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Gonna try and get an MLP version of Space Station 13 going.

What is SS13?
"Extremely niche, extremely autistic" is the best tagline for it.

A more thoughtful review.

The Big Vision:
>Cartoon violence without perma-death
>Lots of pie throwing and slipping
>Ponyville gaming, town life in a village full of mares
>Growing wheat and crops, farming animals, to make cakes and pies (and cider)
>Mischief with magical objects
>Magical research and alchemy to replace xeno, chemistry, etc
>Build your own house out of sticks, mud and hay
>'Roles' are 'jobs': baker, carpenter, rancher, explorer, alchemist, and more
>Antagonists could be changelings, Discord making disharmonious ponies, a cutie mark thief, etc
>Relaxed roleplay, with varied modes intended to make storylines similar to the show

What Is Needed:
>Pick a codebase best suited for this project
>Integrate the icons already existing in Poopsikins's repo
>Design a small map that does not rely on atmospheric code

Could ponies save SS14?
>atmos sim without the atmos
call me when I can load the party cannon with a maxcap
If you want to make something this radically different, why even base it on spess? When it comes to game engines, Byond's barely above Scratch.
i just don't want to deal with fire-spread and shit like that on a planetary type server

because I know and am familiar with spess and its capabilities, and i've had hours and hours and hours of fun on spess based projects. it's got a lot of good bones in there.
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Will it have an option in character customization to decide if wherther or not you have a gelded or an ungelded scrotum? i would like to have this their in character customization to decide as to wherther or not my characters scrotum has testicles or is gelded, just for character and RP flavor.
i'm gonna want it to be basically as close to FIM season 1-3 so no
Will you be regularly posting updates on progress on /mlp/ or only on your trooncord? I am legitimately interested but that platform is a major turn off.
Isn't part of the appeal of ss13 all the fucked up things you can do to people? Like drugging them and stealing their organs or something. I feel like just cartoon violence might be a bit limiting.
Yes I'll post about it on here

There's different things for different people. If everybody wants to splat ponies into rainbow colored gore I'll consider that too, I just think for an MLP show based server gore has no place
Oh shit , about time someone attempted this !
Closest thing I remember in this game that was mlp related was when Paradise some event that spawned G4 ponies who were dragging crew members to sacrifice or ponify them.
Well gore and cuteness dont necessarily have to be opposites.
>planetary type server
The map would be that big?
If you have more information about when/where that would be good but I'm betting they were admin spawned icons similar to what we have

It's true I guess but muh show accuracy

To start with just a village but yeah, everfree forest and other locations would be good to add later
That was a long time ago, like 5 to 6 years or more. And I wouldnt be a 100% sure it was Paradise, but it definitely wasnt Goon.

>I'm betting they were admin spawned icons similar to what we have
They probably were, it felt like a side event that just popped out of nowhere, but I dont know if they used the same icons you have. Like I mentioned, I saw it a long time ago.

>show accuracy
Well if you can find a way to still keep the chaotic charm of the spess game then that would sound cool to play.
Have a bump
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The show has bodily mutilation. Unless you're going for some /kinder/ shit, there's no good reason to gimp medical like that.
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You have my interest
>chaotic charm of the spess game
Ideally yeah

The show has disabilities shown but I don't think any pony gets their leg ripped off on screen
From a technical standpoint as well, piecing the pony sprite down into limbs that can be removed will be more difficult, this is something we'd need a coder/spriter to work on together. So at the start just not having de-limbing and splats would be best for what we have currently available to us.
Again I'm open to it if more people want it than don't, but it would take work to implement in that way.

>In general, we need to have someone who understands the code and the differences between the codebases better than I do, before I can make a confident statement about what would be best. But to start with what I'm probably going to do is look at the Nebula base and see if I can use machine learning tools to help me add in the pony icons and disable all nohooves content.
>The very first step is looking at the character creator and making a pony species, having the icons for it in the codebase, and disabling all other species.
>Unless somepony else has an idea about coding and putting the icons/sprites into the character creator of course, this is just my smoothbrained idea
>But just that first step would make "ponies in space" real for anyone else to fork off of and make their own thing independent of what I want too
>use machine learning tools to help me add in the pony icons and disable all nohooves content.
How would that work ?
There were attempts at pone ss13, check archive.
Not sure, I'm going to explore the idea though.

I know, poopsikins's repo
So I'll give my thoughts and try to withhold any feasibility opinions for now.

There was actually a /tg/ based server this year that did a full pony species as an april fools joke, worth looking into that and possibly use them as a base.
You'll probably want to use a /tg/ base anyway just because of the huge amount of support that exists for it in general.

The more modular you make sprites (limbs/clothes/items/etc), the faster development can be.

Disabling other species is very easy, it's a config option that can be toggled.
right now i think there are these codebases to consider
ss14 would be an interesting one. haven't played much of it, but seems to run very smoothly. very modern. might help get a lot of newfags in, especially since it's on steam i believe
I havent played it, but I keep reading horror stories about how their hub blacklists servers that get too toxic.
the hub can do whatever it wants. this will be a game for horsefuckers, we're not necessarily targetting randos. you can join via direct ip. besides, i trust in ponyville we'll all be acting in accordance to the values of Friendship anyway
So far we have poopsikins's repo which has some character icons and then there's a link in the github that points to some customizable pony icons
I just don't know anything about coding

too new, as far as I am aware it's not feature complete
a classic
probably going to use this one
has its own problems but is also a strong contender

Yeah the instant ss14 came up there was some retard drama and slapfighting, it's kind of inherent to the system

Let me just say here and now I am going to expect everyone to obey the values of friendship, the rules are don't fuck it up for everyone else basically. It will be a direct IP join system.
/tg/ a shit
/vg/ or no dice
>too new
how long will this be spewed around?
there are more options now

i have this opinion because last time i tried it, there was no ghost ears toggle
as in, as a ghost you heard and saw literally everything going on at all times
on normal ss13 this function is pretty basic
this is why I think ss14 isn't done in the oven yet
Wasnt there a town server that tried this approach ?
I'd watched the Sseth video and determined it to be too complex for my small brain. Maybe if the UI didn't look like an excel spreadsheet.
What does gelding or lack thereof have to do with any respective season of FIM?
Its not that hard to get into if you use the hotkey mode.
ponies are smooth like barbie dolls
dude trust me its more retard friendly than it looks
Probably, there have been many servers with a similar idea: live in a town and just chill
However a specifically Ponyville server is to my knowledge a unique idea

It does sort of require you to be autistic to enjoy it
The main commands are walking around with WASD or arrow keys, and then using Say commands to talk, and then clicking on stuff in the viewport to interact with them. It's pretty easy when you get the hang of it but there is a slight skill cliff to overcome.

ponies don't have balls, nuts, cocks, vagingers, or buttholes in the show so we're gonna go with a no on all those on the server too

i used to use my numpad to walk around and then my letter keys to type commands, it made my WPM godly

i wouldn't say it's precisely tard friendly, but it's not the most difficult in the world either
>Maybe if the UI didn't look like an excel spreadsheet
But those kinds of games are the best.
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>jewtuber tide vids in the OP
Ever played Civ13 ?
Feels like it could be a good framework for a changeling war event.
>Ideally yeah
Then it might need more events for that.
give me a better introductory video for newfriends who haven't played then

I didn't play it but I heard a lot about it

I just spitballed a couple of antag modes cribbing ideas from the show, I'm open to hearing any and all ideas
We were also recommended that last time around, and from what I saw, that was likely a much better idea than a half-assed /vg/ fork when it came to supporting non-human species (adding the sprites only took me a few days since the base design sprite already existed on a booru, but it's really just a resprited human with some rendering spaghetti code under the hood).
I'd still recommend giving ss14 a try just to see what it has now, but it ultimately comes down to whether you're willing to pull mostly off-board coders since most here still play on BYOND servers. C# is its own beast, so you lose out on easily pulling contributors from other servers. However, the upside is that with the rewrite having modularity in mind, it may be easier to implement the changes you have in mind.
The only other thing I'd like to know is just how active you think this'll be. The previous server didn't last too long, and I never got to play on it, but from what I heard it was pretty chill. Perhaps the town focus may make it competitive with the other pony-related hangout options.
off boarders are stinky
I've been hearing about Nebula since it was conceptualized and I'm happy to see there's a full stable release out for it, so it's my most likely contender right now
We've got sprites from Poopsikins's repo, both the character sprites and the recolorable ponies from some russki pony server long ago
ss14 seems cool, but in my opinion it needs some more time baking in the oven before it's ready to be taken to the next level and reskinned into a different game

that said we don't have a coder and so I'm going to be looking into trying to use machine learning tools to get what i want done at first. that's going to look like me asking claude aws if it can do byond code and if it can, using it to insert the spirtes and make the modifications I want. and if it can't i'm cucked and i need a human to help me

as for activity that's not something I can really predict, but I plan to have it off hub, direct IP connect. i'm thinking of having scheduled game times like a D&D group does, like saturday evenings USA west time, or any other time that works for a majority of players.

always open to more ideas of course
>off boarders are stinky
>shills offboarder piscorp
uh huh.
dicksword is what's used to organize ss13 projects
this is what peak chat program performance looks like, you may not like it but it's true
lol, lmao
what would xeno be ? just making animals fuck? o_o
Fluttershy simulator
Researching monsters from exerfree? Duno.
Its hard to find that many places to do stuff in ponyville

Maybe if everfree as perilous as lavaland it could make this fun.
Wild beasts that could kill, maim or petrify you. Dangerous hidden places where sealed beings could pop up from. Wild zebra tribe spawns kind of like the ashlanders.

Although all of this sounds like it would fit much better in the Badlands setting.
Im more worried about anatomy and differentiating of pone races.
Not to throw your idea away OP, but wouldnt it be good start to at least build a playerbase with a simple pony spess server ?
At least to help develop a mlp ss13 community in the meantime.
Bump to see if anything gets done
It wouldnt hurt for someone to use an existing repo just to get a spess game going on for the weekend.
should atleast get a pony species working i reckon?
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>using windows
This. Byond is a dogshit engine because it absolutely DEMANDS you have Internet Explorer on your system, following in W98's footsteps of making everything depend on M$'s shitty browser.
Maybe there would be monsters to capture and study like in the Everfree Forest when we get that far, yeah

Yeah this is basically the concept, Everfree would be the extra dangerous place to go explore, get rare materials, and have an Ursa Minor comically flatten you

Yeah that's pretty much the idea. We're going to do this in stages.
Stage 1 is take the Nebula code and put ponies into it, and publish that
Stage 2 is to get a planetary style map made with Ponyville-like assets
Stage 3 is to expand the map with more locations, like Everfree forest
I just need a coder to help me because my brain is very smooth

This is what we have to work with so far, if anyone wants to just download this and host it I won't be mad at them for "stealing my idea"

I don't care enough about this as an issue to make a difference, sorry linuxchads
you can get ss13 running on linux, actually
with broken features, or using a VM, neither of which are practical.
so would you prefer SS14 as it has linux support?
considering how much OP plans to change, might as well start from something closer to a blank slate.
Looking into Nebula it has a lot of good bones. It has a quadrupedal player character already programmed in called a "drake" so we just need to reskin that into a pony essentially, which cuts out a lot of the hard work. I just need help making it into a pony with the sprites we have and integrating it into the code, and then we have "ponies in space" as a basic starting point, which I would publish freely for anyone to tinker with as well.

I'm about 80% sure I'm not gonna use ss14 because it's not done cooking yet, feel free to provide evidence as to why I'm dumb and stupid of course but I just have more experience with 13 in general
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considering how shit and furry infested ss13 is, no.
unless you gatekeep hard like hippiestation did, otherwise I'm sick of a "NO FUN ALLOWED" station where you can't even cause chaos on evac and it has to "be le round end" before you can do anything fun, that and no methamphetamine or beecode
I know ss14 evokes many negative emotions in ss13 players but it's de facto the future
>better graphics, animations and fluidity
Important to net in new players
>Linux support
Not to be underestimated just because most PC users are windows users. SS13/14 is a niche game which attracts niche players
I'd wager the average linux user is much more likely than the average windows user to play a convoluted roleplay game
Also they are - again just as a tendency - more likely to have coding knowledge and could contribute to the game's developments which brings to
>better engine, more stable connection
Does that really need explanation? This damn game runs on internet explorer FFS
The actual only thing that gives SS13 an undeniable edge is the vast amount of content SS14 doesn't have. But if the game grows at its steady pace that will resolve within a few years
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when will the server be up?
im so sick of every other fucking server on ss13 because of the shit jannies, the self-hating and infighting community, and the shit rules that allow you to have zero fun and instead do your job 24/7 if you chose a position
Didnt the creator modify the engine to use chrome a long time ago ?
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>he modified it to use le shittier browser
chrome is dogshit, even worse than internet explorer, why the fuck would he do that?
I think it was because internet explorer was going to lose support from microsoft around that time.
Ah, pony skyrat.
Yeah and it can be the future, over there, while I'm playing ss13 today

As soon as I get a coder to help my smooth-ass brain put the sprites in, and then host it

I never did play skyrat but I heard it was decent
Well ponuts are canonical so will they be in the game ?
Why does every LRP server ends up shifting towards a "no fun allowed" MRP ?
Do you already have a github repo or something set up?
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you are the embodiment of cancer
I hope you will never succeed
counterpoint those are people not ponies
>off boarders are stinky
>I never did play skyrat but I heard it was decent
because some griefer makes 5 TTV bombs and maxcaps atmospherics or something along those lines
and the only way to "le deal with le heckin griefers" is to punish your playerbase instead

throwing people into disposals loop was a funny ass youtube video though, from that hippie admiral guy. I think his videos got nuked though
ss13 died when admiral hippies channel on youtube got nuked and we lost classics like badmin.mp4
I thought the story was that he had some meltdown and decided to delete it all.
What if instead of Ponyville it was a colonizing expedition sent by Equestria to establish a town at the badlands ?
It would have citizens, guards, a high staff with a colonial governor who answers directly to the Equestrian government (Centcomm), and of course changelings sent by Chrysalis to sabotage the place.
no they're not

this happens when:
admin vision > player fun
I want to do:
admin vision < player fun
so if my ideas are retarded they should be changed with better ones

Right now we're reviewing nebula code and looking for a coder, so, not yet
But that is something I'm capable of handling when we actually have something to show, aka make progress on swapping drakes into ponies on the Nebula codebase

I did hear it was decent though. I played on other ss13 servers while they were working on it and from the people who played on it who it was made for, they liked it. So okay, good for them. If the code was solid I can only compliment their hard work.

rest in peace hippie

It's an option for the future
>so if my ideas are retarded
They are not retarded they just seem lackluster, at least for the setting you want to go for.

But on another note, we could use someone to at least host a game with the old code, just so this thread has something going on for it besides a circlejerk of "ideas" people.
>But on another note, we could use someone to at least host a game with the old code

as long as you won't ban faggots just because they "le heckin ban evaded" or have a bunch of bans, then sure.
I need that sprite of Trixie. She a qt.
Ok guys enough chatting more doing ! U guys need a doer not a talker even if they r retarded . By tomorrow i swear 2 celestia i will have CUSTOMISABLE pony
I dont fucking get it
Lost your steam ?
No that was a different dashie anonim still working on it tongue kisses you
I'm open to any ideas but I feel like a ponyville server would have wide appeal to horsefuckers

Feel free to do whatever you want whenever you want

Aren't they just so cute??

I do need a doer, kisses you on the mouth

I think the russki assets that are linked on the poopsikins's repo are customizable, I want to add both canon pones and custom pones into the game

Step 1 is getting into the nebula codebase and replacing the drake with pones so if anyone at all can do that we have ponies in space ready to go
Sorry anon im evil and fucked up and they convinced me to do SS14 not SS13 its just confusing because sometimes left is right and right is left for the sprite splicing but im figuring itout
As someone who's played ss13 since 2014 I'm genuinely surprised by this. Never thought this would be a combination
>closed access game where they’ll just transfer over bans regardless of server and it’s run by retarded jannies with full control

>versus something actually open source and able to host your own server with, where bans don’t transfer.

great choice anon, I really hope you know how retarded you are.>>41233552
Imgoing to be hones tI have no idea what the fuck ur talking about im not r/intheloop as they say in the states . I thought bans are only for their official servers not for our hypothetical one ? How is ss14 not open source ?
Nigger you have to be whitelisted to join ss14 right now, and they probably don’t even let other people host servers. Check fucking steam for christs sake.
I think thts just steam access ? https://spacestation14.com/about/nightlies/ I can get their game just fine here and I downloaded from their github and am fucking with the files right now and I hosted a test server and messed about a tiny bit without steam access
Doesnt your server need to get whitelisted to show up on the hub ? I think thats what he meant with the closed access issue.
Hmm valid complaint. But who cares if it gets whitelisted or not this is for us not for randoms ; besides hub on byond is insecure anyway (I think Im just parroting what I've been hearing either way my point stands)
The ban thing is still something worth verifying.
Can u go on a server and yell nigger or something and thjen we can test
It would be less risky to just ask about it on reddit or on the ss13 general.
>yell nigger
>not reading 'Woody got wood'
at least try
Oh and its not related to the bans , but I've seen anons sharing stories about abuses from the ss14 staff
Bump Im nearly done guys!!!
What are you doing exactly ? A sprite model for the player to customize ?
Yes kisses you
Sweet ! After that all that is left is to find out how to switch the sprites right ? I mean at least to have a functioning reskin of a game for us to play on.
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Yes however the console is saying a lot of shitso I will have 2 figure it out give me a moment !
Great idea. Good to know my girl Vinyl is here.
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I fucking did it(Ihope) . All I have to do now is just add some manes and tails I think, test around a little , get someone smart to do the hosting stuff for me maybe and we might be set . Oh and maybe draw some cutie marks
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Wait upploaded rainbow dash instead of ther ight pic
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Sside profiles and after this ill show u guys the template i got this from incase u guys want to help draw stuff
Fuck yeah !

>draw some cutie marks
How much detail can it have with the game's pixel resolution, not to mention with that small amount of rump ?
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Here is where i found the template
Aanyway each pony is 32x32 and if u want to add a mane/tail/cutie mark it must be a 64x64 image (to be divided into four 32x32 sections, one for each direction; up, down, right, left)
Picrel for example, each little background box is 32x32 in size
This is a semi popular character template so ill assume the mane 6 styles are probably done and I can eventually rip them off the internet somewhere or from a ss13 pony codebase
So yeah if u wish to draw a mane/tail/cutie mark dont include the base just draw it on its own in the right directions in the right spots
Very little ! Pony rump is like 6x6 TOPS. You would have to get very creative. Im assuming itll just be cute little smidgens that occasionally look like an actual icon and then u can shift+click/whatever them for a more elaborate description of their cutie mark
>ss14: tranny janny hell breathing down your neck constantly because they cannot BEAR having something not under their control, hubbed or not
>nebula: bayfork hell, BYOND hell
going to throw my vote behind the latter, exclusively because ss14 is turboshit- simplified like TG on fucking steroids and even more unpolished.
i don't think they even have surgery yet (for four fucking YEARS)
oh, did i mention the literal fucking cabal of literal tranny jannies?
it takes one pixel of adjustment to make it 3x3, but then you must either move the hindlegs back with it and slightly stretch the body, or deal with coomers.
these days merely yelling about afro-americans (or lizard-nanotransens) is instant obliteration
>oh, did i mention the literal fucking cabal of literal tranny jannies?
I have bad news for you about the latter Anon..
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Do what you gotta, soldier

I'm surprised no one's done it yet, I think Ponyville is a great setting for shenanigans

Yeah ss14 has its problems just like ss13 does, I will not upping to either hub in any case because the hub has AIDS and many banned shitters just go onto new hubbed servers to fuck them up for fun

This is so fucking homosexual and the primary reason I left spess. faggotry of this order

Looks good babe!
this links a fucking ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY NINE PAGE pdf slide show

THIS is what people mean when they say spess is exclusively for autists.
There's fucking GRAPHS
Sorry everypony I was masturbating instead of working i got some manes and stuff in ! Will also have to figure out clothes and maybe miscellaneous stuff llike horsesheos or making it so that ponies get sick if they eat meat and removing the other species
>or making it so that ponies get sick if they eat meat
oh boy is it time to get horses_eating_baby_chicks.webm again
Hmm good point . Perhaps sick spiritually or they just dont get as much out of it . It just doesn't fit in my mind to have ponies eating meat but maybe better to just let people do whatever and most people will gravitate towards not eating meat because of feelings
It's easier to not implement mechanically at all, is my main point.
Get the framework and mares working, then you can start adding on fluff extras like that.
keep shit in scope. please. it's the only way you're gonna manage this.
Oh i get it . Makes sense thanks for the advice anon !
the side point of chicken eating is, however, relevant once (if) you get there
Hmm now i have to figure out how to do subspecies (unicorns and pegasi - atleast want the visuals dont really need mechanics right now) and the layering stuff that would probably encompass . . .
Also i will not be adding applejacks mane as i would have to find a sprite of her without her hat on and i do not feel like drawing it myself right now . I must also learn what a github is
>I must also learn what a github is
You were doing all this without using that ?
Its a place where you can store a copy of your code so that it can be reviewed, retrieved and changed remotely.

Do you at least know how to use git ?
Oh i see now this actually seems useful . Ill make one in a bit
alright here's your quick two-minute guide to using git in the most basic possible way:
We will assume you're using the command line but the concepts will be the same if you can find the relevant buttons in your gui.

Get git.
Windows: You'll want "Git for Windows"
Linux: Find it in your package manager.
Mac: i dont know

Navigate to the directory that contains your project and open a terminal there (right click and select git bash if youre using git for windows) and use these commands
>git init
This will create a folder called .git in your project directory. This is your "repository" and it's the only thing that you must make sure to preserve at all cost.
>git config user.name <anything>
This sets the name that appears next to commit messages. It can be anything. It does not have to be a real name.
>git config user.email <anything>
Ditto for the "email address." Again, this doesn't necessarily need to even resemble an email address.
>git add -A
This adds specified files to a staging area to be committed. The -A means 'everything.' If you just created the repo that will mean the entire project. Ignore warnings about "LF" or "CRLF" because they're usually not relevant.
>git commit -m '<describe your changes here>'
This adds all of your changes to the repository as a snapshot or 'commit.' The -m means 'the following as the commit message.' Make sure to wrap your commit message in single quotes 'like so' if it contains spaces. If you omit the -m you will be sent directly to vim at which point only god can help you. Type :q! and hit enter

Every time you make a significant change, run the git add -A and git commit -m 'message' commands again. Doing this will ensure that your changes will be safe and you can reap the rest of the benefits of using git in the future. Git intentionally makes it very hard to lose data as long as you keep the .git folder intact. Don't worry about wasted space either, git will handle that for you automatically.
One last caution: Be careful what you add to the repository. Git makes it very difficult to accidentally lose data. It also makes it difficult to purposefully lose data. It's still possible to completely remove objects from your repository, but it will likely be a tedious process and anyone you're collaborating with will be annoyed at you because they now need to pull a whole new copy of the repository and adjust their in-progress changes to fit it.
Why are ponyfags so god damn awful at game design and the technical side od it as well? For such a creative fandom you faggots get beaten by a 6 year old at creativity. Your ideas are so fucking generic despite yelling about "muh adult appeal in a littlr girls franchise"
>What's Twilight favourite objects? books!
Predictions n prophecies you filthy apes. The book is just a medium at best.
Twilight's favourite thing is magic, not books you abysmal idiots including the Mane6 team that gave her a book to cast her spells through.
Might be easier if he just used a git plugin in whatever IDE he's using. Although he would have to remember to either use that or the console, using both of them always leads to unwarranted messes.
No one with really outlandish ideas has the guts to suggest them.
Mostly I wanted to show that basic usage of git is actually very simple. You just make changes, add files, and commit. I've seen too many people who could have made great use of git say it's too complicated for them.
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Thanks ! Sorry i got distracted making a random namelist . 1000 potential random names now because i liked writing them down
Ok !
I never tried looking for a git plugin to this one. Ive seen some people recommending tortoise git, which wouldnt be a plugin but an external program.

But this would just be something to give you an easy access to options for git add, status, commit and such. If you would rather stick to a console to not have more programs taking up your screen thats your call.
Does this just add git commands to your context menu? That's pretty cool. The only git interface I've ever used other than the terminal is the gui that comes with Git for Windows and it was kinda doodoo. Would have been nice to know about this when I used Windows.
Thats what it does ? I was thinking it opened a window with button commands and a view for diffs and graph trees. Kinda like the VS code extension.

This is might overcomplicate things a lot more than just using a console to git add, commit and push.
Well I found the screenshots. It looks like you start at the context menu and open dialogs from there. https://tortoisegit.org/about/screenshots/
Hes not going to 90% of the options this thing bombards you with. Might as well stick to the console to do the basics.
>not going to use 90% of the options
Can I get another dicksword code
My ideas are based on the pony show we both like anon
Do feel free to suggest things you would like better

homie at least you are making progress but i gotta say you're doing it in a weird order
if you added ponies and manes and tails and learned how to use github please upload your project so we can look at it and someone can potentially test it
you should also learn how to localhost so you can personally test your changes to make sure they're working

For reference to anyone interested as well

The poopsikins repo

A /tg/ pull that has ponies

A russian github that has customizable ponies allegedly

And this is Nebula
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>please upload your project
Ok sure i just want to iron out the issues first OK!!! I tested it on localhost server already works cool . Do u think i should add fillies and colts ? Id do it after the github thing dont worry..
Sorry for masturbating again it brings me a lot of sexual pleasure !
>do you think i should add fillies and colts
>sorry i jacked off
you concern me, retardedly-speaking dashfag
coomer dash
How's this gonna work? You pick a job and the game assigns you an appropriate poner?

>Captain = Celestia
>Head of Science = Twilight
>Clown = Derpy
>Assistants = Anonfillies
>Syndicate = Changelings

etc etc
Not OP, but the more I think of it, tte more I come to realize that setting being explicitly Ponyville is limiting.
I think >>41231656 got the right idea.
Hell, 'outpost in the middle of nowhere' gives many different scenarios and environmental themes, Everfree, Badlands, a coastal village, maybe dragonlands.
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I want to play as Cadence and have my legs replaced with slices of pizza. Do it, nurse. Turn me into a Papa Johns'.
Sorry ive been pacing around my room complaining about my surroundings instead of working ! I am trying to fix a very annoying issue with the eyes because it expects eyes to be one coloured dot and not huge eyes so colouring is weird so im trying to see abt mandatory markings or something homosexual
Im actually clever
>it expects eyes to be one coloured dot and not huge eyes so colouring is weird
Thats weird. Maybe the rest of the eye needs to be considered a part of the head while only the pupils are considered the eye itself ?
But it would probably be better to look up the mlp codebases >>41239195
to see if they added a solution in the code that doesnt require these weird bypasses.
This is SS13 not SS14 but im still looking into it thank you my friend
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I love katy perry
Nearlydone i promise . . .
So you're working on a ss14 compatible avatar then ?
Yes i have already fixed it including the eyes . Right now only 15 mane and tail styles though . . .
Okay now im struggling with species specific clothing for other species they do like displacement maps or some shit i dont kno w still looking into it but id rather have it so ponies cant wear anything unless its specifically whitelisted or smth unless i decide to just redraw all the sprites which i am weirdly willing to do to a degree but im sure theres a cleaner solution also when i pee it hurts
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Turns out clothing will bbe more than some .yaml edits Maybe i will just try to get the planetary shit going then remove the other species , make all the clothing pony-shaped-anyway and see from there ? I dont know . I should learn to code. I
Anyway yes the pony species in this github works and has some basic customization and namelists just clothes not figured out yet... And also changed the loading screens and music because it was easy and fun perhaps like a certain future game (This one
Sorry for the relatively little progress for few days work it takes me a long time to learn things and Im not good with computers and I like to napBut well get this working
Oh, it is for SS14, I been wasting time looking into SS13 thinking it was for that.
Hopefully code didn't change much between the versions but good going Anon
A moth landed on my peenis while i was peeing
Ever played that >clop game ?
It has a cold war like world where you have 2 rival super powers, the solar empire and the lunar republic, and along with it the player nations that have to try and rise up while avoiding pissing off those two sides. Might be a good setting to copy from.
Eh, I would rather have a setting of ponywar, ponies(and other creatures, some of them held as being below ponies) trying to desperately eke a living out in the middle of nowhere, where food is scarce, you need to venture into the scary woods to get material or into dark tunnels to get ore for smelter, all the while fearing invasion from other bands of misfits.
That sounds sick, but do you know of any servers that tried this approach ?
Civ13 kinda resembles it but its not as unforgiving as you probably want your idea to be. There's similarity in lifeweb in regards to the need of food and exploring, but it might be too brutal and not leave enough room for some chaotic fun.
Sorry for my absence lads I was sick

That's a cute idea, most likely it's going to be OC ponies doing Ponyville jobs though. So chef to cake baker, botany to regular farmer, mining is adventuring gathering resources, science would be more magical in nature, chemistry would become alchemy, stuff like that.

I'm open to either idea, I just think Ponyville is a good setting for cozy pony roleplay with potential for chaos with antagonist modes that mimic the show or would fit in thematically (changeling infestation, discord doing shenanigans, etc). And after Ponyville is made as a map there would be other regions to explore outside like Everfree being like Lava Land.

Papa John is a pony name

Yeah, you make the eye-white and pupil-black a tattoo or part of the head, so that the "eye color" dot takes its proper place as the iris color. There are "anime eyes" options in other code bases which do it like that I think.

do no bappu

swag! let me know if you get anyone to host it up, I know jack fuck shit about ss14

If people want to play a dark game like that I'm open to it but my general idea is focused around cozy RP and show-accurate shenanigans, more than fanon ideas that branch off from that.

However Fallout Equestria 13 would be hilarious and I'm fully open to combining those two ideas for a larf, adding Ponies into the FO13 codebase would make me keku keku.
Here is wht i was talking about . Broken clothes on display here cus still havent thought abt how i want to do things going forward
Why did you Ctrl+C Ctrl+V the repo instead of properly forking it?
Because i dont know how github works . Oops ! I dont know what a repo or a fork is . I was jst pasting in commands i was told to paste in
Exactly as requested, thank you Coomer Dashie.

We will be going forward with ss14 and Coomer Dashie's work! Closed tests will be run, details will be on our dicksword. When it's at a basically usable state we will open for scheduled play times, probably on weekends but everypony feel free to request a time slot.
>ss14, and all that fails with it
aight, see you guys on attempt 6
>will be on our dicksword.
Seriously ? We have a good thread going, dont kill it just to drag people back into a closed club.
I'll give this one last bump tonight.
If anyone stills wants to keep this thread up for something other than getting anons for an offboard discord club I'll be here tomorrow
Until and unless another coder pops up who wants to work with 13, we're going with Coomer Dashie's work on 14, because he's the only guy who stepped up to actually do this.

i just don't want to deal with someone joining and maxcap bombing the middle of the station because "FUCK YOU PONIES LOL LOL LOL ONE DAY WHILE CELESTIA WAS MASTURBATING TWLIGHT GOT WOOD"
that's my full reason for doing a "closed test" when we don't have our "sea legs" ready to deal with that particular annoyance which can be psychotically persistent
i have been trolled on ss13 by bad actors who just change their ip and mac address and then bomb the station again the moment you get it back up
which is really fucking annoying when you are just trying to test something

I will post all progress, news, previews etc on here and encourage others to do so too like Dashie, I just don't want to hang the server's IP out there naked and without a condom before it's ready to be roughly handled

Thank you, tenderly caresses you
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Well, how are things going there coomer dash ?
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I think Flutter Hostman wants to host it himself so okay he can do that i dont know how to host a server without getting ddosed or whatever anyway i guess anyway ive been looking at the code for deeper changes like i want to rather than .yaml edits and spriting and i dont understand it even though i look at it for a long time so i have to learn coding and thats upsetting but itll be worth it maybe ill spend more time spriting like saddlebags and stuff too i was kind of hoping somepony or someone would step up and help me with the brainier stuffDO you think mane colour and tail colour should be forced to be the same because right now if you want them to be the same you have to set the RGB (3 sliders) tto be the same that might be annoying but also choice is good but maybe not here dashie and also i want to fix the clothes and also learn mapmaking that one isnt so hard ive made maps in ss13 before probably not harder in ss14 right AnywayGod might just vindicate me and all my actions here i think i just have to try hard for a long time ? But bumping a thread for so long might not be good i dont know "I" found a guy whos good at computers in real life so maybe he will help me understand C# so i can do C# faster Oh maybe learning displacement maps would be good too incase i want to add foals i dont actually know what they are but i think i can imagine it from the name and layerings seem like a mess i can envision annoying issues with horns and stuff how would that work maybe they just magically create a hole in all the hats with magic but it might be funny to have to have them make a hole i dnt know Also i dont actually know how to update the github whenever i change something i should learn that too and what a repo is
>maybe he will help me understand C# so i can do C# faster
You didnt pick ss14 because of the language ?

>Also i dont actually know how to update the github
You have to use git push to push the updated repo you have in your machine, basically sending a copy of the code you've been working on in your local computer to be stored at github.
Its like sending a backup of your stuff to github, and you do that every time with the basic steps of git add -> git commit -> git push.
And when you need to retrieve a copy of that backup in gihub you use git pull.
I pickedit because I was convinced tto by reading this thread and the other threads and because it was really pretty and i thought itd be easier and id have to learn a lot of new stuff either way and i felt like cus this is like a total revamp i might as well use the prettier engine + it doesnt lag as much n mmy computer
Thanks for the git tips that doesnt sound so bad !
Its not bad, git is just an overcomplicated backup management tool.

If you want to separate things in workflow steps to understand better, git add is you selecting which of the changes you made in the code should be prepped up to be saved, with git add * selecting every change made.
And git commit is when you finally want to save the changes you made in the code, with the -m parameter letting you giving a brief message to describe what you did in that commit.

Some people like to git add a lot of changes at once and then just commit that huge batch, and others like to do it piecemeal with one commit for every small change to make things easy to track. Like for example if you added a new mane color to the avatar ? Git add that change, git commit with the message "new mane color added", and then on to work on the next thing in the schedule.
You could choose to git push after every single commit just to keep the remote code always updated, or just do it in the end when you got a whole batch stuff done and commited locally.
I am afraid that you sikritkord link has expired, unless it all got rugpulled already.
Getting very weird signals from this game. The first review makes it sound like it could be a very fun game, but the second makes it look like it is total arse. So which one is it?
Anypony can host it if they have the means and knowledge, I just have a pal who knows that stuff, he's in da cord now. I have a smooth brain about technical details but I know people and have ideas.

But yeah good work so far Coomer Dashie and I believe in you, learning to use github is an important step

This makes me angy, I thought I set it to not expire

It's both unironically
>i've had hours and hours and hours of fun on spess based projects
tranny confirmed
snowpity mare amre amare mares mares mares

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