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is there anything more grim than the record store experience in 2024?

>all rap
>all remasters of shitty classic rock records (usually the dogshit ones that are famous because they sold a lot of records, yes - pop has always been shit)
>rest is taylor swift or general pop where zoomers can buy a big picture and cool black circle thing)
it's amazing these stores have even managed to survive
I swear the only CDs I even see these days are Harry Styles, Taylor Swift, and various Kpop, and the Kpop shit is the most confusing. Like this shit isn't even in English wtf.

I buy most of my vinyls online or from thrift stores/second hand stores, there's a record store near me which sells used records and I've managed to find some pretty cool things here and there.
Stores that featured music you like have all closed and ones that sell popular stuff survived
there's a used record store where i live that presents itself as good but they have the most terrible selection, like op shop terrible. they were even playing Black Sabbath but didn't have a single Black Sabbath record to sell.
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I buy from discogs - although I stopped accumulating records about 2-3 years ago and started only buying CDs again, mostly SACD - I find they're usually very cheap, budget shipping too. Knowing normies they'll probably be buying CD's in 10 years time.

pic related are my rarest in collection apparently.
Kill yourself you hipster consoomer soifaggot. I'd kill you in one punch
Ahh the poetic musings of a summerfaggot. Your eloquence is only matched by your gay and faggy music taste. Go ahead and listen to your music made by chimpanzees
I mostly buy vinyls and cassettes for the novelty, I want to get into buying CDs as well, I typically buy records from buyee and mercari, I've never ordered from discogs, but I probably will at some point. What's your collections estimated worth? Keep in mind that discogs estimates are pretty inaccurate.

commence to jigglin
You can be annoyed that they don't have deeper cuts without going full millennial. The great classic rock albums are surprise surprise, great. I'm talking Appetite for Destruction, Boston, Cosmo's Factory, Dark Side of the Moon, Slippery When Wet, etc.
They came from a time when the general populace actually had decent taste, hence why alot of bands tended to have their popular songs be their best, or not far below their deep cuts, which is oh so common since 2008ish. Pop music used to be better. This is non-arguable
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I don't even track about half my stuff on discogs, only the rare stuff. I've got quite a few rare albums from the 70s-00s progressive rock era. A lot of records/CDs made then were pretty scarce as the genre hadn't had a resurgence until youtube. 2nd biggest genre I own would be modal jazz or jazz fusion from the 60s/70s.

But my entire collection which is about 200 records/CDs would be around 3k USD. Wouldn't part with anything, so I wouldn't sell. I have dinner parties a few times a year and I love to bust out the CDs and records then. Very few are ever impressed or appreciative by my equipment stack or music collection, but there is occasionally the odd few.
I went to a record store lately, it was all Dua Lipa, Taylor Swift or BTS

on a different day I stumbled into the music section at my local department store and somehow they had a better selection of records, ended up buying a Daft Punk and Nirvana CD
>expecting normos to care about muh sound quality and rare records
NTA but how retarded do you have to be to think some normalfag would even care about your set up or how rare your records are? All they care about is if the music sounds good and if listening to said music will get them laid. It's just a tool they use to socialize, nothing more.
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I definitely don't expect them to, but they are subjected to it anyway
record stores were always shit desu
thank god for discogs
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Because only stupid people like popular stuff and only stupid people will still buy albums
It's impossible to find reasonably priced classic rock or pop. Anything that is even REMOTELY popular is inflated beyond belief despite having a huge supply from the 60s/70s/80s, on top of the modern pressings. The used records are $20, maybe $15 minimum, for the most beat shit imaginable and the new ones are $60+. This is fucking nonsense and isn't how economics should work. It's like in the retro game stores where a loose cartridge of Pokemon Emerald with its label melted off and the plastic bitten by a dog is selling for $250 and it may or may not have a working save battery. These were among the most popular games of all time, the most popular albums of all time, with huge supply in circulation, but the Jews running both IRL and online stores collectively decided to fuck everyone over. They're priced the same as the obscure stuff. Michael Jackson's fucking Thriller shouldn't be $30 used on any planet.

All that's left are the completely overlooked records, and singles. Nobody has noticed singles yet. The Eye of Sauron hasn't spotted them thankfully so they're cheap and untouched in my stores. The overlooked stuff are lots of unpopular bands and genres that aren't memed by gen y and z, yet were popular in their day so the supply is high. I'm talking about lots of disco and easy listening. Bossa nova is sadly inflated, even the chintzy stuff like Walter Wanderley. Classical, baroque, and opera couldn't be cheaper which is nice. I prefer old production and recordings for that.
Buying new records was always for plebs anyway. The real problem is that the used bins are all marked at 125% of discogs median value now
Vinyl reddits
>record store sells contemporary pop music; BAD!
>retail store sells pop music from over a decade old; GOOD!

you're such a stupid fucking faggot.
We have the internet now grandpa
idk there was always bad pop but if you look at 60s records the variety of stuff out in all different genres was huge compared to the monotonous blandless of Taylor Swift, Dua Lipa, etc
Taylor Swift is dark Swedish folk progressive though.
>They came from a time when the general populace actually had decent taste

the general populace isn't the problem it's producers with no taste or sense that they're making stuff for an audience instead of themselves
>get up at 5 in the morning to fight resellers and boomers over the 3 albums you want
>usually sold out before you have a chance
>90% of the catalog is normie shit or reissues
I haven't been to a record store in years. I get everything directly from the artists at shows or on Bandcamp.
anon, if that's your screenshot, i recommend you get a new monitor and also get your eyes checked. you'll thank me later
I live in a very large faggot ass west coast city, so all I’ve seen at my local store lately are mongoid male trannies, Zoomer retards with broccoli hair and turbo NPC’s who buy modern slop. That’s the extent of the demographic out here.
yeah living in Portland will do that to you
How’d you know? Lmao. Good call, my nigga.
I wish that was my record store experience. None of the record stores around me have hardly any rap
normies ruin everything
It's not hard. The only other city that matches your description would be San Franpsycho.
Just go to specialised shops. In my euro town alone I have a shop specialising in metal (mainly black metal, sludge, etc) with a fair bit of ambient and noise, and another more punk / rock / harcore / ska / post-punk, etc
There are also other shops specialising in jazz, soul, techno / electronic and so on, but I don't go there much

You shouldn't go to the big generic shops, that's all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Of course they're expensive, they're useless souvenirs. Just stupid shit to splash money on, and since people are prepared to do it you might as well take them for all they've got.
He doesn't need a new monitor, he just needs to turn on antialiasing in his browser settings. That shit still gave me eyecancer
Old pop music Was better, but it us still cringe as fuck to say "woah, this record store isn't like the others the selection is like totally based" and then walking out with fucking Nirvana and Daft Punk who are at every fucking record store in existence
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Literally no need to visit record stores thoughbeit.
>le audiophile vinyl release box set comes out
>the kind soulseek stranger has already uploaded it in extreme high quality for free
>album cover and all goodies are scanned, looks better on the pc

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