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"The Final Cut is good and I'm tired of pretending it's not" edition


What is Progressive Rock?

Good albums to start with?

Obscure prog gems

Last thread: >>122578667
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>new Waters solo album coming soon

Is it going to be kino or is it going to be shit? I like all four of his solo albums and I didn't even hate the DSOTM Redux necessarily but idk if he still has it in him to produce another good original album
Third place for "I don't like the artwork of the Beat tour, it looks like AI generated slop and I wish they had done something with the three tones of the original album covers instead"
sick of all the retards going "floyd reunion when" despite what both dave and rog have said in the past
ricks dead so whats the point
its like people dredging up metallica when talking to dave mustaine
i don't know why people keep expecting some big reunion show like live 8
Floyd reunion when?
Prog is literally only
King Crimson
Van der Graaf Generator
(early) Yes
if it's not one of those bands then it's not Prog?
disregard that last question mark, it was supposed to be a period "."
I just hope they actually play stuff from Beat. I really like that album and it always gets third wheel'd of the trilogy. Waiting Man is one of their best songs period especially live. Neal and Jack and Me is incredible. Neurotica is top notch and Satori in Tangier is one of Levin's best showcases on the Stick. I'm also hoping for Model Man to finally be played live. I've always loved this song and felt it was never really done justice. I'll never understand why Man with an Open Heart was played live over it, or Dig Me (as much as I like that song).

I'm also keeping my fingers crossed they give the final two albums the respect they deserve as they happen to be among my absolute favorite albums out there. The final lineup is probably my favorite overall with their 2003 Japan recording being one of my favorite live sets ever. The studio versions of TCOL songs were like rough drafts for the finely tuned versions they would have at this point. I was lucky enough to see TU:ner live and Trey and Pat sound so good with their current renditions of Larks 4/5 and TCOL. Really wish they could do what the Beat tour is doing, but with the Projekt stuff like space groove, TCOL, power to believe, The First Day, etc... It's such an underrated period for King Crimson and is among their most progressive and ambitious stuff.

>Larks IV and I Have a Dream
>Power to Believe 2
>Prozakc Blues
>Level Five
>Dangerous Curves
>not in the concert, but Frakctured is absolutely insane


I think I've rewatched this concert more than any concert video ever. I can see why people dislike the last two albums since they are so different from the Discipline trilogy, but man I love them. There's nothing else out there like them and if you had been following what the band members had been working on in the 90s they felt like the perfect culmination of everything they were setting out to achieve.
>335 replies
Fucking hell, that's rare for /prog/
>its like people dredging up metallica when talking to dave mustaine
They don't have to because he does it himself
no one does that
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if they don't play model man i'm starting a riot
is there any prog that takes influence from classical music?
That was always ELP's big gimmick.
why does it have to be a gimmick? is there any band that does it genuinely?
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sounds like Zeuhl
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>sounds like
It literally is. And one of the best.
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sounds like zeuhl
great album and band
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The eternal debate.
I always considered either Mirage or Snow Goose the best, but now I like Moonmadness the most
Renaissance, duh
Van Duh Giraffe Generhater

What a shit band for contrarian pretentious self important douche nozzles.
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does anyone have any info on whether or not the Beat tour will be recorded for a live album?
it's ok i'll sneak a walkman in there for you and record it on tape
thank you anon I love you
Moonmadness > Mirage > Snow Goose > Rain Dances > Debut > the rest
Maybe this is sacrilegious, but I prefer the live version of Thela Hun Ginjeet without Belew's story of being mugged. I've just heard it too many times.
There was a live version where he told the story differently from the album version https://youtube.com/watch?v=GrSVrcYt2m0
the best version is Absent Lovers partly because of this
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I have vastly underestimated this band and put them off for quite some time.
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>Home Invasion / Regret #9
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NOW it'll really be a classic kc live recording
Lasted right up until page 9 on autobump too, a great achievement indeed
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Will they be this /fa/ on the tour?
>bring my tape recorder, ready for the beat show
>get accosted by two ragamuffins from the streets
>they ask me if i'm a policeman, WHATS ON THAT TAPE THERE
>try and explain to them, i'm going to see this band y'know? i'm going to see this band
this is a dangerous place
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tony is too kino for this world
Snow Goose > Moonmadness > Mirage > Breathless > Camel > Rain Dances > Nude > House
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>Tony with hair
Even more cursed: Cleanshaven Tony
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old tony
ai generated buzzword slop
Lots of prog borrows from classical music, even among the most popular names.
>is there any band that does it genuinely?
I do'nt think it's not genuine, ELP has probably been accused of taking themselves too seriously more than anything else. The Nice (Keith's previous band) is also classical-influenced, but they didn't have as strong a vocalist as Greg Lake and also incorporate some elements of jazz fusion and plain old psychedelic rock. I recommend Ars Longa Vita Brevis as that's their first album in the organ trio format. Speaking of which, Egg is another organ-led band that also recorded a lot of arrangements of classical pieces (mostly Baroque) amongst some shorter, fun jazzy songs. About 50/50, I think. They're definitely not about the symphonic "pretentious" (reddit word) kind of prog that most people associate with the genre, but I like them.

There's also Rick Wakeman's solo stuff. He was not very fond of improvisation and/or jazz, as you probably know he left for the first time after TFTO and criticized Relayer for moving towards that direction. If that's something you agree with, you'll most likely enjoy his stuff from the 70s. In particular, his second and third albums heavily feature orchestral and choral arrangements, while his fourth (No Earthly Connection) doesn't because the record company told him to fuck off, but still has a lot of brass.
Fripp has always been inspired by composers like Bartok and Stravinsky, you can hear it quite a bit on LTIA
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>tfw magma's playing at a metal festival conveniently in an area I'll be in but i don't like metal or metal culture
he also mentions Terry Riley's In C here https://youtu.be/MATdZFUPg28
also Fripp and Belew met at a Steve Reich concert
Alan Stivell is a random fucking choice too, he's like celtic folk with a bit of rock.

Ange would be worth checking out as well.
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you WILL acknowledge kansas on this 4th of july
what the fuck happened to P@t from 2000 to 2003. he went from good to incredible. even aside from ditching the electronic kit. bro leveled up
He kinda had to step his game up once he became the only drummer, especially since he kinda lived in Bill Brufords shadow on thrak
>went almost completely dormant from 1992-2017 aside that opera album and a handful of singles here and there
>now that he's almost 80yo, for the last decade he's done Is This The Life...., DSOTM redux, a couple of Lockdown tracks, and now this one (also there's that spoken word album that I cba searching the title)
Idgi, why didn't he work on these albums earlier when he's younger and fitter?
He probably didn’t have many ideas at the time
Somebody's digging my bones!
This is my favorite live KC album. Includes an entire disc full of some of the best improvs they ever did

>gigachad Mario & Luigi on the cover
haha what a pair of hard-lookin bruisers
wait that actually has to be a reference right? like there's no way they'd just happen to choose those colours
Egg's first 2 albums would be right up your alley.
I would think so, I don't believe in coincidences. Especially considering they are surrounded by an industrial environment with pipes and such
I love this album as well. And I've always seen it as Mario and Luigi fighting too. Man I love this period of KC so much.
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finally someone with the same opinion like mine
why did none of the prominent avant-prog artists make anything of value after the 80s?
not surprising, i mean they didn't make anything of value before the 80s either
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>Click on modern prog album because the album art has a topless lady on it
>It's fucking phenomenal

Shit take but funny delivery, so good by extension
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if anyone says that any 90s king crimson album is their favorite you know they are deeply unserious and probably lying to be quirky.
this person certainly exists unironically, it's just they usually aren't the typical prog fan. This is an alt rock fan whose favorite band is nine inch nails and got recommended 'Dinosaur' on youtube and went down the kc rabbit hole from there. Just because they're not like us doesn't mean they don't exist
wdym Thrak and TPTB are really good albums
i can see someone choosing them over their 70's if they are more into metal than hard rock
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>The Final Cut is good and I'm tired of pretending it's not
I don't have to pretend
Unless you have a huge hardon for wind instruments and the mellotron, what actually filters people so hard from Construkction? I don't really get it. I've heard people complain about the drumming, but I honestly think Pat's style works better with the Below+Fripp+Stick/Warr combo more than Bruford does. The electric drumkit fits the sound perfectly since it gives it this inorganic sound that works well for how insane and complex the album is. Even if you get filtered by Belew's shenanigans in Oyster and Prozakc and Frying Pan, the album still has

>Larks IV

These are easily three of their best written songs ever. It is insane how complex and mesmerizing these songs are. I can listen to them over and over again. They are each such massive epics you could name an entire album after them and they could be the song your whole band is known for, but they have all three sandwiched on a single album. Just these three songs alone is almost 40 minutes long I want to say.

It genuinely confuses me so much. People pretend they are totally into the crazy Thrakkattak Projekct era of this band when they talk about double trio and Thrakk, but when the band actually honed in on the sound for the countless Projekct concerts, albums, side projects, etc.. and the last two studio albums and all the live albums and stuff like space groove etc... everyone suddenly pushes it aside like it is the black sheep of the band, suddenly acting like people actually cared about the stuff between red screaming man album and Larks 1. It makes me even more salty that the terrible Jakko era has buried the projekt era even more to the point to where now it's like it never even existed and now people think Construkction of Light should have awful sounding saxophones destroying the intricate warr guitar + guitar interplay
tcol was honestly their only 10/10 album recorded after Beat (besides absent lovers of course)
I'm glad to see someone else who likes Absent Lovers. It's an amazing live album and has some of my favorite renditions of a lot of the songs. Fantastic lineup of songs too. Really strong performance of Waiting Man in particular.
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>Calling All Stations
>Alien Afternoon
>Not About Us
>The Dividing Line
>One Man's Fool
Honestly why did people shit on this album so hard? All of the above songs aren't even above average. They are all at least great, with some of them I would argue being excellent. Even the songs I didn't mention are solid, and the B-sides for this album are absurdly good it's like they sabotaged the album by leaving some of them out
>Banjo Man
All great off the top of my head, with Banjo Man being so strong it should have been a leading single imo. I love every Genesis album and that includes this one.
I listened to this album way more than any Gabriel's Genesis. for me, it's Nowhere Else to Turn.
I honestly prefer it to Invisible Touch and Self Titled. Sure it isn't going to hit the peaks of Domino or Mama/Home by the Sea, but those albums also fizzle out really hard otherwise, with Self Titled having probably the biggest drop in quality of any Genesis album. I find the entirety of Side 2 of that album an easy skip almost every single time I listen to it.
Post African prog

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shapes is the only great genesis (no-pg) album. of course illegal alien isn't a great tune but everything else there is solid
>All of the above songs aren't even above average. They are all at least great
Oof, you were so close with that first part
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More like this?
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I love Absent Lovers too my only nitpick is the performance of Discipline is not that great. anyone got a fav live version of that traKc?
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>Love the first track on this album
>Every other song is kinda meh
Try the guy who played bass on that
There's Andy on some tracks too
Just listened to this shit after listening to the entire yes discography over a period of a month. (Primarily enjoyed the ride, but there is quite a lull in the middle with a few pops of goodness sprinkled sparingly.)

Fuck I needed that.

For real this was so good.
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and the worries of the day die down
under cover of the fading clouds
the secrets of the night COME ALIIIIVE
i like chord progression in that sequence :)
I thought this was A Pillow of Winds by Pink Floyd and it somehow fit with the singing there at first
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Genesis in 1991
what does /prog/ think about Opeth? I've only heard Lamentations (Live album) and Morningrise - pretty great

are they good after Martin Lopez leaves? I've never been able to get into the later albums. any recommendations?
Picrel is one of my favorite modern prog metal albums, they really are pretty damn good. imho, I find their work quite a bit more cohesive and meaningful than most of what I've heard from Dream Theater.
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>The Arabs and the Jews are too much for me
Was he just too based for them to keep around?
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>Inside and Out? Fuck off HACKett we're putting All In A Mouse's Night in Wind & Wuthering instead!

What were they thinking?
>unless you have a huge hard on for wind instruments and the mellotron
Those are on all the 60s and 70s king crimson albums. Those are nearly foundational to the band. Its like yeah dude i do care about the mellotron and saxophone(which are the best parts of starless).

None of the songs on construction of light are particularly amazing either. I enjoy construction of light(the song) and frying pan(despite its silliness) but besides those songs everything else on the album is either mediocre at best or like zappa esque.
>suddenly acting like people actually cared about the stuff between red screaming man and larks 1
Islands and sailor's tales are both classic songs. We can debate whether Lizards or poseidon are classic albums but Islands is not a debate.

King Crimson should've stopped after three of a perfect pair. If you disagree you're an Insane person.
tcol is better than three of a perfect pair
Most Genesis albums had the light comic relief track, and W&W being so dense and romantic probably needed it more than others.
Nah. Three of a perfect pair is lacking but at least it has more than 2 good songs.
three of a perfect pair has three songs that aren't great, tcol has zero. Even though three of a perfect pair has the better songs, tcol wins out on consistency
A good point, but honestly i wouldn't have minded a more consistent tone. Maybe it would have bored others but that's what i find special about that album in their discography.

All in a Mouse's Night really keeps that album from being great, it just meanders along and never gets anywhere interesting. It doesn't help that it's so fucking LONG.
> should've stopped after three of a perfect pair
invalid opinion. refer to THRAK and TPTB
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I just listened to Harbour of Tears for the first time the other day and I'm surprised I've never seen it posted once ever. It's not groundbreaking or anything but I feel it holds its own amongst their more well-known works
The problem with Mouse's Night is the writing is clunky. I can't believe there are people out there who say Gabriel gets too wordy in stuff like Epping Forest. It actually flows and works because of the way he sings. It makes it fun to listen to. It's part of why songs like Harold the Barrel are so fun. You can tell Collins struggles to sing Mouse (and to some extent Vine) because he's trying to figure out how to get a rhythm going with lyrics that very blatantly need to be trimmed down and made more poetic for a better flow. The beginning of Mouse is fine but it starts to get really awkward near the midpoint if I recall. By the end you can tell Banks just completely gave up on trying to be clever on how to write the song. The actual story it is describing is wonderful and it suits the album great with the melody of the song being a lot of fun and I love the way Collins sings it on the album.

The real weak link is Your Own Special Way. It's twice as long as it needed to be, and it also didn't even need to be there at all. Closing Side 1 with Wot Gorilla is very strange when One for the Vine would have been a much better way to close it. Putting both your prog epics one after the other is such a head scratcher to me. Inside Out obviously should have been there and it's especially bizarre considering they actually performed it live, but to be honest I'm a Pigeons defender and I think it would have been a nice song to ease the mood of the album, probably a lot more than Wot Gorilla. It's weird because I feel like this album could have probably been the band's best if they just had rerecorded and relisted and reorganized the tracks they were working with at the time of it, but they chose the wrong songs and I am not a fan of how they did some of the recordings at the time. I feel the worst ever performance of Afterglow the band ever officially did is the studio version. On the other hand, the studio Earl of Mar/Rooftops are 2 of their best songs ever
Ghost Reveries is pretty good specially if you like their death metal stuff

Watershed is also pretty nice and to me it is the album where their combination of prog and death metal works Best

after that starting with>>122643989 they went on a freefall in quality and havent recovered yet
>worst ever performance of Afterglow the band ever officially did is the studio version
The ending suite is still the best part of that album.
please listen to wobbler or anglagard
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level five is kino
I prefer Larks IV especially if you include the Coda, especially the one with vocals

4+I Have a Dream > 2 > 4 > 5 > 3 > 1
What's some prog that sounds genuinely alien and futuristic? Hardmode: no krautrock/ambient/electronic
>what actually filters people so hard from Construkction?
I like Construkction and generally have an open mind for what people tend to consider to be an artist's 'worst' album but TCOL does have some weak spots that the other King Crimson albums lack. Prozac Blues is probably my least favorite King Crimson song. Overall the album just has weird production and the vocals and lyrics are particularly 'off'.

>People pretend they are totally into the crazy Thrakkattak Projekct era of this band when they talk about double trio and Thrakk, but when the band actually honed in on the sound for the countless Projekct concerts, albums, side projects, etc.. and the last two studio albums and all the live albums and stuff like space groove etc... everyone suddenly pushes it aside like it is the black sheep of the band
I agree here. There is a ton of really cool material that the Krimson family recorded during the 90s and early 2000s that most fans seem to ignore. I wish that Fripp had kept with Belew instead of forming a legacy band with Jakko that just focused on the hits.
>I find the entirety of Side 2 of that album an easy skip almost every single time I listen to it.
Just a job to do, silver rainbow, and it's gonna get better are all great songs.

>shapes is the only great genesis (no-pg) album
Have you ever heard of Trick of the Tail, Wind and Wuthering, or Duke?
Everything from My Arms - Ghost Reveries is kino prog death. I haven't really been able to get into Watershed or Newpeth (although Pale Communion has some cool songs). I'm not exactly sure why I struggle so much with Newpeth since I love classic 70s prog. I guess Oldpeth has conditioned me to expect the death metal sections after the proggy acoustic stuff and when I listen to Newpeth it's like constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop and it never happens.

Basically anytime Pat and Trey work together they come up with the most fascinating and insane stuff. I recommend looking into their recent tu:ner tour if you haven't. Every show they did a couple improv songs and some of them are amazing. They just synergize with each other so well and can come up with such unique ideas. A lot of the sound ends up sounding so distant and abstract that it gives a very industrial/mechanical/alien/futuristic sound to it. I think that ultimately was what really defined a lot of the stuff Fripp was a part of in the 90s and 2000s since at least one of them was almost always also with him.
that being said I do want to bring up that Thrush is, as far as I know, the creation of Gunn Belew and Fripp with Belew originally on the e-drums for it. Live during the KC tours Pat would do the drumming and Belew would go off stage. You just need Trey or Pat to get the crazy alien futuristic sound. If you have both of them then you'll get something even more insane.
yes, w&w/duke are some of my least favorite albums ever. Trick has some good parts though. I have a soft spot for Abacab but i wouldn't consider it as consistently great as shapes
I think Abacab is such an underrated album in hindsight. Each song on the album really brings something unique and endearing to the table. Nothing feels like an actual compromise. They are going all out in the direction each song was shooting for and it's a blast from start to finish. I wish Naminanu and Submarine had been on it and somehow incorporated into Dodo Lurker as intended, but even without the b-sides it's still so solid. I also love Another Record as an album closer. It might be one of the most underrated Genesis tracks in their entire discography. No one ever talks about it, but the subject matter is like an uplifting version of Duchess and it has such a unique sound to it, with an absolutely gorgeous opening melody. Me and Sarah Jane is another one of those songs I'll never understand why no one ever talks about. It has such strong buildup and some really strong lyrics from Banks. Plus the album has Keep It Dark, the title track, Dodo Lurker on it. And of course I'll address the elephants in the room. Who Dunnit is a fun silly dance track that is short so it doesn't overstay its welcome. The actual monster on the album that feels like the real homerun is Man on the Corner. What an amazing song that is.
nah, always thought the coda was gay as fuck and thats why they dropped it from the 2019 tours

to me it's: 1=3>2=4>5
Great recommendation, thanks!
Bump di dum di dum
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Can electronic music without rock qualify as /prog/ worthy? Something like Tangerine Dream is progressive music to an extent, but I'm not sure if we only specifically discuss rock here.
shut up zappa
yes, artists like Tangerine Dream, and Klaus Schulze are "Progressive Electronic"
Progressive Electronic is actually more of a sub-genre of Rock than other electronic music.
Genesis was deceptively good at masking their prog as "pop" later on. Even their more commercial stuff in the later albums is way more complex than the vast majority of stuff people were listening to. Let's just take a quick glance at the final album with Collins on it for example.
>No Son of Mine has plenty of intricacy going for it
>Jesus He Knows Me given its length is plenty engaging and has a very fun massive change during the reggae bridge
>Driving the Last Spike is an epic
>Dreaming While You Sleep
>Living Forever's entire second half is a complex dense instrumental just like what the band has always loved to do as seen in stuff like Inside Out, beginning of Behind the Lines, etc...
>Fading Lights ends up being a massive giant instrumental epic once again as Genesis has been doing from the beginning

Collins just started singing in a way more approachable for people and the subject matter was less abstract and the lyrics themselves were dumbed down, but We Can't Dance as an album is plenty progressive.
honestly most of Genesis's music could be considered Avant-Prog
I've always considered Genesis as being a trend setter not a follower. So many bands looked up to them and still do. They always did their own thing. Peter Gabriel really represents that with his solo career. He just continues to do his own thing, never quite satisfied to stick to one style. Even when he plays earlier songs they often sound different. I feel they are truly progressive. King Crimson was like that too until it just became boomercore nostalgia wank in the mid 2010s
>King Crimson was like that too until it just became boomercore nostalgia wank in the mid 2010
how? they haven't released any albums since 2003
*studio albums
Because the other members all continued to make interesting new material. It was just Fripp holding the band name hostage and then one day deciding all that could happen is shitting out mediocre renditions of old material while shilling Jakko. Adrian, Pat, and Trey continued to do stuff more or less immediately afterward both together and in various groups and have continued to do so essentially nonstop for twenty years. Levin is always doing stuff. The only reason King Crimson isn't more prolific is because of Fripp. One of the reasons he complained about TCOL was because he didn't like that he "had" to spend more time than usual working on the songs. I really wish Belew had gotten rights to also use the band's name at some point.
Fripp is the band, without Fripp there is no King Crimson
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>without Fripp there is no King Crimson
there was one...
I actually don't want King Crimson to keep shitting out studio material.
This idea that artists need to keep recording forever is nonsense and its how you get a yes situation.
Man it’s sad to see how downhill yes has gone
Do you think scarcity of miracles should have been billed as a king crimson album?
gentle giant?
Wanna listen to my prog rock EP?
No because it was absolute garbage. That being said there is nothing that doesn't make it a King Crimson album except that it isn't called one. It just showcases the fickle arbitrary nature of Fripp. The First Day should be a King Crimson album as well, but this time Fripp did want it to be one it was David that didn't.
I agree that they shouldn't feel obligated to keep making material. The thing is that they still kept making material anyway, but are held back by production values and lack of ability to distribute under brand name.




Projects like all the variations of TU/tu:ner and Stick Men and Belew's Power Trio exist because of the way Fripp is. In my head I consider it all part of a greater King Crimson, which is why the members themselves are considered part of the "Crimson Projekct." These guys all play stuff from KC in all their concerts and to call it a cover or tribute is just such an insult. They've even had folks like Cross do concerts with Stick Men. At this point it really is just Fripp being this obnoxious roadblock.
Yes after Chris Squire died is merely on the level of a tribute band to me. Chris was the backbone of the band, hell, he featured on every single release. Jon Anderson leaving in the 00s didn't even ruin the band for me, FFH was a great addition to the discography. I remember listening to their most recent album and all I could say about it was that it sounded nice.
yes, it's a masterpiece that filters plebs
what are those production values?
Belew's e is literally so good it ruined all other math rock for me
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Dont personally trust band that puts out more live albums than studio albums if I'm being honest.
Why not? It usually means they’re great musicians.
any good band is better live than in the studio and a good live album is a joy to listen to
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the great debate
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sabb > larks >>>>>>> red. I'm john wetton's dad
Larks > SABB > Red
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the REAL great debate
Discipline > Larks > Islands > Red > SABB > Court
>Discipline > Larks
lol lmao
Islands > Larks > Court > Poseidon > Red > Lizard > Discipline

I have not listened to SABB yet but that's on me
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>Album as a whole
Larks > Court > Red > Islands > SABB > Discipline
>Album's peak
Red > Court > SABB > Larks > Discipline > Islands
has anyone here listened to other versions of larks tongues in aspic part 3 that are not the absent lovers one, the studio one and the live in Japan 1984 one?

if so, which one do you recommend?
Personally for me it's the Absent Lovers and Japan versions. The drums sound so much better but I still love the studio track
>King Crimson should've stopped after three of a perfect pair. If you disagree you're an Insane person

I must be loony because I fucking love every bit of 90s-early 2000s KC. You just got filtered but that's ok
I would love a RADIO KAOS 2 which he scrapped for ATD, he'd have tons of outtakes and demos. Plus an expanded OG Radio Kaos a la Project Kaos, maybe with a re-release of the video EP.
TFC is the true last PF album. In some ways its far better that The Wall.
>its like people dredging up metallica when talking to dave mustaine
Correction: Dave Mustbeinsane brings up Metallica, not anyone else. He's still butthurt 42 years later.
>it's ok i'll sneak a walkman in there for you and record it on tape
I used to do this at many gigs, then moved to mini disc + ext mic, then to Roland R26 field recorder. Good times.
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Larks > Discipline > Islands > SaBB > Red > Court
any tips you could share? I've only done this once before and the sound didn't come out good
Court >>> Islands > Larks > SaBB > Red > Discipline
kang crimsun
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Discipline > Red > Starless = Islands = Court > Larks
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do you own any prog merch?
Islands > Red > ITCOTCK > Discipline > Larks' > SABB
I like Discipline but I never "got" why so many regard it so highly.
It's King Crimson meets new wave, basically. Just a very quirky and unique album that has basically nothing that sounds quite like it.
>that has basically nothing that sounds quite like it

* Other than the two their next albums, that is
Other than their two next albums, that is.*
lmao, yeah, thanks for correcting it for me
>Larks IV
This one is so slept on. I saw it live when they played in Boston 2019 and it was fucking incredible
>That being said there is nothing that doesn't make it a King Crimson album except that it isn't called one
I feel the same way about Cheerful Insanity, I even include it in my King Crimson tierlists. The lineup change from Cheerful Insanity to ITCOCK is less dramatic than most of their lineup changes
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if you count this as a King Crimson album it's maybe their 2nd best
Do The Brondesbury Tapes actually have a lot of unique content? I just thought it was the I Talk To The Wind with Judy Dyble vocals than 2ish hours of multiple copies each of very slightly tweaked demo versions of later content
Is there any soul/r&b music with prog influence or vice versa?
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The only good thing about the full prog albums is that I really like Akerfeldt's voice, but aside from that I really never cared for it. I think Ghost Reveries is their last great album (and it's great) but for some reason I really like The Lotus Eater from Watershed for whatever reason.

You might like Storm Corrosion, however. Drag Ropes is one of the best songs either of them have done, together or separate, but the rest of the album isn't bad.
There are a few songs on there that didn't make the cut for Cheerful Insanity. Some standouts are Scrivens, Plastic Pennies, Hypocrite, and Wonderland. Other than that, it's mostly early versions of later songs, but I think most of them are different enough that it's worth listening to. Both versions of Why Don't You Just Drop In are fantastic in their own ways.
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>the last 15 seconds of Lament
What's your favorite "violent" prog story?

Of course there's the obvious
>Adrian Belew from King Crimson was mugged and almost stabbed, ran to the recording studio to explain what happened to the band, Fripp secretly recorded it without his knowledge and made a song out of it
>Klaus Blasquiz from Magma described when they first went to New York, all the guys from Magma were sitting at an outdoor restaurant and they legitimately watched some guy get shot and murdered on the street meters away from them, continued eating while the ambulance and police all showed up
The Power To Believe > Three Of A Perfect Pair > THRAK > In The Wake Of Poseidon > Lizard > The (Re)ConstruKction of Light > Beat > Larks' Tongues In Aspic > Starless And Bible Black > In The Court Of The Crimson King > Islands > Discipline > Red
Yes, but I can't wear any of it because I lost a lot of weight and it doesn't fit me anymore. :(
awful tastes, kill yourself
this one is okay, but SaBB is too low.
Wilson did a great job with the Larks' remix though, also The Sky Moves Sideways is a great album.
>SABBsissy seething
There’s also new in the wake of posiedon and lizard remixes on the way
>SaBB bad because.... IT JUST IS
More remixes? At this point, they should just sell the stems for the hardcore fans who want to hear all the details.
Whatever shit Captain Beefheart was doing to his band to record Trout Mask Replica
ne1 else going through a canterbury scene superiority phase or just me
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mcdonald and giles > court > sabb > discipline
and beat > larks > cheerful insanity > exposure > lizard and wake and islands > tcol > red > toapp > thrak > tptb and scarcity of miracles
(i used to think lizard > wake > islands but i recently relistened and now i have no idea, gonna have to try again)
That time Charly García attacked Bjork with a knife because she wasn't paying attention to him
>nobody posted the mega yet
it's got some outstanding songs that never truly got adapted into later versions. I hate that they never recorded Make it Today again
They should honestly play Red and Larks II.
It's almost theirs too.
Probably one of the absolute worst takes I've ever seen on this board
Sorry you anons got filtered and can't enjoy the magick that is SABB. The Night Watch all the way through the rampant mania of Fracture is literally peak KC
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>Wilson did a great job with the Larks' remix though
Is there a place to listen to this on the internet for free? It's not on Youtube under King Crimson's channel
just download it
>first half has some of the greatest late period rush songs
>second half has some of the corniest inane bullshit neil ever wrote
Not sure how to feel about this one
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More like this
In The Aeroplane Over The Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel
i thought lizard already had a remix
but to be fair it's not the worst comparison
Here you go progbro

all the albums have the 40th anniversary remix, i think he's talking about the upcoming 50th anniversary which Larks' and ITCOTCK already have, i'm waiting for SaBB.
Post /live/ prog
bump di dum di dum
it's close to the worst
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How many Rush demos and outtakes have been bootlegged, if at all? Geddy swears he'll never release any of it officially.
Yeah, this was a terrible suggestion, anon. Kill yourself.
Chasing demos and stuff is something I never got the reason why, if the musicians involved think the materials are not worth releasing then maybe it's best stayed like that.
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happy with what you have to be happy with
you have to be happy with what you have
to be happy with what you have
happy with what you have to be happy with
When I see fags talk about "prog rock" all I think of is The Red Hot Chili Peppers. What the fuck do you guys talk about in these threads?
>The Red Hot Chili Peppers
>"prog rock"
>what do you guys talk about in these threads?
You have to go back.
I mean, it's not bad, but it is not in the same league as Lizard, anon.
>What the fuck do you guys talk about in these threads?
King Crimson
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>What the fuck do you guys talk about in these threads?
King crimson and like maybe yes sometimes.
>What the fuck do you guys talk about in these threads?
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>>Click on modern prog album because the album art has a topless lady on it
>>It's fucking phenomenal
I love it when that happens
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More like this?
is this a meme or something?
only time ive seen the 2 being discused in here is when the Frusciante fag starts to ramble about how that guy is a prog overlord and how he wants to eat his cum
In The Court Over The Sea by King Hotel
When I see fags talk about "spicy food" all I think of is mayonnaise.
not exactly similar but Ruins comes to mind, also some of Magma's stuff
well their spiritual successor band, Alamaailman Vasarat
other than that there's really not much that comes immediately to mind
I wanna get into wishbone ash, any song recs?
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>What the fuck do you guys talk about in these threads?
listenin to camel
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I love these
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holy shit
lol what if foreigner did a suite called cat stevens lol
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this is like my second favorite part of the music video (my favorite part is in the bit where it's going through his life and he has to admit that yes he was in genesis)
>Gomenasai, my name is Roberto-sama.
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I got one of the Gentle Giant shirts around 2019 or 2020
>Kingu Crimsomu?! Roberto Frippu?!
Thoughts on progressive metal?

Not bad
i loved these guys back in high school but listening to more jazz/fusion and falling out of love entirely with anything djent-adjacent has changed things
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Monkey status?

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