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Intergalactic riffs edition

old: >>122425389
faq: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Metal seriously sucks.
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punk >>>>>>>>>>>> metal
how long will yall pretend the opposite?
me looking at korean women
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Pretty boring album, posting a proper deep space record
are there intergalactic riffs in punk
nah, Punk is galactose-intolerant
no, that's pseud shit
punk is based on reality
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Listening to Satan Worshipping Doom and blazing.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
look, it's the manbearpig guy again (with the pig hands!) !
its the best bongripper album
oi punk

holy shit
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The majority of Americans smoke/have smoked weed. You don't need to performatively show off to us every time. It makes you look like a child
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>The majority of Americans smoke/have smoked weed. You don't need to performatively show off to us every time. It makes you look like a child
Not metal.
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You think it's every time? I do stuff outside of here you know. And it's not to piss anyone off, it's all in good fun. Just calm down you fucking guy. Don't chimp out over literally nothing. Jeez.
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(I'm retarded btw.)
Les Légions Noires
What are some good LLN bands other than Mütiilation? I know none.
I bet you love crowbar
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Arischer Krieg Über Alles
False actually. Moreso Sunn O))).....
He's Canadian
Black Murder, Vlad Tepes
Whatever, I'm sick of seeing his Mexican sausage fingers
Ok thanks.
It's like a condition dude. I'm sure it is. Because I get this all the time.
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how the fuck do I even get random recs like this sometimes? what even is this?
why do you spam this instead of Fuckboi or We got the moves
Spaceman is like their 5th best song
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ЗBЁЗДHЫЙ ХPAM reigns supreme
Is this actually good or no
egyptian metal
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It's one of the best things to come out this year unless you're a zoomer who can't wait a few minutes for songs build up
How do I even find it? I tried copying and pasting ЗBЁЗДHЫЙ ХPAM AND ЗBЁЗДHЫЙ into Slsk and Google and got nothing.
Nvm I got it
2 years ago
I heard about this band recently. It turns out my youngest daughter works with the bassist and is a huge fan. I'm nearly 71 and have always been a big fan of good punk. This is good punk. My daughter has great taste.
How embarrassing
>2 years ago
You goofed
I intentionally included that because that old nigga is more based than this whole general.
Plus fuck off I'm not 71. I'm on 63.
What is the most metal beer? I vote for Coors, because it's Slayer's beer of choice. RIP HH.
whichever is the cheapest and closer to tasting like actual piss
>lactose intolerant
metal for this feel?
extreme metal wouldn't exist without punk
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>owning a daughter
settle down, nazi
Music inspired by Anon's MMO.
Incantation - Onward to Golgotha
can anon write a review for it in his textfile?
>bragging about being subdued
Oh say can you see
what would you do if somebody just turned off your music?
I could never get into Megadeth.
I'd ask why they are in my apartment and then ask them for a cheeky bj or hj.
incoherent reply
I'd rather get into Electra Mustaine, if you know what I mean.
"Act V: Greatness" by Serapis Project shreds like a motherfucker.
incoherent reply
Missed a thread yet with this fag spam? Lol
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Pompous, righteous, aggressive the guitar duality merges in constant interplay between harmonies and unified rhythm shifting subtle texture within constant iteration of theme in usefully changing avenue, pointing units at one another across a tonal divide of vast yet often chromatic advances; its arrogance is its elitism, and its elitism is to encode its masterview within the next intensity level of the technique used by Discharge, then Slayer, and then Sepultura in its evolution. Warring between two statements, if each self consistent justifies its melodic balance with rhythm and structural management of tonal division to resonate with conceptual position, naturally invokes the human cognitive apparatus toward perceptual tokenization and thus statement, in language as in natural resolution to gaps in data, of x-compare-y as the weapons of battle are unsheathed.

From this modal playing framing atonal song development is a dying Baroque gasp given ferocity by the gutter logicianship of death metal in a rising force of logic within the decaying realm, a negative truth within a larger existential conception which can never be reconciled with the forces of Judeo-Christian morality; its expression (cause and effect as self-inventing forms of calculation and change) brings to mind the ancients alongside the more recent philosophical efforts in Nietzsche and Heidegger to replace morality with a primal, natural valuation of a constantly changing aesthetic landscape with unaltering core values, as seen in the modern time.
pretty sure it's a bot
You only ever talk about other posters. Why don't you ever post about metal?
I am a DMU defender, but these reviews are terrible. Prozak, defend yourself. I know you're here (probably).
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Holy quinoa...
this doesn't make any sense
This was about OTG. Not Prozak though unless he has other aliases

>Incantation’s riff progression on Onward to Golgotha was incredibly violent and profound. Riffs that would serve as mere glue or budgeted filler by lesser bands were progressed to untold extreme intervals until rended apart and put back together again oppositely as if souls resurrected from death deliberately incorrectly so as to doom them to suffer and die once more. Craig Pillard was a chanting, possessed cultist chanting blasphemous narratives of Satan crawling up through the mud from hell to undo creation and engulf the earth into the “Eternal Torture” of everlasting hell fire himself.

>Compositions were refined so that all Incantation’s riffs repeated and progressed in numerological triads similar to Morbid Angel’s time signatures but applied to the structure of entire compositions. Incantation themselves remained in more conventional common time, echoing the corporeality of mortality and the lack of anything truly beyond that. This superb compositional arrangement let Onward to Golgotha reward repeated attentive listening like few other death metal records can except for maybe Nespithe. One can listen to the CD a dozen times in a row and hear something novel to marvel at every time. Moving beyond interesting riffs to the superb counterpointing, flowing chromaticisms, and the eventual realization that the music has hidden desires of its own as to where exactly the will of the natural vibrations of the world shall lead it to. This makes Onward to Golgotha among the deepest of all metal recordings. Entropy shall eventually triumph over everything ever imagined including every supposed divinity. Death conquers all.
>turns off your music
y-you invited me over do you remember? haha...so about your proposition...
My mom ALWAYS just turnd the volume all the way down, never ever has pressed pause or even stop. It pisses me off.
kek listen to the album instead of reading cringe reviews
I've never read a review in my life
>He doesn't know Prozak has many names.
Next you'll tell me you were unaware of Kyle from Incantation's mustache.
Who is Prozac and why should we care?
Metal for this feel?
I'm glad I'm not an Incantation fan because I could not in a million years imagine to be this obsessed.
Kek dis nigga a fucking ancient n shiet
neckbeard who started an early (possibly the first) metal forum. Now runs DMU
He fucked Chuck.
>t. Won't answer
rec brutal death metal albums without drum triggers
I am not the Darkthrone spammer, Poop Richard
The music of genius, genre-defying musician, outdoorsman, visionary philosopher, and rpg-maker Varg Vikernes
>dis nigga worked his whole life to retire just to post on 4chan
hail odin sire

hail odin sire
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What is the difference between a "riff maze" and a riff salad?
Judas Iscariot
Reminder that this actually happened and if you disagree you are a chudcel.
Not metal.

Riff salad is just random riffs mixed together that have nothing to do with each other. Riff mazes have songwriting and take you through the turns of a "maze" while having coherent themes and a beginning and end
And why are you posting pictures of children?
Gorguts - Obscura
Kill yourself obsessed Europoor.
am i the only person who ignores 90% of posts?
>posts in literally every thread
Without a doubt a bot. Now we just need to know its pronouns and they will be just another one of us trans sisters
Not a bot
macaque soup
sopa de macaco
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stop talking
very brazilian hours
That's so sad...

So are these albums riff salad or riff maze

Necrophagist - Epitaph
Demilich - Nespithe
Gorguts - Obscura
DsO - Paracletus
Crimson Massacre - Luster of Pandemonium
>ordered sushi
Is there metal for this trans metalsisters?
Your dad won't say that after you kick the stool
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>Your dad
Does he know you're on the internet?
I'd rather have short fingers than have shitty, schizophrenic taste
>Necrophagist - Epitaph
Riff salad
>Demilich - Nespithe
Riff fiesta
>Gorguts - Obscura
Riff circus
>DsO - Paracletus
Riff pride parade
>Crimson Massacre - Luster of Pandemonium
Riff maze
What's the diff?

Bob Vigna

Krallice -debut
Does it taste good?
one is caverncore and the other one is technical
Do you think it LOOKS like it tastes good? Maybe if you put meth in it it would be good.
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Could I get some recs for meth induced riff salad?
the embodiment of a riff salad
piosenka dla braci teraz, a kurwy cicho
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based nile enjoyer
Trey and Varg are geniuses.
uma delicia
I heard that brazilians are deeply embarrassed about that meme
For me it's Transmetal
quintessentially brazilian
This but unironically. Also Steve Harris.
how can a bass player be a genius?
a good question
Proper post
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Did this retard seriously call Necrophagist riff salad and then suggest CM isn't?
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He's holding that mic like he's eating a hotdog

It filtered you nicely
Greatest vocalist of all time
From the greatest band of all time
It is impossible to dislike AiC
You don't like metal or rock in general if you hate AiC
I actually don't mind it much and you can search the archives for proof of that if you like. There is just no chance you could call it less intentional than Necrophagist besides to be an incoherent contrarian.
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Should I go see Midnight

I don't know why you're choosing to die on the hill of Necrophagist of all bands. They're not really taken seriously
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>They're not really taken seriously
Appeal to majority, which fails regardless because from what I gather in most cases the majority would actually agree with me. If you argue that "true" listeners would know better (no true scotsman) then even Tougas on his channel says "Its quite all all over the place", and I'm almost entirely sure Tougas knows composing more than you and has much more proof of that in a battle of street cred (appeal to authority); certainly more than whom I assume the kind of person that you would idolize such as the baldcuck youtube eceleb.

So really what it comes off to me as, is you dying on a hill all alone out of ill conceived contrarian mindset to own some imaginary Necrophagist fan as if you are still living 20 years in the past back when they were popular.


Luster of Pandemonium is amateurish and flawed, but there was burgeoning genius there. Reminds me a lot of At the Gates at their best at times but then it would go off into chaos. The chaotic parts do start to make sense after many listens but it's very fleeting. Whatever
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Snorre ruch live with unreleased tracks
I forgot I bought TWO Varg books that I can read. Metal for this feel?

proper link
best bm band coming in

greatest. band. of. all. time.
I mean its alright, I don't know if I would agree with burgeoning genius because AtG already existed, but I would have liked to see another attempt at the style. In general it lacks cohesion and making it better would be a hard step to make, sure you can hear the melodies through the intentional broken up nature of it, but just because you pieced that together doesn't mean the melodies or riffs themselves fit next to each other or have much of a connection at all. Its added insistence on the endless speed and loudness means it is shallow in the end, some dynamics would have been much appreciated.

Its not easy to make controlled loud choas into a cohesive composition with each riff leading perfectly to the next, few examples exist such as Synarchy

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>audience and hype man doing le ebin headbang
>Snorre just stands there ignoring them
SFB (so fucking based)
>And destruction upon the Redditor
>Who hails a cuck
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How do I like this album? I've listened to it a few times and like once I remember it being good but I don't think I was paying close attention luul
Dindu Burglar
No, you hate that balding garbage

Well for one thing you can tell they just couldn’t play fast enough as they probably heard it in their own heads which comes off as incohesive. But I swear I can hear what they had in mind

Based “Correct” anon
Gay thread, go to hell, do not pass Go
Thoughts on Immolation?
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>remixed and remastered
cash grab or improvement?
Cause he's a pedophile
Bro AiCfag i just got done listening to Dirt on my shift at work and I have no clue how you genuinely consider this to be metal. The fact it has metal guitar tone does not make it metal, every other band in Seattle at the time had metal guitar tones and metal influence including Nirvana and Soundgarden
grunge is just doom pop
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anorexorcist is literally heavier than anything aic has written and yet aic is "metal"?
yeah grunge is just doom influenced poser faggots from seattle trying to sell out and go mainstream
Ved Buens Ende - Written in Waters
This feels like Deathspell Omega or Ulcerate with the jazzy dissonant chords minus the ultra chaotic parts plus clean vocals but this came out in 1995.
Eh it’s got a fair amount of punk and college rock influence, too not just Melvins earlier doom stuff.
aic is the korn of their era. (dogshit and not metal)
AiC is fuckin awesome and timeless but unfortunately not metal, just rock.
Summoning sucks
Corniest band for sure just as bad as most power metal and bad melodeth
The tolkien-inspired anti-fascist dungeonpop
Free Anna from the Chains > Alice in Chains
Only one guy is a libtard
I know, but the meme will never die.
can you help me
free anna, from the chains?
Right now I'm blasting Not Metal because I'm wanting to play dota.
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Sucks. Sounds like a kid spent 30 minutes in Reaper boosting frequencies and adding widening effects. Very likely a case of Paul himself "fixing" something that wasn't broken.
Send melding
Sigh - Imaginary sonicscape
*raises spork*
It fucking slaps.

Thoughts on this EP?
I smiled
Worth getting a CD if you only like 1 song on the album?
If it's a dollar or less sure.

My mom would always do that then complain about how they don’t make albums like the Beatles anymore
Metal is based on dreams. Dreams of 8.
I do that sometimes but just in the hopes the album art is good or has silly linear notes or whatever, or if you just have money to throw away.
I have a CD copy of a banner greater than death
Intestine Baalism - Riff Meat & Potatoes
I'd want that just for the edge factor, but the album itself is "okay" at best.
The main one I want is Noontide but I can't find that shit anywhere.
Eh it has a few good songs on it. The ones with movie samples are on ironically good.
I like some of the riffs but I just think it's an alright album and nothing special. Overhated by "nooo its chuddy" people and overrated by NS shills.
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You should listen to >>122434584 in all sincerity.
>Overhated by "nooo its chuddy" people and overrated by NS shills
that do be the difficulty with NSBM
go to godhatesfags.com for the truth about heavy metal
>just blew ass
Metal for this amazing feel?
Does this mean "shitted" or "sucked a man's asshole"?
More like Trash & Garbage
I had a dream about the AiC poster for some reason.
I had a dream about Red Dwarf running an episode where everyone was Kryten, and then woke up at 4am and had explosive diarrhoea.
Dreams are weird.
I’m done trying to make sense of them.
Entombed - Left Hand Path gives me gas
Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times
Not metal
Anything similar to this?

Riffless music need not apply
Demolition Hammer
Good metal for smoking your last one, sweaty smoke after boozing it with the lads?
I don't need drugs and alcohol in my life.

That’s the pampers trainers of death metal
Aw c'mon, what's a little frivolity hurt?
I dont care it RIFFS
Some people rely on them too much and become addicted.
Linkrel and Deathcrush came out in the same year holy shit. The gap is immense.
Might has well
Unironically, SBG was probably more important to the development of black metal than Deathcrush
Reverend Bizarre
Reverend Bazaar
I do prefer Deathcrush tho
Bathory - Hammerheart
It has charm
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Have you tried Chuck's band after Death? The vocals are clean and not done by him, but everything else is there.
Horrendous also recently concluded a similar "death metal band goes so prog they barely resemble death metal" arc. Completely different sound though.
Chris Barnes
Neither of them were important. Freezing Moon, early Burzum and Thorns demos were the most important.
True, though those albums would not have come out sounding the same if they hadn't been listening to the early death metal releases (which they were)
Possessed - Seven Churches
True. In that case, Mercyful Fate and the KD debut were just as important.
>Chuck's band
This makes me think of this moment here where Andy La Rocque awkwardly refers to Death as "Chuck's band."
1994 was the best year for bm
Yeah this is pretty good. Wish Warrel Dane sung on it though
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Incorrect. It's 1996. Officially. Every one knows already.
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Best year for BM so far.
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Okay. I'm finally giving this a chance. A couple minutes into it and I'm optimistic so far. This'll probably be my last album before I crash.

This was the biggest influence
certified ripper
Irrelevant death/thrash Euronymous slave band

This was the biggest influence
Laughably moronic.
Actually it's Divus de Mortuus
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No, all of you are wrong. This was the most influential by far.
Trey Azagthoth invented black metal
heavy riffs and good vocals, what could go wrong?
I've never listened to Morbid Angel past Altars and it will probably always stay that way
It's rather plodding..
welcome to doom metal
I legitimately enjoy random Sunn O))) live concerts more
There's a cool intense part going on right now tho so my opinion will prob change
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Check this out
the last song is very slow and lasts 20 minutes

who the F*CK cares about Euronymous
Great album, but always one I forget to spin.
Only thing I've heard that's similar is the red in the sky is ours
Post underappreciated album covers
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Atheist - Unquestionable Presence
Also the Control Denied album, and other late-Death albums.
And also, bands I believe are similar but I still haven't listened to(because metal fucking sucks desu): Opeth, Edge of Sanity and Cynic.
...what? Even Slaughter of the Soul sounds closer to TSOP. Are you comparing album art covers or what?
Hector you are a fucking retard
You can't just post an album from the same band I just posted that isn't fair
Wrong guy, actual retard.
too much cringe to take in at once
(Even though that is a cool cover)
most of these bands you posted are from the 90's
Neither of these sound anything close to TSOP
meds now
Control denied and Atheist do sound similar, especially Control Denied.
Use your ears you shitters
why do you always do this
NEW: >>122442733

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