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Can you recommend me an artist that's similar to Bob Dylan?

Doesn't necessarily have to be folkish, but I'm looking for somebody who manages to conjure up that same feeling you get when listening to Dylan.
lou sneed
Richard Thompson and Richard Thompson era Fairport Convention
try Bob Dylan
Bruce Springsteen, first four or so albums beginning with Greetings from Asbury Park
Tom waits for me
He's actually pretty darn good.


Any other songs of his you can recommend?
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Richard Thompson is a great guitarist and a terrible lyricist, literally the opposite of Bob Dylan.
coldplay. both's lyrics are platitudes.
Bob admits it himself:

>I fuss with my hair and I fight blood feuds
>My lyrics contain platitudes
Leonard Cohen.
He also can sing, so yeah very unlike Bob Zimmerfeldmanstein
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Just listen to his records. These are the top 25 best or so. They're all great.
He's not a terrible lyricist whatsoever
Actually Richard Thompson has a very grating voice. Bob Dylan is a much better singer.

He fucking is. Sentimental mush with absolute cringe lyrics. His only good songs are Beeswing and 1952 Vincent Black Lightning, and even then the lyrics are pretty cringe.
>Split into the two separate camps of “some guys who got it down” and “secret heroes”, Dylan included some of pop culture's heavyweights in his illustrious list. In the former, he named Leonard Cohen, Lou Reed and Northern Irish folk icon Paul Brady. In the latter were John Prine, David Allen Coe and Tom Waits
David Blue
Check out Benjamin Reichwald's stuff. Closest thing I've found and Dylan is my favorite artist of all time.
Nah I don’t listen to Jews, only good Protestant artists like Dylan.
They don't call him Zion Bob for nothing
Davendra Banhart

He’s a great lyricist, so you’re retarded
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
Jimi Hendrix
The Who
The Doors
Janis Joplin
The Band
Neil Young
The Byrds
this guy is mega kitsch, i don't understand how americans don't see it.
Van Morrison (sometimes..)
I saw him live. He’s fucking awful and you’re a moron if you can’t see it.
I like Turner Cody.

Came here to post this
Tom Petty
Some of bright eyes stuff gives me that bob Dylan feeling
Phil Ochs
Kris Kristofferson and early Willie Nelson
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john martyn
>his only good songs are the only two I know
What is that feeling? Can you describe it?
this. donovan gets a bad rap.he wasnt copying dylan, largely he was copying thr things dylan was copying then he moved on to hippie dippy psychediamwhich i still like

The Mountain Goats.
Based Banhart enjoyer. Best song posted here in months. OP should also check out Banhart’s cover of Townes Van Zandt’s “Colorado Girl” and then dive into the whole TVZ catalog.
I sat through him playing his bullshit music in Glasgow 2020 or 2021, I can’t recall. Besides those two songs it’s all garbage with nice guitar playing.
Listen to the albums. The best are Unhalfbricking, I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight, Shoot Out the Lights and Liege & Lief, but they're all great. If you don't like him after listening to those four, fair enough, but you should give them a chance.
John Prine is the gentle gentile Bob Dylan.
Phil ochs is better imo
you should listen to some good catholic artists for a change

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