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/mu/ - Music

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Alien Fucker edition
old >>122708587
fag https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
Darkthrone is queer
>be bald
>make it a personality trait for the rest of your life
most people just have hair
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Reminder if you listen to this kind of music you have nonexistent testosterone levels and should probably just go ahead and transition to female
And death upon the holy man
Who hails a Canadian
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Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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Colin Marston is so kawaii
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Nothing wrong with söy whatsoever.
I have been a plant-based chad for a while and rather eat a nicely seasoned block of organic tofu than some artery-clogging, fatty ribeye steak that will give me cancer and heart disease.
>browsing /mu/ archives
>think you found the page you were looking for from the other day
>it was actually from two months ago but it's the same shit
Is this just a goofy soi boi lanklet or a man larping as a female?
I thought this guy was from a band, it turns out he writes chinese pedo cartoons. I can't believe hector is a weeb.
Who is this sermon demon?
He’s a washed up game dev who made the shitty reboot of Ninja Gaiden and some tiddy games.
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20 year anniversary
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More scat please, bring me the diapers and leave them
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Bros where do i start with Krallice?
Good choice
>go be forgotten
>years past matter
in that order
both, its the gorguts bassist. he's consumed so much so-y that he is currently somewhere in between genders right now
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The official /metal/ rite of passage film. ST below.
>Popol Vuh - Kha-White Structures
>Burzum - Tomhet
>Dimmu Borgir - Det Nye Riket
>Dimmu Borgir - In Death's Embrace
>Dimmu Borgir - Alt lys er svunnet hen
>Dimmu Borgir - Stormblast
>Old Man's Child - ...Og Jeg Iakttok Dødsrikets Inntog
>Dimmu Borgir - Entrance
>Brian Eno - From the Same Hill
>Dimmu Borgir - Raabjørn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde
>Burzum - Ansuzgardaraiwô
>Burzum - Hermoðr á helferð
>Morbid Angel - Desolate Ways
>Popol Vuh - Morgengruß
>Popol Vuh - The Christ Is Near
>Popol Vuh - Kleiner Krieger
>Burzum - Frijôs goldene Tränen
>Judas Priest - Caviar and Meths
>Melissa Auf der Maur - Awasakwa
>Queens of the Stone Age - Spiders and Vinegaroons
Their 2nd album just came out, and it's pretty basic meloblack: listening to the debut it is a lot more interesting, lots of cool riffs. I wonder if they had a line-up change.
Anybody know if there are any good scat metal bands?
Who is this semon demon?
Blut Aus Nord
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It's the one melodic death metal album I actually like
be kind to your cat guys dont take it out on them even if you've had a bad day
they dont know nothing
>band is not from Sweden, Finland or Denmark
Sorry, but not listening! Wish you the best!
I thought everyone hated that genre here

Why do you leave out Norway
>t. lurk-deprived
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This, but wholly and unironically.

Video games are more embarrassing than cartoons.
The ones you play probably are.
Can you imagine tranypopers taste? We know borderlands, probably also normalfag trash like tony skater or mmos
early thread and off-topic OP
video games are inherently metal
No and we hate those childish wastes of time here.
What is it like wearing kpop merch to metal shows?
why is tranypoper so rude to jector anyways, you guys talk about each other all the time. just be kinder
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the one melodic death metal album I actually like mentioned
Intestinal Disgorge, Autopsy, Impaled
just get good bro
I have never heard "melodeath" that actually had good melodies. It all sounds about as shallow as this garbage:
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>just get good bro
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Here you go, brother.
Amon Amarth
Tsudere, poor ugly femcel has been acting out ever since I rejected her. I told that secretary to just ask mohammed to fill in for me as thats a prime German past time, but apparently not even the roaming sand people want her.
Does /metal/ still rep SW?
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What can I say? He is the peak of black metal.
Oh man, I remember when I'd see this album cover or the spurdo edit like every day here.

I can't remember a single riff/melody from AA except that obnoxious one from Pursuit of Vikings.
do you think this music is schizo? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfmi0v5vIGo
2015 /meal/ was peak
Don't care what you think diaper faggot. Still listening to DSO
DiaperSmegma Omegamale is peak bald
there just straight up isn't any lmao
the death metal with the best melody is not called 'melodeath'
utterly crushing. ugly retards exist and like things too therefore i am wrong. that gimp in your mugshot also likes to breathe air and drink water, how are you gonna cope with this knowledge?
Watch out, hes gonna greentext this post with a selfie
>utterly crushing. ugly retards exist and like things too therefore i am wrong.
If you play with children's toys like videogames you are not better than him
>that gimp in your mugshot also likes to breathe air and drink water, how are you gonna cope with this knowledge?
He breathes polluted air and fart-smelling air from his basement room and drinks only energy drinks and leaded water, which causes his video gaym addiction.
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Metal is for children
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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kaevvum kvvltur
Ok and?
So it would seem. Gaythenburg popularized the trend of boring pedal point riffs, where the top layer of "melody" is about as exciting as Mary Had a Little Lamb in E minor.
Perfect example here:
I want to learn more about fugues
Death metal is inherently a shitty genre with nothing remotely memorable about it. However the melodeath isn't that bad.
Black metal utterly mogs.
>However the melodeath isn't that bad.
That's the opposite of what I'm saying retard
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>Death metal is inherently a shitty genre with nothing remotely memorable about it. However the melodeath isn't that bad.
>Black metal utterly mogs.
okay but none of this changes video games and metal going hand in hand. so metal would also be childish to a default (it is) but i don't see how it matters since you're the only one seeming to bring up children and toys for no reason kek
Unfathomably based post. Fuck dissofags.
>video games and metal going hand in hand
When you consider Heavysaurus metal maybe.
Lots of cope over being called a manchild.
only trannypoper ever posts about that band as if anyone else knows them but you already knew it was a tranypoper post
100% true.
just for those who dont know
didn't you tell me "Nah no need" >>122710485
what's the band below DsO
héctor killed himself because first fagment sucks

deathspell omega
Chthe'ilist sucks
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We love melodeath here
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DsO isn't even on the image, that random picture has no confirmed connection with the band.

However the band you are asking about is Ehnahre (pic related), and we love them here.

This is basically the same as posting soijaks but doing that getd u banned
I like and enjoy all metal genres except for nu-"metal" and anything -core. There really needs to be more metalheads like me
Silencer rules
>captcha: kyms
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>This is basically the same as posting soijaks but doing that getd u banned
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Some very mediocre DSBM I randomly downloaded.
i look like that and say that
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>never been drunk or high in my life
>love stoner metal
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One of my top 5 albums of all time.
>>never been drunk
how old are you
Cross-board tourists should be banned if they don’t assimilate
34 year old boomer
Seeing the battered housewives that are In Flames fanboys try to define a cutoff for their discog is hilarious and inane. "Bro they were great until Colony!" "No dude, they were good until Clayman!" As though there is any appreciable difference between their 20 emo xylophone albums besides quality of the cover art.
kill your-my-self?
emo xylophone albums reign supreme
I'm not ashamed to admit that Colony got me into meloshit
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*Sips* Chocolate Java Mint Frappuccino with extra sòymilk
Cringe, drink alcohol and take drugs now
how come you has never been drunk, my nigga?
I'm a muslim.
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I'm straight edge
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meloshit is one of the few genres where I don't like the albums that got me into it anymore.
For me it was Soilwork.
>not being a Huwhite Mormon
is that who i was replying to? xhey didn't add any kpop images so it was hard to tell
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>I'm straight edge
For sure, I'm not that tightly wound that I think there's no place for 'entry' bands. But most of the time, those bands "fall off" when the listener finishes puberty.
U poop seamen bro
>is a pedo that shits cum
>mocks straight edge
There's a high horse I never thought I'd see.
Transypopper shits cvm dats why he posts the kpop picture
>shits cum
what is this meme, sorry last time i browsed this thread was like three months ago
jennypedo is "cumshitter" from another retarded containment general
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how awful
Sad state of affairs when the schizos turn on their own.
They say that Speed is not a real genre
Well I say that only speed is real
>hole expanding
yep, it's ripping time
It was /co/ not /soc/, get it right tranniepooper
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Top five black metal post-2000

1. Deathspell Omega - Paracletus
2. Inquisition - Ominous Doctrines
3. Avzhia - The Key of Throne
4. Aosoth - Arrow in Heart
5. Ruins of Beverast - Unlock the Shrine

Honorable mention: Synarchy
what is it with your kind and talking about pedophilia all day, real freudian vibes honestly
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Don't care about your /gg/ay drama
So I have a splendid idea.

I'm going to post /metal/ screenshots with AI voice on tiktok under Grausamkeit tag. The newfags who are into Grausamkeit will be immediatelly attracted to 4chan, a place of freedom and HVTE. I will keep doing this until each one of you is replaced by a trve kvlt Grausamkeit/raw Black Metal fans(there will be a massive influx)

/metal/ can finally redeem itself from poserdom.
Poser grausamkeit fans will be offended/filtered and leave as soon as they arrive
INHERENLY will become a legit motto for every trve black metaller across the media
Undergrovnd elitism will be brought back.
o shit it's Ugg Lee
okay tourist poser
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Holy KEK this sounds like a great idea anon, I'm with you.
Pedo samefag coping badly with being exposed.
I miss Radio Fenriz
Well it kinda does cos tranniepoper always gets a couple replies with everything she posts
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>I miss Radio Fenriz
You're not going to do anything.
>I'm gonna fill this place with braindead retards with no taste!
So... nothing changes
Kinda based
If this stops the general from devolving even further into the same 5 retards circlejerking themselves every day I'm all for it.
Doedskvad mogs all
>here's your trad wife, bro
Only way to save /metal/
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This thread's last.fm metalhead user selection
Could be worse.
Carcass? More like cacas
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brutally mogged
If only this general's taste was this good
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I mog him
we'll meet someday, trust me.
>not GraveDanger
awful taste
You've never seen a vagina IRL
>gone from VERY HIGH to LOW with me
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Not even I listen to Godspeed You! Black Emperor
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Why not they're decent enough if overrated
Can't be any worse than Charli XCX of all chuffing things
Choli's new album is AOTYSF
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>been here for literal years
>highest play is 400
>of a band with 3 minute long songs
hector is right, you don't listen to music
Unlike Hector, I listen to more than 12 bands
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Daily reminder that trannypopper yearly is less than the average poster's monthy. One "play" is a single song from an album btw. The most played album on this chart is filled with 3 second long meme "songs" btw.

A literal no-music larper.
Name the vocalist:

She has a life or something (her life is spamming here 24/7 lmaoo)
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dw bro I got you, peak taste coming through
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Why do most metal musicians act like this?
Don't ever fucking reply to me again
I just did, now what
Watch your back motherfucker
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Damn, that was great year for music.
Time to blast a 9 minute EP
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Fact: I am the only one ITT who actually likes riffs
Fact: this proves that I am a heterosexual

Based but you won’t get any love here
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You won't do shit, nerd
>but you won’t get any love here
Nearly every band there were recs from /mu/ or /metal/ like 10-13 years ago. I had my fill.
Only exception I think is Anaal Nathrakh which came from a friend.
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Why are all you metalheads so fucking ugly?
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We still get the big tiddy goth girls
Damn, what a balding poopeater
His face looks like ass. An incel most likely.
nice double chin, fatty

Back in 2007 it was Burzum memes and pitchfork metal That was literally it. Overtime things have gradually gotten better even though it doesn’t appear so
>Overtime things have gradually gotten better
I think some chick on the subway wanted me to fuck her. Looks like I'm a chad. Later virgins, I reject metal now.
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Are these any good?
You're still a virgin you can stay

Imagine being me and wanting to talk about metal but all your threads 404 if they weren’t sunbather, wittr, alcest, dso, or mastodon type slop
Imagine wasting quads on Reddit posting
couldn't be me
Nah that is irrelevant. Now I'm a volcel cuz I didn't go up to her.
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Such a good album. Such a gay shitty cover.
They're German so it's ok
Based. Most chad metal band
>Such a good album.
>Such a gay shitty cover.
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>including 'Roll for X' images
those are the best kind of charts
I'm listening to Inquisition - Obscure verses for the multiverse.
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First two Avantasia are masterpieces.
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Death Metal > Black Metal
go back to watching gay furry porn
I prefer Kickassia
Not their best era but still good
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blackies really see nothing wrong with dressing like this
autism confirmed
It only looks gay if you are gay or bi and get turned on by hairy man legs. To normal men it just looks manly
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Could be worse.
This is based though
yeah, they're worth a listen
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Is this based too?
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nah it's cringe
Christmas colors > B&W
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So this is better?
unironically yes
it is more rebellious and goes more against the grain than BM does
it causes more seethe than BM does
it's also stunning, brave, and heckin' valid
>it is more rebellious and goes more against the grain than BM does
But BM has the highest rate of trannies which is about as rebellious and anticulture as it gets for the genre.
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If you dont like this, you will never be trv3
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Black metal bands may be cringe, but they are nowhere near the levels of Emperor cringe.
what's his favorite metal band
Are they actual trannies, reverse traps, crossdressers, or hermaphrodites?
No one will ever top the king of cringe, Varg.
How does the ultimate fusion of metal and the sleazecore aesthetic look like?
First Fragment
I went to a Punk/grind/powerviolence/hardcore concert yesterday and 60% looked like sleazecore hipsters
All of the above.
Probably this guy with a PRS playing Dissection staircase riffs
Why would you go to that
All are valid
Name 25. Should be extremely easy for you. Do not include Americans. Europeans only.
All the bands were good except for the opener which was just terrible
Why exclude the preeminent BM nationality though?
Can literally turn that around for any other genre.
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Who performed
Being trans is metal
>hasn't written a review text file in 3 weeks
Nile released a new single. It's a barn burner

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pre-eminently transexual
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BIB,Saufknast,Brain Tourniquet + Deliriant Nerve
Black metal is for trannies. homosexuals, bullied rejects and autists. No real man listen to that shit
buy this book you dumb coomer

Is buy it but they have tattoos
Books are for retards
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Is being a metal fag yet ANOTHER one of your personalities???
I like black metal
There wasnt a single young hot woman in the crowd when I saw them
>want to wear my dropdead or siege long sleeve at a festival to mog the plebs
>it will be 40 fucking degrees
Now that the dust has settled how does Moonblood stack up in the second wave?

I’d rather have hectorposting than you cretins. Some of the worst posting I’ve seen yet
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can these fuckers release another album already
The youngest thing you'll see there will be their wheelchairs
god I hope so
That album is too fucking fun
Dropdead and Siege are pretty entry level. I see tons of people wearing the former's stuff.
When I saw them there were bunches of young hot metal chicks but they were all with someone, which made me really jealous because I don't understand where the hell guys find these metal chicks at
Reminder that Bongman took drumming lessons from their drummer
Reminder that Bongman had sex and abandoned this general
they were good but inconsistent, The Evil Rules was their only release where I liked every song. the studio albums sucked but TOGS was better than Blut & Krieg.
>no Downing or Tipton
>Judas Priest
Nigga in this country everyone wears the same ultra normalfag shit you can buy at Walmart or whatever. Said bands are like mega underground here.
Must be a total doodoocrap country with cacapeepee on it lol
holy fuck when did this leak?
>released two good albums back to back as geriatric fucks
>Halford still has an acceptable voice after doing falsetto screeching for 50 years
I just want to see Rob before he croaks.
Even the guy in zebra pants had one. Where can I find me a metal chick
DowningSymptome and Titdong suck
He'll be croaking all through the show without his studio Pro Tools to cover him
>young hot metal chicks
I don't believe you
Uhhh excuse me despite being the poorest country in the EU according to a recent study we are still... something something the study was rigged anyway and uhhh Soros and Brussels and uhhh....
Based glamchad
They had flash in the pan syndrome and by the time they released a full length their best days were behind them
he's restless. something's troubling him.
He did really good when I saw them this year
Why is Nails doing Speediaper now
I have no idea. Nails sounding "fun" just feels wrong. I like the new vocal style tho.
The women is ugly and fat
Real women don't listen to metal
Metal is appaling music and so are it's smelly fans
they were just better at Bathory worship than Darkthrone worship
Moonblood is a word for a woman's period
metal bands be like
>4 cavemen white dudes wearing big black shirts and cargo shorts
Anyone else hate people who wear bad metal shirts like from Sabaton and stuff
Hate on a fellow metalbro? Never.
Us metaltards deserve hate and punches
>Makes all faggots seethe
More like makes people into faggots
Darkthrone is queer
Nah, I'm ok with any metal band shirt. What I hate are posers who show up to metal shows wearing false metal or nu-"metal" shirts like Slipknot, Disturbed, Tool, etc.
nueve threadoso
>love Synarchy
>have to see it get memed to death every day
>can never mention it again because of hectorite allegations
I suffer.
dating sites probably. you'll never see a half-decent looking woman who's single at a metal show; there's a reason they're there in the first place, and it isn't the music.
Ima keep posting DSO because its kino, fuck hector for ruining for us metal chads.

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