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/mu/ - Music

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Kot edition
old >>122723354
faq https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
core is metal.
Babymetal is epic
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Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Knocked Loose released the metal AOTY and no shitty black metal slop will top it
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The official /metal/ rite of passage film. ST below.
>Popol Vuh - Kha-White Structures
>Burzum - Tomhet
>Dimmu Borgir - Det Nye Riket
>Dimmu Borgir - In Death's Embrace
>Dimmu Borgir - Alt lys er svunnet hen
>Dimmu Borgir - Stormblast
>Old Man's Child - ...Og Jeg Iakttok Dødsrikets Inntog
>Dimmu Borgir - Entrance
>Brian Eno - From the Same Hill
>Dimmu Borgir - Raabjørn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde
>Burzum - Ansuzgardaraiwô
>Burzum - Hermoðr á helferð
>Morbid Angel - Desolate Ways
>Popol Vuh - Morgengruß
>Popol Vuh - The Christ Is Near
>Popol Vuh - Kleiner Krieger
>Burzum - Frijôs goldene Tränen
>Judas Priest - Caviar and Meths
>Melissa Auf der Maur - Awasakwa
>Queens of the Stone Age - Spiders and Vinegaroons
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You're obese and circumcised
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tourism is generally disliked here.
Here we go, baby is big mad again
first for werewolf is fat and gay
Bunch of bad ol' prosaic trash.
No, core is homosexuality
quite turbulent
First thing in the goddamn mornin'. Getting the needle out? No, sir!
Master of metal
god baased
I kneel.
Is this guy a NS or what? I only listen to NS black metal.
he would have been gassed if he lived during hitlers rule
Filters posers like no other...
c h a d
>norsecore tourist samefag thread
How does his music get better every listen bros?
thats every thread
Whatever that faggot's name is. "Hecter", yeah right. A toad. Get 'im in the ring to get smacked texan style. Bust his jaw open, vulgarly, of course. Fuckin' junkie. Always wantin' more, like a jewess. See ya later, the "delivery" is here.
Eternally based, holy shit!
Nobody can compete
It's not him, it's /gg/ schizo sperging about not getting to make the thread. Does it like thrice a week at this point at least. Continued mental decline.
Perhaps the greatest one-man band in existence
Stop replying to your post faggot
fuck off kpop simp
Warmaster RIFFS
Wagner of metal.
riffs so dark they stole my car radio
>Lauri Penttilä
>Satanic Warmaster
>Nazgul von Armageddon
>Satanic Warmaster Mutilator Werewolf of Black Vengeance
>Sexual Hammer
>Satanic Tyrant Werwolf
>Graf Werwolf
>Vince Venom
Kys you self replying faggot
King of kings
v*****a shirt.. very based
Artist: Satanic Warmaster
Album: Carelian Satanist Madness
Song: Carelian Satanist Madness

>Born from the blood that was carried through time
>Encircling the true essence of the wolf
>To reap the weak as a cursed shadow in the night
>And let their death ornament the snow

>When the fullmoon shines, the werewolf strikes
>The human fear sings my song
>When carelian forests echoe with your death
>The power is regained by the strong

>Singing Sieg Heil - psalms to scourge jewish god
>To make his children rot and hurt
>Burning the chapels so their prayers cannot be heard
>To leave them as kill for our knives

>To see their altars turned to dust - Is a dream becoming reality
>To see their cross crumbling to rust - Forgotten to void for eternity

>The rite of white man reborn - From false light into darkness
>That holds the true light in scorn - The Carelian Satanist Madness

>When their children crawl in broken glass
>The human torment carries my name
>When the embers breed a new black order
>The darkness reveals the true light

>When the fullmoon shines, the werewolf strikes
>The human fear sings my song
>When carelian forests echoe with your death
>The world is regained by the Satan

>The rite of white man reborn - From false light into darkness
>That holds the true light in scorn - The Carelian Satanist Madness
Kys, stop spamming
Not even 60 posts in and the thread's already fucked
The absolute state
warmaster my dear
Made my day.
Start a new thread, fuck this gay ass shit
Great post
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Kommodus fails to disappoint, shit's got riffs. Not listened to the Celestial Sword half yet, but I think it'll be good, I enjoy them as well.
top tier.
We love Werwolf here.
virginal riffs
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lauri a qt patooti
>listening to the gay shit before breaking out the heavy stuff
Who else
that cover is bad ass, this better be good
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great yeah
excessively based post
meant for >>122731288
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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black metal master.
Lauri is the most dangerous individual to the system imaginable.
Album of the common era
deathcore reigns supreme once again
did someone make the norsecuck cry last thread? is that why he's having yet another spergout?
>not a single one of the positive replies is within a minute of the other
Satanic Warmaster more like Shartanic Fartmaster amirite????
What's some actually good deathcore?
Jannies and k-poop mods would delete it
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King of Carelia. Warm4ster.
Greatest in the universe
Of all note, rhythm, tonal and harmonic variations, Satanic Warmaster objectively bested everyone else.
why are you gay
yes tbqh
100% True
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its not the norsecore sperg, it's the robotposting /gg/ schizo that constantly brags about his vpn. he dropped the act a few weeks ago and pretty much admitted he only spams shitmaster to troll. he always does this whenever someone else makes the thread when he wants to. as if that ever stopped anyone LMAO
Lauri is an eternal metal icon
diabolical in finland
holy mother of schizo what did i wander into
The power is regained by the strong
Deformity is great. only 2 albums tho.
Prayer for Cleansing and The Red Chord are also good.
for modern stuff, Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Tracheotomy are good.
Metal perfection...
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thought devin townsend was a hack but i'm digging pic related. what's his best non-SYL material?
OverLord of Metal.

Satanic riffmaster
Watched nuPantera last weekend, whoever asks if not sure to watch them in the future, yes, it's worth it.
Devin gets barebacked all day
>reddit townsend
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What do you think of Integrity?
this is before he went full "LOL ALIENS DRINK COFFEE SILLY AND FUN!!!". once he gets to that point he's unbearable
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Ruler of the general
pretty damn good. their early work gets all the praise but To Die For is a great album as well
mogs trannypoper
>dropped the act a few weeks ago
furry redditor bitch
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Very good
I liked Those Who Fear Tomorrow. What album/release should I listen up to? Like which albums are their early good albums?
Mastered all there is to black metal.
metal god
Women belong in metal, especially if they are chubby with fat tits
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definitely Humanity Is the Devil. it's an EP but it's arguably their best work. Systems Overload and Seasons in the Size of Days are also good, but don't reach the same highs as the debut and the EP
Russian girl?
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is there any money being in a gimmick band?
have a nice day guys
Those mfs lost money from paying royalties to both McDonald's and Black Sabbath lmao
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Are Unicorns Black metal
Alcest fans love unicorns
Black dildos are the most metal thing you could own.
the dumbest jungle rot album > dso
I fucked your sister. Texan style. Fingered 'er right deep in, oh yeah I did. Till the bitch moaned. Callin' me names, veiny cock ready to rock. Poured some acid to check what's up. But that's hush-hush.
What are you talking about?
I fucking love McMetal.
The fat american consuming hundreds of bigmacs and farting in his basement mic is some of darkest black metal I have ever heard. Trve kvlt shit.
>invents metal
bell witch
>highest iq metal discussion thread
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>Beherit shirt arrives tomorrow
i like the metallica
Im metal
>there goes that dork with the bad drawings on his shirt
Are you the same one with the hello kitty boombox
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commenting to kill the thread faster
swedeish country metal
Metal is for children
why tho
low test post
Median age of this thread: 46
Keep 'em needles comin'. Handyman, catch me sayin'? You've got no balls, son. Blasted fool. Like that faggot "Hectares", grovellin' in shit. Gotta push it further, to the limit. Balls to the wall. Narcotic breakdown. That's what I'm talkin' about, get it good. Real good.
Shit thread.
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metal is serious bidnes
very true and based!
metal bands with baritone singer?
1) Satanic Warmaster
2) Satanic Warmaster
3) Satanic Warmaster
4) Satanic Warmaster
5) Satanic Warmaster
Median penile length of this thread: 4.6 inches
Morpheus Descends
Monk metal
hector's not here right now tho
let the bodies hit the
>mogs werewolf effortlessly
Little punk. Look at yourself. Not one needle, not even one that's ready to pop. To get it right in. Feel it flowin'. The good stuff. Long gone. "Mortiis", whatever. Whatever, your idols. Heh, yeah right. Bunch of darkieloving geeks. Excuse me. Pack your stuff to candyland. Buy 'em lollipops. For daddy.


Listen to this snare.
>Dear Journal, today Hector took his meds and best blastings poster quoted my post. it was a good day.
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brodequin worship, pretty solid stuff
im not a scizo
what is that sound, a cowbell?
Tool. You heard that right. A tool. A fool left with nothin'. Nothin'. His blackened idols. Pardon. Who you lookin' up to? Maggots. That's who. They don't shoot 'em like they used to. With vigor. The manly shot. Hotshot, if you will. Stoppin' by disneyland to get the fix. With you? Never. Look in the mirror, boy. You're gone. Busting your balls for nothin'.
is beherit worth listening to beyond the early shit? does he even stay black metal? i don't know
is shytten
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this best bathory
sorry wrong pic
No, Engram is absolute dogshit.
Bardo Exist needs no mention.
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This is secretly the best thing Beherit ever did
We like Engram here
What is that? looks like a crappy NWN reissue
Sure. You're good ol' pile of shit. Not the good stuff. Oh, not even close. Mind your manners, boy. I'm not your wimpy daddy. There are rules. Needle rules. You got that right. Stomp. Fuckin' your mother, yet? Heh. So I thought. I'm ready to fuck, though. Cocked up. Stuff 'er up, real good. Pork. "Striborg"? You mockin' me, boy? Gotta check 'em balls. Darkskin.
are pantera the biggest racist band in metal?
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Phil anselmo is honorary african
Type O Negative
The Lord Diabolus - Down There, not released under the Beherit name because of some record company bullshit
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Not music
Dumb. Like a rock. Be solid, like a good texan log. Lookin' frail, big guy. Pumpin' something? Try inhaling some balls. "Hectorian". Sweaty balls. Like your mother. That ball of anger. Blast it out. Express. Let it fly through the needle. Pain. Nope. Wrong. More pain, scumbag. Listen to Viking Crown - Banished Rhythmic Hate. Hands down best shit I've ever done. Yes, Sir. That's me on the vocals. All out, like a river in the veins. Sit down, wimp.

Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle

I'm your contact link across the great divide
Many voices in my ear, hold on
I think there's something coming through from the other side
It's for all those who believe

The chain is stronger if the lifeline is unbroken
So beware the presence of the Unexpected Guest

Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle

Many things we thought were lost may come to light
On a higher plane in the spirit world
Where only a few of us possess the second sight
Now the messenger awaits

The chain is stronger if the lifeline is unbroken
So beware the presence of the Unexpected Guest

Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle must keep going on and on

But wait
Is there one amongst us here who disbelieves?
A stranger to the sign, take care
For all the things you fear may be revealed
Within the forces of the night

The chain is stronger if the lifeline is unbroken
So beware the presence of the Unexpected Guest

Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle

Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle

The circle must keep going on and on
Yes the circle must keep going on and on
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should i make a jacket/vest
No, but only because you'd probably put some gay kpop shit on it.
>t. Schizo
you should kys hans
No. Oh, no. You aren't comin' at me with that tone. Liberal punk. Look at my crotch. There's something pinned in my cock. Veiny and stiff. Unlike your lip, sugarboy. Ready to take a trip. Nascar. Nevada. Whatever. Get out of my sight. Homosexual. How's your sister? Swallowed it. Oh, she fucking did. Angelic. Shakin' a bit there, tough guy. Just like momma's legs. Yes, sir. Just like your whoring mother. What an angel.
No she wouldn't, trannypopper is a normalfag who thinks about her social image at all times. Look at how she posts and what she mocks, her entire worldview involves submitting to others expectations. Ask her if shes ever worn a kringepop t shirt to a metal show, shes already said she never has or would. Normalfags do everything to blend in and pretend to belong with others because they don't value themselves, they are just automatons who say or do whatever it is they are programmed to believe is the "appropriate" action.
>kpopposter making Heccy seethe once again
post all the bugs you want, king.
Master of metal!!!
100% correct.
He reigns.
Stoic metal
It's a fucked up world (World) and a fucked up place (Place)
Everybody's judged by their fucked up face
Fucked up dreams (Dreams), fucked up life (Life)
A fucked up kid with a fucked up knife
Fucked up moms (Moms) and fucked up dads (Dads)
It's a fucked up cop with a fucked up badge
Fucked up job (Job) with fucked up pay
And a fucked up boss, this a fucked up day
Fucked up press (Press) with fucked up lies (Lies)
While Lethal's in the back with the fucked up eyes

Hey (It's on)
Everybody knows it's on
Hey (It's on)
Everybody knows it's on

Ain't it a shame that you can't say "fuck"? (Fuck)
Fuck's just a word and it's all fucked up
Like a fucked up punk (Punk) with a fucked up mouth (Mouth)
A nine inch nail,, I'll get knocked the fuck out
Fucked up AIDS (AIDS) from fucked up sex (Sex)
Fake-ass titties on a fucked up chest
We're all fucked up, so what you wanna do
With fucked up me and fucked up you?
>I'm not afraid (I'm not afraid)
>To take a stand (to take a stand)
>Everybody (everybody)
>Come take my hand (come take my hand)
>We'll walk this road together, through the storm
>Whatever weather, cold or warm
>Just letting you know that you're not alone
>Holler if you feel like you've been down the same road (same road)
Homo. I'll maul you. Check my forehead. "UNSCARRED". Your daddy taught you to read, yet? Good. Time for some sign language. Open your mouth for the train. "Aborigenore" or my mornin' shit. Yes, m'am. My shit. Any day of the week. Anger. Your mouth? That of a wimp. Not for war. Oh, far from it. Very far. But mine? Heh, not for dick-sucking. Yes, Sir. I am sure.
based limp bizkit poster
ai slop
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these guys were listed as black metal and this is NOT black metal
>talking about yourself in the 3rd person
I don't like other Death albums that much but this one is worth all the hype
What am I missing?
Metabolic Acidosis
>pentagram logo
not listening!
Speed metal
KILL ALL THE WHITE PEEPO – Peter Steele 1993
It's not as good as you've heard. For some reason it's some inexplicable holy grail meme dm album yet it's like bottom 3 of their catalogue.
Wider. Sure, you can take it. Look at your mother. All prepped up, just for daddy Phil. Southern Style. A goner. To be slaughtered. I've become more than a man. A needle to be filled. You? A wimp. Balls? None. Beaten round 'n round. Just like daddy. Nope. Not movin' an inch. I stand my ground. Yes, Sir. My ground.
not metal
You're not metal, you fucking fag.
>yet it's like bottom 3 of their catalogue
Show me a better Death song than Empty Words or Crystal mountain
>peter steele fan calling other fags
Left to Die and Within the Mind mog hard
TON is on MetalArchives, if that doesn’t make them metal, I don’t know what does.
>Evil Dead
>Flattering of Emotions
>Spirit Crusher
Also one or two good or even great songs don't make up for the snoozefest the rest of that album is. Ok ok – maybe I'm being a little harsh. I love everything Death. However, Symbolic is overrated, comparatively, in my opinion. I'd much rather listen to Leprosy, Spiritual Healing, or Human.
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I really like Manilla Road
I avoid this band because of their stupid name
Lack of Comprehension carries that album
Vacant Planets is better, you pleb faggot. Lack of Comprehension is just their pop single from that album in order to get more chicks.
Stomped. What you packin' there? Searchin' for 'em round things? About time. I left one at your mother's house. Sure, I did. And a big ol' Southern dump on the floor. Pissed on your "Faggenbach" poster. Of course. Oh, any time, boy. Bust you right open. Like momma. Not playin'? Because I sure as fuck am not. No, Seargant. It's on. Fuck you.
>jennyfag yeeted AGAIN
thank you based jannies
Ai slop
New album never
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more like vanilla chode
Based. Respected and beloved here, they are.
saw a qt with a Moonsorrow hat in Florida
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thats it
Wagner Richard
A load. Sure, 'em bigguns. Vannila pudding down the bushy south. Of course. Screamed and moaned. Tryin' to get that ballsy sperm down the river. Him? Busted 'im wide open. Broke the fucker's skull. Damn right, m'am. On a trip to Vinterland and back. Change your diapers, son. Stinkin' my needles up. Tryin' to get 'em explosive hottie shots later. Fuck no. Pussy shots? Get 'em levels checked, boy. Know a good doc. Lookin' right at him.
>t. nigger
Ye West still reigns supreme
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Metallica at home
kek so true
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*posts white ward*
holy reddit
Metallica never wrote something as hard as The Gathering
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Not good. Yes, Sir. Pretty bad. On the run. Tryin' get that last good fuck. A good texan hole. 'Member your momma's bush? Like 'em Faginavian forests. A fog of cum. Needle of pain. Look me in the eyes, son. UNSCARRED. You? Toddling. Diaper abuser. A little faggot waiting to be fucked by daddy. Oh, of course. Exactly like a faggot.
Damage Inc. alone mogs Testament's entire catalog
Shut up Steve I know that's you.
Oh no /metal/
damn i don't usually listen to vatnig bands but this kinda slaps
posting again to kill the thread faster
missed you, ohnoposter
Pretty sure that is the bleepfag, arguably the worst poster in the history of /mu/.
based reddit expert
AI slop
i cant believe it bros
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breddy gud thanks
he only loved authentic beauty
Make new thread, or I’ll make a Megadeth OP!




I was going to do that anyways. all hail dave
quality post

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