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In a massive blow to Russia, Ukraine just lost 4 more power plants, ensuring that Russia is losing even more.
Russian missiles strike Ukrainian power plants in new blow to infrastructure

Russia hammered Ukraine’s electrical grid with nearly two dozen missiles overnight Saturday, officials said, in the latest assault on the country’s energy system. The missiles struck four thermal power plants belonging to the country’s largest private energy company, officials said.

It was the fourth “large-scale attack” on DTEK’s power plants in a little over a month as Russia “seeks to cripple supplies of energy to millions of ordinary Ukrainian homes and businesses,” the company tweeted. The extent of the damage was still being assessed, DTEK said.

Moscow’s forces fired 34 air-, land- and sea-based missiles at Ukrainian targets overnight, the Ukrainian air force wrote on Telegram. Thirteen evaded Ukraine’s air defenses, including all four Kinzhal hypersonic ballistic missiles that Russia launched, the air force said.

In the Lviv region, Russian missiles struck “critical energy infrastructure in the Stryi and Chervonohrad districts,” Maksym Kozytskyy, head of the regional military administration, wrote on Telegram. “There is destruction.”

“To avoid having to apply hourly shutdowns, please do not turn on energy-intensive electrical appliances” between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m., he added. They include “air conditioner, electric kettle, vacuum cleaner, boiler, heater, iron, washing machine, microwave oven, electric oven.”

In the Dnipropetrovsk region, the attacks damaged energy facilities in the Dnipro and Kryvorizka districts, resulting in “interruptions in the water supply,” Serhiy Lysak, head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, wrote on Telegram.
Why do rusians love 4chan so much?
Do they think lots of people get their information from here? Or that anyone of real consequence is reading?
Because conservative schizos like the ones who frequent this board are easy to program. Tell them that liberals like something and they'll immediately, unquestionably and reflexively like the opposite thing. Liberals don't like Russians therefore conservatives love Russians.
It is sad that we are forcing ukraine to continue fighting this war that they have no hope of winning. I wish that our representatives realized the immense cost and danger associated with russia and pulled back from this quagmire.
>forcing ukraine to continue
EU leaders dissuaded peace talks in 2022. That's about it though.
>EU leaders dissuaded peace talks in 2022
What does that mean though? Did they dissuade a good faith effort by Russia and Ukraine to sit down and discuss a withdrawal/ceasefire or did they dissuade Ukraine from sitting at the table if Russia ending its attempt to annex sovereign Ukrainian territory wasn't apart of the bargain? What were the parameters of these talks?
How many oil and gas facilities has Russia lost this year?
>Peace Talks
No such thing. It was a proposed unconditional surrender and allowed Russia to keep all of the land it stole and prepare to do it again in a few years. Only an idiot would've agreed to it.
>What does that mean though?
>The former German chancellor’s observations were further bolstered by the remarks of a top Ukrainian official.
>In November, Davyd Arakhamia sat down for an interview with Ukraine’s TV channel 1+1. Arakhamia is the parliamentary faction leader of the political party of Ukraine’s Western-backed President Volydmyr Zelensky.
>This interview was also reported on by Ukraine’s vehemently anti-Russian newspaper Ukrainska Pravda.
>Arakhamia represented Ukraine in the peace talks with Russia in Türkiye in March 2022.
>At those negotiations, Arakhamia admitted that Russia did indeed want peace, and neutrality “was the most important thing for them”.
>“They [the Russians] were prepared to end the war if we agreed to – as Finland once did – neutrality, and committed that we would not join NATO”, the top Ukrainian official said, according to a translation by Ukrainska Pravda.
>“They really hoped almost to the last moment that they would force us to sign such an agreement so that we would take neutrality”, he added.
>But Ukraine’s Western sponsors were adamantly opposed to the peace proposal.
>“When we returned from Istanbul, [British Prime Minister] Boris Johnson came to Kyiv and said that we would not sign anything with them at all, and let’s just fight”, Arakhamia recalled.
Israel admitted to the same thing, but claimed that the USA played a part in preventing peace.
It's important to note that Boris Johnson resigned later that same year.
>“The only people who could resolve the war over Ukraine are the Americans”, Schröder emphasized.
American is doing that right now :)
>The Geopolitical Economy Report’s content demonstrates a clear editorial perspective, particularly in negatively portraying Western nations and their foreign policies. The outlet often presents a critical view of the United States and its allies, emphasizing perceived contradictions and failures in upholding democratic values and human rights. For example, one article titled “West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural diversity at U.N.; promotes mercenaries, sanctions” focuses on criticizing Western nations, particularly the United States and its allies, for their voting patterns in the United Nations General Assembly on resolutions related to democracy, human rights, and cultural diversity, as well as their support for mercenaries and sanctions.

>In general, the Geopolitical Economy Report holds Left-Libertarian anti-war and anti-imperialism perspectives. They also sometimes rely on unsubstantiated conspiracy theories and propaganda to advance their agenda.

>Overall, we rate the Geopolitical Economy Report as a left-biased conspiracy website based on the promotion of anti-west propaganda and the advancement of unproven or misleading claims that support a one-sided narrative.
The second ukraine stops they lose access to all of the western money they have been getting also the east will shun them as traitors
No it wasn't unconditional
It allowed for ukraine to enter into a military alliance with another country
Also russia left the area north of ukraine's capital for the peace talk
Okay but how does it disprove them report on the Ukrainian politician's words?
Looking to sell some bridges, you interested?
Good post
Ukraine will never stop because Putin has vowed to destroy them, peace was over the second little green men crossed Ukraine's rightful boarders.
>Putin has vowed to destroy them
Sounds made up tbqh desu
At the very least it seems likely you are creatively interpreting something, because a google search for that yields no statements by Putin that he vows to destroy Ukraine
This is the kind of fearmongering that is killing off a generation of Ukrainians
very maskirovka comrade
Makes vatniks shill in vain
MOD "we intercepted all of them"

All his mobik friends scream in pain
Putin says his sending more of you in

Shoigu shrugs his shoulders again
More mobiks will die in Ukraine
Great source, shill, I'm totally convinced you're not crazy
russia dindu nuffin?
You people are so insane
Gee I wonder what kind of agenda they could have by misinforming people.
Random unsourced blogshit is never a good post.
why do you say that?
Shill identified
Ah, okay, so peace talks were not dissuaded. There were no peace talks. This was a surrender talk - Russia refused to come to the table with any good faith offer for Ukraine. Their offer was "Adhere to our plan of who your allies should be and promise us that you, a sovereign country, will never join NATO and we'll stop trying to illegally annex your territory." That makes more sense. You say the words "peace" but if peace looks like Ukraine completely surrendering their territory and sovereignty then no shit the talks never went anywhere.
Oh c'mon, jack, i even laughed at the OP's pix and I'm a Ucranian hiding in my cousin's basement.

>It is sad that we are forcing ukraine to continue fighting this war that they have no hope of winning
That's the point.
1US MIC gets $ and politicians with stock invested get richer
2US gets stronger as decadent europeans come begging to the US.
3 Putin eventually dies and US carpetbaggers can loot the Ivan's again like in the 90s
is this your new schtick, "the one x" guy
They may have an agenda but as long as the facts represent are correct then they are worth listening to
but the fact is you're a russia shill and you have poor english comprehension
Oh sweet a schizoposter. Hi.
trying to fit in?
Do continue
Different person here. No one is falling for your schtick.
I'm listening
>is this your new schtick, "the one x" guy
walk softly and carry a big SCTICK
Are you the faggot who posted the link to the facebook-tier fake news site earlier like it was real?
Probably not since I'm not really sure what your talking about
No, that wasn't me
Donald J. Trump
This man is one of the worst leaders In modern history
He is dead set in killing his country and his people for his own personal gain
Umm, isnt that all politicians??
Lucky for Zelensky that his opponent is Putin, one of the worst leaders In modern history, who is dead set on killing his country and his people for his own personal gain.

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