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Hidden Gems Edition
Concerts Are Hated Here Subedition




Master of /metal/:
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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Thank god, some retards started talking about politics all of a sudden. How the fuck did that happen?
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The official /metal/ rite of passage film. ST below.
>Popol Vuh - Kha-White Structures
>Burzum - Tomhet
>Dimmu Borgir - Det Nye Riket
>Dimmu Borgir - In Death's Embrace
>Dimmu Borgir - Alt lys er svunnet hen
>Dimmu Borgir - Stormblast
>Old Man's Child - ...Og Jeg Iakttok Dødsrikets Inntog
>Dimmu Borgir - Entrance
>Brian Eno - From the Same Hill
>Dimmu Borgir - Raabjørn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde
>Burzum - Ansuzgardaraiwô
>Burzum - Hermoðr á helferð
>Morbid Angel - Desolate Ways
>Popol Vuh - Morgengruß
>Popol Vuh - The Christ Is Near
>Popol Vuh - Kleiner Krieger
>Burzum - Frijôs goldene Tränen
>Judas Priest - Caviar and Meths
>Melissa Auf der Maur - Awasakwa
>Queens of the Stone Age - Spiders and Vinegaroons
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>ask Hector about band
>he stays silent instead of talking shit
>the poser listened to it

Like em quite a bit, really unique sound he pulled out that I used to call "atmospheric shred". Never heard anything like it again. Admittedly there are times where the neoclassical leads don't align perfectly, or come off with a tinge of cringe, but overall the blend works very well for two polarizing styles between creeping rhythmic death and lightning quick melodic scales. His use of dynamics and ambient within tracks I think really tie it together and sell the isolation of the mountain peaks he wishes to envoke.


Just blasted the entire thing, apparently this is "grindrcore", but it sounds more like blackened war shital to me. It does have some aspects of noise there I guess, but personally I would rather listen to Vessel of Iniquity for a blackened noise shitstorm than these guys.


>pure tourism
>/metal/ rite of passage
I loved the part when the vikings were burning down the christcuck church with dimmu borgirs entrance playing in the background.
Why does he look particularly based in this picture?
Hector is a homo
Literally looks like the nordic gamer meme.
forgot image
They’re shittalking your mancrush
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Wasn't even here when you guys spent all day with your HDS, came back to check old threads and listen to music that was suggested. Maybe if you spent more time doing things besides being a beta orbitor and screeching you might listen to the music people post as all.
Do you see the photo of a guy smeared in blood, in the upper right of the image above yours? That's Jacob from Kvaen: a Swedish band.
Excited by the similarity to the name of the Norwegian band Kaevum, you have pasted on the head of the the interviewer, another tranny from America.
The joke is on you.
Literal mental Illness.
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You link the wrong thread or something? Timberly is a woman.
if you'd waited another 11 seconds, you could've saved face lol

You’re not fooling anyone
HDS. Mindbroken and mentally dominated.
Yours is the first post to mention politics.
Take your meds, schizo.
It’s a man, baybee

Can’t wait til the mods put an end to your BS
The mods rarely ever moderate this board, it took them months to do something about Nicotranny
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How much would it cost to get this tattooed on my back
What's his "bullshit"?
I could do it for 88
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How does /metal/ like my new tattoo
Spamming the Polyphia ladyboy and Oatmeal Cookie, forcing his autistic slang, and being a general annoyance.
1000 dollars or more.
Thor has a Swastika on his belt, I don't know if you are aware of that. Zoom in on the picture. Many tattoo artists would probably refuse to tattoo it on you.
You have my condolences.
I like that you deleted your original image and decreased its size after noticing how
mediocre your photoshop skills are
Raw intolerant metal youtuber ranking
>literal shit
>everyone else
Eternal hails MOD

A google search brought back nothing. I can’t believe no one has this tattoo (just Thorr not the rest in the painting). Would be incredibly badass
Oh well, best I could do with a free app and a tiny phone screen
>Pizza Hut commercial
>”Deep dish is for tourists”

I chuckled
Interesting production on this, like 90% drums and they are very clear/sharp. Almost brutal-DM like in the production of that snare though, a bit more tin sound and its there. This is actually even more drum centric than DMDS, off the top of my head only Circle of Dawn is comparable to this. Besides the strange mixing I don't really care for the music being played, neither the generic doom nor the blasting sections where the drum and guitar distortion are totally overpowering any sort of poor melody being played.


Unbearable, too thrashy, too boring. I knew from the first seconds of ear piercing treble that this was going to be shit. When the rock n roll beats started and then it turned to thrash I turned it off.

Not sure if you want me to check out their thrashy era or folk instead. I put on Blasfemia Eternal and it was dreadful, didn't last a single track just like with Ancient Rites.

A 2022 "I,Voidhanger" release I haven't listened to, surprised this slipped through the cracks for me.

Anyways, its alright, its not very intense and ends up missing the point of metal to me in the same way most disneycore does. Nice play between the bass and guitarist, but not what I look for myself.

>The mods
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>its a woman
Yes I know, shes my wife.
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My back mural is better
Dark Funeral - Hail Murder
Oh and also you probably already know them, but I think Stargazer is similar to Serpent Ascending in some ways, that blackened prog sound with the bass and guitar play. Although I think Stargazer is much better better mostly because Damon Good is a bass god almost comparable to Forest.

It's 616 not 666 get it right
The heretic anthem by Slipknot.
My roomate is a christian and plays annoying Christian rap. More good metal to make him seethe? I'm currently downloading all the Deicide and Dark Funeral albums
Can someone explain death metal subgenres? How tf is old school death metal different from regular death?
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>Ah DOOD I'm going to PWN some christian by playing some baldcuck poser garbage and disneycore, totally EPIC brooooooooooooo
Blasting some much better christian metal for this disgraceful display.

Hey folx, I'm about to go to the hospital to get my dick chopped off and turned into a vagina.
I've been really getting into kaevum lately but is there any other essential trannycore albums to y'all recommend for celebrating your sex change?
Decide, Dark Funeral, Morbid Angel, Judas Priest, Metallica, Black Sabbath.
but what does it mean?
>progressive “metal”
>How tf is old school death metal different from regular death?
It's good
A wild Christcuck appeared!
No idea. If your good I'm evil?
Delusional sod.
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There is no difference, just like how DSBM is not a real genre either.
Shartanism is not metal. Pop music is shartanic. Pop music is not metal.
Satanism is as metal as lyrics about mutilation and epic medieval battles are.
Sounds like absolute shit, just like every other poser christian metal band. Christians can't create good art anymore because you basically have to have the IQ of a nigger to still believe in a magical invisible jew who impregnated his own mother and then killed himself to save us from himself in the year 2024. All Christians are capable of these days is poorly copying other peoples music styles and injecting it with their judaic lyrical brainrot.
Lol, you're a jew.
mercyful fate
actually the joke is on him for participating in the tranny clown show
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Easy listening atmospheric diss0nance.
poseurs get out
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Best metal album of '24 so far.
Sup Devil
We enjoy all 80s metal here
Most metal fucking sucks
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Also I've been grinding out some more FPS for my list recently and was playing this game with an amazing industrail style OST, obviously you guys are fucking useless for anything beyond shreddit 90's and 80's tourism but I thought I would ask if anyone knows anything similar anyways.


Its like you took out all of the last remnants of rock n roll from metal, now all thats left is a faint trace of distortion mixed with grinding industrial

Also check out the beginning riff on this track if you want something more traditional
Holy fuck right? Bit of a shame he lets his inner wanker out near the end.

Some of the more ambient stuff is steller as well

Really I just want to find more of this dark electronic industrial sound

Dreadful post, Lengsal are far better than any second wave band from their time, and certainly light years ahead of trite like Dark Funeral.
Dark Funeral - King Antichrist
More like dork funeral
not metal >>>/lgbt/
No. 90s reign supreme
NGMI Iass.

For death metal. 90s are grim for thrash if you exclude 1990 releases.
I'm seeing them in a couple months with Krisiun. Is Krisiun any good? And what's their best albums to check out
More like TRASH
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Daily reminder there is nothing more reddit than 80's and 90's tourism.
Maybe on Planet Retard
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>Best metal album of '24 so far.
>I'm seeing them in a couple months
OSDMbros...explain this

My favourite death metal band isn't pictured
Dark Funeral - My Funeral
To the mod who keeps harassing me, you need to WAKE UP and see what's going on here. You are clueless
Bros like half of (non-Dio) Black Sabbath's songs are exactly 76 BPM. Literally half of their catalog. What's up with this
>overated boomer band is actually autopilot trite playing the same stale shit over and over again while geriatrics and NPCs continue praising it
Who could have guessed?
THIS. Only zoom zooms make good metal. Who wants to listen to foundational albums by artists who brought completely new styles into existence when you can listen to zoom zooms make music that's highly derivative of those albums with minor variations in their sub-sub-sub-genres. Everyone knows that when someone gets old the music they made when younger stops being good and that in 20 years from now all the music made by zoom zooms will be awful diapershit and we'll have to scorn people for enjoying it

trust me bro
based list
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Yeah I don't remember any boomer band sounding like this


Sorry redditor, but we prefer 4chan metal here like JG, Deathspell Omega, Ad Nauseam, Ehnahre, and First Fragment.
Deicide rule. Kys faggot
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>Deicide rule. Kys faggot
Why listen to Sabbath when Judas Priest exists
Why listen to either when real metal exists
>mods letting Hector shit up the place again

Great job. Great effort.
Deathspell Omega - Apokatastasis Pantôn
I don't remember any boomer bands sounding like shit either
I only get metal recommendations from zines I find preserved in amber from before history started being recorded (1991)
disliking something because someone you hate likes it is childish behavior
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Weird, because all of them sounded like shit, so I think you must be remembering newer metal instead.


Good thing we hate all those albums regardless, because we are not redditors here.
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>based list
I don’t know how he managed to become more insufferable than Bongman.
No, 'you', and all your replies to yourself shitting up every thread, you brownoid filth
Sounds bad
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Lovin/gg/ every lau/gg/h
who is this handsome lass? i bet she would enjoy jewed guys
So truuue xister!!! <~3
All boomer metal is capitalist and and nazi too! I would never listen to something made by a cishet white man!!!
By the way we should get our nails did before the next blm rally, I need something to feel better since I started getting pms from my gyrlperiods
Maybe we can find some big black cocks to suck while we listen to bring me the horizon!!i
name one good zoomer band
most post 2000s metal is still made by gen x and millenial fags
Never heard of them. I did like the new Necrot album.
We (as in all of /metal/) hate all reddit metal here, all geriatric reddit tourists must die.
fuck femperorfags
Have you ever seen Necrot's other band? Vorlust? They are very silly.
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>be angry baldcuck redditor
>mention negro cock
The most iconic duo of all time.
How much of a chad was Quorthon relatively speaking?

absolute poser and NBM
Where's your saviour, where hides Jesus
Why isn't he at war against us
He's what Euro wanted to be
Phobophilic was the only reason I considered going to the Chicago date.
who cares? his music was boring
We get it, your hairline got better after you started taking hormones alice. You're still a homosexual in a dress

That wasn't the question, Hector
>be angry baldcuck redditor
>mentions his troon obsession after mentioning bicycle collector dick
Second most iconic duo of all time
Nice chink cartoon faggot.
Interesting, but not really the style of industrial I'm looking for. This is more like if Trha was more noisy or something. Whereas I'm looking for the sound of grinding rusty hellscape, something like this except even more industrial:

Hector got chased out of /classical/
False, I'm just not listening to classical right now. When I'm back in the mood for classical I will go post there, but if I'm listening to metal I post here.
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mods displaying favoritism right there.
/gg/otta kek at the /gg/nashing of this an/gg/ry third worlder's rottin/gg/ cockroach teeth as hector runs circles around his bu/gg/brain for the few moments of computer usa/gg/e he has until he misses the electric payment again and they cut his power for the ei/gg/hth time this year

STFU can you type like a normal person without using your buzzwords
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absolutely mental this Iass is, Devin publicly femcucked the fuck out lls tbqh
kill yourselves
Peak /metal/ thread
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I like necrot a lot. Started listening to phobophilic after buying the tickets, and got really into it. Check out the song nauseating despair .
Haven't heard of it. I'll check it out. Thanks.
I'm bummed
at what age did you get into metal? I'm 21 and it just clicked for me

19 I started listening to DsO. Noncoincidentally that’s also when I started noticing me losing my hair
I dont understand these videos
are we really fetishizing mediocrity? these people used to be a joke
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I saw Phobophilic live once with Enforced and 200SW. They were the only band I saw and I left when Enforced started playing.
Wtf is up with modern DM bands having Swede-DM/BM style drumming. Shit gets old and stale.
Meant to say Fin-DM.
>Swede-DM/BM style drumming
This only exists in your head

This is based af, Needs a rerelease now
All these modern DM bands are too afraid to even implement some proper blast beats or just being eccentric and creative on drums. They play worse than ancient diaper shitters.
Just picked a song at random and the drums aren't cookie cutter whatsoever. Listen to this and tell me otherwise.

>blast beats or just being eccentric and creative on drums.
completely opposite things
all modern dm bands have blast beats idk what onions shit youre listening to
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you missed the joke he was clearly saying that to make a point that zoomers dont make good music (regardless if thats true)
I got banned for posting that.
We approve gore only when it's non-punk and posted by non-posers here.
metal albums with no vocals that i can put on when my normie friend comes over? he likes groove and thrash for sure and seems to like harder stuff but only if it doesn't have grunts/growls and i don't want to listen to clean vocal shit all day.
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>Wormrots drummer quit after OEF
jej. I am honestly not surprised nobody wants to be there anymore. The band is dead without Arif, the last trully great album was Dirge and no random Belgian dude coupled with some shreeking femoid can make them sound live as explosive as they once were. Them the facts.
Batushka mogs these faggots ngl. At least mgla releases music tho
>>Old Man's Child
kek that's a name i haven't heard in a while. instantly 14 years old again. that dimmu borgir ain't helping
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anyone excited for the comeback
I'd say ask /bleep/ for Rhythmic Noise recs if bleep wasn't dead as fuck
We discuss OMC on /metal/ sometimes, lurk moar.
In Death's bed, I have lain
Paying lip-service to shame
But for dreaming of thee, I regain
A reason to seek life again

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Hear the choirs
Is it the wind that brought back their cries?
Forged in blood and tragedy
Dark were the thorns of crimson...
listen to pantera or machinehead
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>Yngwie Malmsteen - Black Star
I didn't know they were finally gonna put something new out. So now I am excited.
What does /metal/ think of Darkthrones post Panzerfaust black metal output? They never seem to be discussed.

Total Death
Ravishing Grimness
Hate Them
Sardonic Wrath
I really dgaf
nobody gaf, not even Darkthrone themselves
I'll be honest when I was getting into BM and checking out Darkthrone, I went to a shop and bought random albums on the cheap. After getting TH and Under, I liked them and went back and got the first one I didn't know, which was Dark Thrones And Black Flags. It was a mainstream shop so it wasn't like they had everything and that was the only one there I didn't have already.

I hated it so much I've checked out nothing else post-Panzer.
Plaguewielder is the one that's not too bad. But I'd rather listen to TH and UAFM anyday. There's too much good music out there for me to bother with Darkthrone's yearly attempts at blackdoom or whatever they're doing now.
If I'm in a mood for Darkthrone, I'll go ahead and listen to Hordaland Doedskvad.
Plaguewielder and Sardonic Wrath are good
Hate Them is an excellent album
>Taake/UAFM faggot
Of course you'd have a tourist take.
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>tourist take
Post top 10 for me to laugh at, faggot lol
Not him but I can already guess your top 10 and I bet it consists 100% of norsetourism.
Coping tastelet kek
Who gives a shytten
A friend of mine talked to him before the gig in Hamburg and apparently his hand is completely fucked because he left it untreated to record the latest album and it Never really fused properly
So I'm right? Cool.
No, you are what I said here>>122682200
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Darkthrone - Goatlord
The modern re-release.
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Yeah which proved me right with you immediately bursting into tears and jumping to buzzwords, which would only happen if I was correct.
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If you want something more heavy this is pretty good. No vocals.
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You were first to use buzzword as well
Kek. Self-BTFO

Hector talking to himself again
It's an accurate term for your taste.
Stfu Hector
meds mate
Kek the seethe from one coping tastelet.
I accept your concession
does this guy have a single post without "kek"
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Shut the fuck up
>called out the Taake/UAFM retard
>immediately a series of spam and trash posts
Like fucking clockwork
These kind of imbeciles almost make you hate those fantastic albums, much like the Vargbots or the Synarchytard.

It's tiresome man.
>captcha: DS0G
Urine Festival - Of a Hermaphroditic Enema & an Urophilic Pissparty Pleasure. Would post the cover, but mods are fags.

Well that is pretty unfortunate if its true. You would think they would mention something medical so that people dont jump to conclusions (ie - OEF was so wack, I rather bailed).
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>what is inspect element
>what is a different browser
>no u
Still recovering from your own spam seethe, eh?
>Urine Festival - Of a Hermaphroditic Enema & an Urophilic Pissparty Pleasure
I would probably also stay away from anything too dissonant or where the drumming is too frantic, Night Verses is perfect I think. If they don't outright hate metal then usually its well recieved while also being something I can get into a lot.

It's my fault, I decided to call him a norsetourist which always upsets the "NOOOO IM SO TRVE AND KVLT" tourists because the truth hurts.
>replying to yourself
You must be boiling at this point kek. Careful not to hurt yourself, your blood sugar only goes so far.
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Lads I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna listen to Tak.
You'll lose your tourism certificate when you do so
Taake is as derivative as it gets. This is why Hector will never be taken seriously
We love the signed vinyl copy of Plaguewielder here.
Taake is actually integral.

That’s clever , but no
are you a fan?
Taake is dookie

We hate that here
Yeah I'm listening to Hordaland and there's not that much to grasp on to.
I'm more fan of hardest integrals in the MiT exams such as Taake
I'm listening to it too and this is actually really good. I like the diversity of riffs it has while still being just black metal, and it's so fuckin catchy too
Prefer the demo.
Impaled Nazarene - Ugra Karma

One of the best
One of the best punk albums yeah
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>if bleep wasn't dead as fuck
Yeah, Bleeprat singlehandedly killed that general after the mods promoted him. Would have posted there if it wasn't his personal blog general at this point.
>Rhythmic Noise (also known as power noise)
Nice, this is like the way less cringe version of martial industrial. Its still very repetitive, but I'm willing to bet there is something here with a bit more variation if I look. I actually already found something a bit more interesting


Some subtle mix of rhythmic noise, breakcore, step, and dark ambient.

Beloved here, shame Czral never returned to a black metal sound with Virus. Obviously Vicotnik proved he had no real influence on this album when he left and made half baked sporkcore for the next 20 years.
impaled nazarene is at least twice as generic as taake. literal garbage lol
Didn't you say you were leaving /metal/ kek? Whats the matter, was being a tourist on /classical/ even more embarrassing than being one here?
War metal/black death > death metal
> black metal
Lol the seething bot is now acting schizophrenic
Just start spamming OE like you always do, reject.
Incorrect, I might even call you a poser
Careful, your blood sugar might start acting schizophrenic too...
>your blood sugar might start acting schizophrenic
Immensely stupid.
>never returned to a black metal sound with Virus
okay but I LOVE Virus and I would still call them metal... just the kind without blast beats
a poser listening to generic nazarene calling anyone else a poser is peak irony

It’s anything but generic. You could have insulted it in a way that made sense
Total garbage *deletes*
Virus are on the borderline of metal, but you can't find their sound in rock (closest you'll get is shite like King Crimson) so it must be understood to be more metal than rock. Either way, I mostly wanted them to return to black metal to add some variation and dynamics to their sound, especially when they are mostly making the same album over and over again.

Here is some guy deciding to make his own VBE continuation.
>same album over and over again
I definitely like the first album the most and after that, they kind of blend together but I still enjoy them. after the first album is a quality powergap. but it's only from like S+ to B
>some guy continuing vbe
I'm suspicious but I'll try it lol
>anything but generic
a tourist opinion. they sound like every black/death/grind band that cannot play their guitars. it's like if you anal nathrakh without any originality. generic as fuck you pleb.
Personally I prefer Momento Collider over the rest.


>I'll try it
Do try it, the Maniac style vocals might filter some, but otherwise its a rather great effort.
>anal nathrakh
Fucking kek
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Guys I know we argue a lot but I think we can all agree on this
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forgot image.
I have never listened to this band and probably never will.
> they sound like every black/death/grind band that cannot play their guitars

And who might those be
I think you might have recommended this album to me specifically a few months ago lol??
exactly, and generic nazerene is even worse. listen to more music, babytourist.

Your tourist brain is confused, name bands in the same style that were at least contemporaries
are Gruzja any good or just a meme
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Insane that black metal retards froth over extremely mid black metal like taake when bands like branikald and Wędrujący Wiatr exists. Truly fascinating behaviour that black metal fanatics pose as being the most underground and true, yet they totally just listen to bands that get the most advertising.
Sounds like the name of a polish cheese or something
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Anal Nathrakh eats Impaled Nazarene alive.
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Probably, I never see anyone else post anything besides The Black Flux.

We all agree that Popcletus is the tourist's DsO pick and was intentionally watered down for normalfags as per Hasjarl's own words.

>Interviewer: Why Paracletus is, seemingly, more focused and straightforward perhaps?
>Hasjarl: This is because we consciously decided to give the songs structures that were somewhat closer to traditional rock structures.
The first album is good, mostly without any memes. The second album is about 30% black metal and anything besides that is a borderline le ironic xDDD troll.

Listen to Sznur if you want Gruzja without the obnoxious bober kurwa memery
You are supposed to put effort in your bait
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What the FUCK
Probably the edgiest album ever.

welcome to the club we're making jackets
I don't mind some obnoxious kurwa, but I love odraza and furia so I wanted to check it out, and I recognised the album cover of the experimental one.
This first album seems good so far yeah. Thanks for the suggestions though, means if I don't like Jeszcze I won't venture much further.
What do these plastic harlots have to do with the post and with /metal/?
What kind of mental illness do you have to keep avatarfagging with this garbage?
This general is filled with shit black metal
What kind of mental illness do you have to keep giving a shit when it's incredibly easy to ignore?
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>Branikald Hladavzor
>hear opening reverbed tremolotrite
>look at song length, its 14 minutes
>"I bet they play this same section of music the entire time"
>start skipping through the track
>its literally the exact same thing start to finish
Trad Doom with the worst recs as per usual. Listen to better music.

what VPN provider does he use?
Trash Doom is an atmoshitter, and not a very good one at that.
>so kvlt and trve he gets filtered by an ambient track
like poetry
>just ignore spambots bro
>just ignore extremely low quality posts bro
>just ignore offtopic garbage bro
>just ignore trolls bro
Reporting is useless because the mods are either jacking off to pedo trap sissy hypno porn or are doing the k-poop shitposting themselves.
Least you can do is point a finger at them and rightfully scorn them.

It's a fucking avatarfag, that is incredibly easy to ignore in comparison to Hecky sperging out about DsO fro the 10 millionth time or copypaste spam every thread.
Get some fucking perspective you mongoloid.
If I wanted to listen to smth ambient I would listen to Sunn O))) or Earth
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>the pop rock structures
Blasting Under A Funeral Moon on a Monday morning whaddup
I really hate the track you shared. It's reddit metal. Epic quirky and kooky scary circus music that is totally insincere and it has no alluring qualities or interesting features that reflect nature, darkness, spirituality, or anything. Its fucking shit and I hate it. No wonder you couldn't handle an ambient track. Stick to your soulless reddit metal bro.
>Get some fucking perspective you mongoloid.
Mine is the only_perception.
this has to be bait.
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Seething hahaha
I was talking about the superior band Anaal Nathrakh, you're the one posting off-topic.
Have some baguette to calm your ugly ass down hehe
You are such a faggot
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>reddit metal
I didn't post Black Sabbath and the rest of the 80's and 90's tourism though? I suggest you stop posting MBV imitations and start posting 4chan metal instead.


There is nothing extreme or metal about a 14 minute My Bloody Valentine impression, well its an "impression" if you decided to only take a single 10 second snipet of one of their tracks and put it on loop for 14 minutes.
>doesnt post When Humanity is Cancer in response to cancerous /metal/ shitposting
One job.
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Bro you are actually retarded. I don't care for dissonant, avant garde bullshit shit, and neither should you. It's clear who got into metal in their formative years, and who started listening to metal as an adult. You are definitely a tourist. Posting a fucking list to rebut 'reddit metal' by reddit metal i dont mean reddits favourite metal bands, I mean metal that is totally out o.... I lost the interest to spell this out for you. fuck off.
>still has yet to post a single good band in his entire time on the board
lmao this has to be bait. Jesus fucking christ this is awful. kek
Still waiting for Hector to explain how an originator can be generic
you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Stick to your dissonant avant garde (non metal) metal. You clearly dont like riffs
Trad doom? More like bad doom.
Ok but why are you posting a hardcore punk band, mr redditor? Take that LGBT cacophony over to where it belongs on >>>/lgbt/.

I understand dissonant metal is too extreme for your reddit ears, would some doom soften the blow for you?

I think anal prolapse should probably see a doctor before they consider eating anything
You don't like any good riffs. You just like one 3/10 riff repeated on loop for hours on end
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i'm busy listening to abigail. I am not listening to any more hipster metal recs rn.

Ildjarn black crust metal
Someone else make the new I dont wanna
New thread!!!
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Awful NBM band that plays rock n roll for tourists. First its ambient MBV imitations for reddit hipsters, then hardcore punk, and now rock n roll; where is the black metal Iass?


Snorre wasn't generic, but the "second wave" that ripped him off sure were. No one had tracks like Lacus De Luna in Norway, they were all too busy stealing his Aerie Descent riff and running into the ground until it was nothing but a generic shitty trend for tourists.

Damn Varg has moves.
Prefer Anon’s demo
Angelmaker put out a instrumental version of one of their albums. I don't personally listen to it but my friend says its better than the original (hot take personally)

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