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Former President Donald Trump’s attorney on Thursday argued that a president could order the assassination of his political rival and stage a military coup without being prosecuted for it.

Jack Sauer, Trump’s lawyer, made the “absolute immunity” argument in a Supreme Court hearing in the Department of Justice election interference case against the former president. Trump’s team has repeatedly claimed that the ex-president can’t be prosecuted for “official acts” he did while in office.

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked Sauer, “If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military to assassinate him, is that within his official acts to which he has immunity?”

“That could well be an official act,” Sauer responded.

Sotomayor seemed taken aback at that line of reasoning.

“I am having a hard time thinking that creating false documents, that submitting false documents, that ordering the assassination of a rival, that accepting a bribe and countless other laws that could be broken for personal gain, that anyone would say that it would be reasonable for a president or any public official to do that,” Sotomayor said, including other examples from Trump’s lawyer’s argument that could logically lead to no prosecution.

Justice Elena Kagan offered a few more hypotheticals to Trump’s attorney, including if a president would be immune from prosecution if they sold the country’s nuclear secrets to a foreign power.

“Likely not immune,” Sauer said, before adding a qualifier: “Now, if it’s structured as an official act, he’d have to be impeached and convicted first.”

“How about if the president orders the military to stage a coup?” Kagan asked.

“I think it would depend on the circumstances,” Sauer said.

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, another liberal on the court, said Trump’s reasoning could mean presidents in the future could commit all sorts of crimes.

“I’m trying to understand what the disincentive is from turning the Oval Office into the seat of criminal activity in this country,” Jackson said. “If the potential for criminal liability is taken off the table, wouldn’t there be a significant risk future presidents would be emboldened to commit crimes in office?”
trump has literally never been found guilty of rape or embezzlement. Also still voting trump because dems are anti gun and pro open boarders and pro tax
Why would anyone with a brain vote for this asshole?
Except the trial where he was found to have raped and defamed E. Jean Carroll.
Didn't Obama assassinate a 16 year old US citizen without a trial or any due process?

If that's all honkey dorey, why wouldn't any president have the right to kill whoever they want, as long as they're in office? Is nignog queen Jackson unaware of this?
literally not found guilty. that was a civil case, not a criminal case. Also it took place in a foreign communist country outside the US
People are going to vote for a guy who thinks he can just kill political rivals without prosecution? scary shit
Lincoln did it first.
No, he died as a result of collateral damage and also he was an enemy combatant who had given up his citzenship.
Literally nothing you just posted is true, faggot.
Nah, judge says he's a rapist. Cope more as you defend Trump, a literal rapist.
Except what he said was true.
Trump on the other hand ordered the a US citizen assassinated on US soil, the mainland even. And then gloated about it.
judges can't declare people rapists retard. you would know this if you were American. Trump has literally never been convicted by a jury of his peers for rape
>it wasn't rape, it was just non-consensual sexual assault
it wasn't anything. Trump has never been found guilty in a court of law. Trump never did anything wrong or illegal
It's called civil court. For a reason.
slow down, you'll get jaw cramps
you are the one who deep throats biden and says hunter shouldn't go to jail for accepting bribes, not paying his taxes and buying a gun while high on cracks and then lying on his federal background check.
Trump has literally never been convicted by a jury of his peers of a crime. Full stop. cope
>total lawsuits: 4,095
And keep coping that you're defending a literal rapist.
So you're in favor of the Trump crime family bring charged for stealing top secret nuclear documents and selling them to the Saudis for 2 billion dollars.
sounds like Biden has full right to assassinate Trump and the 6 conservative justices!
cool. doesn't mean shit. show me where he was convicted
he literally was never found to have raped anyone in a court of law. no jury has ever convicted him of rape. keep seething
no proof. meanwhile hunter admitted to buying a gun while actively high on crack
obongo assassinated scalia
>no proof.
Except that Trump stole the documents and the 2 billion bribe he got from the Saudis?
If you're going to cope, at least try something other than just going 'nu uh!'
Judge still declared he's a rapist. Keep coping rapist lover.
>Judge still declared he's a rapist.
Isn't that what juries are for?
no proof. come back with a conviction or admission of guilt
idk what third world shithole you are from, but judges can't unilaterally declare someone guilty in a civil trial in the US. for him to be guilty of rape he needs to be convicted by a jury of his peers. he literally never has been therefore he never raped anyone
post criminal conviction, troon
>Moving the goalposts
>exposing he's from /pol/ too
I literally never moved the goal posts. Trump has never been found guilty of rape in a court of law. trump isn't a rapist
The judge still declared he's a rapist, and that irrefutable truth makes you seethe so much.
>The judge still declared he's a rapist,
That's the jury's job, silly faggot. The judge doesn't "declare" anything.
And the jury found that Trump did rape, and Trump was trying to use semantics to pretend he was clear
judges can't unilaterally declares someone guilty of a criminal offense in a civil trial you retard. that would require a conviction. trump was never convicted of rape, therefore he never did a rape
no jury has ever found trump guilty of rape. next you will say a jury found OJ guilty of killing that woman and jew
The jury found he guilty, which makes him a rapist. You're using semantics to defend a rapist now.
That didn't happen either.
didn't Obama assassinate an American citizen and his teenage son?
It did. Judge even clarified he is a rapist because damage control like you're doing.
please post article saying a jury found him guilty of rape
Can you post that ruling? Or better yet, actual criminal charges?
>it's not rape, it's just non consensual sexual assault, stupid dems!
so you can't post an article saying a jury convicted him of rape, because no jury ever convicted him of rape. he was never found guilty of rape
you can't figure out that the two charges are similarly heinous? tell us without irony that if biden was found liable for sexual assault, you wouldn't use that information against him
>inb4 he cites a lying russian defector
Who is Tara Reade?
>he cited the lying russian defector
how embarrassingly predictable
I guess Believe All Women only goes so far.
biden legit raped multiple women and dems don't care. just like dems don't care that like half a dozen women said clinton raped them when he was governor and clinton raped a child in the oval office.
meanwhile trump was literally never found guilty of rape
they don't need court evidence, they just lie
Can you move the goalposts harder?
Judge already said it. >>1289910
I'm pretty sure those aren't criminal charges.
I'm 100% sure Trump can be called a rapist and he can't sue you for defamation because it's not slander now.
He wouldn't sue you because you're an anon faggot with no money, certainly.
>Trump wouldn't sue people to silence them
Someone hasn't been paying attention.
Here's a few examples of Trump using SLAPP to silence the media and critics.
Wait a minute faggot, that looks like people with money and public reach. Your sorry ass has neither.
Cant keep calling every civilian dead collateral damage, and its insane to say he was an enemy combatant
>It's okay to censor people if they're (Insert group here)
We can talk about how Trump assassinated Michael Reinoehl who's only crime was to act in self defense against far right terrorists attacking him.
Isn't that pretty much what leftists all agree on?
The leftists in your head always agree
Are you done throwing straw around?
>/pol/ trying to slide this thread
Biden should snipe Trump's lawyer lol
what goal posts? you are calling him a rapist. he has literally never, ever been convicted of rape. one jewish democrat judge calling him a rapist in a civil trial isn't a conviction. a fucking retard judge in NYC said you can't argue 2nd amendment rights in her courtroom because it isn't in the US. a judge being a retard isn't a jury verdict
>one jewish democrat judge
Your opinion is discarded, anon. Your brain isn't capable of engaging on this topic with any measure of reality.
not an argument, tranny. You don't have an argument. show me a conviction. We both know your ass would say it doesn't count without a conviction of a this was a dem and you fags say clinton wasn't a rapist
you don't even get paid by him do you
>not an argument, tranny
That's because your schizophrenic delusions aren't deserving of an intelligent response. I don't stop what I'm doing to argue with the homeless guy about how the FBI didn't plant robots in his ears. You aren't worth the time or effort.
I bet you get paid by the DNC/jews/china
post medical credentials, moshie. you got btfo'd and you can't with it you discord fag. this happens every thread
this does happen every thread. you lose your mind and make a new batch of shit posts a few hours later
nope. you always get bfto because you are always gasslighting and never argue from a place of reality
we must have different realities
you are the one arguing trump got convicted of rape when he never did
>unless its joe pedo then its okay because he's a retard
>you can only prove it was sexual assault
you can't prove he did anything. he was never convicted. he never touched the whore and she made the whole thing up
> jewish democrat judge
Antisemite spotted, can't be trusted.
>pointing out someone is jewish is antisemitism
I attribute his antisemitism more to his severe schizophrenia than any kind of lucid, reasonable engagement with the world.
This. I can't be persuaded otherwise because I'm not budging on those issues. I cannot give a single solitary fuck about leftist pilpul anymore and only come here to watch our little Correct the Record interns seethe about it.
Do try. 49% of the world's guns are in the hands of Americans. Almost all of that 49% voted for Trump. Just remember a good Marvel quip for when you face the wall.
>found he guilty
Oh it's a thirdie, no wonder.
Don't worry, chudbro, your local Arby's is safe. No one is coming to conquer you and your little fly over meth village.
>Resorting to minor nitpicking grammatical mistakes.
Definitely /pol/
Is "Russian" just the new "Nazi" to these communist retards? Do you just spout it for everything that upsets you?
He bragged about how he was going to murder a Trump supporter and then shot an unarmed old man in cold blood. He was hunted down like a dog and died like the coward he was. I personally took a piss on his grave lol.
My local Arby's is safe because the last time you retards left your containment zones some pudgy 17-year-old Fortnite player dropped two of the violent, armed felons that had been bussed in to "add muscle" to antifa in Kenosha and deleted a third's bicep, then he walked away a free man. Even in your hard blue hives, like DC, you got beaten up by random boomers and Christians.
>she made the whole thing up
They made Mikey show his penis so make tRump show his and see if it has a shroom head
It's an exceedingly common linguistic quirk among third worlders, something you also might be able to spot if you attended any of the boards that do have an international audience. Unlike the briefing you were probably given before being sat down by your shift manager to shill here may have claimed, there are boards other than /pol/ that discuss world issues, did you know that?
remember when brandon unconditionally surrendered to the taliban?
the jury quite literally did not find trump guilty of any crimes
>Unarmed man
>When he had multiple weapons and body armor
>And his friend yells 'we got a live one here!'
>You can hear him using his mace before the gunshot
>Then Trump orders Micheal's assassination and he gets murdered in broad daylight while holding gummy worms.
It was clearly self defense and he was assassinated because he'd be acquitted.
Using mace to defend yourself from the armed man preparing to kill you while warning your friends that he's "live", ie drawing a gun, is wrong only in that it should have been a gun instead and used the moment Reinoehl reached for his own weapon. The boomer's only crime was hesitating to take a life, because he had forgotten the simple adage, "Communists aren't people", and as a Christian extended Christian mercy to this creature of the devil. A man holding mace is as good as unarmed against a man with a gun and sunglasses. You would know this if you had any familiarity with violence, if you were anything other than a soft intern at a DNC media management outlet of some kind, or online engagement, whatever stupid shit you officially call shilling these days. An armed murderer willing to shoot first did not deserve any kind of honorable duel with the Marshalls, and I find the fact that he died in a similar manner to another violent thug, Trayvon Martin, also killed by a peacekeeper, hilarious in the extreme. If the communist scumbag had committed no crime he should have turned himself in to the police (which, note, Kyle Rittenhouse did immediately and so do most people involved in lawful self defense shootings) but instead he became a violent, armed murderous fugitive on the loose, the exact kind of bandito the dogs of the US Marshalls were bred to hunt down and gun down since the days of the Old West. In short, eat shit you communist faggot, he got what he deserved.
Micheal shot in self defense because he was attacked. And the fascist right cannot stand the idea of far trials since Micheal would be acquitted
Now THIS is projecting.
Incoherent tears and repetition of your narrative will not save you from the facts. He was shot to death by good men and bled out in agony like the murderous coward he was, his soul draining from his body to join your master in eternal torment in hell. God guided each and every shot that ended that murderer's life.
You're deflecting because you've been caught and have no argument. You should have practiced learning how to actually make an argument before coming here, like lemmings, to try to shill your filth.
Your projection will never change the truth that Micheal acted in self defense and was assassinated by the right wing regime.
See >>1290187
He clearly was not. He was a murderous fugitive who was justly hunted down and killed like the communist animal he was. You can keep screaming otherwise but unless you present an actual argument, >>1290187 is still going to apply. Them's the breaks.
Why are you smearing an innocent man too? He acted in self defense and was assassinated without trial.
See >>1290187
See >>1290201
Antifa always loses because antifa is an organization cucked enough to serve the very thing it alleges to hate.
See >>1290204
See how gay you fags are.
Fascism is a leftist thing you ignorant moron.
If he exterminates the deep state that will be patriotism, just doing what is just and fair.
>Judge still declared he's a rapist.
After expressly stating he did not commit rape as rape is defined per NYS penal law. The judge made the case that the sexual assault was Trump publicly declaring he didn't rape anybody. I.E- saying you are innocent of rape is itself sexual assault towards whoever is accusing you. Wild logic but perfectly normal in Libtardia.

There's a reason the only two 'convictions' against Trump were civil cases being held in New York, because it's arguably the most corrupt state in the country and a Democrat powerhouse, so of course they're going to find sympathetic partisan judges willing to blow up jurisprudence and set bad precedent because muh drumphhhhhhh
So by that logic, Biden could have Trump shot at literally any time without consequences?
These conservatives crawling over each other to be the first in line to name Trump their king. Lick boots.
>Fascism is a leftist thing
>Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition
That's Trump and the Republican who are extreme far right.
Neoliberal scum, and progressives totalitarians are also far right.
The differentiating factor between who is considered "left" and who is considered "right" seems to be how much weird faggots, illegals immigrants, and other undesirables are appreciated.
>everything comes back to trannies
you guys are extremely obsessed. it's weird
It kind of does. Bigfag is loaded with activist money and fag ideology is the guiding light of the Democratic party and much of the media at this point.
why lie about things so easily debunked
>"Fascism is far-right"
The absolute state of conservative brain worms. I'm amazed you've survived this long without chasing a butterfly into traffic or staring at the sun too long.
>/pol/ meltdown post
Facts really do a number on you.
>Tranny's seething about /pol/ tards for the 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 time
/pol/ trad board
/pol/ tard website
>MediaMatters found
>if i close my eyes it isn't true
lmao. keep failing anon, once you learn object permanence maybe you'll start growing as a person
Quit being a faggot on the Internet, faggot.
i accept your concession, tranny obsessed. cry about your scapegoats to your heart's content
>/pol/ppet seething they can't take over the smallest board on 4chan.
>/pol/ppet seething
>/pol/ppet still seething
How does it feel to be so confidently wrong? Whats it like being in a cult? I have so many questions. Have fun being delusional though.
Way to waste them quads by being a dumbass faggot. Definitely the stupidest shit ive read all day, hilarious even. Whats it like being in a cult though?
>/pol/ppet still seething
holy shit you are a retarded yuro and also you have no dick
please post trump rape conviction
>Pretending like if Trump were actually criminally convicted of rape he would stop worshiping him and wouldn't be screaming that the courts were rigged and jewish
Why argue over a point that you don't even care about? Are you actually this low IQ or are you just bored?
so you can't post trumps rape conviction because he was never convicted of rape. got it.
also blame the dems for having such a terrible platform that a convicted rapist would still be preferable to voting for them. fuck dems and their anti gun agenda
he's never won the popular vote
a. completely irrelevant since that isn't the goal. its like saying someone should win a football game because they had more yards
b. the popular vote margin in 2016 was less than the popular vote margin in California in 2016 and there are no humans in California so their votes shouldn't count
it is relevant, you called trump preferable to american people, and that's factually not true
democrats are neither American nor are they people
it's such a mystery why you're unpopular
Republicans are fascists and they like to dehumanize the groups they want to genocide.
Judges can declare many things. Guilty or not guilty, liable or not. They can make factual findings in service of their rulings. They can take judicial notice of facts. They can even serve as the finder of fact in a criminal trial if an individual waives their right to a jury. All that to say, a judge did declare trump a rapist in our common understanding of the term, cry more about it.
fascism is a far left ideology that hasn't existed since 1945. republicans are pro guns so they are by default anti authoritarian
half the country voted trump. GOP won the popular vote for the house in 2022
judges cannot unilaterally declare someone guilty of a crime without a jury unless someone waves their right to a jury trial. they especially can't do it when trump was never criminally charged with rape. the judge was jewish and lying. like how the hawaii judges said the 2nd amendment doesn't apply to hawaii because hawaii isn't in the US or how that black NYC judge said the 2nd amendment doesn't apply to NYC because NYC isn't America
peak schizoposting hours
I remember you claiming this in another thread and getting BTFO.
literally never happened. you are imagining things and also you have no dick
Oh wait, you got BTFO in this very thread.
It's a small world after all. LOL
>Fascist mad he got exposed and get BTFO anyone
Maybe if you provide another Big Corpo™ definition of the word fascist, you wont be a fascist anymore?

JK, you'll always be a fascist. Go petition the government for more regulations on speech, maybe you'll feel better.
you clearly don't know how to read
>I know you are but what am I infinity

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