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Thulean Shadowfax edition

Varg Vikernes about post-SHTF transportation(direct quotation):
>what do you think what's best for transportation in the future, when shit hits the fan and we run out of gasoline and everything

Det Som Engang Var: >>122497424

FAQ: https://burzum.org/eng/news.shtml
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more like White Pony edition amirite
Second for Album of the Common Era
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Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Greatest album of all time
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Damn, too slow. Had another shitty blastjoke prepared...
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What do we think of it?
Artist: Dawgthrone
Album: Panzerdawg
Song: Beholding The Dawg of J

>The Audacity to ask all this toughness if I like cock
>Mastodon garbage
It's okay, kinda lacks impact for me. All the chaosblastings miss to provoke a reaction from me when they finally get going. No idea why exactly. 6/10ish with a lot of "objective goodwill" but I can see other anons rate it higher.
It was this lol
Who's the most insufferable poster?
Obviously Hector
no redeeming qualities at all
makes Negru seem endearing
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You dance like the June sky
You magical pink rain
And I burn orange
Watching YOU resplend
Like the words "I LOVE YOU"
Pink like you

You DANCE like the June sky
You MA-GI-CAL pink rain
And I burn orange
Watching you RESPLEND
Like the words "I love you"

That sounds so fucking artificial that I actually thought it was dubstep for a moment
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There are no metaphysical, ontological, unironic evil metal musicians, just edgelords and meme loving fucks
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Poser pleb spotted.
You would be stabbed your first day in a NSBM scene because you're a fag.
And why are NSBM scene members "evil" anon?
cuz they don't clean their rooms and hang swastikas in their basement
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Nazism is the necessary 'evil' through which Europe will survive.
>they hang swastikas in their basement
I sleep
>cuz they don't clean their rooms
They are hiding other peoples TV remotes and do ding-dong-ditches at synagogues
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absolute fucking scum of the earth imo. Hiding the remote, real sick shit.
>be me
>go to punk show
>watching band
>they suck
>see qt girl
>"h-hey, what do you think of this band?"
>"oh, they're great! they're my friends I'm here to see them. Do you like them?"
>"y-yeah they're good"
Metal for this feel?
I knew it! They are gnomes!
>t. circumcised
>go to show
Megacringe. Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
>starts thinking about anon's penis unprompted
I liked their album with that creepy grandma on the cover, but this is really tiresome to listen to due to the production.
Thanks for admitting you're circumcised.
NSBM fags need to watch American Histroy X and get their shit together
So you are suggesting that they need to curbstomb a negro to have a lowest point from which they can work towards betterment?
and get raped in prison
my dick lives rent free in your head kek
>kill somebody in America
>get sent to prison and raped
>kill somebody in Norway
>get sent to a 3-star hotel and not raped
Varg looks like he smells of feces
I don't know if a bit of snickering while throwing heils justifies all that but as a greater concept this seems to be a sound approach to solve all kinds of problems.
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>commit massacre in Murica
>death penalty
>commit massacre in Norway
>get sent to a 5-star hotel
A struggle with a snuggle
I wonder if he'll ever get out after the 21 years is up
They can extend the sentence by 5 years indefinitely if they feel as though he'd still be a danger
Reminder that metal peaked in the 80s and if you were 20 years old then you are 60 today.
Dead genre, fad
They usually get put in a schizo ward and get haldol'd into fuzz balls afterwards. If it hasn't happened alrdy.
>celebrating as notre dame burns to the ground will save europe guys! varg the deadbeat dad murderer living on welfare said so!
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Why do they still let cishet men make music
Norwegian lives are just worth less
Is he the one that revenge killed for Ebba Auckerland, or was that someone else?
Or he will "commit suicide" in a cell
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Because we still have guns
He was already in prison for 6 years when she got ran over by the derka derka in a truck
No, that's Brenton
>Reminder that metal peaked in the 80s
>Altars of Madness released in the 80s
American history x made me more of a nazi
How they all piss and shit themselves because they all see their genres dying and can never hope to keep it on life support like we did, kek.
did you turn off the movie after the guy is sent to jail?
Funny coming from you, circumcised freak. You got BTFO'd the moment you admitted you were circumcised. KEK
No and I kept watching until the end where his little bro got wasted by the principal's pet monkeys
sure thing bud, just try not to salivate too much on your keyboard when thinking about my cock lel
/metal/ - circumcision and pink nipples
Seething circumcised faggot fully outted
and national socialism
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only hiking metal punk is real
Looking for more labels like 20 Buck Spin
Or more bands like Tomb Mold, Dream Unending, Worm and Lumar Chamber
Current favourite album: Tomb M9ld - Planetary Clairvoyance
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Metal sucks you losers
Have you tried I, Voidhanger stuff, that's probably somewhere in that direction.
you suck
She does that
Still more alive than your favorite genre
Does anybody know the name of a german rock/metal album from the early 70s with a black cover that has a drawing of a soldier in white?
Damn straight
Nice try, rabbi.
What type is that? https://youtu.be/pwhszbl95lk
And do you have any similar songs to that?
More anti American clubs banning people from attending shows for wearing the naughty shirts
Isn't that just hypocrisy worship, pun intended
Literal mental illness
Meds, now!
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>Literal mental illness
>Meds, now!
It's 2 french guy apparently
Hypocrisy seems to have similar vocals but not the same melody
Not sure where your emphasis lies since that also sounds to me melody wise a lot like hypocrisy but this isn't really my /meal/ special, but give "the arrival" a listen before you write hypocrisy off.
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If you don't attend gigs you are a poser
Why are trans allowed to make music? Have you heard of Sophie & Dorian Electra? they're god awful?/.
this !
what do your posts have to do with music?
what does shalom mean?
It means they shill mediocre albums purely to "own the jooz"
"They" don't even know which makes it an even funnier response
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I am listening to skramz
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I can't get over how good this EP is, especially the first half or so of II.
It's one of those releases where I keep bouncing between that and a couple others as my favourite DsO release. I used to say Kenose was my favourite for the longest time.
III does it for me. The whole "no man can see me and live" part is one of the very few pieces of music that has an unsettling ambiance that actually works for me.
What an ugly piece of shit cover. Not listening!
Who BAN here? Fuck all the pleb haters
I only like the first two albums, but I like those a lot.
the angery again
Lol, reminder:

Enjoys Popcletus, Drought, SMCR, The Long Defecate, Kenose, and Furnances. Other metal interests include generic 2nd wave black metal slop and some orthodox trash.

Knows Fas, Synarchy, and Katechon are the best. Other metal interests include the peak of metal such as Jute Gyte, Ad Nauseam, Virus, Ehnahre, Gorguts, and First Fragment.
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Seethe, dso is pure kino including their artwork. DSO > your favorite band
Huh? I havent listened to Kenose in a while but isnt that where they began transitioning to the FAS sound?
DsO is definitely one of those rare bands where you're favorite album is constantly in flux. Before Kenose my favorite was Synarchy and before that FAS.

My appreciation for the band really evolved once I realized the instrumentation, while definitely amazing and highly skilled, is close to the bottom in importance to their sound. The composition and tone is really what sets them apart from almost every other black metal band except maybe >>122511799

Not to disregard the instrumentation, Hasjarl is one of the most interesting metal guitarist of all time.
Ignore the kekky shitposter
The last 2(?)ish minutes of the title track on Synarchy, "The synarchy of molten bones shall contain men of worth...", is probably the best thing Hasjarl has ever written. But I love all their releases from Kenose on.
Kenose is far too repetitive to call it close to the FAS sound, and riff wise still clinging to the second wave past just as with MGA and DA. The final third of the album is pretty awful with the ambient filler, being even more egregious, unrelated, and uncalled for than in FAS. Ultimately Kenose is the album for the second wave/orthodox midwit, who wants their music to be "metal" - aka simplistic, very repetitive, and boring.
MoRT did everything TWWTG did on an elevated level, concluding BAN's atmo disso style and making TWWTG irrelevant.
Are you the guy who edited Katechon lol. I agree it can be repetitive and III is the weakest song on the EP but I think it's stylistically pretty far from the 2nd wave of black metal. Kenose is dynamic and packed to the brim with RIFFS, something I don't associate with Burzum, Darkthrone, etc.
Their 3 latest releases are their best anyways
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metal has no future
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Their new stuff is good shit
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Probably not, how do you top this?
>Are you the guy who edited Katechon
>packed to the brim with RIFFS
Its really not, every riff is overplayed and even reused. I could do a breakdown like I did with Katechon counting each and every single riff, but I already know from blasting and my ears that its playing riffs for minutes at a time. The intro is especially bad, 4 minutes of the exact same thing straight, disgraceful. Everytime I listen to the album I start at the third minute to alleviate the boredom.

Even in the Piano cover of Kenose he cuts down the total running time to 29 minutes instead of the 36 minutes it normally is. DsO are not the end point for metal, it has a long was to go still.

You wish.
never should have gave in to the DsO meme
Completely organic flood of DsO and BAN posts just when Hector is conveniently lurking
Hope no one’s falling for it
It might be the peak of black metal recorded so far but in a few years it will(should) be surpassed.
people will continue falling for it either because they're bored or stupid
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
It's me, Hasjarl. Vindsval and I share a computer.
why do you people keep posting the same shit?
I'm bored and am kinda tempted to point out their high popularity with hipsters just to trigger another meltdown.
Hipsters like Darkthrone too. Should I delete my copy of A Blaze in the Northern Sky? Probably.
I think you mean trigger another meltdown from baldcucks when they deny that DsO was pushed by the underground they larp as.
listening to popular bands is for posers. hidden gems and obscure recs only please.
Nah, if you delete shit just because tards claim to like it you let tards dictate your taste.
you are retarded and the albums you listen to are as well
I post on /metal/, I have been shaped by tard opinions. I could be enjoying the new Taylor Swift album but teenage me listened to Under the Sign of the Dark Mark once and it has been downhill since.
what shit?
shitposts. lurk more.
I even listen to the occasional Hecky core, but don't tell him. He'll think I'm a hipster, too.
>found out the qt girl at the coffee shops name is Scarlet
Should I ask her if she likes the album Scarlet Evil Witching Black?
Sodom - Persecution Mania
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this one hurts bros
why would you ever listen to gaylor shit?
>it's real
If I was a normie. I'm glad I'm not but I can't deny the brain rot caused by a decade plus of on and off posting on /mu/. I've been molded y'all's retarded opinions.
Their old stuff's still great but I don't care much for anything after the 2nd album
Im not hector, why do you find it hard for people to enjoy two top tier bands? Yeah hector might be a complete faggot, but BAN and DSO are still amazing bands doing cool shit while you are jerking off to tranny porn on a anime image board
This much of seething because some anon doesn't like your boyband makes you Hecky even IF you weren't before. Welcome to his multiple system I guess.
only faggots and women listen to taylor swift dude. if you were a normie you would listen to rap or something
biggest metal manipulator?
That one guy who spiked his bandmate's/friend's drinks with estrogen so he could steal his girlfriend
bjorn "sneed" strid
who smashed the most guitars?
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Rap is the faggiest most melanated genre of "music" known to man. Even Taylor Swift shits all over it
Work on you reading comprehension my man. I'm saying I'm proud of my tard opinions because I learned them all from /mu/. Pretending like you don't have tard opinions when you post on /metal/ is retarded, I was responding to someone who thought otherwise.
she should wear that to a concert
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I was never a huge fan of death metal but lately after listening to 90s melodeath, it's absolutely insane how much melodeath brutally mogs all other death metal subgenres. Brutal/Slam is literal mouthbreather music, tech death has gotten really tiring with 90% of bands being wankers, and there's a metric shit ton of extremely bad "cavernous dissonant" Ulcerate rip offs that are all derivative and you can't even tell them apart.

Swedish melodeath cheese riffs reign supreme.
>your personality is based on what people post
Recommend me some NON black nazi metal bands
Swedish Melodeath is the closest thing in Death metal(a mediocre genre) that is somehow related to Classical, for its melodicism and harmony mostly. So yes, it is the good Death metal.

Literally who?
>I was never a huge fan of death metal but lately after listening to 90s melodeath
Shouldn't have formed an opinion before listening to such a significant brand of DM
System of a Down
Idk it was awhile ago. Maybe someone else remembers
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are you human?
Seeing Judas priest in 2 weeks let's goooooo
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>best at black metal
>best at death metal

Alls said.
post bands that divide people
And THAT is how we know metal is inherently Germanic.
I'm mortal, but am I human?
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Now that a few days have past what do we think of the new Alcest record? I'm really enjoying it but I think Spiritual Instinct is still my favorite. L’enfant de la lune and Améthyste are my standout tracks but nothing comes close to something like L'île des morts or Sur l'océan couleur de fer.
is alcest good or not?
more bands need to sound like
Hell yeah
It's not very metal but if you like post-metal or shoegaze they're pretty great imo, lots of focus on texture and mixing rather than riffs. Écailles de lune, Spiritual Instinct or even their newest album are all good places to start. If you like one album you'll like the rest, their only weak album is Shelter.
I want my nerdy blackened powermetal retellings of coked out dnd campaigns
Judas Iscariot
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Obtained Enslavement, Taake, Emperor.

Still no one has even fraction of Hek's genius to make something as good as Witchcraft in metal. Probably because metal is for dumb people explicitly.
Drowning the Light
Man I took a 9 month break from this retarded general and I come back and the fucking norsecore autist is STILL slurping on Obtained Enslavement's cock. What a fucking pathetic existence.
>a 9 month
Were you pregnant?
this isn't music. it's something else.
you need to let everyone know you listen to these bands or else
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>FAS sound
That's the sound you hear when Hector opens his hapa whoreson mouth
Ye Blessed Creatures
>seething and replying to 2 hour old posts
Varg is a special case
you are special for the wrong reasons
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is this band racist?
I'm afraid to buy books from Amazon because I know it's low-hanging fruit #1. Sorry Varg, pirating.
Not explicitly, though they use nazi and occult symbolism in the art and lyrics.
Did Varg rly ripped off the looks of Paul Ledney.
This is more about taking a fear an loathing trip with the reichsflugscheibe to aldebaran. So blacks are welcome after they took the albinizer
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Afraid so
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They all ripped off Sarcofago
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got you bro
saw these guys like 8 years ago. guy had his mic stand go over his head since he was playing drums. never saw that arrangement before or since.
is it true that helvete was burnt down
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No, you can still visit it and take a picture in front of that wall that has BLACK METAL written on it. A friend of mine did that last summer
>What is disso metal
It exists, and every bathory cuck seethes at it
Dissonance is a cope for people who cant write real music.

He now has Proscriptor on vocals, they're drummer buds or something. He's a drummer first and foremost but he can do everything. He has guitar credits on His majesty at the swamp but he was the main songwriter on that album and the reason it's so good.
Consonance is a cope for people who cant write real music.
Grosse Fuge yourself
Metal used to be so cool in the 80s.
you mean slow rock
how did we go from this... >>122513986
to this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy4CQOyQ-0k
>Paul Ledney
You mean the guy who ate his bandmate's sperm off of a bible? Yeah, no.

Slayer, Helloween(Walls of Jericho), Kreator, Bolt Thrower etc are very slow.
Coincidental big beard and hat

USBM > euroshit
always has and always will be norsecuck
Black Funeral, Black Witchery, Wind of the Black Mountains yeah im thinking based
As opposed to Varg and Faust who lick the sperm directly off the dick?
I enjoy both, it is quite possible no one is seething, cry about it
>Suddenly blink 182 riff starts playing
Why do they do that?
can anyone provide tips tabbing death metal? ive been pitch shifting, soloing the panned guitars and also using this pretty nifty tool called ultimate vocal remover (not sponsored) which helps me isolate vocals, drums, guitars and the bass but there are still certain sections where i cant tell whats being played.
eg. (a strife won at wraith) - https://vocaroo.com/1gMCDQvYY4dG
can you tell whats being played there at the start? do i just need more experience?
If you attend gigs you are a poser.
If a band performs live, they are posers
If you don't attend gigs you are a poser.
If a band doesn't perform live, it is because they can't

That's not really the best example of being able tell wtf is going on.
Good luck. I can't even tab clean power metal melodies.

But lout noises hurt my ears. I don't go to the theatre or sporting events either
i CANT tell whats going on. checking if anyone else can
Just keep your fingers in your ears the whole time
i like it

I'm saying you're not choosing a song where you're going to be able to do that. Maybe practice on something easier
System for the Downs
Nope, it's mush.
Concert earplugs are less than $20 and make the music sound better because they filter a lot of the shrill shit out.
I go to a lot of concerts and shoot competively and yet my hearing is better than most people's
here is the same section with drums
>make the music sound better
Yeah thats why classical halls hand them out right? Top fucking kek.
Ledney was filmed eating the sperm. Cope, newfag.
To be fair I read it's a lean source of protein.
Forgotten Woods
Alf the Gates
>Muh classical
Midwit retard
>I know more about medical practice than a phd doctor and I know more about hearing than people with phd's in music or biology, unlike metalcucks who have no such background
>I also think stuffing my ears full of plastic, foam, or other materials makes things sound "better" because even ignoring my grand arrogance in regards to those who know better, I also fail simple and basic rational reasoning a child could think of
Metalreject IQ strikes again.
If you don't have tinnitus you're not a true metalfag
Are you aware of Wizardthrone?
Cries from a Restless Soul
100% correct

>Alf the Gates
have a nice day you angry bunch
>classical halls
Sunn O))) perform in halls all the time and they MAKE SURE to hand out earplugs for free.
This nigga mad af
gigs are for giggers
Nope, gonna check, thx in advance
he spergs out anytime someone mentions live music. he even saved one of my concert pics for some reason lmao
Taake's new single just dropped
I'm not angry, I'm just angry.
Why does Kaevum put images of little girls on their album covers?
Artist: Satanic Warmaster
Album: Carelian Satanist Madness
Song: Carelian Satanist Madness

>Born from the blood that was carried through time
>Encircling the true essence of the wolf
>To reap the weak as a cursed shadow in the night
>And let their death ornament the snow

>When the fullmoon shines, the werewolf strikes
>The human fear sings my song
>When carelian forests echoe with your death
>The power is regained by the strong

>Singing Sieg Heil - psalms to scourge jewish god
>To make his children rot and hurt
>Burning the chapels so their prayers cannot be heard
>To leave them as kill for our knives

>To see their altars turned to dust - Is a dream becoming reality
>To see their cross crumbling to rust - Forgotten to void for eternity

>The rite of white man reborn - From false light into darkness
>That holds the true light in scorn - The Carelian Satanist Madness
no reason whatsoever, stop asking questions.
That's Greta - they are huge fridays for future supporters
all /metal/ threads are Varg threads.
We need to change the name to /varg/ permanently
Not metal
Pls do, than we can have /meal/ without him and you can do kpg softcore spam of your idol
he’s talking about this general which is metal general
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please tell me this sounds correct -
original - https://vocaroo.com/16gXSCO0yfYV
what i hear - https://vocaroo.com/1fDjb1iY8oYv
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I have the flacs ripped by myself if you want
hector, are you retarded? why are you transcribing it to piano?
thanks but i am using flac files
for clarity's sake

does it sound correct?
where's the guy that made all these album cringe images? he needs to come back here. we need more people like him

The creation of letters that weren't available shows true autistic determination
I, I, I love little girls
They make me feel so good
was exporting wav files. should work now
original - https://vocaroo.com/1fmHldnTpuyM
what i hear - https://vocaroo.com/1oWXVtYqPawe
NEW >>122515430
Its not possible, its logical conclusion to BM. Watch all the second wave cucks seethe.

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