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no, logistics are far more expensive, especially after covid
drivers need to be paid a living wage, have mandatory rest periods and often cant go across countries
same for the dancers and other crew
transportation is a headache
venues are more expensive
accomodation and food is as expensive as it is in the us

add on top of that you have to sell the tickets for less because europeans make less on average
adam neely has a video on the topic
2016 arin climax
i paid $150 to see kanye west
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i imagine his logic is that merch is what drives revenue for smaller tours not the tickets themselves and unless you tour in richer areas then your chances of profitability suffer
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another dream
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I'd pay $107 to NOT see chuu
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I paid $35 to see Korn
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any chang chingers
what happened?
Skinwalker ranch
would impregnate not going to lie
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just us ningningers
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my wife
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any kpop like this
many of the smaller US touring organizers like studio pav and leo presents get around having to deal with worker rights by getting volunteers to do most of the work in exchange for access to the concert for free
I guess thats probably not as legal in the EU
this is exactly my type and i must marry this woman. i hope she works at a toll booth now or something.
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why is she so cute and smol ??
Alright, you can venmo me the money and I'll tell you which locations to avoid this weekend.
please stop talking about attending concerts, you're making me feel like a loser
almost all of it
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our talented and chemiful cuties, IVE
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3. is not going to happen if I can change it
just go. you blend in with the crowd and nobody is focused on you
>in exchange for access to the concert for free
lol so those tribe concerts with 20 audience didn't even sell any tickets?
love you winter poster
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just go to a kpg meetup at the next concert
are we losing again
Goddamn Shuhua is such a slut
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taken too soon
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going to concerts would be much better with an attentive kpg friend
they do that here also
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we yejibros can't blend in
Pretty princess
I hope her leg gets better soon
Yeah it would, but the way you phrased it made it sound dirty
if its an itzy show itz all yejibros yejibro
leave tribe alone okay
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I want to impregnate Sakura before it's too late
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wtf happened to her, she used to be a good girl
this doesn't make sense, gaeul had that style first
Yuna on stage dancing and being cute and you think people are focused on you?
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losing soojin broke her
I have to get up for work in 3h25m and I'm not even sleepy yet, kpop for this feel?
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This is who she has always been. She's just showing her true colors now.
you need a cha cha beat boy

Twice TT
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idols want to see your fat ass at the concert yejibro dont hesitate
she doesn't care anymore now that everyone has seen her tits
with that gap, childbirth would take two seconds
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that time shuhua had to wear slutty stage outfits while her grandma was in the audience lmao
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can't stop thinking about her pink feet
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this doesn't make sense, gaeul mogs her to oblivion
I saw a lady as cute as her at the grocery store tonight. We made eye contact, and my brain shut off.
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>love yourself the way you were born
>says the plastic idol who starves herself
moar layers
that's part of her job
nobody was born fat
she was referring to masturbation with one of those plastic silver pp devices
her ideal self just happens to include 3 nosejobs
lol if you look like this and like kpop kys
Sounds like a lot of contradictions there.
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she was a regular fatshaming shitposter in her japan days im suprised not more people know about it
they carry their sins and ours
>7 hours ago, tvn
I don't get it, she dead or what?
do you think shuhua lets out stinky farts on stage
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she's undergoing treatment for anxiety

which, similar to lia, will likely consist of extensive plastic surgery
Does she know if that guy us a guy or girl. I doubt she’d be so supportive after
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cute brat
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they should sell worn panties/socks and worn workout clothes
I don't get how people manage to get so fat, I remember during lockdown I gained like 5kg and I didn't like how I looked so I started exercising, lost those 5kg in a couple of months
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arin truly doesn't care if you're fat
she is an angel
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where my pagpags at
are you gay?
She has said she does, whether they stink or not, probably. I think she might be a filthy person, she doesn’t seen to shower everyday and just uses perfumes to mask the scent
Seeing as I couldn't think earlier, I wonder if I had a meal with her, would I be able to keep food in my mouth.
lifestyle and diet changes take a certain amount of self-discipline that some people don't have
dont forget their pee
Well it starts slowly and then before you realize it, you're 235 lbs... When 10 years ago you were 160...
No I don't think so
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welp, it's over for DC then
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right here
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i had a six pack and people said i looked like a pro athlete in 2021. depression. thanks to depression i have an addiction to food and im up 35 pounds and look like shit
why, because he exercises? you shitter
looks like heej heh
superior wony-irene lovechild visual goddess
omw to the airport for another one right now
is twice a whore pop?
no because fags are just vain and neurotic about their looks. it's easy to lose weight when you're naturally obsessed about it
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that's three entirely different girls damn
you sound fat lol
Put down the cake
tell us your kg or whatever that is in freedomunits
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What a woman! I NEED her!
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Billlie in Berlin
t. jeongus
i'm like 5'11, 190 lbs. a bit chubby but why would i give a fuck? i'm not a fag and i'm not trying to get a girlfriend
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put down the cake (on my face)
That's a nice crowd! Even if it's a small venue, I think it can be a really nice concert if the audience is in high spirits and cheering you along.
idk brother i've been depressed for 20+ years now and my suicidal tendencies are pushing me to the brink but i still managed to lose like 45 lbs since covid and look better than ever. doesn't change anything but it's doable with or without depression. at least i'll look nice in my funeral suit when they close the lid
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sheon needs to show more pits
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this seems like a very mature crowd, the average kpg'er wouldnt feel too out of place in this kind of setup
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people are loud as fuck at those concerts
i dedicated 7 years of my life to fitness. i was shredded i looked like a pro athlete. it did not get me girls or make me happy. its a good hobby for stress relief
hayeon veneer status?
gidle has the best chemi
oldheads stick out more. generally still a very young crowd but i've seen a bunch of people (male, female) in their 30s in munich, and not as chaperones either
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What's that an ad for? Booze?
Obviously it didn't make you happy, you, like most people on the planet, don't know what happiness is.
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You can't fake this kind of love. I love how close the members are <3
yeah everything is fucked. we should have never invented nuclear bombs, social media, or pornography
Those things have nothing to do with actualization. They're distractions.
>Kpop pics that make you think "get pregnant!"
xg butts
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yiren wang
shen xiaoting
yuqi song
ning ningning
tzuyu chew
zhang yuanying
shuhua yeh
li naqiong
cai bing
liu xiening
zhou xin yu
fu yaning

im on mushrooms right now bro
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essentially the same for me. it feels like one of the last few activities that still make sense.
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leniverse out
it's another hybe building episode
honestly danielle marsh and every picture I've ever seen of her. Just seeing her face makes me want to put a baby in her. She would be the perfect mother. She looks just the part
Another distraction.
yeah that frail body and those extremely narrow hips just scream fertile womanly woman to me
waterproof makeup. wish the other billlie girls would get CF deals too. don't want them to become tsuki and the tsuki superfriends
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss SMOOCH
>another distraction

we were born in very strange times brother
you just wouldn't get it...
i'm going to see billlie on sunday, is anyone else here going?
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what city
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london mate
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will you pay for my flight and hotel
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you do realize that crying about finding "true happiness" through self actualization in a kpop thread on 4chan is kind of ironic
makes you sound like a midwit pseud teenager who read one carl rogers book and made it your entire personality
That doesn't mean you have to be a monkey staring at shinny objects all your life.
i have a hotel booked, so you can stay with me if you want
does it ever mentally fuck with you that all idols are naked under their clothes
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cho miyeon
>if only you knew how bad things really are
yeah but i'm not meeting anyone from 4chan irl
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can you pay for my flight brother i will glady join you
No. Helping you see the light, is the mission God gave me.
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only £100 for VIP+ experience, it's really good value.
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don't do it bro
Good advice the last 3 dudes from KPG took advantage of my naivety
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>£100 for VIP+ experience
it's only £100 mate, that's quite cheap for london
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don't be mean
That's half week's stay on a Vietnamese island.
i wouldn't try anything, i was hoping we could hang out
interesting i've also heard bands say they don't want to tour the us anymore because it's too expensive there particularly due to american venues taking a big cut of merchandise sales
i guess the fact that kpops do tend to go to the us speaks to your side though
dont be so close minded
bragging about how much dabloons you have wasted for vip gook meetups has to be the most pathetic thing ever
the less money you have to spend the better no why arent you happy for him?
whale cuck mentality
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just jealous i have disposable income to spend on kpop
it's not like siyeon getting plasty would be anything new for dc fans though
the only thing i bought until now was 1 album for 30€, that's it
I'm not. I said, staring, not ignore. I see the distractions, analyze it, understand their utility, and go from there.
shitting on hideous hoe's face and shoving in her nose
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hands up
we should support our favourite groups eg buying objekts or going to shows
why would you do that during a cb instead of during the pretty long hiatus they just had tho
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I love Karina
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Choi Yoo Jung
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>which, similar to lia, will likely consist of extensive plastic surgery
damn bro you have enough disposable income to spend HUNDREDS of euros or dollars once a year? you must have AT LEAST bennies or a minimum wage job thats so sick bro I hope to reach that level someday myself
>not with you

yejibros this has implications
they were touring the whole time, they had no hiatus
imagine how soft her feet would be after that treatment
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Visit Vietnam and find your own Winter copy
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I'm just waiting for only one thing
>gets arrested
why did JYP make lily do english lessons?
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as soft as her pits
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Is the song about sex?
i would kiss her feet and her pits and her thighs and her tummy and her lips without a second thought!
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the tours weren't that long though, they had months between the us and euro tours and the euro tour and justice
Everything is about sex
Sex is a distraction.
youngseo failed :/
maybe distraction is better than driving yourself insane searching for meaning
every minute you spend GOONING TO HENLO could be spent training

seek the ultimate power!
sitting in this room playing russian roulette
Everything is a distraction
me when im an 80 iq christschizo in a kpop thread >>122808750
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imagine nini wearing this
any idol vacationing in croatia? what's teh chance
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I'm not searching. I know the meaning of life is spending all weekend building a birdhouse with Haerin while holding hands.
dont think he realizes how ironic that sounds preaching to a bunch of pedo gooners in kpg (also he's one of them given he's here)
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that guy would shit his pants if he knew what i spent on comfort women i mean kpop albums
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just purchase my ticket brother and i will go to the concert with you
>le heccin redditatheist
Meeting with JyPapi

happened before

idk if she vacationed but sunmi filmed stranger and balloon there i think
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28 year old haerin bends over to give her chaebol his 5 minutes of fun, the main ritual of their loveless marriage
haerin looks around at the room littered with designer bags, shoes and baggies of cocaine
for just a moment, haerin wonders if she might've been happier with a nice white boy
maybe they could've held hands or built a bird house
the chaebol's grunt snaps haerin out of her daydream
'did i make the right choice?' she wonders as it drips down her leg
'...of course i did'.
thats right, everyone who dislikes christschizo's satanbabble is a redditor
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bR0t6uyaGs [Embed]

Watch as they talk about the viral tweet.
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leave it to gooks to seek out slop even in foreign countries
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you seem mentally broken
looks good
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mating pressing
If that had some applesauce with cinnamon for a desert, that would be a treat, especially in a cold day.
japs are strange
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lily fertile angel
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I wanna know what love is
i want chuu to show me
ugly kid
She's unable to do that
chimp thread next
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betting my left nut its a arin thread
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then you get bored and start hating each other
Why not the right one?
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will illit become big next year?
we dont talk about that
left one is bigger
auntie wonyoung!
You think that, because you're not creative.
building birdhouses isn't exactly the peak of creativity
That's the first time in 3 years they will eat fat that's why.

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