Whatever, Trixie's cock is still better
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Hey, everybody! Ruri Aoki coming at you from Dodge Junction! Right now I'm hiding in the outhouse's toilet and I'm relaxing floating amongst the shit and piss of so many different ponies. I managed to squeeze myself through the hole and into the tank. I've been here for a while secretly letting all the ponies shit and piss all over me and their waste has gotten all over me, all over my clothes, and in my hair and on my horns! It feels incredible! So many yum-yums for me to eat and so much pony pee! Uh-oh. I just heard the door start to open. I have to before I get myself caught. Later, my pony peeps!
Oh, I believe it, but the rest of those within the hallowed walls of /dbs/ choose not to. I don't understand why. They can't Jiren for the proud Brony that he is? Look how happy he is in that pic, surrounded by all his favorite equines. Who could be cruel enough to want to take that away from him?
I meant to say they can't accept Jiren for the proud Brony that he is? Sorry, I just felt so upset for Jiren that I couldn't even focus on my typing most of the time. The poor guy deserves to be able to love and support whatever he fancies, so long as it's not hurting anyone.
SHITjita is a monkey.
SLURPza is a lizard.
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>Diaper Duo when FlutterGODDESS uses The Stare on them
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Hold on, masters! If I can aim this filthy diaper right at Fluttershy's face, I might be able to...AAAH!! She got me with the stare, too! I'm sorry...Master...Goku...Master...Bejita...she's just too strong!
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I beg your pardon. Did you just call me, Lord Frieza, a lizard? I believe you might want to rethink those words if you care about being able to live.
Tien"Pony race is the master race"Shinhan
Tien"If you're a griffin, you're no longer gonna be livin'"Shinhan.
Tien"Dragons? More like Fagons"Shinhan
Tien"All Diamond Dogs Go to Hell"Shinhan
Tien"Pony race the only good race"Shinhan
Tien"Kirin Strangler"Shinhan
Tien"If your face is striped, your existence will be wiped"Shinhan
Tien"Turning Changelings into Swiss Cheese"Shinhan
Tien"You're a yak? Don't ever come back"Shinhan
Tien"The donkey says hee-haw, I say hell naw"Shinhan
Tien"The life of a draconequus ain't worth piss"Shinhan
Tien"Your child is a satyr, a bad fate awaits her"Shinhan
Tien"Keep the buffalos on the reservations"Shinhan
Tien"Draconies will never be real ponies"Shinhan
Tien"Breezies get killed easies"Shinhan
Tien"Species mixing? You both need a fixing"Shinhan
Tien"Clip the wings of a hippogriff and throw it off a cliff"Shinhan
Tien"Crystal ponies are phonies"Shinhan
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