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Human becomes pony. How, why and what happens next are all up to you. New stories and art welcome!
Any type of transformation into ponies, gryphons, changelings, dragons, kirin, etc., whether OC or canonical, & Anonponies of all shapes and sizes.
Want to be the little pony? This is the thread for you.

Previously on PTFG:

https://ponepaste.org/10220 - Of Beaks and Bullets by Kiyote - New!
https://ponepaste.org/10203 - Cardboard Cutouts by OrwellRedenbacher - New & Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10104 - Coming Out of Your Shell by pogoman122 - New & Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10173 - Chestnut Glaze by pogoman122 - New & Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10081 - Daisy Belle by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9707 - Anu by Meslam
https://ponepaste.org/9446 - Interstate by Ceiling Necromancer
https://ponepaste.org/9985 - Go Ask Littlepip When She's Two And A Half Feet Tall by Darkdemonlucifer - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/10012 - A Ticket To The Circus by Darkdemonlucifer - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/7247 - The Pon-E Rewrites: Purple Black Gray by Alycorn
>>40293205 - Beach Walk
https://ponepaste.org/9521 - Nemetona by Meslam
https://ponepaste.org/9720 - Pink In The Club by AtomicGlow - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9600 - War Story by OrwellRedenbacher - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9485 - Monster musume pony tf 1 Papi - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9477 - Untitled Short Pet Story #1 by definitelynotapurplehorse - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/9470 - New Moon
https://ponepaste.org/9450 - Twin Moon by Advisability - Complete!
https://ponepaste.org/8991 - Unfinished Pizzaportal epilogue by Gnisha
https://ponepaste.org/8967 - A Mare & Her Shark by NeaSunrise - Complete!
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/537021/ - A Mirror, Brightly by Fructose
https://derpy.me/wxs - WXS volume 1
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/535796/ - The Montana Outbreak by Neighpalm
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/532512/ - Heroes Never Die by Shimmerist Ari
https://ponepaste.org/8902 - Cannon for sale by Pinkening
https://ponepaste.org/8904 - Experiment R41NB0W D45H by Le Operator
https://ponepaste.org/8325 - Horsegirl by Neighpalm
https://ponepaste.org/8866 - Stripped Screw by Neighpalm
https://ponepaste.org/8835 - The Lunar Experience by Slippery_Slope - Complete
https://ponepaste.org/7973 - Honey Pot by Wanda
https://ponepaste.org/8731 - Soda Pony TFTG-ish and Sex by AtomicGlow - Complete
https://fimfiction.net/story/487358/ - That Particular Instance I Performed Metempsychosis As An Equine Named After A Piece Of Silverware by Yuri Fanatic
https://ponepaste.org/8210 - My First Maregasm by anonfilly

Archive of over 600 stories, as well as additional links and materials:
Past threads index:
Unrated TF image dump thread:
Recommended stories for new readers:

Previous Thread:
>man becomes trixie
Man become narcassistic bitch? no thanks.
Man become narcassistic bitch? yes please.
Man become narcassistic bitch? maybe.
Man become narcassistic bitch? i don't know.
Man become narcassistic bitch? can you repeat the question?
Man becomes narcassistic bitch? YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME NOW
Man already is narcissistic bitch? well of course i know her, she's me
Trixie is a narcissistic bitch? Wait...wasn't she something else before? Trixie...can't remember now...
just read https://www.fimfiction.net/story/109700/royal-duties
its good, are there any similar? with lots of clop but also progressing the story
>check thread
>no one talks about my stories
>leave thread
I can guarantee your stories have been talked about, what've you written?
>gender swap
booooring I can't self insert into anything but males
It don't have to contain gender swap. Actually its better if it does not. No gay stuff either.
you can't self-insert as a mare?
kinda gay desu...

verification not required
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You will NEVER be a real human. You have no hands, you have no fingers, you have no feet. You are a mentally ill mare twisted by porn and delusion into a crude mockery of Earth's perfection.

All the (You)s you get are two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back, human fetishists mock you. Human women are disgusted and ashamed of you. Society laughs at your autistic screeching behind Gigachads.

Humans are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed humans to sniff out mares with incredible efficiency. Even TFfags who pass look uncanny and unnatural to a human. Your coombrain is a dead giveaway, and even if you managed to get a drunk human home with you, she'll turn tail and BOLT the second she gets a whiff of your crusty, cheeto-dust-covered mare pussy.

You will never be happy. You wake up every single morning and tell yourself that it's going to be okay, but deep inside you can feel the depression creeping up like a plundervine, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll buy some vodka, get drunk, and hurl yourself at the first stallion you see.

Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with your sickening cringeworthiness and degeneracy. When you die, they'll bury you with a headstone marked with your species and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a mare is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably equine.
>grug see horsepussy
>grug plow it with his meatstick
grug straight
So, who's bringing the pon-e to mare fair?
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You're not the boss of me now and you're not so great and powerful.
do i have to be a discorder to find other TFfags on ponytown
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Cute way to become a bat.
you could also just go on ponytown and look for them yourself you lazy bum
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i did and i didn't find any :-( all i found were strip clubs where they repeatedly did the sit and unsit animation at a pole
literally been hanging out for like an hour mid-TF'd but okay
i WAS hanging out near one of the shops with some sparklers, I'm now somewhere on the map with fewer ponies around by myself
geoguessr ponytown edition
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>Anonfilly thinks that she is better than Anon because she had a bigger dick than Anon has before she came to Equestria.
"Why are you looking at my dick you faggot?"
>Anon takes a moment to ponder why he didn't turn into a pony upon appearing in Equestria.
>Anon realizes that penis size is the determining factor that decides if you stay as a human or become a pony.
>Anonfilly calls Anon a dicklett and threatens to tell his waifu that he has a little pecker
>Anon rapes Anonfilly for laughing at his totally average sized dick.
>They both call each other faggots the whole time and then agree to meet up again later. . .
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Good morning my little ponies.
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The liberal deepstate does NOT want you to have this
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whythey mad at him
He pregger them
except twilight. she's just fat
too many hayburgers
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its crazy how fast one can go from a hypothetical human supremacist to wanting to be the little pony
>with every year Anon felt the nature's call grow more insistent
>urging, pushing, then finally demanding her to fulfil her biological function
>alas, just as Twilight had told her not long after her transformation, she couldn't bear a foal
>thus, she sought to change that, trying everything she could to feel life growing inside her
>all to fill the void of childlessness
>after many promising avenues, she have resorted to the forbidden branch of alchemy
>the much-feared dark Art of biomancy
>the imperfection of the cloning process have frustrated other biomancers to no end
>the copies were never perfect and, in time, they would diverge
>eventually becoming their own entities
>which is just fine if you only needed to create new life derived from your own
>a secret cloning lab was built under her house
>princess' guilty conscience is a terrible thing to waste
>and Anon made great use of it, funding her little operation
>a desperate bid to ensure posterity
>to see her lineage carried into the future
>so long as her daughters live, so will she
>when they see that future, whatever it may be…
>…she will be seeing it too, through their eyes
>…through her eyes
>she shall become the river from which all rivers flow
>yours will be a light that never dims
>Canterlot shall see a new noble house rise
>House of Anonymous

>be Anon XI, aka "Dubs"
>be fresh out of Cradle, coughing up lungfulls of amniotic fluid
>…or whatever it is you were floating in an hour ago
>gentle green hooves hold your fragile little form
>another pair holds a little vial of green liquid
>it is dark and ominous, glowing faintly with inner light
>it is poured into your mouth, not a single drop spilled
>as it the liquid touches your lips, ancestral memories rush into your fuzzy green head
>…it's a terrible migraine
>but now you know who you are
>you know your sisters
>the rowdy "Niner" holding you
>and "Scully the conspiracy freak", or the "X-Filly" as some call her
>it was her that fed you the memory activation serum
>you know your progenitor
>Anon the First, the original, and the one who started it all
>this so-called "dynasty" that you are a part of
>you know your mission — to carry her legacy into the future
>…which includes tormenting the purple bitch
>it was her that made the First into a filly
>damning her to being a crazy cat horse-lady
>but instead of cats she made clones of herself
>at least you get to take your, her, your collective(?) revenge by making Purple miserable
>some day it will be your turn to lead the House
>and it will fall to your little hoofsies to come up with new ways to torment Twilight

>but for now, you suck
>holding the little milk bottle decorated with your and your sisters' cutiemark in your little hooves
>you drink up the rich mare milk so that you grow a big and strong mare
>…and kick Sixth's geriatric flank
>fucking perv's gonna get it for inserting her fetishes into the incarnation protocol
>…kinda hot tho
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>when you celebrate freedom day by letting cute little ponies experience having their freedom taken away by a superior succubus
>ponies pretending to rebel so you have to put them in the stocks and spreaders and vrr them until they squirt out every last thought about freedom or independence (they didn't want their freedom, they just wanted to be broken :plead:)
>all the dumb little ponies wearing their thick collars and heavy manacles, pressing their muzzles together and smooching hard because something about being your master's pretty little pet just gets you so pent up, you can't help but flag your tail and wink, but master said no touching yourself, and absolutely no touching your sister pets, so you just have to cuddle and kiss and moan, wondering when master's going to rut you silly again for being such good girls...~
>when you can tell who the new mares are because they keep insisting that they're a mare, and they've always been a mare, no, like they've always been a mare and female
>it's always funny when the other mares snuggle up to them and keep reassuring them that it's fun to be a mare, and telling them how good it feels to obey master, watching them blush even harder as they tug their collar and kiss them everywhere~
>hugging your newest acquisition from behind, stroking a hoof over their member as it continues to shrink and dwindle, going from a proud stallionhood, to an adorable little colt clit, only growing more diminutive as you continue to pump it, eventually spurting out the last of their masculinity in a thick white spray as their gasps and pleads lilt upward as they have their last male orgasm, their nethers parting wetly into a pair of plappable mare lips
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>turn into mare
>Not small and cute but milf
>Dress professionally just to look the part
>Go to local bars to prey on the local inexperienced stallions looking for an older mare
>Don't tell them you're also a virgin just trapped in the body of a milfy mare
>Compliment them no matter how much they suck
>Give loving kiss from momma as they leave
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>You wake up at midnight, a witch girl is overtop you, straddeling you as you wake up.
>"Hey there! Good news bad news, I decided you're my new familiar."
>You start to struggle and make all sorts of questions and comments, only to annoy her.
>"Oh can it! I know for a fact you're into this sort of thing. I've seen your internet history and specifically went out looking for a pet-fetish loser like you."
>You boops your nose, casting the spell. You feel yourself shrink to have your former size, your hands melt away... your a pony!
>Before you can say anything about this, her hand goes straight to your cock, still in its sheath. She starts rubbing the tip, making you hard. You quickly find how hard it is to keep yourself sheather when horny.
>"That's what I thought." She strokes your dick up and down. "See? My good boy likes belonging to me."
>She starts going faster. You already feel it coming! But before you make a mess, she puts your cockhead in her mouth. You blast out reems into her, but she quickly drinks it all up.
>It's more than you've ever cummed before and you can't help but feel like she's draining something from you.
>After one last gulp she pulls away and sighs satisfied. You feel different now. You feel connected to the witch now, as if your very soul was inside her body instead of yours.
>"That's a good boy! You're no longer a loser, congratulations. You'll do everything I tell you to and never harm me. You'll be very useful to me from now on, as my familiar."
>You slowly regain your barrings and manage to ask exactly what she wants to 'use' you for.
>"Oh, you can help with all sorts of magical things. But more importantly: Well I don't like being around men. They're all losers! But I still have urges and want a daughter. So that's what I want from you right now. Satisfy my urges. Give me my daughter."
>She lies on your bed, pulls up her skirt and pulls down her panties. You don't get a very good look at her pussy before she grabs your rump and pushes your crotch against hers.
>You feel ready to go again all of a sudden. The urge to start pleasuring her, to obey is just too much.
>It isn't long before you start duitifully pumping, listening to her heavy, satisfied breaths. Somehow her satisfaction feels better than getting to plant your dick in her.
>It isn't long before you're ready to cum again, but another spell seems to keep you on edge.
>"Not till I'm done! Remember your job!"
>She closes her eyes and casts another spell. You're right on the edge but can't shoot your load. Desperate, you start pumping harder!
>That seems to do it. The witch starts moaning orgasmically, triggering your own orgasm. You shove your dick deeper and fill her womb up.

>You lie on top of her for a good hour, exhausted, as your new owner strokes your back and calls you a good boy. And finally.. takes you back to your new home.
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regular pony TF ain't enough, anons, I wanna be a Sweetiebelle Carousel pony, wanna be permanently cute and small forever and ever
>vinyl gets you seconds before she snaps on an enchanted collar only she can remove that'll turn you into a needy horny mess whenever she says "vinyl needs you"
>And of course after a nice long hypno session to help you love being the grey mare you've become, and that wonderful unicorn that's done this to you
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Good job AJ
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>be walking the streets late at night in canterlot
>suddenly get knocked down to the ground and feel a bite on your neck
>feel hot and dizzy as fur grey like cobblestone spreads all across your shrinking body
>your arms and legs swell and your hands and feet snap, contorting themselves to be lightweight but powerful enough hooves
>you'd try to hold your face back but your new hooves can't as your new muzzle pushes outwards and your incisors sharpen into fangs
>your suit tried the best it could, but your new leathery wings had burst through the fabric after some struggle
>While this was going down, you were bombarded with all the sounds you could now hear overwhelming you like a tidal wave and a flashbang had a kid when your new fluffy ears grew in
>Your new tail must've slinked out from your pants, a brand new light blue to match your mane and eyes
>The scream that you let out was so high pitch that nopony could hear but your assailant as your dick became your actively orgasming and quivering marehood
>when it was all over, the bat pony looming over you kissed you deeply, with you too tired and too accepting of their influence to fight it
>they pull you into an alley before some more bat ponies carry you to a cave
>...and that's the start how you became the mother to a coven of bat ponies
You tell me right now what this OC is. You keep posting it all over the internet and I'm just like, what the fuck did he mean by this. Tell me everything, including backstory and fetishes.
it's their sweetie belle kinsona, anon
>Anonfilly is a boomer that died of ass cancer and reincarnated as a pone.
>Anon is the typical "Woke up in the everfree" Anonymous.
>One day Anonfilly is being a little faggot and telling Anon how if he wants to ever get a mare, he needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps and make something of himself.
>Anon just replies "Okay Boomer" and leaves.
>Anonfilly scrunches at being by some yuppy faggot.
>Twilight overhears the end of their conversation and asks what a Boomer is.
>Anonfilly doesn't want to talk to her about it and runs off.
>Twilight goes to ask Anon what a Boomer is.
>Anon tells her that Boomers are magically unstable humans that are unable to release built up magic in their bodies. Because of that, they can cause very large magical explosions of upset or when in danger.
>Anon then tells Twilight that it is how it was how Anonfilly died in her past life as a human and mentions that it is really too bad that Anonfilly was born an earth pony instead of a unicorn who could have used magic to expend the magical buildup.
>"Ponies have a much larger Mana pool than humans have. A human exploding would destroy a couple houses at most, but a pony? A pony may destroy half of ponyville!"
>After seeing Twilight's pinprick eyes, Anon snickers to himself as he heads home.
>Twilight let's everypony know to be super nice to Anonfilly.
>She even tackles Diamond Tiara at one point she sees her picking on Anonfilly.
>Boomer Anonfilly is extremely confused as to why everybody is looking at her with either fear or pity and especially why ponies are starting to avoid her.
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>muster my deep south trucker voice
>"I hope you're into gettin a little dirty. Had some gas station curry this morning and I'm about to make it rain, boy.
kin-sona, practically no different from when a tumblr blog or fancomic uses an AU version of a canon character to represent themselves, less of a "I'm literally this character" and more "this character already represents everything my sona would be so I'm just gonna make em look different so they aren't literally just the canon appearance and represent me just a little more"
aside from gore and scat, which do nothing for me, if you can think it, probably that
or like how TFsential has their twilight, also a good example
You see, "this character [Sweetie Belle] represents me accurately" and "I have every fetish under the sun" don't really coincide with reality. Does the concept of tulpas play into this in any way?
>The glow of the super-heated steel scintillated dazzlingly on the walls of your silver hoof, shooting off glare that made you have to squint and avert your eyes again.
>It wasn’t so bad, there was no feeling besides the radiating heat and the pressure of the application, but you still found the noise intolerable.
>Anonymous watched curiously this time, her ears flicking whenever the keening sound of the burning pitched up.
>Your hooves were so clean, Dakota didn’t even have to rasp them again before nailing the shoe.
>The same went for all the other shoes, clean and fast.
“I wish I showed up with dirtier frogs...”
>You mused regretfully as Dakota cleaned out the last one with a single stroke of the hoof knife.
>The feeling was satisfying in a way that you couldn’t really compare to anything else, maybe like getting something out from between your teeth?
>Rolling his eyes, Dakota tapped the side of your hoof with the rasp.
>”Pretty entitled thing to say when you’re not even paying me for any of this.”
>Anonymous laughed and contributed,
>”Hey, we’re an investment, in a more humane future.”
>You rolled your eyes at the pun.
>If you weren’t stuck getting your hoof rasped, you would have drawn your first blood with these new shoes on Anonymous...
>The smith just grinned though, and shook his head.
>”Yeah, yeah, I’m leaving it all in your capable hooves.”
>At that, Dakota was finished.
>All your hooves were flush, and shoed perfectly, the new attachments gleamed brightly at the bases of them, and the metallic sheen of both hoof and shoe were similar to a degree.
>Smiling excitedly, you clopped down on the concrete floor right away, then pranced in a circle giggling at the distinct noise, like a stock audio effect in a movie.
>Now you related to how long Anon had spent just trotting in circles as soon as she got her shoes on, even just the sound could easily become addicting.
“The feel is great...”
>You commented quietly as you ran a hoof along some stray straw on the ground.
>Just like you thought, there was more grip, and combined with a harder contact point you could push off with more force.
>Feeling properly thrilled now, you did a couple test starts and stops, galloping for just a few paces before halting.
>”Not bad, mmNNggg~”
>Dakota stretched mid sentence, crackling his joints all along his withers while he did it, before he continued,
>”Really not bad at all, I thought it was gonna be way harder.”
>Anonymous interjected slyly, poking his flank with an extended pinion feather,
>”I mean you kinda cheated didn’t you? You just got all the knowledge from the transformation.”
>The stallion laughed, and trotted up to bump his barrel against Anon playfully, while replying,
>”What I had to do was obvious cause of that, sure, but how to really do it all came from memories of seeing Patrick do it.”
>Dakota popped a grin.
>”So if you really think I cheated, then that’s the homework I copied from.”
>Anon just ruffled her wings and laughed, then you heard the door creak open.
>Your ears turned at the distinctive sound of Chad’s beak clicking together, and you were already smiling before you met his gaze.
>He looked just about as confident as he’d ever been in his life, standing in the doorway with a rifle strapped to his back.
>His eyes, soft gold under the fluorescent light, flicked to yours and Anon’s hooves before his smile grew into something like a grin as he said,
>”Nice, skull bashers.”
>And strode inside, the light above casting down in bars between the eaves on his gray fur and white feathers.
>Instantly, your gaze was locked to his talons, so dextrous and perfect for... Petting.
>You gulped almost audibly, and awkwardly spluttered out,
“Yeah! I-you’ll-I think.. You will probably kill most of the Fomorians though?”
>Everyone involved stopped what they were doing the moment you finished speaking, Anon gave you a bemused look, Dakota looked wryly thrilled to see you slip up for once, and Chad just seemed confused.
>The barn went quiet right then too, the working stallions were taking a break at the most inopportune time, adding to the awkward tension.
>Sweat beaded your brow as you scrunched your muzzle up in equal parts frustration and embarrassment.
>Thank God your fuzzy black cheeks wouldn’t show your blush.
>Anonymous broke the silence for you, walking up to Chad to comment on the gun he’d borrowed,
>“30-06 huh? Fuck, that’ll blow any one of them away instantly.”
>And you breathed a hardly concealed sigh of relief, enough to cool at least a couple of your nerves before Dakota walked over and stepped on all of them all over again.
>”What’s up, you got a crush on birdhead you never told me a”
>Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, he leaned in and smugly whispered.
>”I caught you looking, so don’t even try to hide it.”
>Your tail flicked in annoyance, batting against Dakota’s barrel as you instantly corrected him and elucidated the real conundrum,
“Quiet. I just... I want to ask him to pet me. It’s nothing romantic.”
>All that got you was a sputtering laugh from him, and you almost regretted speaking at all, but it was still better than Dakota being convinced you had a crush on Chad and teasing you about that.
>In your head all sorts of pleasant mental images played out, of Chad’s scaly digits splayed out atop your head, combing through your mane, reaching behind your ears...
>But by contrast, your frown only grew deeper, and you hunched up your withers as Dakota leaned up against you, smirking and pulling some more at the open cut you were sporting,
>”Awww, a stuck up unicorn can’t just go and ask her friend for some petting, woe is you.”
>This is what losing your composure for more than a second got you, a catch 22 of humiliation or frustration.
>You simmered there for a few moments while Dakota just savoured it, then you snorted loudly and said,
“I’m not stuck up, I just have standards.”
>Then you stalked away from him, up to Chad instead.
>You cut right in to the middle of his conversation with Anonymous, with a brusque and straightforward call of,
>He stared down at you, his brows up, and a half smile (like he wasn’t sure just what expression he should be making) playing on his beak.
>You repeated back instantly, your voice cracking as you stood up a little taller on the tips of your hooves in a nervous tic.
>There was the barest gleam of a sort of... Recognition in Chad’s eyes as to what was going on, that lasted for a precious few seconds before it was unceremoniously extinguished by his unfathomable social incapacity.
>”Uh. Sup.”
>He craned his neck over you as he spoke, his piercing hawk stare boring a hole in your head as he looked at you almost clinically now, probably thinking you had come down with some sudden illness.
>You couldn’t meet his eyes, and cast your look askance as you shuffled weirdly on your hooves.
>The griffon intoned quietly, his full attentions on you.
>He seemed to be taking this seriously now, likely having interpreted the whole fiasco as you trying to share some tough to swallow truth with him, not even considering the possibility that you would ever have an awkward fumble.
>Your muzzle scrunched up yet again, this time at the unfittingly serious and attentive look on his face.
>This was stupid, you thought.
>So you breathed deep, and tried to assume your normal poise, getting about halfway there before you finally looking Chad in the eye and asking the one question that had been sticking to your tongue like a burr for the past ten minutes:
“Can you pet me?”
>You even brought your nose down and nudged his talons with it, specifying,
“Don’t just mess up my mane either, I mean actually pet me. Anonymous was talking about being pet earlier and it made me want to know what it feels like.”
>A deep relief washed over you at having finally requested it, dampened only slightly by Dakota’s smug grin and leavened by Anon’s knowing smile and agreeable nod of the head.
>Chad for his part just looked ambivalently bemused.
>He scratched the back of his head, and you felt a little surge of gladness at seeing him feel awkward too, to compensate for all your awkwardness, before it was replaced with a slight nagging worry.
>What if he said no?
>Your brow knitted together just a centimetre.
>You genuinely hadn’t even considered that as a possibility.
>But it would make sense after all, it was weird enough for you asking him, he would probably feel the same-
>You squawked the last word of your thoughts aloud as Chad’s talons closed around your head suddenly.
>The hawkish face beamed down at you, amusement glimmering in the golden pits of his eyes.
>”You can be just as dorky as Anonymous, eh? That’s cute.”
>You wanted to retort, but the subtle touch of one of Chad’s claws reaching behind your ear made you just melt into his grasp.
>The palm of his hand ran smoothly along the top of your head, flattening out your mane and producing the most soothing feeling imaginable.
>Between soft strokes like that, he also ran his hand down the sides of your face, rubbing your cheeks.
>Then he would come back up, and scratch behind your ears gently, gently, so gently.
>Before you had realized it, you were sitting on your haunches, and practically pressing your head into his hands, hands plural, he’d blessedly gotten the other one involved as well to double the pleasantness.
>The look on Chad’s face was still amused, but softly so, it reminded you a little of the expression he’d borne earlier, in your living room when he’d motioned to you to draw the curtains shut.
>You didn’t even know what expressions Anonymous or Dakota had, and you didn’t care, your whole mind was intent on that soft rhythm of petting, rubbing and scratching Chad had sunk you into.
>Every synapse in your head fired solely for translating something of that transcendental sensation, that your spirit absorbed wholly, to your rational mind.

Haha, that was fun, a bit spur of the moment but I think it fits well.

It's the one with gnomes.
Thank ya.
Your comment has created a (doomed(?)) branch in the timeline.
Have a g'day, /ptfg/.
well when you can have a personality that isn't directly tied to your fetishes it does make sense. you realize you don't HAVE to have kinks as part of your personality
Nah I get it. I think it's cute. But your character appears so disproportionately much everywhere, I was just wondering if this was something more (Tulpa, Projection, etc)
nah, just an alternate ponysona and the ideal pony I'd want to TF into
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Ryujou please dont turn me into a pony ohh noooo
It's a really solid start. Would like to see where it goes.

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