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Tour of france thread

congratulations to Biniam Girmay the greatest african champion since chris vroom
I’ve been saying for years that an East African stage win is eventually going to happen, I finally have vindication
I heard several years ago that competitive cycling was getting popular in Ethiopia so I just figured it was a matter of time before they started getting podiums in the grand tours. Eritrea is right next to Ethiopia (but apparently they hate each other?) so that's not surprising. given how africans and diaspora dominate many sports, I reckon he's just the first of many.
Why has it taken so long? Blacks are god-tier at leg sports, East Africans in particular are god-tier at endurance yet cycling has been all white for years?
I wonder if people realise how demeaning to his character is to claim that it matter matters he is black.
>nigger won tdf stage, woo good nigger, we'so ptogressive, uwu
Cost of entry is pretty steep and you need good roads to train.
bikes stolen/stage win ratio?
Leftists are patronising and treat blacks like pets
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Only retards focus on him being black. The knowers have known that East Africans are eventually going to be a major player in professional cycling.
whereas the right is overtly racist and wants them segregated at best and murdered at worst.
sure, both positions are flawed, but criticizing the left would seem to advocate for the right.
I wonder if rightoid racists realise how important he is as a role model to the underrepresented not only in his home country but basically half his home continent. That's what his achievement is about, not his own skin color, but the millions that see themselves in him.
>>nigger won tdf stage, woo good nigger, we'so progressive, uwu

>millions of subhumans will see one of their ooown uwu!

Like clockwork.
>sure, both positions are flawed, but criticizing the left would seem to advocate for the right.

False dichotomy is false.
What's the matter, triggered by someone a different skin color from yours? Bit fragile? No sense of self worth so you have to take it out on trying to assign even less worth to others?
so why complain about the left without complaining about the right? one is objectively far worse.
>wants them segregated at best and murdered at worst.
I would really just prefer that they stayed in their own country desu
holy shit shut the fuck up all of you cunts

i just wanted to make a joke about chris froome being african and then i thought maybe we'd get some comfy tdf discussion but nnoooooo

i certainly won't fucking bother now. Was gonna post some webms of the bunnyhop and stuff but fuck you cunts.
>Making a joke about froome
>making a joke about girmay

This nibba forgot about based Impey
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hey that's my bike
tdf is >>>/sp/ shit
>it's their skin color
No, non western immigration is a net tax drain in every Euro country that bothers to keep statistics on it.
You could let /pol/ fill out a ranking of countries and end up with essentially the same result as researchers that analyze a data set encompassing the entire population of a country.
>a net tax drain

undermining the tax base is an upside, not downside.
he just did it again. wout van aert fans in shambles again.
spoken like a true leftist leech
yeah, leftists deserve to be beaten to death in the streets
>butwhatabout right rayciss
the right want you murdered first, then your pet blacks that you use to hound normal people from the safety of your gated communities and exclusive police protection wouldn't be a problem.
>I'll just suspend democracy, murder everyone I don't like and then everything will be great
lol, ok Pol Pot.
your Jan 6th attempt was beyond retarded so go for it

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