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After nearly month of downtime NHNB has finally returned! Making a thread as most posters there crossposted between here and there. Figured this would be the best way to let people know.
Hopefully this thread is acceptable.
literal what
I'm sure the three people that still use will be thrilled.
negative nancy's itt. remember, if you're a nancy that means you're a woman.
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I suppose I won't need to share these anymore? I offered them in the last thread.
No one cares, nothing changed when it was down because no one posted there
You can if you want, it wouldn't hurt.
No hooves no boobs?
it is true I am thrilled
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>Not using /mlpol/ for a side board
>No posts for 3 months
lol, lmao even.
/mlpol/ randomly freezes my browser. I still go there occasionally but its much less than I would if it wasn't so unwieldy.
Last I checked, /mlpol/ was like 90% politics, 10% pony. And I don't give a fuck about politics, so it's not for me.
im not THAT much of a faggot, geez
We need to remind them the power of pone. Probably some positivity on their way may help them. Politics is a good way to learn about the world, but it makes you too cynical.
That's often caused by extremely large threads, filtering by the last posts should do the trick, like the last 50 posts button.
At least you gave an honest response for once. General you, not (You) in specific.

Why are you not posting more ponies on the pony board then Anon?
But yea, there we go with the usual. Just decided to answer this time since seemed honest, that one
/mlpol/s ponyposting is 90% just dumping irrelevant clop like a bot because they think they're owning teh libs
literal r/thedonald like behavior
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No, I don't really care what they do. They're on their own.
>5. You will not make extremely low quality posts
>12. No trolling, you will not make intentionally malicious or disruptive posts.
I don't think this No Happiness, No Benefit place is for me.
What's NHNB?
A pony place.
A hugbox for manchildren
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Why does this site make people mad again?
Every time I go on there, nothing seems too out of the ordinary.
nhnb is the exact model not to follow, nothing but its own purity spiral of death. which is why no one posts there retard
certain """anons""" are upset very much when they can't pull their usual shit stunts for lulz and ebin discord caps
I posted on that shithole and anything that went against the grain was met with claims of offboard attackers with more vitriol than anything here
Got any ebin caps, bro?
I think it's in a limbo where it's too purist for some and not purist enough for others
it doesn't impose any post quality rules like
"no horny posting on /fim/" or "only show related threads/posts/images"

There's really nothing that sets it apart so it end up being just an /mlp/ with less users.
What purity spiral? NHNB bans EQG, G5, foalcon, furry, diaper shit, other stupid fetishes, and the other stuff that /mlp/ supposedly bans (but does not enforce). NHMB actually enforces its rules. Seems pretty comfy to me.
>bans foalcon
ah, so that would explain the 'tismos shitting on it. fillyfags are like are like a hive of hornets.
>What purity spiral
>Lists purity spiraling
Too retarded to know no one wants to be around you
because true redblooded anons will go down with the ship, no matter how shitty /mlp/ gets
Thank you so much! I have missed this board like you couldn't believe!
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Because new age zoomers and liberals have a anti-decentralization stance that they copied from their favourite discord moderators.
You should have changed the shitty fucking name
And yet they made two of the best artpacks in horsefucker history. Care to explain?
what's wrong with the name?
This is incredibly poor bait
Thank god you guys are back. We desperately need a viable alternative to this shithole.
The site is run by a low functioning autist that tries to extend his views onto this board, shitting up everywhere he goes
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The people who are shitting up this thread are people with pronouns on their bio and discord nitro. They can not possibly fathom the idea of people wanting an alternative to prevent monopoly.
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It's the same retards that go on every thread to shit on absolutely everything.
You're also retarded for giving them attention. They're easily spotted by how they post because they're low IQ with a single gimmick.
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Yeah that's the main reason I prefer NHNB. They actually talk about ponies, which is an incredibly rare commodity these days.
>They actually talk about ponie
>Last post until circlejerk reunion today was 3months ago
Going to go with no.
>Couldn't be because an older backup was used.
You are retarded.
This 'bunker' wasnt even used when /mlp/ was down.
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Me too. And what amazing content came out of that little board so far!
The amazing content they come begging to join by shilling to join their shitpacks here? Cool story bro.
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Nah, that's fake. The real horsefuckers always loved having alternative places to pony pony.
[insert astroturfed positive post here]
More posts ITT defending a dead site than using it, says it all
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Yeah, it's always been quite comfy. Let's hope it stays online longer for now.
You know, OP, I've heard of this site a few times here, but I always thought it's some edgier 4chan clone, and that was scary for me. I like 4chan and /mlp/ for being just the right amount of mildly edgy, adult shitposting, and it does not feel "dangerous", like my imagination of other chans I've only heard of. I was just scared I'd be going into some "bad" part of internet.
But I took a leap of faith today, and it seems to be a slow but cozy and not a "dangerous" pony place. Hearing it called "bunker" is a pretty good description, I imagine this is the place where anons would comfortably move to, should something happen to /mlp/ here. I'm not sure I'll be posting on your chan while /mlp/ is alive, but I feel relieved that there is a backup site ready, just in case. I hope you're not hurt by anons calling your chan just a backup, anon, no offense from my side. Feels like one can have only one true home, at once.
Rules match what I'd expect from site's name, though as I understand it I'd miss those occasional "another 4chan board but in a thread on /mlp/ to avoid GR15 bans" threads, like /pts/, which can be cozy sometimes despite not 100% on topic. Another slight downside is that posting on 4chan feels more anonymous (it's certainly just a feeling), because it's bigger and has been around for a while. I don't know if I'd feel just as comfortable on a smaller chan, because for some reason I'm scared that admins/mods/janitors would poke around db and connect "anonymous" posts together, and I'd look like a schizo. maybe 4chan people are already doing this for fun, who knows. On the other hoof, since you're the anon who's doing con archives, your chan immediately gains some credibility in my eyes.

I don't know, anon. I wish I wasn't scared of this site for years like I am of /mlpol/ still, but now I think it could be "our official" second home. Thank you for keeping the lights on!
The real reason NHNB doesn't get any posts is purely because it's not /mlp/. It's not about purity spiral, or EQG, or not enough of a purity spiral, or centralization versus decentralization or anything like that, it's just because people want /mlp/.
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Good to have you Anon! I think your analysis is quite spot-on. For me, I'm just happy to have an alternative imageboard to decentralize the horsefucker community, just like it was in the old days. 4chan originally started out as a cluster of interconnected imageboards, and it's good to see us slowly returning to this classic success formula. Anyway, I hope NHNB can keep trucking on and produce art and content for many years to come. It's truly a benefit to the fandom.
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Oh, another thought I had is about the existence of /clop/ board. On /mlp/ you're not really supposed to post NSFW images, so when people do it's a bit funny in itself, that thing where everyone knows anon wasn't supposed to do that but he did and his post will get deleted but you know wink wink. It's a funny behavior that underlines the 18+ aspect of board, in spite of SFW rules that exist here as well. Linking to pony lewds in /trash/ is a rarity, maybe because of distance between those two boards. What I'm wondering about is whether NHNB has/will have a similar "culture", given that a NSFW board is so close to SFW one and is fully for pony. I'm sure those lewdposting anons on /mlp/ are a bit annoying for mods, but there is an unspoken, arguably unique beauty in this behavior, I feel.
Thanks, I was just rambling my thoughts. I'm not an expert in social sciences so I don't know how a decentralization on /mlp/ nowadays would go - posting here just makes sense because the best ponyfags are here, and I don't want to prematurely worry about things that could go wrong with /mlp/ and cause organic migrations to different sites. I'd be sad about losing some of you fags and not finding each other again, under the common nickname of Anonymous.
But I'm really much calmer now that I know there's a future if shit hits the fan.
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I swear they made some of the most beautiful greentexts. The two short stories from the last art pack genuinely made me cry. Every Anon should read them. https://mega.nz/folder/FjcgjKrT#xbgVea84jIIJULQrXqrseQ
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This pony I'm posting now is factually not an exclusively EqG character yet is banned because she makes the owner's feelings hurt
And why should they accept your agenda? What's in it for the horsefuckers?
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>Enter website where EQG is banned
>Complain that you're not allowed to talk about EQG characters
Crazy how they gloat that a website is dead, but still whine that they're not welcome there.
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OP if you really want tourists to give a shit, then give the link out so they can visit.


no wonder why the website is dead retard, tourists might be cancer but that's on you to gatekeep.

I'd like to lurk anyways, but it'd be very cringe if you forced anonymity away.
Whining is the only thing their kind is capable of. This is a huge problem on the board independent of NHNB. I wanted to give him a chance to interact with the horsefucker fandom in a positive way. He probably won't take it, but it was worth a try.
>doesn't like EQG
>wants to talk about ponified EQG
>m-muh positive interaction!!

I think you're the retard here, ponified EQG/furshit is gross. And most OC posting is a cringefest of "who can commission more artwork to get infamy"

wouldn't be surprised if the site owner hated murky or whatever that shitstallion is from fallout equestria, since that's pretty much proving my point of "OC that got a huge amount of art/comms and now is "le cool" because of the art"
the moderators block the link summerfag
Who are you quoting?
Also the site has already been shilled enough in the months after it's release, and unless they're braindead anons can just search the name or look on desuarchive if they want to check it out
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Wait, why exactly is anonymity bad now?

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

Why are there so many posts here that are completely uncharacteristic and diametrically opposed to usual board culture?

What the hell?
He doesn't think anonymity is bad he just formatted the sentence strangely
>but it'd be very cringe if you forced anonymity away.
Yeah but he completely hallucinated every point of his post. He knows the mods purged the link. He knows NHNB is one of the most open platforms, with artists and community members verifiably dropping just one picture or greentext regularly. This is all verifiable fact. Why does he hallucinate all this easily falsifiable bullshit and pretends that it's the truth? Is it about some form of messaging that I'm not online-brained enough to understand?
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The internet is all agenda based now Anon. The insane schizos have to be ignored.
I love that! The Scoot story is so sweet.
Thank you! I was hoping it wasn't just given up on.
>>41214346 no hooves no business
what the wtf

well, that makes sense but I don’t think ((Google)) will bring anything up due to search filtering
I used to draw there but refuse on principle that I can't draw things the board owners diaper doesnt approve of
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Glad to see it back. Many great artists hang out there, so it can't just vanish.
It's not purity spiraling. It's gatekeeping shit put of pony that isn't pony. Unless a genre does gatekeeping, it will just devolve into a confused mess. Of course, that does not mean anything to you. You will call anything purity spiraling that does not allow you to insert some sort of trash idea, like EQG or whatever else, into pony.
It's humans, not pony. It's not even ponies. So, why should it be allowed on a site about cartoon ponies? The answer is that it shouldn't.
>Furry and anthro
It's shit and has no place in pony. It's a separate genre. There are plenty of other places to explore it; in fact there are more places than pony enthusiasts have.
>Diaper, gore, vore, and other weird fetishes
The work of deranged minds that should be kept out. Yes, the fact that we are here on /mlp/ probably means we all have some degree of mental illness, but people who are into this shit are basically beyond the pale.
It's fucking pedophilia that substitutes images of fillies for images of children to avoid prosecution, using the 1st Amendment as a shield and excuse. It's the same game with loli. To the greatest extent possible, such people should be gatekept.
It's low-quality, trash-tier shit. I have no problem with NHNB banning it. Not everything with an MLP logo on it has to be accepted.
>Not pony, it's humans, its not even pony
I'm not even a barbiefag, banning Sunset when she is in pony form torpedo's your entire argument and you should be rightfully mocked and scorned for it.
Yet more hypocritical shit coming out of pony ''''''purists''''' who cry and knash teeth over Milky being banned here when she isn't posted with big crotchboobs then turn around and apply the same tranitor logic to another pony they don't like.
I was following some threads 1-2 years ago. The place was dead, I'm talking months going by without a single post. I don't think more than a few people even know it was down for maintenance.
Yeah. The board stabilized at a couple high quality posts per day, which is the perfect pace.
Holy schizo
No you shouldn't draw eqg you moron
Can you draw it?
Can you post it?
Fuck no
Sunset shimmer isn't a pony because she is aware of humans and according to the rules ponies aren't aware or humans
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Holy SHIT you guys will move MOUNTAINS to push your agenda. NOBODY HERE IS INTERESTED. FUCK OFF.
>According to the discord server rules we aren't allowed this badthink
You have brain worms
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I'm not even from NHNB, but what is this mental illness? Why are you shilling this shit so hard to a crowd that never cared? This is not normal. What exactly is your agenda here?
Lol are all NHNB posters the mareschizos on this board? Way to select for quality content kek
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>It's fucking pedophilia that substitutes images of fillies for images of children to avoid prosecution, using the 1st Amendment as a shield and excuse. It's the same game with loli
Thanks for the input, retard.
>the mareschizos
The absolute best posters on /mlp/
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>muh agenda
>muh agenda
Get a new script
This doesn't work when you guys spew the same shit every time.
Mareschizos create 90% of the worthwhile content on /mlp/.
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>NHNB fags
produce content
>anti-NHNB fags
do not produce content

How is this a contentious topic again?
It would be great if the maximum post size were doubled
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Never again.
>is factually not an exclusively EqG character
If you're talking about the cameo in the finale, you're braindead if you think cameos make characters canon (again, walter white and pickle rick would both be "canon" by that metric).
What content?
>nhnb fags produce conent
good one numretard
They/them doesn't have a source, as per usual.
Are you not allowed to post those background ponies over on NHNB?
Are rick and morty or breaking bad banned on NHNB? No.
It's advanced level mental illness. They have been OBSESSED for over 10 years and have earned nothing but loss after loss.

There's good reason why they're the most hated group on /mlp/ these days.
>wanting to go to a den of /pol/troons
You can post screenshots of Breaking Bad and Rick and Morty?
What loss? EqG ended up flourishing while FiM repeatedly faceplanted. It was the last vestige of "cute girls doing cute things" in MLP.
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I'm glad it is back. It's easy to write on, you don't need to worry excessively about shitposts causing a thread to tank. It won't win any popularity contest but it doesn't need to because it suits it's purpose. It isn't a shitpost site so you just won't get the daily shitposting. That's what here is for.
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>Waaaaahoo!! Surfin saddle!
so you admit it lowers /mlp/'s quality by simply existing.
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>least obvious jakks shill post
>EqG ended up flourishing
>It was the last vestige of "cute girls doing cute things" in MLP.
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It's producing tons of high quality content. That's enough reason for it to exist.
She's in the show
You lost
Yeah okay but she's still banned.
Yeah okay but in the wrong one.
It still seems odd that ponified versions of non-ponies are banned.
No it doesn't.
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>circlejerk bans mares literally in FiM
Beyond pathetic
No, the right one
>literally pony from Equestria
>has hooves
>not allowed
False advertising

Shimhaters are dumber than a sack of hammers.
Cameos still doesn't count.
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Equestria Girls is banned on NHNB. Now tell me, where does Sunset make her debut?
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Yes they do.
It's an MLP character in MLP.
You? Lost.
False premise for your argument. She's more of MLP than EqG; both the show and comics.
You? Lost.
Still? Coping.
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>Makes her debut in EQG
>99.99% of her screentime is in EQG
>"Shows up" in a background image. (She wasn't actually there.)
She's still banned, keep coping.
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>Responding to obvious bait
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I'm curious to see what kind of mental gymnastics he'll pull off next.
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Hey, I just like arguing, don't judge me.
Tell me again about the agenda
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She's in FiM.
00.01% does not equal 0%.
You? Fucking lose
>Woah, I'm triggered and ban mares just like Scruffy so heckin BAZED amirite???
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She's still banned at the end of the day.
You can talk about other ponies since you seem so desperate to post there. Might I recommend Rainbow Dash? You might benefit from discussing a mare with triple your I.Q.
She's in eqg.
99.98% is more than enough to ban her.
You? Trying to act smug yet look retarded as fuck.
>Who are you even quoting???
Mane six is in eqg too, and yet
Cameos still don't count :^)
Guess I'll start a pickle rick general then, since 00.01% does not equal 0%
I guess you can talk about ponified pickle Rick because Rick and Morty cartoon is not explicitly banned.
Who is the smuggest pony of all?
poochie doesn't count
And OCs do?
Yes, because they aren't banned.
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No contest
So that's where strawberries come from...
Couldn't you have said it right away? These 'just a cameo', 'barbie' gymnastics just were not necessary, were they? Someone just don't like these characters, and that's all.
Yes, someone does indeed not like eqg characters. That's why they are banned.
Sunset is a FiM character
It's a fact, quit your coping. You lost after years of spamming about how she'd never show up.
>it's eqg so it's banned
>neglects to mention you can post the Dazzlings
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You're still brown and will never be woman at the end of the day, too, just throwing that out there.
Nope. You already got a reason why, even more than one.
You can? Okay, I didn't know that. May I see proofs?
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>Has no arguments
>Resorts to baseless ad hominem buzzwords
Shimmerfags not sending their best today.
Here >>41220143 you can see a true face of eqg posters. Wonder why no one likes them.
>Sunset SHITmer
>nhnb thread
>immediately devolves into a shimmernigger argument
>the same argument that has been had in every previous nhnb thread, with the exact same points being brought up, over and over again in a circle
I love actually discussing the fucking topic of the thread rather than regurgitating the exact same arguments like a 2010 tier chatbot
>discussing the fucking topic of the thread
What is there to discuss? Nhnb is live again, yay. That's it?
If there's nothing to discuss, yeah, why not? Not every thread needs to go to bump limit.
>why not
Because some faggots want to shitpost about shitmer.
It's just tiring that this is always the case in nhnb threads. It achieves nothing whatsoever, it is uninteresting to read, and it is basically approaching spam that is completely irrelevant to the topic at hoof.
Make a "shimmer is/isn't canon" thread if you really wanna debate that.

If you wanna try changing nhnb policy, go argue in their /qa/. If you hate nhnb because of it, don't post there. If you want to change anon's minds on nhnb, maybe do something other than repeat the exact same sequence of arguments posted in every other nhnb thread to date, because by this point literally everyone who comes into these threads has 100% made up their mind on the issue so re-arguing the same point yet again and again achieves NOTHING.
Heh, dubs. Anyway, tl;dr.
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can i post a video with sounds like /pone/?
Seriously? That was just a brief cameo in a flashback.
I dunno about NHNB but technically that's not a cameo, that was an actual plot-relevant appearance
It made the same mistake as so many 4chan alternatives have in the recent years: Making a 4chan alternative that's even more restrictive than 4chan. The alts that worked, even for a short period of time, were ones that gave more freedom and features than 4chan. One was so successful its name is spamfiltered to this day.
It's not an alternative for 4chan as a whole though.
And its rules are identical to /mlp/ board rules with only addition of banning discord and eqg.
> identical to /mlp/ board rules
Overly strict, with even more restrictions tacked on in case the scruffening wasn't enough.
I don't like the guy, but this seems like overkill.
You know damn well it's not Discord the character that is banned, anon
What are not overly strict rules for you?
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Yeesh. I thought nhnb was simply no humies, I didn't know it was manebooru's board.
>No G5
G1-G3 are also banned for consistency right?
You can always ask in their /qa/. The board's owner usually answers the questions there.
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It happens every fucking time. I'm getting so fucking tired of the drama that follows eqg trannies EVERYWHERE. Why are they constantly involved in the most annoying shitflinging whenever they show up?
Just be glad that there is such a large demand for an alternative to /mlp/.
Some people are just inherently evil. You have to decide for yourself whether or not you want them in your home.
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Why do you think the board likes having alternatives?
>make a gay circlejerk
>your gay circlejerk is insulted for being gay and a circlejerk
Not hard to understand, hoofcuck
They’re all third-world, subhuman /qa/ tier shitposters. Banning them or containing barbietranny nonsense to one general would have worked and still could.
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>The Pinkie thread I posted is still there
You will never cry us away
Keep being triggered, troonoid furry; /mlp/ will eternally be the domain of the pinnacles of masculinity and coolness: the EqGODS of LEGEND
how do I mak Fluttershy tulpa.
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Peak irony is that they banned themselves from Equestria.
anon you dummy, the tulpa thread on NHNB
Oh Ok.
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I love that thread!
>Banning them or containing barbietranny nonsense to one general would have worked and still could.
I absolutely agree.
Nice sage
Too bad I'm calling you a fag
>Too bad I'm calling you a fag
Too bad for you I don't care what you think. Seethe and mald.
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FINALLY nhnb is back. Best board of all time.
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I really missed it. Some great content came out of it in the past.
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Nothing that people who refused to go to greener pastures when they existed would understand.
So green that the place was already dead before the site got fucked over
You have nobody but yourself to blame. Freedom scared you. Not being downtrodden and treated like slaves scared you.
You faggots may have had a point but then you whine about fetishes you don't like. If foalcon and guro are bad, then it stands to reason (if you were logically consistent) that zoophilia (clop) would be banned too, unless you are so delusional as to actually assert it isn't mental illness to fap to horses, you fucking failed normalfag hypocrites.
Fellow pro/pone/nt. What have we lost? Daily reminder that the site died in 2016, not 2019. ;_;
Right, preaching to the choir here mate. I actually liked the place a fair bit—It was all the elitist retards wanking themselves off about the good old days that was the annoying part. It doesn't matter how 'free' a place is if there's no one to be free with.
There is nothing wrong with elitism, but 8cock post-2015 had a tendency for blind circlejerking, mostly because retarded normal-tier faggots from here and reddit were becoming too numerous. Moreover, the structure of the site allowed for mob-ism and demagogue-ism to flourish.
I knew a /pone/ group for a few years, they dropped pony like a hot potato and moved on to "haha cunny loli ironic pedophilia" weebshit. Coinpo is still cool though, he still shoots the shit but I saw him pop up drawing ponies like a month ago.
Cope: The post.
A Ponk thread is always welcome. Usually, they are very comfy.
>Claims to be an /mlp/ alternative
>Doesn't have the same rules as /mlp/
Simple as. It's about as related to /mlp/ as G5 is to G4. Which is to say, tangentially at best and lacks any of the soul of the original. I'm glad it exists, though. The LARPers can go there, the genuine crusty oldfags can go to the real alternative. I hope we never need it, but if we do, I look forward to seeing all 4 of you there.
>my secret club is even MORE secret and dead than yours!
Is he brown? The pony to loli pipeline seems to be common among thirdies.
They were quite an international group, but out of like 20 of them maybe 3 had colored skin. Coinpo himself is norwegian to the bone.
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what about 𝟪chan.se/mlp/ ??
I had to leave that page back when it got spammed with cp. I don't have the stomach for it.
They always liked anime and loli, faggot. Most of 4chan did before it got flooded with redditors.They didn't drop pony any more than people here have, e.g. "season 8 and 9 are shit and g5 is fucking awful, fuck this I'mma leave with my memories intact".
That 8ch is a shithole run by fbi informant acidman of gaymergate infamy. The site added a bunch of 4chan bullshit rules that the real 8ch never had, and the only board with measurable activity is a former bunker for a now-dead brazillian imageboard. It's such a corpse they gave up on keeping a twitter account around to provide site news.
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There's a difference between "liking anime and loli" and talking shit about ponies while constantly only talking about anime and loli for years straight.
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>banned from a dead group of balding fat faggots
You post this, and yet every single NHNB thread the sunsetshitters all converge to air their grievances about the grave injustice committed against them
>Bumped the thread from page10 with more activity than his dead circlejerk
Holy pathetic.
Most of them comes from latin america, if not latino blood.
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there are more posts here then probably a year of activity on your dead faggot circle jerk. thats not opinion thats fact. you hate the shimmerfags, yet here you are posting here. instead of said circle jerk. go back.
Damn, I'm sick and tired of all this drama surrounding Sunset. If a person wants Sunset, they should post where it is allowed. They shouldn't reeeee about not being able to post where it isn't. It's really not that hard. That being said, pony version of Sunset: acceptable. EqG version of Sunset: unacceptable and a shit.
I don't even post on nhnb, I just come here to laugh at sunsetniggers
You behave as if one is inherently superior to the other. That is in the eye of the beholder. It's possible to like both places for different reasons, you know. I like /mlp/ because it has lots of active threads. I hate /mlp/ because it allows all kinds of shit I don't like, and which is not pony. I like NHNB because it is much more comfy and pony than /mlp/, but I dislike how slow it is. I also like NHNB because spiteful people like you don't like going there. That does not stop me from frequenting both sites, treating each like a buffet from which I take what I like and leave what I don't. Popularity does not make a thing inherently better. If that were true, we would have to, for example, conclude that shit pop and rap music are superior to every other kind of music. We'd also have to conclude that pony is shit because it is nowhere near as popular as current thing.
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The benefits you describe, with the exception of existing to spite the nohooves, are rather pointless when you're willing to come here to put up with the things you hate in order to benefit from more activity anyway. I'd take your smug buffet simile and redescribe it as a junkie needing his fix because his preferred supplier doesn't have enough pony drug.
>talking shit about g% and how g4 got fucked post-eqg
So, just like here, except they're focusing more on things they do like than on posting the 848,526,519th thread about how "actually nothing past ticket master is canon, and nothing before ticket master is canon either".
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It will forever be funny to watch gatekept subhumans seethe.
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jesus you sound like a 40 year old fucking child molester with all the faggot buzzwords you use. no one cares what you think is pony or not.
Name them. I don't think you know what a buzzword is.
>40yo child molester
I'm the opposite. If I could get away with it, I would gleefully slit the throats of child molesters and make paintings with their blood. They are what I hate most in the entire universe. I have very good cause to hate them, if you catch my meaning.
>Nobody cares what you think
Nobody cares what you think either, Anon. We're both just screaming into the void and neither one of us will ever accept the arguments of the other. If you don't like that I like to go to a website that bans the stuff that bothers me, you can sit, spin, and seethe more.
shit pop, current thing. both reak of fag speak. an no one cares you got raped you edgey fuck. get over it. maybe if you werent such a faggot they wouldnt have treated you like one whore. and the difference is, i dont go to your gay little site, bitching about it.
>>41229447 #
>...all the faggot buzzwords...
You managed to identify two commonly used terms. Congratulations. You have verified that you are a retard. As for your other screeching, it is nothing more than uncontrolled emotional diarrhea. Therefore, no u.
Thanks for making the site, I liked coming back to it every week to read the comfy threads
pony will always be better than non pony
Wait, there are people who use that board? Why? It seems like the only thing it's good for is archiving stuff.
You're not fitting in.
>muh foalcon
>I can't discern reality from fiction
I think people like you should be gatekept before anyone else, even the barbiest of barbiefags and whatever /ptfg/ people are.
>muh G5
Is actually pony and /mlp/ related to boot. Also has cute mares. Shame about the show proper, though...
Just limit it to ponified EQG and mare!Sunset, simple as.
>everything else
Actually fair point, but can you define what "weird fetish" is? Is loving mares a weird fetish?
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>Wait, there are people who use that board?
Apparently not.
yes its common with a certain type of people. all of whom are retarded
>only what I like counts as pony, all the ponies I don't are non-pony
These purity spiralers are generally to be ignored. all they did was post in a circlejerk about how le back they were and then all activity died again which is why they are desperate to keep it bumped to get more eyes on their wasteland.

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