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Essential Russian music edition

How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous: >>122458330
You are so mad
Not as mad as Stravinsky but thanks anyhow.
Schizophrenia meds now
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whats the classical music version of a rap beef
did composers ever make diss compositions?
Schoenberg satirized Stravinsky

quite pathetic
not really, no.
show me where the americans raped you.
Why did Stravinsky do it? Did he suddenly discover a creative potential in it, or was he just afraid of being unfashionable?
He really felt that he wasn't on the cutting edge anymore and had a complete identity crisis and then he found Webern and it was all downhill from there.
thats more a sneak diss
it’s a mystery why stravinsky did anything at all, frankly.
Well okay, it's just that composers had better things to do than make diss tracks. They just used periodicals when they wanted to insult a colleague.
The result of disavowing creative inspiration. Art ceases to make sense and just becomes a 'thing' one does.
You know the drill pyw
possibly the most pathetic “pics or it didn’t happen” equivalent in any general
But pics or it didn't happen is a brute fact
comically futile
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You getting to the corpse-water today to bathe
so bizarrely nonsensical it may qualify as anti-humor
Shut up Rupinder. Ragas will never be considered real classical.
The difference between the Rite of Spring and Oedipus rex says it all. One welled up out him creatively, the other was just an artistic schema.
literal incomprehensible gibberish
Trite of Spring is incredibly overrated.
Use a toilet for once in your life
delusional incoherent ramblings
You are brown
schizophrenic delusions as always
Could you people be any more nauseatingly pretentious and combative? worst fucking general I've ever seen. Get lives
So true, they're clearly defensive due to their inability to withstand the stark confrontation with the problem of existence and the burden of life's meaning communicated by Russian music.

Rach man in off
Bach woman out on

Have some Bach for good cheer

Does cross-generational count? Satie parodied the Beethoven kind of giant ending where it keeps hammering the root and bouncing between fifths in Embryons Desseches.
Not much of a back-and-forth for a "beef" though I guess
Schoenberg > Wagner
Mahler > Beethoven
Sorry Jews, but in music you.. lewse.
for retch-inducing or retarded?
stravinsky was based as fuck and the rake's progress is a masterpiece
Time for another day pondering the mysteries of life and grinning through the pain with Russian music as my constant companion.
Why not live there?
his parents wont let him
The art is great, who is the artist?.
convince me that gesualdo's music is not just random intervals

So beautiful, thanks for the heads up.
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Just found a site with pictures of this art style https://www.russianlacquerart.com/cnt/?all
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classical "people" made me hate classical

at least mozart was cool and would've hated them too
Mozart wouldn't be as retarded as you though. He would appreciate the music, even if he "hated" the "classical people" whatever that means.
He would sooner make fun of you lol
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How are you enjoying the cycle so far?
I skipped the 2nd because I listened to the Tennstedt / LPO recording two days ago so wasn't in the mood for it again, so I've only listened to MTT's Symphony 1. With that said, his no. 1 was incredible. You know when you listen to a recording of a work you're intimately familiar with and the performance perfectly plays out like the manifestation of the idealized version that has been gestating within the depths of your imagination with every experience with a previous recording? It was like that.

So I'm very excited to continue on! I believe I felt a similar way about Kubelik's 3rd released on Audite last week when I listened to it so I doubt it'll top that but with the wide range of valid and satisfactory interpretations Mahler's symphonies allow, I'm no less excited to hear MTT's take.
this. I feel embarassed to even tell people I love classical due to the kinds of people itt.
>le sooperior muzik!!
>le based white men!!
>I am le intellectual!!
you can just tell most of you guys aren't even old enough to drink yet
What are you, a retarded chink with an inferior complex?
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now playing (symphony no. 6, 'Pathetique')


In my opinion classical and jazz are not the same thing
You're correct.
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first video in a playlist of the rest:


i've always found jazz thoroughly irritating, just the sounds, the rhythms, even the cadences in jazz feel as if they're tailored to annoy people
it's why i don't trust jazz critics, or people who claim to appreciate both
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yeah, sorry, opera still isn't for me. someday....

now playing this instead

first two parts in the playlist:



sorry for the spam
Fuck jazz keep that trash out of here >>>/mu/
>opera still isn't for me.
Same. Not even Wagner, besides Overtures.
so why bring it up?
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>i'm american and i think tha-
Kek! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RprgHRMekpE
Wagner sisters?
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now playing

start of Adams' "Harmonium":

start of Rach's "The Bells, op. 35":


Thanks to the anon who posted about Rach's The Bells the other day! Highly recommend this recording to them and anyone else who loves choral music.
Playing harpsichord music on piano is just wrong. Same goes for playing piano music on harpsichord obviously.
>sisterposter is writing...
i agree, thank god the only work in bach’s ouevre that specifies harpsichord is the goldberg variations. everything else is written for a generic keyboard.
I don't think he'd disagree, but who knows.
>everything else is written for a generic keyboard.
Which includes harpsichord
But he didn't have access to the piano generally, certainly not a modern one
lmao what a fucking dodge worthy of a jew
yes, as well as clavichord (his personal favored instrument), organ, and piano.
he had access to the clavichord, which has far more in common with the fortepiano and even modern piano than it does the harpsichord.
dodging what exactly? the well tempered clavier specifies exactly that, a clavier, a keyboard. no preference as to what kind.
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literally one of the most boring 7ths of all time
I don't know, his 1 was one of the most thrilling and vibrant ones I've ever heard so I'm willing to give this one a chance.
Incapable of dynamics though which is the most important part
>Better with dynamics

I'll take the midi roll thanks
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big mistake
the clavichord is incapable of playing above mesopiano, but it’s absolutely capable of playing anything between that and pianissisimo. which is still a range far greater than the harpsichord. incapable of dynamics does not tell the whole story.
postmodern contrivance
tranime garbage
Bach without dynamics is just noise
Music is just noise
John Cage? Back to hell with ye!
Noise isn't necessarily noise but music is a type of noise.
Necessarily music*
>squares are just rectangles
categorically incorrect, if they were “just rectangles” we’d refer to them as rectangles and not squares, idiot.
Your mom is just a rectangle
All the way from PP to MP-stunning range
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Aiight you were right, I lack the technical knowledge and language to articulate exactly why it was but there was something really off about that 7th recording, like the music wasn't flowing correctly or something, will not be listening to that one again. I still maintain the MTT Mahler 1 was amazing though.
pianissisimo is ppp, not pp. anyways, pp to mp is still more range than the harpsichord which goes from mf to mf.
Now Playing - The Great Violinists, Vol. 5 (1912-1929)

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This, on the other hand, is a god-tier Mahler 8, and I am actually giving it an immediate re-listen. Highly recommended.
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From pp to Yuja Wang
This is a 10/10 for zoomers
Yuja Wang hotwife...
War of the Romantics
It's always Beethoven.
What exactly is the satire here? Just sounds like another Schoenberg piece of crap.
I want to cuddle her so badly...
braindead coomers
>he doesn't do goon seshes while listening to classical
you fresh off the boat from reddit or somethin' kid? 4channel is a coomer safe space.
imagine having your last name be WANG lmfaooo
classical music only clicks after you realize that Mozart is far from a "pretty" composer, and that in fact his melodies alone, apart from being quite strange both rythmically and in the shaping of their phrases, also carry a wide range of expression much more deep than other composers whose melodic material usually is satisfied with focusing on expressing a singular sensation. Mozart is just too tasteful and contained (no doubt because of the influence of the Classical era he lived in) for any of that to be noticeable to the unaware listener, and that is precisely what elevates it from great to brilliant.
Glad you enjoyed it. It's a really special performance. I listened to as many 8ths as I could find after reading Faust and this ended up topping the list for me.
how does it compare to Abbado's famous one?
here I go
retarded cumbrains
no one actually gives a shit about abbado’s 8th
>retarded cumbrains
cry about it
uhh Yujabros...
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now playing
rimjob? hell yeah
multiple people give a shit about Abbado's 8th
certified porn addict moment
no, not really. abbado’s cycles have been largely forgotten aside from his chicago 7th, berlin 5th and lucerne 9th.

fuck this is brilliant. What's your favorite recording of Messiah, /classical/? I love the Solti and Shaw recordings, and this is my first time finally sitting down and listening to the Richter one because I know it's a far more weighty and dramatic -- as Richter often is -- interpretation of it than others, so I was saving it until I was in the right mood for his sublime and lofty offerings of musical divinity. I still wanna listen to the Cleobury one too.
Abbado's 8th is frequently spoken of in high regard on this very general
it’s almost never mentioned, get a grip.
Jeffrey Thomas easily
Autistsister has generally solid taste but they have an inexorable, deep dislike of Abbado so don't bother with their opinion on anything related to him.
but it is.
You're simply being hyperbolic to dismiss discussion on a recording you dislike.
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Are you the anon who's always recommending me his recordings of Bach? Anyway, added. Why is it split in two!? Annoying. Thanks.
false. the aforementioned abbado chicago 7th is my favorite mahler 7th. i have a realistic view of abbado, which is that he is largely not that impressive of a conductor and got considerably worse the older he got, but he has some very good early recordings. his 8th is just not in that number.
the last time i even saw anyone mention that recording was probably 2 years ago. you must either not have been here in a very long time or are simply plain selective with your memory.
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Hey guys /a/ here. A bit of your time if you please.In the penultimate episode of a school orchestra show there's a audition to pick which euphonium will do the solo with the trumpet. I'll spare you the background drama since its a blind audition anyway.Which one of the solos do you think was better?


Start at minute 13 if you please. It's only 5 minutes long.
>the last time i even saw anyone mention that recording was probably 2 years ago. you must either not have been here in a very long time or are simply plain selective with your memory.

In that other anon's defense, I did post it once as one of my 'now playings' :)
no, that's not me. He has a decent recording of the Mass in B Minor and the Orchestral Suites but none of his Bach ever blew me away (unlike that Messiah).
not /classical/, maybe try >>>/a/ instead, tranime faggot
an offhand mention that it’s your current listening is hardly what i would consider “discussion on a recording”.

Here's a poll too if you feel like it but i'm mostly curious in what you have to say.

I figured i'd get more specific answers here than posting in the catalog
>Autistsister has generally solid taste
not /classical/, maybe try >>>/a/ instead, tranime faggot
>false. the aforementioned abbado chicago 7th is my favorite mahler 7th.

I might give that one a listen if I'm still awake after this Messiah. I've listened to several 7s, including Abbado/BPO and I still haven't found one I've loved.
it’s the only recording of the 7th i’ve heard that i think elucidates the form to an at least acceptable degree.
anon id do it but im on my phone and going to bed so zzzz
I am coming from /a/. Isn't orchestra stuff /classical/? Do you only count specific stuff? Just gatekeeping? Doesn't music transcend all barriers? I'll just post in the catalog if i don't get any replies in 30 mins. Keep on tuning the good tunes.
not /classical/, go back to >>>/a/, tranime faggot
he's our local autist/autist that always replies that way to any post with anime images and has been doing so for like 3 years
*autist/schizo, sorry
I know I asked this question in the last thread but I can't stop thinking about it: why isn't there a 20th century music like, say, Handel's Messiah? I adore Mahler 8 but surely that cannot be it?
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you mean a religious oratorio?
surely taverner/tavener (one of them is medieval and the other from the 20th century and I don't know which is which) must have composed something of the sort. He built a career around modern sacred vocal music.
Any grand oratorio that isn't avant-garde/modernist will do, ala Penderecki's St Luke Passion or Messian's La Transfiguration de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ. Granted I've only listened to snippets so maybe they are masterpieces that I just haven't gotten around to.
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Yujabros are we the Yejibros of /classical/?
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now playing

first two movements of the playlist:


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Jesus, man, what a bummer of a 'review.' Feel sorry for them, and hopefully none of our fellow anons suffer a similar fate.
> The composer and pianist Hans von Bülow supported the Liszt-Wagner side until his wife, Liszt's daughter Cosima, left him for Wagner; he then switched his allegiance to Brahms.[13][a 1][a 2] It was Bülow who called Brahms the third of the Three Bs and dubbed that composer's First Symphony "The Tenth," after Beethoven's nine.
Imagine being cucked by Wagner so hard you had to worship Brahms to stay relevant lol
This isn't true, Bulow remained a supporter of Wagner, just a less cultish one. He said that if it had been anyone but Wagner he would have shot him, and, many years later, on hearing Wagner's death he burst into tears, fell to the ground and started chewing on a rug. I'm not sure if he was mourning the death of Wagner the artist or Wagner the friend.

>I know from what Von Bülow himself told me that he accepted philosophically the trouble between himself and his wife Cosima Liszt, and her subsequent marriage to Wagner. Soon after he arrived in New York, in 1876, I called on him, and during our conversation I broached the subject in a tentative way. I was not sure that his feelings toward Wagner were not so hostile that mention of the Bayreuth master would have to be avoided, and I thought it just as well to arrive immediately at a clear understanding of the matter.

>"Bülow," I said, "you will excuse me if I touch on a rather delicate subject. Of course your friends abroad know just what your present attitude is toward Wagner; but over here we know little or nothing about it. Perhaps you would like to enlighten me. I hope, however, I have not touched on a painful subject."

>"Not at all," he exclaimed. "What happened was the most natural thing in the world. You know what a wonderful woman Cosima is—such intellect, such energy, such ambition, which she naturally inherits from her father. I was entirely too small a personality for her. She required a colossal genius like Wagner's, and he needed the sympathy and inspiration of an intellectual and artistic woman like Cosima. That they should have come together eventually was inevitable."
>not being part of the bisexual musician masterrace
ok which Mahler 8th has the best soloists?
I'm a Euphonium fan anyway so my opinion is biased by knowing the plot. I do think you can tell Mayu plays with clearer intonation and more evenness. I would be interested to know what non-fans think too.
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anime website, fag
based Hibike Euphonium poster, new season when
The question is about the audition in the currently airing final season, anon.
Yesterday when I rode the bus I listened to Stravinsky's Rite of Spring (Ansermet), and today I listened to Tchaikovsky's The Sleeping Beauty (Dorati), both were great for that purpose, especially the former with the desolate multitudes of the dredges of society that come and go about the city's public transportation.
do coomers actually
not /classical/, try >>>/a/ instead, tranime faggot
anime website =/= tranime website
you're posting tranime, not anime
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not /classical/, try >>>/a/ instead, tranime faggots
you're stuck in 2012 if you think reddit isn't as big of a coomer website as this, or that it doesn't like shitty sloppy anime like you
>or that it doesn't like shitty sloppy anime like you
What are some good animes then? NTA, just curious.
I wouldn't trust the taste in anime of someone who thinks Hibike Euphonium is 'slop'. Even putting aside the content, KyoAni are exceptional animators and directors.
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Any people who are intimately familiar with Prokofiev's symphonies here and have a recommended cycle recording? I'm thinking of taking a break from Mahler and trying to find the ideal set for Prokofiev's symphonies. Jarvi is of course excellent, haven't tried Gergiev yet, Ozawa is fine, and the Kitayenko was far too straight-forward of an interpretation for my liking, really 'German-fied' Prokofiev which is not to my taste. Added Kosler and Weller's cycles, listening to pic related right now.

start of Symphony no. 1:


I personally like my Russian music to be highly expressive and gushing with romanticism.
not /classical/, maybe try >>>/a/ instead, tranime faggots.
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now playing

Arabeske in C, Op. 18:

start of Symphonic Studies, Op. 13: Theme:


The 1 and 5 off this were pretty good, nothing special. Quite enjoyed the Russian Overture which I had never heard before. After listening to a bit of this Schumann recording, I'll go back to that.
Thank you Reddit refugee
Anime website redditor
Anime website Reddit refugee
not /classical/, maybe try >>>/a/ instead, tranime faggot.
Not sure what this has to do with /hector/ perhaps you ought to try Reddit?
f/a/ggots are perpetually stuck in 2010 thinking of some reddit vs 4chan war while in reality both sites have had virtually the same exact culture since around 2018
So why are we still here?
Anime, anime , anime website hector please try reddit if you are disgruntled
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just to suffer
People have been saying stupid shit like this for years and years and it's always nonsense.
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Still my favorite Mass in C recording, not that there's much competition. This for more choral-focused, Giulini for more orchestral-focused, with the Shaw one overall.
yeah since 2018 and it's true
Do it for Yuja
Not sure what this has to do /anime/ hector, maybe try reddit instead?
not /classical/, maybe try >>>/a/ instead, tranime faggot.
anime website perhaps try R E D D I T instead?
There's no need for Opera anymore now it's been surpassed by Rock Opera
Nino Rota

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now playing (symphony no. 4)



Time to work through the 'lesser' known romantic Russian composers. Thanks to the anons in the last thread who mentioned Glazunov.
not /classical/, maybe try >>>/a/ instead, tranime faggot.
not /classical/, maybe try >>>/mu/ instead.
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do tranime porn addicts really
An excellent question sister, perhaps reddit would be better able to answer?
prokofiev, sound tempest thundering symphony rebel yelling raw passion fierce energy coursing veins crescendo storming music wild dance cosmic chaos divine electric defiant joy flaming harmonie bittersweet fire with ice unrestrained
ecstasy creating a dive into prokofievs world consuming ignition. your soul transformation a chaos frenzy heartbreaking euphoric bliss raging tenderness a symphonic madness revolution
Wagner, a storm of sound. Roaring primal screams of raw emotion. Intense flooding energy lighting skies aflame with cold bitter ice as crescendos crashing waves of music in epic battles and heroic tales. Alighting passion, flames of harmonies moving oceanic clouds of mythic creation ecstasy. Wagner’s world, devouring your spirit. Transformation, chaos, fury, heartbreak, exaltation, bliss, rage, tenderness. Symphonic grandeur
your mind has been rotted by pornography, tranime coomer
stravinsky black black black foregrounding away black night skies twinkling distances rivalry abound around music glittering a whirlwind of sparkling blocks battering bloody fools seeking redemption in chaos and confusion a desperate plea to scree and flea mind escapes behind the door of sanity into the musk of unimaginable empty cuts electric dissonance primal beats raw energy surging veins exploding avant creation sense ingition
these are extraordinarily funny lmao
Let me just check for you sister...ah no, still an anime website since the last time you asked
and your brain is still rotted by porn, tranime faggot
Not sure what this has to with anime perhaps try /classical/ instead?
tranime porn addict moment
This is what reaction streamers have done to the minds of the terminally online
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Thank you H s****r
weeb death camp when
an excellent question brother in Almousin-Metatron
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now playing

start of Symphony 2:

start of Symphony no. 6:


First time listening to these.
no one asked, porn addict
You did refugee from Re*dit(anime website btw)
Why is this no one asked shit taking off so you retards really expect people only to speak when spoken to?
sorry, i don’t understand porn addict gibberish
don’t think i can’t tell it’s you, delusional kraut. no one spoke to you.
No you understood perfectly, sister
do tranime coomers really
Btw, autistsister, I ended up really liking the Abbado/CSO Mahler 7, so I finally have a favorite recording for that one, at least for now, which leaves the 6 as the only one where I haven't found one I truly love yet. Any recommendations? And if you're wondering why I hadn't heard that recording yet before when I'm always raving about Abbado, I've heard his entire Berlin cycle, only a couple of the Chicago ones, and I think one Lucerne. If anyone else has a Mahler 6 they wanna recommend I'm all ears for me to listen after this Vaughan Williams 2 and 6 (Handley/LPO).
I really love RVW's 6th.
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>he goons to beethoven in his sound cavern in missouri
>he takes himself VERY seriously
mozart light bright brilliance symphonic cascadings of deterministic gravity stars glittering harmonies sadly intertwined dancing tones in celestial patterns as grace and elegance rival playful chaos melodies swirling whirlwinding through crystal air of genius sparkling geniuses timeless beauty minds enchanted souls uplifted seeking solace in the divine a desperate plea for joy and peace the hearts escape into a realm of pure imagination as divine order exquisite creation symphonic magic
there are unfortunately not really that many good recordings of the 6th. bernstein’s VPO (yes, really) is the best i’ve heard in terms of shaping the piece, but it is affected as bernstein always is, and it has the obviously erroneous addition of the third hammerblow in the finale. thomas sanderling has a great recording, but it is somewhat pedestrian. beyond that, i cannot recommend much. i struggle with finding adequate recordings of the 6th too.
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>but it is somewhat pedestrian
oh he's DEFINITELY from /metal/ ahahahahahah
what in the goddamn are these schizophrenic delusions
the corksniffer aspersions, the fixation on recordings (subjective - no one can say you're wrong), that unmistakeable bumpkin hickness that refuses to be scoured away

this is a recovering /metal/ addict. now we have two of them
mental illness
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I thought that was in reply to >>122515717 so I just spent the past ten minutes scrolling through every page of Amazon and Google trying to figure out which conductor 'RVW' was and find his recording of the Mahler 6 l0l. Glad to hear, I'm excited to get to it! The 2nd is pretty good, albeit teases a lot of ideas without committing to them, which should be expected from an early work. Full of that characteristic English sentimentality too but I don't mind it!

Damn alright. MTT's doesn't have the best reviews (since I was going through his cycle), Kubelik's and Fischer's were forgettable, and the Tennstedt's LPO recording quality was just too poor to the point of being distracting, just to name the last couple I tried. Have you tried pic related? It's a pretty recent one. And yeah Bernstein's is the one I've liked the most so far if I had to pick, or Abbado/BP.
no, but i’ve never heard a harding recording that i’ve liked. his 10th was pretty shit.
also, that cover is extraordinarily corny and only serves to further reinforce the ridiculous superstitions surrounding the hammerblows in the 6th, which only makes me dislike the recording even without having heard it.
>the fixation on recordings (subjective - no one can say you're wrong),

I just find them fun to discuss, both in itself and as a great way to also talk in detail about the work itself. Plus keeps things fresh, prevents great music from ever getting stale or worn-out. I'm not interested in using them as a measure of taste and a ego-measuring contest.


Damn keep forgetting I need to listen to the 10th still. Apparently he was a protégé of Rattle's, whose recordings I also have never tried for Mahler. I did like his Schumann "Paradise and the Peri" that I posted the other day though (Rattle's).
>Apparently he was a protégé of Rattle's
oh, no wonder he’s so terrible.
>whose recordings I also have never tried for Mahler
don’t bother, rattle is one of the worst major conductors still around and kicking, though i think lately thielemann and nelsons have been worse.
fun fact: Rattle has the best Mahler 3
My wagnersister is trapped in the washing machine-what arias should I play to free her?
porn addicts really are pathetic
laughably retarded
lol I'll try one of his eventually. Oh I did forget to mention one, Solti's, the first one I ever listened to, which has the inevitability of becoming one's measuring-stick for all subsequent listened to recordings. I remember really liking it but it was like the first Mahler I ever heard. And the final name I'll drop before I stop asking is I've had the Zander one for a while now that another very kind anon here recommended to me, maybe I'll give that one a go.

Oh? What do you think of his 6.
zander’s mahler is dogshit and also he is a pedophile.
kek I remember you saying that...
i mean, it’s a fact. i’d be surprised if he doesnt get the james levine treatment in the coming decade.
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Mind if I ask about one more? Pic related, Currentzis' Mahler 6, has by far the most acclaim on Amazon. Any thoughts? Might give this one a try. Never even heard of the conductor before, but the reviews, well most, are raving.
precisely played to a fault and enters the territory of mechanically stiff.
Hmm, maybe it'll be the one I give a try, thanks.


On a side note, this Vaughan Williams 6th is really great.
eh, between zander the molester, rattle and currentzis, you’re really not spoiled for choice. i’d definitely take currentzis out of that bunch anyday.
lol thanks. If you have some spare time, you really should check out that Negano Mahler 8. Definitely my new favorite, though I still wanna try a few more.
not as big a fan of his 6 as his 3. The 6 doesn't really have nearly as good of a track record on being recorded well.
I haven't listened to it but Currentzis has never made a recording I like so I don't know why this one would be different
I'll give his 3 a try, thanks. Kubelik's Audite 3 that I listened to the other day became my new favorite but I love the 3rd so much I'm always happy to listen to other great ones.

>The 6 doesn't really have nearly as good of a track record on being recorded well.

If you mean in general, yeah that's what these last several posts in this thread have been about, haha. I'm listening to >>122516264
right now though and I gotta say, deep into the first movement, it's pretty damn incredible so far.

Ah damn fair enough.
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Is the anon who made this post: >>122479823 around? Would love some recommendations for that first group of listed romantic Russian composers.

>(Glinka, Dargomyzhsky, Balakirev, Rimsky-Korsakov, Mussorgsky, Cui, Borodin..., S. Taneyev, Glazunov)

I've familiar with a work or two from some of them, but yeah would love some more as I'm also in love with Russian romanticism music. Starting to get bored of listening to the symphonies and orchestral works of Rachmaninoff and Tchaikovsky and Scheherazade over and over, lol.
Who is holding a gun to your head right now?
NTA, but for Rimsky-Korsakov try Jarvi's recording of his opera suites which are full of his characteristically beautiful and colourful fairy-tale music. Jarvi is also a great Glazunov interpreter IMO, since like Rimsky-Korsakov he demands a lighter touch. In some ways I'd call Glazunov a kind of Russian Dvorak in that he's generally quite lyrical and 'pastoral' in mood, with a certain sweetness. His 5th has a bracing heroic character and is great place to start.
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Thank you, added post. I'm also the guy who posted: >>122513753 before, aka Fedoseyev's set of Glazunov's symphonic cycle and listened to the 4th which I quite liked. I do love Jarvi though, especially and primarily his Prokofiev, so will definitely be giving those a try. Much appreciated!

lol no lie, with my current Mahler obsession, the only other music I've been really listening to are Russian romanticism, primarily symphonies, and lots and lots of choral music (from all periods, don't worry, though Rach's Vespers is excellent and The Bells quite good, and I hope to find more like it [sadly I don't quite care for opera at the moment, so no, say, Eugene Onegin for me yet]).

Well, I did listen to those two Vaughan Williams symphonies earlier but that was really the first exception in a while.
poste example
Went to a concert tonight. The program was:
>Françaix's Wind Quartet
>Beethoven's Harp Quartet
>Gaubert's Tarantelle
>Dvořák's String Sextet Op. 48
I came for the Beethoven and left.
I hope it was free.
You didn't listen to Dvorak's String Sextet? :(
Aiight just finished listening to it. Not sure if your comment colored my perception of the recording while listening but after about 3/4ths of the way through of the damn near perfect first movement, I started to see what you mean about the stiff, mechanical precision resulting in an emotionless, humdrum performance. This seems to be the case with a lot of more recent recordings I've noticed in my limited experience and knowledge. Still a great recording, certainly good enough to where I'd recommend it to others, but I doubt I'll be playing it again.
Any other beautiful(ly musically talented) Asian composers and/or performers like my wife Yuja Wang?
Imagine if Azunya grew up to become a classical performer...
currentzis is a very good orchestral trainer, but he really has no interesting interpretative ideas of his own. he plays the whole thing straight because he doesn’t know any better.
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I've got a good feeling about this one.
>I'll give his 3 a try
I'm not sure if Rattle has more than one Mahler 3, but just in case he does, the one I like is the one with the City of Birmingham Symphonic Orchestra
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the thought of a flyover who can't play any instruments listening very intently to mahler on his sennheisers is so amusing to me
tranime pornbrain delusions
a very good pair of recordings to be sure, but better exists
my condolences
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>aaron copland, george gershwin, leonard bernstein, john williams, the list simply goes on...
Prokofiev prokofiev prokofiev
adorno was right
the list of garbage, tranime trooner?
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>beethoven's 9th as performed by the moo cow philly cheese orchestra
one wonders what the cumbrain stands to gain from spamming this incomprehensible garbage, but that would imply some sort of long-term planning and not just braindead spew from the storm cloud of a mind of a coomer.
I bet you think the same about schopenhaur
>day 1957194859298 of discussing mahler recordings
When this shit's gonna end?
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Added the whole cycle, thanks.

Again, whenever I've tried to discuss recordings of other composers no one ever replies. You're free to respond to my post here: >>122510500 But yeah sorry, it's just who I'm currently obsessed with and there's so much you can do with interpretations of Mahler compared to, say, Beethoven.

Definitely enjoyed it.
what's the best late romantic piece to coom to?
tristan and isolde if you're into edging.
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Jacques Ibert - Bacchanale (1956)
>whats the classical music version of a rap beef
>did composers ever make diss compositions?
>"Even their words are gibberish, with Prokofiev rather mischievously creating them by chopping up Latin texts from Stravinsky’s Symphony of Psalms and then randomly stringing them together".[12] In the 'Battle on the Ice', the Latin phrase Prokofiev concocted ends with est, which is not found in Symphony of Psalms, but is possibly a pun on the first letters of Stravinsky's surname in Latin characters (Prokofiev enjoyed such games).
Why does Stravinsky get all the flak? Was everyone just jealous to stand in his umbra?
>But yeah sorry, it's just who I'm currently obsessed with and there's so much you can do with interpretations of Mahler compared to, say, Beethoven.
Is figured bass better for learning counterpoint than Fux(Goetschius) methods? According to CPE that's how JS Bach taught it
it’s like his first month in classical music, give him time
oh right
Speaking of Satie but unrelated to the topic you were discussing, do you know of any other works/composers that evoke the same kind of melancholy feeling as his Gnossiennes?
Now Playing - Concert by Josef Hofmann

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All I'm saying is once you've found a recording or a few of a Beethoven symphony or even cycle that suits you, there's really no reason to listen to others.
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obviously false
Well, I hope the day comes when I once again become obsessively enchanted by Beethoven's symphonies and music in general and can experience the same pleasure of trying out and listening to many different recordings of his works as I am with Mahler right now. I honestly can't listen to any of his symphonies at all right now, I already turned off the Szell Beethoven 3 and switched to the Glazunov 1 (Fedoseyev) which I am really enjoying.
Anime website
tranime trooner

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So my go-to Beethoven cycle recordings have always been Walter, Szell, and Karajan (used to love Furtwangler's too but the sound quality eventually became too distracting). Any other recommendations? I wanna do a complete listen through of the entire cycle. I've actually only heard Walter's 9 which was magnificent so his was gonna be the one I was gonna use but figured I'd try asking here first.

No Jochum please, was not a fan of his when I gave it a try, plus the sound quality was poor.

Also, related, I know this is a ridiculous and silly question, but should I just skip no. 1 and 2 and start with the 3rd? That's how I've always done it in the past, lol.
Blomstedt with Dresden.
this was nice
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Saw it had some great reviews on Amazon so went looking for it, but sadly couldn't find the complete cycle set on YouTube Music, so just added the "Decca Recordings 1949-56" release which contains some Beethoven. Thanks.

Added, thank you. I've liked the few Blomstedt recordings I've listened to. Now playing it, starting with Symphony no. 1.

start of Symphony no. 1 and a playlist of the entire box set:


Right? Glad to hear you listened to and enjoyed it! really liked it, both The Seasons and the violin concerto. I've been loving and listening to the few Russian romanticism ballets I'm familiar with a ton lately (eg Tchaikovsky's The Sleeping Beauty and Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet + Cinderella, all gorgeous and passionately moving works) so it was really nice discovering a new one, especially as it turned out to be great! Been working through his symphonies since then, highly recommend those as well.

nut one of the most fun thing about classical is listening to different interpretations of works you believe yourself to be familiar with
about a lot of things but wrong about many others
you know, like every human
one of those works nearly everyone agrees has a 'definitive' recording (Klemperer) so I never checked any others
this is the first one I've heard that I like as much as the Klemperer recording
I liked Walter with Vienna too.
, anime thread
Vaughan Williams

That’s pretty dramatic music for a fucking bird these classical homos should lower their tone
I remember disliking the tenor in that one
Anime last post
Hey I completely agree! That's exactly what I'm always saying whenever people complain about me talking about new recordings of Mahler too much lol. All I was saying was that recordings of Mahler's music seem to me to have the widest range of interpretative variation along with the most dramatic consequences as a result of those differences. It's a silly argument and thing to discuss really, all I was trying to get at was to say exploring the wealth of recordings for each of Mahler's symphonies was the most fun I've had doing this for any composer.

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