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Any tips for sneaking a lil hotheaf on a domestic flight?
I can smell it from here bruh
>Vacuum seal a couple of joints
>clean vacuum plastic bag exterior thoroughly with isopropyl alcohol after you’ve cleaned your hands thoroughly with dish soap and isopropyl
>put in sock on the soles of your feet
>request TSA opt out instead for pat down
Go be a pothead somewhere other than my office
grind to dust compress and prison pocket is failsafe, everything else bears risk the more you try to hide it the more trouble you get into
My friend flew with flower in an m&Ms tube. Definitely they could see it on the machine, but they didn't give a fuck. NY

try a vape pen, they never give a shit about those.
They don't give a fuck in Cali either.
Put it in your girl's vag. Does it have to be flower? FPSRussia flew with a load of edibles by finding the regular candies that looked most like them.
Edibles decrease the risk a lot, but there was a case in my state where police stopped someone with edibles and the charges they had the entire weight of the product as if it was weight of dried flower, just like how if they pull up plants, they include as much dirt as possible in the weight of weed. So they had weed drinks with maybe 10mg THC per bottle, but that counted as >3/4 of a pound because of the weight of carbonated water and the bottle. Cops, man.
I fly with edibles all the time, but I only travel between states where it's legal. I keep it in my carry-on because if the plane diverts to a shit hole state, I can just chuck it in the trash before going through security again
They always check your ass but never your urethra, it's the perfect size for a blunt
If I catch you combusting something on my flight I'm letting the flight attendants know. Fire and planes don't mix. Don't be a degenerate and take an edible like a normal person if you're such a pothead you can't go 6 hours without getting high. I didn't bring any on my recent trip and just had a nice good high when I enjoyed the next time at home.
You ever just pocket a few joints before flying halfway across the planet just to see what happens?
Nothing. Nothing happens.
Unless you get caught, then a lot of things happen.
Nobody cares in civilized countries. But I suppose you live in one of those places where they throw you in a dungeon for life for walking through the same room as a poppy seed muffin
I'm a leaf so its completely legal here, but flying halfway across the planet implies you might be going to a shithole country.
Even closer to home, getting caught with weed crossing the border into the states will get you a lifetime ban from the US.
importing illegal substances into a foreign country gets you banned from said country, who would have thought?>>1990691
tsa doesn't care about drugs. they will care about anything that can start a fire
I would have, but apparently you didn't know. >>1991089
I don't plan to smoke it in the plane itself retard
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>but I only travel between states where it's legal
You could wait until you land in that legal destination and then go to a legal shop and buy some. Legally.
But I guess some people can't bear to be far from their stash. But not addicted. Nope.
>Fire and planes don't mix.
You used to be able to smoke on planes dumbshit
Literally every single product works a little bit differently, I'm not going to experiment with some random garbage that has a totally different concentration when I can just toss a pack of gummies that I'm familiar with into my bag along with my toothpaste and everything else I'd normally use in a day
until realized a sky fire is a bad af idea
They’d probably just ask you to chuck it or give you a ticket honestly
>no no you don't get it i MUST take my own weed to travel or else i get hecking anxious
The absolute state of "not addicted" potheads who "don't really need" to get high
Who said I'm not addicted? I have to rob white grannies every day for my reefer money. If I can't inject an eight ball of primo mexican cartel marihuana every morning I will literally kill someone.
On an international flight like the guy i was replying to said? No fucking way, smuggling drugs across borders is a big deal.
>Literally every single product works a little bit differently, I'm not going to experiment with some random garbage
I know what you're saying. We have Kidd Valley hamburgers here. If I have to travel somewhere with In-N-Out burger joints, I go into withdrawal.

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