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Rachmaninoff edition.

How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous: >>122433501
a shit eating edition! how novel for /classical/!
Wow so based! I love the dark gothic feel of this epic music that makes me feel like I am in a Hollywood movie! Is that the Dies Irae I hear? Wow. Russians have such deep souls rich with the agony and ecstasy of the human condition.
Same Iass.
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Obligatory Daily Rachmaninoff post

does hector really
obligatory shit eating? well if you insist, i won’t stop you!
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for refuse or retarded?
The glory of Rachmaninoff. This music is truly not just something you hear but that you live. Every time he goes bang bang on the piano I have PTSD from the emotional truth. And yet so elegant and aristocratic. I feel as though I am in a salon in my favorite novels by Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.
>Rachmaninoff met and became friends with celebrated pianist Vladimir Horowitz, a friendship that lasted until the composer’s death. Horowitz referred to him as “the musical God of my youth.”

for rat or for rube?
Cello Sonata, Prelude, Vocalise


for ratchet or for repugnant?
Guys I love Rachmaninoff but he is triggering my gender dysphoria by reminding of my large hands and making my cock swell with his climaxes. How to solve?
Since no one else posts music, let me go on.


Any recording recs for this piece would be appreciated
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Already found a better recording


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My favourite Rachs:

>Song of Simeon

>Aleko - No. 2 Chorus

>The Young Gypsy's Romance

Can u post some good melodies I may not have heard?
Third The Bells I posted ITT, I keep finding better ones lol. I think this sounds more clear, is in Russian also. You've probably heard it, but the last movement is truly wonderful. There's nothing like Rach.
I'll listen to ones you posted now
This has somehow played perfectly on my phone with no ads for 20 minutes now, yet that Schoenberg, Webern, Berg trash loaded them every 2 minutes. And this is MILES better. It kinda sounds like Star Wars
Love that piece and recording, as well as all the extras that come with the release (eg Vocalise, op. 34, arranged for cello and piano).
Use NewPipe, install F-Droid.
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now playing
I added a couple of these recordings, and then more, thanks.
it's a pasta

>firetruck fan is a coprophile
well i can't say i'm shocked
for repulsive or for rank?
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Post your stacks.
Hear the sledges with the bells—
Silver bells!
What a world of merriment their melody foretells!
How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle,
In the icy air of night!
While the stars that oversprinkle
All the heavens, seem to twinkle
With a crystalline delight;
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the tintinabulation that so musically wells
From the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells—
From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.
Die Totenincel
Danke schwester

Now Playing - Paganini: Violin Concerto No. 3


t. never even played rach's 2nd sonata.
Fuck y'all fake niggas.
I prefer this sonata over any of Beethoven's any day -- especially this Horowitz frankenstein mash up of the original 1913 and 1931 revision.
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Rachmaninoff at home.
The Russians have a very bizarre relation with music. Despite how lively the sound is, if its Russian there has to be this tincture of melancholy imbued in it. Why are they so comfortable in expressing pain and melancholy? Guess we can ask these questions again, when we are comfortably drinking cockroach milk in the pods.
Rach Prince Rostislav
That's why I love Russians the most. They accept and embrace pain and melancholy like no one.
fag ass
>They accept and embrace pain and melancholy like no one

They know nothing else.
Good. There's too much happy kindergarten music out there already, at least the Russians get it.
Can I get some recommendations for more great Russian composers? I especially enjoy Borodin, Glauznov, and Kabalevsky. I prefer a strong lyrical sound mixed with melancholy
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now playing

Symphony no. 3, "Song of the Night":

Imagine being a music composer who died in obscurity and only sold one or two manuscripts, but several hundred years later people start attributing your work to Bach.
Imagine being a music bogposer who died in bogscurity and only sold one or two bog boogies, but several hundred years later people start attributing your work to Bog.
Kek. Who do you mean?
I want to thank my sister for introducing me to wagner
Is there any groovy classical music?
Why is it so hard for both the audience and the music education to accept historically-informed premodern (pre-Baroque) vocal music? They were all for HIP when it comes to the instruments, but not the vocal.
Hurwitz's chip on his shoulder about Dvorak is so funny.
Help me out lads.
What is ths song from 0.00-1:25?
No. Groove is nonsensical. It's the feeling of being really into nothing happening.
"What are you grooving about?"
"The fact that I'm stuck here, and nothing is going to change enough that it interrupts my groove"
Fuck you.
Bog in his jigs and boogies
yes, we know you enjoy eating shit, negro.
eating shit at home? i hope you’re doing it in the toilet!
because HIP universally sounds like shit regardless of what era it’s for. the second you drop any pretense of name recognition, interest in tolerating bad sounding music drops like a rock.
HIP is necessary if you want to create authentic premodern vocal music. It's not just a matter of singing with faster tempo, and so on. There are techniques that aren't even taught anymore in average music conservatories. It's pointless to talk about whether a performance of a premodern piece as good music or not when it's not even what the music claims to be.
people are not interested in premodern music period, and the second you add insufferable HIP affectations that only serve to make the music worse, people leave even faster than they would at a new music concert. i don’t make the rules, it’s just how it is.
>people are not interested in premodern music period
stop being bald sister
Gatekeeping shit eaters is necessary, yes.
well, you’ve succeeded at not only gatekeeping the shiteating virtuososloppers, but anyone that might have had an interest in listening to good sounding music, regardless of era.
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thanks for the anon who suggested me Berlioz's Symphonie funèbre et triomphale, Op. 15, now playing


Np, glad you enjoy this underappreciated work :)
People who are interested in good sounding music wouldn't be turned off by this.
What's on the paper; Yes. Too bad the singers didn't read it.
Correction you don’t like pre modern music
A night on bald Mountain is pretty groovy
i was groovin to the coda of the mvmt 1 of the harp quartet when i first heard it. like i was bumpin
i was boogieing to the bogga of the boogie 1 of the barp bogtet. like i was boggin
by the piece? no. by the performance? yes.
correction: premodern specialists don’t care about whether they actually sound good, only about excusing their entire performance practice away with appeals to authority.
Why did they push him in on a box? Why didn’t he just walk on?
They want it to sound authentic to how it would have actually sounded at the time and presumably how the composer intended it to sound
the composer also presumably intended for it to sound good, which they most certainly do not.
You don't actually like medieval music.
>how the composer intended it to sound
What's "Add a bunch of clashing horesehit which isn't notated" in French?And are there any surviving pages where we can see that he actually wrote any comments like that?
I’m sure they would show it to you if you asked nicely sister
I know right? His ballets overshadowed the rest of his repertoire.
>European music all sounded like contemporary inbred camel-fuckers ad-libbing, despite never being written like it. Then completely switched to a different system which happened to be perfectly consistent with the written music
It's really impressive how we actually figured this out in the end.
There were manuscripts telling you how they sang back then, how they ornamented the songs. Scores weren't intended to forbid you from putting ornamentation, improvisation, etc. until the 18th century.

What you get nowadays is soulless robotic-like music because musicians starting from the 18th century were influenced by the Enlightenment, muh hecking science, Newton, and all that.
ok but where’s the part where they actually make the music sound good
So true. I'm so glad Russian composers swooped in to save us from Voltaire with their profound and melancholic feeling for the chaotic unreason of existence and the metaphysical extremes of good and evil.
russian teen angst posting should become the new wagnersister posting
you have to be 18 to post here
>Enlightenment, muh hecking science, Newton, and all that.
lmao what does that have to do with anything
in the audio
Science is just writing observations down. I.e.
>"Hang on. This sounds like shit, every time."
might be the dumbest thing ever posted on these threads congratulations.
Why would you put a period at the end, but not before the congratulations?
evidently not
interesting that a diet of firetruck and schoenberg apparently turns you into a transsexual-obsessed scat pervert with a raging hatred of polyphony and harpsichords
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Might just spend the rest of the day listening to Stravinsky and Berlioz.
>interesting that a diet of Schoenberg apparently turns you into a transsexual scat pervert
i don’t think anyone advocating for russian teenage angst scatslop is listening to schoenberg
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Thank you
Recommendations for a recording of Janacek's piano works?
why is HIP music so good, sisters? and why does it trigger so hard our romantard sisters?
I've listening to Stravinsky conducts Stravinsky (except for his ballets) and I think that most of his works are underrated, while others are straight bad.
As in Romantic era-tards? If so, I appreciate HIP, I just don't really listen to it at all.
I like Stravinsky a fair amount, and even love some of his works, but the amount of times I see something like 'greatest composer of the 20th century' baffles me to the extent that I find myself wondering if there's a handful of his masterpieces that I have just completely missed out on listening to, lol.
because you are deaf and/or an idealogue
Square detected
ideologue detected
in fairness who else is really in contention for that title
Why do you bother posting links to 2 minutes sections. It bothers me to no end, is like to hit you in the face, hopefully one day I will you fucking nerd.
Beethoven's unfinished 10th
>Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony No. 10 in E flat major is a hypothetical work, assembled by Barry Cooper from Beethoven's fragmentary sketches. This title is controversial since it cannot be proved that all the sketches assembled were meant for the same piece. There is consensus, however, that Beethoven did intend another symphony.

If you click on the link, the videos I post are always the first in the playlist for the entire work... :/
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now playing, more Stravinsky, never listened to this one before but I have Les Noces which I absolutely love so I'm excited to get to it



How would you suggest I do it? I could link to my favorite movement but a lot of times it's my first time listening to the work/recording myself; I could link to the playlist itself (which is kinda what the second link is) but then it wouldn't embed; and lastly I could link to each and every movement individually but that'd be a ridiculous and excessive amount of work. So I always just link to the very first movement/track of the piece I'm listening to instead and if you click the link and follow it to YouTube, it'll show and autoplay the rest of the playlist of the recording.

The second link I always post is because that's how I myself am listening to it, so it's for ease of saving and listening if you also have a YouTube Music account, which just requires a Youtube account that is free to make but the free version is only 128kps.
more of a barry cooper composition on sketches by beethoven than any sort of serious completion.
>Okay Beethoven that's sounding good
>I said "It's sounding good, Beethoven"!
This was a neat curiosity, and I'm sure would be a great piece to see performed live but wasn't enjoying it to skipped ahead to Les Noces:

I exclusively listen to classical made by Jews.
Well, there's Bartók, Profokiev, Vaughan Williams and Holst.
>angloid composers
were we supposed to take this list seriously
I love The Planets but I think people will make fun of me if I admit it
It's just a fun colourful piece really so I don't really see why it should be mocked. Not as though it has any pretences. It's more a pity that it overshadows everything else Holst wrote.
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now playing, sorry for the Mahler spam


Bartók and Messiaen are miles above the others you mentioned, and I'm a huge fan of those early/mi-20th century british composers (don't care for Prokofiev though). I'd be tempted to add Milhaud and Medtner to the list, but at the end of the day it's definitely between Bartók and Messiaen
I hate it when "composers" who can't cut it on their own "finish" unfinished works/sketched by older, infinitely better composers. Leave the unfinished unfinished and write something of your own, or fuck off
I think it's weird that there's hundreds of recordings of The Planets but almost none of his other works. I have a recording conducted by Boult featuring some of his Suites, but you never see something like a Complete Works.
Stravinsky's ballets overshadowed the rest of his repertoire, but at least there's diversity between Petrouchka/The Firebird/The Rie of Spring.
Norbert Von Hannenheim
Baz from Essex takes on Beethoven. Brill.
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>you never see something like a Complete Works.
There's plenty on record, though. I've got recordings of about 60 of his work, and I know there's more (I just don't care for lieder and miniatures)
Šulhov + Křenek
who is the most mysterious composer of all time and why is it Abel-Marie Alexis Decaux
well looks I'm a retard
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s'okay, now you get to explore more of his repertoire. Chandos and Naxos also have a lot of his stuff. Ensemble Arabesques recorded some of his early chamber works (he didn't write that many sadly)
literal time traveller
do RYMsisters actually
meaningless string of random words
do illiterate RYMsisters really
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>I am a soullet earlet dicklet manlet niglet who doesn't actually like music a.k.a. pic related
yeah we know
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now playing (piano sonata no. 3, op. 5)


>not being an RYMsister means you’re wagnersister
>casually cucks you with your princess wife
try >>>/trash/ instead
sister poster is afraid
bach is soulless muzak
who gives a fucking shit what that demented drunk idiot "might" have parped out

who listens to the grosse fugue and thinks YES MORE MORE MORE!!! WHIP ME LASH ME LUDWIG

parp parp parp wee woo napoleon lmao the fucking phil collins of composers, only phil could handle his drink
Pic rel. And then there's Firkusny of course, the reference recording ... both his DG and RCA recordings are solid
does anyone here seriously not like Beethoven
there are edgy tryhard contrarians everywhere
too loud
too long
too varied
can't shake my thicc ass to it
Am I done with russian romanticism? I've listened to all the greats (Glinka, Dargomyzhsky, Balakirev, Rimsky-Korsakov, Mussorgsky, Cui, Borodin, Tchaikovsky, S. Taneyev, Glazunov), eschewed the ones which were too "german" and derivative (the brothers Rubinstein), or the born in le wrong generation (Rachmaninov) and all there's left is these secondary characters I'm not sure have anything of value to offer (A. Taneyev, Lyadov, Tcherepnin, etc) and I don't know whether I'm missing out on anything. Is that all there is regarding russian romanticism? Should I really give Anton Rubinstein a try after he left me cold with his staunch adherence to the german school? I don't know anymore. I'm quite familiar with the post-romantic, early soviet, symbolic, futuristic composers, though there's a lot less to be found there because of Stalin and his retarded Socialist Realism which I cannot digest (Scriabin is pretty much the only symbolist, and as far as futurists there's the wonderful Roslavets. Mosolov's sonatas and a few pieces by Luria are great, though, as is all of Medtner and Feinberg, but again, Rachmaninov and Prokofiev can get fucked. Don't even get me started on Shostakovich)
Contrarian includes anyone who says they prefer last 5 sonatas over Moonlight and Pathetique
all slaveslop
bait used to be believable
we did not order a yappachino lil bro
Can you be human and dislike Rach 2nd symhpony at the same time?
slaves aren’t human
You better be either Bavarian or Scandinavian.
now playing
I don't really hear it.
anything is preferable to slavery, frankly
thank you teenage angst
Thank you, I’ll give them a listen!
Paganini's violin concertos are quite underrated especially the 2nd and the 4th, the 1st is the only one really played.

There’s also a symphonic version of this which is pretty bizarre- a symphonic version of a disco version of a symphonic composition
Does the poster formally known as sister poster even like any classical music at all ?
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>he pours over the meaning of a deaf alcoholic's syrupy gloopy firetruck paeans to weltseele zu pferde
>he takes himself VERY VERY seriously
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now playing


I haven't seen the movie, and really expected that was gonna be the 5th, that I've heard before. I didn't realize disco people where that into classical.
I'm listening to Poulenc's Stabat Mater at the moment but the recording kinda sucks (Prêtre)
Haven't you guys ever heard of Stravinsky?
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I love this Shaw recording of it (can't ever go wrong with Shaw).
>By citizenship Stravinsky was not Russian after 1918. By cultural orientation, it could be argued, he stopped being Russian in 1922.
Retarded take.
He was literally the least Russian composer of all the Russian composers. This is basic knowledge. If you cannot comprehend that, you have no business being here.
Stravinsky's retarded take no less

>But before the end of the war came the Russian Revolution and the Bolshevik coup, and Stravinsky decided he would never go home. That decision, along with the first big flop of his career, the opera “Mavra” in 1922, convinced Stravinsky that he had to stop representing himself as a Russian composer. He never set another word of Russian to music and declared himself a composer of “pure music,” pledged “to exhaust and scuttle the limited tradition of my birthright,” as he put it much later to his musical assistant Robert Craft
>thread full of schoenberg fanboys hates stravinsky
quelle surprise
Where's the hate?
In terms of composers
Russia = Germany > rest
not a single negative thing has been said about stravinsky so far. if anything, distancing him from the rest of the slaves is the highest praise possible.
don’t flatter yourself, slave.
>german composers
is this guy an irl chudjak
meaningless nonsense
Beethoven's 28th sonata sounds like Debussy.
is this guy an irl slave
no one in the history of music has ever thought this
imagine the state of this guy's chin
imagine the state of this slave’s country
That's called cope. By the twentieth century nationalistic sounds take a backseat to personal style. Hence we can only go by birth country to determine what a composer's nationality is. Stravinsky was literally trained by Rimsky-Korsakov, began his career stealing (his own language) Russian folk tunes and in general was a happier composer than ANY of his contemporaries all throughout the world. He certainly remained a Russian composer all throughout his career but a happy one. No special pleading for you.
do slaves really believe this
Not sure what this has to do with /classical/ perhaps try r/racism instead?
You know Rachmaninoff lived in America as well, right?
try /r/slavery instead, slave
slavery is a state of mind.
Literally begging the question
begging is all slaves are good for, yes.
So you're a self-hating slav?
both a slave and illiterate, impressive
Spoken like one who’s been regularly buck broken
spoken like a faggot slave like your hero tchaikovsky
both a retard and a pseud, impressive
>Paganini's violin concertos are quite underrated
are you for real
pathetically predictable slave
Oh, so it was a nonsequitur?
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>literally the least Russian composer of all the Russian composers
maybe look up the etymology of the word slav?
you're rating women, right?
incoherent slave babble
I'll assume, considering the kind of replies I got, that the answer to my question is yes. Thanks again for being useless, /classical/
if he is, russian should go first, french last, and italian shouldn't even be there
don’t let your master’s whip hit you on your way out, slave.
French>Russian>Italian>German>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>toothless aboriginal glue addict>your mum
>no u
that would imply that any of my heroes are faggot slaves, which is patently false
name one (1) german piece even half as beautiful as tchaikovsky's 6th
pathetic slave lol
Today I'm in the mood for some russian composer.
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Thank you wignat
thank you pathetic faggot slave
No answer.
Concession: accepted
conceding to a slave? in your dreams
Yet another defeat for the Lonely Chud poster
maybe in a casual setting, but certainly not in places like this. Anyone who actively participate in listening to and discussing classical, and has listened to all those works will find "moonlight and pathetique are better than the last 5 sonatas" to be the contrarian stance.
no one has ever lost to a slave, lol
Everytime I actually listen to Bach's St Matthew Passion (Richter) all the way through I cannot believe just how incredible of a work of music it is. Even most masterpieces offer just a few glimpses into the divine throughout their entirety but this, and the Mass in B Minor, keeps on giving and giving. How did he do it bros? Damn.
Favorite recording of Tchai's 6th? And other late symphonies you like.
Let me just pull up the Lonely Chud poster's(that's you btw) stats ah yes let's see:

List of arguments won: 0
Knowledge of Classical music: Very Poor
Quality of posts: Shit
Is this the worst general on the whole fucking site?
do leftypol slaves really
>do leftypol
Even more unfounded (and wrong) assumptions
truthfully it's one of the better ones lol
It has the most intellectually stimulating discussion
No. On the entire internet.
slaves really are stupid, we all know you’re a bunkerchan refugee.
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now playing
Listened to MEHler 2 yesterday and almost feel asleep. Is there a MEHler symphony that won't bore me to death
none, they aren’t designed for schizophrenic homosexuals. maybe try tchaikovsky instead?
They're all so different you should really give them all a listen. 4 is probably the most immediately gratifying and traditional sounding.
Listened to 4 and fell asleep long ago. MEHler is undispited king of boredom but I'll give it another try

I think 5 is the first one I ever listened to and I immediately fell in love.
like i said, it’s not for schizophrenic homosexuals. you’ll have better luck with tchaikovsky
Rec recording please
>filtered by tchaikovsky
filtered by my sewage filter, yes.
Hello gentlemen, anyone have a mega folder for Josquin masses? The pastebin only has the Hercules and a bunch of motets that I could find.
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>Rec recording please

I'm not sure I would consider either my favorite but they're both great starting points:

Karajan / BPO

But if your issue is you keep falling asleep, then this one might be better suited for you:

Bernstein / VPO
Thank you raging chudcel
Thanks anon.
horrific dogshit courtesy of the piss label
thank you bunkerchan refugee
Happy to help, hope you enjoy!

Martinu was the greatest of the 20th century and posterity will come to agree with me.
posterity has arrived, and it doesn’t give a shit about martinu
We'll let's see what you have to post then
More than any other composer I've encountered, Mahler's works are the most subject to drastic variation through differing interpretations. So you'll always have some people who hate X recording and others who hate Y recording of Mahler despite each being great for a certain set of preferences. Bernstein's Mahler, for example, is notorious for being, depending who you ask, anything from thrilling to overwrought to bringing Mahler to life to a caricature, etc. So don't worry about differing opinions on recordings of Mahler too much, exploring all the different variations is a lot of fun, and is why I've been spamming these threads with plethora of recordings I've been listening to in the past month or so, lol.
i’ve said time and time again, the only recordings of a 5th worth a shit are the ones able to keep the adagietto under 9 minutes. this is broadly split into 2 categories: recordings pre-bernstein (bruno walter, rudolf schwarz, erich leinsdorf, and kirill kondrashin) and recordings in very recent memory (riccardo chailly’s gewandhaus recording and rudolf barshai). anything else is forfeit by default.
quite foolish.
Tchaikovsky's 6th is objectively better than Mahler's best which is probably 9th
worry not, pathetic slave music is perfectly suited to your kind.
>adagietto under 9 minutes
You're either the biggest troll of this general or seriously schizophrenic piece of shit.
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Tchaikovsky was the connoisseur of melodies. I expect that he imagined castles, paintings and nature during his compositions. Listening to a Tchaikovsky piece makes you transition into a different gender. https://youtu.be/2Sb8WCPjPDs?t=122 This gay emotional surge that is brought by such a sublime piece of art. How can our generation even compare to such excellency? Just look at the state of current art, be it paintings or music, it is all degenerate and godless.

It is better to just kill yourself than remain in such a stagnant and sterile world.
adagietto means "a little slow" or "slow-ish". We have documentation letting us know it used to be played much faster closer to Mahler's life and got slower as time went on.
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Left (Tchaikovsky) or Right (((Mahler)))

Which way, white man?
i already wrote in detail regarding this, so let me copy and paste what i already wrote last time.
>prior to bernstein’s landmark columbia recording of the 5th, virtually every interpretation of the adagietto stuck to a 7-8 minute runtime. see mengelberg here:
>this is the fastest recording of the adagietto there is on record, from a conductor that personally knew mahler very well and was one of his favorite conductors for his own music (this does not excuse that horrific recording of the 4th from 13 years later).
>here is bruno walter’s studio recording:
>again, lightning fast. some argue that this is because of time constraints on shellac records; even if we account for this, his live recordings of the same movement generally take about 8 minutes, still much shorter than the post-bernstein era.
here is a recording of the 5th from 5 years before bernstein’s recording:
>again, a recording under 8 minutes

>now, we fast forward to bernstein’s recording in 1963 clocking in at 11 whopping minutes. suddenly it becomes fashionable to take turgid tempos in the adagietto, ignoring the fact that it was written as a song without words in the mendelssohn style and was written with an accompanying poem from the composer. then, in 1968, bernstein conducts just the adagietto as funeral music at the funeral of RFK, cementing the adagietto’s status as love song turned funeral march. this is the origin of the performance practice that still persists 6 decades later; a hysterical and misinformed farce.
nevermind documentation, we have living proof in the form of recordings from conductors who knew mahler. why do we have any reason to believe the false constructs of a histrionic well known for living vicariously through mahler when we have bruno walter to tell us the truth?
you’re the biggest slave in this general and a seriously whiny piece of shit
So you're a HIPster sister?
Imagine, I come to the classical thread to dicuss pieces and recordings, but 80% of the interactions are about off-topic garbage.
unlike HIP, i have substantial, concrete evidence for my claims.
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>substantial, concrete evidence for my claims
what else would you call recordings by conductors who knew the composer himself and were immensely familiar with his performance practice?
>Secondary source
>concrete evidence
Schizophrenic piece of shit completely lost it lol
how are recordings by conductors who knew mahler a secondary source for the performance practice of mahler’s era?
I don't think you know what a secondary source is.
>an article, report, etc. that is based on firsthand accounts or records of a thing being researched or studied but that is not itself a firsthand account
Secondary sourcr by definition.
First hand would be Mahler, the conductors who knew Mahler, have they conducted Mahler's symphonies and were they approved by Maher? Have they listened to Mahler conduct his symphonies?
If yes, how do we know they conducted the same way during recording?
Far from a concrete evidence lol.
Insane cope.
>the conductors who knew Mahler
who do you think bruno walter and willem mengelberg are???? fuck me you’re stupid.
>have they conducted Mahler's symphonies and were they approved by Maher? Have they listened to Mahler conduct his symphonies?
second question is hilariously retarded, mahler was the primary conductor of his symphonies during his lifetime. as for the first, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that mengelberg was mahler’s favorite conductor of his own music (mentioned in my original post). why is any of this even in question?
>If yes, how do we know they conducted the same way during recording?
already addressed in my original post when talking about bruno walter. unnecessary with regards to mengelberg because it was a taping of a live performance, which you’d have known if you actually clicked on the youtube link.
>Far from a concrete evidence lol.
stick to discussing slaveslop, this stuff is simply not your speed.
The Five Stages of Being a HIPster sister
1. Denial
2. Denial
3. Denial
4. Denial
5. Denial...
Nah. MEHler is just boring as fuck. I'm on the last movement of the 5th symphony. He is overrated because he was le opressed jew, nothing of value in his music. Not a single memorable melody, innovation, or just anything remarkable at all.
No other 'big' composer is nearly as sluggish.
my mother is ashes on a box
>yet another "modernist" who fell for the neoclassical and jazz memes
>greatest composer of the 20th century
whatever you say, Moshe
first time posting here?
Punishment for shitposting here
Quite an experience isn't it-to live in fear?
You should be enslaved for your insolence schizophrenic piece of shit.
are the mothers of everyone posting here dead? That would explain a whole lot
are you well
Actually I am feeling a little sick right now thanks for asking. It might just be a cold, could be Covid as well, I have a pretty nasty ass cough right now
Yes I am well, since I'm listening to Rach symphony 2.
I would even go so far as to say Stravinsky was the most Russian composer.
stick to the homosexual slaveslop, gay schizo
it appears that the slaves are losing their minds
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now playing

time to listen through MTT's cycle recording now perhaps
Wow, I had no idea blue eyes were so impactful to a person's appearance.
Also that is a ridiculous looking "1" for the symphony number on the cover art font.
a cycle that didn’t need to exist from a conductor who didn’t need to exist
completely retarded
imagine batting for a nothing-conductor like MTT rofl
unimaginably braindead
penguin pugilist
lol, lmao, rofl even
nonsense as always
utterly stupid
he's got a top tier Eroica
Rolling for John Cage edition
Rolling in my grave

t. Schoenberg
>4 posts

Yeah, it's nothing.
In fact, we're done here

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