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Rap is better than metal. It's not even a contest. Rap has and always will be more popular.
Both are not music.
nobody ever accused normalfags of having any taste
It's not that rap is more popular, it's that it's more real, increasingly more relatable to people around the world, and actually requires more heart and skill than playing a guitar.
Two genres where every song sounds the same, who cares if one sounds better than the other?
Metal isn't supposed to be popular. If it was popular, I wouldn't want to listen to it.
popular isn't equal to good
usually does actually
well both can be relatable and real. Black sabbath is a good example as they have been relatable to the working class people. Just different ways of expression
>and actually requires more heart and skill than playing a guitar.
being black doesn't take heart, and mumbling certainly doesn't take skill.
>genre that has gone nowhere in 25 years
>genre that has gone nowhere in 10 years
Metal was more popular in the 80s
name a metal song lyrically good as this
Erblicket die Töchter des Firmaments
Metal is good music for sampling to find ways to make better rap, but within itself very uninspired music
>stealing shit to further my "art"
melanated post
That’s the only time you gonna hear dat shit on the radio no way, they should be grateful to have they shit played for an audience
and an ooga booga to you too
baka bitch ass white boy
All music exists so that it can be sampled for rap.
yet with that, rap fails to be music itself. irony hurts.
Rap is the logical conclusion of music. Why would I want to hear a white boy sing on heavy metal guitar when I can have Dave Free throw some 808s and Kendrick Lamar break down Pulitzer Prize winning rhyme schemes
never mind, you're white larping as black. lol.
I never implied I was black, but I accept your concession.
Your Treachery Will Die With You - Dying Fetus
you're a wigger, which is just as bad and even more embarrassing
At some point you’ll have to stop inaccurately guessing my race and address my argument at its core, otherwise I’ll remain just as entertained as to whichever projecting insults you can levy against me because people don’t like your shitty music.
yeah, stealing shit and whatnot, that's cool. also, metal isn't meant to be liked by the masses, so you already have no idea what you're even talking about. "metal" liked by normalfags is worthless ersatz garbage fixated solely on aesthetic.
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>achksually metal isn’t meant to be liked by the masses
Bwhahahahah it’s time to grow up and listen to rap anon, you’re just holding on to a long bygone hipster aesthetic
Rap isnt music. Metal is.
Metal requires actual talent and skill to make while anyone can talk fast over a stolen beat
>grow up
>listen to rap
my sides
Imagine actually thinking metal takes any skill compared to rap.
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>this thread was brought to you by:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lsnTQyGI78 fastest rapper is in a metal band
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alright timothie we all take you very seriously, just don’t cast a spell on me
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as long as yout don't pop a cap in my ass nawimsayinnnnnnnn
I have a lot of empathy for hiphop rn. When I look at its state it reminds me a lot of metal right before it almost died for good. The same feel of a once rebellious genre been put through the corpo grinder where stale shit gets marketed as the next big thing that actually has no traction beside in the PR texts trying to astroturd its soullessness . Sadly, in modern times, this corpo zombi state can and has gone on much longer than back then when it happened to metal. I hope hiphop fags can find the same undying autism to keep their genre on life support till it heals. Will be much harder for you guys tho. Late stage "popularity" is a terminal disease.
no one in this thread can accurately define what music is
>Rap has and always will be more popular.
lol the day i see a rapper play in front of 2 million people get back to me
That's easy.
Music is stuff I like. Not music is stuff you like. We can't like the same things.
both not music
poop is more popular than pee
What is this image? A concert with 2 million people in attendance? If so what fuckin' concert is that? o_0
Metallica, Moscow 1991, 1.6 million attendance.
only genre of metal that worth a listen is thrash and related

fuck you all niggas listening music about dragons, mirrors in the castle and shit
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Clearly you aren’t a fan of pic related. Just how gay are you, anon?
Why would you compare not music to music, let alone say it's better?
I know, right? How can anyone think metal is music or better than rap.
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For real. Rap, specifically in the modern day is atrocious and is for NPC ghetto white trash and/or degenerate blacks. Just what it is.
Yeah, but metal doesn't have a bunch of rap people in it, so it wins.
>Pulitzer Prize
muh good goy award lmfao
Eminem once performed in front of 80k people and I believe that was the all-time record for a rap show.
Because half the “metal” bands were putting out glam ballads
That's a weak ass lyrical rap song. And the same could be leveled against your claim in a different direction. Name a rap song that's more musically complex than any rock artist.. you can't be rappers aren't musicians. They sample all their work.
>Dave free
>kendrick lamar
>pullitzer prize winning rhyme schemes
You need to go back faggot
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>they shit

Metal is one of the few remaining genres that has any kind of traditional musicality.
>Metal is one of the few remaining genres that has any kind of traditional musicality.
Good bait.
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both are niggerlicious genres with an even more niggerlicious community
Apples and Oranges
fuck off dude
t. big fan of both
Popularity =/= talent. It’s amazing we still are having this argument at this point in time. Plus metal predated rap.
No, it doesn’t.
Speak English

The worst kind of “people”
Okay, buy a guitar and shred for us
I prefer punk tbqhwyl
Both are music.
You wouldn't know "traditional musicality" if it bit you on your faggot ass.
What about rap metal?
I just think from a lyrical perspective metal has a hard time competing with rap, you’re not going to find many metal songs written as intelligently or as much humor as

for instance, obviously rappers resonate more with people who haven’t watched lord of the rings recently
so taylor swift is good? anon, please blow your brains out, thx x
Two most obnoxious fans online
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>more skill than playing a guitar
different kind of skill but I dont think tech death metal comes anywhere close to nigger mumble and I'm a fan of hip hop. Shit like this takes forever to nail properly.

>increasingly more relatable
That's because you're all becoming poor illiterate mutts.
what about classical guys?
silly comparison
metal is a subgenre of rock
Worst of both worlds
Tbh there had been a correlation between zoomer iq and liking rap/hip hop
>We all know zoomers like rap/hip hop
>We all know zoomers are retarded
>Therefore, they have a correlation; zoomers like rap/hip hop because they are retarded
Simple as
Need evidence? Just read the thread lmaoooooooooo
which has more soul: "Body-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody
Ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody (mwah)
Body-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody (ah, ah, ah ah)
Body crazy, curvy, wavy, big titties, lil' waist (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Body crazy, curvy, wavy, big titties, lil' waist (mwah)

or "How can we believe in heaven?
Human reason counters all ideas of soul society
My life is just a fragment
Of the universe and all, there must be more than I can see"
>obvious bias in the lyrics he chose
both are shit by the way
shut up, plebian
>Talking requires more heart and skill than playing a guitar
Thanks for the hearty kek
both are shit

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