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>timeless lyrics about freedom of speech, justice, war, environmental destruction, mental illness, childhood trauma, and freedom of expression
>their best song writing and riffs
>godly drumming
>kirk actually plays good solos
>insane guitar tone
>refused to turn up the bass track for the remaster
>peak James vocals
God damn I love this album so much and it is easily their best.
Tbh, take out Shortest Straw and Eye of the Beholder and it's a 10. The title track is one of their best songs IMO
For me it’s kill em all, the only good, true Metallica record
I love eye of the beholder. ‘Who decides what you express’ ‘you can do it your own way, if it’s done just how I say’ goated lyrics
This was one of the only albums my Paps would listen to all the way through. 9/10 in my book, best Metallica album. DEAR MOTHER DEAR FATHER WHAT IS THIS HELL YOU HAVE BROUGHT ME TOO
Was my fav Metallica album for a very long time

It's better than shortest Straw for sure. I like the song but I think the chorus is pretty weak. Just not as good as all the other songs on the album which are epic.

>timeless lyrics about freedom of speech, justice, war, environmental destruction, mental illness, childhood trauma, and freedom of expression
Muh freeze peach, muh both sides bad
>their best song writing and riffs
bloated, directionless
>godly drumming
pasted together from probably as many takes as there are bars in each songs
>kirk actually plays good solos
good for his standards, ig
>insane guitar tone
like most 80s/90s guitar tones its barely listenable by todays standards
>refused to turn up the bass track for the remaster
making it sound even worse for no reason
>peak James vocals
shame he wastes it on chud lite shit
Epic troll post. Thanks for wasting your time
Imagine believing all of this. KEK. Any true Metallica fan knows that Justice is their masterpiece.
This album always sounded to me like it was a more elaborate $5.98 E.P Garage Days
Same flat sound, no resonance, but worse songwriting and a whole lot of noodling
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ok but I'd still rather listen to RTL
The quality of a Metallica album can only be measured on how many Mustaine riffs are on it. That’s why Kill ‘Em All is their only worthwhile album, as it’s 99% Dave. Lighting and Puppets are both barely passable but do contain Mustaine riffs, saving them from the trash heap, but And Justice For All is easily the worst of the classic era as it has ZERO confirmed Mustaine riffs, meaning it falls in with other low effort garbage like St. Wanker and 72 Shitstains. Simple as that.

Shortest straw has some based riffs though.
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Hey man, just get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.
Yeah I never understood why zoomers hate that song.
>metallica thread
>megashart gets brought up
like precision clockwork
glorified demo album

I love the theme of grief on the album that is always there, but never direct or obvious.

James and Lars were obviously badly affected by the brutal loss of their friend, but because they’re repressed, they just wrote songs about war and injustice and stuff.
it's the logical conclusion to metal
anything more technical is pointless and not great for larger audience capture
lars was absolutely based for realising this
Kill ‘Em All is the weakest of the first 5, and it's not even close
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Megadookie fans have Metallica Derangement Syndrome.
Both sides are bad…
In fact, the whole system is bad.
Why do people like you defend it, when it actively goes against the interests of the American people. I can only imagine you’re not American, and if you are you’re part of the problem.
fuck you motherfucker cunt cocksucker fagtallica would still be playing dive bars in buttfuck nowhere if they didn’t steal all of Megadave’s mega riffs. As soon as they ran out, their albums got worse and worse as seen by Puppets and AJFA being certified sludge vomit compared to Dave ‘Em All and Ride the Mustaine.
This is what Megadiarrhea fans actually believe.
Fuck u bitch Megadave was the only person from Redditallica that had a smidgen of talent, bar Cliff of course god rest his soul. Caveman Hetfield and that danish retard wouldn’t know a good metal song if it came and smacked them across the fucking face with its fat greasy cock. Kill ‘Em All is the only Memetallica album that isn’t an instant 0 out of 10 and it’s purely because of those juicy Mustaine riffs and even those are ruined by Ramenhead Hammet wah-wahing the fuck out of them.
someone let dave back on 4chan again
the production is so dull, can't listen to it
To be fair, so does Mustaine. 39 years and he still won’t shut the fuck about Metallica. He was in the band for a year and he was fired right before they even recorded their first studio album, he’s not even on it. His contributions and influence were mostly gone by RtL (except for the two songs he contributed to).
The muted bass really dulls it. I still like the album but it sounds off. They really treated Jason Newsted like shit because he wasn’t Cliff. Trujillo is great but I still wish Newsted was in the band for his backup vocals alone
production on this album sucks
Redditallica, lol
Their fourth best. Both battery and one are top 10 metallica songs though.
kill 'em all is a bunch of drunk 18-20 years olds that are basically just playing their favorite bands but faster and end up with their own original sound because of it. in other words: it's probably the closest you can get to the pure essence of metal. 100% raw unfiltered SOVL
he shut up for a bit in the early 2010s especially when metallica invited him on stage for their 30th anniversary to play the four horsemen. you'd think the hatchet would be buried but i think a year ago or so i saw an interview on blabbermouth where he was once again bitching about metallica. he really honestly can't get over them.
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Jesus what a garbage opinion. I'm surprised you're apparently smart enough to use a keyboard.
He really is the Axl Rose of thrash metal.
Let me spell it out for you cocksuckers
GOD TIER: Kill ‘Em All
GOOD TIER: Ride the Lightning
BAD TIER: Master of Puppets, Garage Days, And Justice for All
GARBAGE TIER: Black Album, Death Magnetic, Hardwired to Self Destruct
It sounds like it’s missing something
>shortest straw
lame as fuck

this shit mogs all of memetallica's songs combined:
i hope you weren't serious with this post
>easily their best.
Wrong. Half the songs arent even memorable/good whereas every track on Master is a masterpiece.
Completely wrong.
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>>timeless lyrics about freedom of speech, justice, war, environmental destruction, mental illness, childhood trauma, and freedom of expression
>Muh freeze peach, muh both sides bad
>>their best song writing and riffs
>bloated, directionless
>>godly drumming
>pasted together from probably as many takes as there are bars in each songs
>>kirk actually plays good solos
>good for his standards, ig
>>insane guitar tone
>like most 80s/90s guitar tones its barely listenable by todays standards
>>refused to turn up the bass track for the remaster
>making it sound even worse for no reason
>>peak James vocals
>shame he wastes it on chud lite shit
>we should put all trans, gay, black, muslim people into camps and murder them
>mmh, maybe we shouldn't?
Ah yes, both sides are truly equally bad
Any album from Kill to TBA can be considered their best and everyone will have a different favourite. They're all good as fuck.

Master is easily their best for me. Ride is close behind.

fact! but people need to feel special about themselves and praise the earliest and most amateurish music a band did rather than their obvious improvement over time.
fresh pasta?
at least half of Megadeth's discography
please stop watching porn
bass in a metal album is too gimmicky. metalica captured metal perfectly with the justice album
Nah, Kill ‘Em All is still good. Dated production, unrefined, and the lyrics aren’t very good. But it sounds great. It’s the album I liked the least as a teen and listen to the most as an adult
le bass. You can listen to it with enhanced bass on youtube, it adds nothing to the album. James wasn't being petty, the album legit sounds better with dull bass, jason didn't really add much and he just follows the riff
how i feel when i see people on this thread discussing which album was the most "legendary" and then actually listen to it (it sounds like shit)
metallica hasn't made a single good song in their entire existence, it's a band for balding poser boomers
Real shit, after Youthanasia it took them until United Abominations to make a listenable record again. Then after Endgame, they never did again.
Shut up Dave
I'd put it slightly above MoP, but otherwise yes.
>putting the weakest above the strongest
It's easy to get caught up in the hype, this was Metallica's golden years, but it doesn't change that the album is 80% filler and only the title track and Orion are good
holy contrarian batman!
I don't get this.. it is dry as hell yes but it has this blunt punishing sound that fits the songs really well. It sounds like they're playing in some shitty dry warehouse like the one on the "One" music video.
Filler? There are only 8 songs and they’re all good in their own way. MoP is widely considered to be their best album followed very closely by RtL which some out ahead of it but the consensus is that those two are their best

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