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With homelessness on the rise, the Supreme Court weighs bans on sleeping outdoors


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court wrestled with major questions about the growing issue of homelessness on Monday as it considered whether cities can ban people from sleeping outside when shelter space is lacking.

The case is considered the most significant to come before the high court in decades on the issue as record numbers of people are without a permanent place to live in the United States.

In California and other Western states, courts have ruled that it’s unconstitutional to fine and arrest people sleeping in homeless encampments if shelter space is lacking.

A a cross-section of Democratic and Republican officials contend that makes it difficult for them to manage encampments, which can have dangerous and unsanitary living conditions. But hundreds of advocacy groups argue that allowing cities to punish people who need a place to sleep will criminalize homelessness and ultimately make the crisis worse as the cost of housing increases.

Dozens of demonstrators gathered outside the court Monday morning with silver thermal blankets and signs like “housing not handcuffs.”

The Justice Department has also weighed in. It argues people shouldn’t be punished just for sleeping outside, but only if there’s a determination they truly have nowhere else to go.

The case comes from the rural Oregon town of Grants Pass, which started fining people $295 for sleeping outside to manage homeless encampments that sprung up in the city’s public parks as the cost of housing escalated.
Can I have $200 of that 1 trillion that ucrane & isreal gets to built a tin shed to live in?
i work but i live in Cal. and a pre-made shed on an 10'x10' lot cost 500k here so i want to build one on public land since we all own it
>The case comes from the rural Oregon town of Grants Pass, which started fining people $295 for sleeping outside to manage homeless encampments that sprung up in the city’s public parks as the cost of housing escalated.
How is imposing fines on people who will never be able to pay the fines supposed to manage the encampments? Just say you want to put them in jail. That is where they will end up after not paying fines.
>Just say you want to put them in jail. That is where they will end up after not paying fines.
Jails cost more $ than shelters unless the prisoners are used as a cheap form of slave labor
Well it is a way to house the homeless at taxpayer expense which even boomer republicans seem to approve of
and then they get to build more for-profit private prisons and use prisoner labor for massive corporations
We just need to increase prices more and the rich will trickle down the money to the poors who are already resorting to theft. This is solid logic by our politicians on all sides.
we should unironically euthanize the homeless like canada does
It would be more fun to deport them to central Mexico
dems aren't stealing shit to feed themselves, they are stealing shit to buy drugs. its like the baby formula shit. basically everyone qualifies for WIC. WIC serves 53 percent of all infants born in the United States. If you make $45k or less you probably can get wic and get free baby formula
dems still steal baby formula because its easy to sell to bodegas for drug money because the bodegas are guaranteed full price for the formula due to wic. No one is fucking stealing because they or their kids are going hungry
and republicans aren't white collar criminals fraudulently stealing millions to feed their families
those would be jews, not republicans
How did you get this indoctrinated?
>dont notice trends
So that's what it was? Those conspiracy blogs where they have all those user made jpegs with random names and dates of da jews all connected with red string and "OH BOY, COINCIDENCE??" written on the bottom. Yikes. Imagine being so low IQ you fell for that.
if it's not da jooz then... who? genuinely. I've been sus of the fact it could potentially be a psyop or misdirection, but there's obviously some pretty evil shit being orchestrated intentionally by some group of people. whether its the joos at the top of the pyramid or not im not sure of entirely, but im legit paranoid so idk if its just that or not.
>Unless the prisoners are used as a cheap form of slave labor
What do you think runs rural red state economies?
Its called the Chinese Bankrobber Fallacy. Look it up.
Will do. thanks in advance if youre right, but fuck you if its a misdirect i guess.
I'll engage with you honestly, I can see you're trying. The world works in aggregates - aggregates that are often so large its impossible to see from a micro-level engagement with information like browsing 4chan or reading news articles. What I mean by this is that the internet is very filtered - depending on where you go its possible for very real information to be filtered to you in a way where you develop very incorrect assumptions about the world. The Chinese Bank robber fallacy is the concept that I could show you 100 articles of Chinese men robbing banks every single day. Intuitively you may think to yourself, "Wow, that's a lot of bank robberies". After several days or weeks of me showing you 100 articles of Chinese bank robbers every day you may even develop the narrative that Chinese men are prone to be bank robbers or that there's a severe bank robbing problem in China. This is a micro level engagement. However, on the macro level, if you look at the population in China and the amount of bank robberies that happen everyday, you may discover that in fact only 0.0002% of Chinese men ever rob banks and that the overall number of bank robberies is fairly low compared to other countries. Its basically a version of cherry-picking where all the cherry picking is done for you. This is kind of what I've discovered with jewish conspiracy shit. Its a lot of select information filtered in a way to prevents you from looking at the aggregate. Anybody can be lead down this path if they're trapped in an epistemic bubble where only one kind of analytical lens is used to view the world.
Basically, conspiracies aren't solely based on false information. Very real information can be fed to people in such a manner that they forget how large the world is and only see what is put in front of them. Once this kind of context-less information gathering pattern takes hold, the brain intuitively does the rest, kind of like the red car fallacy - a psychological theory in which once a man buys a red car he starts to notice other red cars everywhere. He begins to think that the number of red cars in public has increased but he's only perceiving this to be true because now he's become aware of red cars whereas he never noticed them before. Once you're made aware of a conspiracy and begin fixating on it the "evidence" begins pouring in because, subconsciously, you are now seeking it.
Why do that? Just euthanize all the people that are hogging up all the houses/space and everything will be fine.
so blacks and the illegals?
more black men go to jail than go to college
You're a great example of complete cognitive capture. You believe in a thing that took me 30 seconds on Google to disprove. You're not even curious enough about your own belief system to make sure whether the facts you've based your worldview on are true. A fascinating specimen.

>The Census estimates that approximately 18,508,926 people in the U.S. population are black males, of all ages. In 2013, 1,437,363 were in college, according to the National Center for Educational Statistics.

>The Bureau of Justice Statistics' National Prisoner Statistics Program reports that in that same year, 526,000 were in state or federal prisons, and, as of mid-year 2013, 219,660 were in local jails, making for a total of about 745,000 behind bars. The millions of black men not included in those numbers, of course, have already finished college, already served a prison sentence, have a life trajectory that does not involve college or prison, or are too young for either to apply.
I was quoting obongo, but nice to know you are calling obongo a retard
>PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: We have more work to do when more young black men languish in prison than attend colleges and universities across America.
so according to you, obongo is a massive fucking retard. got it. thanks. obongo lowest IQ of any president
Why do you hate other races this much? Goodness.
pic is misleading, zero chance anyone with tits like that will be homeless
have you met them? and its just a fact, the big reason why no one builds more housing and why housing prices are so high is literally people trying not to live near blacks
well, at the very least you blaming everything on black people is a refreshing reprieve from your usual all-encompassing antisemitism
that's the plan. they're using the 13th amendment to enslave everyone.
>“housing not handcuffs.”
It's not a housing issue. It's a drug and mental health issue. Overwhelming majority of people on the street abuse drugs, or abuse alcohol, or have mental health issues, or some combination of those three. You can't treat substance abuse and psych issues with more residential spaces.
how are you suppose to FINE somebody who has nothing??!! >>1289268
>how are you suppose to FINE somebody who has nothing??!!
1. You can fine anyone.
2. What you meant is how are you supposed to collect. And that's a simple matter of selling off their possessions and garnishing their wages. And if they refuse to meet the burden, imprisoning them and garnishing any money made from their prison labor (which will be well below minimum wage). Honestly it's a lot of bang for your buck.
Most people going homeless aren't drug addicts. They're regular people who can't make ends meet due to inflation and have nobody to help them.
You need help man.
drug addicts are drug addicts by choice. MAD is the only answer
I prefer drug addicts over racist, sexist Chuds.
because you yourself are addicted to drugs, faggot. Drug addicts should get MAD. oregon already showed not throwing drug addicts in jail doesn't work
Go live in Chicago for a solid year before coming back here. You'll need complete military grade body armor and machine guns or ak-47 if you want to seriously consider living there
I'm not addicted to drugs though. I just prefer them to self-righteous, genocidal retards who think they're God's gift to humanity because they were born with a penis and white skin.
I'm sure you are addicted to drugs. you are probably doing weed right now
weed is my nickname for your mom
see, no argument. drug addicts should be put to MAD
your mother had no argument either
someone's big MAD
kek. read some stuff from Jack London. He documented a lot of shit about people go broke and vanish in prisons for being homeless.
? I'm not though. Have a more relevant way to take me instead of the post?

But the number of Jews relative to the power and money they hold is wildly disproportionate the other way. They have way higher wealth/power than would be expected.

So doesn’t that kind of prove the counter point?
>raging drug addicts cant even say why we shouldn't MAD all drug users
you are. drug users should be put to MAD.
>Uh, well, uh, Obama said this wrong thing too!
Nice cope for getting BTFO'd on your false talking point
>They have way higher wealth/power than would be expected.
What do you mean by "expected"? How do you calculate how much wealth or power a religious/ethnic group is "expected" to have?

>So doesn’t that kind of prove the counter point?
No. In building a hypothesis it might get you one step closer but it doesn't prove it. For now, I'll just assume what you're telling me is true. I don't need to debunk it to establish the flaw in critical thinking here. The claim isn't that Jews hold a disproportionate amount of wealth of any other religious/ethnic group. The claim of JQ conspiracy theorists is that Jews are an organized cabal of global political actors who consciously control banking, media and corporations and orchestrate all of these industries to plan and execute various global agendas. These are two VASTLY different claims with two vastly different burdens of evidence. Its like if you were to claim that the plumber stole your wallet and when I asked you for proof you said "Well, I saw the plumber van outside my house last week.". The plumber van being outside of your house may be a great way to set the very base groundwork for proving your claim but, on its own, is not proof he stole your wallet - just like a Jewish person being the CEO of a company is not proof that the company is an arm of a global Jewish cabal. That kind of claim is a narratization of evidence that you don't have.
I literally quoted the president and king of the DNC. Are you saying obongo and all dems are retarded liars and I should never, ever believe them?
So you were wrong. You said something that was false. When I called you on it you immediately pivoted to "WELL OBAMA SAID IT TOO!". Ok, then you both are wrong. What the fuck do you think I care about defending everything Obama has ever said? I don't give a fuck about him. You lied. You spouted bullshit and you got called on it. Cope.
cool, all dems are liars and everything dems say is always a lie. I should never believe a single word out of a dems mouth ever because they are lying pieces of shit. also they rape kids because they say they dont
consult a psychiatrist
>no argument so you accuse others of mental illness while believing castrating children is normal
i don't argue with bums on the street either
I'm not a bum on the street, because I am not a democrat drug addict like you are, troon
you sure are indistinguishable from one, psychopath
nah, you are just high
Please do yourself a service and quit fentanyl, living in a tent is bad for your health... Although if you can only manage one or the other, quitting fentanyl should probably be your top priority
>i am 100% certain of the activities of anonymous people i know nothing about
larping or mental illness, the world may never know
>cool, all dems are liars and everything dems say is always a lie
I don't give a fuck about the dems. I'm not on any team. The moral of the story is that you were wrong. You repeated a talking point that you didn't even bother to check was true and when you got called on it you immediately pivoted to screeching about the dems.

Well, the argument is you got caught spreading false bullshit and the whole thread got to watch you try to weasel out of owning it for the next several posts.
>I don't give a fuck about the dems. I'm not on any team.
don't lie jew boi. you and dems are on the same team. obongo is one of your own
>Well, the argument is you got caught spreading false bullshit
blame the democrat jewish president obongo for lying.
>don't lie jew boi. you and dems are on the same team. obongo is one of your own
You got caught lying. Cope.

>blame the democrat jewish president obongo for lying.
And yet you repeated his lie. You were so eager to dunk on black people and word vomit your dogshit ideology you didn't even bother to check if the facts you were spewing were true. You're so retarded you're actually repeating false Obama talking points and you didn't even realize. Cope, schizo. Cope on this stage for all the world to see.
I thought Obama was supposed to be a Muslim according to you retards.
>You got caught lying. Cope.
why would I expect the president to lie?
>And yet you repeated his lie.
so you are blaming me for believing the president wouldn't lie to the people? Seems like all the jewish dem presidents are liars
he is jewish but was born in kenya
Well, the jews want to build housing for blacks near whites and get upset when white people (non-jews) buy property that has been destroyed by blacks and fix it up.
If we talk about the US, that will be a major problem. Many many homeless life in their cars, and are like cashiers, teachers (!), working in stores as backup for nearly everything, as a secretary or whatever. Even with kids. Not just as a single. there is like more than a third in jobs but without a home. It's a bandwidth from upper low-income to middle income without a home. Maybe the guys in the tower of ivory should take a closer look. This will be like a shot in their own knees. Besides, spitting, shitting on their own people.
I'm sure importing more illegals to work tax free for less than minimum wage will fix it
It's scary how detached from reality tards like you get
>listening to something the president says makes you detached from reality?
You got caught in a lie and, instead of just owning that the thing you said was bullshit, you tried to weasel out by saying "WELL OBAMA SAID IT TOO!". Cope.
I posted something an expert had said and you are just mad that expert was obogo. I'll concede if you say
>obongo was a lying retard and one of the worst presidents of all time and trump was a much, much better president
They have time and energy and can be imprisoned and made to work of course. Think outside the box anon.

In all seriousness, homelessness should never be illegal as America is a country built on frontiership and people crossed the country and built homes. They were homeless too. It goes against the spirit of freedom and the idea of America.

Make the criminal behavior of the homeless illegal, yes, but not the idea of homelessness itself.
>can't argue
>needs to resort to insults
I can see the drugs wrecked your brain
Read your other posts. You're fighting the good fight anon.
More like you need help for being so willfully blind.
>why would I expect the president to lie?

NTA, but you should absolutely expect leaders to lie and obfuscate the truth. It would be incredibly naïve to believe that they always have your best interests at heart, always tell the truth, or that they are infallible. In this case, he was simply wrong, because, he is not, as you implied, an expert.
>I posted something an expert
No, you made a claim. That claim was false. Cope. Also, Obama is not an expert. He's a president. If you had bothered to look up what an actual expert said you would've known your talking point was bullshit.

>I'll concede if you say
I don't need you to concede. You made a claim and when I looked it up that claim was objectively incorrect. The concession of a loser means nothing.
I guess that was my mistake. I will always believe now that all democrats are liars who hate America
blame obongo. he lied. Am I supposed to not take the words of an expert president? he is literally king of the blacks
>I guess that was my mistake
Finally. 2 days and dozens of posts later and you finally admit that your talking points were bullshit.

>blame obongo
But I'm not talking to obongo. I'm talking to you. You're the one who lied.

>Am I supposed to not take the words of an expert president?
What the fuck is an expert president

>he is literally king of the blacks
You need serious psychiatric help
>Finally. 2 days and dozens of posts later and you finally admit that your talking points were bullshit.
nah, I wasn't wrong. obongo was. 100% obongo's fault
>But I'm not talking to obongo. I'm talking to you. You're the one who lied.
I was quoting obongo. admit obongo is an evil, lying piece of shit and a bad president
>What the fuck is an expert president
and expert on blacks and a president
>You need serious psychiatric help
post medical credential, moshie. obongo is king of the blacks. that is why he only represented blacks when he was king and never did anything to represent or benefit any other race. its why he told people zimzam was guilty even though zimzam did literally nothing wrong
Not him but it seems like every post you make is a cry for help.
sure thing there, samefag
No, that money is for Zelenskyy and his cronies, so they can buy more luxury cars.
All those problems are easy to solve. Just kill all the democrats and their supporters, they do nothing of value anyway, and there will be lots of empty houses and the carbon footprint will be reduced!
Behind the Iron Curtain they'd arrest homeless people for "refusing to work." They would also fire and blacklist people for things like "not being sufficiently revolutionary." With this pair of policies you can imprison the ideologically non-compliant without arresting them for ideological non-compliance.

Also the same type of thing applied to people with mental illness. Got something uncharitable to say about the government? You must be crazy. Let's lock you up and throw away the key "for your own good."

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