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Roger Waters X Mel Collins sex edition


What is Progressive Rock?

Good albums to start with?

Obscure prog gems

Last thread >>122342150
First for the greatest guitarist of all time and /prog/ connoisseur
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>this was the last time they spoke as friends
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For me it's Islands
>/prog/ reaches 310 posts again

We're so back bros
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threadly reminder to ignore the Frusciante faggot if you care about this general
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Agreed my only regret in life is that I wasn't born a woman so that I could harbor this mans seed.
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John Frusciante can easily learn /prog/ songs in less than 24 hours. One of the many reasons he is the greatest guitarist of all time, objectively.
>Could you tell us a random good memory you have working with John?
>Dave Lee: "I'm glad you asked, Ivan. There's a story I remembered the other day. I've told Pedro I was going send it to him, so here it is. I grew up in the late 70's and was a huge fan of the band "Yes". At some point I came to know John was a fan as well. We discussed Yes occasionally, and while on a trip to Japan, John and I had discussed their album "Close to the Edge" and I had said how that album really meant a lot to me growing up. Particularly the song "Siberian Khatru".
>Upon arrival in Tokyo, we had a day off to recover from jet lag. The next day at the venue, when the band showed up, I was notified that John was looking for me. My first thought was "Uh-oh. What did I do this time?" Well, he found me, and said he wanted me to follow him to the dressing room because he wanted to show me something.
>He sits me down next to the little CD player in the dressing room and plugs his red Jaguar into the practice amp. He then takes out Yes' "Close to the Edge" CD and puts it in. Next he cue's up Siberian Khatru, and proceeds to play along note for note EXACTLY to the song. I mean exactly. Every single part of the 9 minute long epic. And if there was a part with no guitar, he'd play the keyboard parts on his guitar. He just sat there on the floor ripping perfectly through this very intricate song with a huge smile on his face. He even played the guitar fade out solo ending, all the way till it fades completely out.
>And then I realized he wasn't smiling because he was "proud" or "showing off". He was smiling because he knew how much it meant to me. It was like a personal little gift, that he'd spent his whole day off preparing. And it did mean alot to me. ...still does."
>Question by: - Ivan Roccon - Glasgow - Scotland
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At least you're being honest, unlike the Froosh deniers ITT.
Frusciante is not only the most talented musician of the past 30 years, he is also has the best facial features, objectively.
>he is also
"he also"
too bad he's a washed up manlet junkie who wasted his talented playing buttrock with retards
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He is not washed up at all. He is still putting out great music to this day and his live performances with RHCP are still amazing. https://youtu.be/IxpyvrIZCcs?si=_saSvHgRJ-AoUr53
Height doesn't matter when you have talent and have accomplished as much as John has. What you contribute to this world is a lot more important than your height. How tall was Nikola Tesla?
He is not a junkie anymore, and hasn't been in 25+ years.
He didn't waste his talent, listen to his solo work and his work with other artists outside of RHCP. And even in RHCP you still have great moments from him such as Under the Bridge, Sir Psycho Sexy, Scar Tissue, Snow, etc
>Frusciante faggot shamelessly replying to himself about wanting another man's cum
Not replying to myself retard
Not once did I say I wanted to fuck Frusciante
Also check the timestamps faggot
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is there a difference between the 40th anniversary and the 2023 Wilson mix?
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Okay but can your favorite artist do THIS?
Lark's Tongue In A Spic
yes, and imo quite noticeable. kind anon in the prev thread posted about it and I gave it a listen - it is well worth checking out
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if you guys just listened to prog metal you wouldnt even have to deal with frusciantefags. just smile
>kind anon
Hey, that's me!
Yes. I am quite impressed by the 2023 Wilson mix, hence why I am so obsessed with it. I've been listening to it with new ears. It's great.
The Frusciante faggot is in /metal/ too
They are known as the aicfroosh schizo because they spam both artists
which is the most esoteric prog band?
my vote is on gong or hatfield
Devil Doll
Who but Caravan would I
I saw a magazine ad last year showing not only the 2023 larks mix but also teasing new editions of wake and lizard. They just said “coming soon” though.
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bump di dum di dum
any proggers?
what is this 1970 lol
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is this their best live album?
Lake didn't need that back bencher
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It is good.
That would be a treat. I'm hoping we get something for Starless and Bible Black as well as Red considering it's both their 50th anniversaries this year.
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What are some other examples of a prog band covering a non-prog song and making it prog?
Jesus he knows me, and he knows I'm right
Based GG appreciator, I wore my GG shirt today
Does Into the Lens count
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gave this one a listen a couple of days ago and my god it's one of the most genius prog albums ever
its insane how not many people talk about it (maybe because it's overshadowed by "Darwin!") but the range of sounds and textures these guys cover within these 40 minutes is honestly a thing to marvel at
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>Cat food, cat food, cat food, again?
Whichever bands made the cool albums I'd find in music stores in my dreams
I like metal that is prog but not prog metal especially the technical chugchugchug stuff with gay vocals.
Maudlin of the Well
>the puzzle
gn /prog/
will enter dreamland with the begining of "the letters"
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do you guys like Gentile Giant?
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Neurosis should be considered prog metal. I have seen them live and was always into them but I just recently revisited a few of their albums after a few years and I never realized just how much influence they took from King Crimson
Did anyone ever solve that? Researched it for a good while a long time ago and it got me wondering how many bands that actually have done similar things but none of their fanbases has caught on yet. Closest I can think of is the Beatles & 'Paul is Dead', which I fully believe in

You can't tell me that lead guitar isn't Frippian af
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>No use to complain
>If you're caught out in the rain
>Your mother's quite insane
>Cat food, cat food, cat food, again?
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[Verse 1]
Lady Supermarket with an apple in her basket
Knocks on the manager's door
Grooning to the muzak from a speaker in the shoe rack

Lays out her goods on the floor
Everything she's chosen is conveniently frozen
“Eat it and come back for more!”

[Verse 2]
Lady Window-Shopper with a new one in the hopper
Whips up a chemical brew
Croaking to a neighbour while she polishes a sabre
Knows how to flavour a stew
Never need to worry with a tin of 'Hurri Curri':
“Poisoned especially for you!”

No use to complain
If you're caught out in the rain
Your mother's quite insane
Cat food, cat food, cat food, again?

No use to complain
If you're caught out in the rain
Your mother's quite insane
Cat food, cat food, cat food, again?

[Verse 3]
Lady Yellow-Stamper with a fillet in the hamper
Dying to finish the course
Goodies for the table with a fable on the label

Drowning in miracle sauce
Don't think I am that rude if I tell you that it's cat food
“Not even fit for a horse!”
>esoteric prog band
Which is the most erotic prog band?
Someone got pretty close, apparently
Though it's such a barely discussed band that even if someone actually solved it it's probably lost in a dead forum or something
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ween is prog :)
Wesley Willis is prog

Los bumpos
Moonchild lol
Give it up anon, Charly hasn't played prog since the last 45 years.
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pink floyd if it was good
High af.
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preen is wog :(
dead thread
dead genre
I'm prog?
Prog has fallen
Billions must wank
Just saw Jon Anderson and the band geeks. Great show overall and I can’t believe he still sounds almost exactly the same after all these years. He put together a solid band too. The new songs were nice. Only bad point is the screen Jon was reading lyrics off of wasn’t updating or something and they had to stop during the final verse of close to the edge to fix it
Specifically it was the part right after the big keyboard solo “the time between the notes relates the color to the scene”
>I GET... line?
King Crimson
Yeah, only got into them in earnest this year. Really interesting band and it's so strange to me how abruptly they stopped and how they never reformed. I'm hoping to get all the SW remixes of theirs on vinyl that I can (just have Interview atm).
just came across this improv and holy shit it might be in my top 3 right now
not feelin this one chief, mantra is still my #1
ya listened to those 2 new David Gilmour's songs?
sad state of affair that, makes Waters' Is This the Life etc a more ambitious record.
i mean don't get me wrong it's a very nice improv but i feel like it lacks the boldness and power of the improvs that came later (specially the ones during the Wetton years)

anyway im glad Robert and company turned it into an even better musical piece with exiles
i love exiles but i don't think it carries the feeling of that one verison on Epitaph. Every time I hear it, it's just zen af. they honestly should have put that recording on the court album, maybe before moonchild
I don't have the courage to listen to it, I love Gilmour and I can't stand being disappointed by yet another shitty solo slop of his again
Reject modern Gilmour, embrace classic Gilmour

Since we're in a very Wake of Poseidon mood ITT, this is prettty much Holst's Mars

Honestly On An Islands is pretty kino for an old man's album and Rattle That Lock had some great singles in the title-track and Today and I'd still take that over About Face which is beyond horrid.
But since I'm not impressed with the singles so far and they tend to be Gilmour's better tacks based from previous 2 albums, it's not looking promising.
>ohhh what a lucky man he was

Get the fuck out witht his whack gay ass shit. Never dare to compare ELP with the likes of Genesis, King Crimson or Yes ever again.
thanks for sharing, that's a good one
some of my Wetton era favs are
- Improv - Bartley Butsford from The Great Deceiver
- Improv 1 from Atlanta 1973 (best enjoyed as it transitions from a killer Easy Money)
- Improv: Atria from Mainz 1974
>Jon himself doesn't remember the nonsense he wrote
I want to hear the one from Atlanta, sadly it's not on youtube or musify
are you same anon who wanted Atlanta 1973 two prog threads ago? I'll upload and post here after work
Can you talk less and most pore links? Just saying.
oh like how you've included a link in your whining now?
I don't know, I'm just a lurker. I have nothing to contribute. Do you want some camel songs?
Romany Gilmour feet pics
Tbh he's 80yo this year, cut the old man some slack
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I love this little fella like you wouldn't believe.
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>side-long epic is the worst track
Anyone have thoughts on neo-prog? I like the early IQ stuff that I've heard, but Marillion is insanely boring.
Fuck off pleb.
Flight is awesome.
If Supper's Ready is prog then so is Tally Hall, I will not elaborate
I'm gonna make some enemies here, but same
nta but i hated mainz until i gave it another chance recently, realized Atria is actually a very good one, kinda tense and anxious like the mincer or starless and bible black
I just love how Bruford enters and then the whole band agrees after some time that its time to go into The Night Watch. I fuKcing love King Crimson
Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast doesn't take up an entire side
filtered, also that is Pink Floyd's best album by far
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>American "prog"
I wish Deep Purple had went more into prog
The best parts of 80s Deep Purple are where it revives bits of the prog magic
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what do you faggots think of Gong?
Obviously GOATed, a true travesty that it doesn't get discussed more often here

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properly villainous mullet
>actually pretty awesome hypnotic space drone
repeatedly back and forth with
>goofy ahh gnomecore
Definitely worth the look, I can say that much.
Are your ears full?
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yeah, i'm the same
havent been free enough to get the soulseek thing going but definetly want to get on it if theres more of these concerts
anyway thank you very much in advance for posting the gig
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Bump for the greatest guitarist of all time and /prog/ connoisseur
Welcome: >>>/bant/20604957
I don't think you need to. Prog ultimately means blending technical skill, advanced, or at least unconventional, aspects of music theory and advanced instrumentation and production techniques all applied to music that's still trying to be a viable mass market product.
Is Foreigner prog
i can think of a ton of bands that are considered prog that don't fit this definition
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Zappa estate just released 14 minutes of footage of the Mothers in 1968 w/ synched audio
I used to hate Gail for not releasing stuff but now that she aint around and they keep releasing random I just dont care anymore, Im just happy one shot deal is on spotify so I can know for sure that only one of those recordings was worth saving
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is this not Prog?
Then they're not prog. They're the same grievously mislabeled genre of swoopy nerd music that got called progressive in the 70's and the name stuck because no one could coin a reasonable name for it.

>is the most mainstream rock act of all time prog?
No, by definition. Great, and worthy of all the credit and overplaying they get? Probably. But Prog? No.
On An Island is such a comfy album bros...
what's the difference between jazz fusion and prog
i'm listening to chick corea and this quite literally sounds like a prog record
Fusion is largely based in jazz improvisation - think jazz structure with electric instruments. Prog rock draws influence from a lot of external genres, which can include jazz, but more so the through-composed structures and stylings of classical music.
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god DANM
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This instrumental filler track with wordless female wailing has more emotional weight and resonance than any lyric Roger Waters ever wrote.
imagine listening to prog rock for the lyrics
I'll never understand why people are so obsessed with the gnome trilogy, just because it's a trilogy? Camembert Electrique mogs them all by a fucking mile
Roger hangs his hat on meaningful lyrics so I'm ridiculing that
roger writes lyrics, the fans claim they are meaningful, which they are when compared to most average bands
i've never seen roger himself brag about them
Poseidon is king's crimson worst album solely because its boring. I think Construction of Light is not very good however at least its interesting but besides cat food which is a meme song there is nothing interesting about Poseidon and king crimson's discography would be better off without it.
You're clearly not a drummer, Poseidon has the best drumming in any prog album ever made other than maybe Foxtrot (which is flawless but less daring, Phil Collins plays it relatively safe).
Cat food is a meme and sounds a lot like Come Together, but it's well crafted and tight as fuck.
I enjoy Poseidon more than ITCOTCK but I understand I'm in the minority and respect if you disagree, I think it's kino.
Lizards is their worst in my opinion but it's been quite a while since I've listened to it.
I'm not a fan of the eighties stuff either, but I do like their later albums starting with THRAK, CoL is ok but I wouldn't recommend anyone to start with these, obviously their 60s-70s stuff is the best.
automatically it cannot be the worst album because pictures of a city probably robert's best guitar solo along with top-tier rhythm; but if we're being honest Cat Food and Devil's Triangle are kino too. Cadence and Cascade plus the title track both kinda fail to differentiate themselves from Court though, i'm usually a little tempted to skip them even though they're great on their own
Now, I've heard the itwop > itcotck argument before, i actually once had a big phase where i thought it was their best album... but poseidon having the best drumming in any prog album? Never heard anyone say that before. it is not even a top 3 m.g. drums album, maybe 4th place for him at best
i also think Cat Food is one of their best songs, but Come Together is my least favorite rock song... i don't hear the resemblance
am i the only one here that can't get into Yes and Genesis? i like King Crimson, ELP, VDGG, Caravan, Soft Machine, Camel, etc. but something about Yes and Genesis is filtering me, i do like Close To The Edge, but the other Yes albums do nothing for me.
i used to not get it. genesis took a long time to click, but now I enjoy it. Firth of Fifth is one of the best prog songs, and Lamb Lies Down on Broadway is just a classic. and Drama is my favorite Yes album, even to this day i still kinda shirk at their 70s stuff, except for a couple odd tracks like Roundabout and Siberian Khatru. I've at least listened to golden-era yes enough to acknowledge Chris Squire and Steve Howe are gods, it's just i don't think yes was that good at writing compared to KC, Genesis, Pink Floyd, The Moody Blues, or even Vandy
>i don't hear the resemblance
The basslines are similar
It's the number one comment I get every time I'm listening to it and other people hear it.
comparing cat food to come together should be illegal. death penatly
I saw this show opening night of the tour and i thought it was the best Yes related event you could possibly see in this age

Awaken tore the house down. I got goosebumps lmao
Get Free Hand next
Have you heard Clutching at Straws? Marillion is awesome. It took me a while to get into them but once you do theres no going back
You like Rainbow? Rising has some proggy material
Listen to Relayer a few times and revert back
Consider killing yourself.
Goodness, those people are so fucking stoned or out of their minds on LSD.
But >>122464808 is right, they really have a very similar bassline? Maybe the song's structure is different, but the comparison is there.
Gets a lot of hate because its a bit derivative but I like it.
holy shit why didn't you faggots tell me about Deep Purple
What is the best proggy Deep Purple album?
i used to think that way mostly because Mars bored me a lot and the "Peace" songs seemed like fillers to me but over time (years) i actually found it to be a very solid album

not only has the bangers that are "pictures of a city" and "cat food" (which i think are 2 of KC's best songs) but also "in the wake of poseidon" and "cadance and cascade" which are very beautiful tracks.

the "peace" songs work better if you take them as "resting" spots throughout the album and " Mars" or "The Devils Triangle"... well, you just gotta be in the right mood for it
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>it's a thread where I get to proclaim my love for In The Wake and defend it from criticism

They also lost the master tapes for devils triangle so it kinda sticks out audio quality wise on remastered versions
It does but also, the grittyness works in the track's favor imho
The Book of Taliesyn
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Glad I saved these images. Just knew they would keep on coming handy
Hatfield isn't esoteric at all, of all Dave Stewart's bands the esoteric one would be Uriel. If you say esoteric meaning obscure, then neither band you said is esoteric really. If you want obscure prog, go check some avant-rock/RIO groups.
>call itself prog
>was made after the 70s
Into the trash it goes.
Angel's Egg is prolly Gong's finest album. The other two of the "trilogy" are very good as well. So is Camembert Electrique. I disagree with your point.
You have very strange tastes if you could get into Close to the Edge but couldn't get into their other stuff. Have you heard their earlier albums? They're as accessible as prog can get. Also my favourites from them, I don't really care for their later stuff.
Does it matter? Both are labels devised to create marketable niches, not much else. Treating these labels as rigorously defined styles of music is nonsense.
the difference between prog and fusion is obvious to anyone who has heard a single jazz album in their entire lives, I can't believe people have trouble distinguishing this
>prog rock
white people playing obviously white music
>jazz fusion
whites and blacks playing a whiteyfied version of black music

tl;dr if it sounds white it's prog, or what that other guy said in more technical terms about rhythms and shit
>muh race
Reply discarded.
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This post is so bad that I regret this (You).
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>white people playing obviously white music
>whites and blacks playing a whiteyfied version of black music
blues rock?
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Racist schizopost

Racist schizopost but more verbose

Here's my proposed alternative to this fuckery: "progressive music" is a wide label for boundary-pushing music that defies and pushes forward its given genres, and therefore any rock music that's progressive is, by definition, progressive rock, whether it is grounded in sensibilities that are closer to jazz, blues, metal, or whatever else. Not all jazz fusion is rock, but jazz fusion that's concretely situated within rock generally falls under the progressive rock umbrella (save for maybe some very commercial forms of muzak that would technically pass as rock or else). It's a simple matter of universals and particulars, folks.
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>Racist schizopost
>Racist schizopost but more verbose
Not really, that reply didn't mention race at all.
one is black, the other one is white, got it
>Not really, that reply didn't mention race at all.

I know it didn't, I just wanted to give a shitpostey answer to bait engagement
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Holy shit
>jazz fusion that's concretely situated within rock generally falls under the progressive rock umbrella
that's a half truth at best since most jazz fusion that gets fused with rock is doing blues rock, latin rock or psychedelic rock
wrong, one is mixed race that eventually became whiter and whiter
i shoot strings of comus haha
I don't fathom how Genesis made Lamb, Selling England etc then went on to make Invisible Touch and I Can't Dance
Is an owner of a lonely heart really better than being an owner of a broken heart?
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>whitest subgenre of jazz ever made
They needed to make a living off their music.
Give me some dissonant, noisy prog with harsh vocals that straddles the line between rock and metal
one of the greatest albums of all time
There's Ruins, I guess, but that's too obvious.

Phil was the creative driving force well into the time of Invisible Touch and I Can't Dance
>Gabriel era
>Collins era
i swear ive learned more guitar just aimlessly noodling along to king crimson for half an hour than i did in the last 5 years of study
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ATOTT and W&W fucking rule.
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Foxtrot and Selling England >>>>>
Pic rel is the greatest guitarist of all time wearing a Foxtrot shirt.
I am not a fan of this term but it seems a lot (not all) of Philhaters just seem to hate on most of his Genesis stuff to be contrarian. I mean any self-respecting Genesis fan should be able to appreciate most of Trick of the Tail (especially Los Endos) & Wind & Wuthering is just as good as any of their early works imo
Special mention to his performances of most of their old material being head & shoulders above Peter's (no disrespect as I love both eras). Just listen to Seconds Out and tell me that isn't the GOAT live album
i don't hate phil at all i like almost all of his genesis stuff, but genesis did get more poppy the more phil it got
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This is not even a controversial opinion, I don't know what the anon you're replying to is waffling on about. In a way Genesis, Phil and Gabriel all invented the 80s pop-rock sound, so it's less like they sold out as much as it is that they were the progenitors, but it's still perfectly understandable to not like their material from that era from a prog rock standpoint. Imho, even Pink Floyd's Momentary Lapse feels more progressive than something like Invisible Touch.
i've heard that tony and mike were the ones who wanted to go pop and phil just went along with it, which to be honest does seem to mesh with with their personalities (phil has never seemed like a domineering character to me) but i have nothing to support that
plus like the other anon said they all but invented that aor sound so they've sort of been a victim of their own success
After the debacle of losing Hackett and Phil taking a break after divorcing his wife, they worked out a system to keep everyone satisfied and split the difference between band life and solo careers, they would develop all material equally from scratch and then save anything they wrote alone for solo albums. The push into more mainstream territory was a democratic one. There was also just a feeling in the band that the romantic pastoral stuff was getting stale and they needed to move on. Abacab specifically was a conscious effort to sound completely different from what came before.
it's called 80s and every 70s prog bands just decided to grab whatever popular on that decade

it's a good thing really because their 80s material pretty much mogged 70s in every possible way. prog pop is king.
I mean you could also check what Tony and Mike were doing with their solo efforts in the 80s, at that point they'd practically left any complicated lengthy prog stuff behind with the only exceptions are maybe Mike Rutherford's Smallcreep Day and Banks' A Curious Feeling which was their debut solo albums before going poppier.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlATvizWvhA Tony in 1983

Mike in 1982

I also like this period where they thought they should also do all the vocal duty, a feat they didn't bother to do anymore for future releases except some selected tracks.
i've never heard tony's solo stuff before, sounds like a slightly demented nik kershaw
Another thing that hasn't been mentioned is that these guys were literally 23-25 years old when Lamb came out, imagine releasing an album like Foxtrot when you and your mates are 22, then releasing Selling England the next fucking year, THEN releasing lamb the year after.
They just grew older and changed. Changed perspectives in music, money, life in general, etc.
THRAK is actually good
based thrak enjoyer
the album? yeah of course
the song? ...
>be Money
>be the most universally well-known prog rock song
>be good

I am happy that Money exists and that so many people were first exposed to the ideas of having time signature shifts and jazz elements in a rock song with it, thank you Mr. Floyd :)
The album version or the many different live versions?
both. admittedly the album version's alright sometimes, mostly a skip though. I always skip the live ones
This checks all boxes except harsh vocals
>blues rock licks on guitar = blues rock
>blues rock licks on tenor sax = jazz
THRAK is the best song King Crimson ever recorded, live or studio.
Progressive Noise Rock?
/mu/hates it but it's unironically great
weird way to spell talking drum
Entangled always seemed like it had a double meaning to me
>Sleep, won't you allow yourself fall?
>Nothing can hurt you at all
>With your consent
>We can experiment further still
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Which tracks on the version on Spotify are untouched by overdubs or cuts?
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That is correct, they're really not mutually exclusive anon.
if you can't do something as basic as tell the difference between blues and jazz, something far easier than differentiating rock and metal, maybe consider listening to more music
early gong is so good bros
Again, you're missing the point, they're not mutually exclusive: you can have something with a blues chord progression and a jazz arrangement, I can whip up a simple 12-bar-blues on a saxophone right now and it could still count as jazz depending on the context it's in. The roots of jazz are very much grounded in blues, this is not even a controversial take.
>you can have something with a blues chord progression and a jazz arrangement
no shit, but that's not happening in money
Are there any evil or sinister sounding prog rock that isn't metal?
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You might as well say it's not happening in any King Crimson studio tracks besides maybe 21st Schizoid, and yet, we still recognize that there's a lick of jazz influence throughout their whole discography. The same goes for Money to some extent, the tenor sax section might not classify as a true jazz portion by some arbitrarily specific measure but it's still at least attempting to invoke something jazz-y, it feels weird to claim that a sax section set to an unusual time signature in a lush-sounding rock song about wealth has nothing to do with jazz.

Hey, speaking of 21st Century Schizoid Man:

vdgg has some sinister stuff
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very based
>You might as well say it's not happening in any King Crimson
very bizarre statement, I would never say that because they do have jazz all over the place, just like magma or zappa
>The same goes for Money to some extent
no it doesn't. it's the most generic 12 bar blues pentatonic scale ever
>might not classify as a true jazz portion by some arbitrarily specific measure
the most recognizable blues scale of all time is not some random arbitrary measure, this is an incredibly ignorant claim
>it's still at least attempting to invoke something jazz-y
name one thing it does that's jazz that isn't muh sax
Which Peter Hammill solo album is the best and why is it In Camera?

>Inb4 anon is filtered by Magog
you're retarded, it's Nadir's Big Chance
The Silent Corner and the Empty Stage
any esoteric/gnostic prog-folk?
>Devil Doll
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i'll make you mad

Orne are heavy prog/folk with esoteric & Lovecraftian horror lyrics. They're pretty much the same members from Reverend Bizarre too so there is a doomy aesthetic on top of it all
When he heard Mike's 2nd album, where he does the lead vocals, Mike's dad, the admiral, told him "Don't quit your day job".
Power Windows might be my favorite Rush album
Benoit David vocals version or Trevor horn vocals version?
Based. It's my 2nd favorite behind Hemispheres
Horn version obv. It's basically Drama 2.0.
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>the opening of Duke's Travels
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the opening of Congo
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The opening of Osorezan / Mountain of Fear
/prog/gers,what the hell is this
the song's great, pretty much the last good album made by Yes.
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By some chance, are you the guy that was arguing Black Midi and Zappa are identical a few threads ago?
Steven Wilson announced his first tour in 7 years and a new album which will consist of two 20 minute long pieces
Great album, shame Anathema are done
progarchives considers Current 93 prog folk
i think wind & wuthering sucks
Gimme some prog with saxophones
The second side of Dark Side of the Moon also has some good sax playing.
Gonna have to wait for him to come to the states sadly. If done right this album could be pretty good
>not coming to Lisbon

no, and i dont even think they sound all that similar
not music
>beat by Crimson
not music
neurotica almost saves it
The only good track is the opener.
Beat is like the first big dud of their career.
beat is as good as discipline
I disagree but I can see why you would think that
Bait used to be believable
Belief used to be baitable
King crimson barbershop is their best song.
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recently listened to pic. rel. what are other bands similar to them?
discipline has the best song between them but also the worst one, beat is just more consistent. It does sound a little more dated, so maybe for that i'd put discipline a hair above it
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The 80s was his worst era musically but his best era in terms of looks.
didnt he just release a new album last year? man has great work ethics even though he's been recording for almost 40 years.
He says he just works really fast and gets excited about music easily
If I like Phil what Genesis should I listen to?
Peter Gabriel's Genesis
Because that's the only era of the band that matters.
>his worst era musically
he didn't do much in 2000s bar that opera album no one listened, that half-baked song called Flickering Flame which I somehow liked, that song called 'To Kill a Child' where he listed a bunch of brands, ' also that 'The Last Mimzy' song which is unironically kino.
also yeah there's 'Each Small Candle' but it's on the same level of 'Leaving Beirut' where it's just Roger singing paragraphs over the most basic chord progression.
His era of Genesis is not good.
Just stick with his solo stuff.
Collins' Genesis is the peak of Prog Pop genre, pick any album from that period and you can feel the perfect blend between catchy pop songwriting sensibilities and a genius song arrangement that still retained its prog component here and there.

Gabriel's Genesis is mostly filled with instrumental wanking, nonsensical lyrics written by yours truly, and I couldn't be more glad that everyone involved on that sound decided to grow up from it by late 70s.
continuing to this, if I were to rank Collins' Genesis albums, it'd be this
Duke > And Then There Were Three > Genesis 1983 > Abacab > We Can't Dance > Invisible Touch and even Invisible Touch is 7.5 at worst

yeah you can see I totally don't rate the 2 Collins' Genesis albums before ATTWT because they're still prog wanking stuff and thank god Hackett the whiny baby left. mediocre ass songwriter.
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>Prog pop
Yawn. I listen to prog as a break from pop-oriented rock music.
>Gabriel's Genesis is mostly filled with instrumental wanking, nonsensical lyrics written by yours truly
Filtered by great and interesting guitar playing. Lyrics hardly matter in a genre like prog.
Selling England and Foxtrot >>>> Any Phil album
Has Jeff Wayne made anything else?
I enjoy Calling All Stations a lot more than most Gabriel's Genesis. Gabriel's Genesis is mostly a piece of shit that only contrarians rate them over Collins'.
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When I first got into Genesis I didn't know much about them or which albums were Peter or Phil. I just listened to them at random. Interestingly enough the only albums I liked were the Peter ones. Doesn't seem contrarian to me.
Even tried to get into Genesis before then with the popular Phil stuff, but it bored the shit out of me. I preferred Yes.
Selling England is better than any Phil Genesis album. 10/10 masterpiece.
>t. Phil
There were 4 years between TTB and TFB
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Which Jethro albums are the most flutey, what's the one that gave them the reputation of being the band with the flute?
>Collins' Genesis is the peak of Prog Pop genre
You kidding? They were okay but there's so much better stuff even for that standard
Any VGG specially Godbluff, and Still Life
very good bait
well one was delayed due to covid, also there's this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_You_to_Bits
other than war of the worlds? my parents blast that every summer, great record
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>Collins' Genesis is the peak of Prog Pop genre
Lmao even
your shitty Gabriel's Genesis would be as irrelevant as ELP nowadays without the renaissance under Collins. would only be jerked off by a bunch of boomers on Steve Hoffman forums.
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He’s pointing at us

Start with Duke

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