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Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Longing for death's sweet embrace!

ITT: Surrendering to your sexual urges, Excluding lavender unicorns, Overcompensating bugs, Shilling your fics to the club, Prey and AAAAAAA, Extremely dry prose, Picking up tons of authors, Judging through plot summaries, Ponykindom, A few 1k fic reviews, Going beyond rock bottom, Forcing Knighty to make an actual filtering system, Wondering how far you can push the T-rating, /fimfic/ lost the battle against AIDS, Swearing off of unfinished fics, A writing check-in, Playin' the flesh flute, Defeating death and seeing truth, Newbie writer contest, Nervicited's cursed origin, Equestria's measurement system, What'cha reading?, A predominantly pink pony pal, Never improving after writing 33 stories, Expensive lawyers, Explaining how you're irrefutably correct, Reviews you've gotten, And just bee yourself! :)

>/fimfic/ Secret Book Club
The seventieth book is 'By the Will of the Council':
If (You) want to participate, finish the entire story by the 7th.
On Sunday we'll discuss what we've read.

>Recommended stories:
Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key? Fed up with 10k inner monologue chapters? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!

New Starter Kit - http://mlpficreviews.org.uk/starter/
Old Starter Kit - http://i.imgur.com/vuTA7EN.png

>Common fic abbreviations used by the thread:

>A list of reviews made by the Anons in this thread:
Use the commands ">review <story link>" and ">discuss <story link>" to add reviews to a story.
Userscript for extra features: https://ponepaste.org/8619

>An in-depth writing guide for beginners:

>Can you pre-read my story?
Post it on Google Docs or HackMD with comments enabled and give us a link.

>Additional material for authors:
Rhorse's Horse Behavioral Notes - https://ponepaste.org/932
Politics and the English Language - https://www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/
Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop - https://poneb.in/g4VpEg4f
Setting a story in motion - https://youtu.be/ufO8LbwTdu0
Taking criticism - https://youtu.be/-v4R2ZcxPlA

>Various reviews and riffs:
Fillyanon's Bookshelf - https://ponepaste.org/5555
Notkickass222urmom's Reviews - https://pastebin.com/u/notkickass222urmom
IHeartShinzakura's Reviews - https://ponepaste.org/user/IHeartShinzakura
Appleanon reads fics - https://poneb.in/wmGX7FPm
Deluxe Big Master Review List - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z9Bz7UnEbxo-svlXa2tV49PJkP-yFuR7pRXiBUn-IeU
A Guide to Rational Fics - https://files.catbox.moe/3jzrfm.png
The Royal Canterlot Library's Top 16 Fanfics - https://royalcanterlotlibrary.net/top16/

Previous Thread: >>41176583
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First for best duo!
I'm starting to get used to Emacs' keyboard shortcuts. I can write faster now, but the autism of Emacs is consuming my life.
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Dragons should be awesome.

To a lesser extent, they should also be big, powerful, mysterious, magical, and dangerous.

Most importantly of all, dragons should be interesting.

It's a shame that nearly all fimfic dragons are dragged down so far into the dirt where it comes to the presentation of dragons in canon. Even the lowly Saphira and Thorn are a head above the dragons in FiM.

I can think of only a few fics which include good dragons, despite how prevalent they are in fiction outside of ponies. Daetrin's fics excepting Cartography have some good dragons. DoWaS has good dragons, and they're notably incompatible with FiM's dragons. Perytonia has a world snake thing which is pretty much a dragon, despite not being called that. That's kind of it for what I've read, though. I could name some dragons that are big, but as characters they're on the level of Torch.

How much better would dragons be if their only depiction in FiM were at least visually like that of Dragonshy's? Batponies also only got a single episode, it would've been enough. Even so, how much cooler could non-Spike dragons be if Spike had been restricted to G1, G3 and G5?
Anyone reading The Cadenza Prophecies?
I was burned by The Luna Cypher when I first read it, but I want to give the series another shot some day.
The writer huffed off to Offprint complete with taking down the sequels from Fimfic, which (i.e. bending the knee) tends to be indicative of instant nosedive in quality of any further works.
Please do tell if he managed to avoid this fate.
I have fond memories of some of the short spinoffs, but the longer works in the universe were good but not great.
Where the FUCK is the new thread?
You're invited to a new General for discussing fanfiction. It provides a new experience.
Thnx bby
Saphira, Brom,a nd Roran were the only good thing about Eragon.
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do you ever see a cover and begin to even wonder what to think
holy FUCKing shit
How mindfucked must you be to believe this is acceptable?
It's always so funny being able to see people's Lion King inspiration regardless of how they branch out into different art. Before I even saw the author's profile picture I just knew.
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>that candyass
Everypony went over to the ugly tree and they ate the whole thing.
>Lion King
Holy shit, yeah, I see it now.
Fics with moments like the ATM scene in Breaking Bad?
Dinopony AU?
After gooning to giantess ponies from noon to supper, I blew the biggest load ever. Some of it got on my monitor screen. It settled in the bottom left corner of it. That episode was on behind me when this happened. I love ponies.
>Party of mewing looksmaxing sigmas
Second from the left looking zesty.

You're already in it now.
Look into dabbrev-expand on M-/ by default. Ever since I learned about it, it's saved me a lot of typing.
So should I actually read All American Girl? Is it any good?
Why would you want to do that?
Looking for good long stories and I see it talked about here sometimes. Just finished reading the Upheaval series, that was really good.
It starts with A
>I see it talked about here sometimes.
Not in a good light.
Check out one of the pastebins in the OP. It should have a detailed summary and show you why you shouldn't try.
I'd say so. My main goal is to get it done by this time next year and it's 70k in now.

Reminder that vent fics are worse than fixfics since at least fixfics are bitching about canon and not IRL bullshit the writer's going through.

>complain about HiE and porn in the box
>it finally gets pushed out for oneshots
>complain about oneshots in the box

>it's an "anon doesn't use a normal, easy-to-use word processor" post

>blame Spike
It's Dragon Quest's fault. Merriweather gave some of the best lore with HWE and some of the worst in fucking over the dragons.

>Is it any good?
No. Best thing about it was the sperging that happened on spacebattles when somali pirates sank a carrier battle group.

>Looking for good long stories
>finished reading the Upheaval series
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/281029/before-the-storm-the-rise-of-firefly do not under any circumstance read Appendix D
Well, have I got the story for you:
1. Two point five million words. Count 'em.
2. It's featured right now, so you know it's quality.
3. Continuously updated since 2016. That's true dedication.
4. Has its own TVTropes page.
5. It's an EqG/Bleach crossover, so the author can take the best elements of both franchises.
6. Do you even need a sixth reason? Get to it!
You type like chatgpt aping the dialect of a buzzfeed writer.
>94 seconds
That might be a record for one of my shitposts.
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These reccomendations look good, thank you.
>He fucked up his quotes and deleted his post
Pretty embarrassing desu.
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Get up, thread.
I wanted to write yesterday but I got caught up trying to put my Magic decks in an online deck builder. I bet Twilight would be a typical obnoxious Blue deck player trying to combo out and countering everything.
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Are any of you actually finishing your fics?
>lust provoking image
>irrelevant, time wasting question
I've promised myself to never post an unfinished story to fimfic, and also to try to finish everything I started writing.
That's why I'm a oneshot author.
I finished two and am working on a third.
I finally got off my ass and started/finished a 1k contest submission.
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>>lust provoking image
What the fuck did he mean by this?
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Gross shit, just report.
I found out that's actually a fool's errand. No one will care about your fic by the time you finally finish it.
Hardly anyone would've cared in the first place.
I think I need some copium...
I'm sure some of us would've given you a few upvotes and a comment.
There's a chance Filly may give you a review.
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You had fun writing it, right?
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>98 america degrees as I go to my outdoors job
Fics where ponies get mad at Celestia because it's too damn hot? I'll read em at work if they don't look like complete shit
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With all my IRL shit done, I finally got back to Sunken Horizons. Took me a while, but I guess it still beats Asylum. I'm not sure when I'll exactly be able to review it, since I've forgot quite a bit since I stopped reading, but the very least I'll finally finish reading it in the next few days.
The fact that I managed to read through a 19k word chapter in about an hour's time still speaks miles of GW's excellent style. I really envy the lightness of his prose.

Fuck, that's pretty deadly. I occasionally have to walk to work/etc in those temps and it's already a pain.
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>The fact that I managed to read through a 19k word chapter in about an hour's time
For me, it's just about the opposite, kek. When I find a story with delightful prose, my WPM drops by like a third (from the same ~320 that you mention), so I can properly appreciate every beautiful sentence and each paragraph. And when I read some especially nice fragments, I sometimes go back and pronounce them "aloud" in my head to really appreciate how they flow.
Admittedly, this happens a lot more often with non-fics.
Do you also make up a little movie in your head and you re-read certain parts to see them from different angles or with different cinematography?
WTF, no. That'd be a total bastardization of the written word. Something prose can do easily (and movies have to really strive hard to even reach) is setting the right mood and evoking emotions without focusing on the content. That writing can choose what elements to include and omit, how much attention (and of what kind) to give them, and how to present it all to the reader is something a movie couldn't imitate. To cast a story onto a 3D plane is to completely warp it. Sometimes the result might be another good piece of work, but it's always different.
Or worse, when a section is obscure and allows for interpretation, but is later revealed and contradicts your ideas. So you have to flip back and re-read it all again to recontextualize.

>He doesn't see dynamic movie kino when he reads fiction.
Aphantasia detected, my condolences.
I'm still unconvinced that this is real. Or, rather, it's probably a real medical thing, but I'd bet that at least 90% of people claiming to have it are just idiots who never used their imagination and are now surprised they can't easily imagine things.
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That doesn't happen in any story that I an recall. It must be nice having someone in charge of the sun.

Some fics talk about unexpected weather, but every author seems to assume the sun is pretty much locked down.
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Moon and Stars was a recent club fic.
How are there still deserts and jungles?
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I don't get it. Am I supposed to be familiar with the guy to understand the significance of his obituary?
From what I gather, it's just a guy who knew math went to Equestria. Introduced all these new concepts and theorems, and then died.
I just don't see the significance.
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I went to go look at the last chapter of SH and the prose there is a lot better than what I'd consider "light." It's definitely easy to read, though.

This kind of writing is what comes to mind with "light." It's not really a compliment, other than being impressed at the author's ability to shovel the story out of their head at an unbelievable pace. DoaM is like this as well, just using more words where fewer words would've been too much effort. It has that quality where 20k words can go by in a flash, but without much to show for it, neither in the plot nor the clock.

It's definitely distinct from an an engaging plot, too, where that many words go by in a flash, but the clock disagrees.
It's transformation. All the alphabetical jargon he's supposed to have introduced is actually disguised Earth jargon (explained in the endnote). Waking up "in the earth" versus "in the heavens" is him pondering "do I go back to Earth or do I go to heaven?" There's a reference to him being carnivorous. I don't know what the poem is about, but his interest in cartography is certainly because he's looking for humans. Should you care? I don't know. Do you like pony transformation and math? I think that's the target audience.
Anybody reading Death Valley? A couple weeks ago i stopped reading it for a while, yesterday finally picked it up and spent the entire day reading all the new chapters, and now my interest towards the story is piqued again. I loved both previous entries in the series and i really like this one too. Once again characters are a highlight of the fanfic, they feel real, distinct, alive. The story is good to - honestly speaking at a certain point it was beginning to drag a bit, but now that the plot finally progressed i have no complaints about it. And of course i really like the entire topic of necromancy which continues to stay at the forefront of the series and the way the author describes it. I only wish that we'd get more than mere 2 chapters per week considering that the fanfic is already finished, waiting is the worst. Well, at least this story won't be left incomplete like many other good fics.
I've yet to read the previous stories, but I'll get around them once I'm done with my backlog.
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>blame Merriweather
No way. The furthest you can take that claim is that it was a team effort.
There are several more dragon lore episodes besides Dragonshy and Dragon Quest, and Merriweather only wrote the one. Secret of My Excess is a Larson example, the least worst, I think.

They took opportunities to contradict earlier canon as well, and what did they do? Gauntlet of Fire (who?) is distinguished for breaking the S1-2 idea that adult dragons are large and instead populating the race with 99% hodge podge of HTTYD creatures. Two Haber episodes (Molt Down & Father Knows Beast) run with that to challenge the podium for most horrendously unwatchable episodes of all.

There are some things they all have in common, though, and that is being bad. At minimum unpleasant to watch, and bad for dragon lore. Oh, and they're all also Spike episodes.

But it wasn't a team effort. As namby pamby as the dragon from Dragonshy was, she should get as much credit as possible for pushing the E/I rating to its limit. In all other ways, the depiction of dragons in the show is on her for including Spike. Each successive writer just brought them further down to his level.
I hope to one day finish my deadfic, but it's a daunting task and other stories are more interesting to me right now. It did teach me the lesson to never do serial writing again, though.

Wouldn't Cloudsdale be a better target for the anger?

>There are several more dragon lore episodes
But Dragon Quest was the first one after Dragonshy to prominently feature other dragons. It introduced the concept of other anthropomorphic bipedal "Barney-style" dragons that all future episodes would, in turn, build off. Rather than using Dragonshy as the foundation of the dragon lore, they ignored it and used Dragon Quest instead, which is why it's to blame for how shit the lore is.

Lewis and Songco wrote it. They're responsible for some of the most filler episodes of the show like the Rarity noir one and the Hatfield and McCoy one, though they did write Perfect Pear.
Ah, there's definitely those sorts of stories too. What I specifically meant in relation to SH is that it's like an excellent action movie somehow very well translated into text. There's so much happening in relatively great detail, yet the plot doesn't linger and that "fast pace" keeps you engaged.
With more "artsy" stuff, I often find myself slowing down too. Both to just appreciate the prose and to make sure I really do read and understand every single word and not just skip over them accidentally.

Bad usage of words on my part. I meant light as in it doesn't get dragged down by unnecessary details or pacing-killers and it remains snappy from start to finish.

How's the series mood-wise? Is it anything like The Needle was? Not necessarily in terms of plot or characters or anything that specific, I more mean atmosphere.

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