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Spiders from Mars edition
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Uhm sweaty we're not even close to page 10
woah squier has a mustang scale length strat for manlets
>hard rock guitar
>indie rock guitar
>metal guitar
Fun and gay
>country guitar
Best shit to play
Friday I get to experience the rc 600 and the GX100. I'm excited. Can't wait to have a vocal mic again. DOes anyone know of a good platform to start a blog?
/gg/ is the ultimate blog platform
ha ha true dat

>he hasn’t had an Indian’s bare feet on his guitar
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>Fake guitar strings finally got delivered
>They aren't even fake
Watch this Elliot Smith cover my Lovelies...

I see you liked that video I found and linked in some other thread.
This was my research towards temu products from some other board where someone wanted to buy a "20" dollar (I use "" because when you have such discount on temu youll have to pay somewhere else)
There was some guitar that was from an odd brand, so I did research and it ended up beeing a poojeet sweatshop guitar.
Here's more if you like it
1st for shitting cum
How many of you have spent hours and hours working on selective picking, sweeping, tapping, and such, while having absolutely horrendous fundamentals? I was a forever-beginner for so long and I never understood why. Now I do. It turns out things like bends and vibrato can't just be taken for granted as "easy", and are actually techniques, and as such require lots of practice. Hammer-ons and pull-offs are also extremely important to practice and master, and switching to acoustic revealed to me how terrible I was at those techniques. Really, a good solo doesn't need any crazy techniques to be good, only fundamentals. And if your fundamentals suck, you'll still sound like a beginner even with all your extended arpeggio sweeps
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Ah, nice find. I think that was me actually- I got advertised a £22 guitar. Seeing the production process, I’m no longer surprised how cheap it is. I just assumed it would be made in China.
Some are made in china. The production process looked better for those but quality of the components is utter trash so guitar still would be pointless. I was referring specifically to Fezaar brand on temu which is a poojeet sweatshop brand
Its basically an even worse harley benton
those things arent for you. They are for 3rd wordlers. Dont bother.
Make a picture of each guitar you mean
The fuck is a hardrock or indie rock guitar?
Hello FAGGOTS, i need a guitar amp sim for my FL STUDIO, i need it for free, no accounts, no launchers, no fucking bullshit just download and use. Any recommends? I tried guitar rig 7 but launcher crashes and need accounts and all that faggot bullshit fucking. HELP
Reason I need an amp simp is cuz i cant be bothered to mic up my shitty amp with my shitty mic everytime i wanna fuck around in my daw. I hate that boomer bullshit
Neural amp vst and download some presets and use it with reaper?
Thanks big bro ill try it right now, seems a bit tacky tho, but fuck it its free
What? No thats the opposite of what you would expect
Fuck reaper, i have fl studio breh. How do I download that shit dawg, the website says $150 i aint trynna pay nothing maneee
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Pickup rings should be in the mail today. I'll probably be too busy to put it together until the weekend but I'm excited to just look at them. I hope they actually fit lol

I'm also getting another guitar fetish factory buyout shitplank in the mail in the next couple weeks. This one is a completed es 335 copy. Lol I'm stocking up on shitplanks when I would be stocking up on food stores for the coming tribulation
Iv got to tell you, thats a one ugly ass geetar homeboy
>Bought some strings
>Thought they were fake
>Had to wait a week for them get delivered (not from China)
>Was certain they were fake
>They aren't
>gif was mfw
It'll be even uglier with transparent plastics hahaha
Lol aren't didarios like twenty bucks and last a year?
Download it and don't pay
What they gonna do about it? Nothing
pick up rings? nigga why dont you actually cut your strings to length
They're just there so i can play while I tinker. I'll swap them out for non cheapos in a week or two. No point in cutting them.
And yeah you need pickup rings to mount pickups you absolute fucking goofball
Downlaoded it, loaded a preset
>CPU load 98%
Sound is clipping lol, should have mentioned that im running an early 2000s laptot GOD DAMN IT
nigga it takes two fucking seconds to cut them stop being so lazy i bet you wont mount those pick ups for weeks
Pickup rings? Just duct tape em in place big dawg, go for that rugged look
He has a point, i dont cut my strings either, it makes it easier to reuse them on other guitars n shit big dawlg
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I played some James Brown to celebrate the end of the day and now I have an ouchy blister on my finger

anyone use a boss gx100 before?
Just drove 6 hours round trip to pick up a helix floor
Reduce sample rate then if you play on a potato
We live in 2k24
https://voca.ro/1jzQWm6KracD what do you guys think of the twin reverb preset through neural vst? I think it sounds pretty sick!
>cpu load 98%
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Neural Amp Modeler is a free, open source software and comparabl to Kemper if you know how to use it when it comes to accuracy in terms of modelling.

You probably downloaded Neural DSP that costs money
Why the fuck would you reuse some cheap ass 10 dollar strings?
For that rugged scuffed toan brehthren, youre probably one of those faggy fags that buys new strings every month haha, what a bonehead.
Nah yeah i looked into it and downloaded the free thing, and found a website with free preset downloads. It just sends my shitty laptops cpu load to 98% and clips the fuck up tho, so no use. Retards cant make slick code that doesnt brick up the PC i guess. Bullshit.
I can run +10 instances of Neural Amp Modeler Vst with 16x Sampling rate before it starts clipping inside Reaper. Even a low cost gaming laptop should be enough.
1st 4 never shittin/gg/ cum
I would suggest that you stop being poor
Its saying resampling to 48k hz, how do i change the resample rate brethren? In the vst itself or what the fuck?
Just tried to restring a guitar for the first time :)
Snapped the G string instantly :(
I buy new strings when old strings are utter shit because replacing them on my Ibanez IS such ass pain
Only time you should change strings is if they snap, you weirdo
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You probably have some fucked up settings inside Reaper

Open pic related Audio Settings, and try different options from the list like Direct Sound, Wasapi to see if the clipping stops. Use 48 000Hz and experiment with block size if the clipping does not stop
Nah I had strings that literally turned black at some point and were unplayable
Only times I changed so far
Being broke is fun as fuck, everythings a DIY challange, you can learn alot being a brokie. You probably dont know shit, just play your boomer rock covers looking up tabs on some website, pretty boy.
What country are you from, brokeboi?
Get a job brokie
Man, i tried messing with the sample sizes, qualities and rates, shit is still clipped the FUCK up, just admit it, man. You suggested a shitty vst to a brotha.
United cuckdom
Ill have to, burned through the savings pretty quick, back to waging, back to dealing with retarded inbreds.
I've been getting more into rock/shoegaze type stuff and decided to get a guitar that's a bit more fitting. I keep seeing people recommending Jazzmasters and Jaguars but would a Squier Telecaster HH be alright? Not looking to do any crazy tremolo stuff anyway and the guy only wants 150 quid.
I didn't suggest it to you. If your computer cannot even play one instance of Neural Amp Modeler then most likely 90% of the modern VSTs are something that your computer cannot handle, it's a very lightweight program to begin with
My condolences. At least you aren't a favela ape so there's that
It really doesn't matter
Choose whichever one you think looks the coolest
If you think it's you rock it.
Black guitar with pale neck not the look brev. 4 knobs, too tacky. Also those tele bodies weigh like 25kg, fuck that shit, like holding a concrete brick. You do you tho brevvv
Thing is , i dont need anything crazy, at all. Just something that adds a little flavour to the direct guitar input through the interface. Ive got some pedals if i need any fx, just like a little shitty vst that simulates a clean amp sound and doesnt brick up the cpu, bruv innit
Cheers fellas.
I see what you mean though for the price I can't really complain lol
I mean its still better then the US so theres atleast that.
I put all those parts on in two weekends. I'll put the pickups in this weekend because I wanna hear it you bounceyhead
It better be a fender, 150? Sheesh, thats a brand new squier right there bud
Thought that was about average for a Squier. Cheapest I'm seeing is 230 quid? I'm not looking for anything too exciting as I'll mostly use it for some simple recordings and playing around.
What's your favorite bond theme?
Btw I know I'm no singer lol
>hard rock
Les Paul
>indie rock
Some gay offset
Fuckin weird shit
Telecaster or one of those big semi hollowbody things
Oh it wont be exciting, those are some prime squier pickups, they are lifeless kek. But yh ur right, new ones are 220, so may as well save the 70 and cop it, worst case use it as firewood. I took in a little shitty mustang for 90 couple years back and honestly its alright, just adjusted the string action at the saddles and its playable as fuck. Aint nothing wrong with a shitty squier mane.
that's mean
anon it does that long to put those parts. I changed the pick ups in my jazz bass and chiseled the holes by hand in a couple hours nigga its not hard stop being so lazy
doesnt take that long*

youre such a fa/gg/ot you almost gave me a stroke

What do you guys think of this? I actually tried here
not really sure where else to ask this. what genre would you consider this song? i really like it and would like to find stuff that sounds similar
First day of playing guitar

off to a nice start!

Uhm, there is the thing that says sample rate
It needs to be the same in the audiointerface and reaper
If the values are different (no matter which) your signal will be fucked. I use some shitty focusrite. It has this setting in focusrite control
I also use audio System ASIO
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Bitch what makes you think I didn't finish all these mods in an hour with a drink and hand and my two infant sons screaming at me to stop neglecting them? Bitch ass niqqA
my guitar looks so bad ass with that strap and the animal shirt
I can't even imagine what my videos are gonna sound like with an rc 600 and GX100
Very based
I think Im gonna start a blog. I just don't know where.
More people will see your shit here
Don’t spam your Asperger nonsense here like so many other schizos do
Faggot ass bullshit if you ask me, you should just be able to load the thing up and play your instrument through it, fucking matching up vales and rates and shit, gaowld damn mane. Imm look into it tommorow, thanks for your input brethreen
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Some random tone test on top of some YouTube track, experimenting with AmpliTube "Valve Preamp" (from the looks I guess it must be Marshall JMP-1 simulation). I'm driving it with Neural Amp Modeler pedal capture of Marshall "The Guv´nor" in front of it. Sounds better than anything I could get out of the this sim alone by using AmpliTube's own pedals and settings of the amp
Hell yeah bruthurrr, this buttrock boomer bullshit makes me wanna drink white monsters and beat my wife
That's all this site is. A hole in the wall for autists like you and me.
i wrote a pretty good song about two weeks ago. since then i have messed around with a couple of other song ideas, but they are not doing it for me.
do most songwriters just trash 90% of what they come up with? judging from the quality of music i have a feeling that most people explore every lame project to the bitter end rather than scrap a mediocre piece of shit.
Nobody in gg is a songwriter
i am though
You will always find your own stuff lame, id say just shit it out and let it be done with, playah
who the fuck are you
From Craig's new blog:

>I'm listening to the album now. If was recorded on my cell phone and there's even an annoying ring tone in it. Makes me think back to a time when my own music could be described as 'ringtones.' I used to make electronic loops that were made entirely of samples. Those loops could get very elaborate. This album has no electronics besides the guitar processing live, which includes looping with a 40 second looper inside my BOSS DD8 delay pedal.

The album opens with a guitar instrumental of the non-looping more traditional variety. It is actually the current day incarnation of an instrumental I wrote and recorded a decade ago. This leads into some guitar improvisation over a looper for the duration of the track. Track two opens with a cover, The Man Who Sold The World, by David Bowie, though my blown out punky version has more in common with electric renditions of the song from Nirvana. This leads into some original songs, about 12 minutes of them. Then a spoken voice part comes on without music and describes looking at the guitar as a 'battle between low notes and high notes and every note in-between' This over arching them gives one a concept with which to create patterns on the board. Certain combinations of notes might evoke a story line between these notes or evoke a feeling that bears an abstractly connected association. Sometimes the association is built off something that is literal to the the sound. This sounds like a chicken clucking, or these notes present a siren sound, for examples. These were ideas I had in the midst of soloing on this album, and the spoken word was recorded in-between improvised takes and video shoots of improvised takes.
Nobody is ever going to listen to your slop and nobody is going to read your autism story
Women are deceiving,
women are deceptive.
I saw my ex today.
She wants one for the good old days.
That’s not a song
>still on this slop
It’s been such a long time since I came back to this place
Don’t guess anyone here would still recognise my face
Some things have changed but it’s mostly stayed the same
This quiet little town could drive a man insane

Lay your brother down, oh lay your brother down
I leave for good tomorrow when I lay my brother down

When daddy lost his job down the factory making cars
He’d piss up all our money drinking in McHatton’s bar
And momma she tried so hard to keep things going straight
But hard work wasn’t enough to put food on our plates

Lay your brother down, oh lay your brother down
I leave for good tomorrow when I lay my brother down

Then daddy ran off from his debts and you grew up so fast
You became a man, you left your dreams in the past
The second I turned sixteen I needed out of here I knew
I only wish there’d been some way you could have joined me too

Lay your brother down, oh lay your brother down
I leave for good tomorrow when I lay my brother down

The smoke that filled the sky from the factory’s long since gone
So many shopfronts boarded up, prosperity’s a con
Tomorrow when I bury you in this barren ground
I’ll hope you’re somewhere better than this godforsaken town

Lay your brother down, oh lay your brother down
I leave for good tomorrow when I lay my brother down
does this song come with a free pack of razor blades?
It has made several people cry.
are those supposed to be lyrics? how the fuck are you gonna sing that? way too many words you sperg.
the content is trash. spelling it all out like a novel. and of course none of this shit happened to you and it's not sincere in the slightest. fucking cringe.
holy shit this is awful and disingenuous
>how the fuck are you gonna sing that?
With a vocal melody.
>and of course none of this shit happened to you and it's not sincere in the slightest.
you can’t tell a story either. leave the songwriting for people who have actually experienced things you fucking hack
I'll write you a metal song in locrian
It’s a perfectly coherent story and many have enjoyed my performances of this song. Leave criticism to people with an imagination.

60 Minutes of content what a productive day.
nice cope fatty
Post your lyrics schizo, if you’ve even written anything. You talk about sincerity but you’ve never had the balls to post work in this general you sincerely believe to be good.
lol that’s rich coming from probably the least imaginative hack on gg
I’m not stupid enough to doxxx myself to a known lying piece of shit. lol keep moving the goalposts but you lost and you will always lose. Because you are a hack and a mentally ill faggot and I laugh at your misfortune
Always some piss poor excuse. It’s incredible the lengths you’ll go to to actually avoid proving you’re a better musician than me. “LMAO” back at you.
Anything I post won’t be listened to in good faith by you, don’t even pretend like you are some nice person.
>oh I’m scared what big fat Neil will say
>emulating my posting style
>mind moo-tilated
we both know you are a ngmi faggot but only I find it funny
I've spent hours of sweeps and arpegios. What do you mean by fundamentals? Like scales? I only play on clean channel with a big of gain.
They don't though, I've never practiced any of those techniques and can do them easily.
Its not so much practice as training, your little puny fingers aren't strong enough. Once you get man hands with man tendons it becomes like breathing.
What kind of changes in your brain happen when you do this over and over? Am I getting better or worse?
The only songs I make are songs for /gg/ because I'm lazy and it only takes 1 try.
I'm not gay so I don't write lyrics I just sing whats on my mind.
sky2fall magdelina bay
just get one of these bruv
what does neils penus look like
this is how freshmen girls write lyrics
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Get in the cruiser!
Get in the cruiser!
Get in the cruiser car!

You match the description!
You match the description!
Of the guy who robbed the oyster bar!

Get in the cruiser!
Get in the cruiser!
Get in the cruiser car!

Handcuffs are steely!
CHIPS does a wheelie!
That 5-pointed highway star.

Get in the cruiser!
Get in the cruiser!
Get in the cruiser car!
john sexted my butt
he said its just your guts
so he busted a nut
in my butt
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>wake up
>feel like listening to width of a circle from the Ziggy motion picture soundtrack
>open up /mu/ and this is the first thread I see
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deluxe reverb and....?
I feel the saME WAY
Fender AVII Jazzmaster
i mean amp wise pinhead
37 Boss metalzones
so a randall satan
That’s like asking which terminal cancer is best or which dogshit is best
what's about it that makes it unlistenable?
its atonal not unlistenable
i liek it i just dont like how long the vids/vocas are
are you stupid? nobody would ever listen to this on purpose. all your views are from spamming links with no description. you can’t play and you aren’t entertaining
MMM he can play though at least a little he just needs some sort of structure there isn't anything to hook into and some mixing would help.

He is slightly entertaining at least he posts playing unlike SOME people.

maybe ur just filtered did you think of that?
look at the schizos noid out at craig. It sucks that you shut ins are full pleb
This is the type of music people make when they don't know how to make music properly. You sure can arrange some whacky sounds with your instrument but without context or structure they're just whacky sounds to mentally gloss over. The overstimulation factor makes the whole track become white noise instead of catchy. The secret ingredient to any good track is tasteful air time. This could mean one instrument playing or none at all but gaps is the point. What you're doing with this constant bombardment of sound turns away the listener instead of intriguing them, you need a little mystery you know? And every track is like this.
It’s incompetent and it just doesn’t go anywhere at all. Just skipping around your videos and it’s just riffing on the same motif over and over again for every video. It’s not enough to just put bits that sound kind of nice on top on one another: you need to actually develop the musical ideas. As I’ve been typing more of your videos have been playing and they all suffer from the same issues. Obviously you can play your instruments somewhat and get ok sounds, but that’s not enough to be interesting unfortunately. Your “creativity” is just rehashed schizowank bullshit and you couldn't make a listenable track to save your miserable life
i liek craig
Uh oh Neil the fatass is getting jelly lmao
just imagine how much shittier it's about to get when he gets his new pedals lmao
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>wrote and entire melodic death metal album using shredage 3
>now have to learn it all on geetar

>Quiz nerd
>Friend on website makes music quizzes all of the time
>Most of them are lyrics
>Just have to type a word and it puts it in all of the parts that word is used
>Type "I", "You", "Me", "My", "So", "Oh/Ah/another variation", "Love", "We", "Us", "The/This/There (and variations)" and, "And"
>Immediately get like 60% of the lyrics before I even find out what the song is

Is writing a number 1 hit really this easy bros?
Tribute to Craig

just have chatGPT (j) write ur lyrics lole
Tribute to Neil

Tribute to Sam

Tribute to Mountain

Tribute to Cockbreaker

Craig last album has songs on it tho
t. Craig
bad ones
waht about jcm800fag
IDK is that the guy who posts the pedals with the backing tracks?

Tribute to Cumshitter
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Tribute to this guy who I don't know if they ever got a name

waht about cabinfat
Here I am not listening to any of that shirt
Tribute to me ni/gg/a


Ok that was always an option
Who are you
waht about holdsworthbro
I think I have that didn't know the name
Ive set everything to 48khz like it sas, played around with sample rates and buffers and shit, cpu is still choking. Weird thing, the nam vst itself runs at 6% cpu, only when I load on a preset (ive tried a few) it jumps to 90% , i dont think its the laptop man. Fuck it. Fuck computers. Ill just have to mic up the amp forever i suppose.
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You want higher sample rate lower buffer size assuming you aren't using a potato.
Thank you for saying I make wacky sounds to mentally gloss over! I'm so happy
>Processor : Intel Celeron CPU N2840 @ 2.16GHz (2CPUs), ~2.2GHz

Its over, isnt it
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>intel celeron
the tribute to cockbreaker has already been done
and its way better than this instrumental crap

Do you think any Japanese women look at gg
I can't belive looping technology exists. We are so luvky
Yeah lmao
Open control panel Hardware and Sound Power Options and change plan to High Performance if you haven't, that CPU is worse than a lot of cellphones lmao.
Thats me singing you donut
Im going into a media BLACK OUT AFTER THIS THREAD
WHat are good wind instruments to loop?
Fuck it, ill look into a new laptop i guess. Never realised how old and shit it was. Its probably why all my recordings sounds scuffed too.
lol my laptops barely work
oh I can twerk to dis
massa dis dat good sheeet
i think green day shat out like over 100 songs and cut almost all of them for their trilogy album. i dont remember where i heard that but yeah in general lots of songs get scrapped. most prolific bands have trashed more songs than you've even conceived
newfag to guitar here, is rockstar 2014 or rockstar+ worth getting?
You want to set buffer size to be larger if your CPU is shit. The trade off of course is you will start to get noticable lag.
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You take this pill, you become an electric guitar virtuoso. But you also become a soijak.

Do you take it?

of course not. i have a large penis so none of that shit matters to me. i play whatever i feel like playing and it automatically sounds great. same thing with sex, i just stick my dick in and right away she starts cumming all over it. no tricks required here.
Retard tier advice
Enjoy your latency paco.
Im so productive
Your timing sucks and you play late in everything, so the lag prolly only helps you
this is just stupid, at 192khz your cpu load will double. i doubt you can have more than a few tracks before it starts crapping out and you have to switch back to a usable sample rate unless you've got an extremely good computer. judging by your shit interface that can't manage sub 3 ms latency at 192khz i doubt you have one.
I don't have any lag Paco unlike you I have a modern computer.
You're really dumb and don't even have any clue what you are talking about.

1. Thats software latency the interface hardware has absolutely nothing to do with this. Live monitoring is 0ms.

2. My 5 year old PC is not "Extremely good" and handles as many tracks as I can throw at it.
Post specs
your interface has shit drivers making it a shit interface. happy? you're a dumb faggot who has no experience outside his bedroom.
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>got bored playing guitar
>bought a 1000$ Hawaiian made Ukulele with real Koa tonewood
>have newfound happiness playing instruments
There is a special way you have to think about delayed gratification. You have to hype it up. Be excited that you get to do it later, Think, “Later, oh boy I can't wait for Later” no matter how many ways you have to pronounce the word you say the word Later until you are as happy as you would be taking what was offered in the present when you are waiting.

My keys are on a ring. They act as a kind of Orgone Generator. The organelles energies acumulate through different mechanism, possible with different effects. There is the effect of sound when it jingles in my pocket. Most exceptionally, it's when I use the keys to open my door that I accumulate the most Orgone energy. The first key I put in the door is typically the wrong key, though I am careful to not deliberately choose it. Labeling would prevent this phenomenon so I don't label any of the keys. As long as I have accidentally grabbed the wrong key, then I am accumulating that energy. I am encountering something called Deliberate Bad Luck or DBL. DBL is a practice by which you alloted certain experiences of reasonable bad luck, because each experience carries a weight that will eventually be returned by opposite good luck. You are juicing the Karma system with you Orgone Accumulator keys. They are made of metal which attracts Orgone Energy creating spaces between different dimensions. This is a great reason to play guitar.

Every sound you've ever heard has a dynamic range, simply because it had an envelope that when from silent to audible then to silent again. This means a slope of some kind had to be present as the transient was struck and expanded only to refract.

I'm always trying to punctuate sentences on guitar. If only I could give equal attention to the beginning and middle of each phrase. Every thi g has a beginning middle and end until you realize you are always in the middle of something.

I sometimes summit that I am making music for the mind, by creating music with my body.
That is to say that it is my bodily Instincts that determine my playing choices.

I love music theory.

Soon I will have a chance to try a new looping board. I am preparing for this by fasting and improvising. The board contains mainly BOSS gear, the RC 600 and the GX100 with 4 extra midi switches. I have also ordered extra cables to put thing in the effects loop of the GX100. This gear will change my life as I will be able to record 6 loops at once. My last album showed me how powerful one 40 second looper can be, so I expect that elegant operation of this new gear will be an asset to my resume when aliens are looking for a future interesting person to take on their spacecraft.
No you still missed the point.

I have an I7 10700k
Craig's Blog^
People have got a point bud it's pretty wordy. Sincerty is good though, just don't go overboard with it. What is meaningful to you can easly be seen as self indulgent to everyone else
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Why is every Guitar Youtuber a Djent retard. Most god aufull music for downies.
it is a small minority of "musicians" that actually know good music and more importantly how to create it. everyone else just copies bullshit.
my favorite are the gear review videos
>plays a blues lick through a distortion pedal into a tiny tube combo with the volume at 3
very cool content!
>I love music theory.
>description of some gay ass complicated bullshit signal path
god damn it must suck to be you. you definitely have a small penis.
guitar cable tube amp is all the tech i need.
Honestly that's what I would do if i had any semblance of bandmates. If i had band mate I would try and make fusion isntead of free jazz
Good morning sirs, can you kindly explain how a sustain this long was made possible. I jerk off to it daily but I'm no guitar tech expert so how would you recreate it?
Would The Spiders From Mars had been a better band if Mick Ronson played an SG instead of a Les Paul?
Uh no
hey bros I've asked my friends and they don't know, but how do you get this effect (from timestamp):

what effect? the guitar doubling?
>guitar doubling?
yeah is it like overdrive+distortion+doubling or something? it's very crunchy and nice
it's probably just double tracked during recording
yeah probably some kind of marshall amp distortion with an overdrive that cuts some bass like a tube screamer so basically a pop punk tone and the guitar double effect
thanks bros, I'm going to mess around and see what I can do to replicate
my favorite part is 1:25
You're all just jealous that I can do this with my fuckin guitar hands

There is almost no reason to record electric guitar at 196khz, why even suggest this?
did I offed you in some way?
I agree thats why I stick with 192khz
Being this poor should be illegal somehow.
typo, I meant 192khz. Why are you recording electric guitar at 192khz?
I am well aware of what bit depth and sample rate is. I ask again: why are you recording electric guitar at 192khz?
>did I offed you
Obviously not so I'll summarize
it sounds better and gives a lower latency.

192k recording

48k recording

if you can't tell the difference sucks to be you bro
this is bait.
The irony is the video you linked is a good summary of the topic, in which you promptly ignored what was said within it.
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>he doesn't hear the difference.

Explains an awful lot.
Probably will be once Trump/Vance get in and make a few more SCOTUS appointments.
Jacob Ohrberg
I don’t think you can fairly criticise a song for being wordy without actually hearing it.
learn how to take criticism or forever seethe like a no talent butthurt faggot
>implying I’ve listened to Craig for more than ten seconds
>implying I’ve ever even criticised him
>implying if I had I’d do it at 2am on a work night when I’m sleeping
sounds like Dropkick Murphys in my head. Don't listen to plebs I liked it.
Thanks. I’ve never tried an energetic folk-punk rendition, that could work.
lol it won’t
Post it here if you have a crack. I would be interested to hear it.
I will do thanks. In the meantime here’s a decent rendition of my song, better than my own one desu.

>buy $200 Recording King acoustic
>put nylon strings on it
>keep using nylon strings for a year, occasionally changing them out for new ones
>nylon strings work properly and have good intonation
>b and high e break after doing alternate tuning
>have no spare nylons laying around, so put electric b and high e strings I had left over
>keep it this way for about two months
>go back to nylons on b and high e
>12th fret on high e is a half step flat
>won't intonate now
>can't fix acoustic
Do I just give up and buy a new one? I've been looking at the Redondo Mini by Fender
Nice /gg/ btfo
Cheers man. Very cool.
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why is it so expensive?
Gibson ripped off PRS
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squier affinity jaguar with the correct tremolo for $299. hell yeah, we eatin good shoegaze bros
It's about the same price as a Quad Cortex and still a lot cheaper than most of the amps it models.
So ive had a quick glance at used laptops, for £90-150 i can cop an i7 16gb ram type shit around me. Is this normal prices for laptops? Shit man theyve gone cheap.
Which model specifically?

At that price it's probably an ancient sandy bridge from 2013
probably a older gen i7. my 3 year old thinkpad was 200
>indian laurel
>made in china
>strat pickups


Also look at the display. Cheap laptops usually have super shit displays
simple as
It was a scam lol. I7s go for 200ish.
You took it used or new?
Fuck it, ill let it all go for now, i aint trynna spend 200 just to run some shitty amp sim. Thats all i would use it for.
How does that even happen? I used to swap nylon and steel on my $40 classical with no issues. The recording king is a parlor guitar, have you tried using thin gauge electric strings or just plain steel?
"i7" doesn't tell you anything useful, the oldest i7s were released in 2006 and would get utterly demolished by a modern celeron performance wise.
Why even bother with that shitty fx unit? The Katana built in effects will be better.
Might as well just buy a NUX modeller, those cost not much more.
I just took a massive steaming /gg/. My bum was bleeding afterwards. It almost blocked the toilet.
It's like a computer with modern chip plus all those licenses they are using
You fucking pepega holy shit
Steel strings apply much higher force, they work completely differently.
Even charging tune changes the force needed, but going from nylon to steel will fuck up a lot of shit
Hope that neck isn't bent sideways now but you still have to redo truss rod and intonation
No, we all expect cumshitter to shit cum in Missouri
This is nothing new
Katana doesn't have reverse reverb
Do you really need that? Just save for a much better reverb pedal
to play shoegaze, yes. ideally a used midiverb would be the best but with the zoom you also have all the other effects and distortions
Yeah, but they all sound like garbage
You guys know of any decent quality cheap mics to record vocals and guitars?
behringer C1 and SL-75

300 for an affinity? You can get the CV for 300 user in good condition. 100 for an old zoom? It sucks and if you really want it you can get it for 70 used.

The katana is okay but really too much amp for most people. You might be better off with a cheap spark.

No one really teaches guitar properly most of these dudes just learn bunch of metal riffs and Start a social media account to shill gear
Are there any pedals worth grabbing on amazon's pride may?
idk but those amazon basics pedals are actually okay. i think they are just rebadged caline or donner ones.
damn that looks cool, like shin godzilla
Tomorrow Never Dies
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>all that gear and no strap
Live and Let Die
>Couldn't find my strap
>Could find my old Guitar Hero strap
>I'm sure that will be fine
>Immediately couldn't handle the weight and snapped my headstock when it hit the floor
How do other people with low IQs get through life?
You Only Live Twice
That sucks
Yeah I almost did it once before with a really cheap shitty strap. It just slipped out when I wasn't holding it, but I managed to grab it before it hit the floor that time.
>no rhythm circuit
>no soapbars or humbuckers
Shoulda bought a Strat, it's not as heavy and you'll get three of the same pickups as well

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