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Godson edition

Varg Vikernes about his deeds (direct quotation):
>No. That is a Communist I killed in 1993.

Det Som Engang Varg: >>122565051

FAQ: https://burzum.org/eng/news.shtml
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>wants to record a song with his new guitarists
>craps out Time to Burn in the middle of a live album
>how did black metal come from Norway of all places? seems random.
Random? Not really. But there is a lot of effort to steal Norway's contribution. Idea of "First wave" is nothing short of an attempt to do that.
>But there is a lot of effort to steal Norway's contribution.
Yes by jealous circumcised people
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>/meal/ newfag attempts to interrupt the BM circlejerk
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If Anime can only be Japanese then Black metal must only be Norwegian.
So Blaisian basically?
>Reincarnated into a different World as a homosexual Black metal artists able to summon Satan!?!? Gaahl Gaahl a Go Go
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what did the far right band mgla mean by this
That's transphobic
crucify cats
the same thing tool meant with aenima.
They watched Taxi Driver
You should be burnt alive
what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
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fukk I forgot how good their first demo is (not counting their demo as Macabre)
Fuck off dog
Under A Funeral Moon remains the kvltest (and best) even in /metal/
UAFMchads keep winning
>satanic and misanthropic genre comes from one of the happiest countries in the world
really makes you think
>the so-called "happiest" countries have some of the highest suicide rates and lowest birthrates
Also makes you think
for me it's:
Blaze > Funeral Moon > Tranny Hunger
Happiness index is a (((UN))) trickery, foolish goy.
damn, we've been lied to this whole time. what a surprise.
good luck trying to rank the bathory albums
Most Scandinavians are part of the LGBTQ++ community
Objectively ranking the non-black metal band Bathory from best to worst:
Nordland I
Under The Sign of the Black Mark
Blood Fire Death
Twilight of the Gods
Blood on Ice
Nordland II
The Return
And the 3 albums no one gives a shit about
I think you got Scandinavians messed up with Americans
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Dave Meganonce
Damn, will the Babbymetol girls ever age?
oh you just know they fuckin later
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the new alcest is pretty good
Solitude Aeturnus
Are you all this obsessed with Varg or is it just one guy?
We all love and respect Varg here
best burzum album
Varg is a meme
makes sense
Bros. Apparently Nails is supposed to release a new album today. What the fuck. I didn't know that.
Nine Inch Nails
Dimmu Borgir - Mourning Palace

Do you also get chills to this day, anons?

Dimmu Burger
Nehëmah - Light of a Dead Star
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I'm an evil man?
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>autism stops me from listening to anything but pic related
Metal for this feel?
ultra cringe
The literal peak of all metal.
another shameless samefag
Deathspell Omega is what it sounds like when non-metalheads listen to any metal
you mean the normies?
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>guy in the local shop was wearing a "meowtallica" shirt
i'll keep listening to metal till i'm dead
Further prove that dissonant metal is just the extreme metal's extreme metal as I said since the beginning.
He doesn't even say or slur the "abandoned" bit I swear.
This pleases the catposter.

Maybe it's just bad music, unless we're talking about Paracletus
>attention whores
C'mon. Plenty of DsO's EPs are at least decent.
No, that's noisecore.
Dissonant metal is extreme metal's improv jazz
Synarchy is their only bad release though.
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noisecore is punk you queer
I knew it was coming soon but didn't know an exact date.
Isn't it a new lineup too or did I dream that?
punk isn't metal and never will be
>dissotranny calling others queer
Good one
not the same poster
I honestly have no idea. I haven't been up to date with them for the past couple of years.
He skips the "In" part, but Abandoned is there, although the b is pronounced sorta like a d. Technically you could argue he says "In" but slured to hell and back to the point it just combines with "Abandoned" such that it sounds like " n'adandoned " when combined with his b to d thing.

>tourist can only into the pop rock album and gets filtered by Synarchy
Imagine my shock.

Not metal, barely even music. Also it has nothing to do with improv jazz, we literally have improv metal and its certainly not DsO and the like. At best you could say dissonant metal is metal's modern classical, an extreme filter that normalfags will never understand.
I apologize for summoning this faggot back by mentioning that he listens to brown noises.
He seems more unhinged than ever before.
>he's actually here nearly 24/7
>buy band shirt
>never wear it because I dont want the print to fade of get damaged by washing
thanks a lot
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Just handwash them
heaven forbid you talk about metal in the /metal/ general

I almost thought he was taking a nap but then he appears again
you get worked up so easily. it's funny.
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>you get worked up so easily. it's funny.
I always thought he said 'abundant' myself
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Originally I thought he said "doubledog" myself.
Gorguts - From Wisdom to Hate
Buttwhorey blows.
Diaperblack at it's worst.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
forced memes at its worst
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Elusive Treasure is beloved here

he knows and used to be a regular as well.
>used to be a regular as well
I can tell by how he looks like a complete faggot
I thought you said you were leaving /metal/ kek.
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Immolation - Close to a World Below
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>apathy in full swing
metal for this feel?
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What was the YouTube-channel of that edgelord that shilled himself here for a month or two? Some fat guy wearing sunglasses talking about everyone else being a poser and how mp3s are for faggots and only analogue is real? He also had a merch shop iirc
Was she right?
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>5 minutes of xbox 360 tier microphone
Didn't listen, blasting FAS.

the only difference in nsbm are the lyrics, right?
Yes, its a fake genre just like DSBM.
Varg is a whoreson
she couldn't even last 24 hours as predicted, sad!
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who's this semen demon
>Trannypopper forced to spend her days larping as hector out of asshurt
you love to see it
you people are pathetic

A Sneak peek into a deranged mind
If only he had just given that sad femcel the dick she was craving all this time.
mental illness no doubt
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You guys sure have an active imagination. You should write power metal lyrics

>Jute Gyte

File deleted.
kek so its true that nearly all the seething comes from one g*rman poser
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>Probably too repetitive for you due to the heavy Branca influence
I mean basically yeah, this stuff is far too minimalist for me, its basically like a metal version of Bolero. I'm not very interested in minimalism myself, nor do I think this has a ton in common with JG or Ehnahre; this is more like Branca, Mick Barr and Liturgy. I can appreciate an alternative road taken, but its not the alternative path I prefer.
>one of Jute Gyte's albums is literally called Diaperson
Reminder that you have been talking about diapers for 8 years now. Literally one joke for 8 entire years.
its like a comedian with only one act, except you live in a small town so hes the only "comedian" you have, and for some reason hes performing at the only pub in town every single night. an inescapable hell
this, it makes me sick. i have to wear nappies for medical reasons and all the diapertalk triggers me to no end. i just want to go back to discussing metal legends without people posting about how they were pampers or shit themselves.
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Reminds me of the fact fr*gs and w*jaks have been stuck on repeat for well over a decade.
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everybody loves Varg, it's just one of those guys that is just very likeable even if you don't agree with him, like Alex Jones
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Chudyoung from Twice
i really like DsO's music, but it's a bit too evil for me, the french are really fucked up
Alex Jones is a grifter, dishonest, I think he's an asshole.
Varg has the merit of being honest, honestly dumb, so likeable.
He’s even nuttier than AJ. Have you seen all the shit he’s said about placenta?
>Further prove that dissonant metal is just the extreme metal's extreme metal as I said since the beginning.
for some reason, i get more easily into dissonant stuff like DsO, than into Thrash/Death Metal, for some reason Thrash/Death Metal rhythms just annoy me and bore me to death
>He’s even nuttier than AJ. Have you seen all the shit he’s said about placenta?
he just got a young blonde wife and got captured by the pussy so he repeats her wive's fevered dreams, it's understandable
Could someone give me a really detailed description of what dissonance means?
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>young blonde wife
here's an expert in black metal explaining
>tfw no neanderthal gf
Thrash and Death are boring because they have no songwriting.
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young blonde wife
Basically "thing I'm not used to or dislike because of culture and tradition".
what we call homosexuals here
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Congratulations, you are capable of individual thought and are not just a vehicle for what is drilled into you by your environment. Black metal was since the beginning always about such things.
Snorre looks like a tweaker Juggalo
>you are capable of individual thought
>says the guy that bases his entire thinking on quotes by other men that he saves on his computer in picture form
npctor at his best.

The problem is you keep gatekeeping that word
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Incoherent strawman.
I'm not even sure what you are implying when you suggest I gatekeep a word.
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Not metal. >>>/lgbt/

It means you use it to describe stuff you like, and if you don't like it then that must mean it doesn't fit the definition.
*farts in your face*
I hate the metric system, it is for whoresons.
>Secretary Trannypopper
I have never done this, all of mathcore is dissonant and its all worthless garbage I commonly rate as 3 or less out of 10.

But that's not what I said either. Everything you like is dissonant, and you are quick to defend it from false claims of dissonance
>But that's not what I said either.
To quote "if you don't like it then that must mean it doesn't fit the definition." my response was a direct rebuttal to this. That is exactly word for word what you said, not blame your inability to communicate your own thoughts on myself.
>Everything you like is dissonant
Just utterly false, there is not even a single line that divides dissonant vs consonant music, it is a scale that can be more or less of either. There are many artists people would not call """"dissonant"""" that I enjoy, Durufle, Camel, Ravel, Tangerine Dream, First Fragment, Aquilus, Dead Can Dance, Cocteau Twins, Night Verses, Opeth, Ne Obli, Ophidian I, Stargazer, Furia, Taake, etc, etc.

There is a difference between Ehnahre and say Ved Buen Ende, both "dissonant", but one is much further on the scale where they aren't even playing real notes half the time and the other just plays some tritones. So too there is a scale of "consonance" that goes from teletubbies melodies to something like Wagner.

Even more importantly is that this is metal, "consonant metal" doesn't make any sense. Its ass backwards, the sound of metal is INHERENTLY dissonant. What sounds more metal, Tiluland or Ulcerate? The answer is obvious, Ulcerate is a more functional metal band even if I don't like them personally.

>not blame
don't* blame
Here he goes again
>cocteau twins
That treasure is beloved here.

Cockblow Twins are hated here and so are you
Filtered by heavenly Scottish brilliance.

We don’t like twinkcore here.
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True, we prefer Synarchy of Molten Bones here.

Zoroastrian metal
I swear I've heard this part before in another song, anyone?

lurk more, newfag.
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bitch how long do i have to wait fucking mutts doin the argentinian sex tourism LOL
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I know a good way to spend time, let's make some shit music only 12 edgy dudes out there will listen to
Yeah, we love those guys here.
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reminder that varg still makes vids on odysee called Thulêan Perspective
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i think jungle rot is better than bathory, darkthrone, mayhem, every swedish death metal band and dso
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>mfw I listen to Jute Gyte
they are a watered down bolt thrower
Is this guy asian or jewish? I genuinely can't tell
Blasting this and laughing at trannypoper gnashing her axe wound off completely umprompted
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Forgot picture
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is it true he had a pizza roll sponsorship where they were going to release a line of "Satchinos" but the company got cold feet about it

I heard he got paid for it anyway
listening rn, this is a good album anon.
What's heavier than Pantera?

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they're super same-y but if youre in the mood for primitive, caveman death metal they're a great bet. just fucking stupid fun riffs, one after another
>caveman death metal

I started a band like that and no one ever showed up at our gigs, why do you think that is
how many mammoths did you kill?
You must have 140+ IQ
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Fuck no.
There's no Death Metal in the universe that even comeptes to Mayhem sorry bud.
But there are also better BM bands.

>there are also better BM bands.
I never said there weren't anon.

eww loincloth metal
>Haeuptling Varg

What did he mean by this
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Varg Vikernes, the Norwegian musician, writer, and self-proclaimed philosopher known for his profound influence on the black metal music scene and his controversial views, passed away peacefully at his home in France on June 30, 2024. He was 51 years old.

Born Kristian Vikernes on February 11, 1973, in Bergen, Norway, Varg Vikernes adopted his infamous moniker early in his career as a musician. He founded the one-man black metal project Burzum in 1991, quickly becoming a central figure in the early Norwegian black metal scene. His music, characterized by its raw, atmospheric sound and haunting, minimalist compositions, left an indelible mark on the genre and inspired countless musicians worldwide.

Beyond his musical contributions, Vikernes' life was marred by controversy. In 1993, he was convicted of the murder of Øystein "Euronymous" Aarseth, guitarist of the black metal band Mayhem, as well as arson attacks on several churches in Norway. These events cast a dark shadow over his career and led to a 21 year prison sentence, of which he served 15 years.

After his release in 2009, Vikernes relocated to France with his family, seeking a quieter life. Despite his controversial past, he remained a prolific creator, continuing to release music and publish writings.

Varg Vikernes' legacy is complex and polarizing. To his fans, he was a visionary artist who pushed the boundaries of music and explored profound themes of identity and heritage. To his detractors, he was a figure whose actions and beliefs perpetuated division and hatred.

He is survived by his wife, Marie Cachet, and their eight children. The family has requested privacy during this difficult time.

In accordance with his wishes, Vikernes' funeral will be a private ceremony attended by close family and friends. His music and writings, however, will continue to echo through the annals of black metal history, reminding us of the duality of his existence as both an artist and a provocateur.
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Yeah, seriously shitting my pants at a bunch of Burgers appropriating my culture
Absurdly retarded.
How much do you think the norsecuck gets paid to deepthroat Varg as hard and as often as he does? Oh that's right he does it for free
What's going on here then?
What a lucky bastard.
Varg truly won.
they were just fighting like you do all the time here
eww poser
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I feel like I recognize this album cover but I can't fucking remember or tell what it is
I thought it was Messiah at first??
What happened to Atrocity that they dropped two great albums and then just gave it up for weird pizza goth metal?
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Forgot the pic whoops

What happened to Therion.

And who the fuck designed this album cover?
>What happened to Therion.

music no one listens to is unsustainable
They already perfected death metal so might as well start making pop.
it's a shame, those first two are killer
Are you proud of your grandfather?
Yup, the guy was a hero
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Any recs? Those are my favorite albums.

Metallica - Master of Puppets
Converge - Jane Doe
Deafhaven - Sunbather
Slayer - God hates us all
Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine
Seeyouspacecowboy - Coup de Grâce
Lamb of God - Ashes of the Wake
Pantera - Southern Trendkill
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>appropriating my culture
You literally worship korean culture. You have no self awareness.

>I'm da real nazi! Thats I respect my heritage by never having sex, worshiping gooks on an imageboard, wishing I was a woman, listening to slam all day, and insulting da hecking nazis!
What a joke, Americans are more worthy of carrying the NS banner than you ever will be. Poser.
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>Americans are more worthy of carrying the NS banner
Only if said NS-banner also has the McDonald's and Starbucks logo on it and features a "I stand with Israel" slogan
Can ya'll shut the fuck up, I literally just posted the best NS release in the history of the "genre", listen and shut the fuck up and respect >>122577010
>NS-banner also has the McDonald's and Starbucks logo on it and features a "I stand with Israel" slogan
Sounds like everything you stand for obese secretarypopper, from what I understand you also have a deep love for Amerifat sitcoms too. Not to mention the frequent use of American slang like "dude", and there is no chance you aren't a starbucks sipping numale as you go into your daily office job lmao. I mean what are gookpop stars if not just american girl groups with bugs instead of mutts? Everything you worship is american. Even the games you play like Borderlands are peak amerimutt moments.

Your country got rawdawgged by America and now you the bastard incel child wishes he was American in every single way imaginable, the final humiliation of the German people.
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Gonna eat some Tteokbokki from this here plate while blasting Dropdead
>already bringing out the ben garrison filenames
You know shes upset lol, ready for the 12 hour meltdown
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Did an overexposure to dissopampers and other brown noise cause this continued mental deterioration?
>so mad he clicked on the other anon's post number twice
No I think your mental deterioration was caused by the brown noise of american sitcom laugh tracks and gookpop "music".
Would he be proud of you?
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Sad but true. German people never had a worse enemy than America. Reminder that he tried to save Europe.
(Holocaust didn't happen but it should've.)
>so mad he clicks only once
The taste of lead really takes the dish to another level
>German people never had a worse enemy than America.
Except the Rothschilds of course. If it wasn't obvious already
>daily office job
What do you work as?
He told me he was a bunch of times back when he was alive I guess
How many times will trannypopper reply to this post with some mention about entry level jobs?
Was this after you showed him that your entire life revolved around cardboard images of gooks emulating american culture and then let him listen to a slam record? Or did you lie to the old man and pretend to be someone you weren't lol/
? I don't follow /metal/ regulars, so I don't know who you're referring to when you namedrop some opp of yours
>just a little gore, why are mods so mean to me :(
so edgy bro
This general is such ass but it's to be expected when antisocial imageboard autism intersects with metal degeneracy

Time for your hot pocket lunch then it’s nap time for you little fella
Can't make this shit up KEK
For someone who constantly tries to be as abrasive and unlikeable as possible he really seems to have a tough time admitting that more than one person does not like him
I love Israel also Metallica
You forgot the gookpop avatar.
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Enough talking about faggots, back to music
She will deny this (she always does).
Are you different IRL compared to your thing here?
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This shit is crunchy ass hell
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I'm against gore and shit-tier punk music posted in this general and you won't be allowed to post it here.
Remember when 3 gore posts suddenly disappeared, and the best blastings homo was mad? KEK
>back to music
But that certainly not metal, and probably not music either. Perhaps you ought to get back to the thread topic with your next post?

We love crunch here
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No, the poor basedboy literally looks like jimmy numale incarnate
In a lot of ways, yes
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rofl needs to be added to the faces of /meal/ pic asap
don't mock the deceased
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SFB (so fucking based)
This thread is so gay i love it
Beloved here.
It doesn't matter
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Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
It's all meta.
I'm fascinated by this kind of stuff. It's like when you browse through an old forum that has like 20 active users still who have been on there for decades and know each others personal lives in detail and have all kinds of weird beef between them
>who is the nazi larper that looks like a beta male irl who also happens to be into kpop (ironically?), or is that a different person from the one that keeps posting kpop singers along with their posts?
Same person, and its very much unironic. The numale literally posts their concert tickets here all the time kek, and yes, it is as sad and pathetic as it sounds.
>decades old forums
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I'm as confused as you are desu
The (little) bit of non-death metal stuff of theirs I've heard is not bad, desu.
NEW >>122577658
what happened?
Either mods deleted new because AFTER the ban there were 17 posts left till bumplimit or op was the guy b&
Mods are incredibly autistic about posting until thread hits bump limit lately.
Janny deleted a bunch of posts in this thread, technically making the other one a duplicate since this one now was not at bump limit, so some silly man reported it for duplicate thread
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Protip: post a bunch of bullshit until thread hits bump limit.
No one likes posting this late into a thread because it'll get ignored 99% of the time.
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Black metal reings supreme
>No one likes posting this late into a thread because it'll get ignored 99% of the time.
hehehe you're right
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What's the big deal about hitting bump limit, anyways? Who gives a shit if there's 5 posts left.
Death metal is good
it has to be done perfectly each time. no exceptions.
Because there will be multiple generals which will flood the board and drown/archive lesser active generals. It's not just us there are like 5 generals
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Dunno, but this isn't the first time a janny waits with a ban until the new thread so it is technically up for deletion
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That happens with /kpop/ all the time with usually 3 -4 threads at the same time but god forbid someone creates an early /metal/ thread.
Kpop threads get deleted way more than metal ones
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Horse shit, I saw 6 god damn threads up the other day and they were there for hours.
Those all hit bump limit, retard. There are still like a dozen of them being deleted for being too early ever singlke day
Kpop should alrdy migrate off this bluboard so they can find their final form with ai nudes
damn... i had no idea kpopper was this based...

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