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Cookbook & Burzum edition.

Varg Vikernes about his farmstead(direct quotation):
>I am happy being left behind here, in a green and living countryside, with wild animals and farm animals, with all those happy little blonde children and a hard-working wife who home-school them all.

Det Som Engang Varg: >>122619475

FAQ: https://burzum.org/eng/news.shtml
Meat & potatoes of metal.
They're worse.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
We should rename it to Vikernes general since Tivar is also included now.
Wouldn't that be Filosofem or Hvis Lyset Tar Oss?
Great idea.
More like unseasoned kasha
It'd be even better if you just had your own varg general and the metal general was separate.
>Wouldn't that be Filosofem or Hvis Lyset Tar Oss?
No, since they are ambient metal. The debut is what defines pure METAL.
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>be vargs child
>get posted all over the internet by your own father
I think homesteading is awesome but the faggot would be %100 without all the attention farming he does online. Why put your kids up on the internet? Why does he want to be famous? How are you going to be a epic pagan living the trve life while being an eceleb? He needs to stop posting his children on the internet, it's awful.
That would steal half the fun.
He wants to influence Europeans and reach as many of them as possible. That's why he does not use closed media platforms like Telegram and instead posts on Twitter and Tiktok.
He's not hurting anyone by doing so.
but why? metal and varg are one and the same.
Because you fags don't actually talk about metal you just talk about Varg and basically suck his cock, and then if you do talk about metal it will just be Burzum which is tourist shit that's been discussed to fucking death.
>if you do talk about metal it will just be Burzum
that's just plain wrong. why are you lying?
>which is tourist shit that's been discussed to fucking death.
i don't see what's wrong with that tbqh. let's discuss burzum
Ever since Varg got bofa'd I can't take him and his music seriously anymore
>He wants to influence Europeans and reach as many of them as possible.
cool whatever, that is no reason to post photos of your children online. I know you think varg is a god and can do no wrong, but really think about this one, it's as trashy as all other social media parents who try and use their children for their own means. Photos of your children belong in your families house, not on the internet among porn and other impure things
Listening to Voice of the Soul
>know you think varg is a god and can do no wrong
Lol no. You must see I'm exaggerating sometimes, it makes antifa blood boil kek.
And as I said, posting pics of your kids isn't hurting anyone as far as I can see.
>He needs to stop posting his children on the internet, it's awful.
You know what's really awful? When strangers save photos of other people's children and post them on the Internet, like you just did.
>And as I said, posting pics of your kids isn't hurting anyone as far as I can see.
ok you are a retard then. I hope you do not have children.
i would argue that posting your kids on the internet is much worse, but i'll let you have your epic reddit 'gottem' moment.

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Varg Vikernes, Controversial Black Metal Musician and Author, Dies at 51

Varg Vikernes, the Norwegian musician, writer, and self-proclaimed philosopher known for his profound influence on the black metal music scene and his controversial views, passed away peacefully at his home in France on July 4, 2024. He was 51 years old.

Born Kristian Vikernes on February 11, 1973, in Bergen, Norway, Varg Vikernes adopted his infamous moniker early in his career as a musician. He founded the one-man black metal project Burzum in 1991, quickly becoming a central figure in the early Norwegian black metal scene. His music left an indelible mark on the genre and inspired countless musicians worldwide.

Beyond his musical contributions, Vikernes' life was marred by controversy. In 1993, he was convicted of the murder of Øystein "Euronymous" Aarseth, guitarist of the black metal band Mayhem, as well as arson attacks on several churches in Norway. These events cast a dark shadow over his career and led to a 21 year prison sentence, of which he served 15 years.

After his release in 2009, Vikernes relocated to France with his family, seeking a quieter life. Despite his controversial past, he remained a prolific creator, continuing to release music and publish writings.

Varg Vikernes' legacy is complex and polarizing. To his fans, he was a visionary artist who pushed the boundaries of music and explored profound themes of identity and heritage. To his detractors, he was a figure whose actions and beliefs perpetuated division and hatred.

He is survived by his wife, Marie Cachet, and their eight children. The family has requested privacy during this difficult time.

In accordance with his wishes, Vikernes' funeral will be a private ceremony attended by close family and friends. His music and writings, however, will continue to echo through the annals of black metal history, reminding us of the duality of his existence as both an artist and a provocateur.
awful post.

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Guys I just discovered they make styles that aren't black metal. Apparently they even let heterosexuals play these ones

i dont feel so good varg bros...
brooooo just post your kids on the internet like lmao who gives a fuck about them, putting pictures of my children in the hands of pedophiles and scum is so pagan. like omg I cant even imagine living without having an internet following, i need the clout so my ego feels satisfied.
Is Varg still collecting welfare payments?
He never claimed that he did

Varg is a visionary, he's living the life he wants for everyone
i too would like to waste the best years of my life in prison
his wifes family have a lot of money apparently. I dont think he needs to, though his new music, and books reek of desperation. He's become quite a pathetic figure but his delusional fans think the sociopath can do no wrong
>AI slop book cover
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It's boring
Most german thrash is
Sounds like you're trying to justify, even normalise, saving pictures of other people's children to share online. You'll find out the hard way you're wrong. Were you banned from reddit for this? It's definitely odd you'd bring that name up out of nowhere.
you already have. you just don't recognise the prison.
>Kevin Heybourne
Good one
What is the prison we're in, anon?
I had no idea Bruce could speak French
Sodom's cool tho
>t. Anthraxkikes
Circle the wagons, parasites
I think Anthrax is gay as hell, actually
They’re the same breed of fatherless faggots.
Even with them I find a lot of the songs to be kinda samey after a while
I have 80s Iron Maiden live bootlegs from France where he speaks no English except for announcing song titles.
Anthrax is the american equivalent of german thrash, all aggression, no songwriting
Incredible how everything that you said is incorrect.
Reddit ass response
Is it? You must know that site's posting style very then, perhaps you can go back then
Thinking anthrax is the closest american thrash to teutonic is the definition of reddit.
Just admit you're a tourist.
pizza thrash is pizza trash
German thrash is all riffless
What is some good metal for an autistic transqueer half-black socialist gamer?
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He's a typical attentionwhore faggot. The entirety of black metal was built on attentionwhoring.
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Tankard is riff heaven
lol filtered sperg
Any reccs for modern death metal bands that aren't boring as shit and reductive? Been listening to Phobophilic, Cave Sermon, and Replicant a lot.
I thought this was pretty good
before you go to a football match you must listen to this album for that supreme meth energy

DMT = Die Metal Trip-the-mine sigma-1
You've been mentally dominated.

Is he awake?
Nithing is breddy good. I love dodgeball snares.
Rex Viper
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Great album
metal is an inherently dishonest genre
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Making white babies while you seethe.
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>Sepultura - Beneath the remains

>3 years ago (edited)
>Listening to this makes me depressive. Not because this song or the album is bad, but because there isn't any band anymore that makes music like this nowadays
what an ugly family of inbreds
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You would say that to his face you spineless cuck.
Imagine those deflated tits
Nice airsoft gun, Burziboy
It's the triggered Brazilian again huehuehue
Huemonkeys are Varg fans though.
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Not really. He blocked all brazilians that's why you're here seething lmfao.
He also has fans from other spic countries.
Yo, who's finna see priest on their current tour
I hate poser faggots who exclusively listen to sub-sub-genre shit and then call themselves metalheads.

They're fans of everything. They're mindless
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One of the top 5 metal albums of all time right here
>only 1 son
>is a chubby loser
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white snoop dog looks like Layne kek
Go to godhatesfags.com for the truth about metal
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Dunkelheit '96
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Anthrax is technically one of the top 10 gayest bands in the entire world, and one of the bands responsible for corrupting and ruining 80s metal entirely. That being said however, their debut was kinda badass, and Deathrider is a killer tune. But thas was entirely thanks to Neal Turbin, the only member in the band with any talent or the slightest clue. And of course they kicked him out right after that, and everything they released thereafter was complete and utter garbage crybaby wimpy punkrock pretending to be metal dogshit. "Waaah waaah cry for the poor mistreated Indians!" "Waaah waaah Hitler so bad!" "Waaah waaah racism so evil!" They even wrote a song encouraging people to let negroes breed their white daughters. Most cucked and jewish fake metal band on earth along with Tankard, Metallica and several shit false metal bands others
Repent or perish stop listening to metal or you will burn in hell go to godhatesfags.com to learn more
I’d rather listen to Anthrax than Megadiarrhea.
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>cry for the poor mistreated Indians!
their people actually suffered a genocide
He wants to influence europeans to be racist and eventually introduce racist policy, so he actually is trying to harm people's right to free association.

He ironically does not believe in freedom for all individuals and yet enjoys the freedom that the Catholic Church graciously gives him to exist as a pagan in europe.
All metalheads are fags repent from your faggish ways or else
>their people actually suffered a genocide
Sure, but I don't want to hear you cry about it in a metal song. Write a punk rock song if you wanna hear a fucking cryfest, pussy. Keep my metal music faustian, heroic occultic and guilt-fucking-free. If you wanna do a song about Indians, then at least do it like Iron Maiden did and just simply tell the story without the all the moralism, self-loathing and whiny crybaby tears. Anthrax is a false metal band and only faggot poseurs listen to them.
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All metalheads are fags. Fags cannot call people fags. First remove the mote from your own eye.
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If left unchecked by the constraints of, you know, reality, then 19th century European Romanticism invariably leads to crippling autism and no amount of cope like ANUS or DMU talking points about being a "Hessian" will save you
ANUS need to let Jesus come inside of them. They need to renounce their faggot ways.
>He wants to influence europeans to be racist
And that is inherently a good thing. Modern liberalism is nothing but a propaganda.
>freedom that the Catholic Church graciously gives him
Truly imbecilic. Catholic church gives him freedom? Read history of France you brownie idiot lol
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Legions from Hell Shall Now Arise!
Channeling Their Hate Towards the World's Demise!
Focused on the Weakness that they all Despise!
Enter now death to Cull their Useless Lives!
A Flagrant disregard for all Human Life!
Standing near the Pits where they are going to Die!
Together with their Screams and their Feeble Cries!
Choking on their Ashes in the Blackened Skies!

There's only one Aim: To Dehumanize!
Unveiling the horrors of Mass Genocide!
The End Of Mankind comes Undignified
The Triumph of Death now Glorified
Prozak is definitely closeted. You can only write so many gay Chuck/Dimebag fanfics before it's undeniable.
Varg isn't afraid of your kind, that's why he has no problem posting his kids online.
i'm sure you've let jesus come inside of you many times
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Anyone know where to read the old SRP interviews, they all 404 on the website
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Jesus at the truck stop outside of L.A. is different than the Jesus from that one book
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new wormed
Does anyone know what Prozak has been up to all these years and why he pretty much gave up trying with ANUS
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I need a cool black metal shirt like this to offend the Christians at my church. Can someone point me to a good one that's official band merchandise?
Lost his hair from blasting OSDM too often, promptly killed himself out of shame for his shiny head. Many such cases.
Pretty sure you can buy Behemoth T-shirts that have upside down crosses at Walmart, bud

You're going to be bald too some day
People(christcucks) always give me weird stares when I wear my Dark Funeral merch, sometimes I just start laughing and they get more uncomfortable... Lol. Almost any shirt works since covers are noticably blasphemous, I'd rec Diabolis Interium shirt, or whatever is available look em up.
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He was probably sick of no one taking them serious.
I remember back then they were trying to make a page on Wikipedia and it kept getting deleted for not being relevant.
I don't listen to Old Senile Deaf Music though?
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Post top of head.
I bet you have some thinning there you haven't noticed
Know any US based webstores that carry their merch? All the MA links came up empty.
Anything too rhythmic is african, metal is garbage if it's not just drone, ambient, symphonic, synthy with no chugs. Sorry if you think otherwise - that means you have african genes.
I already have posted my hair here, Iass. You'll have to search the archives for it, either way lmao@bladcucks
>their people actually suffered a genocide
they fought a war and lost. That's not a genocide.
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>here are some blankies to keep u warm :)
Read Reflections on the Revolution in France by Edmund Burke. It wasn't the Catholics. It was the jews.
You can try HellsHeadbangers. But labels usually have more choice. You might find it on Ebay too.
imagine believing the smallpox blanket psyop
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This makes the tourist go back home
b a s e d
Unironically dig that song
>This makes the tourist go back home
>posts tourist shite everyone has listened to
kek the absolute state of /metal/ tourists.
Krautrock and Zeuhl are more inaccessible than BM

You're a village idiot, not any better than a tourist
punk rock
Isn't Rob like a born again christcuck now? Kinda funny how he's wearing shit like this.
Careful what you wish for. I had a cushy little accounting job in my small, mostly-Christian town, and someone took a picture of me in another town at Chuck E Cheese's wearing an Impaled Nazarene shirt that said "SMOKE CRACK & WORSHIP SATAN" in giant letters on the back and posted it on Facebook, and now I no longer have that job
old christ-cucks will give u weird looks wearing anything i cannot tell u how many weird looks i have gotten wearing even like a choking victim shirt
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I don't think he ever said that. He said something about he prays a lot more these day, but to whom? He never said, as far as I know. Possibly to our Dark Lord, Satan.
I mean, judging from the general lyricism and song titles from the latest Priest album, I don't think it's a stretch to say that it's invisible fag in the sky whom he prays to.

most metal musicians love that stuff
Yes those videos are all genuine reactions. Might I interest you in some seafront property in Arizona?
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I'm also a Black Metal guitarist, and I never ever listened to a Megadeth album, and do not intend to do so.
Listening to sellout pop surfacr level trash is what makes you a poser. Watching reaction videos makes you doble-poser. Making one a triple-poser unless you do it to abuse posers and make money off them.
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Ahh here’s that aryan ubermensch I’ve been telling you about
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>I'm also a Black Metal guitarist
>Now you guys have to listen to my opinion
I know my place, it is above your sóykind as well as your idols. *spit*
>dave mustaine
licks varg's balls at my request.
>Norwegian black metal band
>1st album cover has Darth Vader and a bunch of Stormtroopers on it
>2nd album cover has the Confederate flag with a burning upside down in the foreground
Name the band /metal/
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>Any reccs for modern death metal bands that aren't boring as shit and reductive?
>Cave Sermon, and Replicant
>Norwegian Black Metal band
>has amerislop "culture" spattered all over it
No such thing as. Sorry to dissapoint, mutt.
nope, try again!
Here's a hint: the second album has a Bathory cover, a Judas Priest cover, a Motley Crue cover, and an Elvis Presley cover
Eh, lyrics seemed fairly vague and open to interpretation to me. Crown of Horns? That sounds kinda blasphemous. I dunno if the magic sky jew would approve of that as well as his peepee sucking inclinations
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Swedish you dumb fuck
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Four whole years before Leprosy
Is this truly the first "heavy" album?
So I was right, as usual. I'm always right.
Idk my man As God Is My Witness seems pretty down with JC to me. My ex is bisexual, smokes weed and has piercings but that doesn't stop her from believing in 2000 year old jewish fairytales.
Do you also translate blasphemous lyrics in your language for fun?
Hell awaits and The Return are the two most influential albums on extreme metal
Megadookie has nothing to do with black metal.
>The Return
Except almsot no one was (thankfully) influenced by this garbage.

I wasn't asking your opinion
Slayer is lumped into the same category as Black Sabbath for me where I just cannot stand to listen to, regardless of how important they are to metal.

Black Sabbath makes me feel like I'm at some boomer dive bar with Harley Davidsons out front, and makes me want to barf. Slayer isn't too far off.
imagine how low this anon's testosterone is
Didn't ask for yours either but here you are.

Ok well 1985 was like the pivotal year for metal, the perfect year to exert influence.
This. Diaper boomer soft rock just like Black Sabbath.
Are you talking to yourelf anon?
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we need to go back to monke
Child in Time is an 11/10

Yeah i'm here trying to talk about metal without a hipster malcontent chiming in
But did I ask?
Batlord is nothing but hot topic hipster garbage today. Wake up grandpa, it ain't 80's anymore.
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I unironically do ironic things unironically because it's ironic too
But do you imply implications while implying
hell yeah man

What a useless take. Who cares's what's in hot topic.

We'll talk about 80's metal if we want to and you'll have to deal with it
Neoclassical metal sucks.
I've heard some say this is the first metal album. What does /meal/ think?
It was implied unironically
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Still didn't, tourist. lol.
I am unironically free every day in an ironic way
Black Sabbath’s debut album predates it by about four months.
Judas Priest - Sad Wings is the first true metal album.
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>Japanese nudist motorcycle gang band covers Black Sabbath and King Crimson less than a year after their debut albums release
Based. We share the same thought, Fistul of Metal is a badass album and the rest is cringe inducing, politically correct garbage that corrupted the entire genre
dare I say, based?
more like first true diaper album

Go take a nap
>The Return
No was influenced by that album. Endless Pain and Pleasure to Kill were a bigger influences than Bathory.
pretty sure you shart yourself during naps
I unironically just woke up from an ironic nap unironically
Kreator is (mostly) dogshit
Only ironically
German thrash is mostly garbo.
Eh, other than the first track, it has way too much blues and is too soft even compared to In Rock to qualify imo.
Yeah that's what I believe too. Sad Wings has a sufficient amount of grit and blues kicked out to be the first true metal album for me.
Yeah I have a soft spot for Destruction's RFA, and techshit like Mekong Delta, but overall it's a preposterously overrated scene.
>In various interviews, Fenriz of Darkthrone praised the album and defined it as "the essence of black metal".
It was ironically overrated if you ask me
So what? He said extreme metal not just BM, retard.
Fenriz? The guy who pouted like an edgy teenager getting grounded when those train porters confiscated his drugs?
Was this ironically or unironically?
INHERENTLY unrionic which was implied

Bathory was always musically and conceptually forward thinking.
Kreator is just one of several bands playing the same music and putting out the same albums
unironically based in an implied ironic way
I am post-unironically about to ask for a rawr job.
Fenriz about Euronymous and Snorre(direct quotation):

>I have to say that, they invented the typical (Norwegian) Black Metal riff

Ihsahn about the existence of Black Metal before the initial release by Darkthrone(direct quotation):

>of course black metal was not a thing you know, in 1991.

Satyr about Grymyrk demo (direct quotation):

>The Grymyrk tape is the most importantt because there comes the guitar sound to Thorns so properly forward. In a way he has inspired people who are far more famous

Abbath about the beginning of Black Metal (direct quotation):

>There wasn't a black metal scene or anything. Black Metal was the name of a Venom track from 1982. We couldn't call the music anything other than black metal. Before that, Bathory and all those bands were just called death metal.

Varg Vikernes about Black Metal(direct quotation):
>Darkthrone, has also at the same time recorded their "A Blaze ln The Northern Sky" album, and probably because of Euronymous' influence, just before recording it, decided to change the whole, originally a Death Metal album into what we today can easily define as the first Black Metal album ever. They also looked more COOL than before, although I think Fenriz has always looked the same, even when they played Death Metal. FINALLY, some different music! Finally something original
>Now, some of you will react to what I just said here, The First Black Metal album ever, what about Bathory or Venom, right? Well, no. That was Thrash Metal, or I guess in the case of Venom, Trash Metal. These bands were never called or understood as Black Metal bands. Black Metal as a name for a genre was a term coined by Euronymous, inspired by a Venom album titled by the same name, for a specific group of bands.

Looks like this was unironically ironic
Fenriz is a stupid faggot. Apparenly the "essence of black metal" is not even black metal, by his own admission, which makes him a poser.

the term is SPEED METAL and it's not one specific sound but encomposses all of extreme metal in the 80's. Black and Death metal are the evolution of it when the decade turned
He was unironically a poser being ironic
Norsecoreposter on leaving /metal/ (direct quotation)
>Damn what a shit stinky general. Nothing of value, all metal you post is garbage, all opinions of yours are laughable. Bye

Norsecore poster on coming back hours later (made up quotation)
>I love /metal/ and especially Hector
>anyone i disagree with is my madeup villain in mind
What‘s up with Varg’s obsession with the Smurfs
It's ironically awful humour presented in an ironic way to be unironic and you unironically mad for it being ironic
norsecore poster on quoting his own posts (indirect quotation)
>this is not the poster you are looking for
What is norsecore anyway. is that like marduk
Schizos new gimmick apparently
Marduk, Dark Funeral, Setherial, the list goes on...
It is an ironic gimmick apparently
What makes them norsecore as opposed to foundational black metal bands such as Mayhem, Immortal and Burzum?
Yes. From root words "Norse" meaning "from the north," and "core" meaning "whatever I don't like."
What is the most summer metal subgenre? I was thinking doom.
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Brilliancy of 'duk cannot be overstated.
Despite the broad term "Norse," Norsecore is mainly used to describe Swedish BM that has become a watered-down AC/DC self-parody which is why you never hear Dissection described as Norsecore, whereas shit bands like Watain are
Nothing besides the fact that they didn't come first. For some reason, that enrages some people enough to give it a nickname.
Doom is obviously Fall metal
At some point, maybe 20 years ago, some retards decided that these bands should be labeled with the suffix "-core" because they have a lot of blastbeats. Like grindcore does, I guess.
It’s thick and slow, which correlates with humidity.
>that has become a watered-down AC/DC self-parody
In what way?
>shit bands like Watain
Watain is far better than Dissection though?
A lot of their stuff also does not have blast beats though. And Immortal is full blasturbation, and they were among first few to play black metal in actual black metal riffing style. Mayhem is also pretty blasty so I don't get it.
So far this seems the most accurate.
Crossover thrash \m/
Watain is De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas - the band. Which by itself makes them good.
They're also pretty catchy
grindcore speed blasting 24/7 and Dissection staircase riffs basically


There was a norsecore band that I used to like but I cant remember their name. They had like an alien in one cover art I think...
>Dissection staircase riffs
kek, I'm gonna use this now
>in what way
In an ironic way or did you think I was being unironic?
>Grand Belial's Key
The trifecta of /metal/ cringe
What's the best post-prison Burzum album?
Use it unironically or it ironically loses its meaning
They must sound like an unintentional parody of black metal, with nearly all songs being entirely fast blasts and tremolotrite. It must be the most mind numbing boring monotonous garbage you've ever heard.

The "core" part actually comes from grindrcore, although it is just a comparison mostly in that both are played fast all the time

What's wrong, you don't like RIFFS?
>american't black metal
>the sóylent you're only allowed to dislike if you're antifa™
>pop punk
>parody of black metal,
In what way?
>nearly all songs being entirely fast blasts and tremolotrite.
Most songs in Pure Holocaust are blasts and tremolo. Almost same with De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. Two foundational black metal records.
guys help me, Im thinking of a band which I think was norsecore, they had like an alien thing in one of their album covers, and their name was weird. I thought it was psychonaut4 but that aint it obviously

any ideas?
>alien thing
Describe the cover
I dont remember. It was black and white but there was an alien thingy im pretty sure!!!
>In what way?
I just said in what way, the hyper fixation on fast blasts and tremolotrite as the only recognizable aspect of black metal is exactly what people would mock black metal for.
>Most songs in Pure Holocaust are blasts and tremolo.
Immortal are themselves known as proto-norsecore for a reason. This not quite enough lack of self-awareness to be norsecore though, Marduk for instance makes Immortal look like doom metal in terms of speed.
Not even close.
But it's also cold and pensive
you would never hear doom metal at a swimming pool or the beach
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>Dissection staircase riffs
>the only recognizable aspect
No one says this. Not even bands like Marduk since they have slower tracks. But they are one of the traits, and some bands took it further.

Marduk are 20+BPM faster at best. Battles In The North is faster than any Marduk album, as Marduk tend to have diversity of tempos throughout.
DMDS (especially the title track) seems to have inspired the Norsecore trend. Dissection was influential as well, but the story goes Nödtveidt heard DMDS while making SotLB and basically forced Swanö to remix the whole album at the last minute. You can hear the earlier mix on the deluxe edition.
blackgaze> bm

I only make $25 an hour and have an average sized weiner
generic metal for this feel?
It was Mayhem and Immortal. They also influenced all the rest of the black metal subgenres that spawned except DSBM/atmobm(Burzum influenced those).
Dissection is a lot different. I wouldn't clsssify them as black metal. It's more like death/thrash(somberlain), melodic death with some black(sotlb), and melodic death(reinkhaos).

You don't come across those merry-melodies in Marduk.
More like black gays.
>No one says this.
Yeah no one mocks BM for being a genre where an idiot blasts off time at max speed and a mongrel tremolos random minor chords at max speed. Unheard of to say something like that, in fact I'm the very first person to mention it in history. God I'm a fucking genius.
>Battles In The North
Norsecore garbo, again I don't think you realize Immortal is usually included in the Norsecore conversation. The only point you are proving is that this micro genre is realer than most give it credit as being, its certainly more real than DSBM which has no musical traits to speak of.
Is any blackgaze actually abrasive? It seems way softer than early shoegaze (JAMC, MBV).
No its a fag genre for a reason, not metal.
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oh wow I found them I knew there was a little alien creep on the cover

>DSBM which has no musical traits to speak of.
This retard doesn't understand the meaning of a genre.
So I figured going off bands like Analcyst and Amateurs. They only seem to borrow the wimpiest parts of both genres.
>$25 an hour
I make more...
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I have literally and unironically jerked off to twinks getting their bussies rammed by a fucking machine, but even so, I'm not gay enough for this
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ayyy lmao
I do like riffs but only rifflets listen to those dogshit bands
>when you nut but she still suckin
>literal circus music not even 30 seconds in
why are Bongs like this?
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>kills a homosexual in your path
Faust did that before it was cool.
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He killed two homos in his lifetime
>wearing your own merch
is that bjorn "speed" strid
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is it me or is his head fucking huge
I was thinking the same thing. Babby proportions.
>calling dissection black metal
Yeah its reddit alright
>I was born in 2006
people born after 9/11 aren't human
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He's kinda hot and cute :3
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damn fine twink
cute twink. but who's that random kid on the left?
Make a new thread already.
still 11 posts to go bro
probably his girlfriend
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FTB is so good
Death metal
your mom is thick and slow
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Oh yeah
Your mom is a mom
Is this AI slop book real?
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There is a new thread you retards.

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