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The official Metal Year of the Aeon (MYOTA) - 1996 edition.

Dark Medieval Times: >>122442733
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If your top 3 DSBM isn't (in no order)
>Nyktalgia - Nyktalgia
>Make A Change... Kill Yourself - Fri
>Silencer - Death Pierce Me

What is your fucking problem?
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>punk pk-core
Listening; sounds like ska. Sounds like pop-punk. Yes, it fits nicely next to Blink 182. This could be pk-core.
The Mount Rushmore of Metal:
Tony Iommi
Steve Harris
Trey Azagthoth
Varg Vikernes

The year of
The only acceptable metal piercings are cock piercings and only for metalcore fags.
yeah rancid is absolute dogshit and was popular back in the rs days. i remember pk vids with rancid in them
Go start your own general you faggot. We don't like your kind here
Sex and metal
None so Vile!
Punk is for the retarded and poor and I am becoming increasinly retarded and poor, therefore I am branching out.
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We punksisters and metalsisters can always come together, as metalpunk sisters!

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None other than Nemesis Divina of course.
Nothing comes even remotely close(maybe except Abigor) even tho it's the best year
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cringe edgelords pretending to be zombies
metal needs more cute Japanese girls
baby metal are hags now unfortunately
Lady, we are discussing music here. Get back to >>>/fa/ or something.
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Listen to Leftöver Crack instead
Fenriz about punk bands that have influenced him(direct quotation):

>POISON IDEA is the only thing I hear ON THIS ALBUM. MOTORHEAD is the best example of punk and metal coming together, so of course we are inspired by them. I hear some AMEBIX in one of Ted's vocal performances on this album. I am also a big fan of the vocalist of PUKE (Swedish punk band from the mid-80s) but I just can't sing like him. Best band to mix punk and metal nowadays are probably BLÜDWÜLF
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did you guys have this exact same conversation like a week ago? im getting deja vu
I will search for an drink from the Mead of Poetry. Metal for this feel?
>moonfaced gooks
>in my metal?
>it's more likely than you think
What's wrong with that
>What's wrong with that
My cock isn't in their mouths. Metal for this feel?
Mediocre non metal relying on yellow fevered westerners to make bank
I love Rancid.
Sounds like a raw Rise Against. Perfect for an unedited music-on-bandicam 2006 pk vid.
I love Rise Against.
Wait... these song titles...
>Nazi White Trash
>Muppet N.A.M.B.L.A.
>Gay Rude Boys Unite
quintessential punk discography
you just described kpop in a nutshell
and dudes fell for it, willingly
Rancid is a good band. I love pop-punk.
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United States Fat Metal
punkfags would never pose like this
damn those guys look bad ass. they should hang out with kerry king
>nemesis divina
solid album but damn that album cover is the most boring, safe shit ever
They look like they eat cheese dip from chili's.
thats badass

Well it’s lord imperial, the fattest fat to ever metal
>Black Metal (early); Black Metal/Crust Punk/Hardcore (later)
I think it encapsulates the theme of the album decently. It'll probably make sense once you read the lyrics.
It is. I love birds and I want to touch them.
Any good albums I should download that aren't on streaming? I listen to a lot of grind and brutal death
We don't listen to that here.
>grind and brutal death
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Maybe you don't.
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Quebec BM bands just can't suck, I can't think of an example that wasn't at least decent. Middling sure, but like, dogshit bad? *shrug* nope
>first song
>opening/main riff is a straight up Cannibal Corpse rip off
Taake sucks
High IQ metal for mentally expanding? No prog shit.
I'm playing freecell RIGHT NOW (rn), and I can feel the blood in my brain. Most stimulated I've been in months.
I just realized it’s called Branikald because his name was Kaldrad Branislav and he just combined his name
As I'm playing freecell, I'm thinking ghostlights *moves fingers to the right and purses lips*
You need a pretty high IQ to truly understand Krallice.
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pretty good sickly sounding dm from spain with pitch-shifted vocals. any other dm bands from spain worth checking out?
Hope you like Judas Priest-ish trad metal and vocals.
This is what metal looks like.
japanese metal is really good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8ymE3pDM9o
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if morbid angel, deicide, cannibal corpse, etc. were the chads of the death metal scene, who were the incels?
Actually really good.
gothenburg scene
the fans
A little too swarthy for my taste.
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is scenecore allowed?
>ugly pudgy guy in the back has no chicks touching him
kek is he the drummer or something
He's the prettiest one there.
I love scene-core. It's soul.
Not metal.
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Most based post I've seen in this general in years
He's Richard Brunelle, who got shafted after their 2nd album
Treyfags will disagree but he was actually the better guitarist
I'm 100% unironic.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
it's metal adjacent tho
>metal + punk = hardcore
>hardcore + melodic/sad = emo
>emo + hardcore again = post-hardcore
>post-hardcore + scene girls = crabcore
Hell yea brutha https://youtu.be/CDgbYF48UPw?si=ZIWMyZnxsElLydkC
I love Rise Against bro. They were seriously formative for me growing up.
Sorry to hear that.
I would have said cynic, but they were having sex with each other
crabcore + meshuggah = djent
This is really good. I love it.
thanks fren. worked hard on it.
One time I had a girl come up to me and say "Heil" after I told her nice shirt (she was wearing a black metal shirt. I think darkthrone). I didn't know how to respond and sperged out. Metal for this feel?
Is metal.
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I saw pic related the last two nights in Portland. Holy shit is an understatement. It was that absolutely unbelievable. It’s insane how well they play Death’s discography.
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I don't listen to a lot of DSBM but picrel is like quintessential
Hi Steve.
Going to see what basically amounts to a Death cover band seems wrong
>what basically amounts to a Death cover band
I thought they literally were?
They are. What's funny is they aren't the only one with former members.
i swear ive found one or two during nbbmns but yeah. their dm is usually just as good when its not fruity
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Look like absolute jokers.
look like badass dudes
Three past members make up the band. Steve and Gene obviously, but the dude who played on Symbolic is now in the group. Highly suggest catching them if they come around to your neck of the woods. Both nights were sold out.
Convulse - World Without God
Shut up Bobby I know that's you.
I like it but does it get a lot better when I get used to the vocals
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>band formed in 1971
>debut album came out in 1985
What are some other bands that existed for several years before releasing anything?
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lol i never put that together either. Very good album and discography.
my nigga still got it
My demo
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I have serious doubts about whether this band ever existed.
they are from the berenstain multiverse
I've never doubted their existence, but I would bet a lot of their history is exaggerated or outright fake.
I watched the documentary.
There’s almost no evidence for them existing at all before 1979.

A few singles on Discogs, but they’re just 7” records with handwritten labels. I could go scribble a band name on a record right now and claim it’s from 1971.

No live videos, they’re not mentioned in any magazines, and some of the singles they claim are “Pentagram” recordings were originally released under different band names and have been retroactively called Pentagram.
Every embarassing genre you're not supposed to like I like.
There's no evidence my solo-project exists. And indeed, it doesn't.
>some of the singles they claim are “Pentagram” recordings were originally released under different band names and have been retroactively called Pentagram.
Doesn't that basically prove that Pentagram did NOT exist back then?
The name IS what matters.
meds. now.
Atrum regina my eternal queen
Anon's side project
My other solo project? I haven't started that either.
yeah they are just 2 bit sabbath knockoff from the 80s who lied about being around before sabbath
They met Chaim Witz, though.
I couldn’t finish it. Bobby Liebling is a schizophrenic retard who lives with his parents and has extreme delusions of grandeur. It was sad to see him live in a messy bedroom and shoot heroin and think he’s a rockstar.
I bet you won't watch my documentary, either.
I told myself I would start a DS project by now, but my laptop is still broken. I also haven't worked on my short story.
I've got a misshapen view of how identities work online and IRL. I feel like I've got one shot, with no experimentation .-- But I know that is not true. I feel like I'm in a cage.
still wanna do some Andrew Jackson Jihad covers in an OSDM style
I've never listened to AJJ but I liked The Postal Service when I was 13. I knew it was softy shit but I loved it.
Why is it that the further you go in iterations of metal the worse the genre gets?
Every single band I hear sounds like the OG influences just worse. Whats the point of making the same thing but shittier? Where is the innovation?
This song makes me cry.
It was used in Sparc Marc's lost BH world pk video. I remember it.
Expression of the soul
Ripping Corpse
AJJ is a bit heavier but they're definitely fruity
Symphonic and Power Metal
For me, it was Kids Ranqe, Maikel Pro, Bwuk Im Pb and Binu22.
Maybe you just dont actually like metal and overrate the OG bands for some reason? Like are you really saying there is nothing worth listening to outside of Black Sabbath and Slayer or what?
For me, it's early death metal that's still highly indebted to thrash.
It really is kinda insane how much PKing evolved. What Odablock and current top NHers do is legit S-tier e-sports APM type shit. I used to PK on p servers still like a year ago.
So Long Suckers is better
If we're seriously talking itt about punk of all kinds, like, I don't listen to much post hardcore, but Alexisonfire are a top 3 contender for my all time favourite band.
shut the fuck up retard
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>like, I don't listen to much post hardcore, but Alexisonfire are a top 3 contender for my all time favourite band.
Blasphemy formed in 84 same year as Mayhem
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I hate Star Wars bro
This is pretty good.
I love mallcore, meloshit, screamo, emo, pop punk, scene, and metalcore.
I love norsecore, dissoblack, atmoblack, DSBM, first wave, second wave, and blackened death.
I think I'm starting to see what Tard Doom likes so much about Reverend Bizarre. There's a...lot to chew on.
Reek of Putrefaction? More like Reek of Shit Production! You can't even tell what notes they're playing!
You can't tell what notes they're playing?
I love this track:
Ahhh, takes me back to being 13 and seeing this shit on TV. This and the Accidents videos are burned into my brain lol.
This is really good.
Is it any good?
I love Dead by April. I love Escape the Fate.
I've stopped trying to be kvlt and now I am trve.
Rec me more mallshit
I've never heard morbid angel covenant or blessed are the sick, but I've heard a lot of other ones

which should I do
thanks for helping me choose anon. Playing it now
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I actually like the singing. Usually I don't like clean singing in Doom but this is just hypnotic and scary as fuck.
ima listen to this tomorrow
the drums and guitars sound so good.
morbid angel guitars are like muffled and sharp at the same time.
>morbid angel guitars are like muffled and sharp at the same time.
They don't have to hide what they're doing. The music is heavy and good.
hell yea. also just learned it was produced by the same guy who did ride the lightning and master of puppets. no wonder it sounds so heavier than shit but also clear.
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Old Nick mogs
Werwolf likes Old Nick.
I like to say "Thanks Nick" to myself sometimes because of the E3 problem.
I like to wag my finger in the air when I listen to catchy metal.
And sometimes I snap.
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They show me everything I need
There's nothing wrong with a little greed
Never enough to satisfy
Such a driving desire that burns inside
My life came with its own scars
I don't need you to tell me about your sorrow
I can't say I've seen it all
But I live for the things that keep me hollow

Every day, I look into the mirror
Staring back, I look less familiar
I've seen all seven faces
Each one looks a lot like me
why are you posting your teenage emo kid diary entries?
cuz im gay and i like lyrics lol
It still goes heavy so idc
I am emo.
Based. Rather be emo than some tatted up fat bald fuck that needs ozempic
DSBM - loner
pk-core - trve reality
emo - soul
mallcore - my house
cock piercing metalcore - the musolini-headed veinpopping suburban white 105IQ guy down the street
manowar - gay
avantasia - my soul
I am one of the 5% who still keep it real.
For you everything seems lost
No dignity nor pride
Sovereign contempt every day of your life
I know how it feels to be the one they hate
In solidarity we spit into their ugly face

Side by side
Side by side
Side by side
And if death will be the price
Or the sun will no longer rise
I'll be by your side

You are confronted by all
All the ignorant and weak
In nations ruled by wolves
In countries owned by pigs
Pharisees at rage
They are judging the unseen
Intelligence extinct conformists
Afflicted by their plagues

Side by side
Side by side
Side by side
And if death will be the price
Or the sun will no longer rise
Side by side
To eternity and beyond
Side by side

As we crush homophobia
Side by side
And we'll never let the shame
Turn our vision to ice
And I'll remain by your side

To you who face the wrath of sacrosancts
To you who feel despised or un beloved
To you who's hope is killed
By the pestilence in their eyes
I'll be by your side

Side by side
To eternity and beyond
Side by side
As we crush homophobia
Side by side
And we'll never let the shame
Turn our vision to ice
And I'll remain by your
Side by side
To eternity and beyond
Side by side
We'll crush homophobia
Side by side
And we'll never let the shame
Turn our vision to ice
And I'll remain by your Side

Side by side
Side by side
Oh wait, the song is actually about gays? I thought this was just a funny comment to screenshot.
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Green Spell of Cultivation
>right click
>set image as desktop background
hail odin sire
Americans have gone to bed. Post euro metal!
>posts some of the gayest shit imaginable
What a start.
The outro is excuisite. It fades out just as it picks up.
I love that song so much. I would fuck to that song.
>apply for an entry-level hourly job
>spend an hour on a cover letter
>mention how I'd be a great fit
>say I want to follow in my dad's footsteps because he has 30+ years of experience and a master's degree
>*4 weeks later*
>recruiter sends a shitty formatted email asking if I can share my dad's contact info
never have I been so BTFO
metal for this feel?
Not sure anyone would fuck you with that taste except questionably aged boys with their bedroom wall covered in coloured flags.
The outro sounds like a finnish person talking. I'm not kidding; Do you hear it?
The bends sound like a finnish person.
The cadence of the bends. It sounds like a finnish person.

I would fuck to this song, not I have. I will only fuck in the afterlife. For the duration of my life here, I remain a virgin.
Ayo incel, women don't fuck men for their taste in music. Time to get out of the basement and start interacting with women.
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What you blasting for yule/winter solstice, southern hemisphere chads?
Unrelated, but you're the lowest IQ poster in this general easily lol.
I'll add "have sex" to the growing list of things you'll never achieve, like the MMO, demo, or posting an actual good album.
I thought you were in canada.
God; I want to brush your hair so bad.
quit acting like a retard then maybe people will start talking to you
Inside me there are two personalities: Gay Retard, and Avatar of Wotan.
You forgot "finish a bottle of wine"
In my soul, I am a jester. It is my true nature.
lol +1!
made me laugh
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Probably. I do not care for IQ tests, I care for metal. Talk metal.
Even lower than me?
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But all the metal you care for is dogshit.
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>When a metal album begins with atmosphere and a quiet fade in
I love Nightwish.
Solitude Aeturnus
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>when a metal album begins with a loud powerful riff
I don't mind this, unless it's much longer than a minute
try me, i have diverse taste as long as its not hipster poser shit or atmospheric/post/gaze/core.
So melodeath? The swedish osdm scene is more stockholm-rooted than gothenburg
these posts seem kind of forced and not sincere at all
I do hope you're not talking about me.
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i hate it because i cant tell how loud it will be so i have to linger near the volume knob. Or if im wearing head phones in public I have to hear all the background noise while i wait for it to start. dogshit experience
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Fucking hell
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best RABM album ever made
ayy lmao
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Personally, I listen to metal QUIET. I can feel if it's too loud. I can't hear that it's too loud, I feel it.
hey doomfag, what are your thoughts on Dread Sovereign
Dead Congregation
Love me some D.
I've heard all their releases multiple times and always wanted to like them because i like the theme and dig some primordial, but they are utterly boring to me. Zero memorable or evocative riffs.

check out this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0XoVavcJ74
Is Amorphis Queen of Time available on YouTube music for you guys? It's no longer there for me
I'm really tired of youtube music to listen to music, only reason I use it is because I've uploaded some songs from some groups
>Christian doom from Switzerland that sounds like Lord Vicar
for a stupid, dumb tripfag, you're alright
Imagine not listening to your entire music library locally.
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New song dropped, guys. What is the verdict?
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>woman on cover
not listening!
I'm waiting for the full release, but while Alcest are rarely "bad" (Shelter really being the only shit one) I find they haven't been that amazing since Les Voyages. Kodoma and Spiritual were fine but felt like Alcest on autopilot.
Grand Belial's Key
the album has already been released
I'm too lazy to find everything in high quality and not everything is available on modern music download site
Ne Obliviscaris firsts 2 albums 2004-2005 were found on a shady russian site
Also I like being able to access my playlist anywhere I am with a phone or a pc
downloaded music will always sound better than streamed music
garbage pitchfork bait band that does not belong in any discussion of metal. This album sounds exactly like you would expect it to sound. Its like the music itself is saying 'please like me, dont i look so pretty uwu'
i couldn't make it past the first song. I got very bored. no riffs = no listen
>if morbid angel, deicide, cannibal corpse, etc. were the chads
A wong initial assumption.
At least they wrote better music, not sure how much children they fathered kek
can't wait for these kids to grow up and spill all the drama about growing up in that family.
norwegian death metal
There is no drama in the family except D&D. There are lots of videos about his homestead and kids go watch them.
That Leftover Crack rec was really good.
Panzer Division Marduk
practically non existent
the relevant releases are pretty great, but there arent enough to even qualify as a scene
The Triumph, Genus post was good
The Kralice rec was was good
The The Alexisonfire rec was good.
The The Accidents rec was good.
all you get is a bad reputation for shilling the same album several times
American one-man metal demos: practically non-existent -- or, they might as well be -- because no one listens to them! Haha! Imagine American black metal. What a joke. Raaaaa raaaa in to my mic. Ha ha! Real talent, from America!

I hope you're not talking about me.
can only think of darkthrones debut
This >>122453879 post made this >>122453900 anon seethe. Lmao!
molested - blod draum as well
not much else though
American black metal
In fact, according to MA, there were only 146 Norwegian metal bands formed between the years of 1980 and 2000 that had the genre tag "Death metal." That tag could apply to any time in their careers as well, so who knows how many of them were actually death metal bands when death metal was still relevant. For comparison, Sweden had 689 and Finland 372.
>American black metal
But I don't want to!
How many CDs do you have?
>it came from the US. therefore, it is bad.

I am proof.
Roughly 350
i dont buy music anymore. that shii expensive
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I've got 2 cassette tapes for decorative purposes only
Based Norwegians
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gayest fairy rock shit ever
I love it
How often do you listen to metal?
I kind of like this.
>I cannot afford to stay in this panic state
all day e'ry day
Pretty much anytime I'm awake and at my computer or with headphones. I listen to other genres sometimes too but 90% of it is meal or meal adjacent.
I take frequent tolerance breaks
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>album has Gigachad on the cover
Thoughts on the band Ghost?
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Pretty based
you DO this mean this Ghost, right anon?
Surely you don't listen to that OTHER Ghost...
>epic death metal
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Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom
Nah I mean the other ghost
stop wasting money on something you're not going to use
fuck you dad Funko Pops make me happy
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anyone here play the guitar relatively well? how do you actually structure practice sessions? currently I improve upon the songs I know, solos and riffs and continue learning whatever I'm currently on but I dont think I'm doing this effectively.

Thoughts on Mick Gordon?

>records two of the best tech-death albums in history
>stops playing guitar forever and becomes an engineer
>refuses to elaborate further
DSBM posters like him dont actually like DSBM, they just want standard BM but then those bands have a sad angle to it and that's about it. Nyktalgia is good but it's not really depressive BM it's just burzum worship with sadder vocals.
maybe when chris barnes was the singer. corpsgrinder is a huge soft nerd
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>Country: Israel
>Genre: "Symphonic" Black/Death
>Production: Sterilized balless
>Vocals: As generic as it gets
>Riffs: Pure chug sloppa
>Cover: Random fat girl AI slop
>Video: More random fat girl AI slop
>It's not even ironic


Ruined my day.
i wonder how many artists used witches sabbath as their album cover
I was literally just thinking someone would reply that kek
>Country: Israel
stopped reading right there
when i was 13 i wore my alexisonfire shirt all the time. ugliest shirt i owned but i didnt care because i loved the band.
posted this in the guitar general and I got this as a reply
>why would anybody want to make tiny dick jacker music like that? thats what it looks and sounds like, an incel coomer who's never had sex furiously jacking his tiny little dick and squirting his cum into his own mouth at the end and running out of his bedroom trying to show everyone what he did. like gross nigga who tf wants to see that shit? like stay where you were jfc

tech-death bros, its over...
new cavalera stuff is out!
that's just that anon projecting his insecurities about his sad, sad life because he's never seen a vagina IRL and if he ever does, it won't be for free on his part, or willingly on her part
Imagine even looking at what the fuck is posted in /gg/
It's the only general worse than this one
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I think the consensus is that Écailles is their best album. But for me, Kodama really up there with Écailles. It's a shame they didn't follow the dark/melancholic atmosphere of that album later on. I honestly don't like this last one. It feels like "what if we do the gayest shit ever but with some harsh voices". It's just way, way too much dreampop. Souvenirs was kinda like this, but in a very soulful way.
I actually really love Les Voyages. Ecailles is probably "better" but Voyages is way more "grand" to me and has some better tracks at the cost of some consistencyy.
Kodoma for me was just inoffensively fine.

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