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It's basically Sunday, last day of the con.
Hope y'all have been having a wonderful time, there's still another day!

>What is /mlp/ con?
Together we're holding an online convention by and for /mlp/
It focuses on: 1) the show, 2) /mlp/, and 3) the fandom
Check out the schedule: https://mlpcon.online/schedule.html (links to CyTube are here)
Or the schedule in spreadsheet form: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1caxwKZ3jDgkeHPDXGWjJmKMm5fXht-zGNzAysSZq57Q

>When is it?
/mlp/ con 2024 will be held now through June 30

>How is the con held?
Special events in this thread or others
Live streams on YouTube, Picarto, or private streaming platforms, broadcast via CyTube
Pre-recorded videos made for the con viewed on CyTube
During the con, most activity and interaction will occur on the con thread and/or CyTube

>What now?
- Tune in to one or both CyTubes and watch panels
- Check the schedule for panels you want to see
- Check out what our vendors have to offer https://mlpcon.online/vendors.html
- Add videos to playlist for buffer time
- Make some art of our con mascots
- Make a new con mascot
- Keep the thread bumped
- Host a panel or event or record a special video to be premiered during the con
- Create short funny videos that could be shown during downtime
- Be a CyTube janny who does it >for free (DM pink name on CyTube)

Last thread: >>41193103

Discord drama and bait posts are off-topic
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first for nyx
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Fourth for Rainbowshine!
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the gyatt
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My name is Zippers, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass ponies. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of their baldness, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on derpibooru.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of /v4c/, and starter on my artist team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn cartoon ponies"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot boyfriend (I just blew him; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my bitch
Eat a solid dick purp. I hope you dont have any more panels ever again dickwad. Dont let me catch you again in a magma thing unless you want to piss yourself and cry shitface
Testing if this works :twidance:
Post of the year
CyTube Recordings:
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Zippers takes good care of his pants
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Look at her go!
Did the anger cause the balding? Or did the balding cause the anger?
>normie /v/irgin faggot comes into /mlp/ and tells us we're all worthless autists
>we make him our king
what the fuck
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I'm here for the Zippersposting
This is da wae
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He LOVES pony music!
Those who do not can gtfo
he must poni poni to truly listen to pony
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brb gooning to rarity's fat white ass
The type of pony everypony should know!
Zippers when nopony sees
look at that giant bald head
>"It's not like I wanna fuck you, Anon!" Zippers screamed from the bed.
>You raised your eyebrow, looking at the bald mare presenting herself on her side.
>"Uh, Zippers? You okay?"
>Zipper's face turned red with rage, looking back at Anon as she lifted her tail to the side revealing her winking marepussy.
>"I AM NOT OKAY! YOU FUCKING DOLT!" She paused, as she winked with need and rage. "I'M IN HEAT! YOU RETARD!"
>You pulled at the collar of your Anon suit™, averting your gaze for a moment from your roommate.
>"And uh... what do you want me do?" You asked, focusing back on the bald mare's angry face.
>"Don't you wan-" You were cut off.
>"NO! I WANT YOU!" She screeched in anger before calming slightly to look at you, distraught.
>She started to cry a little, sitting up. Ah fuck.
>You moved in close and began to cuddle with her.
>"Haven't you paying attention? Playing games together on Neightendo... cuddling and that little smooch you gave me." She said trailing off.
>"I thought we were going to take it slower, Zippers." You said, embracing her.
>"I don't want to anymore!" Zippers said, hugging and nuzzling with you.
>You accepted her rougher nuzzling and pecked her back here and there around her muzzle, before she pressed her face into your chest.
>"You really are the best friend I've had Anon..." She quietly murmured into your chest as you began to plant kisses around her bald spot.
>"Zippers..." You pulled her head up, looking in her shimmering eyes.
>"Please, Anon." She whispered.
>You let out a long sigh, giving her one last kiss on her head, and gently began to press her back down on the bed.
>She began shake in excitement, eyes lighting back up and began to pepper your dress shirt in kisses.
>"I guess we'll be doing things a bit faster than huh?" You teased. "Just a bit, Zippy, huh?"
>Zippers halted her kissing, leaning back with scowling flush. "Don't ruin the moment, Anon."
It must not be very dense
I came.
>You smirked and released her, kneading her back as she scooted away from you.
>Zippers, turned back, looking at you with a wry smile and raised her tail to the side, displaying her winking honeypot.
>You drop the dress pants revealing your concealed rigid length underneath your heart undies.
>Moving behind Zippers, your hands cup and squeeze her flanks, eliciting a moan.
>"F-fuck, Anon!" She breathed out shakily.
>Leaning over and draping yourself across her back, you placed little kisses across the side of her muzzle as she half turned her head to kiss you.
>Half prench kissing her, you teased your hard length against her marehood, feeling the winking pulses as her body began shiver in anticipation.
>"You don't like being frustrated, do you Zippy?" You said, breaking off the prench kiss and whispering in her ear.
>Zippers' face turned nervous as you chuckled and continued "You're so Tsundere, you know that right?"
>You gently squeezed one flank, and moved your other hand to her marehood, tracing your finger up and down it.
>"Come on Zippers, say it." You said, voice dripping in schadenfreude.
>"I..." Zippers groaned in pleasure and annoyance.
>You gently pinched her winking bean, eliciting a sharp cry from her.
>"I... I'M TSUNDERE!" Zippers screamed.
>"That'll do." You gave her a firm slap to the flank then pulled down the last barrier between your manhood and her greedy pussy.
>Pressing your engorged manhood into her weeping folds, Zippers moaned in relief.
>"Relax Zippy. I'm not going to tease you anymore." You pressed slowly and gently into her as she pressed all around you.
>Zippers breaths were short as she began to hyperfocus on the pulsing organ filling her body and mind.
>"Breathe, Zippy." You said, hilting within her and pulling back to begin a rhythm. "You're doing great."
>Laying her neck and head down on the bed, Zippers began to lose her senses; simply focusing on breathing and gripping your penetrating length.
>"Anon..." Zippers moaned, tongue lolling out.
>"Easy Zippy, I'm going to go slow so you feel good, okay?" You whispered in her ear.
>Zippers didn't respond, the red hue on her cheeks deeped as she let out a sigh of pleasure.
>Taking it slow and steady with her, the two of you found a tempo with thrust, squeeze, retreat, repeat.
>Slowly pressing, in and out with her strong squeezing you found yourself getting closer and closer; just as her breaths were also getting shorter and shorter.
>"Come on, Zippy." You thrusted in a bit harder, and gave her a kiss on the top of her bald head.
>Zippers moaned again as you bottomed out in her harder than before, turning her head on it's side, she gave a lazy smile to you as she seemed half in la la land.
>Feeling her squeeze slightly harder, you decided to bring this horizontal bop to a zippier ending, and thrusted in hard again and gently bit her ear.
kek and cute
Is there a mega link to download this music compilation?
>Screaming in delight, Zippers clenched hard and came; her physical reaction dominoing you to your own climax inside of her.
>Zippers not quite passing out, but neither cognisant anymore, relaxed and slackened under you, eyes vacant in the nirvana she reached.
>Pulling out of her, you clambered onto the bed beside her and pulled her into a little spoon.
>"Not sure if you're there Zippy. But next time you need a hand..." You gave her a little peck on the head.
>"Well, I'm sure I can help."

Fuck, misjudged the first post's size.
Here's it in bin: https://ponepaste.org/10200
I consider Blondie's Bedtime Bedlam a success. Telling a story with no prompting is a little different from writing a story with no prompting.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lseRy6oe0Xg In case anyone missed it. Apparently some anons liked it which is a bonus.
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Based and Zipperspilled
we may have found his waifu
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Numget in a wheelchair
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And he grumped happily forevery after
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He's smitten by the neet mare
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Oh no
this is so sad
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A man of culture he is
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reposting my zippers flag for gbed
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I would like to propose a toast for Zippers, the mvp of /mlp/ con 2024.
She stole it from a crip, for the purpose of finding oats
I second this motion
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here here!
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None currently. My internet is doing too badly, and I'd have to fight with things to get a new render out.
Ok. If you're able to do it in the future that would be appreciated.
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Here here!
I bow to thee
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I tuned into it to listen as I was working on stuff, then listened consciously, then probably fell asleep in last 10 minutes and got woken up by MF ad after the panel. Good skills, I missed the beginning so I didn't know it was flowing straight from your head. Nice voice too, even if it seems monotone at first, I really liked how you used it, especially timing was great imo.
Now I want to hear more about man and equine being thieves, or whatever was the story, pardon my memory.
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>the image that broke a man
No NEETchaser could resist
One of us.
check fucking mate
nopony can resist the neet
It's a damn fine image
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Zippers only wants one thing and it's fucking based
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Our man need a confidence boost
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zippers is kind of cute
We have to be his wingmen. Zippers, you can do it!
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>Tfw Zippers bends over to ties his shoes
She only tolerates being touched by those she likes
That means (You)
>Zippers smiles on the inside
Doing mare draw requests (includes lewds!) on cytube 2!
draw some floorb
>verification not required
Floorb X Zippers please
zippers and floorb romance ! or sex
Falling asleep while listening to a story is peak comfy as far as I see it. Glad you liked it. First time I've done oral storytelling like that to any form of audience; nothing was pre-planned or pre-written in any capacity. The thoughts I had about the two weren't at all utilized.
Aspects of timing and tone is nice. Like PlumpHelmetPunk, I've always wanted to narrate things or use my voice in some capacity. Might be worth it to do that more since this wasn't so terrible. The start was definitely interesting since storytelling like that is very loose. It's a skill, you gotta grow it like anything else.
We may get that. If you were around for the Horsewords panel that focused on characters (plural), you may have heard about The Bard and The Rogue. I'd like to see more with them too.
Floorb <3 Zippers
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>"I ate all your Pringles because my love for you gives my stomach butterflies, Zippers! Butterflies only Pringles can settle!"
Draw Zippers in Numget form
So uhhh Zippers was mad you guys were on cytube and now he's a brony?
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He'll never admit it
he likes neet ponies
Basically, yes.
That reminds me of the True Capitalist Radio days XD
He stared to long into the void and it stared back.
It's been done
>void? that's a funny way of spelling ponut!
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They never last long
>Verification not required.
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its official
If a straight guy doesn't like ponies something is probably wrong with him.
Embrace the snowpity
love the snowpity
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IMAGINE the smell
being a smellfag is pretty based imo
I have been enraptured by this latest Zipper arc. Kinda warms my heart.
I hear Zippers and Floorb are already going over names for their foals
I heard Potroast is among their top choices.
>instinctually defends his waifu
One of us Zippers, one of us. It's ok though out of all the mares Floorb would understand your tsundere nature best
Gift her a daki of you, she'd love it
He will soon feel the snowpity begin to heal his soul of the world's woees
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>Father calls me to help him out the house
>Family comes first before pony, it's what Applejack would want
>Shame I gotta quit out the dinner with Anon though
>Dad asks what I've been up too
>Be Honest
>"A online convention"
>"Can I see?"
>its still dinner with Anon I figured, fairly tame next to some shit
>So I pull up cytube up on my smart phone to show my father
>It's just a fire alarm beeping uncontrolled
>I kek, they must have burnt the red bull salmon
>Help dad, we swing by the in&out on the way home and got some cider.

So did they eat the salmon?
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I'm glad my spam this morning got the result I desired
>tfw cut staying at a retirement party to come home and watch the antithology
granted it was like an hour away, but I do feel kind of bad for not staying longer
I skipped a going-away party at work for anti too. Totally worth it.
Well Anthology is the king of the panels
got the highest views be painful to miss
It's happening, FloorbxZippers!
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Zippers may just be the most based man alive
>verification not required
Can anyone give me a quick story behind this Zippers pony? I have no clue who that is
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>zippers leaves his native board to defend its spot at the top of cytube
>finds a new home among the people he came to fight
Fucking insane. Haber could never
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I don't think I can get any lower, I'm laying down to the ground at this point!
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Friendship really is magic
I did go at least for a little bit, I'll have to send her a congratulations text later or something
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Anyone else go and grab their merch and like play with it as they are on screen
My heard of brushables is a fucking mess they are spread out and not in the right order anymore and some aren't even on the right shelf anymore
hundoP a man of pure reasoning
no, but that's really cute honestly

Zipper brohoofed
Ya love to see it
zippers playing 4D chess to get more floorb art
no, he beat purps teeth in with his hoof
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I cooked. Thoughts?
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Moving from tsun-tsun to dere-dere
close enough kek
very cute
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Celestia is about to recieve one hell of a friendship report
And defeat means friendship!
I'm looking forward to the first panel tomorrow sermons on seeing the princesses Holy Light because you know I identify as a Christfag to normies but I really can't help but beg the princesses for help over Christ even if it makes me feel guilty and like I'm breaking that "no false idols" rule
I know its absolute scinzo but I want to see someone else talk about it
>dear princess celestia
>today I learned /v/fags are people too
>your faithful student, anon
Damn, Zipper made the journey of realization that took me years in less than two days.
I can't believe how hard zippers is winning right now.
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need song list too, this shit is bangin hard
Just a note not sure if everyone agrees but my opinion pic related needs the side bits
I do agree yes
yeah I agree
>You kiss Zippers don't you?
There's a credits list at the end. I'll see if I can get an export.
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Redemption arc of the millennium
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a great, thanks!
I don't need a download of everything if there's a list. Great mix.
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One of us
marecurial sonority is good but my ADHD ass is having a hard time I'm gonna rewatch anthology on another screen as it goes
Dear Princess Celestia,

Today, I learned a valuable lesson about how friendship and admiration can blossom in the most unexpected places. I recently met a /v/ user named Zippers, who hails from a community called /v/. This place is known for disliking ponies, which made it surprising to see Zippers here in /mlp/con. Zippers is bald and often seems a bit rough around the edges, but I noticed something remarkable about them. Despite the general attitude of their community, Zippers found themselves drawn to a mare named Floor Bored. Floor Bored is a NEET, which stands for "Not in Education, Employment, or Training." She often stays at home, indulging in her own interests, and doesn't have many friends. Many might overlook her, but not Zippers. What’s truly fascinating is that Zippers, who comes from a place where ponies aren't particularly liked, found something special in Floor Bored. Even though Zippers might not want to admit it, it's clear they admire and care for her. It's a reminder that friendship and affection can cross any boundary, even those set by our own biases or the communities we belong to. From this experience, I learned that it's important to keep an open mind and heart. You never know where you'll find a friend or someone you truly care about. Sometimes, it's in the most unlikely of places.

Your faithful student,
I want to cum inside zipper
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that was wonderful anon

what is happening
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Fuck yes
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This is unironically the best /mlp/con yet
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Based thank you anon
Hopefully timestamps sometime in the future
I absolutely can cook this tomorrow. I'll toss it up on the ebay next to the the /mlp/con badges.
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Look at him go!
Maybe a URL list in order? I'll make one if they don't have it already.
Look at this cute couple I drew in my draw panel! (Still going btw)
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Tappy tap!
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This is the most engaging arc I've ever witnessed
I am experiencing emotions that I haven’t felt since 2012
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>act like an asshole, get free art
OK I guess
but anon, it is 2012
The internet works in mysterious ways
>act like a tremendously funny asshole, get free art
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This man is melting my heart
>be extremely tsuntsun
>get adorable pony art and a cute plant
>turn deredere
fixed it for you brah
zippers out here playing 4d chess getting artfags to make him a oc and getting art of his new oc with a floorb, zippers is too smart for us
I love this entire thing
Thank you Zippers!
look at that happy face
Nice. You're great at drawing!
Anon you're 20% cooler!
I really like her mane!
I'm gonna ask for them to draw me zippers this December for horseman's this has been peek fun
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Guys, this is the exactly the same as the Cranky episode, kek.
We're pinkie in this scenario. Collectively
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I've always wanted to be like her...
>finally made her proud
If people had cutie marks I’d get mine now
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>that feel when you finally find The One for you
Sorry for the /bale/ drawing but had to. My two favourite mares. This is for you Zippers.
that's not floorb
This looks accurate
yeah, accurate because it's NOT FLOORB and that's why Zipper is angy
aw this is wonderful
Well I started before he found the one, but whatever.
This goes for you as much as it does for everyone else: like 15 people just gave you a round of applause in the live chat. Remember that if you ever doubt your art abilities or (You) count.
this con was shit
>miss all the art panels because timezones
>rest of the panels fucking suck/are aids
>cytube doesn't work on mobile so you can't watch at work or anything

can we not fucking use cytube, it keeps whining about not having enough javascript or whatever and wouldn't let me watch on mobile.
>anon didnt get his free art
skill issue
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works on my phone
>cytube filters phoneposters
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mobileposters btfo lmao
well they were clapping cause the end of the panel but /bale/ has taught me to be confident in my drawings anyway so I appreciate the sentiment.
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You have to enable the embeded video man, there's a button as soon as you open the page
There’s literally an art panel happening right now
nta but my phone has a weird aspect ratio so it was difficult to hit at first, but enough refreshing/stopping loading and screen rotating and I was able to hit it eventually
yeah at 12:16 fucking AM, that even if i join is going to fucking suck because let me look...
nevermind this schedule is fucking garbage

whoever chose "MDT" as the timezone deserves to get their balls ripped off in the woodchipper, WHY the fuck can someone not just use UTC-X or whatever where it says how many hours ahead or behind UTC it is.

Marecurial Sonority
Saturday, June 29 at 9:00 PM MDT | Duration: 3 hours
Streaming to CyTube 1
A conglomeration of operatic modulation, telecasting vociferously via ARPANET to your mind-brain.

this isn't a art panel retard.
its on cytube 2 dummy
also it shows my time zone
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Fucking skill issue, retard. The schedule shows the time in YOUR timezone. If you're a retard and set the timezone of your system to something that isn't where you live, then you have nobody but yourself to blame.
"Blondie's Bedtime Bedlam"
that's not a art panel retard.
google says MDT is 1 hour ahead UTC-7 but maybe just use fucking UTC for the stream next time.
It's impossible to hate Pinkie Pie.
bedtime story is over
drawing is happening now
Zippers is playing on impossible mode kek
>gf-gghhh skill issue!!!
nigger there is no SETTING on the website to set timezone, but inspect element all you want to pretend that it's in a different timezone
>It's not going to explore or anything
What did Pinkie mean by this??
IDK tell the EU to use metric time or something. Move out of Arizona or Utah.
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It takes the time zone YOU set on YOUR computer or phone. You're not going to be the next Zipper by being intentionally obtuse.
>It's not going to explode or anything
I'm drunk.
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Not Zippers but honestly I don't know if I could handle someone being that upbeat all the time.
Pinkie would have pasionet sex if it would mean her becoming your friend.
>pinkie brings his ex wife
This episode is so great
>it is le system timezone!!!
good one faggot, because it sure as hell says UTC-7 on my system settings but it then says MDT on the fucking website.
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Works on my machine
Damn I wish I had a friend like her.
I just rechecked on my computer it matches my computer set time but my phone don't match so in short get off your phone or you deserve to be having issues
>smile hd
It is. Very wholesome and a stand out episode.
>tfw can’t watch the episode because it’s out of order in my rewatch queue
Am I autistic?
I am so overjoyed at how happy apple looks at rarity murder every time
It's pretty fucking funny
Pinkie hitting Fluttershy with the subtitles is Top Kek
This was a great end to day 2 guys /)
hear hear!
>your on le phone
nigger I'm on a computer, and it's still not working with the timezone shit.
Who is Brandon
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You get it anyway. :^)
>He doesn't know
no one can be told what the Brandon is. You have to see it for yourself.
A visionary
>1.28 gigabyte FLAC
jesus christ
A man who successfully entered Equestria and returned to tell the tale.
I kneel mixtape-sama.
I thought that was Zipper.

Oh wait the dead Fed Ex guy everyone made memes of? We're interviewing him past the grave.
I remember people dressing up strawberry mare in fed ex uniform.
yes. make sure to prepare some mind blowing questions for mr. branhole and his wife applejack.
>someone added hours of brandonslop to cytube 1
Right now or tomorrow?
About an hour from now.
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You're welcome babe.
Eh I'll be asleep by then
>simps are bad
myopia and cognitive dissonance are fundamental tools of the mareschizo
You know I had never seen tamers12345 till that half episode yesterday so I'm really looking forward to that panel tomorrow
>fluttershy likes an old ugly bastard
>dash is simping for celebrities
>rarity finds simps aren't chivalrious
But Rarity is the simp in this episode.
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She only tolerates so much faggotry from him though
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Checked. Blueblood doesn't even pretend to care about dresses. Rarity digs for gems while he's scared of cake on his dress
>spike was right the whole time
Kill yourself, raritumor.
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Anthropology was NEVER a good song.
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Fake news great song I sing weekly
look at her go!
Pinkie is best pony, followed by Fluttershy then AJ. Rarity is 5th place and RD is 6th.
is there a direct vod of the cringe panel? the github replay is a lil unruly
I respect your tastes
Check either of these.
Your taste sucks. Rarity had consistently good episodes thus she is best Mane 6. Pinkie is real 5th place.
Why are stuffed pony's so fucking hot I want to smooch her and cuddle her and love her forever regardless of the flesh and blood humans around me, I want to hold this mares hoof, I want to make eye contact, I want to love her for my whole life, I want to rub my pussy and kiss her beautiful face all over till my slober stains the fabric, I want to chew on her ear, I want her to really talk to me outside my mind one day, I want to live in her home and know all her friends, I want to meet discord and angel, I want to try real equestrian cider, I want to know how my dead cat is coping withbeing in equestria under her care, I want to kiss her, I love love love my Fluttershy so much I wish we could get gay married I'd wear the suit for her so she could have a beautiful white dress, I want to raise her foals, why isn't she real fellow waifufags Celestia it hurts so bad I love her I love her I love her
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didn't even win a pony pony pony award, let alone celery
seems to have been memory holed m'lord. should be right between interim 4 and 5, but tis naught
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wapamario63 has good taste in large milkers but is too greedy. He should have a scientifically designated ideal.
Will there be a soccer competition this year?
pic related. Keep talking silly about Rarity and you're going to catch a nine. (for legal reasons this is a joke.)
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>Pinkie is best pony
So very true
>he loves wapa's ugly fucking oversized milkers
How can one anon has such an abysmal taste?
Humans? Those aren't real, they don't count.
Yes, oversized, you heard me right. Also, no hooves no horse pussy.
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I didn't need to see that.
>3dpd no hooves
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What's this Oc's name?
Floor Bored, aka Florb
Ceiling Tile
Zippers tag now has 52 images to its name. Hopefully it'll get to 60 by the end of the con.

Posting rest of the stream draws, already posted >>41196096. (You) giving Dashie belly rubs and preening her wings

Mrs. Cake Ploota: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/ya3bhslz.png
If Multiboob Derpy was in Our Town: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/thknnx5g.png
(Last one is based on an on-going 200k+ word fic about derpy getting and dealing with a set of 24/7 leaking teats on her chest found here: https://ponepaste.org/user/Shroooomy (Its everything with Derpy in the name, also Starlight doesn't exist in it, as its set before twilicorn).
>Starlight doesn't exist in it
And ponk offering you candy.
Absolutely cute
So, about those diaper draw requests.
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*breathes in*
Based and deserved. EQGfags remain second-class citizens.
Very ironic. They are so infatuated with choosing humans over ponies, yet in reality they are worth less than animals.
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Howdy /mlp/. I'm the anon that drew this image (logo/mascot) for con 2024. What do you think? Any feedback?
Needs ass + hooves + teats
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Messaged The admin about the link change but basically YouTube is being fucky so I can't stream on YouTube I'll try to do it on my twitch

If anybody could could they change the URL for the sermon in an hour to this new link for me I have a bunch to left to do
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What about them?
honestly should kill yourself. your the only one bitching about missing art panels. during every art panel there was like 5 active viewers tops anyway
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>I am 100% hopping on the zippers meme train lmao
>this is going to be the mlp meme event of 2024, i can foresee it
Are you in Arizona or something
Maybe you're using a browser like tor browser that probably has a privacy feature where it reports the wrong timezone on purpose
She schedule auto adjusts to the setting on your device
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>wake up at 3pm
>after 2 days of mares, I'm living in the Amareican timezones now
now let's just hope it'll be as easy to go back to third world working hours
>randomizing timezones to make fingerprinting more difficult
that's an interesting feature
Does Twitch even allow their streams to be embeddable in e.g. Cytube?
>Does Twitch even allow their streams to be embeddable in e.g. Cytube?
lmao no. This place has been blocked by them for years cause of wrong thing.
We found a solution Just watch the Cytube He's going to just live stream it from Disco would like the first year. Sorry for the future bad mic quality
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oopsie doopsie vendor sight no worky
I confess that sometimes I coom to anthro
Is this browser from Equestria??
I confess that sometimes I coom to filly Loli anthro
GO FORTH AND COOM ONLY TO YOUR PURE AND ONLY WAIFU (or wait for the next sermon to purify your sins again)
I confess that I called Anon a dumbass, retard, nigger, faggot, idiot and a monkey in a panel
I CONFESS, i saved a bunch of semianthro aryanne once
I want to be impregnated by stallions I confess! I want to give birth to pretty foals!
I like the abstractness of it, but it does feel kinda thrown together last minute
I confess! My favorite nation in Equestria at War isn't a pony nation. Also, I play Equestria at War.
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I confess I also like EAW; And Zarishat.
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I confess that I coom to anthro futa quite a lot. If only the animators didn't make it so hot and look so soft.
Zipper isn't at Church fellow brothers and sisters
I confess! I slide oldgen threads like a retard.
I confess I want to genocide furfags
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I confess, I'm shallow and draw ponies so my waifu will like me in Equestria!!
I must confess I keep putting off pony greentext and pony fanfiction projects for video games.
to the anon in chat, yes it is sometimes both SFM and 3D, but the blender ones are always much better cuz source model physics are kind of a shit
in fact, it's ONLY 3D I can do it too, drawn anthro often doesn't do it for me, although there's some very pretty stuff people draw sometimes.
Holy Father please forgive me I had a human girlfriend once
dislike culture is lame and gay, kindly kys
ew gay
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There's only one true princess you should be worshiping.
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>good end
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Never join the military. Never go near a war. Stay alive. Look after yourself and your family. NEVER join the military. Your family comes first.
I confess I haven't made a true true friend, I'm trying but humans are so cruel
i must confess that i cried a few days ago in bed. i was crying to celestia saying sorry for all my failures. i just hope i can live a life that makes her proud.
>MISSION UNLOCKED: build ponyshrine under local bridge
I'm loyal to one and only true goddess Nightmare Moon
To add: I just wanna be a travelling Equestrian drawfag, sketching all the ponies and sites for selfish reasons!
>MISSION COMPLETED: +10 piety, +2 defense
>MISSION UNLOCKED: make a virgin sacrifice in honor of the deities
I confess I once turned down a >3D girl’s confession because my heart belongs to Ponk
i confess i regret showing shawn keller flurry heart futa cock porn
I confess to constantly spiking anons food and drink with my own semen during meetups!
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but that was based
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I confess I found a woman, my wife, that I find cuter and more gorgeous than anypony
I CONFESS I have a lot of finished pony art I've procrastinated sharing, some of it for years already.
I have to confess. I have multiple fetishes that I like to imagine/view/play around with ai with ponies.
no it led to me getting banned from this con and i fucking hate how much drama and shit flinging i got from it
It is therapeutic to brush out those build a bear mares and condition and curl, playing my little pony hair dresser
the purest anon deserves the purest Ponk
I confess, one of my fetishes is bondage/abuse involving mares
I confess that I want to cuddle ALL the mares, not just my waifu.
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congratulations king, I hope you both love each very much
Cuddleing is fine, just no hoofholding
I confess I've masturbated to not just qt 3.14 pony mares, but also qt 3.14 anthro mares and even EqG. I've also been upboating anthro and EqG lewds and faving pony lewds. Am I really beyond saving?
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i confess i want rarity to mommy dom me
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Eqg is the red line you do not cross. Enjoy burning in hell.
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I confess my waifu is Rarity, but I can't help fantasizing about Princess Cadence.
i confess i find bcs's voice to be hot and i have had a shameful fap to it before
bumping this
I confess that no matter how dedicated I strive to be with my waifu, other mares always occasionally seem to enter my fantasies. Please bless me to fall not into temptation, Father.
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I confess I feel I make people who I admire feel very awkward when I meet them. I don't want to go to conventions because of it. I don't want them to accidentally look at me, remember me, and then turn away with anxiety, which seems to keep happening. Sorry for being a socially awkward fuck.
/v/ cytube fag jealous of ponies and is bald, but is still acute lil tsundere mare
Apology accepted, fellow con mod

>and i fucking hate how much drama and shit flinging i got from it
It'll justifiably continue until you are able to demonstrate that you understand why it was wrong and that you've matured from the experience. Everybody likes a redemption story.
I confess in a blind rage I once put someone in the hospital for saying my waifu is a tranny
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the trixie panel last year was really good
that's based. do it again.
i confess that i coomed a little to anon puking on stream
I confess I have not committed to a waifu because I'm afraid I'm not good enough
We're supposed to be confessing sins here sir
i confess i was sent to the hospital for calling trixie trans, i got punched and it hurt
>Being this selfish with your gifts
I hope you never make it to Equestria faggot
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I confess I once stuck a purple fleshlight in between a plush twilight's legs and fucked it
Did you get crystal treatment?
I confess I treated some faggot in a trans trixie shirt with an abdominal wound at the hospital when I should have turned him away.
We do, she's the love of my life.
I confess that I found it hot when Anon puked on stream please forgive me
I confess I jerk off to videos of guys fucking their plushies on lyrabooru
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I confess I like stallions. My parents would disown me if they suspected I was gay.
um actually its her
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>all these anons not understanding that Wrath isn't just a sin, but a cardinal one
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thanks for the advice and support sermonanon. I'll try and see what I can look up and do. I'm usually pretty okay with regular people, but I get starstruck and nervous sometimes and say or do the wrong thing. but I'll persevere. thank you.
I confess I laughed at a guy getting punched for calling trixie trans
what the fuck do birds have to do with horses?
i confess i am jealous of corp and his love for mares and running a convention and all his friends and magic, he has so much love for mares and i feel mine slowing dying out and i wish i had the motivation and draw like i used to. im jealous corp, god speed you beautiful bastard you.
I confess, I wish to make my own plush mares for over a year but instead of working on it I play vidya or waste time on some other bullshit. Forgive me.
Forgive me, for I have sinned. When I saw that stupid fucking Flurry Heart episode air for the first time, I was so mad about it I fell of the ride for a few years
I confess, I was the Anon who came all over his foot during the last Anniversary stream
I confess that I haven't gotten all the achievements in Marequest yet
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I confess I might be subconsciously clinging to ponies and trying to find a place here, because they feel like they're giving me some life purpose I've never had, just by their existence and the love they receive from other anons.
Oh, yeah, this too.
I confess I never actually bought larson's book, even though I told him I would when he showed up at the anni.
I confess I ate a hoagie at a convention, didn't wash my hands, and then held someone's plushie with mayo on my hands. He didn't notice.
I fell in love with Izzy Moonbow from the movie, but Izzy of the shows is nothing like her. What should I do?
I confess to brrr skibidi dop dop dop yes yes
Father forgive me for I have sinned, I constantly seethe at better pony artist but I am a lazy fuck that do not put effort into actually making or improving my own art.
I confess rainbow dash is my waifu but lifesized anonfilly that i've posted videos of cumming all over is in my bed and I might think its a little hot that someone finds those videos hot
I confess I sewed some of my pubes onto a faux fur plushes head that I was commissioned to make.
I confess! I love Pony Life and unironically think it's kino.
I confess that, many years ago, i lost the ability to waifu. i see everyones love of their waifus and im jelly. i remember what it felt like, it was bliss. i try to lift others up because i feel i am already fallen
I confess to being extremely racist and avoiding non-white anons at Mare Fair even though they could've been good friends
I confess,
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Was he killed/raped?
was sermonanon maretyrd?
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he'll be fine
he was beheaded as a blasphemer
samie Allah liman hamadah
yeah, I've been feeling the same way lately, and it sucks. probably need to watch the actual show again to rekindle my spirits.
Really tired of being treated like Public Enemy #1 all the time. Look, I'm a simple guy. I like animals, I like sports. A pony fighting ring in my backyard makes perfect sense. Stop demonizing my interests.
This song makes me miss nasapone :cro:
why would you care what normies think? If they dont understand, its their problem.
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I'm hearing that on his deathbed, Zippers received the light of Friendship and unhesitatingly sang the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic theme. Even now he looks down on Equestria from the palace towers of Canterlot. Truly there is no God but Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle is her prophet!
It can get a tiny bit bothersome when those normies control the systems one uses to survive each day
the ponypilled best end
I'm not taking "Ok, Twilight..." for an answer.
How do you explain Pinkie canonically saying the following:

"Twilight Sparkle is the cutest, smartest, all around best pony."

Do you disagree with Pinkie?

Checkmate ponkfags
>Pinkie is humble enough to give that title to another
Only proves her superiority.
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Thanks my brothers and sisters I don't know how it felt to watch. But I think I shown you how to see the light in my own way
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Very fulfilling, thank you anon
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it really was fun, I'm glad I come to it every year
Love is not always a feeling, it can be a dedication which transcends all action. Everything you do, even the most mundane or repugnant things, can be done under love. There's freedom there, to be what you need to be.

Community is facilitated by united purpose, we have a sense for this and that's why we gather around the banner of ponies. Love is true and beautiful and has positive effects which reach beyond the individual and into their surroundings.

Sexual fetishism is pure cause and effect. If the effects bother you, stop indulging in the causes.

I think there's definitely a honeymoon phase, where love burns brightly like a bonfire, impossible to ignore. After a time, only coals are left - not as warm or attention-getting, but which carry the dormant potential of flame for all time. That's why you are able to lift others up, you are still empowered and driven by the spirit of your waifu to bring warmth to life. Her gift is the knowledge and appreciation of love, love which will always bear her mark of fire.
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My sinning has begun again, I WILL become the premiere human drawfag in equestria, and I will make my waifu proud.
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One of my favourite panels so far. It was great to watch. Thank you Father.
/r/equesting amethyst star yelling at a baguette
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Frenchanon, I would like to hear your opinion on textless comic pages like pic related.
panel is pre-recorded, don't know if baggetteanon is in the chat either
oh, I thought it was live, oh well.
nah I am fine now I am off to my journey have a holy life
He could be you.
He could be me!
He could even b-
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Just wait, he'll turn French any second now
annnnyyyyy second now....
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Reposting Frenchie's bearmare comic, which he posted earlier with spoiler: >>41180512
Thanks for the panel, anon!
It's so sad that frenchanon isn't with us. I heard someone cut his car brakes
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wow, I now missed all the art panels because I had to sleep, fuck this stream. I thought you guys would be friendly, but same as the offboarder “hoofcup” garbage you just would rather spam 3 letter memes, get drunk, and shitpost nonsense.
good, that was unbelievably cringe to read. It’s just a fucking furry not even a horse, where’s the mares?
>Sexual fetishism is pure cause and effect. If the effects bother you, stop indulging in the causes.

Then how does shit like vore, scat, bbw, etc work?
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Can you show those hoofcups?
>and the love they receive
Mares don’t love me, so I don’t give them love. People always whine about the golden rule but never adhere to it, you treat someone nice but they never treat you nicely, so they broke the golden rule.
tamers gods
I have to abstain from the tamerskino so that I can watch all of them in order
now I’m gonna miss tamers because I didn’t join in time, and joining mid-stream would be awkward
tamers is so fucking great bros thanks for introducing me to their stuff
Are we not watching them in order?
ALL of them.
Oh the sonic ones
We are but Anon is, true to tamers culture, absolutely retarded.
Yo why are we watching the youtube videos
put the fucking archived versions on
Are they even more raunchy?
some music is only used in the premiere of the episode and then then he has to take it down and reupload it with different music
YouTube police
>Gay sex fine
>Copyrighted music No No No kill that video take it downnnnn
you look at it while you're horny, you associate that with being horny. you cum on a plushie, you associate the plushie with cum and orgasm. you post it online while you're horny, you imagine other people being horny at it, so you associate horny with other people looking at your content, and so on and so on in endless chains of association until you've cross all the lines you can fathom, and you can still go further. all it takes is being like "nah I don't need to amp anything up I'm just fine with vanilla"
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I have this safely in my possession
Have you photocopied the book in its entirety yet for posterity?
YO, any chance you could make scans of this book?
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A storm fucking knocked out my internet and made me miss most of the tamers panel.
I feel too dizzy, drinking to much during tamers
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I have not. But I also just dont have a scanner. Ill do it at some point
I must confess something although it's too late to be redeemed at the Sermon... I slept through my alarms I had set for the panels. Celestia forgive me
I was so close to sleeping in but I put a energy drink within reach of the bed
Share it with us anon, it couldn’t hurt
I agree, show us!
i will never understand trixiefags
I don't think i've laughed as hard as with this tamers video
Nothing wrong with it ^:)
I will assume this is not bait, and bite for you: it's a mare wearing a bear costume. I thought it was cute
Things are so gay in cytube 2
The first two are definitely funnier but I enjoy the more serious stuff as well
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Absolute, unfiltered CINEMA
You are not forgiven. Should have injected mares directly into your veins and stayed awake all weekend.
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What are the chances that tamers12345 wraps up the MLP continuity with a cinematic movie, similar to how he did with "Battle with the Boys"?
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it was cute, and inspirational
If he makes a movie it will probably come after the first batch of 5 mlp videos he made. I don't think he expected them to be so popular.
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>I will assume this is not bait
Do people have direct links to the sermon and frenchanon panels?
Glad you enjoy :D
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>pic related is not an emote
come on now
>>41197311 (nice dubs)
give it a name
You fuckers should have made the macaroni mare necklace on /merch/ anniversary we didn't get the attendance I wanted
mass produced zippers plushies when?
>open /mlp/
>scan catalog
>close /mlp/
>open /mlp/...
yeah i have a problem
Kek I do that too

You're just doing your due diligence to keep scanning for mare
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Been doing that for years but only now is it no longer working.
Made and posted these when the video released, but i'll post them again.
Original - https://files.catbox.moe/vjuabs.mp4
AI Dash - https://files.catbox.moe/2v2gcs.mp4
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>never got used to the catalog
>just refresh page 0 over and over
I have never met another Brony let alone another/MLP/ anon
added floorb to this
is floorb getting cucked?
>I know that feel
I've run a few threads
I skipped one week on /tv/ for a show and it was never as big as before
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>Makes a thread where a rule specifies all rules suggested in said thread are law
PSA to Zippers: drawthread, /bale/, and /create/ are your friends
How would you start a shared worldbuilding project?
You're welcome Purp.
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Post coins
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Joe Biden wasn't as disoriented as Purp was starting this panel
Was a good prompt Glimmerfag, thanks!
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no /mlp/, purp’s wikifeet page is not a board-adjacent project
Will numget ever stop
Purp numget when?
poll’s closed due to mares
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Here are my coins.
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This panel is a prime example of why you should have a real camera instead of a webcam.
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your a real NUMGET
I love them
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Peak schizocore.
ironically a webcam has a higher chance of being set to static, ~20cm and further focus, due to narrower aperture. real camera would at least allow to set manual focus, but oh well.
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New board project?
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Okay, here are some of them, starting with pic related I made for an art trade long, long ago.

Here's a booze bottle label I made for a friends birthday gift. I really should get around to posting a photo of the bottle itself to boorus but I haven't sought it from the thousands of pictures in my camera yet. https://images4.imagebam.com/27/d0/ac/MEUEMG8_o.png

Here's an NSFW edit of Chrysalis yeeting Thorax: https://images4.imagebam.com/d9/e2/05/MEUEMG4_o.jpg

And another edit of an already NSFW picture to make the hand more feminine: https://images4.imagebam.com/96/e0/0f/MEUEMGA_o.png
100 people submitting one clip? How do you organize all those people working on the same clip? Wouldn't the anti be kinda short then?
I like Purp's rants but holy fuck, so far he spend an hour on something that could be covered in 5 minutes of bullet points. I wish he listing to his waifu and made an list of what he wanted to cover insisted of reading the chat every few seconds like some twitchthot
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>missed the Tamers panel
is this anongus
those are some nice fuckin balls on thorax damn
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You're getting walled in for that joke.
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What is your social security number anon
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I'm hearing that on his deathbed, Zippers received the light of Friendship and unhesitatingly sang the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic theme. Even now he looks down on Equestria from the palace towers of Canterlot. Truly there is no God but Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle is her prophet!
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for posterity
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Do you think Zippers will ever get her mane back?

a legacy for the ages
this is a good idea
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I woke up tired as shit today just to enjoy tamerskino
you should set an alarm
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love is in bloom

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