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classical music is gay. Metal and jazz is better. Only dumb faggots and larpers would disagree.
agreed also I fell headfirst onto the floor as soon as I was born
>also I fell headfirst onto the floor as soon as I was born
I can tell by your weak ass sarcasm. Cope.
Black metal sucks though
not burzum
Darkthrone and Bathory will always be better than burzum
classical AND jazz is gay
metal is better.
darkthrone is boring compared to early immortal and burzum. transilvanian hunger was the only good album out of the trinity. Also summoning, emperor, and all that avant-garde shit is gay too (except early sigh).
jazz is cool. It's a based american genre.
burzum is really good. You're just A FAGGOT!
lol OP the following is better than 99% of metal & jazz

get this lame ambient shit out of my screen you loser. You're all like "DIS IS BETTER DAN 99% OF METUL AND JAZZ" and it's just some retarded background music that would be used for a crappy jprg game. Goofy fucking nintendo music get out of my thread lil man.
This is how you can tell someone has never listened to a jazz track in their entire life
I can't believe he posted this shit thinking "oh yea this'll show em". Absolute garbage. The audacity bro. People just don't have taste these days. It's stressful dealing with such gay pleb faggots.
the less distorted guitar something has, the gayer it sounds.
>metal and jazz
two dramatically different genres. What even is the point of this post (you're right thou)
this is good but not better than like 40% of those genres let alone 99%. Think before you throw your percentages. You've almost definitely not listened to jazz because you would probably like a swath of fusion based on this. Like, listen to Pat Metheny or something he makes shit like this
>two dramatically different genres
they have some things in common. Versatility, variety (that's why they intersect with prog alot), cool use of harmonics, recreational drug use, both communities have the most passionate vinylfags, lots of cool japanese shit with both genres, etc. Plus atheist is pretty nice. Imaginary soniscape too.
but next time try to type without crying
>but next time try to type without crying
I'm having a pretty nice day actually. Keep seething.
this person definitely wears a beany
cope. I wear flatbrims and sunglasses with hawaiian shirts.
Is unlistenable because gay music theory fags learn scales, then throw them in the garbage and start playing random notes with seemingly no rhyme or reason. There's no amount of mental gymnastics you can come up with to convince me that modern jazz musicians aren't mentally retarded.
nobody cares about impressing normalfaggots like you. Stay filtered.
>Yes, I can play random notes fast
Oh shit, we got the Jazz Vinnie Vincent over here.
this sounds based. Better than listening to some gay wagner crap. Also hard bop mogs chopin and liszt.
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>ummmmm you're baiting
get heemed orch-dork.
You are underage.
>boring npc fart replies
>accuses people of being underage
you're projecting and you can't tell me otherwise.
"Classical music" is the most diverse group of music and simply too broad of a term, it really undermines the many movements from medieval music to the 21st century (not just contemporary garbage but one could argue film and video game scores are half-classical), each of which are comparable to "metal" or "jazz" (also quite diverse, but less so) as its own genre. There's something in it for everyone, if you're not retarded and anti-good music of course. Don't be obtuse.
Pathetic attempt at trolling and underage. Ironically, being too dumb to understand classical is peak NPC behavior.
OP is legally retarded hahahaha
>you're the npc nawt me
>muh high IQ
lol midwit bugman behavior.
>midwit bugman behavior
Projecting now, are we?
>Science Says the Smartest People Listen to This Kind of Music
>The result was that students who scored higher in intelligence were associated with an ear for wordless music genres like big band, classical, and ambient or chill electronica. Another finding was that students who listened to music cognitively--that is, for the enjoyment of analyzing or appreciating the composition or technique--also preferred instrumental music.
Oh no no no, the metalfag is absolutely SEETHING right now
>you're underage nawt me
>Projecting now, are we?
more boring npc bugman replies
>n-n-no you. You're projecting
classical is for faggot charlatans who like playing intellectualist like it's a game of dress up lol. Western art music is for women.
the mentally retarded child is seething with anger now!
>i-i-if you would consult the science
och-dork band kids are good at making their music sound faggy as fuck. You're trying to sell yourself as smart and it's failing embarrassingly.
>if you would consult the graph
this weak ""le high iq empirical evidence"" only works on bugmen lmao
>Several studies suggest a correlation between classical music preferences and higher levels of education and income. Research published in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences found that individuals with higher intelligence scores, which are often linked to higher educational attainment, are more likely to prefer instrumental music, including classical music. This study indicates that more intelligent individuals are inclined towards complex and analytical forms of music
hahahaha the retard (who is POOR and UNEDUCATED) is absolutely frothing at the mouth now, lmaoing at your life buddy
you are underaged. Especially since you overate fagssical and think you're special for defending it LMAO
>A comprehensive review in the Journal of Cultural Economics highlights that higher education and income are significant predictors of attendance at classical music events. This reinforces the idea that classical music fans tend to be wealthier and better educated
UH-OH! Too dumb and poor to listen to classical music, are we?
>you're underage nawt me
>y-y-you see according to this study...
lol fagssical tards are boring trust-fund bugmen who can't do anything outside of larping as special. Metal and jazz mogs.
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Now why would anybody listen to an uneducated poorfag? Classicalchads win again
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>n-n-n-no these studies are dumb because I don't agree with them
>boring shitflinging
underdeveloped pre-frontal cortex behavior. More proof that classicaltards are bugmen npc..
>appealing to lame graphs nobody but 16 aspies care about like a bugman
>posts frogs like newfag retards
more bugman behavior. Classicalfags are lame failsons who overate midwit music just because they want to larp as aristocrats lmao.
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The studies say otherwise, stupid poorfag. But I didn't expect a penniless dummy to be able to read.
>Research published in the British Journal of Music Education discusses the significant impact of music education on preferences for complex music such as classical. It found that individuals with higher levels of education and those who attended music school or classical music concerts tend to have a greater appreciation for classical music.
This will absolutely trigger the poorfags.
It's easy to larp as an aristocrat when you have money and a high education, whereas poorfags have to be themselves, i.e. poor LMAO
lol nobody cares about your articles npc bugman failson. Classical music is for fags and chinese women. Chads listen to jazz and metal.
>It's easy to larp as an aristocrat
not really. Look how badly you're failing at it KEK
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>n-n-n-no these studies are wrong because... THEY JUST ARE OKAY?
Must be a lot of wealthy fags and Chinese women out there. Classicalchads win again!
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How could an uneducated poorfag even tell?
>how about you come up with a logical argument against my faggy articles and graphs *adjusts glasses*
lol failson queerboy behavior
>Must be a lot of wealthy fags and Chinese women out there.
you're one of them. You're a chinese lesbian grandma and you listen to the same boring standards and gay yellow piss recordings LOL
>tfw when you are intelligent, rich and listen to classical music
still failing. Frogcucks are so lame lmao.
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Feels good to be a chinese lesbian grandma with three mansions to her name and a gargantuan vinyl collection of supreme classical recordings. This will make the uneducated poors seethe!
midwit bugman behavior. Nobody is convinced.
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>wahh wahh I'm too poor and dumb to able to comprehend classical music (peak)
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The low IQ poor rages at the wealthy high IQ classicalchad.
>Feels good to be a chinese lesbian grandma with three mansions to her name and a gargantuan vinyl collection of supreme classical recordings
this is the saddest shit I've read. You should actually kill yourself anon.
As a fan of all three this is a confusing take
>frogfag zoomers larping as aristocrats for listening to chinese grandma music
lol, nobody under the age of 90 likes classical.
Conceptualise, if you will, just how limited and small the Op's frame of reference and intellectual capacities are. His world is so small, and going by his picture, is actually informed by 90s Hollywood media. Beauty, technique, inspiration, etc. do not exist in his vocabulary, for him the acme of aesthetic experience is 'cool' or 'not cool', or some equivalently commercial terms. What drove him onto to make this thread was likely the annoyance he felt in the face of not understanding a piece of classical music he just heard, so, resolutely, and without an iota of self-criticism, he went with 'this sucks' to save himself the shame of unknowing.
or it's lame zoomers who like vidya osts and the star wars score. Classical is only for pulling out chords from so you can create better music out of it. That's why 80's japanese pop composers btfo gay ass germans like handel and haydn.

the argument is strong.

However, it seems that much of the board seems to like much worse faggotry.
this is such a girly little poem adorno. You suck btw

sometimes it seems like the mu catalog is threads by 9th graders who are completing an assignment for music class.

There are people here commenting who don't know basic shit.

People don't stumble into mu or 4chan. I expect superbasic from facebook or instagram, shouldn't mu be better? It really was better 15 years ago.

I don't know if it's the legal propaganda money that's distorting things, or if it's the fact that only smart(ish) people were on the internet 20 years ago, and gradually stupid people learned how to use their phones, or maybe younger people today are just stupider, or maybe vaxx damage.
who the fuck thinks "cool" is commercial. commercials trying to be "cool" is always called cringe (except in the 90s I guess)
he thinks anything that isn't naked statues of men or fagner horn march music is mass market slop. So he hates the term "cool" because it originated in jazz music.
Go home hector
>le /metal/ tripfag
stay in your containment general.
prog wins again :D
(that said Stravinsky and Bartok are based and inspired larks tongues in aspic)
hector, never change baka
nobody cares about your lame tripfag friend or fagssical music dude.
No one does care, do they hector?
ok you're clearly some lame schizoid. It's pretty lame how you're trying to make my thread about some lame tripfag nobody cares about.
I agree you are lame, hector
I'm not even insulted. You're taking your anger out on someone else lmao. And it's a tripfag nobody cares about lol
This thread was lame from the OP hector and you know that. It was doomed to be an abomination
>This thread was lame from the OP hector and you know that
figure out how to formulate a sentence before talking to me. And since you wouldn't shut up about your dumb boyfriend I'm just gonna stop giving (you)'s. Rest is piss fruitcake.
>you don't understand my gay formenlehre powder wig and makeup failson tunes. I'm le high eye que
more sad bugman larping. Nobody will ever be convinced that your faggotry is sophisticated.
oh and wasted dubs.
Yeah, it's pretty hilarious. Classical music is the most diverse genre in existence, we're on a music board, and OP is such a petulant child that he will dismiss 1000 years of music for reasons unknown. That is, if he's not trolling, which we can never be sure. But you're right, it's probably not immediately skibidi, bussin, lit, cool, bitching etc. (these terms change and are quickly co-opted by profit-driven enterprises and sold back to their users, as you've already probably realized) enough for him.
classical music is for fags.
You're really obsessed with homosexuality. What is that, 20 or 30 times you've already said "fag" ITT? Are you closeted or something?
you're a fag
>jazz is better
This would make sense if there was any real difference between classical and jazz, but there's not. You've fallen for a 20th century marketing trick (genres).
I'll take that as a yes.
>"hmph I'll take that as a YES. And I'll also take a dick up my ass since I'm sooooo gay"
that's you anon. That's you trying to sandbag me in this thread right now. It's not working. We all know you're a big homo anon. Stop sucking cocks anon. Stop eating dick and being a fag.
Why are you so obsessed with everybody being homosexual and dicks, anon? Why are you so insecure about your own sexuality? Did your father go missing?
jazz isn't much better, only good jazz artists around today are jackson jeffrey jackson and jeremy kwee
you're a mega faggot
Trolling outside of /b/, are we? How is that going to look on your CV, anon?
>Trolling outside of /b/, are we?
stop larping as a janny. Every reply from you keeps getting gayer and gayer.
Why the repressed sexual feelings, anon?
you're a homo
Keep doing anon, I'm almost finished
you're a goofy lil faggot.
The sentence was perfectly fine ESL hector, your OP was a bad point expressed poorly and the resultant thread has suffered consequently
>The sentence was perfectly fine ESL hector
sad cope. Still talking about your boyfriend too lmao KEK. Keep acting like an embarrassing faggot trying to sound smart.
What happened to no more (You)s hector?
lol you're still going on about your boyfriend nobody cares about.
amazing thread
Marry Fuck Kill
classical, metal, jazz
marry - classical
fuck - jazz
kill - metal
this isn't a ranking or anything. I'm just matching the genres with the words that describe them the best.
That’s how the game is played
marry jazz
fuck metal
I don't need to kill classical, it's already dead
I would want to fuck jazz, marry metal and kill fagssical. I'll go to every orchestra and loot all their inhalers like a negro (or a spanish pirate). They'll all suffocate and die. TCD
>I don't need to kill classical, it's already dead
that line goes pretty hard.
Try listening to some 1900s modernist classical music, it's quite good actually
>1900s modernist classical music
no thanks. I appreciate the offer. But I decline.
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What killed it this time? I'll add it to the list.
jazzchads smoke weed. Metalheads drink booze. Classicalfags suck on inhalers.
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>1900s modernist classical music
That there is peak music. Fauré, Scriabin, Feinberg, Medtner, Debussy, Ravel, Koechlin, Berg, Messiaen, Ligeti, Kapustin, the list goes on. Probably doesn't get any better than that.
I’d say somewhere between 1987 and 2020, dying musicians. Yoyoma and Itzhak and the other legendary performers are just dying
yo mama
also he sucks
>Probably doesn't get any better than that.
and justice for all by metallica. That's the apex of music.
You're right though. Classical musicians today might as well be manufactured on an assembly-line. Conservatories and the audience are equally at fault, everybody just plays the same shit in the same safe way, there's zero daring individualism, the romantic way of performing and improvisation are long gone, and when somebody tries something "new" it's always some nonsensical "authentic performance" or discovering shit that isn't there. You ain't gonna get a Pogorelich (lost his marbles), Horowitz or Richter (both dead) these days. Improvisation is only alive in organ music, but nobody listens to that anyway.
A fine album for sure but far from the apex of music unless you're like 15.
this. Jazz got saved by the japanese. Classical was placed in the care of pseudo-academia snobs. Metal will always appeal to the youth. Slackers. alcoholics, bikers, skinheads, and incels will always keep metal alive,
>Jazz got saved by the japanese
I don't listen to jazz past a certain point, somewhere in the 70s when fusion took over. When did Japs save it and who is worth checking out?
I’m a musician myself. I dont discount classical playing/music.
But kids going into classical music, and shredding a viola, isn’t that much different than going to a trade school. It’s just lofted more.
Because everything is a job now? And artistic expression is dying?
No one said he was good, ya fukkin ape.
japanese popular music always had jazz influence. Everything from fusion, to city pop, to their math rock, electronic music, noise, shibuya-kei, etc. Same with metal. Japan has some of the best jazz and metal. They have good classical music too I guess? But toru takemitsu and the godzilla guy is all I could think of. Regardless of what you think about youtube recc core like ryo fukui or the seatbeats, they continue to make jazz relevant. Western art music on the other hand just became film and vidya crap that larps as wagner. That and yellow piss shit only boring nerds care about. There's no more chads like paganini. Just fags doing practically nothing now. I hate fagssical music. And groypers sucking it off is just the ketchup on the shit sandwich that is online music discourse.
nothing, it's been dead since the 1920s at latest.
To an extent, yes.
Classical in perticular. You have an instrument. You have a piece of music (prolly 200 years old), you need to regurgitate it. You are learning a set skill.
Again…I’m not denouncing classical music or people who peruse it.
Scriabin is one of my favorites of all time
Adagio for strings was 1936.
Ennio Moricone and John Williams are into the 21st century
it kind of implies they're good if you call them legendary, dummy
Because reasons?
the dead body continues to shit
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Based. He was an absolute chad.
>Being this mad
poorfag FUMING
absolutely buckbroken
Schoenberg and Jews. No one wants to listen to Atonal nonsense
>y-y-you're seething
boring npc reply.
Ligeti was born in 23
Amphetamine inhalers
Schoenberg and atonal music were far from mainstream for the majority of the 20th century, and lots of tonal, neoclassical, neoromantic etc. music was written. Want to give that another try?
more like adderall.
Bugmen npcs absolutely despise classical, though. Playing it around places that commonly have young people hanging around and causing a ruckus will significantly decrease their amount. Walmart I believe did an experiment with that.
>stuttering yellow text
Classic NPC move, let me guess you’re going to reply with “no u” next?
Excuse my ESLness, I thought 1900s meant the entire century for some reason. In that case, take about half of those names out.
>Bugmen npcs absolutely despise classical, though
cope npc bugman. You're a midwit queer.
That is amphetamine
You are only speaking in buzzwords, like an NPC. To the point where it sounds like you're projecting extremely hard.
based duckman
Don't bother, he doesn't deal well with being confronted with rational comments and facts.
Bullshit it was.
>Doesn't even engage
>Repeats buzzwords
The only NPC here is you, kek.
>you're aksually the npc
projection, deflection and shit flinging. Lame orch-dork banter. Very cringe. Classical is failson whore music for deviantart boba tea girls.
No? Nothing? Okay then. Feel free to check out tonal/neoclassical music made after 1920 then. Poulenc is great.
So you still went with the no u huh? *Yawn
You're proving his point, kek. You have not said a single original phrase, chatgpt brings more valuable conversation than you. How does it feel being more robotic than a literal AI?
it's a gay drug

I'm using buzzwords in a fun way. You're just being defensive and anal obsessive like a boring bugman faggot trying to win something

>*tips fedora

fagsical tards always result to the lamest copes.
Aren't you tired of this yet?
>ummmmmmmm you're not providing a logical counterpoint to muh graphs and arguments *adjusts glasses *queefs
classicalfags should just call people brown and leave it at that. They suck at bants outside of that.
>I'm using buzzwords in a fun way.
You are using them because you cannot feasibly come up with any legitimate discussion. You reject any genuine conversation like it is a wrong input and default to pre-written phrases. You act like a robot, but more importantly, you act like an extremely boring 'person'.
I know for a fact you are LMAO
I know you're just going to say "no u" and "npc", but you really are underage, aren't you?
You sound like a fag lol
>ummmm you're unable to have a high eye que discussion and give me arguments I can logically refute. BTW you're boring but I'm gonna keep responding to you like a gimp
who are you trying to fool? Nobody thinks you're sophisticated. Nobody wants to play around and debate your retarded points. You suck.
Sure, but I've spent about 10 minutes in this thread overall, and you've been here all day and left 100 butthurt comments kek
you're a faggot

sad cope. Total orch-dork buck breaking.
>Sure, but I've spent about 10 minutes in this thread overall
ok faggot. You're not convincing anyone.
Kurt cobain is legendary and sucks balls
Sex Pistols are legendary and sucks balls

You dont have to be good to be legendary. Just popular enough to be put in the history books
I'm just laughing at your hypocrisy, calling others npcs while acting like a bot.
>you're the npc nawt me
lol stop coping like a desperate fag. Classical music is fucking gay. Go powder your wig.
I wonder what OP will think of his childhood when he grows up and realizes classical music is peak.
I wonder when you'll stop sucking cock. Never most likely.
Do t feel like /gg/ tonight?
You quite literally are kek. Even this response does not actually say anything. Meaningless drivel. You could swap your current reply for any other you made and it would not have made any difference.
>hhhhmmmm you're not making a compelling argument *shits entire colon out
you're a boring npc faggot.
It is not even about compelling arguments. It is about contents, this is barely banter, let alone a comeback. It is speaking without saying. An NPC describes someone with a disturbing lack of personality (At the very least, that is the modern definition of the phrase in this context). This describes you the most out of anyone in this thread, the only value your posts have is the poetic irony of them.

I realize that I am wasting time on you, but I like to watch a monkey dance sometimes. I know for a fact you will respond again with the same post you made just now, except with the words shifted slightly. And you'll do it again, and again, and again, and again, and again.
lol stop shitting paragraphs of cope you gay npc faggot.
>I realize that I am wasting time on you, but I like to watch a monkey dance sometimes
you're not fooling anyone. You're a seething npc faggot trying to sell him self as sophisticated and nobody is buying it. You're definitely scratching your pussy while typing this too lmao. Stop shitting up my thread with your copes.
Classical > Jazz >>>>>>>>>> Metal
you're gay
Proved my point, dance for me you little monkey.
>You're a seething npc faggot trying to sell him self as sophisticated and nobody is buying it.
I'm far from being sophisticated. Just because I don't act like a bot using endless buzzwords doesn't mean I care to be sophisticated. It only exposes your lack of personality.
>Stop shitting up my thread with your copes.
Because your NPC thread is so valuable, kek.
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>You're proving my assertions to be correct , now dance for me you little monkey teehee *tips fedora *strokes mantits
stop monologuing like a isekai self-insert character you gay faggot.
>I'm far from being sophisticated
yes we all know that. You're a boring npc faggot trying to sell us your "great personality" lmao shut up bugman. Fagssical music is dumb as shit. Go back to your violin class dork.
How's school? Been shoved into any lockers lately?
>"ummmm you're projection I'm totally not a cock sucker anon" *sucks on inhaler like a binky *shits diaper "OOPSIE POOPSIE ANON! I pulled a mozart and shat myself stupid" "
this greentext I wrote is you anon. That's what you sound like. You're fagssical pooper princess and you shit around the streets like a pajeet.
I wonder, will you respond and dance for me without a (you)? Are you pathetic enough to regularly check this thread to repeat the exact same things over and over to anyone who makes a post here? You say that you only spent 10 minutes overall, lets put it to the test with how fast you respond to this, my little pet npc :^)
here we go. I just took a lame twitter reply and actually made it it funny. Go back to cello camp doofus.
You're responding to two different people lol
Anyway, I wonder why you're so angry all the time. Did your mom force you to listen to classical music or something? You seem like a troubled kid.
>"I bet if I don't directly reply to him I'll get the last word" "Huzzah this is a gonna be a victory for classical cucks"
sad cope. Nothing you try ever works LMAO
i look like this and say that
>You're responding to two different people lol
wow your thinking is concrete.
So you have proven that you were coping when you said you only spent 10 minutes in this thread. KEK. It must be a sad life when the only value you have is constantly checking this thread, not even to engage, just to copypaste the same things over and over. I cannot imagine the type of bugman to do that to himself, all because he felt insulted by a guy laughing at him.

Dance some more for me, little monkey. I'll give you a treat if you spot this one
that's why I wrote it.
/gg/ skitzo is outta his containment thread.
Next up: some Brazilian/ favela comment
it's hector?
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>you feel right for my trap anon *rubs nipples profusely*
you're a lame npc bugtard. I'm gonna keep making fun your lame dorkestra cuck banter. You can't hide.
Why would i be hiding if I know you'll respond like a good little npc :)
lol the fagssical defender is still hiding like a bugman living under a trench. Thanks for bumping my thread like a good little boy.
Bugmen often have a hyperfixation, you have a hyperfixation on being the last to reply. To the point where i've literally reprogrammed you to check this thread maniacally. Yet despite being this easily programmable you refuse to admit you're an npc
more sad deflection and coping
>hhhhmmm well you see bugmen of your kind typically have a hypefixation toward...
no amount of neurotic tirade will ever make you look smart. You're a retarded bugman and you take dick up the ass.
>I've reprogrammed you
stop speaking like you're in the matrix you dumb faggot. You're a retarded orch-dork who's trying hard not to get heemed LMAO
>deleted his post out of embarassment
pathetic little npc kek
Should have kept it deleted, npc
it's right here >>122771191 read it cuck.
npc post, opinion discarded
nah I needed to phrase my genius ideas better. I'm happier with the reply I have now. Now go back to crying like a bugman cuck.
sad cope. You're a desperate bugman
i dont read npc posts, lol
very npc of you to say
deleted my reply just to piss you off.
its funnier to hold a mirror up to you, npc
wow who are you talking to anon? Jannies! We have a schizo in the thread.
Are you fartknockers still bumping this troll thread?
eat my ass you dumb faggot.
Uh huh
go back to spanking your monkey dilhole
I'm the frogposter from a few hours ago and I can see that this retard is still going strong KEK what a loser. Classicalchads stay winning!
you're not winning at anything lame faggot. Thanks for outing yourself as that lame frog zoomer too. Makes it much easier to heem you.
I'm gonna make this thread reach bump limit.

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