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Slow Your Thread Down edition

What is Progressive Rock?

Good albums to start with?

Obscure prog gems

Last thread >>122504651
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First for Aja

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A classic
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I didn't know ELP were actually good, I thought they were a meme band

my favorite album is sing to god. are there any prog albums that i might like?
Are they prog? If so they're the best.
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>Interviewer: You consider none of these bands progressive rock?
>Frank: Name them again.
>Interviewer: Procol Harum?
>Frank: No
>Interviewer: Traffic?
>Frank: No
>Interviewer: Pink Floyd?
>Frank: Sometimes
>Interviewer: Jethro Tull
>Frank: Sometimes
>Interviewer: Genesis
>Frank: Sometimes
>Interviewer: ELP
>Frank: Sometimes
>Interviewer: Yes
>Frank: Sometimes
>Interviewer: King Crimson
>Frank: Sometimes
>Interviewer: Devo
>Frank: No..
>Interviewer: Why?
>Frank: I wouldn’t describe them as progressive rock.
>Interviewer: You?
>Frank: I wouldn’t describe myself as progressive rock either.

Was he right?
>Anon: Was he right?
>Me: No
>>Interviewer: Yes
>>Frank: Sometimes
He had one job
What the hell did he consider progressive rock then?
I was honestly baffled by his responses when I first saw this interview. A lot of these bands are pretty well established as archetypal prog bands.
yes in unexpected places
Red's songs are better
Animals is the better album
Yes is not as unexpected or obscure as you may think they are.
>hey, this guy looks a lot like young Tom Ha-
i didn't really get animals, only liked the first epic and i think it went on a bit long before becoming uninteresting. not too much of a fan of pink floyd
red is the better one
Red vs Animals is not a fair contest
WYWH is a better match for Red
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Animals, love Red but love Animals a little more :/

I think you could say that about a lot of Pink Floyd versus King Crimson album match-ups, but Animals specifically might be a case where I find myself also preferring a lot of the individual songs desu, Dogs is an absolute masterpiece and the other tracks are all also up there
>WYWH is a better match for Red
Starless and Shine On is actually a pretty good competition, both of them are thematically very similar and try to invoke the same sort of emotions despite doing very different things with their sounds
Oops, sorry, my second response was meant for >>122579167
Technically he's correct, all of those bands have at least a few songs that are individually more pop or not really rock at all (or, in the case of Pink Floyd or Genesis or Yes, even entire portions of their discographies), but it's also a really pedantic Redditor way of looking at it, which fits with Zappa
is this prog
only the vocals are (shitty and nasally)
>Are they prog?
It's jazz rock and we've discussed it a number of times in this general, but basically, yes, it's at least relevant enough to prog to count as something within that broad umbrella
fuck no are you kidding me, go back to >>>/mu/
Is Phil Collins /prog/?
Of course
It is, and it's also garbage, these two things aren't mutually exclusive
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>It's jazz rock
Just cause they're jazz rock doesn't make them prog.
so does anyone in this god forsaken shithole general have an actual explanation as to why this dogshit constitutes progressive rock or jazz rock, because this sounds like indie rock funk pop anime j rock crossover like bradio or oral cigarettes
Jazz rock and Aja are literally in the sticky you turbo-autists
>reading comprehension
i'm not saying jazz-rock doesn't belong here, i'm saying the slop posted above isn't jazz-rock at all. it's more like some funky-pop party disco. like this shit sounds like bee gees or gloria gaynor meets wild cherry, not fucking steely dan or ian carr
some feel good music
I can't make a new thread so I'll just use this one to voice my dissatisfaction with the new Story So Far album
Fundamentally yes. Also I have no idea why Devo was listed at all.
Hate this faggot so much
Love this gigachad so much
i'll say it again: king crimson (72-74) was a way better band than pink floyd, but putting red against Animals isn't fair. red is more evenly matched with dark side of the moon honestly, they're both backloaded
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Holy FUCK progbros check out L'alba di domani by Gruppo 2001. It's Italian prog with a little bit of Big Star-sounding glam in there
Have you listened to anything past the first vocal section, anon? There's a whole drum solo in it and all.
What’s the best prog music video?
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Wouldn't it have been simpler to ask, "What are some bands you consider to be Progressive rock?"
Is it worth shelling out the money to get Road to Red? Is Herr Frippler ever going to let that one go on streaming?
Just check soulseek
you do know Yes is probably the most mainstream prog band right?
soulseek sucks, almost everything on there is Youtube2mp3
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Ween is prog.
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peen is Wrog.
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you said penis.
Why must I choose? This is like choosing which of your children you would save in a house fire.
I reject the question.
Larks' Tongues In Aspic
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Preen is wog.
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Good morning, /prog/.
Progressive prog rock versus Regressive prog rock
what were they thinking with that cover?
Wishbone Trash LOL
The actual vinyl sleeve had a piece of reflective foil to act as a mirror, hence the album title Look At Yourself.
wait heep is prog fuck man idk if i can live with my self now ive been listening to the wizzard almost weekly for years now
Early Devo was full of weird droning synth solos and a lot of multi-part songs. They were mostly a very experimental punk rock band, but they had some prog tendencies.
they're looking at us...
I love album covers that have interesting stuff on them. Like the newspaper on thick as a brick or the clear layers to create a 3d effect on in a glass house
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Who were some /fa/ proggers?
Yes is peanuts in the big picture. Go ask around your block what bands they know.
Yes vs No?
Thoughts on this?

Is this a jojo reference?
Apparently it's in that, I don't watch anime

I just looked it up because of that "to be continued" meme
>If I can't be prog....no one can!
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My man got that old age drip
A good song that you can't take seriously anymore
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I tell people I love prog but in reality I'm just really into King Crimson.
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I almost never see Wilson's discography being discussed here despite how much older progheads hype it up. Is picrel a masterpiece or a master heap of shit, /prog/?
Regret #9 is honestly maybe the greatest instrumental portion of any modern prog, the synth and guitar work here is absolutely impeccable and the whole thing is just pure excellence:


Bt with that said, the album is also full of duds and poppier songs that completely fail to land, and ultimately, it's very inconsistent in quality. Wilson has a lot of great ideas and also a lot of terrible ones, sadly.
King Crimson is the only prog band so it checks out
Animals because I've listened to it and not the other one
People really liked the harmony codex here when it came out. For the most part though I usually see people shit on his stuff on /mu/. One time someone came in and got really mad that in absentia was on the recommended list in the op. >>122593077 is right, a lot of his stuff isn’t quite everyones speed, but when he gets it right he gets it right
I hope the overview is good. 2 20 minute epics could either be absolute kino or an absolute pain to sit through
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Is cruise to the edge worth it?
Think people liked Harmony Codex because
1. SW finally nailed the balance between his new-found love of making synth-ridden songs and also making the album sound prog, compared to his 2 previous works (To The Bone and The Future Bites)
2. That 2 previous works he did unironically made people's expectation for Harmony Codex wasn't very high so when the album turned out to be more competent, people were suprised.
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Listen to this whole album, I want other people's thoughts on this.

Mi Kubbesi

Hard to describe what it's like.
Clean prog metal??
I listen to this once a year. Unique experience

I'm curious and worried what Thank You Scientist is going to be like with a new vocalist, and I didn't know Beardfish was alive now
Sjöblom joined Big Big Train and they're also there, so it might just be a one time thing?
Also I thought Thank You Scientist had disintegrated
Nah they just lost their vocalist last year and canceled their performances. I guess they found someone new.
Apparently Beardfish is actually recording a new album, no change to the old lineup
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>does the "pop prog" thing better than anyone else
Nothin' personal, eh?
but thats not Phil's Genesis
Pink Floyd is not Prog outside of like 2 or 3 albums
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>we should form a supergroup and exclusively make slop
Asia 1 is kino
2 is also decent
I remember a couple decades ago when Red Hot Chili Peppers was considered "prog rock". Is there even a definition of this made up genre?
a style of rock music popular especially in the 1970s and characterized by classical influences, the use of keyboard instruments, and lengthy compositions.
I'd argue that the prog rock archetype didn't truly take shape until the 90s when fans of the classic bands started congregating online and also forming new bands that explicitly called back to their heroes. Neo-prog in the 80s had a bit of that but it wasn't as explicitly traditionalist.
To quote the troon den
>Progressive rock is a Rock subgenre associated with complex harmonies and instrumental virtuosity inspired by Western Classical Music and Jazz. Generally, song structures consist of many sections and typically feature shifts in tempo and time signatures. Broader instrumentation compared to other Rock subgenres is also utilized to provide a wider selection of moods, which includes keyboards, as well as wind and bowed instruments, to the point of sometimes replacing the guitar as the dominant instrument in the music. Songwriting-wise, prog rock bands often opt for concept albums, where songs are tied to themes such as history, science fiction, and fantasy, with lyricists drawing inspiration from poetry, literature, and cinema. The genre is also occasionally influenced by Contemporary Folk and Traditional Folk Music.
Is is Neutral Milk Hotel "Progressive Rock"? What a dumb general
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>In Robert Fripp's opinion, once "progressive rock" ceased to cover new ground – becoming a set of conventions to be repeated and imitated – the genre's premise had ceased to be "progressive".
Genres are mostly nonsense
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John Frusciante can easily learn /prog/ songs in less than 24 hours. One of the many reasons he is the greatest guitarist of all time, objectively.
>Could you tell us a random good memory you have working with John?
>Dave Lee: "I'm glad you asked, Ivan. There's a story I remembered the other day. I've told Pedro I was going send it to him, so here it is. I grew up in the late 70's and was a huge fan of the band "Yes". At some point I came to know John was a fan as well. We discussed Yes occasionally, and while on a trip to Japan, John and I had discussed their album "Close to the Edge" and I had said how that album really meant a lot to me growing up. Particularly the song "Siberian Khatru".
>Upon arrival in Tokyo, we had a day off to recover from jet lag. The next day at the venue, when the band showed up, I was notified that John was looking for me. My first thought was "Uh-oh. What did I do this time?" Well, he found me, and said he wanted me to follow him to the dressing room because he wanted to show me something.
>He sits me down next to the little CD player in the dressing room and plugs his red Jaguar into the practice amp. He then takes out Yes' "Close to the Edge" CD and puts it in. Next he cue's up Siberian Khatru, and proceeds to play along note for note EXACTLY to the song. I mean exactly. Every single part of the 9 minute long epic. And if there was a part with no guitar, he'd play the keyboard parts on his guitar. He just sat there on the floor ripping perfectly through this very intricate song with a huge smile on his face. He even played the guitar fade out solo ending, all the way till it fades completely out.
>And then I realized he wasn't smiling because he was "proud" or "showing off". He was smiling because he knew how much it meant to me. It was like a personal little gift, that he'd spent his whole day off preparing. And it did mean alot to me. ...still does."
>Question by: - Ivan Roccon - Glasgow - Scotland
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The Mars Volta - L'Via L'Viaquez (John plays the intro solo and the solo after)
i'm not sure what he thought procol harum was if they weren't prog
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he probably just listened to the first album
I love his rock music, but I hate his lyrics. they are uninspiring, dull or just plain meaningless. don't care much for his electronic output
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any other prog-folk like this?
I mean, Yes were doing the same thing at the time
Carl's jawline...
has there ever been a "supergroup" that made actual good music?
i like ELP
U. K.
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does /prog/ like Emerson Lake Embalmer?
Jan Dukes de Grey
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Thoughts on beardfish?
Damn, now I got to listen to more of Roxy Music's discography. Any suggestions?
SW seemed to be that dude who was permanently stuck, holing up himself inside a recording studio for all of his life since 80s, no wonder his lyrics felt unimaginative
only contrarian thinks post-Moving Pictures 80s Rush was anything other than listenable or just another piece of stuff you can listen if you aspire to be a Rush completionist.
I'm sorry but this is the era where
1. Geddy no longer wailed his voice out
2. Neil suddenly forgot how to write good lyrics
3. made the synth sound more prominent but since Geddy was never that proficient at playing keys, all you got is a bunch of a basic keyboard playing in every songs.
4, the synth shit sound made Alex struggle with his guitar part because obviously he couldn't overpower the synth

and you know what's worst? this is somehow still the better part of their career because even when they returned to their hard rock root in the 90s, there's little to no semblance of any good songwriting left by then. creativity-wise, they were already done by early 80s.
Maybe minus Obscured by Clouds, everything past Meddle is prog, even the bad ones
prove it
>kills river phoenix
Atom Heart Mother is Prog though
Animals because providence is fucking trash
Losing the vocalist sucks but otherwise both of those are good news.
Fair enough desu, so I guess from Atom Heart Mother to Endless River with Obscured by Clouds as an exception? The Wall and TFC are also not quite as classically prog in the best but I think they're honorary prog by intersection at least.
>in the best
* as the rest, I meant
River was going to die anyway
Dont care about whether PF was prog or not, they made good music by the end of the day.
Sadly a lot of these so-called prog bands couldn't even make good listenable music.
it's too bad their worst albums are their most popular
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The Ëmëhntëhtt-Ré live trilogy DVD got uploaded to Youtube in three parts

thanks for uploading
>mfw the reprise of "for i have dined on honeydoo"

>supposed to be James' guitar solo
>gets overshadowed by Vander's drumming
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do you guys like Univers Zéro?
prog is ultimately subjective just like all genre wankery
originally i'd suggest prog was anything from a rock artist that wanted to move beyond guitar-driven I-IV-V music but that would include quite a lot of the earliest rock artists (especially british invasion acts) and a few that many wouldn't consider prog
today there are so many acts that are blatantly prog whilst being so far removed from that original basis as to be unrecognisable, and many of prog's innovations are taken for granted and considered unremarkable in rock music
It's the 14th album and a spiritual succesor to SABB
IMO the 3 drummer kc kept getting better with each tour they did. While radical action is a great live album it’s nowhere near their peak. The new songs feel unfinished here compared to later performances
Meltdown is better
that Starless. goddamn. in the video you can see even Fripp look over at the crowd when shit his the fan it's one of the best KC Live moments (7:30 in the track)
Was just thinking about Xanadu. I listened to a bunch of Rush's early discography on vacation in Ottawa a couple months ago. All those cute Quebecois women, and the cute Indian women, and the parliamentary debates... People say it's a boring city but I had a great time
Farewell to Kings was the first Rush album I ever heard so it holds a special place in my heart. It's not as cohesive as some of their other albums but almost every track is iconic in its own way.
My only issues with meltdown are the shortened radical action suite and the fact that they didn’t include the errors despite it being performed one of those nights. Otherwise yeah that album is peak crimson. The live performances included with the documentary are also pretty great
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Actually went to that show and got to go to the q&a before it. Probably one of my personal favorite concert experiences
yet to listen to this one all the way. but LTIA1 is phenomenal on it
does anyone know if there's a difference between The Great Deceiver live album from 1992 and the reissue from 2007?
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Black Midi bros, we've been dethroned...
this looks like ai art
lmao are you on that /v/ thread?
good, although the fact that this garbage is mentioned in the same breath as Larks' Tongue In Aspic is a sin.
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Superior band. They recently released a new album.40s40
Is American Football /prog/?
Is Muse progressive rock, /prog/?

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muse is about as prog as tool, which means no
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what the fuck is that thread
the muse guy is retarded but the guy arguing with him is just as autistic
The Resistance is one of my favorite casual-listening progressive rock albums.
a band member said frank talked about a whiter shade of pale when it came out and appreciating some of the techniques used
What a pathetic fucking thread.
So I guess we're all the same person according to that thread? Lol
my opinion - prog is a bit of a meaningless label past the 70s or so, because prog sublimated itself into rock music so thoroughly that people don't even notice it.
that is to say, prog won
let's not talk about that thread, a/v/tism is something else
They're a very watered-down version of prog, but yea.
There's good prog beyond the 70s but all the big British prog bands for the most part started to suck or jump ship. There was still good RIO and Avant-Prog into the 90s.
greetings from /v/, I utterly despise video games
i agree, resistance is their best album. they got good when they stopped copying radiohead's homework
Does anyone know some good videogame prog tunes? I know prog rock influenced a lot of the early jrpg music, I think zelda too
Pretty obvious but Final Fantasy 6 had a 20 minute prog rock epic final boss theme on the SNES back in 1994
I don't think theres any difference besides some remastering
Personally I'm a Genesis and Yes type of person
None of the albums there are even bad but the guy comes off as a prick
>heh Black Sabbath? Paranoid is a top 10 1970s album? Heh, take a look at THIS
*drops a topsters full of 1970s krautrock, prog rock, sporkcore and the obligatory jazz album*
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To be fair I was literally asked to post my top 10 70s albums and it wasn't even worded that way
I really hate this recent trend of only considering the most incomprehensible gibberish to be prog.
extremely based chart
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new haul from the second hand shop
I doubt I will ever find brufords solo stuff or UK here in New Zealand at a decent price...
The guy arguing with the "Muse is prog" guy is twice as big of a loser
ween wins again
Muse falls into this similar niche as bands like Radiohead where you can argue they're prog on paper but we all know the people who listen to these bands don't listen to them because they're 'progressive' nor are these bands a part of the general prog rock circle
>Muse falls into this similar niche as bands like Radiohead

No they don't? Beyond the 90s britpop phase, Radiohead are actually fairly art rock-esque, there's a reason why people were constantly saying they were "this generation's Pink Floyd" to the point where it got really fucking annoying. I'm not gonna pretend that I've listened to too much Muse, but to me they just seem like a regular pop rock band from that era, maybe a good one but still nothing more than just pop.
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Is anyone looking for a cute discord friend who is into prog?
post your user thingy
oh nonono...look at this dude
Renaissance announce US dates for farewell tour

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you are mentally ill, stalker. you are going to prison, stalker.
So thankful for this tour as my wife and I went to it after years of believing we'd never get to see them (we danced to Starless at our wedding)
Hellfire is based. Gain taste fgt
This is false because Power Windows is my absolute favorite Rush album. Just because it's "not prog" or doesn't contain all their usual tropes does not mean it isn't great. I love their early stuff but Power Windows is just unique in it's own special way, especially for the whole "70s prog band goes 'pop' in the 80s" gimmick. Actually, if anything, Power Windows is still prog at heart just based more in synth rock than their usual routine of prog-tinged hard rock
Where did you find these anon? If you got them from a record store maybe you could ask them to order it for you?
>Geddy no longer wailed his voice out
So? He's good a nice voice without having to wail.
>Neil suddenly forgot how to write good lyrics
I guess that's a matter of taste, which there's no account for in your case.
>all you got is a bunch of a basic keyboard playing in every songs
If you want super proggy neoclassical synth wanking then go listen to ELP. Rush's synths were largely for texture.
>the synth shit sound made Alex struggle with his guitar part
Alex himself said it forced him to rethink his approach to guitar and explore new ways to apply his solos and riffs, and while he was a bit salty at first he came to appreciate how it evolved his style.
this song wouldn't be out of place with the guitar-driven 70s prog songs
they made prog songs sometimes
other than that, they're as basic rock as it gets
Matt could've been more ambitious about his music considering his classical music background but nah.
I think it's still funny that his best piano composition is the outro part of Neutron Star Collision, the track that was forgotten by time due to its Twilight association.
They're pretty fucking good but you have to be pretty high for it desu.
Up until Shine Brightly they're definitely more of a psych rock band although tbf Zappa in the mid 60s with the mothers was also just doing psych rock. Same with Pink Floyd. It transitioned naturally from shit before that.
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People care enough about muse to argue about them?!?!?!?!?
I've never heard someone talk about muse outside the context of radiohead.
i wouldnt consider anything zappa did in the 60s psych rock except we're only in it for the money because he was parodying it
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