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SCOTUS to hear Firearms Policy Coalition lawsuit on ATFs rules for no serial number and "ghost" guns
There were no serial number regulations in 1792 or 1868 and people frequently made their own guns in 1792 and 1868. sounds like someone is going to get blown the fuck out
>SCOTUS to hear
so nothing happened.
paste the article dickbag
post where it says I need to in the rules, tranny
last time scotus heard a gun case it resulted in more gun laws being struck down since that case came out than all of US history prior to the case
it's common fucking courtesy to paste the article. you want to be a courteous person, don't you?
I do not
I actually appreciate when they don't post the article and throw hissy fits when someone calls them out
It lets you know they're an agendaposting faggot and their post can be disregarded
>20 million drumpf threads and other forms of communist propaganda
>not agenda posting
You say "they" but gun nut schizo is one guy who has dedicated his life into using /news/ as his personal schizophrenia journal. You have to at least admire the pure effort he puts into lowering the quality of this board.
>Stampy feet deflection that took longer to type out than just posting the article would have
Oh yeah, it's a shill
>it takes him more than 9 seconds to write 2 sentences
>last time scotus heard a gun case it resulted in more gun laws being struck down since that case came out than all of US history prior to the case
So pure conjecture and nothing has happened.
every state except for maybe hawaii recognizes concealed carry now, pistol bans are btfo'd, california's retard bill they made because they were seething over abortion got btfo'd. either washington or oregon can't enforce their new gun laws. California's mag bans/awb are currently at the point where the circuit court has to make a choice between overturning them or giving the case to the SCOTUS and they are clearly just trying to delay hoping thomas dies. maryland's handgun license law got overturned.
All the dems in the courts really are doing now and can do now are delaying actions. Once the 1st amendment got strict scrutiny 75% of challenged speech laws got nuked. Not a good chance to keep these gun laws around
You really need a new hobby, gun nut schizo.
stop making unconstitutional gun laws and I'll stop posting about them
I don't make laws, gun nut schizo. I'm a 4chan user. Nobody here is in the government. Seriously, seek help.
if you were American you would be voting for the pedos who make the gun control laws.
You must seek psychiatric evaluation
post medical credentials, moishie
That's not true, I'm a sitting United States Senator.
Careful, anon. Gun nut schizo might actually believe that U.S. lawmakers are here in the thread right now writing new gun laws just to spite him.
no infringo frendo
>throwing hissy fit over article not getting posted
>throwing hissy fit over losing gun control cases
>throwing hissy fit over SCOTUS BTFO'ing you again
>"Nu-uh! Everyone making fun of my hissy fit is actually just throwing their own hissy fit!"

Ahhhhh, pissbaby faggot r*dditor libshit tears are delicious.

Reminder: Posting the article is not a rule, it is not board culture, and the only people who care about articles getting posted are r*ddit colonizers who argue in bad faith and try to get keep the board by spamming agitprop and derailing entire threads they don't like by throwing temper tantrums over troon jokes and censoring the word r*ddit.

The most flimsy, limpwristed, powerless spineless scum-sucking serville shills to have ever had the misfortune of being tasked with working 4chan- and all they can do is come here every day and be abused LMAO
good post

>board culture.

Ah the true sign of a reddit right wing refugee. Its not 2016 anymore, you can let it go. This shithole site has not had any meaningful culture or distinction from any other garbage social media for a decade. Throwing in racial slurs to get imaginary 14-year-old upvotes from reactionary retards and trolls does not a culture make. But, yeah, you sure got em! Great post le upvote. :Y
4chan is and always has been a right wing site. any commies on here are discord raiders attempting to do psyops
Where do you people get this shit from?
from actually using this site. I've been here since 2008, there have literally always been
>liberalism is a mental disorder
>obongo hate
stop lying, you're an obnoxious invaders like all the other shills here
You have no idea what you are talking about. There were more Bush hate threads in 2008 than there were obongo hate threads. You spent the last 16 years on one or two hugbox boards which don't represent the site. Every other non-shitposting board on this site hates you people.
I've literally been on 4chan since before boxxy was a thing, fag
every board is and always has been /pol/. the only reason a board would be /pol/ is if it has communist tranny jannies
It's really hilarious that you think boards like >>>/y/ and >>>/u/ are /pol/
nice to know you are a >>>/y/ user, pedo faggot
Nice to know you have no idea what site you're posting on
>I've only ever been to /b/, /pol/, and /news/
Yes, we know, it's painfully obvious.
>>>/aco/ is a /pol/ board
/k/, /m/, /o/, /v/, /r9k/, /ck/, /fit/, /his/, /new/, /po/, /sp/, /toy/, /tv/, /vt/ and /x/ are all /pol/ boards
Your list is made up bullshit, but the most untrue thing you said was that /new/ was a /pol/ board. /new/ predates /pol/ and was deleted in 2010 for being full of stormfags, which you should know if you had really been here for 16 years. If anything /pol/ is a /new/ board not the other way around.
>/new/ predates /pol/ and was deleted in 2010 for being /pol/
/new/ literally was always a /pol/ board. the whole board was just obongo hate because obongo is objectively an evil piece of shit who hates America
>the whole board was just obongo hate
Not really, it was mostly about recipes for fuhrer cakes, singing Erika, and variants of doompaul.jpg. Your larping as an oldfag isn't very convincing.
>board got banned for being stormfag
>no it wasn't /pol/ reeeee
pick uno
>>1289473 is correct.
serial number laws getting bfto would be pretty funny now that a bunch of states made them and then had to put out retarded AG directives because the retards who wrote the laws didn't realize most pre 1968 guns don't have serial numbers
>There were more Bush hate threads in 2008 than there were obongo hate threads.

Thats because Obongo wasnt president in 2008, you retarded faggot
I was the only one making Obama hate threads in 2008.
Everyone was confused, but it was worth it.
>Gives five (5) links
>Doesn't paste a single article
Fuck off. You're lucky the sources aren't retarded.
Pasting articles still isn't required, still isn't board culture and crying about it is still is the mark of a r*dditor

>You're lucky the sources aren't retarded.
Your continued, sad insistence at having some type of authority or control over this board gets funnier each time
Ad hom, not an argument. Can't even prove it because all posters are Anon on this board.
Careful, they're gonna put up an archive link of other anonymous posters and baselessly claim one of the posts is really you

Then they'll go and cry about how we don't need post IDs
we need flags. the only people I've ever heard argue that we don't need flags are the democrat shills and nonAmericans. I suspect the venn diagram on that is a circle
This. Lefturds would always come here to debate and would get BTFO. Hugely. That they had to inject bots and r/thedonald en-masse to delude the waters. Now all that is left is /leftypol/ raiding but it is obvious when they do so.
friendly reminder that gun nut schizo is an actual, literal confirmed redditor who always makes it very obvious that he's a redditor.
what happened, redditfag? Last I checked you were the one pretending that "reddit spacing" is a thing.
>r*ddit pissbaby faggot outs himself
>calls others r*dditors
>will now cry about intentionally censoring r*ddit to piss him off
Typical pissbaby r*dditor faggot behavior
fag boy is saying that because the jew shills report every thread that isn't pro biden to the tranny jannies to try to get them nuked
My buzzwordometer just overheated
>I know, I'll call them redditors. That always works.
This is a new low for you.

>board culture
>unwritten rules
This is actual reddit behavior. You can't go running go the mods or downvote things you don't like here.
now THIS is schizo-posting!
OP isn't even that old. He came here in 2021.
>4chan is a rightwing echochamber
this is literally the textbook reddit view and the only people who claim this are rightwing redditors like OP who come here and are shocked to find people disagreeing with them, because reddit told him this was a rightwing echochamber.
I've been on 4chan since 2008. its reddit newspeak headcannon that 4chan was ever communist. we literally were racist posting about obongo the day he was elected

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