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List of Reddit Metal that We Hate Here.


Angry Boomer Venting thread:

Shiny Head Slapper:
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
actually we KNEEL to Opeth here
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
>Morbid Angel
due to osteoporosis
>Death (post-conversion)
>Judas Priest
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In addition to old people we love diapers here. The scat fetish is real
Most of the thread are geriatric 50+ year old baldcucks listening to reddit metal.
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This thread's random last.fm metalhead user selection
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why do you have this saved

is that celtic frost in the wall photo
Boomer metal is inherently trans
Its the only way they can keep their hair kek.
best King Diamond album?
>Boomer metal is inherently trans
>best King Diamond album?
According to your fellow redditors >>122704768 its Melissa
Your diaper...change it.

Bring me the diaper this minute, I'm famished!
was for >>122705000
is hector planning to "tip the glass over at 30", so to speak?
I wish this board had actual moderation so schizos would actually get banned.
she has a youtube channel where she talks about metal
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Can y'all recommend me some more sòycore similar to these bands? I don't like stuff like Obituary, Morbid Angel, and Cannibal Corpse. They have too much hair, their lyrics scare me, and you can tell they're all really high-T. As a zoomer with a badly receding hairline and low T levels because I'm allergic to meat and dairy and have to drink lots of sòymilk for my protein, I can't relate to high-T music. I need something that hits softer and has at least one balding manlet band member. I like my metal avant-garde, post-, and experimental. And if it's christian then that's even better! Basically I need something I can listen to while hanging out with my friends at Starbucks drinking a Chocolate Java Mint Frappuccino with extra sòymilk. Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Thanks y'all!
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stupid bitch.
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The early 2010's nidrosian scene, sip.. now that was some real metal
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>Boomer metal is inherently trans
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Can y'all recommend me some more sòycore similar to these bands? I don't like stuff like Deathspell Omega, Ehnahre, Gorguts, First Fragment, or Ad Nauseam. They have too much hair, their lyrics scare me, and you can tell they're all really high-T. As a boomer with a badly receding hairline and low T levels because I'm allergic to exercise and home cooking and have to drink lots of corn syrup for my diabeties, I can't relate to high-T music. I need something that hits softer and has at least one balding manlet band member. I like my metal to be highly rated on reddit, RYM, and MEtallum. And if it's satanicthen that's even better! Basically I need something I can listen to while hanging out with on 4chan at 50 years old drinking a can of coke cola, mcdonalds bigmac with extra slop. Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Thanks y'all!
>I need something I can listen to while hanging out with on 4chan at 50 years
>no nu metal albums
guess nu metal is /meal/ approved
the real hector would have dismissed this interloper as a mongrel post haste. I fear the lad is running out of vigor.


>posts it as planned
Lol baited, now you admit that you are nothing but a "No u" reject who lives on my whim and in my shadow permanently.
I did it all for the nookie
so you can take that cookie
And stick it up your (yeah)
kek the onion boys are brainbroken
He eats da poopoo

also not black metal
4chan metal = Third Wave Black Metal, Dissodeath, Blackened Death, NSBM, Prog, Tech Death, Industrial (Real) Metal, Tech Thrash, and Neoclassical Shred
>Third Wave Black Metal
Doesn't exist
>Industrial (Real) Metal,
>deletes his own post out of embarassment
lol, don't forget hector also recently reviewed like 12 albums in one thread
i didn't delete it. it was deleted, however.
You forgot Death Thrash and Atmospheric Black Metal
Rammstein is what most people think is industrial metal
Prog metal is dogshit.
>Pretends it was applicable when you posted it and not when I posted it in a context that actually made sense in order to demonstrate what a retarded s০yboy retard cuck you are
This is your brain on s০y. Holy shit
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>Fake """"industrial"""" """""metal"""""
>Industrial (Real) Metal
based male manipulator
kektor's been owned. it's done, he lost forever, he has NO credibility left as a /meal/ poster.
sadly my ban has not gone through yet so your little plan to delete my message and sneak diss me afterwards failed. Tut tut!
Hector trying to let this slide
Nice. The trolls here are finally getting a dose of their own medicine. I salute you
Nice sound design, the synths about halfway in are tight. Apparently this is too real for Metal Shartchives.
I love her, that's why I keep posting her in every thread
Which rymmer is that?
Fleshvessel is right up your alley. They even have a trans member
synths at 3 minutes in*, CTE moment
Fatal Portrait or Conspiracy
Who the fuck names themselves coprophagia? Even as a stage name, it’s disgusting.
Poopoo eating is le funny

any "Musician" who releases crap so frequently is a red flag
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Good but it sounds modern and overly produced even for industrial.
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For me, it's Archfiend DevilPig
yeah, just like buckethead
What the fuck is this Zelda dungeon shit?
grafitti your basement for lucifer
Thank you sister. I will be sure to add them to my playlist full of First Fragment, Ehnahre, Jute Gyte, and, Ad Nauseam
Metallica is the Nickelback of metal

you're just jealous of his instrument collection. you'd make hundreds of albums too if you had a setup like his! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjU_nMlu8Fc
I will not listen to any so called musician who wears a hoodie
Posted the intro track by mistake lol they're actually pretty cool black/death
Yeah its sick, the synths are so damn sharp its absolutely fantastic. Also I'm assuming you meant at 2 minutes. There is so much ground for industrial and noise to mix with metal, same as classical, anyone who thinks metal is at a dead end is at a dead end mentally.


What is industrial about this besides having programmed drums? Boring trite.
>muh modern sound
God baldcucks should all be executed.
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You're right, Nickelback's first 5 albums were genre-defining masterpieces
I can’t stand open toed shoes.
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Why did Metallica hire that beaner to play bass?
Not a hector, you like what you like, for me it sounds like it was made in a factory.
Some great albums in that list tbqhwy.
Give one thing that's wrong with Nickelback
wearing sneakers with shorts and a t-shirt is pure cringe
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>for me it sounds like it was made in a factory.
I agree that Mysticum does sound like its coming off a factory line of copy paste second wave garbage.
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>Some great albums in that list tbqhwy.
He came with the gold-plated Ferrari that Jason bought when he was with the band
Mysticum were one of the first bands doing this sort of music.
Threw a dart at the board of the 5 bassists in the bay area. Didn't even put his bass track on justice for all like some kind of humiliation ritual
Now that the dust has settled I think we can call early Snorre not black metal at all. Grymyrk is like half way to black metal, but mostly still not black metal
1: People think it's cringe.
He wanted a guy who fingerpicks just because Jason doesn't
i refuse to let reddit take ownership of everything.
it's not metal at all. it's indie bullshit with snarls
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what metal should i listen to while injecting estrogen?
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I don't remember Mysticum being in any discussion on the invention of the second wave.

>the guy who literally wrote the first black metal riff that everyone plagiarized and even Varg stole copy pasta style for Filosofem isn't black metal
Mopngrel iq strikes again.
>pretending this was the plan all along
not only does that not make sense, but you tried to meme appropriate here >>122691080 in the thread before the last one in a similar way. copycat poser
>the first black metal riff that everyone plagiarized
Trve industrial metal
>average Possessed fan
blackgaze is already auditory estrogen so you can just kill 2 birds with 1 stone
The Sound of Perseverance
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powerbros, weve been dispossessed

the number of people that has been psyopped into believeing nigleback sucks is hilariously high
Snorre is the Vordb of the Norwegian scene, a "genius" copied by his friends and no one else
This filters the kike
They rehearsed with Mayhem back in the day.
>I don't remember Mysticum being in any discussion on the invention of the second wave.
Correct, but they were one of the first industrial black metal bands.
>that not make sense
What is there not to get retard? I knew that if I reverse post him he would post that image, which means admitting that he also thinks that reverse posting is no different than the leftist cross out the word no u meme.
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Fucking *quarter* tone? Holy cripes. Just imagine... the Fibonacci sequences of Tool, the polyrhythms of Mmeshuggah, AND the quarter-tonality of Jute Gyte. At the SAME TIME.
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Only I'm allowed to post that band. Also still doesn't have the arpeggio minor chord tremolo + shifting chord up / down the neck. Snorre literally built the blueprint for second wave on Aerie Descent. They were much further ahead of the Mayhem clowns of that time though.

Who? QRD?

>industrial black metal bands.
Ok but where is the industrial? They are literally just playing black metal with programmed drums.
>that possessed poster
when the OSDM hits you KEK
>Also I'm assuming you meant at 2 minutes
I liked that too. The lofi choir at about 3:00 is what I meant to refer to, the contrast with the harsher soundscape is intriguing.

>There is so much ground for industrial and noise to mix with metal, same as classical
I think more bands will embrace unconventional sound design due to the freedom of the DAW and the influence of genres outside traditional rock/metal. If you can think it, you can make it basically.

Speaking of "IBM," I never felt so fleeced as when I listened to this shit. People on M-A will call literally anything a masterpiece.
>member of numerous bands related to Les Légions Noires
Nevermind, don't even bother giving the rundown, I have no interest in that.
Irritable Bowel Movement
>Ok but where is the industrial?
They are literally just playing black metal with programmed drums.

There is your answer.
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>tremolotrite... but now with programmed drums
>There is your answer.
will power metal grow into energy metal if we multiply it by time
I think that should be called "smart metal"
Of course.
>I think more bands will embrace unconventional sound design due to the freedom of the DAW and the influence of genres outside traditional rock/metal.
kek. that's optimistic. stop expecting people to think.

same impact on their regional scenes. Vordb was the better melodist though.
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Will speed metal turn into velocity metal if we give it direction?
there is something to this but i dont know what
Shart metal, more like.
no you'll just get early Voivod
Anon’s soundtrack to his MMO
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can't stop listening to varg's ambient stuff
Iceland bm scene kinda sucks tbqh
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Oh the choir, yeah its a nice contract that helps accentuate the rest.
Some more industrial metal

>I think more bands will embrace unconventional sound design due to the freedom of the DAW
Maybe, certainly there will be "more", but how much more is the question. Its hard to talk about video game OST's because of the image around them, but Mick Gorton definitaly showed that you don't need a guitar to make metal and you can make it out of anything, check this out lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0WygaYFn6M

While I'm not super into it, the "black ambient" stuff such as Gnaw Their Tongues always felt like a great idea that is pushing forward in a unique manner.

> People on M-A will call literally anything a masterpiece.
MA is a bunch of barely functioning boomers shitting their pants over in frustration over anything new. Them praising some mediocre album is a daily occurance, I don't even bother looking at their ratings or opinions. I mean have you seen their yearly lists?

IDM and now IMM, zased.
what scene? it's 1 bong and a bunch of session musicians piggybacking off his projects
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>I mean have you seen their yearly lists?
Not him but kek
Like just imagine putting this
On your yearly list

Its almost as embarrassing as putting Blind Guardian as your number 1 pick.
Pineapple riffs
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Pineapple is the best flavor of generic store brand soda
wtf when did DSO become a power metal band?
Dave Mustaine reused the riff from The Skull Beneath for Holy Wars
what the shit, i love blind guardian but the album cant have been this well received
>being fucking haunted by the number 28 for years now
anyone else?
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thoughts on this classic?
All metal is inherently trans, boomer.
Imagine hating the greatest albums of all time just because Hurrrr people I hate like it

>first black metal riff


Reap of Evil is practically just a hardcore punk riff
I’m trans and my favorite band is Slayer
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Synarchy was their last moment of greatness, even just before that the writing was on the walls with their pop punk release Drought. Who knows what sort of cringe is coming our way in the next few years. I personally consider them to already be a dead band, but who knows, maybe Hasjarl will hop on rogain and regrow some of his lost hair or something.

Synarchy, FAS, Katechon - everything else from DsO is mostly just a waste of time.

so fantano, the mu fave critic, death grips, swans, anco, nmh
vid unrelated?
we love all those, along with DSO, here. fantano is a genius.
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If I were going to make a list of bands that are for tourist fags this is the list I would come up with

I did have vidya OSTs in mind as well. I particularly think back to those downsampled rompler synth sounds from the CD era. One way I try to implement this idea is taking real sounds I've previously recorded and processing them into a kind of simulacra. Not trying to make "chiptune metal" here, but generate new sounds for my songs rather than use prefab synths.

That DooM video reminds me of the intro to this old Kraftwerk live jam. Almost a Sabbath parody, but that buzzsaw sound they get it pretty cool.
Hectorcore is practically Fantanocore.
>in my mind, it was real
Who are you quoting?
I never said that.
herman rosenblat
Yes you did, take your meds.
You’re the one putting words in other people’s mouths, Mr. Schizophrenic.
didn't Cucktano only praise TFoP but subsequently deleted his review due to the perceived gnatsee connection?
You literally said it you mentally ill schizo?
Except I didn’t.
You literally said it, take your meds.
Post proof.
fuck off fag fantano drone
ok im done shitposting now
Its right here >>122704768, you said it
I have a goal for tomorrow to be productive. Metal for this goal?
That’s your post, not mine.
Ad Nauseam - imperative imperceptible impulse
Your literally your post, schizo.
Fantano loves and respects dissoshit.
certified decent to strong 8
Any fellow Asking Alexandria fans here?
>listening to ex-gf core
Hector won
the gay sex contest
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If it's not dissonant, what's the point?
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The Final Episode (Let’s Change the Channel
metal for eating a lot of sunflower seeds
korpiklaani actually
your "reverse posting" is even softer than the leftist "no you" meme, so what's the difference faggot
Yeah video game OSTs have some neat ideas as they seem to be less constrained by the "genre" meme. You can really make anything out of any sample, apparently he used lawn mowers for the synth sound here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C34IhQDJ6N8. Speak of vidya OSTI just recently posted this https://iniofficialmusic.bandcamp.com/track/map-01-guts-opening and man its an interesting sound.

This was very cool lol.
Mongrelized post.
Stop being mean to others
I refuse, I am against all others.
This, but unironically.
Overated, V was better as the filler ambient wasn't there shitting up the album.

Sad. This is why we need healthy eugenics and less autistic mutts with no sense of kulture or belonging
the answer is harmony, fools
We prefer disharmony here. Take the disney tunes to >>>/wpop/

That track is based, but V gets too samey after a while imo
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>V gets too samey after a while
IV is the same thing, except with filler.
What is some other bm with a fat bass like Arrow in heart
>Some more industrial metal
I like that this leaves the higher frequencies some space to express the added upper harmonics of the bass synth, what Dan Worrall calls "brain bass." In general, it's challenging to create a mix that is abrasive and heavy while also having a sense of spaciousness, adding noise can crowd out the treble range and impede the ambience of individual sounds, but industrial generally seems to have this pretty well figured out.

Metal tends to allow guitars almost limitless access to the entire frequency spectrum with particularly noisy build-up (I notice) around 300 hz and 2.5 khz. But with more "constructed" guitar tones, I think we can concentrate the energy in narrower bandwidths thereby leaving room for other sounds. Some of the tricks metal producers are achieving today with guitars are pretty astounding.
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BC Rich gang represent
who /warlock/ here?
guys you know I was a big metalhead growing up, I used to listen to slipknot and other heavy bands. what are some of the recent hot releases i've been missing out on?
Jacksons sound thin and tinny and only get attention because their babby's first v
Randy Rhoads is what made me a loyal Jackson player
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Hmm I don't often think about production to such a degree as yourself, but I do get what you are saying about space, its a particular problem in a lot of modern third wave black metal recently with "cavernous" production where it tends to be very monotonous and brick wall sounding, creating a tedious listen I can't stand. Stuff like Akhlys is terrible and more bands are sounding like that with no room for anything to breath.

Ignoring industrial what do you think about Ad Nauseam? The main guy is an engineer and they basically crafted all their own gear and production https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ma3cKFX9_0g, one of the best mixes I've ever heard in metal. The guy from Convulsing is another one who does his own sound work, check out the fucking guitar tone on this https://youtu.be/6nSdCCVCMyU?t=240

Anyways I'm off now, but I'll check out Dan Worral tomorrow, his videos seem interesting. Later.
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>stuck mentally in 2014
Yes I've despised caveshit for as long as it's been around. The common problem I hear with these bands is the buildup in the low mids, around 250-400 hz. Yes it sounds "huge" and "cavernous" (just like my soiface when I listen to it, right?) but because it obfuscates the impact of the music it winds up being kind of soft. Ulcerate is the epitome of this "polite" chaos.

I don't listen to AN too often but I do admire their dedication to 'realism' in sound, kind of following the model of Obscura (album) where transients are allowed supremacy in the mix instead of being squashed by guitars and compression.

I think he was pretty daring with the amount of bass content in the guitars here. It borders on the problem I ascribe to caveshit, but the drums are still punchy here. The key may be that he doesn't just slam on the lowest open string constantly like most atmodeath crap. I should ask him how he approached mixing. Metal is a pretty small world.
My favorite metal band is Babymetal
was this limited to only one album per band? that's pretty dumb, it excludes a lot of better albums than some on the list
Can someone explain what low-register and high-register mean when it comes to metal?
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that looks like some riffless dissogarbage
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boomers be like:
>”durrrrr we can still play death metal!!!!!”
>releases the worst album of the year
kek it do be like that
they were always 6/10
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why are deathcore vocalists always manlets?
why are you looking up pictures of deathcore band members? jack off material?
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>add black metal influences
>release your best album
every time
Let me guess: deathcore band who added cornhole keyboard symphonics after Lorna Shore blew up and think this makes it """""Blackened"""""
is this you >>122704914
nah Vale of Pnath isn’t deathcore
This is so bad I kinda like it
it's not even that, it's just a bad idea in the first place
>let's re-record some of our stuff
>including stuff from our most recent album
>let's also master it as shitty as possible
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Pompous, righteous, aggressive the guitar duality merges in constant interplay between harmonies and unified rhythm shifting subtle texture within constant iteration of theme in usefully changing avenue, pointing units at one another across a tonal divide of vast yet often chromatic advances; its arrogance is its elitism, and its elitism is to encode its masterview within the next intensity level of the technique used by Discharge, then Slayer, and then Sepultura in its evolution. Warring between two statements, if each self consistent justifies its melodic balance with rhythm and structural management of tonal division to resonate with conceptual position, naturally invokes the human cognitive apparatus toward perceptual tokenization and thus statement, in language as in natural resolution to gaps in data, of x-compare-y as the weapons of battle are unsheathed.

From this modal playing framing atonal song development is a dying Baroque gasp given ferocity by the gutter logicianship of death metal in a rising force of logic within the decaying realm, a negative truth within a larger existential conception which can never be reconciled with the forces of Judeo-Christian morality; its expression (cause and effect as self-inventing forms of calculation and change) brings to mind the ancients alongside the more recent philosophical efforts in Nietzsche and Heidegger to replace morality with a primal, natural valuation of a constantly changing aesthetic landscape with unaltering core values, as seen in the modern time.
>all album covers have people dying in trees
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Yes! How could you tell?!
My RABM collection continues to grow
that's what cancer usually does

Megadeth won
Machine fucking Head
it’s actually hilarious how much better death metal is than black metal
>female guitarists
Gross. Only thing women should be doing is being groupies and sucking dick
bro you're scarin' the hos
My favorite black metal band is Evanescence
Ynr Megadeth performing on Duck Dodgers
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There are no hoes here. No, hector doesn't count
But ur mum does haha GOTEEM
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>Based on your answers, you experience very few signs of autism and are probably not autistic.
how do I cope with not being autistic yet loving metal?
Dave Mustaine is autistic
Kill yourselves
I just burned 20 RABM cds
>burning CDs
>not burning capitalists alive
some proletariat you are, "comrade"
>give one song a listen
>literally deathcore
why do people lie on the internet
listen to Raped Ape
RABM of the day

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>muh nietzsche
>muh heidegger
do sois really?
Coresisters…our response?
concertchads stay winning. you don't get to experience any of these things without live music
responses are gay
>You're So Retarded You Died from a Non-Chinese Escalator
What does Traditional doom metal mean to you?
Revvy bizz
Saint v
Candy ass
Solitude analturnus
Bitchfinder general
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bad doom
Black metal = Asperger
Death metal = antisocial personality disorder
Doom metal = depression
Power metal = autism
Thrash metal = Normie
>A line of coke on my table is more white than population of Europe
I only listen to RABM
check out my rabm rips
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Smth my buddy showed me. We usually have different tastes in metal but I'm actually enjoying this.
Tech metal = homosexuality
It's all autism lets not pretend otherwise
Metal is exclusively for mentally ill, gay autistic people, let's not beat around the bush here.
The Beyond All Light full length they did is good too.
I only found Overton Trees because it has the Panopticon on it.
Is Alice In Chains doom?
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BC Rich being at the top just shows how retarded this genny is
fuckin/gg/ go back to your containment
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>rust in peas
Fuck no. Sam makes it hard to post there
Recommend me ONE good Megadeth song
As someone who doesn't like Megadeth a lot, I liked Five Magics.
Dawn Patrol because I can't think of a shorter Megadave song
It's literally the best metal album
Holy Wars is simply the best one.
Devil's Island
Anything with Chris Poland
It was, until Seasons In The Abyss was released
Rob Halford is the only metal homosexual that matters, the rest are straight
It says to make a fugue with "industrial noise elements". Something that has no harmony cannot be part of a fugue.
My Last Words
The last two songs kind of suck, there are some flaws in the first seven, and it lacks importance beyond self
DEATH FETISH is a neo-nazi satanist
>it lacks importance beyond self
That means fucking nothing.
It's purely hedonism in stark contrast to the eminent message of its contemporaries like Final Holocaust or Gardens of Grief
So you can just say "it doesn't have a message" over the flowery wank way you're putting it.
Also imagine giving a shit about that, you total poseur.
Make a Varg thread
NEW: >>122708587
>My Last Words
absolutely. That song fucking rules. Like half of Peace Sell rips, which is more than I can say than most albums.
Fuck you
Best blasting of the thread

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